Newspaper Page Text
.With the President and His Ad
President Cleveland’s Thanksgiving
W-41-hisotow, November s.—Acting upon too
reports ot the .gents in Indian' territory, Score-
tarr Lamar has requeited toe war department to
remove tbeboomera from toe Oklahoma lands.
Information contained In toe agents' reports Is to
the effect tost Urge numbers el persons supposed
to to boomers, tat clasmlngtobe freighters arc
crossing the Kansas border Into too Indian terrl-
t0rr ' husk's bituexid.
Tho following lathe text of toe president’s
thanksgiving proclamation:
By toe president ol too United States ot Amer
ica— A proclamation: Tho American people have
always abundant reason to be thsnifuf to Al.
mighty God, whoso watchful care and guiding
band have been manifested In every stage of their
nation, and guarding and protecting thorn
In time of peril and satety. leading tf-—
^BMBH-honr of dartnew and
aeknr wlcdgo llie goodness of God and
thanks to Him lor all Hlagmclous gifts.
Therefore, I, Grover Cleveland, president ot toe
I Unlud Mates ol America, do hcroby designate
and setapartThursday, tne twenty-sixth day ol
■toBH(>er Instant, as a day ol publlo thanksglv.
November ii
tng and pa
toe same li
On that
toe people assemble at their usual places of wots
ship, and, with prayer and longs of praise, do.
as aaolted nation,and for oar deliverance from the
ebook and danger ol political convulalon, lor tho
hlrnlcgaol peace and for our aafetr and quiet
while wars and rumors ol wan have agitated and
afflicted other nations ot tne earth; tor our aocnrlf
ty against the scourge of pestilence, which In othj
cr lands baa claimed Its death by thousands, an*
tilled tho strata with mourners, lor the plente-
oil cropa which . reward toe labor
of toe husbandman, and increase oar nation'si
wealth; and for contentment thronghont onr bor
ders which follow In the train ol prosperity and
abundance; and let there also be, on toe dey thus
net apart, a reunion ot 'families sanctified and
chastened by tender memoriea and associations,
and let the aoeul- Intercourse of blends, with
pleissnt remlnlscenses and ties ol
affection and atreuttoen toe bonds ot
kindly feeling, and let us, :by no
means forget, while we give thanks, enjoy the
comlorls which have crowned onr lives, that
truly grateful heart! are Inclined lo deeds of chari
ty; and that the kind and thonghtfnl remem
brance o! toe poor will double the pleasures of
our condition, and render
Ol Ho -
eighty-five, and ol the Independence ol the
United Btatea the one hundred and tenth.
• Geovxr Cleveland.
Waanixorox, November 4.—The, proaident
today recoivod a number of tolorrams iron
prominent democratic politicians In all parti
ol too country, but principally in New York,
congratulating him on the remit ot the elec-
Hone in New York aa an unmistakable Indorao.
mentof his policy. Immediately upon his ar-
Viral at tho whlto houso tho president sent a
congratulatory telegram to Governor Hill, as
follows; ■
Exati-nvEMaxsioN.WisnraaTOH, D. C., No-
vember 4,—Hon. David B. H"' —
fast returned from BuiMo, i
when nearly homo. 1 heart..
'MnmiaUkM. i grovir
The comptroller of tho currency today ex
tended the corporate oxlatenco of too Ohatta-
hoochco National bank, ol Columbus, Ga., to
November 0,1905.
Wabbixotox, November 5.—The proelden
this alternoon appointed Borman B. Eaton to
he a member ol toe civil aervlce commission,
In piece of Mr.Thoman, whoso resignation
waa accepted, to take effect November 1st.
* - * ay one,
t perma-
rt time.
Hr. Eaton consented to serve
on tho commission tor a lew weeks,
tn Older tp ssslst the newly appointed com
missioners In familiarising themselves with
their duties, and also to oToseup certain un
finished matters, In which he is greatly Inter
ested. It Is not known who will succeed
Eaton, beyond the lact that the new appointee
will bo a republican in-toll sympathy with
civil aervlce reform.
Wienixovox, November 0.—By a general
order lamed late this sfternoon from the head-
eras accepted, to use oucct novemoer
The appointment la but a temporary
however, aa It la proposed to appoint a poi
aent suoeaaeor to Thoman in »abort t
S artors of tha army, General Sheridan filled
evtcanolea upon nil personal staff, created
Jiy tho relief of two oi his oldcsde camp,
pursuant to orders bom too war department.
Tho newly appointed aldea are Lieutenant
Colonel Kellogg, ol the 5th cavalry, and Idea-
tenant Colonel Blunt, of the ordnance depart
ment. Colonel Kellogg, who was an aide do
camp ofGentral Thomas during tho war, has
lately returned tram Europe, where
he attended tots year'c "autumn maneuvers"
of the French army, and Is now serving with
hla troupe at Fort Supply, Indian territory.
Colonel Brant baa been serving for more than
■ year aa Inspector of rifle practice at tha
bcadijUarters of toe army, tha duties of whieh
position he .will continue to discharge in ad
dition to tooso ot .aide-de-camp. He ie
the author, ol the manual of rifle fir-
in* rtiorted lut vmf for tho uio
in the army. Colon#! Kellogg and Blunt aro
Widely and favorably known In and out of the
Ormy,anff ft Is.said tonight, in military
circles, that their .selection by General Sheri
dan aa his personal aldea la likely to giro gen
eral cutiafactlon.
THOM the rxniAva.
Indian Commissioner Atkins today tela-
jnsphed the secretary of the interior bom
Sfuacogce, Indian territory, that he had seen
A large number of squatters in his progress
through the territory, whom he believes to be
boomers. He expresses tha opinion that mil
itary force must he employed to expel them.
Commissioner Athens end party, consisting
ci Congressmen Holman of Indiana, Byanof
Kansas, Csnnon of Illinois, and Peel of Ar.
day alternoon. They were reticent concern-
ingOklahoma,though outspoken concerning
their views of the present management of both
Wild and civiliisd tribes. Id tho cases of both
they will recommend radical changes. Con.
corning the wild tribes they said vary little.
For tha five civillMd tribes they will urge the
establishment of e territorial government,
Jrith one or more federal courts.
Mracoeri, Indian Territory, November 5.—
Tho Creeks huva decided not to tell Oklahoma
int any price. Last summer there was a wish
to get the sentiments or all the trlbee on toe
turned, end the council was called at Eufaula,
sun it was then doelded that It would be beet
to sell. On Tuesday this action waa brought
up for ratification by the Creek eounell. The
bill quietly passed the bouse of kings, bnt
When it came te toe house of wsrrlorsjt hung
fire. The vote waa finally taken, whieh etood
I MB an * "
efretaining. Consequently
have to stay out. Tne Seminole council has
Appointed n delegation to treat with tha United
hides commissioners, tint it takes the action
of both nation belora the country could be ao
dilpocid of.
Xo Bern ova the Chinese From Sun Francisco
Eax Faaxcnco, November 8.—The Knights
ol Labor have issued a call for a man meeting
of ill labor and trades naiona to be held No
vember 2rth, for the purpose of taking action
lor the removal of Chinese from this city.
An Incident of the War-Thirsting lor
Blood. ,
Some men are bora with a tblrat lor blood. This
explains many of tho mnrdsrs apparently com
mitted without a motive;
During too slegeof Atlanta the militia frequent
ly did guard duly on toe streets. In oneol toe
companies thus engsged was a handsome, manly
boy ol sixteen. Young Norton enjoyed the novel
ty ot military lire. He bad bean a clerk in a store
until too siege, and it waa a recreation to him to
patrol the streets with a musket on bis shoulder,
baiting every pasmr by with Us stereotyped do-
maid, "Show your pass!"
Norton was not a typical good boy, buthewu
as good aa too average. He was bright, qulek,
moral and had the making of a good man ot but.
incts In him. Everybody liked him. There wuone
bad streak In bis composition, and it ledto hta
rain. From childhood bo took a delight In tor-
tilling helpltm beasts and birds. As be grew older
he wonld listen by the hour, wltoian
eager lace to toe tales ol butchery and blood
shed told by his soldier frlcndc. He developed a
fondneuforplstolieudbowleknlvee, and toon
became a walking I arsenal. He fre
quently lamented hla youth, and expressed toe
hope that toe war would lut long enough to ena-
ble him to kill a few Yankees. This wish was not
gratified, bnt he found what be.thirsted tor-hu
man blood.
One bright night, when n full moon rode high
In the heavens, Norton wu ordered to carry a
confederate teamiter to the guard tent. Tho boy
tolled bis prisoner with alacrity and told him to
walk In front ol him down toe railroad track. The
teameter, a fine looking young man, obeyed with
a cheerful laogb, and on too way tell Into conver
sation with bla guard. Be told him that be wu a
Tennesseean. Ha bad fought through the war,
and wu then for toe first time under arrest.
Hla ofiense wu trailing,
mnlcs were starving, and he had stolen a uck of
government corn and fed them. Then he sold
"I wouldn’t see my mnlcs starve yon know, bnt
I een't stand being united for stealing. It my
wife and children beer of it their hearts wonld
break. II you will let me give you toe slip l trill
get back to my company and too trouble will be
over. The lellowa who arretted me don't know
my name, and they wouldn’t know my taco again.
If I make a run for it don't ehoot."
To bla appeals Norton turned a deal ear.
"li yon run I'll kill you," wu all bo said,
"That's the right talk,” replied the prisoner
pleuantly, ‘‘shoot 11 you wsnt to, but tako ouo
to mtsa your mark,”
"I'll kill you,” muttered Norton.
If tbeteamster bad tamed to look at hla guard
In too moonlight he would have seen toe face of
a demon. Tho dominant erase for blood had ta
ken complete pouculon of too hoy. Slyly he
cocked bla musket and held it with both hands
In front of him. At lut he wu to have a chance
to kill a man. Ho watched bla victim with toe
eyes of a hawk.
The two came to a lonely spot. The opportunity
wu favorable and toe teamster suddenly made a
aprlngforward and ran off at a rapid pace. Nor
ton Inatantly leveled bla musket, took deliberate
aim at the la gltlve's back and fired.
The boy (knelt down by tho dead body. Ho
turned too corpae over and convinced bimsell
that his bullet had done Iti work thoroughly.
When ho rose there wu blood on hla bands and
on bit garments. Ho made no effort to wipe It
off, but with a flush on bla check and an exultant
gleam In bla eyes, hurried back to headquarters.
"Killed him, you my," said the militia captain
with p dazed look, “I don’t believo It."
"But,” bald the boy eagerly, “I know hell
dead. I turned him over. Uo'a as dead ai a door
nail. Ho tiled to run and I shot Mm.”
"Well," said tho captain, "jon’d better git."
"Git. This ain't any place for you. When boys
kill good eoidlere becauso they take a little truck
for their mules, lt’a time for them ec hide out.”
"Martial law made It my duty," aald Norton
with a flourish.
"Martial law be blanked," growled the captain.
By tola time others had crowded around, and
the captain's opinion seemed to he general. Nop
ton began to feel seriously alarmed, and yet bo
felt Indignant at befog reproved for doing big
duty. Ho quietly made bla way bomb It wu
notconslderediafoforhlmto remain there, and
be wu provided with other quarter!.
He wu note moment too soon In secreting him*
ill Tha next dayffrandrtda ol Tennesseeans'
scoured too city for him. Borne ol too men can
tied ropes. They swore they wonld hang too boy
like a dog. These men justified their comrade in
taking government corn to feed hla mules. It
stemed to them a cold-blooded crime for a good
coldler to be killed lor such a trifle by amen boy
who bad dona nothing for his country. Norton
remained aecurely concealed until toe liege wu
After Bhennen entered toe city Morton veru
toted out. He bad a hangdog look. His eyes
were wild, and he had awayol stopping with a
jerk every few mfoutca and looking behind him.
Every tlmohemctanold acquaintance he would
refer to tho shooting ol the tcemster, end tskfor
sn opinion. Generally, tot verdict wu against
Mm, and be gradually gave Mmtalfup to gloom
end remorse.
Severe! yurt alter too wu Norton reeppeued
In Atlente. no wta tne shadow ol hla former
self, end bis pallid face vsi recognised by only a
few. There wuone peculiarity about him. He
seemed to regulate bis pace by toot oiaome In
visible person In front of him. Sometime* be
held both bsnde in front after toe fashion of t
hunter bolding a tun and creeping upon hla prey,
Again, be would cut frightened Rltnces over Ms
shoulder end walk with all Me speed.
The fellow became a complete wreck. He went
to toe bad. Later he wu heard from In a distant
part ol tho state, and then In North Carolina. He
never attempted to regain Me old position among
businessmen. He went downwud In the scale
until be lived with outlaw! and moonshiners.
Finally he died with his boots on. The miserable
wretch probably lever enjoyed t moment's plus,
urc alter firing that fatal shot. Remorse gnawed
et Ms vitale from first to last. Ha came very nou
being a first daig murderer, but there wu some-
thing wanting. Even us criminal he mint be
put down u a/allure.
A novo BURST,
No Trains on the Alabama Great Southern
Since Friday.
CnATTAXooos, Tcnn., November 8.—ISpootsL]—
A cloud bunt occurred near fort Payne, Althtaie,
about Sam. Saturday, and gnat damage was
dona Extraordinary nine bad fallen there for
twenty-font hours previous and toay culminated
In the cloud bunt. The whole country wu under
water and great damage was done to crops. Large
fields ol cotton were ruined, and the little rills be
came mighty torrent! and produced serious louea
The tracks of tho Alabama Great Southern raO-
road for the distance of nearly fifteen miles ware
partially wished any. and no trains have passed
over the line afoce Friday. It la thought the trains
can retnmo by tomorrow.!
Mr. Hayes, et the Birmingham Age, Ar-
rested Yesterday.
BiasnaoHAM, Ala, November L-(SpectaL]—
O. H. Hayes, boaieeu manager ol the Age. wu
arrested tola morning, charged with violating the
new Sunday osdfoance forbidding newsdealers
and otoen from conducting their bcafoeae on tho
Sabbath. Hairs clalmi that bo la note new*,
dealer and smi teat the matter In tha courts. Hie
trial cornu off In tho police oourt to-morrow
Tbt Oblneie Btlof W*rn«d to Leave, Hundred*
Citizens Parade the Street! add Order Them
to Pack Their Goode end Qo-Buralnt
Chinatovrn-A Chinese Blot. fttc.
Tacoiu, WzamxoToxTiBRiTOBT, November
i—Yesterday being tha day aet for the Chi
nolo to leave,at tha signal given at 9:59 a. m.
many hundrod eltiaeni congregated and
marched In an ordarly manner along tha
alreeti of Chineae houses, ordering tho occu
pant* to pack thair goods and loavo. Tho or
der was complied with. By five o’clock p. m,
their goods were packed and loaded on drays,
and tho Chinese wore marching along by the
side of tho loaded wagons, on routo to Lake
View, nine miles south or hero. Tho Chlneso
merchants were given until Wednesday morn
ing to paok their goody, each atoro being al
lowed throe akaiitanta. One hundrod and
ninety-seven Chinese reached Lake View
about 7 o’olok p. m., and campod In the va
cant honsea. It la not known whothor thoy
win lake tho morning train for Portland, but
they probably will. Many of them aro walk
ing south on tho railroad track. Tho eititeno
bavo tent tho Chlnose provisions to lut till
morning. No trouble hu occurred.
a vniniOT or nor ouiltt.
Seattle, W. T-, November 4.—The jury In
the con of tho United Statu againet Porry
Ba; no, alter being out thirty mlnutu, re-
turned at 7 o’clock lut night with a verdict
of not guilty. Bayne ia one of tha (even men
who were indicted for murder in the ffrat do-
f ree for killing Chinamen recently at Squak.
he court room wu fllled to overflowing dor-
lug the ramming up by counsel, manyladlaa
being present within the bar. The charge of
Justice Green wu olaboreto end wu lblenod
to with tho most rapt
attention. Tho district attorney entered a
nolle prosequi In two other ehtrgu ol murder
against Bayne. The alx other men under In-
dictment will be tried at once, Daniel
Hughca, of Squak, coming flrat on the list.
There are twenty-three indictments against
these men. it Is claimed that the teak of ao-
quitting tho remaining alleged Squak mur-
aerera will be an easy one.-
Wasbixotox, November D-—The governor
oi W atbington territory y uterday telegrsphod
to Secretary Lamar that the oltlsens of Taco
ma bad expelled ebout two hundrod Ghlnoio
from tho city limits. The governor then tele
graphed the local authorlllu at Taeoma, aak-
rag if they could preserve order. He wu in
formed that while order htd not boon perfect
ly preserved, vet no one had been eerioual)
injured. Another telegram from tho mayor
orBettleetatedthat-lnTlow ol thooutbreak
at Tacoma, trouble wu apprehended at
Beattie. The Chineae in tho territory have
meda an urgent appeal to tho governor for
K otcctlon, A gubernatorial proclamation hu
en luncd calling npon all oltlaene to auisl
In the preservation ot ordor._ Thla action
approving toe israanco of hie proclamation,
and directing him to use all means In hla
power to prevent further trouble.
PotTLAnn, Ore., November 5,—In view of
the feet that tho antl-Chlneao element hu
fixed on Friday, November (Ufa, for the vaoa-
torn of tho territory by the Chineae, Governor
Squire hu luued a proclamation calling on
all the officer! of the law to preserve the peace
of the territory, and protect the Ghlneao from
all abuse, taking " ‘ —
hava the Intern!
assist In preserving its good nemo by sup
pressing outrages upon tho Chlneso.
A private dispatch from Tacoma stales
that Chinatown, situated soar too lowor dopot,
and tho wharf ot tho Northern Pacific rail
road, bus been burned by tho mob, na-i that tho
railroad tanks, trestlea and other proporty has
been destroyed#
Sax Fsaxoisco, November 5.—Information
hu been received horo that M, L. White,
foreman of the McPhcreon raisin ranch, threo
miles east ol Orange, Loa Angelos county, wu
attacked by about sixty Chinamen In tho
vineyard while picking up raisins
Tuesday. White knocked several of
them down and defended himself till eight
‘ “ ''— car by, came to hie res*
the Chinamen than lied
to their camp, where they fortified and armed
tbemselvu with pistols. Tho boss Chinaman
called on UoPhcraon’e brothers and asked
them to discharge tho white men, which they
rofuicd to do. Bovoral of tho Chinamen were
dlicharaged, and tho rest wont to work. Tho
affair fata created Intense excltomont amongst
the white people In that section, and It It
lesred that trouble will ensue.
Tirana, Washington Territory, November
fi.—The loss caused by the deatruetios of Chi
natown amonnta to about $25,000. The horn
ed buildings were mere ehintlee, but a large
quantity of merchandise wu consumed. The
bulldinge were fired by the antl-Coolie agita
tors, who expelled the Chinese, so that In caso
they should ever return, they would have no
habitations. There were only two Chinamen
in the city et the time of the lire, the othore
having been driven out.
Bsattli, W. I., November fi.—Mach disap.
pointment exists here among the law abiding
oltlsens, at Governor Bqnire’e proclamation.
Thoy have uked that troops bo lost hero,
and think the - presence of troope
la absolutely necessary to preeeryo
tho peace. The governor** proclamation will
have no effect, they lay. A conference wu
held yesterday afternoon between the leaders
of the enlbChinese organizations, to* com
mittee of cllisem and a committee of Chineeo
merchants. Tha lut named agreed to
leave If they were paid for their property.
One Chineae firm here hu $110,000 invested
in property, Lut night a publlo meeting
wu held, at which membera of the peace
committeo end the antl-Chlneee agitators spoke
References to the outrage* at Taeoma wero
greeted with fond cheers. Tho elty if In a
lever of excitement, and It la feared that
trouble will occur before even this week ends.
It ia believed by conservative eitlum that the
prceence of United Statu troops alone will pro-
vest bloodshed.
Wasbixotox, November 7.—Tha president
hu lined a proclamation commanding all
K raona at Beattie and other plecae ia Wash-
(ton Territory, who have ateembled lor un
lawful purpowe, to daoiit therefrom and dla-
ptrse and retire peaceably to their home* on or
before twelve o'clock, meridian, tomorrow,
November 8th. The auemblage* referred to
ere to* anti-Cbineu raoba.
As Innocent PnblMUonlat.
From tot Philadelphia News.
At* meeting ota clerical dob In a New Eng
land vlllige the 1st* Rev. Dr. Clark* read a atun-
uou and eloquent paper on total abetfoenco to
tha delight ol all Mi bcanra uve toe hostess, who
tcok the first opportunity to tell her husband that
ah* had bundled pcachu for rapper, and that It
waa imnoaelbl* to make a change at that-hoar.
When the peaches wan served, the eauriat, who
had the poat of honor at hla hoe teas- right hand,
actmed to find them remarkably fine, and wu
BlowlafUp Hell Gate
Hu bun a laborious and costly work, bat
the ead jollifies the effort. Obstruction* In
■ny important channel Mil dlauter. Ob.
atructioze in the organs of the human body
krirg Inevitable diieas*. They mut be
cleared away, or physical truck will follow.
Kup the liver la order, ud the pure blood
ccureee through tho body, conveying hulth,
strength end life; let It beeomt disordered
ud the channels era clogged with Impurities,
which remit ia diaetu end death. No other
mcdfefo* equal* Dr. Pferce’e "Golden Medical
Dlieoreiy’Hor acting upon the liver and pu
rging the blood.
Jonx L. Svllivax la going to Australia on
■inning four.
Gixiial LooAi’a publishers predict that ho
will make 0100,000 out of hla book,
Me. Clxvelaxd at chureh always puts a $1
greenback In toe cohtributlon box.
Thi anger of the New York Time* over
Governor HiU'e election la monnmentaL
Bkcsbtaby Bavaid’s deatneia is said te be
Increasing ud to trouble him seriously.
Mu. A. T. Stewart hu all tha doors Inlido
of her New York palace hung with pansy velvet,
Poor. Saxoext lays that the nutmeg hickory
otArkamuU too Utrongcat wood In too United
Mi. Horcxixaow, the aplerlat, wrltea that
too ralafog of plant! for honey alone la not profit-
It it said Mr. Tilden hu contributed $750,-
000 to toe democratic party within tsrenty-flre
Bunn laye he thlnke Shakepeare must
faavo had him in mind when he ores tad the char,
ter of Coriolanus.
Colonel Fat Doxax lays he ahonld advlio
Mary Anderson to play Boealfod In a palriof Turk-
lab trousers, drawn at toe ankle with a puckering
The latest popular long It "Kutohy, Kutchy,
Little Baby," by Victor Hawley. It la u "catchy"
u “Peek-a-boo'' wu.
Fiidixaid Wakd lays that he foele belter
In Sing Bing than he hu doae 'for yean. The
community reciprocate*.
Whilx George W. Childs dentes that Nellie
Grant la to leave her husband, ha la careful not to
deny any of toe itoriei told about Barlorls Mm
Fiid Ward will be forty yetra old when he
cornu ontol prison. These added yean, with
good trade well learned, will placo Ferdinand on
Bexator Sarix’b big laweuit, too result of
which will determine whether he la a millionaire
or a pauper, le to come to trial In Minnesota on
tho 10th Inst.
Tat Edmunds lew hu already anecoedod In
to leering the three presidents of the Mormon
chnrch-Tarlor, cannon, ud Smith—tost ther
are in hiding to prevent arrest.
Thi governor of Indiana le aald to be pro.
paring a proclamation quarantining that atato
against cattle from Kentucky and other itatee
where plcuro-pnoumonlt la thought to exist.
Poairu have been gppoaring lately In
•onto ol toe Pacific coast towns, where dlffieultlea
with toe Chinese exist, warning firemen not to
respond to alarmi ol fire from too Chinese quar
Lady Jonx Markers la one of toe greatest
tdvocatno! sewing In England and la doing
everything In her power to have girls ol every
oondltlon In her life learn to make their own
A Naw Yoix physician aaya If a man will
take a hot bath and lie In bed Mitten hours ho
will ulse three-quarters ol an Inch taller than
when he turned In. nesaya he got aehort man
appointed on the police lotco In just that way,
Rav. David Bwixo proclaims too fact that
‘pnttlngancgglnooffeotomako It clou la atlll
an active humbug,” and that "although toe nine
teenth century !• nearing It doae Its blue hu not
yet ahlned Into the cofiee pot."
"Giva uithat grand word 'woman* once
again, ud let’s have dono with 'lady,'" writes
Ella Wheeler Wilcox. Ella should start tola ro.
torn in-Mil. No ordinary persons aro going to
risk their hair by toiling a lady that alio la a wo
Da. Chafvaw, an eminent physician of
rarir, royr cholera Is not duo to a germ or living
organism which finds lta way into too system
from without, but tint It It a purely nervous
disrate, dependent chlclly on thermal and oloctrlo
At a fashionable wedding In Exotor, Eng
land, the other day, tho officiating clergyman,
filled with righteous wrath, stood up In hla pulpit
tho dressmaker’* skill.'
Mb. J. G. Blaixb’s magnificent Washington
mansion la let on a long lease at 811,000 a year,
and probably tho Elafno family will remain fn
AuguMa *11 winter, and It la now positively an-
nouneed —
book will
Jonx BotliO’Ruu.v asjei "Womon are
better then men became they uo spiritual, whtlo
men are intellectual. The spirit follows what Is
Mux, Junto la tblrly-isven yean old and a
widow with two children. Her lortnno Is esti
mated at about threo million francs, Whonat
home aha la aald to Ur* In grand stylo,ihaa ton do
mestics In her hotel,eight horses In her atabloaud
everything else la proportion,
A lady living In Rappabannook county,
Virginia, had twelve atands otheas, which were
very valuable until a distillery wu atutedln
the neighborhood. Slnco It wu atartqd, how
ever, toe bcci pay frequent rfrllt to tho atlll, get
very drank and aro ol little profit.
Rurxu of tbo Auburn, Now York, priaon
aro laying that the mind ol James D. Flth, Fcrd
Ward's old tutner, la becoming affected, He
takcaachUdUh pleasure In ratting tools In Ms
band and doing light worn about too shop. He
— when permitted to nail
showed great i
Igua of child)
Gbxiial McCLiLLAa’a mother Is etill alive,
In her eighty-fifth year. She la sn Invalid, and In
the beginning o! tho rammer ihowu not expect
cd to Ured until autumn. During toe rammer
t Drifton, Fa. The general returns
g hu there two weeks ago.
Tua election of Hugh J. Grant for aheriffla
great and signal trlomph for too Tammanyltca.
It I* the beat ptyfog office In New York county,
*lng worth to the Incumbent 1100,000per annum.
Then lta patronage la estimated to he worth over
Loan Balisbust’s rapid rallying alter a se
vere surgtgal operation la due to hla splendid
physical development. Bonof oneoftherlobeit
and proudest house* ol England, from childhood
to manhood he wu inured to priratlen and hud-
ship, until became to regud hunger,cold, toll
r serious consider*-
: stranger to hla ath*
Beds Haag* Whit* Man UpThra*
Bcstahihto, Mexico, November The In-
dlaaa retreated to the ;mounta!n canonr.afaw
lilcs dl it tr'.VBonday.and made all'anagamanta
mi an attack on the town lut night. Colonel
Ctanaroa, with M* command of state troops, ar-
rived at noon, and at one* aet out t* attack to*
Indiana. They did not gin him MaUc, but fled
auuwuat aah; u;u liuigsiw basa-a wmhvi »■*
that they aught a wMt* mu early Bunday
UBprnlna and hung him npon a tree three times
[lore ho gave tho Information they wanted u to
r ol whiles under arm* us town. It U
TOlevrd U at tha praaaaea of the itata troop* will
i to uk/lhA MKcsa by%rraof°arma-^iarly Friday
AMUlr g they captured tha oourt hou-a and JalL
[white* rallied under the lead of Colonel
and Irak shelter In tho church, acro-i too
nmt from tha court nonu, and at one* opened
draan the court houaa. tad soon drora tha In
diana owL aa they could not be Indued to
gra on tha chureh owing to thair snpentliloo.
□torn chasing to* Indiana out ol ton,
I ol (he wallet was killed. As bla remains
ctilcg earned from the church lor burial
g«WWr.«>L»»*jg!g K1
lieu. T»c wMtfft wtrefoon nnocr »nni, ioa
fly dror# the Iodises out ol town, alter ki ll-
B ^Hfour and wcundlrg fourteen. Tho white*
■ iso, killed,andrareralwound'd. Tbachlaf
oTj elite is amor e the wounded. Bustsmcnto.a
It»n effio lEhsbfrann. located flic ml.c-s weit
of the Mexican Natlnnslraliwar, and about half
way between Monterey, Mexico, and Luedo,
T obacco
a »
d from whaUmcAQM.|friee V* A c(a*
; AikrourdnaaU for UuMnsuMflca, or writs io tha
DURHAM, N.:O..U. 8. A.
ill. | Edw’d 8, HcOandleat, | A. w.HUi,
ent, | , Gashlor, | VlooFreMdont
Gate City National Bank
Capital and Surplus $300,000*
ATIONH and INDIVIDUALS rwpocltally aollotod.
Ck>lIcctioii!promptly m»(loIMWBltWO W., .
lor tho IN VKHTMKNT ol
...... . ....aUS FUNDS Ol DANKD or IN«
In oar Retire Rad frowlQK dtr money U RlirRyi
IndcmRUd* Our m«i rcRaonRblo. Olvoasa trial#
■ Wo bRTO ft BAVIN08 DEPABTUBNT ia which
|«ntf7-~dAwlry t/apoo
Doctor*! O«rtlllcato—Oftnoer, Skin Dio#ft««
and Rhoamatifm,
Bcvcral yean rko r cancerous ulcer made its ap*
pcarance on my chin. Threo jcrm ago It alough-
ed out, but last spring returned. Soon alter tho
cancor appeared, my aklu became dlacaaod-any
alight wound or bruise would Inflame, spread and
make an ugly sore. Hough place* and heary
black acalca formed on my hand* audiace. Lut
October I wu attacked with rhcumatUm in my
knee* and hip*, which became oo
■tin, awollen and Bore, and the moocle* *o muck
contracted that it.wai lmpo**ibie for me to
straighten myielf. In this terrible condition, no
medlcino gave mo any rcliei—my appetite and
atrength failed and I became completely helpleu.
In tin* almoathopolcaa condition I determined to
try Guinn’s Pionkr Blood Biniwkb. I procur
ed ft supply and began the uio of it. I mod It
about ono month, and I so much improved that I
began to walk about with tho aid oi crutche*.
Thecanccron my chin entirely di*appeared. Tho
b'ack heavy scale* that had formed on my face
practice In the treatment of glandular and akin
diflcaBca, and I have never know it to fall to euro
any case where it haibeen nsed according to
directions. I do. therefore, moat cheerfully re
commend it to all who may be aillicted with any
Ot tho dfSCAAc* /or which it f* nroacribod.
Griffin, Ga. J. L. 8TKVKN80N, M. D.
who have been relieved of every form of blood
and akin diseases, fcmalo complaints, dyspepsia,
syphilis, mercurial rheumatism, blood poison and
For full Information onr free pamphlet on blood
and akin disease* will bo furnished on application
to tho MACON MEDICINE GO, Macon, Ga.
Bold In powdered form, easy to prepare at home,
a th or without spirits; Bmallsixo 25 cent*, large
o €1.00, mailed to any address on receipt of price.
Liquid form, small also 91.00, largo slzo 11.75,
Oct 21 d&w lm.
North Carolina,
J? well equipped laboratories, best moral and ro*
ligjon* Inllm-niTi, flexible curriculum, hoalthy
location, ccomlcal. Sessions begin in Beptomber
and January.
8indents received at any time.
Send for catalogue.
»Aw2m RKV. L. MCKINNON, Prealffeaf
WlI A(lto2f' P **' 0,Uto « n *“ 4 K1C “- W. H. CHURCH,
.«M-wkrU Msnulsctum.r su8
Two Goods Papers for the Price of One!
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Thla offer of two paper* for the pries ol one (with only 5 cent* added for poitags) will only
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To anbecribera who como in ciuba and who pay only $1.00 for Tax CoxantCTiox. wo can
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paper and it* regular rabaeription price Is SO canta. Wa will tend it to old subscribers
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91400 op, bc-itd /or tllciu&ua
Beet In T>vr> World
•inrr ci-Tmaltf—c nmlsinT* ~iHtrt,
.C)fa:c»;<5 cal. 70 s ud MfrJ , VLcstroii^eat »Ucuin^ rtfla
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