The constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1884-1885, May 20, 1884, Image 12

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12 THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION: TUESDAY. MAY 20,1884 TWELVE PAGES. 1 THE DEATH OF O???CONOR | The (treat Ja.l.e III. Kjea ?? Ik. W.rid I. MaoiockMi Nantucket, May 13.-???Cbarlea O???Conor I died at bis residence in Nantacket yesterday, j at 3:25 p.m. On bis return from New York, . - R-hhlt . M ..Pd.d n. WM reiiMcd ??nd about three wevka ago, be contracted a very M( f. H ..k.".d o m.ei ??... | imre cold from wjlich it hi evident be IV.if In id. U??e-Ixr W.ll TkrMtin. Brer B.bbtL'Life. ?????*.. lie. UNCLE REMUS THE FUN AMD PHILOSOPHY OF THE OLD HOME. I could not recover. On Wedneedky following I he celled Dr. Edward , Kotb, whonj be in- I formed he did not cere to live. O???Conor eeld _. . , v.... ii??i. _.ii,.i I ell bedeeired wee medicine )e afford him The next night the little boy hardly welted | tJ , mnoraJT re ??? ef wh | ch he knew Ur. Kotb BETSY HAMILTON. THB DIALECT OF FIFTV YEARS AGO RETOLD I Ann???s fan. He bought *be fan at the circus and gin a nic* f ??ri, and writ that in blue [ Ink and ij>>ckea it off wi;h r#*d Y* nv*n. Bet-y Uamii.ton. (N>s?? ??Go hi* ??????) THE POLl T 1C A i. FIELD. The Drift ??f the ????? d Ucs.le *r P??r J Leaders -N*tc. New Jetuxv Dmockats.???Tbe ilemocretic s.i.7 Ten. .1 ik. M.irne. or Buck s .Mnndlii- | .If Atm D.wberrr-M.l rm.o.M Wanted Bock, bat at. Waa Too Blaw-a Bit Pic. .I..IO.I j, LAZY Keen. Ale , 1881. The children Were | Z^T' 0 " ???rT ^ 1 etor Mil???h.raon. Ex Governor Bedel was becoming much interested in Cousin Betsy. They langhed heartily over poor Tom Oevia'a plight with the molasses and tbe dies. " G T^ , /Vlv'A;'??? d0 nM a V 0 ??? ,et,, , , h ng |P'?? t i??????? ????? P"??*???'* d . ??? d ??? b *??? nomine- more about Zilpby Ann. Did her mother * . .. , made temporary chairman. Tie district del egations were lll'U clexen. Ex-Governor Bedal waa turtle p-rmment chairman. Tbe ever give her consent for her to marry Buck???? We'll aee,??? said grandma. tiona for delegates at large were celled for, end elected aa follows: Senator John W. Mo Pherson, Governor Leon Abbott, James Hltt-ABir. Talladega County, Ala ???Dear i - ... Teh,, r a,a . Cousin: Buck Simpson and Zlphy Ann 8mltb ??? ex-8enqtor John C. Stockton. A me Dewberry is married at lait, bnt Buck had a jarity of tbe delegates favor Tilden and Hen. iiirrihtRtimeagittin??? of her. He !??? wed it I dricks. Randall and Field had strong sap- was like gwine a iishin??? and gfttin??? a hue, jist I port. ???han Hp Ihnnoht hp h??fi hepuhaM rl. ... h.elr I ... . ... ... tne next mgui me mue temporary relief, to eat hie eupper before going to Uncle I couM give him. At one time O???Conor had Remus's house; end when AuntTempy fail-1 taken e little lee end toaat, which produced ed to put In an ??? pp "????????? ??? b ' thought neceaeary, be did not hesitate to go I dr8nk three glenes of milk, end after her. He had an idea that there waa a I the next day one glam, censing ao much paiu sequel to tbe story abe had told the night be. I that they dared not give him any more. / ..a ,i??ht After Drotestine I Then he tried e little wine end water, but for fore, end be wu right. Alter protesting: t h e last five days took nothing bnt water and against being dragged around from peat to I j,| g medicine, which be always received from pillar by children, AuntTempy mid: I Dr. Rotb, who bea visited nim eight times "After Brer Rabbit tuck???n make out be nx each day. At noon yesterday bit stomach . ,7 ,, ,1... h . refused to retain even a teaspoonful of water, piaen d un git all de beef, twant long fo he I QXoanr said hia stomach has troubled chance to meet ole Brer Wolf right spang in I him for ten years, and that it seemed to de middle av deroad. Brer Rabbit, he sorter be the seat of the disease at the present time. .. . ,i |, t| f .r Wolf hail I Hia mind waa clear and sound to the last, ai- shied ofl ter one aide, but Brer won ' 1 ?? ll tjl0Ug hhe kept hia eyes half ahut or closed, ???im: I except when spoken to. "-W???oadar. my colty! don???t be ao gaily. thk i.Asr scsse. v v.,,.. k. i.u.???.i --wnhani d n wsv I Three minutes before death he raised np. You better be shame yo ae f bout do y I ned bi , eycs Bnd put out his hand to the yon do me w???en we go Inter cahoots wid dat I doctor , xhen in a clear, ationg voice he ex- beef.??? I claimed: ??? Brar Rabbit, be npJnax Br^ Wolf how An M / ewithout , pplrent plin or<lru? . all bla folks. Brer Wolf lay. Igle. O???Gonor???a written request waa that Lis " -You???ll fln??? out how dey all la ???fo??? dla day I immediate attendanta should perlorm tbe gone by. You took???n took de beef, un now I last dutiea, superintended by Dr. Roth. The t miod, abe tiirnecfinand talkedTtoMol Fresh-1 nermitted m fm a gwine ter tak???n take you.??? '*?? ; N r ' D ??"i York' The lZ!l??? will 8b ?.' d ??? bett * r k *P h ?? ??????? d OnN& B V^ a ppSifirW D 43!3! tirpp Wnlf makp ??? daih at Bref I m ?? rn, PK ? r J i w * JI to Herself, but that a the way witn some gals, I or of aotual connivauce on the part of federal 'Wid dla Brer Wolf make a uaarj at iirer i place from St. Patrick???a cathedral, and I mid Iroya, too. They baint satisfied lessen I ofllcein. ILIA L..t I.. J.. t.elr. Illll. kit .... timin' I Ik. ...crorl ( fmt.tliv ???atilt I .1 . ... ! L ' New Jereey, our devotion ??? ???~ ~ . ------ f-??? ?????? .---1 iwwv r ..ww.w>?? w. ,w...v?? wyv?? which the demo* married, but you know how old Mias Dew -1 cratic party is founded, and pledge anew our belt berry rid old Mol over thar barback and I endeavor to its future malutenanca- We adopt as hiiRturl it all Ilf) ami heirled ???am fnrJ th*v I our T,ti0 ct tu,lh aud practice the letolutlons OnVtlVailViinSJknnnS u,/u t y of too latt deniGcratic convention as got on. Buck he had done bought his license I true and safeguides in national and state politics, nnd paid for em m corn and seed taters,and | We charge ttat as a result of the republi* you see that waa what outed him ao. Tbe I can g national administration the businets ole ???oman???a tongue lathin??? akeered him ofT a I ol the country are deprewed, confidence lnm/ ???!nip find /sinhv Ann uh?? ini'tmioit ho 11?? the iuveatmeut o/ capital Is diminished, and Jong time, and/ilpby Ann she inc.uded he I lhe V4 j Q0 of corporate securities have ihrut l^ wasntaconiin back no more. She loved I within the last two yeais to an amount equal to Buck powerful, aud tbe longer he staved off I the national debt the on easier she got, and ao to git it offn her 1 H??ai l.bor l?? vainly seeking employment or ??? ??? ??? - p * I unable to obtain fair wages. ??j m nn vmr h*. ?? lt d it???fas??? Brer Rabbit I**??? lb ?? a??n of a man of cuLure. a member of | " ." U Y l , jT W " L . w I atter ira, unyer aey naa it???iu* urerimouis i |Jie C . a , h0 |j c church. In which falUi his disdn-1 /Upby Ann ahe bad the spunk to upandeay: I lhat no un den Brer Wolf. Brer Itabblt mo* aoopler | gujshed sou bred. The^luture eminent jawyer | *??? well, ef he???a got the enaborance to use iau-1 HJSil???*, dan Brer Wolf, rwul???? should encour?? producing lmt Brifr Wolf I did not receive a univeralty education. Thi *wj- I ??uage agin my maw I wouldn???t "marry??? him I ?? le *??? anU gfEduall y 10 Anguish ly he a*common school weroTowever tovomble to^be I ro bKWt h,s Jlfe fro !? torment.??? You aee I P That whe:iever the revenues from all sources cx 1 , 1, f I dtTeTopmeut of hlTme'ntsl powers. He was ad I ft tler Buck paid out all that ar corn and Uteri I cted this iiml'a'iou tboy srould be reduced so push Brer Utbbltao close dat be run in ?? I m nted P to the b*r wheu about 20 years of I and thop never got bla gal, I know in reason I lo -V r ?? c . , 7 i/T*! 1 ??* , n ^1. holler log. J*??- "pW'F 'n pr0, JS^{ U P"R d f 1 *?, ??? d l *t???. n f'" ?????? d *?? m Fen gbVrtaitfftbaiybi? o???iiLr"Slt' Brer Rabbit bin in dat log befo??? un be Tww??"5o r ???gf.. ?????????.???a ba ??? iSuhzSoh! Anl'l y,lU ' out pr know dey???. a bole at da far ean\ on ha J??rl!?fy???mt2m your tongulfouaa.gin ???ifu^r^ubTlir^rtr. b r m.klng tha offlcc. keep on a'gwlna. Ha dart in one een' an be I welch he h??s taken part, two are pre-eminent- I anybody you may make abore ther???a alters IJbf.kJJ' ???lip out de udder. He alnt atop ter say goo???- SS??? ,b h \??????^'w??. ??^L????umem ??.???d* ??????> el >o5y with they year, and month open ESt,!!LTZ.yIcc'".^nfrau'ii , hai p ^er ed by.; blMjvonl hadea keep on gwine. toU *" ^ ou I u, ??? ???" ' ' ' "Hrer Wolf, he aee Brer Raoblt run In de I Mrs. Forrest Mr. O???Uonor lived ??t| say and more bealdea, and gin holler log, un he aay ter biase'f "'Heyo, tunin' all and tell all you I the tm-loual -oml in to a p .Atrful tnst-u- you credit fjr I meat tor opprcwtng ??t.d thea.-iiog the popular cunnlnall an ibot yi' "Den Di een' wbar tar fetch time drank ar Aer^ un Brer Bar he ESfv,^Mptbluer". Jle'^imno otSSrem ito'wfi I *???*>??????? the ??pW??,???* Web.. Mol ene wanted | who made wet trsudirliimphani.le the moat filch it???en day wt Her ter de boiler log nn Iluck Simpson.b.taelf, and wheeled in to W t ohtlg. ton ??... impre.oa on thecon-clooco a . J ??? A la All, la 1-.. I IflannmlliallniA f..o ll.n nAAuManne In tk7'>sii??lllli<rf I '/llutltt Ann airtn It in, than crrtl Ilhp/1 fkaKnno I Oi.efvV meilo pesos in de neighborhoods. Uncle Remus smiled a knowing smll* as be filled bla pipe, but Aunt Tentpy continued with great seriousness DBA i H THB PsNSLTY. pby any cause to say It, and to he drsp - a bone I j, y,;, llm v t0 ntk> some * too, he IgwsmJ: "She needn???t skeer herself; I vscliknown Mutlmcu.sof iho dm "Ono time atter dat. Brer Wolf, he took???n I riw ???*??'*???*??? t ???v*'t???**???d??? , ???a??? War???? Ptt.??M????i I th?? r ???, as good ntinnere in the spring branch I this state, who*o representatives arc this day in n??v a call down tor Ml??? Meadows tin w???on I hoHoagforiior4er. I ns ever was Fetched out ??? ThcnMolahetnck I convenUou aAsemtoed; therefore, P*7 f, J*. n-oT?. *1??,??? I Several Interesting cates were decided In thesu I 1)ar , nl horself and let in lo baitin??? iter I 110 11 "?????????ntye*. That it Is the sentiment of this be git dsr un toe Brer Rabbit aettin??? up aide I . lh ., I ! >art , ??? [ ??? <" nersett anu tei in to oaittn tier ??? convention, that they who can best lead ua to vic- uv one erde gala he like to a tainted, dat he I ??? ??' '???' ,d *^' k * , d ??? , "??* le,, * 1,,le f ???'I book to ketch Buck, but he cl 1(1 n t want no I toiv are thoso who were elected in tr?6, and were did Ho ???ua dat 'etonieh'd dat he look right I port l ??? ln "??? l " ,u ????? 'bo published decblons. The I slch a bait, and never bit. Fishes is toon-1 unjustly neftauded of their rlghu,???Ron. 8 J TIP down-hearted all endurin??? uv de party. loaeeof atrouaaby and skittieh when they aee a book | den auu T A BeudricSe. "Brer Rabbit, he bow'd bit howiJlee ter | t . | sot out on purpose to ketch Jem. n It dont Brer Wolf un shock hen's???long wid 'Im. des like nothin'slut never' un beup???nuy: ??? ???Ah-law, Bn ssuuawm im. uoo s , alien pay to set your cap. Mias Patience I \ ntcuitiA a Dkxooracy.???The democratic happen ???twixt ???uni, 1*83. ol Johnson superior court for tbe nturderol ft. I Potter has bad ber???naot to ketcb somkbody I convention met in the Ktcbtnond thea- I F. Perry In August 37th, I8S2. Perry wasa sou-la I for the last forly year and baint never coten I ,cr *t 12 = 15 P m *????? . 8nd w ? s called to rer Wolfl Youer much mo my law of Prlco. ThedlOoulty aroso out of a domes nobody vlL . , I w.kJ: ???.ii? 811 fr???en???dan you over epecktedter be. un you Uottouble between Petty and his wllo. It stems I Mo J F res hours never made nothin by her | *???a slete ?????. Te ??? ll ?????:^5* ??????*???/ fr. dr **?^ kin des oount on me right elr.lght ???long.??? that the woman was too intimate with a neighbor "" ???J'TW u ^ n plUm ??? ,isHed cDcum?tanccs Sod outlook fo? the T??? ra7nTh^^ h *K.???MT r l e ??? r .t at ??*Ay ft The^b.d a^tfcnlo''at the bend of the di^lTo' change his ntln' to quick. I would ,od,,w * J I crerk, end falkaswarmed In from 0-1 Hoi- Uyucbburg. Since then the state lied been ru.MK, ...... .. I on a horse brblud her allogcd paramour. I t ow clean on down to Possum Valley, and redeemed by n fairer, more open and clearer 11???erry still desired to have his wtfu return to | y tu never.seed the likes ol dinner as they I fl Kbt than had ever been made. When the I nlm and aftor sometime rccjlved a letter purport-1 all fetched 1 ,'cept some of the Possum Val-1 rrMitlt wus mode known their opponents " T AU aimut bein'burnt u'plna'holler log, ???on??????Ofrasfrem her end noil/ylug him that the I ley gsng. Tiny never bad ao rnuen ea 1.1 [?????) setupa whine, and clsjmed tbit they Brer Wolf, en w???en you glte time 1 wish you I ????????*?? could bo adjusted and requesting him to I bllod u?? nmongst ero. I JJlSjj'Jj 1 ???yj l i 8 ???, d S ??? of be (0 good rs ler bu'n me up some mo???,??? tee come to her falhor???s bonso. lie. secured a man to T , h . B U?"*?**** WM ???bar, and you msyresk p *fff,* n ? n S*J/5?????? ed Brer UabblL lute, I go with him, rating tbit he was willing to foiglvo ???tseDewberry spread out a. nice a ??? k ??? D K. tbei , r n de top side erdeworl???. Brsr UibbUeey: ?? D I ??? b !??, u ??? k * ??? rn *' ld - Tk ?? ???? shining I MorFreXounibuI he aa > t , Ci*m??? < m Ss???lpby I ob 5Ji??? d A ,8 ???ihlm^??Sy 0 Tie ??????Idone fin??? oat, Brer Wolf, dat w???en you I btlgltUy and Prlco wss sitting on his front potoh. I Ann, and looked ltkehe could or kilt that ] bS:,, , 01 "??? A ??? f bom and Dr. git In a hollow tree un eomebody eat It a-iler, As tbo two men neared tho house aud became els- town chap easy as a snake. Buck be was r,, T ??? dat danatussl honey das ooxlss out nv It.un ablo to Price ho took tip s gun which was sitting I spruced up powerful that day, bad on his I ,,??? e . c r 0 , naJ8mcs ?????? Bjrron Ho P e * ad J - H ' mor'n dat, alter you git de honry all over I near by, aud with only a lew words, shut and I P??P*, M ,*,i** 8 * Pantalwrns, and bine check I Third???B H Nash and B A Hanrnet WSJS cravat ;* l end Fourth-F. W. McKenney and 8. W. Ve K d . h MffaW;: 1 lire* lUbblt??? - b -- ^ *>??????????? SSThJd1^. a Tipton and C. 0. Holland ??? ??? I visa acocsra school tax cant. I meeting hat turned up to one aido with a I Blxlh-John A. Barman and Paul C. Ed- "Brer Wolf, he wanter put right out den I. Th * ** ???* 8BdUl and others against Bobler, bigrod ro c atuck oni what it was turned; up, m 2????? tll _ w uav, fml .v ,.a s w t ?????? un dar, un Brer llshbit say det d??e de kinder I * rom ' Richmond, waa decided niter. I and her cose'neared to be sot tin la theerl . nevemn??? >v. aictormacK and s. w. Lou t reassembling tbe committee on per t organizilion reported, namlngjudge ??? ??? of Portsnioutli, as permanent ????? ofl? 8*heVittuk e d un' sm okai 1? ??? un il??n??i h e I cr.lmed,h.. t h."baud'wH ^,"valid7u..7Mre I iVTlT* Mo"l I W. ???? d ????>?? Horn''???JSfS bust out in a blue. Brer Rabbit, be pile U p l ??????on???asignature was a forgery, and time. Thf onlyeat objection Mis-, Dewberry 1 Wl ???- . .. ... ... . . rocks, un brush, nn sticks, so Brer Wolf can???t 'be bondmen were released. Tbe court held that bad agin Bit* was that he was poor and not e .??? e [^n t ,o?nstni?t ?he nilM?t??m Ohlc gttOUb .???hmeVlT Brar Wolf_holI.,t they, exorp, p6-ib.y Mre. Dearern^ ??W. ^???gw??bfab, "^???^^???r^aoy I alnt | aud her raso wa. sent in the superior eeur, to bo | and sb. bad^ Slat, hu, ???uotwi.hl.inding this, judging "???Gltlln' mighty hot, Brer lttbblil r U ??? , ??? tried on the fsc.s as to whether or not the signature ??? ??? k ????? ^rnVbSmnJof thT.3Va.n'd STSS back???? ??? ???* pU *?? n ,r ??? hl ?? n b0U * r V"*???- T fmr^^ov^'MlSTDs???iL^and Sff Oi-U??fc. applause. T.tden ??nd* H.ndrl?k. "Don't be in ao burry, Brer Wolf; you???ll I THB LYNCHINO of orady. Kin??? of how much truck Buck had, and then "* r ?? ',|?? a m0,t un,niraou ' cholce ot th ?? ??? It nn laa'e It too.' | ??? llowed: "He's got a plenty for him and Mol I conventton. "Fier burn uu burn, wood pop like pletol. * ?????? s.t-e ea.t.od t. uo cro^xa to hire ???sm a nigger tbe balance of tber ??? Hswirr s Ta^Ts it,, .-The Brer Wnlf. he holler: I ttoo or jaSao ses???. I days.??? I???ap lowed she waa a little "previous | H*wms tAtmr bill.???iho weys ???"Oittln??? hotter ntt hotter, Brer Rabbit. I N ??I 15-lticcclall-Uit nlfhtl be tore baml,??? and a mile or tw,s ahead of I ??? nd , ,1 u 8n ?,f!i Il , lI iiJrtnrTfl. r0 ^ aby n *! v<r , re ' No honey come ylt.??? I Hardy Ortdy. tbe negro who attempted tbe out-1 the hounds, but that???a old Miss Freshonrs np I P? rt ????*h,??fK b | jj u 8n ba ? " ???Hoi??? still, Brer Wolf, hitill come.* | rsge on Mrs, K U Illuley, near 8ptlug??eld, kffltig. j and down. I fl???*"* obtained that it Is a dead lett. r, and '"Olmma a'r. Brer Ksbbll; Pm In???.' ??? 'Fresh a'r make honey sour. ???till, Brer Woll?????? " ???Ow! she gUtiu??? hotter en "???llH'hol riebt still Brae Wolf- mo.- I ??Hb other ptlwnon. he was taken to Springfield I by aoriotli?"Irar'nrtake" hinT* Mol???^e I m * ke the fight iu'the convention. Mr. Her- fer de hoSevT ???????? (???, trtol. dnda. Admn. Pre.tdleg, he plmut.d | c Ta?? to Bu?k .TtK morninVnd kephlm I **7?? b ?? 1 ??? h,Dk ????? h ??V h ?? q"??tiou should ???Owlsow! I???m a burnin???. Brer Usbbit!???I ,ullll, * 3d *** *?? ul '???c*d by Judge Adamsiawsv from Zilphy Ann, and Xiiphy Ann I J* ??J > *|J ed ???^? ???* * , *. li , e ??? s .????????? b * llco . ald Walt fer de hunev, Brer Wol.V I to twenty yeare In the penitentiary. Grady I ehe tried to moke herself ???believe ahe didn???t I R* oeytsed which would unite the two fac- ???I can???t atau??? It, Hrer Rabbit.??? I laughed at the sentence, and espraued bla ratio-1 keer. but ahe did keerand Buck keered too. j irS,K l i , ^'Ti2 l0 nli2J r * T *r??? ??? no 5 tbe ???Stan??? It like! "id, Hrer Wolf.??? | fsedun et grinttg off so easy. Thera were rumot. | He stood It long es he could, then he picked 1.iT.t'nf*. 8 ." leaves. " Tl kinder "dat it done Brer Wolf dee right." | ;?????>>?? ???nrcoarenou.e, ami guttoea oyraur men. | loneeome-like ail to herself and watched???em I The r??nnhilcan???''^,??nt'lan Tf rh. Neat week, -'BaoTHts Kaaatv Odtpoks Mh Mas." I 'erterday morning early, Clark.wbo was III. asked I and could have ctinclted a nsil in two, she I ??!???j b ?? 1 *' ???}? -- the guard, to take him out. ,ud Utadj. vr.v -1 outed. "rbe pleuure o( some folk. SmLn tor is.??? C ' 1W whs wa. chained lo him. w.a ukrn I >??? 'he ntittry of tothei.;" but Mol fetched it 1 ,or c 00K??as by acclamation. Cfcartro Ho??a**ATombsioaob I also. They had left the loom I * Uo '' herself. I seed Burk amt buddy and , r1 ??? democratic state central committee ot The following Inscription will be placed on Charles I but ?? short dletancrwhen tbe crowd of men | ?? h ?? ??? in??lll????? together. uin?. I ,?n*. ^???1^. R^e-S t, Bti'ie,. | ri??????ri??<m by blmrall ??? 'iori 1 *"' 08 ??? ?????? "* ti0n * 1 CUDT *"' By Side ^ RU MevibMt th. Morut Re-1 ????? d ^???"7?????"?? 12!l??" d ^ P"' V^ter ???em. main* of ( HAU.kj Kkidk, DrainatUt, NorclDl aud Jouruallit. UU La??i Words (o Uaafctnd are on thU Stone. 1 hop* tor a rent met ton. uol from anjr power la and buddy and Ruck jumped on tber ctlt- , ...a . ter???< and off they put right alter ???em. Old I The joint caucus of tbe democratic mem- Umb. and vlrady w.a hots ed about three feat from I Mias Dewberry waa a takin??? a little smoke I bera of the house and aenateofLouiaiana was the ground and .transit'd to death, and lett hang. I in the aohoot???ou.-e and never seel 'em. I held yesterday to nominate a United States lug. with p??r Clarke mensrled to the eurtw... I Atter wbi'e th* crowd begun to scatter I senator. The friends of Mr. Jones claim that Judge Adimr, onopinlugesurt yeatetday, culled I and go home, and when o'd Mbs Dewberry I he will have a good msjonty. tbe grand Jury together aud commenting on the I looked amund for Zilpby Ann abe cou???dn???t be found high nor low. "And you say she rid sir longer that ar town chap," says she. "Well. I???d a drn-.her two to one she???d a tuck nature but from the will of tbe Lord God Otnnlpo-1 lynching ot a few hour* previous, urged 0.1 them teal, who nature and me. He created nt.u I the Import-tire of luvcUeatlng and bringing the out of nothing, which nature could not lie can I lynchers to joAtlce. U hits tne ,1, rl itic. of law b [ n..b et* ??? -n, restore man from the dust, whies nature ewn-irt. I condemned, yet tbcs-ntlment ol Kfitugham l.teai I ..... , And I hope fo: holincraand kappm??? tn a lutu-e rirad>, who ffUg ???? ???rvcral aim,a,out Ult. not for anything I have said or done tu this I ^ d d body, bnt from the airrtts and midtaUou of Jesus I a atseaise Csaa POLITICAL NOTES. " said Joke Lottis, for they air about got to tovn uow. t met her and Buck in Bprigginars buggy aimin??? for the court house, and tbev'U be married Ma. Gladjtoxi is the only survivor of Sir | Robert Peel's cabinet. No osi ever heard of that grand old man, | Mr. Tilden. lolling lu Wall street. ???I ciuBoathee. ding away ambition.?????? Christ. Re has promised Ills Intercession to all who I Nacoa. Mao H--[epodtLJ???A singular earn waa I'fora you could git???tbar now to save . 0 nr I Bbrinc. reading Shakspero to Arthur, seek IL and Ua will hot break His word: that lntor-1 "'?????????ht before Justice Cherry to-day. H. V.llifa" J Tux New York World informs its readers oesslon. mtee granted, cannot be trj.etsd; for Bt ts I -lap'*' ?????? James aud Mrs Mary Harvey. It wu "I asv it,??? mys old Mim Freahonrs. "I I thuco rapubUcan Urn nbnostous toMr. Tilden God, aud Bla merits Infinite: a man???s sin- an bnt I fordamsie malting from tba cattle of Mrs. Harvey 11 no wed it all the time, for t dreamp Zilphy I or Senator Kdmunda. human and finite. ???Him thet someth to me, I will I ronnlsfion pwted lands la e no fence district The I A??? n w????dead. end I knowed then it wee a I KraAL cosuaxmnea will now proceed to in no wise cost out??? "Heny man sin. wehaveaa I ???' , ??? 1 ?? ^ on""* held for dtmecte until IH*" ?? b ?? ?????* ??S*tno lo marry.??? ??*d out their turnip seed Each member U od rocs te with the Tether, Jmas Christ the Right. I coasnltaHon outtld be bed with eminent eon met. I in. II- is IksmsMAHan h-??. a.. ?? I wse advised jeukmcBt of demsgea This ts the I and He fs the propitiation for our Mao." ' a Ul coos ot lbs ktnu tried In Bibb county. 1 "The rose Is red. the erase Is green, 'on air the puniest gai ever I seen I allowed eight hundred packages. That???i the poetry Back writ on Zilphy > Halt the rapreeenUtivei and three-fourths of the fen??tor?? lu eoogre???? are i*ld lo Westero Union franks In sending telegraph nesrages, ??? Samuel J. Tilden alive Is my first choice, said a Ksine democrat a* few dart since, "and Samnel J. Tilden dead is my second choice. Govebkob Robibeo*. of Mauachaietta, has declined to be a Candida *e for sn orerseersbip Harvard college. As a rule politicise* take very little interest in base ball. Mr. Tjldex???s country seat is at Oreystone- on-the Hudson. Hevalu'sltsndlts posiesslonsat SI^CO.OOO, so that even though mim jg the pre??i?? denevhehas still solid comfort in his "bir'iof cash." Daxiel Makxixo has cent circulars in the interest of the candidary of Grover Cleveland for the presidency to all the counties of New York state, bat he has not yet received many enthusb astic responses. Of the delegates to the republican conven lion four years sgo 103 have been again elided to the convention that is to meet next month. Fifty< eight of these belong to the "aod" that voted for Grant,???Boston Traveller. The Lowell (Maas.) Mail does cot believe General Buffer has any intention of attending the Chicago convention, bat thinks the plan is for hit alternate. Mr. Palmer, to go and present the eral'a claims for the presidential nomination. General Grant is in favor now of making the presidential term seven years instead of four and limiting the lucky man to one term. It seems that the general has changed his mind on the thlid term question as well as on tbe Fltz John Porter case. Laboucuebe denies, in his paper, the story that Prince Albert Victor is to be raised to the peer age. The prince???s education will not be completed lor more than a year, and it i< intended that he should travel abroad for some time beioie settling down at home. The decisive states in the coming contest are New York, Ohio, Indlauaand the Pacific states. It will be time enough to canvais the possibility of Butler as a democratic candidate when he presents acme evidence of strength lu either of those states or secures in either the indorsement of a demo cratic convention. pRoointTios works well in Iowa. The .law la abrolnte; so absolute that only a hundred licenses have been taken oat by saloon keepers from the United States revenue collector a'. Oavens ied have The California congressional elections will be held this year for the first time under the new arrangement of the districts. The 1< glilature which divided tne state was democratic, aud it tried to make the ??ix districts as sale for the party as possi ble. No nominations to congress have beeu made aayetby either party. Jefferson Davis recently said to a north ern visitor that General Grant was a great military commander, but that Meace was the most skillful general in. the union army. Ehetman waa looked upon in the south as Alario was by the Romans, lie was their "icuurgeof God.??? He was cruel, j et a great strategist. McClellan was tho be??t train ed soldier in tho war. Six political national conventions for the nomination of candidates for president and vice- president are to be held???the anti monopoly, in Chicago, May 1-1; the greenback labor, in India* napolis, May 28; the republican, in Chicago. Jane 3; tho xmtricsn party, in Chicago, June 29; the democratic, in Chicago, July 8. and too proMoi* Hon. in Pittsburg, July 23. the date of the last hav ing been postponed from May 21. There is a good deal of personal hostility between certain members of the democratic side. For instance, Randall and Dorshelmerdo notspeak to each other; Randall aud Hewitt do not speak to etch othor; Itaudall and Blount do not speak. Randall and C-ib) do not ??p ?*k: Hewitt ana Jk-Jn wont do not speak Cox aud Dorshelmerdo not speak; Cox and Belmont do not i ??? and Waldo Hutchins do notspej This month will be distinguished by the inettiug of three national presidential conven tlons. Next week, Wednesday, the authmonopo* Ikts assemble in Chicago, and tho following week the prohibitionists couvono in Pittsburg. On the 28th last, the green trackers hold their convention lu ladi&uspollN. Tne nomination of tho first and last convention will probtnly go to Buffer, while Neal Dow will doubtless be houored vy the prohi- bllionisin' nomination. The Boston Herald is inclined to think that tho MtsatchuseUs delegates, wheu two or three ballets have made Mr. Edmund*???* candidacy hope less, will bring out their dark horsei in the follow ing order: Lincoln, Hawley, Senator tiherman, Gresham, General tiht-rman. The delegation ia supposed to like President Arthur, but to doubt the wisdom of nominating him. The delegation seems to put the president iu the hopeless situation of the young man whose "first choice??? declares that she will "always, always love him as a sinter." From one reason and another there are but few gentlemen in Kenucky now that sustain prl vate racing stables of their owu. Almost all the horses in training are in the hands of public trainers, aud upon them the prosperity of the run nlng turf depends. The death of H P McGrath,. W Hunt Reynolds and 8 Keene Richards has left a void that naa as yet not b ten filled. Mr Bwleert, who formerly sustained a large suble, nowccufinc* himself alone to breeding John M Clay???s Icoloct are now rarely won upon the course. Reverses have caused tho retirement of General Buford. George Cadwallader.Wooa dtringfellow aud a num ber of others who had large stable* aud raced under their own colors. Kkupp, the German ordnance manufactur er, claims to have settled the contest which has been waging for soveral years botween armor plate and heavy gunn. He is constructing guns at pres eat of 16 inch bore and 35 calibers length, which weigh 121 tons and carry a pr?? jectllc weighing move than a ton, with a charge ot 770 pounds of powder. These guns can pene trate, * ??? ??? claimed mat at a- distance ot two miles it cm pen etrate the armorof me strongest ship in tue Ku navy, consisting of ??6 inches of iron plate am luchesof teak. Ex Governor Hendricks gives the follow Ing account of his conversion U>.democracy,hls an cestors aff being stout whigs: "I think I know just when I became a democrat. In tbe first Jsck non campaign I was nine yean old. Ono day dur ing the heated eud of the campaign my father sent up to the bouse for some papers which be needed, and my brother directed mo to lake them to hi?? offle*. A?? I went down there I had to cuts the nolle square, upon which the democrats had TRIUMPH OF SKILL .Prepared from Select Prnit* thai yield the finest Flavors. Save been used for years. Be come The Standard Flavoring Extracts. Hone of Grcatel Strength, None of such Perfect Purity. Always certain to Im. part to Cakes, Puddings, Sauces the natural Flavor of the Fruit, MANUFACTUItEn BT STEELS & PRICE, Chicago, 111., and Bt. Louis, Mo., -I t.ralln Trel ta. Br. frl???'. CV..B BaHu I???cwdrr, and Dr. KHe**?? '.'al^ua rerf-usee. ^ WE MAKE WO SECOND 'SHADE GOODS* wham I much respected, I asked him wbu was the meaning of that broom oa tbe top of me pole,and he answered. ???It means that if the di mccraia carry the election thf y will sweep things clean in the public c fllcea.??? men I rtsolved that I would ba a raem bvr of the party that kept clean offices, for I un> GEOHGlA BRhVUIES. Miu Mattie Hawlet, ol Oconeetaunty. ia dead. The Greer murder trial In Augusta began Tuea* day. Fifty people have pined the church at High Shoals. Air brakes will soon be put on the Northeastern pusenger traits. Some valuable gold mines hivs been discovered i Mridli-on county. Mr R A Johnson, a well known cl Use u of Rome, diedfcund*) morning aitcra i-hort illness. The LeGonta petr crop will be below an average aruuud Thomsftville bnt the fruit will be Urge. Rice blid?? are defraying a great deal of until grain in Ctarke county. Whole fields areeaten up. Clarke county has jntt completed a new bridge acrora Big creek. Pink Price, of Oconee county baa discovered a mtc* mine on hU p'Jue. The dikes arc t.u uj twelve inches. Mayor Dorsey, of Athena, had an encounter with _ Urge coach whip snake. The snake attacked him twice before he killed it There was a large cr^wd f nm all parts of the ley May. aa old mountain miner. iw making money panning the precious metal Broid river. The Marietta and North Georgia railroad is daily carrying train loads of naw steel rails to ccmplate wheat crops in Washington onnty. No ope hers dares to commend to the growers of small grain the peraual of the "Birds ol KUlingworth." SWEPT INTO THE STREAM One Tfxonnnncl Acres of Land nnd ???Illgbl Kmart or Ifeara.** On the deck of a big Mistiwlppi steamboat stood an sged Fouthern planter. Indicating by a sweep of bis arm the watert the boat was passing over, he said to* passenger from the North: "When I waa twelve years old I killed my fim bear on a new plantation my father was then cutting out of a forest that grow directly over the waters of this betod. That was a mighty good plantation, and there was right smart of bears there, too. Bnt that one thousand acres of land went luto the Mississippi years ago.??? It is putting no strain upon tho figure to ??ty that great forests o! youthful hope, womanly beauty and manly strength are iwt-pt in the sumo way avery year ln f o tho great, turbid torrent of disease and death. Y?? tli should uot b* . o Tba 8 . i it so r dbgracoss well as a lews. People are !a*gely toicarel'AAor too stupid to defend the'r own in- nrrati???the most precious of which li health. That g??-ue. all is gone. I>lrea??e t?? i-lmpta. bnt to rtcklerauMS or Ignorantc *be tinniest thing* might as w*qi be complex ax a prop- aiiion lu Conic Feo ffors Ak 'ho huge Wcshro rivers, which so often floud ibe cI'Ivn along tht ir ibr-rte. *rl*t- in a few muuauiu spring*,ao all oUr allmeuta c*u he traced to Impure b.ood and a small group of disordered organs. Tho mo*t rlfrrffro and f??'o , ti*fve r?? medy for dis ease le PUtKECM TO.\l(! tt goes to the ???ourereot t??*n?? sroi w*-*kiJt*a In n-ftporai to it* action, the Mv??r. kidne** stomach and heart toglu thHr work Mfrerb, an-1 dtwMt*. ia dtt**a out. Tn* tonic!?? not. however, an Imoxicant, but cures a dt*Jr- for rtront *t??l'ik. H*ve you a.vspesda, rhctinratirm. ??>r tronb'ca ??hich h*v* refused to Md to o n*-r ageii'sT Hi re 1* y????ur help 13 A rcsiriva CUBE For Female Complnlnteoad 'WcaLncascs so common te our bent fcinolo populatiow. Hwa cure entirely the wont form of Female Cora- ytolatt, all Ovarlaa trouble*, Inflammation and Ukero- swssaa? awrtras ???"???-?????? anil expel tumors from the uterus in aa ??? int. Tho tendency to caoearoas very speedily by ite use. dj mth the lavs that govern the Female system. Wor the erare of Kktney Complaints of either acr, tide Compound lrunsuryeiaeq. rrtcetLW. StxbotUeef orgkflp, Xefamffy should be wUhout LYDIA E. tmu ivLLS. They cure constipation, blilownees and torpidity of the liver. IS cents a box at all druggtata.' 1 \/AI |cannowjrraat>A Kortnne. New J f )( I lllnatmicd Guide to Unpld rLVf,ITa SOUTHERlf METHODIST PlIBLISHtNO HOUSE, NASHVILLE, TENN. The largest Book Manufacturing Establishment in the South. A full aft*ortn>ent of the better clau.of nmccllancou* books constantly on hand. TheoloHba! book*, and Sunday*??chool song-books and libraries a specially. chr ,??? Ull AdvMAK. General organ of the Methodic Episcopal Church, South. Twenty page* each week. A pure paper for the old and young. Only f2 a year. ??iiU(l*y-achool Periodical*. Eight periodical* for Sunday-school teacher* and scholars; different grades and prices; issued weekly, monthly, and Catalogue Advocate and Sunday-acho< to any addre**. Estimate* furnished on all kind* of Book and Job Printing. Addict* Southern Methodist Publishing House, NASHVILLE. TENN. ???MORPHINE HABFT SSJt??w??ia.*iS^f L*kllr aa4 p*U!??ml/. For Ultimo. ALiMkMiingjsjwi THL SCIERCE'OF LIFE. ONLY *1.00 BY HAIL. POST PAID. KNOW THYSELF. A GREAT MEDICAL WORK OX MANHOOD. Iibanited Vitality, Kerrsua end Pbj.tnd Dca blllir. Prematura Decline Id Man, Irronof Vontii, and the nntcld mlwrira ???Mn???.tlD, from ladtrora- ttana or txtxnea. A boak l.r every men. toudl mlJ.lle a.o 1 add nlil. It ewralna US preocilpitaca for ell .cut. and chronic Idlacaara, chi h ore et which la invelsab!.. 80 fuund by tha AntOcr, w.iora experience for 23 rear, la men aa pr .testy nevrr b*:or* Ml to the lot ot any phyoie an. M PKca b-ued tn bcmniilnl French iimltn mhomad covcra. tnl: flit, foaranterd to bn a finer work. In -very mok???nwcbantcnl. ???Itermrr and prolcarioawl ???than any other work Mid In thl??csnntryrarfjaO; nr the money will be refunded in every initinca. l???.Ict only It OS by mall, pest paid. Itlaatmifra temple! cute. Fend now. Gold medal a-a-dad tb. antbor by tbe National Medical AaeocUUoa, to b. rts-vra of wMcb b. refer. Tne Srlsi et of Lite abonld be read by tha yanne ??r tiuiraetlon. and br iba afflleud tor rrllcf. It will be refit all ???London Larc.-'. Thera te no member of ??dofy tn wham Tha fetenoeof Llf. will not be useful, whether yentb. par.nt. enardlan. Instructor or eletxjnuo.???At|> Met Addiem tbe Peabody Ifedirat Inefllnte. or Dr.W. H Parker. Ko 4 Baton, Van,who bo nasnlted on all dlrau.* rcouteli t .kill expert???'*- Chronic end o>??t|i.ate dneoace '* ,k ZL'* f a ??Z? a ZS HEAL gj?? i??????Ste?????????THYSBLF