State of Dade news. (Trenton, Ga.) 1891-1901, January 22, 1892, Image 2

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STATE OF BADE NEWS. PUBLSHED KYKRY FRIDAY ISBN T. BROCK. Publisher FRYDAY JANUARY 15 TH 1892 Terms fI.OU per year in advanc .jw—wwin t In March for the best evening dailies, the Atlanta Herald should never be left out. No one can kick at Livingsten’s record in cengress, up to date. Ho is indeed a (sur)prise box. That Chattanooga Mineral Dist •xhibit, foundered on the tri-State problem, just ae we thought it would,. Xvan P. Howel should first have a power of attorney before attemp ting to deliver the Georgia Democ racy over to little Dave Hill. Our ssteen ed frienu of the North Georgia Citizen gets tony occasion ally and fails to mail hii paper for three or foar weeks in suceeseion. The last number of the Sequa chie News is evidence to eonvict the editor el posessing anew pair of scissors, unsparingly used. f There is a young lady who fol lows the fashions so closely, that she will not eat oysters unless they are scalioped-Chatiooga News. Jfor eggs unless they are shirred. We do not believe one third the alliancemen in Dade countv, tavor a resolution bindiag them to vote for ne man whe is not willing to ■wallow the Ocala platform. A Tenn. edditor speak* of Gov Bucbannan loaning the Govern ment his atanding army in ease of •vrar with Chili. A few shots from the coal creek miners, might develop that Buch’s. was a running army. The Allianceman, a * twspapar published in Atlanta, charges two Suprema Court Judges ot this mat* as baing “inordinate rum drinkers’ and defieß anyone to refute the charge. If earnestness counts for anything, thara saama to ba soma thing in the charge. It will soon ba in order fcr th e candidate to put forth his claim for an office. Because a iaan is po vr and needs the office is no reason lie should receivoour ballots. If a an didate is poor and vet competent to fill the office he should be elected, but if ha is not competent we sheuld donate to bis needs and let him get out ot the field competent officials is the foundation of a solid govern ment- national or municipal. Request tl e next grand jury to reccommend the building of two bridges across Lookout creel. A SOLEMN EDICT When the county alliance pass ed the test oath resolution at Ris ing Fawn last Saturday it threw down the gauntlet to all opponents ta the Ocala platform. It will draw a line between the conservative and Ihe “whole hog” element of .lie al liance in Dade co; it will draw political lines the result of which we far will not be fo the best inter est of the alliance. Many who have posed as honest endorsers of the Ocala platform when the test is put in this wav, will fail to toe the mark. Just why this resolution strikes at county officers who in no possible maimer c*.tld aid in pro curing desired legislation we are lin able to Roe. la it from partisian mo tive* that the Dade county alliance wishes the n ost insignificant office filled oy an endorser of the OcaU platform? Does the same spirit of partisan-ship which putan un<x perienced person a? judge upon r. bench, guide Dade's alliancemen? When the alliance aeeks only what would promote the wel rare of the order’ it is nonparr ■ m b it when it grasps at things it does not nerd, it mav fall far short of i.s calculations Some featuies of the Oeaa plat form are undemocratic and if it i i e jrailieof alliance in Di de coun ty to pay fcal thy t* the Ocala prin ciples, it is high time fcr the dun ocrats ef Dade to organize in Ab l-ncennd against this new enemy. NOT DEAD Roofe Moore walking the Earth In May of last year Roofe Moore col. was hanged at this place. I' will be remembered that Vlooie' neck was eot broken nevertheleo he was pronounced a very de;n man by the physician*, as wU by others who saw him after he was taken down from tha scaffold. Friends of Moore brought a wagon across the mountain from Ala. in which to carry his remains to Jack son county. After the wagon left this place no one knew what bfcame of Moore’s body. Now comes the intereeting part of this aiticl*. Sev ral persons claim to have seen Roof* Meore walking about the streets ef Bridgeport just as if he had never had been hug, av a peculiar enlargement around the neck, caused by the rope after the springing of th* trap. Wrn Hn derson who formerly worked at Cole City, it is said has seen Moore and proposes to point him out o all unbelievers. It is claimed that in cresting the mountain on the day of the hanging, Roofe came to life again under cuieful attention of his friends FROM SHILOH. Mr Me Gee’s and John Miles’ families are all down with La Grip. T. W. Higdon has his mill fin ished up in good shape and is ready to grind com and saw logs, so bring in your logs. Mr Stineman of Ohio, Mrs H. K. Barton’e father, is here on a two weeks visit, He likes the climate and contempiatee moving on the mountain, Miss Hattie Wooten of this place and Me. Bryant of Jackson county were joined in marriage by Capt. Countise Jan. the 13 th. May they live a long aad prosperous life. Born:- To Mr and Mis Buddy Wilkinson recently a fine 9 lb boy. Mother and baby getting along nief ly aod grandpapa Willie Moore has aDout recovered from the shock. Grandpa eavs he is not going to work on the road* any more if he is under 45 years of age. At the residence of Wm Loch, Mias Tillie Long, formerly of Tul liihnma, was joined in marriage to John Payne, aon of Tno, Pavne Sr, of DoKalb co. on Thurs. Jan 14th by the Rev; .T.C.Bays of Trenton Ga. The ceremony was performed in the presence of the family and a fow friends. Miss Tillie came to this place last July and taught a! successful term of school, during the time she hn3 made her hom at Wm Loch’s. She is r most estimable young lady, of very lovable and af fectianate disposition and the cen tral figure of the circle in which she moves. Mr John Payne ia a well known young farmer and ia an exemplary man, courteous and affable ; posassing many noble qua lities ef heart and mind and one •f the m© t industrious young men of DeKalb co. At 11 oelock the bride and giooni took theii respective po sitions, presenting a moat pleasing picture. The bride was unattended. The Rev. J• C. Bays spoke the words that, made them man and wife. Congratulations were in order after which some time was’ihm sumtd m singing. At a suitable hour the new married couple left for Mr.He nr> Payne’s, brother of the groom where a bountiful dinner was prepared for them. The guest withdrew, wishing tne happy coup le a long an, prosperous journey through life. Pedro. c;EOK(;l A BALE COUN IY. Jo all whom it may concern. M A.B I it*m having in proper form ppiied to me for permanent letters of ml min istratiou o the eMate of Joseph <0)8 man late of said c unty- his is to cite all and singular the creditors and nex 1 kin of said deceased, to be aiiu appeal a. my office within the t e allowed b law and show cause if any >ktT ean why pel maneut letters of admit -a non should not be gran id to M, A. B Tatum en Joseph Colemans estate. Wit n, utv hand and ofliciul signatnr t!;is 21st day of Dec. 1891. J A BculcU Ordinary • —THE BEAUTIFUL— * p Shortest aid most direct line to CHATTNO H A R RODSBU RG L F X I TON* mh r- FR VNKFGT Cincinnati, Birming ham, Meri da n, NEW ORLEANS, Jackson, V'icksbnrg & Shreveport, Wi* 1 1 P ni an Bondior, Buffet find Sleeping Cars. Close connections made Nirth hou ml ■ ith TIIROUG CAR Lines for Knoxville, Ashvill, Lvn- j durg, Richmond, Norfolk, Raleifh, Charlotte, Willming, Colnm{)ia, Chaleston, Ri Anto, Macon, ah, Brunswick, and Flordia. ONLY 11 HOURS Chattanooga to Tmsm ' THE -STATE OF FADE NEWS” Is lhe 0 rial organ ot I>A DA OUNTY And is the only paper published in tke county* * * V c —- C) .\ id one O —in PER YEAR, IN A DYANOE i * *** ii O . : 1892 we >♦ ot |0 get out the best paper DadeeShuty has ver had. As an uclvei'tiSinp; MED'IU M in DacLe t a tty THENEWB e*nnot ►e excelled. It is read inal ost every home in the county and ha an extensive circuit! tion elsewhere. Subscribe For m IEB A. r r ON CE \h T ■ BROCK. J^ublisher. CINCINNATI With through trains and no change yia the famous high bridge * and through the beautiful Blue Grass rigion of Kentucky. Direct connection made in Central Union Depot Cincinnati for all points in the • North-West- North an:; East. ■4 St.. Louis, Chicago, Cieveland,Buf falo, Niagara Falls, Canada, New York, Bostnu, New England Cities and the Summer Resorts of the North and East. Direct connections made at NEW ORLEANS Without omnibus transfer for Houston, Galveston, Austin, Tex ' as, Mexico, and -California- Direct Connections via Shreve ! port to Dallas. Ft. Worth, Denni- Ison, Arkansas. Indian Territory, Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, Mexico and California. Eor rates, correct county maps an u full information, call on R:8 Rogers, agent, Trenton, Gu., or address. 'S Bnrrett. Trav Pass nj ent > Chat" anoog* DJ Mullany biv J:.t m ! C. C. Harvey, I>. P. Edward. Viee-Prest. G. P.&TA, cincinn/ n, O -lUMBM- a Enterprise Mi’ig Cos MTOMCMIitS anddcaleis in SASH. rOORSAN BINDS COFFINS, FURITURE PICKETD Scroll vVork ‘ —ROUGH AND— Xj'CJMBEH. We Discount Chattanooga PRICES. X \Jl bill*, payable to W. H. Bowman, Mngr. Trenton, Georgia BUILT ON HON (JR THE LIGHT RUNNING Satisfies the Most Critical! THE MOST POPULAR SEWING '.MACHINE OF THE DAY. It is th* Standard of Excellence And has no Equal. T wentysfire years . f the most enri> ous competition has proven the Light liuiiHi g “DOMESTIC” Sewin - chin* to b far superior to any other. ►‘■“jold by YV T Hughes THE NEw MODEL A perfect Machine Writing 82 characters. REMODELED AND IMPROVED, GOOD MAf'TFCT.T'BR. Th. best standard Typewriter is the VYorlJ. Inexpensive, Portable, No Ink Ribbon, Interchangeable Type in ail Languagts, Easiest to learn and rapid as any. AGENTS WANTED 'Everywhere. ARKANTED AS REPRESENTED. This Machine is every bod}'’a friend Everybody should' {save their writing done on the Typewri ter. It always insures the' 1 most prompt attention. Address, NATIONAL TYPEWRITER COMPANY 10 Temple Place, Boston,Ma s " v . MB SOBIS OTOOI The Spring term of this school will open on Monday, ti e 18th day of January 1892 TUITION JTir t grade, per n onth one dollmr Bfc®nd8 f c®nd „ „ one dollar fifty eeats s hlrd ” ” two dollari AJI tuition Payable at the (dose of each month j_nsrumental music g§3*oO per month INCIDENTAL FEE FOR WHOLE TERM, 40ctsIN ABVANCB- Board can be had at reasonable rates. For further information, address JNO. M.wATSON Princira* SOLD ON MERIT' DOMESTIC * • :.Tv v -ri '/■ -ir.i >. y l ■ V v ' * j 4 lOIIE^TI HALL TYPEWRITER , ■ > ~ A -,v -- ■ ; ' •- ' ‘ .i’ 'v. : D_. i - n - . r . -•. : f' ' v;• v •“ * . • \ , .* . , ■ •. f . V ... . . * * * /. ■ ** • s*. O. Box 5159