State of Dade news. (Trenton, Ga.) 1891-1901, September 18, 1891, Image 3

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STATE OF DADE NEWS, PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. B. T. BROCK, Editor WL JX'i'WL'l 1 m*'<Ssg.- < !*. n V ’Try.-'-w■■ Yeno-iisl 00 per year in idvauce. Arfv'ertisiug rales r asonable and vv 1! be made knewn upon application, Ail ctommmiieu ions must be ceom psnied with the real name of the wiiln. All legal advert is no; must be pafd fr !b sidv net. Address all correspondence to THE NEWB, Trentox, Ga. Trenteu Ox lire NO. 17 K. & A. M Meet-. V ertnt •sdn.v night on or Indore curb lull moon Mini two weeks tho ev Iter. T. .1, l.uuij.kiu, VV . >i. M. \. It Tatiiii . secretary, Methodist i lunch 2nd ami 41li Sundays in each month, prcucliint; tty Kev. .1. (J. Bays. IT a;, ci meet ins every Sunday wjrlit. Trenton Chapter Xo. 6) R. A. M. Meets Sat urday nighton or alter each fml moon. T. .). Lumpkin, 11, I’., M. A, U. Tatum, Secretary. Made C minty Alliance meets on !*t Tuesttavs in lanuarj, April, July amt tnaolui. <;. A. H. IJihiv President. VV . s. Taj lor, societal v. Pine Drove Church (11 piii)S Preach tup ever;. 3tr| Mui day at 11 am, aml on Saturday pleaching at 8 o’clock i> in, by Ucv. Bum Aik„ * -k ’ ■■ ' I'aile Superior Court meets 3rd Mondays in March ami September. LOCAL TIME CARD. • [A G Bii K] SOUTH BOBXD. SOCTH bop mo. No. 2, 7:44 a. m No. 9. 718 a ni “ 8, 5.38 p- lit “ b, 9:44 a in “ 6, 3:10 a. m “ 1, 10:37 pni Local and Personal. The circulation of the News grows Hailv. Over 3,000 cross-ties adorn the side tracks iu Trenton. Peyton Pace left for Alabama Monday in search of beef cattle. Dr. J. S. Fann will lie in town next week prepared to do all kinds of dental work. When you come to court don't Climb upon the new fence around the court house. Court meets Monday, hut many of the boys will be “out of pocket” by Sunday morning. A verv interesting poem from the pen of the ii defatigablo “Ik ie” will appear in our naxt’.issue. Little words of kindness, little shining dimes, Makea happy editor, evn in hardest times. The Cherokee property is now laid oft in ten acre blocks and Bond & Crabtree will place the same upon the market. Ben Connally goes to Cedartown the ‘24th to enter the competitive examination for oppointment to the West Point cadetship. When the editor’s wife returns from her conntry visit, he thinks of buying one of those patent “grub pullers” just for luck. The mantel of the lamented Poach Suapp has fallen upon an other—a tranij) printer stole the aforesaid Peach's coat from this office one day last week. Mr and Mrs, Bagby, of Beeville Texas, who have bem visiting the family of Mr. Nathan Cole, north of Trenton, spept yesterday in town. Halts & Cantrell have just opened up at Rising Fawn the largest and best se* looted .stock of LAD IKS DRE-S COOLS, together with a general li e of dry goods, ever seen at that place. \Y. U. Jacowav went to Rising Fawn Tuesday, where lie “bucked against the “ring and knife nia r without any more Juck than the editor had at the same game. Charles Sutton, (col.) has just completed his sentense at the Dade coal mines for stabbing Hob Cross at Morgar.ville. He had ovr t‘ months good time, shortening his sentence that much, J. W. Snapp, of Jasper, Tenn , if in town this week in the interest of his patent “grub-puller. ' If we know any tiling about sprouts, [and we think we do,] this is a machine everv farmer should own. RISING FAWN. ON THE FLY. Geo. Cureton has built a now yard fence. T.mnsiord Fricks lias gone to Athene to attend the State univfer -ity. Walter Cureton left last week to enter the North Georgia Agricul tural College at Dahlnougu, Ga. Jim Hall says its cheaper to buy a knife ‘ban to win one at quoits. The business men of Rising Fawn see:n to be well pleased with the outlook for the fall trade. A. If. Hall has bought tlie For ester house and lot which he is re pairing preparatory to putting up a stock of family groceries and furniture. Mrs. J. R. Allison returned from Dalton last Saturday. Jim says he is done hatching. Tne butchers and the town an • fa thorities have been at outs, but all is now amicably arranged. Ad Higbfitld, an industrious and worthy young man,died here Mon day mornitig and was buried at Byrd’s Chapel Tuesday. He leaves a young wife to mourn his loss. W. F. Pickle has moved out of the hotel and lias gone to work sel ling pianos and organs fo- Omo hundio & Cos., of Chattanooga. Mr. Pickle’s musical falant acquired at the Rising Fawn singing school will serve him well in his new business. Watch *out, young ladies! R. P. Tatum is using the meat-skin remedies upon the barren part of c ran in m. John G. Hale says he, wants to buy a small farm in the country and go into the chicken business. Mr. Barker, our enterprising young morehant, killed a squirrel Monday morning and now enters the list against all local sportsman. . Strayed. From Deer-Head Cove, Aug. 18, one light hay horse mule, about 15 hands high: 10 or 12 years old, with roan head and white saddle marks on each side of hack and white scars on fore legs. Any in formation sent to the below ad dress will he thankfully received, or auv one taking up and notify ing me will he paid for trouble. Hi gh O’Neal, Shaw, Ala. Jackson county. An Interesting Debate, Last night the debating society met ot the court house as usual and discussed the subject: “Resolved, j.hat Robt. E. Lee displayed a superior military genius to George Washington.” Messrs, B. T. Brock, Gor-lan Tatum and J. G. Jacowav spoke upon the affirma tive and Messrs. J, L. Case and B. E. Tatum were upon the negitive side of the question. The decis ion was rendered in favor ot the affirmative. A large audience was in attendance with a goodly num ber 'lk' ladies. Several came down from Rising Fawn, which was greatly appreciated by the society. Mr. Gordan Tatum was the hap py recepient of a nice bouquet. However, after the audience had dispersed, and while Gordan was attending to his duties as secretary the members kindly appropriate his large bouquet which was di vided up into numerous button hole adornments. The young men are encouraged and the society is on a real boom. Every Thursday night the pub lic may be regaled by a liberal ex hibition of eloquence at the court house. WATER works* Wett of Trenton, upon 'the side of Sand Mountain numerous springs sufficient to supply the en tire town with water. A pipe laid from one of these springs would run the water into Trenton. v\ ho will be the man to supply Trenton with water? Locat Market Report CORRECTED Wf.KKLY. Meal 80c per bushel. Sugar, Gra Mated 10 lbs.p rtifl.OO “ Extra O. 18 Coffee, Arbuekle’s SOcper lb. Green 4 lbs SI,OO. Corn 70c per bushel. Pouches 50c per bu. Apples 3oc per *' dull. Flour §B.OO $8.20 s*4o per 100 lbt. Better 15e per lb—dull. liggs 10c dor doz. Leaf Lard 10c per lb. Hams, Sugar cured 13c per lb. Meat, short dear side lie “ Dried Beef 15c “ Syrup N. O. O- 50c per gal, Rice Japanese 12lbs for $1..G0 Prices given on country produce are both buying and selling prices of merch ants. GEORGIA, DADE COUNTY M. P. Massey '•. Dixie Massey. Libel for Divorce in Dade Superior Court March Term 1891. •■'m —— It appearing to the court by the return r.l ’be Sheriff in the above seated case tout the lea n taut dona not rc.-ide in said conn tv. and itfnther appearing ill it -lie does nor rV'aidr in said state. it s t hereto re ordered by the court that servii e he perfected on the defend - mit hv f -e publication of iliis order once a month tor lour month* before the next term oi 'llia court, l'lii- M iHlh 091 Tho-. vv. r.lti.stiii, ,r. s C. C. G. W. IT. .% J. FT .J ACO tv AT, !Tff* Atl’ya Georgia I:u1e COtiiuy. I certify that the idiove, is a tme transcript tiken from the min uter of Hade Superior (yiurt m the case there in -tated. Witness my hand and real of dffc.e This May 6th IS9I. (SEAT) ‘ S. 11. 1 lit I.MAN, U, S. C, GEORGIA, DADE COUNTY Nancy Graham vs. James Graham Libel for Divorce in Dade Superior Court March Term* 1891. it to the crurt'hy the return of the sheriff in the above stated run-, ti nt the defendant does not reside in said county and i further appearing that he does not reside, in UiiStnte. 1 1 i* therefore ordered h- thecoiiri that si i vice h perleeted on the d' ienusnt In the puh'i' Htion of thi orderouce a month for IViiivtti on tits before the next term of this court. 1 h.s .Vlarch l9:h 18S1. Titos. VV. Milnkk. .1. S. C. U. C. W U. & I. I*. I ACiIWAY. lM’fls At Geo tiia D.ide Ceiintv—l eertify that tha -hove is n true tr-in-crfpt trom the minutes of Hade Superior i ourt, in tboeas>- therein s f nted 'V trv'ss my hanii aud seal cf office. This' M.ty 6th 18.11. sK.v 1.. J fe. H. TnntMAN, C, 8. C. GEORGIA I)A1)E COUNTY Will le sold bokne ihc cour f house <l<to> ■ >i he town <>i Trenton in said count? onilu fi; >t '1 nci-duy in October IS9I within me its.**! h"iir <>l sale ine t".• 11 wOig describee yi-opcrty to wil: Town lot.uu.ti4 in the tntySil IT nton. 1v ed on as the prngiertv ol Geot/D Davis to sat My a li la issued iiomtlie Jus P •ont t fol t lie 9601 Ii Dist ngaist the said Geo p li e is and in favor ol Isaac Craig *r Property poin.c I out. by plaintiff Tenant in po-sosion notified l-evy made hy W H Smith i. C aud turn, and overto me ThisAngnst 3tsr iS9! W A liVRr, sheriff GE O RGIA .DADE COU NT Y. To the Superior Court of Said Countv. The petition ol K. I> Dnvis, Wm. -Tittle Thos. Tittle .Juliii Clark, J. it jMchollum Jonn I’. Foxvler, Henry J. Wolf. 0, J, Chambeis and David TittlcVhoweth that gietitions desires to be incorporated and made l> >d\ politic. and corporate under the lav.* of Onoigl under the corpoi ate i. une of 1 he l>a"e t (.Peg" ( empaii \ The oliiect of *lje e<>n niat.on i- to erect a good college building ta operate a first < ln-. . high -eltuol, or c. liege to t .k• stm h in such elitei pi i.- o.s P lionet s desire- to *.t:< r.rpo'-." to for a term ol twenty years with the p iv.l g id -r' • w I a- i. :tei i- can ' e lose n der tl e -of tin- j st ite. I'uey .le-i’C the corporation o too tie- IK> or ot seeing and bei .g -ue !. to !■ .ve ;md u-1* a comno n seat and to have -. .-s n to m ike -ueh bj I Ill's, rule- ond ion • as it wishes binding on it- inomhe,- ■ r .1 ■ -istaut. wMh the law* of Uds state, : United States, ''lid to Ter, ■ mend and I' dll! the sun i* at plea - u re. '1 li > t it in a\ Id vc now. i to relit, lea-e. pure-base mid hold such real and personal pre| arty s may tie necessary for the legitimate pm poses of the corporation as lor securing debts to it. and to of it at tdeasuro And that it have'power to elect such i Hirers, inanigsis, dilector* or agents | as it desires and to do all such nrs as me nee- ! essa y lor the legitimate execution ol its pow- j ers and the carrying ont 01 its purposes. Petitioners desires the capital -tuck of said company to lie five thousand dollars divided nto shares often dollars each with the privi lege ol increasing tlte capita! stock to .twenty thousand dollars They de*;re the office and place of butiness ot said cor] oration Morganvilie, in the county of Dad, s.u I state Petitioners pray that they may li made .a j Cody corporate and |>oiitic under the name n- j aforesaid. That itii- peti* ti may he lecorded J by the t Iri k of the Superior < oust of sard ■ county nlid that the sane may l>e published <n . ihe “kt.ate i.l Dade News a public g. Z' 'e of -aid court* ol Dmb * nee a week for our month a id afterwu.ul Che court will |e,iß- an order ilr r aritig said applica ion granted And |ieii lionejs will evi.t pray etc. J. J*. .)< oway , Pl’t’l’- Atty Georgia, Dade Count): IcertiP that tire above is true copy ol a petition filed ia m. Iliice as :>|>| ears id record therein. I bis August I9tb U9t, 8. 11, Thurman. < . 8. C. GEORGIA DADE COUNTY. W 'll be sol*l at ti e court house door in the ton 11 l Trenton raid count) within the lepriti lours of -.ale on the Ist Tucm ' .y i:. t'vtobjr. 1891. tile -following described j>i< •; > * rtv 10-\Y’t: Ninety j c>*> more or li sid iot < f land No iRf In tbe Id'll distiicl and4til section ,and ~u icouti • v except the niiiieiul iti'ejest. it lieinir tin mu'fewest and wist i n l l of aid lot. Levied oi to satisfy :v t.\ fi la. issued by ' W I'liglies. V C {• r ssid coutity T J i.uui|i kin a a cut of Mrs M W Lumpkin. for stafi and . minty taxes t the year U‘JO.;ed in as ilio piopertv of Mi, Ji W I.i ni| kin, properly pointed out by T -1 i tunpkin nsem, Also will I c sold at ilie* same *i lie and plm hlMlsen aid town lets No; i7 :.nd IS in block No-iii in u Lnaland City said county front; u’ II m b ii ' n Vermont avetiue and rurtuinyr back wist. 144 lei itoa I w die loot alley Lev id on to sal siy iloee lax fi la’s issued Lv i. iW .llujrli sT fi toe li;ii]e cooniy ior stale and ■ I’uii'y taxes foi ihe >asi l£<Vi, two of ih i . II !S boiiiK issnid akuinst X .1 Lumpkin and ibe Ollier T I Lumpkin ,y;i nt N J buys piopeiiy levied idi a- the property or 1.1.111) km and ponded out to ti W liushis. I. tenant in possession nutitind This, tun al tt lb#l, W J. 15y ul Jtwiß OPENED! gzrr hf> Largest and most care fully SELECTED BTOC K Just received for the fall trade. Iu Dress Goods, we ore tent tho best assorted stock and the most beautiful designs ev er brought to Rising Tawn. HATS AND SHOES, to suit the most fastidious. -*A FULL LINE OF F'amily . G* x* ccerie sb kept constantly on hand. HALE & CANTRELL, Rising Fawn, Ga -BARBER SHOP FIRST:. CL.TSS :■ WORK. C. W. McCANN, Rising Fawn, - - Ga. Dr, J. W. Russey, Physician and Surgeon . Rising Fawn, - - --•- Georgia. ■ L '<P BEN T. BKOC'K Att'y-at-Law TRENTON - - - - GEORGIA Prompt ittention'to all husinesf m intrusted to him. DR >S Fam t DENTIST, RISING FAWN, - - - GEORGIA Work Guaranteed. Visits made where Necessary. Case HOI TRENTON (>. ■ NEW AND FIRST-CI . Only oiip hundred and far, to Sulphur Water. J.A.CASE Proprietor. HR. E. i; KETCHERSfiE. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Trenton, Ga. Office up Moire over Cureton Store Subscribe for the Statk Of I)ad> JyEWS. IfiATENTSt A pamphlet of Information and op Mr* ■a street of the laws, show mu How (B Jg Ba Obtain Patents, Caveats, fMA, Marks. Copyright*, sent . fr yJV MUNN A OO .ART** ’ W T HUGHES Heeler* Htj. Dry Goods Clothing Shoes, groceries and GENERAL BECRH ANISE Keeps Hie best Line ofConfectionaries will seller/ s cheap as can be bought iu Trenton. A trial is all j ask. Store at crossing of 11R on church Street BUILT on lIONR THE LIGHT RUNNING Sal inlies the Most Critical! THE MOST POPULAR SEWING MACHINE OF THE DAY. It is ihe Standard of Excellence And has no Equal. Twenty*!!< e ears f the most onvi* oils competition hits proven the Light Hanning “D'blEIC” Sewing Ma chine to be far superior to any other, Sold by W T Hughes MS A. Ctmillffl TRENTON GEORGIA DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE carries the Largest stock of Clothing and Shoes ever brought to Trenton. Fllll HASH I DUPLICATE JCII.\TTA\OIH)A PULES/ , f.j i* Zifa fa" <* oi iC^ n iIW &icsgx e y A FOOLISH IDEA A rainbow with n of gold at the end. There is a rainbow for the afflicted far better than golJ id disease flits ere it touches tha blood, appetite return#, sweet, lax.- is Lght, cheeks blossom and life is worth living after taking W • W • c* Woolridgt's Wonderful Cure Co s., Go. Birmingham, Ala., February 1, 1880. GENTLEMEN! Last spring I -was broken down and suffered greatly from general debiltt* •wing to tke close attention and hard w >rk I had gone through th f past seasm, fn ?he ei>adty and accountant for the Drenr.on Mercantile Cos. 1 was advised bVa friend t“ P trr medicine and can cheerfully say that its -ffect upon me was truly wonderful; I feel as strcmVSS wall as if I had taken a six months vacation. I believe it to be a wonderfully c’ood tonic Yours gratefully, J. p. PHILLIPS. .. For role by *ll druggiitt. Manufactured by Woolrldge’s Wondbrfnl Cr 0L Cck-wmbus, Ga. . . . ... _ ' v * Co^rigkiy THE OLD PLANK SIGN. Mow many times when a boy have you wasted ammunition on an old sign bM by the roadside, returniifg from the hunt? You can’t say, nor do vou remeabar having seen a hoard with the above letters \V. W. C. This medicine was not saving lives and warning blood poisoned people of its virtues then, as now. SMa diseases, Blood Poison Eczema, Pad Sores. Scrofula, etc., begin healing with firrt bottle. _ _ _ Birmingham, Ala., January 9, UOO. Wcoinage's Wonderful Cur* Cos., Columius, Go. 3 ' • (f l.nii.kmkn-.—Last fall, from some, unksowi cause, I had sores of a most distressing and paint ul Kind break out nil over ray haiids and body, Mv limbs swelled and iravo nfc great The sores were exceedingly unsightly and 1 was indeed an object of pity. I began taking W.Wjl.’ and belort taking one bottle 1 call myself cured. 1 • •. e vou entire liberty to use this as yom see At. * ' GUS. KURNIKEJt. For sale by all druggists. Manufactured idee’g Wouderful Cor* Colcmbvs, Ga. , , V* SOLD ON MERIT DOMESTIC umill f! 4 OiI!GlTIC