State of Dade news. (Trenton, Ga.) 1891-1901, August 07, 1891, Image 3

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•State in Dado News. Fu'blhhcd Every F; Ida y AT TKKNTOM, (i.\. ”• i; T lliittii Jiiiioil. Terms SI 00 per year in advance. Advertising rates r asonabie and w !i ,kie made kuewu upon application, All ooaiouiiicii ions most lie ccom- 1 punier! with the, real name of the j will* . All legal advurtis ngjnust be paid in advene*. Address all correspondence to THE NEWS, Tuk.ntox, Ga. Tien to.i 1.1 tf NO. It!) K. A A. M Mn-t* W eilni-.'iiay niglit on or buloni t< lull i.ii‘<n< aint iwo weeks ilnoe. cnv r. I. I.uui| k a, W . W , it, .4. It. Tatum. Sern tavt, Trenton (’linpter No. (!) li. A. li. Mice- ><il urn at nigln on n* uln-r i-i. 'll iiul ninon. T. .J. ],intiiik in. tl, to. A, It. v ei l lui y. >tclln.(o't huirn 2i.n Ainl 4 1 1 1 -iii ni.i, > ii. ricii iinniOi. hruutihiua t.v Ktrv. .1. (J. Bit}.-. I*l u; nr ltiuctiiiK < vmy Sur.itfij mUit. County Alli ince meets on til Tiu-il;ty ii .1 ufiiltt -v, . !>T'i. I uly ;•!•■! ( i .•!. i1... t.. i. V K. Bible Cio-iiiunt. W. s. 1 it I n - , sooietuiy. rtiMle Superiort>*uet aitv, : tr t Mondays ir March ami Sf|ittnil er. Local and Personal. iD. A. Jackson spHs tin; cheapen flour ;i n U>kv “Country mcllons” are making their appearance ip town, A phrenologist created much in toyrn this week. Miss Sallie anil Ben Pace re. turned to the Winchester Normal M omln v. Labartus Love, of Shellmound, Tenn.. is visiting relatives near Trenton, Will Willis has (pait “laying by’’ his crop and is now “one of the boys.” Mrs. Laura Graham, of Cavtors ville, is visiting friends in Trenton this week. Obe Bryan talks of taking hoard for the summer at a fashionable . si ,m i)e/ resort Bob Tatum is 1 aik home from ( h itta., where ho has been at work for several weeks. It is understood that the thnce over the stqi-e mom of the Tate, Barker Cos., was an eminent, success. rs. Mattie Kersey, of lou h Pittsburg, Tenn., is visiting me family of I. Y. Willis south of Trenton. - On account of the unavoida ble (?) absence of Sheriff Byrd jk> public sales were made last Tuesday. Mr. Peach Sfvspj), formerly ef ibis office has professed religion ,<md will he baptised at Jasper, Tenn., Sunday. Win. Tittle, of Morganvil’e, was in town Tuesdav, Bill’s pltasan smile is enough to drive away the jbluenany day. A pack of well trained “blnod Jtounds” Lookout valley would be effective in picking up ■escaped convicts. D. F. McCord and Will Curtis •walked out on Sand mountain last Saturday in search of frogs. N’er’ a frog did they get. Lack Case’s new goods pur chased since the fire, are now in the depot awaiting the arrange ments being made for a place of business. Eph Jenk.ius and Jolifl Cuzzort were fortunate enough lo capture a convict last Sunday who had made hi* escape from the Lookout mountain camp kitty dollars was the reward,. Will Guttmun, the popular Chat tanooga drummer “did" the town Tuesday, since which time all the girls are singing “angels without wings” Wills face doubtless sug* gosts the melody. Mr. J antes Harris who removed from Trenton in 18(39 and who now jresides in Cincinnati, is visiting in the community. Mr. Harris is a son of the author ot ‘ftut Lovingood’s Yarns, i P.-yton Pace is a hustler in tin* i sheep business. | Dr. .T. 11. Brock,of Rising Fawn, j spent. Wednesday in Trenton. Ob') Brvan spent Tuesday in Trenton among his old friqnds. General indisposition,is our only axcus) for our shortcomings this week. f i he foot bridge across the croVc near the sulphur spring is a great improvement. Tom < timmings and Hirch.Tay lor have been spending several days in Boston. D. E. Tatum Las bought oat W. R. Tavlor’s interest in the saloon * of Tatum & Taylor. The meeting at this place, con ducted by J. C. Bays is being at tended with much intere 4. Geo. Curetcn and Alex Fricks were the “grand bouncers” of the Rising Fawn ball Tuesday night. The correspondence from X- \r England was crowded out this week. It will appear in our next issue. Our Morganville correspondent seems to think the Trenton and New England booms are dead. No. not dead but sleeping. Those desiring information in regiW’d to the popular summer re sorts of the country wmtlc do well to call upon {laugh McCord. Mrs. J’. Blanchard and Mrs. C. P. Raymond, of Austin, Tex., who resided in Trenton twenty years ago, are visiting Mrs X. i\i. Brock. Word Pace turned farmer for a short lime yesterday morning but his good intentions were alii lost when he plowed up a nest of disa greeable y allci jiiekctti. The editor received a piece of wedding cake this week but eould’nt afford to go hungry bv waiting to enter a blissful <lroi. in land. We believe in solid comforts. Anew directory will soon be elected *t o ifai e efea rgy of tin* a ti’ ai r s for the New England company. It is to be hoped that they may sue ceed in pulling New England out of the mire. Married. Mr. S. R. Wei bur was married to Miss Minnie Forester last Tuesday evening at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. Jock Eoneste/. Miss Willie Tatum acted as brides maid while Robt. Tatum served as a substitute for the “best man” who failed to arrive in time. Only a few invited guests were present to witness the “matrimonial em barkation,” yet the good wishes expressed fdl a bon voyage were of a most cheering nature. llol* E'rrm il3crgiitviSl k . The boom has at last struck Morganviiio but if J let it be known there will be Treutou and New England to contend with for they are the greatest booming people on earth, and as \ t ou all know, they made a great failure and we do not wish to do as they have done. But here goes., it is in the marble business with R. E. Cross and Ed. Wells th ? champion fudgers and R. E, Killian the champion player, he phalanges anything in the country. Well, that is enough on the boom as we do not want to make it long at first nut will come in on the home stret^h- Com is looking well and every body feeling well. Mis? Miggia Crabtree’s class in music is increasing, she has eight regular students all getting along nicely she expects more soon. Our school at this place isgi*t t’>g;dong nicely. We have sixty five students. Miss Lucy Porter and Miss Mattie Mrrgan are both I industrious and will do all in their j power to advance the children i along in their studies. If 1 see this in your paper I will write again. I will not vote for a man that docs not take hi? county pap p r, so watch oyt scalawags. Uxci.f Dick, Tho Third Pearly Drives Up. From the Ne v York Sun. I am the Third Party ! Get on to my style, Will you? Arid my trimming ? By gravy. jUUm.’i wear no socks, A nd my galluses is F..s tied wi li a linchpin. But I’m cullin' A wide swatli Right down dhe mid,He, And they can’t head Me off, No how ! A;choc ] am a sort of A Farmers'-Alii an co- f- sf:zcns’- A! 1 i an ce- Kn igh t s -of - bat >o r- Nalionr.l-I n- msaial-A nti- Monopob -Singie-Tax- J’roii bitio* - 'A (r leerihuc k - Free-Stive r>> Tot at<•*■( uiTcncy-S cittl stic (irami (Jid-People’s-Patiy. Bui whut if L am ? , fiat are they goi-t’ To do about it ? That’s what ! By zucks. f have come To stay. And no razor-hack Democrat, Nor sian-st eii Republic 11, Nor ritig-nostd Mugwump, Can root ra • out! 1 ’in a forty-acre field: That you can raise anything on From a mortgage To a bale of hay. With a v. agwß load Of.tlressin’ throwed in, And I don’tgive a dtirn Who knows it! I kin grub up a stump In iw. • shakes of a lamb’s tail And the old political Stumps has got. to come, Kf I bus! a brickin' Diin’ of it ! You hear me ! Melibe niv clo's don’t lit. And my cow-h-tithor broggns Ilaint got no shine On to ’em, Rut. that won’t stop Tlier kickin’ ! And brains ain’t In’Uf Neither ! All the American Eagle Has got to and i in this business • Is to sit quiet on the fence And w.aU'h my Thrashin’ machine go. When that mum Gits done sevatchhi’ iis back up agin the fence ! * Hand me that whip ! Gimme them lines ! Now ! Wo haw ! Jeewillikens, • sh-all-hcivlo k ! Rbiiig; 2 awe a Dots. W. F Pickle is attending the Coosa Baptist Associotion titis week, I tun not going to say anything about the young lady who kicked her sister out of bed, she might not like it, An exemplification of that old -aw —“carrying coals to Newcastle” was given here the other morning by a somewhat bibulous individual on the north bound passenger train, who on seeing the crowd at the depot handed them out a bot tle of whisky. The Missionary Society festival was a very pleasant one indeed as all who participated will testify. The young ladies who waited or. the tables being especially noticea ble for the.ease, grace and Switch ing manner in which <hej served their guests. Mr. and Mrs. Barker assisted by the Misses Hales*, Miss Leona Stephens and other young ladies with Mrs. Nichols presiding at the organ, sang several beautiful selections which weie highly en joyed. Owing to the bad state of the weather the success, tinancialy, was not as gratifying a? wished for, ‘•On with i lie dance. Let joy be uuoonrtned ” An invitation by Dr. and Duke Brock, (may their shadows never grow le?',) gave Ikie the entree to one of die most delightful and en joy ttble hops that has ever been I given here or elsewhere. Tuesday (night was the time, ana Tate and Barker’s Hall the place. About thirty couples took advantage of the felicitous occaeion, and en gaged in the pleasant pastime of [“chasing the hours with flying feet.” As the “Dade” has not the , space to spare in it’s valuable col umn?, and I an: not gifted with | word painting eloquence to do the i subject just ice. an exten led notice lof the exquisitely lovely toilets of (the ladies, and the beauty and grace* of the wearers must tor these reasons necessarily be omiMed. In answer to the statesque Hebe in oink, j Widi violet • yes a* (' midnight hair i Andi in ta r cheeks beyond com pare, and to that other llebe—tho’ a smaller (iition, that was dressed in black with jot trimmings on the waist, v ~,<• form, whose face. -I'i ■■■•(• >l!i oiion race In fane; .. rnirr t ever mar, I wish tn iy that that question must still remain umisiivvered, ’’til! .he other charmer is away.” 1 did not say anything about the ; wedding a-** I supipose ‘‘F P.” will give v'.'ur readers .that in his usual happy manner. Ikie. BEN tTbROGK **tl t - rrT r*A V / T\AT/'' T \ iil-OJ'* IVD *- = -1,. Prompt attention to all business intrusted to him. dOTfam . DENTIST, RTF PNG FAWN, - --GEORGIA' Work Guaranteed. A isits made where Necessary. CA S E H. DU S E TREATQN (FF NEW AND FIRST-CLASS Only one hundred and fifty yds to Suifihnr Water. F. Proprietor. III!, E, 11. KETI’iIERSBE. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Trenton, Ga. % Office up stairs over Curetons Store. GEORGIA DADE COUNTY. Whereas, J. P. Holmes temporary arlmimstramr oUutta M. Tanner rep resents to the court in his petition duly tiled and entered on record t Jkt be has fully administered Jane M Tanners es- j tsve. This is therefore to cite alt per-j sobs concerned, kindred and creditors to sh av cause, if any toey can, why sjnd administrator should not be d:s eharged from his dministration aim 1 receive letters < f dismission on the first I ivionday in September 1891. This June Ist mi. J.A Bennett, Ordinary. • GEORGIA DADE COUNTY. Whi rr:-, •'ftnnle IK Smith of -ni<l county claiicinj? . tin- i.s-muiv of the niiiicii A 'set Soli h. do 'e isp I. has li:c<l s:*id mil.- iil my <dticc *or i.rotr.ti- | at ttie re-'ui.ii he eo.irt of Ordinary m sal. i count.* on’ .• M. oi.lii in .1 <ilv IM>l s,,A V\ m. M s ( .vile tine Street hi.l t. 1.• c.hildr-n ol .il:-mu't v. C lin it ue. : eased, he injr heirs oi s id meet Smith atal n n-res - dents oi said s; ate 01 G <c joit, ordered that ci tation lo t e above trained heirs to lie an. apnear al the eourt prdin try oi mid oUtTn’A to he held on !he 1-t Monday in -Inly next t show cause i any exists whv said \v It slioel nut b. ©sin dished, he puhli'lied in Ihe see of Had" N'civ- I'oi thirty dtv- ' r his the 13th diy of May 1M .1. \. Kvnnktt. imliiiaty . GEORGIA, DADE COUNTY M. P. Massey '•?. Dixie Massey I Libel for Divorce in Dade Superior Court March Term 1891. It appearing to the court Iv tha return <n the she i iff in the ill Hive stated ruse ihit tie deicn lant. does not reside in said conntv anil ii ! Ui'iier appearing that she does not reside in is iid^si.lie It is therefore ordered by tile mtrt tli >t t-erve o lie perfected on the dei'end ! ,nt In the publication of this order once a month 'or tour months before the next term ot *ht court. This March 18th 1891. THOt, W. MILNEK. .1 S C. C. C. w, IT. x .1. P. .Tacoway. PPffs Att’ys. Georgia Hide County, i certify that the above is a tme transcript tnkn from the min utes of Dade Superior Court :r. the oase there in stated. VVilress inv hand and .sea) ol office This M t> sth 1.-91. (SEAL) s. if. Thurman, c, s. C. GEORGIA, DADE ' COUNTY • I Nancy Graham vs. James Graham, j Libel for Divorce in Dade Superior Court March Term 1891. tt appearing to tne ceurt'by the return of the Sheriff in the above stated case, tiiat the dethndant does not reside in -aid c unity and i' further appearing that he. lines not reside it. this State, It is therefore ordered by the court that service be perlected on the defendant 111 the publication of this orderonce a month fi loin month- In fore i lie next term of Mis court. Th.- Match I9;)i IWI. Thos sv Milner, .i. s. c. c. C. w. U. X .1. P. .1 ACOWAY, Pl’fts At ’y’s. Geo’tjia It de Ceunty- 1 certify that the above is a true transcript irom th minutes of )>ade Superior < urt, in I ile cas,* th *rei n -titled Witness mj hand anil seal ct oftiot. This lia) sth 1891, sE vI.J is. H., c, S. c. rya j ta * v ± i 1 1 S' ~ .and w> 1 ser 0111 pa ny Bankers and fvierchants. P!is ; ng Fawn Ca. We Defy Cc,m petition, Sec IThaf O.VE DCLLAII Will Fry In Our JTcnse* 1 chil.l’s suit, SI.OO 20 hoys straw hats $llOO 18 pounds extra C sugar, SI.OO 10 girl’s sailors sl.oo* 4 gallon syrup, SI.OO 1-1} yards > i ,g h SI,OO 20yds. beautiful caii o Si.CO 4 ju. eliiidrcns shoes SI.(P All The Foil firing Ajlielrs For CIA E DOLLAR -4 paper pins, 5:t., 3 balls cottorij sc, 2 papers needles, sc, 1 lad in* j hi mined hat, 10c, 12 yds Torchon lace, lie, 1 pr. hos, sc, 1 pr. 6 iiK*b ■ shears, 20c, 1 two blade white handled pocket knife, 10c, 24 envelopes, sc,'o nice'folding fans, -50. 10 slate pencils. sc. 2 nice hand’ks, sc, $0 hair pins, sc, and a stick of candy for the baby. Come to see us, we have Ti f- largest and cheapest stock in Dade county. Bargains too numerous to mention await you. We make a specialty of Gent’s Fine Custom Made clothing—A full line of samples just received—A fit guaranteed. See them before buying, we will save you money iAv® by our iiuotto and yon will prosper. Cash On Ths S? >ot. 1/ % Exchange on New Ycrk and Chattanooga bought and sold. Ecit 3j Barker Cos. W T LI TTGrJtI ES X/eahler Sxx Dry Goods,Clotliing, B hoes, groceries and GENERAL MERCHANDISE Heps Hie best Lire of Confection.! ivies- will sell as cheap as can he bought in Trenton. A trial is all I ask. Store at crossing of II lion church Street Dealer In family C3 roceries A niertrwhite sugar eighteen Jhs to the dollar Clear sides 9ets. Purity Flour $3.20 per 100 Ibs A good FlouK 65cts pen 251bs. *. Public Square Trer*ton Georgia. BUILT ON HONOR THE LIGHT RUNNING Satisfies the Most Critical! THE MOST POPULAR SEWING MACHINE OF THE DAY, If is the Standard of Excellence And has no Equal." Twenty-five years < f the most envi-> ous ooinnetitio iias proven the Light Runni g “DOmETIIC” Sewing Ma chine to be far superior to any other, Lol (1 lay \A r T ALL SIZES, ' \ STYLES 0 PRICES, to LE oTany age ! yili SEND FOR CATALOGUE 1 LARGEST BICYCLE HOUSE IN AMERICA. WANTED. CMS, F. STOKL3 HFQ. QO., 293 and 295 i'/abasft Avenue, CHICAGO, itJUI PBUJL IS ATTAINED PA r THE CSH OF THE CELEBRATED ■ .. RANGE, "'*** Which rc make In four sites with or without RESERVOIR, HIQH SHELF, BiaifeLOSET, LOW CLOSET * WATEB-BAMU M I Can heat your house thorough- wi A Sill y* HEALTHFULLY and ECO- W NOMSCALuf with the • 1 TORRID STEEL DRUM FURNACE. Those who use the TORRID always praise it. Send for FURNACE BOOK giving heat- Ing capacity and prices. ORB PAINTER & 00., READING, PA. SOLD ON MF.KIT! DOMESTIC If I' m I- Ugl DOJI lISTIC