Newspaper Page Text
If We Lire A tight, ??h# CMer tin B??pp!??r-Oj Kat
Sulltf Tour Happiness Upon Hero SseUl
Position, aad U^Not Depend ForBa-
Jojmant ITpoiTreraoual Attraction.
Bcrmou l??y the Kev. T. Dc Wilt Tulmage,
D. ]>., juliji rt: ???The Woman of Pleasure,"
Text: I Tim,, v 6. ???Slio tlint lircth in pleas
ure is dead while she lircth."
It is n strong vroy of putting the truth that n
woman w ho seeks in worldly advantage, her
chief enjoyment will come to disappointment
and death. My friends, you ail want to be
happy. You have had a great many recipes
by which it is proposed togivo you satisfac
tion???colid satisfaction. At limes you fed a
thorough unrests You know as \v??-Il ns older
jtcople what it is to l??c d-pressed. As dark
shadows sometimes full upon the geography
of the school girl as on the pngo of the spec
tacled phihdopher. I have seen ns cloudy
days in May as in November. Thero arc no
deeper sighs breathed by the grandmother,
than by the grandsughter. I correct the
popular impression that people arc happier in
childhood aud youth than they ever will bo
figoin. If we live aright, the older the hap
pier. The happiest woman that I over knew,
was a Chiistian octogenarian; her hair white
as w hite could be; the sunlight of heaven late
In the afternoon gilding the peaks of snow. 1
have to say to a great many ol the young peo
ple of this church that the most miserable
timeyru are ever to hove is just now.
you advance hi life, as you come out into Hie
world and have your head and heart full of
grad, honest, practical, Christian work, then
you will know what it is to begin to be happy.
There arc thole who would Imvo us believe
that life is chasing thistle-down and grasping
bubbler. We have not fotiud it so. To many
it has been discovering diamonds larger
.i . - i i i. <!...??? .....
than the Kohinoor and 1 think that ??? ,
will (Mitinuc to Increase until nothing short
of the everlasting Jubilee of heaven will bo
aide to < xprer* it. Ilorntio Grecnougli, at the
close of the hardest life a man ever lives???the
life of an American artist???wrote: ???I don't
want to leave this world until I give some sign
that, born by the grace of Hod in this land,
1 have found life to be a very cheerful thing,
and not the dark and bitter tiling with whieli
my early prospects were clouucd." Albert
Haines, the good Christimi, known the world
over, Mood in his pulpit in Philadelphia at
seventy or eighty years of age and said:
???This world is so very attractive to me, I am
t cry tetty I shall have to leave it."
1 know that Holomou said souio very dolor
ous things about this world and throe times
dteland: ???Vanity of vanities, all is vanity."
I supp?? tc it was a reference to those times in
bis cantr when his Ton wives n!nunt pestered
the life (Utofliiml Hut I would rather turn
to the description he has given of religion
win ii l;c says in another place: ???Her ways
lire ways efpieasautm rs, nudall her paths aro
peace." It is reasonable to expect it will bo
ho. # The longer the fruit hangs on the tree,
the ripcr#hd more mellow it ought to grow.
You plant one grain of corn and it will send
Up a stalk with two curs, each having Vit)
* groins, so that one grain planted will produce
I,V00 grains. Aud ought not the Iniplnistu
lien ot ii grain of Christian principle in i
youthful soul develop into a large crop of
uledimson earth and to a harvest of eternal
Joy in lien veil ? Hear mo then while I dis
count) upon some oftlio mistakes which young
jtcuple make in regard to happiness, and p tint
nut to the young women of this church what
1 consider to bo tho sources of complete satis
And in the first place I mlvbo you not to
build your happiness upon more social p >si-
lion, Persona at your ago, looking off up>m
life arc spt to thinjc Unit if, by some stroke of
whrt is called food luck, you could arrive iu
mi elevated aud affluent |*o??itioii a little higher
than that in which ti.ui has culled you to Five,
you would bo completely happy. Iutlnito
mistakes. Tho polaco tloor of Ahiistieriis is
rid with the blood of Vashti's broken heart
There have Iwen no inoro sealdiug tears wop
than those which coursed tho cheeks of Joie
phinc. If the sob of unhappy womanhood in
the great cities could break through the tapes
tried wall, thnt soh wpuld come along your
rtrccts like tho simoou of tho desert. Borne-
times I have heard in the rustling of the robes
vu the city |??av*ineiit the.hiss of the adders
that followed in the wake. You hnvo eonie
out from your home nml you have looked up
ut tho great house und covet a life under those
arches, when perhaps ot that very tin until
within that house there umy have boon tho
wringing of hands, tho start of borrow aud the
wry uginy of hell. 1 knew such ii one. Her
father's home was plain, most of the people
who collie there were plain; hut by a ohaugo
in fortune, such as souicliincs comes, ii hand
bad been ??-tiered tbnt led her Into t brilliant
sphere. All the neighbors congrntulntcd her
upm licr grand pros|wets; Imt what an ex-
Orange! tin her side it was a heart lull of
f icix-rmis impulse and affection, tin his side
t was a soul dry ami withered ns the stubble
of the field, tin her side it was n fathers
lu??me * here God was honored nml the S ??h!> uli
light I'irdtd the room* with the vory mirth of
hijiwn. t>u his side it was a gorguous resi
dence, and the coming < f mighty men to be
entertain*d there; tut udhin it were revelry
and godlessncss. Hardly hod tha orange bl *???-
solus of the marriage fen. t lost their (Vagran.'*
than the night of discontent began to cast lo ro
Mid there its shadow. Tho ring on her H i *??r
was only one link of an Iron chain that w.-??to
bind hsr *br natty captive. Uru< Uiea aud i i-
Iflttdi.*e* ??? hanged nil those splendid treppiu rs
into it 1 "lit w mockery. The plain r* o; solid
???ilur, tho caskets of pure gold, tho headdress
of gleaming diamonds were there; but no tied,
tm peace, m* kind words, no Christian sympa
thy. 1 be festal music that broko ou the cap
tive's car turned out to bo a dirge, and the
wreath in the plush was a reptile coil and the
upholstery that swayed iu the wind was the
wine ??>f a destroying angel, aud the bead drops
???tJnV??c'pilcher were the sweat of everlasting
doI Hr. Oh, how tuauv rivalries and unhap*
pints*??&*Uioug those who seek iu social life
their child happiness. It matters uot how tins
You have things, there uro other people who
have it fir* *'. Taking out your watch to tell
???he time??* day, some one will correct vmir
time by pulling out u watch mere richly
chai^d and jewelled. Hide in a carriage that
??you $H'0 and baforn you get around the
l ink ytu will meet with one that cost$J,000.
Have on your wail a picture by i???opley and
Uleic night you will hear of some one who
has a picture fresh from the studio of Church,
cr Uicrstndt.
All that this world ctu do for you in ribbons,
in oiNcr, iu ge!J, in axmiuster plush, in
gtlciui U|, ??tiy, m wide halls, in lordly oc-
misintnuc tthip, will not give you tho ton
J};' l; *8i'dth part of u giainof a-did satisfaction.
H e Niglish h*rd, moving in the highest
??| l.??re. was one day ft Kind seat'd with his
chin on his hand acij lus elbow ou the window-
fc.ll,looking out aud raying: ???Ob, 1 wish I t-xebango plarcs with that dog!" Mere
M?? tal i??vit;?? n ai!l never give happiness toa
n's soul. 1 have walked through the
of those who dikplrethc common people;
e im st their isn-iuets, 1 haw had their
;*l.:p, yts, J heard from their own
h* *t?? ry i f their disquietude, oul I toll
" u - g women of this-church that tb^y
mere xxlal j-ositiou their soul's
tul U||!U,??, art- building on the ??snd.
'??? ???^??????5 su'd ??.??!% i*e you not
??? p??-rs??>nal attractions.
* oum tro may
sffVct to
hill, sho knelt. JJavid with his army of sworn
men came down over the cliffs, an?? when'
taw )i??r kneeling at the foot of the hill
cried: ???Halt" folds men and the caves
rchord it: ???Haiti halt!" That one beaufi
ful wriiicn kneeling nt the foot of the cliff???hie
arrested nil those armed troop*. A dewdro[
darlied Lack Niagara. TheBible sets before
us the portraits oftiarah and Ilehecca, and
Mi-Lug, Absalom's sister, and Jobs datigh
tira, and rays: ???They wero fair to loot
upcii." By outdoor exercise and by skillful
arrangement of apparel, let women make
the inrelves attractive. The sloven has oul;*
one minion and thnt to excite our huthir
and disgust. But alua, for those who depend
tifcn personal charms for their happiness.
Beauty is such a subtle thing ibdocs uot seem
to depend upon facial proportions, or upon
the snorkle of the eye, or upon the Hush of the
cheek. You sometimes find it among irragib
lnr feature*. It is the soul shining through
the fa< e that make* olio beautiful. But nlus,
for these who deiieud upon more person
(harms. They will come to disappomlme
and to n great fret. Thire ore so many dill**
cicut opinions about what arc personal
charms; and thvn sickness and trouble
age do make such ravages. The poorest Oo<
that o woman ever worships is her own face.
The saddest sight in all the world is a woman
who has built everything on good looks, whan
the chat lus begin to vanish, oil, how they try
to cover the wrinkles and hide tho rovagejof
time, ^licn time with iron shod fcolstop3
on a face the hoof marks remain, and y<
cm i.?? t hide them, i It is silly to try to hi
tlnm. i think the most repulsive fool iu nil
the v.erld Jr uu old fool.
\V hy, rny friends, should you bo aslininc>
to he getting old? It is a sign???it is prima
facie evidence that you have behaved tolerably
well'or you would not have lived to this time.
The grandest thing, 1 think, is eternity, nml
lin t is made up of countless years. When
the Bilde wouhi sot forth tho attractiveness
Jims Christ, it says: ???His linir was whi
an snow." But when tho color goes from Bio
cheek and the lustre from tho cyo and tiio
spring from tho step and the gracefulness
from the gait, alas lor those who have built
their time and their oternity ujm>u good looks.
But all the passago ot ycurs cannot take out of
ono'a face benignity and kindness and
patsiou and faith. Culture your heart and
you culture your face. Tho brightest plory
id bar
??? ??bvtrh)|*vi
t ourselvsw, to despise or all
???. -^uty in others. Wh?? a God gives it
???LSSl.L? M ?? , * wina of
w, ???i ???,a li. ??? m . w<r , ,., :a : nx
!?!? fe.??? t ,b * lo,r X.S.1
Js. The beautiful
end bbfioeks M.
Abigail, ibe wit. ,
him when became
f Nanai, went out to arrest
a -1--- . . . W'??a?? the mount tins
end vbe tuccetded. < on.iuf to the foot of the
that ever beamed from u woman's face
religion of Jesus Christ. In tiio last w
wcuuded soldiers como to I???hiladelpliii
night and coino unheralded and they had to
ext( inpi-rino a hospital for them aud tho Chris
tian women of my church and of other
churches went out thnt night to tnko care of
tho poor wounded follows. That night I saw
a Christian woman go through tho wards of
tho hospital, her hIccvcs rolled up, ready tor
haid work, her hair dishevelled in the excite
ment of tho hour. Her fnco was plain, very
plain, hut after the wounds wero washed an'*
the new blindage.-! put round the splinter.-;
Blubs and the exhausted hoy foil off???into bis
first pleiiKiml sleep, sho imt tier hand
blow, and he started nml said in his dream
???Oh, I thought an nngoi touched me," There
may have been no classic olcgauco in tli?
Icntiiros of Mrs. Harris, who cumo into tho
hospital after the ???seven days??? awful fight
before Bicbmoml, us sho nut down by
founded drummer boy und heard him soli
quixe: ???A ball through my body and my
i*cor mother will never again see her b-*y,
What u pity it is." And she leaned over hii
nud mid: ???Shall 1 bo your mother aud con
fort you?" And ho looked lip and said: ???Ye
i'll try to think sho'u here. Plea so writ??
long U tter to her aud toll her all about it nti
semi her a lock of my hair nud coinfort her.
But 1 would liko to Imvo you tell her h-
much l suffered???yes, 1 would liko you to do
that, for sho would foci so for mv. Hold my
hand while 1 die." Thero limy have been no
claiftic elrguuco in her features, but all tho
hospitals of Harrison's Landing and Fortress
Monroe would have agreed Unit she was beau
tilul, and if any rough man in oil that war*
luid insulted her, sumo wounded soldier would
Imvo lcajied from his couch on hi* best foot,
and struck him dead with a crutch.
Again, I advise you not to dopoud fur y<
happiness upon the Batteries of men. it is a
poor compliment to your sex that amnfcny men
leel obliged in your itrcscuce to oiler uiiunau-
ing compliment*. Men cnpablo of elegant
and daborato conversation elsewhere some
times feel called * unon at the door of a draw
ing non) to drop their common souse and t<
iftlc out sick* ii ing llnttcrh's. They say things
about your dress ami about your afipcaranca
that you know, and they know are false. They
??av you are an angel, you know you are
net. Determined to toll the truth iu office
and store and shop, thev consider it honora
ble to lie to a woman. Tho same thing that
they (old you ou this sido of the drawing roam
time miuutcs ago they said to some one on
the other side of tho drawing room. Oh, let
no one trample on your self-respect. Th
meanest thing oil which a woman cau build
her happiness is tho Batteries of men.
Again I clinrge you not to depend for Imp
pines* Upon (he disci pie* hip of fashion,
pome men ff 0 J ,,9t os proud or being out of
the fashion as others lira of being in it. I
have seen men as vain of their old-fashioned
???ut and tludr eccentric Imt as your brainless
fop is proud of bis dangling fooleries. Fash
ion sometimes makes a reasonable demand of
, and then we ought to yield to it. The
dairies of the field Imvu their fashion of color
nd leaf; the honeysuckles have their fashion
f ear-drop, and the siiosvffnkes Bung out of
the winter heaven* have their fashion of ox-
iiuisitcucss. Alter the summer shower the
sky weds tho earth with ring of raiubow.
And I do not think wo have a right to despiso
all the elegancies and fashions of this world,
especially it they make reasonable demand*
upon us; but the disci pics hip and worship of
fashion is death to the body ami death to the
???? ul. 1 am glud the world if improving, book
nt the fufliiou platen of the 17lh and Pith ecu-
turii* and you will find that tho worhl is not
so extravagant and extraordinary now a* it
was then. All the inui vollmi* thing* that thn
grandaughter will do will tiovtr equal that
done by the einmlmothcr. Go still farther
hack to the Bible times and you liml'llmt in
th*-o times fashion wielded a more terrible
sceptre. Y*.u have only to turn to the third
chapter of lsnii h to i cu??l ???Because tho daugh-
lets rf Zion ere hearty amt walk with
stretched forth neck* and wanton eyes, walk-
ire and mincing ns they go, und making a
tinkling with their loct; m that day tho Lord
will lake away the bravery of their tinkling
ornament* ub-nt their foot and their cauls and
their n-nnd tires liko the nmon, the cluius
and the bracelets nml the mufflers, the bon
nets and the ornament* of the legs, aud tho
htadlnmlc, ai d the tablets, and. tho earrings,
the ritifc* and the unse-jewal*. the changeable
mils ol apparel und the mantles and tho wim*
pit* and the crisping pins, the glasses aud tho
fine linen, the hoods and tho' veils." Only
think **f a woman having all that ou? I aim
glad that the world is getting better, aud that
latlikm which has dominated iu tho world so
luinmtsly in ether days has for a little time,
for a little degree at eny rate, relaxed it* en
ergies. Oh, tin danger of the disoiploshin of
faohiout All the ???Mendor* and the extrava-
cimzn of this world dyed iuto your robe and
tlui g over your shcufdcr canuot wrap peace
an und jour heart for a single moment. The
gaycat w???erdrobc will utter no voice of condo-
Luce in the day ?? f double and darkness.
Tfcatw* im u is grandfy dressed and only she
who Is wrapped l U tho robe of n Savior's richt-
ccUintss. Tl-c home may be very humble,
the hat may be very plain, the frock may be
very coarse, but the halo of heaveu settles in
the jo tu when aho weers it, and the faintest
touch of tho resurrection angel will change
thet garment into raiment exceeding white,
to : * i o Biller on earth Cwuld whiten it.
1 ot n o to><u, young women, to soy that
this w?? rid eschot make you happy. 1 know
it is u Bright world, with a glorious sunshiu*
ai d i?? rivers, and fire-worked sunset, and
bird orchestra, and the darkest cave ha?? its
cmlaU end the wmthiest wave iu fium-
???wionth, Rfid tba coldest midnight its llimio;
aurora. But Ood will put out all these light*
with the blast of llis own nostrils, and the
ahrirs of this world will |>eriah in th?? fiual
conflagration. You wilt never be happy until
y* it get vo-or sina forgiven and allow Christ
Jesus to take full pcaoesaion of your an il. Ho
will L?? jour irieuu iu every perplexity, us will
1m? your comfort in every trial. He will b'
your defender in every strait. I do not ask
you to bring, like Mary, the spices to tfc
sepulchre ??#f a dead Christ, but to bring you
pll to ???tho feet of a living Jesus. Hi*
word is pence. His look is lore. Hi*
Lend is help. Ilis touch is life. His
??mHe is heaven. Oh, come, then iu Bocks aud
groups, come like the south wind over tho
bunks of Myrrh, come like the morning light
flipping over the mountains. Wreath all
ytur oflections for Christ???s brow, sot all your
gems in Christ???s coronet, pour all your voice 0 ,
into Chriet???s song and let this Sabbath air rus
tle with tho wings of rejoicing angels, and tin?
towers of God ring oul the news of tlie souls
???Tiff* world its fancied pearl may crave,
"1 Is not the pearl for me;
T???wlll dim its lustre In the grave ???
'Twill perish In the *e*.
But there s a pearl of price untold
Which never can be bought with gold,
Ob, that's the pearl for rne.???*-
Thc snow was very deep and It was still
falling rnjddljpwhen in the first year of my
Christian ministry, I hastened to boo a young
woman die. It was a very humble home. 8bo
was an orphan; her father bad been ship
wrecked on the banks of Newfoundland; she
had corned her own living. As I entered tho
room I saw nothing attractive???no picture*,
no topcitrr, not even a cushioned chair. The
snow on tne window cnai
than the check of that d
majesty of soul and faith in God had /given
h<r a matchless beauty, nud the sculptor who
could hnvc caught the outlines of thoao feat
ures and frozen them into stone would have
made himself immortal; with her large,
brown eyes she looked calmly into the great
eternity. 1 sat down by her bedside and said:
???Now, tell me nil your troubles nud sorrows
and struggles and doubts." She replied: ???I
have no doubts or struggles. It is all plain t->
inc. Je*us has smoothed tho way for hiy feet.
I wish when you go to your pulpit next Sun-
iluy, you would tell tho young peoplo that re
ligion will make them happy. <0, death,
where is thy Ming.??? Mr. Tannage, I wonder
f this i.* not the bliss of dying." I said, ???Yes,
I think it must be." I lingerod around the
ucb. The tun was setting and her sister
lighted a candle. Hhe lighted tho candle for
me. The dying girl, the duwu. of heaven in
her face, needed no candle.* I rose to go, and
she said: ???I thank you for coming. .Good
night! When wo meet again it will be iu
heaven???in heaven. Goodnight! Goodnight!"
For her it wus good night to toars, good night
to poverty, good night to death; but when tho
sun rose again it was good morning. The
light of another da/ had burst iu upon her
soul. Good morning I The angola were sing
ing her welcome home, and tho baud of Christ
was putting upon her brow a garlaud. Good
morning! Her sun rising. Her palm waving.
Her spirit exulting before the throne of God.
Good morning! Good morning! Tho white
lily of poor Margaret's chock had blu*Iied
into the rose of health immortal, and tho
snows through which wo carried her to tho
country graveyard wero symbols of that robe
vhieb she wears so white that no fuller on
artli could whiten it. Mr sister, my daugh
ter, may your Inst end bo like hers!
Given t T p bj Physicians.
???The large experience that wo have had
during the past thirteen years, in which vn
have treated many thousands ot case* with
our new Vitalizing remedy," say Drs. Starkey
and l'olen, of 1102 Girard street, Philadelphia,
Pa., ???satisfies us that nino-tenth* of tjm dis
rates which have been steadily growing worse
in spite of the best medical treatment the
country afford*, enn bo cured or greatly h-dped
bv the use of this agent. We do not say this
in any loaatful waj\ The declaration is basc-1
upon results of so surprising a character aud
in fo wido a range of cases, many of them
given up by physicians as hopeless, that it
stands ns a fact open to the clearest authenti
cation, and wo will afford any one who desiros
to verify the reports and testimonials which
we lay before the public tho largest opportu
nity for doing so. Write to them lor their
pamphlet describing the nature and action of
this new and remarkable treatment. It will
be sent free.
The com crop of Mr. J. Q. Ellts, of Pulaski
rruntr, will jlc-li from twenty to twenty-flip
bushels per acre.
Flies and llugs.
Flic*, roaches, ants, bed-bugs, rati, mice,
.hers, chipmunks, cleared out by ???Rough on
??? 15c.
AGENTS WANTEDtO take orders for our fj
for terms. H. C. 1
1A Co.. Anbum/W.Y,
Rat/. 1
I???sc Holmes's Wash and Dcntrlfrloc.
laud niyi iuW???.c
CixciKjUTf, O., April 14,1884.???8. B. Axitii
A Bbo., Covington, Ky.???Esteemed Sirsi 1
have been troubled with a serious kidaoy af
fection, and seeing your advertisement, con
cluded to try n bottlo of your May Flower,
though without much hope of boing benefited
by it. Tho first bottle worked splendidly, aud
persevering with its use, 1 am eidjroly relieved
of my painful Illness. Any one can tvrito to
mo ana 1 will reiterate whut is hero written.
Mrs. E. Withkr,
Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, 0.
Gnrp pomls are still being bpiit In Talbot county
Hr. It Newman, of Kastman, exhibit* 17 oitacu
The Peoples World-wide Verdict
lliirnett** Coconino has been sold In every civ
ilized country, and the public have 'rendered tho
verdict that it is the cheapest and best llair Dress
ing???In the world.
lliirurtt'a Flavoring Kxtmet* are Invariably
acknowledged the purest and (he best.
good os the land
All Weakness ol Genital Organs, Sexual ,
Im potency, and nervous dlsordors permanent
ly cured in thirty days, by the genuino Dr.
Iticbrd's Restorative Tills. Bottb-s 50 Pills
$1.25, 100??? pills $2.00, 200 pills $.1.50, 400
pills $8.00. Magnus A Hightower, corner Pry
or and Decatur streets. Atlanta. Wholesale
by Lamar, Rsukin and Lamar.
In llallcouqty.
Gftxr.xvfr.1.*, Caukobnu.???Mr. Harry Wi
Homs certifies under his notarial seal, that
Mrs. A. Williams was suffering with pains in
tho bock, bo severe she was unable to turn and
was delirious. When, tho case assumed an
alarming stage, one application of St. Jacobs
Oil was made, externally, after several reme
dies bod been tried and failed. Tho patient
slept soundly until morning and got. up on
tirely cured
Unless the breath Is like a spicy gale,
Unlets the teeth gleam liko tho driven snow,
There Is no dazzling smile or tender tale.
Grateful to woman???s eye or car, wc know,
The talc would lose Its charms???the smile be gaunt,
Unless within the spell of HOZODONT.
To clitic healthfully you must use only
health-giving articles. Ifoncst statements
prcr.Gunco I>r. Price'* Cream Baking Powdor
the purest and healthiest in this line of man r
ufocture, and mark it first ns tho strongest)
cheapest, l>e%t. Try it by the oven tost, and
???ro how deliciously palatable it makes every
thing in which it is used.
When My Ship Comes In.
For far away, o???er a sunny sea.
Palis a treasure vessel, and all is mine.
I ,'id the ripples that full away,
As the cleaves the azure waves before;
And usurer, nearer, day,
Draws the happy hour when sho comes to
The next (tho 172d) Grand Monthly drawing of
tbc Louisiana State Lottery, at New Orleans. Li.,
on Tin sday, September tfth, when t??2Qu,oOO will be
her fn-ight. Get all information from M. A. Dau
phin, Now Orleans, La.
s lost.
Mr. Gough on 8Uk lints.
???It would bo no violation of tho command
ment," sold John B. Gough, ???if a man wore to
fall down and worship the silk imt, for it is
not made iu the likeness of anything in heav
en, or on earth, or in tho waters which uro
under tho earth." Besides it heats tho head
and causes tho hair to fall ofl???. Tarker???s llair
Balsam will stop that und restore tho original
color to gray or faded hair. Not oily, not a dye.
beneficial, deliciously perfumed. A poriect
hair dressing. 50c. All druggists.
Mr. W. A. WimbUh, of Troup county, besides
fellins o great many crape* from bis vineyard has
Urdu$101 allows c f choice wine.
One bottle of Pr. Fuller's Pocket Injection, with
syringe combined, cures without capsules. 81.
A11 Drugget*- tu th sa wky
ADELINA PATTI, tho great songstress,
???nys of 8olou Palmer's Perfume*, Toilet Soap*
and*other Toilet articles: ???I oobnltt|b>ny
ronoucu them superior to any 1 overus'd/???
rincipal Depot, 374 and 37(1 Pearl 8t., X. \
The grape crop of tho mtuntnlu* is abundant.
ANGOSTURA BITTERS, the world renown-
???ppetixor and invigorolor. Used now over
' whole civilized world. Try it, but beware
imitations. Ask your grpeer or druggist for
the genuine article, manufactured by Dr. J. A
Bicgcit A Sous,
Decline ol klnn.
Nervous Weakness, Dyspepsia, Impotence,
Sexual Debility, tured by ???Well's Health Ro-
newer, $1.
Catarrh off tho Uladdrr.
Stinging irritation, inflammation, all Kid-
i*y and Ui??? ??? * *
i, an
riuary Complaints, cured by
chu-paiba." $1.
crop of Catoosa county was never finer
and the cotwu crop Is excellent.
An old physician, retired from practice,hav-
p had jdaced iu his hands by an East India
issionary the formula of a simple remedy
?????? the speedy and perinanont euro of con
sumption, bronchitis, catarrh, asthma and all
throat and Bing affections, also a positive and
radical cure for nervous debility and all uorv-
otis complaints, after haring tested it* won-
deriul curative powers in thousand* of cavw,
ha* felt it his duty to mako it known to his
n Bering fellows. Actuated by this motive
and a desire tn relieve human suffering, 1 will
end free of charge, to all who desire it, tbit
eeeipt in German, Frepeh or English, with
full directions for preparing and using, sent by
moil bv addt-v-Mtig with stamp, naming this
A. Noyes, 14* Power's block, Ito-
* luster, N. Y.
i cn??r* In r.tlmtr county arc excellent.
Hclir.cs* Sure Cure Mouth Wash and Dentifrice
Cure* Fore Throat. Bleeding Gam*. Clears and
F.'re Month. Cleans Teeth. Purifies the Brestb.
I'.erarct! by Pi??. J- P. *k W. R. Holme*. Penthl*.
Mu(<-n.?? a Fur rale by all Druggist* and Dealt*:*,
auyl#???n V>ly .
Give jour children 8a.ith'* mma oil.
Drs. Holme*???* Mouth Wash is not bnly an ex-
vc-llcttt ??kntilfrlce,but a sovereign remedy for ulce
rated mouth and diseased gam*. We have seen it
used with excellent effect in onr family. Those
experienced ffentbu have, indeed, discovered th??
Lafra lor making clei??n. healthy, sweet months,
aiidioa&y puaoos wiii rise up to coU tiio*
The Host Fruit off Medlenl Scienco*
Dyspepsia is immediately relieved by Bon-
ren???s Cnj oine 1???orou* Plasters, Quick acting,
highly medicinal.
Mr. A. s. Dorsey, of Clarke county, ha* savo l
the fodder ofl HO ac res of corn without yetting u
drop of rain ou it.
Dr. G. R. Patton, uu eminent Minnesota
I 'hysiciAii, soys that no person who abstaiues
run the uso of alcoholic drinks, ever sutlers
frifci a fatal suustroke.
As an article in preparing food, Dr. Price's
Cream Baking Powder i* wholesome, as th??
ingredients that enter into its composition aro
free IVoni all substances that would render
them detrimental to health. In thu??o respects
it stands alono. The public should obtain ar
ticles that are good nud healthful as Dr. Pri
ce's Crcdm Baking Powder.
Specials Buslue* Notices,
A GAUD???To all who are sufibitag from error
and indiscretions of youth, ucrvou* weakness,
early decay, loss of manhood, etc., I will scad a
reelpo that will euro you, FREE OF CHARGE.
This great remedy was discovered by a missionary
iu South America. Send self-addressed envelop
to Rxv. Josxru T. Inman, statiou IX, New York,
mar 16 su tn th wky cow next rd ua
ft l?? th?? nwnl prrfKtl'n ??t ma-ft-. StmnMtjp t
EnM*th if* lU prominent Iklurw. Om Ui??l ??mvt??
??*vm boU tins *n4 *ti??n??r. Price per p*ir. I.??ni??orrtI??
nwk??l rlioL ????'??v Ini Sr. In Ktnpi tor U.-p rrtu
aug26???wtt ecw lipa
???lnr boat female pepulalloB*
nwill <~ r. (*^ th* wont form ct Fteai* Coa>*
glafaNi *Q Ormriaa treuU-'t.Ib&uanaUoa u*>I t*I :<r*-
tkw, IWUrf ar-4 r ????!vwn*??, mn& tb?? t
sad la }*mcuUrij mUpUd u* Uu
iu r ri ?? esjpe \ tarnrs from the otrrufa an
f*rty or U. v,; -, O0T.U T+.e twid ncy to caaeermu
autu>..?? : wfi-.vli.u v<ry spcefiUy by U* asu.
It I:-mwa 'aibRtewftffalrm SB etwrtog
?? r'Ufa of tfc? ii'BV-S,
it etx-i ????? -???.c, Scrrc-^s
thCirtl V-. \i-'. .t fcP ll:i<11ter-
lfc>a._ XV t; ??? .' ..-o^ii* l jz t *wa??*nisBrrt'\??*kgt
Ita-l a??c.l ^r>Crr aU eLmcmnsaaif set la
lortisot^; yoreroluek*cs????i?? tpua,
For the dr . vst, ,??? of riti ar ms. this
iJ . .??? i l'.-u L-o, ux bot^>??arp9t
* Ns taattj sfemU h- vt v^*t iTrXi ?? rvfXBAM*$
UTKM rilJA. They cure rca-Grsriuo.HfceejfMas sod
IsrviJirycffUksItTor. tSccaDatcxMaU drmghra
..Tom case of NEUVoUH PEtiiLlTY,Causing
ViUI Weak ness..Low of Manly Vigor. Premo
tor* Decay Ae, That one course of M V KTLRAIN
treatmont fal Is u> c??re. Thoroogb Pc rmacent and
Cheap. Proofs, Testimonials and Treatise. FREE
Appb. Tea Climax M
i a Shot Cuns
s?? a ??? _
^CmUktojUeJrie. GuaWorkq fittiborgb,P
ICO to 1,OCO lbs., 8-10.00 to 8300.00,
M ade of steel, make tremendous re-
port. Perfectly safe. U. 8. Cannon Primers,
* i\ too. Sena for Cannon and Gun Circu
lar. Address J. H. JOHNSON???S
auc. 5-w2t-eow Oun Works, Plitabnrg. Pa.
saw Chir>lilEG TraEBS -
MILLS, ClltaII3CaKn??P????
(Fo^!^o I ,??a tt *^VritWor^~. r ^ghlrt
sad frlcea to The Atu
Cttahlltimd 1840,'.
Mil, WHEAT A Fill,
low fiig quotations: Good mid Ring 11c; mldlllng
U^ 4 c; btrktlow middling k????:;low middling 10)^;
strict goed ordinary K-%c.
NEW YORK, Augustii???The total visible supply
of cotton for the world is l,62tf,0>> bales, of whleh
Cli.705 bales are American, against 1,7^1,917 bales
and 1,1(3.717 rcsjfectively last year. Receipts ol cot
ton at all Interior towns 2,-let bales: receipts from
plantations l.VOS.- Crop in 8fght5,650,(H6 bales,
liy Tidogrupli. _
LlVEItrOOL, A nsuRt^^J???Nooti???Cotton flit and
sc mew bat lrreguiar;m!ddlingup!anils6:ml<l<IUQg
Orleans 6 8-10; soles &,(**) Ixili-s; spcettmtlonaod
export ??00; receipts 2,000; American 1,000: uplauds
low middling clause Augtixt aud September deliv
ery 568-64.5Ot!C4; fiepter-d>ernndOctoberdeltvory
6, 5C3-C4.6 0t!-C4: October and- November delivery
fifse-i; November and December delivery 3 5161;
LIVERPOOL. August 23-2:00 p. m.???Sales of
An tr.can :t,fc00 bales; uplands low middling clause
Extract of May Flower
Birch???s Key will Wind any Watch
OAT TV???Jr watch makers. Ily mall 25c. Circulars
ioU Jjl/frce. J. 8. Birch A Co.. 3H Day St. N. Y.
LONG TIME 4 percent. LOANS.
Principal to stand ns long 'os Interest Is
paid. Men of moderate means should write at
once for particulars, enclosing 6 ids. for Loin
forms, etc. Personal sernrltr * ??? *
r ??t. U. West, Sec???y, 31W. Oil
Wh i ite latart. uni nn.l Moat Com-
pUtc Mlttutlflo ??H ATE in ||i?? ouuktt.
Patented Oct. IS, lrso.att-i Ani.rl, !??? 1
erarroTrdAu- -
*or rrirr????n<J tucluars
M. C. IfENf.ET,
???a?? Manufactatcr,
AlihatnA, !n-l.
N*nn (his pipnr.
C,Td9ILU0AH fSI ! . c A h fiimB& I
_ loader,
iWc-II 9i0 U Hfl JLV IlS Dble.Brccch-
I/)adlngShot ?????? mW Gun lias Bar
(Front Action) IxKks, guaranteed Steel Barrels,
Bloc Lever Action. Warranted good shooter or no
Mile. Our SlS Monlo Loader now only 819,
delivery 656-64, sellers: September delivery 5 0
sellers; futures closed quiet.
NEW YORK, August 23-Cotton quiet: sales 170
boles: middling uplands 10%; middling Orleans 11;
net rccclps 67; gross JC???.); consolidated net receipts
???1C8; exports to k Grcat Britain 2.H61.
SAVANNAH, August 23???Cotton dull and nom
inal; middling 10; net receipts 26 hales; gross 26;
sales lo; stock 413; exports coastwise 8.
NEW ORLEANS, August 23???Cotton dull;'mid
dling 10%; net receipts lit bales; gross 114; salsa
200; stock 17,041; exports to Groat BrltoJu 2,226.
AUGUSTA, August 28???Cotton nominalfflmtd"
dling 1(^4; net receipts 21 boles; shipments???;
tales 26.
CHARLESTON, August 2.1???Cotton nominal; mid
dling IVJi; net receipts 21 boles: gross 21; sales 223;
???took 601; exports coastwise 225.
Atlanta, August 21,1S8L
The followlnf quotations indicate the fluctua
tions on the Chicago board of trade to-day:
Opening. Highest Lowest Closing.
September.. - 79 79 izy t lift
October..... tu% VOX . 80 ??
August 27 00 27 00 27 00 27 09
September. 10 45 10 45 l6 42J4 10 42???4
October. -10 OlV, ltf 02J4 9 SO 9 90
STqur, Groin and Meal.
ATLANTA. August 23??? Market quiet St quota*
tlc-ns. Flour???Patent process *3.50$57.03; fan
cy 66.CC@t5.7ft: extra family 9x25; family
64.76. Wheat???Tennessee aud Kentucky No. 293^9
Bend stamp for Illustrated catalogue of Guns, PI*
Watches, Knives, etc. See It before you buy,
P. POWELL A 8021,180 Mala St, Cincinnati,O.
?? RcMmbUs fine leather: for Roofs, Outside ;
walls, and inside iu place ot plaster. Very I
: and durable. Catalogue with testimo- j
strongi ...
Inds and samplrs FREE. Kstabllshcd 1501.
... .. - ~~ CAMDEN, N. J. !
UU60li.lL AND
opium n\nm
free. Add
' Atlanta, August 28, i*}|,
the wuut???s nxvixw.
2iuv York???Colton hna been quiet and dull all
:o week,and at the close to-day futures ??tx>d
without much change lu quotations. .Spots have
ruled dull snd prices ore Ke.lowcr; middling lOl^e.
Local???Cotton quiet am! extremely dull. Rs-
Ipts for the week 3 bales; uo shipments: loct!
consumption 2t5b*lcs.
NF.W YORK,Aufiust22???The following Is the com-
iratlvc cotton statement for tho week ending to-
Ne^ iccclpts nt all United Slatcxport*.... MM . 2.835
Barni time- lost year II,311
M or. h:e a decrease. B.4F.I
Total fecuidta - -.4,7<U,M0
game time Utst year. 6,91 ??,2r7
Showing a decrease- M
Export* for the ! 1,612
??? ??? ??? ie time last year. - 23.118
r bow lug a ife??'reuse~ 11.474
Total exports to date.. &8*U,0>J
Same time last year ??..l,3d.'iit
HI owl im a t. ??... 7?;. t r,
Stock at all United Bute* ports. lH.ltJ
Same time Im t year 2 23/.2I2
SIy??w Ir.K ?? decrease, n( 7,2
Stotkltt interior town*..., ??,7.*0
Same time la.*-! year. 23,131
fci owing a dcereasc.
Sleek nt Liverpool
re time last year. Ml.i
Showing a decrease. 11 l.i
American union lU'.oat for Great iJritalu U.neO
Seine time last year. 20,900
a de
Bbowiug a decrease.
NEW YORK. August 22.???The following are the
total uct receipts ot cotton at all ports since Sep-
tc-mbcr, I, U63: ???????
Nt w 1 rltftii*......... ^1,515,9 ???*
Mobile 253,152
Envanuah...^. &vniis
Cliarh-tou 417,sot
Wilmington - - 9I.W2
??? - ... .... fats Tlo.
Corn Meal???85c; small lots 90c. Stock Feel???51.85
V K0 R*. Oats???'Western, car lots bnlk, 3Se:do.
sacked 4ie; drny loti 46c. Bye???None, llay???Fan
cy, car loads, 61.00; dray lot* 81.1s; choice, car
lends VOe; dry lots $1.00; prime, car loads, 85c;
dray lots 85c. Wheat Bran???Car lots 77c; dray lot*
Wc. Grits 64.65 V bbl.
NEW YORK. August 23???Flour, southern quiet;
common to fair extra $1.40^81.40; good to choloo
extra64.153S6.C0. Wheat, spot slizhtlyjn buyer*'
& Hops unchanged; choice gradv*
CniUAGO. August 23???Flour unchanged; win
ter wheat $3.7.5^5.25. .Wheat iu fair demand;
opened strong but dosed weak and uuder yes
terday: August n\4??7*y j ,i Sentembjr 7iX&7J l Al
No.2(.'hicago springTiv+tXiVA. Corn quiet; opcatl
firmer but dozed W under yesterday; cash
53; September ftV/Mtey# Oats firm: cosh 2i;i-'j:??;
September 2f>@2o>4.
ST. LOUIS, Anciot 21???Flour unchanged. Wheat
doji and lower; No. 2 red fall 82&82X cash; 824|
t???~y September. Com dull and lower; 50 cash:
49H August. Oat* firmer; 2C%&27X cash; Jj%
CINCINNATI. August 23-Flour unchangcl; fam-
By 68.75<aff4.00; fancy $l.lft(a?? Wheat stronger: .
No. 2 rc d whiter 81 <uk2. Com heavy; No. 2 mixed
C5. Oats firm; new No, 2 mixed 26^27.
IDUISVILLK, August 28???Gram quiet. Wheat,
No. 2 red 76@fc0. Corn, No. 2 white C3; mixed 54.
Oats, No. 2 mixed, new, 2S&
ATLANTA, August 23-Coffco-Rto 9% *12%. old
government Java 25c. 8ugar>-6UaiUn3 A ;>????:;
grsLUlatcd 7>ic: white extra C 7c; New Orleans sa-
aars, white7c; yellow 6^054; seconds,5>4A6. **-
raizes???Black strap in barrels 22c. Syrup???Now
leans choice60c; prime 45c; fair 85MI 10c; common
*"*??? leniOOGVs. Nutmogf
10c. Cinnamon 25a
__ k40tt60c;gn
80c. ??? Clove* 23c. Allsplco
20c. Crackers???Mil!
bare ol
Batches???100 V box61.60: 20018.50; 800 $1.75. Soda,
in kegs, 4%c; In boxes 59<(t|6Me.* Bice ti&o.
NEW YORK. Angnst 23???Coffee, spot fair Rio
firmer at lt)%;N???- 7 Kio spot 8.55; September 8 53
Sugar dull and more or less nominal: fair
to good refining 4 lil-loral 16-10; refined nnlot;0
extra C AkAfijf; whlto extra C
yellow 4%M{i olTA tr*{; mould A 6
suudnnl A6; confectioners A 6 7-1C; cat loaf nud
crushed 7; powdered WQ7; granulateil 6 l-M:
bards nflncd 7
CHICAGO, August 23???Sugar, standard A 6M#
granulated 6y v
NEW YORK, 'August 23-Fork quiet but held
firmly; family mess 61 ;.U): now mess spot $19.00.
Middies nominal; long dear 102$. Lard opened
a i bade higher but closed weak; western steam
spot 8.10: September 7.83&7.86.
CHICAGO. Augnst 23???Pork quiet and nominally
ani-hbngcd;'cnhh$!H.fto<??yi9.u>; August $27.00: 8op-
tui'U-r 5L0 00. Lard steady; cash 7.a7!4: fceptom-
Ier7.. r v???fo7.CO. Bulk meets on let; shoulders 7; shjrt
riLs 10.25; short clear 10.8.%
LOUISVILLE, August 23 ??? Provisions quiet.
Mm park $19.00. Bulk meats, shoulders 7; claar
ills 1C*;; clear sides 11*4. Bacon, shoulders
clcsr rlU ll^r clear, sides 12; hams, sugsreured
14H- Lr.rd, prime steam 8.
CINCINNATI, August23???Pork firm; (nets$13.03.
I nrd firm at 7.K). Bulk meats ?????? ,M ??? -?????????* *???
ty t : short ribs 10^. Bacon fin
short ribs llj^; short clear 11%.
ATLANTA. August 23??? Market easier; clear rib
??kfc Bacon???.Sugar-cnrcd hams UH9
16c. Lain, tierces, refine 1 9%c\ tubs9^
lltT. LOUIS, August 23???Provisions dull.
New Y'ork
West Point
Brunswick -
7.7.*.*~Z 2\5)7
Port RoyaL....^
Minor Port?...... ???. 21,11*
Total 1,763.593
New York???Cottou opened firm with futures a
shade higher. During the morning, however, a
dull tone was manifested, which w as a conspieu-^
ous feature during the day. The market close-1
steady without any material change. Spot-, mid
dling IL%c.
Net receipts to-day 4i>* bales, against 3,113 boles
lost year; exports 2,rttl boles; last year 5,7^0 bales;
stock 141,COT boles; but year 281.311 bales.
Below we give the opening and cioring quotations
of cotton futures in New York to-doy:
orsjfxn. cloik).
An*a*t ........10.70410.72 Augnst.....^..lOAsa, ...
fieri* mher September ...VUi ?????
Octclcx ...^.PX1>4. October
Noviral^r iu.2l ?? November
December 10 21^10.26 December.???1C.2P1.
January.. 10.343 Jannary.^.???..lAgia...>..
February .^.JflKTie. February .^'sk...^.
Msrcb...??.^... March??? lO.oTglu.^
Clote*l steady; ouea66,060 bales.
Livcrroot ??? Futures clooed qniet. Spots???Up
lands Cd; Orlaacs 6 2-16d; soles 5,<Wt bales, of
which 3.SU8 hales were American; receipts 2,890;
American 1,560.'
Iccol???We quote the market nominal at the lol-
. Fruits and Confectioneries.
ATLANTA, August 23???There is no market tot
dried fruits at prescut, and shippers had bet
ter wait further development*. Apples???None.
Pisciiift -Market snuplicd mostly from country
wr.fons. lh-iccs ranee from 75cA|1.90 qt bushel.
I/u.oro??? Mitfina $>.-503$uOMbox; Palermo 81.03
C?t3.:0. Oranges???None. Cocoonuts???None. Piae-
ept J?? *??? fl.a*e$ bdoz. Bananas???Jl.,vmSifto V
bur* h. Fig*???ii*jj20e. Raisins??? 1 B box t2J5: new
J.i 1 den $3.25; y t box $L75; U box 900. Cur-
rsr u ??? 7XQAc. Cranberries???Noue on market.
Callfornis Pears???None. Citron???Ac. Almonds???
2Tc. Pecans???lie. Brazils???10c. Filbert*???15.416s.
Walnuts???16c. Peanuts???Firm: TCnneowe 7??7ko;
North Carolina Te; Virginia lie; roosted iTic i
Hard wars.
ATLANTA, An^jt ^JIukctTerr^qnM^W.
Country Frodncs.
ATLANTA, August23??? Eggs??? 14&15C. Batter???
Jerwy 25e: strictly choice Tenners Bto: choice 16#
17c; fair I5&16c; there is a Urge stock of cooking
> demand. Poultry-
demand and receipts
a Urge a toe
butter on market at 8$12c; no demam
Y???ouug chlrkensarctnp * * ???
- u* kuvu ucuiBua and receipts
not so. heavy; ehoico 22c; medium 18
S20c; small lftmiac; hens 22^425e; cocks 15c:
Socks 12c. IrijS Potatoes???Choff^e TeinSce frS
662.60: small $1.M ^$1.75; Urge fl.75*UC0 |l bbL
Bweet Potatoes???75c U bu. Honey???strained 9m
12Kc: In the comb 1331.5c. Onions ??? tLD-Ul'Z
P<r borrcL Feathers-Cholce 54360: prime 58
fttt. Chcem-YkimeiL PeanatsSSbT
Lies Stock.
ATLANTA, August 23???There is a good demand
CINCINNATI, August 23???nogs firm; common
ATLANTA, Anjwt ??-SluMqntet:O.D. MX:
(indistinct point!