The constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1884-1885, November 25, 1884, Image 4

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^OKTfoCTW^r 1 : N K r THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION. ATLANTA. GA.. TUESDAY NOVEMBER 25 1881. TWELVE PAGES. ARP ON ALABAMA. Hsw tba Beflroft^s Ar??* lotprovmc tb* SUte-Tivs Worrtnful airldta Bta?? H*?? Mads in ths ffiu Ynn-CCA Lares Pcopls of Marlvn???Its Oolleff a. Sts.. Zus, . [Written lor the Constitution.J The other day I took a ride on tho narrow gauge to Cedsrtown. It Is a smart MtUe rood and the train can skip out Don* a station quicker than a wide gauge {rain. The wholo turn out looks like it was made for children) to go on a Sunday school excutinn. The conduc tors and engineers ought to be JittJo men, and I think Ur. West, who owns it, is entirely too frig far his road. 1 remember when he first ??ame south and was prospecting around for iron property. Before anybody knew it he had bought a few thousand acres near Cedar- tea n and now he runs a big furnace and owns a railroad anil ha* doubled the population Crdsrfoun and trebled the value at contiguous properly Schools and churches are thriving and to ia trade and business. It in wonderful whst one smart energetic man can dolor rcmmunity. I saw great stacks of pig iron at Mind (be lurnace and. learned there were aver 7,000 tone waiting for a rise in price. Ur. West said there would be a rise before long. Be talked like he had confidence and said that if the l oliticisn* would M the tariff on iron alone he dident care who they elected presi dent so tiny didenl elect him. Ue is oue of the solid men and devotes his time and money to iner*using tho value of our natural pro ducts. Die ore in the bank and the charcoal in the rUnding |??inrt and tho limestone in the quany, all cost money hut it is not generally known thst lift/ cent* worth will make a ton ef j.ig iiun thst will sell.for fifteen dollars From twelve to ft iirtecn dollnre is expended for la- U r. Labor ?????! man and beast, sweat and toil that is paid lor at an average price of one dollar ptrduy, Ono ilo))??r a duj will keep tho avtiage laborer and his wifeund children from went tut filiy cents will not. When the tarilf is tslitn oil and loreigu iron come* free into ???ur msiketa the price will be reduced 1i seven or eight dollars a ton and tho labor bo reduced in the same way. Thst will hulp the masses a little 1 reckon for our plow* and hoc* mid wagoti* will bo a littleciicupir, not inunii, but it will lie ruin to liiofle poor humble toilers who ??? ate lbe iron. Fifty evutn a day wont sap- jmit them for Inead nud meat will bo n?? chirper then it i* now. Home things will conn down under the Ireo trade principle but brtsii and meat will not. We export wheat and Ilnur and perk aud beef now to couutHe* that charge no custom house duties. Thou Why should they coiue down. Want we all Want Is diversified industries. Anniston fl?? uritbes and everybody seem* to be doing well there. liven the farmers in that nahur- ktoid arc making money. They have a goal mat kit for every thing they raise. I sawn bufthi 1 of turnips soli there the oilier day for a doiisr. 1 dual blame those people for wauling juoUi.tiioii on iron for it supports them alt. fcnpjifrc tho Belle* aud Tylers have got rich si-?? are git ling richer. Wh orocan you find rich min a ho have added more to value* and dene more lor our people. They are jitst the kind ol rich wo want all over tho country. 1 think that my old frioud Run Bel ie got reared too seon and flopp'd over t t Bleii.c without any RUlliniout reuson but he can flop b??<-k now gracefully and apologise for his l tote ami it will all enme out sight at Imi. lie ill too good a man to fight t-r tiia l???hilis- titles. Helm a la improving rnpidiy. New blocks of handsome building* 1m\o|tan put Up sinro 1 was thvro five years agd s find their comnit-icial business seems to be incremiiig raplnly. Whst a splendid country lies west of that town. Ills block land and it is pretty black with the negro but the white fo||ts ???jacki* it all over *ud getabout all tho negro Biaks* for he works abuut hair the timo aud doni want much. It Is all dnuo fair and it is all right fur it takes more to do the white folks and Uie darkey is eoutnot with his portion. They are s* happy on a littlea* the white mnu If on a good deaf. They seem to have iptit jxdiUcs. klr. Davidsou was elected to oon<re??* aver hfs republican apimnout by 7,000 totes, notwithstanding tho negroes were throe to ono in tho district. There negroes dident care a cent whether Blaine or Cleveland wa* fleeted in they can keep on making emou and go1o town Baturdays and to meellug Sunday and go to the edroue wheu it uoiuo*. 1 heard two of them at the depot talking politics, and one said, "well, I'm all right, I voted lor. Cleveland, and when I ice him 1 is gwiuo PI e has railroads everywhere. Her state seal shows her great rivers but her railroad* are of n??* re cons* quence now. Wbat huge things there syndicate ere. These mammoth corpo rations that st-nd their lines *nd system* all through the country and where ilrero is n gap they, build n rood and fill it. I was thiuking ate ut the E. T A V. that carried me aw??y damn to Untonfawu. Haw it occupies Georgia ai d Alabama and 1 doni know how many ditif, Whst a In ad it t ike* to mamge so vttt an enterpfi??e It is an pg.raadve system ai d fa fighting its w??y for busm??** and is get ting it. Our fiteto road property iia?? suff-.-rtxl by it but our peoplo have been beneflUed. Competition i* a good thing. It cli??>a)x)u* freight and fore and give* more speed and d*- vclo|s eitility end jml.tenes*. With the rail- rosd r< ii missions aud plent/ of ro'npvltttJu the people arc rate. Him. Aar. A Cl rv I* Til K A tit. Visit to tba Wonderful I'imiMo of Aneleut Acornu, to New 1f??xf??o, fsuta Fc Letter la Lawrcnoc (Kan.) Journal, The pucbio of Acorua, situated ninety miles writ or Albuquerque. 4* one of the matkablc communities in Now Mcx Ujitlcd Bistro. To rdich it, tako the Atlantic k Tacific railroad to McCarty station, uml then tram far la nn Indian pony, and rida eighteen miles south by cost. When near your journey'# end, you descend almost imperceptibly Into tho valley, six mile* in width, iu the middle of which stand* a butte, and on the top of thi* is Acoma. Eight hundred people art living there, and they aud their a nee*, tors have gathered there the sum of their pott salon* for nearly three centuries. This butte i* ono of the many that are tho remnants of a me*a (bat has been worn away by the oration ot tho age*, and survives only in fist-topped mountains hero and there. Tho vnllcya between oro fertile, and untold generations of men lmva seen them rovmd with waving grain and flock* of sheep. Dome timo In tho seventeenth tentary the Laguna, or volley Indians, made war upon tho Acotuas for possession of tho c mutry, and the latter being tho weukor occupied tho butte at a defensive position believed to be impregna ble. Their judgment has been abundantly indicated. It ha* proved a Gibraltar of strength and safety. Tho coinniri-wu i* n??t inappropriate, and in approaching it from the north 1 was struck with tho rtsemblance to the pictures I have scon of that grim lortrsss that frowns ovor the stra ta to tho Mediterranean. The height above tho volley Is nearly 400 feet aud tho wall* in sev- crol places nearly perpendicular. Thorn uro two mean* of ascent, ono by a'flight of steps rut into the wall ami rining at an utigle ot f >r- ly hvo degrees, and tho other by a fis- ??? ??wn in tho rocks lending up into tho heart of the mountain. Doth ways have been troddi ii by human feet until tho steps nrn hollow* d out tike slmllow trough*. Either one U <accedingly difficult and neither i* tolerably safe. We rho.e tho one iilong the fissure. To an idi a of the lnhoriou*oe.*?? of the talk, imagine a Muirway starling at Mr. Grosvouor???t i flu e and rising to tin* top of the spire of tho klrtlodht church, thou continuing on an i osier anglo for 100 feet aud then rising again liy a steeper grade than ever t>?? nil (novation higher thun the weatbor vane ol ibo university, and tho stairway a precarious fool iny niong tho sides of a gash in a ragged mountain, end you inny know how wo rom-tml Aeon.a. With all tho danger aud fatigue, it is a Inughablo sight to see a iwraon???some blhtr person???uiako tho ascent. Ouo has lo etrido over the fissures, foot on the right hand sido nnd the other on tho left, and at the samo time prest tho hauds alternately again it tho locks lor support. An ludiaii will throw a live cheep around his neat and go up quite raj id I v without touching either hand to tho rock; tail 1 sin satisfied 1 could not do it. They told us ol a pathetic iucidout that curicaou tho outer stairway soverai gunern tions sgo. Nowral men started up, each with a she* p on hi* back. When nearly to ths top the sheep curried by the foromost man became restlcis, and tho shepherd in trying! to hold It fust, lost bis "fujiing, and lif 'failing swept h(s cumpauious \or the precipico, amt they all. fidlou tho rocks nt the foot in a lifeless heap. The Indi an* have carved a rejircaoutution of tho acci dent ou a rock poor whoro it occurred, which scarcely ???< rves to sn ady tho nervos of those ???ho go by that route. Tho top of tho elevation It level and contain* on urea of sixty or aovcniy acre*. At ono title stands tho put bio, a blunt pyramid rf adobe and stone honeycomb*:<l with rooms, at tho other the church and graveyard, aud near the cooler a pond si pure water thirty feet in depth and several rod* in extent. The priest Whs made acquainted with tho ihjmof our visit, nud tho ringing of tho lurch b??U brought the inhabitant*of the village around us. When they uuder??tood that the title to thoir land* was In question nud wo hid fomo to tako testimony, tboy shown d grrst intenst, and discussed tho various points involved with remarkable fntcttfgc'm'iy considering thoir limited opportunitice fora knowledge of law. As night-fall came on a number of the men who had been at work lu tho valloy carna up, bringing delicious peashes and granos, wlucn we were glad (o accept in view of the meagre prepsrwlions for supiwr. We slept in tho church, wrapped up In our iinr+fo bmitkots, BETSY HAMILTON. - Altonmnee ot Owl lloll,.nr-A Continued btory In Dialect off Lovn and Humor, IWrJticii for Tho Constitution.) [Copyright D*4. All rUlit Eescnred.1 Old Hquire Amos hadn???t lived at that place long end hadn???t cleared up too laud t.vixt him and tho river and tlio uudurgrowlh was thick enough to hide roost any whars. ???8ho ???ll cumo back in a minute/* thought Cindy, a?? she wsnt in tho kitchen t/i tell her rn^mmy. ???Take right alter her Chudy,??? says old Miss Arnnn, ???nud lor tb?? lands eokc dost lot the po* thing drown herself, somebody mnughtsay as how we???uns had n hand iu it, and they (nought >un the law on us ubout if, and sue out a writ agin us and slap us oil in jail Tore daddy njgbt. Take right alter her Cindy and fetch h??r back." Cindy hurried down to the canoe thinking maybe Rcuny had tuck it tog> home, (or tlio had hcarn a many a timo that Benny Bodock could row a canoe ckle to a toy, hut thar stood the JittJo boat tied to the Atnb. file culled Jtuuny and called her, ever time louder, aud ever timo Benny's uamo would come back to her over the broad Cjo*y; ???Jlcti-nte ee-ee," and sho stood on the blmf lookin??? down into the deep runuiu' at ream the kit like jumpin??? in and divin' to ths bottom to find her. bho Mink down on her knees and st reamed: ???Ob if that p>???gal has (lung hor- sell in this river. I???m to blame; no body but me'a to blame, obi why'ut 1 hold tier, trhjr???nt 1 ketch her and keep her from gwiae. Boor prctiy thing, she woa skeered to death, and m*w alio???s Hung herself m this mud ly old Coosy and done west down to tho bottom for the tithes to cat. Why'nt I hide her, l could cr hid her lu them big rocks by tho sycatnoro tree whar pap say them refugees hid they nu-tey cnaurin??? of tho war. Oh I Beany Benny, poor Benny I??? and os she ktvered her laws with her hands and had giu up all hone.* ol flndiu* of Benny, a nma ou horneback rid out???n his way ami nxed hor whst was tho matter. Hhe hurried to tell him all sho know- id about it, and then broko into tears, blamin??? f herself for iettin??? the poor thiug leave tho muse. ???But laws,??? sifysshe, 1 "never seed a leer run fsster???n Benny run down that path.??? Which direction did she tako???? lays Dr. Hunter, for it was the new dock that she a talkin??? to. ???I never seed her no more att.-r ???he struck that clump ol trees/' mys Cindy. ???Where is your brother 7??? says Bio dock.; v. him THU. WAaHINO TON MUNUM <N f*. An Altitude nt Over fitO Feet Reached??? Dow It Will Be IT it billed. Wsmunotox, November 19.??? The Washington monument to-day ranched a S renter t tight than that of any o*ber ftruiture ) the world, bring 520 feet ten inches above the floor ot the monument. Tbo next highest strtn iurci is tho *(dr?? of the Cologne ctthedrM, to tell him so.??? Tho other mid, ???you* is, is yru, and .when you tell Mr. Cleveland you votid fur film he look at you and wink ouo ??ya and s#y ???do h 1 you say.??? 1 heard a good honest darkey talking to his landlord alxut liis crop and ho said tn substance, ???well, b'.rs 1 is come out behind 1 knows, 1 dout know hots,much Lowes you and I dout want ????? know for 1 cant pay it, hut bees you knowa how HU and you keepa do book* and 1*11 work and work aa lung as do Lord fives me |IV * 1W ?? r " l ** W,,,0r ??? In ???m.mmi Veil, ido lor.tliMn 0l.l fwblvnNl hoaut ???"<??? ???**???? or h??,.pior inimr window pours it revealed, great roof beams more than a foot in diauiuicr and thirtv ur forty 1'cet long, and through tho open lower a bell that wus cast iu 1710. How those im- mrnso timbers and this bell wore broa^ut up to the top of this dill* no ear living know*. Thu Indians sliufcc their hoods and tue priest shakta hi*, but no one ventures an opin ion. The timbers are there, however, as wd- neffts, and momiug aud night, as tho sen ions Oome and go and geuerutious pass away, t no bill speaks for itself in the silvery tones that ph mm d it* louudur iu far olTfipjiu when Kmg Get rg??i was on thr tbroue. Tin* adob s??? or the ??? nrtli of which tbry Were insde??? were hrou<Ut up Irt-m the valley also, for the top of tho out*?? was a bald rook tn the Ucgiuuing. And tUo ckilli for ti-.e gruvr* eatuo the same wav, r??- quinng forty years, the pried said, to <??? i.u pUtv the grove)nid. UU the only rotiiplen* gmvtjirtl l hate ever ami. The old pried sti'imd very happy in the charge of hi* duels at d his flock mined happy iu poiscssiou of him. H hep the time for cur departure came there wan handshaking and handshaking, aud a blessing Iroui the old nun and a nustkgo to Father De Fuuri, and Wo climbed ti.??????n imm t!te*<Iiy in the air aud rode back iu siLuce to the railroad. CTcvcJaisd Invited tn Csnsits. Mom in:it., November 21???Tho carnival e.???D mute has rt* ltvd to iiirite Hon. Gnirer Clrvalaud, pn??id<f??Vehct uf th?? Luital BtaUs, to be the guest ??>f the committee during the cart it at. A deputation has been tpsoin- t??d to wait ou tfovsruor Ctcvelaud aud loader the Invitation. TatMlsf Ihs Tuuu Usd. FnniWAX. Texts, November 21.???T. W. Akin aud his ????ro. Joseph, werv killed thisettuing lu a pitched battle with the sherdt and posn*. Dr. Bsnxs, who was with the Akin party, but did not lake an active port in the fight eas wounded, but m t seriously. 0????tr Nilfou. ot the po^c, wm shot tbrtUfh the left breast. The trouble orifl- nstco from ou atlcmptof the Akins to pelot Ur town red. and wken called upon by Offlcvr Milfoo to ???urrendcT beran hostijltlc* THE FALL4NO SNOW. Tbs liow Sind Moos U Now York and Khitthsrs. row Jxavie, 2C. Y., November 10 Ths ???low heaan tailing shortly be far* mid night Irst night and this morning there were to itch** ou the grsund, and tho anow is still felling. It has now changed to alaet. At Mobtfoella there are four inches, find along tbo Krio railway westward there is much greater quantity, say Ikon six u tea inches. BvLtowa Fsiu, Vt, November 19.???Abut ???ly hi inches of snow has fallen, aero to dtv. t* lug tho first snow storm of tho ssssao. 8n . v t* merted from various socCiius of this auto ai.d New llaupthDe. * their trust in us, I wouldcnt defraud one out of hia just dues for uo amount ot profit or gain. 1 had rather overpay him than underpay him. Hut 1 have no eouslderallou for theaa rducawd upstart* who swell around nud talk big about equality. Well, as to that 1 haveut any nioro rtspcct for laky Mi|????rcinious whilo luUs. E lu eatiun spoilt lots of folk*, both woite ??n*l black. Just about halt tho college boys ought l?? lo in tho corn field right now, they are no acevuut. Well, 1 dout moan to a*y that tho e??rn field wants no accouut tuen l??ut I nn**n t.?? cay that the college spoilt a g??v*l corn dcld mao. W hen he was at homo on tho form ho was AUni to do something. But as Nam Jones ???ays he went olT to colirgo and now ho aiut Alien to get litteu. Marion is afo ul thirty miles west of 8elma and it called Uio Athens of Alabama. Th**ro are t* ur college* there, two for girls ouo fir hoys and ouo for negroes. They *ro all in a flourishing condition, Tho town Is juat swset with pretty girls. A yonug man who is fltt.Mi to get married could gu thoio and get a ni<*o wile just as easy. It seemed to me they w??ro the largest school girls I ever saw. But every- bedy is forgo down there. 1 could have picked suit a huudnd men at tho fair grouud win would MVtrsgfrvO pounds aud as tunny wonn*u >rho would aterags 100. Thvro are lot* ot big folks down there. Most all of the people p ut middle age wear Something before them that the French call ???Our bong poug.??? It makes them look heahhy and eous*|u<*utiat. What ever a man gets rich akd feel# his oats ho be gins to putou some ???Our bong pang* and *uul around. It is n mighty good sign of c orient- meut and 1 never saw as much of it a* t *aw at Horiou. When you see a town with lots of suburbs cut tip in large two acre t *U mJ a ???ice hou-c with a broad pfosa set bs**k tu a grove of trees iu every lot you ruay be sore ef ??? fcfipfj hospitable people. Flenty of room ???nd plenty of shade and an abuudauco ot fle-wt is iu the front yard enlarge* aud refines apftple. Those colleges d?? a great deal for Mari.-n. * They improve society. They give a hDh ten* to the churches aud tho Sunday ???envoi*. They help tho merchant* and tbo william and the boarding hou-ot aud tho livrry stables. It Is a gmu thing for a people to fatten ofl'of people afar 'o(T. It fs bettor than to haw ta live off of oue another. Wnsu a man sends LD daughter to school in hlari->n he hss to send some money wah her and the Msr cn ?? f rttu That is the way ths ysnkves haw Dm doing us. Tory have becu ???ending their gc?? is and their yon too ao???.ions ???nd alt thsir fomfoolcnw dowc boro for dAr year* sud our folks buy them aud they have t??* rich off of us. When 1 was there all Morion was happy. Toe fair waa in futM??U??i at*d th*y bsd lot# of racing and a cimas and a balloon awtuacioo end an opera troupe nod ail aerts ????f vehicles were dashing to aud fro all Ike day h'ftg* Everyfovly seemed to hare plet ty rf mrney and they aoent tt free. A .slat,,* D rvrtaiidy pr.Mparln v. fike hvs Wad# *?? d*rW ???taidrs is tks last tea ysir* and has stmt double | hor property |q value. dout know whar ho is now t him and Moso Gant went up the river u> a rnuskydimo hunt soon this tnoruin/ 'lowed they???d bo ba-*k t-> dinner and ] havent suw???n ???em sonic. J ???low ed tr/ebbe you seed ???em up thur, wasn't you at the frolic? ??? lie told hor no ho c-ruld???ut gu kn*e he hnd some sick folk* to go to seeou tother sido of the river in tho luornin', and thut eveniu* ho bud went and suw |h*??? Miko Fur ry die and as ho corno away ho mot Tube Mil- litigor who hud accidently shot that little g d of old granny Nhurps. ???Laws, la vs ??rus it lit tle ???Hiigarcuuc/ that pretty little tniuj,* waat will Bccesh Bodock do if tnut chile dio?????? says Gifidy. Then Cindy cupped hor hands around lur uiMitli and called up the river, ???Ben-nool??? the answer coin?? back ??? en-ncol??? und Bounded so jonictoujc. Tho dock wouldn't believe that Benny had juinpt in the river he told Ciudy that he wouui nde up and down tho river bunk and look for her, aud for hor to go to the liuusu and tell her paw to come and help find for. Cindy 'lowed, ???Ef Billy Amos would jist htch his sci ou huiuc he could fiud her q licx- cr???n anybody.??? Aud while they won a talkin??? they buirn u splash, the dock thought ???Old King??? had jurnj/efi in tbo river, but when a a looktd around tutd seed tue dog nosing under n log for a rabbit, he fooited down tue river and seed Bcniiy'a bundny hat a floatin' on top of tlic water, lie lit uit???u his critter, jvrkod ol) his boots and coat and was iu tbutriver-fore )t u could say beans sad laters but sho hud ???ui.k and 'lore ho bad lime t) grab her she foul went under agin, but when sliu ris Lae second time he grubbed for, and Cmdy yelled at her ???Swim Benny, swiiu fir your life,??? nud then clum uown to tue ago of the river aud hope the dock git her out ou tho bunk. But when tiny luyed her on the grouud Ciudy Amos sms null ???Uhl sho Will never breuta 1 ???git??, poor Benny, Ob! dock, dock,doMimp*a4 * tut her quick, rub ber, work with hor qufoltf ???he???s gone, she???s gone,thar bain! Dairy nuthcr brestli iu her. liaiut you got suuip???u iu them pill bags, sumo earn-fire, or some turkontim V or dnnstnon Wraps or sump'u or other to fetch her to???? and quick as a ??? piirrcl sho scrum- bhd up the bank and got tbo ssddio bsg-f. The screamin'fetched tho old 'oinan. ???Tue massy ou us nil, the mossy me,??? says old Mu?? Amos, ???ef the po' critter haint went nud orown't her-sef. Laws, laws who'd a believed it? i never dream pt ot tbo gal's be iu* iu vrarmst when sho said she would iliug horsef Iu tho rivtr. but they enut lay we???uus had a htn' in it, thank my stairs tho dock is a wit ness that nhe done It hcr-sef, her own ??.*f, and they e??nt lay it on to none of we???uns. Jist tJ think ol tho dork hadn't a bccu hero they mought cr sued out a writ agin the last ono of us, and run the law on via and slapt us all in jail 'foro Baddy night.??? Old Miss Am is hn* alters lived in Wreud of tho .*uw. While she was a doing ol all this talk Cindy was u wring- in* of her hands ami screamin'. ??????OhJsUo# dead, she's done dead,??? and the dock was try in* to letch tho po* gal to life. Ho tuck a bittfo out???n his saddle hags, opoued it and stuck it to her note* Bho kotchcd hor breath quick spit the water out???n her mouth, aud oj*?ned hor pretty bluo eyes. But sho looked wild, and uhe dock???lowed sho had a high fover, and must have on some dry clothe* and bo r.dl to bed, and ho tuck her in his arms U the fwusc. Flic was plum out'n her head and tbo deck ??? wed that was what made hor jump in tho which towers MS feet above theflo.roftb building. It bos been estimated tint it will take . but twenty-live work ing days to compUie tb?? in-u mint, to there is not tho lean doubt . it being finished in time for iu dedication on the 22nd of next February. As the construc tion of the rt of progresses, the question which ucilM the most enrioahy it how the cap*loao is lo be placed in position. People passing along tb?? street look up and sea the large must which supports the boom for lilting ???tone, projecting above tho inonumcutthrlu.'li the 'try point which will bo oj.vipie-1 by the rapulMie, and wonder how tho latter c*q bo placed in position when tho mast is taken -dov. u. The following Is the maoner in which the work will bo done. When only nine more alone* are wanted to rcuch the sum- wit, a little platform will bo built around the re"i, which will be finished up to that point. Tins platform will bo bracketed to large tim ber* extending along the outside surface of the roof and resting upon the largo pisiform which <an be seen at the top of the shaft proper on tho outside. The n inn stones needed to complete the work will Ipi hoisted by the big boom, which it now at work, and placed on the platform. The must aud boom and wholo hoisting apparatus will bo theu taken down and entirely removed. In its place will bo erected a quadruped, f* ' * upon the little platform reft hi ex of this quaarupod, which will be directly above the location ol the capstone, will be a block and tackle by which the remaining stone* will bo raised end put in place. Affor the stones oro all up, the quadrnpo-J will be r< moved, theu the bracketed platform, and Drily the heavy timbers which supported it. The men will reach tbo largo plat firm by ??ans ol a ladder. The work will then be mulcted, with the exception of removing tho large platform. Its timbers will be tak*n iu nt the windows, tho last mau on tho outsido entering ono of tbo permanent window* on the cast tide, and the iron beams which sup ported tbo platform will be drawn in, aud the boles which were left for them to pass through will be replaced by marble blocks, and every thing will bo finished, 9 CATHOLIC OOLONIZATION. The Gri-nt Succ-ns uffliiA Enterprise In the West Considered. Baltiomxr, Mo., November 18 A mooting of some of the bishops in attendance nt tbo plen ary council, and representative Catholics of Bnllo, was held to-night to hear tho report of tho directors of the Irish Catholic colonization a>socintii>n, as to it* work and progress Tn the wist. Bishop Bpsulding, of Peoria, presided, and W. J.) Out-khan, secretary, of Chicago, gave tho history. of tho operations ot Oie association und its present financial con dition, which latter demonstrated complete fuicretM. The slock was redeomed at par, with 17 per cent dividends. Colonics had boon es tablished in Nebraska and Minnesota, which arc in a prosperous condition. Jiitbop Spaulding addressed tho mooting on the subject of colonisation, and spoka of tho morn, and religious, as well as the physical advantages of tbo oObrt now being made. He fomented the ilepfornbla condition of many of the Irish pooplo in (ho large cities, aud pointed out the great advantage to thorn of providing then.selves homes in tho great west. Daniel J. Foley, of Baltimore, sjioko ol his warm interest in the colonization schema, and promised his earnest effort* to further its ob jects. Bishop Ireland, of BL Paul, spoko with enrtiesturss on tho effort to hotter the condition ol the Irish people, who bear an iasigaificaat id ore in the colonizations of tho west, au??l slated that if tho present opporluuity is not #?? Jaefl, alter a few yeqrs land* will bo beyond (he reach of tho poorer classes. Ho suggested that wealthy Catholics in tho principal oitios be invited to form a syndicate, with a capital of $1,000,000, for tbo purchase of lauds, the subscriber* to hold tho title aud have tbo ex clusive fiusuoial management. Abundant security for tho capital so employed hnd al ready been demonstrated in the profitable re sults of the prricntssroclation. Bishop Spaulding stated that Mr. Oaeohau had come cast for the purpose of Uyiug tho matter before capitalists iu tho principal cities, aud to invito their co-operations. Tli meeting then adjourned. A GOLD WAVE SIGNAL. ATLAS ENG INDIANAPOLIS, MANOFOO STEAM ENGINE Carry Er.glmw sad Boilers la Btuck lor fiicne the IJ A R R 0 vV thomas n JULfiy???I* fwnrclr mnau/notured lor FIFTEEN YEAtli, INC; HAltllow known. Ith ramie of the b??,t 2PiK?jfK!T? COTTON, C08M In cultivulins <young)f;*??Uon, and * nrouo'tt-in rauqilileti. sent on application. We Intro Aocnts WsNTKO In onooen- T LI A \f A C pled lernUiry. Address 1 rl V/ .Vj ) INE WORKS A.- IND.. U. S. TCBEES OF S & B C dlstedelivery. flmni taken Flrvt Pn-n n Expositfut mi ??? TB llMkjl Boutli . _ conpclitcis. The Excelbior Stove STOVES, RANGES, GRATES, Bicazn *hin!e*dg}al??! valves, steam fitting, plum- burin*. Ihis fs the lorce??i and most varied stock and wc mean to excel in TTAIWUNTED to fo . white oak and steel. It r , & WHEAT. I:,:.;:. ate einount in fjorn sun ' > lu nearly every Import??..i HARROW E R SI .-. t Medal st the 1 die, Ky., arm 11 REST. r-l FtTLYKBIZ- rod cheaply caltl- ??? v.-IydAVK ons Mri* plowing* r nu (limtrated VI. AGKNTS QKStiVA, Vrxr York House, Allan L .Ga. public generally to cxHi -i - ore;*purcii HOUSE FURNISH IN i GOODS, QUALITY,. QUAN TITY AND P iCEi Oar nock of gss fixtures, mantels and grate*. Is "Wb Are the Stove TGm Wc can fill all orders promptly, at raasonabto tin and sheet iron roofers, mxiiuhicturcr* of gal- work, concrete sewer and drain pipe. Agents for porium of the ??? ?? prices. _ Wc are practical i. HUNNICUL???T & I BELLINGRaTM Si', and w p. M i??? ^trect. Atlanta. As Salssm, (??? l le:fl cr State which |.rei-r.-cd; abio, amount wanted per month - r Mcrvica* and ex penses. t;oods very salable. Business honorable, pk-.v -t - and pormanent. Write ns. SLOT"' \OQ., ???01 CJrcrrr j,,-. CISSATI, O. ???yater: --??????lit?? nvulr, < -OULATES Ky^J^sfzizalnFi. cas^??? & * wcypkstfjiRn, cols tm tl BBPgJiWAY, AT. r. river. The old ???oinan ou J Cindy tuck her iu the shed room and put hor to bed. The dock sot in the entry awhile then ???lowed he would go on home now and lot Benny's folks know so aa to git her home, that she had the Icvt-r, amt was likely to have a tight spell of it. ???nh! Hay and eat a bite,??? says old man A lues, ???the ole ???ouiaii???l got supper iu u man ner done as it walr; she had jist slept iu the kilch ip logit it ns it wnir when Cindy told hir (list nr gal hud trailed oft*, shorely, shorcly/??? -liy* he. ???b??r mine mus??? do unset as it waif ???r ih?? nouldti???lcr tried to kill hcr-wfi I???ll Irll you dock 1 mistrusted, and seed -rtaip???n was wtiii.g, e* it wair, wheu sho }crki??t back from T|g?? Millingcr, and didn???t want ,to tako her stand side ol him to bo jmed iu nurriaito I' it wnir. Yami?? t comes my son Billy- Billy Amos??? . u aud hint???s acquainted haiut you? Hint zitd Mu??u Gant has been off all day toms???rs, and 1 tictded Billy too.??? Buly Amos was a walkin??? fust; he pul his hands on tho little rail Utce and Impui over iu tuoyard. ???Hi-ar-yo dock 7 ??? o) * hv, I'm iu luck fir you air the very lean 1 was a lixiu??? to go atler.' r Bill is ouo of the sort (list lows t??> bo the fust to tell news, t ??d ??r lad, aud he haint partickler about tonkin??? ol it easy, if it* bud lie iugiauorly Ih the wum part fust. ???Mose Gent have shot Tigo Millio^cr,??? lays he, ???and 1 want you W??go to Tigo quick; lie???s down the Fratikliu road tbor abuita mile or tUn r.??? Then he told how him and M mss walkin??? fobs together, aud quick as M IP" . T, * w com in' ou the mule, lie d rawed lm iitol atd lammed away and hit him. They xed him ???piestious fast, and the aid uian thc*i r. tied to* know vs bar was tho mule. You *\r was Billy's n.ul.* the old man had font t-i if* to go alter his Ito-ntc. Bill he gin his foedy a wmk, and when the 4<*:k axvT wh ir Mete liiiilvs*, tnd Bill ???l iwtd he was gone, *l??y kiiowni w hut had becouie of the muio. i- old *< m??u come up while they was a t\tk- ??? amt quick r.s ibo kitched tin Uangof it ??na ui-g her arms high and yelled o it, *Tns ussy on us all, ti e iu????sy me, WillUm mv n, doiit M no body know you vu thar and seed It, they uuHrgbt ruu tbo law on you, tUs mossy sake* WUliaui dont say you war ih??r, dent wy sue??? done??? I lay they sue out n writ e?in us all *fcro 8a>My night, d-mt WilUstn, dout tell you was thar?? I ku-??w- tho lax. they II sue etitw writ l tell you,, they???ll ????????? e *ta writ of Ilatnan???s Corps* agin n* all, r nd h sv??* the lest oue of us In j*.??I afore Baddy eight, da William my tun dout.??? Old bmos wrss ??? puiiiu* at her an! a trying to j;it her t*?? hush ???Ol?? VuiD air you gaaa jdwn 1 i ti ??!ntraded, sliri up your mouth??? aid'* -???.t-dowo, I tall rou???joi???-fowa/' ??. !??! men askoviii??? of ber in a cheer. fixtwv Uxwiuo.v. rrnWUAUaucd next weck.| rrcitlctlon of Colder Weather for Atlanta Mod?? Monday Morntng', Monday morning a stnmgo iookltn; flag was run up on tho customhouse aud gcutly uiKuried Itself to a balmy breeze from tbo south. It was a)>om twelve hot square and rasdo of puro white goods. lu-tlie center was a patch of black about four /cct square. It was such a queer looking at (sir thst It created a great deal of comnicut, aud In some quarters no small amautit of couitornatlon. ???Dafs fie dtiumcrciats fl??g shore," observed otic colored cttUyj, dubiously. "Dry l* put de custom house tn mouruln??? for Dialer/??? tommutted another. ??? ???Dar, now! look at dat rcbUl fiiB;?????? ezcfoltned a third. ???Lrok out h r n cbanfc In tho weather/??? ??M klr. 11. I. Kimball as ho ordered nit tu.* inatcrkl In nut ofthe yard ut the new Khutdl ???Dilng out your nLtcr,??? on-.ervvd a wise citizen who hud ???seen ???em before." 9 he fallowing falcgram explains fha ritustfon; ???Wasuixutoj*. B.CL, November 17, UiSI.???Lsthe: OHenrir, Atlnnu, tia.; 1: it. a. m. 11-iUt col l wave sivnal Tuna roturo will f??U fro o ton to twenty attract fu the vicinity o( y.iur ststiou du- ill u ll ?? i ixt forty^-eight hours. (binned) lUzr.x, C. 8.0. It Is liy a recent order, dated N.irem wfd, that Atlui.m is n.nili*?? rtarion where cold wav???d kignals sic dhpluyvd. Thu law provMe* that at ??ttui icitclul !???> thcrliivf ufo'ii-il ??????fiicon arhUciUs with axiuarabiacs renter will bcu^l lo Indi -uu in it a i??>id wave lsnpi.roachlmr AtUuti D me only tliy In OwwrIu where void wave sUmlsaroiUv p)*>i o. nuwn >!xual* are dHplayv-l ii?? Hivnun ??0. U vrflsDelltved by many yesl.-Mny tnat thu slg- ua* ion told a >U>rm. ??? Thst w not inns"ssM Mr Beall, the observer, wbi n approsched by a ^???ox-Trrunox rasa. ???The sfousl sim|dy predk-ueolrtsr woalti??r." At that uionirnt the alrniit*Mc tru balmy and the ti.i unomcUrr ncUUred 6rt. The arrow over head j niuti d to Miuthwi*t and the wind wsa nro w lit 1???Jouii* from ihc gull eonntnr. There war u> apt mi nt Indiration of cold wearner. ???Tl cun an temperature ol yc??t rday," RtSd tho nl????.rvrr, "waste lilt foils lo Zt In?? prcdkllo.-i ??? til be fully verified." ???Pots ti e chUfodio ??????Ton riliurs, tut i??el Ifroitotis f?? at-nc clahty per cent " we are i/olfflrd to bnbt the ibnuuJ. ???When la thccohkrt hour of the day?" asked tbcCovniciios nun, giving hb enriodty the relp* n n??i>o??ri)y. ???*\ou will be nirprUetl to know that the oot last period of the day u Jiut before or jn??t a!??ut sun up. 1 hen ft In that toe thermometer goes fewest sr *1 no??es??udvr moat.??? ???1 he rlgoal will pioltably be taken down this 'Ufhald the Hrklegroom! From tbcGwluuctt, Gu.. Herald. On lust ThimJajr Gm Hall, aged ffevrntecc, otl I.ufa Harris, aged fourteen, ware married ???y Esquire Cole ??>n the hill above the old sradetny. The youoj* couple bod obtained tn>?? a p??mt ef their parecta lo the match, but the girl had iieen raised by Jean Lancaster, with wb<m she livid at the ti:ue. liis wife o!j?? tried lo tho girl's marry- irg atd tried every means in for |>ower to luxvent iu Having obtained the consent of tixdr p ireuta there an* no didS eulty in geuing the license, and the young pctqde were left to lb-dr own ingn&uK/ incou- iwtnmaiing the marriage. klr. O'Is had b-m notified ta mret them oa ft** hi!! acd tho ecnel* mscsj^l is orad* the watchful wremau, slipped aro*m t thr tagh the woods and EWt the justice with ??? cr.??wl of towt?b->??s on the hill, where she ??trsuy wee wr^rwfi. The marriage over the era *4 n.pvcne-f dawn tho streof, *i??vtn^: ???B.*h >! I the hrioegroom; for he comes.??? MARK BERRY, 12 MARIETTA ST. FINE BOOTS ???AND??? SHOES. LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINGS, Reliable Goods ???akd??? POPULAR PRICES AT THE PALACE, 12 MARIETTA ST., ATLANTA. nov^l???wkymn CRAB 0RCHA Kentucky???* Grant s CURES DYSPEPSIA, j CONSTIPATION. A bottle of tho Comvm ???*.- equal tn two sal Ions-if BY ALL DRUUGI8T8;??..??- ??? directions how to use It r Chib orchard Sjipm< - v Sole Proprietors, LnuLvu , Kote???Bee that our '*?????? fs on the label, as eounte- fa rale by J< DrugRista,. ???j Liver, ???i ??eli, Kiilaeya ?????????Mtttnlnx what Is ???????-A'Htor. t< gJLp ???rc??its, with full >'e" tnulo mark ???e on sale. For w??ro HcUumann wky Gins, Prestca, b??? : Matcher*, Shin gb f - - lere : Feed Cutler:, . ??? ersii-d Mower*. The.. Wheels, Cone Mil:-, vv and Flo. ring MU!.. Cloth, Boiler Fc-. Brick Machines, Piping, Engine F!.' igga&?? PERK? ^. 8 OiM0F A " I working for n.-?? w??* offer a business cft??y to foani~ i-.v'M?? larRo sums oJ money In profit* Kvury ono tviUltur t to work can c*?? 'fen,women aua .. even iNiysHn-! making ior- tnnrw. ho capital rconfn-g w*> will start yon In business. You run nn whanwor.- You need K " "ftlruJors tree. W V. H. 1*0Wig. w?? i... ChieoRO, 10 EXCEl.'IOR COOK S QVES. THE CELEBRATED PEARL THE BEST ITTHf 17 Different Siz. MARKET t Sc Kinds. LEADING - Double Wood Boons l*??n file Bumper, Ijitcrch.f. r-l on f mi Door, Hw tut: 11 -. Flue Ntop. Rcver??ibir ??? Piece, Boublc Short Com. lUiiminated Fire Inwar. Panefo, etc. Uuequalwt ??? ^ 58HSRYS... **kx Aka TIIK BKSr. Far Halo Ltrr* uh*.t. iv*is akvtMw Hunnicutt & Cor* I???cuclitrau ??????? ATLAN! -ESi ??? a-Mlrauw, Aitjusto* -utuioatlc Shall, I'lpUtta, nRtng ??????.i.iiR Lou??? crasu Knobs 'ssa 'at, in Finish and ??? t:ilingrath, ???* ????????>?? Street., : .A. t.llH'AIlU.N It. HAMILTON hcalthfuini--!* uf ^ ta ru-netd. KMouvIve Rround- for (ta^rei'l-m A|??rtincnts,alf under one roof. (Lmpm) Tn rri %/r rang ladies occupy a room. Coni of t-ldLL Oft low aa any eolleK?? Offering similar a*l mitises MJMlftb. Fall term couin??cn??--i* O^pt. Sth agoly early to J* T. Patti-:kmov, 1-r.u* the famous ???Uluo t;na??- 1*. mate. Faculty of flftrm . 1 Kxrt llcnt bulIditiR*. |i)i it - * A T .U! steam anrt 4t??rt>i ***- l * J linprovt-niciit...??????????? Over one hundred youiir ForTcrms.Oai ??? ftsslsgun, rboEEag BRYN MAWR COLLEGE IIUVN M < ??K. PI. yon YOU NO LIDIC9. OomtsMl wlitb Vanderbilt rnlv*-r??ity. Hlehuo advmiu??cs In every deportment gp'.fmlld oca bnllotug; ample faculty; maw, art, rnlt??tbeafc?? Health; aroesslbimr. Fort*aui??tn??- adalrww ttsr. 11 co* tv. r. Price, , rwi., Koshvilic, Toaa. SlUdii Mmltiris may elect . nation, devoting to ???yaieoi, by Htikal Dtpartaeat???Caireriity of Loimiai, KKW OHLtt>\ A * rKTVERlULUY ADMITTED THAI lrwt;cai H-mUl;.c and fiersp-rv -anuot b- uujtiit elsewhere than at the b. -l *vf?? .,f toe sics sc*1 wounriad. this irwtftntioa c.rims nn rivalled advantages In the introduction of |p rtasae* Into the wantsnf tbcgms<'hart:e i|.^n|t.vl whose FJyht H??m-*r\d be Is nud an annua! admls Ffou of kfebt TnAu>sn4 petfoot* ???npp'Tnnll ultad clinical ??s??eriaL Unmiars M.ot np.??n sppitc* tfon. UNIVERSITY OF ViRGiN'A fl'UK sOTY-ffliUT QSflOK OP Tills IS8T1 1 tution wiU opr r. October l*t I?????. m-rmiut in literary, Sricoilgc and Frofe.i.'-??uaJ rv,??t tent*, inrfnajicc Law. Madfclec emtinowfag v??o ttrria-qlturvw Fee iuforsuiUu., h??*p** a- nr.JAiflgF F. UAkJttd(>K,chairazB cl fioslij, r.u,, Urn realty of Ya. ' t tj J from ihiUdelpbU. m?? iu-1* nu?? B. K. A t>>??. lcpo for women. Op**i*?? aul.i u n of iw offom coiuxs In Greek; foath#; U .1 mtux; Fuxlfoh* fr.i)cli;01d French; -imMUh; Uefnun???, lurittdlngOotblcaim o;-i *;-i ..tfutory; Cue-n- d Holy.) ...mtrinriou in t???ayoh- la, 8-If. tu... uraeing. Hy^eg^ fjrfm tbrrr.hoiitYimWr.; .rnViY .off Utnlt-n !.??? !?????.????????. n ,Un std X'hnee. Haidieroi.|.!,??.)??( .tan DeMildiircsti *uprte. A ??peciali??letilir -if ??va^y demut- iiu*nt. Coursaw alapt^t n,' ??r??-fu<ttc Rtudentt. Kellowsbiw given t>ch y.-r ... .iroek, English, 3<??there atlcs. History, hi- <*??? r-??????f H-holaudilp auuu??2)y t<* tu*. L lal course fntro*lun -*???? m equltpsd lai-.Miu U- Ur. S.irvent's apraruutr, ??? ???< tialnvU by him F-r *???-. r ??? V??wr entdfutas. ??i??ly of mivlieine. vmnsc???nm with 1 .'t.*r Dirt.*.*iron PrcsMciik ??? Hrie'nhla, Pa. wyk ??? ->w NA6HV11.LE TELEGRAPH COLLEGE No North Che ty v tretf, Nashville, 7 ennessee. Tuiiien $5*, in Advance. Time Unlimited. 1