The constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1884-1885, April 22, 1884, Image 6

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6 THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION. ???iclESDAY. APRIL 22. 1884- TWELVE PAGES. ItnlM *r Itatllra. March.. and th?? er ltd. ol tb* war. *t,la* Ibe rmfp nf li-rldentiot battle, or iiorluof tin m??n-h oar toll and sddru. to wh??l jo?? Tr.riu Bteanokr thaw Fxctio*???Tit* cor' respondent:! of the Cioeinoati pipers, writ Ing from Jamestown, N. 0., saja: ''Tbia quaint old placa, wbicb flea in the center of tn* Quaker settlements, was during the war a farorlte reaort of ???refugee*,??? by which name were deaignated tboae person) whose homes in the eastern section of the slate were inside the danger line, or in the counties already held by the federal t(popj. In this sleepy town these found a haven of refuge, and made themselves comfortable, to remain while the war lasted. They brought here their money and the old-fashioned bink stored confederate bonds and currency in great amounts. Toe crasa came in the fatal latlfi, and Suineman'a raiders whirled down sonear that moat of the refugees prepared to fly. A little later the war ended. Toe big old safe, as solemn ????? the gravo and as chary of its secrets, was shut. Hat few of the de positors bad withdrawn tbo now valueless currency it contained. Some ot the refugees had died; others bad been suddenly called away; others, at the last moment, amid all the (xettemeut of the hour, left. The bank a dead corporation, ceased to exist; dying as it had lived, laxily. Years rolled by, each making the o!d safe and its secrets more solemn still, as it at*od cob-webbed In one of the lower rooms of the gloomy old bank building. Humors of its contents being of value began to be created in the fertile field, imagination, and it waa whispered that in its deep recesses lay piles of sound silver, vast quantities of bonus, jewelry worth a prince's ransom, and finally tne conlenia ol the safe became a matter of daily conjee ure. I,sst year the ???boom" in coulederaie boons began, sleepy old Jamestown was insensible to ???boom." That word waa too new. What of Hr But nevertheless two lioary-headed old officers of tho long urad bank Hobbled to it opened the door and entered the n.uaty room, in a recess of wbicb sat the great sale. Tney tried tbs look; it wou d not open A lock- smith was sent for, but even ins elf -its wt re unsuccessful. T ie old men g tye up tlm at tempt, but other, t-iok up tbo work. Keen speculator* beul their hearts on getting into Mie safe. A man, modern in his ideas, said ha would sea that it was forced, but kept bis own counsel. Ou Wednesday last another procession, if so it might be termed, entered the building, one ol the men wito composed It being a man whose Impel bead and crop- E d gave bltu the ia,<ect of a criminal e looked at ths sale. Tito others retired, Half an hour la'er there was an explosion. Hrlurtpng the parly found the dour of the safe open. The titan, a pardoned convict from the penitentiary atltn'elgli, who in by gone day* had been a ???c akeniaii," made speedy work contenting the an Iqtti safe. Tne old man. ex coitvlui, two sp.cim. tors In confederate bonds ami a half do* tt other speculators were in tho rtotit, wlitlo outside were mentions crowd of perhaps it hundred. Theaa'a was ransacked. From its capacious depths were taken out qrillf' (1000,000 ill conf 'derate bonds and iimrly tt,0UU 000 In state b mils, and ns much In eon- fsting g and sta e C trrency. Tho bonds were tied In rolls or In boxrt, and llto name, of the owners could be found In but one o??ic. On a large roll was found tho name ol ???Adam Kxuin. 1H0.1" ??? he bundle was found to con tain IfiOO 81,000 coufedetate bonds. Wi-st the long dead owner bad paid full V??'V? (???r and what h.d been for years so in uclt wns'o B tptr, bail lx come w Nb 50 per $1,000 IIIItCRBIf W ?????* avitHa might seem, lU'Uts finis were even more curious. It waa found that Kilim had gone to Charleston, 8 C, October, 18U.T. and nothing had since been heard ot him. His son, a anldler, had neon wound.d; had married af er the war in Vlr gluts; had come back lo N orth Carolina; died in 1*71; his wife following a yo??r alter, anil their culld, a girl, had been placed in an orplt m asylum. Tho action of tne ex- bank officers were prompt and Just. When told about the girl, so poor, so oesola'e. they sold the bonds on which were Iter grandfa ther's name, and lent the money they brought to a ltaleigh hunk, utility- ing the superiii leudetu of the orpuaii t-s, liim Whets the girl was being calrd lor. The csss is a curious one in all respec's, and is attracting much munition iu the state where- av.r known. Ths girl is intelligent and modest, stnl, though no great fortune c- me. jo her, yet the straugenrsi of its coming g'vea to It fin Interest which would nut urdtuaiiiv Kitsch in It, 'JTbe girl has been sent to a lead ing school, CHEMISTS HAVEALWAYS FOUND The Most Perfect Made. A PURE FRUIT ACID BAKING POWDER. There is none stronger. None so pure end wholesome. Contains no Alum or Ammonia. Hat been mod for years in a million hornet, 1(3 Croat strength makes it ths cheapest. !tC??Crferl^??urilj^tljs^Jtsalt/iltst/n(hs familr loaf most delicious, Pratt it b, 1ht onljr^iuie^tesf. TEE TEST OF THE OVEN. MA*0IMCTVBU> BY STEELE & PRICE, ChioAgo, HI., sad St Louis, Mo. ???aaafertatwa af LagaUe Yreut Own, Or. Prto'a SpadSl rifivorUt MruU, u4 Dr. PrtWa L'??Wm I'stImh. *?? MAKE HO SECOND CRAPE COODfl. NO CURE. NO PAY. AROUND THE CAMPFIRE. CANCERS CURED of 8ontb Carolina, bitterly opposed ft. At tbe claee of tbe war very near the end, how ever, negro enlistment offices wss opened in Lynchburg, Vo. The call for colored sol diers wss msde ths 10th ot March. Rich mond was evacuated April 21. Lee surrend ered on the (Ith of April. Tbe few colored recruits that were gathered in never did any Xervice. \ or CAFITAL PRIZE $75,000^1 Tickets Only Jj. Shares In prsportfos DR. T. LITTLE. A UnUASCt or tua Wab ???Ths at quel of 'ha fatal lose of a ft dual prison, r named Vaptalu R.phael Livingston, who wss a 'pt???.onfr in mm of the cm.federate prisons ml 8ill.hury, N 0 . durlr g the late war, has Just com* to light l).ir ng year of the S H Utlngs???OPi lh ?????? J) the aid uf a pretty rl, manlged to ??? Fe.' hla saiape. He waa ???tyrn shelter by Itl- Mr friend and remained In bis hiding place for a day and a night Prating capture by the confederate prison an- thorities the .scaped s.Idler made Ilia way on foot t' ranch 'he mouuuins iullte weatern part of Norm C.nlln* After many trials and muc-i suffering he reached Wilkes c-tun ty, ope ol the remote counllts of ihitsscu* n Ttj?B was lucky ru'tofiJ to lure jits- R ??????? iln.tin wh i Iswmld hctself in him ami av- sl.t-d torn 11 eludlig the fi inf- derate officers In her nelghbcrlioutT Tne iiai-dunte you g csp'sln msde a deep InipteMlou upon Miss Austin, and a mutual understanding and an engageiueut of marriage was the result. M???ls Austin manag'd to render such assistance lo bar lover that he got through the ???outbrru linra ami m*d" hii way to tua homo in Nuw York, lu 1HU7, two years alter tbeelnre ot the war. Livingston return.d to Wilkes county to claim his bride. During the in terveidng ye.ts Oli.rlre Bird, a young farmer in the ueighborhootl and an old admirer of Mba Au.ttn, h.d c<uue between them and gained the girl's affections. 8 ton alter the young capiam'a reepp-aranoe in Wilkea, he one day suddenly disappeared without leaving any ciue to Ills wnereahoula It 'd and Miss Auetin were noon altrrwanl married, and tha romance ol the l.deral i til er passed out of the mind, ol the Wilkesc-niuly ptople It waa revived the o her night by a quairel between llitd and hi. wile, IU Wliich me list - ler inform-d one ol tite ???i??lgttl<un that lltrd and two other men shot and killed L viugs ou and bis b dg in a piece of wo. pi A negro, who Is alleged to hare ptrticipated, corrob orated the Wife's alorjT. Al> of the accused men w-te B'testrd ami c -minuted lo j it 1 in \Vlikes c-mntT to await an examined -it upon the charge TUe I???.-e surer ., tii'eiise inter, si in that section, where a'l are kuoeu. and where the m???aaing federel ittl.-.r was a great favorale during tua brief and it now appears fatal visit Mrs. Bird is now abovt 31. and is Still quite pretty and of good family connec tions. Colossi. Sounea?? is Tua Was ???'The Fed eral! used the blacks as soldiers very etl et- irety in tbe war. They were reluctant s' first to do, so but finally adopted the policy. But ths oobfederates could never get tneir own consent to do this. Tuere were soma Very strong leaders who favored it. General Cleburne urged the manure presi dent Divis brought it before ilia congress in , Geurral Lee was said to recom mend it Borne Georgia ??? ffictrs, lociudlcg Colonel J T Jordan a member of the present general assembly of Georgis from Hancock county, petitioned it But there waa as de cided a public opinion against It that it Wr hav<* ??? pctif orrr 11100.000.00 In drfeni f ur rtalit to tlio Durham Hull a* oar trail^ui ???ndotilrtrdly l??>- lx today tlm moat valuable 111 In Uie wttrltl Now It etaudji to rosanti that i hnreo, nf which Iw* la tlie repreaeaUnve, wan tho Naiokluc Tobacco ever mad The aalea of BUrkwrira Hull Durham Hmnklng Tobacco far cxt-rel tboee of any oilier brand In Um world, himply Imuso It haa (???rm, la. and will lit, the bout that can Iw made. All dealnra have it. Look for trttdowwk uf tho bull uu every fackatfa jaa mmm. HEBUF H ??rL'jifiU K)H Kpllnpay, OlUVul* aluiia, /*<??lilng Slchwu % S .Vltiw Dance, Alcohol* frm, 0|ilntn EaU in-r, SvphUiis, StTofu/ji, Kinfft AVt7, Ugly Woo* Dljoaffoa, r.???.f, NtirvouMieaa, 3 UK sntiVefMj ; Khcu mat U??:i, A itiwam iroiAum, Hi obi Worry, J??Mm &orr\ fhihMMAcr^, NcrvoiM I???ru.-trutloM. iiulttfy Trouble*%iud InrvruLriUat. (I.U*. r*nt*1t??!o TcffitllUWItlltl.Na ^(A.unnrllau Ncrv inn Is vrotidew.??? J)r. .1. <??. Mrlscmolit, AlexanderCltjr, aVla. ???I fuel U lur duty to recoin me iH l>r. I??. V, lumthllu. Civile,E??n*n?? '???It cured v. Uc ro Jihratclm* failed.^ Iter* d* A?? Jt2dle?? Bearer, Pa. t CiJ*Carrcttvontleure* f??v*iy aiuirrrril*'l??* ???'*. S.A. Richmond Mid. Co., St. l050?h,Mo. w Tor and clrrqlara ????nd aiornp i ???> AtPrtisslsT.. C. Y. trill*"'-'", '**??'??? V. r. DR, STRONG???S PILLS Yhn Old, Woll Trfod. w IVomlorful Honltlt Ronowlng Romofilosi * STIIOHG???S SANATIVE PILLS SS&SSffi&d t<ur,frint th* btood, - l*ci iw*t euro D??r u%ll|sullew MUd ti)??pfp??la. Kumir?? hcaUhf op- AfRtlsB; .. b si sin III dcItCMlM thr nrrrotnig) it??HL 1??? c??4 h*mli*ekc, STRONG'S PERTOKALfllU .t it... I, V.J. a ????? anil rlf.vuiat vu. A pml??m ?? - hmaln, *e??ih tmr an! braciaa thr neromvt) ??tria and livtaartgor and h??anb to trtrjrh??>r*??,f thabqd|r. Bold jrr.^srH MANHOOD RESTORED. A rfrttni of oarty ImpnMloaro. ranaioa narvooa dobtl- *- prrmatnra dr' ??? ???- 1 atham HL,Nai "OE&Vt OLIMBING THE SPIRAL STAIRS. larlilbla Arrhlirrlttre In a New Eng* land I'araonacb "Yds" tha said, 'oar children aro marrtadand foua. and my husband and 1 Ml b? oar wlntor Art much u no did beforo tha UtUo ones camo to wtdan tho clrela. Ll(o ts Bi>aicthlng Uho a cplral atalroaia, we aro all ihotimo coating around over Ibe spot wo ataiud frost, only out dcgieo further op thesraln " "That ta e protty Illustration," remarked hot friend, musingly, gating Into tho glootng coal* which raotatod a pleasant heat from tbo many* windowed etove. "You know wo cannot atop tolling up the hill, thougn." "Surely wo cannot aul for myself I don't And ft nil wldi that neciwaliy provided tho advancoln life ts not attended with calamity or suffering for 1 have bad my abarw of that. N-n long since *ute. I waa languid, aio lltt-e and that without enjoying tt. and nad'uos ret g??h or amUtl<>n to peiform ???*??????? my light boutcbold duUea. Modtenl fitle.* to react* the *eot of the trouble. The d'N-aee. which seemed to b?? wtakt ros of a'l the vital oreans, progiowed until 1 had soverwl stacks witch mjr physlcisna prououncod to bo acute enwgce??t??*n of the nom *ch The last of thfi??o wsa a deep*rato strugKle a d i w as given on to die. As (ho cn is had partially pawed, my bos*s..t he an* r| Uie moil a of r%utfi??:H'fs TOMir mod luvtgorant la S????t ??? ten cow a?? mine 1 took ft and felt lu goi*4* at ooco It eppssrod to po vadomy body as thouab tbo bl 'slna of now life nad c me to Taking noother mcdk'no I|co. tinned to tm* e. vuu - m for a ??? t??ct 1. r??ry Point M Baptist chuck, Ooldkrook, MaaaachtuMis. WeaKNeryousMen am ???mamaai obn Whose debility, exhaneted WffPj premature demy and failoro to, perform dudes properly are caused by errors of youth, etc., will lind a perfect sod laatica restoration to robust he M ltC ??? InNtrnmenU. Thte treat meat of .... teajsssihsui raeeeeefal because based on perfect dlaanost^ ???ewr nnd direct tncthods and afaeolnto thwrl ouKhnese. bull information and Trestles free. Address Consult ina Physician of MARST0N REMEDY CO.. 48 W.14!h 8t.. New York* Ilcbliity V Maaheed ???md Decay AfsrortU prsscrtptlen of a noted apedsllst (oowro- Hiods) DrunlsU ran fill It. Address ON. WAND A CO.s LOPXlIAIfAaMflt FREE^^ 5 ^^ Blroog Ultu tk??t It will soy gaffisrar s trial psrkt ?? rsrslf.* ot IS rents P"7"'??* wswBfif. ism, MU004,fiW. v????ee pmetretloe, Um resells efiMlecretleM, ^eMereeycee^meaSyN III VITA; lit will ears eeeeyesM ymrapig bm le Mod ie FOR TRIAL BITTERS, ,'DwweW??, DiankM, trrm aW*Ana! w! u! s: ?? i !*n. ft'.k Is^uvaOrgfiat. A f??* 4rwy, trntmrtsSshsUsiSsMf ??? lUMildwMM. M4 w sU nasw drink*. Try II, s*4 SWIlllfi ??? lj7f??rVMH??T v. vsnmuni, cou mrst, US JtHOA.ltWAT, If. r. A Speed? stni Pafnlesa Out4 for the Oalur.i or Morpitlni Habit. Our, bUIMIUNf. AiTrtn a S.b.aSaHKi,t.i omma. m cancer Ths dorclopment of tbs troiUnent ot Culcw with Swift's Hpcciflo sei-m so woudciful ihtOn soaf- filclsd aloulfi writs us. CANCER FOB FOURTEEN TEARS* Ppnrtsnpnrg.e (!., Match It. ISM. I have for fourleon jftra been a aiifiartr Irom a i* in rlv-tl>r rra o-ed. I loci Ukt fori, rear, bad been lifted off my bead. Your. thtukniUy, ELIZA TINSLEY. aiMnn-r. will toon be ??? well man.'' Mr IV. n Bobl'nn, Oivlsboro, Oa, writes under data j.uutrjr 9. set: "liu leilln,on finely, the nicer is giadusllr healing. I Ice) Ibat Uarlft???. ""eclfic will core the horrtblt esnerr that tsa been Ivadltg v?? mi IrCttt iweuly yetn." Mr. w. li. Si'brrl. Ci .aj. "A Kent (man named Mooro, rear ihiaclty, had an cailurteiiiHron M?? fu*u, which had latett away bis nore* and hit under lip, ami had extended up until It had nearly rvsebed hu eye. The dihcf r w ss eating his gums and had render, d bis nethio loose that hethoUKht *l??ry might at any ilato dtr p out. He hat bom teklng Swift's 8>'??vlflo about tnrec months, and |is?? tV. ct has been wo: derful. It haadilvuu the poifiou fr.>m his system, the cancer has ht-alcd grraiiy, his ucth have become strong again, and he thinks be l as b*cn rcrcutd from au awful death, lie Is the rnotl cuthumaa Ic man \ ever mw." Louisiana State Lottery Cc ???Wa In Saak, rarffe imi .am???ua... Company . DnwUup t .,_J same are conducted wtu hnnetty, lalrnea Mod good fstlh toward oU parties and wo sathorij i the Company tb tua tUs oerttfl ??i??i with fap-shnlles of oar ilgMtorss attaohad la lu adrsrUscinonts.??? CommUsloncx*. InMrporatcd In lltBlorU yearsby theLogtiilatart for EducaUonsl and Charitable parpowa-wIOi s caplt Sj??PJLS , r. 000 l? 00??? t? ffhlfb ?? resorts fand ol over 1560,000 baa sines been added. By an overwhelming popular vote Its franehli. was made a part of toe present Stale Canstitafia: adopted December 2d, A.D.. 1*7*. The only Lottery ever voted on and endoned by the peopleof any Bute. .* .. *t never sos'a. or postpones. Grand Nlnirln Nniobcr Droning, will takepiscemonlhlv. A SPLENDID OPPOBTUNITY TO WIN A FOR TONE. FIFTH GRAND DRAWING. CLASS E IN THE ACADEMY np MUSIC, NEW ORLEANS TUESDAY. May 13, 1RHS???16NID Monthlj Omwlnx. CAPITAL PRIZE, $75,000 tOOsOOO Tlekrta at fire DelUre eli Frwetfesa* 1m Fifths fa rmwifw. Liar or taixm l CAPITAL PRIZB^m 2 FPJ3K3 OT IKJ00 5 do 2iX)o....~.. V??? do I0OQ 2Q do 00 do ??0... M CO do 100........ ??? W uu CO do 45....^. aM*X0XIM4TI0!f TKTTK1. % Appro*! rc??C03 JVJlM .Of t???nO t do do 6CC ??? do do 250 95.00C 10, OX Sw 10.0(3 19,OX 10,0C* W.W W.0W aw ??,00r *,7U 4,80t 2,%f I.-M7 rrlsct. amonnting \ppllcU2ct, lot rauw to clubs tthonld bom-cfv y lothft often of tho Company lu W*w Orleans -Vir farther Information wrrite dearly, giving fnli addrea*. Make P. O. Money Orders payable nnd address Registered letters to NEW ORIE4NB NATIOlfAL DANIS, ??? . . New Orleans, La. FofffAl Notes and ordinary letters by Mat! ca Express (all turns of 95 and upward* by Kxpro* At onr exponas) to BRADFIELD???S THREE GREAT REMEDIES! BRADFIELD???S Female Regulator! WOMAN'S BEST FRIENDI A Specific for all diseases of the womb and nterine organs. THE MOTHERS??? FRIEND. Quick and easy Childbirth. An inestima ble boon to Cbild*bearlng women. RYOR???S PILE OINTMENT A safe, speedy and permanent care for Pilee. New book Jojt published sent tree to all applicants by BRADFIELD REGULATOR COMPANY, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. 256TH EDITION. PRICE ONLY $1 BY MAIL POST PAID. LADIES !I does for yon In t- IS"SHOPPING -??????w .????? yon in Nrw York.w1*h tMta end economy, by wrtUnatomKR. n H. JOHNS, 107 Weal Fartlelb Nireet. New Y ark. law T. MILES & SONS MANUFACTURER! CUSTOM-MADE SHOES HAND AND MACHINE SEWED WEI/TS AND PUMPS. FINE SOFT UPPERS'* PLIABLE SOLES. For sale st RETAIL, through Mall or Express, by MILES BROS., No 023 Filbert Street, Plillnf1el|??bln SPECIALTIES LAWN TKVN13. . CLICKK , AND BICYCLE SHOES. DR. W. A. COOK. (Inst returned from New York Hospitals.) Devotesblmwlf to the tnw'mentnf ceuc*n>, skin dli-'ues, and (enlto-urinarv troubles. AddnsaLS Marietta itreet, near lo ibe captiol, AUabU, (la. wky 8m SMITH'S EXTRACT OF MAY FLOWER, The Cap Sheaf of the Chemist's Skill. Tho Croat Remedy for all Diseases of tho Bladder and K!dnoy9. Thi. 'Remedy ha. Hood the ten of time, hse been weighed in the scales of public opinion, and fo^day has ??n army of men, women sun children, who over their own signatures bear fcstiinony to its curative properties. Some have been cured ol Diabetes, some of Bright's Disease, some of In* flammation of tne Bladder, some of Catarrh of the Bladder, some of Incontinence of the Urine, some of Lcucorrheea, or Whites, some of nain?? in the Back and Loins, some of diseases of the Prostate Gland. Tor all T)liea*e?? arlnlnyfrom a disrated State of the Mad'trr and Kidneys, this Itemrdy stands without a rtnil, Without a rival in the number of cures effected i without a rival in the purity of its composition: without a rival in number of bottles sold* Ths annual sate of Smith's Extract of M^y Flower ex ceed* the sales of all other Kidney Remedies com bined. DU. ELI IVES, says: "That in many nggra- paled cases, where lbichu had failed to produce my benefit, May Flower has effected a /r-rdy Dire." DR. J. II. BIRD, sayn: "I have found May Flower token remedy ior ai) Kiduey c^mpLint*. br superior to Buchti or Juniper." DR. H. F. MARTIN, says: "May Flower rt?? more promptly in all diseases of the Lladdtr amt Kidneys than any remedy which has come uniAi mv notice. *' DR. BENI. H. LONG, says: "I have foucs! May Flowrr exceedingly beneficial in my treat ment of females. DK. VINC. D. HUYVETTER, says: "With out doubt May Flower is destined to work a revo- lufion in the treatment of disease' peculiar to the urinary organs." DR. KING, in ium| paid a merited tribute to this remedy. 356 King's Dispensatory. A number of authorities might be quoted, but there are none more eminent than the names above. In Addition to these authorities, a living I tost of 60.000, whose certificates are on file In the office of the proprietors of this remedy, bear testi mony to its virtues. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUG6ISTS. Manufactured only by S. B. SMITH & BRO., Covington, Ky. If you are afflicted, send your address toS. B- Smith ft Bro., Covington, Ky.. for a treatise oq Uiw??w of the Bladder and Kidneys. Gossamer Garments Free To eny reader of this paper who will agree to show our Rood* ant) try to influence naira among friends we will arend poeipafd two full six* Lsdlta' Gossamer Rubber Waterproof Garment* as samples, provided you eut this out and return wi'h 25 ???????. to pay coat, po-tage. fto. EMPIRE MANUFACTURING CO, Wmiirnbiirg. N Y. ??? Treatise ou bloi4 and akin (llttkat* mailed free. THE SW IFT SPECIFIC CO. Drewev *, Atlauts, Go. New Yotk oB t. 15* W. 2*1 SU. bat. ??tb and 1th AVt. ??PSP5 t (BVaSZj . (Arm.) V tLKCTHO-VOLTAIC BELT end otter Eucmo 4 ArnuwH srOseni *??n A) IJejs??? Trial TO MEN ONLY. YOUNG OR OLD. who are suffer, ing from Kiavova Pkmutv. Lost Vitautt, Wast! vi ffiiKsnux an-t all those dtaease* of is |*b**a>*al Nxturb. resulting from A??w* and OntRR OiBWS Bprrdjr n ll.d and eompleta rasLsratUm to Hkaltr, Ytnou and Maxuoop UrsRkNrrrn. Keiut at cues for Illustrated Pamphlet free. Ad Iress VOLTAIC HELT CO., star.hull. dffc??l GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1878. BAKER???S Breakfast Cocoa. Warranted ubujlnteta pure Coeins, (him which the excess of OU baa been removed, ItbsUrM limes tVe ??tr*ngt\ of Cocoa mixed with fitarek. Arrowroot or Fug*r a aod la therefore (kr more ecoaoml- caL It U delirious, nourishing, atrergihenlag, easily digested, and admirably adapted kt lavalUa aa wed a* for pereoas la bcahh. Said by Craeers atarywhcra. . BAKES & CO., D AUr* liu. DISS0LUH0N OF PARTNERSHIP. HE PARTNERSHIP HERSTOFORE EXIST. _ ing bstw.en McCumb,, Meakln A Cn. U tbit dajdiuolvsd by the retiremmit at Mr J W Msa- kin. 1. M. McC imba Ucaaywl with Urn ssuls meat of the affairs of the firm. J. m. McCombs, AUanU, April 9th. 1*81 NEW FIRM. I , . . irmad a p>rmer-htp with Mr. -.enrea TUtlor, of Rmion,, andt-r the arm ot McCGMBS, TAYLOR A CO. and will cm'lniie .hakHalnaasnl iku I Tl lV1???l Vf U I MUMP tVORtT-J tbe hnidaeasof tho ATLtNTA MACHINE WORKS tt) all its various branmes. and ra*pectluilv aolLlt tbe patronage so liberally bestowed upon Porter A Meaxln, and the late firm of Met! mv. Meaklu A Co.' J M. McCOMB???i, Atlanta. April 9tb, 1881. F. M. McCOMBL d wkv2 DIAMOND SPECTACLES, I, SMITH a tta. Mm Aft'w rstailm, I EfiROKS OF YOUTH. rntcriptlon Frrt for iho vnsedy cure of Nnrmus De- W.iy, f.W itfaabcca, and all disorthrm Imn -til on by fncii-crntUma nr evc.xd<Aa Anv Dniqgirt bns ths |a?? ^dtauta AMm??a rie VO., Nos Wtw??H. Orw V"iH $250;; FOR SALE. Then nsetodre are mannlaeRired from "MINUTECRYSTAL ruBBLEH" mellrd loirik.r, and are called DlAMONDan accoont ot thalr hard- D *?a'?ng'b??cn*M??rd with ths polaris??pa,-ths 41a. msnd Imres bare bren found to admit fllican pai 4ms ??? iajnedti ipmacls*. Mahntaciared kj lbs BPENCSB OPTICAL MA8'P*EQ CO.. NEW TORS ' Tor sals b j reipontlbls ifsnu ta avar* dtp la thr Ualon. FREEMAN & CRANKSHAW, Jewelers aid Opticians, an sola t*tna tot As Ian la. Oa. tu. Ml hav a vale wa'aa ran M tbe trademark. tunui ??*?? U'Jinui*! -U roitr n*l cAsh business ol ??fi6,000 to fiQ,0C9 1 will smII my entire property lti tbo town of Lu thersville. cnnxtsttDg nf .store ei>d grocery houve dwellti g house with st-ven rooms, good b??rn, nice orchard and three acres of rich laud, all welt and conveniently arranged. Flue a bools and oburobe# and good morals, ibis being a dry town. Object ftw selling ta to change bnstness. ion my son with 11 irtfcntaia ALBRIGHT. TUB DXKGEB & COXAH3> CO???S DEArriruL f.u:r.tit.ooml\o w HCISES Tha only cauuatslmwnt rookfos n SPECIAL Satabfoom .L-ii fpfriiw??-J j, noatp*id.toan r roaLufflra li* B1, ??? C;S I CURE FITS U Am I re??r rtiru I ??i??!??????-( uimii itn*re>ry (<?? ??t??p tfiem ??? autlthi aU???KNfaa O onle FOR SALE. ME FIGHT HORSE ENGINE OS SKIDS. ONE ANTHONY MURPHY. ptOST Bn iabi r FOOD , chilt^ 1 tkckst DIET Sfiff afflf THEC0MPLETEH0ME.fTK! , !!SS3 I baak. N???? ??t t*??a-Sew Ka4tac??.???New tliastraiieaa ??? hum mew Aetignu *>~t<rt iw sotcra W- Ssmm Uw prve. MmW ta aC . Uvws. Vila st ?? ,-V. Acanre ( ???*->; tag wr). F-X.CBU.Bxr TbbMS. TW tv4-?? Ss pro*phM????f??t HS??ret. BOV. U.F lOHXSaJMaCO.IPuMsmSt.lUctk^^ri Vvgaus. Alsa auset graad .vrethcmraturaacaln, Im.- t- ???a i.f ViT?*. KPII.Kl'^i , ptM'tr. 1??srn??i,t n't JWvHtireMjthsps hava fsl'wl ???????????? wrev. tvlng areira. At omc ??? f.??r a trvattM I ttava marls ths dU* k'ree H.<rtte uf tuy inf-mMa rrnnstr. <J|r^ Wsfirm** and f* tHBa-a. It frret'r.Mi nothing a trial, and I wlllrnra t."t* A ldnros l??r It. <). HOOT, tUlVarlKt. b*w Vnrtt. THESOUTHERN AGRICULTURAL works ELIAS HAIMAN, Preeldcnt, Are prepared to do all kin ot JOB WORK On Machinery. Blacksmitbing and Casttreof even rc*crip'i<m. Preunut at^auou Urea all week, Pricva moat reasouabla. Plow Pariarv ??? Varlatta Rtwai n M town BIT Com-Kill* and Ulilcosex *t.i. im* THE BEST IN THI WORLD I SAMPLES OF MEAL SENT ON aamCATION. Endure. S.W Mllla-aed a!\ kind .ol MarMuarj at lowe*. prtsre. Addreas, PERKINS >??08., Atlas to, K??0W THYSELF, A GREAT MBvICaL VtOBK. ON MANHOOD* Tzhausted Tpaiitv, nerroas and physical debit* lly. premature de:.ltne in man, errors of youA and tbe untold miseries resulttr.g from inditcre lions or excca???rs. A book forever? mas. yonng middle aged and o'd It codtsiea l?5 preccrlpslon- for all acute and chronic dlwtses. each one of which is invariable ??Jo found ny the anthor, whose experience for twenty year* Is suce as prob ably never be:ore fell to rhe lot of an? phydein.. Three hundred pages, bound in oeautlfu F.-eftt*. maslln, embodied l overs, full gi'.t. guirtu?ejr0 to be a finer work lu every ecus?, tt???chtnicil. library and professiotisl, than anv otaer work sold ??? ??. ttrlJ conn try for $2 50 orthenio???e^ will be Dfnndea In every instance. Price o^.???y II by mV.,, -ta; pt 4 3. Illuvtrative samples *<x cen t, tend now. iold m?? dal awarded tne authr.r by the Nationv?? ???*.!??? at* c??l axsoGatlon. fo t???.e fll.r>r> a*, which on rr -..ri Tbla book fbouid be r**??d by the jo ins f-t in struction, and bv tbe stT'vel for relief. It will benefit all.???In'-duu Lx c t. There Is no member of aor-tet? to whom fn * t book will not be u??vfu-. whmher youth,ra;ea(,guar.(laa* instructor or ctarg*ro*a ???A rg.x>aut. Addreea the Peabndy N>>dlc<il Institute, or Dr. W. H. Farter. Ne. 4 Bulanch street oxfou, Ms??s., whomay becoTisuttcd ou aU rtwvia rtqufring skill and * xp??*rie-.c??. Ctircnl*at'd obsd ???a'e dis ease# th??t have b^ffl jd the skill pTC] AT.^ * 51 otear physicians a so??-ci*tiy. sq???.k treated sucoeMfnUy withevt T LJ ???V???a???^."s:T .Ti 1 an lrtr??tTH*nf fslltire ** A O...I I .IJ? on the fint Tuetdav lu May next, before the court boose door of said county, within the mual hours cf sale, and In the mauner prescribed bylaw furconddcdog tsx t-ales. the following wild lands, situated In raid county, and seven 'i? levied upon by virtue of tax fl fax taxied by L. L Bags,tax col* lector of Miicoaoty.*??sir'??t each lot and fractional lot respective??, to aatMy state and county taxes for the year 18s3 fowl*: In the first dUtr.'ct lot rumber 65 In the second dtatrnt. lo s numbers 82 h0 58. 167.1*7 Iu the third dis'rict, lo*# num* ben* 17. % 4i. 8?? 91. 1C?? 113. and fractltcal lot number 78. In the fourth dtatrta' lr*c*Sens 11st number 78 la the firth district. Id's oumoem 60, 11'2 and frsrtlouNf In: uumber 98 in tne sixth 0 ivti i^t c.f origin nil* Habsrtnaro, uow tUbun, lota nnmberr SO. 5i. tb. 79 and frac tonsi !?????:?? numbers 3s. *2 * in the ttiirtretnb dintrlct ot originally HaberFbam ccx Rsbuti. lo???/pinnnerrOi 6\ 17aand ftsc ionai ???ot* r>mnber?? 13*, lO'J. iTo, 171192. Terms cash. March*27 h. 18si a. B. WALL, HncrtfT. court hrnpedoi.r in s*l(1coon>y within the legal bourvnf mletothe h???gbea' bidder for ca>h. the fol lows g property to-* i,: Oue tract of ! ar.d b ing in Mid Cour t?, belt g parts *>f iota >oa 79 sod 80. and I?lrg fn the rtcoud district of Milcounry, coutslu* Ing sixty ein-a. more or hr* audsdjolhit g landaot Eamue) 1*. Qn??eD, Johu W Q.icm atsd other?, nad being tb* pisce where Julios finiue* now lives. Faid lat d leeud ou as tbe proper!? of Mary Ann Gaines to wttafy three cos; fl fas from tho niperior court nt said count? In fav??rof W J Ledbetter. T. I. L??db j, t-*r a*'8 |.. 0 (| L dbrttter. egsinet Mid Mar? Ann Gaines Write*" notice given tenant in po??- MiaioQ. April 18th, 18*4. A B WALL. Sheriff* s KURGIA, PsYKlTK COUNTY, 8HKRIFF'd sales???w I I beso'd before tbo courthouse door town of Fayetteville, Fay otto county, be?? the legal hours of tut???e, on tbo first Tuesday n Mav. 1881. the following rfencribwl property, tow wit: O in pair of black mules about fifteen hands Irish, tux ppoaed to be seven yoxrs o d. as the property of Gaio# Westbrook. t?? milnty a mortgage d Im ta med from Fayette superior court In favor of t Bennett vs Gainey w??t 4 brook. Property pointea out in said morgage and sold to utlsfy the same. I. J, if. CAHL7LB, ShcfifT. ???10 A DAI.F SAVKD. TUL CLARKE BEAD UOf- TON CLEANER. The Cleaner prepsras the cotton for the rtn by removing the sano, dirt, dun and loose trash. It ???eatly Increaaca the quantity and ouality'of tha nt. It will psy or luelf In half a day???s work on laht bales nf cotton* and give# tacreaaed profit# ta 11 who handle cotton. Ag-nts wanted in all unoo?? copied territory. For further information call oa our local sgt-nts, or address im adl-u aiii???h nnTTnvi re THE BEST m THE MARKET! 17 Different Sizes and Kinds LEADING FEATURES: h Double Wood Doors. Patent Wood Grate, Adjust*- bio Damper, Intcrebangcablo Automatic HbelL Broiling Door, Swinging llcarthplato. Swinging Kluo htop, Bcvcoiblo Um Burning Ixmg ('mss Piece, Double Phort (Vnters Heavy Bing Covers. Illuminated Firo Dimts, Nickel Knob!*, Nickel Panda, etc. L'ncqualcd in material, in Finish, and in Operation. Fend for Deticrlptlvo Circular to HUNNIGUTT& BELiNGRATH Cor* Peachtree anil Walton Street#* ATLANTA, CA. r??o? a #????????? t-aounts fleh worthm tor ua W?? Lfttrm bo* sum tmry M laaro-paying largasaaMaf a??oo^ . ta proCu Krurr oea VnUiag H ; work can gat rtek Man.womcaaai , _ ere?? bar* and stria, traautktag for 5 .BlMareren ?? .S-S3* T S iS'S! KTALsS! - Y ???^.*7.Va^, r ??Vi2U: ! U*SS^ s- SOLID SILVKR STEM WIND1N . FULL JEWELED GENTS' 8IZE WATCH FOlt $.2 50 fULLY QCARAXTtKD. Thtaoff^r mAdeforiJOdays only. Goods sent by evpresaC. O. D , subject to inspection beforo pur* phasing. J lMiTMYF.Mft A CO., JhWFV.r.VtU, ATt.ASiTA. GA. C- FAY???S CELEBRATED S WATER-PROOF i; MANILLA ROOFING 5 1L-Pa*!ublf4 Ana leather: for the!*. Out-!Jr Wail*, aj;.! t ,??<1?? ??u v of K-V-r. \esy atronif and tUraiile. f???abucvwe with tcatiuio- C tilals and ???aoit'b-* !???!t I.E. K-t.*bin*Inti pea. C \V, II. FA V *V <????.. (f m.lrn, N.J. I Agents wanted to take orders for our ???LEGANT portrait made from small pictures of ail .Set d lor terms. 8. 0 Tillman ???Auburn, New Yoik. >rour AITLJ i store ^ ??? m ml ?? *so. t. fut AMm tor SIS,* SA4S beteeh Sbot Oan (ot stu, slit .... OlfUttu far tv. a |t> Ms#te L DON???T! Uf* (4f Slt.oo. '??? # ft I |~ C M k*i aayat UmW ???Mape??rru<to I UUii. if/wu*#??ua. tars **a??aa wm that wtu |??| Q aiM Kjr.r.i*<i*2ii52s3a2 w A NT ???agwaafWauaaa,aatfaact!agBaval> W fflllg r^-|wo_NtD tvisss^^'i?. 0 .^