State of Dade news. (Trenton, Ga.) 1891-1901, October 25, 1901, Image 4

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UNSEX ING HERSELF. MIS3 Quickstep—l declare I'm almost ashamed to be seen in company with Mabel Harkalong these days!" Miss Flyppe—So am I. She does such outlandish things. Look at her Washing like a great, big, bashful boy!” —Chicago Tribune. The New Fire Net Recently adopted by one of the metropolitan fire department* ba-e proven a wonderful suc 068* as a life saver. Every one takes special interest in anv invention that wall save or prolong life. This is tho reason ao many peo ple have been praising the merits of Hostet tei s Stomach Bitter* during the past fifty years. It cure* dyspepsia, indigestion, bil iousness, nervousness, and liver and kidney troubles. Many physicians prescribe and rec ommend it. Do not fail to try it. The men who gets into a peck of trouble is in a measure to be pitied. MISS UiA HOWARD/ President South End Ladies’ Golf Club, Chicago, Cored by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound After the Best Doc tors IXad Failed To Help Her. “ De ab Mbs. Pi mm am : —I can thank you for perfect health, to-day. Lite looked so dark to mo a year or two ago. I had constant pains, my limb* •welled, I had dizzy spella, aad n@v— MISS LAURA HOWARD, CHICAGO, knew one day how I would feel the next. I was nervous and had no ap petite, neither could I sleep soundly nights. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg etable Compound, used in con junction with your Sanative Wash, did more for me than all tho medicines and the skill of the doctors. For eight months 1 have enjoyed perfect health. I verily believe that most of the doc tors are guessing and experimenting when they try to cure a woman with •n assortment of complications, such as mine ; but you do not guess. Bow I wish all suffering women could only know of your remedy ; there would be less suffering I know.” —Laura How ard. 113 Newberry Ave., Chicago, 111. —fBOOO forfeit tf about testimonial Is not genuine. Mrs. Pinkuam invites all wo men who are ill to write her for advice. Address Lynn, Mass., giving full particulars. LIBBY’S Mince jwgl j Meat, mm I In cur mammoth Litchsn we employ a chef u f jS’ “■ • who is an expert in raak- V ? < ing mince pies. He has pljk. \? \ charge of making all of . nwfc • Libby'* Mince Meat. Ht jwl | uses the very choicest ma- j|l|KL ? I terials. He is told to make j l ' the best Mince Meat ever JSjIsLrJJ | sold—and he does. Get a " • package at your grocer's; F* ' enough for two large pies. You'll never use another kind again. . Libby's Atlas of the World, with 3a • new maps, sire Bxl x inches, sent any- ' where lor xo cts. in stamps. Our Book- ' let, “How to Make Good Things to . Eat,” mailed free. Libby, McNeill & Libby, CHICAGO. S9OO TO SISOO A YEAK We want intelligent Men and Women as Traveling Representatives cr Local Managers; salary syoo to *ISOO a year and all expenses, according to experience and ability. We also want local representatives ; salary $9 to fit a week and comuiission, depeading upon the time devoted. Send stamp for full particulars and Mate position prefered. Address, Dept. B. THE BELL COMPANY. Philadelphia. Pa. PHMA-HAY FEVER URED BY •IMS® TRIAL BOTTLE Address DR.TAFI!79 E. 130? ST-N.Y.City $3,500.00 IN GOLD GIVEN AWAY tso our agents besides th regular commis sions, for selling our splendid line HOLI DAT BOOKS for 1901. No big pilies to a few. but •very agent gets a share. Flteen years' busi ness record back of this offer. Handsome sample-ease outfit only 35 cents, delivered. Order outfit and secure choice of territory at •nee. Address I>. J£. LBtHKB PUB. CO., Atlanta, Ga. LUMBER WANTED. Wanted Maple and Beech Lumber. AddreES Box 693, Atlanta, Ga. USERS OF FARM AND MILL MACHINERY Subscribe For KORKBT & FIELD at sight. It Is published In their Interest at Atlanta, Ga . monthly. Only 25c per year. Agents wanted. Sample copies Free. Mention this Paper ‘ySSSgExS!? lfl|i CURLS W-stflfc ALL ELbfc lAlib. M Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Dse WM CcJ in time. Sold bv druggists. vwfl SOZODONT for Ki TEETH 25c CUNNING fOR PUTft'RPLIES. Vfiey Are So Shy That the Usual Net is Useless. In the forests of Northern Australia lives a butterfly which is hunted with powder and shot. This is a biil liant-hued creature, highly valued by col lectors. It is very shy and hovers about the upper branches of the trees, seldom approaching within 20 feet of the ground. A traveling American naturalist says Invention, went to Australia determined to get some perfect specimens of this rare insect. For several days he strove with long nets and short nets to entrap some of the beautiful creatures of the upper air. He raised ladders and climb ed trees at the peril of life and limb, but the wary butterflies kept beyond range of his swooping net. The entomologist hit upon the brilliant idea of a decoy. Loading his gun with the smallest shot he had, he brought down one of the high-flyers. It was badjy battered, but he patched and fur bished it up to an appearance of re spectability and spread it on a bush top in a conspicuous spot 10 feet above the ground, arranging the wings with as close a resemblance to life as possible. Curiousity is a besetting failing to but terflies. Presently two of them noticed their departed comrade and began to cir. cle lower and lower above the busk Others joined the investigation, and, finally, the patient collector was able to capture one of them by a swift move ment, This sent the other soaring away in alarm, but if) a few moments they were back again, and before the day was over the naturalist’s ingenuity was rewarded by the capturing of half a dozen perfect specimens, which after ward became the property of various scientific museums. Since then this has been the recognized method of taking that species of insect. Somewhat similar was the capture of some rare South American butterflies several years ago. An entomologist, traveling on the Orinoco, failed, after attempts, to take a single specimen of a swallowtail butterfly, which haunted the upper toiiage of the forest. One day his party came awosj a band of half-savage natives, armed with bow guns, bows and spears, one of whom offered to supply the collector with a number of the desired insect at a price. An offer of 2% cents a specimen repre sented opulence to the native, who re turned on the following evening with six of the butterflies—all perfect or near ly so. How the Indian could catch the shy and delicate insect, which he himself with all the implements of the chase, could not capture, was a problem to the traveler. Not until he was about to leave would the native explain. His method was very simple, he seid, and pointed to his blow-gun, a weapon with which these people are marvelously ac curate and deadly marksmen, even kill ing big game with darts blown from them. He had “marked down” his but terfly, waited for it to alight, and then shot a pellet to the left upon which it was poising. The impact was sufficient to stun the prey and bring it to the ground without injuring its fragile wings. JUST LIKE HIS FATHER. Mrs. Howells—Your baby resemble* his father very much, don't you think? Mrs. Growells—Yes, in both looks and actions. Why, he even makes a specialty of crying for the moon in the daytime instead of at night, just for the sake of being contrary. —Chicago Newt, Best For the Bowels. No matter what ails you, headache to a cancer, you will never get well until your bowels are put right. Cascabets help nature, oure you without a gripe or pain, produce easy natural movements, cost you just 10 cents to start getting your health back. Cas cabbtb Candy Cathartic, the genuine, put up in metai boxes, every tablet has 0.0. C. stamped on it. Beware of imitations. It’s funny that when people say a man was bested they mean that he was worsted. FITS permanency cured. No fits or nervous ness after first day’s use of Dr. Kline’s Great Nerve Restorer. $2 trial bottle and treatise free Dr. R. H. Kline, Ltd., 931 Arch 8t„ Phila. Pa. An Austrian thaler is only good for its silver value—namely, about fifty cents. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for ohlldrsu teething, soften the gums, reduces inflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c a bottle About 300,000 geese are annually brought from Russia to Saxony. Making headway —knitting the neck of a sweater. I do not believe Piso’s Cure for Consump tion has an equal for coughs and colds.—John F. Boxes. Trinity Springs, Ind., Feb. 15,1900. The man who’s daft on fishing might be classed as an angler-maniac. The worst of borrowing trouble is that it entails such a high rate of interest It requires no experience to dye with Put nam Fadeless Dxes. Simply boiling your goods in the dye is all that is necessary. Sold by all druggists. When a fellow can’t raise a beard he feels that that is one of the ills that flesh is hair to. It would naturally be supposed that a nose is broke when it hasn’t got a scent, Catarrh Cannot Be Cured, With local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it yon most take internal remedies. Hall’s Ca tarrh Cure is taken internally, and acta direct ly on the blood and mucous surface. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular pre scription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredient* is what produces such wonderful results in cur ing catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney & Cos., Props., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, price, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. The newest leather seats for hall chairs are laced with thongs of the same mate rial. Friends By the Thousand. Thousands of women wws their health to Dickey’s Femalo Touic. It cures painful and difficult menstruation, weak back, ulceration of womb, and all female diseases. A RAPID COURSE. "Dere ain’t no doubt about it,” said Meandering Mike, “education pays.” "I 'spose you’re speakin’ from experi ence?” responded Plodding Pete, con temptuously. “I am. 1 went t’roo one o’ de biggest colleges in de country; while de students was asleep.”— Washington Star. Brooklyn, N. Y., Ootober 22d.—The Gar field Tea Cos., manufacturers of Garfield Tea, Garfield Headache Powders, Garfield Tea Syrup, Garfield Belief Plasters, Garfield Digestive Tablets and Garfield Lotion, are now occupying tho large end elegant office building and laboratory recently erected by them. For many years tho Garfield Re medies have been growing in popularity and their suocess is well deserved. The proper age at which a girl should get married is the parsonage. graph College, Louisville, Ly., open the whole year. Studentscan entei any time. Catalog free. NOV. 3O™ I FROM 1902. t—gr*- — Jt IHf® X 5 Iwniuiiaf gfX ‘GOOD LUCK" lEKfEUSSIIf f m IBBVSPUNIIOII' rjg Tjfljist lipeiilleidsieck" -S3 1 Xrl ‘B 0 OTJACK” @3 y 11 iDPEMMONEf urn Mt.r amo etprtn ser. H pgj B If jPfPfl iHPff IP IT (P) ikH M Iff M I Ms 1S! ** o •• E. Rice, Qreenville,” “ Horse Shoe,” “J. TANARUS.,” iUO WBJ y4aj^. j I “Master Workman,” “Sickle,” “Brandywine,” |t W I “Jolly Tar,” “ Standard Navy,” “ Planet,” “ Nep iKwinyifM'i iff tags may be assorted in securino presents. H TAOa ‘ /eX/xt. re** 1 tm jte Mss. - ■ ■ ■■■ kw I MAtcH eon: q Our new illustrated coc/, * r * nm CATALOGUE OF PRESENTS ft j will induji-many article, not shown I \\\W 1 ( aJ \jj§ most attractive List of Presents ever offered for Tags, and .wili• ii Mwk U r(vl I■*tajESw, V.-X'4 Si be sent by mail on receipt of postage—two cents. ky I U / (Catalogue will be ready for mailing about January ist, 1902.) child's ser I Our offer of Pro* eats for Tags will expire Nov. 30th, 190a. ~P CONTINENTAL TOBACCO COMPANY. | h|| | Write your name and address plainly on outside ef packages ’ g - r containing Tags, and send them and requests for Presents to i anu C. Hy. BBOVVN, | ~ j ■ —W—MMg——■ TWirr— SOZOOOHT Tooth Powdor 25c Malsby & Company, 41 S. Forsyth St., Atlantal, Ga. Engines and Boilers Slr.ui Wl*r Heaters, Steujui l’uuips ami Penberthy Injectors. | Manufacturers and Dealers in SAW MILLS, t orn Mills, Peed M Ills, Cotton Gin Machin ery and Grain Separators. SOLID and INSERTED Saws, Saw Teeth and I ocks, Kniglit’s Patent Dog*, Itirdsnll Saw Mill 11ml Plnglne liepnirs. Governor*, Grate Pars and a lull line of Mill Supplies. Price nnd quality of goods guaranteed. Catalogue lice by mentioning this paper. iTDAPSY NEW DISCOVERY; giv 3 fj aV I C* I quick relief and oures worst i aes. book of tettimonials and 10 dn vs’treatment Free. Dr. H. H. GREEK BSONB. Box B. Atlanta. *. CytHotir 8 -wo .niLr-i ,' fy/'-/'-----i >uglas7 5N MADE’# 1 . L. Douglas $4 Gilt Edge Lins anaot be Equaled at Any ff Mg V&WI | More Ihto s Quarter ofaOnfnrv B * W. L. l)ouirlass3.ooan(lf3.K) g fcrtA U| >ni for t and wear has excel led a vl old at ther.e prices. This 1 has been won by merit uloncJß &X-3 ■/,') $ uglas shoes have to give het- H Jyl I faction than other |:luO and R fc-#fIBKA f/ I >es because his rcputp.Uon for n f ini $3.50 shots must be main-!! ./j .r.dard has always been placed * . Vv^ r | I ie wearer receives morevalue.% A I in the \V. I-. Df-nglas p.,00 an<m R n lie can pet elsewhere. W. I -’'i’* /Mm'S 11s more $;loo and sß.r>o shoes thai^aaiwfci^-v.' ''A&Bnß rdnrers in (he Fast Rouj-lt* ?3 and f 3.50 blsops are made ii/B latheru übed ia 55 and 56 ihoca, bIJ "”**• Ca ; ai.oo Fiitr ovglas stores in Amrriran cities selling direct from fniii one profit; and the best shoe dealers evervwhere. JWOr V In*Ut upon hn-Inv W, t. booslo, oboes with namo •nd price stomped on bohoia. Shoes sent liny- jtj jvhw of 1 is. Brockt on. Mass. '‘TbshaiMialiat IttcILHENNrS TABASCO. Use CERTAIN