The constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1884-1885, April 01, 1884, Image 9

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THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION: TUESDAY, APRIL 1,1884.- TWELVE PAOKHT OPR ANTI-LIQUOR FIGHT. Agalnit the Demon of Intemperance-* For Happy Homes and a Happy People. IWe solicit shirt letter. giving the evil effects of Hquor lncommuntdre. .1 wlrnreted by Uio writer, wedon???tc*re torargumonr*. We waotfaeu and .gurea tend them la, mother., fitheia, wire*. ???ooi. everybody, and help In the fight against thli terrible and growing evil.) HXJMOR OP THE DAY*: A Dakota Doaieotlo Blluord. The other day a Bismarck gentleman waa coming up from Standing Rock, and stopped to see a man who lives near the Cannon Ball river. In respouse to hla knock at the door he heard a shrill, ehkrp "Come In!'* and entering found a sharp faced, angular woman sitting In the room nnder an op%n scuttlo hole leading into the loft above, with a shotgun on her knee. "It the gentleman of the house in?" he asked. "Yes, sir. he air." "Can I see him a mo* t see a hide nor hair of I. madam t What Wiiiskv Did.- Acting on yoor inrl- ???No. ??tri you can???i talion tossy a good word in thecanseoftem-1??? ln! " ???Why can't .la ... , ... I WOUld Ilk, to IpOtk tO him Oh bUStnMS." ???If P r ??? l, u.v ?? ,? *7 **??*?? tS * err ^' I yon wu ??? dytn???, and Jtm war the only doctor la evils. I submit the following: I uakoty, jrocould a??? sot an eyo on him till he gives In the winter of ??M two vnnnff famair* I ,n ????' *??????? decent At dinner, a while ago, he in vne winter oi w, two young tamers, toW me to pass ???Im the apple som, an??? I tol??? ???im it Figger and Smith by name, came in the vil-1 waan'i aosa, but saxs, an??? be said he knowed lageof Onconts, OK, go conn.y. Now York, ???Wtt SSff I he kin com down, but if he make, a break atom .... , I that, off goea the lop ot hi. head. Thar hIi the um, Morenna, ???Undo I .irangt r. as??? thar???a Jim tip lu the loft, an d him, a soldier of I J he way matters aland JUt now. an??? , r w h reckon you???d better mwer along an 1 not purchases; and whilst wandering about town ?i7h We/ ak??? made a bkik for" the- ??bm frequently partook of ardent, and by the *???*>???, ?????.??? he made a break up through the .. .. ... .,, ???' I scuttle inter the loft. W???en his senses come time they were ready for home, * liquor was I to him an??? he gives in that is rasa, in and reason waa out." | !l e .y??? n ! ht^makes a break afore An old gentleman, J. T. ] Jerry," as everybody called the war of 1812, living jost outside the town, I get "mixed 'inter *3KT* row'. for home at the same time thro. yonng gentlemen bad atarted ont with their I want this m jet squeal out!??? Anda gruffyoloe team for their homes, and asked to ride, (fom th,, <tart * om,> garret repUedi ??????Som!??? knowing they passed his door. His request I a bi..i.* ntmaai, was granted, and when they were opposite I From 010 Washington Star, his house they would not listen to his re- J b i ???M*** 1 " ????? Dunca, .htpptng com. , , I ml,.loner of New York, who sued the New York quest to get out, but drpvo furiously on. Tt mo> fjr , 10 o l( ??oand got a verdict o! 12 cents, re- The old gentleman then.oflered them money I calls an episode In the life ot a visitor In a little to let him ont, but as the throne of reason I sonlhem town several year, ago. The village auo- - . . - was usurped by that miserable, scandalous. I tioncer was riding up and down the sandy street I??iuetloniata * hut it ????????? lying, thieving, murderous ???king alcohol,??? I on a pretty h.rdcase of horse flesh, for whleh I grace f ron jtba gentleman" U from*??? ???Kansa!)! his efforle to get ont were unheeded, big in I Sf!, -?wHo ??*JZ???MLmiSla sXL I Ur - Vance would not withhold bis aympa- making the attempt, fell under their wagon, I tola elegant ???adSla.horaet-a. kind aa a spaniel I t ???j y ? rum fnrmn??th!riravnJna . ' ???/unu ???. _ J , I and uiwfft as a deer! Ske haa the strength of a I gentlemen from Kansas express their sympa- wrs ran over and kilted. They were duly I wa h i,oca. la ar playful aa a kitten, ana know. I thy to the illiterates. As to the basis of dU- found guilty of manslaughter, after haring I mor???nmoet pcebie. Who???ll give five thousand71 tribution, Mr. beenindioted for the same, and are now I robbery of her owner and | DroDer batls bt serving a term in afate???s THE EDUCATIONAL BILL A LIVELY DISCUSSION BETWEEN the senators. Th. Bill Btrorflx Supported by *r. V.noe. Whil# Mr. nolph and Mr. Butler Opposed IS-Mr. riura. A.ka e Qseetlou endle Set new a Ott-Mr, Jon..*. Ylewe, MM. Wasbihotok, Match 25.???The bill waa dis cussed until 2 o???clock without a vote being reached, when Mr. Blair???s educational bill came np. In the coarse of the debate which followed, Mr. Vance spoke in support of the bill. The colored people, he said, bad been freed and enfranchised by the national government. The sonthern states had lost so much and had been put so behind by re publican arpetbagger governments that they had not been able to do much as they otherwise coaid have done for the education of those people; yet these states bad been held, by public opinion of the north, to as high a standard of advance ment in edncational and other respects as was expected of states or people whose civili sation and society had not been disturbed for one hundred years. Not only wss this expected of them, but the world was made aware of it. On every occasion the southern state* had been ???investigated." Now a bill waa brought in to aid those states in edu cating their colored people, and the singular spectacle was presented of opposition by the gentleman who had been moving all the powers of congress in order that the sick calves of Kansas might be doctored, Sdme objection might naturally have been ' ??? the strict con- camo with bad with the object of the appropriation. I amendment Is that, ???An act was pencil in 1702 In connection with this point! Providing that the president of the .enaro In men Mr. Dolph referred io what be described as I eTtnt (dealli. etc., otthe president) should fltst oft tie south riBh,a ,o tbe coIored people ssysasa^ % oifnesoutn. I utterlyJailed to notice, perhaps he dirt not know, Air. Jon as, while not deeming it necessary I that when Garfield died, and Arthur became the to mane any speech in favor of tne bill, could I 5??**??! president thtro was neither a president of not refrain from referring to the remarks I ft?? ?v?,X??w< li0r ??,i!E cake . r # ??J ho If b0 1 made yesterday by??? tlte senator from Ohio- but om" life*' stood between : Sherman???who had said he woald not trust I and anarchy, and that to supply this dangerous de- the sonth with this money, and the | footWcCoidof Iowa in the bonee. Boar of Mswa- dly t0r had 0 ??? JS^^SSS *5 , tJsouth had trampled j??L foS t e co' pffitW^w???uWJSv.TutfwSS^ stitutional amendment*, and would notad-|h*ve learned some reasons for Mr. Hammond???. I minister this 'and faithfully. Mr. Jonas de- blan. and might btve at leut agreed wltb me Ha* | nied most emphatically, as baseless and eal-1 I* p??? b ???bly u I umnious any charge that the people of the xhero arc ob}?cUoM * to ???it of?? south had any prejudice against tne colored I bnt so there are to ail other plans that havo???bMa peoplo. Yon sympathize, said Mr. Jonas, I proposed. Mr. Iltmmond is an able man and I with their ignorance and poverty, but they I SB C4r ?? P 1 hlt ????M??re before I are our fellow cltisens. We meet them ta I S^?S??iThm ?? ??k??? tb ??S! eStB ?t eVMFd 5 P !i? e ??? T be y are ??Hr oommtm ??u mudoupon this bill during tbe last neighbors. They parade the streets of our | couarcaat ???L??? admits that Mr. Hammond sue- cities, they live in our villages, they cultivate I weded in currjlug nut the wishes of north I onr fields, ihsy mix with our families, , 2 , ???ri* ,l iv.d Ue rl??? m ut ???. 00 K , ! r, ^ liu, K it they mix with onr children, they ?? ???fLtt w ???i, t S, nd vote at the polls, aad to ?? Urge I ef the AtUnta bar to Uovemor Brown. Bom. such extent control our elections. T 1 L I ???*????????? jelled in tbe strongest terms ???10 A BALE HAYED. THK CLARKK 8K2D COT TON CfjEANKIt. m iai n u I ???1 M*w llEIIla UMr ICJ UUTBruOr A>lO Mr. Jonas re-1 charge wm brought in thei Post-Appeal. But ihl.1. a the inslnua-1 whole truih. Colouel wrote Governor b"collon for the gfn by dlrt ??? d ??? ,t O 1511 . h??M trseb. It ww a defect | , Vance thought there was no ??me, and are now I M'luiuit to the hoblMt'betutoh thelfAceofth??? I PnflfS a^hn b |?? t wu*no??nroni?baa& WZ prison at Anburn. I V * rt h. She???d made hor record on the non course, I ???on as a whole waa no proper basts. Did the ??? U U ???. I -ml rinHn??? Ihn n.n, flln*h-A f.nm . I senatomwish to distribute the money among inTh. of Kd.7rd o Ho* much do 1 heart" After a long and anxious a confirmation of bin belief, that the sens- the verdict in the case of Edward A. Smith, I pause a voice ou the sidewalk was beard to I tors on the other side of the chamber the Davenport farmsron trial for msnsiaaght-1 exclaim; in clear, distinct and deliberate tones, I wers louder in professions than er in the second degree. In musing the death ???Two doUanlandA hall.!_???_ ;!Tak?? her.Vwg Urn in acta ia b, h , lf of the colored people. While dirod re ine y iar^S.???tm , onL At ro? Sff2ESS5BjS5&?5SSSaEKBBHSESBS the party which they represented would send dered, ine jury being still out. At ten that I hv the vlenr with which he reined her in lest the I emissaries Among the colored people to band evening, after about six hoars deliberation, I offer might b. recalled??????take her, colonel: she???s I them together for political purposes, and take they brought in a verdict of guilty. Tbelyour???ul But It???s a bluin???discount.??? them to the poll*, he bad alwaya thought next morning District Attorney Townsend that when it^amt to really doing aometblng A??rvne^of'co e un U s?l?o???he r d1 > fsoro mS? , ' 809 ???hstarorou going out to gr theae people there would to A Mta A. Lynes, oi counsellor tne derense, there-1 ??? ??? .. i ??? ,* , v I Hence Mr. Vance wu not disappointed. He npoo mtde a plea in behrif of 8mith, claim- ^ i 0 ?, ' had no doubt that the senator from Ohio ing that the Inj nry done tbe decea-ed was en-1 BigpollUcal meeUng to-night,??? explained Mr. I rgherman) attached more value to the negro tlrely nniotentionai, and intimating (hat if I B., apologetically. , I Ja j gn0 ' ra ???t person, as a fraitfnl source of . . . ??? - ???Political meeting, eh???? echoed Mrs B. ???You Investigation, then he would attach to the a moderate fine were imposed it would be I paid and the prisoner and his family saved I have been going to political meetlnpevery night I negro u an intelligent man and an intelll the disgrace of imprisonment Smith, in hia I for Bv. weeks, end It It hud not been for me you I gent voter. No doubt he answered the pur- eXdyunknowniahlm^d' ^ ^ Mm fi mVaf t er???the accid en tJ udee l&ta of moneM co d u'd rriSm.'SSd MEorouSJe* Mr. Ingalls congratulated Mr. Vance, on Mmtlme after the accident. Judge Bowen then I and now clothe, and sealskin eecques and???'??? | the very adroit appeal be h gave a brief review of the cue, tbe sad par-1 ???T - - _ , ,. bad addreaaed to , ), the sad par-1 .???That,??? interrupted Mrs. Blank; ???I have I northern sentiment on this subject He had Oculars of which are familiar to all of the hrerd ttat store brfore. You m??le a speech last I Mtd that the whUe pcopIe o( b/ 0 rth Carolina Herald readers. He then sen ten ceil the I Wlird m ? e ??? n 8i ... ... Lro?? n at..vinw n 'Thov wam winim# the maximum sentence which might have I Hent. I very largely to the whitee as well I as the blacks. Tbe blacks of that state, in . ??? , . I Mr. Ingalls's opinion, made a much more been imm>scd was imprisonment for fifteen I ??? I commendable showing in regard to education years and a fine of $1,000, and when all the ""!**???!*??? D>t f* I than the whites. The principal necessity details of the Injury and death of Uncle I the Ar **n??w Traveler. I for the bill, to Mr. Ingalls???s mind, was to be Jeremy are remembered, tire justice of the Wearegolng to hire .pretty warm campaign,??? I found in the white illiteracy, rather than the sentence cannot be questioned. I said Oolonsl XorguhMd to McTlall, the reporter. I oolored illiteracy of the eonth. He read * ' ??? hadb*en disposed of, | ???Ye??, I think eo. Who do you think will be I from the census tables of 1880 to show the figures of white illiteracy. In Alabama they were twenty-fivo per cent of the white inhabitants. In Arkansu After Smith???s case ___ Charles D. F gger, who to bd tried upon the I nominated for governor???? same indictment, withdrew hla piea of not I *'Ctn???t toll; but Ijknowone thing.??? guilty and pleaded guilty. He also wu sen- ???waat'ethtt?" I white inhabitanto. In Arkansu tenced to one year at Auburn. I ???I m not a candidate, although I have received 125 per cent. In Florida 20 per cent. In Gtor- I several letter, from prominent men asking mo to | E |a 23 per cent. In Kentucky 22 per Cent. In How Imu Gbaci* Ctosm a Saloon.???Iran; huh to tell yon the truth, l wouldn't havo Lo Uial ;n a igjf per cent. In Mississippi 10 3- and??lovlnr?? D '??? ^ l ?? h ??* I ?????????ffiorre. to bear that, for .1 h.v. heard | P per cent. In North C.rolin. 31K per c^nt. come her U them BSW come.??? There m"i eblldraoa??? temperance society in the town, in charge of the Womens??? Temperance anion, and little Grade and her brother, still younger, were Invited to attend. The father consented for he liked to see Grade dressed np and have people notice her. Grade had never seen any one pray before, and when the leader talked abont God, and uked them all to bow their heads in prayer, Grade bowed, awed Into the most solemn I you to aoy troubio."' Hold"on alrninm*. 'jiiet ujr I Vance denied that tbe"money of the bill was reverence. Months passed, Grade had | that If elected I would strive to discharge my I needed by the white people for themselves. ??? ??? ??? '* * - * I rllltV'* I reel Vi I LI. a- .1 iL.f ^rfiTd , ^th w e??m u . ld if s h/??.. < s^[: I ??^vaa n ??sKS reS 4???.. W. &.\ CLAU, ??? 8J?? ! j?ed into the affairs of the far off county of I He riuldn'o* have atluchedgrtit iraporuuioe'uj Copiah, if nothing else was proven there, it I the matter, but Mr. Hammond took the safe course was proved that the blessings of edu* I *?d removed all doubt, and trubout aid from cation, to the utmost limit erf I Jj?? Te roor Brown. M L." mat think the "bills for thn mnaritwof that S I relief of privatepersoua T ?? were of "llttlo mo* P??op'e were extended to I meat.?????? But those whom Mr. liammond was try- both houses alike. I iuc to servo in these Instsuooi will not agree with Mr. Butler opposed the bill. He said the I L." Would ho be understood aa mt-aulug that common school system of South Carolina I *V C k?? b,,1> aTPH 1 ** b f. ne * ,h ., u,e H oUco was as good as any in the United States. A SSbehemSanSSflMiffin* to sfot const! tutional^provision created Ihe tax for an I and for the state of Georgia, only because ho did educational fund, and that fund received in I notaucceed is not tbo h gical conclusion that "L" addition an income from the poll tax. Mr. I would not have hia canoidate, if elected, try, lest Butler read from the proceedings of an edu* ftiS??,gfiWSalWLIS h^SSSft 1 U J- carional body the acknowledgment of a col- "n^^M h h^h??^mariSrod ! ored teacher to show how much the people I virtue in a representative. It is iruo that of South Carolina had done for education. I with Mr. , Hammond???s aid (for he The people of the south, he continued, had I BKfJSlfc S*?*? 1 'iStn **.?', , ??* Bk Md others . BBB Sf 14 l 3* PlT "* pt0 fr l * a ***" "????'te br ??? , " c ( h r bWtore, oio^gulhi ??*oiol???m. r 75ffiS,llm ,i*, of the Caucasian race had . ever | comptroller of the trearury refused to pay tne I ???? been atlled upon ,to eolvo | money, but crcditcd it uwjii an account agaliiBt Z3 A P0327XY2 CUBS For Female Complaint* and iWeakneaaea ao common to onr beat female popnlatloo*' nirffleure entirrlj tha wont form of Fcmalo Com- ?? Tftrl * a troublei, Inflammation and Ulcers-* "" TTBSaag S&SSTSi tha otcros In an noc k aa it wsa. he subposed they #Wldcon l H???.???S , JSV , .5K2L.*B ???"???T.f!, , own heart and the hear'ta of hi. people, they I WTOT WWTflna TE lffiSSSl meant to deal fairly with this great question. I elded, if he did not leeuroithe peeeege of iuo flr.t I The eleven had been illiterate, of counts, and Ml. governor frown iDiro- a.b^nI&itAT*te, but th. I I oe freedmen they h.d oeeu nuwxaie, our me i ??????* )nlna lost It TMi'oangme"Be'a^ur Colquitt I next centug would showagreat Improvement, retutroduced a Uke bill, aud Beottor Hair repw led for the older people were passing away. I to pay Uvorgl. that .urn by a like credit on ihe I **- ??? ---??? that that would I w??? tax account After ell that Mr. Hemmood [ t?? ???llboat LYDIA r.. FllfKJTJtCS ??"*?, "iff- ,7 her m ????????l-tle.. UIIoobim. ud ??????pMltyof thellw. B cent. . box ??t m dreggUtj.-.* ??? y Mr. Butler agreed that "that" would I war tax account After i be the better buli. It would be ?. rac ^u???SS. n m n t?v?? impomlble to educate old people, but of I Mrted on^ Iho'lUh' loiinot ?? d ^ounil what did education consist anyway? Kdu-1 paper showed. Why did **L" suppress these nets? I cation did not consist in cramming The substance of the charge as to the United Buttes I |joC:^ I IM AUD 68 WHITEHALL STREET, Chamberlin, Johnson &C o Sncemore to Chamberlin, Boynton A Co. ATLANTA. OA. Largest Dealers In Ueorgln In wiujoui uicu iu ouuiu v?????????*??? ???** ??? I help, declined to act uuUl now. end now onlv that could not reed or write, end there Wee I b. cum to court, popularity. Now the truth i another consideration, one which Mr. Butler I very ilmplo, and Ju.t th. ravcrue. Iu January, thought of the utmost importance. There I ism). Mr. lUmrooud Introduced a bin to parohaeo . was an education more important than book I I T*v TD ~\T f \ S~\ t*n ri learning???thatweathccduoationoltiro family I lupp0It , But ??? lew .ult wupcudlog u to a right I *?? Y L U U D O, ???. He thought we had better panic, | of way through the land. Cftiirii. ot Atl.nU.ud I U'lnc Tleooo destroyed the education that grew out I Weal Knd protroted ???g.ta.t keeping the barrute I ??1119 JJr0SS 1x00(13, of the family relation; the education In IaopaarUrootty. By romaiho priceeikadwucon. ^ which character, honor, integrity and tiro minSw^JSw,!'^dSUrmlSd 0 " U IT^E GOODS, ETC. nrleoner to one vrar'a Imonaonman, at An I pardonable I wire MtukiMmonoyf; They w??*wiTitoR ???7??' *&*???????*??? ^ CARPETS j'C AIIP El???S! prisoner to ope ye??r s Imprisonment at Au-I prldet ** I to accept it as a gratuity for the benefit of HIVcts of the measure of this and hold tho bill to give another chanoe for I '*'**'*'*??? ^ A mnirolvSig blaaentancei???u h^hadbeen 1 lc?? YgKU JStiSfSS ?? 11I&???no^M?? S^Virt."^.*. wi noIJSSS in ?jg jS??in tho HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. * . to suppose, we me informed, that at the moat | I w?????cTnThil!Wg%,uit, would be S&5SA& thM'whlchrreuUrd from" nil??? LaCC Curtains, Window Shades, vlilusl effort, and he would hesitate before I eaiablUhed near Atlanta. Tho lieu .how ih.tiho I onn .. ??? ???Ooahead and publlah tbo Interview*" I they tbe right of suffage. The fact was that ???And ????y that you pctUvcly decline/" I theoccaaion fortbe expenditure of tha money Y"-??? I grew out of tho position of tbe Caucasian and right. I not of the colored race. I Mr. Vance, replying to Mr. Ingalls, said he, say I Vance, bad said nothing about tho war. That waa a matter of history. He bad agreed ??? 1 simply that it waa tbe duty of those who bad *???Wel'i ???> I thrust those colored people into places for Needn???t aay that, even. I don???t want to put I which they were unfit, to educate them. Mr. '???Say. ???Well.", "Needn't aay that Ipdattlyely decline.' that I don't want the omce.??? doing anything to diacourago it. Tha people charge la uuju.t, gruely uujunt Why Mr. Ham- nt Rnutti r'rtnitlnn Mr llutler coiitloueii I moud waa notflUUW chairman ot tho Judiciary ot HOUtti OmroUna, Air. 11 u 1 ter conunueu, | committee we do not know, Uwasararehonurto were not ao badly off In tha way of education I pat himon it tbe flr??t term. He .uccccdod welt In aa might be auppesed from the debate which being ihoaeoond domoent null during bla aeco nd had taken place in the senate. He cited* eta- I term. Tbe fact that ht. fricuda thought ho would tiatlca to show what that state bad done for KmwojJW pnblio acbool*, and aatd that with the die-1 oqq,,^???,| noe 1,74 waa???rixty yc??r.old,tho tiulinaie position that existed in the south to I friend ol Mr. Carilale, and bad worked lor him tor remove illiteracy there, he could not doubt I weeks and months. Mr. liammond bad douo that the people would eventually succeed in nothing toward. Oarliala???atlMUon. and was. trom remnvtnir it would not aav that It I tho day ol hla arrival In WashlasLou till altar tho e ????l K g ., _ i??? oi??? I committees weroorganlxcd, nigh unto death with would be done in five y??u* or In ten years. I pueumoula. Why ahoutd hu havo been preferred to but It would bo done. Mr. Butler waa op I Tucker? Itlaa.trangotdeaUtattiaeaoacMr. Orl posed to tbe tendency growing up all over | tale did not mako Mr. Hammond chairman of that the land of malting to the national traaimy ?????????i???lSliSiS?!??!??ISSU[JS to remove every dltficulty^of a Jo??* 1 I Wherever 4r. Hammond taknown (lsproculuout ter. He would continue to oppose a polieur I ability la rrcogulred and admitted, and lu no plane that he believed would lead to a aubveieiqp 11?? this rocogniuou more paJpablo and heart? than I g'* koroia. FA YKrrKCOUNTY ???J of the government; n policy that would turn 1?? congress. As a hwjir bo stands {j BdrolnJsiretorof C. E.Travis, dores ??? ??? constitutional nower I withoui. a peer, ^ and as & man bo is | for letters of dlsnilMion from ssiii administration FLOOR OIL. CLQTHa SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! GENTS, LADiES, CHILDREN'S. All brands Donarstlcii at Mantifaelarera Prices. Agents lor BnUonlcx's Paltorns. CHAMBERLIN, JOHNSON A CO. i t*op ??? ncs wwrttmr | for US ff?? i if. r at bd* f.r??a cur t* ??? Iww-ffrimrlsntsssmMofwoos/ t In rroflu Ifrrf po?? viUlojr U I work c*nr??trich K??n,wotnru*B4 , [ cvcriU,/ a *!fii.aronitkiiiffor ??? Ha MMlBotba bfU,r V??^* Vo* rifn no rEl whltaww! a government of limited eonstitntional power I learned to pray, and often talked to her father | duty.' abont the Chriat child, and wanted him to I - ' H e7??4iae fc ???* pray; bnt he only laughed and called her a I From the Arkaoeaw Traveler. lUtle saint., Ooo day Grade waa token very | Captain Dlomcd Qraler, who waa thought aomo I ill; the doctor waa sent for, and when he tJme tg0 tobean available candidate for governor 3?%?? er ..r e Rli ,h ??nT" 1 ^Yon nwrlfSh! I of Arkawaw has. In consequence of a sad mishap, die? I hope not, .You needn t he I Mmln , nl ,,.i,L,, lvn , h They woald be able to lake care of their own education if they did not havo ao large oolored popnlatlon. Ur. Ingalls raid that in 1850, in tho haloyon days of the regime there were over 80,000 whltea in North Carolina who coaid not read __ _ , - 9 - ??? I M UJUI.II IttUtt Cy ft J AVuUOAfli A A VIIIV, A11 *1 wlj leave your papa, do you? ??? I right of snffrage, will he calculated to stand a I Carolina having paid in, in 1880,12,372,220, "Yes, I do, if He wants me to come, 'cause I better chance at the polls. Tbe captain, inheriting I while Kansas paid only $230,702, Ha has tbe best right to me 1" | from Kentucky ancestors a tender affection for I Mr. Plumb inquired how much of the The customers came and went, but the 6a* I aD im??ls, at once conceived agroat respect for the I North Carolina amount had been an distilled loon*keeper heeded f ????J?? I calf, and built for him acorfortable shed in a cor* I ???Pjjts. . Oracle was on her little bed, panting her life I n . th . Th . .. _ h , _ I Mr. Vance replied, about one-half of it on away. What cared be for money new that wblaky that haS been drunk in prohibition tbe light of bia life waa going om? One day I*??? "ltaK.tbeMPUin.aM to ht. wlfat Kansu. on hi. coming up out of the saloon, Grade I ???ByGeorgo, I It bat that negro bu forgotten to I Mr. Blair???s educational bill then came up. opened her eyes, and turning upon him an I lurnlih Tjdldoa with fresh .trow.'' Tho clinical I Mr. Vanco said mnch taunting and boasting imph r'u g Io* k, said: I name which had been given to Ibo captain In early I had been indulged in with regard to tho ???O, papa, ia tbe saloon open? Are tbe I Infancy bad ever Inclined him toward cognomina! I superior educational faclIUiesof iho northern men drinking? Do close it up, pupa. 11 iclectlona from ancient literature, although hla I states oyer the southern states. Many of the know I will feel better if yon will???? I pare nu knew nothing of Illura???a destruction and I northern states had received large grants of ???I???ll do it, darling-anj thing to makoyou had chriatoned him la honor ot an old snots whore I ?? nd * ?? nd m * n Y ??>fwe states hadnreeived a feel better." I ????. ih.iha I claaaof immigrants who werealready edu- Thesaloon-keeper???eheartwaaalmoitbreak-l^" ,..**?? ??????, l ,*.*f????????????? ,1,d0 ???|cated, He ioatitnted some compartona be ing; the bar-tender was ordered to clear the I Mc<J '?? *??????* nigger, and eaten adoren roasUng I , ween North Carolina anil Kansas, to show saloon and close tbe doors. I eateatarttttiig. I what North Carolina had accomplished lor ???Darling, tbe saloon ia closed," he said, I Dlomed, I wouldn t go oat such a night aa I education, as compared with Kaneaa. He bending over her a few minutes later. I thla/'retd Mia. Grater, aa the captain reached for I al.o compared Maasachanctta and North ???Thank you, papal It makes me happy I ,.* I Carolina aa to common acboola. He cited and better already," and a glad amile came I , er ^ha^ 1 Uhtaa t thi!ooyou?^T*ha?a^ihe???*eii I flKtf** to show that though tbe wealth ot came over her face. Every few hours Gracia | animal In this cnuuuy, aad It la only by taking I Massachusetts was ten times that of North wouldaak: I cared hlmtbatlcankeephlmlntbatcondidoa." I Carolina, tbe amonnt devoted to acbool "fa tbe saloon doaed now?' I aThecaptaln took alantemand went out to see I purposes waa only nine times ai ???Yea, darling.??? I!! the servant had attended to hi* duties. Now, I great than North Carolina, and the per- ?????re tho^hatterenp???? n | auj-mnn who haoexplored apto | cantoga of taxation devoted to .education ???O, p'apa, I wist the saloon acatn. . . _ . . , ??? papa ?o promise menever to open the aaloon I waa ijln* down. Ucjnmpadupandoiclalmad; I Maanchoaetts had got her wealth. The **???0,^George, do promise yonr dying child," Tne'MUrew^tort???ltTre rel^mSy"??? bnt didn???t I to^anpport^aMachnrefta, 7 N'Jrth^CuoHna sobbed tbe mother, who had never favored I g 0 a<r exactly who. no becked Into scoruerulhi. | waa compelled to contribute to that rapport, her Ubabao???a business. I bedchamber, and then aa tha captain continued to | Referring to tha remark made by Mr. Hoar Tbs strong man sbook like a reed. He I approreb, lunged forward and .track him a Jolt I yesterday, Mr. Vance said it waa conld notapeak for a moment. Thenoorolng I I* constant aonres of mortification ?? D a *> e, ??? d lc**?? v er ** er * *>. ???*d in a atrange I j^??? e 7???oian <1 to C Sme 1, oTer"ha ,l rtver! ,h Tydidea d?d I *?? , (Vance) to bear and hack; voice: I ??? 01 ,m p st UtU. He JammetLhl* bony head against I aenatora taunt bla state with Illiteracy, but it "My Grade, papa will never open the aa-| theoaptato???ertbe, knock*d him .down, nod with I made tbe mortification more humiliating to loon again.??? I .harp-edgedhoolioohUhead. raking up the scalp, | hear that taunt from the representative of ???O, papa, I???m ao glad! I???ll tell Jeau. I ?? n4 butIa) hlm ,l . m * a ??? d ** lln ??? , I Tewksbury, the repreaentative of aatate that when I get to heaven tuat yon have cloud I. ihtniK???n 1 bad sacrificed every principle for gain; that tbe saloon. And now, dear papa, you must I ^?h?much P d 0 <Sfred nourUbmenhwhen ^t ocrar-1 w ??? mor ?? re ??POnaibifl for elavery than any be good, and He'll let you come to that bun-1 J^to he. that the c.putln wta'gono an unnecea-1 other atate; tnat wu tha nursing mother of tifui home too; and mamma and Alice can I ??xry Ion* time The calld went to sleep, the I the horrors of tbe middle passage when cume.??? Thera wu a glad amile oo tbe dying | wind howled forlornly, but atilt the captain did I slavery wu found not to pay in Muucbn- child's face that toon faded ont into linea of I , no f- re ' u (?l'. .**2 Jf TAHSt 1 1 retta. Mr. Vance md the people of that stats pain. Batallatonce just at the . ??er drowned "er ?o1u. sf ,d tbtl . r to tha unth for a oonaidera- face brightened np withsatrange, unearthly I Finally aha wenTout to (hashed. Tha calf stood | tion, and then banked the gold andunga brightness, and she cried ontj jyfully: ??? I wltb giartna ayes, looking at the I long meter doxology through their noses, "O. mamma, look, look! the room ia full of I prodrat# captalp. The heroic woman nuhed In. I that they were not responsible any longer for angeia. Papa, don???t you aw them? They re I ?????? ??in of slavery. itten Up?" I f. D 5!S# kVnSS-h.TV/ttiLn JL hf 11 taxation devoted to education ibey are up,??? Svoo^wlU Dam tamraltah'ted ^amem^into bla I wa * onl ? 2 P* 1, c ??nt greater than the amount vUh you???d never, never open I S^Sitiunber'af???nlihr;* but the olpulta had uot I Riven by North Carolina, Mr. Vance thought atn. Mamma, can???t you get | mads this exploration. Wnen he emertd, the calf I that doing pretty wall, considering how into a palSLal govefnmenP rIFlo mere-. w*???.?'Kreol"^ I ure before tbe senate Butler could find no I cilia wUb pitasuru a tribute paid Mr. Hammond, | 41b. tail. 7 7 Jj griggS authority in. tbe constitution. Some bad | in tho presence of the writer, by an emincut mem* | * ordinarr cnatoma had jrrown up, however, and custom SttM???"'!!** *-1 Rouuia, PAyFfriTtuUNiY.-ii. i, Kgtj: urea uargument for this bill. Ha ,ud t???w?????t a???d mo??t honerelm .l^.??lne. .??dml., horn, non ofvv. L . sound, however I opixment-be had ever mat in debate.??? had been urea u argument did not think the argument _ he wu very anxious to remove illiteracy I ~*??ut ??? L,??? protraalng to .peak l*om the record, from the people of hla atate, but ho thought | utterly Ignorea what Mr. Hammond tire tliat that Illiteracy and Its conaequencea had Jon* *??? m been exaggerated, and in any event he Could W h.t*w??aneedlul. and that bia con.tltnanl. feel not consent to remove tbe difficulty bv I confidence In bU ability lu protect their intaresta means of a meuura of this character. Ills I Bnt he baa breu.cilvely uasfoL In thevcrrllnt state needed money. Thar* wu no donbt I t*n?? of hla work#* defeated tha elatm of Baylor about that. They bad bad a desperate strug- {SliSfw%XmimS?? gle to confer even such educational advsnta* I au o^jou* coufitcaJon, and thin over a unanl* gea u they bad bun able to confer, but be I raou , report of a committee. Ilia believed the future wu brighter for them, report and aperch on uada marks For one, he propored to put the put wltb all and Ma enccre^l.paarejp. cft ttada^oirek MU to It. horror. IsThinThlm. H. ba/no drelre to ?????SS5E????W!EflS& *lUdo as, sppllsi _ htrailon, aud I w *.11 psM upon said appiicatii tho first Monday in May next, this Pebraar, . I??M. L. B. GKIGUH, Onlioary. for dl*mUalon from acid admin- " ??? ion oa bruary tth, I WANT 100,000 POUNDS GOOD CLEAR T~ _ 1 _ *,,. 1 ??? UuCOIlMl 11 UllUllKi, nurncuiu uut muu ???ticuuuu charge the mistake on bis political oppo* I hero, becausn we had but few trade marks, but nents, although he believed they bad com* I where trade-marks were numerous, In tho north PmldanlVdT. ?????T.m u^'albfi I Gondii for'"tbat*condltion'of thing. ?? th. m^t ex- JJ* (L* Volt tiV%W M tramaof them, hut for one, I would only re- 1 - i uununxuu*..! Highest market PRICES PAID. DR.F.KING Axj.ari, 6 A KOHGIA, JAKPKK l OU.i'l V???OttUIN Ul n Office, Janaary IS, (Ml. John I. l-tewart, .0- , nratornf JamcBicaart, rcprirenta that h> Uulull7itU:lmrgod Ibn dutlM ol hla nI itruit. ro'l around before tho acbool system of the I wou m have been work enough to tax ht. padenoo. atatvs would be in the bands of tho national I but while performing ltd* ha dUtlnguUbcd government. Tho senator from Ohio (Shor-1 hlmjetf byaeverul briltlantarblcvenicuUofa mor Zkr ad dWnV h 'thfnk DO h 0 o tr ' :n ra?????n r t??? to "be SSS* ta???d.Yt.t. l???gtataSdraf???SnlnTf* mo Butler diiin t think ho meant *??!. ?????? I unanlmou. report ol a commlttao and over tho offensive, that ho could not trust tho south to I ( r,pc.i.ot wvtralol the older leaden In Ihahouro, dlaburao this money. That unator would tbe bill lorelleve tha iuadlng railroad ol nearly a pardon (Butler) for saying In the same hall million dollara Justly duo tho government .$?? that h. (Butler) woul.f not treat him (Bbermau) to contribute it. Mr, Butler would I tn ejtlra member of consress. In ihe latter case, not disernn that with the senator, or any I R f (er his protat bad been disregarded for months. If AMOK. Oidtoaiy. IHIUHIL SK.KNCHS ??? Ute*k?n?? atnOT. Mna*i*Mai??r airai .-oii ?? n? lifalllW rainadr. liprMa * :??? 1 ??? ???? ' snoti issra*!! esstx Wi~r DIIZT! XuS- iOLDPED???Ji iiuiiianity of the people of bia utatetodo I ample ixjitap ..??aiion. Tho success oil justice by all men, while and black, than to I the bill fe thus cnwjjjd 11 I Leapt aid from th???a federal gomnmcnl. l ERRORS OF YOUTH. reveal a oontUleat. f.lthtul course, marked by ex- rr^rriptoei Pi*, tor ;h?? *p??.07 cr. of sVn-??, D.- JPO*-* * ^ICAL, I traordlnary ability at-avery step. It Is pleasant to I Wiity, Lm% stsnhood. and an dUnnUr* broo??bt on or Ju??-*i*??e rnr J*??kM*. I know that thia U tha opinion, not only of bis oou* I F Editors Coxstttutiom : Job excUlmad, "Oh, that I ??ti turner, but of bis compeers in Washlogtop. He I SS??2 ^ *???* M (.,..ri..rwvf hffiii -riti*n ahnok " Ha wished his I taken a place thero in tho foremoat rank, and ??? ??? miueadversary hadwritt.n abook. He wi.hc wnl Iow |tonly whcn he 1 fares Wasbinaton, The euctny???s Ulk rfduc-d to wdd??f that he mix lit ex- I th rccznne??t prominent lawyers of tho democratic Dose Us emptinets. While Mr. Hammond U absent aid- of tho house # , to day, are Carlisle atWuhln^on t??? ht. pnblh, dutle.. ht. ??{SS HECOMPLETE H0ME.2fS,???Kr?? book. New editio*.???New U??-tii????>. ** ' froM b???t.wrtbljr koum tap. Xum loro price. Urw^t .11 rl.*??? ** MM>lt. ASCRU <totRg Mg trwk, br the private canvass against his rt-elactloa. They I ported by the ImplWtfattti of the people, the In- .roi/iiAR however that ??????L," his enemy, has formu- I dlstingalshed Georgian is radiant with I promise. " ?????? ~ 7 ???.^ ??? 7' .101 Georgia. Ut Uiphetsl ms, lUVO wuo Ui|a I bw.--.. Tta.L..^ . ) ???rTn-uffriflwidr friends throughout the district have been annoyed I oapacity, armed with rare attainments, and sup* I ???Mr ???????<?. a. f. j.??hksok*co *mm M^tn???? *1, hr thftnHvftt* r*n vans ami ns this re-elec'lon. They I ported oy the Inplidt faith of the people, the in- | V. ???I-.?.'. PRANG???S EASTER CARDS. KASTER CAROL CARD8. For Sale by all Dealera. mSmPORTRAITS rejoice, however, that _ laud hla ojcctlona to hla ranomloatloo, and pub-1 ???''fiuk???ibou t Mr. Hammond's lack of high .tend tubed themln yourlmaof the lS:h toattnt For | logincongreaal Hav. ail the nawapatwawhich gpU-dG are png an.war ro gro. SUtgSti tnjoixrm..??????W?? have nothing to review, for ha I wa recall a pattof ft forrrex.mlnatloa. AfierdU- Stroduced nothing." ???L" charged that during bU I cnadns tb. Hiirp ^coulret batwaaq GarlUt. and "ond term In ooogram, Mr Hammond introdnoed I it proceeued: "Hera than ta an opportn- aS^^Wl^^iroVnd^ the con.tlmtlon I nlry for a wbo wrill??woee*>??.blo??oihw I Are ororlnx. regular BONANZA for Aaenia ??? and. toeatabll-ti country would bo free of alllaice. and plodgre >,,ihln???- like mem errr In mtucpd Inw tbu are all about yoni" The bovine taco haa never been affecilooately inclined toward women, and Tydldee followed There wu a hush in the room, for the I Mr*. 'Siler, making her feel uneumforukl. at gate, of heaven were thrown open to let the I erery Jump. Thecapuln finally crawled out and uura spirit pass through. Only the body of I went to the boose. His wUc wm takii |t Uni a cat t ??? j b ^??tm.there backthot rertridge-.?????? b. retd, goue to lire with Jeiis ana the angels. I taking down a gun. boon afterw??r 1s two loud The father never opened the asioon; tbe I reports joioed the waiUog of the storm. When the barroom ehuttera have never been takou I son rnro in murky and discolored splendor a ne* down. The saloon keeper haa not only signed I??Jf * 1 the pledge, bnt has treeom. ?? Christian, and $5J! ??d wkh So,.???t MnHn* I? taal I^Mht txp??:ti to follow hia Greets to heaven after I ^ canmlng air, surveyed In .Hence the aalafacto- swhile.???Bionecr.; ' * doira, or osaoori, orroan vui MSAacax. Mr. Dolph, of Oregon, said none of the northeriur western states wanted any of tbe money this bill proposed to appropriate. It waa uudentood that the bill before the senate waa meant primarily to secure th. education of tbe colored children ot tha aontb. Why should not tb. bill go directly to that point? Before being coiled upon to vote for the ap propriation of money to any atate for educa tion, Mr. Dolph wonted to be shown some evidence that tb. atat. ww in sympathy ????????t Barrow acop. and ltttto aaoment.ese I lanta???wmb.Thoi honoreH ln her'reprre.ouUre. I f.Ikd'lnclnedDf ODbappffytho one tor ins relief | Tbs HtnaUoq awni to printrn ItMr.Hammend> | _Artd^I of th. irate " i knowledge of tbe law .bd of parltmm.bU ; preo- ??'a. lolh.' brerent term "L" chergra th??t Mr. rice*, ht. nn.wervl??g lntegrtt7,hUe.a??ttr for dla- % 'usrsnz i -rv/.tik^uiria democratic party wilt nerer H. I. a democrat that l> at i Ji c sSiMSta l ,?Ju!n???i?ubta , indh'i;t2t issB^sap-d^ mYVSs. *mu ^SSSKSSSr^-ucoai d."'" rupo ?? MICHIGAN PORTRAIT CO. H B. TwKtck. Xtciger. Charlotte, Michigan. ??. V..Liar. o. of cams of ISO kind ud iftenr SflTIl* t ? ^ TU *rK??T2o??*Xmra??laV ???*r,u. $250SS^S2istSI