Newspaper Page Text
Th> Threat of Ur. Fl.h to Tubll.h Omni Onar.
Letter. Indue tha General to Publish Tbom
Himaoir ??? Hla Wlllln*noeo to Uobo
Honor Out of Hla Name, Zte.
A Xew York corre*pondcnt to day railed
tijton Clarence Seward, counael for General
Grant, who had obtained eopiea of tho correa-
)wndenee between Jamea P. Fi.h and General
Grant, to which reference line been
made. It waa learned that prior
to July let, 1KH2, Fiah had
aent the paper of Grant A Ward to the Lincoln
bank with a note baking that the pa|ier lie dia-
rounted. Freaident Jamea being railed upon
by Seward, aaid that he anawered the note of
Fish ah follows:
???Lincoln National Bank, New York, July
1, 1882.???My Dear Mr. President: I will sub
mit your favor to the board of directors
ou Wednesday next. Will you kindly tell mo
whether you arc a general partner in tho
house of Messrs. Grnit A Ward?
Very truly, T. L. Jamm???
James P. Fish, Esq.
James further said that Kish promptly an*
awered the above note, but that ho was unable
to find the answer, lie, however, stated thut
K was substantially in these words:
tween April 14th and May Inclusive, Jas. D.
Fish, ns president, caused to be i??ld out of tnony
belonging t?? a national banking association, to
or uiMrti the written onler of Grant & Word. And
for the benefit of himself and said Ferdinand
Ward, further sums in excess of all credit* to said
firm, amounting to 1760,WJ, at time of said over-
drafts he (Janies 1). Fish) well knowing that the
linn of Grant & Ward was then unable to repay the
sums so overdrawn, and the firm being then in*
debted to said tank in an amount exceeding*!.???
(BUJMi, tho total indebtedness thus augmented be
ing six times the capital stock of said bank associa
Reporters have been unable t/f get any au
thorized statement from General Grant or his
counsel, Clarence Seward, to whom he defers
in the matter regarding the allegations made
hy President Fish, of the Marine hank, that
he had letter* from General Grant* assuring
him that the government contracts of Grant A
Ward were genuine. Interviews with friends
of Gearnl Grant indicate very clearly, however,
that they are convinced he will show in a day
or two that Fish???s statements ore entirely false,
or that they so misrepresent and distort the
v r i the state champion.
A Large Additional Force of Men Put to 1
??? . , W ?? r * "" *' ,e SK ' r Hotel. , THE COMING CONTEST OF PEDES-
i esterday a Constitution man called on Mr. I TRIANS AT MACON,
III. I. Kimball and remarked:
What Commissioner Baoon is Domain Reference to
the Matter???A Talk with Mr. If. 7. Pratt, who
has Been Selected to Collect the Minero
logical Display???The Outlook, Etc.
who Shall Wear the Crown of Glory and the
Belt of Victory-An Excursion to be Ar
ranged at a Low Rate, Etc., Etc.
???Thing* seem to be booming on the new I A Walking Match in the Central City That will Settl
hotel. You have put on the additional force, I
have you not????
???Yea, we have p.iit on quite a number of a<I- I
Hon. Dewitt <'??? Bacon, the Georgia com-1 ditiona! men at tho building. But you will 1 The six hour, go-aa-yon-please match be
mbwioner to the New Orlean, exposition, ha* readily understand that the fir.t move neces- tween picked half-doicn. of Atlanta and
rented a suite of room, in the third floor of the I .ary to increase tho work upon .ueh a atruct-
. . Macon, will take place in the park at Macon
Kitten building, nrnl u preparing to do ??ouio ure i, to begin at tlm outpoeU???at the ??aw on Saturday next, June 7th. All other pub-
vigorou. work in tho matter of making a crcd- mill., the brickyard., the lime kiln., iron li.hed dates are erroneous. Bain or ??hinc the
itable display for the state at the great .how | foundries and other manufactories of race will take place at the time selected. If
ration, WhiCh and en,eM from t th ??^, ??? ?????e roce will be on the .mailer
, orders which we have sent out for this nia-I anU wel1 f ??? a, * c<i ^nek near thc Entrance of thc
A few flays ago Mr. Bacon called at the I t er j a i 8 together with the additional force put I pork. The track will be put in superb
office of Mr. N. P. Pratt in the Kitten build- I upon the work here, no doubt at least one condition by the Macon people. It will
ing and asked him if he would not undertake I hundred more men
??? , v - v, ... . * , * the collection and arrangement of the miner- May tbtttt wcru wor * 0,16 wceK I Dicked ofr flIld , Iinprf ., lnll , nnnti
The bondsmen of .las. 1). FUk appeared he-1 , . . ... . ??? .. i I a 8??* I pickeu u??, amt all superfluous sand
fore Commissioner Childs at 4 o'clock tliis of- I ologieal and geological cabinet. Mr. Pratt is a I ???Then the new contractors have really taken I removed. It will be a track for large records,
Before h
l-'ish whs shown n slab*
lyr his frien
l,.ft the building superintended hy him. He is thoroughly fa- matter doe* not seem to be understood by the sandi# and afford ??? a trftck of about eight , al ,
???nt, published in I m ||| Ar w jth the valuable ores and other arti- I * have a copy of the contract here I .
ning papers, purporting I ??? . . | and I hove no objection to reading you the I
to be a denial bv General Grant concerning I c * ea ^hat lie hidden in the hill* of Georgia and I fi ri t afid j aa ^ clauses which gives the??? whole I The entire match is for the benefit of the
th?? nutliimhip nf a I-tt. r which Fit* ani.l the ran do the work in a thoroughly .atwfactory story.??? library association, of the two citie??. The Macon
?????.wH??.H.....w. v .?? .w??? . general had written him. Fish said that In* I manner. He consented to undertake it, and I tiie contract.
My Dear Hir: In answer to inquiry, 1 have .lid not belihve Grant had denied having writ- wiJ1 enU?r at onco upon the discharge of his .
to say that both General Grant and myself are I Phi the letters in question, as he (risk) now | # . .* ?? | lows:
now general partners in the firm ??f Graut A I had them in his tsmsession. IC?? would, how*
Ward- We were originally *|*ccial partners, I ever, refuse for the present to make them pub
hut by a recent arrangement we have both be- | lie, except a* to their general scope, which ho
cotno goncral portlier*. Yours truly, 1
???Jamea P. Fiah. 1
??B the Mh of July, Fi.h wrote ?? Wkito I ???f tho ra.|ien>M Well .(reel
General Grant in these words. Iri\at?????I .......u ??-
hud already disclosed.
do not often need to talk over our busin*
ten* or for any other purjKwe
I trust you
Mr. Kimball theu/cid a paragraph aa fol- f 880cill,io ??? b Y President H. T. Powell
*: I ih taking hold of tho matter enthusiastically
We agree to furnish and pay over to the II. I with a determination to get up
I. Kimball house company whatever mean. I good contest, and an entertainment
plan and scop?? of your work???? I Jbo found necessary to finish and furnish j that w m please all who w'ituess it. The Mu-
terdny. The closing paragraph was {end as follows: L^rks of AtIailta . gays the???Telegraph and
We will make a complete collection of nil I ???Upon your acceptance of this proposition I Messenger:
get hold of I a / ,f *, ?? securing by you of the subscription to I Tlmt tne match will la? successfully arranged
i the bonds of the company ns herein stated, wc .1 seems already to be uu assured fact. Hint it
K??? would/ boiv-1 duties in connection thereudth,
??????What is the
Oenernl Grant in firms Have ns yet eompl.trd their statements as ???We will
July jth, 1882???My Dear Oeueral. lou auu I I \ inw (i 1( . v Mtnnd. General Tliomas. president I tho mineral resource* that we ...... ...
??? ' A 1 . i,...i. n ,at- I ,t???.'t!. .' viLil n.J G..or.d?? I i i : i 1 1,1,5 ,K),, ds of the company ns herein stated, woi seems ul ready to beau assured fact. Unit it will
the East Ten in ssee, Virgima an I r j, I ?????? d secure n geological.collection and represent I w j|i within three days thereafter pay over to^ equally successful is likewise evident. Theeoni-
ilrond, arrived in Wall street Jo-day rrom l them in proper cabinet*. I vour trensurer ten thousand dollars ??ml will I mlttec appointed to arrange mattera will enter into
His appearance has inspired the | ???When will you start????*
* ??????-??*-- ???To-day. J have no time to lose but I
the advantage of knowing exactly where
to get what we will want. The cabinets in the | approved hy the'honrd of directors on Friday I ^' e hiutchcslu order that they may decide ???
state house will la; of no value to us and the | a..,. and vim sicrnpfl bv tho I persons to represent 3Iacon in the big uuitcii ....
exhibit at New will bn an , | dintthTromminr To"dav th. fimt frn 1 7,h ; ol e ?V' f) rt ,ho
*??? i ueni oi me ( onipnny. 10 nay ine nrst, ti n I interest will be unbounded, the final decision or
insnone. I thousand dollars was deposited with Mr. Hill, I selwtlon of the six to enter for Macon will be made
. . r * . r . . . .m 0 . 1 C f ll ? nk I the trensurer. There is to be no change in the | aisnit three days Ijeforc the day of the contest. In
that a failure to d
for any wont of respect, esteem or friendsliij
on my part. We are both pretty well occu-
pied generally, which explains itself. I think,
iiowever, it would not he amiss for you
and me to counsel n little ??K , ensionnlIy 1
in regard to the husipess of Grant St Ward, ns
our conservative influence, if liot beneficial,
Would do them no harm, ns they are so much
younger than ourselves. I have ol
asked bv friends mid business men whethe
you amf 1 were general or special pnrtnci
We were for a time advertised iis special, but
think we are virtually and aetitnlly general
partners. I think legally wo would find that
to l??e our state.
The enclosed letter ramo from Presii
James, of the Lineoln Hank, (to whom I s<
G. and W. note to he discounted). It
received hy me ami 1 send you a copy
of my reply to his letter. Yon limy
Ih* nwnro that I am on the notes G. A W., as I T | |# . ||,. nv
indorser, which I have discounted myself, nnd
have had to get ncgotiited to the extent ol
000 in the aggregate at tho sumo time and lit
once, which is not a trilling amount for me.
It Is necessary- that the credit of G* Sc W
would deservedly stand very high.
These notes, ns I understand it are given for
no other pnr|M??so than to raise money for the
payment of grain, ete., purchased to fill gov
ernment contraeta. Under the circumstances,
my dear general, you will see that it ii
the most vital imjwirtaiiee to
particularly, that the credit of the firm shall
always he untarnished unimpaired 1 ???* ,n ???*???
abroad. ., f .
holders of the first consolidated bonds with th
hope that he will he able to make arrange
incut* for the payment of the interest on th
coupon*. The fooling expressed on the street
as to the arrest of Kish seems to lie that it was
X peeled.
tlROrrKD INTO uihii'h net
I Si Hinith, cotton, No. 211 Pearl street, I bright-looking stulf Hlnnit as largo as a man'.. . ??? lfMU . ???
itv, have made an assignment to Arelii- I fl M t, It looked like a piece of lead except that I r(lll * rn< .
??? LI..,. .. r nr n ...i...a. Till* I r. i.4..- r. .
Imld M*. Mneliay, making prefr
bouse is an old and well known om
trade, nnd for years has maintained a
standing, but are undcr*t??*??*d to have he
d in tin* affairs of .la*. D. Fish, I
president of the Marine bank.
The firm of Reid Sc Smith, merchant*, of
No. 211 Pearl street, made an assignment to
day for tlm benefit of their creditors,
no change in the . . ??? ???
>r management of the business. AH I wrdt ??? r , that nothing may be
, , . no-til bprntn?or?? inmle will lm ..nrri.wi I may be well to statu thut the committee, in tlieir
The I i* was hriirhter. [t* weight was considerable. | ".i 11 r ,/ ^arncil 0, ????? I selection, will consider only those who enter the
in the '.Tl,, '* !i,| Mr Pratt^ ???is ^inccSorffia I f*** 1 aI1 >??^/ 0 ??tract?? will b<f made hy tho I practice matches. Those vno will enter will chose
1,1-1, I , , ,n ??r???i , ??? * V. tV ?????* !1! ??! , ,r ?? K ? I ???Xiietly the samo ns they have been I trainers Immediately mid begin to prepare lor the
higli | lead. That ore will yield eighty per-cent of I hl . retnfore# , n othcr wordg \ he contract great contest.
jmre lead. It is from Lincoln county, nnd I ^ v hi??*Ii is referre*! to is a contract for furnishing I rlj,! Macon l>oyg will have tho advantage of
is plenty of it where this came from. I IIIOIK , y j,u d not for doing work. Mr. I famlllnrily with the selected track, but The
is another specimen that yields 8J per | Charles Bccrinaun has consented, I Uonatitltion begs leave to suggest to them
both as auditor nnd director and also ns thu I that when the Atlanta a in ate urn strike the
i record ha
days. The
been nearly Itt inches. The river is higher
than for a number nf year*. It rose 7 ineln
luring the past 24 hours, overflowing plants
lions and sending slock to tho hills. Cropi
are suffering from continuous rains, and hands
are unable to work. The iirnsnertn are more
giiMUiiy than for years. All the creeks nud i teed hy eoi
... r.... Uay??M?? of any consequent are swelling into I ing n lively interest. I will get tho geological
i wlTl he I i????dnense prt??|K??rti??ns. Planters and business I n nd mincrnlngionl display. Mr. 8. w. Fostell.
1 much discouraged. Tho river at I who hits.been appointed secretary, wtyl*attcnd
Mr. I ratt continued: I representative of the syndicate furnishing the 8 r,t , of t h????? r Vautjful park they will think a
Wo propose to make tlio exhibit consist of I fllonr y t to devote his time and attention to 1 cyclone has visited their town. As soon ns
large specimens???ten pounds or??? inoro???and put I p 1Mhi , lg tho Wurk . The company have fitted l w, * 8 ??? ble ?? Mr * ^nrrott, chairman of the enter-
them in attractive shape, Jabetofi with | hi m ??ip nn office in tbu utoro on ^eeatur street I |a . ,nn, ewt committee of tho Atlanta association.
???****??? 1 ???- *unce the iinuies of tho six that will
Atlanta, giving their occupation, and
their history. Wo need scarcely add
person us a professional walker is
this city. The match is limited
pleted within two or three dnv I to amateurs, and only amateurs will bo per-
w , the other exhibits, etc. 1 and wheu that is done tho outside work on tHe I fitted to take part in it.
\\ ho will collect the other exhibits7 I building will be fully one-half done. Every I Application fins been made for nn excursion
Minor Bacon is himself a lumber man. He | department of tlio work will be I tram by both associations. It is unknown
crowded to the utmost until I which road will bo chosen, but in either
???* ss l *?? ^
turn mo President James???s t let
ter at vour convenience, with
any suggestion you may have to make, With
respect^aud esteem, I nin sincerely yours
;o the correspoudeuee."
??????This is a big undertaking withouL.
Millican, Tex., May 2tf.???Rejiorts from I appropriation. How will you get the
llrnzos river are verv distressing. There in I to earry it ou?"
not alone the destroying of cotton nnd other I ???Tho government has made an npproprin-
crops along tho river, but the taking off of 11{ ( ???, ??f R million dollars toward tho exposition
lenees and the sweeping away of everything I n nd tho exposition company ha* assigned five
to the collection of tho woods and wil crwwtllJU w umiom uniu
llinl tlirv are in pr??>p*r nlinjK-. The agri- I JJaVliolo airiietnrc l. oomplelaiy irniiihoil'a'iid I t ' lt ' trni ??? ??t??rt at 7 a. in'., anil arrive in
nltural anil horjleulturnl featarea nre??i#ran-1 re#1 , for tho , CM0M to 1 in - nm , 0 (, cn thc I Mneon at 11 a. m. Tho walker, will he started
teed by entiitniMiencr Headcrson, who _w tak- | |, M | ( .f .i * I at 12 in.,and the race will be completed at II
ITHIIIN'O tiik work. I m. The return train will leave Macon at 0
???How fast will tlie work bo done???? I P- ??????> arriving in Atlanta between 10 and 11 p,
???A story every ten davs,??? said Mr. Kim- I ,n - Every attention will be paid to tho com-
hall, emphatically, and turning to Mr. Beer-1 f ?? rt n,1< ? ????*ety of tho excursionists. Tho price
maim continued. ???Five muro stories, and I ??f thc tlcltct * ??'???* ???>* other particulars will
they will bo up ir. fifty days.??? I given as soou as tho railroad authorities i
???That???s so, said Mr. Beerninnn, whose I P'jr* 1 t ^ om .
| word is na g??HMl ns wheat nt the mill.
Mr. Kimball continued:
???If the mills will grind out tho brick
We give below an account of the first prac
tice mutch in Macou:
within reach of 1 he'll,aal. ' \thousand d'ollnr. li. ho used'teward nBing the I ???rth^'n.rfe'f wnh^nto^rtiJ^'M^n* SSSm
of Georgia???, display. Iiitliu face ???f I L mnl j| r ???I 11 will no no lailuro on the part of | matehe. In AilnntR wsJreeelve.1 mru,i Riennihle n!
e*na. May. SO.???Owing In the in- I expense, of Georgia???, display. Ill thp fuee of I wi???n.11 ???vRluAemann '
for the past week no trains have I that Georgia has appropriated nolhmg. The I
t the Hahlne railroad since commissi,rnor has appointed ten nihgjpfaib- 1 * ou B
?????t* | Hie iou;; andtiieir Ihin.??? tbelSSEIa^^^ ofVuguM,??? I
** I Wto .'cbH.'tnit dffner t the com-1
i going to run it,???* said
it* park and taku a spin
.** down ou the list. t
?????? t 1, t ,. 7* i lives, a iiiti* inn* urm uinirt-RNniK iintriii'tiuii ??? Ainiiamn ion mousnnu, so mnv
willing that the advertisement or the firm I w f crops, stoek and improvements. The worst I g i a tnust not sleep her chance at
nhall be so ehangeil a* to express I | |a u yet to come. I tninlv ought t<> raise enough to :
this. Not having been in the city for more I jfKW Orekana, May 2fi.???A Bastrop, La., Iidiow tip a* well as the other
U. 8. Gkaxt. I b??*Bteii into the ground*
oiant'a use or iiih name. I Baton Rouoe, La., May 27.???Senator |
Another letter which General Grant did not I Bobran, of 8hreve|H??rt, has received diseoiirng-
conneet in any manner with his correspondence I ing ueeount* of the situation In the Red river
with Fish, was prepared bv Ferdinand Ward, I valley. According to Ills advices the country
nnd at his request General (Irani signed it. It I lying bolow Cuddo mid the Bossier hills for
is as follows: I nearly 100 miles down from n jHiint five miles
K?? do'
. lone, ni
tad their nuiucs w
Quito a largo crowd of citizens went down to see
tho sport, nnd at a few minutes to four o???clock,
answered the scribe and he I w,w announced ready. Messrs. W. A. Davis, C.
answered me sen do, anil ne I lJttlllour , L# M> JoII ^ aud j. A . McGregor e.
sented t<?? act as judges, with Mr. A. W. Dull* ,
timekeeper. Tho walker* were to stand under tho
wiro at the judge*??? stand nnd start ut tho tap of tho
A Tragedy.
| From the New York Time*.
Whatever ravages the professional newspaper hit???
I morist has committed have hitherto been confined I throughout the entire'time. He
At the tap of thc bell, all bouuded oiT In nn cosy
with Tankersley In the lend, keeping it
_u . .u ...... .. the first two
James D, Fish
To the above letter General Graut answered
as follows: ???
New Yoke City, Juno fith. 1882.???Mv Dear I n|11 wll t | l0 Trinity
Mr. Fish: On inv arrival in this cUy this I 20th, and then???
Oriiing, 1 found vour letter of yesterday, I resuniptioii for several dayi
the letter (rom Thotnns L. Jamea, 1 - ' ??? *
president of
onuk,and a copy
Your understanding
in the firm of Grant . UH , U .w ..... , WUIU v,.....
inine. If you desire it I am ^entirely | |[v M , There has been distressing destnietion | Alabama ton thousand, so that you seo Geor-
i away. We cer
make Georgia
??? ???9 ??? - . j . .. ??? .inn, *??????????? ...... ??? niiwi, hi, m il nn mv u.un' State* At Xc\V
than a week, I have a large noeumulntcfl mail I Jig patch says that Inst Saturday one of the I Orleans. If 1 have the menus I enn make nn . ??? .. _
l4i look over, nud some business appointments I fi,??ive??t iniii???storins that was ever ex|H??rieneed I exhibit at New Orleans that no other state will I to the reading public. The humorUts have not 1 1,1 j# ?? .. u- ??
to meet, so that I limy pot be able to get down I Visited thut parish, doing iiiciUculablo damage I he able to equal. Georgians do not dream of I preyeil u|h??ii one another, but have lived In peace I making hi* first mile in 0:40.* " C * K 'no.
to see you to-day, but if I enn 1 will go oelore I j H crops. 1- eiiehes were washed down nnd I the mineral wealth thut is in this state. I can I and harmony, wisely perceiving that tho supply I The Julum boys kept a sort of Weston gait, and
three o???clock. ??cry lr ???}v,yp, ur, '_ | cotton that hn??l been chopped out was literally I nstonish every man who sees the exhibit." I of goats nnd stove nines and mother-in-laws and I were steady walkers. Willie turned In on the sixth
??? ??? ??? * THE CLAN or TIIK RVILDINO. I girls
t* .' ,lu !! ???f l !. U l ?? I newspaper to have Its own humorist without at* I , I'hastaln weighs 100 pounds, but thc table shows
??? The pinu is to erect a separate building to I . humorist* I Dmt ho can get overground,
carry the displays of the federal government I ,,l * ,n k?????ocr num ruts. I Kd Freeman made u good start, but showed
, and of the states. The government exhibit I " e ,n ">- therefore assume thnt the unfortunate I wunt of nraetiee.
I will be put in the center of the building, and I clrcumstnnco which has placed the live* of a Chi* I Joo Callaway was the steadiest walker,in the lot,
I ???1?????? ??tatc* will be arranged around the govern-1 engoand an Atlanta humorist In danger was a b 'wm^llnl'woik???but taking oil
New Yoke, July 8, ISH2. I below Shreveport, is under wuter to tin 1 aver- I ment exhibit in geographical order. Each I mere accident, and not the result of malice or I hi* slmc*. thesuml cut hi* feet uml caused them '
My dear Mr. Fish: In relation to the mat- I age depth nf four feet. Five jduee* belonging I ntnte will have an equal division of space and I recklessness. It appears that ft short time ago the | bloody lie kept on, however,
ter of discount kindlv made hy you for the ne- I to Senator Robson and 200 belonging to other I i???. n r hv this main tmildingcnch stale will have I Chicago humorist thought it would be a good joke
count ef Grant A Wiud, I I planters are overflowed. The cotton piwlnet I ft* headquarters. Thus near the Georgia ex-I to announce tho approaching marriage I dist!nce!l
would say that I think the in-1 of the submerged area i* estimated at 75,000 I hibit will be the headqunrters hr (.eorgians. of the AtI||nm humorist, and there- Hob Lumpkin surprised hi* friends. He run,
vestmenU are safe, and l am willing that Mr. I bales. I It ts to Ih* a big show. The city of New Orleans I?? invented n vmimr th ??? I walked r *' ajh* - ???
Ward should derive what profit he can for the I Galvkaton, Tex., May 27.???Remwl* from all I has appropriated a million dollars and the Iinvented a yeung lady, the | lhc ]k%%
fii iB that the use of my name and influence I parts of the slnte reveal the fact that washouts ??? "* hU|
mav bring. [Signed] U. 8. Ghant. I nave occurred over all the llnee of the T??
The foregoing letters nnd facts mentioned I railroad.. At eo*tern approach of the Hreinoud I the money they want." I orlst wjw about to marry the young lady In quest- ??? riwl Uout oi praetieeuow,'amUtoppeaun
. i. m???...... i.-.i- *'??? ??? The following is a list of the district com-1 ton. Tho name* of the Invented young lady and I the first tulle.
issiouers who have been appoinUnl, and who I colonel were plausible ones, but as they were do-1 K*l. Reid traveled with the Juhnn boys for some
in turn will appoint ???nb-cominissipners: ^ I velopcd out of tho Inner consciousness of the rhl* I |,, dd * 0 iJt l * ,lttl ttM * much to
Fir??t ilistrlrl???-J??m?? M. Coapw, nf D(jrl??n. I owo mini he fclulwt uo hurra could l?? done by Tiokot. will be pliced on ????Ie next Monday
8ecoud district???w . A. Harris, td Isabella. I *h??i. I ???i .?? * . . . . ???r
Third district???John A. Uobb, of Americtis.
comprise every thing known to General Grant I narrow gauge railroad to the bridge nei
or In* counsel,* to which the statement of Fisk I 8nn Jacinto river have been carried away,
can relate. I The whole country thcrcnliout* is under wat'
New York, Mav 211.--James P. Fish, lato I I???eople are fleeing to the highlamh. Large
president of the Marine National hank, was nr- I numbera of cattle have been drowned and the
rested Inst uight on n warrant issued hy United | stwk of all kinds have sutlqred.
States Uomnitssioner 8hields. Fish was arrest
ed at the Mystic flats, Broadway and Thirty-I ALL FOR LOVE,
ninth street*, where it is said he has Ihhmi eon* I
baling himself. The warrant was issued up- I Tlie llesperntton ??f???? Young Ij??dy who was
ou an affidavit made hy National Hank Exam-1 Itouml to Win
iner 8erilm, who deposed thnt after a careful | From the Hainhridge, Gn., Democrat.
Last Moudnv evening a young Indy who
' ??? ??????*-bbornoo??i lu
and May flth, 1881. Shortly before 1 p. in., I)!
Fish we* brought to the marithal???s ofliee, when
their publication. I and us tho net proceeds are to Ihj devoted to
liotirv ii li.rvU Jt fnrjum I ,l 90 that there reside* In* Georgia a I the purchase of toxiks, nnd ns the sport will
i,l urtn district Henry ????? ltn rr is, ol ureeu-1 o 0 j on< .| 0 f precisely the same name as thnt of the I unquestionably bo fine, a sharp demand for
Invented colonel, nud thnt he has a daughter I ??* nntici|mted. The numes of the Indie*
uamctl substantially as specified in the Chicago I who have consented to chaperone the party will
Fifth district-L. F. Livingston, of Coving- I
examination of the hooks of the Marino Nn-
??lon.l b????k, that Fi.h hml miMp|NTo|>ri*tnl I ??? Wilk,'.???. lul.TborWxl
Si"** *?? ??? be . Imllb '???> * h * ???f I north,'..ion, ,,??rt of tlw oovinty, tmolo
???astern part of the county, made a de*- I i* , ??? * *r ?? M , r i eroded to the office of the Atlanta humorist with I sense a picnic, and the arrangements for music,
attempt at suicide bv swallowing the I /Vviii '* ,r el ly or 1 copies, or Law- I tlie Intention of makiug a Georgia repartee to the I lunching, etc., will be ample and complete,
part of the contents of a one-eighth I . . . . . ??? t a.. I matrimonial joke. The humorist had not yet I It it to bo a picnic with a walking match an nn
vUl of morphine. Anlirfote. were^L.T??? 1 * 1 JSWH-J-hn 8. DavnUon, of Att- l Hm|hccam | ce(fortot hbi chlago contcmpomn'. I attachment.'
a short consultation t<s??k plat
he wa* conducted to the United State
siouer???s ailiee, aeeompauie<i hy his counsel
Fish seemed entirely self-possessed, t???otuiui!
???inner Shields said to the prisoner
.. I owu-r bm'H.orphine. Antidotes were ??????d* I . *.' a **??? ww ??? u ??? ???* " w " I seen the comic effort of hla Chicago contemporary,
* I ministered freely, etc., but with great dlftl- I * * i . I and was greatly astouished by the visit of the Irate
1 cultv was the voting Indy sav??l from a I THE NEW STATECAPITOL. I colonel*. Fortunately a brother etlltor
premature death. When our informant, I u . . _ ,| seized the first colonel who snowed signs I Tl??c Flying Dutchman will Frobnhly Hit the
Mr. A. G. Nenome, | th.^ M??>. CupSoI | ^ 4mwlnif , heU , him until the true Amin Hoon
origin an??l nature of the Joke wa* explained. This I Mr. Albert Seel???s wonderful walk Saturday
ended the affair a* far um the Atlauta humorist I him led to a probable contest between him anil
was concerned, but the aggrieved colonel, borrow- I tt young man who live* iu Douglas county, nnd
! ??? - - - ??? ??? ???/ The
pur|H>so of wiping out
He then asked tho district attorney, Root,
what boil he wanted. Mr. Root replied that
the Lawtenee ease was the nearest ease to this,
and iu that the district attorney asked for $50-
???>():??. Mr. Root would ask for the saute amount.
Fish???s counsel said Ilia client hail made
every dollar that he hail for the benefit of the
bank, and ???verybody knew that he had not
personally profited by any of the money he
was charged with misa*ppropriatiiig. Counsel
thought that $!?>.t)0o or #20,000 would be am
ple security. Commissioner Shields said he
was acquainted with the facts in the case, and
he would fix the bail at #50,000. Thereupon
the prisoner wa* tak.mi to the marshal???s office
where he remained until his bondsmen quali
The affidavit u|s>n which President Fish, of
the Marine bauk, waa arrested, ehargivs that a
aeries of credits were made by the bauk to the
firm of Grant A Ward, ..f moneys in sums of
from #25,000 to #16,000 at various dates, and
they were onlered on the books of the tanks as
<??n'?? to imaginary |*???rsou *, and s??x*ure??i by
imaginary collaterals in stock* and bouds. none
of which loans had ever Ihhmi made, and the
transactions were stall'd to In* entirely fictitious.
The affidavit in conclusion sets forth the fol
lowing :
!* I ing a small sum of money, instantly started for I )' bo ^ *?? he "regular glider.* Th
?? | Chicago with thc inexorable purpose of wiping out }f ??? u . ni y ??????? ??? >?????????? ????>vcy
the IH.UU to hi. d.tighter In .ho blood ol th. rhl- ???* k r ^ i,le * ??? h ^J kg ?? i, 7 n ^ >m ????????
eago man. 1
now they arc to be married
uture, provided, tof co
todv rtNHiver*. The young lady is a bl
.M-boduIn for bi<itline. Tin- ,1,'tnilrd and I ??lmu.t rerhtln thnt somowhere In thb |' 0 , ty himwetf
that the young | working drawing* will be hero in a few days, t county there is a real man owning the same name; 1
idy recover*. The young Iadv i* a blooming I a number of letters have been rroeivinl from I aud it is always possible that this real man may im- I five yeanTf a^an^STncarlv^Bix^froV^hiffL"
ll 1 V ou th^ o f W twe u t V-Th ro^ ^ l ??' tf4bn iu ??3 r * I parties who propose tobid onthe work. 8ev- I agtne that he has been willfully liwulted. Instead I whili his weigCt is nearly one hundred and
it Joutu Ot tmntv-tlirk*. I ?? rnl propose to make bids on the entire house, I 0 f Inventing people who may turn out to be real, I forty pound*. He expressed himself as being
I among them contractors in Evansville, imnwiH.i, nmy i??r Rtmnutn <wm. I t'YivtHiinirlv Nnvimu ia onto. ?? ??.
. ought
a walker. 8ilvcy
He is just twenty-
When lie Tmik After Hint.
that your l*??y. No??Hlllt??r* okel a friend, a*
YclonestrueJi tatking youth walLVi off, |MH*k
???ting a dollar that he had received.
,** growled Noodlits.
He don???t take after you in looks very much.
???No; he never takt* after me
when he want* a dollar, then
aud never slops until he get*
lukn Normal Institute, lukn. Miss.
The summer term (six week*) of this flourish- I ??tatc a ropy of a decree Dsue<l by the Ute president
I ol V>n??u.U. Gumun BUnre. hjr which th.
..... . Evansville, Indi-1 our humorists may by common con-1 exceedingly anxious to enter a match
,\wVi l,n E???V??? n s ; i M * iS 1 * l onneeticut; I gent use the name of John Smith whenever they I ,a nta provided he could make any money bv
h.v. to Introduce. man', name. John Smith In.. ????? Y??.tcrd??r an acquaintance of Silvcy
ml'MQrcrtli ftrmt hare written togCSC! j ^l**'***???* i*""???"* I UnU. Ig'r,
| .tatiug that they to bi,l on tho iron j ????? tl ??? ??? lnwhh-h any man can claim a Pro-1 si! vcv??????wiTl??????prebab'vbriux "hU an.wcr
Of (Huinn^ no bids have bron received I prtetary righL If the John smith of the humor-1 |,: tter to-morrow.??? It is^undf
match for him.
is answer to
lerstood that
. ???Srlw- r l Vtt ??? Th ?? biJ# W,U * ??'* n * d OU lhe ,4th ^ I: UU i mlf ??? rra,jr ^ *he- Mr. E. W. Marah wiil tack M?. *3 againd
ho all!-. I J ???-??? I boycorfi. or any other town lnvwtwl tor Uw pur-1 Silvcy and that a twelve hour eo-mT-you-
,. .. ' I rrcumtlan in oi.tici.^ I pore ami adopted by a council of humoriitt, I pica..- twtween the two gentlemen will be ar-
????? I * mnsuos in vsntnsu ubiipitory. mknw nv* ih.i ??hi.???k i n r., Hn
tVomcmw V.c-w n,?? I lllle <b??< whu h ?????????Bp re.ultc.1 In thc I anged firan early dater
o. . cV " 5 ; JS ' _TbC " ,h * 1 ?? ,te 5 ahootliut of thc Atlanta humorl.t, and which, by
I this time, baadoubdre.* humor-
1st to an untimely grave, would L>e avoids. It L*
Special Iluslness Notice*.
A CARD.???To all who are suffering from errors
MB., ??? ??? , mil to ?????# a humori't cut down in hb nrlmc luu I * ni1 lmt! "??? r, ' tlon * ??< youth, nervona weaknw,.
??tudy and recreation, prejaiwtonr to | m.llon ol ,??rp-.-of yellow tner vktlm. h mad. I lho ^mwclcaulnx. Ice cream and Sun,lav I ,y de ''* )r ??? lo * m * nh<w ???>- Ac.. 1 wil! rend a recipe
I year???s work, w ill do well to attetwl this summer 1 obligatory in that republic. It 1* claimed that I . , , , , . , . ??? ??? M that will cure you FREE OF CHARGE. T*h!??
| Soot Entire expense*. tA t'ommcncement there Is finger of lnfrothm fromthe ImrifdbodS I #ko ?? l P^joke. are In scaron; but if thereby a ??? charge This great
Mtns so credftedto the firm of Grant A Ward. | rxcreiscs. June 11-15. In addition to school advon- for mouths after the burial, and that thc ctema-1 valuable lesson is taught to surviving humorist* I discovered by a miw ionary in booth
Sren'in 1 ! ThJTr wrfTtin tlrdl???r *????! I ?***' JSM * u> ???n? 1 h *wlth tv^ri I???rinripals . tion will in great degree prevent the spreading of I the visit of the Georgia colonel to Chicago will not I America. Send self addressed envelope to Rev.
firm and |??id them on their written order. He- Dean A Ncwharst w ill answer any inquiries. ??the disease. ??? 1 hare been made in twin. " oczni T. I>ra.v, Station D, New York.
the lath of April, ????I mr tum ium ???
and authority of Joa. V. Fi??h, m prv??ideut. all the I
Tlie Wonderful Travel* ot n Young Lady
lVlto Got Lost In Georgia.
From the Savannah, Ga., News.
Among the passengers ou the steamship City
of Augusta, now on her way to New York, is a
young Indy whose singular adventure in trav
eling from Jacksonville to Savannah last week
won for her the title of the lost woflian. On
Wednesday night Miss Martha Howes, Accom
panied by her sister, left Jacksonville, occupy
ing a section in the Savanuah sleeper. They
were destined for Boston/ and exproted to sail
hy the steamer Gate City on Thursday after
Some time after leaving Jacksonville Miss
Howe* a;*ked a porter to escort her to thc Cin
cinnati sleeper, in which were several friends
destined to Cincinnati by the way of Savan
nah, as they supposed. Leaving her hand-
baggage, bonnet, purse and tickets with her
sister, she stepped into the ear where her
friend* were and sat down. After a pleasant
chat she called the porter, this time of the car
in which she was riding, and usked him to lead
her back to the Savannah sleeper. "The
Savannah sleeper, ma???am? Why, there???s no
Savannah ear ou this train!" A look of sur
prise came over the young lady
a* she realized her situation, nnd
her friends were equally as sur
prised, ns they supposed they were bound for
Savannah also. The porter explained that
the Savannah sleeper had been left nt Way-
cross to be taken hy the night train, and that
they were being whirled on towards Albany.
What to do the young lady did not know. The
train was then some distance beyond Way cross,
and too far to ride back by carriage in tho
night. 8he was without money or tickets, and
knowing that her sister was unaware of her
whereabouts, and would be concerned for her
safety, she explained the circumstances to tho
conductor, and at tho first stop a telegram waa
sent back to Wayeress saying that she would
return there by the first train. The Jelc-
grnin wos not received hy her sister, who enmo
on to Savannah and related tho circumstance*
far as she knew them to .Messrs Barnard A
Richardson, agent* of the Boston line of steam
ers. Mr. Barnard at once became interested,
nnd set out to find the young lady. A tele
gram was sent in her name to Wnycross, and
to insure its delivery another was sent to the
onerator stating tho circumstances, nnd asking
that the message he placed iu Miss IIowo???s
hands a* quickly as possible. An hour later
a reply was received thnt there was no
such person iu town. This aroused Mr.
Barnard???* interest still further, nud
he determined to find the young
Indy without fail. Being wholly unaware
f her movements after she left her sister bc-
ow Wnycross, he surmised thnt she had been
carried past on the Cincinnati sleeper and
would reach Savannah by the way of Macon
nnd the Central railroad. The ship hy which
she expected to sail was to leave at 4 o???clock,
and iu tho hope of her arrival by tho 3:25 from
Macon, Mr. Barnard made preparations to
meet her upon her arrival nt the Central depot
with a carriage, so that sho might reach tho
ship without delay. Ho told the story to
Major Whitehead, of the Central, who, with a
significant shake of the head, looked nt Mr.
Barnard as if to see whether he was in
She???s skipped! There???s a young man in
thc ease," replied the major.
Mr. Barnard assured him thnt this could not
he, ami a telegram was sent to the conductor of
the Macon train at Millen to find out if Mias
Howe was on board. The reply came back,
"Not on train."
Baffled in this move, Agent Knapp, nt Mneon,
wos telegraphed a full description of tho young
lady, ami asked to keep a lookout for her. Mr.
Kuapp searched tho city, and replied that
there was no person answering to Miss Howes???s
description to bo found.
The ship was hy this time ready to sail, and
the young lady???* sister was anxiously awaiting
intelligence that might lend to her recovery.
Upon the receipt of Mr. KtiApp???a reply that
he had been unable to gain any information of
her whereabouts iu Macou or along tho road,
tho cup began to look mysterious. Mr. Bar
naul assured his sister that every effort would
He made to reach Miss Howes, and thnL she
\foiild be sent by thcuoxfstea'mer; Wlm this'
assurance the sister left for Boston. Mr. Bar
nard nt onco continued his efforts to find tho
young lodv, and by repeated telegrams suc
ceeded in overhauling tho Cincinnati
sleeper at Chattanooga, where it was learned
from the conductor that Miss Howe* hod been
sent back to Waycross that morning. In tho
meantime the interest of those engaged in tho
search for tho young lady had heightened, nrnl
various theories were advanced. It was.
thought by some she had fallen or jumped
from tho train ami was killed, nnd by others
that tho matter had been pre-arranged nnd
thnt she had voluntarily left her sister nud
eloped. The telegram from tho conductor at
Chattanooga was not wholly satisfactorily to
those who believed that such wa* the case,
and it was not until more definito information
had been obtained thnt they were convinced
ng Indy???s discovery,
Haines, of tho Savannah, Florida
and Western railway, who had been acquainted
with the ease, telegraphed the operator at Wny-
eross a ntid learned that Miss Howes had been
there, hut had gone on to Brunswick, where
she had friends. Later a telegram was receiv
ed from Brunswick announcing her arrival
there, and that she would reach Savannah on
Friday morning. The Friday morning train
brought her to the city in company with
a gallant young German, who, upon
learning of her adventure, assumed the role
of protector until he had placed her
in Mr. Barnard???s care. She had been provid
ed with money by her friends, nud further
than being wearied by n long day** travel wos
ns unconcerned about her safety as though sho
had been in her home. The anxiety of her
friend* had been greater than her own. While
tracking her the short distanen sho had trav
eled, the telegraph hod clicked her name over
thousands of miles of wire, and at tho ofliee*
where inquiry had been made, and on board
the trains where the porters inquired,
"Miss Howes on board?" sho became
known as "the lost woman." There
nre probably few incidents in trove) which bet
ter illustrate the possibilities of an error, and
which show more clearly the wonderful pro-
{ fres* of invention than tne one just told. The
ong night ride of Miss Howes from Waycrosa
to Albany and return, her trip to Jesup aud
Brunswick ond on to Havanuah was made
without the slightest embarrassment, anil she
was given the most courteous attention by the
train officials by whom she was passed to her
destination. Upon arriving here she waa
driven to the Pulaski house, and in the aftcr-
noon was placed on board the City of Augusta
en route to her home in the old bay state.
Wild Irishman Wnnt* to Walk Aonttn*t
the Flying Dutchman Fora Purse.
It is now proposed to have u walking match In
Atlanta open to the state. Some parties who will
make the matter a success have the enterprise In
hand. Mr. Seel will enter the race as he has al
ready received two challenge* to walk. It Is
thought that Mr. Frank Mitchell will also enter
1 perhaps Mr. Moody, and possibly one or two-
the reporters.
Mr. Put Kelly . .ulmrt meeqante of flue
physique ami build came Into Tick CosumcTtox
hflfce yexterday and Mated that he wanted ume of
Mr. Albert Seel???* meat. Said Mr. Kelly with lome
??????I am an Irishman and when I saw that man
???frying the flag of Germany arouurn! the track I
???terra!ned that I would ??? tote the green flag
Ireland In, front of him or I would
ale on the track a-try Ing. I want to run against
him, and I want the match made as soon as poari-
l ??? Ie ; j,believe 1 can beat him. 1 know I can cover
sixty-fire miles. 1 am going to carry the green
flag of Ireland that distance, or I will treat the-
Atlanta public to a tragedy."
Mr. Kelly has been in training for some time,
0 ?? gun day took a run from six miles below
\ ilia Rica to Atlanta, averaging five miles an hour
and coming into the city without much exhaust
ion. He says that he has no objection to the
Douglas county wonder entering but wonld prefer
that a lull track be made up, and said in conclu-
Yon may be sure that you will not lose your
money if yon pat it on the wild Irishman aiCsgalnst
???he flying Dutchman.??????
The Douglas county man will be up in a day or