The constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1884-1885, February 26, 1884, Image 1

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M I I2nT AMBEICA. 12 Pa^s Criming with New?, Cossip?, AJrentnre, 1-25 ayear Remance, Travrl, Humor. CONSTITUTION .>1 CATCH ON AT ONCE! Bright, Cheerful, Chuckfull of News. $1.25 a year) In Clubs of 5, $1.00 each, THE GREAT SOUTHERN WEEKLY. vgSjUMjo xvi. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2G. 1884.--TWELV.E PAGES PBJLOB 5 CSOSTo A COMPLETE PAPER. The Con.titntinn Interest! nil Claues and Appeals to nil Tastes. The leading topics of this week's Issue are: Talks op Tbavbl???"Mexico and the Mexicans,??? ???S:rang-3 .Sights la Australis.??? end other bits of description. Around thk CAMPmE-???How Littles Begin,??? "Lee's Gettysburg Plan,??? "Cotne Along. Fur lough, Come Along.??? "Richard Kirkland,??? Center 8hotfora Furlough,??? ???The Old Twelfth Georgia to the Front.??? News of tub Week???"Congress Condensod,??? ???The News by Wire.??? ???All Through Dixie,??? ???Shor News Notes,??? ???Points About People,??? "Acros* the Water,??? "Our Daring the Week,??? "Georgia News.??? Our Humorous WRiTBRi-Uncle Remus???"Brother ??? Rabbit Gets the Proviso*;??? -Bill Asp.??? Betsy Hamilton??????Half Hour Beforo Preacbln???,??? ???Hu mor of the Day,??? ???Sate* f ??r Sweethearts.??? Thk Constitution Dbpaktmbnts???"The Woman???s ???Kingdom,??? "Our Young People,??? "The Knowl edge Box,??? "Farm and Farmers,??? ???The Anti Ltqnor Fight,??? "Onr Story Corner.??? The Sensation or the Wkbk???The only lull and complete account of THE CYCLONE ACCURATE MAP OF ITS ROUTE From first to last and all the terriblo details. Talks or Adtknturb??? 1 "Elephant 8hootlDg,??? "Dead in tho Gulch," "The Cannibals of Fiji,??? ???An Adventure of a Michigan Trapper.??? Editorials???'"Notes on Current Topics,??? "Letter* From ths People," and many other things of interest. Rome thing to please every member of the family. Only St as as Tear. In Clnbe of Five, SI Bash, Hnbscrlbw at Once, STORM SWEPT. News of the Storm Continued From Ninth Page. To-tlay Thk Coottrutios completes the etory of the devastation left by the storm which struck across the stato in two lines. The first Intimation the grest bulk of the people had of the terrible visitation was from the columns of Tne Cosstitctiok, which, by the rarest man- egoment, caught the storm upon its flight and kept tiack of It until U was lost In the hills of North Carolina. To-day we present some incidents of the disaster in Georgia. Greater detstl, however, is given of the progreis of the storm In Caro lines. In Alabama 40 persons were killed; in Georgia 200; in South Carolina 80, and In Alabama 80, making a total of 370 lives. The loss to property in the four states most be considerably over *2,000,000. Dp mo and North Georgia. When the Slsto nad train drew up under the lurched at hall put eight o'clock lut night Colonel Iowcr.<. snliiant keeper ot the penitentiary, wu among thorn who alight, J. Tiik CottrriTl'riox bad been telegraphed ahead that Colonel Towers could giro an account ol the torrlble devastations by tho storm along the Uuoot tho Martotta and North Georgia railroad. ?????? Yea,???iatd the colonel. ???I can giro you an ac count ot what I saw. You can form no Idea ol the extent ol tho deitraotton that the storm hu wrought in the mountain countie!. I haro ??een the tracks ol most ol the south Georgia cyclones, bat I haro never icon one that .wept over such a wldo track and left euch a pathway cf ruin -behind it a. did this one. Juit tbtuk of a sweep of wiud wiping out a strip of timber threo miles across and making It look Uko an Immense mowing machtuo had boon run through!!! It cut cleanly at the edges. Thlialde oHhecycloao's track wares sharp and as well do Hoed aa a row ol millet; the othor aide was a Utile lagged, bat not Tory much M. Between these two tides nothing bat devastation lay. Trees that had Hood for neatly a hundred years, the largest oaks snd hickory were soapped off like straws or pulled op by their roots. Every thing that was high enough to catch the force of the wlud wss twitted off and Immense tranks and branches of trees were ptlid belter skelter over the lace of the earth. I contdat ano time see two miles up the track of tho storm, snd such ruin I uerer saw before. Trees and homes bad been strewn eround like straws, and wherever I looked I saw nothing bat a aceuo ot wild disorder and heartrending destruction." WHIRS THE STORM STkllC*. "Where did tbe storm struto the Marietta and Uorlh Georgia road?" "Ihe atoim struct the track at Tates and extend ed from their to Jasper, a distance of about threo 7M/USU /tytff P? STORM /tt??%LCO THE COURSE OF THE CYCLONE TRACED. Showing Its track from Us formation in the Chattahoochee Valley, up to Columbus, Georgls; its separation into two tornadoes across the state, and Its final reunion in South Caro- llna, and its sweep through North Carolina to (ha ooean. low did It come up 1" . was not lit the storm, bull haro had a graphic ral prion ol It Irom a man who narrowly escaped t his Ufa it trad been raining a young deluge lay, and about two o'clock It rained particular- art. Tho rain came down la the wildest lor- s and waihcd off the whole lace the country. Alter that there came lm and everything was quiet and peaceful, denly the people of Tatei heard a deep rum- g sound Ilk. dU ant thundor or an Immense ertall. Quick u a flash and without a second's ???log the atorm struck them. The trees swayed, sped and went crashing to the ground. The sea went oyer and in a h.If. minute???s lime tho tt little townol Tatei with iu half doseu faml- had not a house lett standing. Perhaps a town er was wiped from the face ol the earth tch short order Tbe Inhabitants were thrown into the storm and their household furniture, I, clothing, papen, etc., went flying through air. Mr. Darnell wu counting money In his B, and a lot ot It blow away. He calculates , he loot about forty dollars In greenbuks by . whiff ot wind.??? THE tCISS IM THK DIAV AKD DUMB ASYLUM. ie deaf and dumb luatltnte, which Is located >, presented a cartons scene. The pupils ere u bt end Interesting a class of children as can be with anywhere. Their tery>ffilction adds In st to tho longing questions which can be read belr eyta One little bine eyed girl with gilden tea, such en one u would call out the ile strength of a father's love, stood upon the rstep, looking longtngiy at the moving clouds, he vapory shad jwa grew darker It Kerned u U little beauty's face became troubled. Herrera never been attuned to the tweet harmony of Bd; the world wm but k great theater of deathly ice. Ueraonl had never been pouted out In muDloa with lather, mother or friend; their lug tips were but enigmas to her mind. Yet er heart then dwelt the consciousness that e mil Ood; that the moving world which she was bat the tracery ol Bla Do get; that ewhere beyond the light, behind the clouds, e wu a concealed console- which might rente day open her care and ua 'e TrrYtorau, to the greatnese ol Hit love. Aa don't became denser It seemed to ehatnat a rtbanehessinewhichinepore.-srea??? on Into urn c JrereaL hnddealy the rmmblln Tuesday warn day of storms Id Georgia No town or city, u far as heard from, escaped terrific falls of rain or hail and unusually strong winds. Through this storm ares two cyclones ploughed their way, leveling torests, destroying bouses and scattering death on all aides. It is to outline the coarse ot theso cyclones that the abovo map is printed. Of coarse we propose to give only the most general ontlines, that will indicate the coarse of the cyclone, by taking lending points at which they appeared. We start with tbe cyclone whirling upward from the gulf, through the Chattahoochee valley. Below Columbus it divided, and one column swept westward on Montgomery. It barely miss.d that city snd caromed north- of the storm wuabout her; missiles were flying through the sir; hor eye told herof danger. Fly. log to her companion!, In her muto way, she com municated to them her (ears. They stoed In a group around her srhlto the air grew dark, lllumlnrd now and then by (harp flashes of lightning, which drove terror iuto their souls. They clung around their superiors In piti ful need of protection. To look upon that scene of human brings???sweet, bright, little children, only conKlousof danger from sight, yet deaf to It and dumb to Its expression; .peaking to each other from the painful tension of the ey.; thtlr very facial n.rvo. responding to similar inquiry; all this was somsthing to brlnq >adnoss to the hearts of the most caralaa, who prise so lightly the bletMngs which God bugtv.0 them, and of which these muto innocents are deprived. Th. btitnnln la Atebsw.. Rome, Oa., February 21 ???The Courier ol this morning publishes a special from Ambenon, Ala bams, which says: The cyclone which passed from Germania direct to GramvlUe.then through Garhen up by the factory and by Frog mountain, kilted people by the sections. Old man Wilson Johnson, the widow Jones and two ol Lalner l???arker's chil dren were ah killed, and at least twenty more will die. No more dead until we get to John aklne. John Akins???s father, mother aud ono Bister are dead???died before we oould get them to any home Think two ot the others wit die. Dr. Acker???s house, Bill Min- ton and Bill Browu???a gin and bam all gone. All the Ackers women and Dr. Face Whits', wlfa .re badly Injured. Zack Brown and two of his chil dren were killed dead. Z>ck Brawn wu tom to pieces. 1 cannot tell half, 1 wu down there ye?? terday evening and helped carry the dead away. Mules, cows and everything war destroyed. Th. entire section wu in ruins. Thtre will be at leut eight coffla. made here to day. John A. Poe wu left nothing but hts mala. John Akcn has not a tingle thing loll him on earth tut hla mules, and we think two of them will die. a CAIM Or SKDCLOTnES. Dallu Turner, who realdsa about nln. miles from town, rrporia that after Tuesday'! storm be found a considerable quantity of bedding sud fur niture rcatlercd over hi. farm. Be does not know where it came from, but it must haro been blown a considerable distance. ward, At the foot of the Bed monntain range it caught tho little village ofOxmoor and twisted it severely. It then steered oil from the mountain side, thus giving Birming ham, six mites off, a narrow escape, and catching Leeds Skilled aoveral people. Hav ing veered off from tbe monntain, it wu now rushing northeast. It swept through Am- berson, Ladlga, ran a dozen miles south of Rome, struck Cave Springs, and went south to Cartenvllle. Here It struck the Kennesaw heights, ami its course was deflected to the north, and it went through Cherokee and Pickens into Habersham, and so on oat of the state. The other division of tho cyclone struck Columbus, and went t>> the northeast through the general track troubled by cyclones before. Before reaching Ullledgoville it divided again on thy hills to the southward of that city. One division went northwest through the lower edge of Putnam, striking Haddock???s s .ion, Blount.ville and Humber's. It wont fit Jasper county and there expended Itsolf or went out toward Camak and Columbia county. Tito other division swept south of Utlledgevllle, barely missing Tennllle, and striking Davlsboro. It then turned north ward and left the state through the upper edge of Richmond snd lower Columbia coun ty, where it again canto together, and reunit ing with tho Blue Kidge arm, the whole cyclone swept on through Rockingham, North Carolina and out to the ocean. It must not bo understood that all points between tlioso marked on tbe mop were struck by tho cyclone. It is s peculiarity of cyclones that they bound from the earth at Intervals, and frequently omit a whole county In their course. . Our spools!-afispatohs. will show pretty closely what intermediate points wero struck, except in neighborhoods remoto from railroads. As to tho map wc print, credit must he given to Mr. lido Ramsdoll for tho dispatch with which it was prepared. It was 11 o???clock at night before the courso of the storm wssgi/en him, At two o???clock the map was ready for tho press. The work ispuroly a pro cess of bis own invention. ltsconne was turned and the cyclone followed the alley. A CAD INCIDENT. The death of Mr, Galllard, Is especially aid, hie wife had Just left home on the|tralato vIbUa friend. Miss Georgia flight, at AnnUton, Alabama, who wu ill aod who died yesterday. Tbla good lady wu called from the death bed of a valued friend to vtewahomeln utter ruin,aud toucher husband a mangled corp o. A N-n . are. BUmixqham, Ala., February 21.???Sufficient strfg. gling news of the cyclone continues censing In to mako It tne genual topic ot conversation. There are no addition al deaths to report slue* lut nliht. A negro man at Brock's Gap, during tbe hardest part of the storm, ran half a mile np th. Lonlsvlll. and Nuhvlll. track through th. terrible h.U and rain to flag the down freight train be knew to be due. The flsggtd train wu coming at foil .pud, down grade, and in two minute, wc-uld bar. crashed into the fallen treta, tear trery car to place.. Tb. SUr7.rC.Tei.rlas. Cat* SrsiKO, February 21 ???A gentleman rays: As I etepped upon my porch at 1:JO o'clock I noticed miles any In the southwest,! cloud, black Mink, resembling in shape a school bo)'a lop, and turn- log at rapid, sremlr glj, a. aver a boy In hU pride mads hla top to whtrL' The small end ol tbs ina ne! danced along upon the earth, drawing into It. fatal vaceuum every hing within fto reach. The roar, rlollar to a dot-a er more railway trains, was almost dt-fenlag. In a lew moments onr beautiful Tillage would have beats a mass of rnlnr. A few miles away, under the guidance of an unseen hand. A Itruia lUrjr From Heard. Newnan, Ga., February 21???Mr. J. 11, 8lm??, who liven In Heard county, tells a curious cyclone story, lie was at the house o! W. T. Meriwether, hi* brotberln law. He says: "When 1 beard the storm coming I knew what it war, for I'd been In cjdoLea before. I ran to tho door and looked out. Tho funnel shaped cloud was ccmlug, with the lower edges curling, aud as white as snow. I braced m>self agalust the door, catching my stster with one hand. Instantly the wlud caught us. The house was shattered lu a fla??h, aud wo were thrown to the ground. I was deafened and stunned. When I came to my senses the right leg of my breeches was torn off and gone. And, Incredible aa it sounds, the sole of my right ithoebsd been wrenched off aud the upper stock of the shoe bung around my aukle." "Had the house dlsappaared???? "There was not a trace of It left. The p???aoa where ft stood wasasdetnas ailaor. There was not a morsel of food left, not a piece of croekery???literally nothing. The corn-crib had gone aud the corn with ll The same was true at Mr. B. F. Grady???s and Mr Columbus Bird???s. The destitution Is com plete. Not a stitch of clothlug, food or furniture Is to be found where two days ago stood happy and prosperous homes.??? DMtrMtln at Teaalll* sal DavLbsre. Tknnillk. Ga., February 21.???I have visited Davis boro aud viewed tbe desolation left on the track of the terrible cyelone that parsed over the plaoe last night, and I am not able to give you an idea how terrible and destructive it was. I never saw so much destruction In so small a space. Tbe large warehouse built of brick waa com pie tel v demolish ed aud some of tbe top waa blown over Into Ogvc- chee swamp, five miles off. Among the sufferers are the following: Cornelius Jordan, dwelling house blown all to pieces and his little boy's leg broken; his barn also blown down and two mules killed. Mrs. Kennedy, house unroofed and furni ture badly damaged; al! of her outhouses blown away, Including a store house. AN IKON lira BLOWN AWAY. I saw an iron safe which the owner said weighed 2,700 pounds, that had been blown away with tbe store fully fifty feet from where It had stood. Per sons in the cyclone said that it did not last over a minute, and maay say not that long. Mr. McCullers said that be saw the cyclone com* log. and deeming the bouse be was In unsafe was about to move his family to tbe warehouse, bat fortunatt ly did not have time, aa tbe house they were lo did not blow away, but the warehouse did. There was asmailhout) not twenty feet square atandiLg in the track of the cyclone and stratge to ssy while other houses were entirely destroyed this small structure Is still standing uninjured. To-day I saw p- ople who lived miles beyond Da* rtiboro In the track of tbe cyclone bringing in goods of all description that they bad picked up. Tbe loss at DavDboro is variously estimated at from to iuo am mole sections of the s'ate. The loss of life and lu tho failing Umbers. Tno damage nod losses the destruction of property are far grea???or than at about Wlncsboro are calculated by the thousands, first supposed. It is now estimated that not less than 80 persons were killed aud moro than 100 In jured. Iu Newberry county great dsmsgo wss done. In Chester tbe destruction was vast. Ju and cannot be correctly atceruined until several of the neighboring places aro heard from Seneca, H. C.. February 21??? Reports have reached hero which indicate that the storm which Darllugtou a dosen of houses were swept away aud ! passed through Anderson and Newberry counties nine persons killed. At Kllenton six negroes wero ! yesterday was fearfully destructive to life and killed, and at fManuliig three children wero crush* i property. At Chappell???s, on the Columbia and cl boucaih falling walls. In the southwestern sec tion of the state untold damage wss done to tho plantations, and several small settlements were de populated. The In J ary to forests is put calcula ting, aud thousands of horses, sheep, iwtae and rnules were killed and Injured. Tho storm left Bouth Carolina and entered North Carolina near Rockingham. Great losa of life followed. The storm wss beyond doubt the most disastrous .cv<*r known in the south. Tb* Ua'* I* ***th Carets*: Columbia, 8. c,, February 21.???. ports concernlrg the storm are ctming la from re* THK DESOLATION IN CUKATES. Charlotte N. C??? February 21.???Advices to the Obterver from Houth Carolina show that Chester. 8. C??? forty-four miles from Charlotte, suffered se verely from the storm. The first telegram received here was to a hardware house, ordering that forty cases ot tlu be sent immediately to Chester to re- i place roofs tom away by the storm. The second wu a telegram to Chief of Police McNincb, requesting him to send at once as many car pentots and brick masons as he could find, as they wero wanted to go to work Immediately, repairing damages. The third telegram was special dispatch to the Observer, which told tho tale of the night's work In the following language: "A severe storm with hell struck the msln part of Chester lut night. The damage done Is great. Tho roofs of the baukand many of tbe stores were torn entirely off. Tbe BAptlst and Pres* byterUn churches, tbe Catawba oil mill and many private dwellings are either wholly or partly demol lshed. Tbe power and strength of the storm wero unparalleled. Freight care at the depot were lifted from the track and set upon tbe platform. Main street was filled with bricks and rubbish. The amount of damage cm hardly be es- tlmatid bow but It can't fall much short o(|.j0,- 000 The Bipust church was demolished; tbe bel fry of tbe Presbyterian chuch was blown down and the bell was Id god fifty yards distant; one story of the oil mlil was blown completely awry, the en gine wrecked and tbe premises torn up generally; four bex care were blown from the track and one of them was lifted bodily upon tbe platform; the colored Baptbt church was injured: tin Dost the roofs was found a mile away. The principal sufferer< among the citizens were: Dr Dave-gs, Richard Cowar, Lawyer Sanders, P. Natl & Bon and Charlie Cobb, besides many others Mr. Char lie Cobb and family were at supper when the roof of the boosa fell into the sfttl* g r**,m floor. DEATH AND DISAStVR At WINNIBOBO. At WiDDsboro. 8. G\, the storm was the severest ever known. The wind came from th* southwest and was accompanied by hall, Ilgbtr.log and rain. Trees were uprooted by the hundreds and fences were demolished in all directions. It was at a small settlement thirteen miles from Wlnnsboro that the severest damage was done. Tbe storm struck this settlement with terrific force completely demolishing flften houses killing three negroes, names noknoan, snd an aged whltp lady named Mrs. Sterling, besides wounding reverai others itverely. Tho bouse In wh ch Mrs. Sterling resided, was torn sll to pieces. At the time tbe blow came berson and daughter ware in 'ho bouse with her. They were both blown out of the bouse end l<xlged In a largo tree that was bta* ding in the yard, escaping with revere bruises. Their aged mother was crmhsd to death Greenville railroad, every house was demolished. Two loaded ctre were blown CO feet from the rail road track. Mr.G.D. Bhuford, of this place, wu killed aud will be brought here to-night. He wu super intending tbe work on tho new depot. Mr. Crooks wu killed noar Anderson, 8. t\, and two houses at that place were unroofed. Timber and fences wero blown down at a point about four miles south of this place, but no loee of life or aerloui damage to property is reported. When It wu known to-day that Tub Conititu* tion had gathered particulars of the storm copies were in demand at 10 cents. Tk# Wreck at UreklssksM. Charlotte, N. C., February 21.???Tho Observer this morning gives fuller details of tho Kocklnghtm tragedy. It wu at nine o???clock Wednesday mornli g that a wagon drove lntolhe public square at Rocking bam with a load of eleven dead bodice, three vjjiito men and eight colored men. all ghutly with bloody mutilations. The bodies came from a set tlement known ei Philadelphia, located two miles from Rockingham. It wu mostly a negro settle ment, and contained about twenty five cabins. As the sun rose upon Philadelphia Wednesday, not a house wu to be seen. Tbe.trees surrounding tbe lato settlement weie All uprooted or twisted off at the tope and carried miles from tho aoene. The single street of tho settlement wu obllterat ed by tbe mars of recks, brick, logs, plank, shin gles, fence rails aud other debris of tbe unfortu nate village. The ruins of one house were inter mingled with the ruins of another, end overall desolation reigned eupremo. Tho storm struck the settlement shunt 9 o???clock Monday night and all tbe destruction wu wrought wlibln the apart of a few minutes. Not a house escaped. The panic stricken inhabitants rushed out loto tbe street, only to be blown clear of tbe fifing debris or to bs knocked down and burled uuder It. It wu a scene that chilled tbe blocd with terror. Above the roar of the cyclone and the crash of Urn here were heard the volcss of wornea calling their us bands or children, husbands colling their wives aud children calling their parents. To moit ??? t the cries there came responses, but under the wreckage of the ruined cottages were many whose lips had been sealed and whose ears were deal to all earthly appeals. With the terror and demoral ization naturally attending suck a scene, but little could be done before day light in the way of search ing for the bodies, but after dawn a rescuing party wav organised and search wu begun among the a ghastly discovert. One of the first bodies discovered wu that ol a white man named John Dalkln He wu a largo, fireby man, weighing 176 or 2C0 pounds and as bis body was unearthed from tbe debris, a shocking sight wu revealed. Piercing his abdomoo Irom ???ids to side wu a piece ol splintered Umbras large around a* a man's leg. Tno timber wu not re moved bat allowed to remain in Dalktn???a body u it wu lound until the body wm taken to Rocking bam. The search wu continued uuill the bodies ol two more white men and eight negroes wero recovered. All bore terrible marks, having broken arms, legs and ribs, others xna&hed about tho body aud others whoso heads wero crushed In. The shocking load wu placed luawogou and c mveyed to Rockingham. Upon the ???arrival at Rocking ham, the bodies were tsken out ol tho we con and laid in a row for Identity. The wagon then re turned to the rcene ol the disaster for moro, as It wu known that all bad not been recovered Irom tho ruins. Tho searching party had not gone over more than half the town, and as a number of colored people are still reported inUsIng, it Is thought tbeir bodies will be found under the portion of the ruins not at that tlmo reached. It Is believed that the number of tho killed will reach twenty or moro. 1IOW THE STORM CAME UP. The center of tho storm lu tbla state struck the out skin of the town of Rockingham, and with such sudden fury that the people were unable to esetpe from Ihelr houses. The buildings were blown down Into timbers. Some bodies were found under tho fragments and others were carried by tho wind 160 to 200 yards. A woman was found duping to her breMt an Infant scarcely a month old. Both were dead. Tho bodies of thevlc???ira were terribly bruts id and out. Tho forco of the wind wsa such that two mill stones were moved 100 feet. Chickens and birds were found picked clean ex cept tho feathers on theli heads. Tho largest trees wu uprooted, and tho smaller ones had all tho bart stripped from their trunks. Tho atorm first mifflo its appearance at 7:30 p. m., coming from a southwesterly direction from Hamlot, Richmond county, N. O. Tbo eastern sky was overshadowed by dark flying clouds tlngod with red, growing tbloker every mlnuto, aod tho red tlogo assuming a buo of fire. At 8:30 thcro was a hoavy fall of raiu and hall, the heaviest of clouds moving westward. At midnight the iky wm dazzling red, and at 1 a. m. there was anotbor heavy fall of rain. Tho killed andwoundod be long almost exclusively to the poor cissies, and there will bo suffering and destitution among the survivors. Ills feared there wu groat loss of life and property in tho Interior points in the track of tho storm not heard from. Already 23 dead bodies have been found In Richmond county, near Rockingham aud Hamlet A PITEOUS TALK FROM TOLETON. from Polk'ou, on tho Carolina Central railroad, comes ono of tho saddest stories of the devutatlng storm. Mr. F. M. Gray, of An null county, lived near Polktnn. Monday night he retired u usual with his family, but was awakened shortly after wards by tho timber* of his mansion falling about his head. In tho twinkling of ati oye ruin sur rounded him. Ills house wu lifted by tho mighty whirlwind and shattered along tho track of tho storm. Mr. Gray, with Ills children, (reaped, but In the rain tho beloved mother and wifo wu lost. Her dead body wu picked up near tho sceno, and tbo train that arrived at Polkton from Wadesboro brought the cofllu In which her body wu to be In terred. DESTRUCTION AND DEATH IN CAnARHUR. In tho neighborhood of Pioneer mills, In Tabar is county, the storm raged with unparalleled fury. Mrs. Martha Black, mother of Mr. Black, a short tlmo ago moved Into her now two-story frame dwolllng. Shortly after aho retired the howling winds awakened her and hearing the timbers eracklng she prepared to live from tbe bouse, but before sho could get out, the house commenced tumbling about her head. Mrs. Black???s family also escaped, but all were Injured by thft falling timbers. Mrs. Black, who Is an old lady, wu qulto aorleusly hurt. About amllofrom Mrs. Black???s Is the homestead of Mr. ???Monroe Lewis. All of Mr. Lewis' outhouses were blown away, but bis dwelling houso withstood tho storm. In tbo ssmo neighborhood five dwilling houses wore demolished. Near Mrs.-Blaek's houso a negro cabin wu'swept completely away, and the negro woman who occupied it was killed, her body being horribly mashed. Her name It unknown. The brunt of tho storm passed Just to the south of Cbarlotto. giving that portion of tho suburbs known as Logtown a lively brush, making a hard effort to carry several small cabins along with It. One old negro man wu quietly dozing by hU fire place, when tbe house suddenly moved off h aving him seated In bis chair. Tho falling shingles and boards and lop cncompas*ed him round ato.ut, bat he came oat of tho wreck triumphant aud with out a single bruise. THE KILLED AND WOUNDED. About fifty lives wero lost In North Carolina by tbo rccont cyclone, and a equal number of persons ae ro Injured. Birmingham, February 22???'Tho Georgia Padflo railroad ran an excursion train to Leeds??? to day to allow tbo cHlssna en opportunity of vlewlug the results of tbe cyclono. A large crowd went out, and for tbo first tlmo realised the fearful devasta tion of tho country. Nows now comes that every member of tho Poole family suffered death. Mrs. Poolo died yesterday, and a little baby (her child,) wu blown away and has not beeu dbcover d. Tb us a family of fivo wero swept out of existence. Tbo boy who attends tho watef tank m-i*rL 'eds wu blown two hundred yards, and ever niuco hu beer, a raving maniac. No hopca aro held of a res toration of hlsmlrd. Macon, Ga., February 23.???Macon wu vMted by a revere wind early this morning. The telegraph wires between Macon and Savannah w?? re b:owu down. Private letters received hero stf to that ??? very houso on R. C. Humber's placo, Putnam county, was demolUhed In tbe recent storm. Ills property Ih iv.oou 'I niac moil* were killed on Ills place When bis residence blow down the wind caught up 1^00 of greenbacks In bis bouse, scattered tho money over the fields and w >od a. Evory dollar wu found and returned to Mr. Hum ber. digging pits Tuomaston, Ga., February 23???A considerable gale ptased over this place this morning at one clock, blowing down fences, trees, etc, but doing no other damme as far m heard from. IVople ar?? : t kt.t -:r .t'j *.* * |. 1'- Mr W J MrCullu. one of our merchants, and who has had tome expeitooce In ryvtours. commer ced vest rd- y on hU pit, wblcn bo is having dug six feel deep and fi ve wide a fxkacueb???s locomotion. CHARLESTON, 8. C??? February 23??? Near Midway, colored preacher uamed Martin Mingo, 200 poandi weight, wu lifted up out of bed by the wind, carried 3U> yards and laid dowu, slightly bruised. BALLS OP KIRK. JsrrfwoN, Ga ., February 23???The negroes ar very much excited about the calamity that hu befallen them. Their description of the Vivid, ,Tbey ray it rushed over them with the liotHi of heavy thunder, and that the air was full of balls of fire. It'anted only a moment aud th-u !umi' lba wilhErc * 1 iatJ ' Tb0 bail fell In great THE WRECK OP THE WIND. Birmingham, Ala., February 22???Tbe Age gives vevcral Incidents, illustrating the force of the cy- hou??e near the section house, and they m*ire pi" 'a up ihs houso and. lauded nearly fifty- yards . np tho hill ou the north side of tho railroad. The house was Ue molished. but neither of the i handcar was blown bcmm the track near the sec tion boa??es and one pair of wheels c*irrl???d away, nno> e ktiows wrier**. Of thu fife bead of cattle left dead at Letd* reverai did not belong in th* Immediate settlement where they lauded, aud tnere are m*uy cotJectureH as ro where the cy clone Licked them up A wood-workliigappara o*, tbiuK like a brace for bitu, that ??o one about Leeds had ever se cyclone first stru tlu remsikable c deiful was at the house o sides Ur. Roof's family ihirt- school nckr, and tnelr te??< took refuge i*i hluhouv*. 1 away u> the floor buuinon** ihe railroad. Concluded on Fourth Page. ilNDISTINCT PBINTf