State of Dade news. (Trenton, Ga.) 1891-1901, September 20, 1901, Image 2

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STATE OF CASE NEWS. tfTBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. B. T. BROCK PROPRIETOR. AUVEKIIMIU BITES. Xns.jl }wk.)| Imp. || .imos. 6mos. || lyr. 2|J r J~i If - i7sS i| C6b~ ni7 3|| 1.50 H 3.26 || 8.50 j| It.oo || 16.00 4|l l'.7r |l 4." || ' 7.50 |! 19.50 jj 260•] HO II t. ||_ 4-50 II 8.50 |l 14,00 || 27.00 Xo'if 4. y 15.7 q -0 || MAO j) '5.80 lCOl.ll 7.00 || 15.00 || 30.00 |l 55.00 || 100 00 Subscribe for the NEWS —only in advance. A Prominent Plml<’l in. A prominent New York physician It? discussing: the merits of Ripans Taouiee with a. brother M. D. said : *' Several years ago I asserted that if one wished to become a. pnilan thopist, and do a beneficent deed one that would help the whole hu man race- -nothing could be better than to procure the Roosevelt Hos pital p:- -cripnon, wrack is the basis of ‘he Rijans Tributes, and oause it to lie put up in the form of a ketchup and distributed among tho poor.’* Seles Increasing. The largest retail drug store in America at of liegeman & Cos. on Broauway in New York City. A reporter w ho went there to learn how Tab uii were selling bought a five carton and asked: “Do you have much call for these ?” He was referred to a gentleman who proved to bo the .head of the depart ment. He said: “ The sala of Ilipans Tabules is constant and is increasing, due eepciiaflvtothe ir.fiu • .die char voter of thotestimonirdr ii, the dull • press, and growing out of tn.-.n , tluongh the recommendation or f..end to Sajis’fi- uom-witn tlum is vlieuoDio ‘nev are H&g uu i liucxoe ihi * a permanent oikiome? for them is made. This 1 it- thro ! gh tl ,n intin.eic which urovvi, Ui- noua ude character of the ndv c wing I think them spc-oiall v user: : ■ roe general run of stomach troubles Anew style pitek jtoonr*!-uny tcv rtfams tint” ks edir*& paper carton >irbout to now for *me at some drug' s:ords r *>;•. r; * t . h>t.. r l u:. ?on !s I:.U ..tied { r *n+ poor xnj th# onoaAical. One 'kisn , f Zsc r. * cm t carte a;* (,1 0 ‘abulc*) can be h-d tv by sending forty si*hi oems to tb w Repaid CmaucjdL > A* -* . Vo. 10 (m T ißi'LU) Will be a*iit for cents eitAS9 Ta&clesmay also oe bad of *oxr.e jrrocerg, general ■torekoepers, news areata and at some liquor btoiosauid barber thopn. On* given relief I Don't Complain | S about poor health if you Wl ■ won’t spend one dollar I v Jy to secure a full quart of 1| that panacea for all the ■ I |>saraparif(a] P It has been used for thirty years BE I Scrofula, Rheumatism, H r Indigestion, Nervousness, |J g Neuralgia, Catarrh, Anemia, j| p Female Troubles, Eruptions, lj I In somnia, Salt Rheum, 1 r| and Similar Complaints. j|p & Sold by all druggists at one jj|j m dollar for a full quart bottle. Take M R MADE ONLY BY C& I m &lICHIGIN DRUG SO., Dsfrolf, Nish. f Grand J ury “presentments. GEORGIA, Dade county. We the grand jury chosen and sworn for the September term of Dade Superior Court, 1901, beg | ieav6 to make the following gen eral presentments: Through appointed committees we have examined the records and papers of the various county offi cers, and have their reports here to attached and make them a part of our general presentments. 1. We find the public road fund has been paid out to the various districts. Our oosei valmns are this money has not been as judi ciously expended as it should have been, especially in tho JO3B dis trict and also a part of the roads in the 1129 district. The Masonic road in the 1038 district from the An Flricrly t4p An elderly lady living at Forilham Height*, a part of New York City, and who was known to be a warm advocate'of Ripaus Tabules for. any case of liver trouoie or indigestion, sa id to a reporter who visited her for the purpose of learning the particu lars of Her case: “ i had always employed a physician and did so on the last occasion I had for or e. but at that time obtained no beneficial results. I had never had anv faith in patent medicines, bnt ha ving seen jßipana Tabules recommended very highly in the New York Herald con cluded to give them a trial, and found they .were just what ray case demanded. I have never employed a physician since, and that means a objected to their mother giving a testimonial which should parade,Her mur e in the newspapers, out to do this the e l der lady argued : ‘There may be other cages just like joine, and T .m -ire \ take g. -ear pi css ire in jv ueixlipg t-hsTalau , r. ~ny one afflicted ha I was. If the- .piling about uiy ease in the papers 'enables some other person similarly affected to be us greatly oer.efueu I have been L ssen&objecti.m ’ The daugh ters, knowing how earnestly she felt about the benefit she had received, decided she was quite right saving Of a cull A dollar’s worth of Ripaus Tabules lasts me a month, and I would not be without them now if it wero my last dollar.” At the time of this inter view there were present two daugh ters who specially ford of the ereok south to the dis trict line, and from the district line to the ford of the creek near D. C. Forester's in the 1129 Diet. We find a part of the Johnson Crook road in very Lad condition. Also we find the 2d class roads in the 875th district in bad con dition, and we recommend that all the money and time due these roads be expended on them at once. We find seme work done tempo rary in the aforesaid district which we think is a waste of time and money, and further recom mend that the Commissioners all over the county be more conserva tive in appointing competent over seers and requiring them to do permanent work, 2. We further recommend that the Boaid of Roads and Revenues borrow enough mouey to pay the expenses ot the present term of court. 3. We appoint Rev. Otto Ros trum as Chaplain to the convict camps of Dade county. 4. We appoiut Robt. P. Tatum, Wm. F. Nethery and Lee Forester as a committee to examine the oooks and records of the various county officers and report the same to the next g>and jury. 5. We appointed George W. Parker, Joseph A. Stewart and Jacob Doyle as a committee to visit the convict camps of the county and make their report a part of our general presentments. 6. We find on revising the in digent pension soldiers list correct as revised. Also we find Samuel Dodson who was an indigent sol dier, Las died. 7. Also we appointed Josep V. Stewart, C. C. and George W. Sitton as a committee to exam ine the books of .the Notary'Publics and Justices of the Peace Dockets ot the various districts and find them all correctly kept.'-' 8. Also we have appointed Jas. Dougan , Zachariaih J. Cross: and Ma r k A. Castleberry as our com mittee to investigate the condition of me public buildings’ 1 hnd make their report a part’ ot our general presentments. 9. Also recommend that George \V. Case Oe paid out of the Pauper fund $4. per month instead of $7. a\lso recoinmehcl that \Vesly ilat toa, u charge of the county be paid .$4. instead of $3. as htietofuiy. 10. It is yety gratifying to us who have served upon the grace jury for the past 20 years, (and a lew of us have served longer,) lo note the decrease in ciirne, espec ially in pistul-carrving, and wish to commend the hoys and young meu of our county m the very no ticable improvement in tin morals of our couniy'. We recommend that these gen erai prisentmeuts he jublished io the State of Dade News and that the Editor be paid $7.50 for same. We tender our thanks to the Honorable Court am,! Solicitor General for their kindness shown to us during the present term. We also thand our foreman for the ef ficient and impartial manner in which !; has sonducted the busi ness that come before the body. We the committee on public buildings beg leave to submit the following leport: Upon exami nation of the jail building we find a shutter is needed in th*t? hall door. Also hud the ilue to the kitchen is in bad condition . Also find trial three locks are needed to the dwelling. Also six lights for Isame. For protection of the ha'l : on the soutu side of jail building, 1 a shed is needed. We also find a step is needed at the west hall Cantrell, -lot n M. Foreman I‘iekle, W il'iam F. Cross, Zachariab .1. : t, J x-cplt V T . Bradford,.James M. Hale, Alexander M. H 10. William M. S" \v;.rt, •!( s n>h a. Derber\. Milt ,r IF; Parker. Ce irjtcW. o ey, William H. Daniel, Milligan c. door of the court house. Wn rec omnriend that these repairs he niade at an earlv d;.,p. Hespectfully Submitted. Z. J, V James Dugan, ' Com. Mark A. Castleberry. J IKoran, James liteyrs, Charity C. Hale. COf.ugtJn C. Doyle, Jacob Fleicher, James 11. Castleberry Mark A. Bosta.m Otto Killian, Thomas N. Ncthiry, William. F. Fores*er. JLee. Sitton, UeoiX W. GEORGIA, Dade county. To the Honorable Grand Jury of said county. September term, 1901. Your committee appointed at this term of the court to visit and inspect the convict camps of said couhty have performed their 'duty and make the following report to wit: We have visited the convict camp at Cole City in said county and find that there is ninety-five convicts confined in said camp, 85 colored and ten white. We find that the camp is neatly kept and the sanitary condition good, and said convicts are well pleased with the state officials. We find that the prisoners are well fed, having plenty of substantial tood. Also we find that the convicts are em ployed in mining coal and other work around the mines and >ve find that the convicts are forced to work out a task or dig so much coal per day. Also, we find the vein of coal where they are forced to get their task to be a very small vein of coal. Where the men are working, the vein runs trom 18 to 30 inches in thickness, and we re spectfully call the attention of the Prison Commissioner to this. Al so vie found one man that, was moving coal 35 feet from the face of his room to the entry whtie he loaded his car. We find that some of the men who cannot get the amount of coal required of them are paying other men that get their task to help them. We find the convicts all able to woik , except three who are in the hos pital, slightly crippled from fall ing slate. Respectfully Submitted. G. W. Parker,') J A, Stewart, )>Comraittee Jacob Doyle, ) GEORGIA. Dade county. To the Honorable Grand Jury of said county , Sept, term Superior court 1901. ' We youa committee appointed at the March Term of Dade Supe rior court, 1901 • to examine the several offices, books, records, pa pers, etc,, have performed that and make the following rt port to wit: 1. We examined the hooks etc. of the Clerk of the Superior court agd found them very neatly and properly kept. < 2. V\ e have examined the rec ords etc. of..the County Court and uund them properly kept. 3. We nave examined the rec ords, books, bto. of tho Sheriff’d office and find them properly kept. 4. We have examined tho books, records and vouchers of the Roald of iioads and Revenues m connec tion with the Comity Treasurer aud fiud them correctly kept. 5. We have examined the books records- etc .of the Ordinary aud find them correctly kept. 6. We have examined the books of the County Treasurer and find With the exception of a few cleri cal errors which were corrected, found the hooks neatly kept. Wo would suggest thut tLe Treas urer be required to keep a cash hook showing receipts aud dis bursements, so that it car. be' readily uso< rtaiiied. AMOUNT OF CASH ON HAND. We hand you financial state ment of the county as shown by thu 'J reasurer’s books. To balance in the Treasury as per repo At 01'the March 14,1901, $ 2,#52 89 Imeiesi on lieposila 8.(10 $2.0u0.fc9 By Am’t paid out on jury fund $814.42 jail 95.56 pauper 304.15 eooi’bion 180.53 g’licrnl 118.35 * C.Courtei' 70.40 i oad luiul 202 90 Total am’t paid out si,t>lft. f 0 Bill August 29th 1901, $1,144.69 From cur investigation we be lieve that all of the ofhbers of said county aie doing their best to per form the duty of their several offi ce?. Respectfully Submitted. U\ T. Hughes,''l J. R. Dugau , ’-Com. T. B. Smith, ) Tt is ordered by the Court that these genera! presentments be re ceived and entered of record and that the same be published as rec ommended. This Sept. 20th 1901. A, W. Fite, J, S, C. 0. t\ DR DONNELLY PHYSIC laK & SURGEON Office East Side Public Square. tRENtON'GEORGIA. George \V. Wheeler, TOM' - - GEORGIA. - • —-...1- Fjrst class blacksmith ing at reasonable prices # Horse shoeing and carriage repairing a specialty Guns repaired. BEN T. BROCK Att'y-at-Law tRENtON - - - - GEORGIA Prompt attention to all business intrusted to him. fll)6 Pep] II TOftfib i PGsftfori A smart Broad way, New York, druggist has this sign hanging outside his store; it marks . the •new era of drug selling. •Is it any wonder that he has to enlarge his quar ters, that his clerks are . busy, and that his store is one of the most popular along the leading thor oughfare ? You can afford to trade with a druggist who gives you SCOTT’S EMULSION when you asK ior it. 0 Qlf nil AladeTro Order ceTfl fl Man’s Suit, for SO.BO ■W*- BY BUYfNG OIBEOT MOM I £ ROSENB:’!>G£R & CO., I 202-204 E. lo2d St., NEW YOtiK CITY., Tho Largest Clothing £ Manufacturers in America, j OUR GR£AT BARGAIN OFFER! pisW r S97ti a with llxtro Pant* ■ E \lJs we Pti> pre 3s?v. ; c. Tlieie Salts are tiuwlo up of All Wool C.mimerM* trlmued with fast black Sate er., the let ol workman* •blp, uait Double Breasted, Sic/.*. t ro q years, with bilk Embroidered Sailor Collar. 10 to i 5 yonrs. with* out Sailor Collar. /*!l Pauls have Pulchr Waist Rjii.U. We send pieces of the ih-ili aeii extra hurt on a, with tack mu it. Kindi) mention il large or small for age. Slj Thi. Style "tET JIUUK lUn nM/Jtg f CO /H IK T\/LJ\ lii-nyn 3° °OjfjSL.UM * '' ; When ordering send P->st Office K|M KB Express Money Order or Registered 2uff w 9 Z?T Lett.ei, al3o age at last birlUdav, Mat and if large or email for his nge W Car Money cbeerfuilv refunded if n*t Wj • B •atiafactory. Send 2c. stamp* for JB Ez Mjf |\j •ample*, tape measure, mca*urine JR&r (gf . bl*rVo. etc. -V ★ y- 1 ' -T Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you cat. Itarbificiatly digests the food and; ida Nature in strengthening ana recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest art and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache,Gastralgia,Cramps and all other results of imperfect digestion. Price 50c. u ncl sl. Latfje size contains 21, timas *ron 11 size. Book :u\aboutdyspepsta mailed frae Preoared by E. C- DeWITT & CO . Chicago- 1 MILLER RODEONE2O93 M.LES The Eldredil \ iThe Belviderl *VYO.O<)| ' I VWs. I ;! Superior to alt others irrespec J Ji ol price. Csta.flgue ieils you'j i| why. Write for one. ‘ i 1 | ; NATIONAL SEWING MACHINE CO I 5 .>lO BROADWAY. Factory/’! 'w York. BELVIDEgE.'mB ~^ \IORI,Y|n(J •-j • tian inhxi or wnJ t‘> l<iok after our growing business! this and ndjoiciog t'ounti,s; to Mhuagor jiiid Correspondent; works! bo doin' ii t j our home. Enclose M addrtpsosl. slum pet! envelope f.- J turilni’s to II A. Mieiman, (,Vwl M;un.<ter, Cetcnran I’ ti ildirto-. rnposß United Stales Treasury, \\ tuhtntJ D. C. | THE TitTllfuflTll Will —OR— [ Our Saviour in An cost nearly SIOO,OOO to publish. Nearly IPJ pert, engravings of Chtist pt.d His Motla the great painters. Chilli’s stories lor picture. So beautiful it sills itself. i'i running day and night to fill orders. IS loails.ol paper ior lust edition. Mrs. H in Massachusetts bus sold over $5,1 UO wot hooks.—First experience. Mrs. Socket New York has sold over s?,otio worth oth First experience. Mr. tlo'wel! took ii •iere first two days. JMrs, Lem wet’, too*- 3! ners first week. Christian nan or tvonuti make .SI,OO-1 in this eonnty quick. Terr'to going rapidly. - Write quick lor terms. Wanted.—State Manager to hare chars correspondence and all the agents. Address THE BBITrSH-AMERICAN CD, CORCORAN Bun,DING , WASHINGTON, 1.l NOTHING BG MONEY Is saved by bovine ti e mu*-' r Ma* oiond Invvbiuiuat i utrui -> oi Teaiine Surely h DETROIT, !Y! tCH. This com pan v toied -.rider tL laws of r hi uig,. •. >- i up cap! : 1 o 1 a i . LI,; '•> • I exceeding;.. <u. i -in-- - two >uars iiii-i, oiro I.WKr counaiP. pal! if pill lor eiel V PI 1 r The ,:oui:iar: sc!!:- and mtotids or. in week’ ■ aud lot -week!} payißtut ■ ‘ ll and buvs the L-.-n.-g ■ e., ; D pay a st’pulat.,.i i.\x i.h i. is-->se if t.'itin .sgniciloi i.eni. For t'A) pain i.ittl iveekb paymer'tiil fI.A ear..,< : il. \ si. - ©t *3 each, the .. 'j -.ti.ite diamond ot the vaiue oi jV 1 . * buys the diaiuoau at tnai price oi patron. Our investment proposition h the-*. - est the s ti.-ndcM o id .- " ing pr< position :i- no • - i.ian p'.opPj. bar : lor in.'* .on by m.ul or in pers , : t, K. IVI TURPSEF?, MANAGES SOU r HsHN DI PT., 102 N V nyon SST.. irfß’R ote.-i-l -L, -r fir 4||l|j|j,( >rw l#rr|U,,sv Rihrml r.niM-Plis.tiloN. HUflUlUi Tetter, Sait-niieum ami rezero* The intense itching aiidsm.'irt-nj-’J dent to these diseases. isinelfinth’S by applying CLauibcvlam s i"'' 31 Skin Oka f r.a Many vety had cl have beer, ■.■ u siieatiy cur*d by it is equally eiiicicrt for iccl k.~ r--y 3 ! a favorite remedy ior sore m?- 1 chapped hands, chilblains, tr.i?t !“ and chronic sore eyes, id ofs pot Dr. Cady’s Conditio TovdrrM just what a horse nee .s wJitßj® condition. Tonic, blooand vermifuge. They are not medicine and the best in. M ■ horse in prime condition- * cents per package. A IVcinl-ai-Vil JCcr' rr "■ T'ie last qnartsr of a uentv y many iliwevorios ii* hut none that have accomplished _• ktimanivyetinm that sterling c:u remedy, Browns’ Iron Bj+le:-'. rontnin the very ierr.en< of • end neither wap. woman or chin* it without ‘ieririn'r the creates* ttrowns’lro.' Bitter i jj sohi PATENTS 3UTZCXZ7 BietTMX aurki. n-i '' • V ragiaierwi ur.:d business of et ' v ccfL l'.-i promptly and jkfflftxlir tt ! v ‘ e iavaatiuiijr introdncco, companies f- ? * ' . 5 ENTS ECLD ON COMMTSSICK. k, ; - . f 4 Highest references. Sgnd vn n.odcl. D.a' of invention, witb expUnatjon. and we '• ; .yf! j at-.atnble or not, free of ch/* L *V,’-i <?AYABLK WHEN PATENT 13 ALZC\ T- n r . : jpateae is **c"red we will conduct i s*- 1 * 4, S • out extra chn.-ge. HAND-BOOh JSOO invention* wanted mailed to Inventor* This i§ the most compile Uttle 2 publ sited and ererr inventor uld WTtITB * ‘ JH. B. WILLSON 4 CO , *#***?• 3 L limit B-ld-ff, £■ '