The constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1884-1885, June 24, 1884, Image 10

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10 UNCLE REMUS. thbVun and philosophy of the ??? OLD HOME. Brer lUbbtt. Be got Hlxn a Hick'ry Split an* Tie Mr. Lion Bard an' Fut ter a Tree???Mr Lion Become* Tired and Want* to b{ Untied, Kto. There was some comment,and some questions were inked by the little boy in regard to Wat- Ue Weanet and the other animala ;to nil of which Uncle licmua made charactcriatic 'rwponM, Aunt Tem|>y cat with one elbow on her knee, her head retting in the palm of her fat hand. They gazed intensely into the Are, and aecmed la bo lout in thought. I'rovtilly nhe exclaim ed:??? ???Well, de Lord he'p my foul!" ???Dat???ade proinlac, Hin Tcmpy,??? aahl Uucii Bemnn, solemnly. Aunt Tcmpy laughed, as she straightened herself in her chair, and said: ???I dea knowed dey wua anmp'n nVr gwino rroaa iny min??? w'en I year talk ???bout dat ar sheep by the rliinknpin tree.??? "Out wid it, Bis Tcmpy,??? said t'nclc Remus, hy way of encouragement | "out wid It j free ye??? mild, cn des make your jio???se'f welcome.??? "No longcr???ii Htuiday ToTas', I???ua cross dar aide Spivey place tin I tuck'll yenr???d a nigger man tellin' de same tide, un I 'low ter mysc???f dat J'd tak'n lake it un kyar' it homo nn gin it out w'en I come ter pass do lime wid Brer Senilis un all itv urn. I Tow ter myse'f I'll take it un kyar' it dar, un I'll juit tell it my own way." "Well, den,??? said t'nolo Remus, approving ly, ???me en dish yer chop, we cr willin??? cn waitin', encz fer Brer .Taek'over dar, we kin say de same fer him, kaze 1 up in year 'Im draw mighty long broil* des now lak be ftxin??? fer ter snort, lint you neenter min' dnt olo creator, Sis Tctnpy. Des push right ahead." ???Ah-h-li-e-cl??? exclaimed Daddy Jack, anapping his bright little eyes at Uncle Remus with some display of irritation; ???you tek-a me fer bo sleep cliry tain I shod-a me y-oyo, you is mek fo"l-a you'se'f. Warralt ynrrah garrah tarrahl??? ???Itrar Remus!" aald Aunt Tcmpy, In an awed whisper, ???maybe ho's a cunju'n un JOB. 9 ' ???No-nol" exclaimed Daddy Jack, snappish Ty, "me no cuneher no'n??? 'tall. Wun wi cunrher you all you yeddy Ihiiio Kntr I??? ???Well, in de name er do Lord, don't come ruuju'n wid me, kaze I'm des as pcaceabto cz de day's long,??? said Aunt Tcmpy. Uncle Remus smiled and closed his eyes with an air of disdain, caught from liis old mistress, the little boy???s grandmother, long since dead. "Tell yo* talc, Bis Tcmpy," he said;pleasnnt ly, ???en leave de talk er cunju'n ter de little nigger ehllun. Wo er done got too ole fer dat kinder foolishness.??? This was for the ear of the little boy. In his heart llnrtc Remus was convinced that Daddy Jack was capable of changing himself into the blackest of black cats, with swollen tail arched back, fiery eyes, and protruding fungi ' But the old man's altitmlo resssured Aunt ??? Tctnpy, as well as the child, and forthwith aha proceeded with her story:??? ???flit seem like dat one time w'en Brer Rabbit fine hlsse'f way oil* in de middle cr de woods, de win' strike up un 'gun ter blow. Hit blow down on de groun' unit blow un in de limber, un it blow so hard twel tcrreckorlr Rrcr Rabbit tuck a notion dat he better git out fum dar 'fn* do timber 'gun ter fall. "Ilrcr Rabbit, he broke 'cn run, un, Man Kiri w'en dat erector rim'd he run'd, now you yearwat I tell verb lie broke un run, liodld, un be fa'rly llcir 'way fum dar. W'ilea ho G ilio ???long full tilt, lie rim???d ag???iu old Mr, 11. Mr. Lion, ho hail 'inn ??? ???lloyo, llror Rabbit! Wat yo??? hurry???? ??? ???Run, Mr. Lfon, rtml Dev's a harrycniit cornin' back dar in do timbers. Yott'a better rani" ???Pis make Mr. I,ion sorter akccr'd. He low: ??????Imos'tiHi heavy fer ter run fur, Brer Rabbit. What I gwino do???? . ??????hay down, Mr. Lion. Iny down? Git rinse lerde grown???!??? ???Mr. Lion shako hi* head, lie 'low, ??? ???Kf win* llerbul for tgv nick up little man like you in, Rrcr Rabbit, w'at it gwine do wid Mg man like me?' ?????llug ?? tree, Mr. Lion, hug n two I* *Ifr. lien lash bissc???f wid his tail ????? ??W'nt I gwino do cf do win' blow nil day ??* a good purl er do night. Brer Rabbit?' 44 * Let me tic you ter de tree, Mr. Lion! tannin tie you ler de tree 1??? ??????llr. Lion, hetuck'n 'gape ter dia, un Brer Rabbit, be got ???im a hiek???nr iplit un tio *itn Burnt un fast ter de tree. l>en he tuck'it not down, old Brer Uubbit did, un waah bin face nn hau???s de* name ex yoll aee de eats doin'. Terrrckerly Mr. Lion git tired er ???tau'in' dar hoggin* ??te tree, nn he ax Brer Babbit w'at de reaaou be aint keep on ruunin', un Bter Bab* bit, be up'n 'low dnt he gwino ter atop der un take keer Mr Lion. / ???Tcrledly Mr. Lion agy he aint year no harr/caue. * Brer Rabbit any he aint needer. Mr. Lion *av he aint year no win* n*blowin???. Brer Rabbit???aav he aint needer. Mr. Lion nuv ho aint ??o much ex year a leaf a-atirrin'. Ikvr Rabbit xay he aint needer. Mr. Liou amier Mudv, un Brer Radbit aot dar, ho did, nn wash hit face un lick his pawn. ??TorreckerlV Mr. Lion ax llror Rabbit ler ter nalofwe *im. Brer Rabbit xay he fear'd. Pen Mr. Lion git mighty mad, un he 'gun ter boiler nuxa'u one er dexe yer bull-yearlin???x. Ih better no long un lie beller so loud twel present ly de i'er rreeters dey 'gun ter come up fer ter see w'at de matter. M Dc?? stNin dey come up, Rrcr Rabbit, he taek'11 'gun ter???talk biggity un strut 'rulin', un, Man???Hir! w'en deni yuthem see dat Rrer Rabbit done got Mr. Lion tie??t up, I let you know dey tuek???n walked why *roun' 'in, un twus many a long day *fo??? tuek???n pestered ole Rrcr Rabbit." Mare Aunt Teinpy paused. The little boy nMicd what Brother Rabbit tied Mr. Lion for; butehe didn't know; Unde Remus,however, came to the rescue. ??????One time long 'fo' dat. honey, Rrer Rabbit weal ter de branch fer ter get a drinker water, rn ole Mr. Liou tuek'n druv Mm off, en Bun dal time out Rrer Rabbit bin huntin' a chance fer ter ketch up wid 'im." *?? Pat's so," said Aunt Teinpy, amt then sin ??????!' ctare I aint gwino tell you all not ne???er tab, dat I aint. Kaxe you do* set dar en you aint crack a smile fum de time 1 begin'. Kf dat'd a hin Rrer Remus, now, dey'd a bin mo' gigglin' gwine on dan you kin snake a stick iL I'm right down mad, dat 1 is." ???Well, I tell you dis, Bis Tctnpy," Said Uncle Remus, with unusual emphasis, ?????? ef detc yer tales wuz <les fun, fun, fuu, en giggle, giggle, giggle, 1 let you know l???c a-doue drapl uni ??????golf'* Passer, w???en it mine down ter giggliu??? you kin des count ole Reuius out. Copyright, xmx. beat week, ???Mk.I.k in's 8au PaxmcAMcanr. "Moilag Ip want nud Onward." from the Canton Advance. We had thought Twa Atlanta Oowmrtiox had mm lint perfection. anti m> far a* we were con- sernad were satUflcd with It. but now it corum out ftaa brand new dress and Is very greatly Improve*I Tfcfc. however, is only a first step fn the way of nent???wait development*, and if we have, r before said It was the best paper In the south wc can't refrain from it then. AsUeorxt* advances ???ad moves on ahead of her sister states so does To* OpasTTmioN and we are glad of it. from the Jug Tavern Citizen. Tax Atlanta constitution ha* recently come m! In a acw drew. It L nothing surprising, for tot CWimmox is always making Improve* CUBAN BELLES. How the Pretty Girls of flnrnna are flicked t r P Like Caged Birds. New York Letter to Cincinnati Enquirer. In my own. country I am a radical about women???s privileges. 1 was one of the first organise evening theater parties exclusively of young ladies simply to break down absurd ol??f fogy ideas. I grew eloquent ns I reasoned with my young friends about the absurdity of all this Cuban fol de rol. ???Here you are, get ting fat and puffy, simply from dawdling about all day, eating, sleeping and rocking, or lounging in a window like cats. Besides, it is not the wav to treat your friends. 1 come to this beautiful city, and you can't take me out riding or walking to show me anything. The theaters arc not open you say, or yo ??? opa to take us sorqe evening; or I to-morrow night and sit in a car riage at the plaza listening to a military band, It's simply too perfectly absurd! It one of you does not put on her mantilla, order out the carriage and take ine to see the sights, I'll go back to New York and tell all your friends that you are no less fettered*than your niggers." ???well, I shamed the younger one into doing ns I said. Hhe looked pale through her powder (Oh, mercy, how they do powder their faces, necks and arms down there; they look like a lot of female millers!)???actually turned whiter than rice powder at the thought of what she was doing; but she got ready, and wo drove out. In O'Reilly street I wanted to see inside of some of the stores; I did not want any clerk staggering out to me with his arms full of goods on the sidewalk. I actually prevailed on my friend to # get out of the victoria and go into a store, and then I got her to walk across the street to another store. Khc said she had heard soino ladies lmd begun the American practice two or three years ago, but no one ip her set had ever done so. Well, v I Miked around two or three shopping stores nice store* they wore, with their fronts all open on the street and as if they had no walls ???and 1 bought a fan, a parasol and a lace scarf, that are killing my friends with envy. My companion was in agony. ???I am doing wrong," said she; ???I wiil get back in the car riage and let you go on while I drive slowly after you/* Her voice was hoarse that 1 thought she was going to he HI. ???All right," aaid I, ???only I tell you it???s all nonsense." Hut it was too late. In the storo she met nn uncle, who glared instead of bow ing. Wc drove home by the way of Prado, and saw the best part of the city, and then we got in tho window sill and lounged there like Persian*. The two sinter* whispered to gether about the unde, and I could see they were alarmed. at ninxKii He came and held a long pow-wow with their father and mother. Then he bounced out, and my coin pan inn of the afternoon was sent for. While she was with her parents I heard high voices, and when she came hack she was in tears, Hhe said that she hud never been poken to before in such a manner; that I could not dream what had been said to her; that alie was told that shehud disgraced the fum-. ily ami jeopardized her own good name. At tho dining table tho old gentleman froze me, und the old lady was so stiffly polite you would have thought she had swallowed a |M>kcr. I got tho elder girl to traiiHlatc a littlo speech of mine into Hpnnish, in which I tried to take all tho blame, but it did not work The girls were very loving to me afterward and we went out each evening with Miss Con caption and had a pleasant queer sort of time hut 1 could see that I would never be wul coined hy the old couple again, und that my character in their eyes was very tissue/ anil threadbare. No, no; I love my American sisters better since I returned to them than before. They don't know how to put on a nmntillu or how to use a fan, but they arc sensible nud practical and acti ve. Homo are full of fun, some are full of energy, others thrill with gouius t nud yet othcra are shrewd at business. Home are pretty because of their beauty, some because of their good taste and some hy reason of tho intelligence of their faces. A mail who chooscd wisely in this country gets a creature of beauty who will be ?? joy forever. In Cuba ho is apt to bargain for a pretty girl nud ftud a homely, old, fat woman on his hands. Rut there is ho discounting tho brilliancy of nn as scmblagb of rBKTTV CUBANS, I saw* one in u theater.. They came in their light silks, hare-headed, except for the Him of pure white or jet hlaak lace that fell from the hack of each one's head to her shoulders, ablaze with gold and gems, ami sat in terraces of vn negated gtitidiiicss with their laces and ribbons and all tluttering in tho tremulous breexes from thoir waving fans. At a distance you could not see the crust of tmwdcr each wears, nud so tho tints of their faces, necks and arms were as beautiful us their deep, big eyes and lanquid, sensual expression*. There were many blondes among tuoiii, all looking something like Nilsson, because, like the Swedes, they have rather high cheekbone* But they didn't laugh, they were not quick and active, there was no nioveiuont or spirit about them. They might as well have been wax-works. BETSY HAMILTON. A SKETCH OF LIFE IN THE BACK WOODS. THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION; ATLANTA, TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 1884.???TWELVE PAGES. ???I Know In Hasson Ws???* ns piss Got Some as Good Neighbor* as or*r Borrld a Gourd of Salt orBwapt a Settin??? of Alas," is What Betsy Talks About This Week. and past the spring'ouse. He lowed he never seed a rabbit git over ground faster. Betht Hamilton. [Next week, ???Maundy Jane's Wedding."] OEORgIa'aT NEW ORLEANS. A Talk with Mr. Pratt on the Mineral Dis* play of the State at the Exposition. A Constitution reporter called yesterday on Mr. N. P. Pratt, who has in charge the min eral display of the state at New Orleans, and uked: ???What plan are you following for the col lection of the representative minerals and I know in reason we???uns has got some as good neighbors as ever borrid a gourd of . salt or iiwopt a settin' of algs, and as for maw why I ores?" asked the reporter. .he alien think, twicc't m much of a new L ????? >????????>????? ??? circular letter .etting neighbor alter ???he/ .end. to Lore, a P ?? tf ???? iml ???^h?hold??er. of KnTurL'eVty ; w*!- also giving an outline of the plan to be follow - Caledony come over tother day to pay back I ??????1 in the cla.iifiration end arrangement of all mine work me and her had, and ibe I fthe ??ize of specimens deeired, and i . . .. ... . * ??? tin zhort all point, necessary to be known that lowed: Belay, it aint hard to love your I interested may communicate directly neighbor as yourself when a body has got slch | with mo here. In this w ay 1 can securo in- a neighbor a. you is, but how is a body a formation of localities with sthich J am now gwine to go about lovin' aieh a neighbor .. ole "1!h???w "i'l, these circular, he dUtributed???? Miss Freshours and ole Mis* Green, and ole | ???As you know, the state commissioner, Arminty and ther likes???as they loves they-1 Major I). C. Bacon, has appointed a commis- selvcs I???d like to know?" I iioner for each congressional district, and these . ??? _ ... . . I gentlemen have in turn a sub-commissioner Aunt Nancy was a settin thar, and she aint I for each county in their district. The oireu* much in the habits of talkin' scriptur, sho up I lars arc now being sent to the county appoin- and lowed: ??? I tees for distribution, and the county papers lint I have all opened their columns for the ad vancc- -But, ch e, you must pray for them ment oft hVwork throughout the various min- as re-spiteftllly uses you and tramples you." I oral belts. I will thus be placed in coinmuni- ???Ah, law, Aunt Nancy," says Cal, ???Hit I cation with proper person* who can forward would keen a body on ther knee* continnerly I specimens by mail for approval before . ??? I it.j ??? * I incurring the expense of sending the larger putty nigh oil the time.??? I one. needed.??? As I conio around the bend of the road," I "Will not the success of tho thing depend says she, "I ovcrheam two boys a talkin'. I 0,1 y?? x,r personal exertion?" They never mod me: One of'em lowed: | ^ whTu POINTS PERSONAL. MU* l.??ta HurWt umt MiitrUuntUtu???tlito llnmsdell's Luck. Washington, .Tune 18.???[Mpccjnl.1??? Senator cat's proposition to reduce the sixo of the record by excluding all speeches not actually lelivered in congress is un awkward effort at economy. 1'mlcr tho present rulo of granting leave to print" congress is spared the inflic tion of many a worthless cflhuton ami the ses sions are materially abbreviated. The c< grcsstiinn who is loaded will sli< off and the most harmless wav for him to do so is to capture a few pages f the Record through which to address a dis tant and unsuspecting constituency. Washington is becoming not only the retreat of millionaires, who seek its repose after mak ing their fortunes in the bustling centers of commerce, but it is a common thing for law yer* of established fame and ripening year* to repair to the capital and eonftue their prac tice to the supreme court. Mr. Rmadhead, of Missouri, proiiocse* to join this distinguished company at the expiration of his present term in cougress. Mis* Lula Hurst hastaken Washington com- iletelr bv surprise. Nearly every one of the atiics ami gentlemen who were invited to her private exhibition at the Metropolitan hotel incredulous of the stories ot her struuge power. When she hud waltzed four two hun dred pound congressmen around the parl< ith the point of her hand amt had sent half dozen correspondent* panting to their chairs after they had vainly tried to press the floor a billiard cue which she barely supported, she b-vault* well established in the coufldeuce of her audience. She has been an noyed very much by the advances of the spir itualists who address, her as ???Sister llurst," assure her that she has the mystic power, and beg her to leave all present engagements to join their band. The young lady refuses to answer nnv of these communications or to see any of their cranky authors. Her public vr formatter* here as every where are attended tv crowded houses. Mr. Smuford Cohen f Augusta, is making a handsome thing out of his contract for ntanaging??MUt llurst, while she is filling the family strong box to the tune of $100 a uight. She i* accompanied by her parents and Mr. Paul Atkinson, the eloeutiou- tat. of Madison, Ga. Rainsdell, of Atlanta, tell* me that he ha* tiled all the pa|>cr* for a pateut for his wly discovered engraving process. He is confident of having the patent soon. If this process will do half what Mr. Rams- dell claims he will make fame and fortune out nf it before he is many months older. The exhibitions of it he ha* riven to some friends, have convinced them that it is worth taking hold of, and a stock coni|uuiy with $20,000 is only waitiug for the patent to 5 > to work. During his stay iu Washington am??dell sketched the faces of many promi nent nieu for future use in tbcOracker. lie is ??? nephew of Mr. 11. J. Hamsdcll. who get* $8,- ???M a year for registrar of wills in this district, and is now writing a campaign life of James G. Blaine, which he experts to make pay neatly. Thi. hero .naknnint dcurl ylt???it. head', done whatnot: but then the described plan will load,.but its tail won't dio tel tho sun goes I give publicity to the work und aid mo in no lown.' Tothor???n lowed: ???This hero ??nnko????? ?? m ??lJ degree. I cxp??-t to begin the field work ....... . . j * . I in a few days by ft visit to tho gold region m tail is like olo Arminty Pendergrass s tongue. I northeast Georgia, where I shall make many I believe vou mought kill hot and her tonguo I examinations and secure the co-operation of tho would still wag." I owners of tho largo mining interests there. Tlio ^ ???Yes, and if you was to pul her and ole Miss | finest specimen* of nuggets and of gold-bearing Freshours in a Img and shake 'em, I don't I quartz at the cotton exposition were from our know which would como out fust." I state and I hopo to secure a collection of these ???Why, ole Arminty w???ould in cone, knxo olo I at least erpial to that one." Miss Freshours would stop to take a nap so a* I ???I am also anxious to have represented our io huvon dream ready to toll;" ana them | south Georgia marls; not only because of their chilluii knowed what they was u talkin'about I own prosjieetive use iu the growing fertilizer too. I trade, but because quite recently, b'??th in Good neighbors is good things to have, and I North Carolina and iu Alabama a rock closely we've got???em, but ???I???ll stake my affidavit." I approaching tho Charleston phosphates iu as pap says, that we???ve got some as can head I composition has been discovered in the same ole Nick his-sef, and, tw*ix ine and you, its tho I formation. One specimen analyzed as high as Himmonscs. Why, that Jake Simmons horo I 30 per cent phosphoric mud. This formation tother Sunday flung a rotten nig and busted it I runs through .both the Carolinns, Georgia and all over the Sunday school map up thar at the I Alabama. Why then should not the some I'incy (trove mcetiu* house. I rook be found iu Georgia as well as in these Them two Simmons boys, Nath and Jake, I other three states? Of course no organized heads everthing for devilment. They are tho I search can lie made now; I only advert to this torments and pests of this settlement, and old I as a future possibility." Miss Simmons is the outborryinest 'oinan over I ???What part of the state is considered tho 7ou seed, and sho never pays back nothin yon I mineral region proper???? lends her, Vept you has to go alter it, and I ???That part lying north and northwest of then if it???s your cards or your wheel why sho'* I the Georgia Pacific and Air Line railroads. In done broke 'em, and if it????? lasses why it???s sor- ] that region the pi ineipnl work must be done, ghiim instid of storo bought, and burnt at that, I though for such material nnd she's got the enshorance to nx you for i as granite and marl* the middle and southern your eye teeth if she thought you'd lend 'em. | counties will ploy conspicuous parts." And maw is the very 'oinan to pull 'em out I ???What arc the characteristic minerals of the nnd lend 'em to her. Sho sends her littlo Bill I statu?" most ever day to borry sump???n or ruthcr and I ???It would be tedious to enumerate them Hal lias borrid so much she ha* got it I here. Bulliee it to say they are numerous and into a far xong. Her tongue gits wound up | abundant. Besides, wo do not yet know what like old Annuity's, (they are some akin), and I we have or have not got. Wc cannot, there- has t<?? rim down like a clock. She don't ntop I fore, hopo to tnnko tho cabinets approach coni to ketch her breath tel sho axes for all she I ploteness, and the result will be graded ac wants. I cording to the limited time and means at dis- ???Miss Hamilton, maw told nio to ax you tolposal. I think, liowovcr, you may expect t lend her a leetle grain of coffee, she is spang I very conspicuous, important and pleasing dis oiit'n coffee, nnd the preacher is a coinin' to I play." stnv all night, and she told mo to ax you to | ???You speak of cabinets???what plan or sys?? lend her some sugof to sweeten tho coffee I tern of arrangement will be adopted?" with, nnd she told ine to ax You to loud her f "Mainly the plan we had for the Boston co!- thi* hero gourd of salt, nud sho told me to nx | lectii/b 8f tho Georgia Pacific railroad in 1882, you to lend her a.lectio grain of sody to put in I except that it will bo* much man> elaborate, some wheat bread, und sho wants fthls horo I Tho arrangement will bo about os follows: gourd full of buttermilk to make up the bread I ???In one cabinet will bo mounted tho slates, with, kaso our old nmlov cow died in March, I marbles, granites and other building stones, and sho liaint got no milk, nnd sho told mo to I dressed to the same shape and siez and pol- ax you for this hero pan of meal, kase Jake he I i*hed when host to do so; tho last in cubes,the is gwino to mill Baddy and she???ll pay it all I two first in slab*.??? . bock, and she lowed she wished you???d hum , I ???In a second, the minerals of economic kaso she???s got to git supper yit. and sho lowed I value, such a* mica, bary tes, corundum, kao- ono good turn deaarvcu another." 11 in, asbestos, pyrites, etc. Caledonv says sho is plum willin??? to lend ns I ???I?? ?? third, tho various mctalic ores, such long ns it???s got any sense iu it* but when they I ????? copper, gold, lead, iron, etc., classed accor- go to payin'back brown sugar for white andl'Hiig. to tho metals they produce and each sorghum for storo bought lasses, thep sho is I specimen accompanied by iU complete chemi- cooked done oflcndin???. But ther borryin'dout I cal analysis." : itester us like them two tore down limbs, Nath ???Again, we desire a collection of samples of and .lake do. You cant name no devil-moot I m**; various minerals nnd artesian waters with them two Simmons bovs been in, and f????? description and certified nnalys s. ther mammy dont try to learn 'em nothin'I ???Supplemental to the whole collection w olio.' Th??*HMl. nur r??pi>H , ?? wul iwuchw nlul I ^??1 ) * ???" * f' 1 " jtaezjplhre pamphlet, am! totes 'em Honu: to her, amt she's got the on- i?? relation to the mjtierals am ores a eoncisn shoraneo to say she don't keer; that wa'unt I ?????????ternent of the various uses In the arts and thinks ourselves above her anyhow, nnd she I manufactures. Specimens will howcllselceted, don't kcor how mueh devll-ment they does to I attractive, and in quantity not less thou our truck. Whim If they'd ax we'd alien gin I?? pounds each, will be numbered and referred ??? they' luid U 'pears to bo tho sweetest to ???em. ???em much ns they could tote homo j hut ??to!o | Til!!/!?! fVuit 'pci sea any sample can bo traced to its name, its ieirest one hero I owner, its comiiotition, and ot tho same time, fe taken some I * f??B knowledge had of its uso apd import- M Pap no come ahead of that hij last year watermilliou time. I tartar * ??? *??? iL ??? the nud seed him git the patch, dud lie hcarn whisperin??? gwino on, . . so ho moved easy along tho side of the fence I 0# P oii * l>,e i nnd seed 'em bust it nnd gouge into it, aud as I iU cn matter*. advisability of giving as mueh encouragement ??? * ???, It is time wo were waking up to Thursday 10th, the commissioners of each t in the state appointed to irnfaml hearn wlmt they said. ' ??? ??? 1 ????????"<???* UnltedBUte. Commissioner D.C. Ba- What'll the ole bald-headed coon zay in |??? n i"lji?? collection of Georgia a exhibit ??t the the mornin', Jake, when ho misses it. 1 blevo | >> l ' w Orieam exposition will aasciub e m At they et it, they was so shore nobody seed 'em I Thursday 18th, the e, theV let in to talkin???louder, nnd pap he kep roiigre.siona district in I .ml ultni Ihev >1.1.1- I assist United States Com lit wm mo crippled his calf, and cut his | *???V 1' ^**j**???tr**???*n' din' nag???s main aud tail; he thinks Thomas I 2d Itobb, Amoricus, Jd; Henry it, enrv Hotter eripple.1 his calf.??? ???? r ,ri*: of t.reeneville, till; L.Y. Livingston, ??? ???Ilow YOU know???? savs Jake. I of Covington 5th; George W. Adams, Pomytli, !???IlearahinTtell'of/'man*RoheMon if he I ever eoteh that boy on his plseo agin he???d I { ??? Jsatse*. 1 esiHeUI??? ??th, W. 1 eopl.??U??? colarrip him in a inch er his life.???. Lawrencevlile, 9lh iJohn 8. Davidson, Augusta. lla. ba, 1 wisht ho Would colarrip him," "???h; l??? lleiiderMn, of state ??g- sava Jake. "I'd be tickled ef he'd half kfo riciillural de|??rtmentand tol. L. F. Livgstou, him. He tuck and stolt mv white alley taw President state agricultural society, who are marvel and my knife blade that .lay at tho | deeply interested in the movement, will bo Cross Roads, nud he stolt my leather string, I I ,rc#cut the meeting^ too. I wliht l had some terbneker, don't you, I AN INEBRIATE ASYLUM. Nath. Sav, Nath, tho old c??>on???* got some I ?????? ??? ?????? ?????? stingv green* terbacker stickin??? under the I Tl???? Young Physician* of Atlanta Taking the wtiggin shed round thar; less git it; don???t you I Matter Under Cwnstderatton. want some?" I There is a movement on foot to secure an No; hush talkin' to me. I don???t want I inebriate asylum for Atlanta. The matter nothin???, I wisht I-hadn???t-er-et???that???mil-1 will take sbap? between now *nd the first lion,???kase I???ve et t*?? tuueh of it, and I???m a I meeting of the general assembly. The plan gittiu* .iek???I???ant???so-m???aiek???hush a talk-1 will he well laid, and tho institution will fn', Jake, and sorter hold me. l-am so-o- I doubtless be one that will attract much atten- sako-a -ake. I tell you, bov, vou don't know I lion and do mueh good. A number of young how cuisl feels. Sorter hold ine. Jake, I've physicians in the city have formed a medical got to lor down a bit." I and surgical society which meets ???Oh. no, Noth, come on and less go. Hash I twice a month for the discus gruntin' so loud, thov mought bear you. Less I ??ion of questions of interest to the profession, lit that big Streaked un and tote it home. I At the meeting two weeks hence the question foil git it and I II Slip round thar and git the for discussion will ho ???he effect of liquor on stingy green. I like it hetter???n store boughten I the animal economy. This, it is understood, backer, don't you, JCnth???? I will be the first step in the direction of seeur- "Huab-np-vour-lnouth. I feds euDi 11 ing an inebriate asylum, tell vou I-ain-a -gittin' sicker and sicker oo--1 A prominent physician was asked yesterday uke-uke -Jake, shel up vour mouth. I bleve | what he thought of the scheme. He said: - . ,|yi u - ???> I ???It IS the only plan that can be adopted Well," savs Jake, ???ef you're dyin' the I Scientific people understand why a course of devil is sho* to git you for it woo you, yon as treatment l. neeM.ary. A maniac, yon know, lU'lt the million.??? I can be cured. 8o the inebriate asylum pro ???Shot up your mouth, Jake, and hold me I !??????? to take a man before he. gets to the up-hold me. I tell you, and do surnp'n for me Innatie asy lum. Wizen a men drinks whisky quick. I tell roll Dm a dvin???." I for a considerable length of time be is in au And jlst al he said ihat pap he ria and abnormal physical condition and it takes care wed: ???Ji.t wait tel 1 git to you and I'll do and scientific treatment to get him all right siinip???n fur yon, and make you think you're again. An inebriate asylum is better than a a livin??? ??hnr"e enough. I???ve found yon out, you I temperance society. low life, dirt eaten, bow-legged, Healin' little The society.will have a medical library rascal, and I aim to colarrip vou instid er connection with itsi other sffsirs. One meet- Thomas Henry, and if I git my bands on yer lug will be devoted to reports of rosea and the IU pay you for the old and new. And it's next wdl be devoted _ to the nud- you (bars bwn a doin' all tbi* tlcvil-nieni in I ,u 8 THEHUMAN MAGNET. Mlsa Hurst's StranRo Gift .prof. Atkinson Jntarvlesred. From the Washington .Star. ???We are fighting spiritualism." said Prefer- *or Atkinson, who assists Miss Lulu Hurst, the electrical girl in her exhibitions. Miss Hurst had just been giving an exhibition or a ???pri vate view"in the parlors of the Metropolitan hot**!. Three or four gentlemen, including th??* stalwart Congressman Reese, of Georgia, were panting after their efforts to hold n chair, which seemed to receive from the lightest touch of Miss Hurst's hand, an energy against which it was useless for a tnan to oppose his Htrength. Miss Hurst was fanning herself, but did not appear much fatigued, ???We can duplicate ail that is done by the spiritualists aud claim that we refute entirely their theory," continued Professor Atkinson. ???Yon don't refute their theory, you only prove it," said a bystander, who was evidently a spiritualist. ???How about spirit rappings?" asked an other person in the crowd. ???Wc can produce ranpings," said Professor Atkiuson. ???If I stand at one side of the room nnd a*k what time it is, tho time will bo rap ped out on the table, providing I know myself what tho time is. If I ask my age it will be rapped out to the year nnd the month. If I did not know my own age it would not be liven. My own will and knowledge enters nto this thing. I may say, 'Will you com municate with us, spirits? If so give' two raps if not, give three raps.??? Then there will conn two raps on th<; table," ???Don't that prove what tho spiritualists claim?" asked the believer in spiritualist^. ???No," said Professor Atkinson,???for it makes diflLrence whether I address the spirits, the nuu, the moon, or anybody, animate or inani mate, imaginary or real, the answer will eotne all the same. You might as well say the suu did it, when I address the sun and get a re sponse.'' ???What is your theory, then???? ???It is a power which is in , Miss Hurst, and the nature of which has not vet been deter mined. Her case has been considered by some of tho best mind* in Georgia, but they have not explained it. Down in Georgia some |??eo- pic thought she got her power from her hair. She has n habit when embarrassed or per plexed of passing her hand ??? through her hair, just a* some people scratch their neads when at a loss for something." ???Is it h power within her control?" asked tho Star reporter. ???Yes," said Professor Atkinson, ???it dc|??ends entirely ttjion her will, and she can ??top the manifestation* when shcchooses. Iu her daily life she in not troubled by any unexpected manifestations, except in the cases of unbrcllas. She cannot carry an umbrella or a parasol. It would bo torn from her hand. Now, I explain that on tbs ground that she has got the notion in her head that she cannot carry an umbrella, nnd tho notion is so strong that it takes posses sion of her will." what wish hi rst says. Miss Hurst, when asked by the Star reporter if thesu exhibition* exhausted her in any de gree, smiled and giving a little laugh, said: ???Oh, no, sir; not nt all. lean keep it up for hours. I don't use any strength ut all,nnd 1 only think to myself thnt I don't want the chair to go to the floor, and then the gentle man can???t pres* it there. Does it give me a headache? Not a bit. I am conscious of no tneutal exertion, excepting that I must feel assured all the time that the object* will do ns I wish them to. If I foso confidence then I can do nothing, but when I feci well and am sure of myself I have no difficulty in doing some very strange things. I don't understand it mysolf at nil, nnd there is no peculiar sensation connected with it. We didn???t have much fun to-night; there were too tnany here, and I was afraid to make the um brella fly around as it docs sometimes, for it might have hurt seme one." Miss Hurst evi dently enjoys the mystification she crealei during the seance sne was frequently ljnu ' at th??r struggles of tbi- geutlepien stAvi; wonderful power slit? j><????e?? ???A STITCH IN TIME." THE OLD MAN SEEMS TO BE HAVING A HARD TIME WITH HIS TROUSERS. HE PROB ABLY REALIZES THAT "A STITCH I IN TIME SAVES NINE," AN APHORISM HANDED DOWN THROUGH THE YEARS. THIS WOULDN???T HAVE BEEN NECE8SA RY TO TIIEINDUSTRIOUS GRANDFATHER IF HE HAD BOUGHT FROM US, AS WK GUAIIANEEE EVERYTHING WE SELL. JF IT HU???S, WE SEW UP THE RIPS. NOW IN MEN'S CLOTHING WE ARE OFFER ING EXTRA SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS. WK HAVE A LARGE STOCK; HAVE THE BEST GOODS, AND ARE SELLING LOWER THAN THE LOWEST. WE NEVER TOOK GREATER SARK IN SELECTING A STOCK. COME AND BE CON VINCED. A. O. M. GAY, Clothier and Tailor, 35 Whitehall. ONE MAN SAYS ???I have found an honest remedy. I commenced taking II. B. B., nnd from the first dose perceived overcome the _ ??? _ _ Miss Hurst's family are Baptists, Tnd conscientious in their religious observances. ???When a gentleman went to their home in Georgia to sec tho girl and urrango for exhibi tions," said Mr. John T. Ford to tho Star re, porter, ???he arrived there on Sunday, and the futnily would no? permit her to give him any exhibition of her {mwcni. He had to wait un til tho next day." THREE MEN OF OOTHAM r li??*e Presence Is Very Badly Wanted In Court. Nr.w York, June 17.???Tho grand jury in the United States court to-<iny, handed iu indict ments against James I). Fish nnd John Kno, charging them with misappropriate national bank funds, and nn indictment against Ferdinand Ward, charging him with aiding nud abetting nn officer of the nation al bank to illegally apply funds of the bank. There are twelve counts in the indict ment against James D. Fish, cx-prrsidcnt of the Marine bank, four of which charge him with making loans of about $1,000,000 to Grunt tt Ward on fictitious securities, and the re maining eight rclutc to over drafts bv Grant A Ward to the amount of about $(05,000, for which tho firm gave no security. The indictment against Kno Is for misapply ing funds of the Sccoud national bank,of which he was president, ami contains counts. The sums named in the different touuts range from $7o,000 to ??180,000, amounting to to $3,505,000, all of which was paid to two firms, Dyett Jc Co. and Goffe A Randall, between December 28, 1883, and May 12, 1884. Ward was indicted for aiding and abetting Fish in misapplying funds of the Marino bank. Fish will not be arrested os he is already under bonds on the previous indictment. He will, however, appear before the United States com missioner to-morrow morning, when his bull bond will be renewed. The Horsey Girl. New York letter In Chicago Tribune. At the horse show it was surprising ami a little amusing to hear girls of 18 to JO discuss the i>oint?? of n hone with their bcardlCM or veteran admirers and that not after the fashion women who love their horses they do their children aud rave enthusf- astically abont their favorite*??? ??? delicate legs, arched necks and bright, intelligent eyes,' the talk L* now of ??????high withers, stright backs.??? would proclaim the virtue of B BII, the only and the greatest Blood Purifier on earth." One of the prominent Druggists of Atlanta usoa the following language: "We have been handling B B B only a few months, mid take pleasure in saying It is supersed ing all other Blood Remedies. It sells ves our customers entire satisfaction, and we cheerfully recommend It In preference to jmy other Blood Purifier." Dr. T. I???rcston Gibbs, of Madison, Ga.. under re cent care, write*: "B B Bis the most popular med ic ine I keep in my house." The fact cunnot be denied that the B B B Is cur ing more rases of Blood Poison. 8kln Diseases. Scrofula, Old Ulcers, Kidney Affections, etc., than all other remedies *nntblued. Asa Blood remedy, speedy, safe and cheap, it has no equal, and we hold proof that ranuot be [controverted. TWO MEN SAY P'BB B Is the only speedy Blood Purifier known, and Its cures are remarkable.??? If any one will call on Mrs. Fannie Ilall.ioo West Baker street,Atlanta, [Rhe will toll of a wonderful cure of nn ugly ulcer fleeted bj* the use of B B B after all kuown rente- ???Or If you will call nt W. H.Brothcrton???s storenml consult Mr. W. M. Cheshire, ho will tell you that f B11B effected acureon him that you would hardly believe. Ho had a terrible chronic ulcer which wm worse undei these case* were i are to bo found. 'BREE MEN In common with thousands of others, that "No remedy ha* ever been kuown In the annals of his tory, to spring up aud como to the front iu so short a time a* B BB??? As n family mcdicinc.a* a pure and certain tonic for dyspeptics, ns a medicine to aid nnd assist di gestion. ns well as to give an stands un rivalled. We do not propose to snatch yon FROM TIIK JAWS OF DKATII, * Rut we rati ward off tho danger, can cure your dis ease and give you a longer lease of life, after every thing else has failed. It I* not required to use but one bottle of B B H In order to be convinced of its wonderful efficacy. lAsk your family physician, ask your druggist. o*k anybody who has used it what he thinks of the efficacy of B B U as a quick blood remedy, jtu th sn su why nx rd mat IWT-CAPITAL PRIZE, $7C,000."i?? Tickets Only ??3. Shares In Proportion, Louisiana State Lottery Comp???y Drawings of The Louisiana State Lottery Company, and in person manage and control tho Drawings themselves, and that the same ore conducted with .honesty, fairness and good faith toward all parties, and we authorize tho Company to uso this certifi cate, with fac-similes of our signatures attached ou its advertisements." os well able to chose her own ???teed and knows'his points and his market price as thoroughly as any experienced Jockey. the settle-ment. Let me git a holt on yer, and you'll think you're dyin' or done dead when I turn you loose, you puny nose, freckle Awe, rood-fur-nothin*, bow-legged mud-terrapin. 8iek him. ???Scrooge,??? tick hltu???whoop???pre??? sick him." But by the time pap got to whir they had et prepared paper points. the watermiUion liirv m done down the hill ciety. of diKUMion KK-ittv i, comiKMed mxinljr of young phr,i- ci.n,, all of whom belong to the .lUpothic achool. Thev intend to m??ke the ??o??etT a permanent thing. The diteuMion of the ine briate artrium and the effect, of wbitky will be a .ide i??ue and not the main object of the k>- JOIIN BLACKMAR, Stock and Bond Broker, COLUMBUS, GA. .?i*> ntatiGD luiiinMil n itui endorsed by C. R. R. and Ga. R. R.; due 1S90. dlwAwkjrlt IS. !%JdSJ| j E LECTRoVoLTAIC BELT and oteerEtxcTRlo imjiscn ars snt ??ra ft Pajs* Trial TC MEN ONLY. YOUNG OB OLD. who are suffer In* from Nravevi Docutt. Lost Vrraurr, WaiTtM Wcaxxaaus, and all those disease* of a Pp??wt N*ttr??, resulting from Aacors and Onus Cum 8perd/ r.lw and mapirn rswarsttna to Htius, frws aad Monona Ocuuxrtm Send as occa for Illustrated Pamphlet free. Address \Ol.fAlC Itrt.T <???<).. Marshall. Mlek| Incorporated in 1868 for 25 yean by the Legisla ture for Educational and Charitable purposeo-with a capital of one million dollan-to which a reserve fund of over five hundred and fifty thousand dol lars has since beed added. , By an overwhelming popular vote Its franchise was made a part of the present state Constitution, adopted December 2d, A. D. 1879. The only tottery ever votgd on and endorsed by the people of any State. It never scales or postpones. Its Grand Single Number Drawings take place Monthly. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. SEVENTH GRAND DRAWING. CLASS Cl, IN THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, July 13, 1881???noth Monthly Drawing. CAPITAL PRIZE, 873,000. 100,000 Tickets nt Five Dollars Each, Fractions, in Fifth*, In proportion. 75,000 i no .ao 25,000 1 do do 10,000 2 PRIZES OF ffiOOO. 12,000 5 do 2000. 10,000 10 do 1000_ 10,000 20 do 500. 10,000 100 do 200. 20,000 300 do 100. 30,000 500 do fift. 35,000, 0U0 do 25- 25,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of 9750............. 6,750 9 do do 500. ??? 4,500 9 do do 250 5,2'*) 1967 Prizes, amounting to. 00 Application for rates to dubs should be made ly to the office of the company in New Orleans. ?????? or further Information write clearly, giving toil address. Moke P. O. Money Order* payable and address Registered letters to .NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL HANK, New Orleans, La. POSTAL NOTES and ordinary letters by mall ox expression sums of five dollars and upwards by express at our expense) to M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La., or M. A. DAUPHIN, 007 Seventh St., Washington, D. C, Louisiana State Lottery. For Tickets or further information of the ob^ve tottery, address DAVE C. JOHNSON, COmOTOS, KY,