The constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1884-1885, June 03, 1884, Image 3

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THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION: TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 1884. 3 OUR ANTI-LIQUOR FIGHT AGAINST THE DEMON OF INTEMPER. ANCK. [We solicit short letters giving the evil effect* _ liquor in communities, ns wituesseil by the writers. We don???t cnre for Argument*. We want facts and figures. Send them in. mothers, fathers, wives, sons, everybody, nud help in the tight against this terrible and growin gevil.J All the indications point to an aggressivt prohibition campaign during the spring and summer all over the country. Tho action \>f the various religious bodies ^at their spriug meetings in favor of temperance has given additional impetus to the cause. In different sections different methods are pursued. In some states the light is for constitutional pro hibition, in others high license is the issue, and in others, still the Georgia plan of local option meets with great favor. Rum ik Politics.???Rum is to-day the most potent jiower in American polities. It is tho most iNjwerful influence, and for several reu sons, among which are the money interest i volved, the utter conscienceless character of the men engaged in it, and the ease of massing the vote it controls. Tho money interest is something enormous. In the state of Ohio there are $70,000,000 in vested in breweries alone, and wlion the in vestment in saloons, saloon fixtures, and the necessary concomitants of the trado are taken into consideration, the sum total of money de voted to brewing alone foots up an amount al most fabulous. The headquarters ate, of course, in the great cities, but its feelers extend ov the entire country, and its cool, clnmiuy hand is upon every sj??ot of ground iu the couutry. lias its adherents in every country village, and it even (ills the country itself. The character of the men engaged in it makes it another power to bo dreaded by every one who hopes for good government. The brewers and distillers have no politics, they arc brewers and distillers. Whisky and beer make their creed. They care nothing for tariffs, nothing for currency, nothing for for eign iiolicy, nothing for anything but beer and whisky. They are entirely insensible to any questions of public |M>licy except one. Touch whisky or beer, and the slimy mass is quick enough in response. Only when this interest U touched has it any political life. The brewers and distillers have in hand an army of votes. In a city like Toledo, there are 8011 saloons, all controlled by brewers. There isn't one of them that is not in some way in the hands of brewers. The large majority of them they own out and out, and those that are not so owned are iu such relations with the brewers that tho owners dare not offend them something they are not likely to do, as their terests are identical. What a mass of votes theso 800 control l In addition to these, count the occupations directly connected with brewing, and the army swells to something appalling. Especially is this when it is taken into consideration that it is vote that enn be handled. Tho saloon keeper cares not a whit who represents him in con gress; one man is as good to him ns another. He votes ns the brewer dictates and the brewe oasis the vote for whomsoever is most useful to him. lie takes tho measure of every candidate with sole reference to his soundness on the beer question, and he elects or defeats as his interests dictute. No one who has uot examined into the mat ter appreciates the enormous power of this in tercst. It is a most easy interest to collect money from. The Linuor Dealers association of a state assesses tho liquor dealers so much each, and they pay. So enormous aro the profits of brewing and distilling that any num ber of millions may bo contributed atony time for any political object in which they have an iptvusb The ordinary citizen has noperso^d Interest in politics, nml what he gives either in time or money, is given from a patriotic mo tive, to forward a cause ho believes in. The brewers nml liquor sellers have a direct money interest in controlling legislation, and they set apart a percentage of their blood money for this purpose, it being as legitimate expenditure with them ns rent or insurance. To thin faculty for raising money must bo added tho vast vote controlled by the brewing and saloon interests, which aro controlled by beer nud whisky. It is certain that tho hang- ors-ou of saloons, tho rag-uniformed, down-nt- heels, free-lunch mass, who arc tho equals of the chief justice on election days, are controlled entirely by this interest. They live for whisk v and beer, and the week before nml tho week after an electioA is their season. They do not have to resort to dodges to procure their'sup plies during this period. Tho pnyment tor votes is made in rum, and this vote, next to that of tho saloon keepers, ns employed by them, is the chief reliance of tho beer barons, and it foots up enormously. This is tho jiower the beer barons have on tire control or; themselves nml their immediate ??mplovcs; tho 'saloon keepers nud their em ployes???, the gamblers, thelves, postitutc* and nangers*on of saloons, tho vustarmy of drunk ards, who arc kept full of stimulants tho year round for use on election days; tho branches of business which depends upon this interest,??? those furnishing supplies to it, directly and in directly. Now bear in mind that this vote doe* not divide upon tho vnrious nuestions that arise for public consideration. It is held solid, to ho cast in whatever direction it may bo needed to K rotost this one interest. It is wielded by one ead. It is emphatically tho whisky vote, and ia used solely and entirely iu tho interest of whisky. Any candidate may have it win chooses to pay tho price. Any party may have, it who is willing to guarantee it immunity from interference. What is the remedy Tor this condition of things? A very simple one. The drunkurd- makers and tho drunkards aro not the majority in any city or state. As lines are now drawn*, they simplv hold the balance of power. All that is needed for the sober men of the country, those not interested in beer, but whoso interests aro op)>o*ed to it, to unite as they have done. We need to have in every state just one fight on the beer issue. We want to have that issue freed from other questions, and put nakedly to the voters. We want to have a square fight on this one question. Wo* want it detached from party and made the one question to vote upon. Then these impudent, insolent devastators o homes; these destroyers of everything that is J rjod, ami promoters of everything bad, will iscoverthat their strength is weakness, that their power has no foundation to rest upon. The rum power is an egg shell, which only needs a vigorous closing of the strong hand of public opinion to crush it entirely. That is what the country has got to do. Which ibtiif. Fool????The beer or spirit drinker is wont to look with ill-concealed con tempt upon the simple water drinker, and as he tosses off the glass he has just paid his money for, he imagines h??* lias swallowed something far better, and performed an action far more sensible. Yet if he could stop a mo ment to ask what he had iust taken, he might think quite differently. Let us see. A barrel of beer contains about five hundred glasses. The seller gives about eight dollars for it, and ???ells it for five cents jier glass, or twenty-five dollars. Ilis profit is two hundred and fifteen per cent. The drinker drops in ten time* per day and takes his gloss of beer; in fifty days he'has consumed the five hundred glasses, and paid twenty-five dollars therefor. What has be swallowed? Scientific men say that in the ?? ??? ~ i??? ??..??????? i ib fiv. hundred of beer there were four l a '.i y ? h ! l nS > r,,Mh[" ll^ .hl< h I hundred and sixty glasses of mere water, ; read for myself. Believe me, "the seed was not twenty-five glasses of pure alcohol, fifteen sown on stony ground," and I often recur to the glasses of extracts and gums. So the beer I pleasing Invitation: drinker has paid twenty-three dollars for four I glasses of pure alcohol, which is a poison???at enmity with every function of the system, no food nor heat producer. And besides all this, he has taken fifteen glasses of extract of malt sugary matter, indigestible gums, etc. Surely there is no absurdity so absurd. T* pay twenty-three dollars for four hundred and sixty glasses of Impuro water, when he could have it pure for nothing, and two dollars for forty glusses of poison and mostly indigestible drugs I But it pays the brewer and saloon keeper to sell water at two hundred and fifteen per cent, advance on all their trouble for bar reling and bottling it.???Professor George E. Foster, M. P. Thk Hot Watkr Mania.???In dealing with physical ills which mankiud is heir to, ns in everything else, particular remedies, outside of those prescribed by regular physicians, have their reason. Just now it is said to bo hot water; amt it is so much in vogue that tin Medical News calls it the ???hot water mania.??? People are taking hot water for every Bort of disease. There are doubtless thousands of dyspeptics who devote themselves several times a day to the irritation of their stomachs by the use of hot water as a beverage. If peo ple must be dosing, it is fair to assume that hot water, if its purity is assumed, is a more inno- cent remedy that many which are indulged in. It is certainly a remedy at hand for which those must be thankful who aro either |??oor in purse* or reside a distance from physician and drug store. But there may bo such a thing ns^ too much hot water, as there is of many things which have more character. And this is wliat the Medical News asserts. It says that the physical effect of hot water taken into the stomach is to wash out that organ and prepare it for better work, but he warns those who are after health in hot water that too much hot water injures instead of helps. Moreover, should be taken either liefore the process of digestion is begun, or after it is completed. That is, the person who is seeking health by that remedy cannot devote his days to the drinking of hot water. It is fair to assume that, like other remidies, the water cure will have its day, and the ailing public will turn to the remedy then held to be the |>otmlar one. May it be as simple, harmless, and above all ns heap ns hot water. An old lady in Iowa, says one of our ex changes, was* asked what she would do with all the corn, If it could not be made into whisky. She replied: ???I would make it into starch to stiffen the backbone of many of our temperance people.??? The old Indv, in n very homely way. expressed a great truth. . What is wanted, and wanted most, in this present cause of temper ance, is not more friends, but more courage; not more sound views, but more action; not more believers, blit more backbone. We are t<io timid, too cowardly, too much afraid of antagonism, too fcarful'in business, in reputn tion, and in tho profession of our faith. Wi know the right???we must dare to do it l Wo are sworn to tho cause; we must not desert it, despite all opposing forces! Wo dare not be untrue to God, therefore wo must be courageous in the right. Let us cultivate bnckbouc. THE GREEN HILL HOMICIDE. Mollis Nelson Tells Why She Killed Emma Shipp- A Shocking Outrage. From the Lumpkin, cia.. Independent. A difficulty occurred on Captain B. F. Davis' place on Saturday night last between Emma Shipp ami Mollie Nelson, colored, which re sulted in the death of the former. Both of these negro women were in jail here last year for lighting, and it appears thnt the best of feeling did not exist between them. It seems that Emma Shipp had been given two GATHERING DELEGATES. | CALLING BY WASHINGTON IN OR DER TO SECURE BARGAINS. Bl&lno Sure of a Larger Southern Vote Than XIe*hu Been Hitherto Credited With???Shormaa'* Rosy Hope*???An Indorsement of Tildeu at tho Polls Demanded, Etc.. Eto., May 28.???[Special.]???Walter MALARIA. FaKbKKicx City, Md. Mew it*. Co??? 38 Murray Street, New York Gentlemen: I have used one bottle of your Coca Beef Tonic, ami have derived so much benefit from it that I desire, without your solicitation, to [ex press my appreciation of it. A week ago I was threatened with innlarial fever, sui>crinUueed,fby malaria, impoverished blood and nervous prostra tion, and I became quickly reduced to 142 pounds. vards of ribbon by. an admirer and that I Johnson, Wilson, Moore, Arnold, Pledger and I Gn Monday, the llth, I began taking your Coen ma'i ??huiband! ***??????? * ZSliZ?* 'T'.VZ nud on Saturday night alio called Mollev to ue- Georgia to tho t hicago convention are here. G??? ' - Wnncbi and IMU t??u Saturday night sue CUIKHI JMIIIICV tu m??? I ?? e*~ ??? ??.W I , ??? * ???ount for talking about her. Thi, WM the ori- They liavo been in eon.ilitntion with Arthur |... 5 ??? ' 1 1 ott<o.t- gin of the difficultyi which led to tho killing, men, nud expreu the opinion that hiS chances 1 5 *' 1 mid as Mollie Nelson waived ?? commitment I - t w I * ....... trial and went to fail, the facts In the case can I . ^ * They claim that he has best Again thank- Respectfully yours, WM. L. SCHAEFFER. and went to jail, the facts in tho enso cun I were ,levur lliey claim that lie has I N. B.???It was recommended to me by our lead- bo given iu tue prisoner???s statement. In I gained steadily on Blaine the last few days, I ing physician, DR. A. A. ROTH, who has used company with Deputv Sheriff Holder we vis- I and will continue to do so. Pledger said: ou Thursday morning and found ,. Tho iouthwB delegation, aro solid for Mollie Nelson to be n mulatto woman of I . , .... , , * about twenty-five years of age, slight in I Arthur, and will be ns long as there is a reas- statue with an eye that indicates n rendniess to I ouablo hojie for his nomination. The story in I fight whenever called upon. She has with her I some northern papers this morning that a split I a three months old babe that it was thought I; ,*??? . f best to allow her to keep with her. She sSys J k< 7 to occur in the Georgia delegation is [ that on Saturday night she was visiting at one I ridiculous. We ore thoroughly in sympathy of the negro quarters on Captain Davis???s place, 1 ??? J *~m ** * j ??? *??? when Emma Shipp called her to the door and told her she wanted to see her. She at first re fused to go but afterward went out, when Em- nm began to upbrnid her for talking to Emma???s husband about her,referring to the gift of n nieco of ribbon from another negro man. Mollie hundreds of bottles in his extensive practice, and he can attest to tiie above. TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS. , . . . - . - . As??nerve tonic Liebig Co???s Coca Reef Tonic is and every man for Arthur. If his nomination I without equal.??? ???J. Lon-Mingle, M. D., Newberrytown, Pa. DR. TUTHILL MASSEY, M. D., L. R. C. P., M. 11). II. H??? of Manchester, England, says; "Tho of- MATTERS IN COURT. Defective Official Rond* In Decatur .County ???Criminal Matters In Durko. The Decatur county grand Jury objects to the county treasurer???s bond as not being sufficient, and demands that It be strengthened to the amount of seven thousuud dollars. The bonds of the county commissioners and the sheriff urc faulty. Proceed ings against the late defaulting tax collector are ulso ordered. The following findings were also made: We recommend that the Georgia legislature be petitioned to pass an net forbidding any person or l>ersons from herding und driving sheep and cattle from one range to another without 1 giving ten day notlco by posting the same at the district court house nml two oc three other public pluccs in the ilso recommend tho passage by the state ... lslaturc of a local dog luw tor the county of Deeu- tur, levying u tux of ouo dollar on each dog, said revenue to oc added to the public school fund. Wc find common cause for congratulation and ride In the great Improvement of the pr???*~ _.omla of our county. The dockets of our supi court, now In session, show a fewer numb ???rlminals In tho county jail than for many years r nwt and the findings of this May show h aoctdla decrease in infractions of the law. t'Ol'KT IN SCREVEN COUNTY. On Wednesday morning the case of the state vs. Robert II. Buzcmore, charged with Intent to mur. dcr, in shooting Isaac I). Robbins, wu* taken up, and a verdict of guilty of usrault-and battery was rendered. Tho case of tho same charge for shoot iug Malcolm Ennis was dismissed, nml In that of ctlrr>ing concealed weapons, against the same defendant, n plea of guilty was entered by the defendant. In the first named ease the court sentenced R. H. Bazemore to pay a fine of 92,10 and eost of prosecution, or to work In the ehnlngang twelve months in default of paying the tine and costs. In the next case he was sentenced to pay a Him of fifty dollnrs and costs, and in de fault thereof to be imprisoned In the common Jail three mouths. The next case of eouxcquetice was that of the State vs. John 8. DcMoiitinollin and W. II. Cloud, charged with murder. Cloud was put on trial. After the testimony for the state had an unlawful act, was jpted nml the defendant was sentenced to one . ear???s imprisonment, at hurd labor Iu the peniten tiary. THE BURKE COUNTV OltAKD JURY. The Burke county grand Jury says: Wc note with pleasure tho diminution of crime in the county, nml we arc fully convinced that It can yet lessened by such prohibition laws as will drive out the sale of liquor, which we regurd a* thegreut 11 of the day. Upon investigation wc find that ns far as Is in our power to ascertain at this term of the court, thnt the merchants of Waynesboro sell wholesome food. The Citizen says: Next week Is criminal week, and will t??e quite consumed In clearing the crlmi. mil docket. There are three cases out on bond, .... white, to bo disposed of, and live prisoners in ail, all colored, to be tried. Three of the five in ail will lie tried for murder, to-wit: Ham Wil iams, who waylaid Clem Rush and shot him some think, iu December last. This crime oc- in the southwestern edge of Way nesboro, and grew out of a qimr- 1 about ft woman. The next West Karnes, who cut Charlie Ilix to death in u drunken row In the public road near Old Church, some four miles southeast from Waynesboro, about October last. The next ease is Ed. Dowse, who will lie tried for the cold-blooded murder of five small children (four of his own and one his sister's child) near McKean station, about the lost of February. Dowse has confessed. Of the other two prisoners n Jail, the notorious Meriea Gordon, who has dis luyed so much strength and ingenuity in hi* at- enipts to break jail, is the mpst prominent. He ms broken four strong locks and released himself from chains two or three times since his Incarceration, and It has been with the utmost difficulty that Deputy .Sheriff Zorn has been able to keep* blin in it impossible, I am for Sherman, mul I think most of our delegation will be also.??? The Georgia delegation leavo for C'hicagoto-mor row. The movements of the Blaine nml Ar- ..ivIkhU'triwltn ovoilu ciuffitv'nml Parted I ??? 1,ur h ???*f *???"* ?? m ?? r k??My a -' tiv c today. I foot |, .omothlng wonderful From being |lo- back into the home, when Emma picked up a Tho proaulont a friend* emphatically deny the I pruwod and very low aptrltcd, caul I y tired, I enn iiicce of fence rail and made demonstrations, at I story that Don Cameron prefers Blaino to I n**w walk any length of time without feeling fa- he same time cursing ami trying to hit her. I Arthur. Thev aav Cameron nml the president I Before taking the Tonic my nerves seemed Mollie Nelson went into the Wc and | | mv ??? hnd ??? c,m,???fl???li I?? unstrung that when I read a pathetic tale f could not refrain from becoming very much af fected, ulthough I tried hard to overcome the ab surd feeling. Now I am myself again, that Em,im Shipp U ciiiitii,ued to call her Z, ??? "-Wto and understand each nml said she would kill her if sho had to go to I other i??erfi?ctly. hell to do it. Sho says she feared the difficulty I and did not go out ns sho did not know [ RIIKRHAK'H Rl???FPOMF.n PLANS. One Blaine rei??ort is that Bhcrmnu and Lo- I that sho ha5 any means of defense. I gau have agreed to support him with tho Finally sho concluded to go home, I rniigemeut that Sherman shall bo secretary of ???* ' * iL - house accompanied *?????? 1 J * __ 8IR JAM KB PAGET. President British Medl-As- . by I the trensury and Logan remain undisturbed I "ociatlon, says thnt 70,UK) death*' aro annually another negro. After getting outside she snw I in the senate. Undoiibtcdlv, however, John I caused by nervous disease In England, and that Emina Shipp with nn ux trying to get to her, Sherman is laying his rojies for the iioininn-1 there I* no more powerful and agreeable nerve but who was held by other negroes. Finally I tlon, and 1ms not bargained away his chances. I tonic than the IJoblg Co???s Coca Ilcef Tonic is evi* Emma Slllpp got I0.0 ami ru.heel toward her They continue to be regarded n, good. He I deuced by the emphatic tontlmony of the mo.t with nn ax uplifted. She turned nml ran, and I must bo accorded tho first place among the I ( , n ,i n , lllt tl | IV Mini????. looking back saw Emma Shipp close on her. I dark horse possibilities, a iNMittoii until * * and ready to strike her with the nx, and I recently held by Liucoln. Still thought unless sho made some effort at self-1 Lincoln is almost certain of the second defense sho would bo killed. In tho menutimo I place on tho ticket, if it is to PROFESSOR (\ A. BRYCE, M, D., LL D., Edlto _ I Southern Clinic, saysi "Really a wonderful recon- pocket knife in I bo headed by nu eastern man. A republican I struetlve agent, building up the system and sup- - 1 -- ??? *'???-?? ??????* 1 plying Inst uerriiiM energy. For broken down she lmd discovered her loft pocket, which she drew out I senator remarked to-day that many soutlie... nml opened with her teeth while I delegates who aro counted for Arthur have n I constitution* It Is tho agent warding of tho blow of the nx with her left I strong leaning towards Blninc, nud that when 1 arm. She turned and rail in under tho nxe I they minglo with the delegates at Chicago from and cut at her pursuer. She again ran off and I tho pronounced republican states, nud see the . a second time was pursued and ran in ujhmi I overwhelming sentiment among them for I Dean of 8t. Louis, Mo., Clinic of Midwifery and her antagonist who struck at her with the nx I Blaine, the southern men will be inclined to I Dlscnaw of Woman and Children, says: ???It Is also fall into tho Blaine line, BLAINE IN TIIF. SOUTH. Ho said ho had talked with some delegates PROFESSOR WILLIAM C. RICHARDSON, M D., as she cut with her knife. As they enmo to gether the nx dropped toward tho ground nml Emma Shipp fastened her teeth in Mollio Nel- I a most powerful nml agreeable stimulant to tho I brain and nervous system, and It Is c*|>cclally use j fill to counteract fatigue of mind and body.??? THE SCIENCE OF LIFE. itpp fa . ----------- - ??? son???s shoulder. Sho thinks she then made I from the south, nml had found that they were three cuts with her knife which ended the fight. I not disjwsed to put upon tho party any rnndi- 1 Emma Shipp was found to bo cut in several I <101?? who is objectionable to the republican I Rc sure to ask for IJcblg Co's Coca Beef Tonic places and died from tho effects of her I states, and ho believed that the influence of I Highest Medals at Loading Expositions. Sold by injuries. Mollio Nelson left the place from I the strong Blaine delegations from such states I Druggists generally. Prepared only by the Liebig fear of harm from Emmajfl friends and mado I Pennsylvania, Iowa, Kansas and others,that I Laboratory and Chemical Works Company, N. Y., her way to Chattahoochee county. Hero she I are reliably republican, would have the effect | Purls uiul Ismdoii. N. Y. Depot, Murray street, was arrested by Sheriff Harp who delivered her I of bringing over n number of southern dele-1 to Deputy Sheriff Holder. Bhe was carried be-1 gates. It Is clniinod by tho active Biniue men 1 fore Judgo Pearson and waiving ii commitment I that ho will get a much larger vote from the trial was sent to jail to await her trial nt tho I Routo than has been counted for him. Beun-1 only 91.00 1JY MAIL, POST PAID next term of Stewart superior court. Wo learn I tors Voorhees pnd Coko both say they believe 1 that the statement ns made by tho prisoner is I Blaine will be nominated. Washington is full corroborated by several witnesses to tho dlfll- I ??f delegates who lmvo stopped here on their culty. I way to G'hieugo, to consult with the party ?? I lenders and tho friends of the vnrious rnndi- ON TO CHICAGO. | dates. Iu tho hotcls to-night you can hear ??? I any thing, and every one of the aspirants 1ms enroll,,n-?? Artl.or Lelognto. With | Dominated and ngnii, ilnoo dark. The situation is decidedly mixed, with little Columbia, S. C., May 28.???[Special.]???All I prospect of clearing up until tho convention tho South Carolina delegates to the republican I settle down to its work convention aro now en routo for Chicago. D. T. Corbin, n strong Arthur man, claims that Smalls is the only member of tho delegation I Tilden who will not vote for Arthur on tho first bal lot; that nil tlm others lmvo promised to cast the first bollot for him, and stick to him long as there is any chauco of his nomination. JDDKN MUST DE PRACTICALLY INDORSED. Tho announcement iu yesterday???s Sun that Iden had decided to refuso the nomination, nml was exerting his inlluehro for Payne, is not regarded as re moving Tilden beyond tho call of the conven tion. The Sun is out to-day in a strong edl- KNOW THYSELF. A. GREAT MEDICAL WC ON MANHOOD. Exhausted Vitality. Nervous and Physical De bility. Premature Decline iu Man, Errors uf Youth, and the untold miseries resulting from indlscrc- A PR|-ZE.S|?? . . costly box of goods which will help all, of either sex, to more money right away than anything else In this world. Fortunes await the worker* absolutely sure. At once address True & Co., Augusta. Maine. SHAFTING, PULLEYS, HANGERS, COUPLINGS. MILL GEARING, SAW MILLS, Engines ami other machinery re)HiIred. Northern price* duplicated and freight saved. Write us for prices before placing your order*. WIN SHIP & BRO., Founder* nml Slnchlnlst*, ATLANTA GEORGIA. pUORGIA, RABUN COUNTY, MA-RUII TERM, l! 1HH4, of the superior court of said county. W. 8. Whitmire vs. Baniha Whitmire. Libel for divorce in Rabun superior court. It uppenring to the court by the return of the sheriff in this case that the rc- *l>oudcut in tills libel, the Raid Saraha Whitmire, cannot Ik* found iu this county nor state, it 1* or dered by the court that the said Saraha Whitmire do appear and answer this libel at the next term of this court, and that sho Iks nerved by the publi cation of this order onre a month for four montha previous to the next term of thi* court in tho newspaper* in which the county advertisement* of thM county arc published. Granted thi* March 17, 1881. RARROW & ERWIN, IJbeluut's Attorney*. J. II. ESTES, J. ft. c. I hereby certify that the above I* a true copy of the order taken from the minutes of the court, thta April l. r >, 1884. L. HOIJJFIELD, Ulerk 8. C. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. two mile* from Greensboro, Georgia. Of the cleared land there is alsmt one hundred and fifty acre* of excellent iMittom, a small |iortioii of which 1* well set in lierinmla grass, and alsmt three hundred of upland well adapted for cotton, outs, wheat or coni. There is a water fall on the farm sufficient to run a cotton gill, ora mill all the year. It Is well adapted for both, a stock and cotton farm. Also a comfortable and convenient house containing *ix room* on Main street in Grceust*>ro. Ga., conven ient to the lyisInoiM imrtlou of the city, with land sufficient for a garden. Terms of sale cosh. Apply ?????????LIP R. ROHINHON, Greensboro, Ga. PH1L1 When hi* chance* are gone then they may vote I torinl, contrasting the great popular aentTment I for an acute nud chronic any other candidate. Corbin I for Tilden with tnout(cr insignificance of the I which is invaluable. Bo found by the Autlm delegate* I mniAwlio wa?? fraudulently put iu tho presi- I whoso experience f(??r 28 years is such a* prolm!; *up- I denrrdyer Mm. It saY* ???tlinj no more moral I never before fell to tho lot of any plr??? , -??? ii ... * t 1 ????????????i, bound in bcntiraJ Fi say* that most of tho prefer Blaino or Logan to Arthur, but will sup port tho latter because they hold government | and Bcntimuntai in<lor*cmcnt of Tilden will I losition* nml deem it??afe and proper to give I suffico, but there must bo a matter of fact vin-1 iim nt least a complimentary vote. None o[| dlcatlon of him by tho party in convention I slmml???than any otbc ??? * * ??? ??? ??? ?????? ^ ' lL *f Bf O nijjdjfi,' era bow ork sold In tills nomination. Corbin and Taft think some dark horse???-such na Gresham???will bo chosen, while Wilder and ??overal others think that | Liucoln will bo tho lucky man. Moving tlio Melon*, Yesterday a number of leading railroad men as sembled hffro to consider the Important matter of. moving the Immense watermelon crop of Florida | nml south Georgia, The following gentlemen were present nnd par tlclpntcd In tho meeting: B. Dunham, genend manager Louisville and Nashville; J. T. Haralson, instance. Price only $1.00 by mall, post paid. Answer This. I lustratlvo sample six nuts. Send now. G ^ by the National Modi- _ ??? >r* of which ho refers. tiling thnt will keep her from severe attacks of I, Tho Science of Life should bo read by tho young 7 , iti t ,, * f. a I for instruction, nud by the afflicted for relief. It imraly,l?? nml headache. hd. Oswego Sun. I w ill benefit all-London Lancet. ??? ??? I There is no mcnilicr of society to whom Tho My little sickly, puny baby was chanced I Selene?? of Life will not lie useful, whether youth, to a great bouncing boy, and I wt.ral.ed " uuaeU>tnt ???Wnaa.-Arw from a ,ick bed by using Hop Hitters a short Address tho Peabody Medical Iiwtltnta.orDr. W. .. in j III. Parker, No. 4 Hulfinch street, Boston, Mass., who time. A 10UNO Motiike. I may Im consulted on all disease* requiring skill ???- I anti experience. Chronic mid obstinate disease* No use to worry about nny Liver, Kidney I NUUed thuskllleofall TTYf! A T other ..... , ...... i , t 7. ?? i i a. I physician* a speciality. Much nniiT I Rrent general superintendent Louisville and Nashville; |or Urinary trouble; especially Bright???s Disc-1 ??-??i smxfssftill^ without an 'J'HYSEIjF R. G. Fleming, general superintendent 8uvummh, Florida nnd Western; George W. Hiiitun), assistant suiKTlntendeiit Savannah,Florida and Western; W '. Hlielinan, traffic manager of the Central; R. A. case or Diabetes, as Hop Bitters never fails of | b^tHniv of a euro where u cure U jnissible. I had severe attacks of Gravel and Kidney Anderson, general superintendent Western and trouble; wn* unable to get any medicine or I AHuntte; J. W. Fry, .uperintendont tost Twmy | Joctor cnr , llln ?????? ti , , Ilup j mter . see. Viriulantid Georgia, Atlanta division; J. E. I Thnv mred Mallory, sujHTlntciulent Kust Tennessee. Virginia I 11 * u * and Georgia, Brunswick division; J. M. Brown, I general freight ageut of the Western and Atlantic; Then. Welch, general freight agent of the Louis- sV/oorej ; In a short time. ???sftf.GnJr-r- of hint. He will be tried forescupe from penitentiary and cow stealing. The last pris oner in jail is Israel Cold well, a boy about slxP>en year* old, who Is charged with burglary and lar ceny. None of these colored defendants have mo ney to cm ploy an attorney, nnd Judge Roney has aplioiutcd able counsel to defend each case. It is, however, bard to see how any of them can escape conviction. Interest to some to know that he has learned to read nnd write, we give a place to his reply. Cole City, Dade County, May .??th, lwt.???Mr. Jenkins, Rome, Ga., Dear Sir: Your very kind let- received yesterday and was glad to hear by it you and your family were well. Pray give ... . Jenkins and Mi** Ada my heartfelt thunk* for their kiudne-s to me, and allow' me to acknowledge with gratitude the box, nml you may be matured the content* were mo.-i dutifully appreciated. If you have time ami inclination to write again, please send me the sir-e of Ada???s finger and I will take great pleasure iu making her a silver ring, a btisi- .ietU^HhoAtffiaifci W^???fnrwfw.ffiSf! of ague, biliousness, nervousness or neuralgia, master of transportation of tho Central, nml J. J, I or any disease of tho stomach, liver or kidneys Griffin, general freight ugent of the East Tennessee, I thot Hop Bitters will not cure? Virginia ami Georgia. ' ??? I. ??? Tho preclM object of the mooting Unhealtby or innetivo ki.lnoys c.uso grovel, tho K con*oetlons of th" d H??VHnn*h??? I Hright???. di.rose, rhi miiRtlsm, and n bordc of Western railway In the matter of fur, I other serious nml fatal diseases, which enn be iiishlug adequate trutoqHirtatioii for the coming I prevented with Hop Bitter* if taken in time. melons. Several Interesting bilk* were made. I * Mr. Haines, of the South Floridu ami Western, sU I \ru??, tvi. iu 7n j ??,.li ted thnt the melon cron this season would approx-1 Ludington, Mich., h, 2,1H7g.???I ha\e sold imato 3,two car 16ods. The fruit, lio wild, Is more M????P Bitter* for four years, olid there is no udvaueetl and In a far better comiitlon tlmn I medicine that surpasse* them for bilious nt- . *j*!? Vine last year. Two I tack*, kidney complaints and ail disease* inei- t It inis of the entire crop he thought would go to I to this malarial eiiiiinti- the northwest. The first shipments will bo made | aoni w in,i . jj t T> Alf.xakdks. I .1. I... Monroe, Mieh.,Sept. 2i, 1876,???BIR?????I have represented agreed to furnish their quota rwpec-1 been taking Hop Bitters f????r inflammation of tlYclyof ventliatid fruit irar* for the movement of I ls i i iii . v . m.Vl ??,i,???bb r- Ii l,.Imm r u ??mf 1 therrop. The main bulk of this traffic will be I kioncysand bladder; It hH* done lor ino wnat carried by the East Tennessee, Virgfnto nml Gcor- I four doctor* failed to do???cured me. The ef- gla, the (Jeiitral ami the We*tdm uml Atlantic. I feet of the hitters seemed like magic to rue. The movement of the ineloiM'rop was the subject I W. L. Cartes. [ ijwiiii wim . m I Gkxtb.???Your Hop Bitters have been of I .. I fons ond Ruj^estedTIhat I great rnlue to me. 1 was laid up with typhoid , itwouldficagmxlbjuftforthc melon growers to I for over two months, and could get no relief is that the j until I tried your Hop Bitters. To those stif- f t er any one in feeble recommend them. J. D. Htqetzkl, 6.1q Fulton Bt??? (.'hiesgo, HI. . - - llyh Jlniuelie* and Telegraphy. No variations I* there a person living who ever snwr n case I e8nd for clrciilnr. 910 A HALE WAVED. experienced railroad man who was no meeting spoke of the danger of flooding the best markets with melons mid sugge The Convict* Camp. rom the Rome Bulletin. Mr. nml Mr*. J. M. Jenkins sent a box of good innf ??? ????????? mr , c u things to Joe Moncrief, and as It may Ixj a matter toward the* stable'when**Gay K 'dbiefiaraetiPThe 1 75i- enter Into a i*h??1. The general opinion . .... MIVM1 ... melon men will make a better thing of it tbto I n-rinw from debilitv wm??u Umu Uw, did U.I jror. |CT,I%rdUW'r Mhot nml Killed. From the Waycnma, Ga., Reporter. We team that a man living near Spanish Creek depot, on the Wayeros* Short Line, of the 8. F. ami W. railway system, killed a man by the name of Hurst, who lived ut the Albertson mill, at Bro gamut station, under the follow ing circumstances: It seems thut Hunt had furnished Gay with a mule, it being understood that Hunt was to have the use of the mule when he desired it. He went for the mule a week or ten days ago, but failed to get it. nnd went hack again on Tuesday lout for it. ??? when Gay refused told him have it, having locked the stable door. Hunt was going, so report says, _. _ f arm. 11 applied to medical men and used liniment, without any benefit. I have great I pleasure in stating I had occasion to use 8t. f . , "U however will mar come.??? Jacob* Oil for ft, and [bail not used it more hundred and sixty glasses of water, and impure | I am now working attentively at the copy books than ten minutes before I felt the beneficial ef- I >t th??t, which he might have had at the nror- feel, and 1 can work with my row or .n,,!e rot .pnng for nothmg,..,dp??re re vfrliEfT^T' well m ever I did, >??d recommend it???to .ny | made it. He had in addition twenty-five ^pectfully; Jos era Mokcxixf. one suffering pain. tents of both barrels of his gun into fils body, the gun being .heavily loaded, reusing Immediate death. We understand that Hurst was a quiet, peaceable, easy, good, inoffensive man. He leave* h w ife and three children to inouni hi* loss, ami battle lor existence as beat they can. At last ac count* Gay was still in the neighborhood. Possi bly be consider* hi* act* justifiable and will not make an attempt uOrevc. A Government Sheriff 1 . Mr. Edward L. Green, Sheriff, Auckland, I New Zealand, writes: ???I received an Injury to I my shoulder in June, 1882, and from that date I B??W!LS0N???S ILIOJITWSN23 S&m! Two lb tl.wolulrly flrwl-c- * I. He until July, 1883, l could not use my all sort* of I he* n mlnnte. Tlx- only p'????? Mewing Machine !*?? the arid. tOntnnlrlil. Wurrnnt-U fi jrcncu. .r IllMaii'tiffl Cn !???????*?? uf nniHIrPiiliir MtaWsiiiF????oTilBwii.wix nr\v- alu wmSwTfi!! ZAita* mi WlMUfM tm. f??i*t Wem wuiiXMj W4nw.(ruta> fflgii ??irq ?? peop???e have t???om?? rich working ores We off-re bai MMfcuy to telMUKMMOfKMMJ TfWOM wilUag U moving the sand, dirt, dust and loose trasl greatly Incrrese* the quantity ami quality of the lint. It will j*iy for itself in half a day'* work on eight IstUit of cotton, and gives Ineveased profits to all who handle c*otton. Agent* wanted III all nil- o?cupicf||tcrritory. Foi|further Information call on ???. l>r ???ddresN D CJDTTON GLEANER M???F???O C o., fiist Alabama 8t.. Atlants, Ga. | To (iliincra, Gin Pllcra nml Cotton Herd Oil Mill*. I limit to territory, except w here already sold. 800 I machine* now In use. Over 10.000 Gin* ??h??rpened I with three much im** last year; known all over the I cotton statre; sui*erior P> all mm Uinre of similar I invention, nml the only oqe that hn* stmul the test I of years und become a standard. Now is the time I to imv and (*omiueuce business. For particular* I uddre** IIARKETT A GREEN may 20-w-Td, iiAKKi. rr at oiikkn. 30 Wall street, Atlanta, Ga. I wTATK OF GEORGIA. FULTON COUNTY-I. J. 1 L. Gohen, of said county and state, hereby | consent Hint my wife, Regina Cohen, of the same 1 place, may become a public or free tnnler. 1 Atlanta. May 20,1881. J. 1- COHEN, may 20-w- r >t Solid Silver Stem Winding mwnmni uhmw hizk WATCH FOR $12.50. FULLY ODJUUHTBDl Tfcb oITvr mule for O) , .l??v. only, ilixxbi xent by expnwi C. O. D., nubject tolupcctlon ,, ATLANTA, (kb CHAMBERLIN, JOHNSON & Co Smressor* to Chamlicrliti, Boynton A Co. 80 and 68 Whitehall St., ATLANTA, GA. Largest Deulera In Georgia In DRY GOODS, Fine Dress Goods, WHITE GOODS, ETO. CARPETS, CARPETS HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS, Lace Curtains, Window Shades, FLOOR Oil* CLOTHS. SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! GENTS, LAD1E8, CHILDREN???S. ALL BRANDS DOKUTICB AT MANUFACTU RERS PRICES. Agents for Huttcrrlck'* Patterns. <'ll A Mil Ell LIN", JOHNSON Jk CO. Delivered in nny part of tlm United DRV BV MAIL I Hired* Fit Pries kb, also of Dm JORDAN, HARSH & ( A 8peecfy and Polnlos?? Cure for the Opium or Morpnlno Habit. Curo Guaranteed. A JJrtts m, iU.DREWRY.M.D. CBIFFIN. Qi. SEASIDE RESORT! Cumberlandjlsland. Hen Hide??? House with new and improved ao- ronutuKlation*, will bo opened for guest* April 20, IMH4. Elegant surf Imtblng, fishing, banting, etc. Terms 92.00 per day, I10.??) |H*r week. Special rate* ??? > families. Daily communication with Drutw- Ick by the safe, eommiMilou* nnd fast railing STKAM YACHT EGMONT.' Kxi'iirxloti rute. by R T., V??. A fi??. mul Ilniiw- ??li k A Wvatvm nilfnxvlx. Knr furlln-r jNirtlnilnrx, ??? p " ,5ln THE HISTORY OF irewer???s Lung Restorer Its Claims Upon tlio Public???Why It Blionhl ho Universally Used, It Is very often the cn*o that treasures remain hidden for year* right under one???s cyoa am! only discovered at lust by uccldent. Hitch was the cuso with Brewer's Lung Itiwtorcr. This remedy waa used for tieftrly forty years by a little neighborhood of iHsiple who either did not appreciate Its true value or did not have the means or opisirtunity to proclaim Its virtues to the world. When they hud a- cough, sore throat, bronehlti*, tickling in thu throat or other throat and lung trouble* they mado them a small kettle full of thi* unnamed remedy, the material for which they hail hut to lookTor In the forests and old field* surrounding their hornet uml in a remarkably *hort time they were relieved by its use and nerer thought of It any more until It wa* again required. However, things toavo qhnngcd since those days, fiueh treasures are easily sought after and do not long remain in obscurity. The present proprietor* of tfil* old remedy having by accMcnt Teamed that Its rurvs were miraculous determined at once to asit-rtnln for themselves what merit it really possessed, and having tested It In a great number of rases. In all of which It proved efficacious, they purchased the right to tnununu *- lure uml k*1I the same under tho name of Brewer*? ???,ung Restorer and it has become so widely known * eir management that It is to-day rc< ????g the greatest throat and lung remedy of too age. containing no opiate* It can be token with perfect safety by the most delicate. Being entirely vegetable It* effect* can In no way be harmful and even in the event that it fails to cure the general health oC the patient I* greatly. Improved. It can lie given to six month???s old infants in the pre scribed doses with beneficial effect*;yet full grown men are surprised at Its msglcal effect on them Those who suffer from westing discos* such nx consumption and dyspcpela, rapidly gain In flesh and strength by the use of Brewer???s Lung Restorer Many Instance* of patients gaining 7 pounds of flesh from every bottle they took have been re ported to us. Testimonials from the best p*?oplo In the land arc found in every newspaper of con sequence and such testimonials from such men mast convince the public thnt , thi* remedy poaesse* great merit. This medicine, indorsM by such men, Inis done more to break down the prejudice existing against patent medi cines than any other remedy known. For the va rious reasons mentioned we call upon suffering humanity to give Brewer???s Lung Restorer a trial. ' L??? almost infallable. Its effects are wonderful- fact miraculous. LAMAR, RANK IN A LAMAR, MACON. GA. pro.itl>.r*:b'':/ tut wfn.roa'HtAno* of |h?? VWh uiw ??n??i ??-i nmc ???*an-uu* L iY* t-.fifeire.1. If. le- i. ^?????? r*.tn Inluctu^y, that I will fS??4 TWO KOrrLKS fKKK. MCMMT with ?? VAt. I'ASI.K r KKA rl -K ??n IMS t<?? an. aufferar. U???*e *5- eras* * I*. O. a-1 Iraaa. DK.T. A.SLOCUM, tsl feart *L??N. X,