The constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1884-1885, August 05, 1884, Image 6

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THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION". ATLANTA. GA.. TUESDAY AUGUST 1884. TWELVE PAGES. DOWN AMONG THE DEAD. r.vt D??n' SspirUBM In Tonloo and Mirsslllss- ttmta Deserted and Chops Closed-aigos of M arriment ???Astonishing FUvhVaosvsd For-8cenes of Uia OfiDf-ll??. f Har*ch.i.c9, July 23.???[Special cable dis patch from Marseille* to tbo New York Times.] I haro made a fire days' visit to this city, to Toulon, and to Arles, In order to learn and rc- ] ort for American reader* soma facts and scenes in reyard to tbe cholera. I have visit ed every room in every cholera hospital exist ing In Marseilles and Toulon, and have soon tbe wretched people dying in hospitals audio their own hovels, and buried at midnight in the cemeteries, * by tbe light of torches aud lanterns. 1 bare diseased all the pharos of epidemic exhaustively with the hospital doc- tore, with priests, and with nurses, and my cotdmiou is that the much-dreaded cholera, probably tho most fatal and severo of all dis eases to which human flesh is heir, is a thing of which no intelligent community of wc!l-ordcrod lives and well-managed sewer pipes need haro an alarming tear, even when brought into close contact with it, to say nothing of getting ir to a panic at n distance. But those who read my story will draw their own conclu sions on this point. rnn??, imbis to anmm. On leaving Paris to begin my tour of tho Infected cities I found an absences of fear pro* vailing and few evidences of the former quar antine precautions which havo since been abandoned. The few persons to whom I con veyed my intentions of going to Mar seilles, ' Toulon and Arles dupracatod the visit, as t had expected they would do, but they ridiculed the idea of the di tense becoming epidemic In so clean a city ns Peril. 1 tcok the night train for Marseilles, and ???rose for breakfast nt A o'clock in the morain at Valence, some 60 miles south of Lyons, u watched the country carefully for signs anxiety or commotion, but saw nothing unu* ual until Arles was reached. Jloro ovory window of the fipanish-looking houses was doted so far as I could observo them, and in the streets of this town of 25,000 people not i roul was to be seen. At tho depot was con grrgated a melancholy crowd of pool the most of whom had bundles i. ing and various domestic articles tied up by means of bed clothes. They wore waiting for the omnibus train???a train belonging to tha third class and miscellaneous in its cWastor ???that should carry them northward to Tar,is con, whieh is in tho snmo department as Ar lea, and to Benucairo on the opposite hank of the Ithone from Tnrascon. During tho day and night there hod been thirteen deaths, and a fearful panic had prevailed in apito of the archbishop's formal procession to the rolics of tho saints in the cothedrul of St. Trophimus. either at his house or his office. Fortunately I had a note from a Paris physician to Dr. Queviel, tho president of the medical society, and a letter from Dr. (Juovicl finally availed to secure me admission. A young English physician named Paul Bus ran* not tbe least trouble in gaining an entrance. Ai gentle. Here I saw Mine. 1 Jorvan, a lufiy ot wealth, ??????imvimiililfMmHikMnffli iHa wariift of I where name has already been celebrated for her i, , devotion to the cause of humanity. This brave i* e pll.!f^I Jpdnau has f nnrstd cholera patlenbio^^]^ dePbaro. This is a magnificent structure externally. It was erected by the municipal- I busily occupied, moving fri ity for tbe late Emperor Napoleon III., an 1 1 ftf??, y| c .,.fMl n .y ilill ainflni.ltA.1 wIi.h uf??V .. nrr ??rt ?? 11 I LOIV tt It}l JUT JII rCfTBrU tO tl was still unfinished when neuan cringed all j 0 j cholera, Mine. Dorransi the pluns and tbo work was then stopped. A 1 few years ago tho ex-empresa claimed it as her personal property. Litigation followed and the municipality was beaten: Eugenie then presented tho building to Marseilles. During the war with Germany it was used a* ??? ??? n hospital, and on the recent appearance I beer freely. I puth piece of tobacco in my mouth of flic cholera it waa ** given I andchewed away during jut rlslt, following the nv ??r tn lHa ???..thnri. I Cfivfcc of an old seaffolng frfend of mine, familiar over to me men real aumon- i ??. wr??io,v Gre ece and Italy. I found her in tbta hoapil. ...... . j '*itr from bed to bed,admin *7 the sick. In a coiivorsa* the contagions character agreed with the doctors that; under proper precautions, the elements of Obligor were singularly lessened. 1 noticed that the doctors smoked cigars and chewed consider oble quantities of camphor. It may be remem bered tbot in Raspali's time, thirty years ago, camphor was considered in France as an antidote lor mor.y diseases. The doctors drank wine ties for use again aa a hospital. As a palace thfe fctruvturo is a surrerb one, but a* a hospital it is badly arranged. During a tour of the rot ms I raw 84 patients in ail stages of the disease, from the Inst agonized breath to tho period of cheerful convalescence. Every foco in these 84, male and female, was the race of a person from the lower walk's of life, aud this 1 am told has been 1* from the first. At twentieths of the patients r failed to recover. For tho lust fortnight matters have bo fhr improved that only two-thirds of those received Jibvo died. This cxc^siive mortality nt first whs largely due to the foot that most case* when received had developed into a honclcis condition. The highest nu her that havo been in tho hospital at any r time is 110, and tho largest number received in any one day is thirty- seven. There ore two chief doctors and four suboidinotes, who serve in turns. There arc brsidm two apothecaries, ten Augustiuion sis- to*, and a large force of laborers. All of three people, except tho two chiofs, will be with disease. Jir. Koch has visited thU hospital, but It reems he did not leave a pleasant iinprev Hon on tbe physician* in charge, having had noth ing to say. 1???cri'Mps the gay Frenchmen, who were cheerful and merry about their duties, m ly have shocked Dr. Kocli by their apparent levity. The German expert, so they said, was very can ful to keep hli tnontn tight shut, tl nt l.e might not swallow ?? single microbe. T impost precautions were employed in regard by my inspecting nwsy In nil old chapel, T a public square during the first .... , ??? filclMi* habit arose of cleansing the bed and ding of the sick in tho public fountains. ThI* belied tin tom ??? **-??? *~ Marseilles r ., _ r ???, tiigion. Only the worst caw*, 1 tain have been brought, bo for, to this hospital I. the rn< ruing of iny visit u man died white beings lifted fioin a carriage Into the hospital. The doc tors were, however, very bopeful^Tuey were awaiting impatiently a thunderstorm, which might bring cooler weather and mitiinto tho ter rors of the plague. FACTS AND SUOOECTIONA. To-day's news indicate* the apreadlttgof tho ' in the south, but it is sporadic and easily until Kovimbcr, bavins keen forbidden to go Kconnudfor. Tho vnut numbar otrcln/oiM mud out Into tho city. OnoSi.torha. cho.dyai.1 r hM oplilmus. Arles is about tho mo??t bigotol d priest-ridden town In France* nud if .any thing could havo allayed tho pan Jo it would hi vo been this procession. Our traiu hastened on to tho south along the parched and burning aloj o of tbo shore of the B hone, passing a jrroup of lancers Inn field of tents, these sol- dies a having been sent out of Marseille* during the reign of the epidemic. MARSFlLt.rS AH FlttST IKE . On the first view that ono gets of Miirsolllos no cne would be apt to suspect, cither from tho appeorntico of t he city itsolf or of the peo ple 1?? could see, that a pestilence had closed the town. It was estimated at the time of my arrival that fully 100.090 people hod already left the city; but their absence was scarcely noticeable from tbo ntipcsranfto of tho streets. In ono of the public square* a band of lUlian musicians wero playing to a throng cf children aud grown porsous. The omnibuses and street cars wore f\\W of people r.a In ordinary times, while on the sidewalks, under tho onto awnings, nearly all tho chairs - cro occupied, aud the waiters wero kept ns r 1 ????? aver by n cheerful crowd of lounger*, at the sumptuous hotel Noailles, oit the Due do Noftilles, a ci ntlnuatlon of the famous Cnnunbicrc, n different seeno was observed- In all It a hundred rooms myself and my cou rier vvero^tho only j noils tobosocn. In the corridor veto signs of tha suspension of the table d'hote. Wo nto our luncheon iu ?? ipr.olous open court under tiro shad" of re- fre.hlng pulms and blooming oleanders, rin d the nitisie of birds and the splashing of . the fountains. Only tbe footsteps of a solitary ; Valter, as ho passed to and fro on hi* errand* for us, actved lor over one hour to interrupt ' this sombre solitude. Later on I inferred by the size of the. bill that 1 had paid for nil tho absentees a* well as for ourselvoj, which tend ed to diminish my sympathy for our landlord, w ii kih; tit a niMKAMK Aim'sum. The rrtisal ended, wo undertook a drive through iho*eity. In the chief street* wo could ilitcern hut slight changes. In the lido Ft. Ferrrol, a broad nud prominent streut in the main part of town, only four slerpt were Hosed*, in tne Kuo de la t'annebiere, iu whioh ate situated all the finest shops and idcresef other kinds, only nine wero clotod. lint the pcw.rer quarters???and God know* there i??re enough of Uioiu???revealed another side to the picture as wc drove into tlurm resting along the narrow and squalid Kuo cWterie, over one half tho shops were seen to be closed at every crossing. From a tenement region on tho liifl above a itnnm of fetid water iloWed nerosa the street cud plurged down a preeiiutons do-un-nt on tlie I other side, through dark lanes, crowded with towering rookeries awariuiug Iwlow, with idle men and children playing in the filthy gut ter!, tho women nicauwhtlo awn*hing tho water about with their brooms undo.- the evi dent impression that they wore cleaning something. Each gfimpre of any ono of these strict* is enough to turn tlm atouiach of nnv healthy man. Tho smell through all lisa qurrtcr, in which during n space or 20 minutes we met three laden hearses, was bad enough, but the smell was Indescribably worse when * wo had driven across town to two of the most ' s atllicted quarters of all Marseilles???Cajudctto ??? and the adjoining quarter. In order to reach ' them we crossed the old ship canal, which was filled to tbe brim with rocking water and had It* surface thickly covered with garbage aud Tcfasc of u decidedly miscellaneous ami re volting kind. Filially we got an a street known ???s Tuukn road???a wide thoroughfare without ?? shade tree. Along its gutters ran rivulets of drab colored watrr which bsd overflown Dom tho canal when the eaunl was demined now and then l y heap* ot rotting vegetable* or worse sub- Hence*, including dead eats and dogs. Four WT" ??tit of every five houses were found closed, t* These which remained open were mainly esta- miucls, when*, under dirty awuing and on dirtyiidewalks, men and women sat drink- <??s or were already reduced to stupor from BE us drinking, and junk sho|i??, iu which r ..??? JxtL, r ._ ??? atUyihe elements which predUtxwe humau !??- Inga to nttacks of cholera. I believe, a* I have ??? before, that there is little danger of e mu stricken down with tho disease wera Invariably these who had lost heart and were afraid to face cholera. I Hopped over ono train at Toulon during my here. HOW Tilr. HICK ARB TRKATRD. The treatment both here aud at Toulon, iu the first stages, J* twenty drops of laudanum, with three grains of ether, and ico in tho mouth to stop the vomiting. In the second stage* tho patients become very cold. From ten to fifkcii grammes of acetate ammonia, lions of morphia are given daily, irtho p i- I i, n d no time to visit the hospital thcro. 1 found tient cannot breatho, artificial respiration of no one who eonld give mo any intelligible account oxygen is produced and the limbs are rubbed | of sUairs. An old priest witli _ whom 1 talked ox* with turpentine. The third stage is the coffin. Delay in plac ing the bodies iu ilte coffin* is made memory by tho fact that violent postmortem action of the limbs takes place, caused by a terrible reaction after death, in which tbo tempo!nturo rises from extreme'cold ot disso lution to Jl'O degrees after it. Each coffin is carefully disinfected. Oi ninny pnthetia sights, tho im>bt painful that 1 saw occurred in tho female ward, where one room was mostly oc cupied Ly children. A nun held in her arms by an open window a dying bubo 18 mouths old. Its three sisters, the oldest being onl tin yrsrs, Inuoit bed* near by their pircuts, bot * 1 lid * of wham died the same day. aud there was mn ill hole for any of the temutuing children save tho oldest. A dozen children In all were to bo seen here, some of them Iu a state of rccovory. MlhNMlIT AT Till CKXKTKXY* Late at night 1 drove with my courier outddu the city to the ix'iuetcry, 8t. Pierre, to see tho burial of the three patient* whom ! hid obsarvdd in the I'hnro hospital Iu tho afternoon. Tho r.mtc led tho ]>oor quarter, and at every earner bofiliiCM wero Mazing to purify 'Jho whole (Mipulutloii w.m silUu; lheste|softenements or on church pi tnvfiur tho fire* and the currenln of a.. The country roads beyond tho barrlors *** to the gates -* ??? ???onderge, who . walking down atjincious rml tluie tiy iiiuteiiiB l>iug ou tiie n'rduud, to p'uce Jiivt I wick from wliero we had been and to where the night's burial* were to take place. Scon the IliU, ??? of the houses, np- prnted; then followed tbo o thorn. . khuvelCd on top. It was n gliost*y tretteh, aud tilt fo war plenty ot room for more cofflus. It was n tulrd and Middeiiliig Bight. There stood the Metreh-fsecd priest, Intent orrhH holyealflttg. silt- rotiudid by a gang of swart, bare chewed, brigir white houses. The Onul Mill woni their tawdry trinkets, and tho whole wan lighted tip as In a picture by Ron- brandt by the fitfrrt glare of three atoms. Tno<o ! gspiiiK trenches were i-lg enough to hold their I tloti i iulp. A couclorsc showed me a burial pmuit. Ai-rokh tho face of doronirnt wrs written ???f???hoier, Rent,??? and thcro was u n quldtion for som inlutm t. 1 went back to tho central rurrl ol tiro ] city, and It wiin p.iiy enough. Ilind* were playim: and cafe lamps were Kltamlnu. I'eaple In throng* wero walk ing in ???tiro streets lnughlng merrily, and many liuuis were poknl out o( the wfirdoiv* of the rou**??. It was bard for me to Micve that 1 had , tut Visited the lioKpItal.H, had witnessed death, or bat the U nlblo swuts nt the cemetery wore roill- tlis and not un.n?? phantasms of my iintrlnatloti lock next morning I sarva inmmiful pa .of frilly five huudrod t??er??plo form ing opp. site the Ptvli'li, de Ftrrdtwdriw, just opiwvdta my wil.riows. Tluy were poor people, trkluf their tin ft so that they inklit obtviu a nimilcu I nud. AH day long lit!* euc rem.tiued, nu ruily tuggcsUvo of panic. on to top Pox. My vhit to Toulon was uecc-sary In order to how me more plainly what wero the eflTects oi pldiinle. The eonniry people seemed have lest their wit*. The station* along tho road were daerted rave by the railway officials. As at Arles and everywhere the where there was a stop- Irg place, plies otbagynge, bel ling, aud house- tqld furniture incumbered tho platform*. At the ulcvnul de Lcm-c, near tho station at Tonic being save ??*uo cnbmati, said that Arles was deserted and so panic stricken that th?? dead lu some eases remained unburled that oflcnslvo refuse still incumbered tho streets A crowd of women endeavored a few days nt Toulon to get up a religious don appealing to heaven for Divine succor, but tbo authorities forbade It. The authorities are radicula. This, at tho time, created a bad impression. Women in largo num- bet* at all hour* haunt the churches nt Toulon and Mnmdllcs praying before their favorite Khrinai long and fervently. Therein a general antipathy on tbo part of the governing Mushc* to these nets and to clericalism In gcucral, but It outfit not to prevent a wide and generous recognition of tho devotion of both pricBts and titin* iu this crisis. At the Toulon hoKpibil tho most touching cure la thut of a young- woman, 2d years ot nge, who la about to become a mother. The disease with her 1ms lakou a very curious mid nuzzling form, llttmor-t are heard licrc that thodlscnsa 1* spreading along tho JUvicrii Into Italy. 1 ho bUdcmuiit i* confide my made that many case* of cholera have occurred on tbe Italian roust.nnd that n panic reigns at ^pezia, u hi re several deaths have occurred. 8|>ezii Is u hot and pcstUentinl place, I should say from what ] known/ It, surrounded ns it I* by hills, lilt in Itrelf and Ipqklng out to sea. Hhoiifd the malady leach Naples the slaughter would be fearful. Lou don Ueb aulines* Ibfell compared with tho capital of southern Italy. ???e only iutcrfcrcuoo for quarantine reasons I have experienced during my entire trip here on my return from Toulon, the arriving ungcni l??clng forced through a room filled v* 1th a disinfecting spray. Thu iiuwt of tiie*o |kw- ueis wero people In uu excellent statu of nth, anil tho drollery oi applying dlMniwunts to people stronger and much healthier than tho<o who npplied them, seemed not to occur to tho ??? thnritlea. N*?? other detention has occurred to anywhere. A* tin Knslish speaking journalist 1ms this s^i- son ban before mein this portion of sotitheru Fiance, though tha condition of alfidra is b*l chough, tho reports of panic ami turbnlenco re potted to hiiglislt und AnierJcaii newipap.T.!, I think havo been grofe.vly exaggerated. Course of tho 1'ostlloiioo. nuuitrs or its phoorkss??? facts adoux tux af- PLICTKI) ('ITIKS. Manclfics lie* 'out of the beaten trvk ol Eurcponu and American traveler*. There Is, In fact, Kiircciy anything there to interest tlio tourist ??? stnrcely as much us ho And* nt Liverpool, the kuftt foreign of nil English towns. If the tourLd . /bits Marseilles It I* for Ihoramc roison that he visit* Ltvcrp(M)|???heenuso ho must, lu order to go chew hero Marseilles Is 111* great point of de- Huturu /or traveler* bound irom rrauco for Africa. India, und clvcwhcrc lu the east. Put it hi.s scarcely anything worth a jour- dtiaul, it contain* fewer Uonun m>mu- nu-uts tluin Mim * or Arles or London. It* mag- nlfieent harbor had long ago inado it tlio e.???il.f seaport of France, If not tho chief noi l of the en tire Molltctvauvnn coast. In this He* Its chief Uu- portonce. butuu importance timt has little Men healthy place, tn tho want of mod drainnuo reels ho* always been groat 'warn of tl I tbe sound a??!crp ben oath tho shado fillhy tteeide were r taperkaMy trtin^ rotten ra?? iu an . *>??? v ???*?? atmosphere. Festering filth was around them, and a tropical tun --,??????at ftem-ly down upon the seem*, blinding 6SUw??y??*MiU rays were rclbvt.d from tho p??? ^tbllo r?? ad scrwi which, in tbo (iaanicr jpkh??, nuriM a streatu about tha sire r?? wain sewer in New York, winnini its ay tmruvered among the houses on its jour- *wy tothc *ta. This stream was laden with Mle sewage ef the vilwt cf the Marseille* P .^?????????Kra???CajHlctto and the adjoining one??? bare furnished much over-half of tho r dealt* thst have ocoarml in Msrs'ilUi, and [it Dan inter**t:ng fact that tlio large .tp-o- t of them were italiau*. Tne wharves lalwig tbe wat. r front \re f^und t > be r --swded with quarantine chipping, m??*tly - llsltrn and French, ond picturesque sighti these Ait-iite* renosti sailor*, a??i??ng I wr??ro many negroes lying alK>ut iu tho Tot*a or thk rsm latrim, iUttxyrti.aet 1 d??ridni (.. vxU lh,i i- The authorities objected to myen- t at the I???ber.', and there *r??* much difii- r In |??n??tig over their objection*. A lady ??of?? ...uvtnt ma to litu i.ntfrci. I politely regretfiil at l>etng unable to BIT itejUtet, ??n.l (.nt tn. to M. Dr. Dr. Cliotcl tt iu im|KJMjbto to SttJ reticliftl tlio 1???laeo d Aritiosdid l i* a m ul. The Place d'Arines Is th.* usual rratrt d louttging l'hu'0 of umny sailors, for Tuulou U luge msrinc barracks, when? at times therm.. ^ many as PAtKsi sailor*. Now 1 only siw two or throe men seated on the beiicluw Thu Uqrar |wr- on ot tbo sailors, with the nddlers, h-i>o nt irony, and are now quartered on tbe high yi oil ml which surround* the port, still, tw-o ihirdsof the men 1 came across were either * fi ll Ur?? or sailer*. The surxeoiiN in the scrviie nud Jlie lous-prcfcet estimate the people Iu town to xc to day abouttxx??. mm that aboi niw. If, In a sanitary seme, tl??e condition of MaoelHts was Irlghtlul, that ot Toulon stituk me as simply murderous. Althotirh Tcuh.n hr.* n IwckKrotiU'l of nnunttina the city Itu'lf Is situated on a fiat plain, four feet Cttl) at ove the level of a tidelCM sen. Tim eonse- qucr.ct* arlslny from ini perfect drainage, with i. natural aaut of slope, are tlukt the sower* have only a /all ef eighteen Inches, so, with a aUtattlah roovt went, the filth ot the town dronvs Into nn al- most stagnant sea. What l* worse U that at the Toint* where these drains tl??*w they are ouly cov* ??? rod with plunk, und the tilth, dUgudiug to the u????e, imt rvssc* itself on tire eye*. You uot onlv ??? smell, but you see. tho garuare of i. Just fancy people living in this cltv of quite nmxwinhabitant* without the Dintcat glim mer of cowman sense In regard to public hyaiene! mud be inhabited by ooopto who utterly very ptceauUou which health requires, cir habits, loth lu their Iioumwand lu the p ib- lie stroets. are indescribably filthy. The plain Ku- glDh oi it b about this: That It is lut|u>sdtfie /or | topic v. bo live on fruit, who drfifc nX: kind t of i os r fluids, who sJe,*p In dirt and nastiness, who treatheau air pollute*! by the Mwersitc of thj town Itself aud reudered doubly poi*ouousby t n , excreta left by tho training ship*, to e*t*4p * e!w??- | era. The maivckis that this disease did uot fi l l it> I iiih here year* before. Toulon ha* alnny* Ucn a broeding place of dUca??c. Smallpox, when It broke out in Toul.m. was always of a m-vligusut type, sud more dlffit ult to sump out tbau eD> where. The natural death rato I* luvarDbly blah, xnd likely to bo iutroati-d at any time by abuonnal di<et??os. tncTorLoN unarms. * Toulon street* and shop* dbpDyH nithtug of tl vlr former bustle and activity. Thera wero some f??w rUns of life only In tbotwosiraeta of Li Uo- I oblique and I.n Kayetto. Hero the shon* were ipu, but elsewhere they were clewed. No bud- i rs* *c% n.????l to be the rule, aud a visit paid to she i utljiu'T !??Uoui of Tout.n showed h>w the < rowdi??i di:esse bad made the stroll* a noittade. 1 visited a hospital In the suburb* cuudruoted in that un.'oituuate wry s*?? sanch iu roguo a ce-iiu- ry or r.ure ago. It has Uvu WJlrin* rlioUra jathnuilnce tbollthof July. I* iw tTerj thestro ...... of the towu, lying ucftwanl of the Uuuile la neticrc, Dsliigularily unhealthly. Tbo streets arc narrow. Irregular, ami dirty. The homos, th?? neb well built, me ancient and kelly dmiiiod, the grout height to which tiny are erect-d of (??????msv iiuuuM* the misfortune horn a sanitary I olntol view of narrow streets, ttouto improve- i.i ???? I went hBsbecumndointhDpartof tbe city by tho 1 groat rsnsl which bring* the froah water of the Durance into the town, aud which, by restoring igtration, ha* lucreo-ed the fog?? and rainfall, hut ???uly the U'gluiiiug of what needs to bo "???* * ???anufir*??? 1 ??? way i. ... .. . d In cord*, suaar rofiudrie* abound, tanyard* arc extensive, nml probably half a million sheepskins ami throe or four bun dled thuuNond goatskins aro annually inado Into bather, while, added to these, may bo mo rtioued ehceso factories, oilcake aud coalLli e*tnb??ish- lumtt, und plan* where various other animal and vegetable substances of a perish ft b\o tuiuro me Moicd or munufseturod. lit times of great heat the mortality of Marseilles insure toInerc-we, and a pe*tlicnce otteo well starte??l finds it only too easy totuu Its course. Marseilles is ttcclodleally vKiievl by peculiar storm* thut always cuter largely quei-tlotis of public health. l):ie of them, in a* the mlnstral. I* a violent and frigid rind blowing from tho northwest, and ???at severity, it Is a sworn brity. There Is hope for one of these storms now, but it* appwruucc would boal- nu st provn eutial. us a more tre<pieut fiat* for U b the ibd of .\ugu*t. From the southeast blow* lie soroeco. hot uud parching a* iu n itlve sand*. ..ud from which harm ratlur than relief, would bo dtrived iu the present emergeney town than Mam-illoa ever was. The mean aura- me* temi*<*rature there is about 75 1 Fahrenheit, and the neat ??t times is like the heat of Arabia ???and Algeria. Tbe houses r.rc uniformly small, and are closely crowded together in very narrow streets. Like Mursellies, tho town D very ancient, and centuries oi dirt, dust,' aud debris lmve raised It up frOM: the orignal level, uialclngatl natural drainage l ad end all artificial drainage difficult and Icadiquate. Both towns retain scarcely a traceof Romanclrlllzntlon.whatremained to them after they were lost to the Roman emperora hav- Ing been OTertunied snccessiveljr by the Goths, the Vnndab', and the Saraceai, thus preparing ml soils more or less ns dangerous ns that of Rome Itself. Of late years at Toulon the raw-t ordinary prcca j- lions rigardiug health have been x^egKctcd, and of all cities Toulotf most requires severe tanlfar/ Tlgl/tRce. Tbe water has been all owe 1 to become Impure, ond decayed and uurlpe fruit whi m fetonnr vnested from the trees has bem csgeily and recklessly devoured by tne peer. Toulon Is distinctively a town with a labor- Ing population. At the arsenal 7,Oft) men are al ways employed and In busy times the number resche*8.0t0ort.OCO. Many Italian InKirera find employment there, and tho most degraded class r.f IDfDr.set timo> are very numerous. Thu poor Fre nch arc also n thriftless and ne???er-do-well cli*'. The town, in fact, was ripe for a pestilence, and When tbe disease got its Mart, about the ???.Tab of June, nothing was wuutfug to aid its progress. For two weeks after the stirt, ray on Juoe St, the death* prwerved ua almost an- broken- uniformity of number. On tho 35th they were 8; on tbe2Cth, 10; on the 27th, U; July I, 10; July 2.11; July 3,10; July 4,12, an on until the 12th, when a rapid advance made to 22, rising on the 13th toThI* ad v.i was the more remarkable bceain.oon those dat.. at hastf<0.0(xref the 70,000 or w f otu population had tone In dismay to the inferior. Aud the advai wa* maintained for 10 days, rising to on tho 20th ami 42 on tho 221, when f patients were known to recover or to a direr l?? Lt foie don lb seized them. Thci3 high rec of sewage, waa almost entirely??? ex*'??{'?? cholera during the epidemic of lw, batonodwtn having occurred on all tbe shipping there bled, and that w??* of a sailor who came on board Ids ship at midnight and lay exposed to the night dampt and cold until morning. It i* *. t * t ** Jf} explanation of this paradox that the iniasmv ol that particular place acted h??* 1 tie bcmcrpathic principle as an anti dote to the venom of tue epidemic, tut, however, this seeming paradox may nave teen iu 1865. tbe Mareeiilra goverameut of to- ainnn from the new* of the panic at Aries, and of the aprearnnec of the disease in smaller towns aud Tillages In the Douches du Rhone, the department in which lie Marseilles and T*ul??n. Refugees In great numbers are congregate I in thise places, and they belong to the pooornnd more susceptible cla^s since, from their poverty, ihiy have been unable to get further away from he Infected cities. The wonder, perhaps, ought thin to be that the comparative cltmnUne** <>i Ut??? small plccis has so long been proof against tt; id of the disease. There hu been he ir??I frera o day n confident prediction that the w waiovcr and there ha* certainly been Impr ment daring the last few days. miouM this preo.ction prove true the cholera Iu Europe this yctr will he a mild affiilr compared wit! othrr visitstfons of th(H dread disease. Londo in 3866 saw a few weeks when the nutnb.'r of deaths in that city alone reached 2,000 an * , or more iu one week than Toulon and Mir it have to record for a periral of *ix weeks. Iu New York for a short period In tho same the CONSUL MASON'S REPORT. Concerning the Origin and progress of ilie Cholera Epidemic Wamukotos, July 31.???Secretary Frellng- huyten has received from Consul Ma*on. Marseilles, by mail, report on the alleged origin and character of tho cholera opidoml. now prevailing in Toulon and Marseilles, nnd tner cures were token to prevent its incepti* and arrest its progress, together with a stir niaiy of tho present situation nnd it* elicit upon the seaboard commorco of Maicellhs and the cities communicatiug will* interior Europe. Colonel Mason says: Ju view of the Important uature of this sullen curbro ak by cholera. Us disastrous cffiwts upon International cominerec aud communteatioui the depute as to its nature imd origin, uud t'i xtrnordlnsry roea.sure* which hive boon adopt?? oictlrt itsi rogrof, it hn* bccu thought re ir.i .it- .o refill its progress. It has been though requhito that this consulate should prevent i. more detailed nnd specific record of this interest ing fpKode. It will be seen lu respect of (keenfe against epidemic which arc supplied by tnoderu scicneo the present event ofiers examples uud Illnitratlon* which deserve tho attentive study of tlw muiilct- ???ol government* and Kuardbius of the public enlth, In nil countries which have couxuicroUl reirtions filth tlie liulie*, with' Africa, or olh.T tro j ica) source* of contagiotudixeases. With re told to the origin and nature ol tho cholera at Toulon nud MnircHIc*, there has been a hot and pcrlu oi iou* diMpute since tho find cast ooourred at Toult i: on the 22d of J line. Althouffii tho dispute : actual facts nrc suf* hand, tho mayor of ??? ^ w 111! would bo naturally held rospohsib! that for tbe i.efb??fcd sanitary coudlUoti of that city, has ti-Kiitof! R???oukCUo first that tho disease l* the genuine fewngiouH Asiatic cholera, Impurtoa by a nij ph-mentill government transport, whhii hit* Uen empleyed in tho expedition loTouquiu, aud having bad cholera on Kurd ut Saegou, returao l to Toulon, and wo* admitted to port by tho naval mitlir.rilira, and placed in dock for repairs. On the ether hand, tho chief medic tl offl???-r oi Uic French government, *upp>rtcl generally by official Journal* and medical authorities of tin navy, hit* pronouueed the disease nnre???y spora dic elioJtdue to the filthy coudili m of foaloa, and the i rgicct of ordinary sanitary mca-mre-i tin re. This opinion waa oioialucl generally dur ing the fii>t week of the epidemic by the commcr- ini* I ress of southern France, which naturally tight to allay the excitement nnd avoid tlio div Oitruiis commercDl re??ulL* ol tho cholera panic. J.ctwtcu these two extreme*, there ha* been irought forward, after some delay, a verdict of a aid of physicians, sent by the French govern- mi to Teuton, upon the first nnnouneemen: ol the outbie.ik, todfagonis tlie la illgiilty nud di v late meatures of resKtenco to ii* progress. These fctnt.c tn visited the lioipitai*, the iuop ship uud the i??M#d lufe. tM quarters ol T????u* n. 1 hey made on examination of tho ???! u l vil lus of the cholera, and wero at lira disp m jd to ???toi ounce tlio disease a* sporadic, tho ifenuirfitou bciugat tho time uotibly vrauttiv;, uton June 27th, a young officer of tho inaction, ro turi.lng to Toulon after a leave of abaci pre? outing nil tho marked amt a . tri.?? Asiatic cholera. On tire Mimoilayaat nt from flu* Lycceof Teuton, who had return lays before to hi* homo with Asiatic k dxtcvn were rejH rte.1, aud during the iorenu only cue. The ciVect of this iu reviving i-ublff spirit must havo lH.v>a Iramediste. Hlnee the first faUl case, near tbe end ol June, nearly a tli mi an.l men oxfi wtautn eu> rtportod to have iwt??he.l ia Mvr- strili *. 1 he uuiator, pcrlrai^, will slightly exceed thousand. The disease had been prevalent at ' utou tn tween three and four wctu* be/ire It round lu Marselltes, havtujt appeared there . rljr in Jure, though it wax near tbe eml of June before the public outside of Toulou roeeivid the alarm and c-a*os appearnl at MsmtlUx. For nearly a vro-ek MtrseUtei bxl wry few deaths etch day, and on two day* it h id topf. Real alam dkt not exDt until after tha arrival of !>r. K*vh at Toulon, where he boldly t???loiirtoi that the tiDreoc would extend llv.'ff Uuough Europe. Thi n tbe exodus, which start 'd thlrty>ilx r??H?? ol cfaolwa* Tho romlU 1 . latienudifit ttd iu no respect from thou la Mtr* sollks. There wen** however, no rtlMm lathy hospital. Two women, apparently M'?? uiu? t j tbe mq<cr ebose*, had pa??vvd tUraaga the edxt* of the diMRM- sud were raardMonL Tha ouly Knit I found arose?????o I thouaht-lrout mixing to gether (Attorns lu various stages of the thc.u|h there might be sum?? excuse, owlnt t i the cramtcd tpatv of tho wards. NervrtU;lev>, r>le atcDelteved to Lave rtoL set in nto>*tM scilks. Iktorc thefiiwthx had reached ten .id . Acre pt rooi's are known to have it *1 and h J ily to the numbe r had probably reache.l from 1 21M-U. Tte htat hod then become exuesst' deaths had ti*t u to fifty and sixty a <Ly. aud tua remtmuvd lad news from Toubm, with the heat ut Ire-ra \o to *.s?? 1 tti.tenht il in the siuuiu. a Idol tin cvriUrunUon. The people Maraelltcsh, ??? *' " ??? *- - |M . .. ardyet ttietctsl d.-parturcs to dale Into p:>bt- Vly t ecu ahsut WftUX). Not more than 2> deum lis'l oc* urtd r-t Tdliku before >,uU or lo.cxU jk* ??plc hrd Ibd. MftnetHes. in past titure, hi* suT-rol ??h* ??v heavily from blagues than ronton. It t* vUv* of the (rets in Ma^setlhw hist tty, always held evcioi Mamdlie*. wa* aoized "* i.'era at ti c latter city, and died after an nw.ul ns* oi eight hours, which defied all remedi-**. tl e day raliowiug (2sth) n custom house o.1l- I, employed at the qua.due duual, in Marjeil- va*brought home at two o'clock and died th-3 rnmc evening. It wits a clear and Indhput iifi.* ra??K??? os Asiatic cholera. Meanwhile, there were 'hr treatment In Toulou about eighty cure* oi 1 he ei se*- had, at no lime since the first outbreak, e.xrecdc<l nine per day. \5 Ith three Dels In view, tho government phy sicians re turned to I???arb. and, on the noth of Juti^. rresented thcirTerdiet. which unfi??ably stated ae- vutstcly vl.Ur real truth, viz: that the real coutv gioua Asiatic malady exbtcd at Toulon and M ir- teiUcs, tut that a large proportion ot the va*e< per ws* preterit. Therevl appeared m the first . days later than thj terrible vld- in Mwk by tho uhoulkof her, lint early iu > two su??vv*sive year*, shv s?? * ;Ueof almost unparalleled d< fried fn IKttivttas Toulon, ia a sanitary sense, Is probably a worse _ ... It had month of the??nmiuer. tlx I'tft outLrcak of tl ttettun t*( Wit uud It beramu n quotlou hew far rigorous aud intelligent taut- tstv mesxures could prevail against nu epidemic which had come so early uud so thoroughly c*- tshlhhcd. This couicxt of human intelligence sgslnst co ii tog in u* dixcHse is still iu progress, nud It t* the purpose of this report to note briefly some of its more importaut features. Kith Marseille! sud Toulon sufi'ered terribly iu tlie ct.clcra epldnnie of 1SG5. During the iiiri'tun ycsni which haro elapsed xlnce then Marseilles has Kwii in *evewl Ini por tent rvspetto almost rebuilt. Her pavement*, her ii'werugosyftom, her water supply aud method of rivalling streets, removing night soil. Inspecting nut ngulstiug tbe market* of food, herquiran- lino regulation*nnd hospital fsifilitfes are iu ail piob&t.tlity uiuurpoxxcd iu excellence by those of any European or America a city. T ie old quartet* ot tho city, ancient Marseilles, whi *h fciuur wo?? scourged ??o sharply by ihc pi igu?? lu t vnturies, ha* t*ren pierced with a broa i annul Hiram* oi pure water Haw down the suit'd of thetumuwerBUvetsand alleys, and the pive- nothing tlcdred. The terrible Icum of the femur crK???emie* has been well learned by tho rr uuic.'iiat government, end tong before the Or*: with the intclifceci liberality which the city has Hoc m.w era flow into a tidcU . ??????field ur. The harbor of Slnneiiles is afmoit eu- iiely citificial. The old pjrt Is simply aa ??:ti??ty oi a small creek, dredg-.d out lata . large dork with* narrow outlet to the sot. T.i * ??w | orto are ??p*etous hsrK n* ciuiosal by mll?i rf f U nr and a breakwater, and ??1capco*J to navi* M>Hedcrtl s by exravatious. Into there eaebi* > l n rts, h rxteird along two thirds of tho share front oi the city, the cuUre towage la poured, and ??.>ti!tte booty a surplus of pure fresh water of the??ity Lydrant* to dilute thi* turbid How, aui c?? there L* no tide to mainuii) the clreulit'on cf mb water through the etrclooed parts, the icrtitabic result is that the latter grows foul and loti.itt. ??? lie utne conditions, unmltlystod byetuilly ilgi reus tAfisnr measure*, prevail at Toulon, std It h tbcwght that it ww* caused bythedl*- tiwd deck there dux ins the months ot April and May, w hUb developed the seeds ot the present i pi??l< mie. On the other band, and thi* Is but one cl ttr many curiously contradictory features of this jvtp'.vxtrg njtjtct, it U averted tha tha dd | til of Marseilles, the m*lu cc*??pjjf v???, ??? posolblel -- _ during the summer. Since the outbreak at fou- Ion tire whole city has been liberally washed with water and disinfectants, not once merely, butoauy and nightly. The markets are care* fully inspected and immeiue o inn tic. os of stale and unripe fruit ana vegetable* destroyed. The railway cars, fUjiOiU, cmnsbUBK-s, street c??rs, even the hackney ??ac- risgea tire lumigate<J nnd disinfected, aud tha smell of chlorine, sulphur and carbolic acid i* ev erywhere. The chateau pharo.the Imperial pate built ty Napoleon ill, upon a promentor.v iu fruit of tbe city, has teen convened Into a hospital where all choleraic* erne* can he Isolated and treats!- Au umhu???.ance corps have been organizod, wnieh pa trols ail qu&rteis of the city to provide i ut me ill ite tn??: si citation for the stricken to this apaeion* and airy asylum. The industrial guild* and tho civic ossociatioiis nave ofl'ered their iicrnunent service* to city government to perform, uuder of ficial direction, the most daugeroits and moulal services that may be required in treating si nul- toneom-Jy, with the too violent cases nt Asiatic cholera. At Marseille*, Already noted, there began a period of intern e snltry bent, which, with the exception of tbe 30th, when the cooling mistral blew over tlie iw clterit g city, yet continue* unabitod. On the evening of the 20th of June this stilling heat was accompanied by dense swarm* of mos quitoes, which settled uik>ii the lower part of the citv, and were only driven off by fires ol pitch nnd rc-jin, which were lighted along the streets during the night. It was n numbered that a similar visitation, accompa nied by n similar stifling atmosphere, had marked the h?? ginning of the great epidemic of Ls??????. and this eiri ntustunce, added to the steady increase of the obesTso ut both Toulon nnd Marseille!, pro- durid on Saturday night nnd Sunday a panic which continued until Tuesday following. Du ring this period rouu* thousnud of poopio re,noved | to Hiliurban residences or the interior o( Many pathetic aud distressing it cii'cnf* have occurred during t ils ftucdin and precipitate exodus, but in go icral tho dt | ortment of the people of all ell*'os ha* been cot.ri^et UH and admirable. The uniform courtesy at><i (oii.sideratloii for the trouble* of each other, whieh tho people of Marseiiks have displayed during the p:i??t fortnight, has been remarkable In a pcopio noted for politeness. It is now some thing more than n week since the first two death* fnm genuine Asiatic cholera occurred at Mar- rallies. For several day* after these coses the* remained so small nud the daily num ber of newscast* so stationary that It wa* hoped and believed that the vigorous sanitary measure* w liich had been taken would restrict the outbreak it; tbe city to a limited area, and in a short time mpr rcss italtogether; but the Intense sultry heat Mhhh legan on the 28th of June and continue 1 through tho week. Swarms of fugitives from Toulon continue to pour daily into the city without restriction or dhinfcctinii.and oiiFaturuny and Nunday,5th aud (>t]t of July, Ijoth Toulon and Marsclllcs.fouud that the epidemic lmil esniptd control, and rcaliz.vl that the worst which had been feared had come. Tbe record ol cholera deaths on those two day* iiiM, whose statistics are included In this report, were thirtccu and sixteen respectively at Toulou, cud eleven nud fifteen at Marseilles. Several of he latter have occurred fn tho leanest nud handsomest portions of Marseille*, to that the fact is only too apparent timt the Asi iillcchclvuv brought hither from Toulon, ha* Ik cu di-trihuted and token root throughout thi* e ly. The cholera epidemic of 1863 t>egau on tho b thofJunc, and for *ix weeks underwent a period of (ncubatIon, tha deaths to the ttratof Airlift lunging only from one to five per day. On the 21st of August they hud risen to thirty per day, and on Ihc H,tli of September the death rate attained It* maximum, ninety-threa From timt time it gradnally sutoedo.l ut til the disease disappeared iu tho following Do- cun her. it thus apiwura Umt the attack of cholera In * 1 ecu this year fur more vigorous and fatal th??.n it wft' in the great epidemic nineteen year* u??;o, nnd all the present Indication* point too rammer of gloom ann suffering for tho people of Toulon nnd Marseille*. All that energy nnd lib- lity could perform; all that sanitary xdenfo lid suggest luiM been done, but tho pestilence is here ana defies restraint. The present situation may be therefore sunF i rlziu as follow*; The epidemic which nmv prevail* nt Marseille* and Toulon is Aiintin chol era. Imported beyond all reasonable doubt from Falgon, China, by the French transport Hartho to the i ort of Toulon. At tlio first the disease was ol n type comparatively mild, but it* malignity ha* ??*n< e fncreaficd. By it* further dlffifslon ami de- y el opulent, under the iulluenco of the continued not weather at Toulon, the epidemic ha* spread in uli j uj ts of southern France. LULA HURST'S MANY DRESSES. The Young Mnn Win Expects to Succood Mr. PhUlips. From the Cleveland Leader. His private secretary is Daniel 8. Lam on t, and if Tcvclar.d I* elected president ho will, without doubt , to hi* confidential adviser and private s.-c- rotary nt tlie white house. Lam on t is r. wonder, lie Ir a Mimll blonde young man of thirty-six,with ndy hair aud moustache. He has a modest per- cnal appearance, drcfscs very neatly, aud thesis no man in New York stay.*, not excepting Samuel J. Til den. who hnsn lamer acquaintance with the democrats of (hat state???nnd 1 might siy with the (eminent democrat* of tbe nation. Ho 1* per fectly honest, knows a man at a glance, nml tho uncut any one eonies into Cleveland's office he nn tell hat his business I*. He sign I fie* to ('It vrhutd by a nod nf his head what he thinks of the request about to be made. He never lose* hi* ??? ad, ha* been with polUicianiiUl hi*life, and ho ih the most exeniplnry habit*. He never smoke* ml luvirnvim He N Inferior in size nml doe* ???lat flrit cctnraaqM the attention to whieh hD I'iHtIeh aroentltie<l. He 1* courteon* nnd quick. * very fthudly with the newspnper men, and lv< * thiin nil the news freely, with a fair oitiai ilo ???l that which should not be reported. It wi* ..nnopt and Apgnr who presented UlsvoUnd to Muutdng us a candidate for governor to knock out blot urn and Flower. flopist Shut and Hung. Join the Ox ami n, Ain., Tribune. r.??t Tuesday morning the old daughter of Jmlgn Moore, living Just on the o jt- *khts of Tuskftloosn, went Into town to toko wmo inuffclcssonr. On her return home in the aftor- lOtiFhcmctin the road a young colored m m named Andy Burk, lie stopped her to svy som> thing, aud while she answered him she drop: cJ a ???bee of rntubc. As phestoojKNl to pick ft up ho /ul her and carded her off in the woods. Her t fell from her head, and a gentleman riding by w it and started through the wood* to find her. Is coming frightened the negroand he tied. Tne girl was rescued and taken home A1I day vest ?r. <Vy the ynintiy was scoured for Andy, nnd???in tho uilimoon ho wo* found locked up In au out- hr. uic. He was taken before the girl and she Identified him. lie then confessed Uls crime. He w.w p.u thegtmnl-house, and at night a inob px>k hl:n t smi shot and hung him near tho PresbyterUu Tlio Kates on Melon*. Frem the Felma Times. The trouble i?? that notwithstanding thi* favora ble season, farmer* are not realizing satisfactory profits on account of exorbitant freight rat??; that the road* bring western freight into the south at about onc-half of what they charge to cirry frei j!??t out of the state; that the western farmer e m ship hi* corn into Georgia for one-haU what it co to tho Georgian to ship his melons to the west. Till* h a grave charge, for the settlement of the fact In volves the growth of the truck business in this and other states. Our railroad* have not had a Ul: Test made of their policy in this respect, an \ vet w c have bad complaint* made to us of a Ii-'k of lilerallty in treatment. It Is very evident thu thcro U no justice or common s^nse in tne diif *r- enreof freights stated fn Tun Coxsmunox, and it Is surprising that It exists. We trust thst the ??i curette Georgia farmer will successfully blare cut the pathway In this new field of southern o >??? pertuuity. It will help Alabama mitcrUUy. YouA Mml ns a Diarrhea Breeder. From the Fopular Science Monthly. A feet U related In tire report of the state bvtr 1 cf beatth of Connecticut that illustrates the cX.-ct upon hcclth of exposiug the bottom of a pm I. A m?? *11 village In the town of I'aioa wav sit a*.to 1 eh sc upon the borders of a pond that wa* drawn u??n entirely during the summer and fa!!, for sev eral year? in suenfsion. In order to g^t tho water in m aiH-iherpondlytugaboreitandcommunlMt- IngRtth It. YVbi-n the pond was first drawn??l >wa, while the decaying material* at Its bdtotn, u hfeh probably extended over twenty or thirty rrrexnt least, wete dry it g. offensire odors were c< njdrined of rnd it wss ??t>tcd that they eaure 1 esuses eud Tomltiag; and diarrheal and dyasn- ler.'c troubles were stated to be unusually f.v qui nt. But no rases of malaria were report . v 1 a* 1 avirg originated in any part of th# town. Sev eral large poods Utwecu Palmer, Massachusetts crdl pion have teen completely drawn d>wi Tbe (lose of Her Exhibition* at Wallack'a Theater, New Yorh. Frcrn the New York Times of Sunday. Two thousand dollars' worth-of dresses wets made for Lula Hurst before she begftp tq show her "natural farce" at Wallack's theater. She has worn a different dress every tiight. She will be seen no more at Wallack's. Shegoes to Bo*t ju.-xnd' New Yorker*, unless they go to tbo Hub. canuofe see the completion of her dJsplay.of drosses. - She web attired Iu snowy white laaLnight, wjieu she made her final oppeanmcc. Her Georgia e'aactle wss unimpojrcd and Paul Atkinson, wuo docs the ta king for her, smiled as mcchanicaUy as,, ever. I ke audience u tw of good sbcc, and the man at th* . piano did net ploy any worse than usual. Air old man, who locked as wise as an owl, ond front tt hose (??.t e two long streaks of iron-gray bc^rd ex tended nnd met at a ragged point noif a yrtM b> low the chin, gripped the cane. Lula, by a judr- < Iou* vxeu ira oi her strength, nearly jerked him onto his head. The crowd ertedj "Speech," and herald: "I have made twenty balloon ascension*, ana??? have practiced mesmerism for thirty yotrs. I???ve got will as well as physical power. Thls^youus Jady poraesuK some remarkable power/* A young man took hold ot the cane as though it were glass aud simpered at Lula. "Now, Alo!- phus," said a voice, "the eyes of tbe country a;e on you." "Give him a fair show," said another person. The j oung nmn was so bewildered that he con a scarcely .??????tend alone. The old man with the ra ??? ged beard???. ??? ????????? "*??? d hot . crime frr??m tbeaudlence._ ft! ... . ...cold niau brgan . When lie haddo.uohodidnot v nit fo he asked lo sneak, but advanced t>tho foctllphti'. "i fame from London tbrie diys ago. 1 never saw the young lady until thU Aftcm-ron. Three weeks ago I saw In London an uccuintof this wonderful young girl, uud I came to sea her I want to trdk an hour." .. v,- The crowd set iff n yell of expostulation., Tho old man. nothing daunted, began to talk about spiritualism, but eoroo one cried out: "He's a dynamiter," and ho wa* conducted away by a F:nlwmt mm. The would-be orator said his name was Dr. Wells. A Mmppjng big fellow came on the and tbo crowd applauded. lie threw two kisses to the audience nun kicked out one leg playfully behind. The crowd thought it was going to have some fun with him. But Lula could do'nothing with him. lie stepped up to the footlights and *??? id: "Us not hint; but plij steal strength. Thtsro i?? nothing supernatural about it. She is simply, ft ve ry strong girl." Father Huret led himself to (he front hy hi* Lrc.wnbciud, and then, seizing his coat tail with one hand nnd getting a grip on the ??ir with the other, said: "We don???t claim it to bo supernatu ral; it is natural force.??? "Who are you?" veiled half a dozen, although Father Hunt bad been introduced. A mnn who had been indulging aud who was railed "weary," came up, and. taking hold of a chair, smilerf dreamily on Lula. ???Tits eya* are set." exclaimed a voice. "Keep your glare on him. Lula," said another. "He's n married man. Lula," said a third, as the chair dr.need around bis shirt front. "Don't muss his cravat." "Speech,??? yelled everybody, as tho man started to go. "The gentleman," said Taul, "will defer his re* ranks on account of??? "Dron-kltttf*. yelled an andltor amid a roar, Madeline Price, who Is fourteen years o???d, weighs ninety jound*, and Isqulto pretty, did about the same thing that Lula Hurst doas, m tbo Bijou opera house yesterday afternoon. Shi Is from Georcin, and Is to be exhibited. There S au nt her com lug from Georgia, and the supply Is ex pected to ho big enough from that one auto to af- ioid each of tho Bowery museum* one. Homing Figoons, From the New York Herald. Tho necessary proof for a public record was re ceived at the headquarters of the sport iu this city yesterday of a second return from tbo start in Jonesboro, Tcnn., to the loft of Samuel Hunt, Fill River, Mass. Distance, 713 mile*. The return wa* Blair Athol, a red checker cock hatch*! last Oc o- her, no*v ten months old, and probably the young est with record from the distance. The*???art was of four birds together on the morning of Jay:?? from the residence of Mr. Charles Dosser, o'. J >aes- boro. The first return was the bird IhadUtetK on the looming of tho Itth inst.; time out, eigi t 1 he Lr?? t previous nubile record for over 323 ??? }( 9 y ----- and D JH ??itjc, eleven and twelve du; Light bisds have been sent th record Ron! over seven hundred btme hut Hermit and Blue Gown, owned In Fail Itiver, ur.d Jersey Boy, of Kcyport. BIx other birds, own id by the Newark club, were sent to Mnttcon, Jliinols, 750 miles, for club recorl. from the distance- - the start At live o'clock of tho morn ing of u.o Wth instant. The first return wasre- iprt^d JesLrday ns having arrived ut six oiUvk the evening previous to the loft of A. P. Baldwin. J inn* out, raven days. Next yctr tin? records of lb in year for this distance -will urtenv-. ten, The mJ>tube thi* reason has becirfji libera ting'too early in the day, thus giving tho birds too long u time* for dying be fore night cau*& them to alight, lk'lttg wtUiout food or water they are, ci course, exhausted, und remain in tint neigh- borhood of where evening found them until roitod. jf lii cratctl at neon night would have fonu I them v. lthin tcirltcry over which they hud down In pre vious Journeys-, uml in condition to resume tho Journey the next morning, thus lev days, re^pojtlvely. this year hr pubiie ed miles, und all aro (tepeesi cgafiut t heir being out another iugiit ITfty-frur hlids owned by the Brooklyn m l er* of the Hudson club were registered (ounteiinarkid for the lirat of the season's you ig , lire Mart to be this morning from tho ra.slsrfa taring known to have originated ia the KflOB. and i ?????? v ??? the Fame dates nnd from , uw UUIV umiucciu f V, r tl, P Hudson race*. In the r.ivj to-mor- tits- Brooklyn birds have about llfty-fivo mile* joccme.tbekeyport birds ubout twenty mites THE CODHUPTiON FUND. CI*tt!i man Jones Assess** in Foil to Flirnse Tho CI??j k* nnd Deputy Mnr*hals, e give below a copy of a circular that is this' morning in the hand* of every employe of the government In Georgia: llEAPqr AU-TJ ns RxrrDLKMX Nation At. Comxit- X^v*,<- Hmi Avenir, Nkw^York rrrv. July i-{ )i .: a n r . btr: t r , lie I R ' u<1 iti?? presidential earn* , U U%U0 . 1 in, I??ort*nee to the country, ' ian D deeply interested iu It* result. 1 be national rnmmlttro on behalf of th?? r ssjuff-ottsr to makc l?? i u *f y v,T,,ro ' ,i5 ftnf| cJltitlVc, ami tuccra* certain in November. Funis aic required, however, to meet the lawful aid lvoper ( xmnra* of the campaign; and t> the rame the (fonmlttee finds ilraif dejmidcut uu- cn the libera. Ily of republicans to make such vol- rniiarS!5?V l *???* l * , if TOeonswdl permit, r.nd a* tht> feel let-lined to give. You ur ?? there- foicre??i>e(Uitily invited to rand, u* srou as you mXnXi 1 ??? ???V ) ,J dreft on New York or mcnc v order to the order of It. F. Jones, onalrman CSS?? viX?. n ??????Honal committee, 212 Fifth avenue, trimtraS X ??????wasyou may desire to oon- Mintrn/Vk t lL tehn mentbmed. A ro- be seut by return mtil. rvrrv l ' 1 ?? l chccrrull >??? caiId tbe atteution of holding any office, place or employ- iH e ??f- un # t !i r 1 ,c 1 n,ted H tate* or any of thcd>part- menu of the government to tbo provision* ..rthe mi"to reg.ilatf/KS improve the civil service of the Uultci S.itoV?? approved Januury lfitli, 18$1, and suites t uv. its in. iiuenee will be exerted lu conformity therewith* Respectfully, B. F.*, Ch.-ii rmah. "De Hello ob Dat Hall," Fre m the Texas Sifting*. "Itegwlnc to leave you all to-morrow," said a brawny colored cook to a lady who presides over a Wett End mansion, a few days ago. Tho lady was naturally surprised, and remarked; ???Why, picah.whHtis the meaning of thi*? Wear?? all ????d your cooking." "1*3 goln* !?Fi "Why,you startle wo! I never no- lut'd any of your gentlemen friends coming here, and you very r-re ly go out." "Don???t yo i know that t went to a funeral lot Sunday?" ??????Yo*: but do with your morryDg?" ???|*e e hit'bnnd of the corps.*." "But . . ??? /a week ago." "Dat * so; but It make* no dtffi re-niv.' "Did he propose t<?? you at the grave? ???.V), not zackly; but I wa* de hello Dinah h^t siuce n wiuowr* That Waa Strange, From the Ihdedc???pbia Pres*. One of cur naval vesds-the Tal!ar??oosa???ran Into route teal ber.-e* the other day, but that wttMi???t stnu gu. Thu barges and not the vessel ???end that was ??trange. llrutal Fate, From the Baltimore Day. I???eor Dr, B'aine seems to be in a ted way. Tha thinking mi n and the patriots of his ow.'i party have declared for Cleveland. Us crank* nave ncmicatcd f?t. John and Daniel. The Arrest ol Ex-Governor Moses. Chicago, July ???:!??,-Goreroor Hamlltm, last clfctt, iraned a st arrant (or the arrest of ex-Qsr* ertcr Moses. JlNDISTINCT PRINT 1 " 'ai