The constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1884-1885, October 07, 1884, Image 6

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G TJIE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION. ATLANTA, GA.. TUESDAY OCTOBER 7 1884. rvv ELVE PAGES. blt-L. ARP I write you from the city of Charleston???the city by the tea. I am now looking afar of! upon the distant "waves, afar towards Fort Bumtcr, the historic place wbero the war be gan. 1 was ruminating about that small be ginning a sad and toriblo conflict. That feeble cannonading that hardly shook the land and did not disturb the calm and peaceful sea, but it quivered the heart of a great nation, and was the shock that smothered peace and sounded the eoll of battle and of death. I wish I lived by the sea, not all the time, for I love our bills and mountains dearly, but I would like to have a home down hero where I could bring the good wife and children an d let them feast upon new scenea and look with rapture and with wonder upon tho mighty ccton. How eaJ/n, how peaceful when at rest, bow terrible in tho storm. 1 believe such things enlarge ua and make us better. They dignify the great creator and fill ui with awe and make us conscious of our own humility, while aittiug now upou the wharf watching the rentiers waters 1 cannot wonder, lit tho emotion of Lord Byron when he wrote thut sublime and beautiful verse ???'Roll on thou deep and dark bluo Occnn, roll." There is surely something in nature that moulds n man to her image. Not nil men but most men. They soy that blood will tell, but blood is not all. Jllooded stock, whether of man or beast will not keep up on tho pinev woods. It will degenerate, we can almost tell where men came from by looking at thom*nnd talking to them. The mountains produco a shifty, thrifty active people, always smart, al ways* in a burry. The plains produce a quiet alow moving, dignified population, who lovo their cams and enre for their comfort and take time to entertain their friends. If a Charles ton man or a Savannah man is not dignified < and courteous lie is nothing. If an east Ten- nrssoan is not sharp and close and calculating he is nothing. And so between tho scucfupl ???nd the mountains wc find all grades and oil mixtures. I have just visited three ploainnt villages in South Carolina and mingled with people and enjoyed them for they are in no hurry to get through life, and content with their lot. I never saw a merchant hunting for trade. I never saw one like Jot Cump, of Home,taking the streets to induco custom, and working and toiling for business. That is all right and l admire him and his diligence, but I rant help noting the difference. Then there is l'utillo, of Cartersviire, I???ve watched him as a typical man, n genuine north Georgian, ns restless as the troubled sen, working all tho time and watching for opportunities, lie buys at a venture and sells ou sight and uses tho hank and duns his customers sud deals inaiiy- thing that oilers a dollar of profit. Atlanta is that some way, for Atlanta is made up of north Georgians, Most all their successful men came from there, nud they are smart and thoir mot to is ???Push along, keep moving.??? It was tho bracing nervous air of tho moun tains that made Moore and Marsh and Kiser and Rhode Jlill and Wyley and Wyly and Friers and Dougherty nud many othors. Even Howell has mountain stock in him, and ao has JlrmphiJI nud Grady and that is why they succeed. They are the stock that will climb up and succeed without capital or friends. Nothing can keep them down. A Macon mun will succeed in Mncon hut he he would hurdly succeed in Atlauta, unless hu had a good backing and some special advan tages. Homo Charleston men who moved to Atlanta have succeeded, but they hud abun dant capital nud got north Georgia boys to help them. There is a wido difference be tween Macon and Atlauta in their methods of business. The Atlanta men walk faster, talk faster aud chow more tobacco and givo more bank notes, and dun harder and brag eter nally on Atlauta. Well, that is all right. That is business, and that is what makes At lanta. IVby, a man con break all to pieces in Atlanta and rise again in two months and smile sen nely. Venerable Charlestoul I havo not been hero for 30 years. When I was a merchant 1 used to traua here. Twice ??? year I made iny pilgrimage here and bought my goods, and now it makes me sad to wander around in search of tho old familiar places and find now signs. 1 saw one hanging on a wall; it was corroding from the iron hand of time, but it was there???-the lame old nign, ???Hyatt Mclhir- ney A Co.??? But they wero not there, and no surocasinn. The sign was all Happily I found one, but ouly one old friend, Mr. McGahan, the Imuest Bcotchmun, now of Edwin Bates A Co.,and the lieud of the house. He is the only one left of the old stock. I usod to deal with, a noble go utle in an of the nuro Charleston type. His house hns a branch in Atlanta which shows his business sagacity, Hitting down ny him, I asked many questions and the answer was dead, rieuri???out of busi ness???moved away. Keen Vender see, the la>t survivor of Wiley??itanks A Co??? Is thump ing flies in New York, and has passed his threes score ami ten. Vail was tho best mer chant l ever knew except Mr. Norton,of Homo aad he couldn???t talk to you a niinuto without thumping a fly from your clothe*, or catching him sj he flew, lie was the best catch on tho fly l ever saw, and he is at it yet. Hat those time-honored names of lumorablo'mnu???names that l respected, for they did business on hon orable principles, and thsy were the pride of Charleston???where are they? There were tho Howies, and Gillilands, and Klcmiitg, and sec me and brought me come flowers, and as looked in her son, sympathetic fore I rallied and determined to get well. And I did. And I???m well yet, and so is she, and her childreu ere mine and mine aro bers. Bill Aar. CONSUMPTION CUItHR. An old physician, retired from practice,hav ing had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of ronsufnption,bronch!ti8,catarrh,astbma and ail throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for nervous debility and all nerv ous complaints, after having tested its won derfui curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relievo human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this receipt in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Hentby mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. Noyes, I4V Power???s block, Ro chester, N. Y. e o w COAL AND LUMBER. What n fitnunrh Atlnntn House Has to Offer After Eleven Years Experience. Atlanta hns lind its full share of troublo about tlx fuel supply, but a better time has come. * The Git n Mary coal and coke company have made rnngsn.ents to supply any quantity of coal and roke for this city. The quality of Uielr coal to famous and they will supply the Atlanta market with nothing hut Tiia imr i.i'Mr cos i. The company have a capital of 1300,000, and every facility for meeting the demands of their large and growing trade. They hnve appointed their agents for this West Gain stroet ??? d growing t J. C. Wilson* A U????.. city. At their yard It UO Rood time to fay in a supply ???r. Wilson A (Jo., firstly pride io quality of the coal they offer. two or three thousand tons of coal, and thus lu re m * "??? * * ??? cap , nil the winter. then selves on tho quality of the coal they offer. Their entire slock* of lump coal, ns the lino coni which Is so dixagrccablu for ordiuary use is kept at the mines, and used in making coke.. THE I.UMIIF.B BUSINESS of the firm is conducted at No. 7 Bpringfstrcct. win re the yard runs down to the Western and Atlantic railroad. The Arm Is composed of J, C. Wilson, of Atlanta, and !>. W. linger* A Co., of !t< nfree, Ala. At tho latter placo is located tho large lumber mill of P. W. lingers A Co- It has u capacity of 80,000 feet of lumber, 40,<JU0 laths and shingles a day. A large planing mill Is up ended in connection with the saw mill and a dry miles long, which la owned by the Arm of 1>. W. Regers A Go. With such connection-! and such facilities, J. C. Wilson A Go. arc enabled to oiler superior Inducement* to tho trade. Their reliability has been established by eleven year* of smcrssful business In Atlanta. They offer Arst class lumber urn! havo such ad vantages In the business ns will guarantee satis factory figures at ell times. Great quantities of lumlier are shipped from tho mills directly to thu west where the Arm has a largo and growing business. The Atlanta branch ??uppllOH n big trade In the city Mint In tho neighboring towns. This successful liusitiixs hns been built no to its present propor tions by cnUrpriscnnd reliability. The Arm wa-t never mi well prepared a* It Is now to satisfy any demand that may be inudo upon It for coal or Tin: FINEST OUT. Luuhatn, and Dewing, Thayer A Co., and Chamberlain, Meier A Co., and McKrniie, Cadow A Co., ami Clark, Hyde A Co., end Stoddard, and Courtenay, Tennant A Co., and 1 don???t know how many more 1 used to trado with. Well, they are all gone, or out or dead???and it is only thirty years since they were in their glo ry. And so we all pass away soon, mud be no more remembered than Rutherford B. ilayos. Rut I did meet Mr. Courteuay, and ho is well And well preserved, and is the president or a bank, and is honored by that people. Ills brother is the mayor of Charleston, and is worthy of the honor his people havo shown him. 1 reverence these old clastio ntnus. for they are classic. There is some thing in a name. There's nothing in mine, I know, but whenever 1 meet with a Calhouuor a l.amar or Cobb or Lowndes or Uulledge or Bowie or Courteney or Pickens or such like, I naturally expect something of the man, and if he isueithcr good or grent, all l can say is that he has gone beck on his aueestors, which be outhtcut to have done. Well, 1 love Charleston. My dear mother was born here???my best rartly friend except my wife???my dear old mother, who still love* to bleoe lue aud pray for me, and who, if ahe bad the privilege, would forgive all my sins. For her sake I reverence this place, and if I could kuow the snot, the sacred spot, that gave her birth, 1 would go to it like the pilgrims went to Mecca. But, alas I I do iiot know. Bhe doe* not know, for she was hurried away during a pestilence, when father aud mother were but a day in their grave*. These metm rie* are sweet, and tender, aud rrflnine. I wandered along the street in Au- E nsta the other day. looking lor names, tamil- ir nstmt, but 1 did not find them. They, too, arc dead or retired, and there is a uew'set ot merchant* and lawyer*. But I was not lost or forgotten, for as time bat rid led on I havo made law friends, and I love them. I found John II. Davidsou there, a genial gentleman, of wh?? m his people are proud, and ought t.?? be. And then 1 met that lovable man, My Maryland Baudall, whose name is familiar to every hi un-hold, end whose welcome comes from the htsrtas well as the hand. And thut ???terling, solid ton of Erin. Fat Walsh, whom the people of Georgia delight to honor, and will yet honor. 1 love this good old Georgia city for lu happy memories, and especially because Mrs. Arp was educated there, and her edu< stiou was sol id??? solid a?? a rock???and she eon do a sum now in her head quicker than 1 can on a slate, aud is as sure iu figures as au I was taken tick iu Vharlestou ??tee, at the Pavilion hotel, when old Mr. But terfield was the propriety, and I thought I had the yellow fever and was going to die. Bo I ran away with the fever on u??e, for I wanted to die at Lome, and 1 rescue! home and for two months I was at the door of death, and living I did languish, and languishing Aid live, and one day a sweat, pretty girLwilh Lcavtiiiu hot' I ??yta aad raven hsir, came to gammon* unit Cook, tho Naur Livery Men, Heml Greeting to Atlnntn ClUxona. Atlnntlwnro fond of enjoyment and pleasure nnd during tho plruxcnt delightful afternoons there Is nothing null so enjoyable;as a pleas int riot? or drive. Atlnntn can boast of some as fine drive* a* aro to he found in tho south. There Is the Boulevard, Fcoehtreo street with tho elegant residences, Marietta street with Itamanufocturle*, >Vsxhii??Kton street nud Capitol Avenue with their pltlly home*, and Whitehall to West Knd. But a good drivels no good unless you havo a hand- rune turnout. ??? However the most hutldloiuyuin mture a rig at Hammons A Cook???s livery ??uble. on Hunter street, at the comer of Forsyth. Tnliflrin has Junt lea red these stables, am! are uow equip ptd with new rolling stock and fat horses. The stables aro tho finest In tho couth. Thu building was erected for a livery stable and every convenience to tho bu*l- nira was studied In Ua construction. It is a ttirco si?? ry brick aud hns a haudsomc appearance. Tnc Ant floor is used lor all mules ana nonet and has a capacity of four to five hundred head. The secoud floor is given up to the livery hones and to ??????hoarded" hones whllo the third floor Is used for carriages, buggies aud other rolling stock. Messrs, Hammons A Cook are both experienced and educated livery men. They kuow all nbout a bone ami eau seliit such as w II fault their (Nitrons. Thoir stable Is uow uewly Mocked sud their turnout* sregreat ly admired by all who sec them. Their horsos aro fresh, fat and gentle, though spirited. Their car risKts, buggies and phaetons aro new aud hand some. They own the fluent carriage In the city- which cost them $2,060. They have polite, SOMT and attentive driven, and if favored with your mnm baking powder to-m i tut a uui no. ??? *??ui MtiaLun smell. A chemist wUi not b?? r*> Below we give the opening sad closing quotations of ootten future* In New York to-day: ???> OPENED CLOSED. October 9.0f(9 October November 10.0.:$ December... Jannary~... February 10.22 November ....dO.llfl December 10.l4d January... 10.214 February. 10.3 DOES NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA* tTl NEALTUJTUKSS IMS NEVER BUS QUESTIOTUX la a million homes for a quarter of a esotery it has Stood ths containers* reliable test, IKE T??ST_0F_THE OVEN. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., Dr. Price's Special FlaM Extracts, The at reaf del Was* saS aateralRmr Iaawa,??a4 Dr. Price???s Lupulto Yeast flams For Light. Healthy Bread. Ths Best Dry Hop Yeast In tho World. FOW SALE BY GROCERS. fWICACO.-LOUIS- A Splendid Remedy. Wo call attention to .the advertisement of Holnr????? sure cure mouth wash and ilentrf frfee. It fs receiving the highest recommendations from the iredteal profession, and from those who hare tired ft. For ulcerated sore throat, U fs without an cqtifll ns a remedy. It is extensively used by it any of Atlanta's most prominent citizens. BURNETT???S COCOAINE. Has Received Universal Indorsement. No other j properties f hair and r baldness and eradicates dandruff, llurnett???n Flavoring Extracts are the best. Family Safety Lamp Oil is the finest burning oil made. W holesalc and retail, by F. J. Cooledge & Bro. Mr.dnmc Patti mado her operatic debat twenty- five years ago. If your complaint is want of appetite, try half u wino class of ANGOSTURA BITTERS half an hour beforo dinner. Beware of coun terfeits. Ask your grocer or druggist for the g enuine article, manufactured by Dr. J. G. B. cigcrtA Sons. Sarah Rernhardt gets SJOO.OOO for her year's work gentlemen. The Arm pays par ing! both tool tleulsr attention to horses left with thorn for at tention. Dr. J. N. Cook, the senior tnembor of tho firm, Is a competent and successful vcterimrjr surgeon, lie irnduated from a college In Canaifa aud, oatne to Atlanta nearly three yearn ago. Ho Aral eatab, llslied his headquarter* at Redd???* livery stahle- and soon won thocoufldeucoof all stock men in thceity by sumo remarkable cures In dlseawt among horses. He soon mado himself known, until now whenever an AtlantUn has n sick animal Ills first thought is of Dr. Took. Thu doctor Is a man of unusual cticrfy and Industry and from the pour man hu was when hu came to Atlanta, hu ha* gradually nroftrcMed until to-day hu owne a half Interest i one of the best livery stable* In Atlanta. Ills Ctinrlty Commenced nt Home. At tbe last moment, ten o'clock a. u., Au gust 121b, Eugene Guudina, a warehouseman for Messrs. B. Ouorato A Co., bought one-fiftii of the coveted ticket. Tho revolutions of tho wheel brought out No. *5,305 as drawing tho capital prize. The fact was published nud came soon to tho ears of Gaudins, who yester day was poor, but to-day, bv tho investment of a dollar, ranks among the ???bondholders.'" He called at the ofllee ot The Louisiana State I-otter r with Mr. B. Onorato, and was prompt ly paid in foil.???New Orleans Picayune, Aug. 15th, lb??4. llie, lads and lassie*! hie away! Nor brook a single boun delay, If you would carry in your mouth White teeth, aud order* of the tiouth Haste, haste, and bay a single font Of the unrivalled 807,0PONT. F. J. Cooledge & Bro., at 21 Alabama street, have the larg est store and keep the largest and best assorted stock of win dow glass, oils, varnishes and brushes in the city. One bottle of Dr. Puller'a IHvket Injection, wltTs 7 finite combined, cures without capanic*. 91 II Druggists. _ tulhsawky dvertheraent of J. K. ------ _ ???_ ???, offering for rent the celebrated Magnolia house: A priceless feeling of cleanliness renulus for A sweet breath, healthy gum*, clean teeth, by using Uourea??? Wests au??l Dentifrice, tuu lues frlwky til oil. tun*mine, varnishes, brushes, machine nr eiisine oils.cylinder oils, lord oils, kerosene, braiiffcht, mixed taints, etc. octl dtf???wud frt sun wk ??? soyagoln sixteen days aud leu hours, the fastest time on coid. Civciaxavi, O., April 14,1884.???8. B. Bun t Hao., Covington, Ky.???Esteemed flint I have been troubled with a serious kidney af fection, and soeiug your advertisement, con- eluded to try a bottle of your May Flower, though without much hope of being benefited by iL The first bottle worked splendidIv, and persevering with its use, I am anUrely relieved of my painful illneea. Any one ean writs to' me ana I will raiUrate what is hare written. Man. S. WmiBi, Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, 0. Strictly pure St. Louis Lead, $6.oo per ioo pounds, at F. J. Cooledge & Bro???s, 2 r Alabama street. Use Family Safety Lamp Oil. ;* Strictly pure Rt. Louis Lead, 80.00 per 100 pounds, Write for Catalogue and prices, to F. J. Cooledge Si Bro, 2r Alabama street, if you want lead,linseed oil, turpentine, var nishes, brushes, machine or En gine oils, cylinder oils, lard oils, kerosene, headlight, mixed paints, etc. Much 10.41910.0 Much lO.Mi Closed steady; sales 01,800 bale*. Liverpool???Futures dosed quiet. Spots lands 5%d; Orleans 6%; sales 8,000 boles, which C.C00 bales were American; reoeipts 3,000; American 2, ??00. Local ???Cotton steady; market closed at the lowing prices: Good middling 0 9-lCc; middling Sp-ltc; strict low middling 9 5-lCc; low middling 9 3-lCc; strict good ordinary 9 l-16c. The following fs oar statement of receipts and shipments for two days: RECEIPTS. - . Line'.!!........ Georgia Railroad 7. 140 Central Railroad 420 Western and Atlantic Railroad 1 West Point Railroad 800 E. Term., Va. and Ua. Railroad 154 Georgia Pacific Railroad 118 SHIPMENTS. Shipment* to-day ft Shipments previously fi.2' Local consumption since Septem Her L 1,2 Stock on hand- The following is our comparative table Receipts to-day 1.0W Same day last year. Showing a decrease of 157 Receipts since Reytembcr 1 14,00*5 tome time last year 33,331 bbowlng a decrease of 19,321 NEW YORK, October 4-The total visible sup ply of cotton for tbe world is 1,491,"Cl bales, which 900,801 bales are American, against 1,685,727 bales and 1,125,527 respectively last year. Receipts of cotton at all interior towns 87,632 bales: receipts ram plantations 182.CC3. Crop In sight 498,313. llj Telegraph. LIVERPOOL, October 4-Noon-Cotton steady and in fair demand: middling upland* &A\ mid- dlinpOrleans5%; sale*8,000bales; speculation and export 1,000s receipts 8,000; American 2,500; up lands low middlingclnuxe October delivery 5 43 Cl, 5 45-64: October and November delivery 5 42-64, 5 4???.vr-4; November and December delivery 5 4V-f??i, " * ??? end January delivery 5 4 5-64, Inn nary and February deliverj . February and March delivery 5 48-64; March and April delivery 6 51-61, 5 52-04: April and May delivery 655-64; futures opened Arm, LIVERPOOL, Nctober 4-2:00 p. m.-Sale* of American 6,600bales; uplands lowmlddllngclauso October delivery 6 44-64. seller*: October and No vember delivery 542-64, buyers; November and De canter delivery 542-64, bnyers; December and Jan- ers; futures closed quiet. NEW YORK, October 4-Cotton quiet; Mies 330 belra; middling uplands???10%; middling Orleans 10%; net receipts none; gross 3.74-1; consolidated net receipts24.203; exports to Great Britain 2>.0a1* to France 6,247. SAVA NNAII, October 4-Cotton quiet but firm, middling 9 9-16; net receipt* 6,976 boles; grow0,976; tales 5,000; stock 59,0 It; ex ports coastwise 5,411. NEW ORLEANS, October 4-Oolton Arm; mid dling 9 13-10; not receipt* 1,717 boles: grow 3.216; Mies 2,000: stock <2,012: exports to Great Britain 496; to France 6,247. AUGUSTA, October 4???Cotton steady; middling OJ^nct receipts 1,916 boles; shipment* ??? j sties CHARLESTON, October 4-Cotton firm; mid dling 934; net receipts 5,662bales: gross 5,662: said 2,(00: stock 44,273; exports to Great Britain 11,245 coastwise 798. PROVISIONS, GRAIN, ETC. CONSTITUT???IN OFFICE, Atlanta, October 4, 1884. The following quotation* indicate the flactne lions on the Chicago board of trade today: WIXAT. Opening. Highest. Lowest. Closing. '??too bet 18V4 78ft 7t% 77ft ??? mber 80ft 80ft 79 CLBAX RIB RIDia. October... 980 980 980 980 Thu Kolb Gem. We advlso all growers of mel on* to correspond with Uapt. R. K. Kolb, of Ku* laula, Alabama, and obtain hi* prica list of Melon Reed*. Ill* celebrated Kolb Go in Melon was tho favorlta In all tho market* of the country tho past itAfton, and commanded nearly doublo the price otner varieties sold at. THE COTTON MARKETS. CONSTITUTION OFFICE, Atlanta, October 4,1881, the wgrjt???s REVIEW, New York???Cotton Is moving freely now, and receipts si the close to-day show a gain of 9,00) bales over the corresponding tlmo lost year. Pricos, however, have a downward tendency, aud the shrinkage is of moio than ordinary proportions for the tlmo of year. Tit-day futures closed steady, but the advance during the day was such that only about 10 points lay between these figures and the figures of a week ago. Tone stoady. Spot*, mid dllng lOftc. 1-ocal ??? Cotton cloned steady to-day, having moved up l-!(e. Receipt* aro picking up consid erably (low, though the tone la??ka firmness. Re ceipts for the wock amount to 6,033 bales, again*! 11,775 bales last year. Fame time last y Showing an Increase. ' nveldt 167,212 ie 1,810 2.*42 4 ??1,241 Total receidU- - flame time last year. 421,922 Showing adccrea*e~ 1,812 Export* lor tho week. 63.871 * * 67.0VJ 3.6W Stock at Liverpool..., ~ ae time la Showing 54,92) 84.6M 512.000 flhowlng an lucroesc.., lalvcaton New Orleans I Mobile .... flavannoh.. .... CbarU'stim Wilmln Norfolk Raltimore Sew York baton i Providence....,......^. 1 Philadelphia......... '4V??t iWnt..... Brunswick Total. 422,261 SATURDAY, iMTOBKK I. New York Market was quiet daring the mo^t o the day. Futures doae??l steady with upward ten dency. Spots, middling I0V???- Net receipt* Unlay tvsa bates, against 27.124 bales foot year; exports 3LM bales; last year 9,018 bales; Mock 291A1 bales; last year 43,421 talm. Flour, Grain and Meal. ATLANTA, October 4???The market was steady throughout the ray. Grain Is geuerally Arm. Flour- Patent procemf6.ii0Ail6.25; extra fancy D.OUl fancy 14.75 ;exu?? family 14.50; family 81.25 Wticiti ??? No. 2. ear Iota 83c; strictly cholco *eod wheat, car lots, 95eSkfi.lO; none ottering. Corn???White, ear lots balk, 72c; do. sacked 75c; dray lotslOo; mixed, car lots bulk, 70o; do. sacked 73o; dray lots 78c. Corn Meal???80c: small lota 90c. Stock Feed ???11.35 V 100 IT*. Oats - Car lots bulk, 89c; do. sacked rie; dray lot* 46c; rod mu I proof, car lots bulk, 44c: do. socked 46o; dray lot* 61c. Bye???None on tho maraeL Burley??? fl.udj fill.10. Hay???Fancy,carlou, 90c; fllOO lb*fl.(X)l choice,cor loadse5e:dry Into 96e; prime car loads. Me; %U00ff*90c. Wheat Bran???Active and hlcherd car lots 96e; dray lota f 1.00c. Grit* f 1.65 E bbi. 1 CHICAGO, October 4???Flour unchanged: winter! wheat f3.75Mf4.25: Michigan winter f MM??91.50d spring wheat fJAOAHOO: Tower grade* fj.ootffJ.iX)N Wheal weak and iftcunder yeaterday; October 77ft ??78ft; No. 2 ChUtigo spring 770. Corn un*ettlol aud generally sharply hlgnor; October closed ft higher: cash ???8A59;6etober58ft^59Ji. Oats steady cash 26ft; October 26ft@26ft > NEW YORK, October 4-Flour, sontheru uni changed; common to fair extra fJ.20flfl.25; good to choice extra f4.6fi<f)85.90. Wheat apotfte lower slid heavy; aD grad<xlflHhiiMflijfMfRrife|ijfeJfefed Mo. 2 red October ..... . Intter; ungraded - new white wmihern63* Na???2 October 63. Osta ftfilc better; No. 2 323^.1 Hope dull: Choice grade* 10032. 8T. LOUIS, October 4-Flour unchanged; family 12.70?? 12.90; choice f3.230fl.OO: fancy Th.20*|I.???25. wheat unsettled; No. 2 red fall 89ft^3Ift c<uh: 8f??86W October. Corn higher; No. 2 mixed 52 rash and Oetober. Oats higher but slow; 26026ft cash; 26^oaoicr. J ' CINCINNATI,October4-Flonrunchanged; fam By S3.404M3.75: fancy ftOOA4.2ft. Wheat strong fl No. f red winter 81082. Corn stronger: No. 2 mixed M055. Oats firm; No. 2 mixed 23028<t ??? LOUISVILLE, October 4-Oram quiet. Wheat, Mo. 2 red75ft80. Oon^|mmm|M??j||amy|flfedfeJ Oats, No. 2 mixed 29. eld government Java 23c. 8ugan?????staat granola tod 7ftc: white extra C6f;o; Newt ___ gan, white7b; yellow 606ft; aoooads JtftAA Mo lasaea Black strap In barrels 22c. Syrup???Now Or leaaichoice50c; prime 45o; fair 35a|Wo; common BOc. Teaa-BIaek aomflOc: green 40i96do. Nutmegs 80c.* qkrrra 25c. Allspice 12.*. Cluuamon 25c. Pago 80c. African gtn\er 16c. Mace ???02. Peppor Milk 7\r: Boston butter 8o: pearl X aoda 6fte; XXX do. 6e. Candy-Ac ??ftc. Mackerel???No. S kit*. L. W.. Ode; ?? la t2.75Af3.00; do. ftbbta, 100 ftn, 5 .... foap fitCO&ST.OO E 100 cakes. ,Candlee- Kull weight 15c Matches???Round w??xxl 130 to 253 M box ixcoir^ti.w, Soda, la k egt, iftc; In boxes NEW YORK, October 4-Go tree, spot fair Rto quiet at 10ft; No. 7 Klospot 8.73: October 8.55 49,60. ???ugtr dull; fair to good refining 4ft9lre fined steady; O 595ft; extra C 5ft %.ft: white extra O 6ft95ft; yellow 4ftgift: off A5ftfl>ft: mould A eft; standard A 5ft; eat loaf and cru*H*1 Cft: confectioners A 6ft; powdered<ft96ft: gran ulated fft; cubes 4ft. Molasses dnli: 50 tat 14 Elea firm: domestic oft??6ft; Patna 4ftJ3ft; ran- goon 4ft??4ft. CINCINNATI. Oetober 4 ??? Sugar unchanged; baids refined 797ft; New Orleans596. ???* Provisions. LOUISVILLE October 4-Frovtalonssteady. Mess K rk Bulk meats, shoulders 6ft; clear riba ; dear slim 10ft. Bacon, shoulders 7; dear ribs 10; dear sides li; bams, sugarunred 13ft0l4. Lard, steam leaf tft; prime steam 7ft. NEW YORK. October 4???Pork firmly held; new mess spot flTOO. Middles neglected; long clear 9ft. Lard opened leaa active and 3*5 print* lower, dosing weak; western steam spot 7.72ft; October 7.579L58. CHICAGO,October 4???Pork in fair demand: cash 116.50; Oetober $16.00 Lard in fair demand hut ???sy; cash 7.239*.??; October 7.12ft Bulk meats ufet: shonMerWaft: short rlh*9ft; short clear 10ft CINCINNATI. October4???Fora quiet. messflLO) lard quiet at 7.3V. Bulk meat* uncbangetl; ahoul- der??6: short ribftlt'. Bacon ??M*ier; shoulder* 7ft; short ribs 10*#; short dear ljft ATLANTA. October 4 -Clear rib sideslOftAtOfte: strips 4 ft9fftc; mess pork fl9.(Xj Ba*??u??? Sugar* cuira hsmslPc lard, tierrm. refineltc;tubs9fte. FT. LOUIS, October 4-Provision* dull aud un changed. Pratt* and Cnnfeetlonerlat. ATLANTA, October 4 ??? There Is soma do- fcaud for dried fruit Apples - tiOO^fSAd. PracUi -Scarce; market cuupUcd mostly from country vragmm Lenreos-Maadna BUA463.01?? ssasfftSkSssaarASs -KT-WiM, \ tomb. Fin???UMOe. BjWn??-S to* li???.'-. rf v London B.H5; if box 0.75; X box Kt. forr??nU-^7>4??M. (.TMIfietrtM-tOc *g*l; ???UCOVbbL COflorul.Po,r^l5.00#box. Citron d???:c??. Jtlinonai- 1??. P??ai?????Uo. Brull.???io. Flll??rt,-l.'@ir< Apploi.uilroiwb drlt<S p??clit*ac; pcled fieMhca4@<o. Poonut,??? rum; Ini, tc-'J???.o NurtbB.roHH.6Ho: Vir* rit'l* 10c rr.Hif. Ur* * ???tr?? Cldtr???Appip. harrtlr *???.80: H bnrrtl* *4.00: cr??b, l??rrel?? 0.50; y, barrels 0.60. Wines, Liquors, Etc. ATLANTA. October 4 - Mkrket ???tMbr. Oorn hLHXy, rwUM, li.ooatl.40i rie,, I. K rye ??nd Bourbon i.H-.:loni ii.rornAOO: rum reo* tl??td tl. A.@1.76: Now England ll.75(gti.M; St. Crol, ,1.00; Jamaica tl.foHM.So. gin, domeatld *1.503 li.60; Imported *3.c??a??t.50i<Ai??nacbrandy,domu?? tic *1.60(I*A60; Imported copper d?? tilled oor'n vbffiky, Georgia made, *1.75; apple and oeaib brandy *7.00*73.00: eberrr and gingerLraud j II. M-(??iI.60; port wtnell.60'.,Sfi.a),owing toqualUf; ???berry ??.150@??C.CO: oaUwba n.J5????L76: wapper- nonggl .00^*1.25. CINCINNATI. October 4-Wbi????y Brm at 11.11. CHICAGO. October I-Whisky higher at S1.13. ST. LOUIS. October 4-Wbl??ky steady at *1.12. Nnvnl Htoree. iv drained V>% tar Ann at *1.30; crude turpentine attady: harda 51.00; yellow dlpand virgin 51.00. SAVANNAH, October 4-Tui rales ??0 barrcla; rosin atcadv a 280 bnrrela. CHAKLESTON, Oetober 4-Tnrpentlne nctlvcat 271. bid; rotin firm; drained II.0J;??; good drained ll??. Country Produce. ATLANTA, Oetober 4-E??ts-2ft921c: firm. Bat Ai JJJU7 1A, UVIUHC11???uttaa. uui tci - Jersey 27ftfe30c; strictly choice Tenues- see 27ftc: choice 23925c; fair 16920c; cooking 10 f il2c. Poultry-Young chickens, large23925c; me- ium209???22ftc; small 166117c; hen*27ft9W; oock* 20. dorks 20c. Irish Potatoes-Choice Tennessee *2.CC??$2.25: small fl^O#fL75 Y barrel dwoet Potatoes???White 759850 ft bushel; do. red65970a Honey???Ptraincd 9i9l2ftc; In the comb 18415c. Onions???$2.00912.25 per barrel. choice eastern 12.58 9??J.C0. Cabbage???2c. Feathers ??? Choice 54 <|60; prime 5f9?? Chew *kfm* 11 Peanut* 3ft3l'lo HnrtlWHrr. ATLANTA, October 4???Market reasonably act ive. quote; Horse shoes 81.60; mule shoes $5^0; horse shoe nails 12ft9A>. Iron-bound hamus f 1.00. Trace-chain* 40970. Awes??? shovels 110.00. 8paries fl0.G0Afl3.00. Axes f7.n09l0.00 V* riox. Cotton curds 14.00. Well-buckets il.OfT Cotton ropo 16. Swede Iron 5c; rolled (or merchant bar) 8 rate. Cast-steel 15c. Nalls $2.75. Glidden barbed wire, galvanised, Y lb 7cMbslnted 6c. Powder, rifle I5.OT; blasting 82.70. Bar-lead 7o: shot 82.00. 1,4Vt* Mock. ATLANTA, October f4???There Is a good demand for horses with supply moderate; mures dull; good combination hone* $1.50982.50: good plug $1,159 $1.86 driving hors*a flj.Su9fl.V8. The supply of horses fa lu excess of demand. CINCINNATI, October 4???Hogs quiet; common and light 13.40911.60; packing and butchers $4 50 ???$5.10. Allscellnueous. ATLANTA, October 4???Market quiet: G. D. 24 12b. P. D. 21924c; best25928c, whitcn.ik solo 40c; isrnesa leather 30<g33c; black upper 35940c. ATLANTA, October 4 ??? Bagglug ??? 1ft tts 10J lfftc: lft ffa loftfciio^ic. Iron ties???Arrow $1,409 $1.45 %??? bundle. Special lluslness Notices. A CARD- 1 To all who are suffering from error and Indiflcretlous of youth, uerrous weakness early decay, low of manhood, etc., I will send a recipe that will cure you. FREE OF CHARGE, This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in Bomb America, fiend self-addressed envelop to Rev. Josxph T. Inman. Station D., New York, mar 16 *n in th wky cow next rd ma JjRl j Established sin.) <? Oay; BttUrl (Cincinnati, Ohio.) V..30 ai'2 i!w oldest Ad vertising Physician. as fries of Papers show and all old Keniuenta know. Ago and experience lm* portaut. X&' -Varvno* diseases (with or without dream j,. or debility and loss of nervo power treated scientifically by new methods with never falling success. SSf* It makes no diffarcnce wbat you have taken or w**o has failed to cure yon. tST Young Die., ari^ middle-aged acts and allwho suffer should .-onsiitt the cePcVratOd Dr. Clarke at once. C^The terrible potaor-iscf all bad blood and skin dibits of every kind, name f.v'nature enm nlvtely w. i-/.Icatcd. Barnaul* Dcr, tha v nno horrible dlscosa, If neglected or Improperly treated, enrsas the present and coming generations. DIseaaod dlsckargaa cured promptly without hindrance,to business. Both sexes consult confldantlally. If In trouble, call or write. Delays arc dangerous. ??????Proorastt* nation Is the thief of lime.??? A written warrant? ot euro {,??? ivcn to every caso undertaken. Send two stamps for celebrated w.3ta On Chrr j*.1o, Nervous and Dchcate Diseases. You have sui (AThaustlvo oyraptonratology By which tu atud r your own casus. Cnnsultatinru personalty or >y better, first. Consult ute old Doctor. tikA'jisbds cured. OfQces and Dorlcra V,rie at e. You see no one but '.he Doctor. Before confiding your case consult Dr,GI??ABK35. A r.??iondiy letter or call may save future suffering and shame, and add golden years tolifc. Medicines sent everywhere secure from ex pot ure.???1 lours, 8 to 8j Sunday, 8 to 12, Adress letters: t\ D. tXARKU, Bl. D. t No. *50 VINE SV- ^??CIXWATI, OHIO, JERSEY CATTLE. AT AUCTION BY THE East Tennessee Jersey Breeders??? Association, A.t Knoxville, Wednesday October 122, 1884. The first annual sale of this Association will roinprifctt selections from the herds of W. Gettyf, Athens; 6. A. Rogers, Loudon; J. N. Fnlkenoa, Kbuncxer; J. L. Thomas, Knoxville; J. T. & W.8. fibroids. Huen???sStation; F. W. Taylor, Jr., Tata's . fipring: F. M. Fulkerson. Rogersviue, and others. Air.nng the leading strains represented are tho Hugo, Duchess of Bloomfield, Lady Mary, r???s Glory, Top Sawyer, Albert 41, Niobe 99, era and bulls recently Imported from To tbe above will bo added a fine collection of high grade young cows and heifers, sired by tho above bull*. For catalogues address W.8.SHIELDS,President, Dean???s Station; W. ORTTY3, Vlce-prcstd&ut, Athens, or J. N. FULKERSON, Secretary, Ebcno- xer, East Tennessee. P. C. KIDD, Auctioneer. oot:> dr??, 12, 19&W8 15. S TANDARD BIOGRAPHIES r JUST BLAINE and LOGAN IREADY. 712 Royal octaro page.; C7 full page Illnitrationt. Best Terms ever offered to Agents, Outfit Free and All FreLeht Paid. Ad.lrtss H. 8 GOODsf-EEDACO.. SMITH???S Extract of May Flower FOR WOMEN. CONSUMPTION. HAVE A POSITIVE REMEDY FOR TIIE above disease; by it* use thousand of cases of . jo worst ki ud aud of lung standing have been cured. Indeed, so strong i* ray faith In Its effi cacy that I will scud TWO BOTTLES FREE, to gether with a VALUABE TREATISE on thin dis ease, to any sufferer. Giv Express aud P. O. ad dress. DR. T. A. SLOCUM. 1st Pearl *t.. N. Y. A. 8B7,000 Farm AT A LITTLE MORE THAN HALF ITS VALUE 2250 Acres of Land ???AND??? ??? Desirable Suburban House FOR SALE, ON EASY TERMS. to offer my farm, near McDonough, for salo. The farm contains 250 acres, 120 acres a high stato of cultlva tion, 70 acres well fenced for pasture, 50 acres woodland, situated iu a stock law county, and within two miles of couuty scat, on East Tennes see, Virginia and Georgia railroad, 20 miles from Atlauta. The land now in cultivation hasbeca cleared of rocks, stumps and other obstructions, le aving It in condition to be easily cultivated with Improved farm machinery. Tho entire fArm Ifl Inclosed and sectlon-eroMcd with 03ago oranges hedge. The residence fs a handsome, eight room two-story building, plostored and newly painted throughout, and Is practically as good ns ucw. Could not be duplicated for less than $2,500 or $3, 000. Excellent water and orchard. Outbuilding* in splendid condition. The barn fs a substantial frame structure, 2Cx6C feet, with wheat blu, crib, stables and cow stalls, all combined under one roof; central folding doors for wagon way. Tferea tenant houses in good reirnir. Situated two miles west of McDonough, aud within half mile of good neighborhood school. Academic and church privileges in town. Above property Is offered at private sale. Terms, $5,000; one-half cash, bnlauce on one and two year* time, with 8 per cent Inter est, on defcired payment*. Reasonable discount to purchaser desiring to pay all cash. Apply early, or address, CHARLES M. SPEER, sun Clerk Superior Court, McDonough, Go. The ??? Hilldale ??? Herd -OK- JERSEY CATTLE! SERVICE DULLS: L KONDIAS 3010. SIRE: SIGNAL 1170. DAM: Geranium 3963. 14 lbs. In 7 day*. BIGNAT.l'KTIto 11678. Sire: Leonidas 3010, sou of SIGNAL 1170. Dam; Optima6715, daughter of SIGNAL 1170. 10 lbs. 8 oz. lu 7 days os A 2 year old. KING KOFFKE, Jr??? 12327. 40ft per cent CGGMAfiSIK. Sire: King Koffco 6622, Dam: Island Star 11876. 21 11*. 3 oz. as 5 year old. These Bulls will be allowed a limited number of approved Cows after November 1st, 1881, at $100.1)0. Orders booked now. Koep of Cowx fa Milk, free of charge; others $2.00 per week at owners risk, YOUNG STOCK FOR SALE. L. J. & A. W. HILL, Atlanta, Ga. Hilldsle Farm fs at East Point, six miles from Atlanta, on Central, and Atlanta and West Point Railroads??? trains running to and fromat all hours of tbe day. sopI4???tf sun wky HARRY KROUSE, REAL ESTATE AND RENTIN'!} AREN'T, No. 30 Pt.chtrce Street, ATLANTA, - . GEORGIA, As Salesmen, m9m State which pre/err??ar??Eo^amoant wanted per month for services and ex- _pea??e*. Goods very salable. Businsra I honorable, pleasant and permanent. V Write us. SLOAN & CO., ???<???4 a-iwriw*ATI. ??. L. STEINAU, DEA1ER IN ides, Furs, Shep-skins, Wool, Tallow. Beeswax, Dried Fruit, Etc. St BROAD STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Correepondencc solicited. No commission or draysgf rh*rr??d ??a enods consigned to me. G eorgia, fayette county???a.o. gay and Man* w. Malone have t-pplled for permanent letters of administration 011 the estate of O. T. Malone, late of raid county, deceased, and I will pass upon said application on the first Monday In November, 1884. Thiifieprember 29tb, 1881. L- B. GRIGGS, Ordinary. G eorgia, fayette ???ounty-s.t. and a. o. Blalock, have attplic*! to the undersigned for peraauent letters of administration on the estate of larkin Harrison, late of m<1??! county, deceased, and I will pesa upon said application on the first Monday in November, 1884. Tut* September 29; 1??H. L. B. GRIGGS, Ordinary- G eorgia, fayette county- Steele has applied for letters of administration de bonis lion, on the estate of Tandy D. King, of said county, deceased, aud I will pass upon said application on the flret Monday iu November,1881. Ibis September 29,1184. L. B. GKIGGi pEORGIA. FAYETTE COUNTY???E. M. BARGE first Monday iu November next This September 29.18>4. l it (, RIGGS. Ordinary. Kelipa?? ( _Wino *itil..-The Original '71, Australia ??? Atlanta >1, Chicago R'y Ex. w. The DiouSkst mill buiTt. Ariopte.1 by r. s. G.refirnment ami all loading Railroad*. Tested 17 years. Twenty size*, from ft to 10 horse power. Pump* of all kind*. Tank of all sixes .. -.mention*. Water Works for tewns, public institutions, private residence*, farms, etc. Write for circulars. J. M. K Li NOELSMITH, Gen. Agt, 67 PeachAtlanta, Go. THE MAGNOLIA HOUSE DARIEN, GEORGIA. FOR RENT. HE WELL-KNOWN MAGNOLIA HOUSE, DA ??? ricn, Ga.. ta for rout Apply to tttiiM e i t , 1 tttAwlt FOR SALE. btr next cue 2y % acre lot with Six Room Dwelling House ???AND- ??? Store House nearly new, on It; ???!*>, eitu y -cren acres of land