The constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1884-1885, August 05, 1884, Image 3

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THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION. ATLANTA. GA.. TUESDAY AUGUST 5 1884. TWELVE PAGES. AN EDITORIAL, JAUNT. THE TRIP OF THE GEORGIA PRESS ASSOCIATION NORTH. Where the East Tennesae*. Viratute and Goirtia Csiried the Party and What was Done with them???Baltimore aad Oettyabure-At ??uray and Natural Bridge, Etc. Thr trip of the Georgia Pros* afcnclatiou, just completed, lifts boen probably the Yaost pie mat of the many modebrtho members of that associ ation. On the night of the 211 of tho put mouth a party of elghty-tuo Georgians, numbering over fifty membcri of the state pr*sj, many with th??!r wives end children',.became the guests of tho K ist Tennessee, Virginiajuid Georgia railroad, an 1 in two special Pullman sleepers, under ch i-je ,*f Mr. Ernest Kontz. pulled out from tin' new da... t of the load, all buoyant iu spirit! dud prepaid tor a iambic of more than a week throujh a ??i>t!)i but few of the number had bo'ore vis- seutiug the East Tennessee, Mr. Sanf- Jwick hud charge of the party. A lal uor more perfect gjutlo aa i dm he, and by hfs continued and uu U- Aided attention to the comfort of tho party du*in r the u hole trip he soon Avon tho affection of cv r/ tan in tho delegation ami tho kind word < Aad teai tv appreciation 9f tho Indies. Le???vii g Atlanta oil Weiue.eJ.-iy night the tr'p v a- made over tye.Ka??t T.vfuuessee by way of it rno to Cleveland, near Chattra icgn, by night. lireik- astin# at Cleveland, the next stop was ut Roj,r??- Aillc junction, a little town situated away up in the im untains, near the Virginia line of East To i- icecc. The people of thTs section have alwiyi 1 ccn noted for the com furl of their living. Sol ???!, ubstnntial and steady in themselves, im Kvr. Tennesseean anywhere is tho embodlmcut of thrift and energy, ,1???jit a Jew and au East Toonos- aeeon together * In a wilderness, or loso them oil adcjert island, und if the latter Is not so mi possessed of all chattel of the former he will lm\'o proven recreant to the time-honored principles of these tion In which lio was reirol. This avos the doctrine of Df. Jiiu Gray, of tho At lanta Medical Journal, of our party, an East Ten nesseean himself. Coraemt&iitly avo Avatched eageiiy to see tho meeting between the genial doctor and bis former - statesman, the Inn-keeper at the breakfast house.. Sultteo It to say, that when Atlanta enterprise Is mingled with T-iinex- eee shrewdne.-Sf the combination is irro- The , breakfast ??? man fell, and received fifty ceiJfc fora meal-worth a doltar and a half. , . At RogcrsvlHc ten Tdrcbm lassies with lino in firm?, and rosy cheedcs, buojant aad boiut'fnl, ca ed for the party at (Umi *r. and a hearty an l welcome reception it was. Ju.jt why two m beni of thy partyTnmi to got l *'t hero I! u.t 1 noAvn, and probably pevey will be, but thovM .n cf these provincial ilebcj remains one of tho pleasant rontoxubrancc* of the tour. * Ti?(B ,! ??rEN\\nr>OA!!. Tawing Into VirjtXnitn. the Ifqrfolk and Western begins at Bristol, on the sbito line, and over it t Bristol and Roanoke division, avc passed to tho latter place, the sent Mrti't-.-rm inns of tho be.raU- ful Shenandoah Valley route, completed within the Inst few years, find f i mflig a link of tho now through route north, which tv receiving an unpre cedented patronage. It winds itself along tho meandering valley of thefchonnndouh river, keep ing close to banks, through fertile fields, over hill and dale,.now nestled along the placid waters o??? the river, and then winding itself along pilh id.* to mountain porwe*. offerlug a mag nificent views to the fertile and well tilled bailn below, ThU route passes within a few mdcsol the celebrated Natural Bridge and tho Cavern! of Lurny which of late years has attracted so mtioh attention for the beauty t??f their formation. At both theso places stops were made on tho home ward Journey. Along thh route for ti ???distance runs tho Jamos river,and it was on this subject that Editor Gaunt of Athens, was lecturing Bonus of the Butler Her ald, ns avc flew northward. "You stand now,??????exclaimed the genial editor, ???"in tho presence of the king of rivers. On this bosom did John Smith first plant the treo of lib erty, und hero our. fathers reded from tyranny. Here did Mawnsoit tear from John Wintlvrop tho Euglifh flag, and on yonder mountain did King Philip meet death at the hands of Hitting Bull. The very spot oa which Hlr Walter Raleigh was b j- headed after crossing tho Atlantic with tho Magna Charter???" "Tickets," yelled tho conductor,and ns ho roaoh- cd over Benns gently askc4 what stream that wa\ "That???s Frog creek???the Jamei 1* twenty miles above,??? ho replied, ns E litor G Mint was seized by Triplett and had poured Into Ills ear! the "scanoJ of the panorama of Gettysburg at Chieigo." THE BATTJ,EK!EM?? OK AXTIETAM. The battlefield of Bharpsburg, or Antictum as tho northerners call It, is traversed Just bjfOT) crossing the Potomac,.and the solemn monument to the union dead barely raises Its head above an intervening bill as the scenes of tho battle uro pointed out from the train window. Lee???s old hcadqunrtcn;, a two story brick house stands near the track, overlooking tho whole field. McCiel- lan with ??5,000 men. nearly 15,000 more thin tho whole number of Lee's force, was across the Iksl l on the left batik of tho Antietnn to ward Sharjmburg. Tho terrlblo retreat o; Burnside and Sumner, tfm position of brave Eedgov ck in echelon with Sumner, Hooker's at tack o i Hood, the gallant defense of and J ic':- son, v. 1 ere, ns it afterwards proved, an offimiiv; move Avoiild have probably proven fatal to 14?? ui ion forces, the linonf retreat of Loo across tin Jotomoc, making iu all 0110 of tho most terrible ??? oldest* of tho Avar, are pointy ! out, uud before the solemn scene s are passed without tho I in vj* inatlon avo roll into Hager-towu, but a few miles above. The northoru terminus of thcHhenandovh route proper Ls Hagerstown, im oi l-time city o about ten thousand, situated just iu the western neck of Maryland, within six miles on either side of tho itatc lines of Pennsylvania and Virginia. Hero sre boarded tl??o Westerirtlaryland for Bal timore, accompanied by President Hood and Di- sector Helmrichouse, <d tho Western Maryland, Messrs. Fnttercr and JOell Houck, the former of the Cumberland Valley and the latter of the Western Maryland road. For iconic attractions and picturesque beauty this r8hd is probably unequiled fu the Eastern states. Hagerstown Is situated in tho Cumberland valley, at the western base of a prominent spur of the Blue ItidLC. The Western Maryland crosses those mountain 1 shortly alter leading Hagerstown. At Feu Mar, nwny up on a paik of the range, it crosses the IVinnsylvrali line, and fro in Von Mar, which, by tho wiy, tikes its name from the first three letter! of each state, being partly iu both, to Blue Ullv', a distance of several miles traversing the summit of the high stof the peaks is presented a scene grind and imposing. To the right the mountains tower above the cars, to the left is Kpreid seven hundred feet below, the beautiful Cumberland valley, clothe 1 in the verdure of cultivation, stud lei With well filled bams and easy country hoams, dotted here and there with towns and village*, and presenting a scene of domestic beauty une qualed in the country. Wayucsboro is in the dis tance, the smoko of its manufactories unitin; with the clou'ls which hover but a short distance above the train. Gettysburg, on one side and Hagerstown to the left, lie nestled in valleys tie- low,the spires of their hi ;.ier buildings, reflecting the light of the auranrer sun. Kmmettsbnrg, Bouxervllle, Mt. Alto, and Quincy, all traversed a the march of the army of the Cumberland, ap ??e ir 86 mere settlement* in an~expan*c of gr -on, the carpet of which is only broken by trestles and cuts of a railroad, or the frequent windings of the country turnpike*. On the mountain over which the Western Maryland pa???< **,from the observatory u: III; Vuad rock, a view of 5,000 square wiles, at a distance of a thousand frit, is looked upoi > e- riow: i ^ lit. r arfng Into Maryland the party proeeels t?? JBtLicrxwn end Baltimore where at thelatt.-r place comfortable quarters hod been provided at the Carleton house, the most prominent hotel of the city. A delegation of the Biltiraore press, headed by Editor Louis Meekln, met the party, and fccforefrnrting with them, led them captive to the cosy rooms of tho Baltimore Journalists??? club, Avbich by the way lias been recently organized and already U one of the most complete' iu the country. To Baltimore. Cn Friday the party became tho guests of the Frets association, the Chemical mid Fer tilizer ExcPange uud the Merchants aud Miuu- faaureis??? association of Baltimore, aiid wero taken out 0:1 the bay on the stomner W.ttmore- lend, to view tho "terminal faculties" of Ba'ti- more, which, by tho way, nro very thorou ;h und in which great pride is taken by the city. His honor, Mayor Latrobo, and ft delegatl.m of the board of commerce, ?? nd many prominent mer chants, Avith many ladies, necompa- nlcd the party. 7 ho address of the mayor was extremely happy, the welcome hearty, and the demand fora closer busincssYelatfon between Georgia und Baltimore urgent. "We want your trade," Rays he, "and iu return will take your cotton and products, aud give ycu tho highest the market affords." Re- sronsc* Avere made by Colonel EstUl, Hon. Tyler Peeples, Rdv. J. W. Iteldt, Rev. Dr. Hopkins and others. COMPLIMENTING "UNCLE REMUS." Among the tpceches of the'raany other BalU- rr. 01 cans, t' - .* r k of Mr. Georgo W. Crulkrlmnk, editor of tho Baltimore Day, was warmly received by the entire p irty. Ho snld tint ho would refuse to speak, ns ho was no speaker, but a writer; but lie thought It his du y to tell Georgians what Baltimore thought of Joel Chnncdcr Harris. "I wouldn't stop tuny, if I eould," said he, earnestly, * till I say what I want nl;out this man who will live with Dickens an l Lnmb, and others, Immortalized in the field o - lilernture!" He proceeded eulogizing, in tho mottgloAving terms, Mr. Harris, and hisAvords Avtre heartily appreciated by the Georgian* ns aw 11 as tbe BaltUuoreans. PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITALITY. Gettysburg next, over the If. J. If. and G. rail road! A portion of tho party had gouo to Wash ington to spend .Sunday, and others remained in Baltimore, but all started for tho famous Pennsyl vania battlefield 011 Monday, arriving there about noon. A delegation of the Pennsylvania press asst elation, headed by Secretary Robert If. Thom as, of MeVmniestowu, accompanied by their charming wives and beaut!- iful daughter?, joined tho party nml from the instant they boarded our train \v<3 became tho rapt Ives of the'hospitable Pennsyl vanians. Every preparation had been made for ??i trip to the Indian school at Curl bio and other points of iutcrcst iu Penu ylvania, under eliarfo of tho Pennsylvania press. It Seemed ns if they could not do enough for t'ac Georgians, and from the time avc left Baltimore until our return to Maryland, not even a railroad ticket win allowed tobcahoAvn, nor not a peuny spent by our party for during the thirty hours in thostato. at onrrvsuuiM. Gettysburg! But one of our Georgian!! had visit ed the spot before,. and he, during, the terrlblo ilglit twenty-one years ago???Fern, of Montez.m 1 The old flames rekindle J, uud I never saw for tho time a happier mull in my life than Penn, while recounting to us his experience In the battle, and Ills countenance fairly glowed ns ho lead us to tho spot where, said he, "I was woundcd uml almost killed." Tho story avos told again; how Milroy Avns clinrgcd nt Winchester and other successes leading to Lee's advance to Pennsylvania, which proved co disastrous; of how Meade??? a general of throo days, having supplautcd Hooker, Indignant nt Iialleck, ignorant of the surroundlugs of Gettys burg, virtually turned tho army to Hancock; of Reynold???s death the first day In ti reconuolsanee, and the arrival of Lougdrect and Ewell, and of tho thousands o? dead b>dics covering;. tljo field after the first day's fight. The detail*of,thosecond day Avcro told. He miliary .ridge, Avhero stood Lee???s arnly and Cemetery ridge with ???the union forces, both' armies, having near a hundred thousand gicu were 1 crossed. Helen's charge was followed and the men shrank and women wept ai thestoiy of the carnage which followed was heard. With red heart! we turned away froth Gettysburg, for It marked the spot where tho downfall of tho confederacy was flrrt assured*-not sud for tho re-' cult of that cause, for it is better as it Is; but sor rowing for tho homes bereft and widows and orphans made when the flower of tho south avos trickcn dow n at Gettysburg. AT CARULftR ANI?? (TIAMIlERSaUO. Frcm Gettysburg tho trip was made northward to the Itidiau school at Carlisle, Avhero avo stopped Monday night. The waut of spaco prevents mo giving a more detailed account of this very lutir- otlug institution, containing three huudrod nil filly Iudlati Reholars, a hundred of them bn??loi. All are brought, wild and untutored, fnin tho tribes of the west uud arc taught all dojrjoi of a practical education. The party then went to Chambersburg, burnt by Ice's army in 'C.1, and, like Atlanta, rojuveimt j l by the flames and blooming from their effects with a beautiful and enterprising city. From Cham- bcrslnrg hack l*y the Western Maryland toPeu Mar, where the day was spent nt this dcllghtfu' resort, tligncstsof the Blue Mounlalu houso, from the front porch of Avliick Is commanded tho full view of the Cumberland valley. Hero the party divided, some going north to New York and Philadelphia, aud the others com- frig homeward. It was nt Pen Mar while waiting tor tho south- Avard bcund train tlwt Rev. J. W. Burke, of Miicou, with Ills family waited to see us off', they going .north. Ouo of our party, the happiest, jolliest roan in It, and throughout lira trip au incessant m mcc of fun, tried to persuade this dclighfiil gentleman t<> give up liU trip north uud return home with the party. "What are you going to New York for, any Avny???? our happy man asked him. " Oh, well," he replied, "nothing much; just to doAvhat you have been dolnjfhcrc." "Well, that???s been drinking Avhlsky pretty lively, doctor." The crowd "caught on," and it was the only time 1 ever tuw Mr. Burke embarrassed; but, with a gentle bow, and smiling all over, ho replied; " It???s a ha id matter to get away with ." No in the party was more appreciated than was this jjood and pure gentleman, Mr. Burke, always in a good humor, ready fora frolic aud determined thiit all should enjoy themselves. I am firmly convinced that If I were ever so unlucky Vs to become a sinner, this divine could do more to straighten me out than any other l know. Everybody Is back and all enjoyed themselves' A volume could be written on the trip ami m my inferences drawn between the two sections Which may lie of benefit, particularly to our farmers, Tbe association has presented testimonials of thanks to Mr. H. If. Hardwick, a beautiful cane, and to Mr. Earnest Kontz a handsome scarf pin; To Ifon.Robert If.Thomas,Dell. K.lfouck andOtOS. M, Futtcrer appropriate gold-headed canes have been t ; rwarded for tlieir kindness and considerate attention. Pennsylvania must now return the trip! ' C. If. A Cure of Pnaamonm. Dr. D. II. Barnaby, of Owcgo, X. Y., s iy* that Lis daughter was taken with a violent co???d which terminated with pneumonia, and all the best physicians gave the case up and * she could live lmt a few hour* at most. She was in this condition when a friend recom mended DR. W4I. HALL???S BALSAM FOR 1IIE LUNGS, and advised her to try it. 8ho accej/ud it a* a last resort, and was surprised to find that it produced a marked change for the better, and by persev'ering iu iUuicacuru was effected. , Allen???s Brain Food botanical extract strengthens the brain and positively cures Ner vous Debility, Nervousness, Headache, unnat ural losses, and all weakness of Generative Byi>tem; it never fails. $1 pkg., 6 tor $5. At druggists, or by mail J. H. Allen, 71$ First ave., New York city. READY FOR WORK. ??? New York, August 1.???Tho executive com mittee of tho democratic national committoo was in cession again to-day at Fifth avenuo hotel. CL air 111 on Barnum avos present, ai were Senators .Jonas, Gorham, Ransom, ox- Congreesman Miles, ItOss, of N-.w Jersey; Con gressman Barbour, of Virginia; Commissioner Ilurhert O. Thomson and Troasuror J. Cnnda. The selection of headquarters is tho most important business of tho meeting, This avos established at No.ll westTwent-fourth street, nearly opposite tho Fifth Avenuojk hotel, and in the rear of tho Hoffman houso. The following advisory campaign committoo to tho executive committee was appointed: Fcunters German, Ransom and Jones; J. S. 'Parlour, Ilurbcrt 0. Thompson, A. II. Brown, Indionn, Miles Ro.*s> New Jersey. THE WOMEN SUFFJtAGWTS. Elhabeth Cady Ftanton and Hasan B. Anthony, uu m< cut and vicc-prciddctit of the uatloanl \V?? uu n???s luffnige association, have i&suedau iul- ti'css to ti c 111 embark, luaklog some suggoitlons a.-* to "why they should remain steadfastly with tje lolitier.I party that for the last quart r of a evi t?? ry lias most faithfully represent.???d tho fundi n'* n nf principles of republican goveruueutdi^ The address says: Ai the opculuRof tho next session, with our bills ci.d reports waiting their turn o ** * ??????*??? # totli hoUKF, it is to tho republic look for discussion and division ......... uml did they constitute a two-thirds majority, we should cot fedcntly hope for the passage of tin.* rao ??lotions-?? t the sixteenth nmeudmeut; .but W) have nothing to expect from any *??f ill* of-ier parties 1 < w. tin. fdii g into existence. As to the yrccntsek unit anti-monopoly parties, with th dr ??,tia.*i-ictcgniti?? n of womans politlcat equality iu il.otr plat orm, tbo rank and fl!o of th ??? democrats a-,fl workingmen who will constituto his support- us, Ron. B. F. Butler, would be powerljn tenelp us. TI cTl rohlbltlonists are thus dispojed of t> nutke Avwtimn suflrage tho tail to tlieir kilo, which is to*riify tho laws of gravitation. iToiiibition could not secure woman suffrage, but woman???.* suffrage Is tho only power by AvhicU proliibltlon ton Id he made possible. _ 'J ho c demanding the recognition of God iu the cnr.titUi.tlon ate reminded by them hi ecu: ??????Tintt tho la. t recognition the men of this nation cr.r make of (Jod In the constitution is to secure exact justice to tlieir mothers." The recent defection of some of our nw>??l prominent friends, from the re publican pi .ity Arho nave spoken bravely an l elo- quditlv inr many years on our platform, nm-tuol mbh nd the unwary us tlieir action inn: hj<*n in no v. i;y inliueiucd by tlieir into xrk.ibie a ??? ..not to il ly to gratify tuOlcvsrana Unine more, that snoh men ius G.*orgo Curtis, James Freeman Clarke aud Thom- .. . i|tu>lioii. lh fact, . ) J-.-ts the roulti s far ns we can any vital principles, butm ??.l 11 It is ind that they lute ( Willis.. . ns WcntAtcith IIL l.lgh nirrol pir.tfi with 1 In this 1p.???, ???hoi rulie dmvu fi a to swamp their party. Tin ????e IU jftH result of > throw n of our government into the hands atiep/uty, not Into those of Clove- irluot. fli???n Iiifhlroti< ci tl.t- dc-ima t ???,,.???.??? ??? 1mm! who, though he wero pdaicssed of all tho n.Tdi'nc! viituen claimed nml, in addition thereto, the ctr.wniug excvthnco of a<llie3ion tj tl??o groat 1 linciplc t??i political freedom for avo man, ho tl oulit do nothing for any reform with uongro!} and constituency, uinctcnths of whem arc blind and l.ltt<r opponents ????/ all liberal Pleasures. Fuppoe. on the other hand, tho re- pulllcari nomip.ce. James G. Bl.tlin*. were wantin; in nil public und prlvuto virtues, with a c ingress and constituency, thrcc-foutthn of whom are our fikm>, he could do nothing t?? hinder the passive of cn amendment. But he is friondlv; tils n.imo siandh h corded with the "ayeo" on all question j nfecting tho interests of woman brought before coiigrefs for many year*. Thuit, in Mr. Biiiinu avo liuA'e a nomlnco in harmony with tho republican majority iu cm- grtf-s. Hence, our hope of securing tho lu.tiatiYo step to make sufiragO for w* (articstgronscicnitous support to tho ropubll pr.ity, AVhosc chosen leader U one of tho ablu??' "Could Not Hiavo Lived Many X)ay.s." The ollowing testimonial from Ifon. 11. P. Vrooni6D,bf tho law firm of Vrooman C-tveyj Topt ko, Kansas, is of ??o direct anil pywftro a character that it can hardly fall to convln n tho most skejiticnl that in Compound Oxyg.n there losidcs a marvelous healing nml rflitur iug ne wer:' Topeka, ICan., Juno 27,1912. "3>r*. fltarJcey & Palon???Gentleman: In tho interest of suffering humanity 1 sou il you fur { ??ubli< ation an account of tho mira-nt* ou/> euro w hleh your Compouud 0xygm tnr- formed in the case of my wife. Hop c mdftion avos a very peculiar ono. She had a cumpllca- tiqn of diteascs, Dyspopsig. Torpid Liver, or Liver Complaint, a* her physicians have nl way* railed it, and gcnoral nervous pro-itr.s tion. If yoq will refer to my description of her race you will see that sho was sufioring from severe attacks of coUo and vomiting. Thaso attacks first enmo once in two or three month: win n she would vomit herself almost to death dorr. Each time the attack* came at shorter intcrvn???s aud Avero more severe, until she bo eunu sr. weak and exhausted that wj ore sun sl.e <tuld not havo lived many days longer hail not jcur Oxygm Treatmont come just as it did and saved her, for tho colic aud vomiting had bccoino almost perpetual, and bor strength end life r.'cro ncurly exhausted. Wo could see a change iu her condition from thqJirst inha lation, for tho nover had so sovero nu attack of colic afterward and had inoro strength to cudurc the psin ami retching. 8U0 continued to pain steadily, and frr tbo past four year* has had n<> severe attacks, If sho is threaten- tcl with one s|iu takes an inhalation or two end iota; ap<s any seA???cro paroxysms. I think it but right that wo should mako known to others Avjiat Compouud Oxygen has douo for t:s, end therefere send this statement for pub lication. Verv respectfully, "II. P. VttOOM.AN," Our "Tw.tirto on Compound Oxygon," eon- Dining a history of tho discovery aud In ole of a<tion of this remarkable curative agent, nml n large record of surprising cures in Consump tion, Catarrh, Neuralgia, Bronchitis, A->tlimr, etc., Mid n Avido range of chronic diseases, will be stnt free. Address, I>rs. Starkey & Palgn, 1109 and 1111 Girard street, Philndophin. || STEAM WASHER i*~ Hold in Six Mou'ths, i | Time nntl l.ahor Saved Avith no wen r on Clotlios. rrt*o810 nig Discount to Deal- lilt at home send us nmul avc will ahip it by 3 express, all charges prepaid. J "I am dell ;htod dwith tiio Mt??souri Steam Washer, and ^aa^gSpt^*Lrjgiladles should not Avait to see this Avoshcr work, but send for 0110 Immediately, ns it does all Unit Is clnimcd for it.?????????Mrs. G. W. Allen, of Corset Emporium, 4th Avc., Louisville, Kjr. "My experlcnco with the Missouri Steam Wasl cr is all that is claimed for It. It is ns far in advance of the old way as steam enr* are over the old ftnvo coach. To try it is to buy it."???Mrs. Joseph Allen, Ilutterick???s Tnt- . I tern Flore, Louisville. Ky. -I AGl NTS WANTED J For Circulars, Term*. etc., address Patton Jb Meriwethku. Gon???l -I ArI???h for Kentucky, Alabama, Georgia, aud ^I Virginia, No. CHI 4tn Ave., Louisville, Ky. ^ FRAUD X ~CAUTlIOTf X X Many Hotels and Bestauranta refill tha Lea & Perkins??? bottles with a spurious mlcturo and bkrvr it ns tho GENUINE Lea a l???errlna??? Worcestcr&hlro Sauce. [THE GREAT SAUCE OF THE WORLD. Of a LETTER from n MBMOALGEN TLEMAN at Mad ras, to hts brother nr. ivni)(iini'i<vii SQVPHt GRAVIES, \FISUt | CIOT de COIJD I in EATS, U4AUIE, AO0 { Blgnfttnro Is on every bottla of CJENUIND WOROE3TER9WIRE 6AUOE, Bold aud used throughout tao world. JOHN BU PON'S 80NS,> _ :t. The strongest mill built. Adopted by U.F. Govcriimcut uud all leading Railroads. Tested 17 year*. Twenty ntses, from % to 10 horse power. Pumps of nil kinds. Tank of all ... _ unions. Waterworks for towns, pub???la institutions, private rosidanccfl, farms, etc. Write for clrculsrn. J. M. KLINGKLSMITH. Gen. Agt., 67 Peachtree, AtlauU, G.??. wkf???17t PERKINS BROS. Carry the largest stock of machinery' In the south. Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills, Com and Wheat Mills, .Separators, Reapers, Mowers, Br ck Mac liim s.Pliinen:, Matcher*, jjbti??l all kin Is of rcastiiuery at lowest prices and easy ???terms. We keep on hand all sizes Engines and Boil ers from 2 to G0-bor*e power, and SAW MILLS TO SUIT, for prompt delivery. Our road engine for threshing, hauling logs,, etc., have no equal. Get our prices before buying. PERKINS BROS., 19 to 43 West Alabama Ptrect, ATLANTA, GA. Wer.tton tills paper. wky Tb(*l!P.LTorltcren0K. t*??r ij ms<te t-rprnw<jrror tbe ear* or dcrtsmtiaii ct the VMieraUTrcwTBMi*, 'liter* h M> MieUX'T ??Qm*I title liwtroiaent, tbe con- ???Jsrr.iS.wuffiS DHU ???I to car* all ill* from frsdte toe. It Is for tun tu.vUi ??at-A-w MAD selling 1* as profiuLIe as any agency In lYiAI the worid. Price reduced half. Ctuloguo Uu. Atfdrcts 1L C. A F. TUNlfiON, Atlanta, Ga Stories on the Road. Commercial Travclcra at a Wayside Inn- Something to Put In a Gripsack. ???Gentlemen, I almost fSnvy you the poiltloni you fill; your cxperlcueo of tho world; your knowledge of buslne?*; the changing sight* you ??cc, and all that, you knowJ??? . This warmly expressed regret fell from tha lips ^au,'elderly pleasure tourist,last August, nml wits eddies sod to a-4omIcIrclo of trav elers sci ted on the porch of the Liu loll hotel, Ht. Louis, Mo. Yes/'.responded a Now York rcpreseutitiv^ of ...j profusion, "a drummer isn???t without hi! pleasures, hut no runs his risks, too???risk! outshbi the chances of railroad collisions and stjx.nhjxt cxplodon*." ?????? w.lio wss thou traveling for an eastern Iioiho, ami is knoM 11 to tnendumts in all parts of tho 0 mi 11 try; ???TJiO risk-which, indeed, amounts almost t> n tertninty???of getting tiic dyspepsl t from perpotnsl change of diet and water and from h??viu t no llxo l hc.ura for eating and sleeping. I myself wis art exomrle. 1 say was, for 1 am all right now." "No discount on yotlf digestion?" broke iu a Chicago dry goods traveler, lighting his cigar "Nut a quarter percent. But I lmd to give up traveling for a while. Tho dyspepd.i ruluad my paper. Finally I came across an advertisement of PARKER'S TiDNIC. 1 triM It and it fixed me up to perfc< (ton. Them Is nothing on earth, In jny opinion, equal to It ft* a euro for dhpepsh." Mosr*. IIIh??>x & Co., of Now York, tin nroprie- tors lu Id a letter from Mr. Franklin ??taliog that precise fret. PARKER'S TONIC aids dig uttou cure* Mnlarlul Fevers, Heartburn, fbiad.ioffe, Cotigl s and Odds, and all chronic disease* of ttis Liver and Kidneys. Put a bottlo In your valise. Pricer, r??0e. and 81. Economy In larger size. ?l??01t(>1A, Fa Y KITE COUNT Y.- MAUO A RET Ij Ila/liWood. foreign administrator of Jam** Lcrtcr. deceased, hen applied for leavo to soil the land of raid deceased, mid said application will |??j In aid on the first Monday in Hoptemher next, August 1, Dftf. L. B. GRIGGS, i.ugf???w Iw'S Onllmiry, . ti, bn* applied for leave to s-il the lau< log to the estate of mid deceased; also, tho wild loud nt private sale of said deceased's C!tito, a vl said application will be heard on tho flr??t Monday in BeiiU-mt* r next. This Augint 1, I???liy. .:-??4w????? b. It. Oi-llnarr. A YOI ???-??. lADY-NATIVF : F ALABAMA Mil!)la tent to teach the English brunches uu 1 pi nnmmJilp, wisbea a position ns governess in a Christ Ian family???prefers the country. Doe* not object to travel, or Is willing to take charge of a 1 mall ????? hot I Address John F. Henry, Louts/ille, Kv. hefets to Win. B. Tliomson. Kep, Atlanta. X3 A PC3ITXVS CUSS For Female C'oinplnlntnnnd dVcsknniirs no common to one beat female popnlntion* It wifi caro entin-ly the worst form cf Female Com* plaints, all Ovari n trooUt, fnflainmatlon aad UP,era. ti'/n, FaUicK anil DtapfrocravnU, and the consequent fipfral Vtf.J.iiuii, u??iI tj |.anteuUriy adapted to ttw Cltanitn o?? ut?. ltwlff dl-aolrern*lcT*??c! turnon from the uterus In oa c* Jy - V ??r cc .... -.t. Tho Unit r.c-y to tuacerous humorstfacrwlitlo dvery 1 j.osdiiy hyits un jf Si??? L??? JB (tevrl fJoM???.fr, f> yl???-'ZkC*, .. tion. *??? * i.i ??? ii.-ii . u i.I. g<- >*j,<*u*ln??;(??.tn, wtright ami r- ??;??- 1 j r -j. :??r/:y cor-d I y ila nu Ft will aV < r- -??? r.l c-u-.t^jrw, a/tto harmitty vi.. t: .1 . a*. ti.. I", r. * ??? ayetsm, IWthSMro or Pi'nf y (te.w???aint* ft HOkyr rex,this Oc-mpo, .. ,.J. i???i...;U.??3.tiisl~TS^rwr|5A??, No family !,o vtlLZat LYLJA ll. PJSKluir4 TJVKR JTLLH. T???-i./crfo constipation, LUJoaimcas and torpidity cf tho Ifvcr. C5 cents a box r.t til i!nunrfeta. Old Efitaftiished, nntl Rcltahlo. ???us l r-??lrft:l.jn. Are unequalled in EXACTING SEB VICE, Used hy tho Chief ) Mechanician of the IJ- 8- Coast Survey; commnndlnw in tho U. h. Naval observ atory, for Astro nomical work 1 ami by Loconioilvo Knglnoers, Con ductor* nml Hall way men. They nro Oesdlog Jowsltrs,) who f Blvo t n C I i ' l ull V Warrttutyi A POSITIVE CURE FOR rOOHL. 3E3T^Lir>J33SI?? Colder Specific. It can bo given In a cup of cofTen or tea Without tho knowledgo of tho person taking It, offoctlngn apeetly nml permanent cure, whether the patient In a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkard* have been nindo temperate men who have taken the Golden Spocifle In their coffee without tlieir knowledge, nnd to-dojr believe they quit drinking of their own freo will. No harmful effect* result from It* administration. It pnrtfies and enriches tho blood, allays nervousness, nnd Indie* to healthful action all the organs of digestion* ??? ; ruruo st nts Golden Bpeclfle Co., 185 lta??e Htrcct C liictasnlf, O. poll aikZjlil BY MA GNUS & HIGHTOWER Druggists, ATLANTA, GKOHCUA. ???VVrs cose of NKBVOUB DEBILITY,Csmlng Make the BEST ROOFING in the WORLD. flrnamaiitaLDursMeand Cheap. Differ ent stylos in Tin and Iron, Bend for Circa* Inr nnd Prices. ANGLO-AMERICAN ROOFING CO. 83 CUIFIIIWI, Kewr YorU. ALMOST A MIRACLE ! A ItEMARKABlE STORY. BHHHwlfleld tho Micetond related tho following in which all la* dl*s me coeply Interested: "For ti c 1.. I ifehtcen mo .tbs my wife hftsb.'sn rii I?? viilld, cMiwcd from womb trouble. -etti m of*. etc., nnd I have tried everythin ;I could liu.r 1 f ir. Il.e wav of medicine and lmve h id m/- end of our hot physicl uttoudlng her, 11 o il* d wlnun (* idling him by name) I pub! ouo him ire I ei d t Jxfy-tbiee dolluit .- Instcud of lmproviu ; or netting any relief, ;???li*?? j'rnditntly grew wore, and I I.r.d nlnu >.t given U|>h??ipe, anil really did not !>.??* Ik vc ??!.????? would over get lip from an Invalid???s b ??? 1, 1 ut n friend of mine who knew of the ease sag rai led the usci-f BIU1MS FEMALE REGULATOR nml alt hough ho stated that lie knew of a similar cfl.-e being cured hy It, und Indorsed It highly him* ??? pdf, I was vo discouraged I did not bMIevo It would do bur nay good, but, m a last resort, I bought a large bottle of U, mid i-lro begun takinr It. end firm the very first a maii.ed rli ur; ??? l plnec. Mie begun to Improve rapidly, her npp ititu r?? tuned, her whole systeem n.w built up, uud to day she I* !!????? well ami sou ml ns ever In her 1???fe ami I mu tuidtr life long obligation* to you mid your romdy, for It iindoubtislly saved Tier life," ami he *du< d, "1 wish e.vcrv lady iu the world *???> nf Hit ted would try it, a* J know It will ouro t???tcin.??? 1 We Clnim and Can Prove it Beyond a Doubt. fry the highest nml most undoubted toitlmony! That this Remedy will cure all womb trouble!. That this Remedy will euro lcucorrhA:u or whites, That till* Remedy will restore the menstrual fuoc- tbu*. That th If Remedy will *top excessive monthly (1 iw. That this Remedy will relievo painful menstrua- tion. That this Remedy will build up tho aystora ni a tonic* That this retpfdy will cure nil female disorders. "CHANGE OF LIFE." If taken during this period, *0 critical, It staals without n rival? Sind for our treatise oa Woman; mailed free to any sddri tv. TDK BRADFJFLD REGULATOR CO. Atlanta Ga. Cholera Cure TN AN INTERVIEW WITH TIIK ATLANTA X Constitution Dr. rt. T. Digger*, p lndpal of the Georgia Eclectic Medical eolfc-f??',*CiCos tfnft during Lis experience with th# clmlem hi Nish- vllle, lie prescribed one tnblcspoonful of tho Tim* tnrenf Ifed Pipper to ono m>ttlo of BIGG Kit!' SOUTHERN REMEDY with almost iinfililng rac- eew*mid 1 lie ???'omtitutlon ndvlseH Its roidera fo ever beep on hand n bottle which by its timely us! will save so much pain and anxiety. A PROMINENT PHYSICIAN OF ATLANTA prescribe* Dr. Rigger! Southern Remedy hi all bowel ami stomach afflictions, nml Hates that for restoring the little child that I* waiting away by the daily diuhuign upon lt.H*y>tcm It Isinr-uu tlefi - R I* nl??o for Rinrrnic- ???' ??? ??? " '* - mli rn Slorbi TO TAKE IT. PROFK-SOR A. BARILT, of the Atlanta Female Instltuto, stiles that nil- (brim circumstance* would he suffer tils family 10 he without a bottle of Dr. Riggers South urn Rom- coy, tbe tinuly use of some having relieved hI- tno-t every iiH iiilftir of Ids family of somo bo ycl orstoinacli trouble. THE OLD GRAND MOTHER when oqllfd to the bedside of the little child *?????.'- fcrlngvvltb that night fiend to children uud h >r- ror to parents, CROUP, tbe old grand fnotlmr mod to-( in! for mullein und make a tea and at o mo relieve it???made Into n tea now an I combin xl with sweet gum it present* In Taylor???! Clmrokoo Remedy of Hy.-eet Gum and Mullein a p' ??? * dfofte. 'ge. ??? x jTit ..ROWF, OT.OTlOlA. An exe.ll.nt Scbnof In one of tbo most bn.otlfa? h.ottb^r clfto. of tho South. HitBnltlrptitbuiMfup~ *rt??? Send for catalogue. GWAI.TNKY, President. di@bIs)Q??[S, mors YOUNG LADIES. Correlated wllth VnnderblltlTnlvorsIty. Highest Advantages Jn every department. Splendid new building; ample faculty; music, art, enllntheaicx. Health; ncmGbllitv. For catalogue, address Itev. Geo. TV. F. Prlco, D.D., Pro*., NiishvUle, Teuu. t Gum ... cfiietlve cum for Cron 11, Wliooplng-ffough, I Hud Comumptlon. Price 28ci*. und L-I.b). Ash jronrdrngrbt for It. Manufactured by Walter A. Tavlor, Atlanta, On., proprietor Tsylor s Freni ii Odo/.iu-. tent Jy for the amuxciacut of th*! Ibtle ones, hut nuitainlng iufonmition for tho wol are of every home. CLEVELAND akp HENDRICKS. Mt 4 ,?,:. gTSSST JJSK Triplett, sssisted by families aud friends of tno dbtmgulrhed candidate*. Get THE DKSTt Outfit I-ire to actual canvosFers. gpeclsl ter n* to Uum i ordering from a distance. This I* Hie book you tvnnf. Write tpilek for circular*, or send ti On. for r-rnispcter. My Maine ft I.ngsn brok takes tho find, nml those marvelous Pocket Matiuul* si* wnisscll. Address TV,ll,Thompson. Publisher, ???101 A1 el* M., Pbllailclphl*. Pa. 1 FBIOK' & GO., 81 SOUTH FORSYTH ST., ATLANTA, ... GKOROIA. UAKDFACTCKKftH OP TIIK E.CLIPSE ENGINE. Saw Mills J'oi(ur, (lins, Coi'IeaserjlFeden. CAMPAIGN CANNON, ICO to 1,?? <>0 lb*., ff.10.00 to 0.100.00, A I AI K OF RTEEL. MAKE TRKMKNDOIN R& JtI P rt. Perttctljf safe. U. B. Cstiuon Prlmen, *>.*!.nu n lco. i d for Cannon and Gin cireu- sr. Addm* J. h. JoilNKiNT suv.b??? w?t-cow Gun Works, Piiumirr P*. SI 6 ??????THR BEST IS CHEAPEST. 1 ???STHRESHERSaag. "inw Cbitr!!:!!, ri ssasBssiSiKetsissssse: BREECH-LOADER Guaranteed Steel B.trreh, Hid? Lever Action, Bar (Front Act >01 I^k*. V.arr*nt!(l g-,o I * ??. fer \r n* rale. (lily *10. Our Ksmou* Numb *r JI, $15 Muzzle-Load&r Now $12 Find stamp for Hltmtrafrd catAlogm*of G m Knives. Wstiher. P. PotVELfr * HON, 180 Mala fit., Cincinnati, O. PHILLIP???S EXEFER ACADEMY EXETER, N. H. THE 102.! TEAR BET.INH HKPrKHMKR ICfh. For Catftloeue, apply to lh* Acalsmy, Jnl,iS-*k,U ,uw ^INDISTINCT PRINT KENTUCKY MILITARY INSTITUTE. At T???nriudnlo P. O., Frnnklin Co., I<y., six mile* fn m Fiankfoit. Hum tbe most heulratill and bi nut iful lorntlon In the Htate, Lit by gas as well ii* htnlcd-by steain. A full and able F,n- ulfy. 1 xp?? nfes as moderate ns any ltrst-c!.on e ??I- leue. F?? rt I* th year begins Septomber 1st Fd? calaltguc*, etc., iiddre:-s a* above. COL. B. P, ALLEN, Supt, mEACHIB'6 SITUATION WANTED -A GRAD- J. mite of tho University of Virginia, havh'fj feme years'oxnerlenco In teaching, wldrw t?? e.b- tabllsliHichiolortoRccure a position In s-i-nx col'egeor high school. Good tc^tliuonini* fur- ii If dei-iied. Addri???.'-.s J. E. Btout, HtJ/cat* Lure. Culj ej cr county. Vs. wR EMPLOYMENT to Travel. Stftta 1.-??? which preferred; ulso nniount want }'! nioiit)i lor service* and expenses. BudiiAii horn rable. permanent and easily operated. Writi 11-. t-LOAN ik CO., 300 George street, CiiioUlJiAtl, Ohio. HflMJT yen want a 030 SB Hhot Ifrpeatln? UUn I Rifle for 81 ti, a 03J tire fC.i LiftJi \z BI ot Gun for 910, nOlff Concert Org uietto for 07 it H-gd Magic laiutcrn for 01???4, a Solid Gold > v.i U Ii lui Win, a *15 V/HII silverWatdb frr??S. 5On uin net any of TUU these article! k???roo Ii you will devote a few hour* of y.iut i$j time eve 11 Inga to introducing (Mir new itor-U. Guo lady ret tired a Gold watch free, Sn a uliwle aft r* noon. AgentlemangitaBIlverWatch 1A/A MT for fifteen minutes work; a hoy II WA^ I >< at* oM secured a watch iu ono day; hundred 1 of other* have done jtcarly^ui well. Tf y??n uMiigie Y.nntcrn you can rtart a biHlrilKv???t nf will j i.v >(.ii from Sin to $??n every night, 'ffo.i l at cnco L ????? our illusirated Ciitatoane of tfed-t- ^.???i l ??? Siam Watches, Uelf-eocklnwRull Dog a^volvon. Fpy Gla*??e*, lmliau Beoui nml A. trommibhl ???Polj rcc ;p*. Tdegrsph Instrument!, Typo Write.* 1 ,' <>*- gnu AMcrdvoitK, Violin*, Ae, Ae. Itr nny ntifl 1 the rend to wealth. C.T.'-.amtufflAH gshsosgaathfife Out of the Jaws of Death The gentleman who outlines Id* ca*ebMow Is a man considerably Advanced in .life, nnd Is noted for his sterling Integrity. His ponloillco is Yates* vllle, Upoon county, (Ja. The following Is Mr. John Pearson's Statement. In the spring of lwy I wan attacked with ajvcry had cough, which continued to grow worso until . fall, when I got bo weak that 1 could not get about- I tried d great msuy kind* of medicine, tut con tinued to grow worra. I was notified that I lmd consumption, and would probably die. Cft Hollo way finally told ine to try Brower???s Lung .Restorer. They sent to Ward's store and got a bottle, aud I tomn;cured taking It right away. After; taking two or three do|cn 1 began l ?? Improve, uud by tho time I Imd nned np orw bnttle 1 was able to get on my feot again. I am now In excellent health. I am confident Umt tho Lung Restorer saved my life, and my nelghlNirs nro of the samo opinion. It Js the best Lung Remedy ever made, in tny opin ion. Dr. II. promised me that ho would write to the muiiufucturcrH and tell thorn of tho woudoriul cure it inndu iu my case. Statement of Mr. Benj. F. Hoarndon. Early In November, 18M, while sewing on tho machine, my wlfo was taken with a severe pain iu her side, which was soon followed hy hemorrhages from her lungs and a severe cough. Fever com menced! sho could neither cat on loop, and in a fow wrecks sho was reduced to a living skeleton. The attending physician told mo that ho thought ono of her lungs was entirely gone. Bho could not retain the most delicate nourishment on her stom ach. 1 thou agreed with Dr. Kullivau, my family physician, to call Dr. Holloway In consultation. Thoy made a final examination of the imtlcnt nml pronounced the cnxo hopeless. Dr. Holloway then suggested the Brewer???s Lung Restorer a* a last re sort. I sent for a bottlo and gave her a dose. I found that she eotiM retain Hon her stomach, and after about tho third dose I began to notlco tomo Improvement In her condition. I continued tho medicine regularly, and by tho time sho had taken two bottles sho was able to walk about the house. Bho Is now In better health than sho has enjoyed for several years. I bellevo tho Lung Restorer saved her life. Wo Lave a family of six children, and somo of them grown. Mr. Hftarndon???s postoffice Is YatrevWo, Upson comity, Ga. He Isa thorough! y reliable mm in every particular. LAMAR, RANKIN ft LAMAR, MACON, GEORGIA. ~THE SCIENCE OF LIFE. ONLY 81.00 HY MAIL, POST 1*A1D?? A GUI AT KDIOAL WORK ON MANHOOD. FxlanMwl Vitality. Nervons ami Physical Do- Llllty. Premature Decline In Man, Errors of Youth, slid the untold miseries resulting from ludlscre- tfont or excesses. A book for every man, young, middle aged and old. It contains IA pres rlptlona for all unite and chronic disewes, rich otic of w hich Is Invaluable. Bo found by tho Author, who,:c experience for 2H years t* such us probably never before fell to the lot of any physician, TO) Tra-. s, Lrnnd hi licatiful French muslin, cmooMt- wl cm ora, full gilt, guarantied to he a finer work, fn ww reuse???mechanical, literary ani prufea- sloim!???than any other work sold in Ibis country for Fifio, or the money will bo refttn led in every ir stnnee. Price only f LOO by mall, p Ht piid. IL lurtrsttve rumple six rent*. Bend now. Gold medal av.nrdcd the author l>y the Nnt onal Medi cal Atsorlstion t(* the oflleir* of whlel* ho refers. KFRCSOI l.lid Will no; w luciui, wii' i.n r jnuui, parent, guardian, instructor or clergymsn.???Argo- n ^5iI4rw?? the Peabody Medical Institute, or Dr. W. If. Parker, No. 4 Bui finch street, Boston,Mass., who may lH???consulted on all diseases requirin'/ skill nml ex per lew o. Uhamfc and olxtlnafr diseases that have baffled thesklllcof aU tTT|i A T , olher bliysieian* * Mjccfality. 8u'~h-E-t ??? i* (..11.. ...t.i. . .... mrTTrcimT t-i BARG???S IUMBNTA1Y Blim ^#4;??ify-7lXkrhTree??iiii??>Meajwr^MMyMN cat*. H. Y. n ;L1> BY ALL DltUGClbi*???