Newspaper Page Text
In October. 1784, there aoaembled at Klokee. in
Columbia county, a small band of men. represent
log a little over (oar hundred follower*, who or-
ganlzrd what waa known aa the Georgia Baptlat
association. Aa ibemrmberahlp Increased, other
associations ware formed, until at proae'it there la
a membeiablp of 121,504 white*, and 179.64 2 colored.
These people are ministered to in 1.781 white and
1,022 colored churche*. bjr 780 whlta and 680 colored
preacher*. Out of thin original association grew the
Baptist convention of Georgia, and for that matter
It might be claimed the aouthern Baptlat conven
tion, alnce the great bulk of the territory, under It*
???upervtalon, haa been mlnlatercd to by Baptlat
mlaalonariea from Georgia.
Colonel John Screven, the great aouth Georgia
rice planter, aaya that the mortality among the old
rice field hand* waa not aa great aa many auppoaod,
but that many of them had auooeeded In obtaining
small tract* of land and were fatmlng In a amall
way on their own account. The
number of young band* who refuae to go
to the field* la not sufficient to cauae embarrass-
ment to the planter. Of courro tho labor la not
plentiful aa It waa year* ago or aa cheap, but new
labor-saving machinery haa been Introduced since
the war. ????? that whatever dl lnutlon may have
takeu place la compensated for In that way. Nearly
all the seeding and drilling la mow done by ma
chinery. What Is most neeaed Is Improved reapers,
and It 1* probable mat they will be Invented so a*
to do the woik which i?? now done by the field
hands It la probable that the location of a rlco
field has a great deal to do with the aupply of
Monroe Advertiser: Mr. C. V??. Neerhaa returned
from southwest Georgia, and reports that the truck
business la on a bo im down there He aa>a he so;d
Mr. McBao, of Valdoata, atw* Ive horse power tree
tlon engine to haul his watermelons to the depot.
Waynesboro ClUsen: The cold weather failed to
kill out the BugUali sparrow, as hla monotonous
chirp announces him on hand. We suggest that
our city authorities turn the boys loose on them,
and extirpate them beforo another brood is hatch'
ed. The English sparrow has proven himself to be
an unml'lgsled fraud and nulsauce wherever he
baa been known,
would faithfully return the stone before ita
owner would Jet him have It.
The wheat crop of Polk, at first supposed to be
damaged seriously by tho freezes, halt come out
wonderfully since the advent of the warm spell ore-
vailing, and now looks rather promising. The oat
crop was almost entirely killed out.
The farmer* of Houston have made good use of
the favorable weather during the past two weeks,
and most of them are now fully up with their work
Much land haa been sown lo spring oats, a liberal
area Is set apart to corn and other provision and
provender crops, bogs are receiving Increased atten
tion, and In fact our farmers are preparing to folly
produce their supplies at home The Journal rep
resents the affairs of tho county to be In a flourish
ing condition.
The Perry Journal claims three msle citizens who
make up 700 pounds, aud threo females who kick
the beam at 1,100,
Marlon Hentlnel: Yesterday while George Butt,
colored, waa having some brush burned out at Mr.
" " ents* place, a small child of Cornells
DouglaavlUe Star: It Is said that eight it
this county quit their wives and weut to Texas last
fall. Five of the truaut husbands are boarding at
the save place In Texas. Thoyhad better havo
taken their wlviw with them, aa women are said to
be very acarca In the lone star state.
The shad season has begun on the Altamaha, and
the fishermen expect a good run.
BlnesvIlleGasatte: ItlsaweU au then hated fact
that there is a LeConle pear tree In ftclsi'osh
couutv which one year produced thirty-three bush
els. This beats an orange grove all to pieces. Aud
. . jerve*. At the rat
the tree it will pay to rats# pears to feed the hogs
AU the corn shipped here seems to be damaged,
Ing Widen for Worlds of course all thtlr aiintsj
uutlfssudoousiia wtrs there to bid them "good!
bye.??? among which waa au pld "aunty??? win wsi
much affected upon the occasion, and finally ex
In txeltad enthusiasm: "1 tell you what, nigger am desalt ob do yearth,
Bu rko county am loslu' all lt| salt. 1
W. U. Beokner, of Dalton, Oa., writes ui: "I saw
Id your paper a few daya ago where some man had
a feather bod eighty years old. Uncle Charley
Adams, of this place, who la now seventy-tbroo
years old, says he has two feather bods uow in his
houso that were In vie thirty years before he waa
born Ho also says he has a sat of ohalrs made In
1833 which are still tu good repair. Htrlke your
flint and come again."
Franklin News: One day last week a milch cow
of Mis Nutt, who lives about flvo milt* north of
Franklin, developed a real case of hydrophobia.
Iho cow was milked aa usual In the morning, but
at night at feeding tlmo, It waa noticed that some
thing urss wrong with her, and she waa thought to
be poisoned; but In a short tlmo, and upon ex
amination, the cause of the curloui actions
of tho oow was doto???mlucd, and* kill
lug was now -ary. Alan, In tho samo neighbor
hood, a j carl log DC???*?????? **
havcA's anfitnM??? __
was finally caiisht and tied, hut Us fltacamo so fast
end were so itvore that It soon died. No cause for
ibis Is known, as no rabid dogs havo been hoard of
t*. Mils section by which they could havo beou bit*
eumter Republican: Sunday last Mr. MoBryde
WIiH'in.sou of Hon. W.A. Wilson, of;8umter county,
waabluen on tho fir??? ???*
lllH II* gOrWSS lintUUHiaicir vurucu. ??? >11-1117 ??>i ??in**
ky adminUn red and ho waa brought to th* city for
mod I ml attondauco- He Is still doctoring his flu-
g *r, which has turned of a greenish color, but the
physicians think tho real daugor was caused from
the whisky he swallowed. ,
Crawford Monitor: Before the Georgia railroad
waa laid, up the Athena branch, and before there
waa ever thought of snob things as our county now
haa in the shape of enterprise* there was a flour
ishing little village In Wolfskin district, about sev*
ett ml lea southwest of here, called "Herraon,??? lu
tho town, at that time, were one acadamy, two
???tores, (one kent by a Mr. Halabury aud the other
by Mr. Klehara Aye.-ck.) a shop and sev*
am *????????? ??? ??? c 4 ???
jiving there. ???
cl id out a were Revs Oeonro aud Jerk Lumpkin
axil Mr. Jamre Jewel When' the railroad was
butlt It cut off thla place, aud after a few years It
went down. It Is said tone re established In lu
vigor, and haa changed 1U name to "Hertnouton.???
Tn. ru lain a small nlrrleof two miles or loss about
fifty Inhabitants, all whltra except ten or twelve
Thirteen fomtlD a make up thla number of resi
dents One of thsi*ltU<*usof that place tellsu?? that
they Inland organizing aud having city rules and
n gulattoniuet upa sen ad and a church. They have
one minuter of the r*p*l. who like the majority
of the residents. Is a Missionary Baptist Tnsy can
boast of acorn mill, mechanics, blacksmiths, shoe
maker*. farmers and a plenty of "howand hominy???
at home Uncle Fraukilu Campbell sa>a they In
tend having that high school If they have to build
tho home High enough on poata to call It "a high
school ??? WearegUd to know tho place is improv
ing aud hope they will succeed In their efforts.
"Union is strength!???
Decati'*, February 18.???Mr. Levi Willard, who
waaaelUseuand merchant in our town thirty
eight yean prior to 1864, and waa well known In
your city, died at bis horn* In Springfield, Ohio,on
Monday, the 11th Instant.
Aught a, February 18 ???F. II. Stalling, who had
Indorsed for George P. Curry to the amount of 84L-
0C0, baa hewn compelled to sell out and quit bust-
ness on account of the failure. Rumors of embar
rassment in anotneT prominent business houae are
tire. Several banka are losers by Curry's failure.
The depositor* in Carry's bank are all secured.
A Miticv*, Fsbruary 18-Mrr. Rebecca Mlse,
aged 73. died yceterday.
Captain J. A. Cobb and wlfo were thla morn
ing greatly shocked upon awakening, tn
find that oue of a pair of twins only one month
* 00d
Out ??vtnmut??Uy waa much surprised to learn that
F. II. Williams, one of our leadtig grocery bnures,
bad failed. We undemand there will be a meet
ing of his principal ctvdltors here next Wednesday.
Tb* liabilities are reported all the way from 810.009
lo 140.COO. 1 am Informed by one who ought to
know that be owes about RJO H00 I will send you
urther particulars as I obtain them,
Lmtcvu. February 18 ???On lastSatnrday theold
Lithonla agricultural club waa reorganised at the
Masonic hall, aud notwithstanding the extremely
bad weather a roll of twenty members was Id at
tendance. The organization waa by elect
ing Mr. J Lafayette C. llupp as president. Dr. W,
F.Bmd vice vrmdenL F. M. Wellho-n secretary,
and J. L Argo treasurer. The club wid meet a*stu
at t o'clock on tae firat Saturday tu March, when it
is expected that the toll of member
???hip wlU . double Itself The subject
to be dlmnseed at uat tlm* is the production of
corn. Lltbojla formerly had the floret agricultural
club ef this entire couaty. an 11t Is the atm of the
number* now lo th?? organisation to improve upon
the standard of the old club. Success to all such
Tot message received f ram the land of flowers 1*.
"FotGod'a mksduo???loome to Ltk- (???tty." We
hope ??bt?? will prove a pill of value tn the cure of
Sheriff Hewitt sold out the stock of goods here a
Cochran A Co* Monday and Tuesday. He had of
good crowd both days cl sale and the goods brousnt
good t ri es and every man around here got him
tvs or three pair shoes and a bat
Lawexxcxvhax, February 14 -The guano agents
of this place and LjctnsvtiU seem to tuvebsda
collision in prices. They have cut the prtr aof
standard fertilisers to fourhundred pounds
time the former has nott-
V K. Clements 1 place, a small child of Cornelia
Peterson's was left on th??- dry leaves by in mother,
who was at work some distance from 1* I he leaves
caught fire aud then rbe ohlld'a clothing became
Ignite*!. The child was badly burned from its heels
to the back of Hs head, but Is still alive.
There have been three suicides In the third
district of Temll county lu lesa than twelve
A Gainesville chicken recently killed waa found
to have three tiny nuggets of gold lu lu gizzard.
Dr. Wlllford, in Webster county, had the misfor
tune on Tuesday night of last week to loae his raw
mill, glnhnu-e, a good deal of lumber, about 300
bushels of cotton seed and a lot of seed oau by fire.
The doctor's loss la estimated at 83,000.
Tho ordinary of Forsyth county gives notice that
any oue forging name of parent or guardian to an
order for marriage license will be prostcuUd.
Gainesville has sixty widows, over three hundred
marrisgeable young ladies and two hundred and
seventy five msrrlageblo young men, by actual
Laat Wednesday Lewis B. Morel, a bookkeepo
well known In Atlanta, was detected In a forgery
and arrested Morel was bookkeeper for Traynbsm
A Ray, but was discharged the other day, Mr. Ray
having detected him du certain Irregularities,
waa soon discovered that Morel had been In the
habit of dopes ting notes Indorsed by Trayubam A
Ray at Lowry???a bank, and cheeking out the money
Thu firm deny that these transactions were author
ized. Morel haa a wife who Is related to some of
the best families In the atato. Morel himself haa
always stoo 1 well here. He asserts his Innocence.
A negro from Richmond, Ve., was In tho city the
o'.herday offering 81.000 for the release of his broth
cr In-law, Lacey, who waa convicted with the
Paulding county rioters and sentenced to Imprison
meut for life.
For tho past ten years no Teporta of the military
organizations of Georgia have been received by the
secretary of war at Washington. The Georgia Idea
Is that the state militia will answor tho call of tho
adjutantgeiicm??? of the Unttod Rtates when troop*
are wanted for duty, and not UU then
A few nights ago Captain W. T. Nnwnan, the ex
city attorney, pursued a chlckvn thief under the
bouse and demanded his surrender. Receiving
no responso. and seeing the thief's ryes shining
through ihedarkucss, the captain took deadly atm
and fired. Tho shot froed tho chickens, and the
bodyof the thl was s ton dragged out. Ho turned
out to bo a very flue o^osium,
Concerning 'he sad suicide nearChlckasawhatch
le, Terrell county, on Monday last, In which Miss
Williams, a young girl twelve or fourteen year*old,
took poison aud died very soou thereafter. rumor
says her borne aurouudlug* were not plcasanLand
sho thus ended her llfo. The Dawson Journalsays
this neighborhood has been very unfortunate In
ooeurretioca of this kind???thla being the third sul
eldo In that community in twelvo months.
Emanuel county Is somewhat excited over
sault committed upon Mlsa Wealthy Ann Cooner
white, by Henry K* herson. colored. In the prelim
luaiy trial Miss Cooner waa tho only witness ex
smlned. Tho testimony was to the effect that
the night thoontrsge ii said to have been com*
milted some one kuocked at the back door of her
home. When sho asked who it waa ho went to the
front door aud knocked. She opened tho latter
Immediately and made Inquiries to know who her
vlsl'or was. Heatupped luslde aud replied: "I am
ku klux;??? whereupon she rau to tho fireplaco
and lighted a splinter, by moans
of which sho discovered her Intruder???so called???
to be Henry Roberson. He straightway kuocked
tie light out of hsr hand, which extlnsulshed It
grabbed her by the throat, cursed her and threat
ened to end her existence spotty, If she made any
none. This was about tho sum and substance o
Mlsa Cuoner'a sworn testimony. Henry waa re 1
inamlcd to Jail to await the comtugof tho spring
term of F.manuel suiter lor court, at which tl
strong fight will be made by his counsel to clear
John Whitfield, colored, of Jackson county, was
fatally hurt on Monday oveniug by having a link
eiful of dirt fall on him whilo wortlng lu Mr.
Bryant's well. We leant that Mr Bryant's son was
drawing the dirt, and Just as the bucket canto to
the top aud he waa In the act of catching lt,lt catoe
untied aud fell ott the negro, crashing him badly,
lie lived until Thursday morning before he died.
Fart well thin: Wednesday Captain J. M. Kidd
took us round to hi*stables and showed us a drove
of sixty turkeys that he had collected In Hart coun
ty for shipment lo city markets. This was osly a
small lustallmeut of what he has engaged. Among
the lot waa a wild oue that bad voluntarily left the
wild woods, took up with aome tamo turkeys aid
domesticated itself. There are mo ru turkeys In the
country than we ever knew of be fore.
The presidency of Bowden college, says the Hen
ry comity News, waa recently tendered Rev F. U,
M. Henderson, but he deellned thepodtlou, prefer-
rlcg to remain In the active ministry He was also
elected president of Yalklu college, a flourishing
Institution of North Carolina, but could not be in
duced to accept the place.
Mllledgfvtlle Chronicle: Mr, John T. Arnold In
forms us that an attempt was made to enter his
muse at the window of h??s mother's room 8onday
night. February 10 He thinks there were six men
of* h??m. He snot our of the men. and killed a dog
which they bad with them He has found out the
owner of the deg, Ue thinks he hurt oue of the
party badly.
There la a farmer in Berrien county that gathered
700 bushels of corn from s 23 screfletd last year.
, was bit some two weeks
\o???W of thli pl??w.
flop'll no ottcullnn
he Su-ided he wit bit b* a
lag unrasv he went to At
a mad stone It Is said If a man
a ma-1 dog. when Jhe^ron# Is applied to
font thin
. is tror. It cLavcd to Mr (W* w aud like
. rhen H would m adhere to any other
lie had to give bond in a large sum that ho
which he ha* aa
for the last eight ysar*. the highest number for any
o??e Tear belbg St heavy bale*, drill w* know vt
men ??? ho travel half over the unlou for good farm-
tug laud
The Coffee County Gasette tells a charming llttl
story of rural love, In which Mr. Dud Moblcf and
Mr. Bird Mohley were both paying their best re-
pcctstoMrs. Judy McCook, a sprightly widow, and
both were receiving good encouragement, made
propjsals and were favorably answered. Arrange*
metita for an early marriage were at once made by
both parties, and Mr. Bird MobWy. to keep things
quiet, asked Ms betrothed to meet him at a certain
potut ou the Ocmutgee river, aud they would get
married. Meantime the other suitor had bis suspi
cions aroused, and atouee went to the house where
the ladv resided and besought her to come out and
wsd him. The lady shat herself up lu a room and
refused the invitation. The dl**ptH>tnied wooer
d by the door, waiting for day aud bis doom, but
to his sorrow, when day came the bouse was
searched, Mrs. McCook was wanting, and later In
formation leaked out that she had escaped through
a window, went to the river aud married Bird Mob
ley acoordlpg to promise.
John Thomas, convicted of the murder of Lind-
aey Weaver lu Campbell county one year ago last
Chit*'mas. has beta resent cured to be hanged on
the Uth of April next While waiting at the Pal
metto depot for transportation to the Atlanta joil.
the Fait bunt News-Letter records an aff ctng sorue
as having takeu place: He was suncunued by his
wife and little children, ai d while ho was engaged
venation with the former oue of the tatter,
would be that fa* her 1 * last on earth Many eyes were
dimmed with tears at witnessing the aid scene at
the parting of the condemned man and hla family???
he to bis dismal cell to await au Ignominious
death, and they to return to tbefr desolate home.
Thu* are the iniquities of the father visited on the
John Coleman and Louli Rountree, of Emanuel,
were fooling with a pistol, when it w?? nt off entet*
Ing the breast of Cofomsn "Children and f-.ioli,
says the Itemlzcr, "should not meddle with pUtola
aud sharp tools ???
Mrs. AnrleHmlth, wife of Wallace W, Rmttb, an
old and popular pilor. died at her home la Bavau
nah last week, aged fifty f mryriirs.
J??m**a Powell, who llvta near Rising Fawn,
Walker county, was run over *nd killed while la
toxlcated by a train on the furnace railroad laat
Dr. T II. Lyon and Mias Emma Childs, of Martin
Ga , were married lastHunaay.
Mr. Charles cnancey killed two large turkey gob
blers oue morning last week near Hawkinsvllle.
At a social gathering near Mountain Hill, Mus
cogee county, Mr. Hargett andJea*e Calhoun
gaged In a quarrel which muled In Mr. Calhoun
being stabbed and Instantly killed.
Mrs. John Hamby, of Rockdale county, died vary
suddenly last Thursday night.
In a drunken frolic, last Saturday night, on tho
plantation of Mr. James Fowler, Bhuengama'a dis
trict, Walfou county. Colly Malcom wasahot in the
breast by WlU Mluhcll aud struck over the head
by Henry Herndon. The wound In the breast will
probably produce death. Herndon and Mitchell
have been arrested. The Walton News, from which
the above Is condensed, says that on the night in
question Flem Hlllytr waa assaulted and beaten by
Dan Harri*, and Dock Harney was shot and killed
In Richardson's district by Green Evans. All the
parties are negroes.
Tbe dwelllug bouse, kitchen and smoke home
ol Mr. Wanh Anderson, uear B skely, waa deatroy-
ed by fire last Sunday morning. It was plainly
evident that the houses were robbed ana then fired,
8u*p'clon rests upon a negro.
Mrs. M. Dl nr more, of Alpharetta, died
11th Inst., after an Ulucmot five weeks, she was
a consistent member of the Baptist church.
The farmersof Dougherty county, although they
made a perfect failure In a cotton crop last year,
have meat aud grain In abundance and they have
takerrgreater Interest in diversified f irming than
ever beforo. Very few mules have been bought in
that county this year. Labor 1?? plentiful.
Edward Longshore, white, was taken before Or
dinary Steward, at Decatur last week, and adjudg
ed ltisace. Burglars have made several ralda in
Decatur during tho past week.
Superior court In Paulding county adjourned
last Saturday. Judge Branham congratulated the
people of the county on voting whisky from their
midst, Msny Improvements aro going on in the
town of Dallas.
John Thomas, who was a year ago convicted of
murder In Campbell superior court and whose case
weut to the supreme court and was confirmed, was
resentenced ou the Uth Inst., to be h&uged
day, April 11,1884 The grand Jury found a Due bill
???gainst 8 Foster, iho engineer of the train which
killed John H. Boyd at Fntrbum last November,
for not checking hla train as It approached the
crossing. A true hill was also found against Mr.
Cecil Gabbott, superintendent of the Atlanta and
West Point railroad, for not having signal posts
erected ss required by law.
Tho farmers of Newton county are preparing
their lands for the coming crops. Several oat fields
have been plowed up and rcrown Houses wero
unroofed and fences scattered by the wind on
Wednesday nlgnt, 18ih, near Coving??on.
Mrs Martha High wife of William L High, died
at her home In Madlion on tho 13th, after an PI
ness of soveral mouths. Sho was a lady of} great
non, William H. Crawford, city sollcleor of Bain-
bridge, died last week of congestion o' the lunq^
The city council of Thomaston has placed Umax
for selling whisky within the corporate limits at
t-VX>. ???
Two mad doss were killed on the farm of Joseph
Owens, DeKslb county,* few days ago.
An election for "fence??? or "no fence??? will be
held In the 078'h, 1.104th and l.tocth districts G M
ot Chattahoochee county on the 23'h Inst. The
stock law in on aro ooi-fldent of winning the fight
Judgo J. P. Pughesluv is u'god for tho senator
ship from the sixteenth dlstrlc.
The Paulding Kra learns "that thicre are two Mor
mon elders preaching their doctrines through this
county, and are succeeding In making some con
ver'a. Tbe constitution of the United States con
tains* clause which gives every man thoprivlhge
of worshiping God according to tho dictates of his
conscience; bu* we do not beliuvo that the
spirit of tho law can be extended so far as to allow
anybody, under tno nsrae of a church to antago
nize all tho social, morel and religious Institutions
n! tho people of tho ciuutry, as thu Mormon church
certainly does. Wo would uotc<>un*el any out
rage against tbcao elders, but believe that the poo
plo should give them emphatic notice to cease
th* lr Uborsand leave the country, and sou that
they obey. Tho are generallr shrewd and cunultg
Ooaxip of Things and Polks Here snd
victims bi-tug females.
Fort Valley ??Dror: K few years ago Major Nell
oeked his farm lu Macon county. jn*i over the
Houston line, with a l*nte number ????f cheep. He
bad provided gor-d pis-ure land* and sbipherd
og*. bui other deg?? nut Irlei.dly to 'he sh??-i??heri
dr his charge Invaded the fold*, and have ndu.** d
tho number of cheep alm????t drily and nig-iily
ThD kind of ludNHinr need* protection 8troiliug,
starving dogs should bu abate-t) lu some way.
Dubtlu Gstctte: The rood hi-artrendlng accident
that has ever beep r?? rented lu the b's'ory of our
settlement occu red hereon the JO h ultraolu the
lea'h of Mr Barrel (humbly. Mr. (humbly and
Mr. Hora William* were esgaged hauling timber
Mr. Williams driving the team and Mr. Crumbly
ruling the tongue, when the team became frfoht
cued and ran down a hill near Mr T F. WtllUms'a,
snd by come means .Mr Crumbly wa* thrown from
off the stick of timber, and the wheel rau over bis
head and ???-niched It lu a mod frightful mauner.
rauclng almost Instant death M . Crumbly wa*
living ou Captalu T ???
* large and almost
Caktok. Febiuary 19.??? Com pet 1 Ion In the guano
-ade 1* lively etand*rd brands of g-iano are now
bel'-g offered at JW pound* mtddil g cotton
The Ktuweh river is pretty fu'l of water, and
fences, boats Acts etc., are betas floved down.
In a fight between Mickey Knight and Jerry
Scriton Monday last, near Irwinton, Knight waa
fatal???y stabbed by Bcott.
K'ckdale superior court convened on the I8:h.
There has been more slrkuesa in DanlelsvlUe
lately than for many yearn past.
The Chattanoocbee river st Columbus has been
steadily rising for sewral days, and it ts thou ght
that the boats will experience some difficulty In
pairing under tbe bridges at Eufaula.
On tbe 28th instant the statu will be entitled to
celve the sum of 1700 000 from tbe East Tennessee
i???Ytnt* and Georsla rel road, mid sum being tbe
balance of the purchase money for the Mae>>n and
U-unswIrk railroad. If the payment Is msde tn
t>er cent bends, as demanded by the state, the
to al amou it will be something over 8800,000 In
tbe event of a failure to pay the governor I* author
lzed to seize the road, mu It twelve months and
then sell It If it la not redeemed. A failure to meet
this payment on the 28'h would eaure the F*??t
Tmrow*. Virginia and Georgia to forfeit the 1525,-
000 already.
William Longstseet, of Augusta, the grandfather
of General James Longstreet. was undoubtedly the
ioventor of the steamboat. In 1771 or 1775 he con
structed a very erode effalr, and ran ft ???uccecafully
on the river at Augusta. Not having the mvens to
build s substantial boat he app led to Governo
Telfair for aid. and his letter Is util on file In tbs
governor's office. 1 he governor and others regarded
a* a vlrioaary seh-me and paid no attention to
.1. Later Robert Fulton built his steamboat and
csrrlrd off the bouore which really belonged to the
Mr. W. R. Allen, ordinary of Mckeus county, is
Arizona will aoon be wholly under Mor
mon control.
Photographing on silk and linen is now
suor??Ntfully practiced in London.
Eastern Montana will, in tbe spring,
celve 35 000 head of cattle from Texas.
Boston has a female hygiene club that goes
about lncpec'lo B the plumbing lu houses.
Tub largrs', cultivated public park in the
world Is the Prater.*- Vienna,containing 5,120 seres
Tub season in Florida id only moderately
presperous, the hotel arrivals not reaching those of
last year.
A novel is being written in England by
nine different persons, the object being to give in
dividuality to each character.
Rbndkbkd frantic by want a Vienna father
said to bli eon: "Boy, I cannot see you hungry and
fret sing.??? aud then be killed him.
Ventilated or perforated bedclothes are an
English invention which wU not probably be ad
opted lu thlvcountry before spring.
Th* Omaha Bee says the Bosler herd
cattle, numbering 15,000 head, has been sold to the
Ogalalia land and cattle company for $1.25v.OQO.
The icebergs are already beginning to get
In their work lu the north Atlantic. One steamer
has been sunk, and doubtless others will share her
When a teacher at theCarlsile Indian school
???sked a pupil, "What la tbe axis of the earth? 1
answered that it was "a think line??? oirwhlch the
earth wheeled around.
Animals dwelling at high elevations re
semble those of colder latltudav. The same specie*
of insects are found on Mount Washington as
Labrador and Greenland.
From the 1st of December the tiger rewards
In the Buuderbunds, India, have been fixed
f12 50 for each tiger and f5 for each cub proved
have been destroyed in the Hunderbunds. This
would not be very stimulating pay here
The latest craze among the swell young
men of Ntw York, is to h*Te their
lady love's profiles engraved
their thumb nails, and It is said that
noted cameo cutter is on the high read to fortune
const queuce.
Bodenrtdet supplies the following Rtnsian
estimate of the relative smartness of nations, which
haa passed into a proverb there: Two Jews are
equal to one Russian, two Russians to ono Persian,
two Persians to one American, two Americans to
ono Greek.
It is proposed in ftew Orleans to cremate
the garbsgo, as well aa the dead. Under the pres
eut system It is partially dlifAscd of by beiug
thrown Into tho river, where It la likely to become
a source ef trouble, whereas, If burnt, It can esute
uo further harm.
In this country are only two establishments
at which cannon can be be made. One Is at South
Boston, Massachusetts, and the other at West Polut
New York. The Boston works, which havo lain
idto for six years, are said to be fit to compete with
foreign foundries.
Paste diamonds are now made with such
perfection that a rapidly moving eye, such as oue
meets at a social occasion, will hardly toll the dlf-
rand bai ,
well as a St,COO brilllante.
Luminous harness is the latest device used
iu Euglaud to make the dark horso vlrible at night
A phosphoric paint applied to the blinkers, collar,
and other prominent parts of the trappings is used*
to bring about tho result, and the night trotter, thus
prepared. Is said to resemble chain lightning as he
plunges into the datknefca ol the country sido.
Tu* Bombay government thinks it has
made the interesting dlsoovory that the recent epl
demies of cholera are la some way due to disease In
cats. Tho only ground for this startling thoory
seems to be the fact that tbe cats were devastated
b; a plague at Ahmeduugcer two years ago and at
bin os last June, but the uith of the government Is
strong enough to Induce It to ask for luvesilgatlon
Hum* interesting results of the experiments
in ostrich farming now going on in southern Call
fomia, aro contained lu tbu following report: The
ostriches ou the Anaheim farm laid 305 eggs during
the lessou from the 1st of May last until tbe 1st of
Octnoer. The birds have been plunked twlcn since
???lelr arrival ou ??? *
. s', yielded 8b00
2,500 quill* of all kluds from eighteen birds, aud is
vaiuea at f ItOO.
Tukrx are 250,000 canary birds owned by
families lu Brooklyu, N. Y. It cor a about seveu
cunts a week to food each bird. Tho capital luvests
ed iu these birds In that city U estimated at S5(0,
000 Tne average price Is Um -ban three dollar-
lor each bird. ??vhun well cared for tho canary
bird lives about ten years, but come of them have
been k.iown to live twice (hat leuath of time. The
lrbh people, a* a cla*s, are partial to cauary birds,
The year 1000 will not be a leap year,
alihough It Is divisible by four without* remainder
lu order to make a calendar aud solar time agree
as nearly as they can be got for many years to corpe,
tbe Gregorian calendar droc s three leap years out ol
every lourc. nturies, aud these omlcslons are upon
such leap year*** will not oivlde by 400 without a
remainder, although the* esn be evenly divided by
four.Thu year 18*?? ??** a leap }ear,but 1700 aud 1??00
were not, aud 1900 will not be.
A gentleman in California recently found
in bis well, sixteen feet deep,- a mass ot roots be
longing to a eucalyptus tree, standing some fifty
feet distant. Tbe roots had gone through a brick
wall, and had then sent out mlllloniof fibres, form
lug a Urg??? macs at the buttom of the well. The
roots of the rim aud willow will often go twice
fifty feet through moderately stiff soil in order to
reach a mnbt spot, ur even water, and for thl*
reacon such trees should never be planted near
wella or drains Into which the roots can find
Tux Providence Journal says the age of men
who follow a seafaring life to aud from that port
varies from eighteen to thirty five. But few sailors
of middle age. or advanced in years, are to be seen
The sturdy old gray beards of seventy or so. who
used to command coasting vessels, have mostly
died off or mired, and cspuli.s are rarely lobe
met above forty nr forty five. When they arrive at
a well seasoned period of life they ucually invest
their hard carnlugs???if they have saved any???ou
land, or reek some other occupation leas arduous
and dangerous than the sea.
Barn cm???s car for his white elephant is de
scribed as eclipsing anything in the car line evrr
built, and (s sixty fest long. A white exterior.mlr-
rers bordered with crystal* and precious stones,
heavy carvings thick with beaten gold, marbles In
aitcTellevo and metal work as fine as the Assyrian
Egyptian or Grecian an eau fashion meet the eye
The enrapliredgst- la theufa*tened upon a wealth
of marvrilou* aud magicC'riatlog, enhanced by the
quivering light pouring tbrausb the staiaed alsas
window*, a cultivated lmatinatiou wLI be fairly
lost lo ihe sunes lout afftmted lu thu chamctanr
from Thebe*. fi*byion sod Kir evah. To the front
???r.d rear of the oar are boudoirs with oriental
ppolntmeutaof unsurpassed msgulficem-e for the
Buddha prittis, aud iu toe centre one for Barium.
Statistics are being collected in France for
tbepnrpute of forming an estimatesa to whether
thu total number of Inhabitants in the country will
begrestcrcr less than it Is now at tbe clove of the
century. Thus far the figures tend to show that
there Is Uke'y to be a decrease rather than an in
crease lu the population. There are net. upon an
average, more than two children now iu each
family tn France, and iboush there baa always
been an increase in population slnoe 1506,
the rate of the Increase has been con
stantly declining f-om 38 per 10.<\0yearly to 26 per
iO.COi 1 . Returns al??o state that cat of every ICO lu
habitants of P*ris only thirty-six are bora in the
partmeni fifty -seven comicx from the provln- re,
_~dseven from abroad. Moroever, while the cum
be< of births remains nearly stationary In France,
the ra*e of infant mora.itj ts enormous, befog aa
' ??2 1 percent tn Normandy aud 15 per cent
whoteof France.
Tub different kinds of dye woeda used in
this country are U g wood and fustic, fioaa th* West
Indies: tms, from tbe shores of the Pacific, and
the b??r and cam woods frost Africa. Tbe woods
menttourd, wi b the exception of fustic, which is
yelbne. are red. but ??f various shades. Th# asp-
cutlrely Ignorant of its terrible import, was work-1 Among the poll???tcal movements of (he s*a e I??? lx
lug *1 U aL Its might to get the haudr uff* off hi* ??? an* ou peed that Hon. R. V. Humber, ol Eaton urn,
writ**; and fai'.it g In lu ilforta Innocently app* ate will be a car d date for state tnsrorsr. ard that j ??? "tkJ*fha~wood* fn uaw
ed to Ite father to take ih* ugly thlncsoff btmrelf. Colonel J A R Hanks will be pushed lor the comp- j rough are, amiNIng u> the Provid-ncd Journal, as
Little it knew that tie day they were taken off trefer generalship. I follows; Logwood, from V0 fo t*
1- wood, which Isa delicate pink, <
Ion; the red wood*, from SiO to 870 a In two eeoturies we have stripped
ton, and the cam wood about 1150 a ton. The Utter the eountrv to a creator extoHt than otir ancestors
wood comes from the Interior of Africa, coats con- country w a gr uier extent wan our ancestors
erable for f ratiiportatlon and 1* becomlog ccarce. <H<1 their territory in Europe In 2,000 year*. So long
Cam wood !sna*d most!Iv by woolen manufacturers as wsbsd forest* along the upper water courses
^ the moUtore. ??od ??tl????d 11 to
staples aud chains are found attached to tne togs trickle down gradually, but now tbe rains
when thev arrive in thl* city, and poisonous ins-ct* rush down the hillsides and fill the
of that clime are often found lu Ihe hollows of the
wood, wfci-h are cpeedllv killed.
The cigarette h a harmless iobklng thing, but In
(be opinion of many well-posted people It contains
about as much polsou to tho cquaru iuch as any
oue article that could be uaured. Tho cigarette
business started m thiscouutry about fifteen years
ago. American cigarette* were novelties, and at
tracted favorable attention from the start. The
rapid growth of the buclure* aud ice prerent mag
nitude will be better uuderstood when it
1* stated that lu 1SSJ COO OOO.OCO
cigarettes were manufactured in this country of
which New York furnished 414.092.867. Oue hun
dred and eighty-two dlffereut brands of cigarettes
have been manufactured lu the hut fifteen year*.
Of these seveuty-oue varieties have had their day,
and cessed to exlst. The original American cigar*
ettesbad mouthpieces iu Imitation of tho European
article. The prlco was then twenty
cents a package, but since mouth
pieces went out ol fashion the price dropped to ten
cents. It is asserted that the tobacco treed iu tho
manufacture of cigarettes is of a meaner grade than
that used iu tbe cheapest cigars. It is adulterated
with saltpeter to prevent moulding, and this use of
saltpeter 1* s*l\ by medical men to be highly inju
rious to tho vital f untifons. The oil of the cigarette
paper wrappers is said to bej more poison
ous than tveti tht oil of tobacco.
The msj-irity of cigarette emokers are very young
people, principally boys, aud not a few girls. In
New Jersey a law has been pasard makfog 1 a peual
offense to sell cigarettes ot tobacco to minors
under sixteen years of age, aud a tlmilar
bill is uow pending iu tho New York legislature.
The latest estimates place the population of tho
globe at 1.433 800,COO, indicating a decrease iu tbe
last three years of tome 22,000 000, though, esa
matter of fact, there has been an actual locreasefof
some 83 000.000 This apparent discrepancy ii ac
counted lor by the fact that the population ef China
haa heretofore been largely over estimated. In
reference to our own country the statistics show
that uo country In the history of the
world ever bad such a composite pop
ulation as ours. Tho whlto natives
and the immigrants from Germany and Great
Britain make up eighty-three per cent of our popu
lation, leavlug but lour coot from other couutti^e,
and from white races of other types, and thirteen
per cent for those of African descent. Probably uo
other country on tho face of tho globe can show
such a dlverrity aud at the samo tlmo such a sub
Etautlal unity of race and descent.
Chinese Gordon's habit of carrying a walking-
stick Instead of a sword lu battle Is uot a habit con
fined to bitn alone. Many European officers always
carry their walking-sticks In tho field. Tho modern
walking rilek Is of auclout and
(portable origin. It Is a modification
and a union of thu shepherd???s crook, the palmer's
staff, the traveler's stick, tho wand of office, tho
scepter of mouarchy aud tho sword. The slender
stick now in uio made Its appearance In tho court
of the king of Franco, some 400 years ago.
Different classes frequently carry dlfferout styles
of canes. Thus tbe old cuts represent the physician
with hla thick knobbed Atid labeled cane, the mer
chant with a stick shaped like a shepherd's crook,
the ruffiau with his short thick bludgeon, etc. Od
dltyonce oxhaus ed Itself on thesbapo of the stick
but it now attacks the knob. Here everything In
naturo Is Imitated in gold, silver, brats, copper,
ivory aud wood.
Tux World's expos! .Ion at New Orleans will de
vote 217 acres to lakes and gardens, showing the
rarest trees aud plants of Mexico, Central America,
Florida and foreign countries. Horticultural
hail will bo 030 by 184 feet. Mr. P.
Usrckmans, of Augusta, Ga., has boon appointed
???pedal onramiuioncr to confer with v rious Euro
poan societies in reference to tho fruit and plajt dls
play. The collective Mexican exhibit will be an lm
menso thing, occupying a building 1.40 x900 feet
Acc ??mpAU> ing this exhibit will bo a Mexican band
and a battalion cf Mexican troops. The exposition
will receive liberal encouragement from the lead
lug countries of the world.
The rebellion In China, which was suppressed
by Chiueso Gordon lu 1861, was a more dangerous
and extensive outbreak than
one now terrorising Egypt. In China,
ai In Egypt, the trouble had a fa???se prophet at its
head, and the rebellion obtained such headway
that the imperial government^glcd fifty years
it down, but without sucres*.
Gordon whipped the rebels and restored peace in
le??s than a year. He wa* offered a magnificent
palace and a fortune of g o OOi'.COO. but he declined
all pecuniary reward. Ho returned to England
whero ho endeavored to avoid the notoriety thrust
upon him. From all of which It would appear
that Gordon is either a hero or a crank.
Gxnesal John Newton, who has made a study of
modem explosive*, says that no agent can supplant
gunpowder for the principal requirements of war
fare. Iu blastisg rock tbe higher explosives may
be employed, except where the rock Is weak In co
hesion, when gunpowder Is preferable. In coal
mines the higher explosives are too destructive In
their action. Dynamite ash destructive agent for
unlawful purposes can only be applied on a limited
anale. and wlih nearly frnitlera results, as time,
money and elaborate preparations are required for
eflVcUve work.
New dec ptlona aud adulterations are creeping
Into the grocery trade all the time. Canned vege
tables suffers good deal. Bumpkin, plain or mixed
with a little iquash, la called squash. Dried Cali
fornia beans are soskfd and sold for grccu Lima
beaoa. Borne time a can contains only one tomato,
the can being filled up with tomato juice. In the
fish Hue It Is Just as bad. Bmall herrings are put up
sardines, and tbe large ones go for mackerel.
Many fish labeled salmon are nothing of the aort
There is great deception In Jellies aud preserves.
Rasberry Jam is often composed cf applo Jelly,
glucose aud tomato seeds, aud every known vaile-
of jelly la made from apples, glucose aud flavor
Ing <x tracts. _
The death of Cetewayo, the famous Zulu chief
tain, removes one of the most remarkable savages
the age. Cetewayo. it will be recollected, sue
needed hts father. Panda, as king of the Zulus In
1472. Hit aggrewlve policy and persecutions of the
mtssfnnarlx* soon??? led him into
with tho government of Natal. In 1879 the Zulu
King and his army were completely routed by the
British and Ceftewajo kept a prisoner for two years.
Cape Town and in England. The central por
lion of hi* kingdom was restored to him, but he
involved In hostilities from hla restoration to
the time of hla death. Heart disease waa the caaie
ol his demise.
A Da Fexminich. of Buffalo, tux purchased the
starch works at Peoria. Ill, and It
???aid that he lo tends to distill whisky from the
residiuum of the starch. Some of the distiller*
claim tnat the experiment Is not new, that the
doctor manufactured whisky by his p.cce?? in
Bufftlo, bat that nobody would buy it
???wueh works and gluccs mills
begin to send out their quotas of
whisky, tbe already overstocked market will have
a gloomy outlook. There are certain legal obstacles
the way of auca Bunufacturing, and it is not
thought that tbe revenue department will open the
way to the starch and glneose men.
Thkbb la but one radical remedy for the terrible
floods which devastate the 'Ohio valley eve ry
winter, and that ia to preserve or replant the forera
a>l a???ong the upper water courses. In this country,
our lumber trade and our railroads have devoured
eats by hundreds of square ??iw
narrow streams tn oveifl >#ing. Wo
may expect destructive fl-N>4s every winter, and
they will qrow worse and worse. When wo strip
our hill countries of their limber wo make them
uninhabitable. Something must be done for the
preservation of our forests or a large area of our
ierritO???y will become a barren waste.
Tn* spring sap la beginning to rise in the colored
brethren lu Walton county, and the echoes of their
caroursls are heard all over tbe state. The prospect
s that nearly every negro In >h?? country will final*
ly fight his way Into the chalngacg.
A cursory examlnalou of Harrison's compilation
of lunacy laws shows that In several states of the
union it Is much easier to get a mas Into the luna
tic asylum than It Is in Georgia. In Pennsylvania
tbe certificate of two physicians who have been
practicing five years will lock upon an allt-ged in
sane person. In New York a certificate from ten
physicians U required, aud It must be approved by
the Judge of acourt of reord. In Missouri the
certificate of two physicians will do If
the superintendent vt the asylum considers the
patient insane. In New Jersey a written request to
confine a patient,backed by aphyriclau's certificate
is a sufficient warrant. AU of the above states
would do well to borrow a few points from the
lunacy laws of Georgia.
A rewstater reporter recently devoted a day to
intervlwiog the Chicago clergy on tbe question of
dancing. Several of the diviues dodged the ques
tion. others favored dancing, and a number op
posed It. Rev. Mr. McPherson, Presbyterian,
thought that dancing was not necessarily wrong,
but subject to abuses. Presbyterian ministers
were divided in opinion on the subj ctiDr.Loilmer,
Baptist, Mild that dancing wav not to be wholly
approved or condemned. Ue preferred not to dls-
cuu the matter. Rev. Mr. Lccko, Episcopalian,
eaid that his church and the clergy approved of
dancing, thought It proper, healthful and condu
cive to grace. Eishop Morrill, Methodist, said that
tho potitiou of his church had always been in op
position to dancing. The Catholic priests who were
Interviewed spoke against round dances, but had
nothing to say regarding other styles of dancing..
Professor Swing said: "Mau will always keep time
to muilc, either with his fingers or bis feet.
Dancing came with the human race; It wUl stay
with usforover,???
The Ice carnival at Montreal this reason paid
splendidly It is estimated that thu viri'ors left at
least a million dollar* In tho city. New Yorkers
flocked In by thoutands. Montreal is worth seeing
as a genuine European city, and during its winter
carnival it li more attractive than at any other
One of the latest cheats Is tobacc? paper. The
???tuff is such an exact imitation of tbe natural to
bacco leaf and iy so well flavored that It takes a
magnifying glass to detect the deception. Cigars
made of this tobacco paper have a good flavor,
bum well and hold their white ash fltmiy,
A professional ventriloquist recently admitted
to a reporter that ventriloquism was nothing but a
humbug. It Is generally thought that tbe veutrll-
cqulat throws bis voice In order to make It appear
to oome from different directions. Thl* Is alien
illusion. The only thing requisite la to deceive the
ear. It Is well kuown that the organ Is singularly in-
acurato In determining tho direction from which x
sound proceeds. The veutrlloqulst takes advantage
of this and by alltt???e juggorly produces theillurion.
Ho gives to his voice such intonations ss convey te
the audience the Imprerion of sounds beard from
some particular point at?? greater distance He di
rects at the tame time the attention of his hearers
to the point from which the seuud is to oeme, and
thus controls their Imagination.
Six Walter ?cott msde more money out of his
literary work than any author who has ever lived.
Ho received 33,500 for "Waverly.???xnd for tho suc
ceeding eleven novels he was paid 1550 000. Then
he wroto other novels at from ten to af.y thousand
dollars each. His "Life of Napoloon??? brought him
*93,000. After those figures It will bo Interesting
to refer to other auco-ssful novelists. Mis* Burnoy
was paid SiOO for "Evelina,??? 110 009 for ??? Cecillia,???
and f15.000 for "Camilla.Mrs. Trollopo received
84.000 for her work ou America, and' for the next
twenty year* made 85.000 per auxom willing novel*.
Dumas???s firit novel brought him uothfogand left
him out ol pocket 8C0. but ho afterwards made
Immense sums, spending his money, however, be
foro he rec ived it. Bulwer made 8400.000 from bis
novels, Dickens about two 000, fitaconifidd 8150,-
003, Thackeray about 8250 000.
The completion of tbe railways which are de
signed to connect Mexico with the United States
will came a tremendous ebango. Within two or
three years Mexico will para from the conditions of
303 years ago to the condition* which control com
merce and industry in tbe most advanced nations
t> day. The area of Mex-
ico it 741,491 rquare miles; population 12.000,000.
Every variety of climate may be found, and ou the
tablo lands where the majority of tho people live it
Is as salubrious as it Is anywhere lu the world. The
???oil Is generally fertile and produces corn, whsat,
sugar cane, beans, coltou, oats, red
pepper, coffeo and tobacco, besides
an Immense variety of vegetables aud fruits. The
mineral products In richness and variety surpass
overy other country on the globo The fact that
many of our shrewdest capitalists nave Invested
many millions in running railroads through this
El Dorado I* a sufficient guaranty of the future
pcaco aud stability of the country. American
tmdere.mtcbarjica.agriculturaliaia and speculators,
will soon rush In by thousand*, and the result will
be one of tho most rapid and remarkablo trans
formations recorded la history.
The oil burineis has all grown up within the past
twenty four years. In I860 seventy barrels of oil
glutted the market Now tbe world uses about
00 C00 barrels a day. The amount of oil produced
seems to be steadily increasing. Probably the oil
supply will never entirely give out, but It !???
beginning to be very evident that unless new cU
fields ate spredlly discovered the price of oil will go
to a high figure.
When mau builds hts nest In a wash basin he
ought to expect to get damn occasionally. Bat he
never does expect It. Tbas the annual floods in
the wo* t appear to be something brand new and
unexpected every time they occur,
Th* tramp married by 1 Yirgiula girl taros out
to bua doze. This shows that matters are getting
red-hot la this our glorious republic. After awhile
the noble lords thatG. William Childs, A. 1C., cf
Philadelphia, has on exhibition la Patladelphla,
will break out, and then a great manv girls will tcjpick up duke*, and earls end things.
Walt Whitman, author of the'weU known M Inter-
lude on the Now and Here,??? la to have x new
poem in Harper's Magazine tor March. Whitman
Is not aa wicked as he used to be. He now chews
It Is funny about your true western man. Elev
en cick'alla will uot compensate him forgettina
his feet wet * 1
It will soon be time for Mr. Tilden tv pop hla
whip. We shall then see if Editor Wattenon la aa
???assy as be now pretends to be.
One of the few Connecticut girls that haven???t
been murdered by a former lover, la shortly to
marry a Jap. A Connecticut girl ts bound tx have
her fan.
Thk affecting allusions to Brown's legs in Qneen
Victoria's dtary shows that the art of pathos mil
holds high revel tn the Britfob Isles.
Aha ! Herr Lester waa what they call x German
secessionist! This account* not only tjr the milk
the cocoaant, bat for the hair oa thc^s&Xc.