The constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1884-1885, April 22, 1884, Image 5

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"\S THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION: TUESDAY. APRIL 22. 1884. TtTEUTT: P 4 a WRT METROPOLITAN MEN THE OREAT STOCK SPECULATORS OF GOTHAM. A Talk With Ex-H>jm Wiekham-Tk. Brmark.bte Carr??r tf J.j Go*ild-Rtu??-U Six* a.dusrca W. neld-OUtr rramt^ui llan- Fariooal Falala. [The serin of aketchaa and lllai'ra'lonacontinned In ihl?? number of Tint Coxarrrtrrrn.v are copy righted by the author, and all rights of publica tion In any form are named ] Nxw Vosk. April 18 -Ex-Mayor William C. Wickham, who la now a broker In Wall tlreet, and the head of the home of Wickham dt Il-lstcad, one of the moat popular afecciea of the large claaa of cltlzenawhoapccnlate on margins, talked to me the other day of the phenomenal dnllneas of atock, and without dltcunlug the came he mentioned, aa Illustrating the condition of the market that hla own, among m??ny other concern*, InWall atreet, were not making their office ex pense*. Everywhere one can hear ot the redndlon of expenaea consequent on the atagnatfon of apeculatlon. I encountered at lunch one day laat week four young men who had Juat been discharged by a single house which bad con cluded to dissolve. The drat of May, which la at once the begtnnlcg of the decal year and the clear ing day for all New York will wltneaa many re- movala to cheaper offices, a general reduction of office renta, the wholaale discharge of unnecessary help, aud an unusual number of dissolutions of coparlnerablpa and retirements from the business of brokerage. Seats In the stock exchange have not been as cheap as they are now for many years put, nor vacancies as numerous. The chief underlaying trouble la explained lobe that men bavo ceased to be apecnlaton and have tamed Investors. "The street??? no longer offers the attraction of quick and excessive deductions, which lslhe (diarm for the purely speculative element of those who would be inddenly rich. The number of safo Investments offered hu so enormously lncrcued of late yean that the solid peoplo with a tew thous ands to lay away pm their money and themselves bayood temptation by Investing fn governments or anraly dividend paying Insurance, railway or tele graphic atock, which speculative manipulation never seriously affects. The ???Money Kings" of the country havo concentrated in Wall atreet as the dnanelal center of the union, and have combined, not by any preconcerted plan, but by an unwritten compact dictated by mutual Inter ests, to (maintain Ibe values 01 the Investments in which they have embarked. Thcae are so many and so large that to sustain them la to sustain all securities which are not absolutely worthless. It la cbledy owing, yon told, to tbe cooserva- itira of capital that apeculatlon baa declined and iastagnant. While Vanderbilt, Gonld, Mills, Bage, Field, Mcckay, Huntington, Flowers Porter end others among the balls are held rtsroualble for the lnfl'tlon of the stocks which they bold, they ere credited at tho same time by tho theorists wbo aro of this way of thinking with tbe prevention of the speculation which the bears like Cammach, Heath, Osborne, Woela- hoffec, etc., wonld Inflict on tbe market for tho benefit only of tbe broken. In this view of the altuallon the retirement of Charlee J. Oaborue, from Wall street, bae more than algnlllcance. He la a representative bear, hie home has for many years had tbe pick of the bear speculative cus'cm: heavy gamblers on margin sought hla advice and followed bla play, r Urea, not because he has money enough or because grown old, but simply becanso there is Utils money end Ices excitement in speculation. Be doca not aeek repow, he merely desires to eacege dullness which to a man of hla aotlvo temper ament la next lo death. Ho will come back to'theatreel??? someday; they nil do In tlm??, but it will not be until tho flamee of apeculatlon flare fitfully and uncertainly again. "Charier ??? Oeborne???everybody calls hlmio-la curious combination of the bon vlvant and ahresvd man of business. You cannot offar him too much good wine alter bmlucai hours, but you cannot In duce him to touch a drop, no matter how superior, while the exchaage la open. He la Jovial, kindly and liberal at the table, sod In the acetal circle of ai evening, bnt at hla office or In tho exchaage during bmlnea boars he Is cold, serious, eloce and calculating, trusting few and auspicious ot most men. He is hla own counterpart aud changes hla nature with tho natursof bis business. When he was Jay Gould's broker Gould wee chiefly a bear, seeking to be rich on the false principle that proa- perity muat be built on the ruins of others; now that Gould la rich and a confirmed bull, he and Osborno have parted company, tha latter remain ing a bear by Instinct rather than reason. Bulat the same Ume O-borne???s business asa speculator's broker has left him and he retire*, nl e Gould la getting deeper and deeper Into businesses an In vestor, note speculator, and as such remains the most powerful lufloenoe en the "atreet." JAY GOULD. I have known Jay Gonld tor fifteen yean put And have watched his remarkajilo career tlons, htahabits exeot and regular, bta resolutions consolidated Mall end Express Into a .^tall atreet With great interest, acme admiration and no> a little amesement Nothing In It la qiflta so icmarkable u hla darelopment In the lest few yeara u an lnvaator, aad It U a perm- liar feature of hie career not generally regarded or appreciated. It le a new character In which the public which had coma to regard and dlitrnst and curse him. Is not fully prepared to accept him. Everybody la so accustomed to look upon him u a speculator that the whole city seemed astonished recently, when It became neoemary for him to ???natatn a falling market by a display of hla stock,to find that he had bnllt a vault for hla valuable Broadway, as well u a mausoleum for hla body In Wtacheater. That he ehonld be quietly clipping coupons when everybody else wu polling op margins seemed to grieve u well as astonish ibe bean who lately hemmered Villiud and Northern Pacifies ont of all ahap*. "Ha la ao much of a speculator,??? wrote Collla I\ Huntington, a former friend, that It la difficult to tall Juat wham hla interest la.??? It la tha popular Idea ol lie man, and yon can hear him damned at any honr of any day by persona wbo attribute their losses to fancied manipulations ol bla. Jhe chief characteristic of Jay Gonld la bla per sistency. It la expiaarad In hla face, ha la hud, firm and almost Immovable of countenance; hie ayes never betray hla emotions, If he hu any. and they art not tha windows of hla soul (If he hu any.) Persistency la expressed in his every action, his manner and hla language. lie begins by assuming that yon art ot hla way of thinking, and that yon will nnhealutlDgly adopt and carry ont hr s plana. Tha same qualification la obterved in almost every Incident of his career. He tells that ha ones faltered by tha wayaldt and sought strength la prajer. ???Be was evidently re freshed and strengthened by praying ???aald one who Imagined himself a victim of Gonld," be- cause he hu been preying ever since.??? Hla man ner. cold and formal, bla ipeech precise and can- firm and unchangeable In short, ell hla visible characteristics conTey the Idea that be la of el* thing* doggedly peratatent, Hla struggles In early life bear wlueii to Its possession from birth, hla entire domination of Erie In tn the lime ot tte greatest trouble*, bis gradual accumulation of tel- egnphlo and railroad properties In whl:h It wu believed he wuonly speculating all confirm tho Idea that persistency la hta most prominent trait- Daring sometimes, bnt patience la always displayed. The popular conception of Gould as a bold and reckless speculator aeema to have largely grown cut ot his early operations when awodated with James Flak. The antics of that grotesque figure In finanoe were largely placed to Gould's discredit. Fisk way regarded at the Ume u the muk that Gonld wore the clown whom the magician employed to dlatraot attenUon from himself while preparing bla tricks On ???Black Friday??? of 1889 lr was Flak hot Gould whqloet hts bead and drove hla broken Into In- a??lty. That wu on Gonld'a part leas a specula tion In gold than a heavy investment In grain. He wu trying to force Europe to take its balances In the grain of our fields rather than In the gold ot onr mines; and If control of prices had not been lost tho movement would hevo been re garded as a commendable one, and Grant and all theothers who were abused u Gauld and Flak' allies would have been praised. It la not, I think, generally known Ural Fisk's erratic course in tbe "Black Friday??? panto undermined Gould's coufl donee In hla discretion. Ills lalrson with Mias Mansfield and the pubUthy In lhat connection which Flak courted, Increased bis distrust; and Gonld repudiated and parted with him some time before Flak wu sbal by Edward 8 Stokes. Booming about the Krtectllcc/,In the Grand opera homo, en the night when Gonld wu deposed from tho con urol ol Erie, I found printed coplee of a circular letter directed to all employes o( the road, order ing them no longer to recognise Flak's authority u vice president and treasurer. II was dated several weeks before Fisk's death. To compromise the Erie suits against him Oould made resliluilon of nine millions of dollars in bonds and lauds; It wu conaldered one of the biggest transactions ???tbe street" had ever heard oh and It is said that Gould largely recouped bis loss by bulling various stocks affected by tho Erie set tlement. The Atlantle and Factfio telegraph com pany was an Investment rather than a apeculatlon It does not disprove tblr fact nor detract from tho Interest In It to know that he went Into tho enter prise Involving several millions' tlak to aid hla friend General Thomu T. Eckert, and only discon tinued It aud contented to lla consolidation with Western Union when that friend wu made one the managers ot the latter company. When ho wu reported speculating In Union Paelflo atock he wu accumulating the bonds of that great thoroughfare A friend whovltlied Gould???a vaults In tho Equita ble building wu shown $20.(40.090 of Western Union, and counted $10,030,000 of Missouri Pacific bonds. He did not atop lo count further, bnt rushed off to bit Well atreet friends with the usuranco that Gonld wu not a bear In bla own stocks. Taken Into tho Eleralcd rallwa management originally lo arbitrate between con tending director* ne aeema to bavo quickly accum mula'.cd a crntrolllng Interest in theae roads, aiill holds It, and to day a decision ot tho supremo court relieves him of charges of frond fn arbitration and tecummulatlon. It la very common tohur those who have suffered on ???the atreet??? attribute their misfortunes Gould Individually, and he hu been assailed end threatened repeatedly. Joaquin Miller, for one, blames Gonld for misleading him Into buying Wabuh on margin Juat before It fell off and wiped out tho poet???e account bnt Gould'i letter to Miller wai at plain a bit of advice to buy only u en lnveatmont u could heve been pul on paper. A man arrtsltd a few year* ago for threatening Gould u tho author of hie mis fortunes wu ono of whom Gould had never heard before. I cm told that be felled to prosecute this fellow solely ont of consideration for a helplers daughter of tbe prisoner, whom also bo never saw, aud of wboia dlstrc-a bo cnly beard through the police detectives. Poeslbly Gould occasionally In vests a lltlle In charily of this kind, aa well as In friendship, Uko that he displayed for Iho friend for whom be pot $8,000,000 tn tho Atlantlo and Paedfio telegraph venture. JAY GOULD'S SON OIOIOK. Mr. Gould's son George la ono of the moat prom lelng young men of to-day In this city. There bavo been reports of bis being Inclined to wild nets,and!twuatonetlmereportod that he bad gone to Europo with a notorious- actress known u Lillian Russell, while, u a fact, be bed gono to London on tho delicate minion ot finding out what Bennett and Monkey were really doing about a now Atlinlic cable. George Gr.uld la not even a society young man tn the common acctptanceof that term. He le rather a business man, like his father, and hu many of hla father's trail* and some good qualities lhat hla father hu not. Like hla fethor he la unassuming, without tbo pride ot great wealth, and unlike hla father la candid, out- spoken and genial, and be has none of thesoft sllklneta of hla father In spoech aid manner, aUSSZLL BACK AUD CVECS W. FIELD. Among others Intimately connected with Gonld and forming tha "Gonld dlq??e"ara Russell 8*ge Cyrua W. Field. A wrong Impression prevails of Iheie (women as of Gould They are not end saver have teen apecnlaton; they an inveatenln the same sense that Gonld la bnt they are plgmle* compand lo this col losses and have lltlle of the eoop* nerve aad spirit which Gonld displays In hla enormous ventures. Field la a large Investor lo the elevated railways; Ha la heavily In Western Union, but Las no such corruption of its future and Its posslhlUifce as have Gonld and Eckert ud Korvtn Green. He bought two newspapers a few yetn ago to direct a family boom, and whan they signally (ailed lo nuke a great lariat out ot hla brother, David DndUy, and a presidential candidate of hla brother, the Jostle*, and a public benefactor and philanthropist ont cl himself he mined the organ and now offers It for rale at a fabulous price. Cyme Field Is now every rich men and though verging on reventy It Is sefe to say be will be still richer before be reluclaully dies, bnt it will be by accretion ot bla money ralber than by speculation. He la a man of tail and straight figure in rplt* of bta age. Hla walk la brisk bnt be comes in *ti amble rather than with astride, u If afraid that a full step tunny direc tion might comprombo him, Rnsaell Btge, who la often In Field's company u be la in thd eccompanylng cut, lathe "cheap John??? ot Wall itreet. He does business In tbe style of a pawnbroker, he eella you a "put" or ??????call" or ???straddle??? much aa a Chatham street clothes dealer sella yon a second-band suit with the whispered aisuranco that you have not only a good bargain hut that you are fitted like the paper on the walL Ssge'e ???privilege*" as hla ???pula," "caUa,??? etc., aro de nominated In Wall atreet parlance. aro regularly advertised for nle, acd are considered as "A No, 1.??? He lake* no risk In Issuing them. They are (Imply hla method of lending money at big Inter- ecu If one bnye a privilege of him It la at a point or two above or below the ruling rate of tho day. and Sega at once bays the stcck at the lowest price and bolds It until It la wanted. He takes no risk ol loss In theae transactions, but may make largely by finctnallone adverse to the purchaser ol tho privilege. ruteoHAL rollers. I have been asked if the Illustrations accompa nying these article* are Intended lo be caricature*. They are not, bat represent the men caught on tbe fly es they are to be seen. The questloncrel found In each Instance regarded the cut of Mr. Conkllng in your last Sunday's Isaac aa an exaggeration. II was almost photographically correct ta he ap peared la the Hoyt will case recently. John I. Davenport, whoknowa Mr. Conkllog thoroughly, remarked on the faithfulness wish which ho was caught Inn favorite attitude. The old negro mlnitrel, Billy Birch, wia glvon a benefit recently which netted him about $4 010, lie offered to "whack n p" with Abbey, wbo la to have a $<0.(04 benefit next week, bnt the generone proposal to dlvldo was declined. The former part ner of Birch, David Wambold, who left tho company several yeara ago to die of tn Incnnble dltetae In Florida, wu present at the benefit look ing the picture of health. Tho old aea captain, Johnson, who reacncd Birch about forty yeara ago when wrecked on tbo Central America, wu also present and occnpled a box at tha opera house. Mrs. Frank Leslie and Ibo Marquis de Lenvtlle have taken steps lo deny the rumor that thoy are shortly to bo married. Mr. Tllden'a guarded language In hla letter ol de clination to attend the dinner of the Iroquois clnb, Chicago, In which the only thing that be says ebons hla candidacy la, "IhougbT can no longer aspire to be one of tho leaden In this ires! work (of re form 1 Ud ikoec uf yon on whom (his auimt mil lion may fall God ipeed.???) la regarded here by moet men a* bearing still upon the quutlon whether or not no li In Ibe field, while come profeia to regard tho fail ure to speak positively as only additional proof that Mr. Tlldeo will aocept. If tendered, a com plimtntery nomination. . Colonel Charles S. Bpencor, long an ardent Ar thur republican, arid to mo Ibis morning: "J am rejoicing la the belief that the republicans will not Ion Naw York stato by tho nomination ol President Arthur.??? Knowing hla clow relations at one lime lo Arthur, and to Arthur's present active friends In this dtv, I am surprised at this Indication of defection. General Anson G. McCook, secretary of tho sen :o, once ruled out of She committee of hla own district by tho adherents ef Arthur, ta to bo a dele gate to Chicago In Iho Intercet of Blalno, James Irving, ono of Iho Ihngsof New Folk, with wealth enough to defy (he courts for yeara by so expensive and tedious appeal to Iho highest court, la stout to go to prison tast for an aarault committed several yean ago. living la one of New York'e most dan gerous characters. He wu an alderman once and broke the speaker???e gevel over a fellow member's head. In the assembly he wu similarly rlolont and was expelled. Ono of hla oyc pul out with vitriol thrown at him by hla mlslrau for assaulting her deughler, a young married woman. Simultaneously with Use announcement that he most go to prison comes the cheerful ecoount of Ibngs robbing men on the ferry boats of the North river and throwing tnem overboard to drown. William F. G, euanxs. ALL THROUGH DIXIE. fA Am or TUB WEEK IV THE SOUTHERN STATES. What the Southern Folks are Dolryf???The Latest New* by Mail and Wire to The Constitution. The storm and flood u-ns from Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South and North Caro lina continues to occupy public attention. The criminal record and the list of casual ties will compare favorably with the storm ing of previous weeks. Crop news generally la as favorable as could be desired. The suffering caused by the drouth in Msrrlon county, South Caro lina, Is something exceptional. Nothing',like ???t Is reported from sny other section. Louisisna. The C. D. Hess opera company disbanded In Mexico, and Merer*, Denham, Taylor, Tama, Ap pleby end Kccgh, also Mines Abhlo Carrington, BlucheChepman, Griffith sad Taylor, are In New Orleans. Heaa la In Mexico. Ho hope* to reorgan ize. Good botlneas mull Lent and then bad. The bnffsio gnat is very destructive to poultry, hones, mules and cow* In Polnte Coupee, Louis- TRLBGRAPH1C BHHV1TIE8. Queen Victoria laanfiSring from lumbago. Froth massacres of Chrlatlani are reported In The French police favor iho expulsion of tha dynamiter*. Thera waa an unprecedented ralnlall In Kenrai and Missouri jeatetday. Dr, Oostal Natchlgal, lha German traveller, haa started for lha Congo country. Quartermaster Vielle reports that the Mtastaalppi river sufferer* have all bean relieved. The pope's encyclical la baaed upon Information received from a former free Mason. The cate against Frank Jansen, on trial In nnntr- viilo for Use Muscle Bhoala robbery, la regarded aa weak. Thu house commltteo on reform In the civil service retuae* lo Interfere wish the civil service bill. Arkansas. Gainuyllk, Ark., April 14???Eight persona con* fined in Green county Jail assaulted the Jailer lost night and escaped, after they had secured arms from the Jailer's house. A oouoof fifty cltlaent started In pursuit, and a plirhed battled occurred, In which over 100 shots were fired. A burglar named Ikckman was killed, and other prisoners were wounded end secured, The remainder ee- caped. Tho Jvllerreoclvod dengerona injuries. The wheat crop ot Arkansas generally luoks well- IIol 8prlnga, Arkansas, has an awful epidemic of gold fever. Florida. Thlerce are operating free h In Pensacola, Florida Considerable corn In Waldo, Florida, la knee high and growing luxuriantly. The petcb trees in middle Florida aro lsdou with peaches ready lo color. Between cno and two thousand quorta of straw- berries ore shipped dally from Gainesville, Flo. Tha orange tree* In and around Waldo, Fla., are fall of green frail as huge as bird ergo. If they hold liaelr frals (he yield will bo three tlmce as great a last year. Land has increased in prioo one hundred per cent In Opaka, Florida, during (he past two weeks. Florida stale medical association will hold its annual meeting In Jackeonvlllo, June 4th. The orange crop around PaUtka, Florida, will be greater this year than ever before. Texas, Aureus, April 18 ???Governor Ireland haa Issued a proclamation restoring In the border counties the taw against carrying concealed weapons, which, on account ot tho hostile Ineurelona. of Indians, waa suspended by proclamation in June, 1881. The lovernor declares the law to be In full toice and effect all over lhattatc, on and alter May 1st. Mznsiui.L,Tcxa-, April 18.???Tho smallpox ta spreading. Seven additional cases ware discovered yesterday in the family where Use dtaeaso first ap peared. Galyicton, April 19.???Benjamin Illrsbburg, head of the retail department of Sanger Bros.??? establish ment, waa, at 7 o'clock tast evening, whipped at tha corner of Elm and Austin streets. In this city, by Mrs. Dr. Behnll, who stated aa the reasou that nirahbarg was Urn causa of tha rain of her family, Dallss, April 13.???Yesterday morning a terrible rain accompanied by thundor and lightning via- tiled this place. Tha oriored church building, corner Juliet and Itall street, wu struck by thh winds and completely demolished. It was occu pied as a colored school. Is contained thirty-two pupils. Ten children were Injured, oho fatally. Tho school waa taught by Mrs Ctatrbu Williams, colored, who miraculously escaped, belog caught by tho falling Umber*. She rcoelved alight Inju rtei. Noticing a heavy black cloud and Knowing the laiecurtty of lha building, ahe dismissed tbs school but the building foil before tho children got out A mad bull In Laredo,To xoa, mode an attack upoq the unfinished wall of a brick building which wu eighteen feet high and thirty feel long. Ho suc ceeded In knocking tho whotoof It to tlss ground Over fivo thousand alligator hide* were shipped from OnDge county, Texas, tast week. The brick layer* and stone muons of Lillis, Texas, are on another strike for an advene* In wages from $1 to $4.80 per day. Austin, Texas, (Statesman: Ttiu will make an enormona crop (hla season unlem some wonderful dtautcr overtake* her. The Waxahachle, Ti xaa. Mirror knowe that Hon, Olln Wellborn will he hla own successor. Tho Duetto believe* lhal he will be. Two men at SaLlne Fast, Texan, have killed end skinned M0 alligators. They realised $800 on tho bides. Texu hu 'onr millions of sheep. for**. The Swim government hu resolved to tako st ringent meulro for Use apprehension of aoerch- tat mansion. The steamship. City of Roma took $!,M9 $88, and tha Briitaalc $191,800 sped* for Ruiop* yesterday, total |'LU1,480. Dr. Foliar, ol tb* central Ohio Inaana asylum, owing lo hta great cruelty, hu been uked by the trustee* to resign. The conference terdey In friusknrg, Fa., retailed In wblcn may bring oa a great atria*. . The storeworka of Buck waiter A Co., of Roque* ford. Fa, are lo he removed to Elisabeth, N, J., awing to the continued lnttanidtiion of inelr bands. Oca hundred miner* bare been discharged from the Bower HIU min* oa Charller's railroad. Penn- ???ylrauta, became they refuted to accept lha ooa trade tribunals awud. The Howard society, ol London, hu received a coortcooi letter from President Arthur In which Ibe Idea of a bureau for the collection of ertet nalataUstteta Indorsed. Charles Unveneaghl hu been convicted is con nection with the Great Eutern life Insurance frauds oa the mall* In Baltimore, and wu fined $840 tad acsitecced to Imprisonment for twelve months. Tbe Mluonri, Kanou, end other wet tern con ns have started a movement tn Washington appolntaunt of a Missouri rivercemmta- slon. They aak ffi.M0.440 for lb* improvement ol the rivor. . Oi trait's Lark. From tho Philadelphia Fret*. Georgia will gat $8,240,400of the money distrib uted under tbe Blair educational bill. Geoigla can afford to have pie for dinner from this Ume on. Tennessee. CiiATTAgoooA, April 17 ???II ta staled on good an, thorlly that neither lb* Eul Tennessee, Virginia acd Georgia or tha Western and Atlantia railroad will be ablo to resume tha tblpment of freight from this city to Atlanta for several days Both lion were badly washed onl on Monday nlsht and 11 will taka some Urn* lo repair Use damages. In the mean umo tranaferaan being made at the different points along the Unea to enable passengers to gat ovor tbe road. f reijcu City, April 19 ??? James Bice, an employe of tho Spring City hotel, shot and killed Boae Muller, a negro employ* of iho Erookman house Jut Light. The negro wu employed by Broolrman u a drummer for hta hotel, and June* Rica wu slallerly employed by the Spring City hotel. When the train came In from Cincinnati last night, abont 7:30, a commercial tourist got off, and tho two run ners at ono* made for him, A quarrel arose between Rice aud lha negro, when tho negro raid many hard things lo Rlcerand threatened to kill him. When a collision oeemed Imminent Rice drew a knife end started for him, bnt the negro retreated aud told Rice that ho wonld see him taler. Hta said that lha friends of Rice advised him If he valuid hta IJfelo kill the ccgro, end acting upon this advice Ulcearutdhlmvilf with a pistol, went to tho Brookman houie aodobotlba negro twice through tbo heart. The man fall to tho ground, and Rfea'cooly walked off and resumed his duties at tha boteL file* wu aot arrested. The somewhat celebrated case of V. K. Btovenson re. Iho city of Chattanooga, to decide who owned tho wbuf end Its Immediate approaches on the public itraet, wu to day decided in favor of Btaven- aon. He bad been collecting wharfage from all the staamere, and tho council passed an ordinance vlr tually depriving him of that right. U* broogh anil against tho dly and Use decision of th* court ta that the wharf and iu approaches an tb* private property of Stevenson. The Methodic! church sooth will bavs a $80,(40 cbnrch in Chattanooga. M fsitlifppi. Muisux, April 14.-Grenada, Yallahoaba and Tallahatcht* eonaUc* have loot borsea to Ur* vein* of half* million by the depredations of buffalo gnats this season. Holly Erauos, April 14.???A reward of $3 840 ta offered ter the arrest of the parUea wbo caused tbs wreck of tbe passenger train user Duck HllL The aceddentwu caused by tb* laying of a nUacreu the track. Boosiyillx, Mtaa, April 18???Mr*. Winfield, she wife of Mr. Frice Winfield, gar* birib to triplets??? two boys and a girl-all three weighing 19 pounds. The little ones are doing well. TbelnnaUc asylum at Jackson, Mlatatlppl, ta rcry much crowded, 497 psllcnta fn Fa cure. Crystal Sprlcga, Mbs., ta shipping largo quanti ties of strawberries. Heavy losses of stock in Mississippi, owing to ravages of bnflalo gpats In some districts planting ta seriously Inlet (erred with. Recently there have been several cases of hydro phobia In dogs end cattle around Canton, Missis sippi. Kentucky. Moukt Etiiubo, April 16.???Fifty mssked men went to Jackson, Brrathlll counly, Wednesday night, took Henry KUbnra, white, and Ben Strong, colored, who were confined In Jill there eed hanged them. Kllbnra was charged with tbo murder ot William Thorp lut January, and Strong wu suspected aa being concerned In the ume murder. Notice wu penned on one of the viellme staling lhat all the perpetrators of snch crimes would receive like pnitahment. Kllbnra bad killed eight men. Mount Stxxlino, Ky??? April 17.???Judge Richard Reid, of the superior court and a prominent candi date for the court of appeals wu cowhlded last erenlog by John J. Corn citron, a prominent attor ney. The difficulty arose orer a cue In tho supe rior court, (,'orucllsou claiming that Reid hid not trotted him fairly. When the altercation began*. Held wu In Cornellton'a office, and raid he wu first attacked with a cane and tried lo defend him self with a similar weapon, bnt Cornelben, wbo ta a powerful man, knocked Ike cano from hla hand, and then used the cowhide. He followed him Into tbe alore whore friends Interfered. Jackson, Kg., April 17 ???Wm. Strong with hta 'gang??? of aomo serenty-fivo In number, b in pos session of the town, and asya he trill hang seventy- five of the best citizens In retaliation for Iho heeg lug of Ben Strong lnd Henry Kllburn, one of whom wu * member ot the Strong family, II ta also re ported that he refuses lo let Judgo Biddle hold court. North Carolina. ltai.aroH, April 14???The governor has offered* reward ot l'2C0 tor tho arrest of the Cabanas des perado, Bill Meeks. Meeks ta a negro whose name ta mixed up with aercral minders. ItccaiNOHAN, April 14 ??? Richmond counly con tains 4H,917acre*of land, 78 447 In cultivation, 838 880 In fnreali The pepulotlnu ta cosily ??0.100. There are sovcnty-ilno tcbools, eeveulcca churches, six manufacturing cstabllKmcnta and fourteen po* offices. ClIaxLolTi. April Ih-lbomu L Shields, who hu been confined In Jail lu Hits ell- under sen tence of death tor the murdi r ol Ju. o. muon,lari night made hta escape with thehelpof friendiout- side. Durlag the heavy thunder atoim, Hardy ent a faolo In tbe Jail wall, *Ld enlered and unlocked Bhleldi'a cell, when all fled, making good their etcape. Tberelsnoclneuto who ibe parlies were that rescued Shields or the direction In which they have gone. The sheriff hu offered areward of $300and other rewards will beofiered. CruRLorra, April 111.???In Mitchell court there are four murderer* to be tried. Ray and Anderaon who murdered three respectable citizens of Hen derson for Ibe poaietsion of a mica mine, were to have been tried, hot owing to IhreaU of lynching, II wu deemed nntdvlssble to bring them In until a military guard could be secured. The next cue of interest ta that of Jim Q it sen, who shot hta cousin Joe Queen, dead. On Sunday three woeka ago Jim wu walking home wllh hta girl, when Joe look the girl???s arm and wallaed off with her. On (bo next Sunday Joo tried Ibe ume gamo, when Jim abet him dead. The third oaae ta lhat of a barkeeper who shot an obatreperotu customer dead. Tha Mountain Island cotton mills, in Gulon coonly, twelve mllM wsat of Charlotte, were sold to-day to William J. Hooper, a capitalist of BalU- more, for $138,000. Hooper ta a psrtnor la tho firm of Hooper A Ban, Ibo largest manufacturers of duck end twine In tho Unltod Stales, and It ta ex pected the Balllmoro manufactory will bo removed south to tho Mountain Island site, where coape??? lent engineers have estimated tbera la 30,030 un used hone power, ft ta undoubtedly ono of Iho finest water powers In tho Unltod Stales. A largo and magnificent fsotory building 1* to ho erected this summer and $49,400 worth of now machinery will bo pul In at ouco. Quite a number of new houaea are going op In Raleigh. North Carolina. The North Carolina at*to board of education meets Tueoday. T he North Carolina Blale Medical aoctaty meets In Raleigh. Crop news from North Carolina ti favorable. Tho trull crop bids fair to ha largo. More bulldlugi and handsomer are now under oonalraillou in AihevlUe, North than Carolina, aver before In Its history. South Carolina. Chaslsston, Aprll^.???There Is no truth In the reporta of great dlstreain South Carolina In ooniev queue* of the drouth, bns there ta some auffarizg In Merlon connly due to lut y< Edgefield and sumo of the upper connllca dlalren has been caused by tha losses by Tbe luteretato sabre contest, which took place brre to-day, under the auspices of Ibo Charleston Light Dragoons, waa won by the Georgia lluzzars of Savannah, lha llukall Hangers ot James Island securing (ho second prise. Seven teems of four men cech oonteeted. the winning team* (cored two hundred and five ont ol a maxtu drtil and forty points. Tha Fedso Index, published at Marios, In this stato, uyst Account* from different sections of tho country report many cam of i earned by panona being unable toget bread. There bubcen no year alee i the war when piclalona hare been ao scarce. There are, dred In Marlon county to-day who cannot got enough bread to eat. Tholargial preratl or starvation In some Inal No reports hav* boon rcoc partmout of agriculture giving such a condition In Marlon county. The crepe of hut year woresbori, hut the township correspond* enta in Marion ooonty do notallndetoalackof food. Their ataUmsnta to lha department show that farmers are well np with their work, wllh a good outlook for lb* growing crops The consol idation of nearly 840 reporta, covering every coun ty* state, Indicate ibal small grain prorpccti art very encouraging, and (bat an aversgt yield of wheat and oats ta ezpecfed, TI wheat ta re pot ltd u 94 per cent metes show that Ilf??? cent more be purchased thtaaeawn than lut short crops ef lut year. Ciuslboton, H. C., April 18,- Courier will to-morrow publish i parls of iho stale where atarvailon exist, which utterly disprove th* i The dupeteheicover UteooonUea well, Hampton, Beenford. Orang and Marlon. Tbav coma from we! respondent* and show that there! distress In any part of lha reported Ckaslzxton, April 19.???In th* coart to-day. true bills were loan tlontl Indictment* against Untied Blythe. In the Indictments he li convening money from one fund I atead of keeping different funds; a ward accounts ol th* sheriff of Rid amounting lo $1,013, and credltli _ wllh tho same before It had been paid. Three true bill* In all bar* been found agslnat Blythe at this term. All the cam against tha tax mar shal and hta deputise hav* been continued (o tbe Noramber tent of the circuit court at Columbia. CNSJUW, 8. C??? April 17.???Sheriff Bpofford, as sarts that Boggan Cash ta now In Canada He fays that ha received a letter from Boggan from Merl- dies, Mias., while ha wu on hta way to Canned*, and that b* hu heard from him tinco hta arrival there, stating that he would como beck to bo tried when It tulled hta convenience or pleasure. Spot- ford ta the (gallant sheriff who ; went to the elderCub'e house to arrest Boggan after the mur der of Richards, and who instead of arreetfng Cash got drank, U ta laid, on Cash's whtaky. Spcfford row claims that he had a plan arranged for Ihccaplnrecf tho murderer, bnt that the auto authorities Interfered. Anthracite coal has been discovered on the place of A. Mark, Greenville, South Carolina. Tho meeting cf the stale press of uaoclatlon Bomb Carolina, will be held In Charleston Ibe mlddjeof May. Alabama. BntNnroNAN.April 14???The Ilyion land com pany lsined a loMco to day that another dividend cf 30 per cent upon lie capital stork would he paid on the 21st of April. This will make 30 per cans dividend paid durtnglhls month. Oxnosp. April 34???"I feel foolish about my bead,??? wu the remark ot Iho tick daughter, Min Lillie, of Mr. Smith, u the trrncd upon her pillow. Dr. Christian, Ike family pbytletan, had given her by mistake* dose of morphine Instead of qnfnfne, Despite ell efforts the died from the effect of It. A yeer ago Amos Smith, the eldest son of Mr.8mKh, came to hta death lu Texu from a similar mistake, end a few data later another ton wubrnlallymur- dcred In northern Texas. OrXLigA, Ala., April 17 ???Id Chilton coumy John Pretaley was killed by John Dickerson, a rejected suitor of hta tlx weeka??? bride. John Dickerson and bta brother, George Dlckencn, borrowed Freailey'e shotgun to go hunting. They did ao.and oo return ing together, Ihty approached rretalcy, who wu Handing at tho gate to his premises. Tbo letler wked the Dickersons if they had e, en anything to shoot at. John Dickerson replied that they bad not, bnt saw wmethlog now, referrlog to Pretaley, and railing the gun lo bta thonlder ihot Preulcy through the breaat, wbo fell where ho stood and died Immediately. John Dickerson made his escape, Hta brother Georgs wu.arrested uan accessory and is now confined In the jail at Clan ton. Bibninobak, April 17 ???The National bank and the City hank cf Birmingham were consolidated to-day, and the capital atock will be Immediately lncroued to $280,000. The deposit accounts ol tho two banka amount In the aggregate to $700,0C0. William Bearney, ef the National bank, Is to bo president; W. H. Cameron, of tha City bank, cub- lor. Th* new hank will be called (he NallontA bank of Birmingham. Tho Blimlntbam lnsuranco company, with* paid np capital of $100,040, wu organised here to day. Borne of tho largest capitalists of this city and New Orleans constitute Iho principal stock holders, Huntsville, Ala., April 17.???Frank James ap peared before the United Stale* court to-day. lie eat near hta wife and child. Tho morning version wu occupied In getting the witnesses to. gelber and empanelling a Jury. Too charge against James ta conspiracy to rob A. J. Bmlth, government i Octal, of $8,440 oa March 11.1881 James, Bill Ryan, James III11 and Dick Lid dell are also Included In the Indictment. Three witneescs for tho government bolloved thoy could identify June*, but nr liner of them could swear positively. Gaiudsn, April 17.???Geoigo Coates, colored, who act fira to Jtre Green's houie, whllo Green and hta wlfewereat church, and four children who were left In Iho heuse, burned |o death, has been cap tured acd 1a now In Jail. Threats ef lynching have caused tho authorities to guard the Jail with local mlllllt. An attack upon Iho Jail ta probable before midnight. fjloNTaoNUT, April 18,-Rov. Dr. Fettle, (he highly esteemed pulor of Iho Presbyterian church hero, will deliver next Sunday the ume sermon which he preached fifty years ago, upon bis en trance Into Iho mlntatry. Tho Presbyterians are preparing a filling recognition of auob a rare event. Dr. l???etilo Is an eminent divine, and been officiating In Montgomery tinco iho put twenty lorcn years. Memorial day will ba generally obterved on tho 311th. Adjutant general Gilmer, of Alabama, act ing cblol marshal, ta perfecting arrangements un der iho auspices of tho ladle's memorial airocla- (Ion, OrujKA. Ala .April 18???A negro man attempted to rapo Mis. Chambers, a widow lady living near Mill own, Cbambeneounty, Thursday night. Too black flond wu ciplurcd nud.biought hora for safe keeping. It wu tho third lima ho had attempted sveh - thing on n wlilln Imly. MONTOouaar. Ala., April 19 -Captain A. U Moms hu returned from tho Rbelllald land com- penymectiog. Tho annual mooting hr election of officera lakes placeal 8holllold on tho aaeo id Wednesday in Jano. Tho JJlrmlngbam and Tennwco rivor railroad is already graded Into Franklin county, and sovon mlloi of tho traok i?? laid. Can will entor Franklin county on the flrat proximo, and oa Sfay 8tb, tho day of tho ??a!???? of ih?? Bbtflleld lola, tho railroad will dellror paaaen* gcraat tho Sheffield depot. The only woman editorial writer in Alabama la Ifrt. I. M. F. Henry, auistant editor of tho Green* fillo Advocate. Eufaula, Ala., haa an artesian woll and a cot ton compreaa, CONNU31PTION CUJftED. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in bis Irinds by an East India mlBmonary the formula of a simple remedy for tbo speedy and permanent enre of consumption, bronchitis, enfarrh, astbmaand nil throat and lung n licet ions, nlv) a punitive and radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous complaints, after having tested its wonderful rurntivf i*nwiTi iu thousands of CHM-H, hits Mt it hi t duty t?? make it known to his su(Ferine fellows. Actuated by this mo tive and n dosiro to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desired, this receipt in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using, Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, nam ing thia paper, *V. A. Noyks, 14U rower???s block, Bocneater, N. Y. Olro your children Smith'* Worm Gil, U Tho Ozler Cotton ha* taken more piemlumi, aud sell* for more money thin any other cotton in the market. Hco adrerUMmont In this lame. w Ladixs who regard fasuioh and economy write to tho Kuwihekdt M'r o Co., New York City, for dencripllvo sample* aud Illustrations of Km* broideries, Lace*. Krald*. I???.tichin??s, Robes, Bktrt*, Tucking*, etc., which it BUlle/reo of chargevto any addrea*. ?? flhad are now being caught la ths Alabama river. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel ot peri stength and wholeaoiaenem More tcooomi than the ordinary kind*, and cannot be eoM oumpetition with the multitude of low-feel, tbm weight, alam or phom>tute powdem. Bold em can*. Aghotosale byipjalow