State of Dade news. (Trenton, Ga.) 1891-1901, May 08, 1891, Image 4

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NEWS AND NOTES. CONDENSED FROM TELEGRAPH AND CABLE. Epitome of Incidents that Hap pen from Day to Day. Barry Sullivan, the tragedian, died Sunday in London. The telegraph messenger boys of Port land, Me., are ou a for an advance. Dispatches of Monday say that the in fiui nza, in a severe form, is prevalent in the City of Mexico. Fire at the Breaker Island blast fur naces, at Troy, N. Y., Monday, did $350,000 damage. Charles Pratt, the well-known Stand ard Oil magnate, died suddenly at the office of the company, in New York, Mon day night. A monster meeting of workingmen took p ace in Hyde Park, London, Sun day. The attendance was estimated at fiom 200,000 to 300,000. Secretary Foster, on Tuesday, signed a warrant for $1,(554,711 in favor of the governor of the state of Pennsylvania, that state’s share of the direct tax fund. A report was current at Halifax, Nova Scotia, Tuesday night, that the British war ship Pelican, now in Newfoundland waters h-ts been fired upon by New found land bait-catchers in Fortune bay, A fire in Pittsburg. Pa., on Tuesday, destroyed the great seven-story Arbuckle building. Christ Methodist Episcopal church on Pike avenue caught and was also destroyed. The loss is not precisely known but will be heavy. A Dublin cablegram of Saturday says: William O’Brien, in his leisure moments iu Galway jail, is engaged in the work of writing a novel. He and Dillon spend much of their time in reading, both prisoners being able to obtain an unlim ited supply of books from the Queen’s college Horary. A London cablegram of Monday says: The Rothschild syndicate has asked the Rus ian government to postpone the issue of the conversion loan. It is rumored that the indicate will withdraw alto gether from its engagements. Russian stocks have flattened in consequence. A cablegram of Monday, from Rome, Italy, says: It has been decided, from motives of economy, that Italy will not take an official part in the Chicago ex position, to which Americans should take no exceptions, as Italy took no official part in the French exposition of 1889. A cablegram of Sunday, from Ham burg, Germany, states that a committee has been formed to organize a festival in celebration of the lourth centennial of the discovery of America. All promi nent persons in the empire will be in vited in addition to representative Ger mans in America. A Philadelphia dispatch says: Gideon W. Marsh, who was president of the Keystone National bank at the time of its suspension in March last, and Charles Lawrence, ex-cashier of the bank, were arrested Monday, charged by Bank Ex aminer Drew with conspiring together to make false reports of the condition of the bank to the Comptroller of Currency Lucy by means of false entries in the bank’s books. It is reported at Washington that the government of the United States has in structed Mr. Eagan, our minister to Chili, to offer to mediate between the combat ants in that country in the interest of peace and good order, and thut France and Brazil, the other great republics of the world, would have joined in the proffer of their good offices in the inter est of the perpetuity of republican prin ciples of government. Tuesday’s dispett hes from Scottdale say that the contest between the striking cokers and the operators is growing fiercer every day. Monday the Frick company added over 400 men to their list of Italians and Hungarians brought here to break the strike. On Tuesday the situa tion was reversed, and the labor leaders claim they are shipping them back in about as great numbers as the coke com panies brought them in. A Chicago dispatch of Tuesday, states that the supply of coke in and around that city has almost been exhausted, and a coke famine is threatened. The Illi nois Bteel Company and the Calumet Steel and Iron Company have been com pelled to abandon their furnaces for want of fuel. Already more than 1,500 men have been thrown out of employment by reason of the l<mg continued strike iu the Pennsylvania coke districts. Two fires early Sunday morning at Al tooDa, Pa., totally destroyed the Behm and Rising Sun hotels, the hardware store of the Altoona Hardware Company and the large exchange stables attached to the White Hall hotel. It was undoubtedly of incendiary origin. L'-ss, $75,000. All the guests escaped from the hotels in safety but M. H. Mitchell, of the firm of J. Biumenthal, wholesale tobacconists, who fell dead from heart disease brought on by excitement. A cablegram, of Tuesday, from Rome, Italy, says: America is draining away the population of some parts of Italy with remarkable rapidity. The exodus is most marked in the Polesine region on the Po, near Parma, where 400 out of 2,000 families have emigrated this year. Ninety-five families left Crespmo together last week. Gavello, which a year ago had 5,000 inhabitants, now has but 800. Polesella has lost thirty-seven families, who all departed at one time. Jesse H. Lippincott, sole lessee of the Graphophone Company, and president of the North American Phonograph Com pany, with an officeat No. 10 Wall street. New Tork, assigned Monday to Frank S. Wait, with preferences to the Rochester Tumbler Company, of Pennsylvania, for all just and legal claims now due to Harriet H. Lippincott, of Pittsburg, Pa., $6,760; to Sarah H. Vance, $6,760; to Anna M. Lippincott, of Pittsburg, Pa , $6 ,760, aDd to J. Adriance Busch, of New York city, $5.000. The Passamaquoddy Indians of Maine claim exemption from the Game Laws, on the ground that the right to hunt and tish is secured to them by their treaties with Massachusetts, if this claim is sustained it practically defeats all the gaum laws of Maine. The Kitchen. The quality of coffee is much improved if it is ground very fine, and much less is required for household use if it is pul verized. Soap should be cut into convenient ssz'd piec's and piled neatly on one end of the shelf, so that the air may circulate and dry it. Ia serving chocolate shake a very little cinnamon over the filled cup to make the beverage like the chocolate of Mexico and Havana. Turpentine and black varnish is the blacking used by hardware dealers for protecting st ives from rust. If put ou properly it will last through the season. The best way when hot grease has been spilled on the floor is to dash cold water over it, so as to harden it quickly and prevent it striking into the boards. IlAsn on Toast. —Take small bits of cold meat, one pint of hot water, thicken with two tablespoonfuls of flour, a good sized piece of butter, pinch of salt. Turn over toasted bread and serve immediately. The Ladies Delighted. The pleasant effect and the perfect safety with which ladies may use the liquid fruit lax ative, Syrup of Figs,under all conditions make it their favorite remedy. It is pleasing to the eye and to the taste, gentle, yet effectual in acting on the kidneys, liver and bowola. In New York, the other day, the oath of a sick person was taken through a telephone. For Dyspepsia, Indigettion, and Stomach disorders, use Brown's Iron Bitters. The Best Tonic, it rebuilds the system, cleans the Blood and st rengthens muscle ►. A splen did tonic for weak and debilitated persons. Women are not cruel to dumb animals, No woman will willfully step on a mouse. flow’i Thia f We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by taking Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Ciiknky & t 0., Props., Toledo O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transac tions, and financially able to carry out anyob ligatious made by their firm. Yv bst & Truax, Vn holesaie Druggists, Tole do, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally,act ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 76c. per bottle. Sold by ail druggists. When the editor of a humorous paper sets his wits to work it doesn’t follow that he works himself. For impure or thin Blood, Weakness, Ma laria, Neuralgia, Indigestion, and Biliousness, take Brown’s Iron Bitters—it gives strength, making old persons feel young—and young persons strong; pleasant to take. Woman is called the “weaker vessel,” but no one would suppose so if they saw the bill for rigging. FITS stopped free by Dr. Kline’s Great Nerve Restorer. No Fits after first day’s use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and 82 trial bottle tree. Dr. Kline. 831 Arch St., Phila., Pa. Portable Hay Presses 860. Address for cir cular C. B. Curlee. Rienzi, Miss. Good Blood la absolutely Essential to Good Health You may have Both by taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla The best Blood Purifier. It possesses Curative Power Peculiar To Itself If yon have a COLD or COUGH,; acute or leading to j I CONSUMPTION, SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PURE COO LITER OIE ' AND HY^OFHOSPHITES OF LIME AND SODA ( is sxms: cuiiK I'on it. ( This preparation contains the stlmula- j ting properties of the lltjpophnsphiles J and flue Norwegian Owl Liver Oil, Used J by physicians all the world over. It Is as j palatable as milk. Three times as efflea- i clous as plain Cod Liver Oil. A perfect ( Fmulslon, better than all others made. For { all forms of Wasting Diseases, Bronchitis, ] CONS UMPTION, Scrofula, nd as a Flesh Producer { I there is nothing like SCOTT’S EMULSION. J I It Is sold by all Druggists. Let no one by ( I profuse explanation or Impudent entreaty f Induce you to accept a substitute. j Railroad men. Our SIOO watch it un equalled for accuracy and durahility. Our |6O watch is the greatest return for that amount of money. We have gold watches from $25 to S2OO. Filled watches from sl2 to t4O. Silver watches of all grades. Don’t buy before getting our prices aDd seeing our stock. J. P. Stevens & Bro., 47 W hitehall St., AU lanta, Ga. Send for catalogue. Hgk VB ■ ■ ■ Rfl and Whiskey Habit* Hal mS Safi bOI cured at lid!.;, a uii- MHr ill Rl oul P ail ’- hook l,f par- SI HI ft Bfl ticulan. sent IKKE. WLM * !!■■■■— B.M.VOOLLEY.M.D. Atlanta. Sa. Office UM ri Whitehall St What is lacking is truth and confidence. If there were absolute truth on the one hand and absolute confidence on the other, it wouldn’t be necessary for the makers of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy to back up a plain statement of fact by a SSOO guarantee. They say —“ If we can’t cure you (make it personal, please,) of catarrh in the head, ip any form or stage, we’ll pay you SSOO for your trouble in making the trial.” “An advertising fake,” you say. Funny, isn’t it, how some people prefer sickness to health when the remedy is positive and the guarantee absolute. Wise men don’t put money back of “ fakes.” And “ faking ” doesn’t pay. Magical little granules those tiny, sugar-coated Pel lets of Dr. Pierce—scarcely larger than mustard seeds, yet powerful to cure—active yet mild in operation. The best Liver Pill ever invented. Cure sick headache, dizziness, constipation. One a dose. “German Syrup” For Throat and Lungs “ I have been ill for Hemorrhage “about five years, “have had the best Five Years, “medical advice, ‘ ‘ and I took the first “ dose in some doubt. This result ed in a few hours easy sleep. There * * was no further hemorrhage till next “day, when Iliad a slight attack “which stopped almost immediate ly. By the third day all trace of “ blood had disappeared and I had “recovered much strength. The “fourth day I sat up in bed and ate “ray dinner, the first solid food for “two months. Since that time I “have gradually gotten better and “ am now to move about the “house. My death was daily ex “pected and my recovery has been “ a great surprise to my friends and “ the doctor. There can be no doubt “about the of German Syrup, “as I had an Stack just previous to “iftuse. The only relief was after “ the first dose.” J.R. Toughhead, Adelaide, Australia. <0 Every Farmernis own Roofer CHEAPER than Shinqles, Tin or Slate. Reduces Your INSURANCE, and Perfectly Fire, Water and Wind Proof. ■STEEL ROOFING, CORRUGATED ass’® Send for Catalogue & prices EHMSH Dur Roofing is ready formed for the Building, md can be applied by any one. Do not buy IIIV Roofing till you write to us for our Ileserip. live Catalogue, Series B. AUESTS WANTKIA gPiP^ I <S Tl<s PAINT. Requires Addition of Aft' ObllSp equal part ofoilaJ *; rUlIb MAKING COSTPr<I*II <frl A.O Aqv.ebtisedin 7348 PAPERS! \\ lu re we Imve no A*e .1 wi i r.ti.iKe witli any active increliant.—L. tfc M.-N.Y, m l EWIS’ 98 % LYE SX 1 Powdered and Perfumed. £&* (PATENTED.) Strongest mid purest Lye made. 'Pit HA Makes the best perfumed Hard • Soap in 20 minutes without boilr 4yfgar w ing. It is the best for softening water cleansing waste pipes, disinfecting sinks, closets, wash n ing bottles, paints, trees, etc. ifL PENNA. SALT MFG. CO., Hen. Agents, Phila., Pa. SMITH’S WORM OIL For Wor ms IS A SAFE AND SURE REMEDY. Sold Everywhere. 2G Cents. PF^IRN^S™ ■ HSitijiUitw is Passed, n 1d ...,5.u. ■ W3 B a * W ,n end Father* are en titled to sl2 a mo. Fee (10 when you get rour money. piinfc. free. JUSETM H. ttlSUa S, i ■ THF - uest * cheapest. : 5" ft J'ntisfnctlon Giih r>intped. CO )[ K at HALF RATES during NATIONAL FARMERS’ ALLIANCE > ONVENTION AT Cincinnati in Mir. Address C. Si. EVANH. U. S. Gov’t, M’r’a, IT? W, th St., Cincinnati, Ohio. DIPPU l/UCtC POSITIVKLV KhMlSiHliU dAljut Atitca Greeiy Pant stretcher Adopted bv 6tudenta at Harvard, Amher*t and otfcar Coilcgen, h so by professional and busmen men every where. It !iot for sale in your toxr send 25c. tj B. J. GREELY, 715 Waaliiafftoa Street Bentos. Wkajl, Ndwous, Wretchks mortals get VliiH wall and keep wIL HsaRK Utlp* Wlllli tells Dow. 50da. a ywsr. Simple eopj free. Dr. J. U, bVK. Editor* Buffalo, N. Y. CARRIAGES. am *skZ2£% , l^zr' 1 - XV. H. GILA Y. IXO Si 2iX WwMw Jl. y SOUTHERN BRIEFS DAILY OCCURRENCES IN THE SUNNY SOUTHLAND Curtailed into Interesting and Newsy Paragraphs. A dispatch of Sunday from San Fran cisco says: Professor John LcConte, of the State university of California, is dead. The eighteenth annual convention of district gr nd lodge No. 7, Independent Dri'er of B’Nai Brith, convened in Mo bile, Ala., Monday. The Chamber of Commerce Association of Middlesborough, Ivy., was organized in that city Friday with 123 of the most prominent men in town as charter mem bers. Dr. W. 11. Bolling, one of the most prominent physicians in the south, and Dean of the University of Louisville, Ky., died Tuesday morning. He was fifty-one yea-s of age. On Saturday three hundred men em ployed at the Jones lumber mills, in Pitt county, North Carolina, struck for ten hours as a day’s w ork, instead of from sun rise to sun set. Their places are be ing supplied. Jones announces that he will close the mills rather than employ them. The kitchen car of a construction train on the Chattanooga Southern railroad at Duck Creek, Sidney, Ga., was burned up Monday night, consuming four negro men—King Me dows, the head cook, and John Harvey, Will Browder aid Walter Miles, assistant cooks. How the acci dent occurred is not known, as the car was in an isolated locality. A dispatch from Asheville, N. C. says: In addition to the election for mayor and aldermen, Asheville voted on the ques tion of appropriating $625,000 for city improvements—ssoo,ooo for street pav ing, slou,ooo for additional sewerage and $25,000 for public schools. The ap propiiations were carried by 1,222 ag inst 412. Sales of leaf tobacco on the Danville, Va.. market, for April w T ere 40.552,000 pounds, as increase of nearly 3,000,000 pounds over the sales for April last year. The average price w’as $13.12 per hun dred pounds, the largest average price for several years. Sales for the fi st seven months of the present fiscal year were 26,- 000,000 pounds, an increase of 7,775,000 over the same period last year. Ex-Governor Thomas Crittenden, of Mississippi, was stricken Tuesday Dight with a fatal illness. He is suffering from a ruptured blood vessel at the base of the brain and also from uraemic poisoning. The attending physicians say his recov ery is impossible . Governor Crittenden served in the union army during the civil war as lieutenant colonel, was elected to congress in 1872 and again in 1876, and elected governor in 1890, A Nashville dispatch of Tuesday says: Tom Smith, now under SIO,OOO bond* in the circuit court of Liueoln county, for the killing of young John Brooks about three years ag >, about a young lady, is reported to have killed James Wakefield, whom she married since the first killing. Wakefield and the lady were on their way to McDowell’s Mills, near Pulaski, to visit her father, when Smith met them, killing Wakefield and firing twice at his wife. Florence, S. C., was treated to a sen sation Tuesday. Max Gumpert, one of the largest merchants in the city, was taken from his store and wh pped in front of the postofficc by Stacklev Bros., two other merchants. The cause is uu kuown, but the trouble is believed to be the result of a too free use of the tongue by Gumpert. Gumpert was most severely thrashed. He has had warrants issued for the Stackley boys, charging them wiih aggravated assault and battery, and suing for SIO,OOO. “I AM THE BOSS.” A Significant Speech of Ger many’s Emperor. A cablegram from Dusseldorf, Ger many, says: At a banquet in his honor Monday evening Emperor William made a significant speech, in which, after dilatiug upon his dt sire for peace and for the protection of the rights of labor, and after expressing satisfaction, at the con clusion of a commercial treaty with Austria, he said: “As to the home policy wh ch is becoming established, I shall not deviate a hair’3 breadth from the course I have adopted. I alone and master in this country, and nobody else.” His emphatic language in regard to the treaty with Austria, which Bismarck op posed, and also in regard to home affairs, was evidently directed at Bismarck. RUSSIA HEARD FROM Regarding the Behring Sea Controversy. A cablegram of Tuesday from Moscow, Russia, say 9: The Gazette is indignant at the English and American press for ignoring Russia’s connection with the Behring sea matter, and declares that any agreement made without Russia’s consent will be worthless. The Gazette speaks with respectful sympathy of the American claims, and says it is time England was taught that the possession of an all powerful fleet does not entitle her to treat every bit of open sea as her peculiar property. The Gazette proposes that America and Russia settle the ques tion with reference to England. A DEMENTED LORD Makes a Corpse of Himself With a Razor. A London cablegram says: Lord Janies Douglas, brother of the Marquis of Queensberry, committed suicide Tuesday by cutting his throat with a razor. “Me Lud” had been traveling from Ireland during the night, and behaved in each a strange manner that the railroad officials, noting that he was apparently in a de mented condition, ordered one of the company’s employes to accompany him to London. Upon his arrival in the city, Lord James Douglas put up at a hotel, und subst qucntly eluded his attendant and cut his throat. In the Spring. Nature should be assisted, when the system is changing from the full habit of he winter months to the lighter diet of the warm season. Swift’s Specific i®* stimulates the sluggish blood and rids you of that feeling of heavi ness and languor. 5. 8. 8. beautifies the skin and makes the complexion rosy and healthy. 3. 8. 8. gives elasticity to the step and buoyant spirits. 3. 8. 8. makes the feeble and delicate strong and robust. 9. S. 8. is a tonic to the whole body and increases vitality. 3. 8. 8. is a simple vegetable medicine. It there is poison in the blood, it generally shows itself ia the spring, and this is the season to help nature to drive it out and be cured. Nothing does this as well as S. 8. 8. It is harmless to the most delicate, yet so powerful as to cleause the system of all impurities. Eookn on Blood and Skin Diseases Sent Free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. SMITH’S Qile guns Cure Biliousness Sick Headache, Malaria, Costiveness, Heart Burn, Dizziness, Bad Breath, Nervous Debility, Dysentery, Jaundice, Pains in the Side and under the Shoulder Blades. diver fail to act on a Torpid Liver s Expel poisonous bile from the system; Clear the Complexion; Aid Digestion; Create *a Appetite; Cure and prevent Chills and Fevers. We also make Smith’s(slLE small Beaus (40 to the bottle.) Borne prefer this size. Especially among women and children. Both site* sugar coated. Pleasant to take. RELIABLE, SAFE, ECONOMICAL. Prioe 25 cents per bottle, five for 11, either size.- Sold by Druggist*. Write for Picture. J. F. SMITH & CO., SEW YORK CUT. THE GREAT ENGLIBH REMED^I BEECHAM’S PILLS For Bilions and Nervous Disorders, h “Worth a Guinea a Box” bnt sold for 25 Cents, BY ALL BBI’GGISTS. g Habits Cured without physical or mental injury. Treatment identical with that of Dr. Keoley, at Dwiglit, Illinois. For particulars, address THE KEELEY INSTITUTE, Edgewood Ave. and Ivy St., ATLANTA, GA. DOWN WITH HIGH PRICES. WHY not buy from the I. argent Factory of Tk WONDERFUL \Xwrld, and OAV t Dealers’ profit*. REFRIGERATOR* LItRMtV Km. Fan,, HrL. !■ i Send stamps and mention goods wanted. THE LUBURC MANUFACTURING CO. PHILADELPHIA. Pa. Dept. A 103, Non. 331, 323, 325 North Bth Stre. t. ADVICE TO WOMAN! For PAINFUL , PROFUSE, SCANTY, SUPPRESSED or IRREGULAR MENSTRUATION , you must use ESRADFIELD’S pEMALE REGULATOR Henderson, Ala., March S', 1885. For three years my wife has been under the treatment of the leading physicians for menstrual troubles, without benefit, most of the time con fined to her bed. After taking three bottles of BRADFIELD’S FEMALE REGULATOR, she can do her cooking, milking and washing. N. L. BRTAN. BOOK TO " WOIAI” MAILED FREE, WHICH CONTAINS VALUABLE INFORMATION ON ALL FEMALE DISEASES. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., ATLANTA, GA. Per lele br all DrngcUt*. Best Cough Medicine. Recommended by Physicians. K%j| Mb ■ Cures where all else fails. Pleasant and agreeable to the ft-Uj taste. Children take it without objection. By druggists. Cl fat BlGG*tu FOR DIARRHOEA, “' V f dysentery, ' And all CRAMPS Stomach Troubles. k y IT IS A SURE CURE. rVLLDM TEETHING CHILLRO. si I Ask your Druggist or Merchant for wLmf it, and take no CmcHFSTt ”s English, Red Cross Diamond Brand >£s. A mu worn * FUihS # THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE. The only Nafe. *rc, aad rsttabls Pill fbr tal. TXJj Ladle*. a*k Druggist for Chichester's BmstHeh Diamond Brand tn Red and Gsld metallla XT / )IA Kies e*led with b.’u ribbon. Tak? o other kind. Refuse Substitutions and Imitations. . I ■W uT All pill* in pasteboard boxes, pink wrappers, are dwfijKeroaa wiaternita At Pnirfists, or sej •- \ Jfcf A., la stamps for particulars, u>9 time Alai*, and M Boua for Ladir, n ir, letter, hr ***tns *** A nr I#,OCO Testimonial*. Rome Rmpar, CMICHEDTE* CHEMICAL CO., doctor" 1 ACKERS! ENGLISH REMEDY! : lor Coughs. Colds and Conwmp’lon, Is beyond S ■ question the greatest of all modem remedies. £ ; it will slop a Cough inone night. It will check? • a Cold Inaday. it will prevent Croup, relieve: sAsthma, and CURE Consumption If taken In* ■ time. IF THE LITTLE ONES HAVE j WHOOPING COUGH j 1 CROUP! : u Ese It ProiptlT.: : p* iJiT will cure: A ,IF WHEN evert-* ! else! r “You: ■ ean’t afford to; !.„\ .... ' - bo without It.”! • A 25c. bottle may save $ 100 In Doctor’s bills! ■ —may save their lives. ASK YOUR DRUG-* •GIST FOR IT IT TASTES GOOD.* *■■■■■■■*■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■•• For Sale! sJo!™,SAFES. Must be Sold ! Cheap for Cash. Address JOHNSON, PARKER dc CO., 813 Chestnut St., Chattanooga, Tenn. BORE WELLS!!,my! Our Well Machines are the most ft 1 IllUUfcl S KILUBLE, DISABLE,SIfCESSirCt,! 111, gPy TheydoMOKE WORK and IPvC luakebltEATKß PROFIT. They FINISH Well* where t/7i JSjJ li ZjEA others FAIL! Any size, 2 EaWfiel U Hla,, Inches to IA inches diameter. |w .j —*— LOOMIS & NYMAN, JM TIFFIN. - OHIO.^y^P A. N. U Nineteen, 91.