The constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1884-1885, February 26, 1884, Image 6
6 I THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTrON: TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 26, 1884 - TWELVE PAGES. AROUND THE CAMP EIRE. [We solicit contributions from old w'^itri either tide of the war, giving the lovrip of the men, incident* of battle, or atori* a of to*- nun h Blga >our (all uimo end addru* to whqt jou How flat I Ira llr^tu. rnx comical old woman cv osttvsciko. At the battle of Gettysburg the Teotli New York cavalry regiment of General Gregg's brigade with Kask's section of two artillery guns were etafioneu in the middle of the Hanover road on a hill near the Howard bouse. The residents of the surrounding neighborhood came over to see the soldiers, and among them wss a crippled old woman with a cratch under one nriu and a cane in the other hand who was leaning against the fence In the road a few yard* in front of Kink's gaits. Home of the ro**n amused ibemHflvej with emitting the country people; some ware growing their horses, souieallowert their animals to nibble the rich clover, while other*, worn out, were trying to get a little sleep. The skirmishing began, and General Gregg ordered fifty men of the Tenth new cavalry to advance and clear the front. A regiment of confederate infantry met them, which drove back the small party of dismounted federal cavalry. (Suddenly a federal otticer, Assistent Burgeon Tate, of the Third 1'enn ???ylvania cavalry, a resident of Gettysburg who had h >en trying in vain to get into to*r to see his family, ro te rapidly from the front,, and right after, a force of confederates ap peared on the top of liriukerhiifl'* ridge, where it erases the Hanover rood, Hank's gunners sent two shells into the midst by the confederates, who fell back under the cover of the ridge. The cavalry sprang to horse, but amid all the excitement of an initiated battle, they all had time to notice and yell with laughter at the speciable of the crippled old woman running far dear life across the field with as much activity as a girl in her teens, without cJutch or cane, and shrieking with all of tier lung power. The two shells had whined about six feet over her head and seemed to have cured her infirmities. Even while the soldiers were laughing at the frightened old creature, the order cauio to advance, and the command were in an in atant passing away in tiie great battle that proved ao disastrous to the soul jern cause. Lee s (JrUyabtircIMiut. Quite a controversy ims been going on as to who first gave the federate information of Gettysburg. There are two contra ants for this distinction???the It-jr 8. W. Pomeroy and a insn named Haber, There have been nu merous cjtifliciing articles aiguing the question, and it bid fair to paw turn tho do- intltio of fatuous co .undruius, such ns the authorship of'???Junius" and ???Who Struck Billy Patterson?' and the Jilco, when Kx Governor A. O, Curtin, of IVnusylvunia, came out a d iy or two since ami settled the matter in favor of Pomeroy. Governor Cur tin's short and decisive letter is us follows: Washington, December 11th, I883-My DkauHir: Your dispitch wus the first au thentic information l received of the con contrition of tho army of General Lee on Gettysburg, and treating It ns true, acted oi it. Yours Truly, G. G. Curtin. Rbv. 8. W. Pommioy. "Come Along fr'nrloairti! tome Alont!' OlANTVti i.x, 0*., Kebrury U ???Editors Const n l iiw .; 1 will inform you of a cireum- Itanca tiiiutninepi'od when General Leo wav engaged in his ?orira of battles around Kich- mood, lnyoelf being an eye witness. At ono time duittig tho battle, wo were hotly on gageil with the enemy, a soldier on my left and next to me, was on his knees and head near the ground with one hand os high as he could reach above, and all the time say lug: "Conte along furlough! come along!" He re peated tbk many tun s In quick sucoraaion. when an olllcer (a captain) was passing, and ???eeiog hitu in that position and hearing hint -cune along furlough," the captain with Ms foot, kicked him a rouser In the rear With bis heavy boot The soldier iuituedi KS ? t ? ol 5?!? # .; ???V that ???Ini* discharge, 1II be d???d. He thought, as ho many times afterwards told me. thought it a piece of shell ???truck him In the rearaud instead of getting a furlough, he would get a discharge. Huuu D. Locks. Richard li Irk land nxaooF rnKDXRtc-nuao. Hr Ueueral J It Ki*r??wsw, \ n ,?? tollowlaa luoldsul, oriel rally published In tliu Charleston New* and Courier dinmvesa place In our rwordi, end wc cheertu ly comply with re quests topublish It which have c*au from various quarters.] m ??... CA * fn ??? "???C???January20 lfwo To the Rdltorj of die News and Courier:??? Your Columbia correspondent referre??t to the Incident narrated here, telling the stor Tit take toe chances," and ran down with a bright smile on bis handsome coULtenaoce. With profound anxiety he was watched as he stepped over the wall on bis errand of mercy???Christ like mercy. Unharmed he reached the nearest sufferer. He knelt be- si le him, tenderly raised the drooping head, rea???ed it gently upon his own noble breast, and poured the precious life-giving fluid down tin fever-scorched throat Tms done, ho laid him tenderly down, placed his knapvsck under his head, straightened out his broken limb, spread hi.i overcoat over hi in, replaced his empty canteen with a full one, and turn ed to another sufferer By this time his pur pose was well understood on both sides, and all danger wus over. From ail parte of the field ar-ws fresh cries of ???Water, water; for O hI's sake water!" More piteous still the mute appeal of some who could only feehly Jjft a baud to say, here, too, is life and suffer ing. Koran hour and a half did this ministering ???.igel pu rsue liia lab >r of mercy, nor ceased to go uno return until he re iewdall Qie wound ed on that part of the Held. He returned to hi* po?t wholly unhurt. Who shall say how i tei hi. rtbi mat winter's night beneath the dd s'arsl Little u niains to be told. .Sergeant Kirk ism! distinguished himself in battleut Gettys burg, an i wus promoted lieutenant. At Chicxini.iu^a be fell on the field of battle, in the hour of victory. He whs hutiiyouih when At led away,. and had never formed those ties from which aught have resulted in a p.wtority to enjoy his fame and bless bis country; but he ous(hcqtieathed to the Ameri can youth???yea. to the world???an example which diguifies our common humanity." A Center Shot for n Furlough I set out to "duliiuber" a little incident that occurred at Lookou mountain; and per haps the reader will fancy the story b* iter man moralising on the n*| of war. It (the story) wil illustrate coolness and deliberation under very nervous circumstances. Our army uuder General Bragg bad been for several days lying idly in the valley at the base of Lookout, ???waiting and watching" for the enemy to show his hand, which he did not. seem disposed to bo in a hurry to do. With the exception of picket duty, which was pretty heavy, we hud nothing much to do hut write letters to loved ones at home and cook and eat our scunty rations. On the mornitigof (date forgotten) very an expectedly, at least to the writer, made an advance movement, and our brigade (Peltus???s) with other troops were hurriedly gotten lnto lino and marched with all tho speed that .could be atloined up the steep acclivity of the mountain to the threatened point of at tack Gaining a position that overlooked the valley in the direction of Raccoon mountain, where the enemy were supposed to he mass ing for the attack, we were halted, and just as General I', raised bis Held glass for the pur pose of reconnoitring tho situation, whix! canto a leaden breath-snatcher, barely miss ing tho old follow's beef basket. ???Where???d??tliat fellow come from, I'd like" ???wliix???zip! caiue another of the same sort' from the eame direction, striaing a tree by which the general was standing This time a white curl of smoke, some eight hundred yurds distant, revealed the position of the vidette, who appeared so determined to re lieve the service of at least one general olll cer. "Private Doan," said general I???., addressing that individual, who was standing near by, and who was the best shot and !ia:I the longest range gun in tho brigade, "do you wan't a furlough?" "Do I look like an idiot, ginerul?" returned Dean, who, for Ins bravery and other good qualities, was a privileged character and ad- unused his superiors pretty much as he pleased. ???Not much," laughed the general. "Well, I'll tell you what I'll do." "Lei???er come!' "if you will silence that frl'ow's battery over there, i'll give you a thirty days??? fur lough." ???Bay sixty, glnerai, and go to Axin' up the papers." ???All right???go for him." "If I don't git away with that blue-bellied bird-lack, my name ain???t Bill Dean," said lie, approaching the apot where the genera' s'ood, ' About every Are minutes in the meantime a red-hot messeuger brought the news from that valiant yaukee vidette; but bewasao closely concealed that he could not he ???*en. Dean took his positiou, and at he did so, the uikee, probably supposing that we hid no gun that could reach him, and us if tired of nis solitary auiusnuent, boldly took his seat on the rock behind which he had been con ???aided. Dean's kern eye detected tho movement. Taking deliberate altu, he said: "General, you tuay as welt tell that sardine good bye, for he'll never shoot at auother rebl" I PURGATIVE /$$$??/ ???And will compute]/ change the Mood In the entire system In three months. Az* ears on who will take 1 MJ each night Item 1 to IS weeks, may bo restored to aonn* health, 1/ ertth a thing bo possible. For Female Complaints these PISS hare no equal. Physicians no them for the core of LITER and KIDNEY diseases. Sold everywhere \ by mall tot Mft In stamps. Circulars free. L 8. JOHNSO.t A CO.. Boston, Mat*. un* A* such a deed should be recorded in the rjatd simplicity of aotual truth, 1 take tho liberty of sending you for publication an sc- curate account of " transaction every feature of whioh it indelibly impressed upon my memory. Very mily, yours. , . J B. Kershaw. Richard Kirkland was tho sou ofJ<iim Kirkland, an estimable citizen of Kershaw county, a plain, substantial farmer of the olden time In 1801 he entered as a private Captain J D. KrnmUy???a company (E)of the second South Carolina volunteers, in which onmniny he was a arrgeaut in December, 1862 Tlte day after the sanguinary battle of Fredericksburg, Kershaw's brigade occupied th?? road atthe foot of Maryr'. hill nml llu. ground abjut Marys's house, the scene of their desperate deft* me of the day before. One hundred and fifty yards in front of the road, t'je atone facing of whioh constituted the famous stone wall, lay Byke's division of regulars, U. B. A , between whom and our trooni a tuunteious skirmish occupied the whole day, fatal to mauy who heedlessly ex posed themselves, eveu for a moment. Tin* S ound between tho lines was bridged with ??? wounded, deed and dying Pederals, vie tims of the many desperate and gallant as saults of that column of 30.0UO brave men hurled vainly against that iiupregnab.e post- All that day thoss wounded men rent the # S" . * r IS* 0 * 11 * * u, l thtdr agonixtiger let of Water, water!" In the afternoon the S neroi oat In the north room, tip stairs, of rs Steven's house, in front of the road, surveying the field, when Kirkland came up Wtth an expression of indignant remonstrance pervading his person, his manner and the toneof Ids voice, he said, "General! 1 can't stand this" general 1 ** lh " matt#r ' Mr 8 e * nir ??? ??*ked th?? . H* itplled, "All night and all day I havP t J* H>r for water, and l can stand it uo longer, I come to ask per- m !Si. on ,0 *??**** ???bvtu water." Mm fora moment 115 Ef* profound admira'i m. and ??? ' and, uon t you know that you would gets bullet through your head the ???meni you stepped over the wall?" ???ill iSS know that; butifyou Will let me, 1 am willing to try It." Ioufhl not lq ??llow joutoruu.ri.k.but lb. -ni C ? ??ou i, noble iKJ nS'lS? n,, ???" >,nur r (riiilin, ??*y you. v'??u ui.t 1.1" ?? .wnHtnnk yon, .ir," ??n.l ran wpwtrdoynwrtw. Tb. ?? n .r??l hetnl hfm pause for a moment, ami then re* um. l>oun<t- lug ??? w.i it, p. .t. tlm. H. tbuuitl.t tb. asssj *>??'Mi??t him h. ;?? ??? I ??? M - fi Th T'**""' ??? th. .I.b.r tlr h iit- r * n ! ,h,,w ?? ??*???(*- b.bH- ,* r,r . Tlle ????n??r??l .lu??W .hunk hi, b>tf, Mylag .mph??,i.??l|y, ??? S*o. Klikl n.l you cu t do that, 1 ' ???AU nght," h. mid, Cronn. Asti (/*??? tn^rnaiKnd tiftnA Utt) wfcj kiaununewtfg? r*0<yr?? terribk diwvea, ocS will nn >tM cutm out of um. Jr.ftyrv.t'Jen Oi??l nn cut/ inn km I? mill. Don \ 4tUy a ucm*??L Pravcmlna It belter o.??x cure ?? AHODYMi LlfflMEItT CURE* trno^ra, biumCov u ????? itr.i* nwvs. ms%z */.???"*?? i^r C^rr.nle L'ltrrboe*. bJtnttry, Uveiarn Morsel, Kl4nty'inuLliu,uA ti i&thylSv M-AUerjWbZm. Ctrealm ftv- L fC JOHNSON A 00.. ftttno. Kut ?? i Act ttut eact or ttio wd0 >??:<! tn i??t?? eoeu- _ j?? Phenoon t CooStOnn ofolf Bnro and ver/rataiM*. Per. row. o??> to ??aeh pint of 1 ???wd. It wai an* v<.mu>????7 prevent nnfl cure|ri' ftoMrrarywfcere.oru ,??? CHICKEN CHGL.ERLA, FOR SALE LAMAR, RANKIN & LAMA? AWNTfi von aEOBOIA kt'WAMA AT??r 7'OHITt hjatnttirJixtz THE GLOBE COTTON PLANTER. THE BEST MACHINE FOR FARM USE. PAYS DOUBLE ITS PRICE IN ONE SEASON. THE GLOBE PLANTER HAS JUST TAKEH THE FIRST FIVE PREMIUM MEDALS AT TIB LOUISVILLE EXPOOSITION, OVER A FIELD OF COMPETITORS. THE GLOBE HAS NEVER BEEN BEATEN. At Little Bock, Ark~ State Pair committee pnciV eal planters awarded GLOBE PLANTER Urn pries over all others A oonralttee of Cotton Planters' Association, af ter exbanitlvo tests In the field, pronounced the GI.OBB 'anperlor to any Planter we have evo risen.' the meat unt-kllled tabor to nae It, together It* low price, the committee has nnaalmsnsltf awarded tbs above five medals." What the Farmers of Seven States Say About the "Globe.,??? J. T. Collins, Macon Station, Ala.???"Greatly s?? potior to an? other. I nse four." W. H. McDaniel. Forest City, Ark.???"The best UM both cotton and corn I ever used." P. B. Burney, Madison. Go.-"Jt does hotter work than any machine 1 ever saw." C. L. Walnulcy, Natchitoches, La,??? H We have nt seen." v*. ??. ouinu, wruvuyinr, aw.- -! nsTfl usca iwaive oi your Planter Flan tars, and they mo superior in every respect to all others.' C- T ; Lawrenoe. Bootland Necx, N. a???"I had anothor plantar but laid it aside for yours, and now use the ???GLOBE" on bmh my farms." James P.Peterldn. Port Mott, 8,0.???''??The GLOBE Is better than tht Dow Law or any other Plantar Xt ever saw.' We could book these certiflcatra of the farmers of seven states with scores of others APKCIAL.???To meet the demand for TILS GLOBE PLANTER we have made a smaller size, known as No. 9. Our No. I, while better than ever, Is reduced forty-three pounds tn weight, and NoTi weighs less than one " ??? ??? Buy the best and sat Used by the Beat Farmers. Add real ???and for circular and Mention (He paver >ur No. I, while better than ever, le reduced forty-three pound* in weight, and No. I one hundred pounds The Planter la Improved iu many respects. 1 save money. THE GLOBE PLANTER will pay for Itself ttrlc* over in one season. TUK ULOMK PI.AM ilA M*FG. I'O. DcLOACH???S TURBINE THE MULLEIN PLANT. h2ji8????? SSSSJna his wonderful experimental reaalta with m?? common mullein plant upou lung ??od hronohlri affoctloua. citing osaea where be'had grmUE oonsnmptlvefl wl*h the moat astonUhlng reenlsoMe r*<?omm??ndt its use by the profeealon. Befernui to the atajre, we would state that ???Taylor a Cberta kee Remedy of 8we??t Gum aud MtiUeln,??? modi from the formula of the medicine men of the Cher okee nation, la oomposed not only oi tho mullets plant, but ha* Incorporated with it the eweet guta the finest stimulating expectorant known, present Ing an egreeablu taste and a certain panacea bn roughs, croup, whooping oough, colds one aM Krouc'altl affectiona. _ . ^ ??? . ... For sale by all drugglsta at 25c. and fl 00 per bottle MANUFACTURED BT WALTER A. TAYLOR, Proprietor, Tax lor???a 1???rwtulmn Cologne. At auta. Georgia, ear Cash paid, lor 6wee* Uum.raii NO LONGER HIGH PRICES. Write for particulars and yon will be surprised to know that Turbiues can be made ao cheap. ??? A A. DELOACH. ..5 and 41 West Alabama St, Atlanta, Ga. Daalor In all kinds of Mill furnishing goods mention OownTtmow .??????fstraiorof C. K. Travi* deevesed applle of dlNratsKiou from Mid admioiitration and I will pa** upon Mild applio??ttoii on the first Monday iu May next, at my office thl*Fibr-. ??? 4th, Ifisl. L. B. G HIGGS, Ordinary, It IMIlIa KORGIA. FAYETTE t???OUNTY.-M. L. RED wine, administrator de bonis non of W, L jlllams, applies for dUmhslon from raid admln< latrailon, and I wall pass upou said application on the first Monday In May next, thli February 1881. L. B. GRIGG1 . Ordinary. iVantedeverywhere ??? ???.'???11 the BEST Subscrip- ion Honks and Bible* them.irketl Largest ???FA |f 03 The World Witch Rtatloner/ B HvL Fachmtei??th#aciitii*arttciala I Alvt ????? -S9*r#???S - I Paper 1H Envelopes, Penelt. Pen Iloldi a haudaoine^jef ~ ??? ?????? - ??? ... Retail price ??... esnta Vq*w doren for 90.00. A ??v ntcb guarnnteed svlth every four dozen you order. Por 33 Cents In one er two cent poetuge stamps, ire wilVeend ???ample packaee. wtth olesant Oold elated Sleere Buttons, W . Js!*? Stuitr, lima Plated Collar Button, UandsooM Watch Chain, Gold Plat*' Bloc and sleeant Pcerf Pto. Resistor Isr -a amount*, v-4 I "it Illustrated CulalnRueoi Huns. Self-cocUlu* Kevolvera *-??? ??? - Watcher, Aecordconr. Vloitne ^nsttes.Ae. free. Write at on. track! Tho bravo ynnkoo throw up hie hands ami L ot and wout over backwards he- hind tlio rock. No more lead c tine from thut direct iun. D mi got his furlough autl wax happy, t did the poor vidette. M. M. B. Tim Old Tu elft It Ururgla to tiie Front. T. U MoLenoou. Danbmg, Ga. ??? I ont o kuew tlto roll of tiie ???M'ucka???ee Guards" ami nearly the whole of tne otlirr companies emuporiug the Twelfth Georgia rsgiiiient. But suppose I were to beglu n-.w to call, I would have to wail till the last roll- call for au answer from most of them. There luis been Uo* naitl about that gallant regimrm i hau any one that performed such heroic aer vice, perhaps from the fact that ao few of the first members lived to tell the afory oi its ad- veuiurea. It Itoa In-on tweuty-oue yearssiuce I raw that regime* t march to the trout at Havage station, and 1 have not seen hut one member of tho command iu that tim?????Dr Web ??ter Will id, of Morgan county. There are a few othern 1 liearol, Colonel Mark Bland- ford, whose happy and gonial spirit used to cheer tiie boya, slid whose recent decision in regard to cotton futures wilt endear hitu to ihia an i coming generations, is one of the survivors. Colonel Willis A. Hawkins, the best- hearted man in the state, is auother. Who else? Where are tho Fur lows, It* landers, I'ickots, Markets, Briars, Dawaous? 1 recall one more, who lives and whose name would appear if the history of the regiment were written, Judge McC-jr. 1 (oroear writing in this direction any fur ther, as i fear l ux Constitution does uot wish to fill the soldiers' coiumu with this kiud of History and will ilo*e wiin au anecdote or two which happened while the Twelfth Georgia was statioued ou the Alhghauey mountains. How green (I uicun verdam) wo soldiers were at the beginning will ??pp*ar from the follow tug: A p cket was s.snout d on on outpost on the main turnpike road and, becomtug tired, he concluutd it was a good lime to clean up his muiket, as the orders were pretty strict in regard to bright guns 8 * adopting the motto that "a Min was a dangerous thttig without lock, at. ck or barrel," he prcccedrd to separate the part* thereof. When about finishing up the work of podthiug. Colonel K iwam Johnson (afterward Ueueral K Joint- son. 01J Blucher, the hrroot tho Allegheny, etc ,) appeared upon the scene, t he picket dowu ou the ground scrubbing his guu???Gen eral Johnsou on his horse, witit cue side of his face jumping like a puce of fresh killed beef. They eyed t*ch other for a moment. Coiouel J ??? Who are you? P cket???boner o* a picket. Who are you? Co'ouel J ???I am CViouel Johnsou, com mander of ??he rwiifth Georgia regiment. Ticket???"Well, hold on, colonel; wait a mil.ti e, till I put my gun together and I'll give you a kinder of a salute." CoMittrl Johnson n*de on, meditating how lie wouid make soldiers of thsse Georgia toys. The joke wo* so good, the colonel ctme <n> to <??? op and bud iu The above is true, and if any one doauts it, with the per mission i f Tine CobsrrrtTioft I will write up the Twelfth Georgia a litue and tell some tii-ngs ??qiutty as ludicrous, with which l was |*r??ohany concerned. ' HALF OUT OF HIS HEAD. "Blessed be the man." said Don Qtlixoto's weary squire, "who Invented sleep." flsneho's gratltuoi rs, bnt what If ons cannot for any reason enjoy that excellent Invention? "Nervousaess In mo hod become a disease," write* Ur. William Coleman, the well known wholesale druggist of Bufltdo N. Y. ???I con Id not sleep, and my nlghti were clthet passed in that sort of reetlcsunen which nearly mars a man, or loot kind of stupor, b son ted by tormenting dreams. Having taken Faikki's Tonic for o'hfr troubles, I tried it also for this. Tho rr ???Jit both surprised and delighted mo. IJy nerves wore toned to concert pitch, and, like Carr???s fat mar, I fell Into the ranks of those who sleep o' nights. 1 should add that the Tonlo speedily did away with the condition of general debility and dysvepdv occasioned by ray prevtou* sleepioasni ?????, aod gave me alretigth and perfect dig#* ion. 2-i brief, the os??of the Tunlr thonui/bly re e**aallsb??.s| my health. 1 have un??d f**RK??a'sToMO??rim cu ire ????? cow* for sea tlckaess ono for the bowel disorder* Incident to ocean voyagi*," Ibis prepavwlon ha* heretofore been known PAaKva eGfNOsa Tonic, llerrafnr it will he . mind and sold nm-er the fame of Hakker???i Teste???omitting the word "ginger " IIisckx a Co. are Induced to make the rhange by the nctt< a laiporUut flavoring Ingrcdlen Fleas* ri member that no change has been, or will be, made in the prrparatlon Itself, and all boitlM remaining In the hand* nf dealers wrapped under the name of Paattsa'a Ginoek Tonic. r. nt*tn the tennlne medicine if the f??c??lmUu *1 mature of Hhoox A Co. 1* at The bottom of the ou aide wrap- 26&rH EDITION. PRICE $1 ajuteaimia asp ixy.ui.nnK 5??VCR FAli?^* -1 XptlcptU Fitt, J Spasm, Falling _ . eicUncu, CouTut 'tons, St. VItin Dance, AK???dtioll.m, Opium l'atlng, Seminal WcakntM, Im* jotcncy, Syphilis, Scrofula, nnd all Norvous and Blood Dlsocsoa. LHTT?? Clergymen, Lawyers, I.UcrnryXren, Merchants, H.mUcrs, Ladies eml all wbos. sedentary employment causes Nenons l???ros- tnttlnn, IrTcgulnrltlesot tlieblootl. stomach, bowels or Kidneys, or who rcqulro a nerve tonic, qppe 1 iter or etiumlcnt,.Vamnrtl 1 m Arr- i^nr Is Invaluable. .. l r r~?????? tfTTlionsands proclaim It tho most wonderhd Invigor- ant that ever snslAlli ed a sinking system. ILHK at Urncgl.ts. Th.DR. s. A. Richmond.. MEDICAL CO , $sl,Pro.[ pritlori, SI. lotMk. Ms.' For sad clrcdsrs hq4 .ump. Chas- X, Crlilenlon, Agent, New Tor???s. <?? KOW THYSELF, A OwitAT M-UIDAli V. Oaff ON MANHOOD. F.xhsttatcd vitality, uervou* and pbyvtcal dw 'dl?????y, premature decline in man, enorsef youth, end too untold mlK-.rirs resulting frvn iodl.rro- t!or<a or cxtwsew A bofik tor overtr man, youe- rnlddle sged and eld. It etmtslns 12?? ptr*eripiin u a . .acute and chronic dltcast s, ??nch one of which la In rail mbit*. Bo iuand by the author, Wlwsn experience for twrnty-thrre yesm la aoch o?? pn'batdv now before f-llto the lot at any phyal Hwi. Throe hundn<d pagra, tmuM in tatntiru! Bv5*ieh ipbv*Ih, * mbtiMetl cot era, full gilt, *nnmn- to d to bo f. flitwr and In *r??57 senae, mvcbaniiwl. literary ??n<i profc*-toi??a???, than a In tbla country for f 160, cr the funded iu rr.ny instance. ??? W*il. prwt paid. Illnatnttlve aamplsstix c^nf* piti.d n*>w. (odd tnt dsl awarded tli?? autber ty tbe Midlctl osiuctaLon, to the effieora of Wbfeb M ???? TMa b*H>k abonld be rend bv Ihc yonng for in- atrotnliNi, Mit.1 nr th** vfilleted for relitf. It will bcnt-fii at I.??? Is mil. -n I.'.-t.ft Tlitr- Is uo to ratter oi anctety to wTt/ m this \??k>\ n u*-f'il, whetbwv y??;H!b, paicut, tuar- M iH'J" rt,ll<|, 'n , ??? , , c I'rRyniaM.??????rgonant. Addow- to** Pe*b ???*!?? fr lm In .U'u??e, or Dr W, Ni??. 4 itnifl.fh ?? net. P roton. M a wlw?? may In* con-um.'i '-u .ill diwaa^s wquirii.g skill -..a ??? ???a.. a. j ^nr.Hto /He n iliNt have b'fJod t oir.-r pnjktctera * sperUav* HfiALX^ iSr^SSSK?', "II;. THYSELF. Can imtr (?????rMp n Kuiizrm a *wowi??l/??ind ~:c4 VVrife tlnlae... talnlox UOO Mire wst* to m*Ji. turmry wnrwberr. Aheolntocrr- sssstMKssgsnMSt do im ????oiieeand wq wills Free bur V"*y.f Bneira l<?in Itaeld iVeatih, c itf 380 ??ra wars to ir Guardinn???s Kale. B Y VTftl UKOi* AS ORDER FROM TIIE CO of ordinary of Rabun eouety, will be sold on me flrvt lUHAdaj In March. trSt. at tho connhouae loor In paid county, between the legsl houn of A. J. MARTIN, Gnardl??n of the minor heirs of G. W. Carter, de- ceaaed mi CCOfiftUEHOBri OS. STRONG S FILLS Tho Old, Woll Tried, 1 " Wonderful Health Ronowlng Romedloe?? # STROM???S SAIMTIVE niiSgSR??lSftd ???lea hruUitckc, eunatlpatloa uad tl/apepela. STROM'S PECTOflAL PILLS fiSSTjai'SKS: Prein!ee,Ma(t\Uicanct Innas th. amt ??? ^ ??? * ^olUto t\ttf ehr* of t SHAFTING.PULLEYS HANGERS, COUPLINGS. MILL GEARING, SAW MILLS^ MUNI Y-W1IEK??*N A. iratanofJ B dimoiuoa rep- rea??au to the court in hi* petition duly filed that be has fully dischanted hla trust aa guardian. This la therefore to cite all pervor ??? com erred to show 11 auy they can why said guardian should wot be dis charged from his guardlatubtp, and receive letters of dfomttolnti on the first Monday In March next WINSHIP & BRO??? FmoAw u4 itditaM^ ATT, A NT A. . OKem<na< RAW FURS WANTED. A r_ ???OBKIIARDT A CO., riKCIN. . nut o . P.T th. hUMi aukTt Vrwiwm mu., prlM correct nrnn rend pi at ??????pl.ahlD. m.n; References: Poalmukr or ost huk u Cincinnati. * 13 a rc::::v2 cuss For Female Complaints and dVraknrun ao romuton to our brat female population. entirely tho went form of Female Com plaints, all Ovarian troubles, inflammation aml fteem- SSfSgsf Sfnmsuass xssvth eaVl^ r * pr| turner* front the uterus In an R2y^ , iJ3S^^IX55S^'!??r ,, ~ Woetlnx. Hcada-hia N.rTiiu. 1'r.^tP.iLw end bee jtwlUa _ harmony wuhtheVWTtaat^^mthefti saajgsaajgSBsaf^ag Ko family ahoold be without LYDIA C. PISKUA3T8 Um TILLS. They cure constipation, billourocaa and torpidity of the liver. S3 cents a box at all draxgiata. , j $250 e nrnperty Bariatn. to fatnfv a <ex fl (a, U??ued by th??* tax col lector of Fayette county, R truant in pow ??tll boat !d one d * ut i f l ??t No. <2. b*in ??? In of Fa>t-iTetMUUiy. Lasted Wvfc'h' T* tn aaiMj a tax cn?Wt*v rf M??t.1 conntr. i. tioiifitd of v??t-i 1,\y Levy L C., Oi'd ba'.dr'l t??*m ibi J. M. CAUL 1 F Shi lift LM ll fa 1 l.l.Tnom wv agen made by F. J. \V?? k*r ft'iUuory the 2i, dm. kufThifi fiEssawBaar ???y.lHiwWMlAMlIin BOX OF COCOS I ' ,ma ??? r XooJ noctt>.UL M. Young.mur%x-t?? , rk^k??lSSnSL ----- I gner '0 all applicant* rustomers of last ??? IIEC year without ordering it. It containa illustrations, prices, descriptions and direct.ons for planting all Vexetnblc and Flower Seeds, Flints, etc. lnvalimhle to all. D.M. FERRY &CO. D li&'s SUSP hLum s* Ttgttrjiivj-fjrjgqv Corn-Mills and Millstones, . ALL SIZES. jiTHE BEST IN THE WORLD 1 SAMPLES OF MEAL SENT ON APPLICATION. Engines,Paw Mill*, and all kinds of Machinery at lowest pyyyyy'' price*. Address, I ERKINS BROS., AUant*. Oa. I WANT CLEARi IDR.F.KING | tft.ANTA.GA IBjOLCTUT THE BEST.' immm sewers ??mtunte.The ??nl, ??? Newtng Machine In fh< )\??rrsnl??d A year*. Nend fer liiiiitrul.Mi Vn !????? A|CU UW MM INC At At 211 hi: C'O. fiataisf l. Roses, .6rumw,- Fuehshti, Hearty 1.000,000 PLANTS ????? Mleta tab FRANCIS MORAT f ro tummm* a O'w.Ae a**, ttoUdtH tea WswinseaSyaeawsiea ar ashata by Malt . or Express. 0.0. D ??? la he bafcre paytag ujmmt aaS If Mt saturMtary, re- isrueeaiaeeaaysaM VtainlNlinillwr ????uic. iBd uti you M r*r etsl. C*UJ-04 iftMiivltsfree. Cmr Vaioi Vuumt.i . IMmqlTttMU 1XOIC1I WITCH CO. ??..nllirev??. HTTKimUlU, V/-.' *-TH?? BUT IS TMB CKXA.XBT.- 8 AW CyPIftICC TH^HEBt, MILLS, cn UIH to ??M??t Pcwnt, arss!M??2srs??assrEsans? TiMKEN SFRIK9 VEHICLES! HENRY TIMKEN, Pataneoa. ST. LOUIS. V" HtfiSSSfL!! ABBOTT BUGGY Cfl I PURE FITS! RititoJUtMUniMimni ???nia.l kMmra. 1 ttUnn ??? have mete pm Onui ????? rtr*.*t -r VaLUag IICCSBU a RleMt SMT leartert aiHe??ri t??wr> mvtntMMi lw??maiw*i Iiw w 4 ll m r>um to a t bj?? leenrta* ??n>% r?? * t-eerteavi a Vrea OovUeetos uraiUMateetetv. <HeeRjpreMae4 V*e?? ?????????^awiKXttKar&tsaKapfis. 3 im: i n: aec * &> ???EXTRACT OF MAY FLOWER, Tho Cap Sheaf of tho Chemist???s Skit!. Tho Croat Remedy for all 0Isoaso9 of tho bladdor and Kidneys. Thit Remedy has stood the test of time, has been weighed in the scales of public opinion, and to-day has an army of men, women and children, who ever their own signatures bear testimony to its curative properties. Some have been cured oi Diabetes, soice of Bright???s Disease, some of In- flammation of tn? Bladder, some of Catarrh of the Bladder, some of Incontinence of the Urine, some of Lcucorrtusa, or Whites, some of pains in thb Back and Loins, some of diseases of tne Prostate Gland. For alt Dlteaset arising from a diseased State of the Bladder and Kidneys, this Remedy stands without a rival. Without a rival in the number of cures effected ??? without a rival in the purity o* its composif without a rival in number of boitlrs sold. annual sale of Smith's Extract of May Flower e coeds tits sales oi wil other Kidney Remedies com bined. DR. ELI IVES, says: ???That in many aggra vated cases, where Huchti had failed to produce my benefit, May Flower has effected a speedy DR. J. H. BIRD, says: "I have found May Flower to be a remedy for all Kidney complain -, far superior to Buchu or Juniper." DR. H. F. MARTIN, says: "May Floweract* more promptly in all diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys than any rctn=dy which has come under my notice." DR. BENT. H. LONG, says: "I have found May Flower exceedingly beneficial in my treat ment of females. DR. VINC. D HUYVETTER. says: "With- out doubt May Flower is destined to work a revo- lution in tlte treatment of disease* peculiar to tbe urinary organs." DR. ?? ING, in compiling his dispensatory, has to this remedy. See p tosition; The t page paid a merited tribute t . 396 King's Dispensatory. A number of authorities might be quoted, but there aro none _ more eminent than the names above. In addition to these authorities, a living host of do,000, whose certificates arc on file in the office of the proprietors of this remvdy, bear testi mony to its virtues. FOR SALE Bf ALL DRUGGISTS. Manufactured only by S. 0. SMITH & BRO., Covington, Ky. Bro., Cov??ngtOi ^ovmgton.^Ky^ for treatise on FLORAL GIFTS! 50 CURDS ???iVr.???i&SW!!i~ bbibc Brail; prIalctl,tUr. II l*MKn, tbU El*. lat lllar. Jllrro??fi.jiIr ji.urparUlo r, Airml???-** *lfc??*#f8BBiplr-,25eU. Xacallra XOUTHrOBD CABO ??>??? SarthforS, t.aa. J,ooo Uhm ( Liberal salarlet aid expeu- ks paid to sell our Nursery AliENTS j 8,oclt ??? VV AIT 1 LU . FRANKL , N DAVIS & co _ Rlchmoml, Vn. WANTED! A!?? AVriVR tlim TO Mltl.L LAUBER???S BEER! Onftnf the flnas* beor* lo this rot)- tv browed of tli*?? beat Ilf nit and fl sr ??? PniLIH J LA f???BFR A * o Otr-lnnual- P^NqriD'Hy Knnrrnvw.. JU1 '! t Uinta nif as an um! Ti'ruilM*??mSoiith- 1 tarmx okanmln. AVI ALL. GBAINN uittl IXOtVKIM * X MAILED FREE UFON APPLICATION.>* E. M. SARGENT & GO., Seed Prowers, FAaccn, Georgia. STAMPING | o, full Itss working ptouras. luclneinx Heoilopt, Braiding* aud Kanalngton Strips for nudarwaar and dre??a trimming! ittarna for Clocking fltockluga. Bpraya of Ptowara. Borders! A??.* fur Table and Flano Covara, Lanibreonlna, v 1 ?'.! D t, ck ???-- " ^ your own Inltlala for nandkarchlafb! Uat-banda. Ae., with >owder, rad and Initraetlons. aaai 9?? eenta-Cen be eB^I ??? hundred times. Book of 100 pea Una f???r Embroidery, Braiding, etc., 25 eta. Our Honk "Uinml nf V?? ?????? vm p.,.. .. _ Do.rt buy until you find out th* now lmprov#* 1/tents. Bend for Illustrated Catalogue. ** U. P. STEVENS WATCH CO., A*1"T -a. -5-9 GUbSfiMtH GARMENTS FEEE, To any reader of this |??ap??r who will agree to ihow oar *!.. * *?? i??fiu??Bce ank-a among fries4j w# w i. 11 nri pvmtitokia two full sixei L*dlet Goaaa- Rubber Waterproof Gsrsb-uts as sawp)??, prw> ???Mod you cut this out and return with acts to pas Ofl*t, postage, eto. w tUmtmm ?????????*? Oa. Sew U??b*L Rectos. Xua DRY GOODS PY MATI.. nrtlve.0 In tn, port of th. Cal tofkStata at B<i??toa Prices Cata loo vn hint .* be* also wbeit do ^ - ???aulea of Drum Hood* olens, fr.m tb- largest tatock iu this couutry. JoTJ, M . ??.??& MS'KS W-^i ^caSKE-w SSSDSilFRUfYS! 12 R08E8??il 30 PACKETS RSfttfSfa; SI. SSI mm* & I??? K?K??S5C; b *1ii shMs