Newspaper Page Text
Ctrl floors to tbo O??r*??n.-r??toe*t D??n??or??U??
On'on-rriptting for Ithe Coatttot 1T??i|
Menth-Matra to Take ??? H??ad in
U* ri*bt???Tk# Outlook.
CracunuYi, September 24.???[Special.]
Xvery where in Ohio except in Cincinnati the
political canvass ceeraa to be actively pushed.
At all events it commenced in dftber parts of
Ohio earlier then it did in Cincinnati. Carl
fieburx spolr* in Cleveland last week, and
Cincinnati list Monday night ho addressed
the Ccnoana- in the German language,
meeting was held in a theater and two thou*
sand were present, nearly all Oermans. The
democratic mass meeting at Hamilton, Butler
county, last Saturday jyas an imtnonse affair,
Hendricks, Hoadly,d?? cral Ryan and others
apoko from three stands. Xx-Senator Thur
man presided at tbo Hendricks stand,
Senator Thurman says there no factions among
ihc democrats in Ohio, lit also complains
ihst the Cincinnati democrats have been slow
??U>ut organising.
Schurx will speak in Cincinnati in English
next week. Hendricks has several more ap
pointments in Ohio, in hie Hamilton speed
last Saturday he defended his war record, ar
gain# that itwas in favor of the aoldior and of
the suppression of the rebellion.
Schurs's German speech in Cincinnati was
devoted to an attack on Blaina. Among the
prominent speakers employed by the demo*
crate in Ohio are General Samuel f . Cary,
Jlon. William M. Springer, of Illinois; lion,
A. L. Childs, of New York; Hon. Joseph E
McDonald and General M. D. Manson, of In
diana ; Hon. Nelson J. Waterbnr/ and Hon.
J). N. Lockwood, of Now York.
Blaine will be in Ohio this week, and,,
at least, a part of next week, and will take in
Cincinnati. Appointments are made pretty
thick all over he etate for the last two woeks
of the campaign for tho stute election, go a
red hot state of affairs may be cxpoctod to set
in here in Ohio next week.
The prohibitionists have a state ticket, and
In many places a local ticket. Hon. Mills
(iardner, one of their leaders, advises them to
aifek by their regular old parties, and, next
year, elect a legislature that will
rubmit a prohibition amendment to
a popular vote. Their meetings
???re very quiet, mostly through church organ
isations. as they were two years ago when the
J irohibition amendment came ao near carry-
ng in Ohio. But the prohibition canvas this
J aar is nothing in comparison with that of
602. It docs not look now as if they would
Jwdl in the state election above their ordinary
vote of cjght; or ten thousand, if no much.
Neither party has got any money to speak of
ironi ftbelr respective national committees. It
norms just now to be tho policy of both pi
to leave the battle to tho local forces iu <
Xxw Yomu, September 22.???By far the most
Startling fact in connection with the elope
ment ol Miss Mnrosini has come to light. It
Will be news to Victoria that her hasty and
atrsnge disappearance from home was followed
by three attempts op the part of her griof-
Stricken mother to commit suicide.
When tho report of her missing daughter???s
marriage to Krnaet Schilling in this city was
broken to Mrs. Morosini It eompletefy un
nerved her. Hhe tainted when told by her
buhhand that tha minister who had united Vie
toria to the coachman had tuado the fact pub
lie. The sorrowing woman was earrtad to her
room, where she remained for ltours moaning
tied crying for her daughter to ret am. This
was on Wednesday succeeding tha day tho
couple left home. All that Mrs. Morotiui
wandered in her thoughts. 8ho noted so
tjtucrly that a watch was plaood upon her
Giovauni. her sou, remsinod aft her bedside.
Just at daybreak something called him for a
minute from tho room. It was only for a
minute, but on returning ho saw a sight that
lie will tiever forgot. llTs mother stood by an
r>]>on closet with a bottle containing laudauum
pressed to her Ups.
???My God, mother, what are you doing?"
tho young man cried as he rushed to her side
end wrenched the vial from her grasp.
Mrs. Mofosini fell to tho Uoor and was lifted
itp by her son, whose cries lor help aroused
the household. Messengers were dispatched
for Dr. l'ike, of Yonkers, and for neighbors.
Tho physician found Mrs. Morosini in a criti
cal condition. Kho had taken, he
thought, an enormousdose of poison, and
la that lay har only ohancs for raoovary. Tho
??? usual antidote* were given, but it was not un
til nine o'clock that the patient was out of
???1??tiger. Tha taking ol an overdoae had aavod
Iter life. The draught led Mr. Morosini so woak
that stringency of tha watch upon her was un
fortunately relaxed. That night again she
Rained pomestion of the same bottle, but dis
covery followed ao quickly that she was not
able to swallew any of the poison. Tho dan*
ftarous vial was put away, but not in a safe
place. Mrs. Moooaini in acme rummer tneu*
aged on Saturday night to get the bottle tor
the third time, when uo one aaw her. Hhs
drank its contents, and was only saved by tho
luust prompt and active measures.
AU of Victoria's finery has been sent to her,
but not her bank book. Hhe wrote for it, but
St is not likoly that will obtain possession of
St, at her lather lias placed an injunction upon
the II.Mil deposited to her credit in the sav-
Sngs bank, and will probably retain the
The outlook appeared gloomy to the bride
of two weeks, tbs had recovered somewhat
from her illness caused by the departure of
her father and mother from Yonkers, aud bo-
Ran to lekdt her future in the foe*. H was not
???comforting prospect. According to on iu-
ftraate friend Victoria is intensely disappoint
ed at being thrown off by the fomliy, but aha
la far from being disheartened.
, Yoaaaaa, S. Y.,8
isvaa, S. Y .Scptcmber^tS.???The charge
H ???*!vtrd against Victoria Morosini, now Mrs.
InlsksMP, by her brother, AtUliai Morosini,
IJm it* alleged stealing of a diamond breast-
woe dismissed to-day by City Judge
H nU, * f Yt???tikere, no one appearing on cither
a now with a emeus.
A tUltra ??????hot l>??mt...lhe People Indtg.
Arcin>ix, Hsu., September 22.???A spool*!
to the Champion says a serious row occurred
between tha aiUaena of Burr Oak, Jewel coun
WWW ????? wurr ????wvi wj
ir. Kuiw, su.l the ihawm.Q brion.lne
11 iK. ??rlun?????<Miv??..oti Friday *i*bt, In whie*
on. Mn sras killed in4 amrst were nwj.
tJ. Tb. *istartauicv n ratted by. drank, a
oitiwa named XtUoO, bbiI ??inint fi,ltl oc
curred. Klliott ??M arrwWJ Mil Ut. cireu.
lorn took their (Orris to th.trai*.
followed them. Bad jwl'.. M.yor M.nn b.4
krtUnd order . man um.l Bran*
BPJ???.arrd it tb. depot with a doublo-barreled
tint,nn and And into tho train. At thU mo-
aunt tb. train pulled out, and tbarircu. men
find a volley at tb?? crowd, killing J. boo.-
neckrr, mortally wounding M.yor Mann and
??U,bl!y wounding a no,. Longnccbar had
hot taken ( art in the row. llo leave, a widow
and ut children. Orton*, circus u the Mm.
that w???? in the horrible ulblr at Oreclv,
Colorado, ima time ago. It wai billed to
bk;-w at Washington yesterday, and
Ibitbrr about a hun.lroj Durr Oak
Jiao,!, wont hr a speoifl train to emit the
inurdfren. Grant excitement prevail, at
jkut Oak. Another special to the Champion
Jboto Washington .ay. sixteen circus men ware
i b f??? raoerd.y morning by the
akenff of Jewell county. In tbw arternoou
limy ware Uken to Grvenleaf by the sheriff of
Washington county. At T p. m.?? hsndrvd
Wen unrad then from Barr Oak, and at hat
aaceunts Bra hnndrad men war. at tb. depot
awaittng davalopinaato. WhU. tha circa, wa.
jw***untig tip (own tha Barr Oak peopled..
???>****?? W??wa. Hu
The Rumors of Crooaedneaa Prove to be
Louibvillk, Ky., September 2.3.???The devel
opments this evening in the assignmeht of
Newcomb, Buchanan k Co., were of a sensa
tional nature. Hertofore the assignment of
the company were considered as formal peti
tion tor an extension of time, io which to take
up tlieir paper. This time this assignment
made is genuine. Goo. W. Morris ia named
as the assignee to make the final disposal of ail
the property of the partners for the benefit
of the creditors. Geo. C. and Androw Buck-
anon left the city Sunday, leaving uo clue to
thoir,whereabouts. It was the first intimation
of crookedness, and rumors were set afloat.
Tho rumors to-day say that the firm haa made
an improper use of the money sent them by
customers to psy the tax on whisky which
they had sold; also that they have hypothe
cated receipts.
lor whisky out of hand, which did not repre
sent the goods described on the face of tnose
receipts. The rumor# first took tangible form
this evening, when George W. Morris, as
signee of tho company, resigned and turned
the entire business over to the Fdelity Trust
company. The cause, it is said, of this step
on toe part of Morris, was that he found tho
affaire of the com pan v ht Much a condition as
to promise great trouble in straitening them
It ia said tbat the accounts of the firm are f
a much worse condition than the most despon
dent of the rred itars ever suspected. The hold
er* of the receipts immediately rushed to the
collectors office to see if duplicate! had been
made and it is positively stated, though not
by the internal revenue department, that
1,000 bonded warehouse receipts were discov
ered which had been duplicated. When the
last arrangement with the trustee was made
the control of the business was placed in the
hands of tho firm. There was an advising
committee appointed but it was seldom if ever
consulted by tho firm. It will therefore be
seen that the firm bad tho power
ts issue duplicate receipts. Whether
they did so or not. It is ascertained that they
hove been in the habit of borrowing money in
Boston. 1'ntii the outsiders are heard from it
l*cr??onal relations in n position to know
positively what he asserts to be true, said to
associated press reporter: "You
may aafely say that the indica
tion are that George and Andrew
n joined Payne A Viley and Kno and tho
rest of them in Canada. The ussets of tho
Buobaiiatis nro immense, but are not immedi
ately available. Their liabilities are unknown.
(In the first of fientoiubcr they had in their
warehouse 70,662 barrels of whisky, sorno ol
tho very finest quality. Of this possibly 1,500
barrels Lavo been removed this tuouUi. Thera
aro at least 67,000 bnrreJs loft. It would bo
bard to estimate the value of these. The Bu
chanans would have had nearly 3,000 barrets
out of bond between now and next Saturday.
Tho tax eu this quantity of goods is $08,000.
This sum they were unable to meet, and this
is said to have been tho immediate causo of
tho assignment. Tho banks which hold rn-
coipts fi??r tbo above mentioned property will
???ce that it is not confiscated for tax by the
The first assignment in March, 1678,
amounted to only a suspension, At that time
tho liabilities were $1,630,000. The Buchanans
included in the assignment about $500,000
worth of personal property, which was exempt
from their creditors. An extension was grant
ed, and in 1882 the company was successful in
its operations, aud it discharged about one-
fifth of its liabilities. Another assignment was
made. This time tho debts of the firm aggre
gated $1,600,000, and tho total value of the as-
sats were $220,000. The assignee, iu order to
get at the facta in the case, sent out for publi
cation a notice saying:
?? "U t* urgently requested that all psrsons hold
ing warehouse receipts lor whiskies, whether as
-iun hasi rs or holilen ol collaterals, r??nd the *amo
o some United agent of their own s divtlon, frit
the same may at out-olio examined and be regis
tered." *
George C. Buchanan Jr., was seen at the
family mansion ntn late hour this aflornooo,
and ho strongly denied all knowlodgo of tho
whereabouts of hit father, and protested that
the family were as ignorant on that point as
the public. Referring to the theory that his
father had committed suicide, ho said ho
thought it a silly one, and that th
don???t give it any credence whatever.
An old physician, retired from practice,hav
ing had placed in his hands by an East India
missionary the formula of a simple vegetable
remedy for the speedy and permanent euro of
consumption,bronchitis,catarrh,asthma and all
throat and lung affections, also a positive and
radical cure for nervous debility and all nerv
ous complaints, after having tested its won
derful curative powers in thousands of eases,
has felt it bis duty to make it knowu to his
suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive
and a desire to relieve human suffering, 1 will
send free of charge, to all who desire It, this
receipt in German, French or English, with
full directions for preparingand using. Bent b;
mail byladdressing with stamp, naming this
paper, W. A. Noyes, 149 Power???s blook, Ro
chester, N. Y. eow
Holmes??? Sura Cura Mouth Wuh and Dentlfrlca
Cun. Son Throat, Dlnalln
tot* Mouth, ( Iran. Torth, T
-???pom! oyon J. P. a \v. r. Holme., umiuvi
M.uoiMia^l-or .al. hr all DrtmliU and OaotliU.
Ql.o your chlMmi Hurlin', worm oil
On To... Ptml, Mobil*, th*tc u aoolore.1 chnroh
nillnt th. -Rant oh.II \Va??h foot Hi|<tl??t Cbnmh."
Tb. Mxtor, a colond man, I. iiamnl Artomu.
Coming, IlieMl.litr Monarch at a 1 toirge
ABRirentlonx-John It. Dorrl.' Non- Mon
atcrhliow., United Wuh th. Or.nt Intrr
Ocrnn, Tlirr.'-Iilrir; Circa., Ho.rom and,
The time will probably urn-iVoin. In tbo
biilor, oftbebaman rare wh. n the nconle
will get tired of viiitlng a fir.t. Iu.. entr-rtafn-
nieat under canraa. John if. l/,ri??, n . iccau
full xliowuian of many Maaoni, promitej you
nn attractive aggregation ..t mtucurn and
menagerie curioaftic, and a r,r.-,t,.[ - riei of
arenio performance, never a*r, I*.for*. That
ita tit!*, -The hew Monitor 9h*.,.," may bo no
rni.nomer, Manager Dorrl, haa, gathered the
largcat and moat interesting delWt ; of ani
mal. from all parta of the globe, p, mo cum at
traction of world wide eelehriI har form
ed a circus eorp. ol arti.ta fuaMI both her.
and abroad. Tbo people will Imve an oi
tunity of .eclng the Jfow Mon-t r Show, at
Atlanta, (Saturday, October 4Ui. Tho graUest
attraction with the .how ia tho White Spotted
fiaered Elephant, ???Thcodorui," T he troupe of
Brawny Turk., The Fell,ini J' Bicycle
Itidera, The Siberian Roller Skater -,, Turkiih
Knife Throwent, Prof. Moore???. Tiw tpo ofEdu-
catcd Dogs, a Troupe of Royal SKptian Jug
glera, a More offamou. AthkM, the best
inale and female rider known totl/profee.ion;
it. Ibreo Chariot Band, of Sfiy w'iiforrutd mu-
.ici.n. and in fact ita thousands]^! attraction,
and scores of tho most celeWteiir viaatrians
known to tha arena will all I.'mlibitad-
Judging from the numerous prku notice we
have wen in tbo leading journals concerin*
this mammoth show, it will he a rich treat.
Coming. John 11. Darla* Monster Shows,
This mammoth organisation which will an,
poor at Atlanta, Saturday, October 4th, is-
without a doubt, one of tho iargeM and best
shows that has aver bean placed on tbo road.
Read what the Louisville Courier-Journal
???John B. Doria??? Jfew Monitor Shorn, con
solidated with the Great inter Ocean, contain,
ell .tho novelties known to tho circus
world. Tho menagerie and ring departments
have been enlarged since lest season, and now
are tho completest over givon to the public.
Nosbow in the country can turpaaa Doris'In
tho extant and variety of its features, and cer
tainly there it no manager who haa so uni
formity and unvaryingly salitllad hit numer
ous patrons and it [??? impossible to enumerate
all the special attraction! of this mammoth
show, Tharo era over forty different acta to be
seen in ita three ring* and on the elevated
stage. Tboaa acta embrace, besides the ordi
nary circur performances of riding, (ambling,
leaping, ate., such new and astonUhing fee-
(area aa a troupe of performing Turkt, also in
the ring, a sacred white-epotted elephant,
???THKODORUB,??? aerial Bicyclieta, Roller
Skatere, Trick Etephanta, (rained animate and
??? wild beasta are to be Men in profusion, and
every kind of entertainment calculated to do-
light tho human heart la to bo found under
Doria??? inoneter canvaa. The preea iu ganorai
ia unanimoue ie doctoring it tho beat circus
and menagerie on the road.???
Smnll hut Good,
Prom the Galveston Rows.
Well, Hares was a small creature, no doubt; Mill
he had no Mulligan.
Baa notice ol Ay nldro bulflorale.
Tha roorhonee, the Grave and Victory.
AnttuoRR, Iixmom The Oitlsen published
the following facts: Abram Beaver, an inmate
of tho Coles county, Illinois, poorhouse, certi
fies that bo suffered aeraraf years with tho
moM acute rheumatiim, eo that ho could not
labor and finally became so poor and prostrate
I. Tho physicians
t din, but,'
ba was sent to the poorhouse.
there gave bim up amt said ha mual
??? ' i, they - * *
i par
l??t* i
Ctxotlgsvi, O., April 14,18H4 S. B. Burnt
Bio., Covington, Ky.???Eiteemod Sirat I
bars been troubled with a serious kidney af
fection, and ataing your advortUement, eon-
eluded to try a Settle of your May Flower,
though without much hope of boiug benefited
by it. Tb* fint bottl* worked apleadidly, and
panavaring with ita ueo, 1 am entirely relieved
-* ny painful lllneaa. Any on* eon writ* to
and I will reiterate what la har* written.
Mu. E. Wtrxai,
Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, O.
When tha Bwnllow. Homeward Ply.
Al tha appraaab of autumn It i. the proper
*ap*r to coo solar on*-* (Inane** and to reaolv*
la more cloeely obaerve th* date, appointed
for, to b* constantly represented morn or less
in every grand monthly drawing of Th* Lott-
Isiaua Stale LotMry, which next (the I7M)
will taka place October 14th, 1884, of which all
information ran be had of M. A. Dauphin,
Raw Orleans, ha., on application.
Tax topography of th* moon is wall known
laastrotiomrrs, and haa b??en carefully outlined
on detail maps. There ar* five mountains ia tha
moon mace than anew (mi high, th* hlfhest
iat*iurtngai,t>?s leet.
s ?T;, T ' ll ) <r !! , -. To '* lk,ul . V1 *'* nilccwa nacrous
Chattooga county. Go., will send to the exposi
tion al N*w Orleans a rut Irom a white oak eleven
feet In diameter. The tree Ison Mr. W.tter alarm
Iu lUyaood vxllry.
AH tl'eakness ot Genital Organ., S.xnat
tspotoncy, and BMvoua disorder* permanent
ly cured In thirty dart, by tb* ganuin* Dr.
Bleordte Raetoratir* Pills. Bottiaa ia Pine
li lt, 1H pilla ??.##. tta pill* $a.M, 4M
pill* (*???**. llagnua A llightowar, eornar Fry
er and Decatur atr**U, Atlanta. Wholesale
by Lamar, Rankin and Lamar.
The past season was the greatest ever known In
Virginia(orgrapes. melon., Irntt ol all aorts, and
Corn, lohnwo and wheat.
an appll.oilon to It Is Meed gums, and - ???
everycmsaispKtac. It Is also th. m ot rouble
and satisfactory styptic .(ter extraction ! bar.
srer used. It b an elegant preparation, pat up In
attractive style and should be la the cabinet of
ovary dentist. I cannot betureaphaaioe say to-
docseasental this preparation m a dmlrtac* than
to sty | wish every boo. woman child In the
tte??*toT3rSS^L ??? 4 W * C0 ^ 1U * ???
Jan U. Oavtn. D. D. A.
taifri wkj
u ft last chance, they tri?? <1 8t. Jitoob* Oil.
few anplicatiou* gave ikllef and by its oon*
tinued use he wa?? enabled to leave hit bed. To
this if added thocirtificnto of the Superintend
ent. to the truth of tho itatoment and to his
11'liaf that tU??* man???s life was saved hy the use
<4 the Great Remedy.
T Coiumcntinff upon the foregoing, the Citixen
says, editorially, ea follows* ???\Yo ere pleased
to bo eblo to test iff to the correctness of the
above, ns tho cose came directly under our
notice; enyono desiring further information
can correspond with this office."
Kurtka&prtn**. Arkansas, baa received the flntl
receipt for entry of towtinhip lands from tViuhiiu-
ton, ending e long contest.
Ono of the richest gold mines ever opened in
Koub Carolina has Just been discovered un Major
fittltou's farm near Lincoln.
tent, ncerly imlf the coal area of Oroel Britain.
ZThe hunting season la be
over Virginia. Game of ell s
Has Received Universal Indorsement*
No other preparation possesses such remarkable
properties for embeUIshlnf^ end strengthening the
hair and rendering it dark and glossy. It ???
baldness and eradicates dandruff.
Burnett???s Flavoring Extracts ore ths b<
A MortMgjrr, it is Mid, is on toot to expunge
- ~ by subsu-
ADELINA PATTI, the great songstress,
says of Solon Falmer???s Perfumes, Toilet Soaps
and other Toilet articles: ???I unhesitatingly
pronouce them superior to any I ever used.
Principal Depot, 874 and 8 76 Pearl St., N. Y
Atlanta, September 27,18S4.
New York~Tho tone of the oot ton market ap
pears heavy and dull, and toward noon the months
moved off a little. Subsequently a slight reaction
-took place which brought the closing quotations
up to opening figures again. Spots, middling
Local???Cotton easy at quotations. Receipts are
rapidly Increasing now. and the market will present
considerable activity in the courseof another week
NEW YORK/ September 26???Thcfollowlng Is the
comparative cotton statement for the week ending
Netreceipts et all United States ports....*** 117.888
Same time last year. 129,033
Showing a decrease^....... 7,16b
Total rccclcfta.....M. ??? 2i6,050
Same time last year. ................
Showing a decrease???
Exports tor the week-.,,..,,..,....
Same time last year 310,892
Showing a decrease. 1X4.627
Stock at Intorior town*~.......15,057
Seme time last year Win
Showing a decrease^ 23,166
Stock at Liverpool........ 587,000
Same time tost year....^. 675,000
Showing a decrease 3^,000
American cotton afloat for Great Britain..* - J.o
Same time last year... 23,000
Showing an increase 6,000
itort* since September 1, WH.
Galveston 60.180
New Orleans
Savannah -
New York .....
Philadelphia mm,
West Point
Port Boyai.,.,.........
Pensacola mm.
TOtal MM
MMM...MM .MM 256,652
New York???The cotton market opened barely
stesdy with futures lower. In the afternoon the
market broke down completely and closed easy
with the range of prices 8<gl0 points lower. Spots,
middling lO^e.
Net receipts to-dty 22,202bales, against 22,009 bales
last jeer; exports 10,916 bales; last year 99 bales;
stock 231,140 bales; last year 363,101 bales.
Below we give the opening and closing quotations
ol cotton futures (u New York to-day:
September *m.10.I2aio 16 September .???.10.12:
October MNNM .iafm October ...?????????10.oi
rater 10.1 id
Januars M .MM. JO.22^,
February l(UiSlOJ5 February .
Women In Shops nnd Stores.
Women who labor often have backache,
Bcnaon'a Cancine Piasters will relievo it im
medialely. 25c.
stopped the boat and Inaugurated wagou trade.
West Virginia will vote October 14.
All persona afflicted with Dyspepsia, Diar
rhera, Colie and all kinds of indlgostions w'.lt
find iiuniniiate relief and suro cure by usin t
ANGOSTURA BITTERS. The only genuiiu
is mauufsetured by Dr. J. G. D. Siegcrt 3c
The state lumbering association of Alabama will
meet in Birmingham ou the 30th.
_???mar, Rankin 4t Umar. Howard & Candlsrael
Holmes' >Vaah and Dentifrice, wholesale and n
tall. t fri su why
A sweet breath, healthy gums, clean teeth, by
using Holmes' Wash and Dentifrice* fri su wky
The seeds ot sickness and ot death
In a disordered mouth art sown;
When bad the teeth or foul the breath,
Both soul and body lose their tone,
Till SOZODORTO brought into play,
And sweeps those dire defects away.
One bottle ot Dr. Fullers Docket Injection, with
??? ??? Ian. VI
t wky
Kbtigte on lUts.
Clears out rata, mice, roaches, flies, ants
bed-bugs, chipmunks, chipmunks gophers
Re Careful.
Ask for Wells???s "Rough on Corns.??? lSe.
Quick, complete, permanent euro. Corns,
warts, bunions.
loving Kidney
$1. Druggists
Quirk, complete cure, all annoytm
Bladder and Urinary D
??? Ills Slippery Kye-OUmea.
"The Sou ire," says the author ef "The
Uoceier Schoolmaster," wore one glass eye aud
ig. The glass eye was constantly alinpiag
>f focas. and tha wig taming around side-
wise on his head whenever he addressed the
people of the Flat Creek district." Sad spec
tacle. Parker???s Ifair Balsam preserves and
promotes the growth of the natural hair. It
also restores the natural eolor to hair which
has faded or become gray. Clean, elegant,
beneficial, highly perfumed.
How It Work* iu Uoag Kong.
Mr. Louis Fon Sing, a representative busi
ness man of Chinn, publishes at llong Kong,
numerous testimonials for the benefit of tho
Chines# people, to tha virtues of SL Jacobs
Oil and writes that the trade in this great
C in-reliever is very large. Among those wh#
ve been cured by the great remedy ora Mrs.
Leung On Shee, seventy years ot age, of rheu
matism by three applications of SU Jacobs OU;
Yaw Qua! Fing, cured of rheumatism after
suffering eighteen years; tha wifa of Lew Ping
Kin, of a narrow and tainting attack; Chan
Sam Yuen, of fourth! pains in tha beak and
head. Numerous others add their testimony
la tha virtnaa ef tha aavartign pain-cart.
March 10.46^10.48 March.
Closed easy; soles ??6,800 balsa.
Liverpool???Future* closed cosy. Spots ??? Up
lands 6 JM6d; Orleans 6 1M6; solos 7,000 bales, of
which 5,GOO bales were American; receipts 3,L00;
American G.5Q0.
Local???Cotton easy at quotations: Good middling
OHc; middling 9???$c; strict low middling9)jo; low
middling 9%q; strict good ordinary 9}??c*
NEW YORK, September 27???The total visible sup
ply of cotton for the world is l,44C,37l hales, of
which 819,771 bales are American, against 1A2A342
hales and 1,040,612 respectively lost year. Receipts
of cotton at all Interior towns 62,949 bales: receipts
from plantations 130,301. Crop in sight not given.
Ity Telegraph.
LIVERPOOL, September
depmsed and In???*
middling Orleans i
and export 600:
M8-G4, 6*7-64j Septeniber - and 'October delivery
6 4644.647-64.6 46-64: October and November de
li very 6 4364, 6 44-64; November and December do
ltvery 42-64,6 43-64; December and January deliv
ery 6 42-64,5 43-64; January and February delivery
6 44-64; February and March delivery ??? 47-61:
March nnd April delivery 6 49-64; futures opened
quiet and steady.
iWKrL^..., , s
ccmbcr delivery 5 43-61, idlers; December and Jan
uary delivery 6 43-64, seller- * *???-*???
ruary delivery 5 44-64, sellers;
delivery 6 47-64,(seller*; Marehond April delivery
6 4964. buyers; OctoberIdcuvcry 5 4C-64, sellers;
KNEW YORK.Feptember27???Cotton quiet; sales
K4) boles; middling uplands 10' U middling Orleans
20>f; netreceipts 4; gross 2.ia??;fconsolidatednet
receipts 22,202; exports to Orest Britain 10.916.
BAVANNAH,September 27-Oottou dull; mid-
dllng911-16; not receipts 6^03 bales; grass 6,80t;
sales 3,5C0: stock 40,188; exports to Great Britain
4,901; coastwise 2,07a.
NEW ORLEANS, September 27???Cotton easy;
middling 916-16; netreceipts 3,377 bales; groa A ixi
11 very 6 4364.
livery 42-64,6 43-64; December and January dallv-
tty 6 42-64,5 43-64; January and February delivery
MiiMMMxl March delivery ??? 47-61:
[ery o -t 'Ct; luturui opened
I LIVERPOOL. September 27???2:00 p. ra.???Soles of
American 6,600 boles; uplands IouOnfddllng clauso
feytember delivery 6 47-64,sellen: September and
Imtar delivery 5 46-64, seller*; October and No
ndelivery 6 43-61, sellers; November and De??
CHARLESTON,September 27???Cotton nominal;
middling ; net receipts 4,321 boles: grom 4,521;
sola none; stock 33,791; exports coastwise 1,597.
Atlanta, September 27,1831.
The following quotations Indicate the fluctua
tions on the Chicago board of trade today:
Opening. Highest Lowest Closing.
MM. ?9J6 nx
mmmIO 13 10 13 10 15
10 25 10 25 10 13
November *???
Flour, Grain and Heal.
ATLANTA. September 27???Com and bran are*par-
Uculariy firm and show a tendency upward.
Flour???Patent proems, best, $6.00^ $6.50; extra
fancy $5.36; fancy $3.00; extra family94.75; tarn-
???*- $4.28?? 14.73. wheat???No. t 86H*ti0. Corn
-rtcwlv: white, car lota bulk. 73c; do. sacked 7??e:
dray lota R!c; mixed, oar lots bulk, 7Jc; do. sacked
75c; dray lots 79c. CoraMsol ??? 13c: small lots 90c.
nock Peed???IIMO N. Oxu-tlrm ??nd ot
upward teudeocy; cor lota bulk* 88c; do,
sucked sOc ;;d ray Io ts 45c. Kyo-.\onc. Boriey-??I.(U
Ml.10. Hay???Fancy, cor lots, 90c; ??100 Iu *L<U;
choice,cur loads??5c: dry lots 96c; prims oar loads.
85c: V looks9Dc. Wheat Bren???In active demand
nm^fitm; car lota f(c; dray lota tLOOo* Uritt H<5
CHICAGO. September 27???^Flour unchanged; win
ter wheat t3.Ktei.2i; Michigan winter ??U0#f t50;
poring wheatIlMMsfuiO; lower grades 32.09SS8.00.
Wheat firm and higher ; ruled quiet early, grew
stronger and closed lkc higher than yesterday;
September 77 t ??(??>??*; October 77%; Nat Chicago
???.??? ???*' Corn quiet and stronger; Septem-
and cloeed ie higher than yester
day; October dosed V and November kc hUUce
thanyraterday; cash and September 72440; ww-
OctoKr 5 ??!' a ?? U: e * U * ad ***'???
NEW YORK, September 27 ??? Flour, southern
steady .???common to fair extra 3J.3)#$4.Jo; good to
e ??%I7; No. 2 red OctoberSs 4^>
better: ungraded &6#5??; do.
,:Rb.20ctober??S??5i>*A. Oita X
lower ohddalLcloarng firm; No. 1
Hope dull and nominal; choice grades
her 27??? Flour unchanged:
(OtregtAteHOO; fancy tt*
.f and active; Na 2 red fall
_ _ October. Corn higher but
1 * -y - *.' r crah * Si bia Septem-
road October.
ONCmNATL Ssptember 27-Flour unchanged;
63/'*. Oats weaker; No. 2 ml:
LOUISVILLE, September 27???Gram qatet. Wheat.
No. 2 red 73079. Corn. No. 2 white 68; mired 66.
Oats* No. 2 mixed 28){&29.
ATLANTA, September 27-Coffee-Elo 9KW12M;
Old governmcutJAV* 25c. Sugars???Staadard A 7c;
granulated 7^c; white extra C o&c; New Orleans su*
cars, white 7c; yellow Aocondj.5^5. Mo-
usseo-BUck strap In barrels 22a Syrup???New Or
leans choice 50c; prime 45c; fair 35iUi0c; common
80c, Teas???Black 40AfiOc; green 40AG0C. Nutmegs
80c, Cloves 25c. Allspice 10c. Cinnamon 25a
Sago 60c. African ginger 16a Mace 80a Pepper
20a Crackers???Milk 7^0: Boston butter 8c: pearl
oyster 6>4c: X soda 6J6c; XXX do. 6a Candy???As
sorted stick 9>4a Mackerel???Market about bare of
is and as: No. Skit*. L.W.,Mc;do. k bbls, 80 Be.
K.7w??f3.75; do. X b\)ls. 100 he, 94.NL Soap 12.509
fl 100 cokes. Gandies ??? Full weight Uo.
tehee???100fibox8L60; 20QIA60:800R75. Soda,
in kegs, 4&c; in boxes 6^66*0. Rico c^Tc.
NEW YORK, September X???Coffee, spot lair Rio
quiet at 10J4; No. 7 Rio spot 8dJ0; Octobor 8.50 ??
8 00. Sugar quiet and about steady; centrifugal
6*i\ Braall fair to good refining 4^??3; re
fined dull; 6 5<45%; extra C 6KAV^; white extra
f??7; confectioners A 6*4; powdered XU
ulatrd 6*4: cubes 6XmC Molasses (lnlf; SO-e
18. Rice quiet; domestic 687; rangoon 4J435.
CHICAGO, September 27-Sugar lower; standard
A V/&PA; cut loaf 7)48754; granulated 6)4.
CINCINNATI. September 27-Sagar dull; horde
refined.7??7)9; New Orleans686.
LOUISVILLE, September 27???Provisions quiet.
Mess pork 917.75. Bulk meats, shoulders 6>{; dear
ribs 10: clear sides 11% Bacon, shoulders TXi
clear ribs U; clear sides 10%; hams, sugar-cured
13%. Lord, steam leaf 9%; prime steam 7%.
CHICAGO, September 27???Pork quiet; deferred
deliveries weak;cash $1&608$I6.75; October S17.Q).
laid iu good demand but r
Bulk meets In fair demand;
ribs 10.10; short dear 10%. <
ST. LOUIS, September 27 ??? Provisions dull.
Pork, Jobbing at 916.508fi7.00. Bulk meats, long
clearvy*: abort rib9.90: short clear 10%. Bacon
julet; long clear 20%; short rib 11 ;short dear U%.
mend; oho
NEW YORK, Feptember 27???Fork dull: new mess
spot IITOO; uo Mies. Middles dull; long clear
v,\. Lard opened 10@12 points lower, closing firm
western steam spot 7.6587.65; October 7.63.
ATLANTA. September 27???Stead?; dear rib stdee
iC/^Giic. Bacon???Sugai^cured hams 15c. Lard,
tleiccs. refined 9%c; tubs loc.
Country Produoe.
ATLANTA, September 27???Zggg???20c. Batter
Jersey 27%quoc: strictly c
27%c: choice 23825c; tafrl6r
2c. Poultry???Young chickens, I
??: choice esi tern 92.50
plentiful. Feathers???
-Skims 1L
??????Live fttoeklH
I ATLANTA, September 27???There is a good demand
I for bonce with supply moderate; muiee dull: good
combination horses tl.G08t2!60: good plug 91.158
?? ???35; driving horses 9l.50ft3l.75b The supply ol
???nee is iu excess of demand.
A IT. WC??X8Vm 80LW Amt*
nvoiDWjLYjir. X*
???WCAPITAL PRIZE, ???70,OOO. a ??m
Tickets Only $3. Shares in roportlon,
-ouisiana State Lottery Comp???v
JwtuuToa. sod tost tho earn* ar* conducted wlU f.iniera xnd soodtoltO toward sllpsttles,
sod wa sntbortxo tha Company to ns. this certifi
cate, with Ixo-xlmlle* ol oat dgattaitt attached
on !U xdTcnlKmenu."
Dj so owrwncuniuB popuimr vow its iraucniM
KfMfiThSIM" QxmittUoB -
The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by
the people cf any State.
It never acalea or postpones.
Grand single Number Drawings taka
place Monthly.
ORLEANS, TUESDAY, October 14, I8??4~
1 3d Monthly Drawing*
100,000 Tickets at Five Dollars Each*
Fractions, In Fifths, in proportion.
uvr or rRizxa.
1 do
1 do
do 25
amoxnunow rants.
??? Approximation Prises of 9730
Nww Orleans, La.
POSTAL VOTES and ordinary latten by mat]
- axpc??M(all earns of flvadoUara and apwarlsby
Maw Orleans, La*
??? vnvmuii
CO7 h.Tenth St., Tr**hlh(taa, D. O,
.ouisiana State Lottery.
^cr Ttrkjtior further UHarautloa o(the shoe*
Dave C -Johnston, Covington, Ky.
Amnesia ol M.W ssd orcr, hy Xxpm tt my
With increased facilities we are
prepared to supply the demand
Agents, Atlanta, Ga.
ggh -dim Urn tun tne A wkylm
fe tha t
** v^b. enujtAy, *.n.,st.n., rtuis,
hi* another pirpeTttlon upon th
Beware of Imitations I
S ano cenaln* without rl*nntnr?? t
Jfohftiiii lloff** * ???Jloriu Ebaer,
on tbo neck A evtry lt-tvio.
JOHANN nor#.
u. tu. sis *s aao note e, a. (a. ra.,
sepfo-dly fri sun wed Awky
to trouble* of pregnancy, \
xnonthu ol prcKuancy It xcl
new.- aud weight, no annoying to tho condition.
Luxomnl relieves crampe, false pains, and pro*
motes rest and comfort at night: it greatly ameli
orates tho pangs of child birth, shortens labor, pro*
vents after pains, and facilitate* recovery.
For disordered and painful menstruation,
it hn& no equal, and Is a superior remedy for neu-
convulsions, and other trouble* connected
the uterine and ovarium div-axm.
Lux omul fa no liquid preparation, but a
combination of vegetable plant* from which a
simple tea Is made, and Is without doubt the gem
of female remedies. Price, per package. It
your druggist has not the prernratfon. address the
| Drawer 28. Atlanta, ho.
81 West 9th, St., Cincinnati, 0.
cures ail Chronic. Xrrvoui, Jiuxxiana
Xtvir, Kidney and tlrtnaru TmMu.
???who are *ntftrtn??(rom th* torrlbt.
88rpatlsnts treated In all parts of tho world.
i(i| page Look, Containing fact* which ahaald
^nI ur i!. n r ru o r f tt0 q^ 1 a KiFB>EE.
Vttflbttshed Id40ta
i ns ciuiutd t
BemA Or dacrlpU** CUs??
Ur. Jitdross ptaUdy ~
wont form, after I bad su IT
A amber ol ay church has been entirety eared
ol kb ulcerated wro le* or tweoty-ttoe yesri .laikI*
rp, by min, two bottles ol Strut???s Dpedfie. She
hadwtooslndsol trestment. end had almort
d,.(sired, ol be in, well. Swllt???* Specific cured
her, uuline (cels thst she has anew lasso on Ut*.
P. U. Cr.csrun, Pattor Met. Church.
Macon, Os., July it, lost
dong bur, seven yvtn old, hat bven afflicted
. - _ Emti h r two yean* and after trying other
rciidi??sin v*Id. Inv??her Swift's tfpoaifie.8.8.
F. trd me and a tall bottlta cured her sound and
???ell. It i?? the Uu blood remedy in the country
Ida. M. 8. Jcmtoca.
Ccdsrtown MU. July Z3.XKL
I have had to do with Blood Diseases and relltng
cod Reared!#* tor twenty-five jean, and do not
Mai tote to tsy Swift'* Specific is tha Mtt. N ma
jor* of cure* oiKUuxi Poison by ita use hare come
under icy obtenration, and some of them w???
ful. Itisanexceltenttonic, and is used I
by delicate Iad Its and children. Brin
vegetable, It does not produce any bad e
potarh mixture*, and is the most m
???,edy that I sell.
G. W. Dfxmr, Auburn, Ala., Sept 19,1WL
(cuhil'nMd fo5w^*?? 1 th* Ttctln o( ??
ob other portions ot *ty (tody. Three months
MO I be*sn Ukinr 6will's Srcttlc, ud tt hM
caret nsk,net sat writ, (t b the urcitesi blea-
???in, which bs. uooe to msnUn 1 In years.
Mss. T. W, In,
CrtesTill*, Ala,, Sept, i, UH,