The constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1884-1885, November 10, 1885, Image 10

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10 THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION. ATLANTA. 61- TUESDAY NOVEMBER 10 1885. MOONSHINE STORIES. THINNING OUT THE ILLICIT WHISKY STILLS. Xatmatlag Tain *t <a« Mr uoom.ia Daw II ua Baraoua If an-Daaparata Baulaa With tea Creaked Wbl.Vv enan.-Old ItrrolL Klee <1 the Dmalluia, WutnaOTor, October 30.—The rscout troubles with manu lecturer* ol llllsit whiikjr la Georgia and TeubfMoe, the revenue offieari tay, sera only amall aflalra, and do not indl cito (bat th* Imalnefl baa aean a roriral. The moonahiner of the desperate kind may bo aald to bare bad bla day, and tbe bloody adron- tnra* In which ha baa figured will aoon be to- nuntle episode* In Iba blatory ol a bygone generation. The thrilling stories ofwblaky amujgllng along the ScoUiab rout, which WIeon compiled In hla “Talee of the Border," do not anrpaaa In Uoo > y onllawry the annala of moonablno ralda in the United Btatee In tbe oaanalty period Iron 1877 la 1881, wberein twenty-five revenue officers ware killed and fifty-four wounded. Tbe eoUIalona between the a ildrattera and government poisea during (baae yeara revealed a atartliog elanabip among mountain deaporadoaa. Persistent bunting of the illicit makera of moantain daw and tbe deetruetlon of their atllla finally lndl- eaied aneb a determined policy of aappreaaion that lecent yeara have not been marked by frequent recurrence! of murdcroua realetance. Bo many were tbe objections urged to the often uedne cruelty ol tbe ralda that amneety became a feature in the policy of treatment lor oiTendrr!. Yet the moonahiner revela in bla mountain defile, and bia dew la quaffed all over thoae aoutbern regiona where tbe native demand! more exhilaration than even lofty leenery auppliea. In the Caroline!, Georgia and Tenneaaee the wildcat atlll abide! In pro* fbalon and aaeluaion. The "independent .... almple eatabllabment. No railroad lino do. terminea Ita location, and no improved ma chinery la Introduced. In eomc mountain gorge, where tbe amoke from bia atlll imper ceptibly mlnglea with tho atmoepbare before it eaeenda above the aummlte, be rcara bia rude log cabin. Dana* bruehwood line! tbe aolltary path that wlnda In toward the place. There muat be a a (ream ol water, ana cold Iprlng water at that. In which the worm may be auhmerged when the vapor la eondenaod inlowbiaky. The copper atlll baa a capacity of but few gailoae. Often It la ao amall tbat, when a raid It aoented, tbe owner been I away upon bia back. A few maab tuba com plete the outfit Corn meal for th* maab la obtained from treated peraona. The village atorekf eper auppliea hla than and reoaivea too •’blockade" whisky in return. But Iba thinly native alao contribute! even the left peck tba bla family bu atored lor bread, and geta glotlouily full on tba untaxed juice. Bomo- ttmea the moonabiner;ralaea bia own corn, and Unde that ebeap labarcan bo paid from bla illicit profit!, and idlentaa aecured for htm- eelf. lit eonfldea In hla ahUlleaa neighbor!, and on daya whan the low wine It "doubled" Into wbitky they congregate about, and In* duia* In the cheap decoction to whataver ex tant their vary limited amall change will per mit. Mutual tccraty la natural. Informing ia never from high motive*, but only whan In tuit impale a revenge tbat baniehea the thought of the partvnal loaa ofwblaky,or When a government reward eapturei cupidl* ly. The moonahiner ia wary. Not only dott bo bat* tba informer with a paaalon that fore bode* eventual death, but ho oharltably ateka to aava him from treachery, llo gal* him to chop tom* wood for tba atlll, to carry water, or do tomathlng elaa counoetad witb the illegal work, and than bla poor, ignorant mind ia filled with dlaoouraoa on tho penally ol balnx an aceomnlieo. Tho motive ol ... enforcement ol lew. ... _ which the government could hero boon da- frauded by thaee Illicit atllla bad been eolleot- ed, It would not equal th* oeat of their tup rrttilc __ .... _ tore, and only whan tome a who will Iced the potto to too place. Thor* la no promitcuout aearch tor th* moonahiner. Homo lnlormer la Drat rewarded, and tba axecl lair thua located. Former moonahiner* have turned informer*. In th* Barkar aettlement In Georg!*, a notorioua old blockader, llaneerd, gave at hit only reaaon lor betraying bla neighbor* that be had been on the other aide long enough to find out that it did not pay. But tho uiual temptation it a 111 greenback. Wot betide* the informer. He it marked for removal, and thwexccration fait lor blm la not lrtaUtan that known among tba Irlth poteen- try. Ueltwaylayad at night, and bla cofpao tell* no tale to th* dawning aun. The federal official daring Iba aiorm and atraaa period of the rtvenn* ralda, fared no boter. The arouned moonahiner vented hie rag* by muti lating aloek, burning lioness, and destroying farm utensiu. It Iha officer could bt decoyed Into acme remote apot be never left it aliro. Even women, tutpected of being guldca, have been attacked by tkrae dlignlted desperadoes and beaten nearly to death. Th* ebrnnlolet ol tbesa ralda tarnlah many n bloody chapter. The outlaw* that figure It the encounter* team to fall abort or true crimi nal* In character. Th* Illicit distiller always hues fate avocation upon n natural right to nee hie own at ho chooses. He embrace* the no tion* of th* Pennsylvania rebtlllonist in earlier daya of the nation. Ignorant of Iha reaaon for an excise tax, be retiste, and resistance with blm le to the death. Tbe wildcat dialitlar, alsudicg defiant In bis mountain paas, mlaaea tba berole qualities of a Leonidas, bocauso Cheap whisky brings sublimity down. U* facia that kt t* unduly oppressed. Hla diatil- Inlion ia measured by a few gallons, while in aortt can cities he bellevtt th* illicit atilli pro duce Immoato quantiliec. Th* collector hae a merer nary calculation ol face, and bene* hie armls art a* numerous as possible. He cor ral! en Ignorant, poverty-stricken bend, who arc too poor to make detente. The moon- •bins rgratpo all the** oppressive features ol •aide, and they obscure the basic crime, which lice In hie illegal making of whisky. Tba former kings of tat alcohol traffic In this* aonthtra retreat* have passed nut of cur rant bietory. Old Bcrrong, or tba Ulghtowar rivrr region in Georgia, the villainous Bad- moad in South Carolina, Campball Morgan In Trane two, Mull In North Oarollnt, bar* all abdicated. Morgan waa on* of tba moat dee* rent* blcckadnra who ever defied a federal pease. He had a distillery la Jacison county, Tennettce. It stood Inn hallow, eumundad by densely wooden bill*. It wee fortified, and » menacing appearance. The doors srere double lined, aid portbolre were eeea from every side. Early ia 1878 Deputy Marshal Ussis, with a fully armed pose* nleight, start- edlo capture this tlrcngbold. When the party nma wltbU on* hundred yard*, Morgan hJ- teed for them to halt, and threatens! to kill tbe last man if they advanced. Tbe posse peeued forward. Ic.uatly the firing waa cn**«d,and vollty after volley was exchanged, Tba cutest proved an unequal on*, and Mor gen krggad for quarter. He eras ordered to come out, end quickly obeyed. One or hi* arm* wee broken, and two fingers had been abotfrim bis lell band. Hi* wounds war* bandaged, and b* waa left alone while tba wwkot destroying th* still began. A perfect araeaai was foun/witU*. An encounter with -'she Mali, near Brock's Elation, 8. C., was as desperate. He bad been • ecavict In us* Albany penitentiary,and gou* ooutk to ply anon taleiy com* nnfariou arork. Mooctbiningbnd its faadaatioa. Oaa day lb* revenue man heard of a wagon load ol Mountain dew near tba station, and started at once open th* trail. They found that Mall anu * manaamed Smith were Ike venders who occnjilsd the wagon. SomamUaa within tha wood* luij «tr« found eacaxnpcd. It vm “"’t^f/^ak wkea tba tww Jffioirt c.M np. Without ceremony Mail raised hla niitol when he espied the raider* eng began firing. Tba fires shot wounds,I Oallector White, and Miraralvavwn* knocked man bU hand. Than •uted a fierce band to-band struggle with Mull. White’s aisltlant w*» next shot and Bed tenor $triekeo. The odds were bow fear fully atsfmt White, for bis own dog tamed open him and lodged bis teeth ia bis leg* Bat the escape was miraculous. Smithy Mitil comrauion, rushed to the wsgon for a loaded gu®. White seised tha moment and threw Mull. atd fled. Mull aud his team traced their way unmolested into soma remote "f’robably, the most desperate battle between raiders and nioonahtesr* was In Overton eonn- ty, Tennessee. Campbell Morgen, who bad been so badly riddled in a previous year, wa* (be leaderoflheoutlair band. A posse bad cut up a brandy still during tho day, As their j, Jed herrea could travel to further,the party halted for the night at the booee of Jamea Peck, a centenarian. While tome ol tbe men wett oat in the garden ehatlieg with the vcrcrtblc hoat, sabot earns whirring from n brush-covered hill about one hundred yard* distent. It penetrated the breast of Deputy Phillips. Bullet followed bullet in quick sue rnihn, and Irom ventages becoming nearer The assailants skulked from tree to tree until witbm thirty yards of the bouse. Meanwhile the party within tbe residence bad rushed nut witb guns, and tbe murderous work waa rs- cipreealed. Deputy Ayrea bid ia a fence, and patiently bided bia time. When Campbell Morgan expoted himself from bo- bind h e covert a steady aim wee directed upon him. The ball sped home and ha atag. tend back, and wee seen no more. Three of the raider* wer* eerlonaly wonnded. How mary moonshiners fait th* cold lead of fedoral rifles wae never known. The posse held thorn at bay and retreated along tho road to Nash- villt. Afterward Morgan bocam* a federal deputy, and did good service. The Bedmond yang, in South Carolina, long gave serious trouble. It numbered at leaf 11 If, and lit precautionary tlgnalayitara waa wide ly extended. Strong detachment* of regular troops were tent to qneli tbe turbulent distil- lira in this region. In th*"HogBack"moun tain, orar GreanvUlo, a force found an eighty- S lion still. They bod ridden over the top of e mountain, down through a narrow past, and entered a ravin*. At tbe destruction of tb* wildcat outfit begun, n band of women, who bad watched tb* approach, rave a pecu liar shout oi warning. It aroused the whole neighborhood, and shot rained down upon tha devoted parte from rocks and trees along tb* mountain. Biding away, tome of the bush- whackera wera found and carried off to Jolf. Thero wer* ovor 8,000 arrests made and 8,000 atllla cut up in the years whan resistance to intornal revenuetaxe* waa to rampanL Yet many a raid resulted in humiliating retreat. Tba mcunlain fastnesses, tbeeode* of signal* among the bushwhackers, and thair desperate courage rendered attack at all time* an almoat blind risk ol life. Attempt after attempt was abandoned in tb* Berrong aettlement to tab. duo theieegnoofaeventy-fiv* men who harried to ambush when th* horn of alarm aounded. This section was five miles from Hiawaito, along*road hemmed in by mountain elopee and laurel thickets, running through defile* as serpentines* tbo Gauge*. Tb* windings of Use road were picketed. Whan the invader •ppeered yeilt proceeded irom the knolls, and — *• i tent on from point to fires onco lighted Irom . . y old Borrong, * amall and shrivelled old mao, came to the collector's office and surrendered. Tb* recent fatal colliaiont with moonahiner* were caught up and ■ point, lik* tba signal flri peak to peak. Finally c Tennessee, are sporadic manifaatationa ol tl fi rmer lurbnient deposition. Tho fiscal yoar of 1884 waa stained by bnt one casualty in th* rivannatnrvloa. Grundy eoontv'had been the lento of a former raid. A few years ago a dis tillery we* located near Tracy Cify- It waa in * rave, tba approach to which waa through * ragged ravine. Two officer* esaayed Ita da- atraction. At they entered the atlll honae the operator deported on th* donbl* qnlck, but at the came tnatant* band of men appeared upon a bluff overlooking tha spot. Two of tho moun tain gnardlana were killed, bnt th* officer* — glad to retreat, leaving th* alill uadis- o; Tha atlll waa than owned by a Tip- ton, and It is on* of tha same family who fall mortally wound*! in tha affray tail weak. Bevenu* eeliurca have not boon confined to the tenth. Thero tb* Ignoranoe, which brad defiance, was only associated with th* Idea of igtax. Tb* moonshlnar oould never per- why b* could not dliUII liquor from hlo , without dividing tho profits. Ia Brook . )* illicit distiller wo* a deliberate crimi nal ; fraud was tbe precise intent of bia mind Thera were nnmoroni ralda in Irlahtown,along th* rlvar front, In the lut decade. One of tno neat famous ol tb* revenue expedition! waa tbat against tba five Brady brother!, whoee still was near tha watar'a edge, along tha Fall- sadaa. Bum waa tb* manufacture, and black atrap molaaaea the material. Buaplcion had becoma attached ta them from their earlier complicity wllb illegal dlitilllng la Now York oity. On* night an old battered aloop waa asen alowly bovsrtng around Brooklyn, stop ping at Hoboken for coal. Uar cargo waa mo- lama, Th* revenue men followed nor up th* Hudson In n rowboat, and tan mile* away sur prised the operator! of the atlll. Conviction followed. In their detective work about Now York elty the revenue men bocam* ex perienced smellers, and often in tbo dead calm of tba night caught tbn aroma of tor menting mub. Tha shrewd distiller learned this nine, and tb* favoriteplse* for bla forbid den work became the bone-boiling oatehlieh- meato, where tbo odore overcame the tell-tale fumes of whisky. The ears of these special agents also grew attuned to the metodlout •oundt or driven bongs. Thero waa one romarkahle phase;*! tha gov ernment policy. Not only did revenue officers rrlrnUruiy hunt out tha wildcatters of the aoutb, snd amsn foo* by wholesale arrests of destitute and Illiterate aoeompllooa, but they wart tbe proaslytlson of whisky gospel. By cflelal circular they wore Instructed to on- eouragotb* starting of legal distilleries. Tba government policy waa not only to lay an ax els* upon liquor, but to foster it tbat thsrev*. nu* might be larger. It was a national recog nition that John Barltyoorn to Immortal. UN THE HUNT. UNCLE REMUS. HE TELLS ABOUT BRER RABBIT AND THE OINOERCAKES, lr Berne Xeek or Creek nrer Veleeet Sfsnegee to fce kteds Klee ataorg tbe Otter aalBlls- Brtr Babbit was Oboe Very allot eatf topic, kets onset* Sad Co be scads. (Copyright 1885) By Joel Chandler Harris (Uncle Bcmui.) Now, I dea tell you w’at, honey," said Undo Bemua to th* little boy,"if you winter year dish jtr tale right straight thro’, bldout any bal kin'<r stallin', you'll dea batter quit mikin' any fuse. Keaa w'en dcr’e any fuse gwine on bit moa’alters InginncrTIy glto me mixt up on w'en 1 git* mixt dd I att.1 wutb nothin' 'tell skteely for tailin’ a talc, en si you don’t b’lctv* me, you may dee ax some er my blood kin. Now, don, you do* set right Whar you ie enatopyo* behavfihness, Karo do fust time you wink loud, you gottar git right up on do bed-pos’ dar en rldo straddle. "Bo dea I Well, on* time Br’er Mink en Br’er Cron en Br'er Polecat nil live terge’or in da asms settlement. Let 'lone dat, do/lire In do same bouec, cn da houa* w’at day lire in was made in d* resemble uv a great big holler log in dem days, Br'er Polecat wui de king er de creetnre w'at run about attar dark, en — better make up yo’ min’ dat be made u m 'roun' ml/ hl’iy." "Why. Utcle Remus," laid tbe little boy, "I thought Brother Babbit—" "Well, de goodnesa en do gracious I ain't ax yon for ter pleaae m’am don’t make n fuss? Ca’so I know mighty well Br'er Babbit us* ter be de ellckea’ en do euplea', but doy 'bieegs ter be a change, kite ‘taint in nalur for de t’er crectura not ter ketch on ter bis ins en hie onto, rn I tktek dat do time w'en doy fine 'im out le da time w’en ol* Br'er Polecat got tor bo de king er do creetura—dot’s w'at apeak. * "But no matter ’bout dat—by hook or b; crook, Br’er Polrest eome ter b* do king er creature, en w’en he come ter b* dat day'd i unumgoa long ways out er dor way for U. taka off dar hats an bow der dowdies, dat day would, en tom* un in would teg otter 'im, en laugh ever* Urn* Br’er Polecat langbad, an grin ever' time be grinned. "Wilee diab yer was gwine on Br'er Babbit us in da crowd, en b* wa* dee ex big liar ex any un in, en I dunner ef be want de bi. ges'. Well, Br'er Babbit b* morn en a soon ary • dat bein' ea how Br'er Babbit vox aech a nice king day oughter pate a law dat eva’y tima da yuther creature meet'em In de raid dey muat shat der cyoa an hoi’ der note. Borne un un lay doy don’t min’ boldin’ dar noao, bnt dor don’t Ilka dish yer way sr abeltin’der eyaa, kata day moogbt ran up agin a tree, or (tick a brier in der Toot; but Br’er Babbit, h* up an 'low, be did, dat 'twua de* 'bout ea little ox dey kin do ter abet der eye an bol’ der note w’en day git wkr aech a nice king to, onto dey all baiter oomo 'roun'. "Be nex’ day otter all dto happen, Br’er Babbit he coma by da houio whar ole King Polecat live Tong wld Br'or Coon en Br'er Mink. Br’or Coon ho srax a groat ban’ for ter bake gingercakes. Fur en wide de folks know’d 'boot Br’er Coon glogoreakeo, en doy conldn’t be no oampmeetin' 'roun' in dem diggin’e bnt w’at be srai bangin’ on da nidges soilin'bis gingercakes en bia 'elmmon boor; an it teem lik* ovo’y time Br'or Rabbit see Br’er Coon dat b* whirl right in en git bongry forglngercakeo. “So oe nax’ day alter dey doma fix It all up bout ol* King Polecat, Br'er Rabbit ha come tailin' by Br’ar Coon’a bona*, on bo ax ’im of be got any gingercakes for ter tell. Br'er Coon ’low be did, dat ha got um dea ex fine ex fin* kin be, en Br’er Rabbit aay bo b'leevo bo’ll buy tome, en wld dat ho ran hi* ban* In btopock*t,b*dld, cn pull out do ohanro < bought 'im a great big alack or glngercaltsfi. "Bon bo tuek’n ax Br’ar Coon of ha won’t keep bis eye on do gingercakes wile* be go ■■ aouaayarlio tor ter eat wld am. Br'er _ ju Tow he'll take kear nu um It bea’w'bt be kin. Br’er Rabbit rush off. en de*'bout del time ole King Polecat come In sight. In do accordance erde rales, soon ex Brdr Coon see ol* King Polecat ho mu*' that be oyoenbol' he nee*; asA will's Br'er f'rrn doin' Aim. nIs Incidents and Gossip of tb* Chut In Ooorgta. From the Gainesville, G*, Eagle. Ed DuPrt has a (a* setter that la not only sroll listed for birds, but hae leaned eome smart trick* At maal Urns be goes to tb* star*, geta a rarer HI, carries U to tbo Hudson house, waits to bar* It filled with broken vletuala, and then car- paper end put It In hla das’* mouth.. This aei ble ranlae took It aualsnt to Charlie, who, reed lax it, took Id tbe altutuw.tiugtied and aatd; "Yon may cloao op, bora.” From tba Harmony Grove, Ol., Signal. Mr. Walter WIRE— tint ol alnoihottbat Mr. George Carton racentiy made. Ha alates mat Mr. Canon shot through a tree with kti Rite and ® a squirrel on th* other aide. Ills said by lolhoriiy teat George never lakes sight, but tugs slocse, and eomethtng always folia. From the Dawson, Os, Journal. Messrs. J. H. Crouch, J. R. Guerry, W. R. Bald win, D.W. Crouch and W. C. Wimberly, spent tost Monday night on Xtachstoons* creek and time. From the Telfair, Ga, Times. John U. Ship killed a motiter catamount In Gum swamp, about a mils from this place, ooe day lut week. Th* dogs “bayed'' tbe canine, and when tb* party approached he mad* off end was shot. HiipawwasIMsIieof a Urge dog’s and It is said teat so one roan In IM crowd could taka tee body out ol tb* swamp. From tb* Brunasrtok, Ga., Appeal. Sidney Johnson, * alutMa-yoar old negro boy living on tee Village tract, caught a mw-fiib on Utile Bioiaons beach last Tuesday, The fish mw wen forty teotk. In the entente lb* Sals wu ten test la lengtb. This ta said to be tbe largest ol Its et«r!c< ever csnglii on this portion o! tb* Atlantic coast. From lb*Bade* Ga, JownaL Engineer A. G. Mathews showed ua a curiosity oat day last weak la tkt ships of * petrified tongue, apparently of eoeaa fowl of tb* air. It sras •cctutd'lrom amac a a cat U was damped ia ana off ncarl b* nose; and wiles Br’er Coon doin' dll, ole King Polecat walk i • ... f ercakrs en mako ol r'er Rabbit coma lippitin* back, b* bunt for b* giogeroakea, but be can’t fine um no wbar, Den be boiler out: “ 'My goodness, Br’er Coon I Wbar my glngsroakcit"’ - ’•AH Br'er Coon kin toy it dat b* dint tea nobody takodo gingeroakee. Br’or Rabbit ‘low, ho did, dat ala a mighty quar* way for tor do a man w’at done bought do gingercakes en pay for um. Ylt ha say b* 'bloego ter have some, en ao be tuck 'n pitch in en boy a n'or alack un um. Dan ba Tow: ’’ ’Now, den, I done got do gyarlie for ter go wld um, on I’ll dea about aquat right down yer en watch dea* yer gingercakes my own ioV.' •’So he squat down en SxhtaaT, en dea ’bout do tlm* whence be ua randy far ter ’stray da gingercakes, yer eome ole King Polecat Br’er Rabbit, ha got up, ho did, on mado a how, an dsn ho halt ha noaa an make like bo us a-sbaltln’ b* eye*. Ola King Poloss' ' com* Tong, ho did, en start far ter pick gingsreakta, but Br'ar Rabbit boiler out <’ ’Bran dem gingercakes 1' "Ola King Polecat jump back en look bla leelin’ahin burted, cn haaquallouti ua a-sbitUn’ he ayae. Ola King Potent, ho com* Tong, be did, en atari far ter pink up de gingsreakta, but Br'ar Rabbit hollpr outi look lack us iteiiu's ns uursca, en as equal! out: •“My goodncilt How come yo’aye open? How coma you break up d* ruler dat away t’ "Br’er Rabbit be pick up do gingercakes, b* did. on’fowr •• 'I kin bol’ my non ea good ex de nex' man, but I can't abet my eyes tor lava my Ufa, kasa dey ar ao mighty blgl’ "Dia make ol* King Polecat mad enough won’t ho much uv a king in dat ar country. Attcrdatltgotaodnt Br’er Rabbit kin put down bla gingercakw anywheres b* want ter; en folks Tow dat bo us mighty nigh ea big a man sa ole King Polecat." •Moved and seconded. HOW THEY OHT THERE. Tbo Way In Which Young People Corns to Each Othst’sChristian Names. From th* San Franclaeo Chronicle. Did you ever Ultra to* young couple working up to that point ol affectionate Intluaoyat which they call one another by their Christian names? "It has bten a lovely party, hasn't It, Mias. Jack* ■oaf' ‘Lovtly, Ur. Wilting.” • I have known you a tout time. Him Jackaon.’ "And 1 hare known yon quite* white.” ■Tvooiten heard my sister speak ol yon.” "And my brother to always talking about you.” "labs? I bear so much about you that I fool «^l|t Mr.WUklnif "BaouilluL I think Elite's inch a pretty uas.” s yon? 1 don't Ilk* IL” ^'idyousavr . U f urea merely repeating tho ••Tbat'ayour name. Gcoriat'’ Edith.” . George!" • iaua!T Vmeo much obliged for your eaoort; I've bad such t finely time." ■■GsodaUht! Mr. Wilkies." "Good nlsht, Miu Jackson. "Good SSht." Good nixhv—Edith." -Good ntoht—Gsorgo." mr. it *• ifiusaiu/ vi iu»» uwsuit/i •■*■■>■ • gourd this year that maaaurad tv* root, tlx cubes in olreumfsmso, and tv* teat and three-quarter* In length. It weighs »» Brands. This is sons gourd, and Georg* P. Wood, of HawhinaviUe, will tad it bard to gat *p a giurd that will beat Mr. Burham’a. A CALIFORNIA ROMANCE. AHostaidlRalnld by a SVIfs After Desert U* Her lor Tsars. Last .week, esys a correspondent ol Sacrament* Bee, tbe residence of tho Judgo-DsU* Lake waa sold at suction for . , 808. It cost to build It over tiO.OOO, It bat rather an interesting history. It to a monu ment to a women's folly and a man’s weak- nets. In tbe early daya of California, a Mina- ebusetto former storied for the land ot gold, after telling bis farm and dividing tba pro- eccds with bla wife, who, with her two liltlo girio, be left m Boston. Hit wits did not hoar tram htm for a long time, and her money being expended, she bad a bard struggle for lilt, but the wont to work bravely, making fancy horse blankets through tho day and giving music lessons in tho even ing. In this way aha managed to feed and cloth* herself end children and save a very amall sum ovary month. Communication be tween tho snatern atates and California waa not ao direct nor sure then as it is now, and the thought tbat tbe letlera ah* wrote might bare gcao astray, and a like misfortune bad pre vented bar from bearing from bar bnaband. Then same a letter, short, and eontainiog no intimation ofwbat ha was doing or how bo wu prospering in bis new boms. Alter this tbo resriv.d on* or two letter! at long inteivala, atd then they cessed forever. She wrote continually, but received no an- hirer, and tho fetred he w<a dud. She gavo up all hope of ever aseing him again, ami ri veted herself to tbo education ot her two little daughters and th* aaviog of money for * rainy day. Yura went on, and ah* did not bur from bar natural protector until a lady returned to Boston from California on a visit to some frienda. Tho anxioui wile caltei upon tbe California lady and inquired of her whether ibo had ever beard ol Bor husband In tbat wild western land, and wu surprised to hear that tho tody knew him, aud tbat ba wu considered quite a rich man out there. She obtained hi* address and wrote him, but received no answer. Then, like a brave yau- kco woman, aha aold bar little belonging*, took what money the bad aaved, and, w fib her little children, started on a steamer for San Franciaco, arriving bare with $7.50 in bar pocket. She inquired for the eilont husband, wu directed to whore be lived, and preanted her- aeii to him witb bar two little one* clinging to bar skirls. You would imagine that n first- claaa circus would hay* ensued, but It wunot so. He received her calmly, u though It vrero quite an ordinary thing tobavea wife and two children drop down on blm from tho clouds, and expressed himself u pleued toeeo them. Sh* wu a spunky little woman, and no doubt "gave him a bit ofbormind," but it affected him no mere than tha 017 of porei docs a millionaire. H* gavo no reuon tor 1 bia trunks, *11 her letters unopened. When the uked him why be noted In the way bo did be only answered, "I don't know." That wu all—ho did not know—and she doea not know to this day why be remained silent. Ho bid formed no other tics of any kind here, and tbere waa not tbe slightest evidence ol a woman being at the bottom of It aU, He wu a good nature!, kindly, well disposed man, , ortune! He wu stopping at a hotel when butjbe, Immediately on her arrival, took a boots, furnished it and they went to house- sue wife, for the first time In many years, enjoyed tbe comforts of a good homo and mi from bard labor, hut aba wu not content. 8b* could not lot well enough alone, and determin ed to make a show with the fortune whioh th* old man bad quietly accumulated. Tbo first thing tbe must havewu a fine he " fine clothes, a carriage and eervnnta. man probably thought he had no right to reftiie her anything under the circumstances, weakly conceded to bar request, and began tbe erection of a fin* homo on a fifty-yard lot in tbo then most fublonable portion ol tbo elty. The houeo wu finished and famished, and • big hole wu mado In hit pile. Ther came ex the fins lady she bad blossomed Into In California. She went East, summered at Saratoga, married one of her daughters off, cut a dash generally, re turning home to find a mortgage on tbe new bouse. Tbe old man bad not—u le usual with rich buabanda whan tho wife la away—gone in for dissipation, but n mislortuno just u —‘ overtook him. Ho got into tho band! ol sharpers, and they robbed him. Lou followoi Iota until be woa hopelessly involved. Most ol bis money wu gone, and hia spirit wu broken. While he remained at bit old buil- neu of making bricki be wu nil right, bat when ho gave up tbat plebeian bosineu, and slatted out Into wbat the wife considered a wider aphero, and on* more In keeping witb tbolr wealth, he wu all at lea and wu soon n financial wreck. He wu atlll alient-Trith refer ence to bis affairs, and t‘ ... of living wu kept up crash came, and tbe abarifl’s red flag floated from tha grand mansion. Today the old couple are poor, and tho husband an invalid. They had thair time, at tout ah* had. Tha home chms Into tb* poucanon of Judge Betas Lake, then Judge of the criminal conn in this There bo lived until ho wu carried from be placed in a narrower house la tho city of the dead. There autos to bo a fatality about the houae, for ble family left It almoat u poor aa that ot Its builder. Tb* Station Agent's Blacking. From tbo Comet. “I wu station agent," bt'uld, “at a UtUe plao* on tho Unohetween Kansu and Hlatonri, There were about twenty bonsee scattered through the flelda; and the main reason for tho train stopping thero wu to get water. I bed a little ekanty near the tracks where I slept andjworked the telegraph Instrument. "Tnc night express went through at about 12:28, and I wu half dosing In my chalt on* night whan tioldiCK a couple 0( lixshootmnpiccer enough to pot thelMHR when n msa usu clisugo from HNdcd to no attention to them I 9SJS3S8^\BS»S^. a MSS wbltolwu deter It aud stuck a pistol agaten my AMtHf Black my boots' ba aald. I would have ..all tba tlm* and when It wu bait and walked off laughing. WSBflgg tone outside* Presently Sy mu eaxteln'i«atn endbegaa to look at a mao —'.v „ —k. torned monad ha wu 1,' I said. Ha did 10 In. atanttr. "IraStSSSSP^’ba^Ut th. air?” “ ’Tell me where your money is.’ I aald, 'and I'll *^ffn my vaatpoekeL-yoai’he finally replied, -t I had au elephant on my to let htm lower hla hands . teen and bold blm for bla -He to coma In at anr moment. P to a heavy closet and slam- jumped oat tea window h tb« cornfield, after tho train left, tndbr •• UoweT«r,Ifotmy tail to tba next fteUoa,«rblcb ftldereble elxe» to arrest the to be fagitlree from Justice trestaeUj got into tbe pcah The Mirror b ao flatterer. Would you make it tell a sweeter tale? Magnolia Balm b the charm* er that almost cheats the looking-glass. EAW HANDS Festering, Watery and Raw from the Finger Tips to Wrist Cured by Cuticura. TX TBE BPSING ol J834 ga eruption appeared X the b«ck» efmy beude. I euppoted I was pc AA- * «W Iq— *—- * * of getting better tber rapidly grew worre, being a Jngp’ard immediately breeb ont worse than be foie. Little watery spots then appeared on my finger joints, god fettering would spread oyer a large burface. In tbia condition I began tbe use ot tbe Cuticura Remedies. In one week’s time my bends were almoat well* and la a abort time entirely ented. JNO. D. VAUriEH. Pier 87, S« Wbanree, Philadelphia, A Complete Cure. . I have ruffered all my life with akin dlscaicx of dlfltrent kind* aud bare never fonnd permanent re) fe\ onti). by tbe advice of a lady friend, I oaed valuable Cuticura Remedies. I gave them a tbcroufh trial, nalog six bottles of tbe Catlcara PfsoJTtDi, two boxes of Cuticura and seven oakca c f Cntlcnrafioap, and the result waa just what I bad been told It would U-a complete care, w A ,v BELLE WADE. Blctamond, Va. . Beferenre, O. W. Latimer, Druggist, 800 W. Mar* shall St*, Richmond, Ve. Varlcoeed Sore Legs. My wife uted tbe Catlcara Remedies for aeon leg, earned by varicose veins, with entire end per* feet satisfaction. Mrs. John Flarety wu also oared of a corcdeg of long standing by the same treatment JOHN M. COOPER, Druggist. 111c, III. Cuticura Remedies. neat Skin Beautifler, Blood Pul Drug end Chcm'icii co. Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases. 1 (octa.i cuticura coup, an exqnuite Bxtn Ifirr, 25 eta,: Cuticura Resolvent, the new Purifier, 81.00. Prepared by the Potter ind Chemical Co., Boston. Trr'fYXJIKa, Seely, Pimply and OUySkin J I UJl beautified by Cuticura Eotp. Book Ache Waaknaas, . ...rlnePalna, Soreness and Lameness 7 Speedily cured by tbat nsw, original, ol»aut and Infallible antidote to psfo and inflammation, the Cottcora Antl-Paln Platter. At draralita. gf ssnsssns Rheumatism, c to. Xt regulates tb©bowels, purifies tbe blood, Strengthens the syetem, assists digestion* An Invaluable Family Medicine. i rnn&MUf wSauh xec » bSbtISwl 1 DANGER SIGNAL. When a perron give* yon counterfeit money he perpetuates a crime erolnit the law and your : tccunlary Interests, bnt when he lives yon an in terior ana diogeroui mcdldne In tno place of one of recognised and well known curative pro portlet he commit, the blacken of crime, for ho conspires agateat your health and Ufa. “Tha haw York Harold,”. Sept 21, 1885, laya: “To indorse a counterfeit medicine Is to Injure tea manufacturer and tea buyer, and tbe buyers wilt soon drop away from a counterfeited medicine tbat they And worthless. Msunlacturors of coun terfeit articles fall beenuro they have not thsaxv pcrience and apparatus of th* large manufacturer to produo* the sama curative remits. The Urge manufacturer, have tha utmost incentive while they ar* protected, to make their medicine aa perfect and curative as possible.” For example, take the experience of Slmmona Liver Regulator prepared hr J. H. Zellln * Oe„ of Philadelphia; their Urn has devoted years of time, employed the meet eminent ohemlala ot r~ laud, ana spent thousand! ol dollars In bring: . their medicine to th* perfection It has attained. They expended a large .mount of money la bring ing It to Iha attention of tho people, aud ftaue* tea made Slmmona Liver Regulator widely popu lar. Ut order to make money from tee great reputation gained by this remedy untcrupuioua auventurtn have gotten up cheap counterfeits, dangerous to health, aud a tick on these frauds a name cicaclv resembling Blantons Liver Regula tor, to deceive the unwary Into buying their In ferlor goods, FmAwnntA, Nassau Co., Fla, I have urcd.Dr. attain mis Liver Regu lator and alsrayi found It to do what la claimed for IL Tbo fait bottle and two M. RICH & BROS., 54 ud 56 WhiteluQ Street, Atlanta, fleorgii’ Invite all the ladies to examine and price the greatest and most elegant stock of Novelty Dres3 Goods ever shown in At lanta. These, their own importation, are unequal led in beauty^ variety and quality. Black and Col ored Silks in all the new weaves ; Bhadames, Faille Francaise, Duchess, Gros Grains, etc. Trimmings and Buttons of all the la test styles to match, be sides a most beautiful se lection of Flannels, La dies’ Cloths, Eiderdowns and "Worsteds for heavier wear. CABPETS! CABPETSI 0ABPETSI New goods, stylish pat terns. Third stock this season, bought cheap and to he sold at “rock bot tom” prices. Don’t miss the chance to examine our goods and get our prices. We guarantee all goods bought of us. If they don’t turn out as represented we will refund the money paid. We deal fairly with everybody. We have opened the finest lot of English Kid derminster Art Squares, sizes 3x3 yards, 3#x4, and 4x4# yards that we will sell for Centre Bugs. These goods are beautiful, and “just the thing” for rooms that you don’t care to carpet entirely. They are very stylish and cheap. M. Rich & Bros. packages dtdniei Utan nothing. I • H. Zellln A Co., a ^■.and not genuine, a^H waited money to burn. I would bo clad to get tbo pun and genuine. Men.: sns,onto from honcit handa (with I v*A 7. and Zalllnfa A Co.'s signature on ■fetus aold will | lits/.T. km'." Regulator hat he end his thF ndoncmeat of tbs thousands who bavonaod IL If you want Slmmona Liver Regulator sm that the diuxglat gives you th* gtouin*. not something ho claims la"juat aa good/ and because ho make* more off it. m m ayl-J—tvkylr ux rtl mat| EXCELSIOR COOK STOKES ALWAYS SATISFACTORY Eighteen Sizes andKinds ALL PURCHASERS CAW BE SUITED MANUFACTURED BY but i Sheppard t Co, Baltimore, HI aud fob balm bt HUNNICUTT & BELLINORATH, Atlanta, Georgia. InneS—Wky26t aow It waa on th* morning of tho 2Stho! Augmt, 1585, tent the long foil want wu eradicated. What long tell want? Why, the caWblUhmcnt 01 tho lnformallon of fice at BrookxvlUe, Florida, conducted by A. H. Bebllnf JtCn.,forth*benofftof thooe desiring to become tware of the many advantages and disad vantages presented totes uninitiated, anticipa ting the taking up of their abode In this American Italy. Thousand*, yea thonaanda of letten hava been mailed to tho variona poatmasten and others making tnqnliten which won never inawerod, and are continuing to pour U dally to their mat annoyance, which wt propose cheerfully furnish, tag. accompanied by a handsome Florida enrioM- thsra would hava bean counties* hundreds of dot- fan saved to tbo pockets of tha on wary c^ ,tth HEALTH’’" xuiiiyTLosaMat k-sxsa 4/sz.iswsi ,WB. ua W. llxte IL.C(aatu*ILB life! AA»i».r H.L. WARREN AGO, 1117 Chestnut St., Fluted*, wky asp 27 0018 20 novlOflt Facts Worth Your Attention I HUNNICUTT’S Rheumatic Cure! VOLUNTARY CERTIFICATES RHEUMATISM In anyot Its forma,Sw he ther Chronic, Inflammatory, Muscular, Artie* ular, Sciatica, Mercurial or Othernrloe, Neuralgia, Lumbago. Gout, or any other Blood or Skin Diseases. Dr. J. 8. PEMBERTON stys, "I have beta a great aufitrtr Irom rbtumatrim. and have used you nmedy with groat benefit, siring relief after tha usual rtmtdlsa had fatted. Ido not halt*is to recommend H nun leu It's Rheumatic Cor* as bsteg a atto aud reliable remedy.” tlr.J. A. Adair, th* popular ticket agent oltho Wfitcmand Atlantic railroad, taka ptoaaursta slating "Tbat Hunulcutt'a Rheumatic Cure per manently cured htm In one wcek'a time, and that ha obtained, rdlel altar th* aooondor third dost, •Iter betel down ta bed lor orcr thirty daya, Ha bad dnpslred ol getting well Hu akin had dried up and became hardened.hteloIntiwtmsUffintd, being all the while attended by a prominent phys alclan. Ht hla never since bean troubled with tht dlaeaae, and ctn any, 'Hurrah for Hunulcutt'a BbtumatluCnn.'» Mr. B. T. Hitch, of the Pullman car aarvfoa, waa attended by three eminent physicians, witnoat f fleet. Thro* bottle* cured him. Ho recommend! James B.C— waste mm. 4 Co., W.p. I lit anil soorti ofotb*ri in this ctn log country cheerfully testify is to Its wonderful cutes Id their own andother cases. This remedy baa cured hundreds who hart tried every other preparation, without relief. One to Three Bottles Will cure tho most STUBBORN - CASE. JOHN B. DANIEL —AND— MAGNUS & HIGH TOWER. Price at retail $1.50 A BOTTLE. itber information ta regard to certificates on cea given by tha proprietors. J. M. nUNNICUTT & CO. P. O. ROEG, ATLANTA 1^5’ILx sdetTkhlia&tki'w at. L»£ i* uOTt-wkJfe.l ho: