The constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1884-1885, April 22, 1884, Image 9

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THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION: TUESDAY APKIL 22.1884- TWELVE PAGES! niTD AMTf.I infTAD PJAHT toxlcstln* drinks nearly aa muoh as tho UUK All I I'LlUUUrV riUnl. wages amounted to in all oar mannfacturlng Against tho Demon of Intemperance* For Happy Homea and a Happy People. establishments, nearly 13,000.000 more than all our church property and puslio libraries I were worth, together with what we paid for educational purposes, and more than one-halt I the ralua of all the labor in the whole conn- Fq^o'rm'tomoi^U*? untamed b??r to?? wrirora! I rrronutacm** e'nd'.ri^o^ntoricamftf^fiqito * We don't 04re far arguments. We want Lou aua I In this country. Tue labor of these men figure*. Sena them in, mother*, fathers, wives, I would be worth $300,000,000, and the labor of gMatnrybody. and help U the fight against this t h r m ooo drunkards would, at a very low terrible and growlr g evil ] I egijniato, be worth $150,000,000 more, which, ADauaxaa NsTtoa.-lVmper.nce reiurm- m.??? IhtonoTJou. ' I sum of $600,000,000. Now, if we add to ail whole British kingdom But these are not this lost oi money paid for drinks the labor much noticed when mingled among 30,000,-1 in its manufacture and sale, and materials 000, and really tbeeaeual obeerver uot mix- ing much in family or church life; would I ting ready to resume their labors, we shall conclude the EoglUb tope adrinklugpeople. | find that the actual cost of this consumers from the queen upon tha throne, tippling I h * in ????"r , n( i j.. iillinnB ,ia??i*KninwoA (fiffhiiimlsM " I f??30 000 000 more than lhe v<tdit) of all the her toddy among her beloved Highland*!*, | u f eTer y jjj n ^ performed in this whole to her poorest subject, who wastes upon liquor I country during the ssme ilrue, and nearly the money that should buy his children I two-thirds enougb to pay the public debt, bread. According to a correapondent the I ?? tkeTl??? sample drinks arc ate and Irish whisky, industry of the country, and worse then Porter used to be called for largely, but a I wasted, could be directed to legitimate and dealer assured me the other day that, from I useful purmwes, it would pay all the taxes, Yia??tn?? inemwrU ...i.i nf that hd*ar educate all the children, build all the having formerly sold 00 gallons of that buyer- I c b ur ches and school houses, feed and clothe age a day, he now disposed of only about 18 I ??u the hungry and nak??d. and leave a sur- gallons a week. The rage now Is for the paler I plus which would be sufficient to par all the liquid. Among well-dressed people the most ?? U I ? aad ?l?????? d wlps oat th * debt .... , .. * * ... I itself in a very ftw years, common drink is a glass of bitter beer, which I coita two pence (four cents). A glass of cultd I European Statistics.???Static tics laid be- ???Half-and-half 1 may mean I f?? ro thw congress of Brewers which recenriy THE POLITICAL FIELD. THE DRIFT OF THE I-ARTIF.S AND GONDII??? OF PARTY LEADERS. A Letter From Mr. Tllden???The Morrison Bill???The Educational Bill-Results of Republican Conventions. ale is three cents m.i...uu-ui... w., .u..u , ,, . ,, ???- . _??? u,,,.. ,,r I met at Vernill.s show that there are in Eu- must ue urmi. un me lorius.ion oi sue iea-i s mixture of mi a and bitter, of mild aud I r0 p??? ,bo Ut 40 000 breweries, which produce- eral constitution, Gourvenour Morris, wbo I England, surplus oi revenues over the expenditures, and dwelt npoo the necessity of reducing taxation. To fall to reduce taxation and to relieve the people, would be a Usgrant disre gard of public duty, The pending bill might not be all that was required, but It waa an ad vance toward the promiseof a more oomplete tariff reform Such a reform aud the adjust- ?????nt ??. f . ,h ?? ** ritr ' ws * not believed to be attainable at the present session. It would create no surprise that in ??? tbo ??? _ , , . . , , . . opinion of the minority of the wove Me. Tildes s Letteb.???The Iroquois club I ami means committee, the measure was too Chicago, composed of gentlemen prominent I harmonious to setfore their approval. They In the democratic party, gave ita third annu-1 ??? 0 ]} Dd 4, no 1 m, , r * t ' because it propoeed to .1 ?????? Ih. P.|?????? i..t ???????? " da , c ?? ?????* the duties alike. A horiuutnl re al banquet at the Palmer home laat even I ductional might not be the best, but none lng. The local attendance was very large. I other was practicable. In addition to which there waa a gathering I Hr Kelley, of Pennsylvania, made the of distinguished gentlemen from al.part, of S^^^ve tg.^'i^^ntg of^a the country. ErakineM. Phelps, the presi-1 could relieve any of the American industries, dent of the club, introduced the speakers of I The evil waa not that goods were not cheap the evening. I *o??ogb, or that America could prodnee After an address bv Colon \V. O P Brack. I *????? ,u-10 truth to bo considered of all men After an address by colon w. G. r.BrecK- tb , t , he ef of produoUon enridge, of Kentucky, upon the sentiment, the world over hsd out-run the power of ???the republic, sn indivisible union of in- I consumption, and that all the markets were destructible a'aUs??? 1 the following letter was I ffSJSSSSS', * ni V n if T r r i? ** n 5, ???kitled end ,, j I industrious people bad bfen idle for a lorse read from ex Governor Tlidcn. por. ion of ail the recent years. Nihilism in Gbstliues: I have bad the honor to re-1 Russia, socialism in Germany, socialism and ceive your invitation to tho third annual I nihilism in the border regions of Austria, banquet of the Iroquois club torespond to I communism in France; socialism, wblob the aentf ment; rue Federal Constitution." I ??? < ta; d present almost every question that the I have alse received private letters nsklug a I British parliament would consider during written response to the sentiment in ease I I }?????? present session, told the story am prevented from attending. I have been I J 1 }. these great countries of for some time aud still excrp.iontlly engross-1 jdlcneas, want and misery in every Indus- ed with business which I bare no power to de i ???rial centre. He then proofed) d to fer or abandon: I must, tberelore, commuol-1 (!??? v ?? chapter* (roni th* terrible Uvea of the eatenith you in writing, and my austver I juuusln.l classes of Euglaud, as learned by musette brief. On the formation of the fed- | b' m during a three tuontba visit to merry prosperous free trade Barton, of mildand old, or of ale and porter- | annuilly nearly 2250,000,000 gallons "of malt I had been a conspicuous member oi tint c.n- I Baglend,_ in order to show Britain alone produces a third ventlon, being asked what he thought of the I ???*?? Generally it means the first. The best aloM'quor. Great cost 10 cents a quart, the poorest 8 cents. The Pru^la' c'SmraT.x't It'a workingman wanting a quart of beer would 3I8.47a.9iW gallons; Bsvaria, 200,737,002 gai- ask for a "pot," or, It h* wished to be slangy, I ioe; Austria. 245,973,138 gallons, nud lor "a long-sleeved ???un.??? If he desired a I i'rance, 165,98u,000 gallons. It will t... ..II. o u. I ???bus be ssen that the Teutonic qHsrtof beverage which sells at 8 cents, he nat | oa , Bre tm nemly the beer-pro- might call for a ??????pet of legs and wings,??? so I duceta, as they are also the principal beer- called became there is so little body to it drinkers; where wine is io be had nearly as ^dBix- lsth. trade name for mild and Barton mixed, Djg*s nose ifl a popular I tuoied vanes very much. Bavaria heads the drink with old topers, consisting of a mixture I list wlch 54 gallons per head per annum, or of ale and gin. Rum and milk is another father over one gallon a week. Belgian is common drink. Tne swell who was "boosed??? I next with 30 gallons, and Bogland is about the previous night will always want a I same, namely, 29 gallons???1. e., some, "brandy and soda" first tning next morning. I ov,!r ?? gallon per head per week A lesss tony fellow in the same plight will In Orrmauy, excluding Bavaria, the average seek a "glu and bitters.??? Gin by tbs way, is consumption fa 19 gallons, and from this it much taken by old topers of the female per- 8 rc J>'''/???P follows, to 0 gallons In Scotland, suasion. Wiih men the popalar demand fa ??u??18Vi in Ireland, where whisky U preferred, for ??????Two of Iriah.??? which means two penny Anstria consumes only 0 gallons of beer pel worth of Irish whisky. TnlS drink is greatly I ??? eu< * an<1 * fence only 4 lessening the consumption of beer, and is I ,, , ~~ largely aupplaming brandy both as a* bever-1 ??? Habtis Lotber os Bseb ??? The man who age and for medicinal purposes. Theincrets-1 !', r ??? t , br8w ' d hear waa a pest for Germany, ed demand ior this article has, 1 am told, Jood must be dear in all our land, for the wronght a serious deterioration io ita quality. I 5??. r3 ?* S? 1 n P f 11 p ur oala, and tbe peasants ???Whisky ia never gulped down neat over hear, I ? riok a l ????f barley in the form of beer. I hut la diluted, usually with about as muoh | in moot public ??? cauls) and it ii OxfOld Street, ... wmu.mui mu. ou uiu im. . , t T . ', .??? clause in the lesse, those who have the cheek I There la enough barley destroyed in tho to ask for it, can be served with as small a I nreweriej to feed all Qarmany." quantity of giu as a farthing???s worth, a far-1 imipou eunine thing being of the value of about one-half a A macon suioiob. cent The slang term for champagne is "The I A Mu itickir Yean, or a*, i.m in. o*. Lift boy," and when a man meets a friend, and I ilia Laat Kaqacat. wanta to ireal him, tbe usual remark it "L't???s | Special to Tb. Consutmlou. have a about.??? In tbe use of mixed drinks I Uacow, April to???In that soellon of tho city of the fancy class the English ore nowhere known as old cemetery lot, way dowtubelow the compared with the Americana. The best j business portion, la an enclosed spot tbit is seldom persons. 1 * iTte planted in ??da??? one for every day in the year. What the I ???r 1 ??>o*??bt looks as ??Uli and and as solemn as the English have in this line thjy have probably olo ?? !, ??? tomb Through UtU plaoo n negro maa copied from us. But, if only learners, they nuned 8ehlp Oolllns. was wending his way slowly ???Vu ku nn wMntU Ana I (fOHl ??Afk. khnnl (lx ft???fllfvik HAtllltftanU Asm. are by no means dull pupils. One Isrgs place I tromwoik, about six o???cloek. Ho suddenly cme 2',, 8 I rray. Among egg drinks |,to a white objtct on tb. greraod that appearod as a the gove/nmemL | chairman of tha th??re ara ???Ucj | leen Bawu,"_???Malden'.'R a ih," j human form. Hs looked closer sad discovered Uto paruaI T arbiTer l a t mid'the coiIfl*icUo?maturing I lentporary organisation, instructing tho advertises quite an array. ??????Lsdies'B nth," "Corpse Reviver.??? "Boston I body of a man laying on bis beck wlthonoarm Oaress.??? several "Flips,??? and a "Filp-Fisp.??? I stretched and Ms head thrown back. Ho called Following these, numerous concoctions are hlm but rocelrlog no answer hs went up to the announced in the w??y of sunis, smuhea, 1 .??? rt ??.n.a 1??? punches, cobblers, eaDgarees. juleps, slinge, answer ho 4 sboSk thf ???booy etc. Then coiurs a formidable list of fancy (end made the startling discovery drinks, with such fascinating titles as "Rat-1 ???!>*< he w??s dead. He became frightened aad tea tlesnake.??? "FicK-mc-up.??? "Eye Duster.??? I L ho ???I???O' coming from tbe enmpteas of Menr.. } * * I KnglUb.Huguentii it Vo a warehouse war. Messrs u .... ??? Jobasnu aud alillugbam. They wetansliltdand What PaoutatTioa has Boiie.???Editors I wear over to where tbe body lay. lu bis bat was Cods-Iiutiuu: Tour weekly visits do a great I found tho folio-lint letter: * oa Death, the poor deal to relieve th* monotony of achool-teach-1 ??????'??? slueerott irleud, ihs kindest aud the best lug. Your first i,sue paid me well for toy I DUDscription. I rejoice at the high tone you I blows, frurn pomp and piessur.) turn; but on, a take tn all subject, you speak of, especially la blast remt to loom w.o mouro. Coroner Uibb that of intemperance, ft it moredestruutive I ouuuty.Sli: You. as an officer Judicial, win be tbsn any other evil which we are lighting I f?? Jou ?o P SSe. h rt*.m b . J u??ir U I ?Mnl l Tue?o r Vtl*,? l'o??"^?????a???dT\m???d!lL???Bn 0 r? B nrV the nonncerlaiu siund. I think The CoasTiTU- I cemetery. I hsvo a lot tbere, wbnrein la a Ytotf tbe best general newspaper I know of | tamer and child. I do not wish auy . ??? * --???-??? ' " ???..?????????.??? --???-igaent t- ??? ??? lug. Pu cs I bs cesled weapons. Titers'should'a law be I blT .ScTlrleiidi o'r???lsmii?? D w suUt. so 1 dis. 1 hsre passed making it a penitentiary oQanss for a I lived poor aod ncglectid. Ibis leper Is your* pri person to carry any sort of concealed weapon, I v- 1 ?. aud 1 tbjala upon .you Its ssaciity, I bare such as ehootibg-cabes, pistole and dirkn. I npL m- 0 * u ?? ,atui ????? AU. Ithlbk, wld be well The dynnmitv is no more to bo dreaded Faiher light by sunshine bright, cowardly enough to I Aud beueaih the sky; hide such things about blmteli. These two I Uayu.verasbsmsdfsturbhlsname??? S ant evi a genetslly go hand in baud. In I The wretch who dare not dle. ct, there iaa kindred conn.o ioa between I Signed Gaorge J. Lunsford. -Afcer seeing the them. Randolph vu the Gist county in ???ISmo.iS? 11 1 Alabama todeefare tor prohibition. The re- do??us?d had m. body mrriJdro lKi!y??? l! aalta Lave been bletsed beyond the grea???cat I foriflotitifiuailoa; oo lui arrival there kroner Wui expectations of tbe most eaacuiua. Our 1 Hoduett nut< and held to laqu??t. Tua acbowli are better: litigation is reduced- I J u, >' r????fiertd?? v????rdict la ??ccotd$uuo with tho !??? nil viiWiriLV in riinvHrRatinn \fr,nhv I f*ca. Too dcadznin Ih ntioUt eighty years ???, r f* 1 iv?? 2 Q?? f I oW atld hAS icUdves llvlof la Teuuessee. He wm ????f . -lT.i I oia U** leuvite* uvtai to Teuuessee. He wot wbtcu would nova beea spent lor whisky is I for* uumber of iters coudacior oa the ttouth* now fpeut in improving fsrua, cburchu, I wesieru reliiotd. a3iioo!-hoates t and fir uiitiju. Id abort, we are improving very fast The last grand jury we had i Randolph THE ROMS FRESHET. before the declares for prohibition found I Tfc# UIl,3l:|r esur-isrhims???? lty ??? u ^???^ o bibron b c^.d T , n h:d fl . , ? t fo , rd d i a nTl Bo.. ApH 1 ,r,r:^; , *p^. r ..roro : ,. live true bill., nod in this ratio we are edit tasd * ????? d ,h ?? * r ?????? ,r ?? h ????? ol 1841 ??? d ??P !le ??? <jd ln progrtasiag. Nintteen-twemietbsof tbe vile I !M *- There w.s little sleep in Romo lut nlgbL poison now drank in this county is brought I All night long tbe merehtala and otaers were busy in ftom other place., Wedowee, Rtanoke, I moving ibtit goods and turnlturo to places of safe R ick Mills and Lluerille are no more tbe I ty. At the fool of Howard street, families left their oe?? pools of dime and dissipation than they I homes at midnight, and wars compeUed to wide Were before. Trade bss not decreased at all, I guM deep through the water. This morotng tbe bo * "?? ??? r ?? 2? 4 f P ?. Dd KL. fl ??? aC , 1 ! 1 1 *??*????? ?? ?? novel, laierest eg one. Broto street, is allowed to bsaold^WohavJhad bufone fsh-1 from the bridge, to beyond Nortoa???saeeoir, are Gnsncially of much note aiuce tbe war. I unbroken sheet of water from tour to Bv* feet That was tbo Isuiponry tuapsotion of tbo I Mne-tenths cf the budn<??4 hourci of the Rock Mills arenuiACiariog company laat fall. I city are inundated. Portions of Howard, Kim, Some moil the before tbie there were two at-1 Sooth, Ojatanaala, Cherokee, Court, ternpte to burn their buildiegs, one of which I Kailroad and budy * other was successful. It is conceded that tbe buru-1 streeieare Inundated, and several httodreS booses log was done by meau irresponsible Chirac- I are ondsr water. Tbe scene on Broad street Is an ten who V'sbed smvog other tbiogs to crip- j antiaatlag one. Bislaett is entirely suspended Sldfln*. ???k??; >nd lb. en.lro city U taking aholtd.;., trollibg meu bad nerv. enough to bar. >he | c, noM duzsurssod flsu of every kind sad do- ???placeluesrporated, and enforced tbe law u I ??? ??_ ??? ... best they could. Above all ft bat given tbe I K5 ??? ???' don ' ???J** 1 ?? ???*?????? women aad enUdrcn, county cbaracter abroad and good families | ????? PW???? constantly up and down Broad atnet. ate oontlnually moving here to school I ?? ud owner* ul fl jaU ar. rasping a rich buvesi. children awsy from teuiputiona to dlasipa-1 Balltosd travel is entlraly suptnded. The Bom. tion.aoruily found ia other oonntiea, while I nllroad track U under water from on. end to the property has be n Increasing lu value etetuil- 1 oibsr, and * th* East Twastsw Is Mriossly H - .HwwqM.w, w | fearful condition of the laboring constitution, replied; ???That depends upon I poople in that country, and said that tbe how it ia construed.??? Tue democratic parly | Proposition now made was that Ibe Untied originated in a resistance by tha more ad-1 8'??le?? should enter the race with the world vanced patriots of tho revolution tothe efforts I for cheapness, which had led to such terrible wbioh were made to change tbo chancier of I EuRlend- There waa nothing of ao our government by a false construction of I value in bngland as a working man or the cooalimtion. I woman with a reasonably good appetite, ln Jefferson's election in 1800 resoued onr free I one'town he bad seen women making trace Instil utions from tne perils which snrroundtd I ??JJ??*iie. and yet thegrntlemau from Kentucky them and secured sixty years ol admlnistra-1 v Mr - Turner) was returned to congress every tiou mainly in harmony with their design I J*??f because ho advosated tho placing of trace and tiue cbaracter. when an attempt was I onam. on the free list, made to break np the union and to dtsmem-1 ???* r - Turuer said that tbat was a good prop- ber tbo territorial integriiy of the country I oslllon wlilcb be hoped would be edopled. tbe people were compelled to inako a manly I, Mr Kelley ri piled that women could real choice between these calamities and tbe dan-1 or 0O OJUtaa week tor making trace grrous Influences of civil war upon the char I chaina God forbid that auy Kentucky wo nder of tbe government. They patriotically I must ever work at snob employment, and wisely resolved to cave I _Mr. Mills, of Texas, was the next speaker, tbe union Grit and to repair I **e signed against the repeal of tbe Internal tbe damage wblob ottr political ( revenue tax and to favor of a reduction of S ratem might sustain when more imminent I th ?? tlu ' id ' duties. The pending bill was angers had been provided against. The lira 11 extremo in nothing. ft was work was successfully accomplished, but I exceedingly moderate. It but reduced tbe twenty yean bare since elapsedand tbe work I present rate on a horixontal scale of 20 per of restoring tbe government to Its original I ueut. It would prove a substantial relief from character ia not ye???, accomplished. Our wise I taxation to the people, but that waaouly oue- ancestors bad warned us that if we fell into I ???? thegooJ which would result from its civil discords, our free system was liable to [ P????*K*. It would remove tbe obstructions perish in the struggle by an insensible change! * u thu way ot the exportation of our own of its character. Not only have tne best tra-1 agricultural products. It would Increase ini dltions of thepatriote who won Independence I portatlon ft would Increase exportation and established freedom lost (heir authority I It would Increase the value of experts It but our cherished political system is slowly I would dearfaM the price of manufactured lotlog its bold upon life under fugus growths I producta. of false constructions and coirupt practices.! Mr. Russell, of Massaebusetta, having been The government itself hsa become a uienac I accorded I be floor, tbe oouiuiiltoe rose and lug factor in elections. As long ego as 18701 1 ???he bouse ar Journed. expressed the opinion that tut opposition | Ataninformalconfcrenceof theoemorratlo must embrace at the brgionlng of canvsS-e, I IO rill tiers of the l???rnn-ylvania de'egation la two-thirds of tbe voters to maintain a major-1 ???be house this tit.rnlog itwasunanlmuoaly Ity at tbe election. In this, history repeats | ??????etermlned to oppoto any tariff agitation itself by force or fraud. Even Iq the com I whatever, parativeiy popular system of Eng and tbe | .. ??? _ _ monarch has until lately con-rolled a Blaise in I'csssylvama ???The ropubll- majority of parliament and fr/qn??ntly do I can ata e convention met this morning, its elded elpciisns by court favors, jobs mid I personnel belnglar above that of former years money taken from the publio trta.ury, Tuis '?? intelligence aud ageearancu. Ex-vtale is a hard saying, but the recent puDllcatlon I SenaUir Waddell wfla oisda ll ???ltM| ltirar ???' of papers ot her daesased iiatesiuvn iesfwnu I o!j*l*ioan; A. Lo??.ionanrt*B, oitrniiade 1 " eVuiijool. lu our own country I P^*H chairtnan of th?? ujHLruitteo on riwln Itisiead of standing as an im'l???ions A resolution was adopted, while la opinion and contending lntetaa'a has itselt | tommlttee on rtwoltitlons tn bring in u descended into the arena and equipped with | resolniion naming B olne and Lincoln M the all the weapusa of panUEnshlp, tu myriads presidential ticket, and Instructing tha dele of offlee bolder., i<* alll.nce. with or agalnat g?????r?? large to vote aocordlogly. The vote vut pecuniary interest*, ita unlimited com- '??ken before the committee on reaoln mand of money levied from iU deprEdenta | 'L 00 ?? fo'lretl, and was carried, yeas 200, nays aud contracton.haa gained a majority In every 137. All the negative votes but one cstuu In that case it uollectsd mil-1 from Philadelphia. IIaeemicro, Pa, April 10 ???Ex-SpeakerGa- | Inalia A Grow waa elected permsueat chair iy. These are tbe facts, aad yon aay you want no arguments but facts. Truly, etc. Rost et Leslie. Cornhotue, Ala., April 11, 1884. , KxAll,TICS ot IiTEtiraEAECE.???Reliable ??ta- dantged In tbe way ef bridge* wsabsd awsy and tn kdea iejursd. We have bad no Bell far two days Tbs present fresbit Is tbe most seven) ever known fa Rime exoept tbe ca* of 1HL _ and Is bow wltbta (lcchu of Ih* high water muk tlilics*Ybow Y75,843~ plscea???'in the "Uaf'ted I ol ???????* Notwlthstaadtog tole, however, tbe States where aloobelfe beverages Ere ssld, end danegs lo the city is oomosrsUesIy small, as our ovet 8,000 disttlierieeand breweries io full op | psopiehad ample waning ot th. approeea ef tb. eratiun; 90,333 270 ration, of spirit, ar. d e I flood. Ia th.eoantry, bawev.r, tb. las. wilt b. tilted .year, and 13 347,110 barrels of fer-1 very severe, aod will b. for a longtime. Tb* mented liqeor maaofaC .ur.d The direct 1 rivers an now at a standstill, aud wlU doabUeat ,lq,0r . i Ai!L 1,Mt . * 7 , 2 i. 0 S?3 oomawaro fslltog to-night. Tb. worst know while it bring* sn Indirect cost of $720,000,- 1 , 000 more. The corn, rye, barley, and mo- | ??? ??? -?? laseea takes for tb* maanfaetore of these | "How old are your???said aa encient dame liquors la ao much food taken out of th. I to a grinning little ter pot. ", if I goes months of tbe people. | by what mudder says, I is most tea, bat if I Acoordlngtotbtoeuiusre'umitkewagestbat | goee by tne fun fee bsd, fee almvstebuu- year in aa our menu fact urleg eswblimmenis I ored.??? Ol that all could meamre their years amounted to ab tut $773 003 000; our church I fa tblsway, bat bow many measure them by propery was valued et ISM 000,000; we paid I long night watcue, and almost (stal cough* tor educational purposes $93,U)OO00; our pub I iug spells, which oould have been cured by a lie libraries were estimated to be worth $91,-1 bottle of Pr. Bull's (tough Syrup taken In 000,000, while we paid the tame year tor in-' season. case batons. Wry foreee around tbe capital and by this and o???.ber menaces intimidated tb* emigres-, . ,, atonal representatives of tbemsjdrity ofthe man. In bl* speech un taking the chair be people to relinquish the fiulto of their vlo- attnouoced blmaetf in favor of a protebilve lory and to surrender tbe envernmeut to the | tariff platform. The platform ailotited de control of tbe minority. So reform of ad- clsres in favor of a protective tariil;afree ministraunn lipoislhlean long as tbe gov- ballof.tne eupenstouotTOlnago andlbe re- ernment is directed by tbe party wbioh Is | tireroent of llte standard dollar; Civil service under the dominion of falls ductrines end reform; oompliotenis Arthur s admlnistra- animated by rnormuns pecuniary interests I >1???. * nd c ???*J2 c lV*, ??? T??? ,b e ,revolution; In tbe perpetuation of existing abusea. Tbe I ???That James G. Blaine Is the choice of the fleet effectual step In tbe reform republican party of Pennsylvania for presi- ol our government must be | dent, and Robert Todd Lincoln fur vice-prts fundamental change in tbe polloyofita ed- Idem; and. that Hie delegates at large this ministration. The work of reform will bo d ??y el*?????* d be, snd they are hereby in- dtfllmlt enough with the who'e powerof the etranted to vote for them so long as their government exerted ln accomplisblDg It. I | name* shall be before the convention, and to nave such fal b in tbe benignant providence use all honorable meani to secure their nom- which baa presided over tho ilesilny of onr 11 Dal ions, country in every great (rial hitherto, that I I eraawe reou the ruu do not dswpalr of our ultimtie deliverance I The republicans of tbe third New York aa Though I can BO longer aspire lo be cue of [ seutbly J-alrlot, of Itrnssaler oounty, elected the leaders In this great work, I bid those of tonr Arthur delegates to tbe state convention yon on whom this august mlasloa may fait | yesterday. fod speed. (digued) B. J. Tilus.v. | Tlte republicans of the third Ksn lucky con To S. Corning Judd, Chairman of Political I grc??ional district indorsed Arthur's ad 111 Inis- Committee of XroquuUClub. 11ration, but sends uuiuairacled delegatea to | Chicago. The Moeeisoh Bill.???Tha Morrison bill | Th* first oongmatonsl dlatrfot republican was takes up beesuw several demnciEta wtto I oouvemiun of Nsbraslu to-day, on motion to bad eipreaMd themselves oppoa-d | iMlruct fur Bt.lne, voled ft down. Bulb .ration, dudgad. Several nturo weakened | delegates will support Arthur. ??nd voied for consideration, and five repub-I Tue North Carolina dt mucratle executive Itcans wbo would have voted no, w*re ab-1 ceuimiue* met yesterday in Rsleigb. Tiro sent without pairs.' Tbe Morrison men made | state convention was called tot June 25ib at strong parsons! appeal, last night and lo-1 Rslelgb. Resolutions were adopted tavorirg day to democrat, to .How tb. bill to be con- | * in lb. national platform advocating altered, and thus gained several voet. Htiil I tb* abolition of tbe Iniern.l revenue -ysiemaa msuy friends of the bill are | onerous and .ppremlv., and contnrondmg detp-rndant over ill pro-peels. They I th. carntst an1 tffecmtl efforts ol the dam- tbiuk th. meagte majority tor considerailoo | ocr.tic reprrseni.tivu from this state to w- obtelaed ueder th. moat favorable clrcnm-| curelt rapes), stance., indicates th. riefsst of tb. bill on | Tb. republican convention ef tb* 25th coo- tbe final vow. Mr. Raedsli'a friend, say it | grwatoh.l district of New York, cbiwe Car eannot |Kmikly pass. Blsckkern and other | roll H Smith, editor ol tbe Byracuae jouins), Kentucky xtatMuan will appusa any amend) I and Henry L Bugold delsgatta to iba ns- ment abultsbieg the tobacco tax and .rednc | tlonsl oonvco'ion. They are onlnitruciaJ lug tba tax on Brandy to tan cents. If they | but are for Blaine. ???icceed toe bill will loose several voU-s.whli b | Tb* focal republican convention In Maine cut tor consideration. In expectation I yesterday d*c:*r??d for II sin. Biimlarcen- thst tbe Initial fight over tb* Morrison tariff I ventions in Massachusetts declared tor Ed bill would take republican aud democratic | rounds aud Lincoln, aides, those wbo have tba duty of securing | pern for absentees were kept bnsy fa easing I Tun Blaie Bill ???Mr. Aiken, chairmen that Ibe vote of no men mould be wasted, I of tae couiaiite* on ednesuon, asya halt and that all psir* should cjotaln tha names I opposed to the Blair educational bill. It will of ??n advocate end an upnoneotof tha mess- | be roaosged in the boua* by Mr Willis, of uro. On motion of Mr. Oates, of Alabama, I Kentucky, wbo thinks it will certainly paw. the senate bill waa usteed to (nereis* tbe en-1 Georels will receive, during tb. seven years doworout of tbe noiveraity of Alabama from | for wbieb tbe total appropriation of aeveoty tb* public laods of tbat att'e I urea millions is to be expended, six million Ur. Morrison,of 111, et 12:33 p. m. moved | two hundred end forty thousand, tbe bouse go into committee of tba whole | Alabama, five million two hundred tbon- tor tba consideration of tba tariff bill. Toere I sand. wu no division and the motion was agreed | Boutb Carolina, four million tour hundred lo, Mr. Cox of N. Y., being called to the | tbouuod. obair. Immediately upon tba committee'. | Nortb Carolina, five million live hundred assembling, Mr, Et on, of Conn , objected to [ thousand. tbe consideration of tbe bill and tbe okjec- Florida, nloe hundred end sixty tbousiud. lion waa reported to the bonu. Tbe vote Is | Tenoeatco, tonr million nine hundred now being taken upon the question whether | thousand, tb* bill shall b?? considered. By e vote of lto yea. and 138 nays, the | ALsetHA foe ABTH0B.-Tbe committee neclded lo consider the mewure. | pusliuan atst* convanuou piased lut There wee intense interact msnifeeted in Ibe [ night until tonr thin moraiug lu dlepot- roll-call. At tbe conclusion of tbe first call | ing of the ctnUs'ed delegations. All tbe there appeared e majority of 1 In favor of tba | stalwart, were voted In. Tory elected their measure. Thau the second cell provided j permanent chairmen .nd weretarie., and re- and tbe member! crowded aroand anyone | assembled this forenoon fialahiag up more of tbelr ooLcgnea who wu keeping tally, | hsrtnonlousiy -hea lut night. The stalwarts listening for the result. Tbe malt wu eu I dec ??d their dslegntee to tb* Galcego coo?? eke* that until tbe final announcement no-Ivenrico for (lie stale at larg* body wu quite aur* bow tbe vote stood, but wilttout much wrangling, end upon tb# announcement there was a round I by overwhelming mej triilu, namely otapplsua* from tba democratic side. I Colonel Turner. Mr. Skeata. of Huutevl le; Tne tontmlu** then ruuaiei Its alt- | and two colored delegatea, Bake* sad Cres ting; and Mr. Morrison opened | dele, making nineteen tor Arthur sod bat no# the debate to support ot I half-breed. J-mn Junes aad Artnar Uiag- tbe bill. Be described Ibe financial oondi-1 ham were elected elector* for tbe state at tion of the country, staled tbe estimated' large by acclamation. Resolution, ware alllrmlng the Chicago platform of 1830, asking tbe repeal of tbe present stale election laws; denouncing the embexzl- ment cf the late state treasurer at Bn ,, , outgrowth of dishonesty lu politic*; protestingrstaln&t tbe convict system as degrading; indorsing substantially a pro tective tariff; heartily indordog President Arthur???s administration in tbe moat exalted terms, and approving of the passage of tbe Bair educational bill av expressive of the wishes oi AlnnanjR repoblicin?? Cjlonel Turner was re-elected cliairnmn of tbe atate executive conuuittee by acclamation. Tbe state exec utive committee waa empowered to ant in caae a state ticket ia to be announced, which i?? improbable. Illinois for Looan.???The republican atate convention met here to*d>y. fix- governor Richard Ojleaby wav nominated by acclamation for governor, and General J, C Smith, of Cook county, lieutenant gov ernor. The retolutions of the convention request the delegates appointed from the aute at large and instruct those appointed by the convention to vote for Logan at the uationnl convention. POLITICAL NOTES. Tiiirtv*nix members of tbe Idaho legisla ture are Moiinots. Texas has epoken for Thurman, and the old bandana should bofia to flutter la tbe air.??? Houston Post. fix Governor Cornell, ex-S??nator Platt, Collector ttobertaou, and John J. O Hrien are all working fgalnst Arthur la New York. Conorsmman Georor D. Wibe, of Virginia, haa taken occarioD toooatradlot a report published lu bis district tbat be will not be acindidate for re- election. Mr. Gladstone's speaking powers get better aa be grows older. Joccph Conan, M, P., says: '/Ho has dellrored two speeches this session that will rank with anything bo has ever done in par liament??? Ms. Katon, of Connecticut, called on Mr. Horrbon tbe other day with a suggestion tbat tbe present tariff bill bo withdrawn and that a new one satisfactory to th?? entire party b?? drawn up. Morrison Is quoted assaying: ???I doclln?? the prop- ??? I Ion. I liavo already reported a tariff blU, aud 1 au> g dng to stand or fall with it.??? FBDbRAL GOSSIP. GEORGIA AT N*W ORLEANS. ?? Mac* GouflrmfttUft it OharW* X. Htaoral 0??U.??ior Wllkrrs UtansHlld. Bpedsl tn iho Coustliuilon. Wa'Hington. April )6.???Ur. Blalne'a rapid de< nlopmuit ofsircnftth has exposed him to tbe danger of combination. It la now practically admitted In Was* lugton tbat Arthur cannot be nominated, and the anti Blaine men are casting about for a man wbo oan consolidate tbe votes of tbe other candidates. Grant is frequently men tloned, but the latest rumor is tbat Lincoln will bo brouabt out for tbe first ntaoe on the ticket aa th< anti Blaine cenoidate BLtut *??? frfenda are grow lug more confident daily. They uy bo will bare a clear m??j uliv ou the flrat ballot, and tbat Liocoln _ a . -- * ??iar?? ou the m by general ??? lie may loee Jhla oertalntr by yielding to ennemte ' ??? ato ready to use him sgalust Blaine. TUB UROROIA RIVISS AND HARBORS. The Georgia delegation went before tbe oommlt- tco on rivers aud harbors to day. They mado ??tat< menu cf the condt ion of tho harbors aud navigable river* in Georgia, and what is ueoded for their improvement, Mr. linctiansii ma<to strong appeal forop*<Dl>ig the Chattahoocheo frn_. Icevlfis tn West i'oi u. lie hhowud mat Chief KHKlneer Wright's estimates aro far too high, and that FrobrU???s figures alto the real cost of trio pro posed work, ills repot l allows that It c*n bu Oouq ior ouo hundred and M>vo???>ty#ono thousand dollars. Mr. llocbanart fully explained tho Importance o' opcnlog tho rlrer to We??t Folnt. aod an ar??p ~ tIh tiou may bn rnad?? for beginning the wor* J'h ra>>mbcrs of tho cornmltto. **y in-- y??ui of ur Mi wdA^wvx.'??.*fl??K v... mMl.otH Goorgla wilt ku. Jf dro oarijost wora of tier reprenAkia ran r.. <r * (1 vo.8 can secure 1l Til ft I'XMDINU DF1IATK. I asked Mr. Ucnlaon to night how long tbo tariff dobato was likely to oontluuo. He said ho hsd uo Idea. There aro ninety-eight names registered on the spoaker's book. A tong, tedious diNcaaslon is coral* g. Tbo Pennsylvania democrats had aoou* AUiration to-day, and decided riot to interrupt tho regular course of comidvrailou. ft Is prubuojo tho 'M'ffatlon will vote ??? WAAlIINOruN. April it ??? rumen muuiud m uio couRre??j>msii's favorlto retreat, win ter aud summer. time is paired on the boat ia a variety oi soclsl Hinutunenth, but the regular programme at Old Folut is to sit on the broad Ve randahs which run out almost Into the wavtsand enjoy "yaros.??? No patty It comp mo vrlthout a prufcatlonal narra tor of good stoilee. tx ooogrenuun McKenste, of Kentucky, trow sevreutry of statu tu that commonwealth, atss the mo-t populsrrepreseutaUveor this dam white ln W*fh> Ington. Congress is never without this necessity of social life. Buusot Cox has a fine dtnelnthls dtremtou. Kx-Governur Curtin poeres**an lirex hausttble supply of 'good ones.??? Mr. dorr Is a close observer of numrui uature and glvtssoma flue specimens of wasteru humor. JUohtiiteu ftohiuton never forgeis a J die aud oan pMdi???eo a tnourarid coverlug a period from the foundation of thu gov ernment uuitr now. Crtilble uever tells Jukt?? out U snood lutenrr Raudalt tndn<??w oouealonally in this diversion with moduraio sucotii tkrnapjr Vance Is the most uot??d teller of good atorira ln oongresa. Senator Vonrueva hae rxoelleiit commaud of reversl dialects. IoksUi. Vest aud Fry ears both well supplied with shut**. Among ???be members t-f the toouw* nou-d for this style of uuuvfrhwUoo 1 should have meutloutxl the venera ble Luke Poland, ol VermotiL Tbe auiwrior the local swei of snormalssias aud black as luk.~ Mis walk has tbe elbow curve and ih- knee dip to a (Kg eu biihertouusehlsvsd by the most brilliant of our domestio dudes l hi. r.m*,k\blo gentleman bsa oome to vv??sii|r g.oa to trsen ??? Bugiisli as It Is spoken In Loudon.??? If all ibesuooslu the city ttatron'so him he will bteouie wealthy tna few Lnirers to MlasourUDi ln Washington say tbe uomluaiton of Meueral Marmadukeifor goveruor;of tbelr stele Is blmnet certain. Cougimumn fyeu nas been urged to tmer tho race He hssgoBe out Ur see how (be ground lies, but will probably not be a cabdldate. Froffsanr Alexander Graham Bel, tbe invuljr the telephone- now iivta ??n me mauslon tu ton swelldom which be puiosawd for Jrom Mr. Broadbead He bai a deal and uuob wife and some lun us ing chiidreu. I'ro- fesaoi Bell hsa a pm.oely lucerne aud enjoy??? ill?? in truly cultured way It Is said (hit John Wise has resigned all hope of retelulugblftseaitu tbe house aud is ready to drop Into the dlr.rlcl attorneyship ln VirgUU wim which Arthur Is to reward bis ???ervi we tothe repub lc??n psriy. John has been to sreB aloe iluce our prerldeuiUl star took the as- Ccuoaut Tbe young man la rnoivtd to be solid ?? hlcnever way Ore repuniloau ilde turns Ills po lltlcal career lu VLgit-Ulsat an end and Its record * i generally eovtsd. Judae Buvhsuau pr sides over the Jeauuette In* . re Igallou. All Ibe sessions are well attended, mo??. of Mnwe present being irleuds of some of the psrtles iutfre??n.d, Mre. BeLoug Is (hero at ivery slttlig, a sad freed si.msu lu deepest mourulig Boa has saoWn tbs most p rfect anxiety to protect her husband's memoty and has caught every word that has come Iron me witnesses. Ms not pleasant to beer of tho wrangling which pneeded the awfui fate of ihs ??? xHorere. Mrs. DeLoog bu a competency with what Jsmee Gordon Bmnett gave her elver beiibusoatia abody whs found, itenred and froaeu??? sacrifice to a wtid and (m-jracilcable scheme. LOHQWoK rn'i OPINION. Thlaks tbs Cloetsaail Kin Wes Nil as Ilnsila* $4 Nil , Ngw York, April 16??? Judgo Nicholas Long- wortb, of Clodnoatl, to day s $1*1 the rio:s of Cin cinnati "were not an uomlxed evil. Jartre and lawyers bad grown supremely Indiffer ent to tbe voice of Juilcv. tbat they nsedsd sn lminret-on. I have but five year's experience of bench, aad I know sxaathuiK aoout Cincin nati cilmlnsl pr< coed are. Of -courre tbe belter class efeidsene were to bo bitmtil for not being more willing to serve on the Jarlti. Trial by Jjry ie$ m?? to meatsjut played oat. Tbe Cincin nati J edges con'd out gf t respectable men lo seive tae Juries, and j iron for ??ale at five dollars a osen swarmed rod nd tbe Beery one of tbo??s *1 murderers wh >m me mo*> wanted to lyuch tecreree they baa ojiy i??.***n convicted of mur l??riu the s??ciad degrso, will be Ranged sure enough now.??? Pre.vptasg viesroa# m??p?? i-U*n l?? Seen* ???lllsent State Kshibll.! Tbe proposed Georgia exhibit at the Neir Orleau* worid'a fair is rooYiug along spleu- dully. Yesterday moraiug an important meeting Has held at tbe capital to settle certain necesasry prelimina ries. Governor McDaniel presided. Tbe gentlemen present w-re, Hon D. C. Bacon, elate commissioner tor Georgia, and tbe following district coinmissiunera: Hon. L. F. Llvlnxston, Dr. Thomas P. Janes, Hon. T. M Peeples, Hon, Joan A. Cobb, Hon. Jultn T. Henderson, Hon. George W. Ad-tnt*. Tbe absent commissioners were Dr. Lela.,1, of Ila;tow, Hon. W. A, Harris, of Worth and Hon, J. S. Davidson, of Angueia. Perfect harmony ami unanimity prevailed, and the fallowing programme was mapoed out: The district commissioners will appoint a commissioner for each county. These county commissioners will work up their respective localities in connection with the commissioners of tbe congressional districts. In order to explain the soups and objected the coming exposition a committee ws, appointed, cousixtlng of Major X) (j. Bacon, Judge John T, Hender son, snd Colonel L. F. Livings ton, to prepare SDd publish s pbamplet tor tree distribution setting forth all the necessary facts aod fig ures. After doe consideration it was decided to sees Ihe statu at large two per cent wuon the state tax of 1882, or ia tiro aggregate about $20000 to foot the bill of ?? Georgia's exhibit, Atlanta's alone will be about $1,600, In addition to Ibe money raised in tula way the commissioners expect to receive various donations which will ???well thesam total toahandiomesmonnt. In oonneolion with tbe New Orleans exoosition the commissioners considered our approach ing state (sir, Tbe outlook tor this home ex position ia very rncoaraglog, and tbe com missioners are la favor ot urokiog Macon the central point for tbe preliminary collection and organisation of tbe Geur.U exhibit. Toe dliplay in mest instances can very well be mado si onr slate fair, and then the articles can be forwarded to New Orleans. The state commissioner and tiro district com missioners will be of iucslcolsblu service in superintending the organisation, trimeter and dnnlay of Ibis double exhibit. Tbe commissioners present if: yesterday???s ???nceiing were well pleased with the outlook. Georgia will make tbe moat of her opportunl- ty- FLOURISH I r-l'J PIOURHS. n. Tel. .r U. (tela our>. Ur-elE a. nu Sr tae Tn lf????k??# 0 A Constitution ureu who was joamlug About the city h ill yeatenUy cnauklly dropped Into tho office of Mejer Bnve Cook, the gonerel tax re- , ooiver nud ooliootor, and found him putting tho flni'blng touch** to hfs city tax digest "A good showing.??? Mi<l the nwjor, k* he blood \ beck nud looked et n mree of flgurw, "AtUute???i ^ loomtog up In flnoAiylc.??? . "Whet iMiok lsthl*r* niked the reporter, Uyfog hi* hand on e large aud hmvy btnuk bo ik. "That 1* ihe tex digcat for thi* ytir; ihcre li tho one for 18e0 owr yonder.??? Thu reporter looked, end uw nt a glance that thedlgmfar *84 waa throe times larger than the one for lbfld. "A big dtfferenoe.??? retnarked tho major, with a * 39 ???mile. "Weil I???ll giro yon a few other point* 11- lu* raring Atlanta's marvelous growth. You aeo tklnbook???? The reporter noddod. "This Is tho ABRPMor???s to'utu for 183t. Thor?? are 503 lirgo prtgp* ln tho voiumo. A few years ago a small book would do. To viva you au idea ef what wo have todolnthta office I will *ute tint In 1870 Atlau'a'a real taut*- waa owned by 1,281 tax papers. In J830 the number of tax payer rapid Idcreare-T' ??????How about the taxes and the value erlyV coming to that ThU y#4ir In wvrr.ihf In 1883 It wa* ir6, ??fjd.J!l real ??Atate valuwtl m 118 e r.'o.iion or 1:1,lit ret, uf iJ.'JIO Oi# over tire property rrturued lait ??? And the canonal pru.#.rty 7??? Ob, that Quctnatra ??*a>.t year It wm |8,1Pi,173. year.??? V THBSILVCH COLLAR. A Hill Prevldlne fer ih* Imn ??f oat. Tea aa?? Five Beliar dlljir Uenllaatea. WAtniNuroN, April 16 ???Thohoaiecommlltoo on oommerclal weights nud rao wares tovUy auaal- , moasly Instructed Itepreaeutetivo Laoy to report favorably his bill to prohibit lire lreoo of treaaurr notes of less than fl vu dollara. and to provide for tbo fesne of one, two and five dollar silver certifi cates. iho blit provldm mat on aud after IQ?? got!ihisAci,U??h*U bo unlawful tor tho lary of iho treasury to print aud lnuo treas ury noicaof Hauler (Kmouilnitloa than five dol lars, aod (haiaoy holder of svaudard silver dolUr *>' rf!\ r t r l/loaiow m*y dt p ??it tae ???amo with mu treasurer or aojr nhMnfant tri???nsurer uf diu Culud Hta ??!*???. In auras of not Itw* thvntcn dotiais. and tvccive therefor ??ilvi-r ccrriQoatoi uf tho denomination, at theopllon Of tho hu.'dor of oue, twoaud Avednl otner denomluadona aa now provided by law. Tho folJOWjSf Icature uf the original bill waa nrlcken out liy a vole ot b to 3, "Brodlved tlflcatea of tbe denomination of one and two duliara >hall exoeod the aum of twenty mliliou dollars, Uio srcreiary ol the treasury may suspend Lrelasue i yeas ware MuH-rs Bland, Dowd, Pusey, Laobam arid Itelfurd, nud tbe nays Messrs. Hardy, Ltney a????d Cvo* Pelltwlag tbe Merlptarea. Hello, More," cried a white man to a darkey# got back from campmceilog, ! tee." Yes, sab,??? answered the negro. Have a good time7??? YdU kin bet we did boas; I nebber seed so much Mtfldla 'llglon 'aplaiod afo^eua* I bin bo'n." in what way did you enjoy tbe aerrlocsiaost?* Well, sab, de ting what tuck my eye, wusda true way dat de preccher follered de teachln ob de rcriptera.??? JIoweoT??? Yo'aeo, boss, grab wuz glttlu' pow'ful ikace, bout depreccher'e tent, en' de good man wnx 'conin' ooeasy, w'en up (oeu* or jaii* r inuko wld de alckia* lookin' rooster 1 ebber seed.??? "flick, was her Y is, re*h: sick wa'n't no naaae fer 'in, nu' po???, goodgitdcu*! Batde rasa ob God lock 'im, fel all eber, an???seed Row booy hcMi.j, icn turnin??? rouu??? tode folks, he red: Brcderio??? an??? ilatcru, ain't rite fer to kill die flag, 'kase de Bible ms dat hit was a roosfer what crowtd. aa* fotch old Peter ter *peutaoee, an* tak- In* dls fao' fn 'kidcrallon dues yer want ter reudder fox nil, whose foiepa called de 'tentahun of a man ter hlstlnsr' Bis aperch got 'way wld 'rm, an' dey tuck dat cblckun, what wux den ao*??? ded, an??? carried 'ire ter a rooa' not far off, an' lei' 'Ire in place ob three nice, fat poUlts. "flcch ackihun aa dat, far, speaks well fer de vancemeotob 'llgtoa." FATAL WORK AT PANAMA. The Oaaal Baade D;li|??a Lira* Ita??? Mere en the Isahmas. Philadelphia, April 19 theusaed laborers have (lied la three months on the Panama canal. I hi- i$ thu reportof Captaiu Wlllhank whoreturotd io this city yesterday hum the canai, where he had been (upervlring the work of a dredge for a year past. ''Mcuey is plenty,??? he says. "There Is only one thing a ore rr mm on???than cash, and that Is M*-n die like leaves in autumn Only tne Italians appear io live. Th?? dtad are dl-poreid f without ceremony. A aba.lew grave, no rayera, and all la lu a inouvnt lorg '"??*ii There ??? fifteen -- now canal. and moady at n*froea work ... _ . from Jamaica and the Frercn wiat ludlea Tbt*?? negro*a a??e brought over lu drovea aa fast thww at work di*-, ana ( venture to say that not two- birds of (P.e Of teen thou??*n<l laborer* now at will be alive a year from >-ow. It la dread* Five thousand dud durlo* the peat three mon'h??4#bnt tn?? largo per tempts m:u to brave all tae daugei,??? a*- M