The constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1884-1885, December 30, 1884, Image 12

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-I J. % p i m 1 T ' T" 12 r THE WEEKLY OONSlrffUTION. ATLANTA GA- TUESDAY DECEMBER. 30 1881 TWELVE RAGES. CRIME AND CASUALTY. DEEDS OP lawlessness IN ALL PARTS OF THE COUNTRY. Chops life Brother to Plecss- A Trill Wriok *4-011 X ir-iciion- florribly Beatinga Womsn-Hiir- iceoTramps SesldsdoXilltd at a Wed' dlcg-DMth by rnght. Bio. Cutes no, December 22.???The fast express frrm Washington, oxer the Baltimore and Ohio road, duo. here at 9 o'clock this morning, ???while going 40 tnilec an hour, struck a broken rail or obstructions near Bremen, Ind. The forward part of the .train pulled over .safely, but the dining car and the sleepers wero over turned. The dining car was burned up, but the sleepers were saved, . Four of the cooks and waiters were so badly burned and scald* ed, that they will probable die. Every body in tbe [sleeper was badly shaken up, out no bones were broken and no one seriously in jured. ??? Nkw York, December 22.???The loss by tbe destruction ot Pratt's astral oil works in Brook lyn, yesterday, has not been stated in figure*, but the proprietors of the works are credited with tbe statement that the buildings,machin ery and other plant* destroyed representt an outlay Of $1,000,000, cud that upwards of 150,- 000 barrels of oil were burned. The rata of Insurance on this kind of property is so high that the firm have always been their own in surers, and tbe loss is entirely their own. Wh??:i:i.iro, December 23.???The second hor rible out rage and robbery by hooded high waymen in the past threo days, has roused the people of Wheeling to a terrible pitch. On ftnndey six masked men entered tlio home o( Airs Wenkenour, in East End, and, alter hor ribly brating tbe family, itole about $4,000 In gold. Last night (our men, evidently of the same gang, broke into tho house or Elijah blurting, a bachelor miser of this county, and finding only $182 on his person, put him to fhe most horrible torture to force him to re veal the hiding place of his gold. He was tied to a bedpost, stripped and a rod-hot poker was applied to his back and thighs fn no less than twenty places. Hoi oil was also poured down his back, and bis sun* tings were terrible in tho extromo. lie evidently had no money concealed, or this would beve brought it. In their an got at tbe failure, the burglars struck their victim a heavy blow on the head and left him hanging in bis fastenings in an insensiblo condition. He was found six hours later nearly frozen and half dead, and bis condition is danger ous. Mnrtlng is nearly sixty years of ago. Tlmse robbers work with impunity, a* all effort to locate or capture them scorns useless. The county constabulary is powerless, nud dwellers in isolated houses are in constant dread, Tho deeds of tho Wost Virginia red- men arc being outdone in the metropolis. Liscoi.x, III., December 21.???bail night tblrtem trumps slept on tho top of the boilers at tho coal shafts. At 0 o'clock this morning one of their number accidentally turned tho blow out valve, allowing the. steam and hot water from sjjfcboUflfi to escape. Eight of the men woo ned and scalded. It is ^bought that tvoYmom cannot eurvivo. Tho men were panic strlckon and found much difficulty in escaping from the building. All ot them were badly burned about the face ami throat. Wairhav, Wia., December 22.???After an tin- auctesstul attempt to take the life ot his wife this afternoon, Francis So Hits went to the houio of Ills brother, who was con lined In bed by lllnoiN, and deliberately chopped tho belplou men Into pieces, nearly severing hts head from bis body. Tho murderer Is evidently iusane on religious matters, aa when standing over tho body of hia victim he exclaimed, "Christ U come, Ills blood Hows lor alll M He was arrested and Is now f n Jail. party was assembled on Christmas at tho resi dence of William J. Taylor. Among tho guests was a Mr*. Partlowe, whose husband had for bidden her attendance. Parllowo came after liis wife, and being partly in liquor he became oflersivc, and when ordered to leave, he shot ami mortally wounded Taylor, tho host. Part lowe was placed in Jail and ball refused. M r??. Taylor was confined to bod and is in a dan gerous condition. While the wounded man waa receiving attention, the wedding parly assembled fn another room, and tho ceremony was performed, after which the guests dls persed, leaving the wedding feast untouohed Lkximjtox, Ky., December 20.???Last night at a wedding reception given by a man named White, to bis eon, nine miles from hore, tho festivities were interrupted by five roughs, who came into tho house and committed va rious indiguities. Dan Hays, a farm hand employed by White, began shooting at the roughs, and killed one of them, name I Charles Blackwell, and seriously wounded another named Ellis. The others escapod aud aro at large. Taludkoa, Ala., December 20.-.[8peciaU?? This morning at about 10 o'clook, a. in., Mr. It. W. llcndcrsou received a serious butuot a fatal pistol wound, the bail onloring tho neck at the collar bone, and passing around toward f he right shouldar. The shot was tired by Mr. W. It. Btsggs. Mr. Btaggs and Deputy Sher iff P. F. Smith were engaged in a difllculty, and while thus engaged Mr. Henderson, who happened to ba standing a short distance awav, and at the beginning of tho dilUoulty fur e"ah Thus they parted, and Seibert did b'.s level lest to keep his word. The dost ir said to-day the wound was not necessarily fatal, but it is believed tbe young mau will TELLING ABOUT HIS CRIME. Allen Askew Describes Row He Hacked Ufa Stepson to IT aces. From the Bavannah News. * ^ further news from Bryan country about the ???hocking murder of William Harris, by his stepfather, Allen Askew, who is now confined in the Chatnam county jail, puts another aspect on tho affair. Askew claims that he hacked the body of the boy to pieces as he lay upon tbe floor, thinking it was Mack Lofton, his wife's paramour, whom he had knocked down in the scuffle. It is learned now that Lofton claims that. it was tbe intention of Askew to kill him, and that for that purpose he had iummoned a number of friends to the house to surprise him and take his life. After bis scuffle with Askew in the house, Lofton claims that ho ran out the door, and waa set upon by some parties who were lying in wait for him outside. One of these struck him the arm with an ax, inflicting an ugly gash, Askew is a small sized man, with round reg ular features and a skin as black as ebony. He talked freely of tbe murder yesterday eve Bing to a reporter, and protected his inno cenee of a desire to kill either Lofton or the boy, William Morris. He is cool in manner, and guarded in language. Jlo says his wife came from Newton, ti. C., about twa years ago, when he married her. Lofton has been living with him about two months. Ho and his wife agreed to separalo some time ago, but he has been living in tho same house, The family, including Lofton, slept in one room, tbo only room in the house. His bed was near tho door, his wife slept in a corner of the room, and Lofton and the boy slept together on i mattress, which lay on the floor near tho win dow. He nays he had suspected improper ro lotions between Lofton and his wife, but had said nothing about it, and they were good friends. About two o'clock in the morning his sui- piciens were verified. Ho arose and called to Lofton, intending to talk to him. Lofton made no reply, but the Hext minute he heard some one take up tho gun, which stood near his wife's bed, anil the click of the hanitfler as it was cocked prompted him to pick up tho ax which stood beside the door. "I don't know whether the gun was snapped or not," ssys Askew, "but 1 know he intcudod to kill me, and J made at biin in tbo dark. Ho struck at rno with the gun, for I folt it come down post my face, and it struck tho floor. Then we ecu filed a little bit, aud ho stumbled over the mattress and fell to tho floor, and I began to let drive with tho nx." "How many blows did you strike?" "1 dunuo, boss; I oidnT count 'em." "Twelve or fifteen ?" "No, it wasn't as many as fifteen. It mout have been ten or twelve. While I was chop- pin' the door was opened and I saw Lofton run out. When I found out that I hid killed tho boy, I run too." "What did you run for?" "'G'auao I was sfeerd Lofton would cotno back and kill mo. I knew if we mot again one of us would die. Now, I want to toil you,?? boss, that I didn???t moan to kill no body. I had tbo nx in the houso, but I didn't bring it in intending to tiro it for anything liko that. J didn't mean to kill tho boy, and I didn't mean to do nothing to Lofton when l called to hirn. I just meant to talk to him; that was all. But when a man cock* a gun a you, what aro you going to do? I wnsa' going to stand ibero and Jet him kill mo." ???llow did you feel when you found you had killed the boy???? ???How did 1 feel? Well, I felt sorry I had killed him. lfo had never done nothing to e. 1 didn't want to kill Anybody." Askew says that during the whole affair his ife made no outcry, and ho hasn't seen hor since ho rsn from tho houso. He is sorry ho did not leave her long ago. Tho boy, William Harris, was buried on Tuesday, lift was 15 years old. started with tha intention of keeping it down If possible, but before reaching lieu tho dis tance received the shot from the pistol of Mr Stages that was intended for Mr. fimlth. The hall baa beau probed for and taken out, and at this writing Mr. Henderson is rostiug very well. Mr. Staggs gavo bond for appearance for $1,COO. The cause of the difliculty was a debt owed Staggs by Smith, which they wero trying to adjust. Ki-mima, N. Y., December 20.???Onoot tho two 30,000 barrel oil tanks situated at West Junction,???fivt miles from Elmira, exploded tbit morning, and both tanka woreaoon a mass of flames. The shock of the explosion was felt in Elmira, in many oasaa dishes being thrown from tho shelves and mirrors broken. No one was seriously hurt, although the Louies near the tanks were badly damaged, being riddled ?????? if by cannons. Tho fire is ???till raging, and tha loss will not fall short of $100,000. Larcastfr. Pa., December 2$.???Oscar Wise, who is emp yed on n farm near Lititi, was found dying in Millar's woods, not far from that plsce, u??? out 6 o'clock this morning, with both legs in u fire. The flesh waa burned oil* from lm?? to knees. He waa removed to tho county hospital and is not expected to *live. Hia atoiy is that while on bis way home, last evening, ba waa overcome by cold and built a Are, but was so benumbed that he fell into the dames and was unable to crawl away. Koatiarowir, Ba., December 27.???A drunken uan flourishing two knitea and shouting liko ??? madman last night, frightened Mrs. Mary Hogers so badly that she died three hours af terwards . She waa in perfect health, and it is conceded that her death waa due entirely to mental excitement brought on hr Collins's violent behavior. Rbadirg, Pa., December 2*.???George Sei bert, aged 19.1 good looking employe of the Tottstown rolling mill, celebrated yesteisUy by taking hia handsome, dark-eyed cousin, Mias Kttie Millar, aged in, out sleigh riling. They took dinner at tha residence of their grandmother, and then drove on to Bpringficdd. where Seibert's father lives. Tho young couple had a splendid trip behind a handsome pair of sorrel trotters. Baihert t*>k Mi>a Miller to her homo it grandmother Do- \\ fid's, ai d th??n jogged his horses homo to I'ottsdown. He reached his uncle's residence at midnight, gave his undo bis watch, aud then went up to his roam and ibot himself through the body. The house was aroused, but 8oibert made no explanation more than to say that bo btd determined to kill himself, and that ho had * to ply carried out his intention. Later today it nai learned that Seibert loved his % pretty <*-u??in, and wanted to turn their sleigh ????4e into a wedding trip. Mias Miller was not in ?? marry lag mood; and kindly suggests i r*.??* ,, c??? L<l ???V cnl UDt ???* ??? more suitable iKJT 1 *. th ! ****** trauM ba seriously **ah and impetuous, w??Ji i s k h# hfr fefewal! ha said that it hrida with him, and Ihat the next sleighing trip would ba to his From tha Corporal. From tbo Marino barracks, ronaanoln, Flo- Ida, Corporal Ban Barger wrltoa of tho beno- Jr of Brawn's Iron Hitters In that mularious region. Ha savs: "1 have used several buttles and must say l am greatly benefltod by using it. Bevaral of my comrades use Brown's Iron Bitters, nnd you may rest ossurod they ail think it is the greatest thing on earth." This kind of tentimony comes from nil quarters con cerning Brown???s Iron Bitters???tho best tonic. llow to Curo Catarrh. Catarrh la very frequently mistaken for Coksvmptiom, tho symptoms in each being much alike, especially in tho earlier stages. No one who roeognises in his own system, or who has friends or relatives with any of tho symptoms so accurately described, should fail to a??ud a statement of the coso to Mr. Childs. There may bo hope oven in very desperate cases. Tbo discovery of hia euro for Catarrh end diseases of tho Throat end Lungs, has attract ed great attention. Leading men every where, publicly i Into that Childs treatment has curod NEWS BY WIRE. A liCJXET'/} FATAL CRASH. Trlfd to Beat tbs In*arare* Men-Bnow Brora, Crrgon-Io a Storm X#i- tfo???terss-Bolt far JUtmsgrs by Cattle Mon-Medic??1 Stu dents Oct a 0object. Bio. - sicians, lawyers, merchants, bankers and ness men. All who havo personally iuventi- E atcd tbo facts, aro satisfied that Mr. Child** as discovered a certain, positive and perma nent cure lor these diseases, that whoa prop- ??rlj ustd never fails oven in tho nu>??t desperate rases. Catarrh is generally many years in gaining a foothold in tho system, and attacks so many parts of the body that it can not ho curod by sny ono remedy or by a single application. It requires remedies that will meet tho disease wherever it is located, and fight It inch hy inch until a complete victory has been ob tained. Rev. T. l\ Childs has treated and cured thousands at their own homes, novor having seen thorn. In a thoroughly houor- able and characteristic mauuor ho publUhoa tho names and addresses of some ho has cured, that any who desire may iuquiro of tho pa tients themselves what Childs' treatment lias dona for them. None need feel any hesitancy in placing their case in Mr. Childs' bauds far treatment. We would call especial attention to the adver tisement, and request u ..ireful perusal of the facts os ??et forth. Many who do not receive our paper would doubtless bo very thankful should our readers call tbs attention of such to the ndvortisemeut of Mr. Childs. Catarrh and consumption aro the twin enemies of tho race, and any means ot relief is a heaven-sent blessing. Childs* treatment may bo relied on as an effective and certain euro for nasal catarrh, bronchitis and all diseases of tho throat and lungs, and you iflay recommend it to your trieuds with every confidence. How Fiank Duff/, an Kight-lrar Boy Osts x $5,000. Frank K. Duffy, an eight-year-old son of Thomas Dutly, dealer in gouts' furnishing goods, purchased a one-fifth ticket in tbo No vember drawing of tha Louisiana State Lot tery Co., and received an express package ob taining $5,000 in cash. The number of tho winning ticket was 13,023. and tho whale prize was $25,000. A Tnnett reporter has verified tho caso cf this Hartford boy.???Hartford (Com.) Times, November 29. 1 he king of T??!su smtall hts household wero blown up by Inutile Mohan: mod ait tribes oncaw-' t In Ike slave i.ade, which the kiug has opposed rtguiously. _ In the English law report*acasois reported of a baker who was convicted fer using alum in making bread. A similar law in this coun try would be the means of driving out a great number of the taxing powder* which are largely oompofed ot this drug. To fco safe, ??'on- ???umos should buy the old aud ever reliable Dr. Price???* Cream Baking Powder. Throw Away Truss** when cur new method is guaranteed to per manently cur* tha worst cas* of rupture with out the ua* of tha knife. 8end two loiter ???tamps for pamphlet and refer??n**a. World's Dispensary Medical Association, <>63 Main street, Buffalo, X. Y. D*s Moiiim. Iowa, December 24.???Dr. Eli Quigley, of Redding, Ringgold county, tojk cut a $2,000 insurance policy on his life July last. He exhumed a corpse from the village graveyard, placed it in his office^nd tl??n set the bpilding on fire. The blaze was discovered ond put out. The doctor disap peered, and 'the decomposing corpse ex plained the reason for his absence. ~ Quigley wandered to Canada. He was rested in Davis county on Friday, where was detained tor identification until yesterday, lie pasted through here in an officer's custody late last night. He made a formal confession to implicate a physician and a merchant Ringgold county as co-conspirators. Ho was not aware till his return to his family that the plot had failed. He says he would not have been arrested if he bad had a weapon. I'obti.asd, Oregon, December 25.???The snowstorm was renewed Tuesday along the M iddle Columbia river and yesterday it was (till impossible to raise tho snow blockade. Bf tween Dalle* and this city as it filled iu be hind tbe plows as fast as an advance was made. .Three plows with fire engines attach ed to each were blockaded and it will he necessary to shovel them out. Very little progress was mode, owing to tho continued snowfall. It is not likely that the road will ba opened before Saturday, northern Pacific trains wero yesterday running through Walla Walla junction, and a large numbei passengers had accumulated at the lattei paint. The passengers of the snow bound trains received supplies regularly on sleds from Jloojt river aud Cascade locks, and there ii no danger of their suffering from hunger. Sixteen passengers left the train aud walked to this city. No eastern mail has arrived here since the ( 18th inst. The mail destined for the cost will bo sent by steamer to San Francisco on Friday night. Haitcbas, N. C., December 25.???Tho Amer ican barkentine Kpkriatu Williams. Captain Morrison, from Savannah, Ga., bound to l???ro idence, It. I., lumber laden, encountered violent galo from tbe northwest on the 1 Si^ instant, seventy miles southeast of Hattoras light. During the storm the vessel became unmanageable. On BundAy she encountered a southwesterly galo, and the captain, in at tempting to get her to the beach, struck on Hu tier as shoals, five miles from shore, at f??ur p. in. Tho vessel was seen by the life saving crow, but on account of tho heavy sea no aid could reach her. During Sunday night she drifted six miles north or Cape Hattoras ligkt, and yesterday morning was seen five mile* offshore, Hying signals of distress. Keeper Daly, of tho [Capo Hattoras Life laving station, with a crew, hauled a surf boat seven miles through soft sund and rain to tho scone of tho wreck. The boat was immediately launched through a heavy sea, which broke for miles from tbe shore. On reaching tho wreck, alter hard and perilous work, great difllculty was experienced in getting off the crew, as tbe sea was breaking over the vassal. Finally, however, tho nine men who wore on beard wero lowered into tbo surf boat and brought to tho shoro in safety. Captnin Morrison states no and his crew ere lashed In tho rigging for five days nad nights, without food or water, and their limbi were badly cut from tho lashing. Two of tho sailors had to be carried to the life saving sta tion in on exhausted condition. Omaha, December 25.???Nluo suits havo boon instituted in Lincoln county district court gainst D. Rankin A Co., live stock company. ???f Chicago, to recover $125,000 damages alleged to have been sustained by plaintiffs by reason of their herds contracting Spanish or Texas fever from defendants'cattle. Tho defendant# last spring brought three thousand head of Texan cattle into western Nebraska, by which, it is said, this disease was brought into tho state. Upon application of tho defemUnta' at torney. tlio case was yesterday removed to the federal court. Bcraktom, Pa., December 20.???The clerk at Whyte???s hotel went to room 28 this morning atd found tho occupant dead in his bed. The man had gouo to tbo hotel Tuesday last and registered as II. 8. Ball, of Ohio. Ho was apparently about seventy-two years of ago. lie was toil nnd straight, and had a benign, well-preserved fsco. Jlo represented to his fellow boarders that ho was a lawyer and journalist, lie slated that ho had'studied Jnw under Chief Justice Chase, aud ainao then had been connected with tho Chi cago Inter Ocean, tho Boston Pilot at txl the New York Tribune. He bad come to Bcruntnn for tho purpose of writ ing up tho locality lor tho Intcr-Oceau. Ho retired to his room at about six o???clock last night, and wss heard coughing and vomiting nt ten o???clock. In one of his pockets w??* found n box of ret poison, which had evident ly been purchased in J.nganiville, Indiana, in his possession was found manuscript aor- mona that showed ho was u Free Will Baptist minister. Ho was known to parties hero. Want and family trouble caused him to com mit suicide. Ottawa, Oat., December 21???At Welton, sixteen miles west of Kingston, on tho Grand Trunk railway, tbo day after tho remains of John Chiittcrtou lied been placed in a vault two ycuiig men went to tho men in charge, aud representing themselves as relatives of tbo deceased, said they had received informa tion that tbo medical student* at tho Kingston university bad planned to sten 1 tbe tody, end they wanted to got it away for burial ihewherc. Tho young nun wero accordingly permitted to toko away tho bvly, being assisted by four others, It 1ms been dis covered that the party wero all medical stu- dents. Chutterton had died of a very peculiar (lifcaie, which had puzzled tho physicians, and consequently was a good subject for tho dissecting table. No trace of tho body has been found. ??? Nkw York, December 27.???Captain Cathar ine, of the steamship Cbattahoncbo reports on December20, iu fifteen miles north of^tho whiter quarter light ship, ho fell in with tho soheonrr Ariono Pardee wafer logged and helpless. He made two attempts to taka off tho crew by means of life boats and life buoy*, but tbo sea was so high that only oue men, Mato Allin, of the svthoonor could be rescued. The steamer was drifting into shallow water, and to save his own vessel be bsd to abandon tbo remaining four mon to tbeir fute. The first officer of the steamer was injured and tho life boat and life buoys were damaged in tbe attempts at rescue On December 25, in latitude 34, ??4I north, long- ditude 75, ??55 west, tho Chattahoochee passed tbe Barkentine Epprime Williams water- logged. Pieurr, Dakota, December 27.???Potter coun ty is undergoing a state of excitement over tho county scat location. A year ego the county seat was lecated at Forest City, on tbe Mis souri river. At the last election, Gettysburg claimed to havo secured the county seat. Thr??att have been made to take tho records by ferco aud over two hundred Indians aro now concentrated at Forest city ready to moot the invaders from Gettysburg. Judge Smith is now bearing tbo case of the Pierre, while tbo ludiet* ere guarding the recor<U. lUiTtuoiK, December 27.???An unknown man stepped on tho track of the Baltimoro and Ohio read, in this city, and took a drink from a flask of whisky to-day. He paid no atten tion loan approachiogtrain and wastustanUy killed. FuAsaxroAn, Pa., December 27.???Bear Rld^i No. loud No. 2. and tha station collier:** nearM shenev Plane and Indian Ilidg-> a ;J Park Ridge collieries at this plure. niviof let n srlccUd as unprofitable have taut d^wa itdrfiiniUly. This will throw out ofemploy- uuut 2,i\v*mcn and b-n. These collieries are owed by tho Philadelphia and Reading coal ard iron company end nearly jpar month was paid cut for wages at the five mines. _ A Sorr Thoat' is 8oox Rrlirvr9 by Dr. Jayna???a Expectorant, an old remedy for Bron chial and Pulmonary Disorders. Tbe retails of tlio lilillne of Mitchell by Miields, at Ktockhrldg*. Yesterday a gentleman from *6lockbridge, in Henry county, gave a CoaemoTtov man the details of tbe killing of Mitchell by Colum bus Shields. It appears that Mitchell moved from Fayette county to StockbrMge about two years ago. Ife was rather a desperate char acter, end didn't mind taking a hand in a row. Friday he was at Stockbridge with several of his friends, and got into a row with a negro who had accidentally stepped on bis foot. The negro bogged his pardon, but Mitchell was mod and tried to shoot tbe negro with a rifle. A man named Hightower Interfered, and MilcheJ] turned his attention U him, saying: "You are taking up lor a G-^d d???-d ne gro." He cursed Hightower. Hightower took bold of the gun that Mitchell bmL and Mitch ell struck him. A general fight ialiiiired and Mitchell's gun was snatched by one of his friends, wbo attempted to get a shot into the crowd. Columbus Shields, a peacdttb?^citizen of Stock bridge, in turn, seized tbo'^nfle and we* going into a store with It, wheff???w drew a pistol and fired at him ???three Tbe two men wero only ten feetapast Shields raised the rifle and scut the ball crashing into Mitchell's head, from the effects of "wfaien he died Friday night. The coroner held an inquest Saturday, cx- onersting Shields. AUGUST A, l)uxTv*'or2}???C niton firm; aid life? JC??;54: ret wHi t* &35L*'??*' sttoriruis * nidi Lid. CiiALLEgTOXi. Dtfceniccr 27-eonou quiet; tail- * -*cttof* 2.7*7 nafea: gw* r ??? , exports ooastwUsTW. raovtnon oka in, *t??. OUNhTmiTZON OFKICB, Atlanta, December 27. l&4, The following quotations indicate tbe flaotna* Hons on the Chicago board of trads to-day: WHXAT. Opening. Highest Lowest Closing December .. January Z" ^ if* fOBK. January ....10 ??0 10.85 10 80 10 85 CLEA2 niB fiJDJW. January ... 5 57* 5 57H 5 57# S57X Flour, Grain anil Me*?. ATLANTA. December 27-Corn in store and to srifve Is held nt tbe same price now. With tho B rains are not In demand. extra fanevf 5.031 fancy S4.75: extra family St.233M.-yi; tamtiy ??!.Q0; iupeifine ?3.2.*G5.V.o There Is an unutuaily antive demand let the low grades of flour. Wheat???Kea- tucij No. 2 tkc. Tennessee No. 2 8630Cc: Geor- S A wheat sold by sample: Pennsylvania gol- nebafl seed 11.25. Com???White car lots bnlk. foo; do. sacked btCiS&xajlots 65c; mixed, car lota bulk 6o* racked Me; dray lota 63c. Com Meal 5CSG5C. Stock Feed???11.85 V 100 #??. Oats - riot* bulk.88e; do.sacked 40c; dray lota 45c; i uolce Texas red rust proof seed, car lots bulk 44c; do. sacked 6Ce: dray lots 67c. Jtyo, seed ??? small lots $1.20. Barley-Seed $1.20. Hay???Fancy, car Jots, 96c; fUOO; choice, car loads 90c; v $1.00; prime car loads, 85c: f)i00<.5c; clover, car lots^Oc; ??]0085c. Wheat Bran???Car lota 88a; small n.0t@$l.C6. Grits???HC5 VI bbL CHICAGO, December 27???Flour firmer : wltD*r wheat $3.76A$4.6Q: Michigan winter $3.60flN.M; spring wheatf3.60c484.00; lower grades-*2.004*33.00. Wheat 1%(31%c higher; No. 2 red December January 72kg}74; No. 2 Chicago spring 7'.Pa. Corn firmer hut slow; cash3; January btyQSi. Oats, No. 2 higher? No 2 Decern- tcr&K(j|25X: January NEW YORK, December 27???Flour, southern firm better; Dn- Jd 48A?i2; No. 2 De cember f2@6??; January <8@4S}{. Oat??, spot firm; No. 9S3%. Hops firm; common to prime 10918. 6T. LOUT8, December 27???Flour unchanged; Cam- @c2 January. Com higher y; cash; SiW r slow but firmer; SSH bid < a?* mui January. Oats ver? slow but firmer; 25^ bid cosh; no option*. CINCINNATI, December 27???Flour unchanged; LOUISVILLE,December 27???Grain steady. Wheat, lirgleiry 78; No. J rod 73. Corn, No. 2 white 40; mixed 10. Oats, No. 9 mixed 28% old government Java 25c. B agars???Suxdard RHEUMATISM. J lihough a practitioner of nearly twenty years, my mother influenced me to procure B. B. B. for her. fine had been confined to her bed several months with Rheumatism which had stubbornly misted all the usual remedies. Within.flUrcnty- four hours after commencing B. B. B. I observed * marked relief. She has just commenced her third bottle and Is nearly as active as over, and has been in the front yard with "rake in hand" cleaning ' np. Her improvement Is tnPy wonderful and immensely gratifying. C. H. MONTGOMERY, M.D., p Jacksonville, Ala., June 5,1881. KIDNEY TROUBLE. For over ??Ix ycftji I have b??n a terrible snilcrer from . troublesome kidney complaint, for the re lief ol v.-blch I have .pent orcr 9290 without bene fit; tbe most noted eo-callcd remedies proving failures. Tbe uieof one single bottle ol B. B. B. baa been marvelous, giving more relic! than all other treatment combined. It t, a quick cure, while others, if they cure et ell, ere In the distant future. C. H. ROBERTS, Atlanta Water Works. SCROFULA. Dr. L. A. Guild, of Atlanta, who owns a large nursery and vineyard, has a lad on his place who was cured of a stubborn case of Scrofula with one single bottle of B. B. B. Write to him about the case. Frank Joseph, 245 Jones street, Atlanta, has a son wbo had a sloughing, Scrofulous ulcer of tho neck, and had lost hts hatr and eye sight, finding no relief. One bottle of B. B. B. healed the ulcer, eradicated the poison from his blood, restored his eye sight, an& placed him on the road to health. A book filled with wonderful proof from the very best class of citizens, and recommendations from tbe leading Drug Trade of Atlanta, mailed ^ a Aia BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. d2taw tuc Urn next rd mat wkyftambn Absolutely Pure. This Fowdcr never varios, A marvel of purity, strength and wholcsomencss. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low-test, short weight alum or phosphate powder*. Sold only In caiia. Soyal Baking Bow deb oo??? ice Wall street. N<w York.??? leans choice 60c; prime 4fio; fab 85484m: common 25 ASCc Teas???Black 40O???0g; green ??0<QC0c. Natman Glove* 26o. Allspice 12c. Cinnamon gi H Aiwyinj lUUilkJBUU 40U. Sago 60c. African finger 16c. Maos 80a Pepper 20c.^C^gcej--Mm 7gc ^Boston Inttcrtajpearl P; XXX do. Co. candy-A* ;orcl-No. I kits, L.W THE COTTON MARKETS. CONSTITUTION OFFIOB, Atlanta. December 27.1884. NEW YORK, December 26-The following 1* tho ??? 5aKT=^aiCKjrw7 1 55-iC5a.???ii??iJ'*s>Ma???aW compArAtlvc cotton .Utcment lor tbo wort ending (ot receipt. At All United States porta,....m. 201,631 I domnUo.JiiWX! P??tn?? nUfiH; rtngoou (K??tV( roll weight 140 Matches-Round wood, V gross $LSO; Vfff $1.74: 9 800 #3.7St ft 490 $4.5% SaJa. r bees. 4Ko> fn Voxel 6H& Rico 6g7c?? NEW YORK, December 27-Ooflee, spot fair Rio r dull at 9Ml No. 7 Bio spot 8 05; January 7.o>. ; Sugar neglected; fair to good refining V/.^ 4%; refined quiet; O 4M; extraO 4MA5; sssa sffssjsn mra & - crushed 6K: confecttoners A 5 is-16; powdered Showing an lncrcoso........ tal receipts.. ???.... me time last year. Showing an increase ??? Exporta for tbe weck m .... H . 8amc time last year. Showing a decrease. Total exports to date~.....??? Same time last year Show!nn an Increase Stock at all United States ports... Same time last year ...... Showing a decrcnso.. Stock at interior towns*... NKW ORLEANS, December 27???Coffee steady:Rlo J nlme 7R0U. Sugar in fair demand; fair to fully ???Ir mWi; yellow clarified 4**-*'' 9,*36,499 I strong: common 20: prlrao to chol 231,743 6.831 m.3,507,968 171,418 187,691 111,649 xhh 6,9 >5 2,143.001 ...m.1,761,117 ...... 881,855 ??,1,017,791 ...1,230,812 Molaista Q27r*Rfeestca4yTllouldanaMQbx! & 1 ???^ CHICA GO, December 27-Sugar steady; standard 16: rntloaf 7ia7S; granulated 6^. CINCINNATI. December 27-Sugar steady; hards rsflned 6K07; New Orleans<??S Provisions. CHICAGO, December 27-Pork firmer and 10A 12ke higher: cosh $10.850110.87^; January f 10.80f #10.86. Tirrd n trifle lower; cash e.ftrK&tifitf; Janu- Showing a decrease... Stock at Liverpool ??? Same time last year. 611,000 Showing a decrease... * - ??? I mand; prime Bulk meats steady ;shoul- 243,000 I dera short rib^. Bacon steady; shoulders ary 6.566*.67*4. Boxad meats stead* tbouldcn 4.62X81.65; short ribs 5.1 clear 6-J(XB6.15. CINCINNATI, December 27???Fork in moderate o; short American cotton afloat for Great Britain^... ??? Same time last year. Showing an increase the total net receipts of cotton at all Unll ports since September 1, 1881. Galveston......... 378,666 Now Orleans ???..~l,oi7,083 Mobile 167,116 696,32! I o^^7e??''foi^uhiTb??7<do^;-ithLm.^ S???lglftSS.' 'tefiu iron; western itcAm .pot 7; e.SOaAIB. ?? ??_ ??? l** ma'u. I a mr i ft a t>vaamV\a. o???? ihaa. .i k .iaa. Aly A I 6M; ifcort riba 7; short clear 7H- LOUISVILLE, December 27???ProvWons steady. Hess pork #12.50. Bulknxeats, shoulders nominal ???MM clear riba o.fco: clear aides 6.03. Bacon : hams, snglrcurod 10310X- Lxrd, primo steam 7Q?& I NEW YORK, December 27???Fork firm; messspot #12.fife*#12.75. Middle* dull: long clear 6*6 Ltrd Norfolk 320.781 Jaltlmore... few York- rswparTftevi 1....!............ ???hllmlelphia................ West rolnt....... Brunswick Fort Royal Fensacoui k m City Point Indianola Total ???... New York???Tho cotton market closed quiet but firm ???for futures. Dullnrss prevailed during tho afienicoiv though tho close developed no quota ble rbangc In ptlcci. 8;>ots. middling 11M60. Net receipt* to-dey 89,865baloa against 22619 bales last fear; exports i 1,416 boles; lost year 86,817 bales, nock i,o:6.C6t bales; last year 1.279,550 bales. Ftlow wc gtve tho opening and closing quota- iiousof cotton futures tu New York to-day; orxx xn closed. MarolC. 11.38A March?????Jl 2??Sll.25 ILTUm ??4U0#lM-42 April ^11.17*511X8 May..... IU& 5iay. 11.4^11.50 Cloaed steady; sales 43,200 bales. Local???Cotton steady and 1-lCe higher. The market clcscd as follows: Strict good middling R ^0; good middling 10 7-l6o; middling 10%os tarlot few middling 105-lCe;low middling 108-160; tinges ltfco; its!ns 0 The following la our statement of reoolptaand ihlpmenta for to-day; HHM 17. ATLANTA, December 27-Otear rib sides 6^9 O/c. Rncon-Sugar-cured hams 12c. Lard???Tlorcas. refined Set inha 6X0- ST. LOUIS, IHcember 27???Provisions very slow. ATLANTA, December 97-Market steady, Coro whisky, rectified, $l.00e#l.40; rye.jentifta'i.lMQ* LEO; rypsnilFnuil^iuncdlumSl.lO^ZCOtriimxoo* I tiffed fl.25tfl.75; Now England |L75^50: fit. Croix $4.00; Jamaica sisoMiJos W.60: Imported #J.W t wl.??)]Ccd tic fl.50cati.M; Imported #5.00j lL00tf$lA0; port wins$1.60 sherry ???.lSOttts.OO; catawl cong<L00tf#lJ6. CINCINNATI, December 27-WhIxky quiet at #1.11. CHICAGO, December 27-Whisky steady at 9L14. ST. LOUIS. Decembers:???Whisky steady ai;iL12, Fruits and ConfecUonsrlas, ATLANTA, December 27-The re is some demand - 4 ??????* ??? ??? ??? Lami??? FOR YOUNG LADIES, Correlated wtlth Vanderbilt University. Ilighest advantages in every department. Splendid new I building; ample faculty; music, art, calisthenics. Health jacccsuibi lity. For catalogue, add nna Her. Geo. W. V. Price, D.D., Pres., Nashville, Tenn.1 Fpeclal railroad rates to southern patrons. s?? tu tbdweow * . fore the court house dopr In said county, wlthla the usual hours of sale, to the highest bidder for caeh. the following described pare of lot ot land No. 49. in the second district of Rabun county; . containing one hundred acres more or leas. It being the north sldo part of land lot No. 49; lerled* upon as tho property of E. W. Beck to sattsty a fl fa in favor of J. B. Murray. Issued from the Justloe court of tho 587 district of said county: part of said lot adjoining A. Phtlyan, Mrs. 81. P. llunnt- cult and J. Ncvlll; tenant in possession notiflo l. Levy returned to mo by A. Phllyan, L. C., No vember 28,1884. T wky A. B. WALL. 8herlff. our work and lurnu dress with stamp. Crown The ??? Hilldale ??? Herd JERSEY CATTLE! w Service bulls? L EONDIAS 8010. SIRE; SIGNAL 1170. DAM I Geranium 8963. II lbs. in 7 days. BIGNALPETRO 11678. 8ire: Leonidas 8010, son of SIGNAL 1170. Dam; Optima 6715, daughter of SIGNAL 117a 10 lbs, 8 os. In 7 days ass 9 year old. KING KOFFEE, Jr., 12327, 405* per cent COOMA88IE. Sire; King Koffeo 6622, Data! Island Star 11876. 21 lha. 3 ox. u 6 year old. DUKE OF YORK, 2338. Biro: Grand Duke* Alexis 1040. Dam: Kitty Clover 1118. 14 lbs-In 7 days. These Bulls will be allowed a limited number I approved Cows after November 1st, 1881, at jOO.VO. Orders booked now. Keep ol Cans in [ilk, free of charge; others #2.00 per week at rmcnrlsk, YOUNG STOCK FOR SALE. L. J. A A'WjnLb^ Hilldale Farm is at East Point, six milti from Atlanta, on Central, and Atlanta and West Point Railroads-trains running to and from at all hours of the day. *cnI4???tf ann wkv tinch. Figs???l???#|18fe ualsius-V box #1.7$; ncwLoi.-dcntt.75; KboxlL7&; H box 990. Our- ??nta-7K??6e. Ctahlwrrier-COof g??l;IlLOC ???** CaUfoma Ptan-fj.oj V box Citron???' (nlral Kallr<'u(l (Vi.urn tnd AUtntla Rtllratd... fart Mnl Rtllmtd...... E. loan.. Vt. tnd Ga. Htllrotd . Jtortlt rtdLda Itllrotd Total... tmlpti prtvlosur.. Tha tollowlni It oar comparative Itatemaot: dOCClpto tt-daj.. ...H-i- mwjiWPinivwpmMW JrarUnr l??t r??r. ?????? Bhoarln, an luertaa. ot. .^..n.. r >??? X,,i! SKW TORS, Pcccmber 2T-TM Mtal TWb!?? .ap ply ol eottoa for tn?? world la J.0T7.407 balm, ol wbteb 3.(09.107 balm am Americati.i^fiut 8,401,in) ball, and 5,??C3Ji?? lerpectiTaly la??t pear. Booelpta ol cotton at all In lerlor town. I0S,1??> baler: rcoelpo from plantation! 207,&t7. Crop In right J,' IS 001. By Telegraph, KKW YORK, PecombCT IT ??? Cotton dnl! bat itiMr; rri-t llVoa???m; roMdlln, np'aulr U1IS: mktdllca Cl lean. 11H??: net rnetfoU eroar j.;u ; ccrroBdaud twtrooalpta rj.rnj; oipona to unat Britain Ai.Ctl; to Franca 2,211; to continent UK SiVASJiAU, Peawnber 27-Co??oa'qnl*t: mtd^ filfi, i( neiiwelpla tMI bate: cmw liltt 1 ator-t M.7U; nporta to conUncat 4.U); coastwise fJtiA. MEW ORLEANS, Dccstabw r-Oottoa steady; ???-*- - -* ??? kill; peaches 3r; pealed peachia 4(}7e. Peanut*???Firm; Tenrmceec-NorthCsrn'inaSUo; VDgtala 7H<Q8; rcaatrrt IVr ??? ?? extra Cider???Apple, barrels S7A0; bsrrclfcfi.OC: ersh *eM??<tc*rfi; H btrrsls $4,50. NnviU Btorae. WIT KING TON, December 27???Turpentine firm t ifHi roaln firm; strained 96; good strained 1J.IC; tar flmiat 11.10; erudo tnrpenttno steady; l ??rd?? ti.oo* yellow dip and virgin 11.09, BAVANNAH, December 27???'Turpentine firm at A; TOtln steady at 91.06011.07)4; sales 1,30) bar rels. CHARLESTON, December 27???Turpentine firm ^478 bid; roaln quiet; strained 05; good attained NEW YORE, December 27???Bosta dull at UJfiX 0tl 27) s; turpentine steady at :ili4 Country Produce ATLANTA, December 27-Eggs-Irregular with prices ransiog from xltf25c: about ife fra fair average price Unlay. *u??t?t ??? Strictly choice Jersey 80c; strictly choice Tsnneaset jcc: oth er grades lSKfiac. Poultry ??? Young chickens I5#lfc; small TraUKc; hens 20c; cocks, none offering; docks M2Je: live turkeys 10 ft lie w pound. Dressed Poultry ??? Chickens 11012M; turkeys 13*15. Irish Potatoes Chslcs Tsanassos #2.LC??i??Jh; smaU #1 AftftILTSH bbL Sweet PoU. toca-Choice white ICflSa Honcy-8trained ta I2ke: In the comb 1SA150. Onlonv-iLODSILn W obi; choice eaatern WSjBLE Cabbu??-29 -Kc. Run <,0M; to eoaUo??nt ??,??*; eout- | ????7c; (olnmd 6c. Powder, 12.77. Wltel70; .hot 62.0C. niieelUin^oui. ATLANTA, December 27???Leather???Jobber* rw port a very aatiafactory Lade: o. P. D. H#9ic: wh;t*ook sole 40c; harness feather SCA3cr black , !Vr ^r g>iH0c. PLANTA, Wccenber 47-Ba??fnf-lK ????? 10* RdvtflOJac. Iron usa-Arrow r.40# > J> bundle Un Htoek, ATLANTA, rccasbet 27-Tfcerelea good dmat# lor bones wife * apply moderate: males doll: good * TtLlI# oocbtnation hones flA0dl$2L56??jrood pljg f LIS* homslstaaesm^???swlyw For?5 years at 37 Court Place, now A wWj rducstM u4 UrnUr qnaUQnt pXj??kUn aoi tbo Spormatorrhca and Impotency?? es thanaalt ??r Ic jreulh. kihI tKOM h mv ttmrymn, or other tuJ praUwtn# bmi( tWSS- towiac cOwU: X OcbiImI ai. (*1(14 ml* ???tMiiby 4rwmk>, Ulaui<m of M(M. DcOctlT* Ueum/, nr- rtcalDMT, Pimple*m 1 A.tnlfiBtn^ccUivcrSVmaUs. OmOmSm ??t tmil rower. 4m.. m??4eri??ff ires-gypHE is sa /RlilSf Wjtat till* as*/ *kU# wU ??? r -??? c , )??to my raj Wfc*?? It I* Iseoarts^aMs rtott **?????????**/ We trmtmemt. Mctfkloe* can St ml jrtrattIf aadMM/ if RMlI or ??|WI ??oywbert. Cares Oaarantecd in all Cotes *c2a??SutE*?? HnSultr or bf letter fret eel lavltal. Cteiyee reueaah!* caU ccm.fcnlrure itrkU/ MtiotuhL PRIVATE COUNSELOR Oraoo sage* matte Mf mtiim*, *ocnreUI niM, tor thirty 5*21 e * BU - SboeM wo r-jil lr UU lUrne ae al??wre* MSeea0wniruaaa.ef.te9P. 11. goadaie. S to 4 P, M. THE SCIENCE OF LIFE. SToY 01.00 BY 91AII* POST PAID. A GREAT MEDICAL. WORK ON MANHOOD. Exhausted Vitality. Nr irons and Physical De bility, Premature Dwltue In Man, Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries resulting from Indiscre tions or cxceoea. A book for every man, young, middle aged and old. It contains 125 prescription* for all acute and chronic diseases, each one of which Is invaluable. 80 found by the Author, whose experience tor 28 yews is such as probably never before fell to tbo lot of any physician, Sub pages, bound In beatl/ul French muslin, emboa?? ed covers, full gilt, guaranteed to be a finer work. In every sens^-rucrbanipal, literary and profes sion*!???tlun any other war* sold In this country for fcAO, or the money will be refunded In every Instance. Price only ILOO by mail, post paid. Il lustrative sample six cents. Sena now. Gold medal awarded the author hy the National Modi* ??al Amct fallon to the officer* of which he refers. The P iecce of Life should be read by the yeq??| ???>r instruction, and by the afflicted tor relief. It will lenefit all???Loudon Lancet There U no member of society ta whom Ths Science of Life wilt not be ccefoL whether youth, parent, guardian, Instructor or clergyman.???Argo- Address tbe Peabody Med tool frwtftnto.or Dr. W. H. Parker, No. 4 Bulflnch street, Boston.Mam, wto r be consulted on all diseases requiring skill experience. Chronic and obstinate dhaaaes that have tafiic.d the flrflla of all TTT7?? AT other tbysldana a speciality. fiuchO.Ci AAj-rant- ??? " 0C ^M U " B * ??? THYSELF XNOI5T1 |