State of Dade news. (Trenton, Ga.) 1891-1901, December 07, 1900, Image 2

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STATE OF CADE NEWS. •■"BUSHED EVERY FRIDAY. * o B. T. BROCK —PROPRIETOR.— W. A, D. O’NEAL, -EDITOR AND MANAGER w MMMM ERTls>l.\- BATES. iwk.ji lmo. I! Smog. 6moß. || lyr. TuoTli#' II 4.80“ if 7:r-If 11.00 *TSO - jT3.25_ ||'_ 6.150 U 11.00 il 16.00 ~1.75 (I 4.00 !| 7.50 || 12.60 || Sl.OO'i | 3.W ii 4-50 II 8.50 |1 14,00 j| 27.50 ~4.U0 iflBA ' 25-00 || 25.80 || 5! .50 I 7.00 |j Tl.oo || *>.oo |l 55.00 II 100 ■ C f / *&. # EWS FROM PHILIPPA jord D. Ericks to lii O-110, P. 1 is n< ad isi ovo ..eve. le i danger for so on people seems very .)!y the first Twill find that ns dear, very dear for a*.® iso I for one hope van will be given an 0 extricate from the t.ion in which we were representation hero noper cau be published with tvme patronage, and every fcitizen should Le interested in keeping upV ' k railroad or fa w newspapers w im- * if tvanted for paper is cat. , , ticg. If any Oi .1 L a supper or reception any kino the newspaper is js d tw give the necessary notice. vThe news paper must puff the school* and everybody else to advance the in terests of the business men of the place, and then five them a hand some notice when they passes way . No matter what is on tapis, the pa per is asked to contribute a world of free work. And yet some of them do nothing to keep up a home newspaper. Is it selfishness or thoufntlessnesß? Wno knows? We on'y know that it is *o, and that we ever and anon feel the sting of it.—Ex. From New England. R. Richardson end family visit ed the family of Thos. Cummings Sunday. Miss Lizzie Ilnrtline of Rising Fawn is visiting her brother Ceo . here this week. R. Daniel lias moved from here to Mrs. N. M. Bropk's farm. New England is figuring on hav ing a Xmas tree here or. X’ma* night. The election here Saturday for Constable and .f. j* passed off' (*ui wtlv. It. Tj. Wilson ad !>. B. Chadwick bei R L. Wilson’s <p J'mWftr .iec.ivmg only one vote. ■ jjgjf-, Fridi/ wilt (nark lhe.tdo*'tn<T and r - of our school to the regret of the school children. Fanny, the little girl of Henry Smith, who has been quite sick with fever is improving fast. Wm. Moore formerly of this place, but now of High Point Ga. visited John McMahan^at”r< * What was said in las ' |sue, was intended fo Treasurer of the Club, but anyone tak will be furnished - and the author’s hereafter. M- " r ace,* .. a., Wils% looga Friday offl Rambler, \n TOWN, he store of Mr. a re-entered by supposedjthaf the .drels who broke in- Mon daj night are the dish dirty robbers who inhhe’same storoja few weeks But, as yet,'no clue has been eacbad to identify the gang. They succeeded in getting away with several pairs of shoes, two suits of men’s clothing, all the un derwear in flannels and a quantity of other goods and valuable arti cles which spree will not permit us to detail. The loss is estlnflated at some thing over SIOO. * Mr. Phipps of Chattanooga was 1 called up early Tuesday morning over the telephone, anckhe replied that he could not come himself, but would send Johnson with the dogs, and that be would leave Chattanooga a.CS a. in. the same morning. Quite a nwin Per of people met at the unlucky spot where the fiend ish work was done and patient I / awaited their arrival, bur n vain. Why Johnson and the do/ not arrive, know V 4 certainly doe Trenton can (8 to chi 'to so prom ,tsh * whe ' >thei em shoit fie ±bherifY of be p;ud out of th' ''lfficient a.nou. \v a couple o. them at the - liro lection of Da<. unify. * V o H SUNDAY MEETING OF'VIIIE mission ary baptist chukVh • I() CON VE .v EAT I KEN TV.>Nj% GEORGIA DEO. ‘29th an t 30Uj.l| j - Saturday morning introductory sermon by Rev. S. F. Aiken. Text : "Remember thy Creator,’’ preached in ttie interest of young men <s peciahy, 2d. Subject: Can we claim sal oon, and tv by? By Messrs. G. A. R. Bib.e S. II Tnuramn, Key. F 4 A. Beil and oi hers. • \ 3d Subject.: llow can a chris-v tian liglil In seen, iml by whom? By Rev. G. E. Bower. J. W. lfa.i ic, T. -J. Fuller and others. Sunday morning. Chiidff dressed iiy J. Y. Wood, G. ■*' * ' A Bibie and others. M M*ibhiry sermon at Li b\ Rev.*W. f HarGiue. new v.nd ni \l Mn ''l'lT : In } y\r j sue of |<Hl '.V‘e!( l n .1 ciayn'tii! :1- * .on fr m New Eii orf'd City. ign ej R \ .11 \'J • 7 • e.i Hi'* od lowing appears: “W> hope the proceeds of the box supper will not fall into the hands of tne Treasurer of the Ex-Dramatic Club.’’ What Rambler means, or what impression is sought to be made about th*. Treasurer ot the New England Dramatic Club 1 do not know, but if on attempt to impute dishonesty is the aim, 1 desire to those, usually, who ai;e,so •eddy to impute dishonesty/To otb- JackinrVti #*mej|fcy them q I do ,y who Ram- Tieith are. e Tr# the New Eng- D b *h is not respor .or to anyone * je Club will be ..'■•y.ub as it pleases, - / 'ctions from Ram j ompkin, Trea. N -E. D. C. DP VIL ITEMS. s ‘n has just been -fe lives in Ohio. . y f uit- k Hies told about I him. He made at. ct;on bet with his sweetheart, his watch ifeainst her hand, l'he girl won, is holding the watch. She ev- expected him to regain po sessr of it by marrying her; but instea '.he mean fellow drew oft and let her keep the watch. He says he had a her give her the watch than accept her hand The mean thing! An irascible old gentleman h‘ met in early life with an aceid which left him wi'h a broken ~e, a deformity about which he was known to be a little sensitive. One day anew enquirer pro pounded the old question, “How did you manage to break yojr nose? The old gentleman answered sol emnly, “To tell you the truth, mv friend, the accident was caused by poking it into other people’s busi ness.'’ I diee’t get hold of any Thnnks- turkey, and didn't have any big pinner Thursday; but I trust i am duly thankful for the fact that l tion yesteijdavyand if tile washer-1 woman dol’/catch irte but Satur- j day morni g, I’ll have meat for dinner agaiA Sunday. X'Gt can'tkeep a goo 1 man down, ev’/en it he is a newspaper man — when be knoyrs bow to live without eating. * The Light of the World Ol - Our Saviour in Art. Cost, nearly $ 100.000 to produce. o"n* tarns nearly 100 fall-page engravings of our Saviour and His Mother by the world’s greatest painter*. True copies of the greatest Maderp feces in the art ' galleries of Europe. Every picture is j : as beau'iful a- a sunrse over the bill-' ! tops. Contains description of tiie paint* lings, biography of the painters, the names and locations of the galleries in 1 Europe where the originals may be seen. P Iso contains a Child’s Department.; including a Child’s Sto y of the Chrid and His Mother, beautifully written, to tit each picture. This wonderful hook, matchless in it3 purity and beauty, ap pealsVo every mother’s heart, and in every Christian home where there are 1 cliildretV the book sells itself. Chris tian menvhnd women are making mon- '"•’•iatian j man rr worn, y ,*ph... soon orders for: Christmas presents. Mrs .Vai’e, our’ agent in Massachusetts, h.-fis sold overi $3,000 worth of ti hooks ir. a very j short; tinv . Mrs aekett, our agent, j in New s old over .$1,600 i : woyth ol the nocks in a very short time. I is pifßted on velvet-finished paM|r. t,', ; kelly bound in Cardinal |en4' snn \ Lilies. It is, without f-' most beautiful book of this Nrite for terms quickly and Vgenmat 01 thm territory. * n salary or commission, 1 it prove your success we ' you to the position 1 f amftCorres|ioni!enl, at :i per* ,nlar\*° devote your time to ug to agent 'find Vo correspond* . VS anted also a State Manager nave charge of office in Leading (\iy the State and manage all thy jjiisi the state. Send for terms ' it| res* — L.HE BRITISII-AMERTCaN CO. Corcoran Building, Oppos'd •V S 1 reasury. A\ ashi-igto.!, 1> C. CITATION NOTICE. GEORGIA, Dade county. To all whom it may concern. F.C. Mo.Keijj liaving applied to me lot permanent letters of Administration on the estate ot Jhs.. H. ,\lc iieiff, late t>i' said county doc used. This is to cite all and singular, the creditors and next ol kin ol h. McEeift to he and appear at my oil:co wltliin the limu allowed by law and show cause, it an *|iey cun. why permanent Administration t.iouh) not lie granted to F. McK*ig on James s Mi-Kelp's estate. V\ irntSj inv hand and officii! signature. This Nov. 21st 1 9<K . •I. A. Cureton, Ordinary Dado conntt. CITATION NO I ICE. GEORGIA. Dade county. Whereas John Cantrell, Guardian, ol Lucy and Elizabeth Taylor, and Guardian and exofficio Administrator of Margaret Taylor represents t,o the court in liis petition duly filed and entered on record that he has fully administered the’i estate* This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kmd—d and credi tors to show cause if any they in, why said Administrator and Guardian not be j discharged from his A minis ,n Guardi anship md receive letr *“■ -siononthe Ist Monday in Jnmi. ry Oct. 5, 190.1. J. a . ( ureton. Or. ule county, SIJERI VLE. GEORGIA, Dade coi Will be sold belore use door in the town ol Trenton county on the tirsi Tuesday in within the egal hours ol sate, bidder lor ‘cash, the following ty to wit; Twenty acres of 1 n the 18tli district ud 4th si county, the same betng the sen and said hail lot of land, and ’ worth hy the lands ol Jai"---- west by the lands o| toulh’ by the lands o .c. N. e oust by tho lands . Jus. G. G jeil on to satis fy ' ills tiers Court .oiof.l R. Alli s' against Mitch Principal, and Jus, Ilievins endorse operty pointed out l>y tines W . Ilievins rscr. Tenants in po iCssiou notified, 1 'on as the property ol James W. Blevi dov. SStli 1900. Levy madebyF.S. _. C. and turnel over to me Dec. 6th iyfX> Robt. Carter, Sheriff. SHERIFF’S SALE. Dade county. Will be sold before the court house door in the town of Trenton, said county on the first Tuesday in January 1901, within the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash t.hc following described property to wit. Fifty •acres of lot ol land No. 32 in the 10th district and 4th section of Fade county, Ga , bounded on the. north by sixty acres of land bought by J . E. Kennedy, on the west by lot No. 32 belonging to Jas. S. Kennedy ur.d on the east by lot No. 31, all in the 10th district and 4‘h section of said countv. Levied on as theprnperty of W. U. .Tacoway to satisfy a Superior i ourt li lain favored.!. (J. Morgan .Tacowav Principal, and G. W. M. Tatum security. Pmpert) pointed out by Defendant, W. i: . Jacoway. This Dec 6, 1900 Robt Garter,(Sheriff. '■ j. .. 1 ; TC? WV THE GI B V oy A STEVENS FAV9BBTE It will teach him to lead au active outdoor life in field and forest. It will give him a practical acquaintance with uatur*!. It will encourage practice in shooting, which tends to .ive steadiness of nerve, accuracy of eye. These will be valuable qualities in after life, and, above all, it will give him health. It I* nn arbitrate rifle* puts every shot jest where you hold it; is light weight, graceful in outline, ft hona fide arru in appearance and nothing cheap about it but the price. M*Ue in three calibres— .22, .25 and .37 rim-fire. Xo. 17 —Plain Open eight* *6.00 No. 18— Turret licht*..c— H. 50 No. 1 9 Lyman Sight* 9.00 Ask your dealer for the “FaTorite.” If be dccea’t keep it, vre will send prepaid bn receipt of price. Send stamp for ovr new IS2-page catalogue containing descriptions of our entire line of rifles, target pistols and combination rifles and pistols , and general information. J= STEVENS AttMf* & TOOL CO., Hex • - Chicopee Fail*, Maas. ’ Terrible Headaches r RESULTING FROM DERANGEMENT OF STOMACH, L!VER T>R BOWELS, • dVefl I*y A fjß’y Pill? “ J don’t believe o, flfjZghh there ever was so g i J 1 good a pill made 0 j * as Ayer’s Cathar- o • Tills. They gl V > will do all you ree- 0 * 'Bte jommend them for ©■ W JjFji 1 and even more. g.j {f / \ When I, have a rt\ ' i \ l cold and ache oi o front head to heels, a dose or two of 0 j these pills is all the medicine needed to ol set me right strain. For headache, they gi liever fail. 1 have been a victim ol ter- 0 1 t ilde headaches, r.nd have never found oi anything to relieve them so quickly as gj Ayer’s l’iils. Bince 1 began taking,this q“ medicine, the attacks have been less and c; less frequent, until, at present, months g; have passed Since I have had one.”—C. o F. Kewman. r>iig Spur, VO s .AYER'S PIL LS % Prize Medal at Worla *5 Fair g. Mu f.uccrfciu iMaetfw. There ir no disense tcc-c uncertain in .atoce than <s> spops’*. ’ Physician* say * he .yiupiouts: or no two nw utro" 1 * heve'oie <!;t‘rie.;li ,o moke ... -• •’B.Tosis. >*<> lion - rc. or • ehet'‘hvti;- iv.-pel l ■ 1: • ■ ,-e- n-:- - ■ " • ■ fflS A KEASAIT BIT’S BIiTIHG TAKE ALONG A Stans Favorite It 1* nr* accurate r-Je, puts every shet jut.: where rou hold it; ix llvh' #eigbt. grace fully outlined, a bona fide nrm in appearance and cohstructkrfi; nothing cheap about it but .no price. Just the thing for an outing where you want a rifle which wilt cst too nncb, but will do th<7 work. Made in three calibres—.22, ,%i and .32 rim-fire. Weight lbs. No. 17-PluJn Open Right* *6.00 .'io. IH-TurgetSlghU- H. 5() IT IS A “TAKE DOWN.’* Ask your dealer for the “ Favorite*. M It ho (focv&*t keep it, we will send prepaid on receipt of list price. Send stamp for cur nsto 132-page catalogue cnittafning description of our entire ii*e and general inform>tUun. J. STEVENS ARMS Jk TOOL VO., * Hox - • fhtcopeo Fan*, Msaa. ' W. R. SMITH'S COLLEGE, LEXINGTON, KV, is Where after investing; from $63 ! to S9O {or been educated I for positions as bodKfetEpgrs, Stenographers, Teleg raphers, and now rec&fCe iron-. per year. Kentuc* y|Un: Dipiorja awarded his graduates. Met aljat two j World's to thousaiWs'tf'Tst cessful graduates. this cheapest And most Influential Co!!ege .-.. ition. Coit/this out for reference. Read F<fr partlc. : ulara address only W. R, Smith. Lexii'gtdn, Ky. n i’J'i nr.i| S Two month's tr?atn-,ent of 3,11 I a If KSi 5 Catarrh of the head ?nd nose tnacyit fc f or epg. Best and simplest ttr ACU ri* mp<l y ever discovered. W A!MI 9 Booklet and sample for 2 cents. TANARUS! .fWJU | ATLANTA RcPARATKN CO. " ■’ l * 113IJ. Pryor St.. Atlanta, Ga. I ANTI-KINK. Salesman wanted. Enclose stomp Will Straighten fhirlv and T\in!>v Kaif ° i then it Injurv to (tie Scalp or P’?i>-. Price 500 per Pot. DARI!AGII & RICH. C; New York, Sole Manufacturers, 5,7, 11 Dr lad way, Ctiro Cold in Head. Kereiott's Ctiocolatc:; Lnxativc Quinine, easy to tV.u aad quick to euro coid in head a:. J soro throat. rsmWmi* Sood Msas 81 I(I1 1 1 1 Vi * may be secured by 9 I8 It f our aid. Aitiifess, Bii Mil I SwJS THE PATENT RkCOilD, GattirvMjre, IV. 1 ouußcriptlons to Ihfs Patent Record f I.oopc aDcurj. ' res PI TANARUS, \ J* w h ke, * sb:ts ttir 88 if Wbfck cured at uoiue wit), 5* b!* 5r ¥• I•; ' , kv’a out P ai:i b ,v ' ■ P ar fci j&- ■ w ticnl irs s-.,i rB :g Bt§(^*:nEijeg3sai ns b.. .s.jotUn Cl*. WMbWM /</ 4 4022. iosi leoaeraicsl, A „ 4of. j i Most Fffecflve. s£u ° f ° r pRG °' K-MTURNErR. CENL'SOU.ACBNT. WiAplVy rw >* WALL 5r - ATLANTA CA,. —ZJLKIMBALL HOUSE ENTRANCE" ~~ t Cieiiaiie©p & St. Louis Kg. -^HfS^Sg^gSfe OWN RAILS, WiTH THROUGH TRAIN SERVICE TO Rome, m Memphis. PULLMAN SLEEPERS AND FIRST- CLASS DAY COACH TO SSm Louis ami Mii Pmuts WosL QUICKEST SCHEDULES TO CHICAGO m NORTHWEST. Excellent Service to Louisvill&, Cincinnati and Ohio, Indiana and Michigan Pointsm ALL RAIL AND STEAMSHIP LINES TO NEW YORK END THE EAST. TOURIST RATES TO ALL RESORTS. Cfieap Emigrant titles to Imaasas an! Texas. F or sctiediiies, or oasj raiimi iaforwasiao, call upon or write to J. W. THOMAS, uR H. F. SM TH, CHARLES E. HARMAN, general Manager, Traffic manager, gfn pas3. agent, NASHVILLE, T6NH. NASHVILLE, TENN ATLANTA, QA* uii. ca dytondjtion row. DEP.S, are julwliat a horse nei da when m bauVomhiion. T**nie, blood pursfier J)(l vetm luge. '1 1i y are not food b| mtdii ine ai.u tlm l.est. in use to It n In rs** in pi >w condition. lice 25 (cn's ini(;k}!“(-■. For lie b\ nl dmggistH. RHEUMATISM aiCATARRH CUBED Johnston’s Sarsiparilia QUART fOTTLES. IN THE "OF DEATH. A Whale Faliy Cured. Mrs. C. H. Klngsllry, who keeps a millinery and fancy tods store at St. Louis, Gratiot Cos., Boh., and who is well known tbro'Ug'fUt the country, says: “ I was badly troulfed with rheuma tism, catarrh and n|iralg-i. I had liver complaint and vi|s very bilious. I was in a bad conditioTevery day I be gan to fear that i tftmkl never be a well woman: that f Ihcmld have to Settle down into a chAiic invalid, and live in the shadow *1 death. I had JOHNSTON'S SAILS,I’AILILLA rec ommended to me. iI'J'OOK FOUR BOTTLES AND IT CfclED ME, and c red my family both. X am very g-lad that I heard of it. 1 wijpLd cheerfully recommend it to cveif me. I have taken many fdVnr Icin l of medicine. I prefer JOHNSTON'S 1 all of them.” HKJDOAX UKVV OO..Detroit, Mich. CESfEßfexie Vetesan, ' NASHVILLE, TENN. ( OFmCTAT.LY FKm:r*ttTT2 i 1 United Confederate Veterans, i United Daughters of the Conf*derscy t The Sons, and o*her Organizations. L'.JtQ a year. Tw# Samples, Tour wo-Cent Stamp*. S. A. CUNNING^AW. r> ——C3AL K i.nuCTtOH iti Clubo vfch this PipV imi ;jPHaMPTLYSKCUREm * j v li u : u ,! r °r ‘nter iting books • Invent > or.s iioip ‘ind “How you are swindled.” i Sena u > a f!ictch or mole! of veur invention or improvement and \?c will tell r yo froo our opinion as to wirtlicr it is I probably patentable. Wo make a, specialty I oi applications rojei ’cd in o<l*ur hands. I Highost roferonccA furnished. | SSAiUOK & KAEJOJr , PATENT SOLICITORS & EXPERTS l Civil fi Mechanical Kncrluecr* Grgjvatf, of the > 1i oiy ,- f -. hl y c SriiOCn of Jfinomot srsn,*; ITactetoit ln i AnrtiPd Sciences, Caivrrsltv, flrmbora i , i a tent Lav.- Association. Wat4r Worts ( Now E(1 Wi*tn Works Assoc , I o S' - Assour'.tlon, Assoc. M< tabor Can [ Society or C ivil Ru^iuoocs. i Gkfice,- VVashinoton. D.C. J t„- * 1 mo.vtueal, Oak. J