State of Dade news. (Trenton, Ga.) 1891-1901, April 19, 1901, Image 2

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%utt of oft** mm, tTBUhRRp J&VfiRY fftiPAt A-jtwA^-r* * 1, T- **oo& " .- — U&WW*-' AllfßßTllHfi RATB, amMumtim ■!■■ *■ - Swfc-ll lmo. U law. <mo. I! tyr. HTT pair '"F' ir "Costh h.w 1 ' l|| t.M ||’*BJ6_ U •-0 || ILOO H 18.00 'n' f*r ii tie ~n n.BO n i.op MII 7. II 4.80 II 8.50 il 14,00 || 77 He! 4. u 18.1 f *5-0 'll *s.Bo'jril.6o Ic*L|| 7.00 || 11.00 t] *>.oo |1 66.00 || WOO HERE'S YOUR NEWS. Again the News casket s bow to the Dade countv public after s reat jof aorno two pnop|t|jp. Since the editor “went away to the war” he has had v.eiy little to do with the paper and has never seen the üb* scription list. No one now con* necteil with the pspef know- any* jthing as to our accounts. We de sire to treat all fairly and roust know at once our standing with each of the old cubacribors. Try to do more in ths future than in the past for the N/ms and we will try to do mors for yon. OUR SCHOOL. t N(ft Monday the public school ;vill open in the academy at this ‘*)lace with Prof J. K. Wilson aB uriDcipal, assisted )?y Mrs. W. P ■/ace in the primaiy department Wilson is a graduate of Em* jty college, holds a permanent teachers’ license for the state and haa bed ah actual experience ot fifteen years, He is thorough in all departments and competent to teach any boy or girl in Dade county, Pace has damopsfra* ted her ability in ntfcer fields and tr jU make a success of the prima* ry department, W* cannat afford Jo indulge in bickerings when the question of the education ef our children it rnaalybd and if we will all pull fogetber the teeqlti Will ba satisfactory to all. ITB DRY! Ordinarily when yojjr neighbor has told you **it was dry" you sup posed he apoke ot lha waatber. Since lest Saturday the word dry used in whatever connection, re ferred only to the liquor status of the town. A dry board, that is a j board committed to the prohibit ing of the sale of whiskey in the Joan, wne elected by a good major ity. After two year* pf the snip >f whiskey a fair opportunity will he giyen those who are impartial for determining which in the bet' ter for the town, all things consid ered. The new board has qualifi ed, elected Luke Sullivan marshal and charge tomorrow. LOCKOUT MILLS. Tli<* new roller procpas flour mi}| recently put in operation nt the eite ot the old Cureton mill north of Rising Fawn by G. VV. Cureton & Son has been named the Look* out mills. Two brands of flour are . being put out, the first grads be ing branded '*old Homestead” and the second grade is to known' ns “Martha Washington.” All who have used the flrtur prono\|fle it equal 1o any on rrarksf. This tniil is of greut benefit to the Dade bounty farmer. Let. our merchants handle thes* brands of flour and thereby halo tho farmer. ' *'i MARRIED. Miss Nina Jacoway, daughter ol Judge and Mrs. \V. U. .tacowny. was married to Mr. C. C. Smith at the residence of her nsr?pti t 8 oYlodk Wednesday owgfltas. Miss Ninth a young Indy of rar# ac. cninpiffhtrieHte, a lsaderin society at this place and the pride of a household. Mr. Smith, tha highly capable' and young 1 Vee tion'feHman oflhi* place, will in ; 5 o bia TqJ‘railroad (circles. Aftor t few days in Chat* | taro'-gn and For! Payne the voting (Cpui/ie will occupy I he Huntington jfcsiuvoce here. Y{R£A6URER PARK. .State Treasurer Park re fused to pay certain teasers war ranty put of th p public prpper.y fund because he did uot ,beJieve aueh fvuds could he couetitutiou ally uaed for school all sorts of hoyi)s t w,we se> up from al leged friends of the (teacher; but mainly from friends of the depot bill. Pafk fougfct through the highest court and won in spite of the attorney general’? opinion. He fought for the sake of conscience, his oath#£vq( the constiituHou with out regard to politics, and without fear or those he must have kno.yn would Ije-come hie eneqjie/h. After t£e wholy Park has auyot.g th narrow minded and the but Le has that he is an honest and above all a fearless officer. Park is our sort of a man and we are for him for most any thing he wants. We would have s#id this sooner but didn't have the medium. JPISTIVAL. Citizens of the % Byrd’s chapel community are to give an ice cream festival at Smith Grove to morrow night for the purpose of furnishing seats for the new scnool building. As usual in that, com munity the festival j,yijl be a suc cess. Ohio Democrats by overwhelm ing votes refused to stand by the Kansas City platform in any form presented. ffyppj?# soim t.ppe for tho democrats yet. The Gporgjp. Pflflojr? (all who could muster a linen duster and a bushel lunch basketj are off tor Buffalo. We couldp” make the raise* The Ohio democrats L‘ M ' P enur ed a dgjpuwsr tq Hr. fJijvn'e pteadiage. PAID UP. Washington, July 10.—'J he state department has received the sum of *95,000 American indemnity against Turkey through the Amer ican legation at Constantinople, lha itione* was paid by the Turk ish government to Mr. IVshnnin, our tni ister #t Constantinople* was by him placed in the Ottoman Imperial bank and drafts recieyeil for the amount. These drafts have reached Washington, As is always the case the claims in the aggre gates consideiably exceed the amount of the indemnity actually paid but our government lius ex pressed itfplf satisfied with the payment It assumes full respon sibility for the distribution, the distribution, the Turkish govern ment paying down a lump sum of $95,000 and leaving it to the state d*psitroent to distribute it among the claimants. Tuesday night at Miss., Miss Sarah Anderson, tha daughter of n prominent citizen, ass terribly injured .viva \ ith an ax struck l>y ; iknown jierson who gained 'o hsr room. It is not kEsg whether the nasailallt’s object was robbery or criminal nsaaplt. Two negroes have bean anfßir on suspicion. IUS bOME LEFT. Andrew Carnegie still liaa if280,- 000,000 to give away ;n public benefactions. Mr. Carnegie him roll is authority tor this statement which he made recently at Skibo caal*, Scotland, to n n ember of the New York chamber of com merce committee, y-ccovding to Mr. Carnegie he is still undecided in what manner to diaper . of his wealth far the public good. He wishes *he public to obtain tha beet, results from his future bene factions end for reason ha* not formulated any philaothpomc f f". <V; i * ,f , afatenriente. Ho admitted that Jjee Uhittriaa arid qtl\er ‘j^! jins tit utiont would undoymeulv ob tain a portion of the millions in question in order that the plans be had previously adopted should be fully developed. hearers judged from what be he was .copeidfwing the adv.isil>lily of dirqctiitg b,is wealth toward nndow i ing and supporting art galleries. I scientific and similar in stitutions.* • MRS. PATTERSON DEAD. Mrs. Martha Patterson, the last of the children of ex-Presidcnt Andrew Johnson of Tennessee died Wednesday morning of dyser.try at her home in Greeneville. Her remains will be interred in the old Johnsiou family cemetery by the side of her husband anti near her father. She was 73 yeass of age. At St. Paul, Minn ~ Wednesday the state prison hoard approved the p/irole of Cole and James Younger who have been in the Stillwater penitentiary for the past twenty Hvp for complicity in the robbery and murder gt tho, time of the raid on the Northfield hank. The transport .McClellan sailed from New York Wednesday for Manila. On board were Senator Bacon of Gpnrgiq, Congressmen DeArmond of Missouri, Mercer of Nebraska. Gaines of Tennessee, Gieen of Pennsylvania, Weeks of Michigan, Joy of Missouri and Jack of Pennsylvania. BAD NJ2GHO. Douglas, G*., July 10.—Yester day morning about 10 o’clock Jake Voss, a negi u who was plowing on a farm eight miles spulb of litre, became enraged with his mule for balking and kicking, jt js claimed, procured bis VVincheaiar fifle ai.d sliot it dead. He then shot his wile with what effect is not yet known: then turned his rifle on Jamee McKinnon, the owner of the farm and fired at him inflict ed a flesh wound. Then running uu to young Charles McKinnon be snot him dead in hi tracks t\n(£ left the field. As he passed out he caine upon a yonnjj pagro boy who was alio working in the field and told him that he was going to kill him but desisted iiom *o doing upofl seeing the boy’? ap proaching. The county blood hounds har- been sent to the scene of the tragedy and a posse is ia pursuit ot the desperate negro and un pains will oe spared to cet 'he negro. Parties who have just come in tron the scene of action say that there was no trouble or difficulty preceding the fiendish acts of the negro hut he simply became enraged with his mule as above stated and immediately be gan to wieak his vengeance upon everything in sight. He has berne a bad reputation for some time 'in the neighborhood in which he lias been living: The McKinnons are of good family and are respected in’the community. RHEUMATISM and CATARRH CURED BY Johnston’s Sarsaparilla QUAltjr BOTTLES. II THE SHADOW OF DEATH. A Wbal. Fmmlly Cured. Mrs. C. H. Kingsbury, who keeps a > millinery and fancy goods store at St. Louis, Gratiot Cos., Mich., and who is well known throughout the country, says: T ‘ I was badly troubled with rheuma tism, catarrh and neuralgia. 1 had liver complaint and was very bilious. I was in a bad condition; every day I be gan to fear that I should never be 4 well woman; that 1 should have to settle down into a chronic invalid, an<l live in the shadow of death. I had JOIINSTON’B SARSAPARILLA rec ommended to ine. I TOOK FOUR liOTTLES AND IT CURED ME, and cured my family both. lam very glad that I heard oflt. I would cheerfully recommend it to every one. 1 hnv® taken manv other kinas of medicine. 1 prefer JOIIN'STON'Sto all of them.' UICmeAX 1181 S CO., Detroit, Mich. Tetter, Salt-Rheum and Eczema The intense itching and smarting, fuel- . dent tot:.ftsedhv *ee-t, isinniantly allayed by app'ving Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad have been poroar-uCy rnr*d by 1* . U is equally efficient for itching pilee and a favorite remedy for sore nipples, chopped hnudi. ch’ froer. and soro eyes. 2f n,., . y bo-. I • Hr. Clad} * C-Hi'i-.v <1 ; just, eyhAt a terse . • s • -u condiifun. T -• veMnifnge. ' ; "■ medicine an ike .y-’ horse in pvb-. y <sptd yiy ' LtU' j ?'* jf- •• r - l • U EOjaGIA l)mie County, j Will be sold befoie the court hipjae door in tthftftown of Trenton, said eoumv, on the first Tuesday in August, PftOl, within the legal hours of sale, for to the higb ! est bidder, the following described property lo wit: Tihe north ca-t one-fourth lot ol land No. ICO, in the 10th distiict and 4ih stetion ol sain I count} containing 40 nitres more or leas, also th> of lot of land in said <tis *rict and section containing So acres more or less. Levied on as the property of M, C. Dan iel tosatisly a fl la issued liom the Snperioi Court ol said county in Invorofthc New Lug land Cos. and against the *ultl M. 0. Daniel and L. U. Daniel. Property pointed out by il. C. Daniel tenant ill notified. This July 9th 1901. EORT. CARTER Sheriff. GEORGIA Dade bounty. Will be sold before the court bouse door in the town of Trenton, said county, on the first Tuesday in August, 1901, within the legal hours of sale, for cash, t,o the highest bidder, the following de scribed property to \l7jt. All that pari 6i lot of land No. 186 in the 10th district and 4lbisection of Dade county lying ou the west side of the public road north of # branch which crosses the said public road at or ucsr the three mile post in said public road, containing about ten acres more or Ics. in which is located what is known as If)/; Ta tum and AlcMa an store house in the town ol New England City. Levied on as the proper ty ol John McMahan to satisfy u mortgage li tu issued fr# t t#jt.ifOcounty court ol suid county in favor of W. J, Townsend and against the said John McMahan. Property pointed out by said Ufa. This July 9th 1!WI, I'UIU . CARfJfliSlietif’. CITATION NOTICE. GEORGIA Dade County. To all whom it may concern; T-e Pope, administrator of the es tate ot J. 8. Redding, deceased, having in due form applied to me tor leave to sell ali tha real estate in said county belonging to the es tate of J • cj. Redding, deceased, to pay the i.ebts against said •- tate mid for distribution ampqg the heirs and said application will be heard at my office pp the first Monday in August next. 'J his July Bth 1901. J. A. CU RETON, Ortfipary. GEORGIA pade County . To whom it may concern : J. M. and Htry Massey having made application to rpe iii due form to be appointed administrators upon the estate of Mery A. Massey, late of said county, notice is hepeby given that said application will be 1 heard at the regular terjn of the court of ordinary for said county, to be held on the first Monday in August, lUUI • Witness inv hand and official signature this July Bih J9CI. J. A. CURETON, Ordinary. citatiojTnotice. GEORGIA Dade County. To all vvnom it may concern: Mrs, M. J. having in proper foim applied to me for permanent letters ot administration to be is sued to the clerk of the superior enur' of fa id county, upon th es tate of A, A. SellsJ deceased, th 1 is t 0 citb ‘ill ai 0 singular tho cred itors and next of kin of A. n. F'dls to be and appear Ht my office with in the lime allowed by lew and show cause if any th“V cun whv permanent administration should not be granted to said clerk on A. A. Sells’ estutp. Witness my hand and official 1 signature this July Ist 1901. .1. A. TURK I ON. Ordir vr. Th’ Odd Fellows lodge o’. thi.- place meets a tiieue.i viyh'Jnur cay nigh' a'd 1. In 1. g a **. *- cession iu \ n *i> icrs.jip Mrs. It. A. L). Dunlap ni G d°n is viuping r# I*. iv- All the sniali pox cues nave re covered at Rising Fawn. All legal advertising i ni advance without eXcep .cns aicjiii:, . j -n-; >• p-d xx>|q oiuoj, mor peoaiiv.; i*., .oi|W|e.r*if9.’. * !, m- c w M-r.‘‘h^x •ro H iv Xq qcs jo v q .'V'-■. h V\v( }' 4J ‘SU’.Cps ->m <> >• \-u c.. .. Vvf joj ifpa - ,i.c c 1 . I • "■* -i * < T JUU_isi % ' -••upc( . I . I .- . ' *- v • - . I ’i Tilt LIGHT OF IJifc \ULI), —OR— Our Savi/wiii Art (cost nearly *100.900 Jo I'.uhpkh. Nejl> ltn Ml prrl> vngra\ mgs oi,C|,Ut aa.l gd,U by the great painter*. Child' Mo,*.* .or t ,n h j picture. TO ke,.s:tstbl its lls ,i l>* V. running flu} and i\L:iit to till .pivVeVs. 19 e.r loads ot paper lot ,lnsf pdition. s Mi-. Waiie, in Massachusetts,bicoid .vhr sSA.h’MD worth >l books.— I’irst Mye. itackct <■{ New Xonk has.sold r worth ol books. first experisaece. ft r. Hoi well took 14 ur> derc llrstitw.o<!n<ys. Mrs, I.einwell too v SI or der* first tuaok . Christ inn rosiio. V'SHim e.m make JJybd.i n county ijutck. J'cii 't<uy t going rapidly. Writ, fjulck for itwyue, V. ar\t,.-d. ; -.--ate Mnnngei to.have ttharge of ron esjKsMeJre .nd *V44ic ##*, CoikCORAN Bl ILDING , W.VMUNUTUN, l. C'. lt GTA'I I(J>’ NOTCE. GEORGIA , Dade county. Whereas W. A. Crowder. Administrator of Joseph Smith represent-to the .ewwrt yn his petition duly tiled and nted on tecord that he has fully u.luiiuWteif'd Joseph Smith’s es tate. This is therulot.eiOAiite all pe.sous con cerned. kindred and creditors to show cause if any they cun, why suid AdmlnlstyaJUM should u,o,t be .dischinged from faia AdnimisD *; u n and rcheivo letters oi dismission on the£t*t day ;n June 1991. Tli.s 1 eb. ilgt I9nl, J. A.- Cureton, Ordinary Dude cauaty. CITATIUS NO! ICE. GEORG I V, Dade copnlf. Whereas John N. McCollppi and R. r. I.e* Administrators ol Joali Mcfioilni) re resent* to the court in his petiop dM E filed and ex tered on rffeufif that he ha* Ipjly adminiktt,ed Joab McCollum’s rstnty. This Is ihereiOi . to cite all persons concerned, kmdred and ereiii tyi’s to show cause ii any tliey can, why said administration should not n discharged Iron their ndministr.tio- and receive leue-s of dismission ou Die llr-t Monday in luoi. This January 7i ti 1991. J. a . Cureton, ordinary Dude county. CITATION NOTICE GEORGIA, Dade county Notice i hereby givpf, all creditor* ol the esrateoi E. G. <> ley late of Renton Cr.nty Kentucky decease.) p fender in an account .or their demands to me within the time pre sc.ribeij by law, proucity made out. And all pet runs indebted to said deceased are hereby requfr;d to make immediate payment to tue undersigned. This Kb. fith 19U1. air*. M. J. Oxley Aflpitr’x of F. G. Oxley deceased. 4iO/~\iT\ TFaREY t*>C’hria iC' FJ* b* n nj,tl or wouiari lo look Aftot* our griming buxinra.s in this *nd Adjoining C'ounii.a; to act as Mnnagrr and OorresjxjmJen;; work can be done ai your houie. Enclose self •ddfesaed, stamped envelope for par ticulars to H. A. Sherman, General Manager, Corcoran Building, opposite United States Treasury, Washington D. V. Rffnillli andWklekej e.Mt* £3a iJf iLInA or ‘ ,<l •* srith PI It r IU rail °' • j* lo •* rr O’ H * t w eeSB lieui.r* sent FRfc|( BiJB IR33BB3BCZ9 *■ - woollh co. iloai •.■'. iTJwe. ktt l*m rue Rx S&\ Mesl BKfaSIC, V Eyf\ IHSSt lE£sß6ffißal, j / I msi Fflcctht. Jt:xo rcK mo&+. KMTUFJ/ZR.GENL'SOU.AOtNT. t 8 WALL ST. ATLANTA GA, IVVBALL HOUSE ENThkNCZ ***"'""""* " . -IT' ■Mm. - ' J* ~V v* 1 U Ji ’ Ak f : AAM- a* #% •; ' RW 'n' - - ,v , . *— — - ~ ~ *m— SHORTEST ROUTE ako QUICKEST TIME —-no : ' sr. louis Aim rw wgst. TOLLMAN SLEEPENS ATLAKTA TO &T. LOUXS WITHOUT CHANGE. GHUQAGO assn reg h WSST. PULLMAN SLEEPERS ATLANTA CHICAGO without CHANGE. NEW mm to LOUISVILLE tod CINCINNATI PULLMAN SLEEPERS ATLANTA TO LOITSVILLE AND CINCINNATI WITHOUT CHANGE. Cheap Rates to Arkansas and Texas ALL-RAIL AND STEAMSHIP LINES TO NEW YORK AND THE EAST. TOURIST RATES T 9 ALL RESORT^. For Schedules, Rates, or any Rmilrcu4 informcall upou cr write W I, W. THOBAS, Jr., H. F. SMITH, CHAS. f N JIAHIIAfJ, Searl Manaftr, Traffic Manager, General Paw Agent, Mukvillo, W MOUNTAIN f* of I.uoktiul valley has* [ learned to look jmn the land the mountain!* to !i>e east west s I most Thut nhii- is only the 4*-eult of gnmnl in faiia-ey is being stiniefl on Sonr! rriountani etii, i fl b'M- tl. n twenty miles pouthnfw point npposilt! *i. plait*. \\ her** eniet|,rising ?nutli (i*Ygiar n fl .f norihern rs tif? settling up kmviiit 'in out fttuti Valley l!e,-.| bi'in bonscf , fj.iei.dwl iyf#is. eiTi.i .Is ant; ehmcheu cnl] g |,,. wliich, it in Enoktn t ynjjey. troglii h’n;l an tiiiktmwn grace lo the A!) ibis in-lientes a prosperity which trprings from \erv pit duetnvi ness of the -oiJ, All erojts grown in this valley u;* being groMn upon the mount win fliul in some earths par* i*tu<4kry iat Gw f vege table Hre, will) gwatep success. In fulkit ion tq oilier d -vaotagep the mountain wttler Hr w jg fin aiiULdnnce of timber, a hfortH?- less pasture, purer air, goo<f *aler .Hid the Ttiuls selling a! $1 to $3 per acre. Certainly n young man of energy just starring put in !if• can do no better than on Sand or Lookout mountainr •T 1 A. Ryan, a Berkley, V. , Ba* loonkeeper, found a collar coined ii lbo4 which he sold to a Chicago ice dealer for f 3.9C0. 'Hie m*t dangeron? weapon >‘a ♦he unloaded gnn . GEORGIA, Hade county. Will be vtdd before the coqr! houss <lo(.r in T be town of Trer said stnu- and county on the fa rat Tnefidjiv io Aug. 1901. within (the legal hours of sale Ip the high* j est bidder for cash the folio ring j described property to wit; ! Fifty acre- of lot of land No. 32 in t'a* 1 lOlh <tititrict, of said state and countr, bounded on the north by sixty (6D) acres of same lot bought by J. E Km t.eriy, and on the west by lot of land No. 38, amt on the sott'li bv fifty (80; acres of said lot No. 32. baloiiginjr ,la-. Kennedy, ad on the east by let, of land No. 8! in the 10th district ami -Ith sectiou of raid state ni.d 00 ui)', I b*’V'pd op a* ;ke property ot W, U. J%t 1 coway to satisfy a Superior court ti fix in favor of J. C. M< >rgan and W. U. .facoway principal nd G. W. M. Tatum security. Properly pointed out by W. U. Jacoway. .This duty 9tb.1901. Rout. Carter, Slieriff. Sir 1 mi if I Two Binth’3 trsatwefl M LAI AnKll | Catarrh ot l lie h*4 WtUrtßiyil | f#r j,. ~ , n4 IfICD t,v<>r •tiscO'wrorf. m ft Nil I Itooklst and sample for 2 cw " ft *' U I ATLANJA PtEPAZITIOW CO. UJJf !’*Yi>a Kt„ ATt-asT^Ox.