The constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1884-1885, April 15, 1884, Image 6

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G THR WEEKLY CONSTITUTIONS 'rriKHDAV. APRIL 15,TWELVE PAGES. AROUND THE CAMP FIRE. ???toilra of IUtllr*. Morclrea and Hit Km ???MM Ini Er TiieBattlioi- ltixciooi.n Gap ???There h<u been no account given of the remnrkable bat tle of Ringgold Gap. This confederate vic tory awed Bragg'a army from annihilation after his diaaatroua defeat by Orant at Mil- aionary Ridge. Thie account fa given by Major W. L Bragg, chairman of tbe Alabama railroad commia sion and was written for Colonel Avery's forthcoming life if General Patrick R. Cle burne: The battle of Ringgold Gap was taught tlie 27tb of November lfiti-???t. Bragg's shattered army was in wild and disorderly retreat from the battle field of Missionary Ridge fought two days before. On the morning of the 27i.h of November, 1803 at daylight Clebufne with bis division well in band, being the rear guard of the army, reached Ringgold Gap and in less than an hour had made those ad mirable dispositions for the battle, which can never cease to be the subject of admiration all, who like the writer witnened them. Tbe battlery of Goldtliwaite,commanded Captain Richard W. Goldtliwaite,in a masked position occupied tbe narrowgap. Tbe Id' regiment of Alabama infantry with a regi mont of cavalry on their left was placed on the left of tbe gap and along the woods Taylor's Ridge. facinR lowurds Chattanooga. This ridge on that part of the line was steep as to be almost inacceaa'ble from the front, which faced tbe federais and the balance of Cleburne???s division was posted on tbe ridge of the gap along the continuation of tide ridge east lacing to warns Chattanooga. This ridge hot h Ui the right and left of the gap waa covered with thick woods and to the right of tbe gap was itaelf almost a natural formication. , . . A swarm of sharpshooters and skirmishers were posted by Cleburne in the pine thickets at the toot of the ridge on the right of the gap and frontlngthe adjacent open fields. These pine thickels were cut up with gulleys and were in tbemselvis almost a natural (orlilica lion. In front of this position na thus occu pied ware open fields extending along the railroad in t lie direction of Chattanooga, Though these fields were of not very great extent, the few inhabitants of Kioggol' wliu had remained at their homes sow mu ing and knew nothing ol Ibis disposition ul Cleburnu forcts. It may well he doubteu whether ao successful an ambuscade was evt r perpetrated In the annals of civilised warfare upon a brave ami intelligent enmity ao skill ed III the arl ol wer and commanded by such able ami experienced ( Ulcers. But tbe feu- eralarmy was llhshed with aiiccms and over confident In lis numbers; and aiw before n all tbe evidences of a retreating anudeuiorul feed army, end ao it proceeded on heed lent o( wliat was watting for it tn that terrible pass and the adj lining thickets and woods. with heavy lo Tbe bearing of the fed Grim as a tiger at hay, Cleburne having made his di-position for tne battle, went down lo thi front in the pine thickets among the skirmish- rs and sharpshooters on foot lo look after the mauuer In which they were placed mid was Iters witeu the lighting com menerd. 11 was a scene for the painter. Tin panorama was magnificent. More complete eilence never brooded even In a wilderness. All commands had been given in whispers. Not a noise could l-e heard, The quiot olt he early morning rested upon those woods anil fields ami nm so muoh as a word had passed When the long lines of federal lUnkers and skirmishers wire seen coming down the tail road and tu??r 'lung Iront the adjoining woods to the nor t it ufibe railroad and on the opposite The Instrnc'lone of Cleburne were that the skirmishers and sharpshooters ensconced In the pine thickets should not open fire until the artillery had first find In tlte gap Hia iiulructlnna further were that the butury m t egsp, double shotted wittirunidster aliuUu! not till- until the enemy were at me shot os t possible tange. Ilrequtn ti all of the nut It* ??? rt- ty atttl presence ol Cleburne lor these tnsi rue lions lo bs carried out by the ib.rptboown and skirmishers, for wheu the federal troops reached the elation house at Ringgold G ip they wire puwuure than one buuur.u yards from the five hundred altarp shooters end skit III, alters, who were securely accreted In tbe adjacent pine thickets and perfectly pro tec ted by belug In the gullies. Borne of the., federal troopa commenced chasing chickens in private yards around the station houee;aml others knocked down the doors of prlvair- Itousta with tbe bulls of their guns, ant women in the lioua'S could distinctly he heard screaming. Altera halt ola fi???? moments the federal column took up its to- >???( march towanl the gap, one pari ol the uuiu.un being on the rail road anil the other m. . e dirt road near by. The gap was about fid l-midrtd yards form tbe station lumar. T.o.1 waa a curious eight to the soldiers. There were fully five hun dred men inarching into the Jaws ol death, and every step they luatle wits not only walk ing into death, but walking by death. Bo wholly unconscious were they of any danger that they marched In swarms scattered along lilea dock ol blackbirds. The head ol their column had approached to within fifty yards of the battery, and it opened upon litem, and whin it did wilh thunder tnat shook I lit* earth, sweeping through them a storm of destruction ???Instantly this waa billowed by a more deadly lira upon their llank from double lines of skirmishers and sharpshooters firing front the adjacent thickets. lti*|teat<d firing Front the battery and vol ley elter volley (rum Ilia thickets followed in quick succession. But few uf the federal lroo;is escaped unhurt, and they with otbrni that were coming up took refuge behind the station bouse. Never was Cleburne more happy, aa he contemplated tills mull, for he was still among the skirmishers and sharp shooters. Iniiitedtalely alter this he left them to go back lo his line of battle, but aa be did so lie directed the otUcera in command of these tlticketa to hold them to the last ex tremity, saying to them: "1 want no: uing except yankee bayonets in overwhelming numbers lo push you uut of these thickets, and wheu you come back to tbe llua I want you to come with the murtlea of your guns at their breasts.'' "I mean" be said, "lo give them it 1 here to-day.??? Bitter as litis repulse had been to the federal troopa I afterwards learned from them through prisoners Captured that they sup- posed It had been perpetrated only by dis mounted cavalry, an element of the service for which the infantry of both aruiteageneral eral troops dnring this figtfUng was admirable and it challenged the admiration of Clebnrne himself. As fiat aa their color bearers fell others would take up the colon and step to tbe front. At length the mutes of the fed era! infantry extending to tbe left aqd en veloping these thickets rendered them no longer tenable, and the confederates falling hack from them alowly before overwhelming numbers, but firingaa.they went, gained tbeir position along tbe main line. This main line extended along a rocky ridge covered with thick woods abounding in rocks and crevicrs ol rocks, anti wu as completely im pregnable tu direct assault, as any position in tbe open field that could be well imagined. Sow very soon the whole of Cleburne???s division wu closely engaged, and a corps of the federal army in these woods rushed these steep and rocky bill aide so be repea ly repulsed. The fighting was ao close that some of tbe men of both armies laying aside their guns threw rocks at each otltr r as more read; wespina Tite position was too strong, however, to he carried by direct assault. It ??q, he d during the day and Clebnrne wu tint kill onto! it late in the afternoon by more itiun two cor pa of tbe federal army. His loss was trivial indeed, while that of the euemy u we Darned from officers under flag of truce who came lo bury the dead was very large. We learned ftom them also that General Grant himself wu present very soon alter this battle commenced. Tbe value of litis battle to the confederates esn bs best appreciated wben it is stated that it alone saved Bragg's immense wagon train, which wits in Catoosa valley only a mile or two south of Ringgold Gap in lull view of Cleburne's division from Taylors Itidge,while the battle wu in progress. This battle ended the pursuit of the federal army, and both armies went into winter quarters. Bkk asu Baiitow in thk Fikmiok Batti.b.??? Tbe Seventh Georgia regiment Bunday morn Union Mill on Hull Run. We were getting breakfut when the cannosding commenced on our left and up tbe stream and acrose the Run, Orders come at once tor us to move up tbe strum on the left. Tbe regiment wu soon in motion Colonel Gartrell command ing, We had marched but a short distance when we received orders lopileourknapsacks and each company as it passed tbe pile tumbled its knapsacks in the same heap. It wu a good large pile, six or seven hundred, and a good many had slipped tbeir knap sacks for tho tut time. Tke caunOadlng grows fiercer, we halt and load, we move for (jiticura POSITIVE CURE for every form of SKIN & IJLOOD DISEASE. PIMPLES toJCROfUU A NOE tub SKIN, Scalp, and Blood ol D *i PBBPXj Copper Colored, i. lahertted, and Contagious Bunion, Berofttlons. . Blood Poisons. Ulcers. skin Tortures,the Cot coxa Bxmxdies arelafa'Uble. ??ua Iafsmiie CnCIrurit Resolvent, the new Blood Builder. Diuretic, and Aperient, txpelsdisease (era. Horn tbe blood end perspiration, and thus removes the cause. CttncDsa. tbe great fkin Cure, Instamlr -l lava Itcblngand Inflammation, dure tbe Min and Rcalp. hula Ult-s r, anddores, restore the Complex ion. Cciicuaa roar, an exquisite Skin Buuufler and Toilet Requisite, la ladlapenssbla tn treaUuf ???kin dlM-aaes, and for tougb. chapped, or greur skin. Markheada, blotebee, and ban, humors, Cu- nettaa BiNibiaatre tho only Infallible blood part ners and skut beautfflera. Street. Boarou. reports a bis ob/erratlnn for too patient's body and llmtis, aad methods of treatment had been applti herein which wu completely cured solely by tbe ctmcPBA Bexxbtaa. leaving a dean and healthy Mr and Mr*. Kverett Ntebblna, Belcher- town. Mass. write: Our little hoy waa terribly afflicted with Scrofula, Salt Kheum, and Eryrtpe- lu ever fine* be wae bora, and nothing that we could slvo him helped him until we tried Curt- gradually cured him, until II K. Carpenter, Hendenon?N. Y??? cured ol feoilaslt or i-eproay, of twenty yun' standing, by Coticvaa Rsxsdiis. The moot wonderful cure on record. A duatpaaftilof scales fell from him dally. Ptiysldanaaud hlafrlenda thought ho mutt die. Cure sworn to before a Justice of tho peace and Ifcudereoue'e moat prominent ctUseua. ^ruRB nerctrr, wo nau auu iuau. no uiuvu iui ward at double qulcg, the solid shot com mence to pass through our ranks. The ymi kee batteries are in sight, we see the blue tinea of Infantry moving to tlie left and np thestream. We hear a furious rattling of musketry it little to our right anti in advance of us. That is tlie tub Georgia engaged under General Barlow. We move a little to our right lo clo-e up the gap between us and uuw Wu are a little to tlie right of tho brick house, fhc lighting Iras become furious; leaden rain and Iron half formed a fine ot battle, and with about two regain ti'?? advanced tu capture tbe pine thickets, Cleburne acelug this '.reinforced his ikirmiahera and ???tnrptbcoten heavily. A terrific light occurred, which lasted uorethan twenty minutes, an! the fvderala were re- pulsed aad suffered very heavy loss, aa they were fighting a! abort range in owe ground P. , and weragreatly exposed while the ronfader-1 J ** 0D * Pf*jJ ** hick to ii atea scarcely suffered any loss at all. Thus I from, sab. both aides continued to reinforce, and attacks ???~ ??? , .. and repulaea folloaed In quick eucceaat-m. 'Dob t DiauaAca mb Nravnaa. ??? AHonda Thee* thickete literally bitted with tire. Tbe ill fill the air; lire wounded are go ing and are being carried,to the rear.Now Isee General Bco near tho brick liouse lie ia on horse back.|The ranks are wavering a little his keen eye detects it and amidst the rattle of musketry and the roar of artillery I catcli a few words. Oh, itow plainly I see him now, although more than twenty years ago, amt liuw it reminds me oi Mormion "with dying hands above his head he raised the fragment of Ids blade and shouted victory," tils sword is oiroling nhove his head anil a clarion voice rings out tlie words, "For the sake of Georgia, for the lior.or of South Carolina,??? I heard no more,! knew he was entreating his nnd our men to be firm. He cherished tbe uonor of Huutli Carolina more than he loved hia life, but we must get oil??? this hill???it is swept by canister and grape. Wo fall back one hundred nnd fifty yards ... twenty yards in front of the New Orleans ar tillery, Colonel Walton commanding. Hia uns now swept the bill we have just leftand icyoud it. Now I see General Beauregard; Bartow and Bee are near him, Beauregard raised Ills hat and salutes the Htli Georgia as it passea to rear, they are pretty well cut to B iecee,over two hundred kllledand wounded, ertow received his last ??? rder from Beaure gard, l'ickeltis battery just over the hill nmvt w captured. We lace to left and march double quick until we are opposite the bat tery, Now General Barlow takes the colors of the Beventb Georgia. We make a rush for tho guns, Barlow falls nearly 'within hundred yards of them. Kee is killed fifty or sixty yards to right of him. The colors have been down three times but now they are placed on lire battery, I look to tbe .light 1 see through tbe smoke ot Initio Catolitra boys I know them by tlie palmetto cockades on their bats. 1 turn my bead to the right the pine woods are full ot men, my heart links within me for a moment, 1 thought we were Hanked by tlie Yankees, but no they arc our men, General Ewell and wliat a shout went up from the rebel ranks and that field wns swept of the blue coala in a twinkling. But 1 cry now when I think ot Bartow and llee dead. They "illustrated" Ueurgla and South Carolina with tlreir life's blood, each should have a monument to mark the spots wltere they fell. ItunanT It Mummy. l'owder Springs, Cobb County, Qu. A l.KTTiu From Usbssai. Ghabt.???General Guidon received Uie following letter from General Grant, having reference to the move meut lo build a home for diaskled ex-con federate soldiers: Wahiiisuton, 1> C , April 3 ???General J. M. Gordon, chairman Central Committee???Dear Sir: Your letter ot March 31st, Informing lire (list I had been chosen to preside at a meet ing of tire ditlVrent push) of the Grand Army if the Republic, and cx-confederatei in tlie ity ol New York, on tbe t>.h Inst, was duly received. Tire object ol tire meeting is inaugurate, under the ansplcee ol the soldiers oi both armies, a luovenunt in behalf Imill to build a home for disabled con federate soldiers. I am in hearty sympathy wilh the movement, and would be glad lo accept the position of presiding olticer, if 1 was able to do so. Y???on may rely on me, however, fur rendering all the aid I can ill carrying out the designs of tlie meeting. I here under treatment for an injury I ceivcd ou Christines lust, and will not lie able leave lirre until later than tlie Dili instant, and I cannot tell now how soon when I will probably be able lo go. 1 have reci ived this morning your dispatch of last evening urging that 1 must be there hi preside, ilut. I have to rctpiml tlrat it will ho Impossible for me to be there'on the ??:h, I cannot uow fix a day when 1 could be pres ent. 1 trust your nieetiiig will insure success, and promising my rapport, financially and otherwise, to the movement, I em very truly yours, U. S. Ghabt. Gbbbral Lib'sScairt or Bor.nowxo Mm- nuxo ???Near tlie end of the war General I Inviied a number of gentlemen to dine wilh liltu. He ordered a sumptuous repast of cabbage and middling. Tire dinner was served, and behold a great Mil of cabbage, and bit ot middliug about four inches long and two inches across. The guesta with com mendable politeneaa unanimously declined middling and it remained in tne diali un touched. Next day General l-ee remember ing the little tid bit that bad been so provi dentially preserved, ordered hia aervant to bring him ???that middling.??? Tbe nran basi led, scratched his head and finally owned "Be fare it Mans Robert, dat dar mid- in' waa horrid middlin'. We all didn't have narv a spec, so I done horrid it, an' now " done paid it bock to da man wharl got it gap waa all thia lima keeping up a stea iy fire Tbe fvderala maanwhila extended their line to the left aoaa to ontflank an envelop* tbeee pine tbickala U they could. In this manner several hoars were spent iu bard and dote fighting. Tile federalUnee umbra most withering tire bravely came up acroae open tielda almeet to the very edge uf tbeM thick ets, repeatedly being compelled to tall back colored woman during tbe war illustrated Ida, which ia char- quaiut and touch- the principle of family pride, which ia char acteristic of the race in a ?????? ??? fug way. Her young masters, both lads, were enlieied and sent to l???enmcola. Aa they were taking tearful leave of friends and home, the old ???mammy??? said: "Now, young masters, atop dis hyar cry in'; go and fight fer yo' country like men, and mind don't disgrace de family, nor me nutber." **???????? ", *??? Whipple, Decatur, Mich., wiltei that tier face, head, nod some saris of her bod' were almost raw. Head covered with scabs am' from a akin humor. the CUTICUBA BKMSDIIf Bund for ???How to Coro Skin DlHMin. TUTTS PILLS torpid bowels, disordered liver, _ and MALARIA. ???i ??? r ??i9* ???oupwjh (iriso three-fourths of tbo discuses of tlio human nice. These sy raptome Indicate their exMtoneo: Zaras of Appetite, Rowels costive, Kick Heed* ache, fulltsees alter eating, Aversion to exertion of baity or iclua, KrncUtlon of road, Irritability of temper, law ???>??? | r??? u > A Ing of having neglected HdaSW Y . "???V, Hollering a* the Heart, Date belore the eye*, highly col ored Urine, OVV.N'TIPATfoiV, ami etc mam the use of a remedy t | m t actadlieetl ?? n 'hi'i'lvor. Asablvurmeillclno TUTT'L SfJ'b?? have no equal. Their action on the ???X s 'U}d s a'n Isnlso yrompq removing nil tmpurltlns through these three ???scav engers of ilia system,??? producing appe tite, Annuil digestion, regular stools, a clear akin and a vigorous body. TfTT???N PIM.S oitiiA??? no nausea or griping nor Interfere with dally work unit nrn n perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. ni! FREDS MKE A NEW MAW, ??? * hare Imd Dyspepsia, with Constipa tion, two years,and Imve tried ten different hinds of pills, und 'PUTT'S are the first that hare donn mo any good. They have clcnncu mo out nloory. Hy npnetito U splendid, food digests readily, and I now Iravo natural passages. 1 foci lit,.* a now inun.?? tV.J). KI)WARDS, Palmyra, 0. Bold everywhere,alto. Office, 44 Murray 8h,S.T. TUTTS HAIR DYE. Ghat Hair or WmsKCita etianged In- etanllv to aUutUr Black by a single np. plication of this DTK. Hold by DruggtiU. or sent by exprnss on receipt of )1. Onion, 44 Murray fitreet, New Vork. TUTT'S MANIIAf nr tiytriii nrerinTo ret* All woo that only tbo boot totooco should lio umxL Which 1* tbo brat 7 That to which Nature baaeontributal tho moat os. Mulatto flarora. IUackwoll'a Bull Durham iHiuoklnir Tobacco Alla tho bill nmipletrly. Nearly two-lhlnla of all tho tobacco irrown on Iho aolilrti Tobacco belt of North Caro, lino iroca Into tho manufactory of black* welt, at Durham. They buy tho pick of tho eutlro auction. Henco I lllackwcll'a Hull Durham Nmokime Toloceo In tlu?? beat of that tolau co. Don???t Im> deceived when you buy. Tho Durham Dull tratio. I mark ia on every uvuulno l ack act*. ISJffllAMJNfl. xm> imt.mtu SSSStow. ??? KolI,n ?? la^Siekmoi, Conn* thins, St. Vitus Dance, Alcoholism, Opium Eating, Seminal Weakness, Im potence, Syphilis, Scrofula, and all Norvoua and Blood Diseases. ???H l T?? Clergymen, Lawyers, Literals Men, Merchants, ltuukers. Ladies gull all whsss sedentary employment causes NervousFroa. ess tratton, Im-a'iilartllesof the blood, stomadb, bowels or kidneys, or who require a nrrSI tonic, appotlicr or atinmlent,A???qiaarifaq .Vrr- efas Is Invaluable. _i C?TTlioitsands fTlfF J p-ns-laim tt tliem *. V--- . V wonderful lnvigor- nnt that cycr sustain ed a sinking sv??t<ul 11.30, at Druggi-ts. thcDK. S. A. KICHV0B0, MEDICAL CO . Sole P.o- priclsri, SL loaerh. Mo. a Fer tratlmonlala and circular* tend aump. Chas X. CrtUfnton, Asmt, Ngg Yark. (SI OR. STRONG'S PILLS Tho Old, Woll Tried," Wonder'd Hoalth Renewing Romodica. ??? STROPS SANATIVE PILLS -mipUin*. r????u!atmc th?? bowel*. p<irit??iB?? th?? blood, c.vAtistM trim nt. A |srr??Vr( rare r#*r %trk hcaGaekr. coaNlpalloa antf ???*>???!????p??Ua. STRONG'S PECTORAL HLLS gSffJ-ftKC ???-7IU rw.u'ar???ir of the boweU A *vn r*m* J> for cclda >t rtflmuitiara. A prerlwuw boon fas rfrilrai* n??al?? w,*avi;i,njc ?? r??. *4the hrnnaiiMUw ??u4 ??itfor aad b-*:ih to eea rj ftl r** of th?? i????t>. bold 9 DratffisU fair AimutiY ar.J full i^rtiLUura. ad- ??vaUl:UULa.lU,li??ltM,.\(??),rK. The Biggest TfcSssg Yet! Satin Lined Case, Registered Mall, Postage Prepaid. Fi UR A L Si.oo t'srn And Each of the Six to Get a Premiums Offer Only Good Until July 1st, 1884. In order to avail ypumeHtaf thin offer* ??end us three two cent atnmps for unmnlft copy RtTifAi/Kr-roRD, ftndjijfltiUUn^L,pr<unlum llHt, wlUi instructions to nsentii. 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Noah Porter, Prts. of Yalo College, rays: Knight???s is the beat hiatory of England for ihe general reader." }pedia L*??. e - y valuable work. o pur cent. i worth of our books to ono address, the money to accompany SATISFACTION GUARANTEED l???If the books do not giro satlslhctlon they may l>o returned two days after receipt and the money refunded, tho purchaser to pay tho return freight. Any of the atjovi books sent, postpaid, on receipt of price. Circu.???ars free. FUNK & WAGNALLS, Publishers, lo nnd ia Dey St., New York. 9AT Canvasser* Wanted for Subscription Books. *^t Men*Inn imu??r In which won tho adv*??f????????w????wt. ??? urn known It la matte of brat whiu* ivdt aitd fUn-Ll ... KCotToBpNA'wW.^^: ItwiR roe!ti\el> S ivli onr horlijf mid Iwo??? dJowImipi tn cultivatuir(roongivotipn. *nd a rro|* r . E. VAN WINKLE & CO manufacturers or CIRCULAR SAW MiLLS, COTTON GINS, PRESSES, t'OTTOM MKKD Oil. SU'IIUIERT, ETC. ATLANTA. OEOBUIA. MAMMOTH EARLY WHITE GOURD SEED FIELD CORN. Tk* Bret Xrer Ictreflootd. W.JO p*r bnatiel. Hikrfl aad trliirrafl fa Lxpr*w*r Oallroad D*I>ut??, and vrarraut.d l*,l??M. Aba. Colton ft*??????. Ocrftraia *10. MARK W. JOHNSON & CO., . ATLANTA, GEOt\GlA. 266fH EDITION. PRICE ONLY $1 BY MAIL POST PAID. KKOW THYSELF. A GREAT MEDICAL WORK. ON MANHOOD. Exhausted Yita??Itv, uerrous and physic t. debil ity. premature decline In man, errors of you'A and tbe untold miseries resulting fr^m iaJifcre tiona or excex' is. A book for erery mvj. yonog middleegad and o d It contaics 1?5 pre.crip..on- for all act;*e and chronle diseases cuca one of whir'll Js luvaluable do found d? the author, wbOieex^eMence for twenry year* is save *??? n.*oo? ably uerVr be. ore fell to .he lot of anv phydeiec. Three hundred pages, bound In eeanrlf???.l Frinc v muslin, embossed covers, full rll* K.ur-cn???eeo to be a finer work in orery sense, mK:h???OiCi\. library and profetJdonal. than anv other w??>rx sold ??> t* Jj c.untry for $160. or the uoae* will be irfuujed la every instance. Price only $1 by nv,??*nt pa*-?. IHn??tratIye iamn'ers'x cen's. tend ui>**. 'old m*dal awarded tne autVr by the v'^iloasl ScCl- c*l arsottatlon. to t':e ??-fflcor*- o* which no ro m Ju. Toi* hoos ihould be r*??*d hy tie yo lug f:r In- n;riic ion, and by the aff , '!;ol for relief. Ii will hew fir all.???Lo; dmi La c*t* Tnere i* no m-mh.-ro' society to whom th.???i hock will umbo ::????? fa . whether youth, p??.eat,(usr;ia^ f ln-t*ii??*r??ir orc;-rg???mnu ??? Argvmnt. ??? Addrrni tho Peahudy M'hII&U I???utttute. or Pf. W. H. Parie-. Ne. 4 Bulducb fctrout Bxslon. Mr>s., ???iO*> nt fpiiurn. G eorgia, rabcn county-wjllbesold on tbe first Tuesday in May next, before the court house door of said county, within tbe usual houis of sale, and in the manner prescribed bylaw for conducting tax sales, the following wild lands, situated in said county, and severalty levied upon by virtue of tsx fi fas Issued by L. L Page,tax col* lector of said county, against each lotand fracUcnal lot respectively, to samfy state and county taxes for the y**r 18a3. to wit: In the flnt district lot number to. In *he second district. )o s nnmh??rs 89.65 fi8. :67. 177. In tbo third dis /lct, Ji.f* num* 17, r.5. 4>.8???. 91. U8 1*3. and frs'tfc&al ot number"*. In ibe fourth district frrc.aonsl Ut number 78. lu tbe fifth distriet, lots numbers 60, It'.???, sud fractional lot number 98 in tne sath dMiict of nrJgin??Jlv Habersham, now Rvbun, lots numbers.V), 61, t5. 79 and lots numbers 3*. 12 lu iho thirteenth district c! ril- ??iiK!ly Habenhsm cow Rtbun. lo*jnumbers Gl 6\ 17.- and frsc iotial ofs tmribrn 131,109,170, 171 191. Terms ccaa. March k7.h, 18oi. A. B. WALL, G EOP.ftlA, RABUN COUNTY-WILL BE HOLD ou tha fln-i Tuesday in Mav next, at the court hou^e do'.r in s^id county within tho legal hour- of **le to ihe hfghe*??? bidder for cafh. tho fot- luwu g property to*wiv: Ouc traut cf laud Mnttin raid im.umj, bcls g parts of lots Not. 79 aud 80. aul ly leg in the second district of _ * * * ??? ing kfx???y srrea, morn or l*> ifnmut'i P Quseo, John W . bflTrg t place where Jnlti.s Osfne* uow it Hald laL<! ipvJ*d on s* tb* property of Maty Ann Games io ft sly three ecr fi :** tr>>m th n 'iipi";or court ot *4>iti I???fi.jnty in tsvarn! XV J. L-Hlbytur. T. I. Ltdb**ttrrs;in J.ihn L ul better, said Mary Acn Gaines. Written n*,Uco giveu tenant iu po??- stulon. April lbih, 18Vi. A. B WALL. Sherifl. of sai l county, c<??..ttin* *. stiff at* Ji.ining 'rtudnof Q'tfeu sed other?, ??i!??l riEORGJA, V\ \JT sales???Will bo In the town of Fa; tYETTE COUNTY. SUEP.IFF???d ?0???o:d bsfotu thecourb nise d???or _ Fayetteville, Fayette county, be?? tween the legal hours of *?????c, ou the fi st Tuesday In May. 1881, the following doer Ibid property, lo> wit: Oae pair of black mules abcu??? fifteen bands I high, supposed to bo seven years o d, as the propci :y of Gainey W???cstbrook, So Mifsty h mortgage fl la if* * from Fayette superior court iu favor of fJ K. SMITH???S EXTRACT OF MAY FLOWER, Tho Cap Shtaf of the Chemist's Skit!. Tho Croat Remodyfornll Diseases of tho Bladder and KIdnoys. This Remedy h??s stood the ,es?? of time, has been sveighed in the scales of public opinion, and to-day has an army uf men, women amt children, who *ver their own signatures bear testimony to its curative properties. Some have been cur.*d ol Diabetes, some of Bright???s Disease, some uf In flammation of tne Bladder, some of Catarrh of the Bladder, some of Incontinence of the Urine, some of Leucorrhrca, or White*, some of pains in the Back and Loins, some of diseases of tlie Prostat* Gland. For all Diseases arising from a diseased state of the Madder and Kidneys, this ltemedy stands without a rival. Without a rival in the number of cures effected; without a rival in the purity of its compri.ition; without a rival in number of bottles sold. 17i?? annual Side of Smith's Extract of May Flower ex- ceeds the sales oi all other Kiducy Remedies com* bined. DR. ELI IVES, says: "That in many argra* rated cases, where Huchu had failed to produce piy benefit, May Flower has effected a speedy Sure.??? DR. J. H. HI P.D, sayn; "I have found May power to be a remedy for all Kidney c-mplainrs, Ur superior tu Duchu or Juniper." DU. H. K. MARTIN,says: "May Rower rets more promptly in all diseases of the Hhiddf r and K<du:^s. than any remedy which has come under .J^R* BENJ. H. LONG, says: "I have found May Flower exceedingly beneficial in my treafr ment of females. DR. V1NC. D. HUY VETTER, says: "With, out doubt May Flowv is destined to work a revo. lution in the treatment of disease.??? peculiar to iho yfi King???s Dispensatory. A number of authorities might be quoted, but '??????'I* ar p no f*. * nor< eminent than the ramex above. In addition to these authorities, a living host of 6o,oos, whose certificate* are on file in th* office of the proprietor* of this remedy, bear testi* nicny to its virtues. FOR SALE BT ALL 0RUG6ISTS. Manufactured only hy S, ft SMITH i BRO., Covington, Ky. If you are afliteied, eeml your addrese to S. B?? D????rad-'i"; State oo'd'ajn^ ,re,,,, " ??* FLORAL GIFTS! BO C??ROSKi!S.???lSLfi.f^ ?????:) fcS??euruU, 111 , , .. . SOLID SILVER STEM WINDIN FUI.L JEWELED CENTS??? SIZE WATCH FOlt 8 2 50 FULLY <it AB*VTZ*D. This off r tnsde for LO days only. Ovtn yntby ???TproraC O U.fubja:; to Irisi ec???IoU before pur Charing. J. P.NTKI KMi A < <>., Jl\Vi:f??:RS, ATt a**TA. Ga CONSUMPTION-. Thav* *po*lt|T*reni*dy f.;r th?? *boT* r.!??? _ >???; by Its dm tbooMnds of cam* of th* wont kind and oflong steading . nnmuiu.,n??h i4.t?????* VaUuar, It' OF YOUTH. Pr-taunrtl??m Fra* for ihe H'ty, LuU .T-ViLoe d, n*><i sil I or esc.-*--*. Any Dmegi-t h*?? th*J r * At '.O.. of Xtrtow D*- -nier* 1 roigbt on bf * ha* th*Jf ran srorosn &