The constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1884-1885, April 22, 1884, Image 7

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Tip weekly con .oXi TUESDAY, APRIL 22,1884. TWELVE PAGER. TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE |g??3f THRILLING EXPLOITS AND PIOT URBS OP STRanou [,>nDS. omes perfectly clean, beautifully white.xrarT' llre - The ballet came from behind end vc-i flexible.., 'IN O.Sjt. Willard's party promptly returned 7 ;|.. domtsiio nutranere of these powerfu wr .e fire._ wounding three of the robbers, Dials are not mucb\lriiO??n. The ??? ~ " August; and such ia the atWlmient of the I drew into a store, taking with them the dead pair, tbit if one is killed, the iwJw remains I body of O???Hara. Ashby and his party then fondling the dead body, and wilt suffer itself I blazed into a crowd of innocent cow-boas to be killed rather than leave lb Toe females standing near. They wounded one, Harris, Hurting the Polar Bear. ???The I???olar bear I retire to their hybernation about Christmas, seriously, and killed Cunningham. This i. ..n??r??tlv from to elzht feet lone Th?? oooneror later, according to the season, cowardly proceeding was due to Ashby, who is generally from ax to.eight feet long. The These are of ten excavated ft the snow, and thus cringed himsSlf for an old personal fur is long and wbite, with a tinge of yellow, I the animals remain dormant in them till I quarrel between himself and eome cowboy, which becomesdarkerastheanlmaladrances about the first of April, when they come I The snow was falling heavily. Darkness in a"e ??? the ears are small and round, and the I fbroad with their cubs, usually two in num- came on, and Ashby, severely wounded, 1 7tTinhahRs,???dt .m b#r ??? whieh are then about the size of rabbits, with Campbell also badly wounded, and Tut- headlong. It inhabits Greenland and Lap. 8he u ??? CMd | Dg i, . lt ?? 0 bed to them, and tie, whose left elbow had been shot through, land, and is found as far north as eighty de* I nothing but death itself can put an end to I withdrew into the conlees, with others of grees. He walks heavily, and is very clum-1 her attentions. When they are mortally I their party. " !_.,!?? mntinm- his senses nf haarine ??nd wounded, she will fondle them, turn them Mr Willard then increased his party by sy in his motions, his senses or hearing and over| , tck them o(T(Sr th(jm f< ^ d Bnd p , y organizing a posse, and set out to meet ltyai seeing appear very dull, but his smell -a very I even mor6 tender attention than many I and the party in charge of Pruden. Ryan acute; and he does not appear desitade of [ human beings; and when she finds that all | and bis assistants, with their prisoner, were some degree of understanding, or at least of are unavailing, she moans most met about twelve miles from Stonevllie, on i ??? I piteously. the Miles City trail. Pruden was then deliv- cunning, Captain King, who visited the I The following is one of the many tustances I ered to the Dakota officials. Theotherdepu- shores of the Arctic ocean in 1835, relates a | of this maternalaffection:??? ties started on Ashby's trail. They trailed curious instance of the cunning of this "Early in the morning, the man at the him, Billy the Kid snd Harry Tuttle to 8hel- ??? n ??? - p n i. r bear was mttst bead gave notice that three bears were I don???s ranch, five miles above Stonevllie. On animal. On one ???cession a Polar bear was mBk|nE ^ way y#ly {u( 0Ter , he ice Bnd ??? rivlnR the ??? rei they le ,rned that the three seen to swim cantionsly to a large piece of I direciing their course toward the ship. They I robbers had been there the previous nieht, ice, on which two female walrases were lying | bad probibly been invited by the blubber of I and had obtained $10 in money and bandages asleep with their cubs. The bear crept upon ?? ?????? horse, which the men had set on fire for their wounds. They had left the ranch, , , .... , I and which was burning on the ice at the time but had given no intimation of the direction some hummocks behind them and of their approach. They proved to be a she they were going to take. The snow had fore feet loosgned a large block of ice, which I bear and her two cubs; but the cubs were I drifted badly, and their tracks could not be with the help of his nose and paws, he rolled | nearly as large j as tho dam.^ They ran eagerly [ seen. Mr. Willard then lit his ???Ten r, d of my toes and to A Dangcron Case. * ??? * RocustTza, Jure 1, I8M. t ears ago I was attacked with the most lntcniu and death,y psiua to nr rack and ???Kidneys, ???Extending to the my brain! "Which made mu dWinous! ???From agony! ???It took three men go hold me on my bed at times! "The Doctors tried in vaiu to relieve me, but to no purpose. ???Morphine and other opiates " effect I ???After two months I was givsn up to dial ???When my wlfa heard a neighbor tell what Hop Bitters had done lor her, she at once got and gave me some. The first dose eased my brain and seemed lo go hunting through my .system for the pain. ???The second dose easod me so much that I slept two hours, something I had not done for two mouths. Before I had used five hot- ties, I was well snd at work, as hard as any man could,forover three weeks; but l worked too hard for my strength, and taking a hard cold, I was taken with the most acute and painful rheumatism all through my system that was ever known. I called the doctors i party and y, , ??? weeas, mey lert m over the I t0 the fi*??i and drew out from the fismes"paft I continued the pursuit. The cowbows, who met'a frtendand mid hinfmt ???* jf ??? and carried till it was immediately over the of , he ^ of the whioh were greatly exuperated by the unprovoked , D ???f d Hop Bittm SS heads of the sleepers, when he let it fall on I uncousumed, and ate it varacioualy. The I murder ol Cuoningbsm, also made up a I cllr ??? J noo i,???,i ono of the old animals, which was instantly I crew from the ship threw great pieces of the party and joined in the chase. Oneof Ashby???s I oarnfst r waaiminceHK ,{!????, ??? killed The other walrus, with its cubs, roll- ????*. which they t..d sttllleft, upon the ice, old 'hiding places, known ss the Devil's ? M ,hrnw k ?????? e 7 ,i' e ???. . wTT: whicii the old bear carried away singly, laid Tower, was searched, bnt the devil was not J^tebaaud wenMo wort iffiliwZWu ed into the water, but the young one of tho | everv Diece be f ore her cubs, aud dividing I in the tower. The pursuit was kept up for I??? "tHi} 0 ." 0 '!* and kept murdered female remained by its dam, on this helpless creature the bear rushed, thus I portion lor herseir. Assue was carrymgaaay | was itnany aoauaoneo. oo tnai Asnoy s iuck t been , 0 for six nnn I the last piece, they levelled their muskets at has not altogether deserted him. It is possl- who had h?????n V???re~. killing two animals at once. the cub?? and .hot them bath dead: and in ble he mav die of his wounds or wantof I ,8r h ??? Yet! FREE To Any One SEKS OS wounded it. The animal immediately set up I poor beast, in the last moments of her expir-1 do so with the promptitude desired, fell dead | tho most dreadful yells, and ran along the ice I tog young. Though she wassorely wounded, I with fifteen bullets in bis body. i Ttpfnrc it reached it_ . ??nd could but just crawl to the place where Tutt'e, who was shot through the left elbow towards the boat, liefore it rescued it, a I ^. ahg t)ia Jump r { fl#jh Bll e in the figbt, was abandoned by bis compan- second shot was fired, and nit it. This served I had fetched away, as she had done the others I ions, and went intoSpearllsb, where he asked l to increase its fury. It presently sworn to I before, tore it in pieces, and laid it down be* I to be admitted into the county hospital for I the boat: and in attempting to get on po^di I fore them; and when she saw that they re* I treatment. He was admitted and treated. I reached its fore foot upon the gunnel; but I f U90( i t Q eatf a he laid her paws first upon ono, I On the ulglit of the 20th ult., eight mssked I one of the crew having a hatchet, cut it op* I and then upon the other, aud endeavored to I men went to tha hospital. Half the party I The animal still, however, continued to I r4 j 80 them up. All this while it was piteous I wore posted outside. The other half entered I swim after them till they arrived at the ship; I fcear ht'r moan. When she found she) the sick ward, where there was only one I and several shots were bred at it, which also I cou i(| no t stir them, she went off, and when I nurse. They seised Tuttle, gagged him, and I took effect; but on reaching the ship, it lm-1 a tsome distance, looked back and moaned; I carried him off without any clothing except I mediately ascended the deck; and the c ^??w I ant j that not availing to entice them away, I an undershirt. The night was very cold, having fled into the shrouds, it was pursuing 1 8 ^ 0 re t ur ned, and smelling around (hem, be* They stopped on a cliff a short distance them thither, when a shot from one of them I gin t0 i ic fc t k e j r WO unds. She went off a away. They gave him either a short shrift laid it dead on the deck. .... . I second time as before; and having crawled u or none at all. The ropo was fastened to a From its great a???zo and strength, the polar I p aces looked again behind her, and for | tree overhanging the precipice. A noose was I bear is, under all circumstances, a powerful 1 8 o me time stood moaning. But, still hercubs I hastily put around his neck, and he was anlmsl; but upon the ice it 1* peculiarly I no?? rising to foil *w her, sue returned to them I pushed over the brink. Oue of his legs was home, and the danger of attacking him there I a gni ni an( i witli signs of inexpressible fond-1 broken in the fall, but his neck was not bro il much greater than where else. I ho I neM wen t round first one and then the other, I ken, and he was choked to death. An in- following anecdote, recorded in bis riarra-1 pa ^j n g them, and moaning- Finding at last I quest was held, and the remains of the out* tive of a Voyage to Greenland, by Scoresbv, that t jj C ?? were co ld and lifeless, she raised I law were buried iii Spearfish. whose writings have thrown so mucb|valuabie I ^ er j iea( { towards the ship, and growled her I The general sentiment is against the lynch- light upon the economy of the Folarseas, will I r0 sentment at tho murderers; which they re-1 ing, because Tuttle was bound to die of bis afford some idea of the conduct of the bear I t urn0( i ^Rh a volley of musket balls. She I wounds. Tuttle is the man whose shot is be- on the ice. I fell between her cuhj, and died licking their I lieved to have killed Deputy Marshal John In the summer of 1820, ???the ship, a Hull woun d 9 . O??? Hara in the fight, and (THara???s friends were whaler, was moored to a piece of ice, on I Many other instances might be quoted, I terribly exasperated. which, at a considerable distance, a large bear I illustrative of the character of these singular I The cowbova, too, who saw two innocent was observed prowling about for prey.??? vne | an i roK ||,???aniranis which are perhaps more I men suddenly shot down without having of the ships company, emboldened by an I c h ar a C teristic of those dismal regions to I given the slightest provocation, were roused artificial courage, derived from the free use I which they are confined, than the animals of I to white heat by the killiug of Cunningham. [ of rum, which, in his economy, he had stored I a iu, 0Jlt any other region. They dwell, as it 1 Efforts have been made to discover who were for special occasions, undertook to pursue and I wer6t ai>on the ver j verge of tho living world, I the perpetrators of the crime, but they have attack the bear that was within view. Arm-1 beiDg found as far to the nor h as the restless I not been tuccessful, and no arrests have been ed only with'a whale-lance, he, resolutely, I f^ 0 f human dlscovety has penetrated; and I made. There is a theory that neither the and against all persuasion, set out on his ad* l t hey ere perhaps the only animals not de* | fiienda of the murdered O'Hara, nor the cow- venturonsi exploit. A fatiguing journey ox I c idodly aud habitually inhabitantsof the sea, I boys composed the vigiUut party. It is be- about half a league, over a yielding surface of I which are found in every longitude, and are I Heved by some that Tuttle was lynched by anow ragged hummocks, brought him within I in a u longitudes exactly the same. We can I some of Ashby???s own gang to prevent his a few yards of J h ??, e ?? eiD 3[*^ hich ?? !??? r * I not say positively that they range across the I making any disclosures. Pruden was safely S rise, undauntedly faced him, and seemed to I poi eo f the eartlrs rotation, and pass from I taken to Dead wood and imprisoned there. ivite him to the ?????*, c0 ??***? V??* I Asia to America, and from America to Asia I He has been examined by the court, which Ing by this time greatly subdued, partly by I hy that route, because there is a zone around I ordered his release, and he is free once more, evaporation of tbe stimulas, >and P*???Jy I the pole of which we have no knowledge. But I So that several men have been killed and the undismayed, and e"*sn threatening aspect I a , t h 0 observations of the recent voyagers lor I wounded really to no purpose. | of the bear. I discovery in the Arctic regions, corroborated I Before tbe titonevilJe fight several efforts tude suited either forjjffensive or defensive | by some other circumstances, lead us to eon-1 were nude to capture Ashby. It is said that | Sister! "Mother! "Or daughter! ??????Can be made the picture of health! "With a few bottles of Hop Bitters! "Will you let them suffer7" e Names RURAL RECORD, at ru.oo rsm tjbah. And Each of the Six to C5et a Premium. Cjj'er Out it ilood Until July 1st, 1884. In order to avail yonrrclf of till* oftv-r. seiid three two cent stamps for sample copy Rural Rkcor??, amt Individual premium list, with tnatrnctiotu to agents. Hhow the IUj?? ralHkoord to your friends oiul iml/hfM.m, for it will require no solicitation after they have been shown a copy, nnd learn of the handsome premium osch. subscriber receives free of ; ???\ On receipt of 8lx Dollnrs, we will forward tho watch at once, enter tho six names c ????lvo enure snflMfUrfion mill wrntsntl renily fo rcftindyour inone ey In ruse of tiny dlnenf Isfhctton. Addrenn nil ('omuiiiiilcntlons fo w OCHS, YONCE ??c CO., Rural Rocord, Chattanooga, Tenn. TUTFS PBLLS RBBI7W???Huaj torpid bowels, D,S ^^nd ^M A LARI' 1VE R * ".XS sisr jsS?^ ,on ^2 ymptom.ln.llcate their.ri.vS ???RJi' ??? W *J?? eo.tlro, Hick ???cite, fullueas niter eatluir. nt'cmlon tik or mind* Er - ??? ??^./??^d?? Irritability of temp ???pirlU, A r.??llnc Ilf linvliih nr^???lrrird duty. hlwIiieM, Fluttering at the eSAS* , ???*???????? a iHH??rm| ai me Heart, Dots before tlie eyes* hlrxhlv col ored Urine, COWRTIPATlowr and S act. directly ontLiiUror. AsaUTur mo ,n c | no tviT???H ySRSS 0 ^l??? a . , ??? Tlioir action on tiio * v l??Orous body. TVTT???N 1???lI.l.N AMTIDQTE TO MALARIA. rra FEELS MIIE A 5f.1V MAS. M VJ ,^??. hn<1 Dyspepsia, with Con.ticm- tton.two years, and Imvn trlni ton illtrumu fhit h.??J. p , U ?????? ,u " , TUTt'b urn tho flnt that nave dono me ruiy good. They have BcU??myrlitr??,38c. Omo.,,1 MnmirSt.,N-T. action, and stopped. Tbs bear also stood siill, I 0 ^, de t hst the latitude of the' magnetic po e I a party of four, not very long ago, went to I In ysin the adventurer tried to rally courage b or poi^j has tbo maximum of cold, and that I a treat the desperado. Stonevllie scents to be | to mnko the attack: DM enemy wan too Xor* I Sl.n rtll m .nf I lm Ilf .nlnllnn I ??? nnl on I Ilib .nnl o 1 || midable, and his attitude too imposing. In vain, also, he shouted, advanced his lance, j I the climate of the pole of rotation is not so I bis social headquarters. Thither they wend- , _ _ _ . _ I severe, we may therefore suppose, without | ed their way. Ashby was in a saloon there vain, also, be shouted, advanced ms I any violent straining of theory, that, in the I when they arrived. They posted one man I and made ^Ints of attack; the 0D*Baiy, either I perpetual day which reigns there for a longer I outside the door and the others entered. As I not understanding, or despising such uumau-1 p efl0( i than in tho limits of their habitation I tboy passed the threshold a small young mao [ 1!?????' I *?? u toward, the Polar bears range over the I passed between them. One of them asked | the limb* of the sailor began to quiver, but I w hole Polar zjoe, till those confines where | him if h# ku THTT???S HAIR'DYE. nxm on vrmsxKiu clmn/roil in. ???tsntlv to it UMtsST IJlack by a alnglo tilt, plication of tills Dry.. Holil by Ilru.-L'lml,. ???VOPT # *b r SM on receipt of ??? 1. ir,UT *y, New York. mn.???8 wwDAtBgiiffrroi Pfrnm row. gan with andacious boldness to advance. His nigh approachsd, and unshaken step, sub- 1TDI1 E. PIUKUArit '' I It will place tbe deputies turned to goodt. As they I were leaving one of the men in the house I -rr???.-r-- - . , . - ??????, Bandits ov the Bad Lands.???Mitzs City, I said, pointing to the slight youth who was dued the last .I M. T??? March 24.???Mr. George Ashby, the I now about a hundred yards away, mounted f dread of ridicule, which had hitherto upheld I i ca dine hor?? thief of Momana, steals from I on a good horse, with a Winchester rills rest our adventurer; he turned and fled. But both white and red men, msking the appro- I ingin the hollowofhls arm, ???There???s Ashby, now was the time of danger. The flight of I p r i.tion of Indian ponies a specialty, l'nere I If yon want him why In don't you the sailor encouraged the bear, in turn, to I j, n g,i ns t hln a standing indictment for I take him 7" pursue, and, being better prao.ised n snow murd er. The deputies started in punuit, but Ashby traveling, he rapidly gained upon the fugi-1 Hr. Ashby Is said to be at the head of a I got away in the darkness,???Mew York Sun. tive. Tbe whale lance, his only weapon of | trusty band as fearless and lawless as himself. I ??? defense, encumbering him in his retreat, be | The Little Missouri and Powder river districts I Tug. Women or Maxico.???Some of the Mexi- threw it down, ami kept on. This fortunately I are the theater of his operations. An Indian I can customs respecting women will mislead excited the hears attention. He stopped,-1 j s Mr. Ashby???s detesiauon. He kills him at I the American visitor unless he i, better in- pawed it, bit it, and then renewed the chase. I sight if he can. He considers that Indians I formed than most persons who have croised Again he was at the heels of the panting sea-1 have no right to own ponies; and he takes I tbe border. One that 1 know of is very queer,, - ??? man, who, conscious of the favorable efifkets | their ponies whenever he can. There are I writes a Chicago Times correspondent from I of the Isnoe, dropped oneof bis mittens. The | several indictments against him for horse I Chihuahua. Now fast dj ing out, It was in I thu u??. tsu goTcrn is? rvm??u^j*Mo. stratagem succeeded; and while bruin stop- jsiealiog. The Custer county officers of tbe vogito throughout the entire republic five or I ped to examine it, the fugitive, improving tbe I ; aw and their deputies have been looking for six years ago. I???ll relate tbe experience of 1-n^, interval, again made considerable progress I him for some time, but have been unable to I one A. W. Gifford of Sen Antonio regarding I 1 Ko ??tw??M bo wiuumt r.yttiA e. nsKtiAwa ahead. Still he resumed the pursuit with a I (i n j him. Mr. Asbby has repeatedly an-1 it os lie narrated it to me: "I had been en-1 Aiu. Tbor??n??>MU|i.tioii,bUiooiaiMud most provoking perseverance, except when I nounced bis determination never to bo taken gaged in selling a ranch tor a wealthy Mexi arrested by another mitten; and finally, by a I a iiy e . The men of the frontier say that he I can," said he, "and bad managed to ingrali- hat, which be tore to shreds between his fore I bears a charmed life, and the bair-breadth I ate myself with him. He invited me to visit teeth and pswr, and would, no doubt, soon I ???scapes of which they have made him tbe I him at his home, and I accepted. At the end have made the incautious adventurer bis vio- I hero are numerous and of the wildest stamp. I of tho National railway I found a traveling tim,_who was now rajiidljr losing strength, | About tbe 2d of last mouth one Fruden | carriage, drawn bysixhorsesandaccompanied 13 A rcsixivs COSH For Female (.'omnlalntaand aWeaknrMra ao common lo onr beat female papulation. 1 mtlnlr th?? wont torn ol lYmala (xnw Pklnta, all Ovarian troaU<??, InlUAmuitlon and Ukar*. frsssisijawnrs! aassss^- ??? awoiuuniivii'in, iiiiiouroni $ torpidity of Um llrw. SS oenti a box at all dratsMx. _ SAVED HIS LIFE. bot for the prompt and well limed assistance I waa arrested in Miles City, telegraphed by re-1 by a number of mounted servitors, awaiting I -ibis ship-mates, who, obierving that thea t-1 quest of Marshal Kaymond, of Deadwood, I me. Inside were receptacles containing I fairbad assumed a dangerous aspect, sallied lor stealing on an Indian reservation. He I choice wines, ice???a scarce commodity???table cat to his rescue. The little phalanx opened was held in custody until an officer could be I ware and a variety of viands. Arrivedatmy him a passage, and then stood to receive his ??? ??? . .. . I. ... . ' * -' bold assailant. Though now beyond the reach of his adversary, the dismayed fugitive con- tinuwi onwards, impelled by his fears, until hunting on tus range. Ashby conceived an I daughters. There were five, all pretty^ the I'??????g? 0 ?? hefairiy reached tbesbelierof hisahip. The attachment for Pruden. As soon os he heard I eldest lovable. They ranged in from 8 to 17 I hMhirt 1 ???hiioifuf bear once more cams to a stand, and for a that Pruden had been arres'ed and was to be I rears. They stood in line, in school girl I wo?* AftsrtxSini..??? taken ???sgslnst bis will??? to Deadwood he re- fashion, os if about to make t recitation. I uslut raori. sent for abotll* of Brewer's Lons solved to rescue him. For that purpose he lilashes suffused their countenances, bnt they Ikitorsr, and it acted like msgte. Its oootlnuad organized a rescuing party, composed of him-1 cast at me many a coquettish glance. The nffsIZi self, Harry Tuttle, Billy the Kid, Bad Land I father looked at them a moment proudly and 1 Charley and two or three others lets known I then introduced me, after which he astound. momentseemed to survey his enemies with all tbe consideration oi an experienced general, when, finding them too nnmerons for a hope of success, he very wisely wheeled about, and succeded in msking a safe and honorable retreat??? Whether the bear would, in this case, hare fled from the sailor, if tbe latter bad at once gone boldly in with his weapon, instead ol pausing in fetr and brandishing it is nut now known; and there are no doubt instances in which the bear does attack a man, though tbe grand object of attraction for him is carrion and offal. It is the flesh of tbe seal, tbe odour of which becomes very rank, which allures him to the bats of tbe northern people, just as it is the larder, and not the people which attracts the black bear of America to tbe habitaiionsof the back settlers; and tbein- stancfsin which he attacks the people or their domestic animals are few, and confined to those times at which his proper food fails. From tbe nature of their food, the fleeh of the polar bear is more rank and fishy, and leas agreeable to ths taste than that of the land bear, though, with the exception of the liver, which has been found to be poisonous, all the parts of the animal are Wholesome. The moecle is whistish, and soft and tender, considering tbe strength of the animal. Ths fat resemble* ullow, and melts into a trans parent oil, which has no offensive smell. The skin is very serviceable, as well ss handsome, for a variety of domestic purpose; end to the northern people it is anarticltof considerable value. The Greenlanders pull it oft entire, snd invert it like a sack, into which a person creeps and finds a warm and comfortable bed. The native* about Hudson???* bay dress it to t very pliable consistency. They stretch it on s patch of snow, and atak* if down till it is stiffly frozen, then they scrape it till they se* the roots of the hair; alter which they leave It some time to bleach and dry, and it soon sent from Deadwood to rscslvs him and I host's boose, he greeted me mutt cordially, carry him thither. Lost summer Piuuan I assured me again and again of his friendship, made tbe acquaintance of Ashby, who wai I snd conducted me to a school room tosea his hunting on tus range. Ashby conceived an daughters. There were live, all pretty, the '???"gd 0 ,??? n !.J b f???tyt form. 'A*aljpf Ms family Pruden. As soon as he heard I eldest lovable. Thev rsneed in from 8 to 17 I wlth. tbat dreeS illmare-'.tYcept hh haft r* fas A Pliyalelan???s Testimony. I was edled lo tee Mr. John Pm non,who was cci fined Id hi- bod with what appealed to b# ono- 'snot lbs wont form. Asalgpl bit famll; to fame. On the 13th ult., adeputy marshal, I ed me by telling me I most make a choice of Joseph Ryan, arrived here from Deadwood to | one of bit daughters for betrothal to her. 11 take charge of Pruden and take him to I thought he was joking, and made some re-1 Deadwood. That night Pruden was informed mark in pleasantry, when he repealed bis | by toms friend that tbe deputy manhai I statement, and demeaned himself so grsvtiy [ would be "held up" at tome point on tbe I tbe while that I was convinced be was earn- road by Ashby and bis party, sod that he I eat. I scarcely know bow the scene term!- (Pruden) would be rescued. On the 14th | nated, for I became very confuted aod did a | Ryan, re enforced by Deputies Zahl and Ed- wards, started r City to Dead wo ceivedbytheo attempt would be made to rescue Pruden, I lied to the gentleman by telling him I bad a I and that the place selected for tbe attempt I wife and children. The next day be Inform- was the Little Missouri. A party under! ed maths betrothal was an act of courtesy Deputy Marshal Willard was sent to rein force I toward an ultra-favored guvst, wtt*extended Ryan and, if possible, intercept Ashby and to highly distinguished persons at a rule, snd d with bis party reached I signified nothing mors than that the person Little Missouri, on tbe 14tb. I so honored bad tbe ???freedom of tbejhouse.??? 8tonevilie is nearly dne southeast from here. The granting of this privilege is indeed an end about two-thlrdt of the distance from I honor, for no one bat a near rotative to a Miles City to Deadwood, close to tbe Wyem-1 Mexican woman may unaccompanied by a ing line snd not far front tbe Dakota noun-1 near relative enter any part of an aristocrat'* dary. residence where the temaleaof the household blsffie. J. O. HOLLOWAY, U. D., Btruev Ills. Us. Another Beeene From Drutb. In JKI. while aewtng on a machine, my wits wsi itksn with a revere peln In her side, which wu I fallowed by bemcrrt???is 1mm her lanes, es- i conch, fever and eh* ranM neither eel or p. end In s few weeks she wes radncod lo s llv- Long Restorer bj advicec! the pbvelelane end thebe^en to Improve efier third dnee. hhe continued the medicine end _ now In excellent health, snd b better then she hat been In eeverei years. I believe Brewer's l.nncB surer sated her Ills. BKtiJ. t. HERNDON, Yausvllle, Oo. From Macon. wile woe In the wsscr.a'.blnx Inc _ Charge ipjsnilUes ol sleep or retstni Uy snd St times would, die asal mu frees her must, oouid On reaching the village, Willard learned 1 retort. Even the psrfor, therefore, it sacred I ffiooiniit oniyeqerelloaof tlmewhee ftfewr let Ashby had said there that day that he I from intrusion unless one be accepted on tbs. *?? compelled lo jfivp. way .lo the end bis party would ns:ue Prulen if nlf his -intimate footing accorded one betrothed, who band wen killed in tbe attempt. Ashby, 1 then becomes as a brother. Bhonld he violate I res,ssrbe was very weak, hho soon begaa tales* with bit fix or seven followers, was still in I lb# trust reposed in him, nothing on earth I prove; roc tinned ths remedy cad ws?? restored to the village. Their horses were standing in I would be more contemned, ills punishment I Ufa sad health, and Is today better than she has front of a stack. Willard???s party shot four would be sure, and hit life would be tbs price ??????,^y. b ?!? 1 ?h7.ragra ^*t reetqraUy ui nssrii of the honee, three of which were pecked, of bis wrong. Mexicans have been known to LuseRteurer. M l K W??BONN?n!* rt and on* saddled, the Utter intended for Pru -1 violate tbU trust,???hut to tbe honor of Ameri-1 Macon, os. Brewer???s Long Restorer te a perety vegetable den. Arhhy???s nng then opened fire on I cans be it said, Americans never. Perbapa I Manhai Willard???s party. 8ix of the robbers I thl* happy conelnsion to kind boapiuiity I were to the right and rear of Willard and | may beattiribaUbl* in port to th* fewness of | promiation. eohltiai ndnpiam.'morphiiie, bre- one to the Uft and front, hidden from sight | the Americans so honored and to tbe discern-1 jaidsc ??? " by * poet behind which be was ensconced. I ment of tbe Mexican hosts themselves, but John 0 Hers, one of the deputise, was killed ' it is ground for congratulation nevertheless. E. VAN WINKLE & CO MANUFACTURERS OF CIRCULAR SAW MiLLS, COTTON GINS, PRESSES, COTTON AEKD OIL BfACIIINKHY, ETC. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, 'HOPErDEAT I'wk???n PsHinl Tuhnlnr (Tuwlilunrd l!nr Drni????-?? ?????? uy wit'i.uii t-irii i-f i.niTi|t4* iiiiil??' mi iii i??. \\r??i i??i r//N??i fltH'ltslm. JimI'.MH, tUllll.lPlMniKl Mil'll l??ml ??? I. ??? II In neommetuihw ib*w. Tip ?????????m. (TrCF6(!Om7iHannyHr..Kcw*Vorfct Ajn*0f??f*:i*HmithniMf W w*. a ???miiie'nfUttl nisi i a front JttSS m*na Kir Cmi.ri^uo _wnd Prions. ATLASH IMD1AUAP0LI3, IfiDa, U. n. MA*vrMJTunn* w STEAM ENQ!K??S* MB BOILERS, isi iMKM>rifi-*isiMrnisTrnmvr?? w ALL OABEIAGE AND CARRIAGE MAKERS SAVE MONEY BY BUYLSO THRIR GOODS FROM J. W. FRANKE & CO- 81 and 33 W. Alabama Street, ATLANTA, GA. DEALERS IN IRON, CARRIAGE MAKERS' SUPPLIES, 9 rainr vAavianm avn miab ??????fi??fm w<pa " COICH VAKHIMHJga AMD COLOB, SW-SIND for pricks. QCCrM5l Fortho MEPCHANTon our Hew Plan mCCWv For tho MARKET CAROENER CCCnC For tho PRIVATE FAMILY vECL/??lCrown byour80lvos f ????????? r aml???M SEEDS SEEDS llamliome Ulaairatcd Catalog no and Karol Keglatcr PUCE TO ALL AIKKCIIANTH, HBND I S YOUR RUH1NEHH CARDS FOR TRADE LIST. DAVID L4N0RETHAS0NS,SEED GROWERS, PHILADELPHIA MAMMOTH EARLY WHITE GOURD SEED FIELD CORN. Ths Best Znr Introduced. 83.00 per bsrhel, Mcked drllvrrtd la KxprsMsr laIImad PtpstHi M4 varrsatfd la sImmm, Also, Cotton Beod, Scrghnm Food, oU. MARK _ Msoon, w W. JOHNSON & CO., ATLANTA, GEORGIA.