The constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1884-1885, April 22, 1884, Image 3

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THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION: TUESDAY APRIL 22,1884- TWELVE PAGES. 3 WRECKED. A FEARFUL PLUNGE TO DEATH. Western and Atlantic. until he had been icorpa. tor bottta. About seven o'clock yereerday morning conductor Johnron.who waa an intimate friend of McD.uald, vent to hU vlfcmd u gently ai posslblu broke the news her. Her grief pines description. She was do voted to her hurband and believea that hts death has ended all pleasures for her. Last night the was qulle low from grief. Ed McCullough, the 11 reman, had j nit attained his majority. McCulloch had been drlng on a snitch engine In Atlanta and wu killed while making his second trip ou the road. Mr. McDoaall???a reg ular fireman was a Mr. BuUngtoit, bnt whex . hts last trip war to be made be found It lucoarex- Two Terrible Accidents on thel , *??? ,w * oou,, ' ldUoCuUou * hWM * ut >* Uiu <e a | hts place. McCullough did not want togor.nd objected strenuously, bht was Dually persuaded He went bet wilt be brought back a oerpso, In less than a quarter oCau hoar alter the freight train wentdown the paeeenger train due la Atlanta <at 3:40 aw., came rushing along the read orer which tho freight had gone In aalety, lire train was coraroaed of i mail car,-r-ru uMunce and two sleepers. Engineer Kverett -res at the throttle and besldotlm rode Fireman Marion Bukr. Conduc tor Jar.ce was la charge,axd aa the train rolled to Its doom he went through the coaches looking after the comfort ol his passengers. Two mites north ol Btg Shanty, while running rapidly and easy. Engineer Grerett-felt his engine qulrer and at trie same instant begin to sink down. Quickly he reallsrd that he was without but behoving that ho had gene too lar to stop he gase dill engine all the steam there mre-ln the bolter, end closing his eyes prepared to sseot the contequrnce. Tho itukfug usatlon was soontsassod, but It was followed by a motion ol the engine which woraed both men that the ponderous machine was going over. Knowing that-lt meant death to remain longer at; their posts both-seen sprang-through thodarkneas and the rain to the ground. The englno wu upon an embalmment and the engineer rolled down the solid earth. He was wot stnnned, and getting. AN AWFUL DEATH IN THE FLAMES. FRIGHTFUL RESULTS OF MOW. DAY???S STORM. Litres Cost Through the State. 3 and About the City. AW:D0 o???clock Tuesday morning seetten A "of freight train No. 8 left Big Shanty for Atlanta. Tho-cnglne was coder the control of Mr. S. -A., ??? . . . ..... , . , McDonald, au engineer otabilUr and worth,-wfco u P?? n ??U feet'he saw that hts engine was lying, had .'or his fireman Hr. Kd McCulloch, while the up0 ??? ,u ??? d0 ???oUonleaa. while the tender had train was under the-lommsad of Conductor Tbeo *u*PP??i??*omopllag UMt and wu hanging down dors Corrle. When tho train passed away from Cig | A ??? b ?????? w U ' 1 ' b0 be " d ,b8 mKl fibenty the ralo wu ponrtag dewn but thetreiu???s crew wu happy for a few atom hours only wese re- plUlul cry. "Oh, my God! let me out. Break < oulred to put them, homj aud give them rest- So 1 1 ???* b* rnl ???fi *??death." thought the grew and woes Conductor Gorrle I'-atnl7 the volco cbvto from the mall -car which waved his lantern Engineer McDcoald WM hanging orer tho opening. Forgetting-hi, .placed his hand! upas the throttle of his engine owa d ??? ger lb# breT0 ?? n * ln0af *P??ug ??i> the and in an ??? Instant sMrtefi on his last run, I bank, and ???rlth apiece o! tho renter-which had - Uttlo dreamtrg t hen df the terrible death that wu be8, ??? br8!,!m oB - b0i!in tr f ln ?? ??? kno ??* ?? bol ?? i In store tortlm and kia fireman, with whom ho tb8 ??* r ' he wu tkE ?? engaged the wu chatting pi raaanUy. ' | earth began crnmUiug away beneath bis (set, and Two mllei so uth of Big -Shanty there Is a deep ??? ??? be ??? r(h 1811 'heopeulng grew larger and larger, fill about on e hundred yard. long.-At some Bttt u ??? nlud,ul * hls d ?????8 8t h0 knocked and potnte thotf.ll I a tully thirty feoQ-ind it tho mid- hneekedarnm the car began sinking. As the car die there 4r a 1 arge stone culvert, made lor ???nk?? carried wtth it the dirt upon -which Bn- passage of ast nail rivulet. The track at that place * ,D * er Feeling '-falmrelf runa almost n orthaufi south. 'The grotretdoir the I slut lug he reaUtsd his danger-and tried eut Is hls Jt and a -heavy -volume of water | J^P??* and auoceedei only fir wing from -it would travel with greet fc see, Tkehcavy rein Tuesday morn- hard cllmbloc- At that lice openlsg-wu only about twenty feet and the tender ingproluce a more water than the culvert could ?? n d??eltcoach sdono occcupled it. But u the carry aray, and tneresclt w?? that about fifty feet down it drew the baggage car of the AH w aa washed out. There wu no watch, wlu, ls - This made tho opening larger and soon man nearer ths. Blgfitanty, -and the-wtshout wu UM> b * e8 " E ' ) c,r ????? followed by the smoking car not detecte fi until tne train was In It Aa the on- gtne relied on to ike-CU or-ombankment the engi neer gevo als euglaefall-away, and like lightning It duhed onward. Tno nl*b: wu dark and the headlight wu of little aervice, owing to tno heavy rain, and whlefc mat only partly over. The gap by this rime wu fully alxty feet. The ears did uol go down rapidly and it la good that they did not for bad the7 followed ono -another quickly the loss ef- llfe would havo- been- fearful. Immediately after the mall tub -via uriNQ aerse-into v.sHicu-suta ENul.vr jooeohrllted-over, the mall ecattor caught fire, and ???PX.BXODE I In a-eeconitiecar was Ouruiogfcrlgfctly. The car wunotieen by the engineer. Tho opening was I wasdl-ed with mall matter and Ihe-flro made lally flit y feet wide, and when the englno reached I ,wl * t kea fi way. The coapk wu tooa ontlrely de- the edf ,o It gave a plunge which carried lt I stroyed.and tien the baggage-oo.r,wn!eh was also on nearly 'over. The tender and - freight car. I dropped Into Its place. This war also quickly foltcwe- i, but thefr vreight-dravr the englno from J?????? toyed '??*?? amokin* car dropped itacilgtit hold upon tho opposite fcenlk and In an I d ?* n to tbe . h?? 110 ??? 1 04 the -burning pit. Instant engine, tender and ours went down. Tho I lb ? b ??? d , e 1 f B * d J caught the .ladles??? coach fat! was a terrible-one and the rattling of the |*???fi* l kaaoniinrlydeatruyed. breaking irons and timbers wore heard above the I Wb ??? uh ?? ??????l 1 * 10 bru * 8 'oosofrom.lho tonder the nohie of the aierm, telling the terrible story ol b ???>??* d ??? d ???h-???r noil, and tho cars death and dciuucdon. When the englno I ??????loed ??u the oppoalte side ef tho gap, Tho slop wu went down the engineer and hls fire, j *d<tooa. lud i??ld all on board that-someliug wu -man were at thefr poets and were burled beneath I WKlD *- ??? Conductor James rac alttlag lu the front tho mass of Iron and Habers. - Tne engine wu PU |. I fi>?? l*dfb????? car and wu pinned -tight by the seats <??? Uog sixteen lretghacars an&w. cab. - Fifteen ol the j dtrwn together. Me called lor ??? core followed the engine, la Its tereiSle descent, I h8lp - ,n<l u ????M.relt*vod quickly - iwhlle the sixteenth hung ever the edge ol the I u ??? ,0 * ded - k ??* Passengers. Tho .unloading wu ??? chum preventing the cab from galea down and J dcnt: hurriedly. Aa the pascengerewero leaving thereby raving tho Uvea ol the conductor and two I u ??? **??? lb " wb8cU werB alowly rolling forward -.brakesmen. I carrying the can nearer and u oarer to the terrible Axxaemxcusa. | plt-whlohwraa growing lareoreeustanUy. Finally ??? The crash wu a terrible one and te those who {everybody wu out and then the two deepen were ???wereln ihecab II wasiuggoiureoldcc.h and dan-1 uncouplad. By this rime tho burning mall coach xer. With speed they hurried from the car and by | gave p enty of light, and kellerlug thru tho entire -the llghtof their lauternsaecured a faint Idea of the 1 tralu-would burn the two sleepers were pushed horrors of theaeefdenLiTulhe men theSrst thought I bank aiid-th.e ladles given uata therein, ???wuol their engineer and-fireman. Tun darkness j The scene ptesented Megan ??description, wu too Intense to discover any) The burnlu'cire, the crying womenand the ctlee -things ootolT tact with-lend calls they tried to I forJit-Jp from the bnmlng-eare alhwem to make learn if they were alive. Their calls seen red no I np-lho awful tableau. Aa soon as the pasaongen -response and tkecUllneac wu rropbetie ol the I won removed Conductor fames began to see the tenth. Finally oanductor-Corrfo andik's brake-1 extant of the damage. Uesooc .asoertitaed thst men, Mr. Lem Harris and Mr. Jim -iur.rrlogton I hlscugluoornnd fireman Had escape-1 death. He separated and so light lha bottom ol the fill. ??? There they found <: caariiiDDr-wevutuix-scaTcoMruccx, While theirpatfaa werestrewn.witn haocn, flour, ..grata and boxes. Feeling certain that dftvy were alone with the dead the three men wendeil their -way-bask to the sab where each told what-he had learne???.. Onaof them was tken aeet to-K-.rieita and Intelligence of the terrib-a accident war wired to the road???s ofilco la this . city. Tho road..quickly equipped found mall agents, Ed IUUtand J..W, Ulllipalo audjfrou jhera ho learned that Mr. H..1. Merrill, the.mnil weigher, had gone down wlthal e car. . naiTU ib nr -shasua. To every one who beare , ibis sru.|??jentiihat the man wu dead that bo had been-uuutedaltre. Mr.???Hills said that.Ur. Mer rill had comidetcd weighing the malic rnd had aoughl.lbe .front end of tho car where, ho laid down and wool to sleep. Ac the. otr started In lu wit'klnff train I as mv.uu uemu iu ??? Jamci A An I tortlbl8 <loecoat the mail agents .called .hfm aud dwion7Mr7Vl,nu7 Ut, oiiley. uxd olha offl' 1011 xho u door ***> *??? data of the road wore mtiir in th?? umnn 'tm.. I Aueiiil truce aa he w?? called,but the case . dais of the road were <n route to the scene. Tho train had a clear track, and like lightning ltgpcd ???on toward tho first wroot. There the officers??? tyca were greeted by a horrible sight. The dry was* -ar lu Che centetcf the car broke loose,rolled forward and fastened bln In the front end of the car where hodtcl lamcdtaulyaf.ertko.oir went over tho -care, yet In that opening there were Ifiext care, AM IBOIXT. A TSBOU, AMD -TST0, DIAL , XtB. The eogtns wu reared up agalnct the embank ment furthest from It when Itmade the leap,show- and bright] and every detail could be plainly e*:n. ltm *^Irorndhetr futeninM-tnto the.mall and The opening wu about Ally f*it loot - I t*!?? u <bc,c,t WM -fi fi* m ** Hearraggied hast but barely enough to a/a-ompioH???. tao frelM???t bl ??? * treaB k wuxot aufflclenuo,move the heavy 1 cue Mihlcu iuipdacncd him. kio c??U??d loudly for help and hla cries wt*a dihUcttlog to those art# .heard them, diauculug Oc- ceuae they cog-'d giro him no txUx! log that ltcaits near clearing the chasm. - Oa the I Mr * l 14 * 1 eighteen jaata of Hla engine wu the tender, and upon .tie tendjr wens '* ,her ???* ld< ???* 0,1 Fatvrs atreet Jut .lulde the city -the fifteen care, all broken and torn to fmtmenuj j lSl b ** ldt b,aM ??? ^ lb ?? rlef - ???* Ul wo small rtn some cases tha??? 1{ j lather It a chaplalu In the Untied matec army, twin ho intfoaslble to aaoertaln to what r* nd bM ???????'U^lngla Atlanta oairaanorewhl.o. -road soma cars kelong TuspUntors were ^t. j??-'oung Merrill Aadnui- recenUy onto red. aha rati- scred around for yards while the contents .a! tho f Jr a> m,1 ??? ie, ' ,,oe - .swsa covered the???,-onnd Tkeslxteenllvcar knng I A P* ,t ,,uw * 8 death of Mrl Merrill; with the,front end over the opining while the rear ?? k)e,8 *P 8 waaariraeuloni. Mall Agent Hllii wuj end wu straight nr iu the air. -Bafore lire officials I 4 *' 1 ,n ,bs breast, Mai Agent ttblosple wu arrived Conductor Currie had organized a tfluad I wacrnded In the fiace, Muttr Haaklua of men and began t search for the dead men. I hl * l8, ??????a broken iCfrua Adaxeq a porter. Open the arrival of the wrecking tialn I h 44 * 11 ??? le,t hMMl b ??n??-??? d blmmous Buou ???u this force waiincreaa-d and with xenewad ardor b ???" /??? ,b8 ???????????? Bnglc .or Evereu wu also the hunt weal on. AIIday theaeueh cocUuutf I Injured. bat up(oala ocloak Ust right the dead men had Mr Koal *- lh ?? maneger for the f'ullman not been fc nnfl Theavreck la fnUy thirty feet j 8 * ,8d * p ">J r . w h ?? want up ycaterdsymnnUug,^-KM high. The englae last the bottom aad upon t t I aboard and atter hi. arrival he gave agrephie ao- the txndecand cars are.yacked, Therx-uaresup- j^ouriri the at el-lent. Baldhe: posed to be i;i the engineand before they can be I. ??? ?? was the mo-t horrible thlcg 1 ever taw. The rescued every car and the heavy tender will have I * 8 ** bt wtek wu all you have heard. It wu bad to be removed. Thfs wilt require fully twenty- ?????????Kh.btt the other was worse. YaniesEreret four hours work Their death must have teen ,elt *??? r ??? d ??? toMn * ???? d *F Pluck got over all hcrrlble, batit la believed that It wu instant. I riakl - The road rank until evarytklng wan. down. They died in the dark without an eye upon theta I The burolcg-are were awful. The shrieks of pwr and the atory of that death will never be known In [ Coffin must have been terrible. The engine fa lie details. I now Uylu* half on and half at Ure embankment. Tits naan but popbd. I lhegoplaf-illyjfifty feet deep, and Ike rslle ere last night the sesroa lit tbe deed men wu still I hanging bentower the edges of the qhum like going oo, aud their bodiei will be brought to At-; reeds. Tke remains of Merrill, charftd.god I guess lauta.u soon u recjrered. The aocldtat brings I beyond recogultloe. could bo aeea lyingxeroee the ???orrow to two families and ends the lives of two (trucks of a car, hell covered by dirt and car good, iodustrlcue men. Mr. McDonald resided Iu j whee's. After he wu dead a pair of trucks, which tanyeue The train brings ono ol Ibo heaviest and most valuable metis that comes to Atlanta. flKcnerally wclghsabont 2.600,pounds and Is most ly written matter. It brings the Nashville and Chattanooga mall, and tho heavy weatern malls, and tho eutom malls for the south. A call was yesterday made at tho Atlanta posloflleo Post master Wilson of course could not tell anything about the mall, but says that it will give tho In spectors lota ol work. FuiWXBT Bxibcii, April 15.???Daring the terrible rainstorm the homo of Mr. Worth Strickland, near this place, wu struck with lightning, killing Mr. Strl-'Urad In.tanUyand terribly shocking hls child. The child may recover- TIB VKUSOBS KILLED DV THE STORX. UurnB, April H.-Nowa hu reached this city this afternoon that a most terrible cyclono vis ited upper Pike aud the eastern portion ol Meri wether, near Sandtowa, about three o'clock this morning. The same old, but sad atory of houses being blown to utooi; troos, fences aad every thing, lvent srift the msd fury ol the whirring wind. Six persona are kuown to have been killed on Luke Powell???s place, uear Sandtowa. Mules, horses, calves all gone Four negroes were killed ou Mr. Poweil'a place In Meriwether. Numbers of persona were fatally wounded. The direction of the storm wu northeut- Itdlvlded, went around (rrtfflii, but the display of cleetriclty and deafen- log peala ol tbunder, wu moat atartliog here. BB3B-) CIIILDRXB TO MU) BY THE WINDS. LaOkaboe, April IS ???A cycloue pusse-l ono and a ball miles southeast of town about 1 o'clock last night On tho Hamilton road, where It crossed, tho homo ol John Blown, colored, was moved from Its'foundation. At Mr. J. W. Cooper a plantation, two miles from town, hls gin house aud tome out hotiua were destroyed. Fife miles from town, on tbo OrcenviUe road, Mr, A. E. Kobertsoris gin nery, barns, stables, some lout houses occupied by negroes, timbers and fencing were scattered broad caat. It la alio reported that several negro chil dren had been bl >wn away and ono horse killed, Fnrtber on, It struck tbe house ol Mr, Pete Nelson, dcstroylngeverycblng except the dwelling huuio, killing some mntee and breaking tho thigh ol a negro man. A negro girl was killed ou Dr, Beas ley's farm, sndother destruction to properly. Athens, April t3.???A negro wu killed by Hs-ht ning at a alore-about six miles from Athena feev- oral had come Into the store to get out at therein, when llghtntas struck tha chimney and ran-down on the Inside, 'jho negro, Ueorge Johnson, wu leaning against the chimney, and the llghtiring hit him on the lop of tbe head, passing down tla body to the floor. He died Instantly. Anothcrtwy had his foot on the side of tho plsce, and -it tore hla shoe to pleoes without hurting him, houses swan a vat. Hooa!hk.uu.e, Oa., April 15.???About alx miles' below here a cyclone pused from strsibwesl t-: northeast. Daniel Owen'a houses were destroyed and bars burnt up. Aloxander Allison lost all Ms bulldlogc but hls dwolllng. Rnffln Sooker have no house-staudlog Ibis morning. Fank Blalock damaged, > Jamas Dollar wu not left -one piece t.f timber -upon another. J. Allsabrobka lost hit chimney.). - Bill Woolroof had hla houao blown away. Mrs. Frances Woofirool Ion???, all her out hous -florid dwolllng barxuel Whatley bad all hla housea blown away and narrowly escaped death. William Humphrlzoa lost, togetheriVllh hls dwell ing, every house on bis plaoo. - Union-church (Baprial) wu blown tofatoms. CoMYER'CfilTS UV. CeirsxBi, April 15 ???Many ladles ret up all night, so badly frightened were they by the -Incessant lightning. TBE S'LOOD ATBIttStnUHAU, BsmimsUAM, Ala., April 16???The heaviest rain J, Jones's house and C. D, Purcell's thrfps wero destroyed. The residence and shop ol J. II. Jor dan, the Methodist district high school building, and tho Methodist church were considerably damaged. Mrs, Hltchcrson'a house wu destroy cd, aud her collarbone broken. Much other prop erty wu destroyed and a number ol persona Jared. IB THE CITY AMD EUBWHESK. When morning dawned thousands ol propetty owners worcla a state ol feverish Impatience until they surveyed tho situation and ascertained the exient of their losses. That they had raitalnsd serious damage from the wind, rain aud lightning they did not doubt, aa the ovtilonce of their senses assured them that the visita tion of the night before had been (weep ing and terrlde. So strong and so general was this ballot that lt was same hours before people could ho convinced that Atlanta had emerged from tbe Hoed without suffering any Injuries worth apeak- Ingot. IteeemiIncredible, but tho storm wu more of a benefit than anything else to the city, doing the work of a whole brigade of sanitary spectora. The torceol the rain may he faintly understood when It la stated that In aomo localities in tho northern part el Ihecltythe macadam in theatreeta wu torn or washed out to the depth ol a foot. At ono time Immense balUtouea came straight down, falling through chimneys and rolling over the floors, THE BIVKS AMD 0111EB EirFLEI. ???lam Just from tbe Cbattahoocnee," said gentleman yesterdsy morning to a ContrrrurioM man, "and I tell you It la a sight." ??????now does It took?" ???Well, I uw lt at tho railroad bridge, river Is hall a tulle wide there, every, bit ol ball mile, and alleortaot debris mar be seen floating down. Of oturie there wero plenty of other thing! tike fences, outhouses, furniture, untie, logs, eto. 'Pretty heavy." "Yea Mode mo think of Clncfnuatl and hot' flood." centleman who had followed sea lor five yoara yeiterfiuy that he never In any tropical storm uw such a heavy rainfall u that -s! yesterday morn ing. The Air Line, Central, Weil Point and Georgia roads luckily oojprd wither: t any serious cense qmnccs. The Eut TennesLeo,Virginia audGeorgia people expect to have their road all right txelde ol tSTOdaya. The damage Is-maluly botween Ausioll and Borne and consists of the washing away cf two email trestles and the wuhlng of tha embank- meuts. GBORGIA JUSTICE. The What lha Hrao-S Ssrlw aad Vanatr Oamaristlaaera 'Vlad, Tbo county commissi mere of Schley ny that tbreo fonrlhs cf tho paupera In thatcounty are ne groes They uy that while It la tree that tbo ma jority of them ereroalavea whon Urey were young but they have been free for nineteen years, which la long enough Ume to mako something to main tain themrelvea when too old to work. Tho effect of tho county faadfog them whea halplesi, works shad ttfixence upon the younger class, who are 1iot, wlik some exceptions accumulating any property, but trite and profligate all of their youDgerriaya, knowing that ibe country will rare (or them when old and Infirm. Tnt-y t-ay about four bandied dollars lor boll tax which goes lostfiool Itai lr children, but will nfmu allow ae execution Issued firs ; <ho< have but lit tle else <0 ??y eu. At least half of Ibe expenaoof tberovrulaeOaigcablelo negro ateallug, pistol oariyluff.Dghuauddlvoroea which will font an sbuut -lx or eight hundred dollsrr, added to their ever known In thlsscctlou bugan falling hero last P???? of the,pauper fuud. shosia that they gel about t , twelve or lour-eon hundred d-ilUra annually out this city at 81 Kick street. U s leaves a wife and alx children to mourn hls untimely death. He wu about forty years of age and wu known all along the road It la utd of Mm by hla asm pan- Iona that he know evary tie and cattle goasd on the real between Atlanta and Chattanooga, flia Ufa hu bean one of toil and dtvo(Joa to hla ftmflr, and hls death leaves them comparatively wall off. Hie wife U a moat estimable lady, and knew nothing ol her bnfband'j awful and tngis dutfe wu all that was left of the car which burns! on the track, rolled down on him. Why. to ate those car wheels turning alowly, rolling along to the openlcgu the burning balowmade room for theca, wu terrible. I tell you lt wu eat awful siiht, and eaa a man wants to see only oat lime In hls life. The remains will probably be recovered to night. Tbe road ofllcUle ue do ing all In their power. The mill that wsadeatroyed wu ???, ilapor. night at seven o'clock, oontlnclng until oleven p u. The ralnlall wufiro Inches lu that lime. Vil lage-creek. Ihe source ol tho water suppt7 lor thla city, roee nearly seven foot in Ihe pump honse in fuar'koara' time, extlngulahlng the firunud doing conalderable damage to tho englno. Coalburg brlCec. over this creek, wu washed several feet out ol fine.'Tho houses near the creek were Inundated anddaxalUea narrowly ceeapnd drowning by climb ing to the top of the houec. Alt-the railroads leading here were badly dam tged, end tho wires are down, making lt Impossible to got fall parilcu lars The Georgia I'.clflc bad bad waahouU between htve-and Anniston, delaying alt the-trains. the Tsaaoca-oTiriax. Gc-tho Alabama and Greet Southern, at Atalla, sixty miles above -here, -tbo light ning struck tho depot -and hotel ???etllns firo to and copeumlng both, with the freight, book's and papers. Too Inmates nar rowly eicaped. Tru-aeillo on ibo same road, the (resole wuhel away, and ths road bed wu terribly wuhed. On the Loulaville and Nashville, near-UlountSprlngi, tha tseclle was washed away, and tho freight train coming south ran Into Ihe creak, -drowning conductor Beseem and verelr Injuring Ihe engineer aud-fireman, tbo tsolus on the Alabama Great d-uihern and Loetavllle aud Nuhvllle gulag north and east, are sidetracked here, and cannot -move for two days. Pratt'a railroad had a washout-three hundred yards long, and wuotberwlao badly damaged, Tho farmers suffered great damaifu to crops born Jiut-oomlug up wu washed finely away, nectasl taring another planting, IBIVE PIUONS KILLED OK CHHLEY. CiUNUV, Ga??? April 15 ???A teroflo cyclone muck Ihe southern portion of Chlpley at 2 o'clock this morning, sweeping everything in ??? its. path. Ik course sraa from aouthweal to northeast. The loss life and property wu great, ffu Uhl, ley the honaea destroyed wero thoae of Mrs Champluu, Hr. E. Thornton, K, F. Me shee, R B Traylor, A, J. livlu, W???.-fl Layfi-ld, John Laughed and A. F. Hamptnn. -Ore mile aud a half eut of Cbli-ly the retldeacae! Johu Langford, Mre. Mary,Oasis and Mr. J. W. Culpepper, were dutroyod. Thelollew- log Is a list of the dead: MB. LEE AJ.FOBD, MB8. JOHN LANUFOKD, and TWDC'tiiUUlKN. Tbe won ruled are. Mre. Lee Alford stad seven children injured painfully; A. J. train, Drought bofitdly Injured; William Langford, bruUtd pah. fully (n ihu chest; Mre. Mary lliwii was tears fully lacerated; .Hr. J. E, Thornton, asm biulacd and mauyothasslujnred aUghlly. A eunner was despatched to the. home of Mr. Alford's parents at West Point,and.hls mother arrived here shoot ran withlaostnlag. Iu Hamilton t??-day liberal subsilpdour ware made for tho relitrf of tbe cyclone sufferers, lit la expected that Columbus will extend a helping hand. A mass meeting of dtlsena wu bold at Uto city hall lo-nlgbl arid com- xilttees were appointed tocanveaa tblsand adjoin Irgcounllea far the relief of the rafferere. Tala Is as e of the moat disastrous cjclones that hu eeer sll'ick Harrisoojnty. i-tro nowM Enns, April lf-~J)l??intcbes received to-nlgtd ???tale that at the Alabamafurnace, on Ihe AnnUtsu and / tleutlc railway, tbo bridge gave way while twoaen were standing so it, and both wero drowned. Along Cbooeolooco creek deatruk tlon by wind aosl water is very great. The track oe the Eut Tenneame railroad at Weavers and other stations is ceeipletelr rabmeeged. Bait- road travel la entirely suspended. Hobs, Oa, April 15.???tha details of last night's eteim sracemiug In. It was very severe In ell portion! ol tbe county. A Urge number of buna end outhouses were blown down aid a vast amount ol fanciogdeitroysl. Vaobere of ci'ilea andhereu ware killed end ait; Injured. In mreml Instanoee barns were struck bf llghlafng and totally or parrially destroyed. earn of lou ol life ot Injury to person Is yet reported. THSCICLCBS IB busualm. Vasoxb, Mbs, April 15.???Tbe town of Black Hawk, eighteen miles west of here, wu atrotk by acyelone yesterday ef enrocn. W. w. Browti'e andE. Cripple???s dwelling end oothonree were destroyed end Ms. Brewer's daughter seriously In jured. Dr. BliteU???a oDee wu demolished.' J. B. Stealer's dwelling and sawmill were un- roofed and hi* it&lct sod outhouau deatroje auuually-eut of -he taxes- paid by the -bites which la about half except fhilta. Thoae 11-dluKS am -sunny lb- at (eulltui of ihenigrophlltawbnarealwr- ' alter the luteicatul the colored man, THS CONDITION OK KLOYD. Blnoe May-1 lilt he tax onlUctor hu cnllecled-oa account ol larca 1882,19,188-98; on account of tenet 1883. fl~. C50D3. lie baa alro turned over to tho county school comtnfulooer, by order of Mr. Orr, coatmlaafoncr for the stale,-18,9C7 79, of which amount 12590 fa noil tag. There la a balance In lha treuury of There has boon rxncnded fur county "Ouring the year gg----??? ?????? public tohoola county during . _ Of this number 81 wero wklio and 39 were colon d. 7 he whole number olohlldren In tne oouuty -be- The coun-tr alms hnuac coutalna 39 Inmates, whileseufi-3colurad. tbegraud Jury repotla 1 clurena u being unfavoraole to tbe oew road la -iiaaaD countv ??aaai> raott. The grand Juiy dcolarrathe Jail bo unsafe and altcgotber unfit for Its purporo. Tbe lax ooltactor hu turned orer a little orer 10,000. The pan pet farm la to good condition, but ihe ordinary la warned tognard well aud watch carefully Ibo sir luo and uoralltr of tbo Inmau-a of tho fann. J. B Ware and T. M. AWlcr are tho new arhuol commtasloeen for tho county. The lax to be levied for tbo next year was fixed at 13 000, The balance In Ibe treas ury is 14,091.90 ???WASBEM cover IB IkWIOM, In Ibe charge to me grand Jury Judge E. U. Pot- tie dwelt at considerable lena'h on the sanctity of theJerorta earn, and lmprnK-d the greet Impor tance of eaereay lu (htir dellbcrall-ina Tbe lew gnvcrnlng the salt) of was thoroughly suit- related by him. and the Jury eloquently exbacied GPICU OF ??? HK PHBBS. From tho Dalton, Ue., Cliixin, Boarding school girls are now raving about via lout sod sugared lose leaves. From tbo Marlon, Gs., Sentinel. Professor Forrester's acnool girls are hard to beef playing lownball. At lout that???s what we beard. From tbe Warrexton, Oa., cupper. There la uld to be in town a man ao stingy that on going to bed at night ho atapa hla clock to keep It from wearing aut. From IbeCiawford, (la, Monitor. There have bscn about 20 persona marrle-1 In tbe lut two years who attended the Brlghtwell mills picnic. Let's go Ibis lima. Cwnpuiy Nbopw. Mr. M. U. BhotToer, 1???oaimutersnd Justice of th* Peace. Company 8hop% Alamance Co., N 0., writer, he haa used kf. J scobs Oil for rheumatism, cuts, swellrd ankles and knees, pains In the Itsckand sore throat. One or two application! Id each cave has al wayajcnred.aniJ ha believes tbe Great German Remedy la the beet in tbe world. "As long as I can get if,"be adds, ???I never Intend to be without It,??? Larks btioy l-lsr-rs sf tkt SlslSss lists. J. Kreimtr Is not e heepy mao. Ilebouaht ticket 1.28] s-f tee March ll-h drawing ol Ihe Lnni-tana Blau* Lottery, bnt placed so ll-ll- dependence nr-on hla Inca that he forthwith avid half of It tu John Kartell s illsanmlthof ill auramenlnstree', and 0 P. Bobbins, a machines' llsli-g at 612 LeeveE- wnr-h atreet Tne ticket drew the uriid prise, ItOOOO, and Kralmer la not In the b at of humor, Ihlsls the f mrth rime wl-hle a few months llist ran Frinrisca-s have been the winners of Valuable priaas ???dsn Fraeclico. Oal. Chronicle. March 1 SlTHE GREAT GERMAN! REMEDY FOR PAIN. Rellovea and cures RHEUMATISM, Neuralgla f Sciatica, Lumbago, BACKACHE, HEADACHE, TOOTIIICnE, SORE * HROAT, QUINSY, SWELLINGS, SPHAINfl, 8orene>??, Cuu, Brulaev, FROSTBITES, im Mai other bodi! and pains. FIFTY CENTS A BOTTLE. Sold by all Dnurfftata and . Dealers. Directions In It | languages. The Charies A. Vogeler Co. ?????? a. tooam * oa > Bfvltlmortff Hd, 1 l ?? A MEDICINE CHEST VO HOUSEHOLD SHOULD BE WITHOUT THR OLD GRANDMOTHER When colled to the bedelde of the Uttle child iu V for Mullein and make a tea and at onee rellore }%m cure for Croup. Whooping Coueh, Cold and cm* imnptlon. Price 28c. and81. Thle with Dr. Mf* gere??? Southern Remedy, an equally efBcaclor.a roiil- edy for Crerop, Colic, Diarrhoea, Dyrentery, eal children BuiT-rlng from ihe effect* of teething pea* sent* a lltue Midicine Chf>t no houeehold ???hooM without for the speed r nam ??? ??? tag f???no WALTER A. TAYLOR, sudden attack* bowel*. A&kyour druggist* for them. tmea by WALTER A. TA Atlanta, Ga??? Proprietor Taylor's Premium Cclncn*, ESTATE- We recommend tho following Real fistato Agent* a* reliable and capable. Wrlto to them for what you want in country or city real estate for homes, or Investment or Information.???[Kds. Constitution. RICE & ???WILSON, 7 S'. Oread Nlrcet, Adnuln, On. REAL ESTATE AGENTS, BUY AND SELL REAL ESTATE for parties on Commission. We Sell cither at Private or Public Outcry infcrmatlon furnished at adtatanoe on snrillcatlon. GREEN APPLE3, Iaten In Ihe spring time, or any other teaaoa tv n- able to give ono i bowel trouble, which can he ipre-llly checked by the me ol Dr. Blgcen' Noeth- eni remedy, the great aoedflo that will c-rulnlr euro cramp nolle, diarrhoea, dyientery. and restore the little ono gradually wasting away from rha ef fects of teething. This, with a bottle of Tartar** Cherokee Rrmrdy of Hweet Gum and Mullein com bining the stimulating expectorant principle of tho sweet gum with the demulcent healing one of tho mullein, for the cure of croup, wbonelne conxh, colda and comnmptlon, prevents s Otril ???iDtciBk exist no beuaehold ihonld be wltkeW for rbe sp-rdy relief of anddrn and dsn*eroM a???laokaol tholnngaand bowels. Ask yont -1 roe- gilt for them. Mannfsctnre-t by WALTKR A. TATI OS. Prorrleter Taylor???, Premium rotogae, Atlor.ix. m, ow -exh ns Id foe Mweel Onre HDSOLUTFLY 1 THEBEST.l LIGHTNING SEWER! ; Twa tkoaaudatlMbesamlnnte. Tbeoery- aheolntelr erst-eln-s Newlnx MarhlnelntlS- IMOHPHINE HABIT ?????? PK. II. II. KAK*. of (>.??? IVQalnryy w ??? ??? mP ?????????llomw,????woften?? B??t??*'lrwb??rtbr *nrmi??Manre kl^eir qa lrll f sad o^aW??4/. Fortoatlao. qlMSayl ???aSnriaw ill fpwai iwr???al fcaMloiSiwWjii JlifMi SAM???L W. GOODE, ATTORNEY AT IAW ??? AND . REAL ESTATE AGENT, 1 ' AYKTrK 9 Ijfwhom Itmsy concern: ... ***???* iairatriz of Edward W Lcacb. Hr, dir??*i lae form applied to the undesigned f tell the Und* belonging to the rotate of *i L*1 Slnrlottn Nlrrrt, At!nnf????. tin. I Rent. B iv, 8e)i and KxchanKO Property on Cnnm???BlnM Examine Title* and pr-|Mire Abstracts. COUNTY???YO A LI Mary a Lescuv admin- ' i??ed. ha* lo - for leave to rotate of **ld docoss* A PPT7F ili JLVIZj Li.costlyboxof I will help all, of otthor sex, to morex J cents for post* receive free a T Kood* which ... , imonaytlgjQ away than anything else la this world. Fortunes await tho workem absolutely sure. At once oddrem Trot A ??V>-. Aogn??ta. Maine. ???THE BEST IS CHEAPEST.??? ??????threshers;*"" 111 HonePoien \ Clover Hullert THOS.A. FRIERSON. REAL ESTATE and RENTING AGENT, | K??. Wall Ntreet, Atlnutn, Un. | malted taall aactlona. > Write for rnRBtnoa. Pamphlet andPrtrta to Tbo Anltmon A Taylor Oa, Manaflpld. Ohio, I BUY, SELL, EXCHANGE & BENT | ChAMBEBLIN, JoHNSON &Co BucceMors to Chamberlin, Boynton & Co. 66 AND 68 WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, OA- | IrnrjffMt Dealers In Ocorcfa In DRY GOODS,' Fine Dress Goods, WHITE GOODS, ETC. CARPETS 1 CARPETS! ??? HOUSE-FURBISHING GOODS, Lace Curtains, Window Shades^ FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, - ^ SHOES! GENT8, LADIES, CIIILDEEN'fC Refe-to Banker* M??rchant**nddMiien*ot Atlanta 8QUTHERN METHODIST PUBLISHING HOUSE, NASHVILLE, TENN. The l.*trgeftt Book htnnufacturing Establishment in the South. A full assortment of tho better class of miscellaneous books constantly on hand. Theological hooks, and Sunday-school song-books and libraries i specially. ohrll , tan Advocate. General organ of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Twenty pages each week. A pure paper for the old and young. Only $4 a year. Smitlay-schoo! Periodical*. Eight periodicals for Sunday-school teachers and I I C LI A PC sehclars; different grades and prices; issued weekly, | tDilUiaO I JllULu monthly, and Quarterly. 1 Catalogue or books and specimens of Christian Advocate and Sunday-school Periodicals sent free to any address. Estimates furnished on all kinds of Book and Job Printing. Address 8outhern Methodist Publishing House, NASHVILLE, TENN. FLORAL GIFTS! 50 GMDSMI M BSLrS9??; print*tl,IOr, II r u ikN,il,f. r * r unt ICIntr. Jtlrnren Irarw mw4 lair* I )t a .,#l, I IrN irf t [ frle-MtUla 4?? SnnT ??rn??n unn i I Mim ??(.a, i Irlaln IliHr 5 r irarkillM. iirid'v hm af Naw|9lr??, ttrla, Agents for Bnttorricx's Patterns. CHAMBSHLIN, JOHNSON A CO. I Roseau ???arnra^l 1 I Fuehslsa j Maaxly 1.000,000 PLANTS ??e oataa FRANCIS MORAT, a syptut tmpsrior Court, Hoptember Term. l??x??- Llbel for Dlrorco-H. F. Turner rscbArlfsTurnor. ... the stale, It is ordered by the court that said daftndant appear at th* next term of tbli court aud put In defense. If any h* hts. Furtherordered that publication of this order be had In The Atlanta Cunstltuiiou ones a month for four month* before the next term of this court. September it, 186S ij iheumrt. fl. HARRIS. j. h a a. o. tlfy that the above and fon going Is a true ana cor> let oopy, *e appears of record In my offloe. t??Jv??.n under my hand and seal of nfflro this Fej lea bar tt. USS. A. JL BTuK EJ, ft ?? O \X I ironiMnvgnuipA Portunr. New fill J IlluntriitPil fe'iildc to Itnpld ?????? w Wee till,.'100 *uystomnkouold> ??????Free, J. Lynn A Co.. 7U7 llPMutvay, New V urk* PRY GOODS MisSw ?? firam PriLfcm J/X1UE* HeNT ytKK.aUo when de . rinid samples of Dtrs* uoodt HI I Iff. Woolon*. from Un* largest * d finest stock in this country. Write te RY MATL. LfoiDis.MADSRiCofKlIi ANGER Treated sciontlUcaJIy and cured without tbe knife. Hook ou treat* meat sent free. Dra. Orntimy A XorrU m w. hm eg, ftnrfnain,a EOROIA, JtflPKR COUNTY-ORD1N kGr/ * OOcr, Janaaty IS, 1MI John 8. ritewsrt. ad- l*irator of James Miewart, reprroents that Jse 6m fully discharged th??* duties of hts sal i fruit, and prays for letters of dlsmlNston. This It, there fore, to notify all persons c*jncernsd. toshowcansa, S|>4???i'iHi liiikiumN Ifstircs. A CARD ???Toall who aresufferiug from error tod Indiscrstions of youth, nervous weakness, ear- iy de^ty, loo of manhood. Ae., I will sendarrdp* that wUl cure you. FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary In roath America, head self addressed envelope to Rev Jostru T. Ixma* Station D, New York. m??r!4-en *h wkveaw C l ROROIA, FAYKTTRCOOKTY.???J. T. TRAVII JT adarlolstraiorof C. E.Travis deroestd, applle lor letters of dismission from a*ld administration and I will pa** upon said application on the firs! Monday la May next, at my office this February 4th, UAL U B. GRlfiQS. Ordinary. KOKUIA. FAVETTB COUNTV.-M. L. Blrf If' wTili* wise. sdmitiLtrator de boots non of W. L Mavis, apn its for di*mL??ton tri m said adtaln- lstra'lor., ana I w??.U p*M npon said appUcAtlon os the first Monday la Htj * ext ?? ???'q^ j , q5 iik * ??? OrfiJnur- ATLANTA LOTTON Mills, ATLANTA, OA., M ark the hk-*t tint winch and flniRT lues from dean s??rung ootions. Ask your storekeeper for them and take no other. "Atlanta mills s'* ?? 4*he9*tlH/. "Alis a mliU n," y t ??hirv ???vx ???nrmnniLizi* mHitpyrnmu EjiY* ivanaxT otutu^ppi rsuffmanwauikx WIHiiUM 1M??J#lH*9lWipi samp Sill???l??wja asMSisjwr 4i>h9uijim*wiji???? nmuMe'a ssaa 01 as ?????' a 'OJtWrflgao THEBE???S MUSIC IN THF. AIR1 As tho season approaches for a change of ra'men we would sgsiu call tho aitentlon of PHrent* to out LargeHprlngd-ock of Ciys'and Children???s School aud Dress attlts, which aro being sold at very moderate prices It is noeditv* to remind yon that our clothing L well-undo, for that Is now a well recognlzea When you aro out looklog up* throo goods, re* member not to buy till you havo seen onr Stock. A. 0. M. GAY, Clothier, Merchant Tailor *nd Hatter, 37 I???.nclitre. Hlreel, Atlnura, St, SHAFTING,PULLEYS HANGERS, COUPLINGS. J. M. KLINGiSLbMITH, ???GENERAI. AGENT- ECLIPSE WIND ENGINES, | PUMPS, TANKS, Etc. 67 PEACHTREE STREET. AIUXTA. WA. HILL GEARING, SAW MILLSk f CABTOfGM A ND AM, KIND3 OF M ACR1NRRT CA8TIN- /k. E- glnro and other maokln Northern prioro dnpMoated and f..??? Write us for prices before placing yours WINSHIP & BRO., ra.B4.ra aw* ???a.klaUta ATLANTA, - ??? OEOROIg