The constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1884-1885, June 03, 1884, Image 8

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THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION: ATLANTA, TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 1884.???TWELVE PAGES THE LOVE OF MONEY DISCUSSED BY THE GEOROtA PHIL OSOPHER. Bill Arp Til., of lb. Comfort of Brine Bleb???Tho Dnlrr to Bor. Bor. bfonry???Tbo Fluauro of witnomlni lb. rrnlu of Labor???Mon- .y That Como. Bard the IBoat,. Money ia * right good thing and no aenaibla man will turn up hia none at it. Money briaga oomfnrl and leiaurra and Solomon aaya in leia- urr there ia wiadon. A man who liaa to be digging away every day for aliring don't have much time lo read and reflect and ruminate. It don't matter whether he ia a merchant or iixthnnin or former or a profeaaional inon.if he works hard all day ho wanta to rest at night. Money promotes domestic tranquility and that ia the biggest and beat thing I know of. But money ought to lie hard lo get, no that its real value may be appreciated???money has be earned to bo prised. If it ia inherited drawn in a lottery or won at games of oliancc or found in tho road or obtained by lucky spec illation in stocks or bond, nr cotton futures, it goes at a discount. It is undervalued and dont stick to n limn long. A fortune gained in a year rarely sticks to snybody.hiick ia n right good thing when it follows along with labor and honesty, blit luck by itself ia a deceiver. ???Trust to luck" is the devil???s maxim. I knew a hard working man who was so anxious to get ahead that he stinted hia family and in vested port of hia earnings in tho Louisiana lottrrv for five years and never drew hut leu dollars. He told me ho had lost five hundred dollars that way, and every time he saw the list published of tho lucky numbers and rend alasut tho lucky men who drew the prises ! * fired him up ami ha tried it again. 801/ietiuv 1 wi*h Uncle Jubal and General Beauregard would tote fair and publish a. list of them fel low* who dident draw anything. Hut I reckon that would Ikj no long and occupy *o many column* in the newspaper* they coulduut afford it. It i* just human I know to want more money than wa have got, especially if wo are hard run and living on a atrain. I want more myself, and if 1 wn* to (1ml a hundred dollar* in the road I couldent help hoping that tho owner would never min it, and never call for it. ??ftint like n ln??y who find* a pocket kiiife'nud ft* * like it i* hi*, Imt that *orl of money i* not solid and satisfactory ns money we work for. I know an old preacher who had ten dollar* ami hi* aon had ten dollar* and the young man went down to Atlanta and took nil the money to buy wane thing* and be camo across a wheel of fortune and saw a fellow win ten dollar* jtisl a* easy,and ao lie wa* penuaded to try hi* luck,aud snore enough he won ton dol lar*, and it hope him up mightily and ho tried it lignin and won *omo more, nml ho kept on until lie had won fifty dollar* mid become a fool,for right then hi* luck changed and ho lost it all and hi* ten dollar* nml hi* daddy'* ten beside*, and had to l*??rr????w a dnlhUr and u half to get home on, and like to have perished to death in the bargain. Well, he belonged to the rhurch and they had him up nml tried him and he made a clean hreaat and told how he wa* overtaken and- tempted and how he west on nnd on until he hml made fitly dollar* clean. ???And right there??? raid the old innii???i?? wbnr John's sin liegun. If lie had stopned right there it would have been nil right nut like a ft*d ho went on nnd on to de*truvtion. Well, .John wasent auch a dreadful *iuncr after all for he wauted the money to buy aoino- tliing to plea*o Unfold folk*. Hut money dont opme that en*y very often. I know a innn who ha* been kepi on a strain for five years work ing out of bin luanea on cotton futures. Home- time* luck run* along with n mini for ton year* uud more and that make.* him vain and he thinks hi* judgment is infallible nml and dcnly he colapse* like Beuuy and Kno nnd Keene. No money is safe except that made by hono*t men. The reward of labor are mighty good and aure. Hero I set in my pla??* nml look over my farm and see the wheat and tho nnU all iu o strut nnd waving so beautiful in the hreeao and I feel proud nml serene for I sowed that wfloat myself and helped to prepare the laml h it it my wheat and my oats -nnd come honestly nml wasent made out of soniotmdy else, and it does me good to cut u few choice head* nml hunch 'em and take 'em to town and show the folk* what I ran do. It lieat* money made by luck all to piece*, nnd so does walking in my garden and digging tho pota toes 1 planted ami working thorn ever so nice ami bringing them in the h??i|*e tonhow to my wife nnd hear her say, ???they are very fine.??? Nhc never says utueh on that line, *40 dont, hi# a little goo* a great ways with me. Hhe never indulges iu rapture, she never use* ml jet???liven to any excess,such ii* lovely exquisite splendid and the like, hut 1 know what she think* ubout anything lust a* well as if she did. I'in going to get her n me** of rnsnber , tin* to day, the first of the season,and I'll *ur K ise her with'em at dinner time. Hhe likei at. Women like these little thoughtful at tent ion*. They are like oil on the nxlHrec, and make* tho machinery run smooth, llut then there ought to he a little money to mix up v^ith Midi thing*. Money i* a g***d domestic lubricator itself. A man feel* more like s gentleman with some change in hi* pnckct t and he ought to always have a dollar nr no just to feel of. If stiffen* him up aud keeps him Chun feeling like a vagaboml. Aud woman wan to some too. When a pedlar eotues along with tin warn or a wagon load of jugs or the CPgjssic* come along with lace or the book agent come* along with pictures,nml itenidcsit is such * dignified comfort to have a little hid away for the children when they an' just obliged to have something to wear aud dont waut to ask I taim for the money, for ho is so hard run aud alas so poor all the time. This is the kind of money that goes for all it is \v??*lh. Money that comes hard,money that is oftrued. Even woman does not prise money when she has oodlo* of it aud has every want supplied. Folks must be cramped to fie hap py. They must have something to stimulate (hem. Something to provoke economy and in dustry, and I'm thankful we've always had Uiese stlmulants at my house. Him, Aar. ??? .. ??? EX-GOVERNOR SMITH. Pvssi IVright attempt* to .\*??as??lunte llim In t'aluuihu*. C'otCNBm. tia., May SI.--(Special)??? 1 The attempt nude on the life of ex-Governor fimllh last night by Kvau* Wright has created the most intense In dlfuation among our people. Hie rase came up ior a hearing before Mayor Grimm this morning. r Governor Smith exhibted the coat worn at time. through which are two bullet holm. lie did not dlscc^i them until this morning, while dressing. They are a clean cut, and on a line with hW waUtlwnd. showing that Wright was not such a bad marks- nun a* was at first supposed. A few Inches to the tight and Governor Smith would have been a dead man. and he doubles* owes hi* Iff* to the fact that he wore a (all sack cost, which stood off from his penxm. Wright was fined fifty dollars for shooting on the slreet.and pul under a bond of five hundred dollar* to appear before the superior court to an swer the charge ol asuul with Intent to murder, lie has not yet given bond. The grand Jury will be Iu session Monday, when the affair Will In fully iuvesligited. THE EJfqt'tai'Ji's acuh *T. Iasi night a few minute* afters o'clock eonsld erabie evclte incut wm created oq the street* by the report of three pistol shot. fired at the poMofllre corner. The report soon became current that the li*??J been filed at ??-<*Hemor James 31. Hmlth by Mr. Evans W right The police were near ?????* plaec at the time and promptly arrested Mr. ^ *??? irdhottse. An the guard- . ^??? -j* not In a ????????? ??? I not question him. The pollce- him Gated that he was drinking and had ooly fired hU pistol In the air. The report that the shot* were fired at Governor limlth grew out of the fan that he had ju??t passed S* a^i lhat be wasnmiurl for Ihn MUi-hfil. who had only about half au hour previous to that time been acquitted of the murder Enquirer Hun railed upon him at hi* residence last nfgfit. Governor Smith stated In substance that be ha??l an engagement to meet a gentleman at one of the hotel*. He left home at a o???clock nnd walked direct to Markhams' old corner. There he crossed Randolph street to the po*tofllce corner. While crossing the street be *aw two or three men stand ing a little south of the comer of the pastofflee. After walking about twenty-flvo feet from the corner, going towards Hroad street, he beard a re port which at first he thought wa* a cannon erarker, but a* It was followed In quick suceemlon by two more reports, be con cluded that some one was firing a pi*tol. Ho did not have the least Idea, however, that any one wo* shooting at him, and did not turn Ills head until he got in front of tho Cottage *aloon. Noticing one or two pemon* running Into the sal the sidewalk, he stepped to the doom what was the matter. Home one replied: ,'Why, somebody's shooting at you!??? Governor Smith say* that this matte no Impre* slon ujK*ti him, as he could not believe it wa* tr " *???* '* 1 that they would bav and wnlkcd on down to ... hotel. He stated to the reporter that he did not bellevo that the shot* wire fired at him, aud that he heard no bullet* whistle by him. Parties who saw the shot* fired state that the pistol wit* held up fn the air, aud the impression seems to he that they were final simply to frighten Govern nr Hmlth. Mr. W right, it Is said, was crazed < to the Justiic** of this last with drluk and Indignation at the acquittal of the negro who killed lit* brother. He will lie arraigned in mayor'* court this morning for shooting in the street*. TIIP. MfTCIlKJ.L CASK. The history of this easo i* too well known to recited hern. In the amrnnor of 1882 a little wm Mr. Jesse H. Wright wa* cowhlded by a nephew Hen Mt-chcll at the Instance of the latter, who was present at thu time. Mr. Wright heard of the affair the next dnyafter Its occurrence, and of course hi* feelings were outraged. Ifc at once nought Hen Mitchell, hut failed to find him. On the Monday following Hen Mitchell wa* section the street* with u double-barrelled shot gun and apistol. Hi* brother, Holland Mitchell, railed at Mr. Wright's place of business the same momfng and seemed anxious to settle the affair. Mr. Wright agreed to drop the matter, and Holland 31 Itehell Invited him to go up to bis house And *ee hi* brother Hen that he might know the difficulty had been settled. At 12 o'clock that day Mr. Wright started to HoUan'* house, but just before reaching the gale ho wa* shot down on tho sidewalk by Ben Mitchell who wa* concealed be hind a tree. Most of the wltneascs who claimed to have seen the shoot lug were negro women win* Jived on Ho)l*nd Mitchell'* premise*, and testified that Mr. Wright fired the find shot. Other wit- lioases who Haw the shooting from a distance sworn that Mr. Wright fell at the first or second shot, and went down with hi* umbrella stretched over him mid his pipe in hi* mouth. The negro women tes tified (hat lie deliberately closed hi* umbrella, took hi* pistol from hi* pocket ami fired before Mitchell idiot at all. Of course on this main point there was a conflict between the witnesses. There wa* much other testimony relating to the detail.* of the difficulty. The case wa* tried the first time one year ago, and the prisoner wa* found guilty #lth recommendation to inipri*otiincut for life The supreme court grouted a new trial, which ha* u*t terminated fn a verdict of not guilty. A* Mr. Urlght was connected with this office, we will not ??xprcwt an opinion verdict. wiuriirr oive* ho.hd. Columbus,Ga., May 81.???[HpeelalJ???Kvan* Wright the man who attempted to assassinate Governor James M. Hmlth last night, succeeded in giving a ??>00 bond to-night, and wa* relented from custody. Wright'* mother went on hi* bond. The Man nmfthe Monkey. Once upon a time a man and a monkey chanced to meet on the highway. ???Hello, my long tailed friend,??? asked the an, ???whither art thou going???? ???Hound for do city,??? replied tho monkey, ???Glad to hear it,??? replied the man. ???I ain going there, too, nnd we will travel to gether and he of mutual benefit in case of dnii far.??? Tho monkey grinned assent, nnd both wend cd tholr way. ???What ails you???? asked tho man; ???I seo you nro a sufferer, and can scarcely got .long.??? J ???Oh, you see,??? replied tho monkey, ???my mudder, she had what yon call scrofuln, very aud very much scrofulu, my fardcr, ho had heap sores, some big, some little sores, long time. They both took much modicinc, and when they died tho sores was all they left me.??? Yes, yes,??? replied the man. ???I sec how it is. Your mother inherited her disease, scrofula aud your father caught hi* on tho wing, and you Inherited or wn* born with both complaint*. Hut why pine away nnd die when you cuu he cured.??? ! been done u*cd over sixty bottles one drugstore medicine, nnd il no good. Money all gone nml sore here yet. Home doctors charge heap money, hut no good. llut my friend,??? said the man, ???you got hold of the wrong medicine. Go to tho drug store and get one bottle of 11. H. H. and before using all of it you will feel bettor. It l* a quick cure. It will cure all sort* of sores, Scrofula, Hlood l*oi*on caught on tho wing, llehiug Humors, Catarrh, Blood nnd Skin ills case* and Kidney Troubles.??? 1 la* so thankful for your kindness, and will go get It. H. B. to-day,??? replied the monkey. Extraordinary bargains in cloth ing for one week at Gay's, 37 Peach tree. Thp ItojuKlnUa lt.uir.ty. ftiMndalis is a sovereign remedy for all dis- en*o* of the blood. It has no equal for the cure of nervous disorders. Head this: ???i would like to boar testimony to the merit* of ltosadali*, bv saying that, some eight year* ago 1 was totally prostrated and could get no relief front our family physician; hut after taking one bottle of ftosanalis I became en tirely restored to health. I now weigh 175 |tounds, but when I first took your medicine I weighed only 130. 1 cheerfully recommend it to all, ami especially to those afUicted with nervous debility. MU8. A. A. MAHON, Baltimore, Md.' Company D, Twelfth New York Guards, all took the pledge in Tarson Newman's church Sunday. Alpaca Coats, Sicilian Cants, Cre ole suits, and Seersucker suits from the cheapest to the best quality at Gay???s, 37 Peachtree street. Some heathen are not as much of the heath en as we think; read a Mahometan proverb. ???God has bestowed the good things of this world to relieve our necessities, not to reward our virtues; these will be rewarded in another world.??? We know of no greater necessity to be relieved, than a stubborn cold, and we know of uo better relief than Dr. Bull'a Cough By nip. HOIWKORDU ACID PHOHPIIATK, A Valuable Ilemedy for Gravel. Dr. T. 11. New land, Jr., Bt. Louis Mo., says: ???I have used it in diseases of the uri nary organs, auch as gravel, and particularly snermatorrhara, with very good results, ami tnitik it b very valuable remedy in those du- ??? ??? It U Terrible have a wife or husband with a baa breath. This may be avoided by using HOZODONT. It agreeable to the taste, fragrant and health ful. It confers comfort on Its users, and pre - vents the affliction of unpleasant breath. The Pennsylvania Knights Templar are in annual session at Erie.' Gay' does what he advertises. You???ll find his clothing cheap. Ifenry Hunt, a prominent pilot In the Missis sippi river service, died at Cairo, 111. Bixtceu club coaches paraded in lino in New York Saturday^ * All Wenknc** of Genital Organs, Sexual Ini potency, and nervous disorders permanent- Iv cured in thirty days, by the genuine Dr. fticord???s Restorative Pills. Bottles 60 cents. Pills $1.25, 100 pills $2.00, 200 pills $3 pills $6.00. Magnus k Hightower, corn or nnd Decatur streets, Atlanta- Wholesale by Lamar, Rankin and Lamar. Beautifully fitting suits made at Gay???s custom department, 35 White hall. Rccu^ntecd tutlis SSetU m Cur Coffee is absolutely pure,, n:t gla.ted cr colored, and Iu selected from our large stock of Green Coffee, aitb special ref*, lo Its Drinking Qualities-??? Glazing end coloring Rotated Coffee adds to the weight and hides thu Imperfections, which la entirety cyalnst your Inter- estes a consumer. Ash your Grocer for ieveju.vcs corns, and take no other. E. LEVERING L C0l ri-.-.Ki ?? tUlLN9M :s4*.] Baltimore. Test Your Baking Powder To-Day! Brands Advertised as Absolutely Pure CONTAIN AMMONIA! G eorgia, kavet+kcoc xty-mdxev story ' .pplii* for Kuanllan.hlp of Ilwtcr Speer, rotor- An a Cur. for Nor. Thront nnd Couch. clay In July next. ???Hrown'?? Bronchial Troche.??? havo been thor- 1 ouglily toted, and muiutnin their good reputa tion. I., k GRIGGS, Ordinary. Fine stock of imported woolens at Gay???s, 35 Whitehall street. Which Is Very Important. Other plaster* are dull and slow. Benson???i Capeine I'oroii* Plasters--act promptly, #ving time and nuffering. rtBORGIA, FAYETTE COUNTY. - HENRY VT Htewart of said county, departed this life Jn testate and no person ha* applied for lulministm Mayor Linde, of Hot Spring*, bn* been sus pended by the common council for malprac tice. ?? Catarrh of the IllaiUler. Stinging irritation, inflammation, all Kid ney and Urinary Complaints, cured by ???Bu- ebu-paiba.??? $1. Abraham Meyer*, after seven Tear*' efforts by hi* daughter*, has been pardoned qpt of Auburn prison, lie was in for twenty years for burglary. Skinny ????. Well*???* Health Renewer??? restores health nml vigor, cures dyspepsia, impotence, sexual debility. $1. __ Advice* from the Canadian northwest say that Vinpot has arrived at hi* reserve* Hough mi lint*. Clear* out rats, mice, roaches, Hie*, ants bed-bug*, chipmunk*, chipmunk* gophers Ike. Druggists, George I. Heney, of New York, has turned over hi* collection of paintings to the Mctro- x/1 iliin national hunk. They were valued at >360,000. tlon on hi* estate, in Mihl State, administration will he vested In the Clerk of the HuperlorCourt, or some other fit and proper neroon, on the first Monday in July next. May 28, im. L. B. GRIGGS, ??? Ordinary. VJ shire, executor of Mrs. M. L. Shropshire, rep resent* tnnt he ha* fully administered M. L. Hnrop- whJre's estate. ThJ* is to cite all persons concerned, to show cause why said executor should not be diNchargod from hi* administration on the first Monday In September next. May 28, l??tH. L. B. ORIGG8, Ordinary. L D selling In m profitable a* any agency fn Vl the world. Price reduced half. Catah free. Address II. C. & K. TUNIHON, Atlanta AGENTS WANTHD to take orders for our fl I LEG ANT PORTRAITS Jmade from small picture* of all kind*. HcndW for tennw. H. Tallman k Co., Auburn, N.Y. 50c to $2 00 %lng. Ho humbug. 1 Secret revealed, nml lfi Sample*, worth $5, for IOc. (Name this paper.) Address If. K. * Montpelier. Vt. (tjOC A A MONTH. Agent* wanted. i>0 best 4)lv/U selling article* In the world. A sample free. Addrew* JAY BffONHON. Detridt, Mfelh LONG TIME 4 per cent. LOANS. Principal to ntanil a* long ns Interest In mill. Men of mmlerute means should write at nee for .particular*, enclosing 6 et*. for fo??nn fonns. etc. Por*onnl aeeurlty only for inter est. K. West, Src'y, 21 W. Oth .St., Cincinnati, pim RALE 6Jt JJXatANOE ??? A SJ'LKNWI) ???rc* fine river nnd pland, nlMMit half fann of :??c> aertv. Thirty aerc* fine river and :k bottom. Imlnuec good lcare<1 nnd half well timbered, on Houtli river. CONSUSIITION CUIIPJ). An old physician, retired from practice, hav ing had placed in hi* hand* by an East .India missionary the formula ot a simple remedy for tho speedy nml |>ermAnent cure of consump tion, bronchitis, catarrh, nsthma nnd all throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for nervous debility aud all nerv mis coninlnints, after having tested its womlcr fill curative power* in thousands of case*, has felt it his duty to make it kqown to his suffer ing follow*. Actuated by thl* motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this receipt in German, French or Knglish, with full direc tion* for preparing and using, sent by mail bv ddrcs*iiig with stump, naming this paper, W. i. Nov km, I4p Powers block, Rochester, N. Y. If your complaint i* want of appetite, try half a wine glass of ANG08TURA HITTERS half an hour before dinner. Beware of coun terfeit*. A*k your grocer or druggist for the genuine article, manufactured by Dr. J. G. B. Soigert A Son*. Young Men, Middle Aged Men and All Men who tuner from early indiscretion* will find Allen???s Brain Food tno most powerful luvigo- rnnt ever introduced; once re*toredU>y it there is no relapse. Try it, it never falls.??? $1; 6 for $5. At druggist* or by mail from J. II. Allen, 316 First Ave., New York City. Gay will move his entire stock to 35 Whitehall street the last of the week, and before doing so will sell wonderful bargains in clothing. The reason housekeeper* find such nice biscuit* when Dr. l'rico???s ('renin Baking der in used, is bemitsv all the available carbonic acid Is sot free in the oven, and tho bubbles of tho gas ns thev nro formed in tho ??? nigh art' prevented from escaping by it* glutinous nature, nnd in thin mauucr such do oms result* ore obtained. Will sell at a bargain or exchange for city or subur ban property or stock of frond*. 1 will also sell or * uge a splendid mill property, now paying I have no use. for mill* or farm* nnd mean trade. Geo. W. Parrott, Peter* street compress, wk OHT???HAY FILI.KY, ???? YEARS OLD, 2 WHITE . J spot* on hack, heavy black tail ant! mime, fore lock cut olT. $16 reward for her return to J. W. Ilrnnhain. Flipper, Ga. wky. Free to Agent* nml Gniivu**- er*.???The biggest thing on earth, nml a chance of lifetime. Our new enlarged Electro Portrait* are ROSE Polytechnic Institute. TKUIIK IIAUTK, IND. A School of Engineering; Manufacturing Machine 8ho[??. Entrance Examination* June 2T> and Hcpt. *3. Address Pres't L'lIAS. O. THOMPSON. *u we fri wky TEST. | Chicago, May 8,1884 CHEMICAL Office of M. DELAFONTAINE, Analytical and Consulting Chemist. Dr. Price???Dear Sir: I have analyzed Baking Powders advertised a* absolutely pure, and find they contain AMMONIA. I also find contrary to my expectation that cakes baked with such powders still retain Ammonia. Therefore, I cannot believe any longer that tho use of *n POWERFUL A DRUG in baking i. indifferent to PUBLIC HEALTII. DR. PRICE???S CREXm RAKING POWDER CONTAINS NO AMMONIA. I have u??d it in my own family for yea ??? It is pure and wholesome. * J ??? M. DELAFONTAINE. housekeeTe'rs 1 test. Place a can top down on a hot stove until heated, then remove the cover, and smell chemist will not bo required to detect the presence of AMMON IA. DOES NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA, Prepared by a Physician and Chemist with special regard to its hcalthfulncss. Used in a Million Homes for a Quarter of a Century. Stood the Consumers Reliable Test. THE TEST OF THE OVEN. Price Baking Powder Co., MAKERS Op??? Dr. Price's Special Flavoring Extracts, The Strongest, Most Delicious and Natural Flavors known, aud Di\ Price???s Ijupuliii Yeast Gems CHICAGO. For Light, Healthy Bread, the Best Dry Hop Yeast in the World. For sale by Grocers. ST. LOUIS. ELKHART CARRIAGES! HARNESS M FG CO. DB Kfcfctri of *11 it j!m ??? SOLDI w*tchmiU{er>*^??yln??l!2V. Circular* e. J. a lliacn k Co.. IS Per Bt. N.^ ^ith lutThisOiif^ ???8H ia | f iMnummuL m. Y???'r a n???r. ti?? v>chHcN.YorL* . dcruu???U sot A COLOEil BOX OF OOODt WANTED A WOMAN of sense, energy and respectability for our business In her locallty.mlddle-ngeUprofit. Nnlarjr IjjKBD to^fS(^ References cxchaDgcd. Oay iiuos.. I t Barclay St., N.l MnDDUIKIC chloral AND IvlUllr fllllCOpium Habits EASILY CTRED, BOOK Fit BE* ftR. J* 0. HOFFMAN, JBgFKRSON, TOgjMBBDU WANTED. _ young lady who gnuluated last year at Ia- range Female College; ha* had some experience In the school room; the best reference cuu he given a* to qualification. Address Title Uioaiiotbs or tiik KtxNKV Tobacco To.. uveMMir* to Kinney Brothers* 618 to 628 West Twenty-second street, New York, Justly enjoy the highest reputation of nnv similar manufacture* tn thl* country. Only the finest natural rice paper I* used by them, assuring thenmoker against the In- urle* that attend the shellac, asseute nml other .iculth-Mipping sophistication* tlmt are found in the inferior ;wi|K*r* wntf by other firm*. Rend their advertisement 111 another column. Clothing cheaper than the cheap est, for one week at Gay???s. Dr. Price???. S|wri??I Flavoring Extract, nro not limitv up from rhriiifrnl pouont, but u.tur- nl llnvor,. tlclicnie .ml grnteful to thu inoit rulliv.tcil piilntc. Tho .|x>cittl rocommciiilii- tion. of Dr. Prico', Flavors .rr, th.t thrir purity U perfect, thoir strength so much greter th.n other extract,. Buy theso fl.vors, they are the finest made. Letter From Senator II. C. Nelson. Bxxstx Chamix., Auaxt, N. V., April 4, 1883. On the 5???lh of Fcbruwy, 1883, 1 era, taken with n violent pain in tho regiou of the kid ney,. I suffered such agony that I could h.rdlv aland up. Aa aoon ax peatible 1. ap plied two Al.LCacx'a Poaara Plastxox, one over each kidney, and laid down. In an hour, lo my surprise and delight, the pain had vanished and I wa* well. I wore the plaster, for a day er two as a precaution, and then re moved them. I have been using Aiicocs'a I'oaors Plssthx in my family for the last ten rears, and have alwaya found them the quickest and best external remedy for colds, strains, kinks and rheumatic affections. From my experience I believe they are the bestplaa- r in the world. HENRY C. NELSON. LORILLARD'S MACCABOY SNUFF. CAUTION TO CONSU3IEHS: SMOKE THE BEST. We beg to Inform the pnblio and sraok??r?? gener ally. that we nave aecumt a large stock of tha very cbotceat grade* of thoroaghly eared COL DEN VIRB1NIA, PEBIQUE AND TURKISH tobacco*, which we are u??ing in tho manufacture of our CelebmfrUbrandaof clgurcttee and araoklng to baccos. And hare addedfo oar stock a large shipment of tho Flnret fiiporieU French Klee l'nijcr. , n. ^ up by the highest eUjaof akillfnl labor, we f??el c..undent, cannot fail to satisfy the tastes * all good Judge*. HTAXtt.vnn nnAxns. Oaporal???Taporal ????????Sweet Oaporal???Bt. James *{. Kin ney Bros. Straight Lilt In Fall Dr cm Packs***, etc., etc. JUST OUT-SPORTSMANS CAPORAL. Mnnufttclurcd by ???iieclul reque.U KrSXKV TOBACCO CO., Buccewora to Klnnoy Bros., New York. SWEPT INTO THE STREAM One Thousnml Acre* of Laml nnff ltlglit Smart of Ilenr*. On the deck of a big Mi**U*|ppi steamboat stood aa aged Southern planter. Indtcutlug by a sweep hit arm the watc?? the boat wax pawing over, herald to a passenger from the north: ???When I was twelve year* old Iiklllcd my first bear on a new plantation my father was theu cuttlug out of forest that grew directly over the water* of this bend. That was a mighty good plantation, and right smart of bcurx thro, too. llut that one thous and acres of laud went luto the Mississippi year ago.??? It D putting no strain upon the figure to ray that great forest* of youthful hope, womanly beauty and mainly strength are swept In the same way every year Into the great, turbid torrent of dUetwe and death. Yet U should not 1?? so. That it i* >o a digrace a* well a* a loss. People are largely too careless or too stupid to defend their own In- teresU???the most precious of wbieh 1* health. That gone, all t* gone. Disease Is aimple, but to cklep??nrs* or ignorance the HimpU'st thing* might well be complex as a proposition In Conic Sec tions. A* the huge Western river*, which so often flood the cities along their shore*, urisc^u a few mountalu spring*, m all our ailment* can be trwce??l to impure blood a small group of dUsor- derail organ*. The m????*t effective and Inclusive remedy for dl??- ??w??w is PA UK Kit'S TOXIC. It go?? to the source* of pain and weakness. In rvspouse to it* action, the liver, kidney*, stomach and heart be- S n their work afresh, and disease Is driven out. ic tonic t* not, however, an intoxicant, but cures a desire for strong drink. Have you dyspepsia. rheumatNm. or trouhic* which hare refused to dcMj ootheMgentikJforeJb^vonrJvcl|>j^^^^^ , . MANY INTERIOR IMITATIONS HAVE AP- ptmrad upon the market tn parkagea so closely resembling our* as to deceive the uuu would raq ??? - i*gniphiM I Ii nmi ufxin ihc minri m m*, * sv^-??.. t'lnbllng oun?? as to deceive the uuwary. wc uld request the purchaser to see that the red Ilth- aphid tin earn in which U b packed alwaja bear Our Xnme and Trade-Mark. BE Sl???RE TOE OBTAIN' THE GENUINE LORILLARD'S CLIMAX EDTIN-TAG PLUG TOBACCO,lij TIIK COTTON MAUKKTS. cosmrunos office, AV4NTA, May 31. laM. New York???The cotton market clo^l dull to-day withott much change In quotations, spot* steady; middling IFwe. Xet recctpu today 1,125 bale*, agalust hale* last year; export* 775 bales: last year 1,452 bale*; stock ???'???B.nro bales; last year 600,975 bales. Below we give the opentng and dosing quotations ol cotton futures tn New York to-day: Or XX ED. CLOSED. June ll-AVU June .GC3,suaaa3,ttnatta wAaoNa.enrau: a r. quell harness & saddle* Wo cmjdoy no agent*, and If r* Ro. 4*i. t*MMis B ,whatyou order is not nntiv tPuG tho same iwotbero rail *t Top IJjJ'flric* at firo *s usually sold for *J??Tto *U??., Our.Uamisa are .*ri^ INo. If* ' IVn Rpfr>ll rusher. Siiiu-.o. !>.???l.sjlli.i '???vtljinu felly t??-:\rranin j buying. w?ud for rurllu ??? _ -t'a/*- ??? SUlr.,-uo ircc. Ad.lewfcW.. !1. ^ tit ATT, Src*y, Klfthar^ ludlium. Herald Prbeq. EianlRlPI Good middling ll%c; middling UMo; strict low middling lltfc; low middling lie; strict good ordl narylOJic; tinge* ll^o; staIna9M(^9^c. Tho following is our statement ol receipts and shipments for to-day: NEC El ITS. Hv wagon ??? Air-Line Hull road... ??? Georgia Railroad ??? Central Railroad ; ??? Western and Atlantic Railroad ??? West Point Rallrond ??? K. Tenn., Va. aud Ga. Railroad ??? Georgia Pacific Railroad - ??? Grand total 149,524 SHIPMENTS. Shipments to-dny - Shipment* previously 138,060 Local consumption since September 1.. 9,7*7 Total 144,*37 Stock on hand 4,687 NEW YORK, May 31???The total visible supply of cotton for the world i* 2,401,668 bale*, of which 1,571,178 bale* are American, against 2,802 bales and ,918,128 respectively last year. Receipts of cotton at all Interior towns 4,980 bales: receipt* from plantations 1,780 bale*. Crop In sight 8,577,101 bales. lly Telegraph. NKW YORK. Mar 31-Cotton dull and easier; rales 1.817 bale*; middling uplands 11^; middllug Orleans \\%; net rccclps 4; gross 298; consolidated uct receipt* 1,129; exports to Great Britain 6,778. GALVESTON, May 31???Cotton quiet; mlddUni \V/ f -. uct receipt* 71 bale*; gross 74; sale* 46; stocl It^lj net rvcelpto 8 hide; gross 8; sale* none; stocl M KM PH 13, May 31-Cotton steady; m Iddllng 11 'X: net receipt* 110; shipment* 813; sales 180; stock 20,373. AUGUSTA, May 31???Cotton steady; middling 11>?? net receipt 11 bales; shipment*???; rales 4. HA VANN AH, Mar 31???Cotton easy: middling 11V.; net receipt*22 boles; gross 22; sale* 20; stock 1,777; exports coastwise 2. parative cotton statement for the week ending to- d3y: Net r??*cefpts at all United State* port*. 8,136 Same time hut year 30,280 a decrease 12,144 JL. 4,747,330 Same time lost year. 5,791,041 Showing a decrease- 1,016,714 Exports for the week- ??? 17,436 Name time lost year...... 65,019 Showing a decrease- 37,683 Total export* to date- 3,613,587 .-r- .4,348^92 804.806 473,175 605.567 32.392 :??,??80 81,282 17,402 917,000 978,000 61,000 45,000 Same time lost year Showing a kvenose- ???< Stock at interior towns me time hut year. Showing a decrease-. Same time last year. Showing a decrease- NKW YORK. Mxr The following are the * ??!?? tember, 1,18Kl Galveston - Now Orleans Mobile - Savannah ??? ??? Charleston ?????? Wilmington - - July.. 11.75W11.76 July 11.72*11.7*. tnM U.???? Anxu.t ''v-*???' 1 *- kU??i.. M kM It TlV* U*n>..mKi.F U ???ull CM 1 lWUnSWICk . Norfolk - Baltimore ???...??? New York Boston - ??? - Providence.... - Philadelphia - ??? ... 687,860 1.506,066 261,928 - - 649.960 - - 422.996 91,199 574,396 82.981 1I5.2H, - ITfkStt. ^ J5? a trifle lower and 8.2'??e??8.30; June 8.20^8. NEW YORK, May 81???Flour, southern dull nnd declining; common to fair extra S3.00^$t.C8; good to chotco SI.70rrcSG.2j. Wheat higher, clewing ??????d* new^fl2?. hCr; N0 ??? 2 88 ?? 88 X> Hops 8T. LOUIS, May 31???Flour unchanged. Wheat lower; No. 2 red fall $1.0G%&$1.07 cosh: $1.06% June. Com a shade higher; No. 2 mixed 61%p 53 cash; 61%(g82 June. Oats dull; 32>i@32Ji cash. Groceries. ATLANTA, May 31-Coffoe-Rio 10*4313; old government Java 25c. Bugnrs???Standard A TJic; K ulntod 7?ic: white extra C 7rrf7>^c; New Or- h sugars, yellow clarified 6l4(Al}4c: white 7He. Molasses???Block strap In bbl* 29c. Hjrrup???New Grlean*choice60c; prime48c; falr38(340c; common 30c. Tens??? Blnck 4wcfi0e; green 406*00c. Nutmeg* 80c. Cloven 25c. AlLshice 10c. Cinnamon 25c. Sago 60c. African ginger 16c. Mace 80c. Pepper 18c. Crackers???Milk 8c: Boston but ter 814?: pearl oyster 7e; X soda CC; XXX do. 7%c. Candy???A??- sortcil stick 10c. Mackerel???Market about bare of 1* and 2s; No. 3 kits, L.W., 60c; do. *4 bbls, 80 lbs. .???uuriivn???.w ji.m, i in kegs, 44^c; in boxe* tyffoGfa. lUce 6^*7c. NEW YORK, May 31-Coffee, spot fair Rio dal! land nomtual at 10; No. 7 Rio spot 8.65; July 8.904* 8.40. Hugnr dull and weaker; Cuba centrifugal steady; C extra C white extra C6H??5H; yellow 4%@5; off A 5%(56k; mould A 6T4; standard A i%; confectioners A cut loaf ulatfMl , changed; ... Rico firm; domestic(^(37; rangoon.4^ Country Produce. May 81???Eggs???17017kc. Butter- Jersey 30032c; Tennessee 18022>4c. Llvo Poultry??? Chickens25030c; hen*2803dc; cocks22025c; ducks irc. Irish Potatoes???New $2.5O0$:i.5O V bbl; old $1.78 1 $200. Hwect Potatoc*???None; no demand. Dried ruit???Dull; seasonulsiut over:peaches, peeled 60 Danvers $3.250*3.50: red $1.000$1.25. Cabbage???30 3>4c. Feather*???Choice 8l0iX>; prime 50055. Cheese P-eklra* 11. Peanuts 8^012c. ??? Wines, Liquors, Ktc. I ATLANTA, May 31???Market steady.'"Corn whls- py, recti fled, $1.00@fl.40; rye, rectified, |M0&$1.50; ( rc nnd Bourbon medium $l..VVa$200; rum rectl- (-???<1 $1.25011.75; New England $1.Y80$25O; fit. Croix i 4.00; Jamaica $t.5O0$1.5O; giu, domestic $1,500 $260; Imported $3.00ni$l.60: Cognac brandy, domes- itlc $1.5O0$25O; Imported $8.00098.00; copper dis tilled corn whisky, Georgia made, 91.75; apple and nong $1.00091.25. Hardware. ATLANTA, May 31???Market quiet and steady at quotations. Horae shoes $1.50; mule shoes $5.60; hone-shoe nail* 12?{02O. Iron-bound homes $5.00. Trace-chains 40070. Ames' shovel* $10.50. Spade* $1050^*913.00. A xes $7.000910.00 V dor. Grain cra dle* $25.000927.00 V dos. Grain blades $8.000910.00 * do*. Horae shoe* $3.6O0$??.OO V do*. Cottou canl* 14.00. Well-bucket* $4.00. Cotton rope 16. Swede Iron 5c; rolled (or merchant bar) 3 rate. Cast-steel 5c. Nalls $3.00. Glidden barbed wire, galvanized, * lb 7c; painted 6c. Powder, rifle $5.00; blasting i 270. Bor-lead 6c; shot $2.00. Naval Store*. I, y rosin dull; strained Ann at $1.10; crude turoentl yellow dip ami virgiu $1.75. SAVANNAH May 31???Turpentine easy at 29. rosin nuu; sirumeu *i.w; good siraine<i$i.u>; ur firm ul $1.10; crude turpentine steady; hard* $1.00; .??????? . ...iy a.??? ??? m|nruiiuc rwj ????? rales 50 barrels: rosin oniet; strained and good stratued $1.1O0$1.12>$: ??? ale??TOO barrels. CHARLESTON, Mi ySl??? Spirits turpentine quiet at *>S hid: rosiuquie.; strained $1.12??<; good strained fl.LV NEW YORK, May 33???Ro??tn unchanged at $1,400 $1.42*s; turpentine weaker at 32 Provisions. ??? ???, 31 -Hear rib side* VHfiWh. Bacon???Sugar-cured ham* 13>^i 14c. I^rd???Tierces, reflned 9* 4 c; 600 cans 9??4c; tubs ??Jic; 10 lb can* 10c; 5 lb cans 10^c; 3 can* 10^(c. NEW YORK. May 31-Pork quiet: old me* spot 917.06L Middle* nominal; long clear fffi. Lard The finest Sweet Navy Chewing Tobacco , January made. The Genuine always bear* a Red Tin-Tag with our j name thereon. * September.... 11.70* September .~!L67$11.?? ??? ~ October 11.23# October -.41.19^11^0 gonBoraL . November???11.00?? Novembcr._.???i0.9??>??10.9S (December???ia??S. Ihrecmber 10.95010.97 K l JLn??u Janoaff 11.06^1140 January -41.01^11.04 fflggggo??? 1 "*iB??c=== LoemKCottoo market steady at former prices; foul ,, . rydull; western steam spot ST. LOUIS, May 31???Provision* quiet and weak. Live Stock. ATLANTA. Slay 31???The demand ioe mule* $i very moderate, and very few on market. Horae* are in fair request at the following prices: Good combination horses fL&te$2fl0; good plug $* - ^ V** horse* $LW&5l.r>. The suiqdy ul ?????????4,. ??#,330 hones l* in exeeei of delflknd. 49,741 177,627 8,057 11.195 32JW