The constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1884-1885, July 29, 1884, Image 6

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V "V - ,yA. V ??? !Mt G . ??? - YJ / THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION ATLANTA, TUESDAY, JULY 20) 1884.???TWELVE ^AGES. \ 1 WHO WROTE IT? GEN. LOGAN ACCEPTS THE VICE PRESIDENTIAL NOMINATION. A Carefully Prepared Paper From Flack Jack Which H*?? Evidently Undergo*# a Thorough Rovlalan???The Loadlnc Points at Xmoo Dlaouaaed hi LotJfth???Bto. Wamuxotox, July 21.???The fallowing Ictl hit been addreaied to General J. B. licnd' ???on from General John A. Legs*, in which the republican nomination for vine president is accepted. Washington, D. C., Jaly 1* l??H.-Dear8lr: Having received from you on the 24tb of June the official notification of my nomination by the na tional republi -- '*??? ??? candidate for and cn devotl ^ v!KS his coaii try wen. I accept the nomination with a grateful heart and a sleep sense of Us re- apoasiHilUioa and if elected snail endeavor to ??JischarKCthe??lutieiOf the office to the beat of my m *Thls honor, as Is well understood, was wholly liai rrnuiilieau muvrnu'iii ns uir icpui-ti'-au Iididate for vice president of the United States, 1 coaablrfring It to he the duty of every man rotlng himselfto tbs public service iosmumc HVvca of the party, in a manner so flat ng, will servetollghtrii^* railed u|Mtn to > whatever labors J may will serve to lial od upon to perft.. ... AI tiunit'll the variety of subjects covered In the cry oareJIont and vigorous declaration of princi ple* adopted by Che 1st* convention prohibit*, up on an occasion calling for brevity of expression, that full elalioratlou of whfen they are suscepti ble, I avail mynell ot party usage to signify my approval of-the varioui resolutions of the plat form, and to discuss 4/iein briefly. PXWSSTIoN TO AMKHICAN LABOR. The resolutions of the platform declaring for a levy of such duties ???as to afford sectirlly to ourdi yendifed industries, and protection to the right* and wagusof the laborer, pi the end that active and Intelligent lator, as well as capital, may have its just award, ami the laboring mail his full share In the notional prosperity," meet* my hearty ap proval. If there be a nation on the face of the earth which might, If It were a desirable thing, build a wall upon Its every boundary line, deny commun ion to all the world, and proceed to live upon Ita own resources and productions, that nation is the United Mutes. There Is hardly a legitimate necessity of civilized communities 3 cannot lie produced from the extraordinary _??? rJl ?? liipie anion.. makes It utterly absurd to Institute comparison* J between our own economic aytttma and tlumcof other governments, and especially to attempt to iHirrow systems from them. Wc stand alone in our circumstances, our forces, our pobsIhlliticsMiid our aspirations. In all successful government it is a prime reqtil- site that capital and lal*ir should be upon thu last terms, and that toth should enjoy the hlgln^t at- r ioj'?? jjjjjiurnance of growth of our Industries, and our mnrUIng pro- ouction of cereals and other neowiilei W lift. lmncrativeiy require that immediate and cl- .u,?? U) k,,uc furtive means ba taken tgjojg* 1 PJJJJ??? ????i^J??? n, >hIe to comprehend our in tul. orderly, and conservative method* ic< * 10 Income a part of markets, which have been and. are now?? My /or to embrace any higher cit ilxed largely by other nations. This more portlc- I the! /own . To admtt s??ch iminim ularly relates 'to our sister republics oI HpanUh on???- throw a retardli America, as also to oar friend* the people of the I p 4t f, Q / aur pngnm, _ _ IP 1 )* protective against this oaoM fficleutly so now should he made so to the full SiSfSSff* -Atlr.cnH in the legal definition .AmfWinn ^ P*W hiis uvVCT contemplated tbi Snl? am f,?? * cU, ??? people who are no! oniv un. Institutions, bill of our natiouul her drill nation than DpuidlKd Spanish America arc allied to us by the very closest end wannest feeling* base*I upon similarity of Institution* a*,iu government, common a*P*J??Mon|i . fad mutual hopes. The Greet Bcpu???dic,??? as they proudly tenn the United States, is looked upon by their people with alTccthfbate ad .miration and a* the model lor them to build upon, ami we should cultivate between them and ourselves closer com men ial rriatioux. which will hind ail together by the tic* of friendly intereourac and mutual advantage. Fur ther than this, being small commonwealth*, in the military and naval nenne of the Kuropcan power*, they look to On o*. at least, a moral de fender against a system of territorial ami other encroachment- which, aggrccnive in the past, ha* not been abandoned at this day. Diplomacy ami intrigue have done much more to wrest the <???001- increc of ripaiiish America from the United HUtes than ha* legitimate cominereial competition. Politically we should he Ixiiind to the republic* of our continent by the closest tie*, and communi cation by ship-* and railroad* should he encourag ed to the fullest possible extent consistent with a wise and conservative public policy. AUivc all, we should las 111*011 such term* of friendship * preclude the possibility of national ml.-.iin . . swndingH between ourselves ami any of the mem her* of Hie American republican family. The best method to promote uninterrupted peace between one ami nil would Hein the meeting of a general conference or congress, whereby an agreement to Niibnilt all international differences to the peace ful deebiou of friendly arblratlon m might l*e To admtt such immigrant would he ???Tilng element Into the very F. Our legislation should he dost this danger, and if not Ail agreement of this kind sler republics confldemv 41 e **wr c??*mmunl<atioii would n sully advantageous 1 i*l in I! *de, whereby much of the 1 The lesiKMUs furnished by the comparatively abort history of our own natloual life Have - too much overlooked by our jicople. The fui mental article In the old demo cratic creed proclaimed almost absolute free trade, mid tills, too, 110 more than a quarter of a century ago. The low condition of our iintlounl cnumbered by every by republican jmrty ???ufllcicnt credit ha* not torn publfcly awarded to that of farin'reform, It* ben efit* have, nevertheless, been full throughouttho laud. The principle underlying this measure ha* been In process of gradual development hy the republican party curing the comparatively brief period of It* power, and to dny a |*ortlon of Us antiquated democratic opponent* make unwil ling concession to the correctness of the doctrine of an equitably adjusted protective turlft*, by fol lowing slowly In ita footatepa, though a very long ???I tie grluclple involved I* one of no great olncu- rity. auil tan lie readily comprehended hy any in telligent |H*rsou calmly reflecting ii|miii it. The polUiral and social *y*tciUNor some of ourtmde- com |hj ting nation* have muted working cla**c?? mise rable ill the extreme. They receive the merest stipend for their dally toll, and In the great ???X|*eu*e of the necessities ot life an* deprive*! of those comforts of clothing, IioiihIiik and health-produc ing f(KHi with whh li wholesome mental ntul wa-ial recreation rail ulouo make existence Imppy mid desirable. Now if the products of those countries are to lie placed In our markets alongside of American pro ducts, cither the American capitalist must suiter ill iii* legitimate profits, or lie must make tin American laborer suffer. In the attempt to corn- K te with the species of labor atiovc referred to. thocaaoof aatilwUMlal rrelnctioii of t??y, there Hut iMriWMgfigaMgdjgggdigajgjgagg^figlii^gH^ lean tl .. 1 not prodm .. ... ... raay ot being specially provided a* eolreo and tea-are grown in own country, and would not li- fectcil In price hy a lowering In duties. There fore, while lie would receive less for his labor, his cost of living would not be decreased. Iking practically placed upon the pay of the Kurojieaii laborer, our own would l*e deprived of facilities for educating and sustaining his family re*|*ccta- Idy; he would be shorn of the proper opportunt ties of self improvement, and his value a* a citi- xen, charged with a nertlon of the obligation* of government, would lie lessened; tho moral ton* of the laboring chu* would sutler, and In turu the Interest* of capital, tho well ltelng of orderly citlxen general, would Ihj nuumeed. while one evil would re act upon another until there would be a gen eral disturbance of the whole eommuully. The true problem of a good and stable government Is how to infuse prosperity among allclAxscsof poo plc-tho manufacturer, the farmer, the mechanic, and the laborer alike. Much prosperity Isa pre ventive of crime, a security of capital, and the very best guarantee of general peace and happl- very article of American production which gore 10 build up the general pn**|*erlty of our people. 1 Tho natloual tmnvention, In view of tho tpectal dangers menaclug the wotd Interest* of the United Mtatvs, deemed It wise to adopt a separate rv*o!u-l tlon on the subjerl of its proper protection. Tills ??? Industry 1* a very large and Important one. The | neocssary logUlntion t*>sn??talii thU t Industry iipoul IU)M'lf the adjusting highest point our greet sgriciihuml Interest*, amt at the same time to give to ouc and all the advan tages pertaining to foreign productions not In competition with our own. thus uot only building up our foreign commerce, but taking measures to rarry It In our own bottoms. Difficult as this work appear*, and really Is, it Is susceptible of accomplishment hy patient and in telligent lalmr, and to no hauds ca~ ??? ??? ~ milted with as great assurance of those of the republican party. of a MUNKTAV SVRRTM. The republican party Is the tmlisputahle author of a financial and monetary system which it <s safe losr~ ??? ??? Uniicr the o|teration of our system of flnantx* the country was safely carried through au extend ed and expensive war. with a national credit parts of the world. Our system of currency la most admirable in construction. While ail the conveniencea of a bill circulation attach to It. every dollar of paper represents adollar of the world???s money standard-, and as long as the Just and wise policy of the re publican part? Is continued, there ran be no Ira palrmeut of the national credit. Therefore, under present laws relating thereto, it will helmpomi ule tor any man to lose a penny In the livtnU or bills of tho United Mutes or in the Dills of the national banks. The advantage of having a bank note In the house which w ill be as x??n>*I in the morning as it was the night before, should lie appreciated by The convertibility of the currency should be maintained Intact, aud the establishment of an In ternational standard among all commercial na- Uou*. fixing the relative value of gold and silver coinage, would be a measure of peculiar a.I van tage. i*ti:h state. roKMux omsrmt, and voaxiua ka- utwb The subjects embraced in the resolutions respect ively looking to the promotion of our Interstate and foreign commerce and t*>the matter of our foreign relations are fraught with the greatest lm. portaura to our people. In respect to interstate commerce, there Is much to lie desired in the way of equlul>l??* rates aud isrilitic* of tranqstruifnii. that commerce may flow freely between the states themselves, diversity of lndu-trtes and employment* be promoted in alt ???eetfcXMfrf our irnintry, and that the great granaries and rnauufn* turiug t-ublt??hmeM* of the interior may bo enabled to send their pnslu* t* to the sealswnl for shipment to foreign countriv*. relieved of vexatious restriction* and dls- rviminatkms in matters of which It may emphati rally beaakl. ??? time Is money," and also of unjust charges upon artt?? !r* dtsilned to meet close com petition from the product* of other parts of the world. As to our foreign commerce, the enormous aties inigiit u-rco which Atlantic would seek Its legiti- mafo channel* and inure to the greater pn??*|i of nil the American is mi mull wealth*. The advantage* of n |*oll??y of Ihl* nature rsiuld not he slated in 11 liriei di-ciis-lon like the pre*cnt. roRCION ISU.ITK Al. RRI.ATfONS. The Ufiltisl .state* ha* grown to heugovcnnnciit representing more thnu fifty million people, aud ry *cii*e, excepting that of mere naval . .Is one of the first nations of the world. As such, It* citizenship should Ik* valuable, entitling ItS M * * glol* ??? government should construct enormous lied* of approved Ironclad* and maintain a com meuauratu body of Hcamen in onlcr to plac-e ounielve* on a war fmitlng with tho military and tuiral power* of Europe. Such a course would not Im??? comiMitlhlo with the |M>acefiil pulley of our country, though it ucciii* absurd that we nave not thu elleetlve mean* to repel a wanton invasion of our coast aud give protection to our coast town* and cities against any power. The great moral force of our country Is *0 universally recognized a* to render an appeal to arm* hy 11*, cither In pro tection of onr citizens abroad or in recognition of any Junt international right, quite iin- probable. Whnt we most need In this direction I* a firm and vigorous assertion of every rightand privilege belonging lo our government or its citi zens, a* well as an equally firm assertion of the rights aud privileges belonging to the general family of American republics situated upon this continent, when oppo*ed, |f ever they should laj, by the dJflerent nyalouni of govcnrrncnt upon an other continent. An ap|N*al to ours could uot - nation. In the-treaty oi Washington wc led the world to the un an* of c*ca|??e from the horrors of war, aud it is to be hoped that the era when all International ditft renew; shall ho decided by peaceful arbitration is uot far oil*. Kqt'AL RIUIITS OK < ITI/KN??IIII'. The central Idea of a republican form of gov ernment is the rule of the whole {??oplc as op- |xi*u<1 to the other form* which rest upon a privi- thought of tho 'world, at that pbriod, upon the ???ot of governmeiitat reform, ailoppif the Men ... ,..c people???s sovereignty, and thus Inltl the tnud* of our present republic. While technically u gov ernment of the people. It was in strictness only u government of a |*>rtion of thu people, excluding irnm all partlrl|Mllnii u certain other p-rtlou. held III a condition of absolute, despotic, and lio|H???lc*s servitude, tho parallel to which, form naiely.doe* not now exist Jn nny nioilcrn 1 hrlsthtn Nation. With the culmination, however, of another cycle of advanced thought, thu American republic suddenly assumed tho full character of a govern ment of the whole people, and four million human creatures emerged from tho randitloii of bonds men to tho full atatiia of freemen, theoretically Invested with I he name civil aud political right* poMcsKcd hy their former master*. The *uli*c- quent legislation which guaranteed by every legal title the citlxetshlp and full equality before thu law in oil rc*|*oct* of thi* previously tlcally we are almost a* far from it ??* wo were in the antebellum days of the republic. There are hut a few leading aud Indisputable facta which Inner the whole statement of the com*. In many of tho southern states the colored population IsM large excc** of tho white. Tho colored people a. rvpiihllcans, a* are also a considerable portion of the white (Ntiple. The remaining porttou of the 1 latter are democrat*. In far* of this lnconte*tt-| I hie truth these utatoa Invariably return demo- emtio majorities. In other states of tho south the colored people, although not a majority, form a very considerable body of the population, and I with the white republieaiisare numerically In cx-| cos* of tho democrat*, yet precisely the same po litical result obtalns-the democratic jmrty Inu- rlably carrying the elections. It is not even extent allowed by our treatiea with friendly pow THE CIVIL HER VICK. .??? of civil service admln.. %> hat hn* occupied the earnest ??hougl ' ???r* past, and ??? solution ninny L T-??? ???i'.???: ,.-J t enslvc character have been attained hy the republican party since Its accession to iiower. In the jxwtUan warfare made upon the latter with tho view of weakening it in the public confidence a great deal has been alleged In connection with the abuse of the civil service, the !>arty making the Indiscriminate charges seeming to have entirely forgotten that It was under the full sway of the democratic organi zation thut the motto "To the victor* la-long the s|k??Mh" became a cardinal article In the demc le creed. With the determination to elevate onr f01 mental administration to a standard oi justice, excellence and public morality, the republican party ha* nedulously endeavored to lay the found ation of a system wbfeh shall reach the highest jtcrfcctlnu under the plastic hand of time uiu accumulating experience. The problem isone of far greater intricacy than appear* upon It* super ficial consideration, aud embrace* thexibquea- tion* of how to avoid tho abuses possible to the lodgment of au immense number of npiioiiitmcnt* in the hands tf the executive; of how to give encouragement to and provoke emulation in the various govern ment employes, In order that they may strive for proficiency and rest their hopes of advaceement upon the attribute* of official merit, good conduct ntid exemplary honesty; and how best V> avoid the evil* of creatlnga privileged clo** In the gov ernment service, who, |n imitation of European prototype*, may gradually lose all proflcloney and value In the belief that they possess a Iffe-cailfrig only to be taken away in case of some flagrant ahu*e. The thinking, earnest men re(lub!l<Mn parly have made no mere wordy dcinonatratlon upon thi* sub ject ; hut they have endeavored to quietly perform that which tneiropjtoiieiit* are constantly jiromlv ing without performing. Under republican rule nwiKi, wiiiiimii itui 'll uuninwillllUII. that the service i* more Ju*t. more efficient, and purer in all of it* features, than ever before since the establishment of onr gov eminent: and If de-| feet* still exist in our system, the country can tlmldation and violence, conjoined with the lm<>??t shameful device* ever nraelhtsl In the name of free election*. Mo confirmed has this re-1 suit Iwcotac that we arc brought fare to fare with the extraordinary |K>lltlral fact that the democratic party of tho south relies most entirely in a manner comporting w ith the proper dignity of the occasion, 1* one of deep gravity to the Am rtean lHsqde-ln a double sense. First, Ills in violation, o|??eii, direct and fla- ant, of the primary prlm lpb* uinm which our government l*??upp????cd to rest, viz: that the con trol of lhego\emment Is iMirticipatetl In by all le gally ???lualirtrel cltUcu% In accordance with the plan of iMqmlar government, that majorltlm must ?????????I in the tjcclsiouof all qucstiotis. eond. It is In violation of the right* and inter of thostntcN wherein arc particularly reutcred the great wealth and indu-trica of the nation, and which pay an overwhelming iwrtion of the na- suhjretisl every four years to the danger* of a wholly fraudulent show of numerical strength. Under this system minorities actually attempt to direct the conna* of national affairs, aud though up to thia time aurecas has not attended their ef forts t?? elect a president, yet success ha* been *0 jwriloudv Imminent a* to vneourago a rejietithm of the effort at each quadrennial election, aud to subject the lnlen > *t?? of an overwhelming majority of our people, north and south, to the hazards of ??? legal subversion, The stereo! plain truths... . really in the majority they could not l??e deprived of their right* aud privileges by a minority; loti neither statistic* of population, nor the unavohU ide logic of the situation, ran to overridden or aped. The colored people of the south have re- ttly emerged from the Isuidaire of their present litIralop|.ress??trs; they have hail but Jew of the As I have heretofore maintained, in ordoi vantages, and thu* to enabled to Urome the m- lellretual |wei> of their white brethren, a* many of them undoubtedly already are. A liberal school system should to provided for the rising genera- dug the colored people to mode os capable of exercis ing the duties of electors at the white * In the meantime it is the duly of the and mU_ - Uon of the so*th. Bids iNHipie. in the meantime u ts the o national government t???? go L-yoml n>*oli declaration* on the subject, and to 1 action a* may lie in it* power to secure tne aisst- lute irevilom of uatioual eUvtiim* every where, to the end that our congress may cm** to contain members reiovscntlng fictitious majorities of their )M*qde. thus misdirecting the iMq>u!arwillt*meern- (ng uatioual legislation, and especially to the cud that, in presidential contests, tne great hu??iin'<B and other Interests of the etiuntry may not U* in accordance with the spirit of the last resolu tion of the t???hieogo platform, meosurea should to taken at on re to remedy this great evil. ??\>SK1<.S IMMIog ition. Under our liberal Institutions the subject* and citizens of every nation have been welcomed to a home in our midst, and on a compliance with our laws to a (xt-operathm In our government. While age the opprei them far Hi Urs ???used for becoming useful and mentof the greatest attainable perfection in this branch of our service. mh |THK REM.MMNO TWIX RELIC OF PAHBA??H*mJ ??? .-he rcpubllmi IcruNade ngaln*tM???.................. . Hlavery and polygamy. The first of these has been hurled beneath the cm tors of civil war. The |Ntrty should mutlnue itacflbrt* until the re maining iniquity *hall dl*apj>ear from ourclvlli-i zatlon under thu force of faithfully executed lavra. There arc other Ntibjecta of imjiortance which 1 would gladly touch ii|>on did upaco permit. I limit myself to saying that, while there should to the ino*t rigid economy of governmental administra tion, there should lie no self-defeating Jiarslmony either In our domestic or foreign service, official dishonesty should he promptly and relentlessly punished. Our obligations to the defenders| of our country??? should never he torn ten, and the liberal system of jicnsioria provh ??? ??? it to imiicri! establishing a labor bureau, through which theiutcresta of la-1 Isircan be jdaced in an organized condition,! re gard as a salutary measure. Tho eight-hour law Ishotild toenfoQ-cfl a* rigidly n* any other. We should Increase our navy to a degree enabling us . reserved for free home* for all desiring 1 ikmimcs* them; and. finally, our present Indian nicy should to continued and improved upon as mb experience la it* administration may from Your obedient servant. John A. I.0UAN. To the Hon John ll. Henderson, Chairman of the committee, fEST YOUR MIM POWDER TO-DAY! THE TEST* Pises a can top down on a hot stars until heated,them Arkaaifii wW ao<6s r?? remora Ckacorarand ttoelL qurrsd todstoct the preseoco of amaonla. DOES NOT CONTAIN AMJIONIA. IT* HIUTUrCUIM lu. NEVER BtU glESTIOnO. JJUt hom " f or ?? o' * MHI017 it hu THE TEST_OF_THE OVEN. PRICE BAKING POWDEB CO., Dr. Price???s Special FJayoriiig Eilracls, n,.lrM,??l,BUIMklM,n4ulir.ll.nrkM??^u* Dr. Price???s Lupulin Ysasi Gems For Light, Healthy Bread, The Beat Dry Hop Yea*t In the World. FOR SALE BY GROCERS. CHICACO. - ST. LOUIS PERKINS BROS. Carry the largest stock oi MACH I N ERY. In the south. Engines, Boiler*, Saw Mills, Cons and Wheat Mills, Separators, Reaper*, Mower*, Brick Machines,Planers,MatcbefRaua all kinds ot machinery at lowest price* and easy terms. Wu keep on hand all sizes Engines and Bell* era, from 2 to 50-liorse power, and SAW MILLS TO SUIT, for prompt delivery. Our road eugine* for threshing, hauling logs, lumber, etc., have no equal. Get our price* before buying. PERKINS BROS., Mention thix paper. and others, whose time is not fully occupi* d, will find it to their interest Hi MW. ??? iihSJ'To farmers* sons and other young men just coming on tbs field of notion, this iany a/rantags*. both na a means of making monsy and of self culture. Write Cor special JOHXSOrtf <L CO., 1,013 Main Street, lUchmond. nm m n ?? f 1 HI Situat'd in the midtt of the famous M Hlae Crass Regtaii.** noted for the heslthfulaew of M>aRralIs I UlV its t Innate. Faculty of fifteen members, able and experienced, listen sire grounds for Recreation. t/ellentMuildtog*. 160 by 140 feet, containing fas Apartments, ail under one roof. Heated by steam and lighted by gas/ Only t??o young ladies occupy KTETIUi A I IT * wo???- c ???* ??f ???ntprovements over 0100,000. Charges ssfo/as any college ottering similar ad- P C,lwl M Lu Civantages. Over one hundred young lady U*rdcrs. tSuffafeiyjSflB V" 1 ***???-Srfte'Z'fJrAJ*? 4 : 1 ?? r ATTER:son???'Pro3hJentl*LexHiston.^Ky. COLLECEs ???I|flgR0W B largely msnufsrtuml WcoTmimmEm It wfl ro'!th??!y A?? !???: ou. Hcclna ' fikalndri 0 1rn???mnhletu 'on apphra^on. We l%SrZ THOMAS HARROW 00.^1 TORPID BOWELS, OISOROERED LIVER, and MALARIA. vTorr, these aoureva arise liirro-foarrbfl 03 cha dlsuHSua of thu Lumnu nteo. These urmpu-in, In.llciao ihnir,xi.tcnco ??? l.<??, ol tup,tlt??, tla.,.1, cottlr,, Slcli lied- ???cli,. rultne,, nllcr cadu., ??rar,lont?? caertloa of bu??ljr rr mind. lii arfcll.n ???>t fo .d, IrrUahllllr or tam t iar, Low ???plrlt,, \ fwlla, or linvlns n , R |.rtad ointe, UlulTiai,, S'lntlailnKatlha ln*ort, not, boiorc tho ???>???,., bloliiv col. ???red t;rlu??, CO*??XHU'HO??f ami do- own. ihoiiae ofi'-rnmoily that MU di.-ceti, m ILo l.h-or Asal.lror mojlr.lno TCJXT'S PI I.I.S Imvo no equal. Tlmir action on tbr dl'lnopa and Skin laaluo promo.; rcmovtnq ???II tnipurltfc, tlirouRh these tnroe '??? ??cav- ??????S??M or the avium," pmiltielna appo We,sound dlgeauon, rcipilar etoola, a clear >Wn irnil a vlsroroua bodv. TCTT???K PILLS I? or griplnq nor interfere vlih daily work and are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA, HE FEELS LIKE A NEW MAN. ' I have bad Djrancpala, with Conitlpa. -ion. I wo j-eara, .rid have trl??d ten dliTerent tlmla of pills, and TITT'S arc the flrat Hat hare ilono uo any good. They have -leaned ino oat nicely. Hy appetite It ???plondld, food digests readily, and I no. oar. natural pastures. I Im f Ilka a nov. mm* \\J). EDWARDS,Palmyra,O. ???,a??e. Office,IIMumrSt..N.T These young gentlemen appear to have made up their minds to captivate the lady in the picture. Well, say what ypu will, there's nothing like clothes for giving one good appearance. .True, they don't maket the man, bu they arc a wonderful improvement. Now, let us say this in all candor. This week WC will offer in men???s and boys??? ready-made Summer Clothing such bargains as were never heard ol before. Don???t take our word for it, come and sec. Our prices are reduced to crushing figures and wc mean to sell, and intend to do it. A. 0. M. GAY. Clothier, Hatter and Tailor, 35 WHITEHALL STREET.^ tylwer Lytton???s Bridge. Whore It Touches tho Shores and the Great Columns In Midstream. What ??? hmutlful bridge between old age and childhood t* religion. How intuitively the child begiu* with prayer and worship on entering life, aud how intuitively, on quitUng life, the old nun turns back to prayer aud worship, putting himself again side by side with the infant." remarks Sir K. Uulwer Lytlon. In his ???Strange Story." Yea, but between it* distant abutments the bridge of life ha* many high and awful arehea, through which the wild waters doth aud roar in wrath and desolation, l???rayer and worship alone do npt *u??tain these. Nature's >olld rocks must lie unshaken beneath, and human art and skill must rear and solidify the structure overhead. God's will is best exemplified in the law* He has made for the creatures whom He has placed under their control. Neither the child???s trustful "Our Father," nor the old man???s ???Forgot me not In the mtd??t of miue infirmities," will alter thi* by the man; not the vague anuouacemc or peers. Is life a burden to s??*u? 1* your power to cope with life???s pi tie* weakened? You ore not well. - J slugxish and tainted, perhaps: or some Important organ i?? torrid or overworked, This fact may have taken tho farm of dyspepsia, rheumatism. Ki&VSft j KtllTH Tonic will invigorate you. as fresh air in- TUTT8 HAIR DYE. iliur Haih or Whiskers channeil in ??mlv to a uuxtr Black by a ??|"rIo rtv llcntioa of lb I, Dte. 8ol<l by DrrecUt, r .cut by express on recelptof*!. One-.-, 44 Murray Street, New York. 'UTT'I MSNHM nr iwrrilt BtCIIHS IB?? THF ITALIANS Hay# a proverb that: ???80mo men are 10 good aa to bo good for nothing." It la not claimed, aa la the coze with many so-called remedies, that SWIFT???S SPECIFIC is a cure-all, or can remove all the Ills to which the flesh I* heir; but a* a tonic and health renower, and for BLOOD and SKIN DISEASES, and for trouble* dependent on impure and impoverish ed blood, it 1* without a rival! The Mightiness of Truth I LET TIIE FACTS SPKAK IN STENTORIAN TONE!, ??????rat nun Pig.??? "My baby six month* old broke out with 1 kind of akin humor, and after being treated mouths by ray family physician, was given up to die. The druggist recommended Swift???s Specific, aiyl the result was oa gratifying as it wo* iniracu- KENTUCKY IVIIUTARY INSTITUTE. Julyl???d!2wtuca frl 4l wky6w cow cation in the State. Lit by gas as wdI as bested by steam. A full and able College Faculty. Expenses as moderate aa any flrst-cfasacoileire. PortJelb rear begins Septetn. ber 1st. For catalogues, etc., address as above. COL. It. D. ALLEN. SupL GLENDALE Female College. Thlrty-flrat year begin* September Kith. Best facilities In one complete and thorough Course??? English. Scientific and Classical. Superior ad vantages In Music and Art. Address, Iter. L. O. POTTER, I>. i>??? Glendale, O. tu friAwky COLLEGE TPM Pi E. CHARTERED 1853. 31. P. KELLOGG, A. 31.. President nml Proprietor. The 83d Annual Session of Ten month* begin* 2d of September. F'or term* apply to the presi dent. wk * tu th mi Itn ???-Hlf HUE COLLEGE OF LETTERS, MRSICJ AND l Art open* September 24th. For estaloguet lemoustrating tho unnurpassed advantage* at lowest charges, addresn julylO???dAwkylm A PRIZE.SSfflT. 1 1 1 111*??? ?????'eojlly box of goods which will help all, of either sex, to more ??? money right away than anything else in this world. Fortune* await the worker* absolutely sure. At once address True & Co., Augusta, Maine. DRY GOODS DY MAIL Delivered In any part of the United - States at Boston Price*. Cata- 1.001*8 Sent Free, also when de sired samples of Dress* Goods, Silks, Woolens, from the largest and finest stock in this country. Write to JORDAN, MARSH & CO., MOTHER???S CORDIAL, -OR- Parturient Balm. should tako n jinckngc of this cordial, a* it cer tainly and surely relieves the pangs of child-birth. To those who have suffered it will be a blessed re lief. To those who have never cxj>eriouced the- pangs, it will save many hours of pain and an- Thousands of testimonial* can be furnished as to its efficacy. Price 81 i>cr package. For sale only at the Reform Dispensary, comer Broad and Walton streets, At lanta, Oa. M. T. SALTER, M. D??? 3m wck Proprietor. 910 A BALK SAVED. PHILLIP???S EXETERACAOEMY EXETER, N. H: the 102d YEAR BEGINS SEPTEMBER 10th. For Catalogue, apply to the Academy. InlyK???wkyft ,-c.w Medical Dcparfpment???University of Louisiana, NEW OHLKANS. A S IT 18 UNIVERSALLY ADMITTED THAI Practical Medicine and Surgery cannot Ik night elsewhere than nt tho bed-side of the sick .mV wounded, this institution Justly claims un rivalled advantage* in the Introduction of Its cbixsra Into the wards of thegreat Charity Hospital, whose Eight Hundred beds and an annual admis sion of Eight Thousand patients supply unlimited The druggist recommended Swift'* Specific, r ,. the result was aa gratifying as It wo* miracu lous, My child soon got well, all traces of the dis ease is gouo and he is as fat os a pig." J.J. KIRKLAND, Ml mien, Rusk county, Texas. Blood PoUon Eliminated, I used Swift???s 8pcciflc on my little daughter, who was afflicted with some Blood Poison which had resisted all sort* of treutmont. The Specific re lieved her pcnuuucutly and I shall use it in my practice," \v e hkovti.' u n An Editor???s Experience LAID ASIDE FROM JOURNALISTIC WORK. After trying numerous remedies for rheumatism, but without iiermancnt relief, I wo* advised to use 8. 8. 8??? whlce had given jicrmancnt relief toothers ???ufTerlng from rhcumati*m. After taking half s dozen bottles I found that the disease was entirely drivcu out of my system ami a |tenuancnt cure se cured. Thi* was over a year ago, and since then, even during our most severe weather, with sudden changes, I have never suffered a return of the old attack* which disabled me from editorial work. It is very seldom, indeed, that I recommend anything to tho puhlleln this manner, but I feel It due to your valuable preparation, that has given me such long dedred and much needed relief, to state these facts thu* publicly. I am sure but for your Specific. I should have been journalIstie work, as the severest ???ght arm aud hand. Sidney 11 krbkrt, Atlanta, Go. Our treatise on Blood and Skin diseases mailed free to applicants. TIIE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3. Atlanta Go. N. Y. Office. 159 W. 23d street, between 7th and *th avenue*; Philadelphia office. 12irt Chestnut street STEAM WASHER Mi iw chine made. 10,000 Hold in Six Month*. Time and Labor Saved with no wear urn Clothes. Price 910 Big Discount to Deal< ???WIf you cannot buy . j at home send us f 10, and we will ship It by express, all charges rr???lm *lKh*d 'with the * Missouri strain Washer, and ^ _ ladles should not wait u* arc iuu wB-herwork, but send for one immrdiatelv, as it does all that is ctaimed for U."???Mr*. G. W. Allen, of Corset Emporium, 4th Avc.. Louisville, Kv. ???My experience with the Mliwouri Steam Washer is all that 1* claimed for it. It l* as Grin advance of the old way is steam csr* e over the old stage couch. To try it I* t*?? iy it."???Mr*. Jtot-ph Allen. Butterlck???s Pat- rn More, L*mUviUe. Ky. ??? AGENTS WANTED! For Ctreulara. Term*, etc., addrew Patton A Meriwether. Gen???l for Kentucky, Alabama. tftprgU, and ' ??? 4th Avc.. L c. X'. MANHOOD RESTORED. t Id cell*. It Is powerful, pure, delicious sc r, safe???the keptone of the central arch of the . UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA WIE SIXTY-FIRST SESSION OK THIS INSTI- A tution will open October 1st, 1881. Thorough In literary, Scientific and Professional Depart ments, Including law, Mcdldnc, Engineering and ROANOKE COLLEGE, TIE Salem, Virginia. EAUTIFCL MOUNTAIN LOCATION. religious and moral Influence*. Expenses for niue months tuition, board, etc 8149,8176, or 1291. Increasing patronage from 17 Rtatea, Ind. Ter., aud Mexico. 32d session begins Sept. i*tb. Cat alogue Free. Address^ D pREHEIt, President Junc27-dlra frl sun wed & wky2t ALBEMARLE FEMALE INSTITUTE, C1IAHLOTTRKVIM-K, VA. L arge pacclty. best equipment, ixt cntloil houltbful. BvuuiUuL Tirm, verjr low. For analogue .pbl^o^ M ISS ANABUTO ENGLISH, FRENCH ASD GERMAN BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. Tho Thlrtr-??l* yc??r b.-nln?? September 2??h, ISM, 1350 I???ine Street, Philadelphia, l???euna. Inly 1???wkySm LAW SCHOOL UNIVBR8ITY OF GEORGIA. The Lew School o( the t'ntvemltr will begin Ita next ROMton tM.ibor liLWSL The eouraeembrace, two term,, coniUttng ot five month, each. The tuition t, ??o0 I>er term, xnd upon pijrmcnt thereol Law Student, are entitled to alt the prlrBegea ot the Cnlvenitr without extra chxnte. t requent Moot Court, are held and cou,UntexerrUra,re S lven In Pleading and Conveyancing. Medical nluation. The advantage, of tbi?? Sj bool (,uch u uatty recltatton,. conjunt exerdjca In drawing lexal doeumenU, practice In Moot Court,, argu- ment of letptl oueritonx with other atndent,. at- tend upon the Literary Societies of the Uni veraity, use of University Librartes, ***;:?? ???2' ???ler attendance upon it preferable toprivato raad- tng or study In a lawyer a office- For further ln- formation, addresaGEO. D. THOMAS or ANDREW J. COBB, P ofeaaora, Athens. Go. ^rg^^ttia.'asag???nSa Utrnn ???ftm.tnm Tt Rmw ta- ^tSSSrJafSsr-rsrssu^S G IEOROIA. FAYETTE COCNTY.-A. J SHBDP- vX .hire, executor of Mix. M- ** *heSt???J l, JjL resents that he bos fully administered M. L.8hroo?? ???hire's estate. Thi* Is tod trail perron* concetnea, to show cause why aald executor should not be discharged from hi* admlnUtration on the flrat Monday lu September^JLty G eorgia, fayettk county - John w. Speer applies tor the administration of Har riett A. Smallwood's estate, and I will pose upon the same ou the first Monday In'August next This Jane J9,1*4. L- B. GRIGGS. The cleaner prepare* the cotton for the gin by re moving tho land, dirt, dust and loo??e troth. I greatly increase* the quantity and quality of the- llnt. It will pay for itself In half a day???* work on eight balea or cotton, aud give* Increased profits to all who handle cotton. Agents wanted in all un- occupledfterrltory. Foiffurthur information call os- our local agent* or address CLARKE SEED COTTON CLEANER M???F*OCo : , ???9\4 East Alabama 8b. Atlanta. Qa?? l/|AAn Tor M????.. QU??*. .*r??, Mf*. INratflM. V I V* U K CI??UJ* As????cr, ISO FhUm M.. N??w York. VARICOCELE KBTaSS,, gtoBSEf NervousDebil ity .t,, ??.v: uwrtuKb Of YOUTH. PrMrrinttAn F???re?? for iDa ctirauf Narvoa* I>t . d ry, U+t. MstiLurd. sad all disorder* brtmxbi ????? bf ,.n*cn>iinoM t, r asaMrea Apt Ornsgirt basthaja* r il'-n'it, A !dr????* DAVIITWON A* VO.*. Ya, Urr-ayAc, Tim to mom tall* to mre. T??M*r-ugh, P??*mcr.??*nl a????d cheap 20. Prools. TuvlkinraUlsaiiU Trratlro, KKKK- ADDn.TllKUl.IM ax Mm. <V>, AN"???. LOUIS. W ?? THE BEST \H THE MARKET l 17 Different Sizes and Kinds- LEADINC FEATURES: Double Wood Door*. Patent Wood Crate, ble Damper, Interrhangutbie AntomutioBhclC. Broiling Door, 8w inging Hearthplute. .Swinging Fluo St.??p, Rcvcndble Go* Burning f/mg Cross Piece, Double Short t???entcr>????? Heavy Ring Coven. Illuminated Fire D***r*, Nickel Knot)*, Nickel Pancbi, ca*. Uncquuled in nuucrial, In Flulsh, and in Oj>crat Um. Fend for Descriptive Circular to hunk;sutt& bellingrath Cor* Peachtree and Walton Street-,, ATLANTA,, CA. Holmss' Suro Cure Mouth Wash AQO O^NTlrRiCS. ir*??cr??4c. Atk IPX* -???art--'. l.:br,Ai-'..??unt PWW???taiwttoS* ?? dramat far 0. w m*4 f ??? Dr*. J. F AH*. IL UOLMEirgfthU. Drtul {indistinct point!