Dade County sentinel. (Trenton, Ga.) 1901-1908, April 17, 1908, Image 2
Mothers § Second Door from 6th. Jliotel. Chattanooga. Hi i*y Wr->' jmlge <>o fhe Su- Hpr Cherokft'4i|! Circuit 190S, atk in ft Lit vv E ; . the real and i^JtayiJr sa! d ■ e. v . ■{''• in and was not susceptible ■Ln tquitably. Said court ■jointed tho undersigned ers In sell said land Ging t hit H.injji -fl p f - feffe, * jjfpp*; ■ **- V..' com® " - It Hisulracli .!• II alc in form, applnd'jLmc Ini I' 1 ’ 1 m:nHJ| ’ t Wt | ofrAdmilliM nitron mii the estate of Newman latfe <*l said county, this is loot# 1 ail ami singul <r the creditors ami next of kin oliSaniml Newman to he ;tn<i appear at tuy olhec within the time allowed ly ■ law, ami till *w caue, i any they can, why j permanent administ rat ion should not he ! I granted to fcdiadraeh )• Bale on Samuel estate. ffll ~v ha ml amf ollieisil signature w^m Dpr< Wit* \Vm. <>. Keene, Ordinary. !■ Citation, Thole County. Wlioin It Mat Concern: T. Wto eii r ha Vllie, in proper ; flB n K | > | ) | ~,| to me for lVi manent l-eiters i -*• the I Imtuas heeler. Sr . late said county. tin- i |NiHft all ail. l -imiUiai ihe creditors and HV.,f kin ~f i' I’., Wheelel, Si.. •, at 1,1 y o'liee within the time law, ami show 11, r'ii ill-' 11 administration ;■ eranled to T lovtl i. h hrrlri -b ■ j. mlan I -ial signature DADE COUNTY SENTINEL PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY— HUNT & TATUM, Proprietors 11. F. TATUM , Editor. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF DADE COUNTY Entered at the Post Office at Trenton Ga., as second class mail matter. Terms SI.OO per year in advance. Advertising rates reasonable and will be .Made known upon application. All communications must be aceoinpa me with the rsai. name of the writer. Address all correspondence to The Sen tinel, Trenton,Ga. Nex t week’s issue of this paper will be under the name of THE DADE COUNTY TIMES. With the change of i{6 name we will also change the size of the paper from an eight to a six column and print both sides at home, giving you 24 columns of home news, whereas you have been only get ting 16. This will make a neater sized paper and give ns 8 columns more of home-print and shorten its name. We beleive and trust the change will he appreciated. Y* Mr ■* ■■ ~ 'SS?*.'"’ _ m re ar~ 'V ship Bpsfisjpr ■jfl'i i‘>t 'Visii to •'cent ■pSwisible to make ■T : - You save $lO UL' : j .fccturer's guar ; ./ if. from anyone ■ of factory ' r 'A catalogue and it the wonderfully ycles for less money “Jove factory cost, j 'Vn name plate at ~ but * we clear out . repairs and i)lr WATSON ENDORSES FITE Every since the Colquitt con vention of 1880, 1 have known .Judge Fite. We served together in the Georgia legislature and have lreen friends for twenty-eight years. While we parted company politically in 1891, he never chim ed in with those who vilified and persecuted me. Never was lie ashamed or afraid to show that he was my personal friend. It has given me pleasure to watch his successful career. He lias made a good judge, just as lie has made good in the other positions which he has held. Judge A. W. Fite is a man of decided ability, and as a judge has been independent, honest and impartial. Into his cuididacy for re-election he carries the best wishes of the Jeffersonian. —Thomas E. Watson. A GOOD DAY’S WORK. The working conducted by the Oemetary Club at the Baptist graveyard Saturday resulted in a good i ♦ f ms caveiry tnrougft the Yankes in Virginia- Cutting down and des troying everything in the way. The working force appeared on the ground early and by noon the job was almost completed. Not a moment was spent in idleness, and worked hard and were in good condition to partake of the excel ent dinner which had l>een prepar ed by the wonpm of the club. The a line lawn, midst "}cv ex (•clenti^^ning' t > y\m I iwiw^K cei ' , t a \ w self as a eaiuffthitel^Bc 6 'a**oit to the Office of Ordiiiay. If elected I promise to faithfully discharge the duties of the joflice to the best of my ability, faithfully, fairly, impartially and to the best inter i ost of every citizen of I fade < ounty jas I have tried to do in the past. 1 sincerely thank my friends for their renewed expressions of conii <l nee. With my four and one h.ill'yeais of experience I feel that 1 am better prepared to perform the duties of the joflice than ever b- i’ore. t Very truly, Wm. O. Reese. NOT*ICE_ o Registered Perch t ribn Stulion ; mus’, vi ill lie found t stable al vov Knlai and after Ist of _ n _ n c> iIADK COUMf JSiMlfl£L, IRENTON. (iA OBITUARY In Memory of Mr. George Carroll, Surrounded by members of his family and friend*, Mr. George Carroll, one of Wildwood’s most prominent citizens, died Thurs day, April 2, at home. During his illness everything possible was done tor his relief and comfort, but to no avail. He endured his sufferings with the spirit that he had fought the bat tles of life. For several weeks it had been known that death was only a matter time. The dissolu tion was painless, and the change was so slight as to be almost im perceptible by the vvatoiieis at the bed side. He passed to his Maker as one who had lived a good life, fought, a good fight, and feels that he is going home. For more than four score years he lias gone in and out before the people, and in the course of nature lie could not have been expected to he spared greatly longer, yet there are many, many hearts sad dened by bis going. Funeral services were conducted ; Friday afternoon bv his pastor, | Rev. K. Alison, who preached an i appropriate sermon. Mr. Carroll was a man of strict integrity. The supreme question j with him was. “What is right be tween man and man in the sight of God?’’ He saw no virtues in loose business methods and he Had scant patience with those who in dulged therein. 11 is word was as good as his bond. Industry was one of his chief characterisies. The labor he performed was won derful, In purity of character and life he could not he surpassed. That indefinable, quiet influence, which everyone makes for spiritual life or moral death, was in him the: minister of life. He was converted in early man hood and joined the Methodi-t church, Qui tly, and un st uta tiously, but steadily and with full assurance of faith, he pursued the Christian life, and died as lie had lived with no cloud in the s-k . * bravely. j* Annie E. Townsend. April 7, 1908. ) * CHURCH NOTES ]\| The Church Chior shmltJ /e --organize and meet two or Imoß times each week for practise. 1 Good sized congregations attend ed both services Sunday, but tby ; were made up by a large majpjty of ople. There wei'e lut mr in- |> i • ■;!-'! i ut Sunday. In Iwt. lllfllMrns of this size. For the ■Regular services mans ten ■fcwjf the habit of goi/i' to M and Cljlrch | m~ th<^ - c -- e ■BMf Bk J Hr HL_^| H|||SHk S|pw!l|?'®P;;?vowigSSHßS' ; v S i7i np^ H m tmip. . > JKoOesson |XI text an l r .‘tew eatt in an abl^roanner. Rev. Bartow McFarlan ?<> Bossville, will preach at the <A P* t'hureh here Saturday night, Sun day and Sunday night and perhaps longer. If the services are con tinued lie will be assisted in t'i by liev. Mr. Allison. It will lx remembered with much pleasure that Rev. Mr. McFarland conduct ed a revival meeting at this place last summer under a tent, dining which meeting many confessions were made and much good \><is done. The song services had at Fnion Sunday afternoon were exeelent. These services will l>e continue from time to tittle througout the spring and summer months. next one is announced for tne second Sunday in May m H afternoon. —Kd. Notice of Sale By virtue of authority given by a deed executed by Z. J. CrotS to J. I. Case Thrashing Machine company to the prop ! erty hereinafter described, dated December 29th, 1906, and recorded January 12th, 1907 in Deed Book 2, p’ages 4 and 5, clerk’s office of the Superior Court of Dade County, Georgia, to secure two notes, each for the sum of two hundred, thirty-three and 9.1-100 dollars (233.93) with interest. One note due Dec. 29, 1907, affd one due Dec. 29, 1908, in which it is expressly agreed that if any one of said notes and interest or anv part thereof remain due and unpaid for 30 days aftef maturity, then the remaining notes may he treated las due and payable, and further provided that, if necessary to resort to law to en force the payment of said notes, or to pro tect the security for their payment then to pay all costs with, reasonable attorneys’ tees. Default in the payment ot said note due Dec. 29 1907, and the same hav ing remained due and unpaid for more than 30 days, accord,ng to tiieir tenor and effect, the entire indebtedness has become due. 1 hereto re, in accordance with tire terms and powers conferred in said deed to secure said indebtedness, and at the re ipiest of the henetici try therein, J, \V. I*. McCla.chey, attorney at law for said J. 1. Case thrashing Machine company, will, on the first luesday in AI av, between the legal hours of sale, at the court house door in 1 renton, Georgia, ofler for sale at pub lic outcry to the highest bidder for cash in bar of the equity of redemption, dower and homestead, ibe billowing described prop erty conveyed in the aforesaid deed to se cure said indebtedness, to-wit: An undivided one-lmlf interest in all that part of lot No. o t in the Tenth dis trict and 4th section of Dade Countv, Georgia, lying and being west of the w.-’st brow of Lookout Mountain, the west brow of said mountain being the east boundary line of said land; said tract containing as a whole one hundred and eighteen acres, more or less, the other undivded half of said land belonging to J. I. Johnson. Also ail that tract of land described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a slake on the section^Tie of lot No. 14 at the east side of the Ala bama Great Southern railroad, thence east to J. B. Steel’s line to a whiteoak tree; thence north to I.J, I'tiller’s line; thence west with Fuller’s line and ditch to the A. jG. S. R. B ; thence south with said rail- I ron<J b> the beginning corner, containing forty acres, more or less. This March 27, 1908. VV. P. McC LATCH KY, Attorney at law for J- I. Case Thrashing Machine company. Of Couusil, Smith A Carswell. — -• Citati mi. Georgia, Dade County. \\ liereas G. W. M. Latum,administrator of Charles C. Myer, represents to the court in his petition, duly tiled and entered oil record, that lie lias fully administered Charles <> Myer’s estate: 1 his is, therefore, to cite all persons c m eerned, kindred, ami %icditois, to show cause, it any tliftttaktn, why said admini. trator should discharged from his administration, and receive letters of dis mission on tiie first Monday in April, 1908. 3-b 3iii \\ iii. (). Leese, Ordinary. SHERIFFS SALE Georgia, Dade County: \\ ill be soli! before tie court house do >r in the town of 'Lemon, Dade County, da., cn the lirst 'J uesdav in May next, \yitliin the legal hours of sale, to the high—" s ~'* ; '■• u { r. ~j ; # > \ v rl ** J % I nixes for the year U) )7. Ijcvov made by viitue of ;i of t• < ti I.t ssued by W. I*. Ibiee, T. C. for stale a a 1 e-.rjnty taxes aid being tiie property .>. a ed out by hi i. Levey mule by \V. If. Ti ike % h id , an Ii uriirt i over t.> me. Tills 31st day of .March, 1903. It. W. THU 11 MAX, lerifl. . Dade county. Till be sdd before the court h iue do . in Uie T i vii of Trent on, 1 fade (J ~ (Ja., o. tbilirst files tay in di v next iv tii i ill legd hours of sale to the liiglie l ii Ii • for-is i llie folio.vino described prop-rtv to-|i : All that tract or par el of ian ' sittlte.l, lying and being in the town ol Triton, said stale and county, conming si acres more or less and Imiiti ed as fol loij Commencing at the - utb west e.nt-r ol the S. Hale lot near nod e.ts. of Se A.G.N. It- It., thence east 2-* I-. de tes south with tlie souili line if sat. II lot s(i rods ton stone at the Itliui eo >f Town Creek, thence soinli g() de gi west 1( rods to a stone, tlienee west 21 l degrees north 5d rods to the street rn ng along the A. (J. S. If. If., thence al< the east side of said street 10 rods to lli*im yng point, :,s *be property of S'ailie F. IT>df I'm- ,-fiate ami County taxes for the I yea'bOT. ik' made hv virtue of a tax fl fa is | sue y \V. I*. I’ace, T. for Slate an 1 l Coiv taxes and being tlie property poi 1 out hv him. f/ made by \V. 11. Tinkei. I . ('. this dlsayof march 1908 ami turned over to . li. W. TIIUiIM V\’ Sber'.iV Citation. (ilvt i I A—bade umnl v. fckt . t iiiflmi, eXeeuior upon tin* esta*-. ■l'. Smith, hilt* of said county. u-ce.i*- Fving tiled ins petition t-ir a.i.-e, s in cite :ill prr.-MinsciinciM ii. il jo and again-t tlie granting of this obl n Vtfr it* regular Itnin of the co.lil ,i t)i •* tor s;i <1 count' in lie held on i|je lir-t lay in April, lies. This M.uvu \\ m- t). Reese, Oidiil.iry Notick. jin, Dade County. persons holding chiims ag.i’mO the of Robert I*. Tilnm, liieofsani Iy, I, arc hereby nolificil !-i nt same to me at Itisiug Fawn. tin., erly attested ivs uie law di.vcls) lot ent. persons indebted to estate of 11. I’, n tire liereliy reipiesnd t > come for and make sett lenient al once. x February Idili, lit !S. iwk.s W. ?\ 11. ratmn t \dioh. Lir.Kb FOIL niVOKUK. *in. I*;ide County, liliza liovvmtiu vs. Alex Ilmvinan, *' *1 for divorce, Seinemla r term, jo. I>aile Superior Court, ieariug from vlie return of liie ill) defendant does not teside in this coj Ordered that service la: peithaied livjlcation of tills notice Iwice a pionili folilotiths in die .fltofs* CiiHnty Senti nel A. W. Fit* I- S, <J. ( . l<Yrfrc-’r,- sc -c cv. ANNOUNCEMENTS For Congress. HON. GORDON LEE. For Solicitor General. To the Voters of Cherokee Circuit: As it will be impossible for me to see and talk with all the voters of this circuit, I therefore adopt this means of inhuming you that l am a candidate for the office of Solicitor General of the Cherokee Circuit, subject to the next democratic primary. The criminal law, to he Jweadiiv obeyed, must first be respected, and to give due efiect and dignity to the proper execution of these laws, 1 believe that a prosecuting officer should be untrammeled by any suspicion that he is acting in the discharge of his official duties with any sinister or pecuniary motive. I therefore believe that the office of Solicitor General should be a salaried one and that the tines and bnfeitnres collected, as a penalty for the violation of the criminal law, should he paid into, the county treasury of each coun ty in which the same are collected Your support at the ballot box I shall greatly appreciate. Your obedient servant, T. C. MILNER. Cartersville, Ga., Jan. 1, 1908. Jo the Voters of Cherokee Circuit: 1 lie State Executive Committee having called the primary for June 4, I now an nounce that I am a candidate for re-elec tion to the office of Solicitor General ot the Cherokee circuit, subject to the primary. My record is before von; I have tried to do my duty; I think I can justly claim that I have so conducted the affairs of the office that I have savtd the tax-payers money by consuming no unnecessary time in the trial of cases. I have at all times kept in mind that time is money while the courts are in session. My knowledge of the duties of the office is such that I believe I can do better in future than 1 have in the pas*. ] shall be engaged in the courts much of the lime between now and June 4, and cannot see you all in person. Your support will be greatly appreciated. 1 promise rf re elected to do my duty, fearlessly and im part ia I ly. Respectfully; SAM P. MADDOX. FOR SUPEIUOU JUDGE. 1 o the voters of (9’erokee eireuit; I have twice before aske I at vtmr bands the honor of being tin* .lodge ol vour Su perior non l l, ami each time Von tiaVe de cided the matter against me. Jim 1 do not feel that I can lav aside a li'V long .mo tion to till this great an.l responsible oilio. without once more asking ii at vonr hand assinitig von that wlietbet or not von a e .tow u i.ling to elect me, i will iv‘t be a candidate. My re o.d as a lawn.-r am a citizen of your circuit for many rear, i b- fore you. If you think that ibis it e >rd is such as will justify a good citizen in voting for m>*, I ask your votes ami influ ence. If elected 1 promise to the best of my ability \ will endcav -r to liil im-gr, , trust von impose on me wit.iom u~; atlectiou or bias, giving m.i.i I„f im ! partial justice the law reouires. i 1 ours resp-c fu!;v, K. J.' MeCau.v. ! lo ibeVotcrs of Cuerok- e f ‘ircuit: | 1 am a candidate 'or re-election to the jtrdgesliip o' tire jjberolvi c circuit, suti <r, ' vp- t-Kif ' iiv e_aer.c^v 1 lu t*iM:ti tt before t!ie pn im y, tmt i. .a v iue aid- Io do so, us i will tie busy ool.iugcoili itto-t ol .the time Irom mu •< tJ j no u. ni -1 l heremre take this method o? asking von active suppori and indu nee, assuiin you nl iiiv appreciat: m ami g atitu ie am' promising if von re-elect me, to serve you j MiUiftllly; impartially and to the b-.-o of | "ly ability, as l have been uni an a t | doing. Very truly v uirs, \. Id I'R in)!l Oil DIN \ Ii V. To the cit izeu.s of Dale Conntv: t Alter nnuier iis s-uicitati ias 1 have de cided it) make the race for ordinary. Mv object 11 j aii m i.i uci ug so ear v is to give the people time to make imjiiii v concern ing me. Alter you have ma le careful in vestigation it you lind me deficient either in character or ability t < conduct the oiiec in decency and order and to the best in terest* ol the tax payer, then I do notask your support. Thus. .J. Fuller. Fvlf FT.\ I’K I K F A-D If F!l To the Democratic Voteis of Georgia : I am a candidate for Treasurer of this State, subject to primary on June 4,190 X. In making this announcement I refer with ‘confidence to my long service in this Department of the Suite (iovcrnmeiu. both its Treasurer am! assistant Treasurer, cov ering a pet toil of more than Iwentv year-., vVlilj ajipitrVnit satt.-fa tion to the people. I oiler my record in this otliee a- evidence of mv ijiialilicat ioiia P> fill it .ami as a guaran tee that the duties pert.uimhg thereto will l e Weil and faiilifu.lly peiformed if it is ttgain in mv charge. I Mi’ieit the Titppoii >1 mv fellow ciiiZ us. Wry ic-pect fnll v. Win. .1. Speer. For Tax Collector. We are aidlt'dt-i/.cd to amnumir VVah-n. ot Wildwood, as ,i eamiidate for Tax (,'olleelhr tor bade t omnay. — - * • *- WMHiMI F<Hl JJKPIrKSKNTATIVK. \\’e a t‘e itutliori/a and to announce the name ot JloiU W. w. ( /'nr. ton, of Kising I'av. in as a Vt‘ndida!e for ll* prex ntatiw ot bade County, suiiji cl lo t!ie stctiiiii tif the 1) i'h- .( Vu iV* V xccu ivi- coiomiitc.. ewrin iTt--1 -. FoH pk-p-pkskx ! a riVK. W<* art jifdiiniiz (I to nirnotini 'iir tin rue *T lion. I, pm l'..pM <! W'ihbvnutl ;t Cn ml ula In for f( • eteclinn >Jt Rupif nuiti v* uf llni j e (hthntvk lit* sm\s it - h-cb it lip will doiitVt• Vp* tii serve llu neo. pit t j thh HvM ol ins uhiliiy. t- ir ” jtr mr .•*. -*. f Fbr Troii arc] 1 . Wt* :iUf ti'A izptl to tuinnnt\f*p Uie iliitup Wf !l S |{(>.t opi B , (•f 'lh f'i*- n VAiildbbPr fdr n -el- tlmr trt a.iV‘ <d?rtw- v-jf (\ tjtii.v ' ,- i. :i. nrt'f*, ■ WHISKY | No disappointment rn either riiy whiskies Or Shaping i(h , ! You pet jusi what ton want without delay. Quality m | ness have built for me an enviable reputation. One Order v. us lasting business mends. I tfahf yoOr permnht ftt strive for tour full confluence. “The kind I sell is The “Kind You Want.’’ MY EA VO KITE BRANDS. . 4 Full Qfs. ( jj ; j Eight’s Private Slock. A mellow Kentucky bourbon; of ( u \ strength, old and fragrant Light’s Elite.- A rare Tennessee sour mash. A wholesome tonic and delightful beverage I Light’s “ li£fht of life.’’ Maryland’s best product, Finos* flavor and highest food propertit s ! Norfolk Rye. Mild and healthful. The cluvee of drinkers who “know” Ridgedale Lincoln. Of most pleasing qualities. A <o. favorite for many years . Mountain Dew Corn. (White or Yellow). As pure; ,j sparkling as its name implies. Try ii co . ! Noitli Carolina Corn. Marion County’s Pride. A niost palatable drink of proven merit i Tennessee Apple Brandy. The fine juice of apples reduced t,, purest alcoholic form .- ! Our Popular Brand. A delicious brandy of unsi ipussed tried icrrl virtues J If - .ill; A trial orOer will ii'Ac y<>u my steady potion Express prepaid to IVnn , Ga., Ala , } jy v Complete Price Li-I (jpon Request. SAM T. LIGHT, Chatariooga, Temiassep. ! TIE CENTRAL LWCH FCtM ST., CHATTANOOGA. (NEAR G E N11: A L 1) EI‘OT.) ; (pen Every R? ad ilipM. Cure to See Its JEFF DAVIS T* We wish to not ii v the readers •>, lt .. , . ;t (.I! itdit i of OHM i ti| Sj.iic*- j.. mi vt - lia\c,ii -g hi Gm.lgil •Ml 1 r-l'l.i -.-(•‘C flu Hi.) tig to He ;i i_ •t-s • ii t til o rtd-f. nicne i,l>- FAI >F til .! UH lf toll! it* Ho j-nfiis :S 1' A1\!1 >■" utio i\!i l ('■S ;}• ' f ai ti iil4 : J t .*-♦ < 111 . it ><l ■. ■: . - rr of fi.c ahoyit JJ V\e can < \ il!- Ice npaii st 1 m. Broken Lenses Du pi; cat and cn U’n it No tied HARRIS S JOHNSON ; Ji i j> . 0 otii* i a ;t 13 e EiQhfli st. c H a::anoo:c, Terr. [PHONy, " stg IOR FURNITURH % • I g > to tlie old reliable firm ol (iotlschalk & Company They will give you bargains. 132 ffURKET STREET CHATThf!674 Avenue Bank and Trust Company II 15 H 111 THf SINTINIL W 1 INVITES YCUft SUSIKEiS fcr ISOB j The bank that puts Safety First. m iteßfferntry Avenue CHaIIANOOA 1 EBAXCIi: I ROSSVILLE- GA* _