State of Dade news. (Trenton, Ga.) 1891-1901, October 18, 1901, Image 3

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gJIII i Low Ratos to Texas. \ At intervals Jur \n£ 1 9° • # round trip jj tidvets will be sold via the y Q&te* ‘Beit Route, *£|Sr (2Q jfcS njpprom Cairo and ElSi a> 33L JUffW^P 11 * 8 t 0 points W{: ' j|-X IaKSSI IflmMti' Arkansas,Louis* Texas, and % I}| if \l F / /// ■ ; / and* I ' us w W fc y°u want to go: al*> t ill if W all / InK: / y<w wAuld like to leave, and we IE i .' I j ll|T \ ■"*' I* l Vi" Wl you when you can secure on. w j I I V'-'l ■P f t!;e low-rate tickets and whad it will Ilf _j II V .' ,‘ cos *’ We will also send you a complete ■ — c ” 'S IJ I / II / \. ; // !j jH- B. SUTTOtI, T. P. 1, Chattanooga, Tom / STATE OF DADE NEWS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. TERMs, SI.OO per venr in advance. When our subscriptions are not paid in ad vance rates are $1.25 per year, and 05 cents for ix mouths. Advertising rates reasonable and will be ■t ide known upon application. All legal advertising must be paid lor in a dvanoe. Ail communications mint be accotr.pinicd Ith the real name of the writer Address all correspondence to TIIE NEWS, Tkknton, Ga. LOCAL TIME CARD. | A G S U It | NORTH BOUND. I SOUTH BOUND. .a, mod a. m. | N0.5, h:32 a. m Ne. 6. 0.02 P.M. I No. 1 6:50 P M. ■gf- DIRECTORY. Dade SupcrlorCourt meets Srd Monday sin •larchand September. County Court (monthly term) meets 2nd Monday in each months. Quarterly term on Irst Wednesday after 2n ' Monday in February, May, August, and No vember. W. U. Jacoway Judge, und J, G Hale, County Solicitor, Justice Court for Trenton District mcot ,; 2nd Saturday in each month. County officers.— f. A. Cureton, Ordinary I, J. Allison, Clerk Superior Court: Robert Carter, Sheriff; 'A. Bryan, Tax Collector; l>. it, Rogers, Tax Receiver; J. W. Woods Treasurer; W. G. Morrison, Surveyor. - - -J "''' WANTED AN IDEASir.VSS thing to patent? Protect your idea. ; they m bring vom wealth. Writ. JOHN' WSDDSR BURN * CO., Patent Attorney*, Waahlagtt! D. c.. for theu- fl.spo pri*# offer. A BOON TO MANKIND! D R TABLETS BUCKEYE A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and EXTERNAL PILES, WITHOUT PAIN. CURES WHERE ALL OTHERS HAVE FAILED. Tubes, by Mail, 76 Cents; bottles, 60 cents. JAMES F. BALLARD. Sole Proprietor, • - 310 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS. MO. WA WESTERN and ATLANTIC R.R. . ' . w _ 3 . • ■ - ■ > . . * AMD NasMlle, SHORTEST ROUTE amo QUICKEST TIME ST. LOUIS AND THE WEST. PULLMAN SLEEPERS ATLANTA TO ST. LOUIS WITHOUT CHANGE. CHICAGO amd the NORTHWEST. PULLMAN SLEEPERS ATLANTA TO CHICAGO WITHOUT CHANGE. NEW TRAIN to LOUISVILLE and CINCINNATI PULLMAN SLEEPERS ATLANTA TO LOUISVILLE AND CINCINNATI WITHOUT CHANGE. Cheap Rates to Arkansas and Texas ALL-RAIL AND STEAMSHIP LINES TO NEW YORK AND THE EAST. TOURIST RATES TO ALL RESORTS. Jor Schedules, Rates, Maps or any Railroad information, call upon or write to J. W< THOMAS, Jr., H. F. SMITH, CHAS. E. HARMAN, D 6eneral Manager, Traffic Manager, General Paee. Agent, Nashville, Tenn. Nashville, Tenn. Atlanta, Ga. Look In Your Mirror Do yon c sparkling eyes, a healthy, tinted skin, a sweet expression and n grace ful lorm i These attractions are the result of good health. If they are absent, there R is nearly always some disorder of the dis tinctly feminine organs present. Healthy meastrual organs mean health and beauty everywhere. MeELREETS Wine of Cartful * ii ■■ - makes womsn beautiful and healthy. It strikes at the root of all their trouble. There is uo menstrual dis order, ache or pain which it will not cure. It is for the budding girl, the busy wife and the matron approaching the change of life. At every trying crisis in a woman’s life it brings health, strength and happiness. It costs si.oo of medicine dealers. For advice in cases requiring special directions, address, giving symptoms, “The Ladies’ Advisory Department,'’ The Chattanooga Medicine Cos., Chat tanooga, Tcnn. * arKS. HOZEN'A LEWIS, of OenaYlll., Texas, .ays i—"l wu troubled et monthly interval* with terriblo pain* in mr head and back, but hav. been entirely nd . -d by Wine of Cardui." Illili [TIES POBSITIVBLV NO LEGAL ADVERTISING DONE WITH OUT CASH IN ADVANCE. Wanted-—* correspondent at every locality in the county. The One Day Cold CurA Keraotts C bocolob s Laxative for cold in the head and sore throat. Children take them like candy. Misses Lola and Leila Killian of Jasper spent Wednesday In the city visiting friend*. Mrs. J. R. Bookout of New En gland boarded No. 2. at this place Wednesday morning, en route to Chattanooga. Can you gues3 what gentleman it is, who is prying the field of matrimony for a young laesief He lives hern too—lookout boys. ■ Hon, John W. Maddox of Rome is in town today . Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wells of Chattanooga were in town yester day. AV . T. McCarthy made a busi ness trip to Chattanooga Tuesday and Wednesday, Mrs. Geo. Serratt’s mother of i Cartersville, after a visit of sever ]al days to her daughter here, re turned to her home Wednesday. Prof, and Mrs. J. B. Alitor. ar ; rived in town today from an ex pended trip to Wataska Michigan. We desire a regular weekly cor respondent from Sulphur Springs, Cloverdale, Rising Fawn, Byrd’s Chapel. Dillon, Cole City, Hooker, Wildwood, Morganville, New En gland City, Durham Mines and other places. This is IMPERA TIVE and MUST BE ATTEND ED TO. NOTICE. —The Burkhart stock of goods are now offered for sale at wholesale-price, for which he will take peas at the market price. If you want good goods cheaper ** f than you ever bought them, see bis stock and be convinced; he al so has a lot of patent medicines iorsaieat half piice, - “ * uildinf WANTED. —You to know that legal advertising is payable strict ly in advance. 'Elder John D. Floyd of Middle Tennessee will a series of meeting at Union on the fourth Sunday in this month. Let every body attend ibis meeting. J. C. Robert son made a business trip to Birmingham Tuesday. It is rumored that a hypnotic exhibition will he given at New England tomorrow night. Subscribers who have cattle, hog* sheep, or money lost, estrayed or stolen may’ have iheir advertising done free in the NEWS columns. I WANTED. —A correspondent in every precinct of the county is wanted to spnd in tlie news items by Wednesday of each week. We are informed that Mr, Russ Gass was joined in holy wed.ock to Miss Ida Kiik out near Shi lon Sunday. We wish '.hem a pros perous sail down the stream of life. D. E. Tatum of Sligo was in town Monday. MI M. CASTtEMY The leader in low prices for merchandise Keeps a full line ofmione). Standard pat> of groceries dryjent medicines and line goods- -includingjof ordinary drugs, lawns, prints, ging- Thc , >g friend hams etc.- and me,- he h<)lds up chaiu jse. , his products lor the Look at his stand- . 1 . ,• . , . . , . i c Ihighest. prices w hien ard prints at 4 and 5c \ r iu * t iuh *he al vays pays. A good hat for a littlei J 1 TRY GAMMY. ON THE SQUIRE BOXING BRIEFS. The figlir at Snnf ran cisco hr. tween Joe Walcott and Kid Car ter came to a sudden termination in the seventh round, when Wal cott fell down and cried *‘foul,” claiming that he had been struck low. If such a blow was s luck uo one saw ii. A physician exam ined Walcott, but coaid find no injury. The g-neral impression i of those who saw the tight was that Walcott had “laid down.’’ if this is so it is the first time in Walcott’s career that he has been guilty of such an act. Up until the seventh round Walcott had had the best of matters. In the fifth round it looked as if he had Carter going, and in the sixth round the white man was again in distress. In the seventh Carter landed a nasty right uppercut in the stom ach. A few minutes later Walcott set up his cry of fraud. A special to the Enquirer in re gaid to the Walcott-Carter bout says : There was no evidence of a foul, and it was palpably a case of quitting, as a physician made an examination ot Walcott ami found no injury. Carter was betting strongly on himself, hut Walcott refused to bet on himself. Wal cott was hoi ted and hissd as his seconds left the ring. The police had trouble in quelling the disor der, but as soon as the crowd learn ed the truth it became orderly. Walcott wu* able to walk out of the ring. Marvin Hart, who began bitting the horze cup as soon as he began to be prosperous, says he is back ill shape again amt he wants a chance. Hart could make it in (teiesting for the best of them >t 1 he would take care of himself.- Ex. 0 <l9 fin Made To Order C|o QC B f lfi.UU Mail's Suit, for WJ.9B BY BUYING DIRECT FROM I £. ROSEN3URGER & CO., I 202-204 E. 102d St.. NEW YORK CITY., The Largest Clothing ’ Manufacturers in America. . OUR GREAT BARGAIN OFFER! PW^ :r l9 7fi we PuylxpresMge. These Salts art made up of All Wool Cnsslmeres* trimmed with fast blue k Sat* rn, the best of workman • hip, cut Double Hrenstt-d, Slcza, j Jo g yvurs, with Silk Embroidered Snilor Collar, iu to 13 yenrs, with out Sailor Collar. /.II f*nnew have Dnten ( Wnist* WeNcnd pieces of ilit I* •I* and e*tto buttons, with each suit, kindly uiciuiou il Inrire or siuull for age. ”™I /StTX Tills Style IJP'Ys, CO § * Si T 1 1 “ u l*i&M l> - •3 4 ixf with liitrn / o^l ijfeA £ I | j rh 'y I ''• When ordering scad Pwt Office. Express Money Order or Registered I vm Wi Letters, also age at last birthday, MM M and if large or small for his age. jPf Money cheerfully rcfun<led If not I a l satisfactory. Send sc. ntamps for MiS Bln I samples, tape ffleasure. measuring mT L - I bi^"*k. etc. -V " ifiipi jlteipj! - mt I rwiosMor A smart Broadway, New York, druggist lias Lhio sign hanging outside his store; it marks the new era of drug selling. Is it any wonder that he has to enlarge his quar ters, that his clerks are busy, and that his store is one of the most popular along the leading thor oughfare ? You can afford to trade with a druggist who gives you SCOTT’S EMULSION when you ask lor it. THE PORTRAITS OF OUR PRESIDENTS With Bios Ulrica I Skctc hes BY GENERAL CHARLES! H. GROSVENOR, Member of Congress lor nearly 20 your*. ( ontnins twenty-loui large I’hoto-gruvii.r Eti-hinars from the paintings by ch linnilies an<l near relatives of tlm President,. Printed on heavy plate paper, mbiw.s"rt. * very large book : t * tie page designed by Tiffa ny. Biographical tketche* printed in Inrge. open type in two colors. The greutest ivork of the 20th Century, So beautiful that when President McKinley saw it he subs ribed im mediately. One ugent. selling HPO copies in small territory in Pennsylvania. A million copies will be sold Quick. Fortunes will I c made this Inaugural year. Hign class man or woman of g.'Od social standing can make a little fortune in this territory. Territory is going rapidly, Presses running day and night to till orders. Wanted.—State Manuger to look after corre spondence and agents. Address to-day TitKCONTINENTAL PRESS, Corcoran Building, WASHINGTON, I>. C. [PATENTS Quick! v soctfrod. OUR FEE DUE WHEN PATENT OBTAINED. Send model, sketch or photo, with description for free report as to patentability. 48-PAGE HAND-BOOK FREE. Contains references and full information. WRITE FOR COPY OPOUR SPECIAL OFFER. It is the most liberal proposition ever made by a patent attorney, an 1 EVERY INVENTOR SHOULD READ IT before applying for patent. Address: H. B. WILLSON £ CO. PATENT LA ■VYERS. La Droit Bldg., WASHINGTON. D. C. #> ! JO HE. ~ Uameras r make good pictures V ® ffmsj AND GOST UTTLE MONEY. ' Him Ladies and gentlemen will find pleasure and profit I fljV selling them. Ask for Catalogue. PBir Dixie Camera Cos. ATLAMTA, GEORGIA. RHEUMATISM and CATARRH CURED SY Johnston’s Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTLES. El THE SHADOW OF DEATH. A r.nllf Cra. Mrs. C. H. Kingsbury, who keeps a millinerv and fapey goods store at St. Louis, Gratiot Cos., Mich., and who is well known throughout the country, says; *• I was badly troubled with rheums-; tism, cata.rrh and neuralgia. I had j liver complaint and was very bilious. I was in a bad condition; every day I be gan to fear that I should never be a well woman; that I should have to settle down into a chronic invalid, and live in the shadow of death. I had JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA rec [ ommended to me. I TOOK FOUR | BOTTLES AND IT CURED ME, and ! cured my family both. lam very glad i that I heard of it. I would cheerfully recommend it to every one. I have taken manv other kinds of medicine. I prefer JO'HNSTON’S to all of them.* MICHIGAN DKCO CO., Detroit, Mica. Unt.'ldr nocuraJ. OITK V.,3 CUE WHEN PATENT I OBTAIKID. Srr.J raudvl. ktli nr j-fs. ■ with f fnrfrtenpurtMt<>raten*'>illty. tt-PAOB f HANU-BOOS ritrX C intu in r • rcuct-s lull Ml , jufnriuali'iii. warn FOR COPY OF OUR SPECIAL t OFFER It is th-J Stott literal f>r.„..,#ttitHi '• '“r finely t., | a fittorny., u,l I7BHY INVERTOR SEOUL3 $ HEAD II applying >vr [-atari: AdiiroM: . H.B.WILLSOfUCOJ PATENT LAWYER3. La Droit Bldg., WASHINGTON, O C. I Terrifies Headaches i.Tsmivu i'i<o.n DhRANCiBMF.NT STOV.AwU. l'vizr, o:i eov/EL£, Relieved lit Ayer’s Pill" ‘-1 dob'! Ijeltev" o* there ever was so ©: J good a pill made 0 j as A’ IT'S C:.l!li 1 o; 'fit '• I’Slls. They Oj \ ' will lilt all >l>!' Fee. o : and f ummeiid tln tn for O] fl Y/jq ;ud even more. ® j- Ii jM l When I have a />! ' ' ' " null and ache Oi o * from head lieels, a dose or two of 0 : these pills is all the medicine needed to o! set mo right again. For heartache, they never fail. 1 have been a victim of ter lible headaches, :;nd have never found c>! nnyt ing to'.elleve them so u’tiekly as “ ■ Ayer's Piils. Since ! 1 egan taking this 0 - medi.dne, tlie attueks iiuve t een less and O : less frequent, until, at. oresent, months \ have passed since 1 have laid one."— Y. q \ F. Nkwman. Dug Spur, Vi.. O. AYER'S PULLS Sj Prize Medrl at Woria rs Fair poo oo go o o o coo o gor>^ Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially dlgeststhe food and aids Nature In strengthening and recon structing the exhaust'd digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SickHeadache.Gastralgia.Cramps, and all other results of imperfect digestion. Prepared by E. C- DeWltt A Cos., Chicago. T „f* b’ov , STEVENS FAVCIiITE |l / It wi>. teach liim to le*<l an artire outdoor life in I I 1 Geld and forest. It will give him a practical acquaintance ,* i with nature. It will encourage practice in afcooting, which I tend* to give nteadinens of nerve, accuracy of eye. The'* I. will be valuable qualities in after life, and, above all, it f | will give him health. r I I It fa nn ocournte rifle, puts every shot just where 3 i you hold it; Is light weight, graceful in outline, a bona tide N I arm in appearance and construction; nothing cheap about ( I, it but the price. Made in three calibres—.22, .26 and .32 r i rim-tire. / '! _ No. 1T - Plain Open #l*hta. s.* | No. I H Turget Klghta M-*0 ) I 1 No. 1 SI —Lyman Mehta U.OO ) I 1 Ask your denier for the “Favorite." If he doesn't S 1 1 keep It, we will send prepaid on leoeipt of price. S 1 1 Send slump /or our new 132-page catalogue S , i containing descriptions of our entire line of \ 1 1 rifles, target piste’s and combination rifts f I. and pistols, and general information. I J. ftTF.VF.Nft ARMS A TOOL CO. v ) Box • • Chicopee Falla, Mam. ( Why not be your own Kiddie-mats? Pay but on profit between mater and user and tlin t a sma! > Just one. Our Bit? 700 Page Catalogue and Flyers Quide proves that it s possible. Weighs S'/, pounds, 12 000 illustrations, describes and te 1 Is t he one-profit price of over 40.000 p -tides, everything yon use. Wo send 1 ,: tor :scents; tout's not for the book but to pa • ->*> rt of the postage or espressage ancx isacv v,fl idlers You can't get it quick. i/lONTGOMERY WARD A CO. The Store of All the feopws .li a iid MIcWgTJ Ave.. Chicago THE DAY!S IM/UjIINE€GK SELL THE BEST SEWING MACHINES ON EARTH Direct to the consumer at fcetory prices. THE JIBERTY 522.60 AUOU'rCLY TWt BtST MACf the Sterling a r*m mcncaaoc macwkc ill 1 jHaSy the Descent /tVwt THE fAVORITE 512-95 :* muBUSI EVERY: LIBERTY WAPPENTEDIO YEARS 50*P0OUCtUHOSOWCATAlOCUf '*“ An ou> Established And Ceua& e ttouse. Tot ciki £* * PATENTS f PROMPTLY SECURED I i Write for our interesting books “ Invent- i l Dr’s Help” and “How you are swindled.’’ i I Send us a rough sketch or model of your i I invention or improvement and we will tetl i i you ft-ee our opinion as to whether it is i i probably patentable. Wc make a specialty i i of applications reje< *ed in other hands, i l Highest references furnished. i MARION * MARION | PATENT SOLICITORS A BRPXRTS i Civil & Mechanical Engineers. Graduates of the I Polytechnic School of Engineering. Bachelors In i I Applied Sciences, Laval University, Member* < I ratent Law Association. American Water Works , . Association, New England Water Work* A*soc. , P. Q- Surveyors Association, Assoc.. Member Can. [ Society of Civil Engineers. i Offices * \ Washington, D, C. _ \ Montreal, Can.