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Bxooestillk, miFebi *^Uni»a * Y ** 6rr.—PJcuwj fiud enclosed I*. c>. tmn.
one Down SCCOrULA 8YBU1*—SMITH'S. > have
an with mo who has been crippled with
■■■■■m—could not walk. After taking lie
Bottle* Is well—nblo to go to work lias gained Si
pounds In weight. Your* truly,. H. BHtfLK. i
For fcala .M Wail PL. Atlanta. §
By B. M. W90LI EYi M.oTj
Atlanta, Georgia, a
Reliable evidence given I
tad reference to cured pa* 9
ilenU and physicians. t I
Send for my book on the I
Habltsand their Core. Free. I
lfir Constitution Interests All Classes and
Appeals to All Tastes.
The leading topics of this week’s Issue are:
Ocb Humorous Writers.—Betsy Hamilton,
Romance Of Owl Hollow;" Bill Ary, "A Talk
About Alabama."
The Constitution's Departments.—"Answers to
Correspondent?;" "Farms and Farmers."
New* of the Week.—"All Through Dixie;" "The
Political Field;" "Short News Kotov;'' "Points
About People;" "Across the Water;" "Geor
gia News."
Editorial*.— 1 "Piquant Paragraphs," and many
other things of interest.
Only 01.95 a Year. In Clubs at Tire, 01
Kncb. Subscribe at Unco.
The Bcutiein Mutual losursnee Companv-Sslliug
Peach Cider-A Fr^btfal Uurdrr-Parobaee of
Mmiog Land*—Bitten by a Box-Death
of Benjamin Camp, Etc.
The Altar y News lay* that a cow lwlongingto
Mr. F.G. Edwards—a regular old "town cow - ’—
while prowling around in the rear of Collier's
store last night walked ou the rotten covering of
the cellar, extension or area, and fell through,
carry ingboth shatters and two or three barrels
and boxes with her. It took about it dozen men
together out, but aa soon as the reached high
ground she walked offas if nothing had happened.
The Griffin Newa fa informedthat at the poor
fam in Spalding is a slugular case of touching dd-
votier. between old master and slave.For some time
there baa lived at tho farm aa one of tho county's
wards an old negro roan named Lewis Cline. Be-
fore the war be was a favorite slarc of Mrjor Wil
liam Cline, men one of the leading citizens of our
county, prominent as a business man, as a man of
standing and character and as mayor of Griilln. In
the match of cveuts this fine old gentloman,
through any misfortunes, became
reduced to poverty, and finally be
came, a few weeks since, au inmate
of the farm, where ho will peacefully end his use
ful and eventful life. No sooner haa the old major
settled In bis quarters than old Lewis, true to the
Instincts of the faithful servant, put hii nearly
worn out oldjbodyat bis former master’s service and
mlniitcisto his every want with touching kind*
; ness and fidelity. It is said to bo beautiful to be
hold the cordial restoration of the old association
between these two veteran .soldiers of the baltlo
of life of the oldcu time and a living monumental
answer to tho erroncons teaching! of tho author
ess of Uncle Tom’* Cabin.
The Cartersvillo Free Presa Is the first paper in
Georgia to sound tho alarm for now year’s call*.
The organization of a military compauy is agi
tated in Da Inbridge.
f In Americus au old colored man had a bag of
' cotton to sell at Lott Prlccs’s warehouse aud went
out to -got a buyer. He found a good-looking
buyer, a Mr. Lcdslnger, we believe, aud brought
him up- "Mr. Price," said tho darkey, "hcah’s a
* i£jji buy rrjy bog/-’ Mr. J’. replied, "L
-jin. said the old i
/n&llrd on the old- fftljofpJ
said tho darkey. "Why, fur stalking up
f hcip!” "Well," said the old ne£- ». "I'll walk
Utk wid ye, an’ dcu we’ll be even."
Rome, Ga., November 24.-[Special.]—'Tho dem
ocratic jubilco was held at the Kevin opera homo
to-night. Speeches were delivered by Judge R.
R. I To iris, Judgo Joel Branham, and Mr. L. A.
Derr. Au eloquent and well Written ode wai then
read l y Mr. Waller Cheney. Tho cxcrcDes were
integipcricd with music, the "star spangled
Banner" and "My Conn tnr"being beautifully ren
dered by a number of ladle* and gentlemen. Hon.
M. B. 1'cny, of Kandoloh. wbow**!u the audi
ence. was railed on aud responded in a h%ppy
manner. A large audienco was present.
Coi.t mdia, 8. C., November 21.—[Special,]—The
Routh Carolina legislature meets In Columbia to
morrow. There bclug uo momentous itrauos be
fore that body, tbe union will doubtless bo a
aboil *>uc. • Senator Wade Hampton will ho re
elected without opposition to the United States
Jacksonville, FI*., November 21.—Fire broke
out at Green t’ovc Springs, Florida, at 3 a. in. yes
terday, In tboraloon of George Zlttcb, and spread
to Lcandem billiard room, Lawrence's coufoction-
ary, the Creek blin k, Mr*. LoveUco'* boarding
hou'.candMr. Croekcr’a residence, all of which
wc-ic totally destroyed. Iamb IjOOOO. In-mrancc
tWCC. The Die was the re*ult of an aeddeut.
Bavsxnah. Ga., November 24.—[Special.]—Sa
vannah fa fs infestrd with trump*. T*u applied
for lodging at the barracks last nfght. The va
grant law will be enforced against them If they
are ogain caught within the limits of the city
after two suns.
Atiifns, Ga., November 21.—[special.]—The
Bout Lem Mutual insurance company settled the
case now pending against them by a compromise.
Thecoimrclfor the poat policy holders, aud tho
officer* of the company hod been In eonsu'tatlon
over the matter, but It was not until yesterday
that the trouble was finally adjusted. Tbo com
pany agree* to refued to the past policy holder*,
with interest, all money retained un
der the by-law* of the company from
premiums lore the amount of Intcrcct aided to
dividend*. Tho decree of court will probably be
made Tuesday. The officers of tho county will bo
appointed receiver*, and au auditor also named.
Voder tbe decision of tbe supreme court, alt the
claims on the amount to be paid will be barre l
efttr k-vcd years If not presented. The distribu
tion v. ill commence a* soon as tbe clerical work
can I «• finished. The receivers will advertise the
rsatti r extensively w> that ail claimant* will hare
timely notification* This settlement U perfectly
satisfactory to all conc;rucd, and will leave the
ton?! any still on a rock bottom foundation. It Is
ratlrrattri that even after the
distribution is mud* eight bun-lrc-l
tbcrosnd dollars will be left In tbe ban la of the
company- The money to be distributed will
•mount to some two nr three hundred tbousaud,
Lut all left uuclalmed after seven yean will revert
to tb« company, so tbe old Southern Mutual will
doultlfM have a surplus captul of somethlag
Bear a million dollar*. This is a final aptllemcut
la a w Idow, and Frank, her only son aud child at
heme for protection. He was about twenty-two
years of age. Hls.fatber was killed in tho latojwar
Baylors is to blame for the whole trouble, and it
ia to be hoped that he will be dealt with to the ek-
t< nt of tbe law. In the first place he was violating
an United Buries law by dealing In blockade
liquors without license: second place, ho was vlo
lntiug a state lawr thirdly, a town law; and
fourthly, a local law, passed for tho cUizeus of the
old tc wu of Villa Rfcs, which prohibits the sale of
any intoxicating liquors, bitters, A-?., Within four
mile* of tbe old town.
The Dahlonega Signal makes an appeal for the
confederate veterans, and *ay»:
We have heretofore in tlic»e column*, allndcd to
the fact that the last legislature unsred un act to
furnish one-urmed and oue legged confederate sol
diers with artificial limb*, or money in lieu there
of the member* to what was doubtluis au over
sight, and n>k them toremedy tliedcfoct by appro-
pi late legislation.
Hon. W. P. Price and Hon. P. M. sitton are rival
candidates for mayor of Dahlonega.
The White county "syndicate'’ is about oonsutn-
tested. This means that a company of Scotch
capitalists hare luvcsted some two hundred thou
sand dollars In the purchase of mfnlng lands fn
that county, with a view to the erection of tho
macbineiy necessary to tho extensive and scien
tific mining ol said lands.
There is a negro womau living within the cor
porate limits of Crawford, less than thirty years
of age, who is the mother of eleven children.
q he Emanuel Itemlxer says:
It is terrible to watch tho cuttle of this soction
wand* ring about In their almost fruitlc** search for
watt r amt their pitiful lowing as If bogging for it.
It will be next to impossible for them or mau
either to stand the drouth much longer.
Mr. Ephraim Hook*, of Emanuel county, lias a
great curiosity In the way of a hen egg. It ii about
the ordinary size, and has clearly defined lettera
crabcded in the shell entirely aronnd It. U la a
strange freak of nature..
Augusta, Ga., November 25.—[Special.]-Cnp-
tain John Jay Cohen, of the Clarke Light Infant-
t-y, Augusta, propose* that a regiment from Geor
gia attend Cleveland’* inauguration, And for this
purpose is corresponding with tno commanders
of companies In the stale, urging the calling of a
meeting, either In Atlanta, Savannah, Macon or
Augusta, to make arrangements. Tho Augusta
military spirit Is thoroughly aroused, aud two
companies will certainly goto Washington next
Augusta will send up a good crowd and big
cannon for Georgia jtbllco Friday.
Athens, Go., Noycmbcr 2.V-[Special.] ^-Tho Jury
llgucd a verdict for 9242,000 for the past policy
holders of tbe Southern Mutual insurance com
pany; also allowed the lawyers twenty-fire psr
edit oi the above amount, which will give each
one of tho four lawyers representing the paat
policyholders over frl;>,000 apiece.
Pavaknaii, Ga., November 23.—[Special.]—In an
Interview with a Times reporter in regard to tho
uncailucss among the colored people here about
tho democratic administration, Rev. Alex
ander Harris, the well known col
ored preacher. says: "Notv I am
clad tossy this feeling has subsided, thanks to
the policy pursued by debt thinking white men.
end J may ray tbo talks mado by our colored
clergy. At the timo of ray last visit to Darien, I
found my people terribly wrought up, bat I took
the matter quietly in hand, made a paclfit talk,
and when I left all was quid and tranquil.
Every preacher In Savannah has done his duty,
and done It well iu this emergency. I am ploaccd
to ray that nothing but tho best feeling exists
among tbe colored m««a, who now sec that uot.
R llhsiandlng Cleveland’s election, no change ai
ding them has taken orpromlsts to take place.
They sec that there is no difference whatever in
the statu* of affairs, and arc satisfied that C'lcvo-
lrnd I* elected. I have tried to impress on the
lhe» fa< CAhf t they Lai
canted. Tho wonderful results In this
caio have been reached through the
ability And ludefAtlgable diligence of the counsel
for the old policy holders. Bsroly docs a Georgia
Jury record a verdict for nearly a quarter of a
million of dollars: aud still more rarely if this
result achieved from so unpromising a beginning.
The cattle raldors continue togetpn their work
in Gulnnett county. Two cows belonging to J.
C. Davis were drlrcn off last week. They had
been turned iu a pasture In tho morning and did
not come up that night. Next day Mr. Davis
started In pursuit.
Bamdamville, Ga., November 26. — [Special.]
Mr. Thomas Cook, a worthy citizen of onr county,
said tc-dsy, fn answer to Inquiry by your corre
spondent as to turn out of hts crop for 1S8I:
"I made on forty-fivo acres of land eleven hun
dred and sixty bushel* of com. The average yield
per acre of cotton on my land was 7.10 of bale. I
always make enough wheat for home ooo-ump-
!< ned T.Vcent plow-stock. Our farmers are putting
in i id all grain rapidly this week. The Carbau disc
harrow U extensively used lor this purpose this
The grinding of sugar caue is going on in Mein*
tesh county.
The Hamilton Journal says that on Sunday af
tetnoon o little daughter of Johu Durham was bit
ten by a dog, supposed to hare been mad. Tho
little girl w as In the road as the dog was passing.
Ilex father saw the dog was going to attack her
and ran to her protection. He reached her Just as
the dog bit her and iu an instant cut his throat.
1 be bite was under the left eye. Mr. Durham got
the inadttone of Dr. Mitchell to try its efficacy.
Martin G. Tootle, a man with ouc arm, living In
tbo lower portion of Tattnall county, raised this
year, wtth tbe help of two sons, the eldest not six
teen years of age, five heavy bales of sea Island cot
ton, together with a plentiful supply of piovlaloni
df all kinds. This demonstrates what can bo dono
at farming in Tattnall county. .
Tho care of Sidney Hall, Who is sentenced to bo
hanged on the 12th of December, will be taken to
the supreme court, hence the execution will be
The ReidaxJlle Enterprise says that not a great
•crcsge of oats have keen sown this fall. The ex-
tremo drougth has been rery much against plant
ing this valuable crop.
Charley Wood, of Tatnall, received a painful
gunshot wound lut Tuesday. Whllo riding
through the woods, looking after some stock, he
attempted to dismount. In doing so he accident
ally dropped his gun, which wu discharged by
striking the ground, and tho contents lodged In
h!s foot. Hii shoe wu tom from his foot and the
flesh and leader* were terribly lacerated.
The Dougluville Star says that Colonel Benja
min Camp died at his home on tho 21*t, aged
eighty-three years and eleven months. Ho wu
born in Walton county in 1801, In his yonug
manhood he wu for several years an oflloer In the
United States army, and participated In all the
ware with the Indians in this section of tho court-
tiy. It was In ono of these campaigns against tho
Indians that ho first took a fahey to tho placo
whero he located, and settled on it over fifty years
•go, when there were but few white families liv
ing In the county. During his long life he wns
prominent In all the walks of life. For sixty years
be was n consistent member of Lire
MethodLst church, and was a
<d *11 claims that c*n be pOMiblg brought again ri
(he Southern Mutual company.
Vn l a Rica, November 24.—[Special.]-Oar uu-
tJCfll quiet town was thrown into a good deal of
excitement Saturday night by Frank Wyldcs be
ing tilled by a potstag train. Early Saturday
wcn.lrg ft became very apparent that something
wuwtcng.snd it wu cot long, before Marshal
Tates found that one Saylors wu at the bottom of
It ty selling blockade liquor under name of {teach
elder. He At once notified the mayor, who wont
at once and ordered)**) lor* to puts atop to it at
owe Bajlots promised him be would, but usoon
•sli p mayor left him be began •gtiu, •nd by :J
o'clock in the cvenirg bo bad about twenty-rive
toys and men drunx, aud Frank Wylde* w.ts
.among the number. The marsh*! arn~ w! Sty-
Jots and \Y>ides aud several other*, aud locked
Ihcm up, but Frank’* uucle male a bond for him
md took him out, and said be would taka
of him. Baylor* also managed
out, and ft is nuppoial
•theand Frank hod Hartal home,but word
Ur too drunk to travel, and lay down by tho
Dread aud fell n*! .vp. Prank was lying on the
i between tbe raiK and about eight o'clock,
lime lor the east and west bound frcixhl train*
«*t here, be w « mu over and mxshel to death
ne of three trdn*, aud thore who reached him
tVLVANLA, Ga., November 25.—(SpcclaM—A
frightful murder occurred in this county on lut
Tbunday evening. Mr. James Miller, the young
constable of the eightieth district, had a warrant
for the arrest of a negro named Bob McCoy. On
ThuiKlay afternoon about four o’clock he wu at
the itore of Metres. Heard A Fulcher, situate at
No. c>£ Central railroad. Unaware of tho darkey’s I
being present, when upon turning round tho cor
ner of the store he met him, and the nerr ) struck
Miller over tho bead with a board crathlng
in the skull frlchtfally.from which the younM>ud
died that nfght. Tbe negro escaped but wa* oi.......
on Friday af I/>rctte, and would moat undoubted
ly have been bung by the Infarlated citizens, but
for the fact that lie implicated another negro ini
themnrder. Judge Garawell, who wn* holding
court here nt tho time, rent the sheriff, Mr. Mill*,
with « poue aftor the murderer, who succeeded Iu
sotting sml lodging him safely iu
Jnll at tills plan*. The accessory, 8am
Mc filtt was abo arrested. It 1* thought by many
dlflfcr as to which one of tbe trains did it. If
booed ran «v*r him, both did. as it took
' n votiidt oi town (where be wai
it bound passed, aud •« it
-— —•- i the
bound went out it also paste 1 over blot.
Bayiomare trotherada-Uwr HU mothir
a m «uvu|ju«, win w.idgoCarswell to hold
a special court for their trial, which ho I* willing
to do on tho second Monday in December.
Athens, Go,, November 26.—[Special.]—
TJiO sensation in Athens to-day is tho settle
ment by tbe Southern Mutual iusuranco com
pany. Tbe history of tho litigation is wcll-
knewu to tbe people of Georgia, ns there ia
not a county iu the state that is more or Jess
interested in the matter. It will be remein*
b<ied that this company, being. burdened
with a surplus capital of over $1,000,090, ask
ed the court to define the owner of this mon
ey. No one supposed there was anything iu
the cate, and for a time it seemed that the
wholo matter wcttld be left to tbe decision of
tfcc company. But finally Messrs. K. K. Lump
kin and If. If. Carlton, of Athens, and
Ilcury Jackion and J. If. Lumpkin, of Allan
is, took the race in hand as counsel for a few ol
the nasi policy holders. The ease was final
ly carried to the supreme court, and the deci
sion rendered at published in Tile Constitu
tion, leit the question to a jury to fix
a sufficient capital for the company to operate
upon. But the case was compromised last
Monday by a consent verdict end dccre
on the basis published in The Constitution.
The company I* allowed to retain ra mini
mum surplus of slightly over t^K.bCO, to be In
creased if the exigencies of the company should
require. The post policy holders (that is all who
were insured st any time from July i, ]&Y», to May
I, Ittl, allowance being made for the loss of con
federate currency in 1nV») recover every dollar of
premiums paid by them, tlcesexpcuscs, losses and
dividends already received by them) with interest
thereon at at-vcu per cent. Under the decision of
tbe supreme rouit recently rendered In this care,
policy holders prior to lkV> do not share in the
fund, liccamc the- company in that year
changed its manner of conduct
ing borincMi from taking wtet are
called premium notes to a cash system, and in
1VA the legislature amended the charter author
izing the holding of a reserve. The total reserve
for the benefit of pa*t policy holders amounted to
neatly $243,0t«. This sum, leu the fees of Meson.
H. If. Carlton and K. K. Lumpkin, of Athens,
and J. IF. Lumpkin and Henry Jackren, of At
lanta, which will amount to
arout flf.OOu each, ,
will be distributed as rapidly a» the accounts
can be per zed upon by Mr. A. L. Mitchell,
who Las been srpointed to tbe responsible posi
tion of auditor. The company has been allowed
bj the decree nntJJ January 25 next to make pre-
hmirary calculation* sm-2 olb’-rwisc p' for a
.11- dilution. Notice will then be given by publi
cation os to how claims shall be presented. This
litigation being thus .satisfactorily terminated, and
allot tbo moneys of the cld policyholders which
went to the reserve fond, with Interest thereon re
funded. leaves tbe company tbe strongest la tho
United Btatea, when considered fn the
relation which lt« a*els hear to the risk
rrerlyjQ JifiHfcf wirt’to go to
the fftlls and vote for Cleveland and Hendricks—
indeed, it Is thought that tho exposure of thst
day's rido was the incldenUl cause of his doxtb.
Ills death will bc^dceply felt by the community la
which ho bad so long lived. Ho loaves a largo
number of relatives, aud descendants to mourn
bis loss. He wssburied at C’ampbellton Sunday,
with Masonlo honors.
The Sparta Dbmaellte records the death of air.
Hlllcry Langford, aged 91 years, 11 months aud i>
day*, at his residence In Hancock county. At the
time of his death he wu tho oldest citizen of tho
eounty. A few years ago a reunion of tho descend
ants of air. Langford was hold at his home. At
prevent bis descendant* number 278, ns follows;
Children living 0, dead 2; grand-cblfdren living
DC, dead 21; grcat-graml-chlldrcn living 12ti, deal
21. Mr. Langford baa been a consistent member
of tbe Methodist church for many years. He was
buried at Salem church on Sunday afternoon.
Savannah, Ga., November 27.-[8pec !•!.]—Chav,
J. Allen, a wood-passer on an engine on the Cen
tral railroad, wu Injured In a collision on the 7th
of September, 1861, and sued the road fordatnsgos.
Tbe jury iut night In the city court rendored him
a verdict for damages to tho amount of 92,009.
Last Friday morning, while a party of negroes
were engaged in putting out» fire In the wood
about one and a half miles from Asbbnra’s milt
In Dodge county, tbo drou of a woman by the
name of Ella Wheeler, caught fire. Instantly tho
woman started fur home at a breakneck speed.
Her husband wu In tbe party, but, on discovering
the condition of affaire, ho Ifnintod. Otbcri lu
the croyd, however, started In pursuit of tho
burning woman, but were unable to come up with
her before she reached her homo at tht mill. Tho
clothcaof the unfortunate woman were outlraly
consumed, aud she wu horribly burned from her
knees dp. Dr. J. D. Hcrrman was summouod to
the bedside of tL« woman, and did all that medi
cal aid couhl mygest to alleviate her sufferings.
Her llfo ia despaired of.
last Thursday afternoon the house of Seaborn
Mcore, an industrious colored man llrfogUcar
Eastman, was burglarized of goods and money to
tbe value of 940. Moore’s wife wu Jtbsent from
tbe bouse about ono hour, visiting a neighbor,
•nd on her return found tho floor torn up, and tbo
articles missing. There U uo clue a* to who com
mitted tho act.
In Waycrot* the store of Captain Jarac* Knox
we* entered by a back door and the >afe, which be
had accidentally Irft unlocked, wu robbed. His
money drawers were also ransacked, one of which
us* picked up on the railroad track. The amount
Holm, an mar as can bo learned, wu V>. Tho
thieves cut a bole in the door through which they
reached and turned the key, which was on tbe in-
»:de. The band wu a very small one, frost all
Mr. J. A. smith, of The Cave, Meriwether cou a ty
rone acre planted Iu cave after bsddiog one-
fourth of it made gallon.- of tho prettiest
») tup ever seen In Georgia.
There is a temperance tidal wave In and around
Clsjton, Rabun county, since the II. >V. Beck
tragedy. The Good Templars had a celebration
there on Thanksgiving day. Dr. C. D. Health, of
Franklin, N. C , made an address, and Mis* Rebec
ca Duncan, a beautiful and accomplished young
lady of Clay tou, read an excellent essay on tem
Sava KVA rr, Ga., November 21.—[Special.]—In
formation has been received here of a tragedy at
Blackshear, Fierce county, yesterday. Aaron
Kennedy, a well known colored butcher, highly
thought of by tbe whltce, encountered Dr. (!. II.
hmitb, mounted on the road and Inquired ff he
wanted any meat. Smith, who wu under the lu
ll tuuce of liquor, became unaccountably enraged,
and pulling a pistol, fired at Kennedy, the ball
llttl\\'A him in the stomach, Matt (•.using through.
. ... .r_ ... -> gnifth bu fled the
Tbegviib’u: • has closed in the Doyalcase. The
defence wn- ju.-liilcaUon ami in sillily. To-mor
row the cur e will Le argued.
8rnU!o pi.a» r. tin.. November 28.—{8pecfal.l—
Particular* La\c just reached tho vllllagc of a dif
ficulty four from this place. In which En-
gene Luttrcil riiot aud fatally wounded Lum RTal-
Iker. A rfgro frolic was had at Davo Johnson’s,
■pHfil nUoiuvl. both white, were
e drinking and hard word* were
I passed betwthu them. Luttrcil went from the
frolic with a white* woman of disreputable charac
ter, who was there. Soon after bit arrival at her
home Walker . ne aud the old fuss was renewed.
Walker wn.? led out of the houso by a frioml pres-
out, ami Luttrcil draw his pistol and ooramcro'cd
firing. Four or five shots wore tired and Walker
fill to the gro.m.l wounded In the head and other
places. LoO’ -"tamped.
AMKUCye, fia., November 38.—[Special.]—The
negroes In & hley county seem to have shaken off
what little slumbering fear they ever had of boiug
reduced to ala re ry afu r Cleveland's Inauguration,
and hare c vt" made a political adranoc. Aroused
by the eloquent* of some Amcricm orators, •»( col
ored pmnt'h :>■ they have put out camlLUtcs for
the county They; await a mowing uudor
at the elect T r In January.
Dr. J. A. Fjgsley gives Iho following accouut O
a tragedy inipTH Put ut, In which ono man was
killed: '7
Beaurrgai : <-aturwlijte had been dismissed
from his placo h> the spionlngroom of tho West
Point mill* .cause bo was uuablo to keep up his
wotk. Hcatfcilnu J his disclmrgo to Mr. Ivey
It orris, the Uks of the cardroom. Becoming very
much Icconsiod Agalutt Morris, who was *liii
brother in law. b<- procured a pistol, lollowod
Morris up, v?m> bad gone hunting, and, present
ing tho informed him that ono uf
them had to ui«». then and there. Tho
former hr. l bis gun and, haring to
choose the alternative of killing or boiug killed,
naturally <L ci.led to save his own life, rather than
bccomo a sacrifice to tho fury of hts antagonlst.aud
fired upon FnttcfWhUc, tho shot taking effect In
the neck ai.u severing the jugular vein. Batter-
nhllc fell dead In liib tracks. These facts wore to*
tilled to by two witnesses before tho coroner’s Jury,
■nd they r< turn* <1 a verdict of justifiable homicide.
Sattcrwhltc wa* quirt a young man ami loaves a
wife. - • r
It Is said tl nt the first piano or organ Blind Tom
ever tcnclud \\m in Forsyth, when ho was but a
small bcy.«-
After services at tho Episcopal
church Iu Rome there was 'distributed to about
twenty famines,:go pounds of flour, four bushels
potatoes, a lift*m l of fruit, 75 pounds of meat, be
sides turkeys, chicken^ grit*, tea, coffee, sugar,
coal, wood, clothing, etc.
Mr. B. 8, Bight luu ji family relic In thoabapoof
a peculiar Hit io bm rel holding uot quite as much
•s & quart It Is made out of three piece*of wood
into (be two heads and tho l.ody. fils grandfath
er, Mr. lien Join In Fxmuois, who wnia revolution*,
ry rohlh r, ko> it in l/M*. und ho takes it to boa
The Franklin News records au affray with some
|lively features. Mr. Drink Cooley and William
Ellsbury have, this year, lived in tho same houso.
There mu gome misuudeistamling between them
which remained unsettled Ellsbury was moving,
and when they came to divide the otton, Mr.
Cooley being edd and having defective eyesight,
sent for Mr. »rcen Cooley to attend to the weigh
ing of the cotton for him, KUfuury affirmed that
Green Cooly should not come, but ho was sent for
and wcn t as requested. Tho Lnattcr
ppeoonccrlcd one on
YUon Cooley walkod Ipto
> wn roaily —
fenator Pugh Renominated for United State* Sensta
-ACyolouelD 8t. John** Parish-Two Young
Ladle* Bbcot Two Young Men — Pira
in Jackaonvitlf, Plorida, Ktc.
Montgomery, Ala., November 2l.~[dpecial .]*
Senator Pugh was renominated in tho legisla
tive caucus to-night for re-election to tho Unit
ed States senate# In a speech before the
caucus Mr.Pugb, referring to the part borne bjr
southern democrats in tho lato election, said:
This grand result, thus consummated, has
placed the democratic party, and especially tho
whito people of the south, in • position of the
graven rcrpontlbllfty. Shall we prove ourselves
equal to the trying emergency and worthy such
tiust aud confidence? Hball we Justify and sus
tain our friends at the north by the Justice, wis
dom and moderation of onr action, or shall wo
make good tho predictions aud hupea of oar re
publican enemies that wo will favor rash, reac
tionary and revolutionary changes lu tbe cur
rency and tariff laws that will shock public con
fidence, derange business Interests and relations,
•tut patalyzo American industries? I know the
white peoplo ol the south are capable of mlf gov-
cniDre nt. 1 know they arc keenly aerodblo of thuir
R ublle duties aud of their obligations to dtabargo
icm with pntdcnco, wisdom aud fidelity. aod our
brethren nt tho north may n«t awnrod that we
will do nothing to cause them to regret that they
have trusted us as allies iu the common canoe of
m cm Is'C reform and bouc-4 government—a reform
that will make ofllceholdlng a public trust for pnt>-
llc objects, aud not a personal holding tor private
gain- a re form that will Icncn the cost of Judicial
aud cxccutivo administration, that will reduce the
.burden of tariir taxation down Ut tho eoonomlcrtl
t landaid of houest goremment-a reform that will
the expense and correct the abase* of col
lecting tho Internal revenue—a reform that will
K uveut tbo unequal operation of existing tariff
ms by tbo wise adjustment of dutic* on imports
In tbcfr rate, and application produces no more
revenue than I* need for honest government, and
encourage no froer trade in taxable
imports than can bo carried on
TFo report of the joint committee a* to
whether the general assembly shall taka a
recess, and as to tbe meaning of tho constitu
tion in prescribing fifty days as the limit of
the session, recommending that the general
OHM inbly take a recc*s at 2 o’clock p. in., De
cember 12th and rcatsomblc at 10 o’clock, a.
tn., January 13, 1885, wits taken up and
Montgomery, Ala., November 25.—The leg-
ifllaturo to-day re-eleclodUamca L« Pugh to tno
United States senate. Uo received the unaul-
in on b vote in the house and all but ono iu tho
MosTnoMr.RY, Aln„ November 27.—[Bpo-
clal.]—Captain lloxic, of tho United Stales
engineer corps, has returned hero to hia head-
auarters, after a week’s absence, having spent
fnnr days and nights on a skill' exploring lrom
Rome, Georgia, down the Coosa, it* shoals and
obstructions. Ho finds tho channol nood*
further clearing up. Much has to bo done vet
to accomplish tho desired result to make tin
Coosa navi 4
and Georg!
New Or.iiAN*, November 21.—A cyclone o<
red In 8t. Jnhna^aanh Halurduy night,
The Most Terrible nrnl Fatal Intoxicant
That Has Yet Been Discovered,
"Do you know what that Is?" said the captain of a
bark lately returned from a cruise In the southern
seas to a fan Francisco Call reporter who wm
prowling around the water front fn search of
Itc rr*. He held in his hand what appeared to bo
a gaudily painted barber's pole shrunken to tho
size of a polieemau’s club. Tho reporter surveyed
tbe object curiously and admitted that he could
not gucts what it was.
"That," continued the skipper, taking the non
descript object from the reporter's hands and car
essing it as though It was a kitten, "is a piece of
gagns stalk. It came from Ganptil Island, near
the Molucca group. I have navigated the sooth
sc as for many year*, and I never saw It growing
upon any other Island, and I don’t think you wiU
find any seafaring man who hails from those
waters but will bear ont what I say."
"But what Is ltr* questioned the reporter, eyeing
the curiosity. "Gagns root?"
"Yes; that's as near aa wo sallera can get to
what tho natives there call it. I're heard these
foureyed scientific lubbers call it by a uame n
yard long: but I might as woll bare tried to reel *
mainrall alono aa to reel It around mymenUt
windlass. Gagas is good anough for me."
"Who painted It?" went on tho reporter, a sus
picion c reeping Into his mind that tho captain had
ornamented it with color for the purposo of sell
ing it to tome democrat to put In hts hat.
"Painted It I Why, Jigger me, that’s the way li
grew," cried the skipper, with a laugh. "I guess
you haven't seen anything like it before."
Tho reporter admitted that he had not, and ask
ed the caput n tod l**i pat o id once the cloud of
mytUty surrounding the "gaxus."
"it la a species of cactus, T ’ no explained, "aud,
•s 1 raid, grows only, to my knowledge, on Qaop-
til island. The island fsa small one, but la well
populated by native* of tho Malay race. In the
laaCsH— ““““
Htcrior this plant grows wild, flourishing espec
ially lu the red rocky soli. It looks bcautlfal whoa
growing, as you might judge by tlio bright hues
with which this is spotted. Tho main stalk la
com ml with sharp, nettle llko protuberances, and
a prick from ouo of them will cause more t>*ln
tbsn a handful of red pepper thrown iu your
eyes. When young the plant consists of but oua
►talk, whirl: shoots up straight to a height of four
It is• brilliant scarlet In hue. To-
But It Is the properties of tho pla_. ..
gufsh it. Opium I* a potent drug, but l will back
the extract from the gogu* stalk to effect more
damage on the liumsu system than all the opium
iu the world. The natives cut tho plant III th«
early spring. * — —
quantity the]
“ bugestc
early spring. After they have gathered a sumciout
quantity they put it in largo bowls and crush it
with huge stones. A graybn sap rani out freely.
and Ibis they collect and drink after WlHPIIH
meat, Which It doc* easily. One drink of a pint
Is enough for an ordinary man. but I have setit
natives drink mote. Within half an hour after
Imbibing It the drioker becomes perfectly sidpll
•nd Ilea around like a log. Tbo spell lasts a day or
more, during which time tbo natives say they lire
^n pa rad Iso."
I*Do white men drink ft?"
^‘1 have known ration to try It, but they never
tackled it twice. Three years ago I had a man lu
my rrew who was driven creay by ono drink."
r, Ytbni effect does It have upon tho native*?"
' ntfiat H where the gagns displays itself. If
1 sec tome of tho terrible examples of
liking lu (iauptll you would bo horrified,
■■■■effect of Uio liquor is to *o(tcn tho bouen
and gradually eat them sway. There oro natives
6here, tho victims of gsgns. who arc indeed bone-
Iris and tumble to wuk or use their limtw. They
then begin to wither away llko this hi illc until
I they dio io misery and couvuMous. Immediately
niter death tho licad.of tho corpse l« uomessoft m
p.iilp, no bom* rau be fell; Uieakull lap
nti'U * way. Thejgjdfct^y., j
H P»Ollo
indicting a mortal wound,
Gbiitix, Ga., Novembe r (Special. J-The
cwsbasjuAt been received hereof the killing of
a young man nomad Freeman Crawford Just over
tbe Boa lu Monroa county. Crawford and the
Crawley boys wirtSfigbilnw, when one of them
threw a reek striking Crawford on tbe bead from
which bo died. No one has boe* arrested. Craw-
fc-:d has a brother ou tbe Jury tryjjj Doyal.
te*/Which was kuockcd
hond and broken. Tills, it is thought, wav all that
kept Cooley from being shot. No weapons were
used, but sticks and were used for all their
worth, and a regular kubek down aud drag out
fight ensued. The two Cooleys rccclrod a fow
painful bruises. Ellsbury and his sister got the
wont of It, but no ono’i Injuries are serious. Kllv
bury may lose one of his eyes.
Oue of tbo most aetrodons crime* ever com
mitted In Coffee coauty was porpetrated on the
dIaM of tire lllh Inst, by ouo Hamilton Btory upon
tbe person of Mrs. Mary Minx, a small, weakly
woman, tho wlfo of Thomas Minx. Tho circum
stances, as reported, are that during tbe Absence
of the broUnd, end while tbe wife
•nd little children were sound asleep
tbe ccoundrel entered tbe house
aud choked Mrs. Minix boyond endurance, and
outraged her person three times during tho night,
keeping her illcnt and In perfect awo by threat
ening to choke her to death If she attempted to
make any ncisc. Btory wss seen near the placo
on Ruturday morning by Henry Mlnfx, a brother
of Thomas. Btory said that he bad sUld during
tbe night In the woods. In a few minute* after
ward Henry Mtnlx arrived at tbe home of his
brother Thomas, and learned of the whole affair,
and Immediately started in pursuit of thcacoun-
drtl, and Informing tfio neighborhood of what
had happened. In a short time a large company
was out In search of Uio villain, and the search
was kept up until Mouday without a capture. I
unde rstand that this wan Btory was raised In the
lower edgooi Dooly county, aud may have fled to
that section. He left his wife and child at Henry
A llttleVm of John WJUD, three miles north of
Cochran, aboutseveu years old, wvut Into* field
where romc fattening hogs and some stock were
pastured, and u as followed bv two or three dog*.
Homo young plga begau to squeal, aud their
mothcr.tnd the wholo flock of hogs attacked tho
boy and mangled him fearfully. They dragged
him iuto tbe woods, and bit oft ouo of bfa cam
and tore the flesh on one shoulder aud arm ami
side and several place* on bis body and ono leg.
The dog* after awhile came to hi* rescue aud
fought the hogs off, and saved tbe l*oy from being
.killed and probably eaten by tbo hog*. Ilia
wounds are severe and very extensive, but arc
not considered dangerous.
The Dsltou Argua (ays that three week* ilnco
Text Baxter knocked John Ranks Iu the head with
a brickbat. Ten days after Bauka died. HI* death
was attributed to tho lick, and Baxter left for Glut*
tanoogs. Monday Marshal Thraiikill brought him
beck, and on Wednesday a preliminary trial wai
had before Justice Longley, ia which tbe prisoner
wss put auder a bond of 9259. It appear* that
Baxter and another boy were pairing flank's bouse
•r.d the letter accosted tbe former with intimacy
with bis wife, which finally developed Into a row,
•nd Banks follower^ tbo boy* for some distance
with a drawn ax, swearing vengeance* Finally
being told to stop, and uotdoing so, be was struck
wrltb the brick.
A Man ol Aluny Italativ*"*
From tbe Kmira Advertiser.
There is ■ man fn Clearfield county, Pennsylva
nia. tbaW« 40 yean old, who bouts of having 1
mother, 1 ib-pfsther, » brother*. 5 sistera/i fathers-
fn law, and v mother*in law, 28 brotben-fn-law,
21 rbtera-in law, 112 nieces and nephews, 19 great
nkets and nephews, and be is also tin; father of
7 children, wbi-.b make a family of 1W>.
Got tbo Wrong Ilottla.
From tbe Montezuma, O*., Record.
A promincut old gentleman living not far
from Montezuma, dropped in a store fn our
town tbe oth^r dav and confidentially niked
one of tbe clerks if ho bad n private bottle.
Tbe clerk directed him to the rear of the store
where be had a bottle bid away behind some
boxes, and tire old geAtleman went back to
S et • drink. He turned up tho bottle end
rained nearly ball of iu contents before be
discovered that he bad made n mistake and
got hold of • bottle of vinegar Instead of tbv
bottle cf whisky. Tbe gentleman said not a
word, lot made n break for the door, looking
very sour.
Othf-r* in the Loure i-M-npcd milujurot ______
drnpooii ArMalsrct'* plantation was also destroy
ed and Mahuct wai killed.
HnnavsiORT, La., November 2fk—{dpcclnl.j
Chaika A. , Dcvcreaux was shut and killed lait
night by John O'Neal at Boufbton Dossier l’jtririi.
Tl ciause of tho tragedy Is not known. Dover-
caux was a man of extraordinary courage, and
bad served many ycai* as deputy sheriff. He
Came from near Mlllcdgovllle, Ga., where ho kill
ed hla step -father and had to Icavo the state.
New Orleans, November 29.—Georgiana
and Josephine Conway, aged 20 and 23 years
respectively, niece* of ex-Mayor Conway,«hut
two young men on Canal street to-uight.
Gccrglann shot John D, Logan, son
of ex-AIdcrman M. D. Logan, and
Josephine shot Joienh A. Devonshire, Unite I
Btatei deputy marsnol. The young ladies
claim that they were *cduecd by tbe men they
•hot. Logan waihot in tho back and face,
•nd dangerously, If not fatally, wounded.
Devonshire was but slightly wounded in the
bark. The ladies and their brother were
arrested. The wounded men were scut to the
charity hospital.
en ATTANfXKiA, Tenn.,Kovcinbor 21.—[ftperlal.]—
The Conntiti tiok’s correspondent ha* had an In
tel view with one ol the most prominent Iron men
in this section concerning the Iron outlook. Bur-
Ingtheconvcnatlouhesaid: "Binee November
tho 10th there ba* been a constant Increase iu the
Iron business throughout Ibl* section. Work ha*
bom resumed st live ore liauk* lu north Alabama,
■nd fully three- hundred cuke oven* liavu beon
flrrd up owing to the Incroatcd demaud from tho
fuiuaus. Ore has advanced 10 per ceut within
ten days."
Tlie manager of tbe lurgo*t furnace In this
neighborhood statts he ha* order* to run the fur
nace for four month*, llo ha* refined to contract
to deliver nig Iron at present price after Januiry
Hie 1st. The (fitieo furnace I* titling an order for
5,000 tons for a Philadelphia foundry.
Cnsmyooos, Tcnn., November W,-[8pcelAl.l—
C. It. Dwight, of Memphis, passed through tho
ity enrontodo Collinsville, Ala ,where he r>es to
exhume the body oi tbo man who banged him
self there lait week. Mr. Dwight thinks the aul
ride Is a relative, who lost bis miud recently from
CimTANOOGA, Teuu., November 24.—(tpeolal.]
General Dibrell, member of congre*H from this
district, said today that tbo river and hvrbTr com
mittee had agreed to an appropriation of Vi'H.OlO
for the Muscle HhoaU canal at Hit* nlsvIuu of con
gross. This will be sufficient to complete the
Norfolk, Va., November 25.—Tbo demo
cratic d< mon* lration took place here to night
in honor of the election of C'levnland and
Hendricks. It was participated in by delegti
tions from all tbe cities end countie* in Uii*
congressional district.
Rm bmond. Va., November 25,—The slate
renvazaing board completed their work this
afternoon, end tbe result *how* Moreland's
volet to be 145,497; Blaine’* fit.
John's 143. U- vfland's plurality 9,111.
South Cnrolimt.
Coum, 8. f„ Nqvcmlier 25.—(fptcUl.)-Tbe
legislature met to day, and both branches organ
ized by re-electing all tbe old oflicer*. To-morrow
Governor Thompaon will submit hf« annutl m a
Mge. In tb« senate a bill wm Intro luf <1 to char-
to the Carolina Midland railroad.
Con miija.8 C., November.D.-[8pocUl.J-RIch-
ardTozicr.oneof the most useful ciUzetii of Col
umbia, wm burled to-day. He wa* tbe bead of e
large holler rooking c *Ui»lf*hm*nt, and wai cele
brated a* a machinist, lie died last night after a
short sickness. Uf* funeral wa* very largely at
Columbia, 8. C., November 85.—[dpcclal.]—Tbe
wc t ticket wm victorious In Use citie« of Bptnaa-
burg and Grecnvl’to, yesterday.
Jacksonville, Flo., November A fire broke
cot at 5 o’clock this morning. In Hart’s elevator
and Mill*. In this city. The elevator, DoCott'a
woodward and one small dwelling were totally do-
st rosed. Lom about foO.WO. Insurance about
r*,m, ln varloDi o&mpanlea.
is sccoiviulgto'ilic ajr,
luff, t suallv two >iNrs will finish th
beidcst man. tTh. ibo syffenopcf tuosUvot
tli#* drink arc terrible."
TJie ple<e of plm.t was rcoln subjected to an In
spection by the ropoilcr, and Ibis tlmo with some Inti rest.
••You see it f* hard,” mid the mplilii. drojn
E Ji'u lion tho deck to nrovepris word*; "and this
i baimlcss unlr**, I presume, It way soaked In
water and Iho liquor drunk."
Which I* the -Gtrntest Curse to the Huniww
Bure—An Interesting Dlacugslon, *
Green vn i.e, 8. G., November no.—[Bpccial.J-Tiis
Constrution recently commented on tbo super-
flultlea of modem drem and igcclally named tbo
buckle at tho back of a man's pantaloons ai an ar
ticle which, since the Invention of siispondora,
ought to bo discarded as melons and extravagant.
In this connection 1 would call your attention t<*
a communication ins lato number oi tho New
York Times, describing an organization whose ex
istence was probably unknown to you when you
opened yocr guns on the "buckle," Tho Tl men
writer Mys:
T received a unique circular tbo other day til
ing me to heroine a member of asoriety by tbo
. -/lucut ofat»i*!l Initiation fee. It was Datiod
by no Its* remarkable a body than 'the society for
the alleviation of human misery and for tho eradi
cation ol the original muses of thocc Ills of man
kind which are directly traceable to the uubygln-
nl«* rului of fstblon, suit o*;*c!ally to tbo
licrnlclovs habit<>f we.trIny »ukpander*wyh|ilraM
created at the back."
by a recitation of some oi me reasons ror me ab
olition of suspenders. It f* alleged that tbo
—ring of any suspenders at all i« contrary to all
teachings of antlquit) and the experlenooof
_ j. Adorn, lu bl* palmiest or most llg-leafy
days, wore no snspendeis, and one may oeareh tho
history of all timo in voiu to find a hero or a mar
tyr nulling to a glorious doom cncumU rcd with
those useless and "sffeminate straps."
Am* so It goes on at some length, only to clove
with tbe following Nclentiflc statement:
"On the crossing of many auspenders," Ussy*,
’• piece of brsra or other metal i« fastened to add
greater strength to the Infamous contrivanoo
This bit of met*), when brought Into oppmitioa
with the gold or silver watch chain on tbe front
of the body, Is apt to giro ri«o to a voltaic cur
rent not strong enough to be perceptible, but
which In tlmo act* on the kidneys and liver to
Mich en extent that these organ* become semi-
paralyzed, aud losing their vitality, degenerate
and give rise to the many diseases which carry off
so many uufo;tunate victims." Tbe headquar
ters ol lbeantl su*pcnder«oclety da iu Philadel
phia. In view of tbecniMdc it is making would
It not be wise to hold on to the buckle a white
longer at any rate?
Tha Foataftires In Georgia and Thair Sal
Tbe following Is a full list of tbe Georgia post-
offices which arc filial by tbu appointment of tho
president, with the Mlarie*attached and thedstea
at which the terms of the present postmasters will
Fostofficfs. Halarj\.
Date of Kxpl-
Albany 91
Ainerflui... i
Athens I.ww
Atlanta «,«»
Auguste 2JOO
Bslnbridse 1,100
Fromwlek - »,TOl
Columbus...... ...
1. WO
~m 1,0
zz\zz::::\ i|m»
—. 2,00
- \J£*
- 2,300
... 3,200
Feb. 12,1M7
Aug. S, IMS
Feo.ll, IMS
Jan. 0. i vvt
Apr. 21,18»
Feb. 4,1W4
Apr. 7,1887
Feb. 12,107
Apr- W,
June 15, IMS
,'iou May
,100 Jan.
Jan. 6, UN
Oct. 25, law
Feb. 19, iw
Feb. a 1887
Oct. », llri
Doc. 20,1841
1 ify . 1--.
Went Point...
Barnes villa...
1,190 Feb. 10, tot*
Xn addition to these there Is an office at Valdos
ta raised to the pnabknilai cIsmi last auoint.
which bu not as yet beca UUci. 114 asUrj is