The constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1884-1885, April 29, 1884, Image 5

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THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION: TUESDAY, APRIL 29,1884.- TWELVE PAOtWL METROPOLITAN MEN WO FURNISH AND DIREC amusements. New York a Market of Bcikin-T'-e s.zzr.lfoES of Uuon Square???Zutc.tta Dely'e Woik- ZMepaian a ter the Buprrmecr-A He- mazkable Kaaaacr-rereoaeiNotee, [The reriesof eketekee and llln.'rttloni continued New Yobk, April 24.-I recently heard an old and experienced manager connected with Aupuatln Daly'! theater eitimate that moA money had been apent for amusement! in thli city during the put aeatofi than in any year for many leaioni put; anditlll the season hu been exceptionally dlautroui to moat manager!. It is gratifying tc know that the lltteit survive and prosper. The amount of money spentdnring this putieaaon wu thought to bo at least (4.500.000 at the theaters and probably a million and a half more in opera; anp it wu asserted incidentally that there wu moro money invested now In theaters in this city than there wu in all the country thirty years. The lab ter statement Is probably true. The assessed value ol the thirty places devoted to amusements of all kinds In New York li said to be IS.073,00*. The theatrical butioets hu been to changed in the lut lew years that It may almost be said to have concentrated here, and New York hu become the theatrical market. Boston and Philadelphia each originate to tome extent, bat it lsloNew York that managers come for' their cbloi attractions, not only in plays but in players. Here stars engage their support and book their engage ments. In tho vicinity of Union Equate are the theatrical agencies; actors out of employment congregate in the neighborhood, and they havo como to designate the fqnare as tho ???Slave Mar. ket," themselves being, In theatrical pulanco, the slaves. Here managers from othercltles make en> gsgements and book attractions and the ???Slave Market" Is regularly visited by them in the summer. It is In this dly chiefly that the local managers produconew plays or try foreign auccescas with th. view of letung them out to other cities or to rending out traveling com. panics to produce them. The business of prepar ing attractions for the road hu g own to bo so Important and distinct a part of the management that tome thoau rt are run at a loss solely to establish the claim of a play to provincial con. slderatlon. Many out of town managers depend solely on the New York attractions supplied them. large prices are paid and'heavy percentages exacted. As much u ten thousand dollars hu been paid for untried plays such as ???Storm Beaten.??? Ono detriment to the dramatlo art growing out of this change in the system of management hu been tho development of a Class of managers who have no other than a financial Interest in the busi ness. They havo no sentiment about tho advance ment of art or culture of the stage; they are merely ''hucksters??? in the business, and are not particular u to what they offer or the manner of presenting It. They selso upon foreign eucoesies of tho English or French schools and lit tho former to suit American tutes, and cutlng out tho grosser Indecencies which are permlisable in tho French, they foist them on the American public at one or moro of the New York theaters under their control, and after forcing a run let them ont to other managers to send out inferior companies to play them.' A great deal of money is sometimes risked in these vontnrea, but it is not by the ???hnck s'.er" class of managers that are loudest In claim ing heavy expentea It Is this class of managers whohave suffered most during the put year. Thoso who have prospered have happily been the few who we may count on the fingers of one hand, and on whom it la likely the theaters anust depend for some years to come or u long as the present system luts for really dramatic and operatlo productions. arotrsTiH DAbY'a woxx. A single fnriCoi.t hu lately compelled general acknowledgement that Augustin done more than any other ananeger in recent years to elevatethedramaaud tocounteract the degrading influences which the changed system hu virtually brought upon the stage. This Incident wu the selection of his company, u a representative Amer ican stock company, to pay the return visit to Eng- land of Irvlug'a company from this country. Mem beta of Irving's organization, donbtliu the nearest perfection of all modern English companies were the ones who suggested to Daly this trip and one of them, Mr. William Tenlu, assumed the principal risk of the venture. This Incident called generaU attention towbat a few critical persons had long recognised, that Mr. Daly had organised the best stock comedy company which New York hu probably ever seen. There were a few literary critics who talked learnedly of memories of old tlmo companies, but these were recognised as croakers. A few others maintained the prestige of Wallack'a oompsny forgetting that Mr. Wallack???s eonnany had become Anglicised. Still others gave the greatest credit to the Madison Square theater, forgetting that establishment wu nothing more u yet than a school for amateurs, though unquestionably a very good school, but the training is Immature, the tendency by the management Is to prettiness, not strength, and It is immaterial whether or not the body Is more than veneering deep. Mr. Wallack hu long been 111 these bare not Improved on bis style they bare produced him more monry than his own more re fined entertalnmen's. He remrued and appeared yesterday sill somewhat bunt with rbenmstUm and a deal grayer than wlycn he wentaarsy. Hq at onoe returned to the style of entertainment which had brought great tame and heavy mortgages to hit hou<e. His son Arthur and Mr. Theodore Mors are probably responsible for the late departure lu management, and alto for the weak company which for the season hu held nucertaln possession of Wallack'a. - Angusia Dally wu before at the head of management lu this city; he is there again; more matured, more earnest, more skilled than he was and quite aa ambitious as ever to give the best. Tho neceatl'y to give also that wh tch will pay curb. bis spirit not a little and he sometimes surrenders to the desire to give the public his lute rather than its own. These are the occasional mistakes he mskea Ho hudonesothls season ln???8ergo Fantne??? and ???Boys and Glrle:" but be quickly acknowl edged hi. error and gave his audleuco what they did want rather than attempt to dictate then at his own expense to take what they ought to have. He baa, notwithstanding tbla recognition of the commercial necessity of the manager, given entertainments moro varied and fat more entertaining than; any other man. ager in the city; he has a reward in a uniform sucoeu, the smallest receipts of any weekdurlng;tbe season.tne run of.???Bovsand Girls,??? a.pure ldealic comedy, (3M Delng more than the expenses. Daly Is an old newspaper critic. Before becoming a manager he ured to write .crit icisms for three dally papers dur lng the week and four on Suuday. Hehuhad the good sense, however, never to mauage mote than one theater at a time. He is an untiring worker, he is seldom before his own curtain In tbc front of the house, he Is of a nervous temperament but not irascible or easily vexed; his nerrouanets leads rather to rapid work and qnlck decisions. He rehearses laboriously; the latter disposition Is the chlei objection which his company urge against him, but the members recognise that to this quali ty is due the perfection of acting which is reached by the whole combination. DUrDTiHO THE rsui. For a long tlmo Messrs. Shook and Palmer at the Union Square theater, disputed with Daly and Wallack and the Madison Square management the cl ilm to the best stock companies, to the careful and elaborate productions of new pieces. At one period it seemed that Wallack had tho prior right to the leading London successes; that Dslydrew en tho German dramatists for materials; that the Madison Square was the home of tho native dram atlsts; whllo Shook and Palmer took what little that wasgood for American use by tho French dram atlsts. Palmer retired a year ago and the now managers who succeeded Messrs Shook and Collier, himself and Is very crmpanlonable with his loti- matesand very domeaio in his tastes. A BEltAEKADUt MANAGER Probably the most remarkable success which bar bceu attained lu New Y'ork management has been by that most remarkable men, if not manager, Colonel John A. McCaull, ALIt THROUGH DIXIE. nil ftawn OF TDM WEEK IX THE KOUTIIF.KN STATE*. who has attained a prominence as about the only really sue-cssful manager of Ccmlc Erg Hah opera we havo over had. His position Is now undliputed. He deserves it for both bis pluck and daring. Ho has by dint of sheer perseverance, good taste and judgment, the exercise oisome nerve end a good deal of audacity, como Into control ol " Casino,.the most beautiful theater In tho world, and ol the largest and best English opera company In existence, and haa tho pick and choice ol finest foreign musical productions. He has rival left. In fact. Every opera ho has touched and of which ho had opportunity to Jndgo before production. has made a great ce>??: and ha has given New York what It was not previously juscuatomcd to???young .faees au ' voices lu Iho chorus. McCaull pereonally 1s a bluff, but not gruff, fellow, be doesn't beat about tho bush in huslnes matters, and being positive in all things ho acts quickly on bis own Judgment, It is htrdly correct to speak ol William McConnell, of Havcrley???s Brooklyn theater, aa metropolitan manager, butu we ate accustomed hereto Include the suburbs In tho metropolis It may be permitted. Betides Mr. McConnell has have somewhat changed tho policy ol tho Union Equare, They found a bonanza in tho ???Lights ol London" which Shook and Palmer had produced, and put lour companies on Iho road, making thereby, a great, deal ol money. Tbey havo lol lowed this policy with other subsequent produc tions. This change In policy, however, docs not change the stylo of prcrcnuttlonof this house which hu always been noted for lu care and detail. But both Shook and ColUor are experienced managers and though nobody prelenda that, like Daly and Wallack, Urey havo a rentlmcntal regard for the stage, nobody on the other hand regards them ss mere dealers In the dramatis art. Shook hu always been an cmbtululle politician but he does not allow politics to Interfere with business. Mr. Collier, barring his partlslily for tho lair ssx, which Is pardonable Into handsome a follow. 1s devoted to butluew wheuever bo is not to the ladles. The two men are a contrast In ohar- actor as In appearance. Shook la bluff and out spoken and Collier Is all suavity, but a little In clined to be suspicious and reserved: Bhook lota everybody know wbat he tblnki, particularly II It Is not complimentary; Collier on tbc other hand keeps his adverse opinions to himself, but by bis manner leads one to believe ho thinks worre of him than ho really means. They made large sumi of mom y this year with traveling companies; hut little, U any, In the home theater, HENBV ABBEY'S VKNTUKES. Tho magnitude of the theatrical ventures of Henry Abbey, (be greatest theatrical speculator the world !Rs probably ever seen. Justifies their not Florida waters and wlntenhave not restored his yonth; and lo his Inactivity and ab sence a new management at bis theater hu somewhat changed * his methods and the character of his productions. If o o bom doing for Brooklyn for a brlof period wbat the managers I bare named have been performing for Now York. Ho bu elevated (he standard dramatlo representation there, u It never was raised before aod h??s compelled other managers follow???though still a long way behind. Brooklyn used to bo one ol tho most unsatisfactory places the country for a theatric*! trpupe to visit; It hts becoms one of tho best; tho reason Is that tinder Mr. McConnell???a sensible management the perfor mances havo been so Improved that tho Brooklyn people, who formerly vlrlted New York In search of first class amusemenU are now content with those he gives them, and await his prcs.-utatlnn the best novel ties. McConnell Is ambltlous.and probably an early day will seo him and his brother, C. H, McConnell, Uaverly's Chicago, produce new plays In Now York and Chicago, simultaneously and pulling their own combinations on the road to play them It la a development cot unnatural to expect, at an culy date, fer If they do not do so somo other manager will try tho experiment. McConnell bad an opportunity lo display an Important qualifica tion ol a manager at his theater on Saturday night lut; when the . andlence wu threat ened with a panic, from a cr. of ???fire??? from a drunken man. McConnell not onty Dersonally kicked tlin man outof Ihelebby.but then rushed np tho main upon the et??ge and In a brio! address audlenco that there was no occasion for l , , such an Incident to throw them even Into a momon tary confusion. rgXSONAL. PABAQSIAPH. Among tho persons who were proaont Abbey???s benefit. In a private box, was Adelina Patti, prime donna of Hapleson'a troupe, eccom being denominated speculations at all. He la a man untrained In the theatrical proftsclon, yet everything ho hu done In it hts teen on the broadest scale. Ho simultaolously organized the Bernhardt, Langtry and Kellson tours ot this country In 1812-63. and made large sums lor each of these artists and himself. He suggested and carried to sncceea tho two doubtful schemes by which Irving ;and company were performing In America while Mary Anderson played In London. Ula great failure In e pecuniary him in the operatic enter- prize which he hu been conducting at a lose of over 1203.000Is freely ecknowiidgcd by blmaeU bet he hu given such magnificent presentations ol opera lhal Ms professional success It conceded by everybody; bis benefit Monday night netted him (43.000, bat that wu the lout of his triumphs; ou that remarkable occasion not only the best people ol the community, but rival managers and artlsla applauded from reals for which tney had paid en ormous prices. Mr. Abbey bu nervea of Iron and his count*- ence never betrays hts feelings and thoughta; be seems to have no con ception of money and lu value; to la St no thought of failure when he makes a risk. Ha bar the happy and unusual (acuity of attend ing only to the general features of hts business, leaving details lor other* to accomplish, and he succeeds in securing the performance ol the Utter without contusion, noise or friction; he hu Uttle sens, of humor; he Is not given to lightly amusing panted by (he venerable NlcoUnl, her alleged hut- band. While tbo bu nover tuag Abbey tho hu Judieloasly, lu various ncgoUatlons whleh cams to nothing except lo force Mspleson to pe j her (r.,000> performance, dealt Israel, with him; tad I presamo her apscstnnco ou the occasion wu u much out of .ratllude at compliment. It It not often that Patti expresses her sympathy In any other wny then kind plaudits. She It very tepder regarding the "mighty dollar,??? and lu the cue of hsr smumuletlona the bu the best support which NlcoUnl affords her, since he never spends anything except bit loseee et billiards, The Mirquil De Caux, her former hutbaad, pre ferred ncouiL Christine Nlllton, ibe prime donna of Mr. Abbey???s troupe, sang a solo, in which sho wu accompanied on tho violin by Mme,MareeUa flembtlch who wu carelul, how. ???'-Tw SgiSbS? ever,to have announced that the wonld pity ou this Instrument In public only oat of personal compli ment to Mr. Abbey, oembrfcb can do anything. Bha plays, tinge and looka charming under aU circumstances; unlike NUlson she Is never sick; and udIIxs Beheld never over-eels herself. The voluntary appearance of these three beautiful and accomplish*! women on a alugle occasion ;-Patti u allstner and tho others u performers.???lz Justly regarded u a remarkable Incident: and the gte* compliment to Mr. A obey la everywhere remarked with unfeigned pleasure. tv. F. O. flux ft tee for bondholder!, for (10,000. With the road j were aold ta.OCO aorta of land, whlah belonged to I It. The retd It now operated by the Norfolk | Southern railroad company. * Cbablottx, N. C??? April 24 ???For several weeks I put great sxcilemeut hts excited In Mecklenburg Whet the Southern Folk* are Doing???Tho and Iredell counties over a mad deg epidemic. Latest Newa by Mail and Wire Wednesday, a dog o! Tim McConnell, in Mooree- ??? villa, won' mud and bit MoSouuel and two negro to The Constitution. I men. McCoDncil had his finger bitten eff, hnl choked the dog to death. He leit yesterday for The cold wave daring the past week caused I Hickory to test the virtuoso! a msdstono owned by somo apprehension among the farmers, bnt I * cltiseu of that place. There li talk of sending tbo it finally rolled away and wns followed by aa two negroes lo the Insane asylumfor treatment and delightful and promising crop weather a* **ou d.^lLt week at alterestluu took place be mu ???? ' ,<91re ???' tween a man named David Brown. Uvlug near The events of the past few dsys havo not wtcaton and ble eon-Iu-law named John Henley been of a very notable character. Bogan when Brown ehot Beasley wllh a ???holster pistol,' Cub, of Sonth Carolina, has been discovered I loaded wllh iqulrrel shot, the load lodging In hoes In MisB'ssIppi, where ho Is paying A visit to ???W*'???<*- neck and breast. Brown came to town a friend. A bloody encounter took place ^ ??# as ??. , ??? , , I who carried him before a magistrate, who alter* near Moulton, Alabama, between a party of k e ??? lnf tha ??? ldenc ??? In tho dlfmlued farmers and a gang of highway robbers. No Brown on hta own recognisance. Beuloy???s wounds destructive storms bave been reported and are not considered dangerous. It appears that the floods hare subsided. I Beuley had Ill-treated hit wife, BroWu???a daughter The Alabama mineral expcaltlon, at Blr- ??? that Brown took her home and torbtd Beuley mingham, wu quite a success. In various *?? ???* bo ???'*' but , b ?? ????? ??? bo d,y ,b V A ... , * , , ,, , the shooting took place, to talk matters over with stales Sunday school and denominational Br ovru. when the altercation tsok placo which re- COn-entlnnn are helntr lielil. ami nil thn fndl. I .... . con-???entlons are being held, and all the indi cations point to a spring and summer of peace and prosperity. Mississippi. In Meridian, Mbs., In tho lut two and a halt months there bare gono np and now lo process of erection eighty buildings. The ptico ol real estate InVleksbng, Miss., has advanced twenty percent daring the lut six mouths. suited u above itated. Ciiabi.eston, April (6 ??? Colonel T B Long. peat, ofilco Inspector, hu trretted Garrett J. Byrnes, money order elerk ot tho Charleston pottufilce, charging him with altering the records aud,em beullug eight hundred delltre of money ordu und, Tennessee. Nasiiviixx, April 22 ???Myer Moaoovlis, Jr, and Beke White, two negroes, havo been arrested for anarsluallng Meyer Friedman, about a week>go,lu Louisiana. Tho tupelogum In Louisiana la proving to ben ?? rt ?? r to obtain two hundred dollars, for which valuablewoodforstaveeforeugarandflourbarrole. wu lueurefl In American Legion of Roporta from Iho northwestern part of Louisiana Honor ' Frhdmau'e wife wu aooemry before fact Indicate (hat tho naual amount of corn hoe been f ??? en ^ bcr hu.baud to moot his death, planted,but that the acreage In cotton bu increased I Outtanocoz. April 21-TbIe morning the two Irom fifteen to twonty per coot. Cera and cotton are both reported u looking well. Virginia. Richmond, April 22 ???Near Irving, lea'.Baturday, ory frame bourc.foiraerly owned and occupied by Medamo Blanton on Georgia avenue, across the ???treot from tho poetotBco, caught fire and wu damaged to the extent of fifteen hundred dollars Tho houeo wae purchased a few months ego by Dr. JoeFlIunand Blit Halo, two desperadoes engaged I Rust, a Methodist minister of Cincinnati, who waa in a shooting affray, and Fllnn ehot Hale through I prominent In the movement to eetablilh a uulvcr. tho heart, but htfuie the latter fell heilrol Fliuu I airy at Ibis piece, ltwu Insured for (1.C00 In tho of fhf twico. frem the effects of #b lch he died in a few ] hours. Work hu commenced on tho now city hall build' lug In Richmond, Va. Florida. Watermelons ol Iho present crop are being re ceived at Key West, Florida. JZJhSiEEi ????ra???ft * b ?? P???oflhe county and a Iradcr In Cbaua- I'henlx Iiiniraicecm.sny. CUATTANroOA, April 23.???Calvin Scruggs wit today rned by N F Hole Uon lot damages, douo by a mule entorlr g tbo premises of the latter, was fined (100. CiiAiTANOOA, April 25.???1???reston Gann, oneof tho oldest citizens of Hsmllton county, dlod last night at bis homo in the second district- He wu ono of Gopher catching In Fiorlda I. a business. They Zfjnhn P , one oV thT. Tv wu onTof tho sell for about ono dollaraud a halt a dozen. dtJ .' WU .?????? t ??! ,bt [ -L , l>??nta nn T abn Tiaokln U|.??? I pUfly WIIO, WllD Mfi GftDD| DtJ DO IMIU lO MTfl a front foT U * 11 h1, F 1 o tb *' 00 founded Chattanooga. Mr. Gann was ninety odd 1 years old. Sheriff Moulton, of Meigs county, px-sod through Urn city yesterday ovenlug with Alex Wamac.whom An orange treo In Hillsboro county, Fla., la five feet eight Inches in droumfereneo fifteen Inches above the ground. Th. limbs spread fifteen feat I ZT.o IVku^raTesT^Cm^ end thn tr#A I- tMrtv.-tr fast ht-h he had captured In Arkausu lot bigamy. Wamso and tho tree Is thlrly-ilx feet high. Kentucky* first married Nancy WaltioopatChattanoogacicek, near Ibis city, and removed to Georgia, and return- Looisvitu, April 21.???Membcre ol nix different I ed In abont two yean, and reported hie wllo ti families living in West End havo been poisoned by. I dead. Ha then returned and marrlod Mollle Hr* eating esko purchased from a confectioner. The I Fin, tho daughter of Joseph Krwln. of Meigs child of George Gross has dltd and ton others havo I county, Ho then removod to Alabama, whore suffered terribly, but will recover. The poison w*b Wamsc acknowledged that he had another living arrcnlc, but how it got in tbo esko is not known I wlfo. His wlfo then loft him aud returned lo bcr Talks with tho whbky tarn hero to-day show that I lather. Wamec followed her lo Mclga county and no effect will bo produced on tho whisky trade by I was arrested and cicspod. This was eighteen tho break (n the prlcoSof high wluee further then I months ago. He was found In thtl state and nr- to stop salts at present. I rested. Sheriff Moulton wu notified of tho arrest It Isa penal ofienso to steal a dog valued at (5 In I * nd w,nt ltlerbl ???' .. .... Kentucky. I Knox vim.*, April 25.???Information of a horrlblo - I murder In Russell county hu Just been received T***s. I George Gibson and bla cumin william Gibson, MzssirAr.i., April 21.???Miss Maude Manning, I Jones Powers sad Wsyne Powers, had bought a slaughter of Chief Jusilco Manning, of Louisians, I bucket ot brandy In tho mountslus, snd afterwards and G. W. Compton, eloped frem Alexandria, I goi into a dispute about who had paid the most for Loutflsus, amt were rnirrlul Haiurdty night. I It, Knives amt pistols were drawn. Wllllini Gib* They were followed by tho young lady???s mother I son was shot and killed. Tho other two men then dud two gentlemen. Tho couple managed to elude I built a fire over hie body and burned It???toacri-p??? tho vigilante of iho mother by changing cars three I Tho charred remains were found next day. The times, but wero finally caught by somo persons I threo murderers have boon caught and are cow In and locked upln a box car of tho freight train. I Jail The murlorera may yot bo taken Irom Jail They wero brought lo thlsdty only to dlaoloeo tho | end hanged, fact that they wrroman end wlfo. Tho cattlo drive ol Texu, during the coming sea. son, will reach over 300,000 head. Texts cctnprlies 228 organised counties, aod lor- Alabama. BiaxiBOHSM, Ala., April 21.???Thomu II. Bhaw abrakemaa on the Louisville and Ntihvlllo rail- lllo'ry enough toform"foo'more without VioUting I b ' lween ,M,orday ?????? r Blonnt the constitution. ~ Springs, llo wu killed Instantly. Fmccnctre ' " 1 1 ??? I ptmed over him. A m*u named Wlntor wan killed . . . ??? Arkansas I at Warrior atftllon yesterday by tbo L 'ulirlllo and A walnut tree eight feet la dUmeter kni been I Muhvlllo train. Ill* body vu lorn Ipto frigmon'i found near Fort Sn)lth. not , th, n ?? mtn -, hand, Iho entire Inin Tho noxl orop of Pop* oounry, Arkansas. p0I ,| Dg0TC r hfm. promise, to be ono of thol.rgeet ever hatvceied In Dc catv* AprU 21.-A bloody encounter took the county ( eiuecUllyxf thocoreole.' I placo neor Moulton In which a parly of boncit OziBK, April 23.???Cbhtlee Wright, oolort.l, was I i armen foURht a body of eight highway robbers, hengid at Center Point, Howard county. Friday. Mr. I'olllpe, Hr. leader of lh.f.nnor.,enrt alelihlu for the mud. r last July of Thomu Wjait, whlto. I Kdhcrent . we.e Instantly killed, while Wright was eno of a crowd of negroes who attack- I DUm ber were dangerously wounded. On the othor <d Wyatt In a Held and killed him. but not before ddo 0 , lnet llrookl> u, 0 i etder of u,. thieve., wee hohed killed on* of them. The affair cruted ???,i,ally killed. When h* fell ble mother took hie intense excitement Several hundred negroe. p||t0|t ud dccUlred tbM .j,, W0Uld b> ??? mu tor took up arms and the wbllae organised. State I 0B# troops wore eent to the tome, quelled Ibe disturb- jj, Aprll jj._rb e Alabama (ermauent anco and arrested a large number of rioters. S**-1 mineral exposition formally opens here to day, eral wero sentonetd to verlou. forms lu the penis Tb , wellher WM btd , or , bo , tvoa ot tenitary and Wright rescind th*death eeuleno*. tb( ?Mri pet tba city wu throttled wllh visitors Ho admitted being present at the killing o f rom all sections ol the country. The elate wlllila Wyatt, bnt claimed that he bed not taken au ??? >>out fn j bI j f ar0 e. Every promli.vut building active pert In It Ilemelntalmd a Arm demeanor ln d|y wu dtconl , c( , ???,, h ualflD n >M , tho totbo last and died without aslragde. I oocuton seems Ilka an ante heUum fourth ol July South Carolina. I Ml > biatton. Hllrriag speeches were mtda by J. A. Levsnoton, Aprl' 21???The tempenne. cause U Vanhoou, president ol th* board ol inde. A. O. on a boom ln Urle town. Mn. Cbeflu'a Ueturo. u "?? ???*?? or ' ?? nd Tho tatter produced a surprising amount of enthusiasm, ??Pokc at length ol the four grand national diets especially among the ladle* It Is oot.fld.nlly ex- to"* ????? te ' ??">??? U)0 '???vor valley ef- pocted lhal our lawn will btfore long be pieced in fording th* floutOOUDIry known lor tho production tho category ol "dry (own*??? I ol cere*is and graasee. Second. Iho great mineral GaagNviLLi, 8. C., April 21.-MI1L No 1, ol tho I Ulrmlngham as a can for, where raw Campcidown cotton fao'ory, lu which 100 opera. ???neterieU abound In such clou proximity that pig ilvoe are employed and 2 8,0 lotudle. ran. will I lroa mvdi ln Birmloghsm it rhtpp.^ u. i'lfsburg shut down to-morrow lu coneequence of Iho i ra . I and Cleveland aod eold at good profit. Ho said poedblltiy of semiring a supply of cotton for cotiu I lbtl * b ??? Birmingham aeotlon would becota* 4he yarn.. In AbbevUle county, there b great scar- we??lthle.t aud mo.t densely populated portion of city of cotton ued, end perron, are going (ron the eoulh-but that the ??rUr* elate and wuth would farm lo farm in search ol seed to plant. In Bpartan- b * benslltled by tho infusion of northern eaplfol burg county de^du .-.. ^1,,., ??td energy which would h. welcomed and protect, than were over known before. I od at ell 'l??** It Is learned Irons t.unworthy authority that The third division wu thohlack bell, the flneet Bogun Cub Is staying wllh a Irfoud of tb. family p / odu ??^ <>Bnl ^ Tb * 1 * bollU ? n about twelve miles from Juk??m. Mia , also, that ??' elavefy lud bankrupted "big planten," but the tut before tho meeting of oourt In Chesterfield Introduction of now method, caused, this black county, he will come track aad surrender toth. h*???dlo produce twice u much u before The sheriff. Colonel Walts, hi. lawyer. Is confident I fourth dlvWonws. the long leaf pine belt. North- that when the caao cornea to trial, Boggen will bo I tra lumbermen appreciated tho great value of this acquitted. The widely pub!,, hod re lh?? ..reinvesting In It were dsy. MobU. yonrg Cash fled lo Cnad^ ecem. therefore, lob* wonM "??? ????????????I, !??!??????????? lumber port forth. [,1 M I exportallon *f yellow pin* lumber. Greenville, Sou'b C.roUna, U progrealng. The I ?????? "CMara'. lUnion.??? The object I. to county oontatu. eight cotton mill., oln.ty.foht d.vlraand perfecl; plans toadv.nco the growth and grist mills, tlxly-foor lumber mills, etc. The I Pfo*P??rlty ol the <u>F. products of the mtnufacluring eatabUshmeota are I Montoomebt, April a.???Bunday last Sam Hlnkch nearly tbreo million.. ???<>??> colored, working for Mr WBmlih.a reipeeu- MeaenEWOhaud, of Columbus; T Q Donald- hie farmer ln Chamber* county, Alabama, brutally ???-D, Ol Greenville, and T W Bacot, of Charleston, ???*??? bl ?? ?????????? wbo w " ub ?? b ?? *??????? blr,b ???????? the commission appointed tosiopIUy, revise , D(1 1 twins, both toon dying. It fot sported make more effective the ux laws of South Cere-1 ,h *' ,b * did not oolllva her children. The fl*nd- llua, met and organized for work yesterday. Th* bu * b *???' 1 ?????* lma bl * boo* to Smith'.house,and labors they are called upon to perform an onerous I thelairer being absent perpetrated a terrible oul- and their aesaloa will bo a protracted and laboroue I r4 E?? ??P?? n B??? Bmllb ; ??nd belig frightened away I by a nolee,escaped before th* whole neighborhood, cyclone of som* fore* visited th* lower e*clloo 10011 00 bu ,, * ck ' ??????I 11 overuke him. ??? Cheater county lut night Mr. Jerry Btack???e Hehubeen huotodmrriaera The who'-ocoantry residence, near Uewthorae, wu pretly bradly de-1 w ** roonred from Chamber* to Ux, and Into mollshed. and a negro named Betti wu autoualy >???<?????> *nd Montgomery countie*. He was shot at hurt by the felling of a chimney. five times and hit four Umez. Uewi.ciught ???" I U>-<U7 alter a nhort cluse bj Eugene /luermtn North Carolina. optica Luc*e.lrom Mount Mciw,Montgomery Balkigu. AprU22.???Tbe property of the Jamr*. I county, end lodged in Jell here. The wound la trille end Washington railroad end lumber company ,j, e neck penetrated part of the throat. He can ???old here to-day under tortcloiuro la the clr* | b* re iy wbl??per. Dn Woode, SImpeoa and Hill are court to Jno* W. Whllloa, of New York, trtu-1 attending him, and say that the throst wound may prove fatal. He begged to bo jailed here, Seirfng Judge Lynch in Cbatnbera onniy. liii. sr*:j#??on ie of powetfnl build, tweuty four yean old, o* cr six cot high,with sinister loolc^ aud n bid r^out-tUon Birminoium, Apiil 2i.???Divld Brown, a jiuar man twenty-four years old, boskkeeperfjr Dino* var & Co., lumber dealers, sulc'ded tbit ox irnlnc at Mcore'a residence, by taking morpblue. # Ciitm* here a year ago from Keokuk, Iova. and practiced law a ehort while, but felling to make a support, accepted a po>iifou as bookkeeper. He left a note to bis employer written on ??bo 17th, staling that he was a dtfanlter to the amount of six hundred dollars, aud seeing no way to pay up he was going to kill hlm*e1f. Returns from slxry c unties ln North Carolina, to ihe ???griculturol department show that the stand of wheat, oats, rye and other small grain was never better. IIUNTSViLUt, April 25??? In the trial r.f Prank James for participation. In the Mutcle 8hoaU rob* bery lu 1881, a verdict of not guilty was rendered. The verdict was received wllh a round of cheers. James was immediately arrested by the * Lerlflf of Cooper county, ffUsourl. Birmingham, April 28.???A well dressed man re gistered at the Richard house last night aa B imlth. During the night he burglarized six rooms, getting one hundred dollars and four gold watahos, and crcapcd from the hotel before daylight. The per manent mineral exposition still draws good crowds. The completion of tho Georgia Pacific, from Ble- mingham to Columbus, Miss., seems Msured at an carly4ay. Montgomery, April 26 ???The Montgt mory county democratic convention, after thsco dsyg sewlon, adjourned to day. Tho following ticket was nomiuated: For sheriff 1 , Thomas Sbcrbert; for tax collector, J H Leigh; for assessor, W J Dlcketson; for treasurer, J II BeMIngur. For legislature, lower house, Colonel ThomAs G Jones, W II 8ampson, A A Wyly and W A Gunter. For coroner, F A Williamson. Delegatas were elected to tho state convention. Bam Nickerson, tho Chambers county negro del* perado, Is still suffering ln Jail hero from his gun shot wounds. Bon Garnett, a drunken colored man, would no loave the track of the Montgomery and Eufaula railroad when warned ot danger last Saturday night, and wss run over by tho passing Irain and Instantly killed. Commlwioner Pratt, of Alabama,' has a cypren log measuring eight feot across tho butt, fivo feet ten lncNh??tc*oss tbo small end, and slxty-flvofcet long, lie will send It to the New Or!eana exhibl lion. The rale of fertilizers by Montgomery houses thir reason so far are 10,675 tons ??KalDstG800?astyeai. Several of these firms, however, supply consider* bio territory In Alabama, Thcro aro 1,402 convicts now at work in tho Ten* newe penitentiary and tho mines, being the largest number of convicts ever ln prlion at one tlmo ln Tennessee. West Tennessee horticultural society will meet at Jackson May 0 and 10. Captata Harry Jackaoa la Heary, Captain Ilarry Jackion spent two or three <)syg In Henry during this our court week, where he mot many of his army comrades, whom, as woll ay others of our citizens, gave him a cordlaland warm reception. To*day during tho noon rececs,ln a neat and telling speech, ho announced bis can* didacy for congrcsi which was well rccloved by tha large aMcmbligo. While ColotM l Hammond, sh heretofore, has a nmitll following in thl* county,yet from thb encour agement given Captain Jitrkaon and the grnoral eqpressloneof public feniimeo tho has good reason to entertain the most confident hopes of carrying this county lu the next convention. His faltoftul services to his country during Iho war, his untiring devotion and services to his parly slrun tho war, hts recoffiilzod auility and unquestioned integrity all commend him to tho support of our peoplb* Put Henry county In the Jacksou column Citiznn; It ia well known that Dr. Price???s cream baking powder bon been made for many yearn wiibtut reducing its standard of perfect pur ity, and that there is not auother baking pow der in the market that can stand h'j good a tent foriffiettyioen, be&ltbfulofnanafrve- dom from injurious substances, Tho teat is in the family biscuits in tbeoven. The attention of capitalists and invertors ?? bonds and rilosks of all kind* is particularly ins vltcd to the advertisement of Hatch A Fojte, which s to bo found In another column. This emlnont muklng houso has been calabilihcd for ucarly twenty yoara. It Is widely known for lt?? financial strong tb, whllo its roputallon ln all respects is such ???a to inspire con It deuce It is to bo observed that ll??tch A Koote buy mihI soil aJi Isyiicn ol United States bonds, execute orders In Mocks and txJnda for cash, and on a margin; that they allow Interest "h, and offir a Hsr oM?? Ntrabla Investment which will ba furnlsbnd ou spolicatton, m ence, which 1 * 4 Bnclin-pnlbn.* v Quick, com pie to euro, all annoying Kidney, Blad der and Urinary IUwhmh. SI. DrnggUUi. ??? t. iwsches and ??mall fru Into /roots In souiheru Illinois. J)r. Hanford???s Liver Invjgorator haa a repth fation equal to any medicine In the world* ?? Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purltyJ stengih mid whoirFotnencM. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold li conipHitlon with Ibe multi Hide of l.m tc-t, thoi weight, alum or pnufophtttei powder*. Sold only cans, whoteaaleby Boynton Bros, Atlanta, Ga. * ???# '*V 6 nft MICA. 1 riATl LliS UP 8MALL MICA Cl'T TO J-WVFVFortier. Mo.lzacj; (,rl?? tola Mq Add reft* with euc o*cd stamp, J J CAMPBgLL, West n Mills Mscj i county ?? C