Dade County sentinel. (Trenton, Ga.) 1901-1908, April 17, 1908, Image 1
r politically independent; always for the best intepest of the whole people j tht county. Purity of politics; purity of the bal lot box, and clean administration of all places of public trust. Only paper In county. R p. TATUM, Editor. VOLUx XVI. T Corner Market and Main Sts. Formerly _ ____ _ _ _ ———-——■ —-———— 1 For the first time in our history we are compelled to goods at this season of the sacrificing prices. Our bought thousands of dollars worth of New Spring and Summer MerchSß excess of our usual purchases, and with the money stringency prevail^ Qj jj .... i HUBUIUI Di I IUUU !iii<u> vvv; viww.. wi, vuiu i HU9 1 ) at mid-summer prices. Read the prices below. Come and see the goods. Sale lasts ten days-from Thursday, April 16, to Saturday, April 25. X * DRY GOODS. I G Dod Calico .. .. 33-4 c Straw Tick .... 5c Good Feather Tick 10c Good Apron Ginghams 5c Heavy Brown Domestic 5c 3 4 Bleached Domestic 5c 3ti-i;:ch Cambric, (J|oc value.. 6 l-4c Yard wide Bleaching, in rem nants 10c value .. 5c Dress Ginghams, light colors, T l-2c values 4c Barb r Towels 3c Barge Face Towel, each 10* ached and unbleached Sheet I '-"* P®® size 72x90, each Mft BYinch Toweling, yard 4c 32-inch White Linen, per yard 9c 54-inch White and Colored Ta ble Linen, per yard .. .. .. 19c 23 inch brown Dress Linen, per yard 13c Batin Stripe Waisting, 27 inches wide, worth 35c per yard. .. 15c ■F-inch white Curtain Swiss, worth 15c per yard 10c Bull ; ized pearl hemmed white Spreads, worth $1.25 ~. .. 9Sc 30-inch White Curtain Scrim . 4 l-2c 36-inch oil boiled Taffeta Silks solid and chanegable colors, worth $1.25 per yard .. .. 98c 27- Black Guaranteed Taffeta Silks, worth $1 per yard 75c 28- Dirigo Batiste,with rings aiul dots, the popular summer miting, worth 25c, at per yard J4c 25 pieces Wool Dress Goods, 36 to 40 inches wide, in plaids, checks, stripes, plains colors, mohairs, suitings, etc., worth 50c to 75c, at pjjj yard . . ~ -35 c • ' inch fancy Lawns, numerous patterns, worth fic, at, per y ard 4c ’’on yards Linens, Torchons and Val Laces, worth 7 l-2c to 10c > at.... ge S ;M’()nly for Cash K Telephone, Main 3775 Ipsk "fife wßShgggpgg j&P 0-$ W[ I Mlßi y fiEB 3 sSpm ff a jjgf* SSI § fe S9B JESSr RB iffy Bg£l i£§sk SEi JB 9 IjKSI k JBf jfi|£ p jggjl |yS* f*j 'ur jSEI^I^B 10 pieces of 18-inch All-over Lace, worth 25c to 35c, at yard • 10c 2,000 yards Embroid "y Edge and Insertion, wo.ui 7 l-2c, at per yard • 5c White Flannel, wool mixed, per yard . • • • 12c 9-4 Brown Sheeting, per yard 18c Pill#/ f Cases, - per pair .. .... 18c O.j m J T. Spool Cotton 5c Ki j’s Spool Cotton, 2 for .... 5c 36-inch Voile in tans, sold at 50c yard, per yard 10c * EXTRA SPECIALS. Thursday, April 16, at 9 a. m., we will sell one lot of Jardin lerresT worth 50c, 75c and sl, one to each customer, for .. . 25c Sheep Shears 9 inch extia quality White Din ner Plates, worth 500 set, at 25c Cups and Saucers to match the platys, worth 50c, at set.-... 25c Kitchen Lamp, with reflector, worth 25c, one to custom er, for .. '. • H'° Nos. 1 and 2 Lamp Burners, two for 3c Nos. 1 and 2 Lamp Wicks, 2 doz en for 3c One lot of Ladies’ Embroidered Turnover Collars, at each .... 1° Men’s and Ladies’ Steel Rod Paragon Frame Umbrellas, at 37c Good quality of Talcunf Powder, box .. ...••• During this sale we will sell Mennen’s Talcum Powder, worth 25c, one to each cus tomer, for Big values in Enainelware; 400 and 50c kind, at 2-,r The 25c and 3oc kind at 15c Mens Turkey Red and Indigo Blue Handkerchiefs at each 2c The Miller-Mtchell Company Corner Market and Mai Streets. Formerly Montgomery Avenue. Two packages of Envelopes for 5c Odds and Ends in Ladies Belts, sold at 25c and 50c, to go at, each *• • • • • • 10c Ladies’ 16-button length Silk Gloves, black and white, worth $2, at $1.25 Good quality of Roasted Coffee, two pounds for .. 25c Teaspoons, 6 for 5c 8-oz. Water Tumblers, 6 for.. 15c Glass Salt and Pepper Shakers, worth sc, to go 2 for 5c White and colored Finishing Braids, 4 yards to the bunch, per bunch lc 5 pieces of Marble Oil Cloth to go for, at yard 10c Don’t fail to see our great line of 10c Glassware, worth 15c to 25c 15-inch Glass Punch Bowl, with foot, worth $1.50, at 980 Extra quality white Bowls and Pitchers, worth sl, for 75c t MEN’S CLOTHING AND FURNISH INGS. Men’s Suits made of good ma terial, neat patterns, $6 val ues for ’ 2 - 98 Men’s Woolen Suits, nobby pat terns, splendid fitting gar ments, $7.50 values, for 4.98 Men’s all wool Suits, in fancy patterns, $12.50 values, tor... 7.50 Men’s fine Worsted Suits, in fan cy, blue and black sls val ues, for 10.00 Boys’ Knee Suits, good values 98c Boys’ Knee Suits, made of splen did materials, $3 values, for 1.98 Boys’ fine Worsted Suits, all ages, numerous patterns, $6 values Boys’ Knee Pants at •• • 19e Bovs’ all Wool Knee Pants, per 39c pair .. . Boys’ 390 Waists for 25c OFFICIAL ORGAN OF DADE COUNTY. TRENTON, GA., FRIDAY. APRIL 17. 1008. loys’ 50c Maists ft 39c Men’s Paris, gooc materials, spring Bitterns, lendid val ues .. ?. 1.48 Men’s fincplack Pa s, all wool, $3 valuj .. .. . .. . * .. i.98 Mens alj Worsted ’ants, new spring gttarns, all blue serg- ™ es, $5 Hues, for 3.98 Finck’-s Ise Ridge \nd Miller- MitchelfOveralls always on hand, a sizes, 7j? and .... 1.00 Men’s El/ ic Seam t Drawers, 3 pairs rf ...... ) i . qqA Mail's fiifPhambraylShirts. fan- ■ B -\ ' -iBH -n t jM B M jggjj fi m for . | .. Men’s I' and fancy Vests, ‘ worth to $2, to close, each 97c SHOES. \ One lotnen’s vici kid, patent kid box calf leather Shoe! values at 4.00 One fo men’s vici kid and box leather Shoes, $4 vfllu< t 3.50 One lo mens’ l)ox calf loatli .er S $3.50 values at 3.00 One lo men’s Russia tan Ox ford ~ 4-00 Lot of men’s vici kid, paten^^. Bid and box calf 1< $3.00 . Oil*' 'll! .. &■ I * _ I Ladies’ Dress Skirts, of mohair, pleated, colors, navy, brown, black and' grey,worth $3.00, at .. .. .. .. 1.98 Ladies’ Dress Skirts, made of Panama, variety of styles and colors, worth $3.50 and $4.00 at 2.98 Ladies’ Skirts, made of Panamas, with two fold, colors navy, brown and black, worth $5.00, at 3.98 One lot of Misses’ Dress Skirts, made of Panamas', the latest styles and colors, brown and navy, worth $3.50 and SI.OO, at 2.9$ 1 >t of navy, and and $3.00, at $1.48 and Ladies Silk Underskirts, in worth $6.00, at^fl B jflfi W 9 - ft m m ih i 5v fW raj Ilf ? iRFVa ' $• ■ 9 a* ti’T sold at to go at 49c Muslin Drawers and bodices, worth 15c, at 10c The celebrated M. knit Under wear for boys and girls, worth 15c and 25c, at 10c MILLINERY. H The Miller-Mitchell Company, with its bevy of beautiful hats, will doubt less prove a great drawing card for this season. Easter is near at hand and the one thought of the fair sex is a pretty Easter bonnet. Visit our show room; there you will find hats for all ages. We make a specialty of chil dren’s Hats; hats for the little ones ranging in prices from pins are fiRJ fusli* A cu you c:an*t^R ' M M I ■ tl