The constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1884-1885, March 04, 1884, Image 8

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* THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION: TUESDAY MAHCH4.1884- TWELVE PAGES. THE WOMAN'S KINGDOM. (Under Utla heed we will derate two or thro column! * week to women end tmlr work. Th< hrelth end comftwt of lamliy. tho proper keeplni end bcendlyingof the horn., the cere of the kltch en,fiower yard end gardeo,areape<del topics lobe treeted. tve solicit ehori contribution* from wo men on any enbject thet will Interest women. Questions relating to the home will be enewered by our edllreee] Since A. H. B??? wee edvised to ???orereee' her ferm la person eererel slrls have written to know If we were not J iking, the idee of e women eaperintending ferm work seeming ebeurd if not unlady-llke. How many of oar reedere remember who took the premium at the otate fair, end afterward at the greet International cotton exposition for the finest specimens of cotton exhibited on the stalk just as it was uprooted from the field. Was it not A Mias McKee, of Walton county. We often hear of women managing large farms with very llttlo assistance from stronger arms and brain. The "gate-keeper" of this reser vation has been invited to visit a farmer???] . family in DsKsib which lies a sweet-faced bine-dyed girl overseer. Her father is away from home most of the time and Miss Martha spends several hours each day riding over the ferm on a pony and directing the laborers about their work. She is an energetic, prac tical farmer as wall as highly accomplished In the usual womanly pursuits and on San days appears at church In elegant and fashionable attire which she boys with money earned by being an ???overseer." We would like much to have a latter from this fair lady who successfully attendod to her father's out-door Interests. "Stoss Rooms" Ann KiTcnsrs.???Since the good old time of many aerranta brought up in the ways they should go has passed, the kitchen has been discarded and store rooms added to most southern houses. I. igio, the most convincing proved the ad van- tageeofsuch an arrangement. How many and how convenient the little room appears with Its neat tables and sbelvea and racksand rows of bright tin pansand palls end polished cooking utensils, And vet no store room how e'er so well attended or so attractively fitted up, but has its hours of aching toes !u winter and melting bodies in summer. Su preme convenience baa been attained by having the room ao small that one can reach every article needed while preparing a meal without moving three feet from the stove. Who can be expected to remain, placid and sweet-tempered while melting and roasting Into a sort of animated fricaaee. With one's body in a broil how can she preserve a serene and reasonable frame of mind? How enu she keep the tears back when the stove burns on one thing and leaves another uncooked? How is she to bo sufficiently cool and ealeu latlng as to get every thing ready to he served at the proper time? Wtiat a contrast to all tnlasnug convenience of the storeroom was the antebellum kitchen. A wide, low room of hewn logs with a dt.or on oacb side which in summer and winter stood open. A chim ney with a fireplace which la one-third an wide aa tho renm and a slono hearth which extends entirely across. A strong bar of iron was fastened to t-aclt sl-Jo of the chimney and attached to It at int.-rvali, were hooked con trivances by which pots of all slsea could be suspended over llto fire. In one corner a strong iron frame which could be moved back and fnrt'i by a touch served to hold the big ???dinner p-t." in which vegetables were cooked. On the corners of the long hearth stood collections of ovens, ' spiders" or skil lets, stewpans, broilers, trivets and kettles. Shovels, toiigs, hooks and pokers were always placed beside the fireplace. Wooden bowls, round and oblong were suspended by nails on the walls, ana various slsea of cedar palls wars arranged on shelves. On a summer morning the comfortable fat cook aat' on low chair, surrounded by baskets of vege- tables, and soon tho bowls and palls were filled with cabbage*. potatoes, onions, squashes, to matoes, bens and green corn, all deliciously clean and fresh and waiting in bathe of clear water for their torrid hereafter. On the low -tUb of granite before the kitchen door a boy garments, cure the skins of.wlld fowl with the homes and lives are dull because they ere allowed fcitiicn * * ' ???- at. I In hfVAm* fftn ilMtilt ImnrAuarf with a asitM nf lha II,.??? nn for cans spin cotton weave cloth 10 become loo deeply Impreised wllb a sense of there on for cape, ??rm_cotton, weave ctotn MrM >nd rclponlilb iiiti'.s of lire to recoenlre end tan leather py means of sour milk. | b il??ht an( j esoeclallr Its mlrthfnl tide. Into m CHATS WITH QUESTIONERS. koumiss, stews the mutton and broils the I well to turn off en Impatient question sometimes camel chops in the beck kitchen. This is the end to regard it Iron a humoroid point of view, benighted condition ofpatriarchal people who lirtuied about lt Unfhter - adhere to a nearly obsolete theory of filial | Ul ?? taT ?? * mu ?? mor * ??' Similar ideas prevail throughout India, China and among the native tribes of Siberia, who have been driven northward by aggres-l "Luui" wishes to know wnat will be "the faih- live neighbors I ton??? this spring. That Is a pniiling question at The Tonguslan girl gathers the snow, mclU this early date, as styles are net decidedly changed, it, makes the tea and the fleh soup, sews, and, but remain tna transition statou yet. Itlshlnted being skillful at archery, helps to keep the U.t the long rein of comfortable, aenstble and ,, Xm r v P iK.. ,??????,i .11 I economical short skirts Is about to end end deml- thMe Jbo dwell aLg the Arctic ocean help trains be rwtored for both hence and .Meet dre??a In summer to lay up wjnter supplies, and In | winter to perform all necessary domestic I cour neoti a in adhering to berconvictious of what duties. I In deslreabl* and proper in clothes, likes to be mtde The Abyssinian kirl grinds corn in the I conspicuous by any marked deviation from pro- ???itn(ilt) riih : a in in that country. The vailing Nahlons A few dresses, Imported frots JX .MiM haiWilisnri draws iiter *???*ri*. have princess backs trained, and puffed pan KsInrtfjrJ weaves boskets ana draws water, I D j #r i mper y on the sides disappearing uuder tha Tmj girls in other parts of the dark con-1 j n bask of the skirt. Mutton irg sleeve* tinent pulverize the grain, weave mats, make I are again In favor and are mtde very close below earthen vessels, and aro the hatters of their the elbow and fall at the top puffin* above the tribe. Tho theories of tho tribes and notions S , ,?, ul , der i 1 },'>???!KS U & < "* I T??? D ' ! ,, of Atia cud Africa are shared by. the Indians ^inmm ^1 and aM shide??fgre?^m Sfidove of North and South America, wuo ooiupel the I color to dark London smoke will be favorite colors, young girls to Iearu the duties and hardships I a new fashion in proeket handkerchief! Is to have of life at an early age. I the narrowest possible hem and to make them of . I plain white linen. - Jf ettati ring site Ilnfij." I "Mat Rsots??? writes that she Is much Interested Don???t mcsiuto the baby! There Is en old snper-1 In "Woman's Kingdom" and Intends sending us pemltlou that If you dolt will dlo before the year I some hinu and recipe* often. She give, directions Is on'., ted It'e always beet to be on the ufo side, for maSIng pretty, eubitantlal-looklng fremee: Do you see that name written In lead pencil on | "Cut t foundation for the frame, of jltrong card the door caring 7 Weil, that 1 the baby. If yon get down on be able to road. "Jim i lost so high.??? It wasn???t, year ago that wo all came out here, father, tpoUter, aod the girls, and got down on tbo (rise and etood blm up them, lie wss a sight to look al-all pink and whlto, with the softest rings of htlr and like violets In the epilog, end he'd laugh and tumbledown and we'd all langh and cheer blm up when wn measurer! I board of Ure slsoand desired. Fasutu a row a where wo measured I o( chcrrJf itonel c i???. e together on each edge of tbo n your knee, you will I [ with glue. Between these place a row of plum stones nr baiel nuts and All the romalnfng space with popcorn red or yellow. A coat ol vsr ??? * be applied ana the seed should be pol- ' g on. Similar frames can be .acorns, botch nuts, or sweet m burrs." 'Locus," Oxford, Ge., asks how she can arrange to bare and to hold an orderly top drawer, which nlsh must be eppllci Isbed before gluing mad-of esa beans, at .grin, and Jenny laid tho pencil list on hi. head, every girl know. I. oftep a caloh-ell for ovety kind and notched tho wall, and then wo wrote that to of smell article tued by a woman. She would Ilk. mark the spot, and I hara wished many .time toknow "how to go about having. pUce for every, slue. I'd never had It done. You mo we had been thing and keeping evcrytiyng In IU place." Have reading some pretty versea about the very thing, I?? ??qoar* or oblong box made of thin wood or and It Just fitted ,curb,by exactly In the begin- Urou. nlnf: . . . . | the lid ot the box. A cover for the cushion can be ??????We measured the riotous baby I of cashmere or latln, embroidered with in- Against the cottage wall I or flower* and edged with *atin ribbon. A illy grew on the threshold, I quilled or shirred, and wide enough to conceal the And (he b??by w** Just at tall.??? sides of the box. Anothcrcover of thin white mull That wo* ao like our baby that I cut that verae out I or net edged with .lace, should be tmed over tho end pested It In a blank leaf ol the big Bible. Then ??????J 1 , 0 " {ftf' Jenny arid there were mom verses the! suited blm, I vitticr for ltd with . .catch the dust that would otherwise It. The box must be used far s box most be used far one thing r gloves, oollxra and cuffk. handkerchiefs, ribbons, Item and rucking or for fans, veils, arti ficial timers and such things as am seldom used. Tbs point to be observed Is not to crowd too many things Into one box. On one side of this box plec, a cut glass toilet boltlo of cologno, bey rum or an toilet water most used. On tut other ride have a pretty Jcwciry-itand. This can be of silver, chins, gloss or curved wood. Jnst in front of ths pincush ion the comb caib must be kept and It should be closed when not In nee. Oa one bracket a balrplu bolder and on the other the puff and powder box mast bo kept On each ride of the bureau suspend fancy bags or cornlcoplos, one to bold sollod hand kerchiefs and collars and tho other for whstover sellable purpose yen desire. Combings withered , ??? dowers, notes and old letters or cards can find a .tunned them ss I .insured It I temporary home to a pretty comloopla, though tt ???topped inero, a* I maitbeemptied often and never be allowed to nothlug to say, and thcro d bo | IU fge??u that it ii a real "horn of plenty" when uacd * are follow* b it after getting the full drift of tho poetry, I wished wo hadn't aeen It, but I took two m and let them go with tho other; hero they aro: Hi* eves wero wide as bluo bell*, hat's llltlo Jim exactly!) III* mouth like a flower unblown, In!) i wo unto bare foot. Uko funny white mice, Peeped out from his ai.owy g >wa, ???And wo thought with a thrill of rapture. That yet had a touch of pain, When Juno rolls round with her roses Wo'U measure the boy again. ' Now, If It bad uld, I'd have t Vro aud It wasn't any superstition after all. I liar thing. Acquire habit* of orderly care in , _ .vent to-day Into the room where It ley, all white ^i5 w h VreranM*tedw???flls!rvo W toeasls'ag?fl^u d peaceful like, and ao still that It was a sin to I keeping things in placs. It is only by strict adhvi- nr and disturb bis sleep, and I added to rest of I enco to tho motto, ???birds of a feather must and ???if,!! 1 " 1 k *?????? Wl ' ll0U ??? knowing Sn l2riw.W"ri'cc< o???,d. ,l r? r " " 'iy, totheoldBlblo: HOUSEHOLD HINTS. To Fur Ft-it ???Tho moltod 1st cooke by conveo (Ion ot heat, jnit as water does In tho so-called boiling of meat. If that la correct, It Is evident that the fish, etc., ahonld be completely Immersed In a bath of melted 1st or oil Well educatedowks 1 than oui nmmi mmsm harness mfg go. IgKikiriff ou stjUs c^pAsszAox3,Bxxaazss,Brszzto wAOOtrs.snroLS a dcotlt eaenezs abaddlm $85 ??? !lorr, tw pap all ahimm, I O Busw (??ee cut) U Jiut a others wll at gun. ???9 *t 8IMt floe as fore Burimr. ???end'^'oaMlfuMtrmtad ^ vllA^TTt Hec ??? j, bar tV I ml fiwi n. We Retail at Wholesale Prices, CTiViggEgRS Examining I PUTS OUT FIRE INSTANTLY. THE HARDEN HAND-GRENADE . FIRE EXTINGUISHER Is the quicken, surest and most effective Invention for EXTINGUISHING FIRES In their early sieges that has ever been devised. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel ol pur itengib and whotesomenem. More economl???. than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold ia competition with tho multitude of low-test, short. iKht slum or phosphate powders. Bold only la These GRENADES are made of glass, containing a fluid which upon being BROKEN OVERorTHROWN INTO A FI UK tenet.tea ???EXTINGUISHES THE FLAMES INSTANTLY., ft TtJSW.WBjH. 4 no expcrtenco Is' necessary to handle'*theml AM ???^ N c.S.? #, AN OR CHILD WHO CAN THROW A BALL nn? ORENADES EFFECTUALLY IN PUTTINlJ catch Are, and the contents of a Hand Orensde Fire ExtinenDh PUT OUlilN AN INOTAii????.l* TUC OOTTOIV MARKETSi fXWSlTTUTXOH OWTOH. AVanu. March 1.1834 THgWJUSX'S Hr.VIEW. hundreds or thourandi of dollars. These Grenade* are la uia la THE COaVSriTUTIOM balldlag. Their pjwer ovir Are isj little short New York-Tbe cotton market continues quiet I of miraculous. We recommend them (n earnest terms.???The Constitution, and steady, and Inturee here undergone Iptla I siRi?ivTINamBHEM^???Mnfi??n 2^ N3 i T . F / BE ' T J?? e of *ho BARDEN HAND- eham. within the past few deya. To-day th. I 4 SSfb????BSUS:MSS& months dosed easy with prices several polnU In in circulars. Agents will be wanted in every county. rcco,pi01 iao jru ??? or I??rticuUrigiven advsuce of the flgurei cf onew.ekago. Spots I HcCLELLAN BR09., Atlanta, Gn.,HeleAgtsforRo Ca. fla pis and Ain steady; middling lOKc. i - ?????? ??? ??? UUA1M, Kit, r or the week ending yester-1 COKBTTJXTIC*^ n^it day: I Atlanta. March 1. 18M. Net receipts at all United States portire....^ W.M??| The following quotations Indicate tfco fluctuations I on tho Chicago board of trade to-day 60.497 I WHXATe i'S-SSI I. Opening- Highest. Low??L OlocfhF. I March (UJ4 01J4 OIK ^ May w??? ii V,y, Co,9 *8 | fOXX. March .17 92X 1? MX 17 82X . I M??v ???IS 10 18 11 18 10 Ayoj.'-v- i cun mb emu, I March ??J0 9 to 9 SO Slock at all'United Bute* ports. .??? 9VL091' M * r ??? 40 9 ,0 984 Total receipt*-... Same time last year ..... dhowlng a docrcase exports for the week. ........ Same week last year ??? decrease???... ^ __j date feme time list year...???. ... ??? adc i 20JJ 0 87X r.slu ul OntnUam- ATLANTA, March I ??? Applet ??? S5.0OaSS.60 m bbu Lemons???Mesrina (31otts.60. Oxaugcv-Mes- Currant.???7X??8c. Cnmbeniot-None on rntkeL ????.0c. Pecans-llo. Btarilr- ISe. Filberts ???ISStttc. Walnut.???16c. Peanuts-Firm: Tennessee737Xo; m".??? 0 " 01111 * 83i vlr F llll ?? like: routed Same time hut year..... Bhowlntan increase??? Stock at Interior town. ??? Block at Liverpool, game time last year....???... Showing sn Increase...???. American cotton afloat for Great Britadn...... 370.000 Bamo tbno lut year 301.000 Bhowlngan Increase.... aval. ATLANTA, March 1-Market active. Flour??? u . n oxtia It 763 n-a'nrn | s?? w. uhhu???u diio wb oow ho caougo in quota* a-'ann I lions, sllll there Is a general upward ???? I tendency to quotations. Wheat, No. s Vt rn mi I vihlte milling nar lots bulk ?; saexr..i ???6o; dray lots flu; mixed, car lots bulk 71c; I sacked :sc: dray lots77Xc Corn Meal~77)6', biltcd ??????? ,ww I ot unbolted; stock feed 100 uci*??? siinninff'AM thA I Cartota buik 47??; da ??Msked 403? dray lotsMc; red ??? I ru>t P roof BCod * car lots 6??c: dray lots too. Bye total not receipts of cotton at aU ports since Beptem- None> Barley meal-Sl.U) V buihel. V/heat Vran 1883: _ I -Active and firm: car lc NEW TOPE, March t-TOaur. southern steady; J5J???!??Tk - - JJ}'??** I common to fair extra f3.C04c4.70; rood to choice ??? ??? J2*Jg I S4.7:??36.f0 Wheat, spot a shade lower; ungraded wiKi&SL: ??? W I rod 94991.10: do white 96091-90; No. 9 red March Sii5i!w gtnn ?????? ??? ILO7fe0l 0^4. Corn, spot quiet but held Arm; no- S???lS ?? 2 * Oats, spot firm; No. 2 wH> slops firm: 117/45 I 1,724 1 ./??0(UfK>i JCarch 1???Floar dull: choice Printer Baltimore Now York Boston??? Providence... Philadelphia For the shining rosewood casket That waited nim below. ??o wout will) acblldliM moan To the height of the sinless augels Our little one had grown." That tells the story of Utile Jim better than e juld tell U; that Is why there???s a hush over all the house, and tho san Is too bright, and the birds have stopped singing, and we can never again I will measure the baby, for ho kaa gone ???eohlgh'' that I ck-ncy of tbo crockery! Atflrst sight thUaprcars we can only roach him by the golden ladder of I extravagant, as compared with the praciloe o i w_.????? the pan with a little dab of sooated, lodlcmtrs thesuffl I xrea>lug the bottom of Ibeptn with ??? I fat; but any houaewlfo who will ?????? I leg of sprau, herring, etc., tho COnYOntlOn I m&vnvnrathnmuntrftrr. death. FtMAfJi FotiLXi.-During ino convenuon i may prove the countrary, woman ???offregUts In Breton lest week, A Ru , r , roB wau???Ha.-Uy way of wtuhlng *?????F Willatfi Covoll .peeking: on c ,iloo for forty.flvo yean, nye anlowalrily. has "The Rre.6d. Why," tahl thet she had been I b , eB to take one hrif peek or more of wheat bran called upon to fill the miwe come pan ol telling o?? pul ??? , n , ho w> . hb o|lrr and pour on from four to sumo ol the follies aud foibles of women. This Is I six gallons of water; let It como slowly to a boll; au age lu which tho phrase ???Just like a woman" Is **rwln through a coarse cloth, cooling it just enough - - 1 MRSlSKt M???S.n'S.'inS. 0 ! astsrchlnlh, shade, and it rssardedaa a contemptuous ouo, and suggcals pet tiness, frivolity, bad logic and childish unreason. Tha press of Ibo couutry takes care to keep this lm- preaton alive by dally furulsblngaiulba and stories at women'e expense. Alter making aomp sharp and lacottous comments on the self assumed great- urea of mtn and bis oppression of women, Mies CovsU spoke ol lha marked difference In oompen action paid women for rendering Ihe rtnsa end lurch In the shade, and It will set the color of a new calico to that It can elterwardi ha waatied la the ordinary way. Wtitito a Ft oon ???To wax a floor properly we first clean It with turpentine so thet not a speck ot dirt It left either on the turfeo* or embedded In the exposed pores of the wood. If tho woofi. Is serric* I rnu > l> w * sometimes scrape It and give It a coat of in a loot white apron stood deliberately churning and a gir! sat oa a wooden block near by in tbeeuad. of the wide spreading mulberry trva and polished the table knives. R-tween such duties as tbeso the boys and girls were tent to the spring and the ini- jw riutu cook used water es if no steps were rrq'j ' !ag it up the long bill from the spring under the tall cbesnut aud hickory trees. What children could be expected to res-st temptations to linger at "do spring??? even when tbclr uncompromising kllnnoa autocrat scolded and threatened to use vio lent means to restore them to the strait and narrow way which should lead them direct from the spring to her water-shelf, ilu*. cooks are, at heart, good creatures and few and far between were the bites in the midst of their daily barks. There was room to cook fifty different things at once nn the pot-racks, and til* long hearth and a coot resting place in the doors where one could take a quleumokennd a>e that her troop of dusky side replenished the chipbex and brought water till the row of aaris wen all brimming. fa T-aier there were red cedar palls filled wvsm tet-wy iL/tse of turnips sad great bowls mV trenail a., rwtsy to go in pots wiiww lot toty .,vw?? were sdamering. Big creme wen* i.bttC w it. imprtti Ui:t( tweet sntUnuee uuti u! uwti hre??L Such fcuotreue *w eamugh tt, mate glas the iicxrt o' uinl. AiuuaU.aeiptU(: rut uiittts a tfiuiru w vr;??nun)WiU iiirpitalltff vrw- nlnaum)/ yrmt ttovd- Tmukiur tu- uuu??r uvor J im inuhit??td tv tun; U?? nvttraff* suiv^rtmu, is a sun u! 1V . iuaaashif t fur a kncu??ti null uttmi >m??vw ?? 1 tum? rym mn, sail ******* to ???tbclr complex' 1 011 nixed wills turpentine for a drier u Udiuiuu End tx sunn w its mutuLet vr uer. amt ????usit. H wm a.-, vtlwtcuis day when Panl I ^*5 far one room, say fourteen feet by ^^^^MwepNAniP/eivsMCSfe ikt Joy of woman was I wt 'l ordinarily be 16 forotltng, |7 to 110 Fw.- xmuMwm ma'-old tortaraa haa *????d 130 for dry waxing. There arc as men, and contended that Uts fact that women I ???? !taom, ' h * von \ * hen ??? ???>??<????? 1 dry and smolb wo apply the wax In one or two was paid lees was duo to her lack of the power of tne ballet, which was claimed to be worth 60 cents a day to any laboring man. Speaking of the differ-, ?????? tnl vocations of life, she contended that, because I jr three boars, and Is then noil with turpentine. If irush. left to dry two Isbed wt*h brushes. bad never opposed man In ... In becoming comrt. milliners and Sm+ I ??f .vary Utfj. flat, an^d made with very ska had outdone him In fairaem. In speck-1 Jtlff bristlia-_ They. - ??? - r con St a ifritem can be fix, bide I onucr ihiooi uj rawm m m Ptrsp. and the p'ilt??n- and I l??g dor??e by wagging the leg to aud fro. Tb*t way n (01 of tmshtng I* employed In dry waxing, which la ihev I ranch the hardest, and requires most vigorous pot makers, she lug of the c ??? i , and read love stories and crocket - sseks sponge cake, until some one asks them ~ ssarry. So the poor creatures through fear th?? y ,. . . H . - L r- v *;.i mlsstbelf chances and tall to marry, begin I Ishlag. Dry aaxlngcesta about four times as much * sin some places and IU??t.other and_wlU laai_ two oMhwe times as c'Soarloglog suy ???' girl* pt Load take op paint their lira I ??*??ne. oiling im 'J^uxx lUeiCK *l??) a liueuiti tfeUy pupwr jjj^ ^ uf ywivrUav wee a ebor; tmw iuew^ j AUmsSJoJ l tug the uatues and axm of Urn lurtuustw lumnuih* puliev mu ty Unit nw naiffhboripg Iwmrm khrubbed in luatruul* ujsutuc as each dssouiuu its pr;te bmUuumi on tue uuap)i cLerub whose origiual aiu uf vaut'y umi uo: et manifeeitKi iterlf Huw uiuob we wuuid lix tuory in old, eaoet vok '???old tortures has ms* h*dy net been sub- | fef with rats and mice, MMlMgs Ihe fore- done. oiling makes a floor nice, but never sogooJ ???*- ^ xnd coots nearly ae much. Raw lias*ed ~ turpentine for a drier Is used The __ "Sffi> t wSfc l *30 for dry waxing. There are some floors here that 1 have waxed regularly for eight years past. Boiled Cbu kkn ahd Rici -Clean, wash and iu rvueivvd |?ri*?? at a fair m t. U**??C mill itus??f \v :u% Vesthsel wtth extracts of I -(* #nit i.. ??A????tino' ???, ' carver ts&B& ?&???????????? ttuapt>???out,??? I autt t-utwc uni i-nann-t un?? iaamsd. does up high I ??????'m*???wawv. pal |J' like to hav, a daocriutiuc uf r Clara PlalslM, five waei aailvet mug fur balax tbs exhibition; Au'bur Bias, a tint bandiotitvst under ou* I???o,-.r, the bamleomnt beta years, a gold ring; Martha tween two and three yean of eg*. ?? C ffi'urd being tha handsomeat oaby on exit] bition, bad a fine gold .bain bestowed on bar. Wa wonder bow the judges ever decided be tween flossy yellow curia ;and shining brown ringlets, or rosy, fat cherubs and graceful, fiuciy moulded forms. And as for ayae all mothers know in a starry galaxy of bright black eyes or a world of laughing blue ones, that tbe dearest and therefore the prettieat are those which wear for us the aweeiett smile. After all, we doubt if any Judges of babies ever changed tbe private opinions of the subjects wbo bow to tbe various scepten that rattle fn roaelcaf palms. Gibls or Onus Lsbds at Woax.???The theory that girls exist merely as lay fig- ores to display fine drapery and to look pretty is not entertained among half-civilised or savage tribes end nations. The eccentric notion still prevails throughout Asia, Africa and in some parts of Europe and America that thev arc born to labor. In Turkestan and on tbe Tartar steppe* tbe Kirghese sultana* ami tbeir daughter* and princesses in whose veins tl iw the blood of long line* of kiogb still milk tbe sheep, cows and goats and perform the menial offices of the household,** ths Sanscrit maidens did six thousand yean ago la tbe same localities. Thsy cook, take care of its children, make In the fowl and bring to a .nr vr' ruyrwT. ??n dyed"black or I btc ady, bu t not violent boll. Half an hour betore W U eiflu'wwkrimvswwtAjEe eapetes of the | it Is done fake out a cupful of the liquor, skim erd KteitMw ?? UMnvmv t>iea a* GrecUa bend I strain It Into a Uu pill and season well, llavo ready ??v ttnm; iv tv* .ai a 7 Rtrslghtway I % cupfat of rice which has been eoaked two houra WwC * ***** that thsy I and boiled ten minutes thon drained. Put t*Ki wLo tt.???UXtrC a.???; vutrAiwsey own twafe iM.vusM Isfe. wait a htds tsl mf) rainbow ~ ??? oooblng very slowly ttftern minutes to th* ponud. ***** ucomes a walklPg | soup, is tt* rsge. and then eld p sol flws twalvw-Mittoa gloves; | ' then | Kducatad hotuskeepsn, who have tried all tha Baking Powdrre, say that Dr. Prica's Cream Baking Powder agrees better with the 1 poalttos iq-ul with ku own. Ocod Hmos -Ooofl Si mar rvekooed a meet nisehiealA i life. An eqaally good Tbe German society of the city of New York wilt . .I celebrsm the tooth aaulvenaryef its fouufiaUon rightly 1 Hit, year. . happy ??? useful | KinGkovs, X. C.???Dr. O. X. Roberson . . Pi hare a little fun nloog wtth ths hamrirnm cares j find it nil it is recommended to be." and works of Ufa Bow it alU brighten up things generally to hava a lively, witty companion, who | No Doubt ofThai. see. >ba ri-llculoui pilot of thlnga. an-t ran turn nneayanca Into an noeastoa far laaghtav. " leal batter to laugh over soma < than to cry os acutd about them. Many li dam I "Bensons Capcine Porous Plasters are dean, a great deaf biller - to Isugh mteam "li* bI A S? l fi'* ctln * ??? d ???d* 1 '! ??????Jicinal." mUhap than to cry os scold about them. Many ' ???Dr. M. P. Mowers. ??? ^rtRO^aL. rare. ??uy roint-.???\???!ire???ir.r^!.rz.*.???Z! Indiandlt 1 ??? o:6 I I4.750t6.60. Wheat active but lower; March 91K* Ci???.jOJ I 91; No. 2 Chicago spring 92119^4; No. a red winter 7 624 I 99391-01. Corn active but lower, largely lu sympa- .t'ttt ??? .uu???(tu ...... M.k Rar.Mtr. u??? 101,299 lO.sIJ | thy with wheat rcssh Mi3??Kt MareS MJiSaiH. 20 0921 Cits (lull and heavy; cash nominal; Marcnst^a x>M il???A M u J FT. LOUIS, March 1???Flont steady; family 85.75 ???- I AI8 e??. Wheat dull and lower: No. J rod fall gl.r ???' ??l,f03,(Sl ajl.10 CMh: No. a do. 999I1.C0. Com InacUve i lower; no. t mixed <3>i cash and andMarch. Oau lower; 2IK6SI cash. $10 REWAED F OR THE ARREST OF ONE FRANK JOBN- ron???whlto boy. Deacriptloo: One blsck spot on right cheek, ??'sa of p??a, one gash, smutty look- ins-on the left cheek, if laoh long. Urge dark eyea, dark, rcddlih comploxfou, weara-black hat. aeversi holes lu crown, hlghquartereil shore, knife marks in both toes, block fr-??ck cost, snuff colored pants, shout 19 years old, reprerent as Me having worked at a sawmill. Larceny trom the house. Addrtm: _ J. H. HARVEb. ???ky Brook's Btatlon, Oa. Wanted - a situation Ad dykr ok TV blsacherol nnttona, ynrnoand threads Ad- OK BALE???tHREK MULES, Two lt-UUK3K ???jonaimd Ilarneu, one l honu Uarrlagtn SS TCIOK s, JLiSSff ??? ??? ??? ???, - ?????? ????? * ?? u??,n so ilu thousand or ?2 50 per 101??. rent post paid to any addrem on recilpt ol price. H. M. deailon. At- lanta, Ga. wL*. Jkoe. Coweta, Troup. Hoard. Clarko. Oconeo and Madison conntiea. Apply to Van Eppa, Calhoun A King, No, (0 Marietta at., Allauta. I OIKOINNATI, Match t???Flout quiet; tamfly K70 | fl'.4.75; lane7l8.3SOM.0a Whea. easier; Ha 3 red I winter fl.PC5tl.07 cash. Corn steady; No. S mixed satuxdst, xaficit 1. New York???Fulutea closed quiet without quota- ... I - ???o^fM^mix^y?.*-^' 1 J.Strhalcelaat year: oxporta K.SOl bale; last yea 19.010 halos; Stock 919,721 bales; last year 910,b??0 I KL Oab'fina; No.9 westerntnUed.37^ white 55; mixed l qnoHUozr I S qnlot ???lilirtii'tt I AWcAa ??to??fl0f ????????? 80; popper Id. Orookcn . "invjfitA'S 5^FiS^ bcr ???I -railk 7>^;Uohtoa butturfle; i>c*rl oyster 7J4o: i fcS???SlfflSJS Ootobet., I0.73.-I0.)t _ CK 5a6Hct XXda HKctXXNdo. 0. Oandy-Assoit MI....10KS1M1 November. ?????** od??Kek~OXo. Mackcre!-llo.?? bbla 89.95: ?? Deoembst,...10C3910.CO ha-ast do.M.25; uu 7Ce: No.3Xbbla,L.rf./go. ; salsa35.JXIban* I Uts90; No. 1 Kbbla, L.W.,10.55:UUH.00. i!oaj>- Uvriptol-ratutunleead.toady. Spots -Optanda ml^fe(^??re^800gfll! 11 ^ 6??d! urlssat 6d; aaiea 8 000 hslre of ohxt I tn ^M^^ ooi??X ??nw-e<??7e- 0,1CO nalaswava areortes'.! rrewloi. none. NEW YOBK March l-Geffoe. spot lair Rio dull Local???Cotton firm at quotations. We quote aa fol-1 at UJf; riu. 7 Rio spot 10 90; March 10.78. duirai lowst Good middling IWict middling 10^0; strict |?????i u ??ndnominal; lair tonnodrefintw 1)4*5 W-lf; ???owa. uoou Biiuuuus IU750, ???ounngsvj??o, ainci I n , flnc ,, duU , ud nom j n ,ij (! 65(35)41 extra C low middling loxot low middling 9J4C; aUlot good 6)4S??)4: wntio extra ,J tXOW, ymto?? 0)4 35X a e>4S|C)4: mould A 7H. staudaM ???Otioueni a 71616; out k??of 754; erusbeu 7fe;pow< . .immarl j,intt1a??A.I Ilnkiu tL ??? - hlpragniafor to-day: Bbcxurra ksurgU Railroad - Jratral Eallwi ffoitera and Atlantic Railroad.. West Rofnt Railroad r, To ts., va. A Ga-...-.......- - foorgla Far tflo..??? ordinaryH)fo: OngaaSMot (taint aXfvSc. Tha fdlowtng U ouratatcmoui or ruuetnu sa4 | SSSdnJiTH^nnUtod ; TlSMiuhre I 1 uucnouced; 60 test 26; New Orieous - Mo- I Porto Rico 30356- I GINUlNNAXi, Marco l-esua |8>6??8J4: N*w.0nean??6H<i6S I CHICAGO, March i???Sugsr, itaaflard A 7%; cu loaf 8X09; granulauNl *%. ttottBipimbK CHICAGO, March 1???Fork In fair demand and 15 <S30c higher: cash tl7.753fl7.8S; Match 117.95. lord quiet hut 10 points higher; closed ???toady; ca.h and March S.(0s9.??5. Bulk meats qnUcsbmGden 7.30a 7.(0; abort Ilb9.25ft9.t0;ahorl BT. LOOM. March 1???Provisions firmer. Fork, Jobbfngaigia.O'.'MSlt 12)<. Bulkmeaufltmer: long clear 9.50 9.35; short riD9.<0: abort clear 9.S539.7J. Bacon steady: long clear 9???v abort rib 10; short dear lOV-riOX. Lard nominally higher at 9.(9. Cincinnati, March 1???Fork dull; numtlACO. Lard dull; prime aieam 9.3099 87)4. Bulk . I firm: sliouldeis 7)4: aliort rib 9U. Barv-u 132,850 I shouldenB; clrer riba 10)4; short clear 10)4 I . NEW YOBK, March l-l???oik'flrm ; mere spot ??18.00. 22,1101 Middles nominal! long doer 9)4 Lard opeued 295 r itnu higher, closius steady; cootnct grade spot 75S9.S0; March ??.76??9.77. . . ATLANTA, March 1???Clear rib tides 1M<0. hale*UAmertcon,aR*!nat2,234/64tad2,566,761 bale* If???weurod tami MXo. Lard-TUrota. mined, respectively loot year; receipt* of cotton at all into- ??? xu * c * RhIpc26atit?-iV.5r, WpmeaU provloniivJffil local oaummpUon aJnco Ctookon hxnt NEW YORK, March 1-Totai viaible anpply of ootton for the world 6.291.010 baloa, of which 2,618.920 rior town* 61,094 bale*; receipt* from plantation* | 49.502 bale*; crop ia right 5.U2.798 bales. V? TMMrnsi. middling upland* 5?*: middliug Orleans 6; sale* I iarorted * 6,060 bales: specaUuoa and export 1.6:0: n ccipt^ I msatic 61.5C^2A0; none: upland* low middling clause March aod I diatilled coru wh<x April delivery ft 5fr6t. 5 6t ??: April aud May dollv- 1 * ??? cry vfft6* May and Jane delivery *; Jane and July delivery rt ?? f4,6 4-C4; future* opened quiet. I???ERPOOL, March 1-1:30 p. m.-Kvlc* of Amer- Alix): upland* low middling clause March and \ delivery ft t June and July delivery 68-6*; ATLANTA i March i - Market steady. Uota whisky, reutiiled, 0i.u065l.???40:ryo, rectlfla'id, m.?? - ??? ??????* *??? ???*** rust v; Is??? domesur ft.6 brandy, d<> ; oc;.pei 111.60. rye and Bourbon medium 41.60*^.00 | rectified nsafi.75; Now England SLTZj&LX i i>\ ; I Croix 94.00; JataucalASO^M^M); sin, dome-:t??<HB| LIVERPOOL, March X-l Icon 6,100: uplands low m!< April delivery ft 6 >-61: Juno and July delivery* August and September delivery 6 12-16; futures Closed steady. (ifw r????as t March 1-Cot.o ??? steady; ??n*.ldiiag I nlddllniit|; tvintcOMn; I nr; recofrunone; t.-OfSi 2953: cou*oi<U:ed not re- I ATLANTA, March 1 ??? At preaent celpu 12.2*3; export to Great Britain 10.CH; to I good demand far a good class of males and homes. Franco 6 9X; to continent 9,722. | and a reasonable number would 6eli readily. The savannah. March l-Cottou dull; ml Idling 105-16. Inw mlddllnc 9J4: good ordinary 9X??? " KKOir-'st6fttalas: gross??ift: *e*a(?? 700 '???'*ek ft: exports to continent 6, .eo; coastwise 1411. . -- hn ??? Ugl.???"S3d , ir???SWrel'? : !SI Se^Stdwith??ro r /in2^m: pmfhSS giS.fiU: exports to Great Britain ??,0tl; to Fiance "^7-.-...-. u ._ fc . ??? ??? --a.. g,S00t to continent 8.502. mSSffaSTUtcflSKS AC8UBTA, March t -Ootten quiet; mlfldllcl I sa.vassso.av: pacing ana rainsni.-, lo5t low middling 10; good orti- .ry ???; net ????? I *** a esipa 99 balea tthlrvnwt.??? ;saleaK7. | enunrM: OUAiLKTO*. Much t-(V????. , qutst bnt fins: rrATLANTA.)March l-Kggs-UXaUXc:??? firmer: riodung 10)4; low mtudUne to.: ttxx. erdt ia-v good supply on markat-_ Batter-Goad butter 0 4^net reomet* i06>'???????? -^om W5; Mle.ICO: aura | (earn and good demaadt wa quota Jatsey^SQe; CINCINNATI, March 1-wtu.kT active at n.16. lAIOUtVit.LK. Marc ??? 1???Wntaky qute.atLli. ??? Miuatio. Marchi-Whlaxy areanv.t BT. LOUD), Marchl???Wntakramady at (LU. exports toUreat Britain 5,??SS., Cf) Golden Beauties, Ao. Uatds with name, 190. tJUPreae-u with each pack. TUTTLE BROtb, North Haras. Ot. A flRIMTQ WANTBD lor our new Kong- AUIill l O loua book, tho greatest attcccss of the year. Send lor lllnatmtcd circular If you wan- to make money. FORSUEK 4 McMAKIN' Clncln- natl, O. JIE WICK LO.VMNIARLEN1LK CUT* . - TON???Tbe beat now known. Write for pern* lets giving partlcnlnn of yield per acre aworn ?????? ??? -* tlivllle etc.* gi.OW'lu premluma offend'by pfoptlVnr on ..... ??? -- ??? seed for aalo. Fries, THE BIGGEST THING OUT (new) E, NaBON dt CO . 1M Fulton Hi. New York F OR SAl.E-10 UOUHtSFOWKK,WSUOWD It AN II Fort abb Engine on wbtela and sawmill com- pielo. with (0 feet of carriage. Fine outfit???been tired bnt very little, will ml very cheap and on ea*y terms. We alio hava In stock a full line of new engines aud boilers from 4 to (0 hone power, and krep constantly on ntnd all litre of sawmills, com and wheat mill, and other machinery for lu* Atlanta. Ga. /^LltOKUlA. BAHUN a.'UUNl'Y???to ALL WHOM JJT It may cancern-WIMam Flncanuau hat. In 111 doss upon sy in April. 1 Given under iherstato of Gcors ???jy decease 1, and. the said application on the flrstMon* cr my band and cfllcials!gnrtur*,25th Atlanta Cotton Mills, ATLANTA, OA., tng. B* sura and gal thl*. Of KontnoRy Unlvorslty, LEXINGTON, XT. CM, ImImIoc Tultlaa,flFttH tUoksm* Bmt4 laa te??7lr,IM. 7tWr??| hy ?? gnarlaltr rfcrivH. *00* iaotm???tml gnd- MIM. Of??r pupil* l????l ye??f from IS to 43 y*ar??ef mge, tnm SSgttln. Instruction i* VnMicallr m4 In-llvHuxlly R iMinckm. Ssatol mwf >??c Ttariffs*>4 Sifea So. Wtririlty DlpUaw prerai*! u ???? (Mims. Thu SmmIIM MtH iiitohsaliklWamaa* Mcfcijr.u* UttMiu fegwwsaaatsgsc. EMBROIDERY. Sr ,r ???Ks^?.?a ??oo Pum, I* acr-f.ipletn Raida to alt kind* of txsKOiDKRV. dfafram* and fall iMfiiraetlon In Xrrsixctor, ABO* ???K.iE ?? d all tlia na??r amhniUlarjr ailtchas. also kIt??, dlrac- tlon* l ?r CnielMitic^and KdIuibr with euitnn twine. Mvarsl han.luoma paUarna of window and mantle Lambrtqnlas. laifio tocroelistt and knit Ihinihtr saatal and orwamawtil * r, * c t* > Taachea bow In Anka Muderw Vaiat, Ilaaitaw an.| Maerama Lara: ala.* Hi* Making. Tat tin. Ac.. Ac. Pra- Urefl* Hinu; a:a d. Price rant* [ ost pald; Fcnr f????r Owe , Dollar, ricarardng Outat ad IO lull alia parforatad Em- !???*<:??? r/PaUrm*. nlih powder |ad. Ac..OO nnti. Boak | noKialiriildaFyDoaiintaaaeia dllthaabor- 01.00. !*utteu Co. 47 ()pwr*tnwNt. Varit. ?? U* Capitol City Home??? >??r 4* aluiua Qlaalntod Pibn.Ua IStaUmdamd Ouest, sir ??? WagwalM, la loamy lwat,nsbtll oauTfafftW aaltaa. mm! aack MM* ,t??a4ia* istAa. furSaMalka'MMeHgw 'oa, with aa filnrul railed RaU iagraria* aad ilVMftllliitnittd DMlt aMMly rnst w??m tal , railed R??ld warraatrd ar neuj rafaadreL Oak af ??, *1.00. fulw a c.ret-s'il OMTOtt jjawre THE SOUTHERN LAW& C0LT.ECTI0N EXCHANGE, Boom 1,17)4 H. Brocd Street, ATLANTA, OA. TO BC.SINEJi.H M EN. REIPECTFCLLY INVITE YOUR ATTENTION. Allow me to tender my amirano* abut any bnatnass eniraated to me win rtctlv* prompt and carclnl sttendou. 1 aik yonr cottalderedon of The Southern Law & Collection Bxchangg . . . , (cation amnnen lawyers Of course lit value aud convenience will he apparent to you as a medium efluttr:' Tt. Rut Butautak Xtw Yosx, March I ???The following la the stats, meet of the isaodaud banka few ths week: fectssss 8 Upsets derreare _. ???to.ois.eoo Legal tender dicraccs???. ??? (50.(00 Depost ta daercus.??? 1,6a 509 lieu tattoo tucresas lit,900 revive dvetsaas. ??? 1,081,973 j Tbe banu now bold 115,700 975 la excess of the I (gal icqolremsats, I c*esmeryacc: lancyTWaesseSSc: cjtolre ??WV8e; , low grades duU. Lira Poultry???Chickens 17315c: he apparent to you aa a medium cl loterehanga lor bans raxc; cock- xaOti turteya 10*Get geeae to a, er any other matter, ttqulrtug the rev I (tase. Dnaaed Poultry ??? ChtcXene UHc: docks ylcvaoi ampoaalh???e Attorney at any partMae 1-lHc: tnrkeya lac. Game???Nona oa the market, place. Prompt and reliable corTcsraudenteat all i?????? ??? ??? (-.-a _ Lnpo-f.,-1 places |u the -on-hern wtarea. rkfj. . . c 7T-3S0C * huehel. Iri n Potatoc??? 83.00 w barren fiweet Potatore??? 19e V rey-BtnJucd ^S*i7)4c; lajh?? ewtebjv- W-t^ra-nd 14 J4 correspondootsAt i _- plsog* |a ??h???? ????on*b??irn ????ate*. I an sho NOT ARY PUBLIC, and !u that cans city will al??w panfrf??lsrairwn*lap tatekP g l> pxWtfgos, tha Probate ol Da cds. A fi Javlu. or otbe r Ugvamcn ts. Yea ar?? r??>p??cttxl! ?????? " ??? andmtk??u>v iaqai?