The constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1884-1885, November 04, 1884, Image 5

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THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION. ATLANTA. GA. TUESDAY NOVEMBER 4 1884. ' TWELVE PAGES. 5 CORRUPTION IN OFFICE. Bhonld Ui* Moral Character of Candidate* for oraea ta Taken Into Consideration by Voters???8ina Go in ricoks and Herds and Droves??? Spurgeon???s Opinion of Dr. Telmtge. Brooklyn, N. Y., November 2.???[Special]??? Among tho throngs in the Brooklyn taber nacle are noticeable many theological students Who come from the seminaries around New York, and also a large number of clergymen of all denominations may bejseen in the audience. To get some idea <?f the wide attention this pulpit is attracting, even across the water it Heed only be noticed that Mr. Spurgeon, of England, writing to this country, says: ???Mr. Talmage???s discourses lay hold of my inmost ecul. The L#rd la with this mighty man of valor. So may he ever be till the campaign closes with victory! I am indeed glad of his voice. It cheers me intensely, lie loves the gospel and believes in something Which some preachers hardly do. There arc those about who use tho old labels but the articles are not the same. May tho Lord win armies of souls to Jesus by this man. I am astonished when God blesses me, but somehow I should not bo go much surprised if Ho blessed this man/* The opening hymn to-day was: ???Am I a soldier of the cross, A follower ol the lamb. And shall I fear to own ills cause Or blush to speak Ills name?" Before the sermon to-day Dr. Talrnago read and expounded the Ten Coimnnndraeut*. The subject of his discourse was: ???Should tho Inoral character of candidates for olllco bo taken into consideration by voters?** Dr. Tal- mage announced his text as ???Exodus, the 20th chapter and the first seventeen verses; name ly, the Ten Commandments/' Earlhquako and lightning,said he, put tlioir forces together to rock a mountain ot Arabia Pctreca ond the traveler ffl-dny finds a heap of broken porphyry and greenstone rocks, boulders against boulders, the ruins of the first law library, not written on parchment or pap yrus but on shattered slabs of granite. The corner stones of all morality, of all wiso law, of all righteous jurisprudence, of all good government, are the two tables of stone on which the Ten Commandments were written. All Homan law, nil English law, nil French law, all American law worth anything, civil low, criminal law, common law, martial law and Jaw ot nations were rocked in the era lie of the 20th chapter of Exodus. It would ba well If at this timo all tho newspapers ot tho land would at some time publish this chaptor in place of one of their editorials. 8ome of its passages liavo evidently been forgotten. Tboy ore all coually in force. You have no right to coy which is tho more important. They are the pillars upon which the temple of society rests. Strike down any one and you damage the whole structure. I notice that mon are very opt to become incarnate Sinai???s and.thun- dcr especially against the sin to which thoy nro not especially ??? tempted. They take one gun out of tho bnttery of tou guns and un- Timbcr that and load that and lire that. To-day I shall in continuance of the series of sermons on national affair*, and within two dnys of tho presidential election, try the four candidates lor the chief magistracy. This decologuo prohibits idolatry image-making find profanity and Babbuth desecration and ir reverence of parents ond murder and incon tinence and theft and lying and covetous ness. That is the slumlord by which all can didates, national,state and city, must bo tried. We must not expect perfection. If we don???t vote until we find tho immaculate nominee wo would never vote at ??U. Ourselves far from C irfect, wo must not be-censorious or rnaledie- ry or hypercritical of otliors. Tho Christly^ rule is os appropriate for November os for any month ot the year and for every fourth year for tho preceding three yeais: ???Judge not that ye be not judged/??? ??? Neither am 1 to toko thut which opposing red-hot partisonship shall soy of a man os his fruo character. From nearly oil tho groat cities of this continent I receivo daily or wook- ly papers, sent mo regularly or in coinpliraont, boI see both sides of everything. It is inter esting to seo the opposites of a man stated. Tho ono makes him at: angel the other a do- snon. Then I split tho difference and find that he is halfway between. Thero never has been a respectable or lumcst man that ran for tho presidency since tbo foundation of this government, if I am t* believe the old files of newspapers in museums. What a great mer cy thut they were not all hung befuro inaugu ration day 1 If a man should believe one-half ho saw in tho newspajicrs, his career would be abort outsido ofBloomlngdalo asylum. ???That procession last wock in Now York was 5,000/* Bays ono paper. ???It was 17,000 says another. Tho orators at the rink ot tbo academy of mu sic received a very cool reception, says ono pa per. Tho audience rose at him as one man, aays the other, and It was only after he hid lilted his band to quiet the multtitudo that tho vocifieration subsided. Oue paper twists a letter one way aud another paper twists it an other way. You must admit that at such a time it hi difficult to estimate which of the can didates comes tho nearer to kcoping the ton Commandments. I charge you to caution and mercifulness in your judgments. Bo coreful also not to make tho mistiko which many do moko in thinking that men in high positions aro to bo judged by a differ- ent standard from that which they apply, to ordinary mortals. Men in high places or with large means havo no more liberty givon thorn in the interpretation of the ten commandments than those in place iucon*picuous. Sinners on a large scale aro no more to be excused than tinners on a small scale. Do not call such il lustrious defection eccentricity, or chop off Anything of these ten commandments to suit especial caseo. The right is everlastingly right ond the wrong is everlastingly wrong. If men differ from the decalogue of my text, do not fix up the decalogue, but fix them up. Remember, also, *bat if a mon breaks ono or two of the ten commandments, he will find It easy to break them all. Sin of any kind weakens tho conscience, and the conscience weakened, the door is open for transgreuion ??f all sorts. If, for instance, a man be pro fane, he is not trua* worthy; for it he maltreats the Almighty, do you think he would, if tempted, decline maltreating his feliew? Af ter a man bat been guilty of malfeasance in office, vou cannot trust his word In anything. Ji mon that will steal will lie. and vice versa. If a man is unchaste, lie will do any crime under proper provocation. In such unchaititv .be commits theft of tho worst sort and is S ilty of covetousness of the basest style, and chargeable with falsehood because he pre tends to be decent wfitu he it not, and he frac tures the law agaiust dishonoring parents, be- coucc he disgraces their name, ft they were good. Be caretul how you charge such a sin against any man, whether candidate for offfo* or not, for in so doing you charge that man With oil vileneis, with all disgusting propen sities, with all rottenness. A libertine i?? ???* beast lower thou the vermin that crawls on a cuion.rr carcass, aud lower than the swine, for the swine have no inti lligeuce to sin against. Be careful how you charge such dishonor on any man, either in nf.???ice or out of otfice. Ba ???o carelul of it that a mathematical demon- ???tratirn would be doubtful compared to it. Moreover, if you know of any man who has thus fallen inquire diligently end prayerfully If he has not repentef. Perhaps he may have beou down on his knees before God crying for xnerev. Although a inanat thirty five be reprehensible for such sin, there is not more than nne ehsnce in a thousand IT be ever reforms, y??t the ca??e you are investigating may be that glorious one. To meet any especial case enlarge your tor- jriTCLCfS but don't shave off the seventh com- mandment. Let that stand as the everlasting defense of society. Do not change Fairbaak s icale to suit what you ore *??*ing to weigh it. Do you join in the cry that I have seen in ucme newspapers that there is no such thing as purity? Then you are fi foul-mouthed ictndaliscr of the human race. You wiyjjtf* ???elf ??leper. Make room for that leper, w hen a man utters such a sentiment ns - tint cither with tongue or pen, I know ho is a walking lozareth and know that he is a reekiug ulcer end that he is fit lor no society better than that of devils damned. Thero is such a thiug as purity and ten thousand times ten thousand are its disciples who are the upholders of family and church and nation. Yes; if a man breaks one commandment it makes it ce*y for him to break them all. Do you notice that when oue of those Wall street defrauders or one of those bank embezzlers is brought to justice it turns out in the trial that be bad loose companions and gambled and went to places where he sought not? Sins go in flocks and herds and droves. Admit one and you will be apt to admit all tho miserable segregation. Noted by tho papers that many ol the campaign orators bombarding the suffer ing candidates in their speeches think nothing of riding from place to place all Sabbath day or sit, cs they probably nro doing now, in a political headquarters calculating the election probabilities. During all the week they have been hurling the eighth commandment at Mr Blaine and the sevonth commandment at Mr. Cleveland and the ninth commandment at Mr. St. John. But what aro they doing with tho fourth commandment: ???Remember tho Sab bath day to keep it holy????* They aro break ing it. Is not tho fourth commandment as good os the seventh or eighth or uiuth? All the week denouncing candidate^ for misbe havior while sonio of these campaign orators profane the name of God, tossing it irreverent ly from their lips. Aud what aro they doing with the third commandment: ???Thou shall not take the name oi the Lord thy God in vain for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that toketh His name in vain???? Is not the third commandment as important as the other seven? Aye; this decalogue is my authority for say ing that the man who .swears or breaks the Sabbath is as reprehensible us any of tho can didates now nominated if they should be found g uilty of the offouccs charged. What right avo wo to go through tho ten commandment# ond moke our selection as to which wo shall keep and which wo shall break. Better uot experiment with the divine ammunition.Batter not handle the thunderbolt of God to seo which lias the least blase aud tho least momen tum. Better not meddle with tho guus and say this is a Dablgren mid this a three inch mortar and that an Armstrong and this a Krupp ond this a Whitworth and this is a Nordenfeldt five barrelled gun, this is a Gat ling ten-barrelled gun, this is a Martiguy tiiirty-neven-barrelkd gun, and this is a Par rott. They nro all of tho same calibre and of the fame make and they shoot from eternity to eternity. Cicero mys ho saw the Iliad written on a nutshell and I havo seen the Lord???s prayer on a five cent piece, and tho at tempt is to write the decalogue so small that it cannot bo seen ot all. I protest against tho frequent attempt to revise tlio decalogue given from Mount Sinai amid blast of trumpets and the cracking of tho porphyry rocks aud tho psroxytm of tho mountains of Arabia Pe tr eco. Stand up Mr. Blaine and Mr. Cleveland ond Mr. St. Jonn and let us mensuro you by the first seventeen verses of Exodus, tho 20th. Of course thoy, like nil tho rest ofuswillbo found imperfect by that rule. But-tho one who comes the nearest to tho inoral accuracy of the decalogue is the ono I shall vote for ami the ono you voto for if you regard God moro than your party. Herodotus tells us that Nitocrin, tho daughter of Ncbuchaduozzar was so fond of tho beautiful village ot Ardericca that sho had tho river abovo 'Baby lon changed into a winding course, curving this way and that, so that sailing on it for threo duys ono must come three times in sight ol tho exquisito village, and I do not care which way you sail if you sail all tho timo in sight of this group ofdivino commands. A little angular they may scciu to you, but sail ing thus you will never get aground and you will never shipwreck. Tho worst army on earth to fight is tho ton regiments that with sabres and bayonets of fire march down the side of Mount Sinai. They always get the victory, and go down their enemies must. What was the matter with that young man ot whom I read, dving in liis dissipation? Nothing, except that ho was worsted of tho decalogue. In nis last de lirium ho cried out, ???Now for tho dice I that is mine! No; hll, all is gone! More wine, morowino! Oh, how they rattle! Fiends, fiends, assail mol I say you cheat! Tho cards oremrrkcd! Now tho chains rattl* l O, death I O, death I??? Ladies and gcutlemen, don???t at tempt at any timo to revtso and remodel the ten commandments. And 1 charge you to use your influence iu society and at tho polls for such as come tho nearest to that God-lifted standard. At family prayers next Tuesday morning read tho 20tU chapter of Exodus. Tho moral or immoral clioioctcr of your next president will add soventy-fivo per cent or subtract sovonty-flvo per cent from tho moral welfare of this nati&n. 1 ou and I cannot afford to have a bad presi dent. The young mon of this nation cannot afford it, ond tho homes of Amorica cannot afford it. The commercial, tho agricultural, tho literary, the laboring, tho religious inter ests of our country cannot afford it. If you caunot find a candidate who in your estimate comes within reasonable distance of obeying the decalogue, stay lit home and vote uot at all. When tho election times came in Sodom, and there wore four candidates for mayor, and Lot did not believo in any of them, ho did not register at all. Politics in Babylon woro in such desperate stato that Daniel stayed homo all election day and prayed with his face to- w ords Jerusalem. But wo aro not shut up to such an exigency, I am glad to say. Tliot tho moral character of rulers affects the ruled I prove from nil history Wicked King Manasseh lowered tho moral tono of all tho kingdom of Judah ond established idola try. Good Kiug Josiah lifted tho whole na tion by his excellent example. What helps to moke the English nation higher in the present reign than in all its predecessors? Tho foot that at tbo head of it is tho best sovereign of Europe, tho attempt at scandalizing her name always a conspicuous failure. Tho po litical power of Talleyrand brooded into life the tricksters of the lost niuoty years. Tho vice-prtsidency of dishonest Aaron Burr was to baleful that nearly all the important letters in the postoffice in his term were in cypher, becuuhe the United States mails could not be trusted. March out, ye court circles ot Louis XV. and Henry VIII., followed by tho de bauched nations that you led into sin. The malaria of swamps rises from low lands to the heights, but moral malaria settles from tho heights to the plains. Tho higher you elevate an unrighteous man, the worse bis power for evil. The greatest of fabulists tells us that the pigeons were in mortal dread ol a kite, but kept hiding from it day by day. But one day tho kite said: ???Why do you live thus in fear from day to day? Make mo your king, and I will protect you from all evil.??? Toe pigeons called him to the throne. Then the Lite bad for his regular fare a pigeon a day. One cf them, while wailing for his fate, said: ???It served us right.??? But suppose you put in tho presidential chair vice of any sort, you simply nay t>> the young men of America: ???Don???t you see? The ten commandment* do not mean as much as they used to. Houesty is not the bc*t policy. Immorality pays. Huzzab for the powers of d^rksers in ascendancy.??? What we neii most is to publish a campaign document and ecuttcr it tnrough nil the states, a well printed copy of the Sin&itic decalogue. It was a ter rible waste when the old Alexandrian library was destroyed and the hooks were used as fa-l to heat 4,0t ! 0 baths for the citizens of Alex andria. That was a very expensive heat. But without any barm to the decalogue itself, it might bo made to heat 40,000 baths for the moral purification of the American people. The nation needs a tonic, a powerful tonic, a corrective, a mighty corrective pnd Mojci in the text with steady hand, notwithstanding the jarring of the mountains and the blazing of the air and the awful orchestra of the tsm- pest, poors out the ten drops, no more and no lets, which tbi* American nation needs imme diately to take for ita moral convalescence. But I am not the man to leave vou in the dis couragement that might come from the read ing of the ten commandments, because we have all offended and we hare ail done wrong and been wrong. There U another mountain in sight, and wmn Sinai thunders the other mountain answers in thunder, and if the lightning of the one writes doom, the light- tirg of tho other writes mercy. Only in one way can the guns of the decalogue be spiked, ond that is by the strikes of the cross: only one reck that con stop tho boulders of Sinai from quaking, and that is tho Rock of Ages. Higher than Sinai is Calvary. I know that cue peak of Sinai, according to the English survey expedition, is 7,0U0 feet high, and anotherpeaa 8,000 feet high, and another 0,000, and that Mount Calvary, according to modern explorers, is only a slight rising knoll outsido the wall of Jerusalem. But in moral power it overtops and overshadows all the mount sins of the hemisphere, and Ilimalayahs and Mount'Blnnes and Mount Washingtons and Sinais aro hillocks compared with it. As for tress sometimes silences fortress, Moultrie* dis mantling Sumters, so I set against Sinai the mountain of the law, tho mightier mountain of ihe cross. ???The soul lhat sincth it shall die,??? booms tho one till the earth jars under tho cannonade. ???Save them from going down to tho pit, for I havo found a ransom,??? peals forth the other, and earth and heaven and bell tremble uuder the revorberatiou. Moses, who commands tho onc, surrenders to Jesus, who commands the other. ??? Once by the law our hopes were slain, But now iu Christ they livo again.??? Aristotle says that once when Mount Etna eiuptcd ocd torrents of scoriro came upon the villages at the base, tho flames parted so that they made a laue of safety for those who went to rescue their aged parents from tho destruc tion of tho overflowing mountaiu. So this flaming, volcanic Sinai of tho text parts it* lury to let pass into eternal safety thoso whom Christ has come to rescue from tho red ruin tint bounded them on both sides. As I stand this moment half-way between tho mountain of the 20lh of Exodus ond tho mountain of tho lttth of John, my terror subsides in a super natural calm, because the uproar of tho Sina- itic peak is moderating oud subsiding and quieting until it comes to so deep a silence that 1 eon hear the other mountain speak. Yea, I can hear it whisper as it Boftlv says: ???Tho blood, tho blood, tho blood cleonseth from all sin.??? That upturned mountain of the text, writers tell us, has several wady* or water-courses, Aleyatt and Ajclah emptying into Teirnn, but they are uot navigable. You cannot put a boot of human' construction into thoso rocky streams. But tho boat of gospel rescus can sail ony where, and it comes right up amid these watercourses of Siuaitic threat and doom ond oilers to take you off ond out and from under the shadows into thesunshino and to the land of pcoce. Oh, if you could sco that boat of rescue coming you would feel ns John Gilmore, in hi* book, ???fitorm Warriors,??? says a ship???s crow felt when they were being beaten to pieces on the Kentish-Kuock sands off tho coast of England. And,they had oil givon up to die, for every minute took ftwoy some of their plunk from tho wreck. But at last thoy sow a Raniigoto lifeboat coming through tho break ers straight for them, aud they cried: ???Can it he so? Itial It is! ItisI Thank God it is!??? And a jacktar, speaking of that boat afterwards, said: ???Oh, my lads, what a boauty sLo looked 1 What a beauty she looked coin ing over tlioso seas l??? May God toko us all off flic miserable wreck of our sin into tho boau- tiful escape of tho gospel I FAST AND SLOW KATEItS. AN OLD NOTE. People Who Spend from Five Minutes to Threo Hours ot Tublo, From the Philadelphia TiinfS. Four men sat down to ???tiffin??? at the Bellevue cafo yesterday. ???The proper caper Just now,??? raid the clerk, ???Is to soy tiffin, when you mean lunch." With a glass each of Chateau Lafltto tho quartet began feeding. The musical French clock in a corner of the pretty diningroom chimed tho quar ter past one. The oysters nro served, and tbo mus ics! clock bos again chlmod another quarter hoar. 7licro fs a slight wait for tbo sorriug ot tbo con somme a la Colbert. Tho musical llmcplcco has chimed the hour ol: 2, played a merry littlo air from ???La Fill* da) Madame Angot??? and chimed again. Tbo atten tivo waiter has served tbo flsb. Swinish mackerel: then the wine is changed, and champagne takes its place on the table. Tho bill of faro suggests Flinch peas, cauliflower au Gratia, potatoes in croquets, onions a In Creme, asparagus, Italian artichoke* nud corn flitters. With these corao blue winged teal duck and broiled rqusbi, than a Met of beef a in Chatcaubrlnud smothered In mushrooms. For tho salad a little celery mayon- By this time tho sun Had mado long slanting ..nis across the pavement, ond the French dock bad struck another hour. Tho dessert of walnuts pecan nuts, almonds and fruit ha* corns ou. A undo of ltonmu punch stimulate* tho appetita for dainties. T he luucncon is almost over, the black eolUo 1* finished, clgara are lighted, and as tho party rise Iroxn the table tlio tlmepleco musically announces tbe third hour since they sat down, Thu clock registered 0:10 when n reportor enter ed the Twelfth tr??ct market. Eight men sat at one eating couuter. On tbo opposite side of tho bar was su elderly country woman an t a colored mnu. Tbe old woinau whs hard to please, but evi dently settled oni???two fried eggs,??? and tho colored man took ???buckwheat and co lice.??? At 0:17 all were hard at work, noarly all hav ing supplemented their orders with cups of coffee ???ml buttered rolls. Atfl:?7 tbo customer whoso was a tender loin steak and tbo obi woman who had ordered tbo fried eggs were tbo only peo ple out of tbo ten noticed who remained at tbo couuter. The old woman bad been heavily hand!- 3J& followed by tbe old woman. The toadstool tests were soon occupied by other qptomen and tbo raec for victuals began again. How long before tbe New York express loaves???? Well, give me a aandwicb and a cup of tea,??? raid the man, dropping bl*satchel and mourning stool In hot haste. ,. , , T he door from tbo corridor flew open and threo commercial drummers entered, with their lamplo cares. Tbe man in tbo lead exclaimed: ???Wc have ten minutes to catch our wagou, old mun. Trot out a ball dozen fried and a bottle of The order wai filled, tbo drdmmer* deftly sur rounded their hasty meal and were on board Ureir train, w ith threo minutes to spare. ???Au, wsltarr, give mo a bit of chicken, with Saratoga chips, and a glass of Alderney inllk," said u dude, wdth a single eyoglum stuck In hi* star board optic, ah he parted hit coattail* over hi* stool snd stood there slicking tbo head of his retfon. Nine minutes later tbo chicken esiter wiped his Ups, K-t fire to a cigarette and toddled, uin ujre, m mlucingly, to the cum. A Mining Millionaire. Senator ???Tom??? Bowen has received a national advertising as a bonanza hfug. Ho was formerly district Judge here, and poor a* a church mouse Suddenly a piece of mlniug property In the Han Juan country, called tho Little Ida, was r.qwted to have Him k it w onderfully rich. Piece* of ore were brought here and made old miners??? eyes stick out. It was decomposed quartz and nssm- bltda fine-grained rpongo. Imagine thotthts had been rntursti d with pure gold, all tho interstice* and pons filled up, and consequently turned to ???tone. Then you have IL # _ , Bowen had stocked tho mine for development nrpoecs, but owned a controlling Interest, lie got Mime ready money and ???worked??? the uoww>y per* by cue of tbe diaI ingenious systems of self- advertising extant. He always had some extronr^ dlnary i lory to tell the rtqKirteT* who flocaod ???round him. He spoke of millions and mllibma eflernt h<r hi* tnlut wife a careless fllpptney tiut petrified sill listener*. One of hlf yarn* was that visitors to tee property hid carried off flOOCMd worth of oro a* specimens. ??? Backed av these stories were tangible proof in the snap** of wr uderful mineral already described, they nnn told and retold aud copied from Milne t*> Mexico. W hen crowds, however, flocked to t ie mine th??y found it carefully jM??ard**l. t under the pretense that ore ciuld i*e too readily stolen. Bowen admits Usday that be cold the major por tion of Ida Interest* for less thaa 870,099. ???I said 13,tw coo in tbe newspapers,??? AB remarked, with a faugh, not long igo: only wi*b 1 could say so elsewhere.??? - Dow to HpolL To sport steak???fry it. Tospod tea or coffee???bofl H. To spoil costard???l>:??ke ft too long. To spoil house plant*???water them too much. To spoil Lutter???do not work out all the milk. To spoil a carpet???sweep it with a stiff, ball-worn broom. . . To spoil psnenke*-h.vke them on a lnke-wara **ToVpoil a breakfsst???grumble all the while you To ??t.-oU potatoea???let them lie and soak In water afte-r Lolling. ... . . To spoil wlsaors???cut r-verytafaf, from a sheet ofMtertosbsrofraniron.. To spoil a pelr of garment* in their making???ent them out rarelettly aud run all the ream*. To spoil ehlMreu??? hnmor them in everything they happen to think they want. To spoil a ocbord???ehang* teachers every time some one in the district finds fault. To spoil bread???use poor floor and aour yewt, and let it rise until too light and it rya over. A Suit on a Note of Hand for 8850 for a >laV8 Woman ???Emma.??? A suit is now on trfal in tho United States court for the collection of a noto given thirty years ago in payment for a negro slave ???Em ma.??? Tho suit is brought by Judge Hugh Buchanau, of Nowuan, against Judge Dennis F. Hammond, formerly of Coweta county, but now of Orlando, Fla. The note wa* given in 1854, and w r as duo on tho 25th of December of tliot year, oml was for $850. It was given by George W. Holland with Dennis F. Hammond and R, W. Sims as securities. Tho plaintiff claims that ho bought the note. Judgo Hammond claims that the giver of tho note left Coweta county for Aiabom iu Docetnhor, 1855, aud on leaving turned over to the law firm of which Judge Buchanan was a member collateral moro thsn sufficient to pay the note, that tho at torneys received the collateral which was per fectly good ond solvent, and allowed the giver of the noto to move to Alabama unmolested. That tho defendant in this suit did not au thorize this proceeding, that it was increas ing his risk and ho was thus released. The defendnnt also claims that tho attorneys should account for tho collaterals bofore they are entitled to any judgment against anybody. ???They do not account for them at all. Judge Buchanan denies that ho had anything to do with the taking of the coljat- teral or tbe contract connected ???-therewith. Tho case hung fire in the courts bofore the war. Then Judge Hammond becamo judge ond it hung oil*. Then Judge Buchanan went on tbo bench and now it is finally in the United States court. Tho interest fs two or three times as much as tbe principal. 1*. II. Brewster and J. B. S. Davis represent tlio plointifl and J. S. lligby and A. II. Cox rep resent tho defense. Tho evidenqe is all In and tho argument is in progress. Tho maker of (he note is still living. The negro, ???Emma??? tho innocent causool all tho trouble, js probably dead. I Iliotous Whisky Verniers. Toronto, Ont!, October 27.???Information has reached this city that the aspect of affairs at Mich- lpIcoJar on hike Superior, Is most serious. The whisky peddlers ar.d their friends, hearing that a detachment of police had be*cn sent from Toronto, determined upon upholding their trado by vio lence if ncccunry. A large number of navies in camp were armed with Winchester rlllcs and re volvers, and n regular watch organized to pre vent the steamer, carrying ;??olice, from landing there. The notice wire posted, declaring that tho police would not be allowed to land or to remain at Mlehlplcolsr. The steamer lias been delayed by Ihe bnd weather, but tho news of her arrival at Michiplcolar may l>o expected at any momo ut Assaulted 1>y Highwaymen. J)fkyfr. Col., October 31.???A dispatah to tho Tribune-Republican from Socorro, N. M.,say??i Tho pnsf.enger train last night, when near Emitidinhn, forty miles north of here on tho AteliUon, Topckii and Santa Fo railroad, was fired iuto by a band ot masked 'men, aud ono woman was shot. Tho town is up in arms over tho offair. Sheriff Simpson ond fifty armed men havo started in pursuit of tho high- ??? w ay men. . A woman's beauty fs never lost, Ho long as her Awoct srollo remains??? Fo long as gleam her teeth like frost, And her soft lip tho ruby stains; And BOZOEONT, with mnglc power, Bestows on her this priceless dower. A lump otaonl weighing a littlo over ten ton* ADELINA PATTI, tho great songstress, says of Solon Palmer's Pcrlurncs, Toilet Soaps and other Toilet articles: ???I unhesitatingly pronouueo them superior to any I over used * Principal Depot, 374 ?????? * Poarl street, N. AJl Weakness of Uenltal Organs, Qsvnol Impotency, aud nervous disorders permanent ly cured in thirty days, by tho genuine Dr. Eicon I'a Restorative PUli. Bottlee 10 Pills fl.JS, 100 pills fJ.00, 200 pills 9S.M.40I pills $3.00. Magnus St Hightower, corner Pry or and Decatur street*. Atlanta. Wholosali by Lamar, Rankin and Lamar. Frctly much throughout tho stato tho cotton crop will be larger than has been anticipated. A FINE llAmmtESSING. Coronln. drefr. perfectly, .nd I. .1m . prei a ration unequalled for tlio eradication of dandruff. Tun aupcrlnrlty of Iturnolt-a KlnrurluB I!x. trncta coutliU Iu their purliyandgrcatitrencth. CixaiHiTi, oTTApril 14, 1884.-8. B. Bniia k Bao., Covington, JCy.???C.tcoraod Hirst 1 haro been troubled with a aerloui kidney af fection, and aoorng your advartuoraont, con cluded to try a Cotila of your May Flower, though without mueh hop. of bolug benefited by It. Tho flr.t bottle worked aplondidly, and poraerorlng with Its use, I am entirely relieved oi nay painful UlnoM. Any ona can writ, to mo and 1 will rollout, what la her. written. Maa. E. Wfrail, Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, 0, V. Btcvcnson, Ihe New York millionaire, who died recently, you born near Kn.wdlvmo, Ky. IlOIlHFOItU'll ACID l-HOalMTK For Wakofulnei*. Dr. Wi. P. Cunaiia, Buffalo, N. Y.. aaysr ???I prctcrlbcd It for a Catholic priest, who was a lmrd student, for wokefhlncM, extreme ner vousness, etc, lfo reports groat benefit/* vou.Nd nexr-UBAD this. Tan Volt.lo Bei.r Co., of Marshall, Mloh. offor to lend their oalobrated Enaovao-Vonaip Bair and othor Enaevaio Arrnraxoaa on trial for thirty days, to mon (young or old) afflicted with nervoua debility, toaa of vitality and oitnbood, and all kinurod trouble*. Also for rheumatism, neuralgia, paralyils, and many other disease*. Complete restoration to health, vigor and manhood guaranteed. No risk is incurred a* thirty days trial Is allowed. Write thorn at onco for illustrated *ph*mphlst The fair which 1* lo come off at Grcenvlllo, 8. C., promises to be quite a success. If yonr complaint is want of appetite, fry half a wrfne glass of ANGOSTURA BITTERS half rn hour before dinner. Beware of coun terfeit*. Ask your grocer or druggist for the p?? nuino-nrtic!c, manufactured by Dr. J. O. B. Hcigcrt k Bonin The observeloi f ttfarly coinplctid One bottle of Dr. Fuller???s Pocket Injection, with ???yt1f;??.c fi.mllurd, cure* without cainiilui. *L Al druggists. ^ tu tn saarky IYterzburgs V*., will have a fine alarm telo- Ask for Wel!a*?? ???Rough on Corns/* I5o (pick, complete, permanent cur*. Corns wans, bunions. _ New Orlcsds Ueryiug out for better gas. Give your children Baltb???a worm oil U The official computation of the taxable values Jn Tex*a shows a total valuation for foil ol |W3,%T,S1fL ???Mother Hwan???a Worm Hyrup.??? Infallible, tasteless, harmless, earthartfef for fever, restlessness, worms, eon*Upatiou, 25 cent*. Dr. Fuller???s Youthful Vigor Pill* cure nervous faters:*? 4 ?????????-.???uv;* The Great fiouthern Remedy. R0SADALI8 cures Scrofula, Rheumatism, White Swelling, Gout, Goitre, Consumption' Bronchitie, Nervous Debility, Makria, and all diseases ol a kindred nature arising from an impure condition of the blood. After physi cians havo failed to euro, a single bottle of ROSADALIS seems to ett'ect such a marked change as to give now hopo and life. Read this: ???I hove been a yreat sufferer with inflam matory Rheumatism for tho last twelve months. I was induced to try your prepara tion, Rosndulis, and I havo been greatly bene fited. My liRnds and feet are Stilj enlarged, but I feel so much better that I continue tak ing the ROSADALI8. MRS. M. Y. DANCE, Rohoboth, Va.??? Mr. Nathaniel Garland, of CUarlottsvtUe, Va. ninety-one years of age, has Just registered lie has not voted for twenty-flvo years, but will vota for Cleveland. Decline of Man. Nervoua Weaknoss, Dyspepsia, Impotence, Sexual Debility, cured by ???Well???s Health Re- uewer, $1. Mr. A. H. Graham, of Telfair county, made this ymr five hundred bushels of corn on seventeen acres. Holmes??? Sure Cure Mouth Wash and Dentifrice Cures Sore Throat, Bleeding Gams, Ulcers and Pore Mouth, Cleans Teeth, Purifies tho Breath. P.epared by Dr*. J. P. & W. R. Holme*. Dentists, Macon,Ga. For salo by all Druggist* aud Dentist*. augU-wfcyly The small farm mania has reached Oglethorpo county,. Tho owners of n number of large farm* e dlMiOfciug of a portion of thin lauds to .parties small mzans. CONSUMPTION CURED* An old physician, retired from practice,hav ing had placed in hia hands by an East India missionary tho formula of a alrnplo vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent euro of consumption,bronchitis,catarrh,asthma and all throat and lung affections, also a positive and rndicnl cure for nervous debility and all uorv* on* complaints, after having tested its won derful curative powers iu thousands of oases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suAching follows. Actuated by this motive and n desire to rcliovo human suffering, I will send free of charge, tffnll who desire It, this receipt in Gerinnu, French or English, with full directions for preparing nml using. Bent bv mail by addressing with stamp, nntning this paper, W. A. Noyes, 149 Power's block, Ro chester, N. Y. e o w A forge Cntclt of Whale*. Fas Francisco, October 27.???Tho bark Fleet- wlug, the first of the Arctic whnlciw, arrived here tout ove. 8he rci??orls that 117 whales hud been taken by the licet up to September 30. This iHcot rldercd a very large catch, Absolutely Pure. strength nml wholcaomeness. Moro acorn than tho ordln. ry kin Is, and o??nnot be sold In compctttlrn with the multitude of low-tovt. short weight alum nr phosphate po*der??. Hold only * n??. Royal Uakixo Powder Co., ioo Wall t. New York. Almost a Miracle! A REMARKABLE STORY. A few flays ago a gentleman of high standing In Atlantg met Dr. J. Brad field ou tho street, aud re lated tbe following; lu which all ladles aro deeply interested: ???For the past* lahteen months my wlft has boon i Invalid, caused ln??m womb trouble, co*??atlon of met ms, etc., and I havo tried everything I could bear of iu the way of modlcinn, and have bad several of our beat physicians attO'idlnx her, to one of whom, (calling him by name) 1 paid one hundred and slxty-thruo dollars. Imtoad of Im proving or getting any relief, aha gradually grew worn-, and I bad almost given up hope, aud ru.uly did not believe sho would ever gel up from an In valid's bed; but a friend of nrtno who knew of the caio suggested the use of Bradfield???s Female Regulator, and although be atated that he knew of a atmlUr e being cured by It, and. Indorsod It highly him !, 1 was ro discouraged I did not believed it ???uld do her nny good; hut a* a last resort I bought a large bottle of it and she began taking It, rod from tin very first* marked change too'* pirn*. ,k begun to improve rapidlf.ber appetite return er whole sysum was bulft up, and to-dty she _ . j well fend round a?? ever In ter life, aud I am under life-long obligations to you and your njtno- dy, for It undoubtedly saved her life;??? and he add ed, ???1 wish every lady In tho world ??o afflicted would try !r, nu 1 know it will cure them.??? We Claim acd Can Prove Beyaad a Doubt, By Ihe hfgest aud moat undoubted testimony: That this Remedy will cure all womb trouble*. That this Remedy will cure leucorrhow or whites. That this Remedy will restore tbe aenitrual func tions. That this Remedy will stop excretive monthly flow. Hat this remedy will relievo painful menstrua tion. That ihH remedy will build up the system as * tonic. That this remedy will cure all female disorder*. -CHANGE OF LIFE." If taken dnring this period, eo critical, It atande without a rival. Bend forour treatise on Woman. Mailed free to ???uy addma. THE BRAOFICLD REGULATOR C0??? ATLANTA, QA. A PRIZE,??? alt the workers aUa!i:t- l7 sure. At ci cc address True k Co., August*, Msfue. THE CHILLING BLASTS WINTER Will soon be upon us.. I ct every house have on hand some simple and efficacious remedy for tho Core o! COUGHS AND COLDS and one that will not onir Cure but fs a prevent tivc of that night fiend to children and horror to CROUP! Wo therefore ad vise every hourehold to over keep on hand a bottle of GUM&MUQEIN Tfe* UalUla 8talk of tha ???U SeMa aaatalaa a mttcllag- I non*, kaalla* aad Orsfc-pro- AMlmcpriaalpIt. TImSwart Out of Ua aoathara awaaipo pawawaa a atlaatatlng ????? ptetoraaf which loowna tho phUxra wa* enta tha IWao mrmbrana that tormi In tbo Ihraat and broochlal tnhea. Thaaa two almplt reme dial, combined after tho t'hemkea recipe, preaonta Ir TuylorV L'herokcc Item, of Hwcot tiam aad alleta. tha tinr.t known ramodjr few (loagha. Cronn, Whooplag-eouzfc.Cwlda. and ??'onaamr>(lnn. for ???ala hr all dronlaU at Ucta. an t ff.m a bottle. Heo I So. atainp for Ta?? Wo of lioma and atauaoiacnt of tha A. TAYLOR. Atlanta. Cn. ftAAURN COUNTY-WILL BMftlbD i the Unit Tuesday in December next, bafora urthoiiMj door In *nld county, withtu tu?? rife tin 1 hours of talc, to the highest bidder for ox*h. the following moperty to wit: One homte aud lot In the town of (:lnyton, lot containing four *0*0*, dwelling Iioum- with ruven or eight rooms; desira ble locution for dwelling or bu??lue*s. Kali ho Die end let levl*d upon to satlnfy n fl. fa., tssnod from the Justice court of the 587th district of said county ill fovorof J. B. Hurray, against K. W. Reck, prin cipal, and J*. J. Dntiinn. soi'U'Uy. Tenant In poe m*??Iou notlfltd. Ff. fa., rcturuod to mo by A. I???hliyen, constable.a. R. WALL, Sheriff. PMJROIA, RABUN COUNTY-WILL BE SOLD on the first Tuesday In December next, bofore tbe courthouse door In Mid county, within tha mual hoitnt of sale to the highest bidder for oA*b, the follow lug land, to-wit: A certain tract of land known as the John Garrett Improvement, con taining U0 ftcrcs land, moro or 1??'S. Hold bind lying In the sixth district of originally Habar- miHiii. row Rabun county, bounded by' condi- th-nol lines; Join* J. M. Hmlth???s land on tho exit, J. K. Hinltho.i the aouth, Henry Lynn** on tho iTcrtb. Fatnwid (fbaatatu on the west. Levied upon ns the land of Martha J. J<mo?? to satUfy a fl fa PMied from the Justice court iu the With district of said county lu favor of James O. William* foe f to me ol Mary A. Hicks. Levy returned to mo by A. R. WALL, 8h*rlfP. Executor** Hale. G eorgia, fulton county-by virtue of authority grouted mu In the will of John Bourn, will lie sold the firetTneaday In December next within the lawful hour* of ante before tha courthouse door of said county, ft) ncrea, more or lesa.of land, lot No. 243 of originally Ifonry now raid com.ty of Fulton, lltli district, In tho north- rast corner of said lot. Roundod on the north hr Thompson, wpfet by Thompson and Howell, south by Preanrll, and rest by Widdows. To lie sold as tbe property of John nourn, deceased, for pay ment or debts and distribution!. Term* ca*h. B.T. MR.???IKK. nov.4-wkyltw-4w. Kxecntor. pEOROIA, RABUN COUNTY-WILL BE SOLD VJon tlio find Tuesday In December next, 1841, Indore the courthouse door in said county, within (ho usual hours of sale, to the highest bidder for c*kb, the folic wing laud to-wit] Lot offend, No. 75, in the lstdUtrfct of raid county, containing m seres: raid land levied upon ns tho property of Geo. W, Renfleld, to ratlafy a coat execution Dance I from the superior court Jn favor 0/ the officers of tbe court. Tcuaut in posscsslsn notified. October 21, 1884. _ . A. B. WALL, Rherfffof lUbun County. SflttOZB ONLY JOHANN ROWS O.NIvriiinir SIOkK ro I - h-arntrso t^o, and UM. rKKIOJJ ir q .u'tj. ??? I luvcusot Julia*, a iioiIV qcnatng tfeligitfastihnli in.*laa>r m! ??? prjgk ayiKita s-JTOliSftCgSr .... ESaTSmSV **S???a anmua. *.n..n.&.,niii* I havehfonffl'tafairagainst Urar% Tarrant AC* tor 6wB:i ar wi out IlgpSiS jymtlfli Di.uraro of Imitation*! * "T Nrm aonu'D* wtSho*i% alganmra Oi >mW. j s&*saKn* : <J ???"* jo it a* x now; IfariimUannwip Bis nKit <0 jtrrtxnnr.snx, Sou AwiM??? If, Om 9 J3 A Jgo t/nr* ht~ ritUadkl^JtUk. !'??, ^ aepA???dly Irl son wedAw DeLoach Water Wheels. S IMPI.KST AMD CHKAPKST MANUPACrOR. 1 <] xii.l perfect Mllxfacliou xuaraoMwl. ifr??rp .mall 101)) ran xflord on??. Bcu.l for tiol catalogue of wh**.*I* and/enerel mill ???dnpl.tA ???Tbe Star Grit" mlllstonee from our quarries are n??ui^. nno.. ???win nreef/y fb?? nf.ocDw- _ and WLO.'t'A cf fpurfi. u ??- A 1 ??? pf ?n, DantorApp^tiw, ra?? . V. (tigsawOftT Lack cr BUcngth. - ' cndTli'cd VeiU??gal*olmv.V , ... cured*Bouts.ixiB'.ricsar.w t.ers?? r To-cfej new fare