The constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1884-1885, October 07, 1884, Image 8

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THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION'. ATLANTA. GA.. TUESDAY j OCTOBER 7 1831. 60MEHING ABOU H C ECLBCIC MEDICAL COLLKOB. Bf on* of the Most FJeurUhioB Madlaal In??tttu- UOMlnlk#B#utli H*?? Puthrd Ita Way tot--* Front by ??h??or Marti ???ThaHaptd Marob Of Xolrotlctam -Tba Faculty-Xto. Tbo Georgifl Eclectic Medical College, of thU City, la one of the moat succcttful iuUltutlon* la ibc aootli. A ppaimmoF reporter bad the plearare, jrea- terdry, ol vUIting tbU popular college, and an bow* wnwety profitably and euterUiuingly apent lo exfkuiiliig Ita varlotw department* Theoolkirc ia aiiuatcd in a fonvenlent and ae- rmlt**'locality on Butler atrekt, Within a few snlnuUi walk from any ceutral point. The va* yloua department* are ayatematlcally arranged witb a Tleir to tbo accommodation of large classes of students. the nrm*x, etc. In the museum there are a thousand things of practical utility and interest. The student will bud here everything that can aid him In illustrat ing anatomy. physiology,pathology and chemistry. It Is generally admitted that the chemical appa- ratiis h not equalled south of the Potomac. Ito- aldes the original collections of the Georgia Eclec tic Medical College, this Institution has recently come into the possession of the splendid museum of the Reform College. In this collection will be found one of tbe largest and finest French mani kins In the country. Hanged around the walls in glass oases are numerous lance plaster and pnplsr maebe casta and molds of crcry description. These models Illustrate every section of the human body In every stage of health and disease. The department of materia medic* Is exception ally valuable and complete. It ehlbraccs every thing of value In pathology, embryology nud gcicucc in general. Amplo arrangements havo been, piado In this college for the teaching of practical anatomy. A large supply of first class subjects Is tent on hand, and (lie expenses to the students In this branch of Mudy are remarkably light. Clinical Instruction receives special attention, and two or moro days Era devoted to it. aOMETIIINO ABOUT BCLECTtCW*, Eclecticism Is making rapid progress In tho South. There Is a demand for eclectic physicians In nearly every town, and the supply Is very far short of the demand. All ol the graduates of this college find good places awaiting them. There has neve r been any difficulty iu securing a good location, ami without exception all tho graduates of thia Inatitutiou arc f sported successful and making money. Eclecticism naturally commends Itself v> public Isvor. Its principles embrace the best elements of nil the schools tbst have bccu tried and tested by time. It is the only school that recognises medi cine In all Its details aa one harmonious whole, Without regard to tho distinctlona mado by the tliUvrcul schools. PRACTICAL METHOD*. The object of all the teaching In this Institution Is to prc|>are students for the practical every day duties of practitioners. Moro attention Is dovoted to the practical detail* of medicine, surfccry and physiology than to the numerous theories concern ing those subjects. The Georgia Eclectic students enjoy the best fa- Cilltits during their course. The members of the faculty are able, xcalous and uutlrlng. Tho lec tures with demonstrations and clinics, recitation*, quitxc* and practical manipulations, and the prac tlccof writing anti reading a short thesis every week on some tuple Ulacusaed In the lectures, all combine to make tho course of Instruction thor ough and practical. The trustees and faculty ex tend to females tbo satno advantages enjoyed by tho malcstudouU. past and pebsket. Starting in 1877 with only five students, the num* her haa gradually increased as high aa oighty-flve. The outlook for tbo session opcu I off on thn first Monday In October la aa bright as the best friends of Uu* Institution could dcslto. Over one hundred sludeuta havo signified their lutcutlou of attend ing the M-sslon. livery year Increases the mumber, and tlic twncflclsrlcs or student* reoelvlng free Instruction have steadily dropped o(T, Moat of the Undents are graduate* of literary Institutions. Ibcy are educated and moral yoiTug men, and At lanta gladly wilionua them, and heartily eympo- Udsvs with them In their endeavor to qualify themselves for the duties of a learned and uoblo profession. These student* come from all over the south, but chiefly from Georgia, the Carollnas, Tennessee, Alabama, MUslwdppl nud Texas, In the south the Georgia Eclectic Medical College Is recognised as the repreatmtatlvc of eclecticism In this section. It 1**0 recognised byJthe;Natlonal Helvetic association, and at tne spring meeting of he association In Cincinnati, Profcsaor W. M. Durham, an honored member of tho faculty, waa Elected one of It* vice president*. TEVSTEt* AND FACULTY. The board o! tru-t?? e?? Is compotod of 8. T. Big- Bets. M. D??? President; William M. Durham, M. D., Vice President; W. T. Park, M. D., Secretary; F. M. Coker, Treasurer; U. P. 8. Klmbro, Kap, U. T Ogletrce, K.T. Powell, M. D??? W. L. Hubbard, A. L. Holbrook, llllam PhiUI|??s, U. A. Locbraue, U. W. Del bridge, M. D. Die faculty comprises such names as tho follow ing : Htephrti T. Bigger*, M. D., Emeritus Profcs- Bor of Obstetrics and the diseases of Women and Children t John It Borland, M. D., Emeritus I???rofrsaorof the Institute ol Mcdlcluo; Joseph Adolphu*, M. D., Professor of Physiology aud Mur- gery; J. M. Goss, A. M., M. D., Profewor of Ma- lerla Mi diet aud the Science aud Practice of Med icine: A. G. Thomas, A. M., M. D., Professor of Descriptive and surgical Anatomy and Microsco py; Joel V, Hammond, M. D., Professor of Dis eases of the Nervous System and Venereal Diseas es; A. G. Thomas, A. M., M. D., Professor of Chem istry and Toxicology aud I'riuo Analysis; G. W. Dclbridge, M. D., Professor of tho Principles aud Practice ol Obstvtrios; W. M. Durham, M D., Pro- lesser of tbe Diseases of Women and Children and the Partrulcnt Hate; Bvnjamin II. Thnrmon, M. D., Assistant to tbe I To lessor ol Anatomy, and Demonstrator of Anatomy, Dr. Joseph Adolphus b Dvan of the Faculty. The well kuown standing and professional ability of these gentlemen speak volumes for the high character, thoroughness and permanency of the institution with which they btc connected. V A BIOl???S rot XT*. The trustees own an acre of land attached to their college at No. 48. Butler street, and It is their purpose during the coming year to add thirty feet to the south cud of the building and put on an other story with a handsome mansard roof, thus adding to the Imposing appearance of the struc ture, aawell as affording ample room for the la- greasing number of students. The coming session will open on Monday, the Cth BIG DIAMOND*. Ulstoricnl GcniH-TlH ir Actual Size Bepro< duced. Never within the history of America has such Widespread Interest lech manifested in tbe pre cious stones ns during tne past two years. Jt Is estimated that during that time more diamonds have been sold In this country than were sold dur lug tbe previous five years. Tbe trade In this gem has rear bed enormous proportions. Stocks of dia monds are now found In title* of SO,000 Inhabi tants that* few years, affo were never seen except In places ol lb0,(H0 population Magnificent getna, duplicate* of which are to be foun'd In poraewlnn of pcrbaiai only the crowned bead* of Europe, 1 can market aud f , ??? of our people to invent their money In an article which has a rectrgnixed value In all the market** of the world rearm to A value. AppspMcbluK one of the members ofl firm dem|MM|MMMg|a||lM|||||fcffe0| r **" Bo jmjm??iinoK^thatnuMydIat*iond^iw| cold in time* of depression?" ., . . . VJajf experience leads me to think that many |people Invest in our good* during stringent times who would not during periods ol general m "Btcau*e of a lack of confidence In other Invest- merits where risk* I attendant. Nothing, por- baT??. yields Its original cost so surely as a well bought diamond, nud It Is easily takenjattsLJ in precious stones Ithilr portability, and In times of revolution, /licit property Is easily aeere- memo because carried about one???s person upou occasion* of emergency." "hi faking of tbe royalty can you give me a cor- reel Idea of the value and size of some of the his torical gems?" THE KOIM-NOOR. rroperty of the Queen of England, Weighs 123 carats. Value, 1700,000. The largest diamond that has ever been found In the Brazils l?? the UTAH OK THE SOUTH. Property ??r Emperor of Brazil. THE riGGOT. THE ORLOFF. Property of tbe UXtr of Russia. ml n???Jll V.llIM THE POLAR STAR. Property of France. Weight* 1ST carats. Value. $648.0*0. ???Are you expsetm^ a large diamond I trade dur- preparation for It lug the coming fall;' "Wehave made every .... have the largest stock of imiuubil and loose staucs ever shown fi?? Atlanta. The qiiantlea In which we buy these gnmls rimble us to offer thom at price* lower than ever before quoted here " cm THE OomtiTUTtoM refairter thanked Mr. 8tev of the welt know n houacof J. F. Stevens %fc Co-i for the lufmmatloii given, and wandorlnk through their magnificent store feasted his eyes uj-on the display ol rich geuis, Iu oue showcase, the bottom ol which represented???23 square feel, were diamondsexclunlvt ly. Iu another showcase equally as large, was shown 200 elegant stem wind- are shipping to all |*art* of the country. Whom ever one watch In mild it makes reputation for itsvlf, and create* a demand for other*. They are uow UMd on nearly all tbe railroad' of the south l when they arrive in the city will find the Dean and hu assistants ready to aid them In obtaiMtag food boardlug places at reasonable prices. Fees for the course are ft*); demonstrator's tick et, |o; graduation tee. Pi*. Dissection material Bt cost. Graduates of recognized medical colleges desiring to attend a course at this college can do ko on laying an i ntraucc fee of $10 and on gradua ting tbe Ue of IS. Everything ol knowo merit and value In atl School* Is recognised and taught In this college. The fatuity keep pace with the spreading eclecti cism of the age, and spare neither time, means nor labor, In educating their students up to their broad standard. In the light of her pert history and future pros pect* the limnrta We lle Medical College is an Institution of which Atlanta. Georgia, aud the en tire south haveercry reaaas tobc proud. ???hr Dr. Trice's Cream Baking Powder It ???fipertor to sll others, la because the testimony la ill favor is the atn-nceat, most inkUits jt and most competent. This million house* ketjwrs who use it are g community, a nsiloa They know that in ElnJw ??? h ??? l4md ??? npuimr to be seen by all visitors. THAI Ml AVI * KAY. Ma tnmoth Coarern and * Dig Basiaaea. Probably no firm in Atlanta enjoys a greater confidence from ell classee than Traynham Sc Bay, the wrll known manufacturer* of doors, sash and blinds. They have been do ing business many years here, and have built up a business second to none in the eity. They occupy a large area on Decatur, rtinnfng from numbers 66 to 70, the office being at 68 De catur. To a Cojistitctiox reporter Mr. Trayn* ham said yesterday: ???*Our business has been exceptionally good, and we have accomplished greater results than we exacted. M ??????Where does your trsde extend???? ???Well, the bulk of our busi ness is done iu Atlanta and Georgia, though we sell largely in North Car olina, South Carolina aud Alabama. We hare only recently completed a fine block of build ings in Laurens, B, C., worth $20,000, and have many other contracts outaula of Atlanta. We take all kinds of contracts for buildings anywhere, and ere willing to claaa our work with any done in' auy city north. Lauren*, 6. C., is 300 miles from At'a-Ma. which thows h??.w we arc vainrd away from home.??? ???How great is your anuuai bu??iuees???? "We do from $150,INK) to $200,000 annually, and the business is growing.??? ??????lJuw many hands d * you employ???? ??????Altogether about lt*0 ban Is.??? Contiuning, Mr. Traynham saidr "1 want to anncuuce through Tee Covsrt- tctiox that-in a few days we will have some thing dee of interest to say to the public. We are making everything rom the common** to tbe finest work, and guarantee to pleas ??? anybody- in price and Quality. Wo have a go<>d stock of dears, vash, blinds, brackets, etc., on which w?? are willing to stand the judgment ef the beet critics." STATE AGENTS FOR eight years. Also proprietor of the c Which gltes nnlvcraal satisfaction, and has been KTojlnx steadily lu favor for fourteen years. 8tato Which la distilled from imported Juniper berries, making it equal to the Imported article at a sat ing of $1.25 per gallon to the purchaser. Proprie tor of tbe * 3jj|Sg*?? &0URB0^ ThU old and well known whUky hu bedn my standard brands for over twelve ystri rnprlncipluddeeieraere endeavoring to Imlttts the brand. I have been forced to affix to the stamp head oLgach package ottr engraved caution notice with my signature, without which none ia genu ine. Be sure you get the genuine article* MACON, GA. C. H % * a ?? n a 2 n o o 13 O 2- G- I s S i ????? o s ?? g. .a a ?? w a rr in n w I- 8 SF P- o f# o ^ c o re s I. S* a. Orq 'S S 1 !????? *8 r? 9- j? S *2. M !D sr <b i THOUSAN Longley & NUes, ???SUCCESSORS TO??? li Niles&Tryon. TAYLOR RFC. CO. Corner Fourth and Poplar General agents of Middle Castle Engines and Saw Mills Green Castle, Penn. BUILDEBS??? SUPPLY HOUSE. Doors, Sash, AND BLINDS. Builders??? Hardware ???AND??? Ready-Mixed Paint. We are Bound to Sell -AS LOW??? AS THE LOWEST. Don???t Buy Till You Get OUR PRICES. LOW PRICES ???AND??? QUICK RETURNS Our Motto. No. 86, Decatur St., ATLANTA, GA. DS LOST. Don???t waste your money on cheap Machinery. Thousands lost every year by buying third class goods, come and* see or write and get prices. Five leading Engines and Saw Mills. i . Three Best Gins Two best Grist Mills, Superior three roller cane mill, Best Mowers, Davis??? wa ter wheel. These goods took pre miums at Atlanta and Louis ville over the largest display of engines and machinery ever made in the United States. Bugglgs and wagons from the leading markets bought by the hundreds. Rubber belting ???largest line ol any house in Georgia. Easy terms. Long time. M. J. HATCHER & CO. General Agents, streets, Macon, Georgia, and South Georgia, for Green made by Crowell Mfg. Co. Atlanta Wire Work Bird Cage Manufactory, 82 PEACHTREE STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. MANUFACTORY OF WIRE RARING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FOR BANK, STORE AND OFFICE. Wire window guard, for any building???a great protection against burglar* and theft; wire fire guard and fender*???a great protection for children and lad in* dreraes, raring many loving Urea; wire arebca for grove end summer house, tor gar den end lawn. WIRE DECORATION Of ANY SHAPE, hffiitf 1 " ter u Tbe AU ?????? e,???rnt??? AU snlca tor win wort, dinct them la Um ATLANTA WXIiE WORKS, McBride & Co. DIRECT IMPORTATION. Crockery, Cutlery, QIasswar e, Lamps. LARGEST STOCK LOWEST PRICES! Show Cues,'Seth Thomas Clocks, Gate City Stone Filters, Wood and Tin-Ware. Merchants ovoid Freight and [Break* age by buying from McBride & co., ATLANTA - - Ga. Gate City Stone Filter. Simplest, Cheapest, Beit Filter In the World, For Export to alt parts of the world by McBride & Co., Sole Owners and Manufacturers. HOUSEKEEPERS. McBride's Spoons, Forks, Knives, Cas* tors, China Seta are Without a Doubt the Deal and cheapest goods in the South. Get prices and be convinced. GRASS SEEDS ORCHARD GRASS, 1 BLUE GRASS, RED TOP, TIMOTHY, CLOVER SEED, vm 5?D. At ' D IMPORTED BERMUDA Q1?1?TY Ga.rantted to (trow from Med. Some ijIihL/, thief new. Auo GEORGIA RYE AND BARLEY, RED RUST PROOF OATS, AND WIN TER GRAZING OATS. Also Full Line of GARDEN SEEDS. impend for price.-** J. C. M???MILLAN & CO., S3 MARIETTA STREET, * Attests, Gat