The constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1884-1885, December 30, 1884, Image 3

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THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION. ATLANTA. GAr. TUESDAY DECEMBER 30 1884. TWELVE PAGES. (3 FA.RMS AND FARMERS. PERDUE???S PREMIUM-REMARKABLE YIELD OF COTTON. 1 he Wonderful Result* th.-.t Senator By own Ac'ilev- 'ed tn Dooly County ??? .Votes Cplleoted frj Country Life In Uoargia-Foots from the Forra* ??? Other Xtemi. The iccent award of the $200 premium offered by??? Meme. George W. Scotl & Co. to Mr. I). \V. Perdue, of Miluer, for the largest yield of cotton ou one acre iortUized with gossypium, has drawn from all quarftis icquirlcs-ns to Mr. Perdue???s methol of prrpaiicg and cultivatin ' bis bonanza acre. Tbi* curioiity on tbc part of our planters is natural. A yield of 1,645 pounds of cottou to the acre is something phenomenal, and, with ono ex* cepticn, is the largest yield ever recorded in Geor?? gia. T hat exception was in the case ot Col me! Gabrinl Toombs, who onee rstouued the country by producing something over 2,000 pounds on one acre. There instances serve as pointers. What has been done can ne doue again. Like causes pro* duce like results. Mr. Perdue takes pleasure in giving the fullest Information concern lug Li* mode of cultivating cotton on his premium acre. To 1 (gin with this piece of land was manured lavishly for four years, ami it is the delibjr.ite judgment of Mr. PefdutUhat the gouyplum paid him fully ICO percent. Id the early spring the roll was turned with an Ay( ry pony plow tbreo Inches deep, and followed with a twelYe-Inch scooter, breaking nine tqbre inches. About the first of April rows were opened live feet opart, with a ten-inch shovel. These rows' were followed with a twelve loch scofttcr, running north atd south. The next thing was to put in the drills about 3M pounds ot gorsypium, at the same time covering it with a twelve-inch scooter, going close to the drill. About the 16th of April Mr. Perdue??? put In 400 pounds of gosryplum, dividing It equally oi e ich aide of the row. About the first ot May it was finished with nn Avery pony plow, except the last furrow, which was run with a long shovel. On the 10th of May Sanders??? Prolific was planted, first running a three foot board over the bed to smooth It, and also to get to the moisture, as it was very dry at that time. By the 2)th of May there was n good stand. It was then run ever w ith a six-colter lmrrow, and five days later it was sided with a small twelve-inch scooter. Oa the :il??t of May it was chopped to nine inches, with two to lour stalks in a hill. Then it was plowed with a scooter and scrapo shallow, going four times in each row every twelve days. On the loth of June it was chopped to eighteen inches, leaving two sta???.ks in a bid. It was plowed the lout time ou tbo 15th of July, nnd gone over with hoes to get tho scatter ing bunches of gram. The cotton was then about 15 inches high, and' the growth was very slow until tho 21th of August, when the unusually heavy rains ceased. Xi It bad not been for the exceptionally favorable fall season Mr. Perdue thinks that tho cotton would not have opened, as Its growth had been to much retarded all summer by tbo drench lug rains. It was Mr. Perdue???s intention to uso 2,000 pounds Of gouyplum, but the wet weather discouraged him, and be used only TOO pounds. As it turned out, his acre yielded him 1,315 pounds of cotton, which nt nine cents brought him Si89.05, and 3,000 pounds of cotton seed which at twenty cents per 32 pounds brought $19.20, & total of $153.26. The expenditures were as follows: Cost of pre paring and cultivating the aero, $15.40; 700 pounds gossyplum,$1.250;gathering4,635 pound of cotton, $13.90; ginning 1,645 pounds ol lint, $313; total, $47.t8. Deducting these expemes, a clear profit was loft of $110.27. This Is a "concise and simple summary of the bistory of one aero for a treason. Tho story Is told in the practical way cl a practical man, without any extra flourishes and embellishments. When It Is recollected that Mr. Perdue accomplished this splendid result during nn unfavorable season which led him to use comparatively a small quan tity of gorsypium, it would foreshadow what might be douo under more favorable conditions. But tho record of this premium acre is good enough as it stands. The facts and figures speak lor themselves, and they will loom up before every southern farmer as an Inspiration and a hope. ' Motes Collected From Country Life la Geor gia-. Ibis year Mr. L. M. Mitchell, of Wilkes county, made K'l pounds of lint cotton on one acre. Mr. M. It. Stephenson, a DeKalb county farmer, killed a pig tbat netted 4ft) pounds. Sheriff Griffis, of Stewart county, Isa very suc cessful pork raiser and prides himself ou beating any man in the county making sausage. In addi tion to this accomplishment with the aid of his efficient deputy he catches ifiore coons than any other man In Stewart county. The Valdosta Times counted seventeen bales of long cotton tn one bunch one morning recently, ??? and it wasn't a good day for staple either. Tbc Widow Howell, living in Thomas county, made Ibis year with two mules and the help of hor chlldicn fifteen belee of cotton and 350 bushels of corn, besides a large lot of potatoes and Binders. Breaking of dairying in Brooks county the Quit man Bonth says: Why not? Cows are as healthy here as In soy part of the world. Our native stock even thrive on wire grass, and if properly attended to make good milkers. Our farmers can get improved stock with them and properly care for them and and we can soon have as floe butter and milch cows os can be found. The croa often are as good as the fall stock. We can feed them as cheip'y and even cbeapt r than they can be fed north. We K iture ten months ont of the twelve. e tweet potato is excellent food, cotton seed, or tbo meal as the see dean be exchanged for it. Turnips grow feNPM iln hit fight, BluMiating the palmetto state: and though he bns hat one eye, la btilj "cook .of tho walk at Tvllnlab.??? The Lumpkin Independent says; This is the season of tho year when the p Vaum hunter traps his richest hnrvret end is entbled to iuvitc Lis friends to partake of "possum and tater.??? As some of onr young ladles seem In clined to Join the procession of possun hunters ve tried to lesru something this week about the ???V8riT)iDt???ond for this purpose interviewed one country. Uelnfoi t the proper time to November the ???possums are perfectly fat and llut they Mit shton n\ast of all kinds, Law, persim mons snl root*. Since November he hasctiight over fifty ???possums, varying In weight from oiir to nine rounds after they sere "shucked." The largest one that he caugnt weighed nine pounds net aud made a meal for thirteen person*, tf* says you cun always tell when you have si null'pos sum, ns the smal'cr the game the larger tho tree he will select to hide himself ? in. The larger possums cannot climb, a Marge tree and select a low bush which they fun up to csrape from the doss. Our Informant bnnti with a lantern, and by lioldiug it behind him. shines the possum???s eye, and by noting the f dis*. tance between tbc eyes says ho can come within a l.alf pound guessing the wHxhtof a possum before he eve r hits the giound. His outfit for bunting U a sharp - * ???- -. - . ??? and a l The "Wonderful Results that Senator Brown Achieved ou n Dooly County Place. A Cokstiutiox representative had a pleas ant talk with Senator Joseph E. Browu i few days ago about the resources of Georgia. The senator touched upon the amouut of pro visions furnished by southwestern Georgia during tbo war to tho confederate army. Sena tor Biown soid be had no doubt if the facts could be properly ascertained that it would astonish the people to know tho amount of provisions that part ot the sUlo furnished to the confederate government. lie said: ???As an instance to show how easy it i3 to make remunerative provision crops, in tho winter of I8C4 I was compelled to remove my bauds from n.y plantation in Cbcrokoe county. I be ught a placo in Dooly county of six hun dred acres, thirteen miles front Moutezunn. I made up my mind to make all I could in tho /ay of provisions. Some tima early in the spring of lfifti I purchased 40 or 50 hogr???poor, thin things???nt qn administra tor's sale. In the same spring l sowed part of my laud in outs nnd planted twenty-live acres in ground peas. Later l planted soma cow peas. Tho balance of nty crop I put in other provisions* sugar cane and corn. Iu tbc early part of '05, when I came to Atlanta, I bed ninety head of as line fattening hog* as I have- seen anywhere in north Georgia???fat tened on the cow peas and tho ground peas. I turned the the bogs iu on the ground pen nnd it was astonishing how they prospered, and how they picked ttp and got rat. I brought a largo quantity of tho bacon to At lanta in ???05 nnd sold it??in tho spring at a fair price. 1 do not think I ever mado as good a provision crop ia Cher okee, Georgia, with tho isms amount of labor as I made on that Dooly c&un y farm, and ns my tiino was almost entirely en gaged at Millcdgeville and I could only gitro in- stiuctiona by writing what to do, Iwassur- ptised to ete tho result made by my negroes in provisions, such an corn, bacou, sugar, molas- scs, pens and everything usually raised by farmers.??? We merely cite this instance to let our poo- pic understand that it is just ns easy to mako good bacon in southwestern Georgia by using the crops that can be mado thero as it is in Kentucky or Tennessee. A TOKEN OF PEACE land properly prepared as i, in 11 lit, in fact all that is c with. We need no stalls u iiviivu have lu cold climates, for w?? i??u plenty ol green food all the while. Butter ???hretc can be aa readily made lust as good as ???est made anywhere. Borne of our country- aary to feed them with. . sue compelled to have lu cold climates, for we can have?????? ??? andc the best made anywhere. men art already Improving their stock. All ought to do to. In this delightful, genial favor able to dairying, all ought to turn their attention to it We can raise 1,000 pounds of batter as cheap, and even cheaper, thfn we can 1,000 pounds of cotton, and find as seady a market for It. Faets From tho Forest. The curiosity of Blvcr Fork Is a milk-white black bird. Bogg Chapman, of Amerlcns, seems to have an eye ter ihe marvelous. Hfs latest is a sixteen- pound gobbler with a double beard. A man who had one that was too young to sport a beard at all, begged for one of the beards to tie on the neck of his tmkey to give him an aged appearance. On Tuesday last Messrs. B. F. Ingram, W. L. Mock and Alex. Barber were deer banting near No. C Central railroad, when their dogs jumped a fine lock and caught btm before be had gone a hundred yards. The d*cr jumped into a lake near where the dogs started him, and the bottom being rather boggy retarded hlsspeed, which ac counted for his being caught. The Americas Recorder says: One night this week a certain prominent county Judge was asked by his estimable wife to get up and go and shoot an owl. The judge marched out with gun in hand, while his wife held the lamp. In a moment up went tbe gun???bang! and dowa cams two turkeys and a ben. The judge Is mtaus his CfciDtmaa turkey. There is no moral iu this story. Mr. W. F. Little killed last week on the Ocoveo ??Iver thirty-five squirrels, five docks, and several rabbits. Among the rabbits was a white one. They have a prodigy In a game cock at Tallnlah. Precis* Iy at ten minutes to four o'clock, be crows for day, and has done so every morning for more than two years, his age being nearly three J ear*. He is a deep red, and descended :cm the stock of Major Tom Bacon, of Edgefield, Fcuth Carolina. He was hatched at slaking Moot- tain, and is aa greara freak In nature at the meunt>.in. In midsummer, when it is hot, he roe*n in a tree on a high eminence; and in win ter. den its the other poultry and tuoste under the bourn In clme proximity to the fireplace. He hat Mrs. Hill Arp Urgalui Ilcr Long-Loat Al bum. From (be Gwinnett, On., Herald. Me. E. A. Wilson, of Franklin, Ponnsylva ni??, while a soldier in tho federal army ac cotnpauied a raiding party to Borne, Georgia. Among the other ???captured??? articles that this warrior carried off was a ladies??? autograph al bum, which ho sent to a lady friond in Ohio* A short time sinco the lady rejurnod the al bum to him suggesting that ho try to roturn it to tho owner. This ho dotormiood to do. Wo copy from the Evening News of that city the result of his enquiries On the title page of the album was written: Mies Mary O. Hutchins, Lawroncovillo, Gwinnett county, Gn., May, 1818.??? Mr. Wil son wrote to the postmaster at Lawrenecvillu inquiring for the whereabouts of Miss Hutch ins. A low days ago he recoivod an answer front K. L. Hutchins, of Lawranccville,stating that Mary O. Hutchins is his sister; that in 1849 she married Charles 21. Smith, batter known in this country as tho southern humor ist, ???Bill Arp,??? and that they now reside near Cnrtc-raviile, Go. On Saturday evening Mr. Wilson received a letter from tho renowned ???Bill Arp??? hitnsolf, dated at Cartersville. The writing of Major Smith is not greatly changod from 1849, In which year he wrote a rage of verses ???To Oc tavio??? in her album, all neat and poetical, but none betraying any sentiment warmer than friendship. There is no attempt at humor iu the verses. Their seriousness prepares us for the information contained in tbo following to Mr. Wilson, which we take the liberty of using; CAi:ifi??V!LUE,G*.,Decemberll.???DcarHIr: Yours of the 4th to the postmaster at LawruncovlUe, Ua., baa ban forwarded to my wife, whoso mttdcn name was Mary O. Hutchins. Bbo requests mo to tbsnk you for tbo preservation of tho album. It has no Yalue except for tbo sweet memories It re- calla-memoricsoi schoolmates whom she loved, some dead, some living. The album was taken fiom our home in Borne, Ga., with other literary treasuns of more consequence, letters of deceased relatives, from the army written by myself, etc. As theso were of but passing interest to soldiers, of courso they were not preserved. Thirty-five years ago I wed ded the owner of tho album, aud she still lives to biers and comfort me and our numerous love off- sprint???Hx son*. four daughters, and nine grand children. Wo have survived the shock of war aud ar?? living in peace with all mankind. With kind records to your consideration, lam your obedient renrant. CnsBfJcs II. Smith. Mr. Wilson will al onee forward to Mrs. 6mith tbe souvenir of her girlhood, hippy in the belief that he may bo doing a trifle to ward effacing tho scars of war. FOB WOMEN ONLY. An Indiana husband who ts seeking a divorce claims that hU wife readied him with hot tea on eighty one different occasions. Thee?? are some patient men In this country. An old maid in Nashville keep* a parrot which swears and a monkey which chews tobacco, She rays, between the two, she doesn???t miss a husband very much. 1 he girls at Vassar college have sent President Cleveland a huge sponge cake of their own con struction, and beaoesn???t know whether to cut It into stripe and use it for blotting paper or use It for a brush in washing windows. ???Ain???t yon almost boiled???? inquired a little girl of a gentleman visiting her father and mother. "No, little one, I can???t say that I am. Why do you ask, Daisy???? "Oh, because I heard mamma say that your wife always kept yon in hot water." Germans and also Austrians are celebrated for their stocks of linen. Here, as soon as a girl ia born, tbe weaving of her linen is begun, and every year a piece or a certain number of yards is set aside for her trousseau, ready for her marriage. Grandmsmmas. on their side, are not Idle. They pais Heir time knitting for their grandchildren, supplying not only their wants, but also laying ssfffefor the future a dozen dozens of stockings of every kind, being the usual number of,any bride's trousseau, and some of tip*?? knitted stock, fr-gs are an flue tn the finest woven ones. An Aus-, ti(an girl or lady Is never, I may say, seen without some kind of work in her hand. Give your daughters a thorough educiUoit.' Teach tn^m to cook an 1 prepare tuc f-x*I of the br.nsebrdd. Teach them to wash, to iron, to dam stockings to sew on buttons, to make their own diesfts. Ttacb them to make bread, and that a a ho bare to spend mere than they them that a calico dress paid for fits better than filly consumptive besutte*. Teach them to ytircl sse and to pee that tbe acc-juut corre sponds with the purchase. Teach th- m goo I com iron sense, self trust, self-help and Industry. Tear h them that an honest mechanic in hfs worx- Ing drew is a better object of esteem than a do* in haugbtr, fine-dnsaed lasers. Teach thenjpniro- sfder tbr m as secondary object* ouly. Teach tU_ that a walk fs more salutary than a ride in a car riage. Tescb them to reject with dUdain all ap* This modidno, combining Iron with puro kcgetablo tonics, quickly nnd completely (lures Dyspepsia. Indigcurjon, V/rnhnesa, Iuiparo illooil, Ma!urla,t a !i!!lr and Fevers# am! Neuralgia. - Itisan unmiUng remedy .or DIscascsof tho Klilneve nnd Liver. It Is Invaluable for Blrcnsoe peculiar to Women, and all who lead sedentary lives. It docs not injure the teeth, came headache,^or produce constipation??? other Iron medicines do. It enriches and purifies the Mood, stimulates tho appetite, aids tho assimilation ot food re lieves Heartburn nnd Belching, ltd strength ens tbo muscles andInorvcs. For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lack of Energy, Ac., it has no equal. *5- The genuine haa above trade mark and crossed rod lines on wrapper. Take no other. HU#?????!/bv nuowa rugate i, co- .avrtsaxi, bo. NO HIS . J Established tint.) .,.255 U&tUflottw! (Cincinnati, Ohio-1 Vino Str# B The rcgnlar old established H physician and Surgeon DB. HCLABKB, at tho old number continues to treat with his usual a vhe oldest Advertising Physician. Baa files of Papers show and all old Hcsideals know. Ago aud experience im* V TJT Nervoua disease* (with or without dreams,) or debility and loss of nervo jpone? treated sclenUficalJvby new methods with never falling success. 0T It makes no dlfferenco whofi you have taken cr who has failed to euro you* P2T Young mci ' ,JJI * Sriitrho suffer she Dr. Clarke at once, all bad blood and name and nature completely eradicated. Beracui- bor, that one hcrriblo disease, if neglected or Improperly treated, ooraes the present and coming ccncrations. &T Diseased discharge?? cure! promptly without hindrance to business. Bota sexes consult confidentially. If In trouble, call or write. Delays are dangerous. ???Frooraatl- n at Ion fs the thief or time.??? A written warranty of euro given fa every CMO Ctndertakcn, ??57??? Send two stamps for cclabrated WOfkl S Chronic, Nervous and Delicate Diseases. Yon vs an exhaustive uyniptomatology by which to study your own cases. Consultation, personally or ny letter, free. Consult the old 2;odor. Thousands cured. Office?? and parlors private Mef ore confiding ye A triendly letter c. - ??? , lt and shams, and add golden years to life. Medidn:s eent everywhere secure fromexposure*???Hours, 8 to 8; Sunday, 0 to 12, Adrcse letters: Jb*. 1). CLARKE, n. XL, No. 20U VINE ST., CINCINNATI, WHO. Drs. BETTS & BETTS, nnd Snridel HUponaar,. MX WnlTKUA U, BTKKST, ATLANTA, UA. W. H. Betti, M. !>., tn. roiuuiUnit pnjMelan. la the oldcit- most .uoccful, but known .nccl.lM In tie world, A xredtutu I min lour modlod col- ???ml core ol Private,Nonrous .nil llhroulc DImjiww, embracing Bemln.l M'enkntn (multlhi, from In- dlrcrrtlom, Let Manhood and Abtuc. ol tlio Bj. no Our lemedlc. act quickly t and euro permt- Hrvqtts P??oJsra!g , t r sss: -ions, toMCN ot vital power, HleepleaanMs, Despon dency, Loss of M cm ory, Con ftuionqf Ideas,, Blue Rheumatism, Catarrh, etc., etc., permanently cured when others have failed. Kidney find Bladder TT'DTTVT A U V" Kidney and Bladder U AA UN A Xi A ??? troubles, weak back,burn ing urine, frequency of urinating, urine high do ored or milky sediment on standing, Gonorrhcea, Gleet, Cystitis,, etc., promptly ana safely cured. Chargee reasonable. Remarkable cures effected in old cases which have been neglected or uniklllfally treated. No expe riment* or failures, partis?? treated by malt or express in any part of the world. Charges moder ate and curable cares guaranteed. Bond for list ot qncations and Guide to Health. Rncloso stamp. Address, w. ii. Dim, nt. IL ddwky W. Whitehall fit.. Atlanta, Ga ???KysRAsra o? Tin? bladder and joim ???APJ4EY3 have always been potent factors In tho reaping of Death's barred. No matter ot what ???ituru or how long standing tho o complaint?? ???V be. sum and speedy relief Si offered la Smith's fxlracf cf Mayflower. mflRj,!*ew!,oreftuelob.relieved. Ifjroa > two sentetamp with yocr address to S. S. SMITH ??i nao., CcTlagtoa, Kj. ifflFBr. WILSON???S LIGHTNING SEWER! Two thou-nml stitches n minute. The only absolutely flrat-clnss Sowing Machine. In the world. Sent on trial. Warranted O years. Send for Illustrated Catalogue nnd Circular It. Agents Wanted. T11H WILSON SLUING MAUUIKK CO., Chicago or Hew York. wky LOANS NEGOTIATED ??? ON ??? City Real Estate Only. No sum under $300; Interest 8 percent, and a good con mifslon will be charged iu addition. I Will Promptly Respond Address, P. O. Box 167, CHy wky SSWKSSKi * t|???? puad i ???apulUi itferlni fvem complaints SpenuW vo thalr sex will DSL It A KTPJV rfir. ON a .-or JO n *a and *pee:.y euro. Gives a clear. I i ttffifertni Non* eomplalntt i fa thalr sex will I :o::;o a >a tii taluveom^llxlom ??? Frjootnt attemptnat cottn-erfrlUng or r add to thr pzf-aiarlty ot the ortylntl. Do not expert* ;?????o out >* >v.kO ako Bkbt . Notice to Dobtor* nnd Creditors. A LL PKK80N8 HAVING DEMAND) AGAIN3T the cstste of Larkin Harrison, late oi Fayetto county, deceased, are hereby notifiod to render In tlieir demands to the undersigned, according to law; and all |??ersous Indebted to said estate nro re quired to make lmmodiato payment. This Do- oeml*er 1,1*81. J. M. OARLILK, Administrator of J^trkiu Harrison, dueeased. de??8??? srkfiw ROUGH ON WHISKY. GOLDEN SPECIFIC,. A POSITIVE CURR??FOR DRUNKENNESS OR THE LIQUOR HABIT. Effecting a speedy and permanent cure, whother tho patient la a moderate drinker or aa alcohollo wreck. It can be given in a cup of tea or coffee, without the knowledge of the persons taking It, aa It Is tasteless and odorless. Thousands of drunkards have been msde temperate men who have taken tho Golden Specific iu their coffee without their knowledge, and to-day bellevo they quit drinking of their own freo will. It is abso lutely harmless. CIRCULARS FREE. Prepared by tho Golden Specific Co., 180 llaco Btroot, Olnclnaatl, O. r6n sale by MAGNUS & HIGHTOWER Di-uggi6te, ATTjANTA.. SBOB9IA. Use after oatlns, for lull f odion. A perfect raubiti ii to fortobac????. Ask your druggist or confectioner for . Golem???s genuine and origi nal "Taffy Tolu" maun- ufactured by COLO AN A (CK, L'.nhvIUe, Ky. Hample Uunille by n rccript of O cent*. y this paper. wky SALARY^???S3 to the irndi*. Kfnto anlnrr wanted nnd adrin??????? The Clipper lUls. Co. Limited, Cincinnati, O. METALLIC SHINGLES Make the BEST BOOKING In tho WORLD. Ornamental, Durable and Cheap. Differ* ???nt styles In Tin and Iron* fiend for Circa* ???fir and Price*. ANQLO-AMERICAN R00FIN0 CO. S3 CUITMtcel, Mow Vorlt; G E the followln, (iMcrlbort tract al lanil, to-wlt: 1-nt ol lot No. 10 In tbo drat dUIrlct oIhM count, conuinln, ono banana oerco more or loo.. It bo- Ins tho i ??rt ol tho lot where tbo i!elcnil??nt now intan. Bold l??nrt levied opon o. tho property oi John L. Wclbom to wtlely o II l??. tarood Iron tbe Idillyon, L. O November HI, MM. UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. rraiE BIXTY-FIBST HUSSION OF THIS. 1N8TI- X tutlon will open Octol>cr 1st, 1881. Thorough Hi literary, Bricntlflo and.. Proferaiqnal Dcparb menu, including I-aw, Medicine Kngineerlng and Agriculture. For information apply to Dr. IAMB F.HABRIKON, Chairman of Faculty, F.O., Uni- veraltqof Va. wky. ffitfibtlahflff 1840ft Tfifi CSLBSBATI?? I ??????BRADFORD 1 , PORTABLE MILL COIR, WNf AT A fill. fMita MILL ???ICgUgXT* Sal tor tffertpttvf Clue - itt. A-tilrMi plainly THOS BRADFORD ICO,??? 114, lift, I1?? W. toM4|k OlfiCWNiTLO 1 AGENTS WANTEDto tako orders for onr fLEGANT PORTRAIT^ jraado from small pictures of all kind*. Bendll "for terms. 8. C. Tollman A Co., Auburn, N.Y. ???iTrSiBreiW'ttsaJras - ,'f w??- IM'.I ??? + ' Wet. h Vo.ttiiJ HMMMniCii wathi pi PEOPLR HAVE BECOME RICH working tor us. Wo offer a business easy to learn???paying large tarns of money In profits. Every one willing to work can get ri*-h. Men,women and even boys and rlris are making for tune*. No capital rcoulrcd. We will start you In business. You run no risk whatever. You neod G eorgia, fayettk oou??ty-j. w. dun- bar. Jr, has applied for pe/nones>$ tetters of odminlttratlon on the estate of J. W. Dunbar, Sr., dtcca.M d of said county, and I will paw upon sold ???ppUmionoath. VIEG1MIA CO-OPERATIVE STOCK FARM. Herd [Registered Jersey Cattle, OF TUK BEST STRAINS A SPECIALTY. T ARCEST HERB IN VIROINIA AND FIRIT JJ piemiuu at Virglula State Fairs. Kept on fou fa mir. Co t?? wo Id, Shropshire and Southdown Sheep; Bcrkcbironnd Jersey Bed Swino. and ail the lead- irg varieties of laud aud water fowls. Address, A. P. or M. 15. ROWIi, Co-operative Stock F irm. wk FreJerioksb irg, Va. NASHVILLE TELEGRAPH COLLEGE No North Cherry Street, Nashville, Tennessee. Tuition S50, in Advance. Time Unlimited^ T ins IS TIIE ONLY COLLEGE THAT nAS ever been ludorsed by tho general Ntinerln- tendentof the WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO M PAN Y. Write for particular*, wky A. A. SMI fH PrindpaLa An Unhear Stoves to Consume ???CHARTER OAK??? ??? Lead tho World. The largest Scud for price list nnd llluur* A. P. STEW AV-Slgn of tho Big Dog. ATLAS ENG INDIANAPOLIS, UANUFDO STEAM ENGINE Carry Engines and Boilers in Stock for immo ARROW S ??Uo ?? morn 1* >11.: vst?? 1 lit I??L 11.IiltS. A irtr-Mi. . mmm I!*aarch Tc?? ??t Smttllr U. CUeUiaatk THE TJ THOMAS Xl Argely manufnrturcd for VIFTHWI YBAHS. __ OUABItOW known. It is mado of tho bo^t [Tru'uouuT'i'; COTTON, CORN In cuUivating'(young)Cotton, and a proportion- FniupIileUsenton application. Wo Itavo AgonLs W'ANTLD In unocru- T U H M A C pii-d trrrltory* Addrcre 1 M U Ivl A J The Excelsior Stove , STOVES, RANGES, GRATES, Furnaces, stamped nnd plain Tin wore, Jap&nod ??nd iron mantc ??? ??? att-nm wlilatie*, QUALITY, QUAN Our stock of ga* fixture", mantel* and grate*, In snd ebony chandeliers iu latest dcslgnus. Ulrto color ana price. "W^O J\.vu tho Stovo Kin Wo can fill nil orders promptly, nt rooxontblo tin and sheet iron roolern, manufaeturen of gal- work, coucreto sewer aud drain pipe. Agcutsfor HUNNIOUTT & CHAMBERLIN, JOHNSON & Co 66 and 68 WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA. OA. Will offer from now till close of tho summer, BARGAINS Wbtto Good??, Table Llaona, Towels, Bleaobod and Brown Shotting*), Sbirtlners and Pillow Case Cottons, Silks, Black Goods. CARPETS! LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, MAT TINGS, ETC. ALSO. BEST STOCK SHOES IN THE STATE For Ladies, Gouts,'Children and Infants. Also, Agents for Buttcrrlck???a Patterns. CUAdiniCRLIN, JOHNSON rtOO. MAPI freo. Add d of Offer! rs at Jobbers Prices. of heating or cooking stovo. All kinds are BRATED??? COOKING STOVE atock and variety of Store?? In tho Sonth can bo ted clrtular. ART &*CO., 9 Whitehall St., Atlanta. INE WORKS IND.. U. S. A., TORE113 OF S & B 0,1 L B R Si into delivery. Pend for Catalogue and Price?? Has lust taken First Premium aud Medal at the Southern Exposition at LouisvlUo, Ky., over 17 competitors. THE BEST. WARRANTED to bo tho REST FULVERI7#- wblto oak and steel. It rapidly nndchcnnlycuiti- Jt. lA/ULAT H will posltivoly SAVE on?? YVntA I ??? lioelnir and two plowlnga ate amount in Com and Wheat. Full Illustrated In nearly ovory important town. AOKNTI H A RROW 00. SigyA" EDUCATIONAL. HAMILTON bMiffliSmofiw'o 0 ' pcrlcnccd. Kx tonal vo ground* for Recreation Apartment*,nil undorono roof. Heated TTiCiAff young ladies occupy a room. Oo*t of -*-?????* aa low aa any college offering similar advantages zcaalon. Fall term commcnoca Snpt. Hth etc,, apply enriv to ??T. T. PATTKfWON, Pro* House, Atlanta Ga. public generally to examine, bcfororpurchasing, HOUSE FURNISHINO GOODS, ware, wood and willow ware, ga* fixture*, alat Iron pipe for steam, gn* and water. Hmw goods h*r????? mnttiinl. Jiatli tab??, water closets , and wa?? that la kept In tho south, each Uuo is complete TITY AND PRICE. porlum oP tho South. BELLINGRATH, 8fi and 33 P<ar.htreo atrect. Atlanta EDUCATIONAL. tho famous ???lllii?? Crnas Region,??? noted for th?? mato. Faculty of fifteen momltora, ablo and ox- Kxcellent hulhlingh, Ift) hy 140 feet, conUining 12?? A T TP by fctenm and lighted l*y ??.h. Only two ** XJJ:J improvements over rt ICO,oor Charge! Over ono hundred young lady hoarder* tho 1 art 1884, For Terms,Catalogue* rJOf ,T /RlO-p! drnt. Lexington. Ky. UUiJjjMjrj j?f BLANKS! IWoChargeforTickels Capital Premia J J.000 l???? Extra "of(Ifid) lO.OOU OT " " $VD 10,000 SO ?????? " $100 ISJ5????? ??? $9 75,000 ; Win PrLm???i,$2raeh, vn&A 100,009 Canb Premium* aggregating 8300,N.'IG* NO BLANKS! Our Bu3lne;c ?i:f/crro. Th- mmmi u4 *r ??? *liVl??>.???? >ln??laU??a wlli < iVip'ra-rr-M MnoMitW Imm*. at IIm r??i* ???? M. ft lift* f??5f I.OH-rclrBftUUva.ftrfl a I'ft* It Wjt*. tor U M??; (??????*)??.rlp<inft?? 14-Utfti I tow ??????????* g Hi* ?w??U?? Of- Ffifiafi?????IsmIiis fteAsnCr lag (Met, 1 $l/iO ft lint IM???H IMO wtf *<M too/m rUcHloUom. It II4*1 bat IS.910 ikty wftftM h; bat IS mb ??? lla*. Tb*r f*??. tnry uWii'.r, m t pn rat* mm ot an-nHi>?? h-,iu, Ii w*rUii*ft fftrot (MlkHI. W. inrmii In?? tk?? in. ft?? mt On ??*. amt rmr w omr anbortborallM >??. Ii ibU ??rm ponlom wo ??IU bar* 9*JM M mil ifbr glvlii bwii i* aabaart* Ur* mi #T Mm pop* ??? tw al at* (M Mm mt la rrraUftil. TW* I* ft eiaiM maamaal ot ton, amt lar-4m a* >**M??Uy ot ntmfUmi U lt!*??al mtikMt at aa otomoo tor *0<rtftf " ??????mbaraS rm eM?U." amt allrfaS ?????? tMmn draw IftH*" or "oimiW ll I* tlmpl/ rripit ???* ftMk* dlrlMma wllbeW KlntfiVf, mt ,m cialUtli *b??r?? of 1 pn*H mhhh ib?? mm mt ihoU moo ????? aabmrtbar* will omoro. mCT No Premium Less than $2, and $5,000*1? FOR 3,082 FAVORITES. In tho adjoining Ks* all are CAfill Premium*. Of whlrh tIiere nroib'^llRotJ2PACll, thrrr Uiouiaml 0/ TCVJtXTy-n VH nnU.A IIS eitrh, him! rang ing frotajthyt amonnt to fSjOKy^g pbsa fr /or EVERY It Costs Nothing to Subscribe, _ the subscription price -vltl be deducted when tlio L'axIi I'remlum f* paid and Bubacrlptlon be glrn. There arc no liuinkt. ???WHAT PREMIUM WILL I GET?"???. a 1 - -1 JI r * ??? I * - - j I. I rnfiH < 11 it t < ??? I >' on r< 0 l|,f >,t your l??tt. r, w*- will with the Art Portfolio a aeoled envelop?? contalnUig on order to theamramtof (,'anh Preinliini that will bo due you, nnd in r- mi be no suepenao or uncertainty. Remember, no Hnbacrlptlon Price Need be f'ent, nnd No Charge for Tlckete, FARMING WORLD ART PORTFOLIO. T;??????S and richest Art Premium ever offered hy any paper, win dozan chromoa or cheap lithograph*. It I* a ooflerUon I'etigravlng. the whn\- pro! lohllng the pugrft with rieh with neavy ornarueiilwl coven bolding the ni eord binding. When you receive li.liUconiph-l a* with other picture premiums) and your reutr embellUhftd lu a manner that a niilMonalr* -??????????*??? admire. This aamptuoua Portfolio of rare and rontly; Kn for Fawtino Woai.o aahecrlbeniezelualvely,and will b eabecrlptlon applicant* under tbta offer who m-h*i tseta. to d-f the pro rata cost of advartUlof,jpa??tage. printing, etc.-Ii' u.i contldcrcd III catlmatcft under " >nr Hnslncw* Plalfornu noehorijr f'.r 7llu?? q'f*- tlon tu to w; t???lifth Premium Ordi r yrai will get If you upi-ly being nniivered nl onen hy tho ??? .1.1.111101 1 l.-df'i-h 1???r. i.ii.if.i Riivt-lope, which will 1*- ft-u.t !???>**' turn train with the Art Portfolio, tin answer R rehlch dealrca the C???ath I'rvnUuii^MM^^^WV with the /und oat of which the Cosh Premlams will h nJuS 7 the full earning* from advert! name* 1. aent u*. we will rend sende the Hat, and he can dlatr SSnSf\Bo realed t*h Premium imtereenv y deal red, and when W 1 keep them a FrarataM'Ontart. envelope?? to th* one win, Art l*ortfolloe to thoe?? wboae nanore he ?????? 1. H, -i;, rfi.trii.ut.- tii.iii wwi ii-. At, fisMJas*15-;z ^Tre^iHiJhreriptlon prloe need l??o rent, a* that will hr* AWTWBW! there nro no M-inka. A Cash Premium 1 ??r.P*r for from $1 to p/Mi got?? will nfferfiyc 1 ???n??Ul*buSne** from the word ???Got* If y????wud uayoor ad. UDOLniCl on tbe Art Portfolio.we??1l?? rend you a rtngteUMli V^mten. K _j the Coeti Premium, with every Portfolio. I two dollar*???for t'lereUSl.-- ??? M'feAM^te^Yoj^u 1 1 no rhtkj ezee | mionunlty not*. ???pt of hem* heaedurd. Then don't wall, t I for cr uior?? U received. Do not 1 olearaph wsw amount >* Ie*.i iuau t >??? ] Addr**?? FAU7IING WOUMU???JI ???Sm' ; ) z ^ .?? r ??^ sr* ou r c BisfsssrL???.RjJi???xSra.v Household Pwiiii. <Mi?? with l>i?? a.-lr-(~s (oe-!. ???ARM & HAMMER BRAMD To Insure obtaining ??he "Armk Hammer??? Lrmi. or Haleratur, buy It in ??? ttmi.-I or half i.our. l??? 1 ??rto r. v Var our name ami trado-mark. aa In ???r'ioe are eometim joer bnad when bought la Lulk. Atkiof the *???Arm & Hamm