Dade County sentinel. (Trenton, Ga.) 1901-1908, December 27, 1901, Image 3

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Jade lounty Sentinel PUBLISHED WEEKLY TRENTON, GEORGIA. ""directory". OadeSupcrlorCourt meets 3rd Montlaytii March ami SeutemHer. County Court (monthly term) meets 3m Monday in each months. Quarterly term mi cts on 2<l Monday in Kel tuary, May. August, and November. \V . I Jacoway, Judge. J, (S. Hide, County Solititoi .lustice Court Tor Trenton District meets , Saturday in each month. CoCNrr officers.— I. A. Cureton, Ordinary S. S. Allison. Clerk Superior Court; Itobert Carter, Sherifl'; C. A. Bryan, Tax Collector; W.T. Hartliuc, Tax Receiver, J, M. Cu-tie harry County Treasurer; W. u. Morrison, Surveyor, and l)r. James OonnuUy, Coroner. CHURCH SEttVIOKS.-M. K. Church 2,1 and 4th Sundays in each month. Prayer meet ns each Thursday uight. Sunday School every Sunday morning at 9.3(1. • C. K. Bower. Pastor. Service* at Cumberland Presbyterian Church every 31 Sunday in each month. Sun day-School each Sunday morning; at S;'W, Mi*ionary Baptist services at the C. P, Churcht't Sunday in eacli month. F. A. lie!!. Pastor. A- - WE PUBLISH FREE. A short advertisement in local columns of anything onr subscribers wish to -buy, sell, or exchange. .Short obituaries containing not over cne hundred words, inserted free. All over a hundred words, one cent a word. Lost, esfrayed or stolen, notices free. LOCAL BRILLS. Willie Pace is home for a f?\v days. Sam llavion of Whit well, Teiui ip here. Colyer Tatum is home from At. Innta. W. \V. Pace anti family are here this week. Mr. Jack Sanders of Durham Witt, in town today . Dr. It. 11. Tatum of Durham Mines is in town . Robt. Dunlap of Gadsden is vis iting relatives here. Rush Case from Winchester is at home for the holidays . Christmas p issed off very quiet ly here. No casualties- Our merchants report busifies pood for O'ii l ist mas week. The work of improveinp tin streets of our town go s on . ’j he Misses Conner of Chntta nropa are visiting Mrs. Dr. Brock. Miss IJassei Taylor of Now En gland visited in Trenton Wedues day. Rev. Johnson of Bridgnort, Ala., ;it elided the funeral of Mrs. A* B row n. Jake Sells of Island Creek. Ala bama, is visiting the family of Leon ConnalJy. The entertainment at the Acad emy is postponed on account o' the illness of Mrs Bower. Hon. F. W. Copeland, Wnlke county’s Represciita ive, orders the Sentinel sent to him at Rome Christmas being oyer—now— well, a merry new year to all our subscribers,advertisers and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lyernance who have been visiting relatives here left for iheir home at. LtFull *tte, Tennessee this morning. Messrs. Frank Nahor > of Wait hatrhie and Z. J. Crosa of \\ ild wood a ere p easant callers at the f KNtinel office today. LOST.-An umbrella. Any one finding nil umbrella near or in town will please leave same at *be cE.vti.mci, office and receive reward rwu * die loser Judge J A. Cureton Mr. and Mrs. Julian Womack *l-o have been spending the holi days here as the guests of Sheriff tarter re'urned to their home in ™„tl. Pittsburg ibis A. M. Miss L la Carter and brother B ss ,-c cunipauied them. Me regret that wo have not ye (eivi and more cotumur.icai ions thi ' e *k- However we do hope ibat < ’ ur b'dthlul corps of corn-spon *' ll( “ have had a glorious and hap j.' t hi is l mas and that we will see air <-ijgnotu r s-s—every one of le ’*'l*y the dawning of the new 3'eur. b At the Festival Communication f t>e Masonic Lodge today the u owing officers were installed; •P • Lyemaoce, W. M.; W. II iinikbart, s . W, H . y. 'laylor. J. •’ b°ht. Curler, Treasurer; W. T. Hghef, Secretary; J. T. Wool npht, S. j). j Quinton, Tyler, o'- Th rmau, J. D.; C. A. hwm 0ll) S. s,J.E. W. Lyemance Hr. and Mrs. W. T. Costello 'ptiit Xmae in Chattanooga. Jerry Lace of Chattanooga is • c <Kiiiding Christmas with beino folks. Miss Joda Bennett, Rossville’s very best, will be in Trenton today for a weess stay. 'J here was a much enjoyed Christmas tree at the home of Mrs L B. Brock last night. Hon. Ben. TANARUS, Block is sick at his mine. VVe hope that the Colonel vill be feeding better soon. •Miss Norma ConnalJy gave a I! mier party on xinas day. Sev ral young people from town at tended . Mrs. Dr. Tatum is hero vi.-iling relatives. She Ins just returned from a delightful visit to the state capital. Miss Eula Jac ,way will eterlain Friday evening with a (Vclock dinner in honor of some visiting young ladies. George* Gass and sister of near Shiloh spent a few days visiting iu town as the guests of Mr. \V . H. Burkhart. Rev. J R. Johnson conducted die funeral services at the inte.i meiit of Mrs. A. Brown which oc curred at her homo Tuesday. Mr- 80.-s Sells And wife of Pratt City, Alabama, are expected on to morrow to spend the holidays with C >l. and .Mrs. J. P. Jacoway. h party given at the home of Mrs. Portei hi honor of her daugh ter-, Misses Lucy and F.tnny, Wednesday night was rej ox’ed to have been a grand success. As yet we have heard nothing of the verdict of anyone pertaining to our proposed Debatin'’ Society . We are ready to hear the senti ments of anyone on this line. Thom is Lumpkin of New En gland was in town Wednesday. Mr. Lumpkin must have some at traction here. Come again Mr. Lumpkin; our girls are always glad to see you. Married at the residoucs of the bride’s father, \Vm. Cuzzorc, Miss Cordelia Cuzzort to J. V. Rogers. ITia ceremony that made them man ; nd -vife was said by Judge J. A. Cureton riuuday afternoon, L'e cemOer 229 . The Odd Fellows meeting last, night was at tended with its usual interest and en! iiusiastu. I lie Irenton Lo ge is rapidly lnerens ng its membership and promises o be the most important Lodge in his section There are other Lod es in ihe county which are iiaik ng rapid strides in memuer-ship. Account of South Carolina Tn er Siate and West. Indian Ex position. Giiarls-on, H. G., D .<;• •Hi ln r f.-f, 1901 to June Is.. I9U‘_' i he Alabama Great Southern Rail road will sell tickets at greatly re duced rates from points on this line to Charlston ami return For other information call on oi address. A . B Freeman, Traveling Passenger Ag’t. Birmingham, Ala . On the up train Friday ev< uing wig Miss Emma Pickle, of Rising Fawn, who was remrning home after a visit to Lyeriy, whore she has been eh-cted a joint principal of that school. A gesdjjale of the Girls’ Normal aim'l xjitfftislgaJ School at ? fliodgevilbn gifted fitiu ttractive, in love with lier voca tion and prugros.-n-e, she is ii teacher of whom any cnniumty should be pr^ud.— Walker County Messenger. We shall be phased to corre spond with each Postmaster in the county ami iiimu dialn section per taining ti a matter of some inter est ami importance to them as well as to ns. We intend to add a great manv new names to our subscrip tion books during the holiday sea son and wo are perfectly willing to remunerate those who see proper to aid u.s in this work. Brother, if vou are interested, write us at once „iid will surprise you when we h 11 you what we’ll do. ‘ Some time ago my daughter caught a severe cold. She com plained of pains in her chest and had a bad cough. % I gave her Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy ac cording to directions and in two days she'was well and aide to goto school. 1 have used this reined \ in my family for the past seven years and have never known it to fail,” says James Prendergiast , merchant. Anoato Bay, Jamaica, West India Islands. The pains in the chest indicated an approach ing attack ;>f pneumonia, which in this,'instance was undoubtedly warded off bv Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It counteracts any ten dency of a cold toward pneumonia. Sold by K. D. Jackson, Druggist. DADE CODUI? SEJTINEL, TRENTON, GA. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 47, 1901. Trentonites are in full atten dance at Ciia.tanooga this week. 11. V. Taylor and wife of New Eng'and were here today. Charming Miss Ollie Gentry of New England was in town today. Dr. TANARUS, J. Lumpkin of New En gland was seen on our streets today Mi. Elherf O’Neal of LaFollette Tenn., is the welcomed guest of his father, J. W. O’Neal Ibis week. '1 he new jeai will soon be here, and how nmny(we woder)havo resolved to “put on their whole ai mer for God” and servo their fel low men as they would havo them do unto them . The clubbing rates with the Stiiri-Weekly Atlanta Journal and the Dade Countv Sentinel will come to a close the last day of the ! present month. Those desiring to j take advantage of this golden op portunity, will please at once, as the time is nearing a close Re member you get both papers for only $1.25. THE QUICKEST ROUTE TO Texas, Oklahoma and Indian Territories, New Mexico, Califor nia, Colorado, Utah, Oregon and all points West over the Queen & Crescent Route. Cncice of routes via Shreveport and New Oi leans 2 trains daily. Twelve hours quicker than via any other route. For rates, schedules or any oth er information , call on or address ; A. 13. Freeman, Travelling Passenger Agent, 2019 First Ave.. Birm’g’m, Ala. A far js'o. W. 0. Williamson, of Amherst, Vn.., says: “For more than a year I suffered from lumbago. I (inal y hied Chamberlain's Pain Balm and it gave me entire relief, which all other remedies bad failed to and i.” Sold by .K. D. Jackson, Druggist. THE QUICKEST ROUTE TO Texas. Oklahoma and * . nan Territories, New Mexico, Califor nia, Colorado, Utah, Oregon and all points west ov<u- the Queen & Crescent Route. Ch >ice of routes via Shreveport, and New Oi leans. 2 trains daily. Twelyu hotir quie ver than vn any other route. For rates, -eheduleg or anv oth er information, call on or address, A. B. Fre, man, Traveling Passenger Agent, 2019 First Ave., Birrn'g'm., Ala. ME PAPERS ft Will FOR ABOUT 111 li PRICHOI* OXl'- This paper and the Atlanta Twiee-a-Week Journal for ($1.25.) Here you get the news of the world and local news while it is fresh, paying verflmfiViC. - • - tiier pajier is well wortli 51.00, Out l>y sjiec ial arrangement we are enabled to put in both of them, giving three Papers a week for this low price. You cannot equal this any where else, and thi-combination is (/t' best pr, minm for those who wap* great paper and a home paper. Ta 1 and you will keep up with the *’ The Semi-WVeklv 1 ... make ,u:- mon cause win. ( e larmers aim p islu s hmulredsof letters from them on rm top iis, describing their experience .1 making crops, etc. !( is a paper devoted to tlo jcvelopment of the resources of the sou* and the wel fare of its people. The Journal is the iithomed medium for the publication of (flatter relating to the Cotton Growers’ Association, and lias contributed largely to the increased price paid for ctotton this season. Besidrs general news the Twice-fl-We* !• Journal has much agricultural matter and other aiticles of special interest to farmers. It has regular contributions by Sam Jones. Mrs. W. 11. Felton, John Temple Graves, lion. C. 11. Jordan and other distinguished writers. Call at this office and leave your sub scriptions for loth, papers. You car. get sample copy of either paper here on appl cation. Anvono sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica tions strict ly confldential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munu & Cos. receive special notice , without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any scientific Journal. Terms, fit a year ; four months, f L Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Cos. 36,Broadway New York Pr&uch Office, 625 F Bt„ Washington, D. C. WHEN IN THE CITY BE SURE To Cull and see me at ;’OO Whiteside Street, where 1 may be found still dispensing ‘be best Wld.-kies, \\ iiies.nnd Tobaccos to be found in Chattanooga , If you don't e; re to drink call AND SEE (VIE ANYWAY. YOUR FRIEND, / u. u a nr, The Georgia Saloon. Caltaucoga, BEN T. BROCK Al t'y- * -Law TRENTON* -/- - GEORGIA Prompt attention to all business intrusted to him V- SON’S NEW.GBOOS. ■■SIBU 1111: IT'BI.IC IS INVITED TO EXAMINE MV STOCK OF GOODS- Every Business Man Must Have Some Profit, But I Believe In “Living and Letting Livo” HEAD FURTHER AND SEE IF I DON'T “Practice What I Preach.” LADIES AND GENTS SIDES AND RUBBERS AT COST. DRY GOODS AS LOW AS CAN Zi FOUND !N TOWN. --Will Not Be Undersold On Groceries- Cane Bottom Ilickorv Chairs, Hardware. Tobaccos & Notions as LOW or LOWER than elsewhere in town. Call and see me, anil if YOU don’t want to See, ME, j/i-n run eerla i><hf find something in mg Si-tend id Stock vf GOODY 11,at n ill of trod pour < ge. WILLIUM SIMPSON. NOTHING SHODDY IN STOCK. We again extend thanks to our numerous friends who have been so Kind to us bestowing a reasonable portion of patronage upon us the past season, and as the time of year is at hand that >ve beuin to lay in a sti’mly of Clo'hingsnd Shoes to protect us from the chilly winds and .hi of appro: ching winter, 'Wo beg to state that we are far better prepared to fill vour many wants than ever before and only ask yon to call and give us the pleasure of showing our many rare bargains. shoes. When in netil of good Shoes rember us, as we occupy first position. We can supply you with fine Shoes of Hey wood make, reKnownet! for good wear, prices $3.50, ?! and ?-i. Our Cincinnati line of ladies’ line cus tom made Shoes in up-to-date styles in welts, turns and McCoy’s ?J.25, 3.00 and 3.50, are without rival in the city of Chattanooga at those prices. Our latest and most highly esteemed me dium price, slviish imitation welts and McCoy sewed ladies’ Shoes are our $1.50 and $1.65 line that we guarantee to be solid leather and satisfactory to wearers or a new pair without charge. Our ladies’ Kangaroo lanage whole stock calf Shoes at SI.SC; sold under absolute guarantee to be all leather and great wear resisters. We have some calf Shoes in (.■lildren’s at DOc, 1.10 and *A/25; the on* school shoes in the i> at those pritß of equal wearing qr f ° ood” in Men’s s j calf a ® lid leather and g nnteed to give and. a have the strongest 11 fe of Men’ igaroo and real call shoolkt $1.75, 2.00- .25, and 2.00 that can be .found in a:.y market. We still handle the Batl’4 Axe line of men’s, women’s andchi|dr' ,’sShoes, better than ever, at sl., L2s' .35. We have niiu- od values Shoes that we ca r want space, so we - good ; ment to call’ J see ne GARMANY J3ro’s -230 Montgomery Avenue. : : CHATTANOOGA, TENN. THE NEW YORK WORLD Ihrice-u- ii'ech lulilioti. lhe Most Widely Read News puper in America. Time has demonstrated that the Thrice ;,-A\ic.c World stands alone & Its class. <filters papers have ituitatctl its form but not its success, ’ibis :s beta use it tells the news all thetiinc am! toil it impartially, whether that news be political or otherwise. It is, in fact, almo. t a daily Jit the price of a weeitly and you cannot afford to he with out it. Republican and Democrat nliirc cat read t ms Thrice-a-Week \\ olid with absolute confidence in itstru.h. In addition to news, it publishes first-class serial stories and other features bt.ind to the home and preside. The Tlnice-a-Woi’K World’s regular sub scription price is only SIXO per year and this pays lor 156 papers We offer this nil equalled newspaper and Tin: Dade Coun ty Sentinel together one year for $1.65. The regular subscription price of the two p ipers is $2. ' CLOTHING. Yep, we nre coming to the front. Can sell you as good value in all wool Suits as you can find elsewhere. Our $7.50 to SIO.OO Suits are every fibre wool and made ii[> in first class s vie. We are selling the prettiest line of Men’s Suits at $12.50, 15.00, 17.50, 20.00, 22.50 to be found in Chattanooga. Our Overcoat are fain, fum $ 12.00 to SIB.OO. We can sell you all wool Meltons, Chev iot and Bearer Overcoats at $6.50 to $10; dressy anil up-to-date. We have good wool suits for hoys at $1.50 2.1)0 and 2.50; sufficiently good for dress Skirts and Wraps. Ladies’rca I) to wear department consisting ol wool'ktrts at 11.00, 1.50, to 1.5(1, mailo of good goods nini ol Iho latest styles. He l ave gold assortment of ladies’ Cloaks in indies clotli and silk plush at SI,BO to $3.60. Our Intent ladies’ J ickets bog style at $3. SS, and $10.50 nr< tine values. Dry Goods, Our house is overflowing with Dry Goods. All-wool yard wide tricot, 25c; Cadies’ Cloth, all shat. 25c; All wool Berge, 25c, 50c, and 75c; Si >i-boy Jeans, 15c: wool filling Jeans, 22c 25c; Outing Flannel, sc, Cc, 8c and 10c; at Indigo bine and fancy Cal co. sc; cutt. ChecKs at 5c and p yard wide Domestic • and 6c; staple Ginghams,sc to 6c; y. and wide Percale, Id Hickory Shitting, 1 .jigo dye, H e v, all wool Blankets, So. 00; Extra shaker Blanliets, front 75e to $1 per pair. HATS! HAT.'!! HAT S!!! The b"St Ilats $2 are “Nix All” ine, For higher price Hats you •an get of our “No Name’’ li'<e . ron. $2 to $4.50. We haven’t the space or abilit\ o tell of ail our value- hope to have the pleasure of meet ing all vbo desire good honest goods at reasonable prices. Respectfully, A SET OF DISHES FREE AT- THE WONDER STORE! We give a ticket with each 25c purchase or more. No chance, no Sot eery. Hand Pain led ware for everyon (hat trade with us. Nothing jdeases a l itlv more than n ; c“ Dish s. 5 oti cun see them in our Show Window, (jur c. j,iitf stuck of Dry Goods, Shoes and Clothing .tie complete and owing to the late fall we are selling at reduced prices. 200 Ladies’ Walking Hats, Factory Sam ples, worth from 75c to $1.50, we are selling while they last - 39°* Fargains in Shoes. Ladies’ Pebble grain, lace or button $ Ladies’ heavy shoes wortli 1.25. *‘ fine Dongola heel or spring heel, worth 1.25 to 1.50 .97 Misses heavy shoes 75 to 97 Children’s shoes from 9 to 12 .65 Men’s heavy brogan double sole uo seam in hack 1.00 Men’s Oil Grain 1.00 “ tine satin calf, the best shoe you oversaw for the price 1.00 Men’s fine Yici and I!ox Calf ‘ from $2.00 to 3.50 Ilov’s Heavy Shoes tap sole, screw bottom from 97c to 1.25 Men’s Jeans Pants in all colors and sizes, worth 75p, now .47 Fine all wool Cheviot and Cash mere Pants 1.60 to 3.50 Men’s heavy winter Undershirts in all sizes .15 Extra heavy 50c kind .3!) Letter grades from 50 to 75c Shnapps Tobacco 35c lb Joe Bowers 35= lb Arbuckles Coflee ]2c Ladies’ fine felt an and \chct hats in all the latest styles 1.25 to 3.50 Ladies’ Fine Cheviot and Serge Skirts Skirts, trimmed in Satin Ribbon from 2.50 up Laities’ Satin Shirt Waist, worth 3.50 at 2.97 Sample lot of Flannel Waists at Fac tory prices. The time to buy your Jackel or Cape is now. We have just re ceived a large sample lot which we ttre selling at about one-half thoir vaMfe Ladies’ Fine Box Jacket $2.97 Bia Line of Trunks at Cut Prices in all Sizes and Colors from SI.OO to $5.00 THE WONDER STORE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 222 MONTGOMERY AVE. CHATTANOOGA, TENN. r ' • • '' _ - ' AND NasM, Oiattanoop&SLLonis Bf. SHORTEST ROUTE and QUICKEST TIME — TO ST. LOUIS AND THE WEST. PULLMAN SLEEPERS ATLANTA TO ST. LOUIS WITHOUT CHANGE. CHiCAOO and the NORTHWEST. PULLMAN SLEEPERS ATLANTA TO CHICAGO WITHOUT CHANGE. NEW TRAIN U LOUISVILLE and CINCINNATI , PULLMAN SLEEPERS ATLANTA TO LOUISVILLE AND CINCINNATI WITHOUT CHANGE. Cheap Rates Is Arkansas and Texas ALL - RAIL AND STEAMSHIP LINES TO NEW YORK AND THE EAST. TOURIST RATES TO ALL RESORTS. For Schedules, Rates, Maps or any Railroad in‘‘or nation, call upon or write to |. W. THOMAS, Jr., H. F. SMITH, CHAS. E. HARMAN, General Manager, Traffic Manager, General Pass, f ent, Nashville, Tenn. Nashville, Tenn. Amta! 6(1 Ladies’ Vests 15c, 2 f’r 2o Ladies’ and Childrens’ Union Suits from 25 to 50c Felt Window Shades 3 for 25 3 spools best thread • 10 Two large Cotton Bin meets 49 Best grade Table Oil Cloth 15c yd A good comfort quilt C9c Bruton’s Snuff 10c size 8c “ “ 5c “ 4c Ilot Scotch SnufflOc si*c 8c Big Buck 35c lb Big lot Indigo Blue Calico 4c yd Outing Flanne s from 5 to 10c yd Flanneletts in all colors at 10c yd 1 iut) wool dress flannels 25c yd A good all-wool red flannel 15c yd Infants Jackets at 25c We have a nice line of fasci nators, baby caps and children’s Hoods at the right prices. Children’s Jackets and Cloaks from 50c to 3.00 Men’s fine sample hats, worth 1.00 at 69c Men’s Shirts in Madris regular Dollar kind 75c Men’s 75c shirts 60c Work Shirts from 25c up Overcoats f 1 sizes in light and dark colors. When you see them you can’t help from buying, they are so cheap. Boys’s winter Caps 15c Men’s shop caps 5c Hot Scotch Snuff 4 c Standard Sni ff 10c size 8c Standord Snuff 5c size 4o Ladies’ Fieece Liued Hose 2 pr .25