The constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1884-1885, April 22, 1884, Image 2

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THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION: TUESDAY. APEIL 22,1884- TWELVE PAGES, i MEWS OF GEORGIA. Rtv. W. Stoke, Walker lion hit way homo from Chin*, where ho hu boon a mlftlonary (or three yetn. AWartben In Waihingtonlcounty, Improbably the oltlrat building In the county, having been built more than a hundred yean ago. It wat the lint jail in (he oonnty and iraa nude of hewn logo, It l< about ten leet rquare, the staple* In the wall to which priaoeen were chained are etlll there, the nalla are wrought, and aa a monument of Ibe paal It la an intereatlng relic. When thin Jail waa built Waahlngton county waa a eery lane one and her aupetlor court waa a migratory one. Tho pbarmadrla held their annual acaalon In Macon on the ?<h. Dr. R. B. Hall deUvertd the addrcaaot welcome which waa roaponded to by 8. C. Dunbar, o( Augnata. 8. C. Dunbar waa elected presl lent. W. J Brunner, ol Macon, and T. Schu mann, o( Atlanta, were awarded prlaea. The (ol- lowing delegates were appointed to the Amerloan Pharmaceutical association: John Ingalls, Macon, J W Rankin, Atlanta; J W Stan lord, Cuthbert; I Zir.'bitlat, Columbus, W A Taylor, Atlanta. At West Point on the Tib a lire broke out In Dar den and Kennedy's waro boutc, destroying the entire block el buildings up to the corner o( (Ul mer a id Montgomery streets. Thirteen hundred baleaolcotton were consumed. The leas waa (rom 000. Insurance glOO,000, Ba-.rfeiarille Mercury: Wo regret that so much has been said In reference to an uprising ol our colored papulation, a report which waa (she (rom hegtniug to end, and resulted In no good. The col- oted people ol Kauderarllle aim of Waahlnxton county generally are well behaved and Industrious and attend to their work, and tho beat klod ol levin * exists bet ween them and their employer*. The dispatch, aa published In theNewjYurk Herald aud dated In Savannah, waa au outrage upon our people. Bnawgir. April 11 -W. M. Musle???a saw mill two miles weatol here, with a large <|tt entity ol floe lumber, has been dearoyed by tire. The mllla are on the Georgia Patldc. CoNvsaa, April II ???Mr. J. W. Butler, ol Utls county, lost his house and every thing ho had by Ire last Wednesday evening. Did not even have a change ol clothing lor htmsell and had bad uu drain the house sluco I-sxikotoR, April 11.???There waa a heavy (roal laal night. It Is thought thatall the fruit It killed. Oardei.a havoreceived a Severn check, AH the ten der veaetablea are kl led. Karmen are very much behind with their ompa. Kaln very much needed. I And n hard It can't be ploughed, BaHPkntviLi.i, April 11??? Mr. A. M. Mayo, the popular and clllcloui clerk ol our auperlor court,In fonns u, that the loans made by Ibe Corbin bank ing company on farming lauda In Washington county, amount to |7.'r 000 or thereabout. A lady living a few mllee (torn Clarksville, la the owner ola lamb ale weeks old, that weighs twenty pounds, la elabteen ti.cbea high and la bclne nurtured by baud. A Tuetnbaboro correspondent tv rites; There waa A difficulty on tho plantation o( Mr. A. J. Klngry between a ton of Mr. Klngry aud a negro laborer named Bldney Wright, ibal resulted In the I lio.rt- ing ol Ibe negro by tho young Mr. Klcgry. There had been aomo controversy In the morning between Ibo parti's upon the colored ctank, Clark, that haa been figuring so largely In the stir rounding couuttee. Sidney Wright, Inclining lo tevorihaoourae ol Clark, cauaod young Klngty lo reaenl hla pretence about the white people. The negrocunlog aud swearing at the young man about Ibe matter, ao the mailer realed during Ihe day. At night alter the young man had brooded over the lurult aa long ????? ha could bear 11, ho armtd hlmaell aud called him to account lor hla conduct In Ibe morning. Ho egalu offered Ihe ???ante character ol Insolence, and lint young man Bred at him with a No. 3 five shooter, which took effcot?? mewhero under tho chlu. CuvmuroH, April II ???A negro girl In Ihta place about leu years old took ocoaalou to-day by means ol our 'brother Id blaok'a" (avorlto weapon, tho raaor, In evade a threatened thrashing Imm her mother by shutting heraell In a room and cutting a gash In her throat two aud a ball Inchra Iona andlieifan Inch deep. Tho girl laid she hail rather die thatt take aueh whippings aa her mother gavr. Ur. Will lit dresxtl the wound and 1 tire- sum* she will soon beable lo bear more ol a brutal muui.r a correction. Boxk, April 14.???This Motion was vlsltod this morning by a heavy wind aud rain alorm, blowing down tbeslgna aud chimneys, end treat In Ihe oonntry, but no lerlousdamagela repot ted. Tbete waa anulhor alorm lo Ulgbt. Greensboro bee Imported a monkey (rom Nlcarau- gna The Carrol oouuty agricultural club offeraa pro mlumn! fifteen dollars lor too beat acre ol cotton, tan dollara (or tho brat aero ol uplaud corn. Ion dollan lor Ihe beet acra ol bottom laud corn, aud one dollar (or tho largeat watermelon. lu Ibo wind-llr.> ol a week ego,leer Korl Galnoa, Ute adopted child ol Mr. and Mra. J J. Uayca waa burnt d lo doalh. Daman, Aptll II.???Wo had a light Intel (hla morning, but not enough to burl either vegetable- or fruit. Romi, April II.???The city tax assessors have com pleted the eavessment ol rvel eatelo, aud Bud the value ol taxable real properly to be three and ouo hall million dollan. Avanara, April 11.???A heavy Iroal tell In aud around Auguata to-day, bul them la no material damage to (roll yel. Young vegetables Buffered, Another light (reel Is expected lo-nlghl, Camilli, Aptll 14.???Mr. Janice Bagga, nephew ol ea-senetor Bagga, ol this place, gives a thrilling account ol a tilp dowu the chattahooohee on a tltntx r rail. Young Itsgga left a point on tho tlvtr opposite Baoouton on a umber rail, accompanied by two oanmen at..I a pilot lor Appalachtcuta, K leading hlmaell to quit Ihe river dltecit utllea low. Theca was soother rail lu company with him stmllaily m-trued. aud each had aboard a batteeu. Tha voyageta reached Mr. Beaxa???alu- tendxt point ol oiaembaikation In e drencklug rain, aud tho hindmost rail euooeedcd lu reaching the hauk In aalety, but Mr. Hartgt's crew wen ???wept lisat the barber. Another effort waa made low- r down, end Mr Itsgga loet both bla pilot end hie batteeu, both being swept overboard by the overhauling branches ol Ute Iree under which Ihe tutbiitvnt water* whirled them lu their trmullo effort. I t make fast a Hue. 8eetna Ihe peril ol aueh efforts, sir. Bagga placed hla rail In midstream. By this time darkuowi had sullied down, aud th?? dicncntnt rain continued. Wtthoue man at the bow and out at the itern, end the third 11 pilot end keep off the drtti wood, the passed thot- rrible night until bad ever piloted a rail bvlore. end each appro bended the lose ol their Uvea. They could only tell their approeob toll by Use bend la Ibe river aud Ute Inctrasvd velocity ol their rail, aud to they each awaited the shock. They passed, however, thmutb IbeOeikrnid shade* ol Ihe overhanging cliffs ol Rid Bluff and silently awaited the next peril. Hourafttr hour waa counttd off until llalubrldge was reared, wbctv thsy hoped to make (eat a Hue. The batiks wrro scoured tore batteeu lo be used lor this purpose, end alter reaching the railroad wharl oue was dhc-rvered then moored when Mr. Baaga haattly dtarobed and. leaving all on board the tall, tpnaug In o tho bolting stream and swam (or the shore. Be succeeded lu making Ute landing aud began to nnlaaru the boat when no found It was l> eked, and there ha stood lu the drenching rein without fire or a srl'ch at clothing. The watchman at the wharl made him as comlurtablo eatsrsslble;eod loamd him some clothing, shoes uni ??? hat Ibcjtwo colored meu went on down the riser In chaise ol Ihe rail and that la the last beard i t them, it la presumed they reached the bank alter daylfgie The wharf **??? reached at 3 o'clock a m . the distance traveled (rom Becoutou being by water, Bley mtlce In twetre hours. BstMtsipoa. April 14.???Tha Democrat, dlrcuss- tng tb* tetri lory in which aealelaud cotton may be grown, says that as the demand lor such cotton la alwaj s greater than the supply the price always roles high. The groat notion thread mills ot Clark, ct Coats, the WllUamanllc end othere, Icailul ol a Inrtberdhalnuilontn the supply, ere encour aging In every poaelble way the production ol the S imple In Florida. The Importance ol tbls r to these great xtanulactnnn may be bee reined when It la known that the firm ol IBerk A Co., are building a railroad ninety mhes loos, iron Valdosta. Ua.. in Headman's bey on Ihe coast ol rtorida. Tbts road rats through a [scored eea Istsud cotton country, and hence the invent, tarot- Tha Democrat Insists that the _ooontyj_ throngh doclng country. It was ral*d belore. during and ???tuoe the war. on that aotb The ra??i ol It* aban donment was on account ol the difficulty In gin nlog It for market. For Instance, one year, Mr. Thom** B. hml'.h, ol Atwpulgus, made Ido bale* ol Ibis cotton, and it* itaple compared favorably with tho beat. What ha* been done trap be done again. Now there la an excessive demand (or 'hesea Island itaple. II la worth lour or five timea aa much as the common cotton of the country, and the land will produce It elmoet equally aa well. For these reasons the attention of the people pi Decatur la called to (ho advantages wllbfn their grasp, with tho hope that thev wilt take such steps aa will reap Borneo! Ihe benefit. The Fort Oalnc* library eiaodetlon hu organ- Ued by sleeting J, B. Irwin, president; J. B. L. Allen, vlce-pre-llent; A. T. Ashmore, librarian and corresponding secretary; Mis* Ida Dudley, treasurer; Colonel B. A. Turnipeeed. rrofeator Scott, Dr. Gunn, Dr. Hatchett, Mrs Grist, MU* Mamie Burnett, Mlaa Floy Brown, directors, Tbe books have arrived, and compriie a very choice selection. the cillsene ol Blue Springs. Catoosa county are building a two story academy. Dr, IV. T. Bussell, ol Calooaa, bu a vineyard with 2,516 vines In it. The people of Dowdylown, bumpkin county, are prUtloulug the government for a posu.mce A largo mlolng Interest bu ao added to tho re sident oputatloD that Ibis la necessary (or business u well as social Intercourse. Bilnbrldgolv agitating tor a new betel. Tho Ity Is unexcelled u e winter resort tor limit.ern Invalids, end II only requires the uecei-ary ac commodation to briog tbem there. A little negro child wav bit rut to death ot Mr G. N. Butler???* place. In Macon county, lest Friday. Tbe child wu locked up In the house by Its mother, who went to another negro cabin, and when she relumed It was dead. Pauldlngcouniy hu aubacrlbed !>t(0 'or Ihe Bi ting u p of a camp around. Comthiius, Aptll 14-Bov. C. C w -lit pulor ol Ibe Bethel Baptlat church In Muscogee county ???incol84l, hu rcslgnod Ills paatorato. He hu received Into the church lu that lima SO) mem ber* lu a difficulty on Colonel McDougall???a plantation, Robert Wright shot aud killed a negro named Jonta Alexander. Caxtoh, April 14.???Charlie Bennett aud Van Speata, ol Forsyth county, came lo town Friday alter guano. lbat night (hay were arrested, Matched and found to havo considerable counter feit coins on their peraoua. They are trow In Ja I here. Bennett la a young man and not very wc I known In Pnraytb county. Bpsar* la about .Vi years old, has a wife and fi to children, aud la highly re spected at homo. A Tennessee man la supposed to havo ptsaod bogus 1110 check on oue ol our firms lut Wcdnca day. FoRTGaixn, April 14 ???There la s loud demand (or to Investigation Into tho causu ol the lou ol Ihe Rebccc* Kverlogham. Charge* are made that ofllcen.whrae duty It la wu to be on the watoh were utesp, Tbe published reports ol tho dlsuutr rep resent that the fire was discovered by Pilot Lap- ham, whoia soiu duty It wu to steer Ibe boat am look ahead for breakers, and that when he did discover It and sound the alarm Ibo steamer wu enveloped In Uarars. What were the proper ofllceis doing all this lime la Ihn question asked. The Tribune aayar "Let the wnolo matter bo thor oughly Investigated, slid II lives were lost by neg lect ol duty uuy oue or more peraoua, such neglect wu criminal." Romo Courier: Mr. C. I). Hills haa Just return rd from Atlanta where- ho made arrangements lo .ton factory There are nine lull car loads, and II will be lu Borne In a law days. Tbu factory will bo running by abouttlst ol Beplembcr. There were 183 (one hundred and eighty-throe) new houses put up In Brunswick during the year Just put. That la at tho rata ol Id each month, 4 each wock, aud near one oach working day, An effort la being made In Houston county to lu- troduro tho tcmperauco question Into the legisla tive race bv tbe antl-prohlblilou people. Tbe Fori Valley Mirror deprecates such notion. Collec.or Tomlinson F. Jobnaon, ol Savannah says Ibal be will uol be a candidate (or coogrer this year. Tho Darien Guetl* announces that Hon. Flem ing DuBIgnonwIUbcthenaxlaoUclIor-genernl ol lbat circuit. Tho Brunswick Herald rani up Ihe nanio ol Hon. M, Is. Mention, ot Glynn, tor congress (rom tho Brat diatrlct. lion. Boykin Wright, aotloltor-general ot Ibo Augusta circuit, la a candidate tor re election Dining hie lut torm be hu made an excellent record aa a public officer. Judge Roney???s couraoon tho bcuch gives general satisfaction. The supreme court bu thus far sus tained all bis dcctalona, AumrsTA, April 14???Tho commerctal clubber and billiard room burned Ihl* morning. Tbe par Ion were unit.Jit rud, except by water, Tho fire originated In tho pantiy behind the bar, aud la supposed to bo Incendiary, Two billiard tables and lha ftirnlliiro were dsslrnyed. Tbe loss la HI teeu hundred dollan to tho club. Z Danlol and compauy, grocers below, were flondod. Their stork waa ruined. Lass 18.000. All the les-esaro covered by lustireuce. Tbe location rt the fire was a very dangerous one. the principal blocks narrowly escaping destruction. Tbe library build ing. with n wealth ol books, Immediately adjoining 'ttb, tnlraettmisly escaped without any tlam It aoornhed tha wtudowa ol the Geortla rail road and National banka on the asms block. Chief Pratt aud tbe firemen ware highly commended (or Utelr good work ol uvlug Ihn property. Tint Coffee county flunday-school association has bconhuldingjan enthusiastic mooting. Colic* County Gasetta: Fears bavo been ea- pressed more than once In our hearing lh*t the mill men and turpentine manufacturers were ruining this country, that when they bad stripped away in* timber end killed the Ireveby elrdllng them lor turpentine that the laud would be worth- leas. This we barn fa an error. This laud, along the Havnunnh Florida and Western aud Brunswick and Wealcru railroads will make good truck (arms, melon*, vegetables and frolta,wl(h a Judicious fertilising, will do well here. The railroads put them lu reach ol market, aod there 4s nothing to prvvont tho owners from reaping o good return from tho venture. Where there ere no experiments aurecaa la never louud, tnd the sooner Ute people make e move lu this dtrocilon Ihe aooner this false Idte will lade ewey. The abed placed lu the Ocklocknee river by the government aomo ycere ago ere turning up ell rlghL Nearly every household In the Green lllll dis trict In stowart county ha* a cycloue pit excavated end guarded by heavy limber*. Like Insurance agtlual fire, they may uever have, end do nol wish to bavo auy use lor them, yel there la a feel ing ol security In knowing that they have a refuge la caw ol danger. Soma ol these pita are comforta bly furnlabed. A fight with kuivrs between two colored men, named Kauben Heines and Joshua Joyoo, ett Satur day last. In Brooki county, resulted in Ihe death ol Joyce. The two meu were worklug lor Mr. Frank Spain, six mile* (rom Quitman, aud quarreled In the field about some trivial mailer. They tough! with ktrlvra, nod Joyce was killed by being stabbed n Ibo tide. Tb* coroner's Juty found n verdict of mntder, nod Sheriff McNicl arrested Heines and placed him la Jail to await tho action ol the giand lury, Tho Waynesboro ClUien says that Ed Dowic baa made a lull rot (cation ol the murder o! hla five children. Ed Donee was a tenant on Mr Fulcher' talher'a plantation last year, and that way Mr Fulcher became ecqulntcd with him. Dowse has been upon tho point ol contoaalcg several days, aud would scud lor Mr Fulcher, aa he aald, lo havo a talk with him. Nr Fulcher, convinced that Dowse waa tho proper criminal, held out uo In duct menti to him, buicouleuird himself by point ing out tbe discrepancies end lmpossibilities In Dome's statrmeuta which Dome made Item time to time. Finally Dowse seat lor Mr Fulcher, aay. tag he wanted to teU him eomelhtag. Mr Fulcher went, and lu hla usual careless manner aakc-1 Dowse what he wanted. Whereupon Dome made s lull confession, and acknowledged thet he perpetrated the dark aud bloody dead. MICHAEL NEY. WAS NAPOLEON???S FAMOUS MAR SHAL A CITIZEN OF GEORGIA. Career of Miota????l Rudolph In tho Am*rlc*a Havolutlon-HU Trading Venture la haven- neh-nu Exploit* Under tho Name ef Nejr lo the Fraach Army, A few daye ago The CtesmuTiON contain ed an editorial paragraph In which the career of Uartbal Key was briefly reviewed, and the qnaation of bia alleged reaidence in this state touched upon. The paragraph excited con siderable discussion, and one of the results is the (allowing communication from a promi nent South Carolinian, who has been investi gating the matter for several years; Early, 8. G??? April 3.??? Editors Constitu tion: Waa Marshal Key an American? From written and unwritten history we would infer that he was either a Virginian or Marylander by birth, and |thai.he was for a period a citizan of Oeorgia. Michael Rudolph was a captain in Lee's legion during the lest few years of the war of the revolution. Frequent and honorable mention ia made of him by Colonel Lee in ble memoirs. Rudolph waa epoken of in (bia command aa the ???boy captain," and was only about 20 years old at tbe close of the war. It is evident, though, from Lee'e memoirs that he was ihe riling star of the legion, and that he was put in front in all emergencies NOTES ON CURRENT TOPICS. A man died In London, at tho ago of 81. the other day, who wu once famous throughout the world. This was Jem Ward, the oldtime pugilist. Jem made hla first public appearance aa a boxer In 1821 In Whitechapel. Although a mere novice, succeeded in thoroughly tiling up bla adversary, a twelve atone man. weU known In tbe ring. 1831 he wiped ont Actoo, the sclenuflj pugilist. About this lime he waa lei into Ihe meanner selling a fight and for a long time he wa< ratal out of the ring. Xu 1810 be fought and won hla hut fight for the championship of Eugland. The malnderof hla life waaapent aa a saloon keeper Liverpool and In London. He never bad a day lUneti until a warning atroke ol paralyili knocked him down a abort time belore hla death. Eu Pebkins haa been examining the wheat fields In tbe winter wheat belt from Philadelphia to Emporia, Kanew, and (rom Toledo 81. Joseph. Hoaayathat be haa not aeon such fine prospect for wheat In ten yean. It la good everywhere, Penniylvanla wilt raise 60.000.000 buihelsthls year. In Michigan. Mlisonri, and Illinois tbe crop la phenomenally good. Tbe effect ot this great crop el wheat ia being discounted Chicago. Wheat haa boon cold (or delivery Liverpool at a dollar a bushel, This will break np wheat raising In Europe. They can???t afford over there to ralae wheat at a dollar a buthel on land worth 1300 an acre. Altar this year America will ralso wheat for tbe world. Tbta year's yield will be (01,000,000 bushels. loegstap'e In Florid* The Importance ol thl. **.-* ??.??* I"* 0 *** euph in tbcae greet manufacture r* may be bee child Brat, end that Ike oldest child, a girl, tan ~ - - uu j, r ,4,0 bed, from whence- ihe waa dragged and brained with tha ax. Ho doe* not state wbero hla wife and sister were, bul rays the boy Graham waa present when be began hie bloody work, bnt ran away, or he would have killed him with ihe rest, whist' the Savannah. 'Florida aod'wcvtaroreMd I He ???>* did not know whnt be was doing, and roaa I-ea good a long tuple section as there Is In I ea aeon at be seas to hhnacll be Jumped upon bia the w. rid. AU that rex-tlon ei l entur county from I w whet i- imam w. railroad enure tt to the I ??? a ???*??nd went to work. He dost not give any Uv tt. b ooths* river la a lent staple cotton pro-1 cause lor this strange apeeasol emottout teaanlt . Augusta, at which place Lee speaks ... dolpb with his accustomed gallantry." Boon graphic communication. Thrao are points, then after, with a plantation noat, himself and which every city should prepare to defend and crew, disguised aa negroes going to market, in .. . ... .. tbe night be boarded and captured a British giltey laying in Ashley river and captured and burned her. She wav armed with twelve guns he ebies snivels end had a crew ot forty-two men. Too captain and twenty-eight of the crew were brought away prisoners together with valuable supplies found on board. In linn, he teems to have been selected by.Colo- nel Lee on all occasions where carnage and desperate daring was necessary. At the end of the revolution Rudolph mar ried and settled in or near Baltimore, Md. A year or two afterwards he was commis sioned by 1'resldent Washington, a field ollicer In some forces that were being raised at I'itlsbnrg under General Wayne. Be re paired to Pittsburg, but sa the forces being raised were not called into actnal service he turned his course homeward. When bat one day???s ride from home he met a friend from whom be learned sad tidings ol his wile's Infidelity, upon which he turnod awsy and was never alter seen or known in his Maryland borne. A short time afterwards Rudolph turned up in Savannah, Ga., as commander ol a vessel engaged in the Rest India trade. He was here a marked character and bold adven turer, and was at times suspected of bucca neering propensities. He was from peculiar traits known to all classes. About the begin ning of the French revolution, Havannah???a trading captain disappeared, and was never alter known in that port. Bunou-u nxcoxss a raxsonHAN, He had crossed tbe Atlantio and made France the land of his adoption, assuming tlie name of Miahael Key. Here he passed several years in obeeurlty. In 17UG Bonaparte began bis victorious career at Monte Katho, followed by the series ol brilllsnt victories which in a lew weeks changed tho face ol Italy and electrified Europe. Key was At this time a rising subaltern in the army ol Italy. History tells us he was hated and despised bv tbe French soldiery, wl.o cussed him as a foreigner and a "yankee buccanier.??? Nevertheless all Paris resound ed with Key???s deeds ol valor, and he was there freely ipokon ol as the rising American ofllcer. About this period tbe United States gevernmentsenta joint commission to France. One o( these commissioners was s Georgian (we believe Colonel Cummings) another a South Carolinian(ere think General Pinck ney.) The Rudolph, of Savan na it, was known to both ol these gentlemen, and upon asking descrip tions ol Ihe then Colonel Key they were poeitively sore ho was no other than Rudolph, and so reportrdjon Ibeir relura totblsconniry. The marked characteristics ol Key???e were essentially different front those of the other great French marshals. Ho had none ol the fiery vivacity and inipetuoeity of Marat, Lannrs, Jnnot, Dessaix and others ol that school. His courage wss essentially "English bulldog courage???, aud the model soldier ol this school he followed Bonaparte its all his fortunes, commanding heavy infantry, an impenetrable barrier ol kiffifivjr in i.'xuii j, mi nujiouciiituiD unitici vi defense or a wild avalanche ol steel on n thousand battlefields (rom Montenotbe to the covering ol the retreat of tbe grand army from Motcow, and last, when he led the Guards to annihilation at Waterloo. Kapoieon sent to Elba Key remained a marshal ol France under the restored bourbons On Kapoleon???t return Nev commanding a French corps was ordered to meet and arrest his progress to wards Paris. This could not be doue with French bayonets and Ney???s entire command laying down their arms at Kapoieon???s ap proach be went with them and into the ser vice ol bis old leader. Waterloo over,Key wss coiirtmartialed and history says shot. There ia many a slip and this cxecutioo waa perhaps all a sham. Belore the court which condemned him he begged tbe coart to consldet that be wss ol foreign birth, unacquainted with thelaws anti usages ol France, (see 8cott???s History ol Napoleon). Key married after he became marshal ol the empire a most estimable lady, by whom he left a (antily. For a lull ac count ol Madame Key see Memoirs ol Madame Junot. MICIISkt. HSV nuts IX XOSTH CAROLINA. In ism or 17, a Frenchman appeared near Charlotte, North Carolina, who called him self Michael Ncy. He made hia living by teaching achool in a wealthy neighborhood. He made no claim to be the Marshal Key ol mveata moment???s notice. Undoubtedly nmob must be fought with Ha own weapons. II the mob uses dynsmlto, then the suthoritles must uce It. Any mob would hesitate about u-tng dynsmlto II It understood thet It would Itsolfbe sheltered end destroyed by that explosive barricade Is s good thing tor a mob It is a better thing lor tho defenders ol cities and should al ways be utilised before the mob resorts to It. In every largo city tbe suthoritles should s o lo It that tbe armories. gunsbops, waterworks,gasworks, (Ire englno bouses, and telegraph offices be kept ta acondltlon ready lobe Immediately putiuto state ot selgo. Every city has a mob clemeut, and ta a tew hours ol wild tree zy It Is possible fora band ol rioters to wreck a city as completely as could s tornado. Tug movement to turn Longttreet out ol office Is already begun. He Is to be ousted because be wants to Ignore the colored brother. Things are getting to be la a very sad way Tuxgrlel displayed by the prince of Wsles when he saw Ibo body ol his desd orother, Prince Leo pold, has been tho subject ol much favorable com ment. Such sn exhibition ol emoltou coming from Ihe heir apparent to tho throne of England, was naturally considered highly honorable to him, A well-posted correspondent, however, writing (rom London, asserts that society laughing In Its sleeves over Wales???s ostentatious sorrow, as H Is noorloua that he rather disliked hla brother. lu Ihe general gossip Leopold comes In tor tome pretty rough talk. It seems that bis death wss caused by going outalone on a spree. I ntoxlcslcd with bis unusual freedom, and revolting against Ibo Idea that he was sn in valid, he danced furiously, sat up all night, drank freely and so brought on a fatal fit ol tbstepllepiy from which he has suffered *11 his llte. Tils Ignoramuses who edit the English papers an nounce that Ihe Cincinnati riot was a threat to the republic. The riot had no more to do with tbe re public than 11 It bad oecnrrcd in Alaska. Tbls Is one ol Ihe things uo Englishman can understand. It la to ba hoped that the Hon. John Kelly baa no previous engagement* with Mr. Arthur. Montana It looming up as a groat cattle hording country. In U80 there sverd 27010 cattle ta tbe whole territory, To-day Ute YsBowsIodo valley alono contains more tban double number. Montana beet shipped eastern clllcs readily bt Inga five cents a pound when brought Into competition with Texas beet. Tho difference la In tho peculiar flavor the moat obtains (rom (ceding on Montana grass. Tbe main point In favor ol Montana la tbe elevation ol Ute country above sea level. Good Judges ol caltlo will say that the altitude Is tho most Import ant consideration. The altitude ol Miles City, tho great stock center ol tho ironh well, Is not one inch less than 2 600 feet above the Gull ol Mexico. In thta woudertul climate the cattle take care ol thomaelvea winter and summer, and grow while ???heir owner sleeps. With such advantages Mon tana la tho paradise ol tbo catUe kings. Trig northern visitors lu Florida durlug tho paal winter have seen some interesting sights. Tho rapidity with which rallrosds arc butlt la wonder ful. Roads can bo bull! for 13,000 a mile. There are uo gradaa lo cal, the croanlos are close at hand and tho ralla are laid on level ground. The drain age work ol the Dlaslon land company at tho lower end ol take Tahapeksllg* attracts great attouiloo, Here may be asen sugar cane grown to a belgth ol twenty tnohea where eighteen months ago (onr leet ol water stood. Tho waters ol tho lako have been lowered over seven leet. Thui far over two,- 000 acres ot land bavo been reclaimed tnd lu a short Ume this area ought to bo greatly lurreaied. WHh so much valuable laud reclaimed the heart ol Ihe peninsula will naturaUy be opened and devel oped. Tourists complain, however, that they find avtry community made up ol yankocs who keep holeli aud boarding bouses (or a Using aud prefer Importing canned vegetables (rom Now York lo raising them In tbetr gardens. Why tho people do nol raise something besides oranges and sugar cane la a mystery Mexico consists ol twenty-seven states, oue fed eral district and one territory. There are seven elite* ol over 40,000 population. Tho City ol Mexico hu SOOOCfl Inhabitant*, Fneblo 200.000, ansi Leon . 130.000 Civilization outside ol Ihe large cities ia Ihe empire. He was well informed and very primitive. Many ol the Indian village* are familiar with French history. I built of turl or *( carro stuck In the ground wltcout Occasionally he drank to access and on ouch , wl(ldoWi vsltbout a table, chair, stove, or bed. SoToS w*o^ P Hkely tr.??plre m io| re rn T ???!??? B Tu?'Irene* rtureh* 1 STS??????cSi? France. He waa known to have in bia pos- * magnificent atone church with nave, choir, seuion a mlnatttre likeness ol the king ol Rome, eon ol Napoleon by Maria Louise and a sealed package ol paper* guard'd with eeloiu cere. When the death of tha king of tome wu known to him, be At once resorted to drink and wu known to bum the package ot papers he had ea long preserved, to shed tears freely and wu beard tony that "all wu over and all hope loet." A few years alter this man died much respected by the people of tbe surrounding country, and ble grave tusy yet be seen, end we believe there are yet to be found several gentlemen In North Carolina who were pupils in Michael Key???s school. Why did Key, tbe school teacher, conceal bis identity? To have openly avowed it would, we anewer, have compromised those- who had abetted and aided his escape when condemned alter Waterloo. nay JVNtoa ArrtAU in oioacia. In 1820 to ???22, two young Frenchmen visi ted both Augusta and Savannah. On* was Victor Key, the other the eldest eon ol Mar shall JuneL They were traveling incog tnd remained some weeks quietly and unknown. They were though at lut identified by;tbeir moneyed exchangee, and finding they were known left promptly. To the incredulous, we would simply wk If they can show from French history any accouul of Marshal Key???s birth and parent age. or even that the name of Key wu known in France or on French records???and we have reason to believe that Rudolph of Let???s legion???Rudolph, the Savannah trader, Mar shall Key, of lb* empire, and Michael Key. tb* North Carolina school teacher, wu one aod tb* ume man ???Marshal Key???"the bravest of the brave.??? J. L. chime ot bells, (retted ceiling and resounding dome, with a (ont ol onyx or Jasper, with a marble pulpit and silver chat.cel rail. Outside el tha villages, in tbe country, brery few miles the traveler comet to e vut streg- ging one story building, covering (onr or five scree, with e tower In one comer surmounted by t bell. This Is a Spanish farmhouse, or a hacienda. There ere 13,(GO ol these hacienda* lu Mexico and they own (onr-fifths ol the land. Oue owus 4 000 square mile* and auotherowns 10 000 rquare miles. Tbe proprietor ol a hacienda Uvea lu ducal aute. He hu soldiers under hit command, a physician to at tend bis tenants, and many ol the peon* meals than Utelr American brethren, bat tbetr admirable agricultural Institutes, under tha patronage and superviftoa ol tho moat eminent men In the kingdom, ore poshing Ihe system Into prominence end educating Ihe people np to lu Thxxx ere two well marked varietlee of tbe cs talps tree. Tbe catalps speclou does well north and west, hut Ihe Georgia variety la scraggy and unsightly, except ta tho southern climate. Tbe weitern catalps tree la practlcaUy indestructible. Fence poets made of it wlU stand filly years with out rot, and are supposed to ba good (or a century. It outlast*any other timber for cresatlee, and ia tbe shape of sblngle roofs It luts fifty years. General Harrison fllty years ago urged the extensive ptaut- Ing ef catalps. To show something of the charade- ot these remarkable trees a rec.nt writer callaattvn tlon to the (act that the catalps trees immersed ta the water ta the great earthquake convulsion ol 1811-12, when a vut tract neu New Madrid, Miss ouri, was submerged and changed fato lake and swamp, have not decayed or fallen, bnt stand alsne and unprotected, while all the others are rotten. Over this area Ihonnnda of catalpu stand bleached and storm battered, bat the wood still firm and saiceptlble ol high polish, andstlll used for posts. Wood p meeting such enduring qualities would doubtless afford tbe best material known lor the block pavement ol city streets. Two democratic goveraort-Hoadly, of Ohio and Jackson, of West Vlrgloia-deelare that they are oppoaed to all foolish attempts at tariff legis lation by tho democratic house ol representatives. Fonxiox residents in Chinese seaport cities nat urally endeavor to cultivate friendly relations with Ihe Celestials: butit seems impossible to overcome tbe prejudices ol tbe nation. In Canton within the psat few weeks the mob would have massacred tbe foreigners but (or tbe presence ol several gun boats. Recently the viceroy allowed a proclama tion to be 1-cucd denouncing tbe conduct of the French, and lollmarlng to the foreign residents that It would be better lor them to leave at ones u tbe Chinese could not bo expected to dlicrlmlnate between different nxtlonalitlee. The people at once took tbe hint and commenced attacking foreigners and destroying their pro | erty. A1I of Ihe foreign consuls made such a vigorous protest that the Chinese officials become alarmed. Troops were sent out to quell Ihe mob, and tbe proclamation wu declared a forgery. The .hostile spirit dis played by tbe Camoneu bu no provocation: It la simply tbo spontaneous expression ol that bitter batted entertained by aU Chinese against every man who does not wear potUooats and twist his hair Into a queue. Tub medico-legal society ol New York discussed the alleged poisonous properties ol canned fruit the other day. In one case of canned trait poison ing tt wu found that tbe lid ol tho can had been soldered on with .murlatlo amalgam, and It was supposed that some of ihe sold dropped into tbe can. A physician who read a paper on the subject before tbe society recommended tbo examination ot the cap to every can. II two boles are found punched In II the can should be thrown away. Every can that does not show tho golden line ol resin around Ibe edge ol tbo adder ol the cap should horejecfcl. It there la any rust around the cap on (he Inside ol the can, it shows that the fruit hss fermented, A can without the manufac turer???s name should be rejected. 11 tho bottom of can rattlos when it is turned up the contents are unsound. In reply to these statements a veteran canned goods man arose and positively denHd everything. He declared that canned (rolls were very wholesome, aud defied any ol tho medical gentlemen present to show a tingle instance ol alleged poisoning Irom eating canned goods where any actual traces ol poison were found. In the courae ol ihe discus sion ihe medical men who denounced canned fruit admitted that their Information wuobutaed from the newspapers, M. Quad denies that he la going to New York to Ive. He declares that II ho can???t die in Atlanta ho will die in Detroit. Out in the Indian Territory the Choctaws con tinue to administer justice in their own way. When an Indian commits a theft he la glren thirty- nlno lathes on tho bare back, provided It ta hla first offense, lilt Is hisrecondoffenso he receives nlnety-ulno lathes, and should it be hla (bird of fense they stand him up and shoot him like a dog. The follow who is so unlucky as to be con demned to be shot for stealiug is permitted to aelect bfa executioner, aud be generally choose! bis nearest and best friend. Tbo victim is stripped to his waist and a black spot la made on bis breast over bis heart. The executioner standi off six or eight paces with a navy revolver and sends a bul- crushing through tho thief's heart. The victim never bound or blindfolded. He Hands np bravely,without* sign ol flinching and In (act rath- 'seems to like It. An Indian who is sentenced todlelnlbls way knows that 11 ho exhibit! tho slightest sign ol (car or makes his escape, he wlU ever afterwards be regarded as a coward, and in eyes this is a far more dreadful doom than doalh itself. Thta bclug (he caio no attempt ta ever made escape. No jail ta needed to confine a victim, is alio rred the freedom ol the territory until the day ol his death when he alwaya turns up at tbe appointed hourand placo and takes bla ljltle leaden pill wilh as much unconcern as you would a doio salt* How long Ihe Choctaws will be allowed continue tbta horridly primitive mode ol ad ministering justice remains lo bo seen, Buch a ???tale ol affair- is enough to fill the average criminal lawyer with unutterable disgust. Tux Indefinite postponement ol the Kecly motor has by no means broken tho hearts ol Ihe stock holder*. They have supported Keely ta luxury several yexri, end they are not likely lo get ilred at thta stage ot Ihn game. Cocosaur culture ta to be one ol Ihe industries south Florida, A New Jereey capitalist haa started a plantation In Dado connty, and baa plautcd 100,000 seed cocoannts imported from South America. In six years tbe tree* will begin toyleld returns, and It is estimated that In ten year* tho grove wlU pay ten per cent on a valua tion ol tl.000.000, A lull grown tree will mature about sixty nuts annually. The tre* ta verr beautiful, and the experiment will he welched with Interest. Mauachcsetts man ta claiming a pension because he fattened np alter the wer until he weighs 413 pounds. There ta no doubt that tbta man ta* genuine martyr.' Perhaps tt would be well for tbo tepubUcant to nominate him lor president Those who heard tbe thunder go bellowing through the flsshtaf clouds yesterday morning osn appreciate what Shakspeare meant when ha spoke the deep indigestion ol the heavens??????that ta, he really spoka abont it. Ir 11 estimated that lullyfive hundred mining persona are annually acught lu New York by (belt various friends. There taaspeelsl buresu st police _ t ite are vlrtusliy his slaves, because they tre In j hesdqusrtere devoted to thta buslnese end special debt to him, and the law mtkes them hta eerh ro | policemen are detailed every day to look Into long as they owe him. The rapidly multiplying tome ol the myitertoui disappearances. Some of the ntlrosdswl IgrsdusIIy revolutfcclre burfness end misting persons (urn up trery dsy st lire morgue. modes ol life in Mexico, but (or generations to come onr southern neighbors will be regsnled es a peculiar people. Tax prince ot Wales shows bis good sente by the Interest which ho mu (tests in sgriculiutalmstien. At a recent meeting ol ihe South Kensington Insu late ol egiicultnro the prince presided end mtde a brief tpeech In which he dwelt upon the Impor tance ol tho silo system. It hss been toned thst cntUtge avoids an immense west* which would otherwise malt oa eccoaut ol the humid climate ol England. The cone eat thta food with a relish, and ft keep* them In good condition. In tut. entiled herbage ta now regarded si more nutritions lVthtpt tbe majority ot those who dbtppetr ere girts. They treol all ogee tnd conditions in life, bnt motto! them urn between Ihe egco ol fourteen and twenty-three. Many ol them are rntblActort- ly accounted (or, others are found onlv alter a protracted search, othtrt still have been temporari ly estranged from borne owing to peculiar aud acci dental circumstance*. Sometimes large rewards are offered lor these missing people. Fourier In Georgia will coon be very lively. Jeff Long haa already decided lo cat loose (rom Brysnt Tun avenge negro politician In the district ol Columbia knows how to use hta razor. Tam cold weather, the eclipse ol the moon tnd than fifth, end It ta more digestible. The process I th: whig republican parly are simultaneous occur??? ol preparing th* ensilage b remarkably simple and j rencea. cheap. Th* English termers probably have not! Tug Blaine egente look upon hta book es equal mtde any greeter progress in tbetr estatage expert- ' to font stale delegations, S SHORT HEWS NOTES. Gossip of Things and Folks Here and Theie. In London the tricycle Is fitted np for milk men and newsboys. Jumbo will return to England in October, bnt wiU not write a book about this country. Thi introduction of tbe Hansom cab sys tem In New Yorx city has led to a war of ratoe among tbe trackmen. It Is said that dnring the pastseven months 197.000 Barmans have crossed Into British Burmah in order to avoid service in tbe army. Tub ordinary Japanese bed consists of a quilt spread on a door, the blanket with aloevei tor a coverlet, ud a block ol wood lor a pillow. Pitiful has been the fate ot tbe Gloucester fishermen. The Iosaee since last August count up 18 vessel* and 249 men, leaving U widows and 134 orphans. 'No, Laura, no. They do not open the campaign with a can opener. They do it with a corkscrew. How UtUe. alas, do women know about polities.??? Tax moat expensive book ever published by x single Indlvlduxl ta Lord Klngsborough's Mexico.??? Ithxa seven volumes, withl,000colored Illustrations, end cost $300,000. Tag caca torpedioiere, or torpedo hunter, which ta being construct lu one ot the Italian arsenals, and 1s intended lo destroy torpedo boats, 1s 41 meters long and 7 wide, will run twenty-five miles an hour, and will be armed with guns and Nordenfeldt mitrailleuses. Dobing tbe past year 23,000 building per mit* were issued in New York, while in Brooklyn 26.C88 were granted. Thirty-seven years ago Brook lyn had but 60 000 Inhabitants; now it ho* more than 790.00U, aud in all probability before live years bava parsed it will bare close to 1,0(0,000 perrons Uv lug within its limits. A New Yobk letter to the Cincinnati Com mercial Gazelle says that a number ot girls earn from $20 to $30 a week doing decorative work tor the targe storea, such as painting pin cushion*, cologne bottles and olher trifle* Women are ma king good wages, too, at brass work, A number ol Istlo young working women lire together ouse, and lead a happy, merry existence. Half the pleat lire of life comes from earning your own money aud spending it as you please. The wheat product of India has increased sixtyfold In tbe past decide, and the cost of raising tbe wheat ta exceptionally low. The great draw- back it labors under 1s the transportation. It costa more to carry wheat from Delhi to the seaboard than Irom Cbictgu to Liverpool, while tbe rate from Calcutta to Liverpool ta $7 a ton higher tban from New Yera there. American farmers can go on raising wheat and bogs and sheep. Ir Europe don't buy we will bring Europe over lo est our suppUee st homo. Bishob Hendbickxn, ol'Providence, says: "I wish brandy, whisky and all such things were banished (rom the (see ol the earth, (or there ta no good In them. There tre 100 orphans that have been thrown upon my hands by whisky, to tako care of. I have talked ol forming tbem lu pro cession tnd begging ol three who kfiled iheir fath ers and mothers to help them. There are thirty- one In the poor bouse, sud you know what brought tbem there I don't know what amount ol wretch- ednoss It baa caused. Tub waiter* in the dining-room of the Fax- ton hotel, at Omaha, are mounted on roller skatea. The greatest objection was tho noise they made, but tbli baa been largely overcome by using a com position wOeel with a flexible surface. II tbe ex periment proves a success there skates will Da adopted at a number otseasido aud summer resorts, partly on the account of tbo novelty ol tbe thing and partly to facilitate tbo service. It ta all right as long aa tho waller keeps hta feet under him, but when he does slip up the dull thud aud scattered provision 1s sickening. The Campbell cotton mill* at Manyunk, Pa., aro about abutting down indefinitely, tnd tbe explanation ol the acilon given by Campbell him self will bring Joy to tbe manufacturing heart in thewutb. Ssjsbo. "We are driven to tbls step by two causes; one 1a tbe immense overproduction ot cotton fabrics, and tbe other ta the strong com petition thst hu grown up in tho south. There are now between -AM and 3U> cotton mills in opera tion through the south, aud as tabor mere 1s much cheaper than In tbe north tbe south ta naturally becoming a formidable contestant in be cotton trado.??? A oibl not yet seventeen, Miss Rossiter, of Watt Philadelphia, 1* at the head ol women silk culturtata In tho United Slates. She has written a pamphlet on sUk culture, which ta claimed to be authority. 8he rears aod sells worms, eggs, cocoons and reeled silk. She bu made, meantime, tbo largest and handsomest private collection of ob jects pertaining to her occupation lu the United states, bilk culture 1s a fascinating and compara tively new occupation (or women and children in this country. It 1s said that It can bo made re munerative and can be carried on wherever tbe mulberry tree will grow. Moat ol the cocoons In this country, however, are grown by women in Ibe south. POINTS ABOUT PEOPLE. GKRSTxn'a little girl is called "Linda." Robebt Bonnxb, ot the Kew York Ledger, ta worth $7,000,000. John L. Sullivan makes money hand over fist.???New York Graphic. GxougeW. Childs owns the Iriih harp that once belonged to Thomu Moore. Joaquin Milleb has in presi n new novel, with the title." '49???A Story ol tho Siorru.??? Mbs. Hablan, wife of ex-SenAtor Harlan, and mother-in-law of Secretary Lincoln, ta not ex pected to live. Fbesident McCosh, of Princeton, promise* to make that institution to the middle states all that Yale and Harvard are to Now Er gland. Mb. Giobob Axhoub, of Chicago, is about to build a treo Episcopal church at hta own expense in that city. Bov. Canon Knowles will bo the rector. President Arthur's friends are alarmed because he will eo out alone at night. Mrs. Chand ler shadows him with two young naval officers when he leavee hyr evening parUes. Queen Victoba will maintain tho strictest IncogultA during her journey abroad, add will travel as the countoaa of Balmoral. No demonstra tions of any kind will bo permitted. Lady Ripon and Lady Hobart, Mils Rye and Miss Macpherron have aided upwarde of tan thousand men, women aud children to emigrate from Englaad to the colonies ol thlvcouutry. Mr. Sturgeon rays thst luck generally cornu to thoM who look alter It, and bia notion la that it taps, once in a lifetime at averbody???a floor, bnt II industry does not open it, away it goes. Victor Huca inherited from the dead his torian Mlgnct the succ-xslon by age and tenure aa father of tbe French academy, and now another almost poathnmotn paternity U thrust upon him lu hta election to tile honorary presidency of tho baby show to be held In Paris lnJuty. Pbikci Bismarck???s annual revennea amount to about $18 000. He lives qulttlj. bnt ta hospitable, and wtahu all hta visitors to feci at bomt while under bis roof. When living on hta estates he occuplea hlmaell with forestry, and hta lavorite walk L, In tho oak woods when hta favorite flower, the bulber, ta in bloom. Mayor Kino, of Philadelphia, being naked why he had never married, frankly answered that he was the enly boy In a family ot ilrta, and that marrtage waa deferred until ha attained yean thst made hta lock! gray and-caased him to shrink from the retponslbrUty ot raising e young famUy. He provides tor hta mother end sister*, and sacrificed hlmaell on the family altar. Tbs bkcletaa Fana*. From tbe MaysvlUe, Ga., Georgian. It ta rumored that Mr. Jack Armer, of Hall county, wall* plowing In hta field a few day* ago, uncovered a skeleton which he think* to be that of an Indian. The teeth and all the large b inu wer* In good preservation. The skull and many other smaller bones had decayed. He also found many cnrtona beads and an earthen bowL Mr. Armer haa not long since married a new wife, and now finds lu neces sary in plow draper then he formerly did, ea hla due* have doubled. Old Uncle Taylor, hta brother- hu also lost took to hlmaell a help mate, and we expect to heer before x gnat while ol somebody betel lotted on tbe Oliver (arm. We wish both ol thee* gentlemen mnch happteeaa. and that their Jays may be long Md prosperous.