State of Dade news. (Trenton, Ga.) 1891-1901, September 01, 1893, Image 2

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STATE OF DADE l.tftS. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY Terms SI.OO per year in aovanck When our aubacript-iou* arc i m paid in advance rale- are (Pi V(> *>♦ year, and G 5 cents (or six hit. iicrlio.lut Cliurch Hurt Mid 40' iina > >n •svol montli, preaohlnir liv Kov k k. T 1 .1- fflll. t*rtt r p mi'cting .'vcrr Thuis '-. i. vt Odiiuty 4111nniti'dO'ets m; ' In. • in Jhouiuv, Aitril. Ini) mill *•-*.•>• ■. . Bit*l President. W. Tiyla.9> t" Fine Grove Church (R pri**) V.- hi> * •very #rl Sunday it 11 n m. ■< i : • :.••• i |in aching nt Bo'clock t> m " t{> \ ■ or *•' Pastor. Dade Superior Court meats Sr<! ’’or.'. i ilaruli tool Souiembcr. Steve Ryan has been discharged from enstoday by Judge Chirk, Who did not believe from th j evi dence that Ryan had withheld funds from the receiver. This ends ft noted case and Steve Ryan j is at last free. Congressman Livingston has prepared a bill which he will in troduce in Congress for a sub treasury at Atlanta with a $5,000 for establishing it; also the ap pointment for elvrke and a diree tor at a salary of $4,500. Torn Watson ought to find out when Livingston is at. Those who would b ad ns hack to silver money—“the dollar of our daddies” should know that fron the foundation of this gover ire nt prior to IS7 > only 8,000,000 silver dollars were put in circulation and since 1878 that amount has bee increased 007,000,000. Wouldn’t i ir daddies open their eyes at these figures? Judge Maddox made one of his eh ft fact eristic speeches in t'migres against the unconditi. na r> s ■• a! of the Sherman act. Our Congressman is a i;yej man out and out and he didn't h *s itale to say so. Ilis terse el ence to Mr. Cleveland, wav o’ do ing the thing indicates iha l tli Judge does not stand in awe •! the administration ire. Altogether, the sppech of Judge Maddox' tearless and manly pice off oratory Even tbop.* who hold to the opposite view can take no exceptions to th frank manner in tvhich lit* expresses his sentiments. I Some ph; If, in tin •’■sal for iftee and unlimited cod <n oi sil ver think tin ; v.wiilr I V a fea . pationof (heir hieln t hope f r i the wiii'e metal of ibis on tr\ ' would oniv trevt *dlv ras f •'y n France has done Well, F nee .has sloo,ooo,ooomore of goii! th oi l of silver and she keeps her silver upon a parity with gold by redeem ing her silver in gold. Site wvs forced *o suspend the tree and un limited coinage of silver in order to maintain *bat parity. Now, we have $! ],COOJ.OO more silver than of gold and have reversed the v-i v poliov o| France cited. Figures do n it always hear nut assertions. Office Holding a Profession. I i Office holding in Anv'rica ha? gotten to be a profession . as much ?)8 that ot law, medicine or c jvil I engineering. It is true that if { r •< **< not Inquire the same training I tor lipwi’iv every man who aspires 1 to an office thinks it was ordained f that he should fill jf, and when I once he gets in , all other considcr- Intiqns are subordinated to devices to enabie him to k ep it. He un dertakes to “hoim stead” <ti rhe plane, and considers jt a direct af flout if anybody < lex- should aspire thereto In a short mue he be gins tt think that he has a pro prietary interes* in the office, and defnatids not to he disturbed. Jvspedjnily is this true in local and mutileipel offices. ,*\ man i so eel ed to Svitiu/ small position, heat mice ec insiders thal lm is in for life, aid ton often he mes the cilice m e.Mci dirig !h\oi> in men .who are !ih< i\ to la,- u-ct til ’o him when it m>is 1 inn• tor lve•election. " S' < ire of these fellow? is defeated , h ;! ji st Sits down uuietly and waits tor : !•• flay of m.othc-i <■!*•- t: ill in < uani amt tr ; e it rtrain. 01 urn Twenty-five and Ten. At the Commissioners ootid here last Monday, C ddron Martin, 001. was triad upon a charge of disor derly c< nduct. Judge Crabtree testified to see ing Caldron spit in the Sulphur spring and the tacts showed it was a malicious and filthy piece of ‘ business Judge Crabtree appear ed also as prosecuting aMorney and as a tribute toh s legal ability the (i mmsssioners enteied up a t ne of twenty-five dollars and ten days on the sirt.-t sgaiimt det**ndant. It was right and the community tenders thanks. Gordons Speech on the BiM Below is a.i ex l a speech oi • > (. r , rc-p* ai .11 i. f’*. i itiui. i.i i dearly outlines his positio . Bill I wish to descend from gen eialries to detail. What are wo going to uo'wi'h the Sherman law? We promise . to repeal P and witli ourning authenma at Chicago we denounced i: as “ a cowardly make shift fraught with possibilities of hanger." Has it become less dan gerous now? Why halt between opinions? Why hesitate be tween conditional or unconditional repeal? If the friends of bimetal lism (of which this senate con t.dns no more ardent advocate than myself) have strength enough to place conditions upon the repeal ing bid will not that same strength r-urfiee to establish bimetallism by a separate bill? But aie we bur dened with the apprehension of disagreement among ourselves to die rati.) winch silver should bear o g"Ui? \\ by should there be .ny greater danger if such disa gf <’in nt be'ween the friends of in i’ -m .*■ r than before re* b fV V •i , i . ii !ia‘ e sued) a;p re iv o iv . i do mb fear th ■ 1 •it a lis n .. gii r because he ■ mao MW dies. I'ba. law is no* ne trien i but tno insidious tor* oi iim*tu.lisni. Asa friend oi bo o m**>als, as a firm believer in 1 1 e u.ti triumph of ihe bime talie cause, confident of its vitaliz ing influence upon ihe languish i• • u indneLiies ot the country; with unshaken faith in its power, its vigor, I biul almost said its immor ta if;, for it is immortal if this re public is immort -l, reijposing, with almost r.-iigious faith upon the matchless wisdom of the men who trained litis urtmaled government and m tie bimetallism a corner st ne in its constitution, firmly entrenched in such convictions, I cannot share the apprehension that tiie life of that cause is either to be .ost or shortened bv tha* sap. oer oi public confidence called Hu She mi an law. While we df*lay , the condition of the whole country gums more and move alarming. In the m un tune, while uei,.y, southern cotton is seeking a market vvitn tew buyers, except foreign houses or their agents and thy price has fallen far below the cost of produc tion. In the meantime while we delay, the unhappy growers of that, grmit staple, with hope almost gone and treading on the very verge ut bankruptcy and despair, are imploring us to rak„ some ac fion and without delay. Sir stand* login me deep shadows of those in:pe .ding and immeasurable dis asters. 1 canu'j'. consent to vote t r any mens ire which involves additional delay. Ihe proposed amendment must liect ssarii v causa great delay, because the other branch ot congress is committed against it. I cannot there!ore, for Unit reason only, support, that amendment. The inaj. ri’v bill tor repeal means no del , . i. tie other branch of congress is u,. repehl, I, th ueLore, lor that rea son, support it. •Bin we arc asked ifu, ciudi'i on i repeal will tnng relief. 1 answer, tuat in the opinion ,>f those who! usually lend money , iui who now j hoard and l.ide it, ;im l f think in m the opinion of the -eat major-! ify of the people, repeal xv j|| bring epeeiiy Mini q. ici relief. Cob ( i|j i TlaliC a Brvult; An employee of the Dade Coal Company was in town this morn ing and reports an attempt by a number of convicrs to make an es cape. One convict was shot to death and the riotous zebras brought to submission. N ne o! Ihe guards were injure.!. Detail are not obtainable at pesent but it is supposed some ot the old and daring leaders were at the head oi the movement A . mqu u li. oyer ibe bou, oi the dealt couvie . V.W iSS. ’ hi*. tlie o . • ibh A, r ai> - * li riff ■ - ■ (IEORUIA I).-! (> jeon nt v : Will he sold b. inr-. th'* eon t bouse door i; tin* town of Trenton, in said county, on ' tie first 1 uesdaV in S"pt.„mber m-Xt within the legal hoursof sale the f Rowing described property to wit: ‘ A certain piece of land m the town ot Trenton county* desenbed a* follows; Com mencingat the south westcqrr.erot theJ- F, Sells or George Moore lot on the A* G- W R R* running east 20 and A degrees south with the south line cf said Bells lot fifty-six rods to a stone corner at the bluff east ot Town Creek, thence south 20 de grees west sixteen rods to a stone orner, thence west 20 and i degrees north fifty-six rods to the AG S K R, thence north along said rail.- . sixteen rods to the beginning cor ner* containing six acres or M ! css. L"vied -s th*- ... m ■>. j Sadie F, 8.-oek to ti>-; . .. jrag" fi a issued ir-.'tn *l. Miperior ' f count iu favor o f 1 S.R -e ;.'*. & I sga:;;Tl S;dl!e F B’vek. Hop r. ( i; * ru. Sheriff. (lEt>RGla Dad- county. Will he sold before th court house door in the 'own of Trentcil, said county, on the first 1 nos<l.iy in Septem l " i within the h <rn ; hours of highest for casli. tlic following inscribed property to wit: Lot of *id No. one hundred and idtia-tecr, ( ll9)in the 19th distrh t and 4th section, and one U divide ' half inte -c t in I<>( of land N0.(5(,0 ’lie 11th dis trict and 4th section all in Dade county Georgia. Levied oo as the property of T .1 Lumpkin to sat isfy a .fust ice court fi fa in f tvn ' of (ioodall, Kite Si James, vs !'. J. Lumpkin and J. A. Lise Si Son a" indorsers. Proper, ‘v pointed out by PK fs .-u one- . Lew made by J. I'. Woulbn .'ht, L C. and turned ovei u ■ Also at 'he sani " • • lot of land No>. h ; t all in the IfJtli section of D oh • i<nl on as ile n ' , .‘u 1 ! Lumpkin to satisfy a ‘ax - favor of G W. Hughes Tax t >!- lector, against said T. J. Lun.okm for stare and county hix for the vepr L vv made and re turned *o tns by J. T. Woolbrigl f , L. C. Pr >pertv pointed out bv T. J. Lumpkin. This Aug. 9rh 1894 j R nr, Carter. Sheriff. Atl9itinittMlor'< SaSe. GEORGIA Dade Countv. Rv virtu'* o' an orI*• from thn court of Ordimrv of a'd conntv. f will on the fil’d Tuesdav in Sep tember next, IWor j the court hnue door in Ihe town of Trenton. aid fomitv. W'Oiin th * lgal b mis of s i e. expose for sale t,o M>n high csf bidder the following d*> cri!: real e?ta f e belonging to the (' it ot J. A I’;io sfh • (■}!r and : /. r ’th-t part irf f|| . Jjitrie? \ f?afo farm lying north and west of Lookout. er*ek. and Iv-dng parts of lots Xo. 22'?, 224 an 1 2hju Die 10th, district aid 4th, - ecu •.a and D*de conn! v and i::oii d;ug four acres more o less sou• ii said creek and eus of the E. ii. Bales -piing luniicl and known as l in* Island, conlaii ing m ail one hundred and ten acres more or less. Faid lands being bounded on the west by the lands of E. H. Bates and the New England Com any and on the berth bv tlo land of Andrew Brown and the New Enland com pany. ieims of ,-alc—one third cash, balance in two and three years- Property to be sold for the purpose * . , 1 , * . •• ■ . ti':J i- . ill Ak(>Ai,KT E. .FoU-T, Executrix. . VOR UYST’VTSIA, Indigoetion, ;ui<l Stouiucb Ctsordc-rs, taka BIIOWXS IROX BUTTERS. s it dealer , keep it, Si per bottle. Genuine has, radii mjirii and crossed red lineaoa wrapp?- -• ' : -L J'- i ill; , ... , v* j • • - ‘ r’•? •• - • ivii i ; ih. rv ■t >■ • ' ■ ■ ■ -■■ ■ 1 m bur i'K ; '*ue|y ..:. .Vi- as ti.i* y ...ii ruuning -c ’* !*•■’ * ns in tii-. 'Scuitii", is i . to vanv ■ ■■ ’• rvbod> iMiUI ui :*,'• : i E '* ail a v. n'ic.i. . u, ut ;bc Sotii ie i'll com. ict: Ulicaieb !or f\ •ill.- I .11 Wa V t Llii II ils couu> ' I luo. . tbe i bruugii (kir kSvsteu, is an aum.ruble exposition ot Hie womHrtu! ca[>aiijiiies of American p> ii iv'aUiiig i ruin New Orleans ) hr*nigh bleeping .Cars run tiai'v, morning and evening, carrying ii- passengers via Cinciu .ia!i or Louisville, as they may se lect. From \ 0.0 , Vicksburg :ili(i Jackson iin-tber 1 broug b Sleeping Car Line comes to join and o<* oi.. , at be mavnifi cent \ <•• and Ihrougli irai n- , passing Inroiigb Biriui . ii !be famous U ills Vu-icy i.oina, is joined a! Cl. the tram frun b o ;• b-e r -a. iek , .V' i ■'. ■, w . ■ E i *v* b-a. I*; To'i nol'a iib over tie- a-utu’ifii; Cipeiun;ui nouthclT;, 11 1 r•" ■ . •. -■ g; iiu- is •, a rural scene rv an > ... attractive historicai ’■it’ "O ci, to Oakdale, l " ■ - ; magnificent l’ull coming from t u <■ ihiiiVihe iSystcin Idvtii V ;i, iB. C. through (v’oiumori, :• C.. Ihe beautiful rre ui- 11 JL aid Omimry, and Ash viile 'i . (. . and Ki)okvil!.i, Tcnn. Tlic tunc to t’hjcfigo is made so as if' a Hoc ; must convon;eni h uirs ir departures from the pi in cipal' citiosj and amvatri in Chic.a *C* • Passengers can purchase tick ts good over one line north of the RiviT, and returning via another if they desire a variable route without extra charge. Or they cm go via Cincinnati, returning via or vice versa. MUihl trip tickets on sale at reduced atd^^Oigen- of the liica.go line will on in looki g up rooms oa aeconimml itic.ii for visitors at the World’s V i.. KveT thing that oi almost perfeet -y- to 1 \ ise to l>-serve ihe prni.-e tool pat r. m:i g tof I lie travelog puhlie has been provided. Any of ilie agents of lie company named below, wili clieer fc'fv give all possibls information .mil : ". K. .G<" IIATT Neil <Tv A I)Y V'ek- >s. •: 'o ■ .a i . " / >/j • ■ • . uif’tV • I'. ft 1,--. ■ *pf . .. -U'-W* 5 - I ,i. I ' 7 : fi? f Li $ # *v • • f-.swy,! C \ S C i . - t .-'i > n- _ i j.j •„ .4 ? ■ ' 45.;. '•. rredy ( 4' f 5 ; r?J > / \ L. > . e S TtJSaan |Wrs Jj jf. * - . . . !>*>(• ntr i, ( j) uj.a *■ erty yo.iss i>.v (? . fiii.T fi.i ... v ’ hits u.,eu it > ;V \,]ii •: S'l.Tfss i.r a:l Q* j ij;-e .• fx •.iar.r<}eu. ll t ,lf ~ : ,' ' ~.i ’ ' J •" It K OMt Ht t f. \ ( ;i .. .* n .■ ;t.- i-ysin,i U*roigh it,.. n • ' tcu- % uo .-. i ■ . *■ t <•: i. .Villous a c off- 4. • f' ' ‘C X -f op v.t ' ittxjii r, /, <*otn "A ■ •• ‘ *t jz<* > o n ' • f C^’ • l•• vl iih'i i rlrgs t}.. m .* 1 , :u'i lor*:-: X •; ... . i:• y**n of 0 V ■* v t > n* ... £ a .01 1 it-- v ijsc.-jr- v h'i-i.v fi ' : r '-i4“ •; v i (/ s \r * '• i } : J IS - v. ;tL \ ■ ‘ ’" y ' j. • ■ 'w ..... r-jmm. r . . 4 •. A* • fT>Vt4 1 j A 1 11 ; is i v JSlxOT"* FIRST: CLASS WOJIA c. vv. McCann, Rising Fawn, - - - . q BEN T. liliOCK, Att'y-at-Law TRENTON - - - - GEORGIA ITompt attention to all business int rusted *o him Queen &. Crescent Route “Finest Trains in the South/' t hrough Cars t<>( ,’hicago without change, fro in ?te',/ Orleans. Meridian, Hirroingham, Chat tanooga, f.ickx.n.-i!!f, I-'l.i., Atlanta, Macon, Asheville, N. C,, ivnoxviiie, lenn., Lcxingtrai and Georgetown, Ky. Choice of routes via Cincinnati or via Louisville. Stop-overs itl lowed on ul! World's Fair tickets, at Chntu noogn, Louisviiie, Indianapolis or Cincinnati. For further information ns to Rates, Car Service. Sleeping Car Reservations, etc., call c.*i or address any agent of the Queen & Cfc*?e< it Route or E. T. V. &G. ky. I>. it. t.Dvy.Aam, G. I*. A., Cincinnati, O. THROUGH CARS TO CHICAGO. ■m vY a nun lake r ek;; Brown -ML e l c!i 1 n t ai 1 o i’s^ Suits uraue to cider in m 18,00 to $ : ,rO. Pants from $5, GO to s£'lo,oo. Goods and Avorkmansliip guaranty cd, would announce to my friends in ii . and bade county that i imve keen sifp inled manager for fhe branch house, o! the above ii ni in this city would he pi a to lm\c n>y Irionds call tosoc mo. ! an amakerlfcßrown 4 VV.Ninth 1...,.* (Julies n;' grei'* jßgggSjpv PWINLBSS DENTIST RV. fcirvy I'M'l DENTAL PARLORS a|J |T- I’RioS fchhurcj, Grauinoo-jd, Tcfui. U * Treating Aching Teeth A Specialty. * Teeth extracted without pain, by the use of Vitalized Air, mode fresh t vrr* day. Any one can take it wi ll perfect safety, young or old. Only dentists iu the South who use this painless and harmless system This office iv„> V® cated, and ail work warranted to give satisfaction. V ; “ Teeth extracted. a*. With Knamel ‘ ' ' ' * yltoltaed Air administered soe. With t;.,ld ;-75 c eelh filled with Anialgara :. A Oood set of Teetii U M "l- *' P- W ith White miiug si*: A1 iunTiininf Idates..V.. o .!!^ exim! Fsw.b troa aiiroad caa ceac in the aiorwng, actl wear their new teeth heme the same it?. F? ’•i' CKI ro &fi{% & „/* r. Li*r OVOK I iVVei' °L’Jtg *”“* leml-ra:! i,.l'V Ftfl fy} kT H J3 c ' r rs'aJJf°KKHCEA EisdCLl-ETin xto U.-vs No < * it- VI s ' ' fn Bxtw co. .■, MMXriffqVE UMPCUILMiIL Scrr.tthing New ( Icnc ke!:ded SELLS AT SlGHT idinip is safewitli out them. Nofamily secure without tin in (itJu r iri kin nur < r wiutrr. meet your Home, Wife and Children from the danger nt Keiosmte x .l"' tions, accidental upsetting ot lumps, etc. Warrnnteci to Last Tun YE4R3. .I . -II J. If ,Ag t. Lining F.-ivn til! .1 S 1’ A \,\ DEMIST, DALTON, . - . GEoh(,!\. Will visit Dade v any t tme his service? are ih sired, A ! i work Gm. ran feed. \ isifs made whore rm*t*ssnry. Fuhseribe for He* State Of Date News.