The constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1884-1885, November 10, 1885, Image 12
'12 THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION - . ATLANTA, GiU TUESDAY NOVEMBER 10,1885. GEORGIA NEWS. BsaeaHirna route L.Oy-rao o snows winwst b> XCs.a.s Tot itrail. - I’K. otat, Q.a..nMos of Ita Cerlitlsn Otarat - TO. Oourco- aosisenri/ ssot-Oibar zr.wa. The ordinary of Pcbtey count/ hod a gillovi bullion which to hug Blsckinin, the murderer of Tocdct,tnd ■ coffin nude to place hit body LutnclibcrVIllbe needed yctswblle, u Black jnau’i counsel bis appetled hit cat* to taa rretac court, This ffret Blackmu about one Tear longer to lfro at leaat. Charier Blackmu amatfuafod Hr. enacwtll Saiiit, on the tth of lait Remember, ffe was tried at the September term of the court and Jound intlty of murder without an/ rccommen. elation to mere/,and he waaautenced to he hoot By Jodie Tort, on the oth of Hovember, although the irldeuce ni entire!/ drcunutautlal. The CTidecce dlacleted one of the moat deliberate planned murdere erer perpetrated, Ou the night Of Btplemlxr*,between Hand 12 o'clock, ao the evident e dlacloeed, Blackman waa aeen with 1 ' Shotgun, and toon thereafter Mr, Tondcc waa ahot thronih lha hock door of the atom In which na clerking, with buck ahot, two of them enter ing the heart ud bedtrd In Svaminuter. Thread alio ware proven. The night waa very dark and upon llamination It wu found that the anaaaln atood In a cotton patch near the atore and then /an. Backman baa never conferred bit guilt lbouib ever/ one Ihlnka that be will when he la certain that he will be hung. The city regfatrallon hooka of Alban/ have been doted, end lha Hat contain! nearly "00 names jaore than have ever reglatcrcd before. It claimed that the Hat ahowa a large number xamri of non-reeldenta and of oUtera not entitled go tighter. Of courte there wlU be cloaely watchel cm election day, now nearly a month oir. Thla regfatrallon of city voter* ft taktn every year prior go the election of mayor and other city official under a special atatnte. and the large Increase thta Tear In tho number of votert might be taken u snuffing exhibit for Albany, If thoae In a port gfon to know did nut take an oppoafte View of It. Thla lncreaao la mainly grem the ruka of the country negroea and It the Batumi outcomo ol the abort lighted policy of email city capliallata In building np every vacant lot In town with forty dollar board ahautlea for li la accommodation. A prominent lawyer on hit return from Baker court the other day oxpraaaod hit regrctfnl aurprlae at tho great Iqcreaaa In the quantity of good tillable lud along the road lying cut vacant and nuproduotlvo, alnce hfi former visit to Newton. The Knights of Labor have boycotted the Athena factory. lumembert are pledged not to patronise •ny firm that Mils the goods made there. Hit, Nancy Wilcox, wile of Captain Tom Wll Cox, ol Telfair county, waa on trial at McRae on SVtdr-nday laat for laianlty. She waa found to bo subject for tho asylum, ud left on the evening bain In compuy with her husband and sherlir, 2. A.McRae. M ra.Wllcox went to the asylum about Blue ycera ago. 8he was formerly a Him Nancy Smith, of Jonaaboro.and’was a ahter.ln law of the late Robert Todd, of Fotlon oonnly. Ur. ud lira. Wilcox lived for several/Mia on the Dnrud place In DeKalb county. Their marriage waa quite romutto. In lwtbwhen the people of At lanta rclugeed south, Him Smith, then abloom- log girl ol alxteco, accompanied tho family of Hr. Todd. They camped one night near the planta tion of Captain Wlloox, la Irwin connty, and were Vlilted during the evening by Captain Wilcox, then over sixty years ol age, and with Idng while hair ud beard, had Jut I lost bit wife, who, also, had beau an lo- Bate ol the lunatic aaylute. Ho saw Hla Smith, fell In love, ud at once stated hit with to marry her to Mr. Todd. The latter gentleman entered heartily Into tho scheme, and the marriage wM ionium maud. Since that period Mrs. Wilcox's life, from tome canto or ether, haa been very un happy. ending now with her seoond Incarceration fn the lunatic asylum. Captain Wilcox waa at one time a member of the stale senate of Georgia. In Lumpkin county there la a "mutual protec tion icclely against thieves." Each member egrets to pays certain sum (pro rata, we suppose,) for the re-capture of stolen property ud punish- Bent of tho thief, In the event uy of the mem- hem have horses or other properly stolen Among other thlnga done In Dodge superior tourt was tho Incorporation of the Orem lumber •ompany, composed of Hsears. 0. V. Orem, James C. Williams and John W. Pope, with a capital ■dock of 175,000 paid up, and headquarters at Cast Ban. An order was also taken by Messrs. DsLacytk Bishop, Incorporating the Georgia Fine Manu facturer!'association. This association la oom- hosed of Messrs. G. V. Grass, Harris A Mitchell, Wiles A Shearer, J. B. A W. T. Batts, Sainnel Carnes, J. M. Few and Manor A Bro., ol Dodgo county, ud Bmlth A Maaoy, ol ToUalr snooty, owners ud proprietors gtcam esw mills. Thmo gentlemen represent s capital ot about 1300,000 ud s capac ity of about two mUHon feat of lumbar per month. She object ct the oaeodatlon ts to scenre e dome#, tie end foreign market foe the produou of their xnUla The hoadqnarten ere nt laatman, ud Mr. G.V. Greet la president with hie oltlco si Grats'a mnis. They have u agency at Brunswick in Bhargs et Mr.John Colville, who la agont for solid- ftisg finlett, An firm of nows from Dooly Is, that lbs cholera fa playing havoc with lha hogs over nearly the whole county, ud that many farmers la that srlf-soalnlnlng county will have to buy thtlr Beat thta winter, who navar did the Ilka batue. Maws ot ooo ol tho moat dsiterdly outrages over committed In that section reached Cnthbaet Sat urday, lha detain ol which ware tola one coma, pondent by asvsral reliable gentlemen who had Just relumed from Rnlaula. During the waek, a number olCuthbert people .have attended the Rail Alabama fair, now la nrogrem In Rntaula. ABcrgotbera, who went over on Thnnday'e train, waa Mr. GeorgaBpalgbt ud hla eonstn.Mtm Mettle Brawn, a beautiful young tad j.mneh loved by ter many Irleuds lor her nobleness ol charac ter ta we 11 as her rare beenly. Bhohastoreevcral - Teem been mending Andrew Female college ud ■teed hlgl In her claseet, winning Urelove of her leaebeta aod bearing off medals of honor ovor lees ■utcnstal competitors. At some time In tht day Mr. freight ud hla retrain registered et the 81 lallrn hotel ud were assigned to rooms. Min Welle Pulnemwaa to play at the open hour# et nit Mind Mr. Ipolght laggcrted to hit oonslQ that tho repair to hec room ud omago hat toilet lor tho •vuatogW euttrtstnmrnt. Alter aht had goat to bar mem a mu by the naan of Adam., the pro prietor of tho 81 JoUu bow, appmaehtd tho door tnd Ceding It unlocked, opted It, went tu, end leering It on tht Inside, put the hay In hit pocket. Ht then caught Use young lady, who tni Already dreadfully alarmed ud aetatmlng, hat berertau for belp were to tend and prolonged, tho wretch woo frightened ud attempted to make hla escape by night. It waa hla intention, ao tha lady say., to lock her In ca bo mat out, hat the JoUer.vd him to clcrelv ft was fmpoaafhlo for him to get any. Following him right on hta Reals they Dually reached tho hotel office, whom fortunately some gentlemen were standing. Tha TOOP8 lady appealed to than tot help, suUng that aht had boon greatly lasnlted, ud naked them to take hot to her cousin, Mr. Speight. Ou oftha gentlemen proved to Da Mr. Jim Williams, el Demon, Georgia, ud ho kindly olkicd amlit- »»«• Stettin* beak up itatro they aoon tohd Me, apolght. When- the young tedy hcokt down completely end treated ■neh sympathy from thoae who had gathered nsooud Adame denied betas the man when ap. PeoMhed. ud toeutled MmaeU In hta cm ca with .abate... The yooag lady irate, porillvely Th-rt bu lathe sun; that the net only foUawad him ikawa s lain, hot that tha rememlire Matae. dim mornlrg, tnd vtrlana ccrr mlltecs ware appoint ed to receive and entertain the eacnitloulsts from Ohio and New York. A Urge number ol theta will arrive tomorrow; Monday they will be tendered a steamboat rxcurelou down tha Coosa c.n the steamer John J. Rosy. Later .hero will be a banquet. Farmsra are very backward In fathering tho'.r crop! In Taylor en account ol to much rain, aid Oi d tbit cotton b very much damaged. SCtUa have began to tow small grain, and propose to put In quite a large area of their farms In grain. Mr. J B. Carlton, of Athens, tho father of Hon, H, II. Carlton, celebrated bit ninetieth birthday cn lie nret lost, by firing a dinner tohtacblld ten and frlrnda. A serious difficulty ooenrred one and a half miles ot Sugar Valley Sstnrday between Joseph Davis and “Bod’’ Graham,whlab may prove t > be vuy serlcna. Trcm meagre end contradictory aiatementa It tecs: a there wu an old fashioned cotton picking yesterday at Mr. Oraham'a fal lowed by a dance at night. About 7 o'clock p,'m. Mr. Deris and tome friends arrived at the dance aid young Graham Informed them they were net at the picking nor were they Invited to the duee end ordered them to leave, from thta thejfncai commeuccd.whlch reanltod'.In Darla having an ear bit or culofl and beat up -on tha head considera bly by Graham, Faria In tbe mean time getting In bla worn cn Giabem with a pocket knife. Gra- hamwaa badly ent backol bla left ehonlderor side, the physician pnablna hta longs beck Into the cavity Item which they were protruding. It la thought he la bleeding Internally and may die Inconsequence. The trial before a Jnatloe ot the peace, ol Darla and hta aesoctatee, haa been poet poned. Worth superior court ooHapted Thntsdoy after neon on account of the Dtacovery that the Jnrore then serving wert Illegal, made to by the fellnre of two of the old commtatlonera to be eworn In. According to the opinion el tome lawyers, thta fact mikes null and void the work ol thbud the spring term ol court, which, II correct, will In volve the county In considerable additional lllba- tlon. Henry WHItame wu accidentally ahot on the Fleetwood place, about four miles from Thomas- vlilr, on the Connty Line road. Mr. John nut wood had purchased a gun a few days previous and was examining it, when ft discharged and slinck Henry In the upper pert of the thigh, from which he died Sunday night. Mr. Fleetwood did not know the gun was loaded. A coroner's Inquest wu held, tnd the Jury rendered a verdict that the deceased came to htadcath by the accidental dis charge cl n gnn In the hende of Jobs Fleetwood, and exonerating Mr. Fleetwood. The subject of lb« Improvement of the htrbore on the Booth Atlantic cost bu attracted attention and fe exciting much Interest. The general gov ernment, under the power to prevido for the lean- tral welfare, bai given consideration to the Im provement of the harbors as a subject demanding Ita care, end hu done ranch In thta Jraspect by ap proprlatlena of money from time to tlme-yet much remains to be done, The Increasing do mends of foreign et well u domestic commcrco, In wbleh the rut interests of e huge section of our contlnuany growing country ere un earned, make It plain tbat Use harbors ol tha South Atlantlo coast, the gete- wsyr, to to speak, through which the Imports and exports ol the south and wait must come and go, should he made the object of prime concern with the government, that the work of their Improve- msnt may he attnred by adeqnale and timely ap- protrlatlona and Judicious expenditures. Tho dangers and difficulties of navigation addmnoh to the coat ot transportation, end thru add a tax on commoditise which talla on both producer and consumer, necessarily detracting from the wealth of tbs country. The removal of theta dangers cheapensllrelght, facilitates commerce, end adds to material wealth. Feeling the fores of tbsto suggestions; knowing that a rut portion ol the south and west are concerned In the subject, end believing that a free end conference wlU result In forms full conference _ DinlfnjHbOjjanbUo sentiment into name expres sed lo com ej rrl , ,1 —.. ... ware uiw I JUUS| AU l„V IIMAs alia Va BIA SWW.J vttjut W.,. '*** u oUler Sbd charcoal, wbleh rangM Bre. rolling on top Snorday 1 ^«.n,«re it the enhjeet to the country In inch manner u to aeenre lithe , jffl provement convention - _ tyol Savannah on the 23th day ol November, lor the purpose ol taking such action u may teem beat to push forward tho work of Improving lha harbors of the South At lantic cow. J. H, Allen, managerol the Southern telegraph compuy In Augusta, and a resident over a year, was drowned last Tuesday In Birch’s pond, noar Ike city. He went out with Mr. Hfnnant, one of hit operatora, and while Hlnnent en unmanageable bone, AUen undressed and Jumped Hr the water. When Ulnnant found Al len, be wu floating on tha water, Hlnnent polled him out ud brought him to town. He wu hell way reenslcated, but died when he reached the city. Allen was under tho influence of whisky. It 11 thought he went In the wetu btU nnconrolout ud else with suicidal In tent He got Into a difficulty Saturday night, WU robbed and cut One of hta compuioni today wuflnedby the recorder. Hta trouble preyed open hta mind, and U ta supposed, that altar tak ing too mnch whisky, he drowned himself. H( wts a gi serous, clivtr young man, ud very pop ular among hta friends in Augusta. Hta family reside In flparusbnri, 8.0. In consequence of Ihukeglvtng day coming on Ihcsetb, the general committee have decided to change the dey ter the assembling of the harbor convention hr Savannah from tha 23Ih ta tha 21th and aska that general publicity bo given to the chenge. The attendance promisee to he very targe. The Walton News uyi that Meat re. N. R. Thomp son, A. A. Melton ud others have bun working on tha new Dlcklnson’a bridge, and In catting down a tree below the bridge on tbe other elde of the river happened to excellent lock. Hr. Thomp ton noticed Utata place ol a dIOennt kind ol wood had been dovetailed In the tree tbat they were cutting, and ant U out. Ha said that from appearances the piece of wood had been plaoad Ihcro twenty or twuty-Bvo ago, but told they didn't And anything. One ot tbe partite got on tbeonttldeol about a times 3 Angara ol tha ovarjoylntud admitted that they found over 11,(00 In gold In that tree. Dickinson's bridge Is two ud e half miles west of Monroe on the Alcove river. Some time ago an old negro died ra the place end Informed Dr. Walton that than wu a lugs amount ot confederate gold buried on the place Irat tailed to tell the spot where It wu bailed Tbe puttee who found the gold are not known, elthcuth several rations have left country, no doubt thinking they upwbat they hYTiound. The hote*where the^tox came Item looks something Uke suave.ud ta three fret long and toarlcot wide. Two oak rails bad been plac'd on each tide of lha box, which bed rolled, showing lb at lha box had bean batted a lent time. The people In wilhes county era certain tbat the gold bu been found, and tram lha ilsa ol the holt than must have been between twenty end twenty-Bve Uonaud dollart In the "ox. A bed wreck occurred tut night at8p.m. on Ita Raat resumes, Virginia ud Georgia railroad atChUdenbnrg, canted by the coIUrtra el two freight train!. Tha regular freight going north wn already doe at Alnlja, whan It layeovec ntebt. bnt for aomt reason wu several hoars be hind time. A epcctal MgMcomingerath polled np et Alpine on time ud regtstered arrival. Net noticing that tbe regular freight had net arrived ud receiving no train orders, the conductor ordered tbe en gineer to go ahead. A abort time after the two train met in the bellow, each going down grade, and whipping tu beet for the grade ahead. The ragfneen suddenly «w the danger, rrrened the I even ud blew dawn breaks, bnt toe late, 'the two trains colliding. It wee a matt horrible crash. One Bremin wu Instutly killed. One en gineer. Robert Hill, ta horribly scalded and but and tbe ethtr, (ban Daeta, ud aennl other train man, are sr rlonely If net fatally Blond. The two eastest crashed together, recoiled ud lumped the track. Fire or six car loads el cool /lately burying I demolished. The wreck ta said to be tha won that ever occurred on tbat division. Bales of cot ton. coal, menbandlte end general debris we scattered ell over the road-bed a ‘ ' Tha Ices ta probably *16,CC0 or mora. A bat lying rathe bank of the Chattahoochee river atcolombus led to tha discovery of o cue of dre wnlny, making the second that hu osenr, red there wffbfn leu then a week. Mr. Rd Holley, of Biownvllle, did not return to hfs rcaldenca lut night, and Ms family become nneuy obent him. T hla morning, wbUe hta little son wu looking for blm, hewn shown tho hat that hid been fonnd tnd he et cum recognised if n hta father's Cpon Investigation the deed body of Mr Holley wu dlicovcred lying In the river Just below the Kagleond Fhenfx dam. When removed from tbe niter an ngly guhwu fonnd hud, wbleh ta supposed ta hive been ctuied by /alilog upon a rock fn the river. Mr. Holley wu In the habit of taking hta sprees, end was seen going home from thta city, about nine o'clock, fn an Intoxicated condition. There wu no one who con U-Il how bo came to bo drowned, and It ta not known whether It wu accidental or anlcldeL He learn a respectable family, oonalitlng of a wllo and atx children. Until a abort time ago he wu for a number of yeara foremen of the woolen de partment of the Regie end Pbenlx mllli. There we twenty bachelors fn Marietta. Variate rim to bit brother In Cat ttoogt coun ty, recently, Hr. J. P. Durham, of Uobb cjunty law a belli r eleven months old giving a quart ot mllbperdsy, and she had never had a calf. Tha Calhoun Tlmea gives tho foUowing account ol the Sugar Valley tragedy s Lut I etnrday night the young lolka had a party at Mr. A. M. Graham's with the understanding tbat then should ha no dancing, bnt a party ol Gojs came over from Sager Valley ud aroposed to dance any way. Hard words followed between Hud Graham on one aide ul Jack Abbott and Joe Devta on the other. Yount Graham followed the others Into the road aod drawing a pistol, snapped It In Davit's face several times, when tbe tatter drew htaknllo ud stabbed Graham in tha back. Jnat below the ahonlder blade, making an ugly and icrfoni wonnd, which may retail fatal!y. Davis and Abbott were arrested and brought to thta place Sun day evening where they were placed In Jail. The affair hu attend np a great deal ol excitrmint In the neighborhood, u the young men ue weU connected, ud ta to be yoini; mo lie scrim;! PsffilfvHIIIRnwWinonro™!anF of turn bard feelings which It ta calculated to arouse bel ■■■■■gthbora, ud which time alone can oblllJ ta aboro aro Iho facta, iw wo gather them ■■rat cltlxena of that vicinity. Cn Tuev-I dey morning. Devta end Abbott wero brought be- fora, Squire Fnlltam, and waiving trial, their bonds were placed at Dva hundred dollart for the former and two hundred and ally far tht latter. mat _ ran. — gfty for tha latter. The bonds were reedUy given, ud theyun now at liberty. The hnntere In Worth oounty are having a lively time. BeceDtly James Carroll killed a rattlesnake thatwualxfeetlong,uIarga around u the call olamu’eleg, and had tasks ona ud one-lonrth Inches long.' The atrugcit part about tha snako ta Cbathaanlyhadnlnaratlfe*, the smallest num ber perhaps ever found on so largo a rattlesnake. It ta supposed that the baluco of tho rattles froze or, Messrs J. R. Hornsby and M. C. Lemon, one day recently killed eleven tqnlrreta at ton shots. Thta ta pretty good hunting, bnt eclipsed by Frank Hornsey and Doc Lcrnox, who killed seven equip re.a at only one shot. Thta wlU he carter credited when It ta known that they polled tlx of them out ol hollows without any thootlng at aU. Ittaru- stored that Bom killed a yearling doe end her fawn recently, that hid twenty-one rattlea ud o bnlton, ud luge holt a foot long. Also a high land mooculn whose antlers matured three feet acrou end had eight pronge to the side. It weighed, when dreued, lt>8 pounds, end Ita hems told for eight dollars ud Ita hide for three. The atato convention ot the Christian chnrch concluded Ita session on Thunday night last to Augnrta with a Tory ablo discourse from the retiring president, Rev. Dr. A. G. Thom sv, of At lanta- The cxarctace were opened by Bar. A. F. Lee. The delegatee to the general church mlmlon convention, to meet nextOctohuln KueuCIty, ereu follows: T.M.Harris,0. 8, Loots, A. a. Thomas, & K. Mims, W. D, direr, I, M. Fort, John Cooper, Jr„ A. B. Herring and Mlu Maggie Ore, state Evangelist B. V. Omer re pelled during tho past year 355 visits, thirty two chuicbcs visited,193 sermons preached, ataly four additions to hta charges, ud 4,878 mllci traveled. He reported feurteeu new church es established. Elder L. D. Ridgeway was elected Mate eTUKeltat thta year. Tho convention deci ded to aid Athena aa a mtaeionary point by giving 8400. A successful appeal was alio made for tho state paper, Christian Telescope, published in AiluU.udlht convention relied money for church work the ensuing yesr. Atlanta waa selected for the next convention, which wilt moot tho oooond Wednesday In Novembar, In 1888, ThefoUowtng officers ware elected for tho ensuing year: President—G. 8. Lucas, Aognsta; secretary—A. 0. Emlth, Alluta; treasurer—B.O. Millar, AugusU; executive comtnltteo—J. B. Hook, Charieo Estes Jr., Lamar A. C. Brace, A. B. Minis. Hiss Maggie Ore, ot Atlanta, read a most admir able may before tho convention thta afternoon on "Womu a mtaeionary ud a helper," and the Christian Women’e Georgia mission hild sessions In tho Interest ol thtlr foreign ud home minion in ten its. These ladles’ boards met alter tha reg ular work of tha eon/ratlon wu finished, and aro valuable coadjnlon to tbe elate convention, Five thousand parsons attended the Athene lair Wednesday. The racing wu very good both tha with rnnnere ud trotters. In the vanning race, milt heats, best three in five, Thnrman'e bone, Squatter, eerily won, Friday ta the day proper for the exhibition of Jsrseya Mr. F. 8, - - - Hg ,OdM ______ _ _____ _ Iphjft JriplU« Mercury, Splendor 3d, ud' other' noted batter strains na ta tha attraction ot ell admirers ot flnaJcrteys A great many ladles were In attenduoe. and the classic city and oi her acctlou furnished a flat uny ot beautiful ladles Tha Journal referring to the tmslncei revival In Perry,rays: ALL THROUGH DIXIE. whatthb southern folks are SAYINOAriD DOINO. aorieacs en e Praia In Virginia-Xllltd Prow ska XITceta of oread/— A Struts la Vvxss -Drain crOirsral Plnrxsn—A atsrtltna Oaaaa- Ueaia Paaaaaiaa-Oiaar News. I*rulalana The Few Orleans papers complain thst hood- inmfim ta rampant. F lorida- Gen. Flnegan, tha distinguished ex-cynfeder- ate, who loneht the inccesslnl battle of Olnetee, February 20th, U6I. against the federal force un der General Bsymour, died et hta orange grove, in Orr use conoty, Tuesday night He wu born In Corrlea, Ireland, November 17,1814. Virginia. J, W. Crabill, a young brekeman, slipped on a freight train Friday near \jrinohestor and fell under the train and wu fearfully mangled. Hta remains were Battered along tbe track for tome distance. He leavu a widow end one child. Hon. Robert Johnaton, judge of the county court Harrisonburg, died Jut Friday. He wu lor many yeara auditor of tbe elate of Virginia before the war, and wu a member of the con federate congress. Uiirlssippi. and Elisa Cook, Thunday night, in Ms- county. Moss ahot Cook through tho la, killing him, and also ahot Eilat in the John end Eli rlcn counts bowela, killing him, right breast, i till cling a fatal wound. Mom ran from town and escaped to the woods. Pureait wu organized by eitlaena 1 but Mou succeeded in eluding him until two bloodhound! were pot on bli trail. Tbe animate tracked him deep into the woode, and overtook him. He turned and fired twice at tho doge, killing one ol them. By Ibia time the pursuing pi ' close behind the doge, came u ed Mou with death unless He gave himeelf up, and ta now In jail. North Carolina. Caleb Blgmer, of Newton, undertook to drink a gallon ol apple brandy Monday and died at seven o'clock laat Tneaday In great agony. For some momenta alter bit death pure brandy ran from hla mouth end nostrils. HU lut words were to cell for more liquor. A valuable precedent in taw wu established In Dario connty superior court. Abram Smith and Lee Tnrner, both colored, were lent to tire pent tentiary tor two yeara each lor stealing a water melon. Thta ta aald to be tho first cate of the kind on record In tho lew annals of the state. A five dollar confederate bill wu patted on a hotel man In Raleigh lut week, The larmeraol Buncombe county, have rebelled against tbe no fence law. in the mannfutura ol any as tide at common utility, and there era many such that could na made u wall aid cheaply here u say where. Cap ital necessary lu the astabltehmant pi each enterpstau eenld, we believe, be readily secured, and not much would be re- qnirfd. Already there ta a partial plant here that eenld be utilised tn tbe manufacture ot articles ot wood end Iran ta general rue >>• tna tamara throughout the connty, u wellu clttatneol the town. An eaten. men et Henderson hu proven beyond there ta money In the manufacture of bandies and ether ertielea' of Uke .u— wagons, etc if money ran thus he made ten mm from a railroad, there certainly ran be no ume^tne Ura'* amt couM Mt ** ***** oa *“* In tbe chicken metn at oaorgetnwn lut vraek brtsreea Grist, of Georgia, and Clark and Britton, el Alabama, Grist won eight and Clue and Brit ton ilx. llAimiB-D IN OKOltOt L C.P. Clower and Mlu Tommie Smith, Grant- rule—Robert L. Wright tnd Mice Bessie Din form, Augusta william Duncan and Mist Delta Davidson, Columbus M. a D. Lyle and Mia Kettle Kceicy, Atlanta..... K. B. Williford and Mbs & and Mist Biotas Atlanta... J.' Dalton Dr. Camp and Mist DoUte Fletcher, Forsyth. BIRD IN OSOBGI4. Mrs. N. P. Taylor, Macon K. W. Wellard, C> Ictubas Mrs Joseph T. Tolbert, Lasts*too — Mira Martha Biases, Lexington Mrs. Billie Am- hsrae. Lawrencevllta .. Engine Rogers, Americas ruimoa^OTa.^Df. WSforaSsMSllJSS R. R Welt, atlants T. S. Roberta. Fairborn.... L flair. Griffin John Merry man. Jr^ AtUnje ’liiner, AUann.^XbarUe Cox, 1 **''' ~ & lanu Mrs. G. . AUinuJ'feisWwri.^ I. D. Stewart, Joncahora. (Texas. A itrlke of conaldenble magnltnde wu be gun In Galveston on Tuesday, 3d Inst., by the Knlghtt ot Labor. Tho trouble aroee from the refnul of the agent of tho Mallory line ofsteain- cra, to withdraw the colored longshoremen from the Mallory whuf, where they have been work ing for the put two weeks, having been pnt on to replace the striking longshoremen. FaUlng to carry their point with tho Mallory line, the atriken Joined the Knights of Labor, end thta or- lenlzttf on hu undertaken to restore the white longshoremen. AUghe Knights of Labor em ployed by the Saif, Colorado and Santa Fo rail road, and by the Missouri l’aciflc line In thta city have gon e ont under oidcri from the stateexecn. tire committee. The Knights In tha aesocteted cotton proses In this dty have also struck, and lour large itcera cotton pres tea are Idle. Tho bandllpii ot freight by the rallroadi Is for the time being pandyied. An imposter, who represented himself as Father Byan, hu been Jailed for forgery st San Antonio. Galveston bu only sixteen ftqnor saloons. The dengue fever bu spread all over Dallu Even the animate are down with It The authoriUec era closing np the gambling dsns in Ban Antonio SoutH Carolina. Jenkins Wright wu committed to Jill from the Lawtonvllls section, chtrged with the murder ol hta wife, Chulotta Wright, and afterwards bums Ing np her body. A Jury of fnqnsat wu empaneled by Trial Justice J. A, Davis, tnd tbe flndlnc ot the nry wag tbat tho deceased came to herdeathby loin upon tho head, Inflicted by a cudgel orolub the hende ot Jenklne WrlghL Tho woman's all was fractured In two places, and her body a then thrown Into tho Are by bar murderer, I burned almost to a cinder. They werene- u. .1 Charleston lut Wednesday the grand Jnry nd a tone bill against Dr. A. N. Bellinger, tor mnroor ol Stopnry Riley, a colored man. -ry Ellen Williams, a colored woman, who In nst lut pnt a quantity ol."Rough on Rats" In which aho lea to her husband and three ot her children, from tbeeflectaot which they all hu been convicted of murder and sentenced hanged on the I2th of .February next - oral hundred bales of cotton In the ware- - ol tho Reedy Blvermsnnfactnrfng camps- ught flic on tho 2d tusk, and thrummed tha ictlon of the entire lot. huleeton, W. L. Clemens locked hta On Id son In a dark room. When tha door wu d tht child had lost hta reason. Tonnesaee. oststertlleg senutton wu divulged lut at Bpring City, Rhea county, Mtaa Salllo y, a beautiful yonng lady ol that place, dial i. two wetka ago, very mjiterlonsly. The regarding her death wan tupprond, and until today did the troth -na known, On her dying bed Id her terrible secret to hse family physl- under hta promise to guard her oonleerion dy, hut he wu pnvaUed upon to dta- tbe truth. For some month! put n young csmcdJ. Blcke bad.ocen paying devoted tlon to the jonng tody. Ha tenneded her a scent marriage, under pretense that hta er would oppose the match. He to ed her tnto an adjoining ly, and with tha ttstaltnra . onfedetate-had a mock ceremony performed •it a month afterward! he begun admtnteter- medicine, and tbe young till gradually wait rey. When It wu loo late sha discovered that rad been murdered by slow potion, saddled ‘invulaioiit. Tha vtlltaa who accomplished rntn hu Bad tha country, ondey Ih* contract wu awarded by S. M. Win star, lor tbe erection ot 1100,000 loor story hurt- • . a block nt tbe corner II Seventh tml Market cats. Two other 175,000 blocks are now tn oonrse - erection. Mon building ta In program in Chat- , uooga than ever before in Us history- Henry Gatov,white trying to tie aa enraged ball l-1 Chattanooga, wu attacked by the animal and LORdneuly to death. Tha GeoigeH. Thomas poeto A.B.,01 Ctacla- nsU, states that the excursion party which will vWt thittaoooga will BU twenty two oere end cxceced 1.008 In number. It to the lamst excur sion that hu aver coat from the north. At NuhvDle the motion lor a new trial wu res fnacd In tha rate ol Boyd, charged with thetaor- dcr of Birdie Fattenon An appeal wu taken. Alabama. A gw* man shot a negro *lrl in Montgom ery with whom he was in love, because she weald not marry him. He then tnrned the pistol on himself and Bred four shots, ona of which In the aeek is probably fatal. The bigamist Morrison, now in JaU at Clayton, will plead gaHty. Daring his Imprisonment ue will study law or aedMaa. The meal peace and serenity ot HutevtUe wu broken cn Wednesday by Ue harrowing intelli gence of s bloody trsdegy ta which two well kr own citizens wars ike principals. It seems that Mr. Frank I IckUng, Iretght as cat ot tha Memphis end Chari, ton railroad, as Ufa place, had had a dteyatc about thsdelfvary of son* cotton, with Ur. Robert J. Kelly, who Ua tnsiler agent. Kel ly, whole a young men of twenty-three yens, procuteda knife, It Is said, for the exprested pur pose of using It on FlcUlng. He thenwentto Flckllng'e office, and began abuse him. Words culminated into a tragedy. Kelly first etabbed Flckllng under tbe left shoulder blade, Inflicting tn ngly and painful wonnd, and than ran, whereupon Flck ling drew a revolver, emptlng the fire chambers, three leads of which struck Kelly, klUlog him luslanlly. The physician attending Flckllng nya tbat hta wennd ta not serious. Public sentiment, although not Indorsing Ffckflng's act, ta in aym path/ with him. John M. Speed, eon of Joseph H. Speed, ex-Dnl ted States mershal, wu arretted tn Montgomery last Monday et a house of Ul fame, on a charge of forgery. The check' which led to the erreet wu drawn on tho First National hank of this city for forty-five dollars. Several more chocks are In the hands of the demi-monde Some time ego thta seme Speed wu indicted for rape, bnt wu not convicted. When the Birmingham waterworks company (new corporation) sought several months ago to condemn Five-mile creek for tho purpose of bringing that stream to tho city, It wu met by an injunction obtained.!)/ tho property owners, who claimed that they would bo damaged two hnn- dird and filly thousand dollars. A stubborn fight en ued, which has tasted three months. The Jnry brought in a verdict today, giving the property owners only eight tbonmnd. Thta means thst Blrmlrghsm will have two water works, and In sures cheap rates, ts the Ely ton company uy they will give their water sway before thenewcoa- gany shall have their customers. Daniels, the nlneteen-yeu-old barkeeper at Ox- mtor furtscc, wts found inurdered in tho stloon early thta morning. No clew to tho murderer. STATE LUNATIC ASYLUM. Facte of Intereet condensed from Or. Pow ell's Annual Report. Superintendent T, O. Powell, of the State Luna- tlo siytnm, filed with tho governor yesterday hta annual report, giving in detail tho every fostnro connected with the lmtltuuon. The report ex tends from October 1st, 1884, to October 1st, 1885. At the opening of this year there wore in the asy lum 888 whites tnd 839 colored. The eddltlona during the period named are 288 wbltee and 107 colored. The deaths have been 234 whiles and 101 colored' Tbe youngest inmate ta fifteen and the oldest nltcty. There are seven of the age of fifteen and two of tho ego of ninety. The causes that lead lo the Insanity or Idiocy ol theltmatesareglrenufollowi: Alcoholic stim ulants, 82; menlngctla, 1; blow on tho head, 8; child blitb, 4; fever, 1; change ol life, 2; convic tion of mmder, 1; disappointment!, 8; death ol retatlvee, 2; deserted by husband, 2; epilepsy, 22; exrotnre,l; fright, 2; family troubles, 8; heredi tary tendency, 40: herd study, 2; 111 health, 18; Idiocy, 18; Insomnia, 1; killing a man, 1; loss of husband, 2; lots ol daughter, 1; loss ot property, 2; loss of chil dren, 1; Irises pecuniary, 5; masturbation, 5; nturalite, 1; opium, 18; overwork, 8; poverty, 1; puerperal fever, 1; religious excitement, 14; mcaues, 1; result of war, 1; suppression ol menses, 1, spinal troubles, 2; sunstroke, 1; typhoid fertr, 2; uphills, 11. 2 he report states that tbe condition of theiln- atltntfon ta good, and that all of the departments ere properly managed. SHORT NEWS NOTES "CuMBisro Ur tui Golduk Stairs" haa aa great a ran at present u any piece of music pub lished. Navioatiox ceased In section 8 of tho Cham plain canal on Tuesday. This section ta covered with loe ful y en inch thick. Ix Iowa, It la aald, there are 286 farms owned by women. Twenty of these are dairy farms and are managed rntlrtly by women. There sre In the stale 182 women physicians and five womon lawyers. AnocT 75,000,000 eggs were exported lrom Anocns, Italy, to England last year. Had it not bean for tha political excitement in Ohio, which extended even to tho bens, Mr, Hayes expected to make Fremont a rival of Ancona thta year. Tax Flood palace, on "Hob Hill,” San Fran cisco, te being fitted up with wood work and brio, a brae brought together from every part ol the world. Sixty carloads are oa the way: each room hu lit special attractions from a dlfierent coun try, and nothlog It left that could (ratify the hunger for luxury of the newly rich, Tmt ta tho way in which milking is dons on thetalandol Jersey: Tall bucket*, narrowed near the top, with widened months, are nied. A linen cloth ta tied over the top, then a smooth sea ahell pushed down In tho depTeerton to reed re the ilk. The ehell prevents Ue wearing ol tbe cloth by tho streams ol milk end nt the same time sosvm aa a strainer. Tna noted Gadeden mansion, In Chsrlos- ton, 8. C„ hu been sold to Mr. Arthur Barnwell lortU.CCO. The mantel-pieces aro ot nnre Italian marble end elaborately carved, and coat 15.000. Since the wu the mansion wss used ta a On"-* states conrthome, hut Mr. Barnwell will refit . occupy It m a residence. Uefore the war 11 was one of the moat handsomely appointed houses in the south. PiviiriASS havo to pay (50 for good akole- Iona and 180 for common ones. The preparation ol them 1s growing to heqntta a business. Tha most difficult part oi tht process >■ to clean lha bone without marring them. Medical collage jantton y nearly monopolise lha trade. The Franct J In whitening tho boats and making then more presentable. A Law wu passed recently Id Fesnsylva. nta, that physiology should bo taught in tho pub lic schools. An Indignant mother writes to e co atelier, It'i a cuilcus thing, (his thing we call civ ilization," lays the dellghtlnlly didactic Howells In "fil’u Lapbam.” "Wo think It an affair of epochs end nations. It's really an affair ol Indi viduals, Ont brother will be civilised and the otherebarbarlan I’- slrit who were so brat olflertnt to tbe aria which make civilisation 'that they ouiht to Sava been clothed la the skins ot wild beasts end gone snout barefoot with clubs over their shoulders. Yst they were ot polite origin,•ndthelrparenteaUeutreepectta! of tu things that three yonng animate despised." A'rxf u-eejt's Conllitution will hare fifteen pa ger,four pagte of which trill be opr premium litt for 1886, The "Honorablee." From tbe New York Sun. An eetceaod correspondent submits tbe fol lowing Inquiry: Sin: WlU yon kindly inform mo what the low ed public position ta tbat a man can bold that would entitle him to pul honorable before hta nameT 8. F. 8. There Is no tew wnetever on thaeabjcct,and the trades ol those who enjoy Ute complimontry distinction seem lo he grad nelly widening oni. Originally It wn conferred on members of eon- gress, members ol the cabinet, governors, tad other high mugwumps. Naxl members of state letblaturea ware called honorable, and now pretty much every follow whom anybody wishes to please gets thta vsrete and Indeterminate epithet, nta s|Tn matter of taste, and there ta no precise Site Twenty-Eighth Georgia Veterans, From the Augusta, Ga., Chronicle. A meeting of representatives ot tha ear- vivortol the Twenty-eighth Georgia ragt- ment, et the confederate army, was held at noon yesterday at tha Clinch Rifle's armory, Captain W. H. Douglass, ot company I, pre siding, and A. J. Adkins, of Augusta, parma- nent secretary. Tha meeting wu ad dr sued by Mr. Biamith Millar on the gloria of tha grand army of tho confederacy S atriotic alleglanct to tho whole country ol to survivors of a war in which they had as sailed with dauntless rage tha very flag lor which alone they would again enroll In atrifa. II wureeolved that tha regiment hold ore. union In Augusta on tha first Tneaday ta An. gait next, and eommilteaa were appointed to perfect errargementa, procure speakers and to do such othsr things aa would propagate tha IU1 purpose of tha maatlag. The commit tees are: Executive—Messrs. Douglas, Ad kins, Jxglett, Welch, Newman, williams, Thompson, Boat, Tudor, Drake tnd Marten. On speakers—Ueeers James Stapleton, 8. A. H. Thompson, Thomaa Inglett and A. J.Ad- TUM COTTON HARXWTg, CONSTITUTION OFFICB, Atiakta, November 7, lass, rax wxxx'g BXYTSW, New York—At tho close to-day fa tares stood 15|„ 20 points under a week ago with tone steady. Spots have ranged downward, and closed OJJc for middling! Local—Tho local cotton market has been com. psraUvely quiet this week, and spots hare been ou a downward tendency. Receipts for tbo week amount to 13,1(2 bales, asalnstlO,(S3 bales last week and egalnitll4.653 balesjlor the corresponding week lut year. NEW YORK, November e-Tha tallowing toth* comparative cotton etatement lor the week ending Rfoln*™**. 13. 1W10 SSuSSfesr.” ‘'MSS _ Showing an Increwe, Export* for tbe wnrX,.., Game time ljut rear. _ .flbowlnxadecrei Total exporta to dat Bane time last year. Bhowlxm in Jncreau Bane time last year,.^ 749 522 ■ W.0J9 > 1.670 :'V*27 S^.tXJO Bane time last rear... HssKIEL ate&TSEr^ Sams time last year., . Showing a decrease American octton afloat for Great Britain . 175,000 game too test year. 194,000 ghowlng a decrease , 21^00 SATURDAY, NOYSMBXS 9, Now York-Cotton closed weak and ol derided downward tendency. Spots, middling 0 MW. N ct reoelpu today 29,309 Dales, against 82,091 ntlsc Uxt year: exports 15,9(0 bales; lutyear 80,023 balm I Stock 099.C 12 bales; last year 719 627 balm. ore Novembar-. December... January-. February. ttareh g.i April—9.' Closed weak; Salop*5,830 bales, local-Cotton weak at the following quotations: Good mtddllngSJio; middling 8Hc: strict low mid- dung 8 7 lcc; low middling 8J4c: strict rood ordi nal/ So; goodordlnsrv7Kmordlnuy7? M1W YORK, November 7—Tha total visible sup ply of cotton for the world la 2.103,367 hales, ol which I.WIU67 bales are Amoriosn, against 2,191272 helm andl,*90,072 respectively last year. Receipt! afoottouat all interior towtul98.017bales;rccriotj from plantations 921,789 orupm sight 3,116,825 uvatMMku AYLABXA,.November 7-Dcal cu report a good trade In live stock. Tho following prices! are cure Tnrsm, ping, sosatud; good medfnm Jddrairing 117531225; extra goo" . —-JI300. Mules, good medium BAASi 8280: extra medium 818036176: extra 91703*2.95, CINCINNATI, November?—Hosts steady; oom mci and llght J2.183U60; packingMJ-feteaiti VMOTmiOKH, GHADI, FTC. Atlaxta, Novemtaar7riM6, WBXlTi Optnlax. Hlgbavt Ltwtai. OlMiai Voxx, November J47X a to IS7J4 g 60 December s 50 8 86 6 80 ' “ ym TMf, NoTcmbcr......... 170 < 70 4 70 4 70 Mlac«u*n«oaa ( fttcnt9fl.OOOV6.75; extra fanoy 86.01 *M0f«W6.75; extra family 95.50 9I5-00Q5.24; family 9l.MA94.75 L-Airn Dt.zi'igtR.oO. Corn-at- Charles white nsc: No 9wh)teC5c: No.9 white mixed f5*: No.9 mlx«3 COc. Corn Meal C5@67c; bolted 65A67c. OaU—Kot proof 45(9«Sc; No. 9 mixed 40At2j{c. Hay—cholo timothy, large Dalea,91.00: cnolco timothy, imftl bolea.81 00; No. 1 iar*e beiea 90c; No 1. *10*1 bales 95£ Peas-Red 75c; clay 75c; mixed 75c. Whea Bran 8100. Grlta—98.75wt>bl. Coffee* Rlol0ai3ol tts oliJgovernment Java astf. ficgara-Stan&rd J 7kc; sranolated 7%o; white extra 0 m? 1 J4 bb!« 96.59; No. t bbl* 90 M); bblfc 8.60; klU Sugsr-rurto hams, largo average 12c: smsl do. 12V& Lard — Tierce* reflnod, 7Xo Uioloe leal, 9fl9}S. Lemona-S3.(«3l3.u y box. mato shoos 66210; boras shoo nails UX02CO Iron-bound hames 9J.P0. Trace-chains 80370 Ames' snovelx 19.5ft bpadca S9.5P391S.0ft Axre f7.IO3310.00 19 do*. —mCo.uou cards SO.or3*5.06 WeU buckets Slack upper *5 3400. ntrlctly choteo Jersey (9M nnessee 1331*01 othsr 104119ft Fonltry—Young chicken* 103 ifo; hens 92X328os cocks 200. Sweet Potatoes 2A80J ;pealed peaches cc; rough dried ap- plea 2c1; evaporated, owfug to^qpauty. Peiauti— fo* vinrfnla flflttfl9»»6fc^—— \C»/*A vm for OOMPLKTK BUSINESS WUV. CirCBSK^ IneliMlnr Roanl, Tuition nadplniom*. For large Annual Caulogua and full information addresa MELL A WILLIAMS, ■ Jnlv 713thp ton Ml wkrt m especially SUITED FOR BABES OOSE tm ACTION FR0MPT, EffECT KkfOfilM. ach and llowcl allmanta genarally, It U ona- qoalad. fret, tom mssm, S2ftfa , ?.ffiKS I 5Sii55f* c '* ToaumMaad oeban who aaflbr from wnr- wl.l Um*. money at.<S ijlntmeui Ad Jr mu for free copy. Tht* Electric J View. JIM Bwnay.YorX* angl-dly aat wed Awly tow laitpag