Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, May 18, 1886, Image 1

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Volume LVI. rK?T^,«^conroB b ' ,I,Shed »S}Consolidated 1872. MlLLEDGEVILLE, Ga., MAY 18. 1'886. A7 * _ " ' r ' Washington Letter. Come and See the Beautiful -AT- T.LMcC0MB&C0 7 S. 7 111 It on tin" i IV e and Grand! over your opportunities-! Embracing all that is New, Desirable will pay you to call ! Don’t sleep av lose something if you stay away! Lome early while every- 1 fresh and new! . ... ~ , ire a ,r a in to the front with one ol the handsomest stocks ol Eat we have ever shown in this city. “The Flowers that bloom in the Spring, Tra La. Have nothing to do with the case. 11 .. .1 . U lint We Say This: et others quote their prices.—We tell you if they quote Calicoes :n —n Letter Calico oue cent per yard, we will sell you quote you Shoes at 10c per icy we will sell pair, we will And so it goes throughout at same price, sell you better our whole stock. for 10c per pair WE HAVE THE CAPITAL V business on, and CHALLENGE (mark the word) Competition. have determined to do the “Lion's Share’' Of the Dry Gfoods Business in this City, REGARDLESS OF CONSEQUENCES. iOur stock is strictly First-Class in all its various departments. 'e carry Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Gents’ Furnishing Goods, fyc., 4**. mgs, To all we ■ices, and vou tend a shall cordial have welcome. Remember wc Guarantee polite attention. T JLl a * \o. 8 MeCQMB & GO., and 10 South Wayne Street. Don't Forget the Number. Milledgeville, Ga., April lGtli, 1886. 40 lm. PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM the popular favorite for dressing the hair, Hectoring color when gray, and preventing Dandruff. It cleanses the scalp, stops the hair falling, and la sure to please. 60c. and $L00 at Druggists. PARKER’S TONIC The best Cough Cure you can use, 1 the best preventive known for Consumption. It r_-fs bodily pains, and all disorders of the Stomach, Ixweig, Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Urinary Organs and a Female Complaints. The feeble and sick, strug- £ing against disease, and slowly drifting towards tie grave, will in most cases recover their health by t:.: timely use of Paekhr’s Tonic, but delay is dan gerous. Take it In time. Sold by ail Druggists in krge bottles at $1.00. HINDERCORNS sal,. ,t, surest, quickest and best cure for Corns, yi ms, IVarts. Moles, Callouses, Ac. Hinderatheir fur- ' •rgrowth. Stops all pain. Gives no trouble. Makes the et comfortable. Eindercorn* cures when everything faihs. Soid by Druggists at 16c. Hiscox&Co., N* X Aug. 11th, 1885. 5 ly Ae\v Advertisements. lATURE’S TARRANT’S cure fob EFFERVESCENT SELT, CONSTIPATION, 2SR APERIENT. I - *an elegant efficacious, pleasant aperient in the form of a powder, produc ing when dissolved in , water an Exhilerating, Effervescing Draught, re commended by our best Physicians as a reliable and agreeable remedy. It cures Constipa tion, cures Indigestion, cures Dyspepsia, cures Piles, cures Heartburn, Lures Sick-headache, cures Liver Complaint, iYCnrnoi I cure3 Sick Stomach, and II 0 r r r \ I B gently urges all the Ex- _ . w * r »* cretorv organs to a pro- | -action. It should be found m everv house-' - and carried by every traveler. Sold by "J'jlxUj everywhere. kk-Headache,; AND mf\ LASTED at once, an active Agent in IV, every Countv to take orders for our goods. ^ stamp for particulars, l). a. GORSUCH, •d&ore, Md. IH'ERTI.SERS! send for our Select List of G. ca! Newspapers. Geo. P. Rowell & Co [Spruce St., N. Y. Personal and General. Burke county elected delegates, last Tuesday, favoring Hon. J. J. Jones for Governor. Mr. Stevens, who is riding round the world on his bicycle, is in Asiatic Russia wheeling toward the Pacific. Maj. A. O. Bacon opened the cam paign by a speech in Augusta last Tuesday night. Gen. John B. Gordon spoke in Dooly county on the same day. The members of the Legislature to be elected next fall will have to choose two supreme court Judges and some of the superior court Jufdges for the State. The rioters in Chicago who died from poison unconsciously drank in the drug stores they plundered, af ford an instance of providential re tribution. C. P. CRAWFORD, lie Amt. teief aiiu n EY advanced to early callers, on farm securities. Superior ad- ges for putting your surplus (•A the market. There is no de- UN, r -" Purchasers must be found ^Ul'ldgeville, March 2, 1380. The Marietta Journal payS this com pliment to Augusta: “As far as we are concerned, she can have the con vention and the Governor too, if she will use such good material as Gen. Clement A. Evans.' 1 Mrs. Folsom, mother of the Presi dent’s prospective bride, who has been ill with Roman fever has suffer ed a relapse, and it is said that Miss Folsom will not arrive in this country in consequence before the .early part of J une. The Constitution of Thursday pub lishes an interview with Dr. Felton, in which he states that he will not en ter polities this year. The Doctor is devoting himself assiduously to his farm and will enjoy the quiet and peace at his lovely country home. Mr. Gladstone’s manifesto is every where realized to mean two things— that the Irish landlords will be taken at their wor Js and left to make terms with the Parliament at Dublin, and that Mr. Gladstone will be ready to concede almost anything in the mat ter of details for the sake of the prin ciple creating that Parliament.— Au gusta Chronicle. d he New Y ork World correspondent says it is not easy to understand the mercurial Southern people: “Even an able and sensible man like Henry Grady, Hie editor of the Constitution, saul: “This is the most glorious Eas- ^f’ak since the resurrection of + ' lr ^ s V and other equally ex- ray agant expressions. The crowd I U le< k r , e( tkesS sentiments to the echo. •34 tf jgrL eioque'mT edt0 his suW ' eot Number 45. & RECORDER, Published Weekly In Milledgeville, Ga., BY BARNES & MOORE. Terms.—One dollar and fifty cents a year in advance. Six montlia for seventy-five cents.— l wo dollars a year if not paid in advance. ine services of Col. James M. SMYTHE.are en gaged as General Assistant. b UNION” and the“SOUTIIERN luiGUKDhR, wereeonsofidated, Augustlst, lS72, tue Luton being in its Forty-Third Volume and tue Recorderin its Fifty-Third yoium«. TM I R PAPFR ma T be found on'.flle atGeo. I Illy I r\ [ L n 1 J . Roweil & Cots Newspa per Advertising bureau (10 Spruce- St.) where advertising contracts mav be made for it IX The Anarchists. The Socialists, in Europe, by ele gant quiblings and skillful "social balances, and xve may add, exquisite trimming, have maintained certain positions in Germany, and some other European countries. They are stubborn rope-dancers in political sentiments, and they are able to in doctrinate many well meaning per sons in their vie^ys. Wq have ever looked upon them as dangerous mem bers of society, but their plausible views enable them to have many fol lowers, enough to sustain them a- gainst the juster views of the higher and purer order of the {Statesmen of those countries. However viil^arp.nd dangerous their views may be, they have too many followers for goveiYn ments to attempt to overthrow them by violent means. But it is far differ ent with the Anarchists. They can seek no shelter behind a pretended liberal doctrine. They openly revile all government of law and order. They teach a passionate and presump tuous spirit of innovation, which de stroys all old standards of opinion, and seek to infuse new ones, dogmas of violence and terror, full of perfidi ous treachery to wholesome' law, cal culated to fill those lands with san guinary factions, trampling out of ex istence" all law but that of vindictive hate. These are the kind of creatures who are voluntary exiles from their native countries to ours, or are driven to it [by the cleansing laws of the countries from which they come. These are the men who are mis leading some of our people, and caus ing the sanguinary tumults in Chica go and other portions of our country. We cannot make too much haste in proscribing them as dangerous ele ments in our tree am* DY-"" *, j 1 t "j ^ -Ot TV: Wit ft IlHlCi.1 feeling, for we have seen in the flow of blood, which has already taken place, the cruel and perfidious charac- ter of these men. We see the danger in their lawless violence and sanguin ary deeds, in which they boast with the most unbounded insolence. Ter rible retribution should speedily fol low, not only for the crimes they have committed, but also to prevent others that may swiftly follow. These remarks have no reference to the efforts of workmen to obtain fair wages for their labor by just and lawful means; and in alluding to this, we deem it proper to add that while workmen have the right to quit all work which does not afford them ade quate compensation, tlieyj have no right to forcibly prevent others from working who may take the places va cated by them, but at the same time we add, in conclusion, that it is the better policy for all who engage labor to afford a fair and reasonable com pensation. Preston Y'alkxtink Found Guil ty.—His trial excited a great degree of interest among whites and blacks. The State Jwas ably represented by Solicitor General Wright, and Judge Twiggs defended the prisoner with extraordinary' ingenuity and power, but he w r as a doomed man. The evi dence of guilt was too palpable to be overcome. That he murdered old man Y'ales, who was in the service of the Augusta Street Car Company, to get the small amount of money he had on hand, was shown beyond the pos sibility of a doubt. The prisoner, un der the circumstances, exhibited an extraordinary degree of unconcern as to liis fate. He exhibited none of the ugly [nightmare shapes of fear and guilt, but laughed and talked with those about him after the jury retired to make up its verdict, and, even af ter their return with a verdict of “guilty,” looked as unconcerned as any spectator in the court room. Judge Roney deferred pronouncing sentence upon the doomed man, it is stated, to make up his mind as to whether the execution should be pub lic or private. The Chronicle says the arrest, proof and conviction [of Valentine was a most clever piece of detective work, and Captain Purcell should be appreciated in his good work in bringing to justice one of the most fiendish of murderers. Clarke County for Bacon.—We notice in the “Athens Banner Watch man, 1 ' that while; the delegates favor the election of Hon. A. O. Bacon, the meeting of the citizens did not place them under instructions. That paper thinks “it was a wise move on the part of the meeting not to instruct the delegation, as it might complicate matters, and in the event of Athens deciding to contest for the Guberna torial prize, injure the chance of our own Candidate.” Still it adds that “the voice of the meeting and the preference of the delegation were overwhelmingly for Bacon,-and that should be sufficient.” From Our Begular Correspondent Washington, May 10, 1886. Some of the President’s latest work has been that of carefully examining private pension bills. He was suppos ed to have work enough to do already without assuming any new burdens; but it seems he feels the necessity of taking a hand himself in the retrench ment campaign which Mr. Hewitt and some other influential Democrats have begun in the House of Represen tatives. Mr. Cleeviand’s predeces sors have generally regarded life as too short to spend in examining this class of legislation with special care. They have contented themselves xvith the assurance that Congress had op portunities for . -investigating the claims in the most thorough manner, and that if the hilts had got through both Houses there must have been some merit in them. A few days since a rumor about the Capital, to the effect that any further raids upon the Treasury would be combatted by the President’s veto, created considerable sensation. Pres ident Cleveland is the first President, it is said, who has undertaken to scrutinize private bills. But he be came alarmed at the reckless way Congress was rushing the pension business. A fortnight ago the Senate alone, in one day, }>assed over 450 such bills, after merely reading their titles. This .hurried and careless wav of tak ing money out of the [National Treas ury struck the President as eminently inipriiper, and he began sending to the PeilSiop <Mice for the records in ordet. to satisfy hfs mind concerning •eafcK of the cases which have thus far cort)‘$ before him. It is, perhaps, no more-than'Die. Presidept’s duty, but i t fe a duty which has rarely been per formed: and the question is, where Mr. Cleveland- is, going to find the time for the pursuit of his excellent policy. No speech probably has been made during the present session of Congress which has created so much of a sensa tion as the one delivered by Mr. Hew itt, on Thursday, when he protest ed against any further raids upon the Treasury under the name of bounties or other benefits of that kind to sol diers of the late war. Most of these propositions are ill-considered, and although for seventy-five years to come the South will be helping to pav vi ^ || |JJ£ ^ pensions to the pldienj^mui4f;V'e" tne "aflXeTEAi a 'jsouxneri member cannot raise a question us to the propriety o? any of these grabs, without rendering him self liable to charges of disloyalty, flippantly and cheaply brought. The reference made by the gentle man from New York to the peculiar positions of Southern Members, avIio are thus embarrassed when they would like to oppose these ruinous schemes according to their convictions, was especially relevant and timely. He declared that the limit of endu rance on the part of the tax payer had been reached and that the discontent on account of excessive taxation was breaking out in riots, dynamite, and death. “Those who wanted to dive their hands down into the Treasury,” said he, “ take advantage of the deli cate position in which the Southern men are placed, being subject to the charge of disloyalty if they resist the steal.” But no one could make this charge against him and he -would make the fight. The great River and Harbor Grab which went through the House after a discussion extending over several weeks, takes from River Commissions their power and gives it to the Secre tary of War. During the debate an opponent of the measure severely criticised it. No grandeur of place, he said, nor insignificance of spot was ignored. The bill reached everywhere. It was not restricted by any unpro- nouncable name, by any obscurity of situation, or by any difficulty of ac cess. There was nothing that seemed to be too incredible to be contained in this bill. The disfranchised citizens of the Capital join issue with this as sertion, however, and are indignant because an appropriation for the Po tomac Fiats was omitted. Because of this neglect of their own fair river they hold the bill is too impu dent to g© unrebuked. They contend that its object was not to ‘deepen the channel of noble streams, or to bene fit the property of the whole Ameri can people. Its real purpose was to in sure the return a of lot of Congressmen to tbeir seats in the House at the com ing elections. All that the people of the District of Columbia are allowed to do, you know, is to pay their share of taxes for the improvement of other people’s rivers and harbors, bluffs, and flats, creeks and coves. They have no representation in Congress, no votes. _ They belong to the people of the United States, absolutely, and are governed by them. That is why they complain of being ignored when Congress is distributing fifteen mil lions of dollars. An effort was made in the Metho dist Conference in Richmond on the 10th looking- to the consolidation of the Methodist Church, South, with the Methodist Church, North. The proposition came from a fraternal vis itor frYni the Northern Church, and was courteously received by the con ference.- The body discussed Sam Jones and his work, in all its bearings, and it was decided to let that anima ted preacher work in his own way. BACON ANSWERS GORDON. The following is a copy of a letter mailed to Gen. Gordon : Macon, Ga., May 10, 1886. Gen. John B. Gordon, Atlanta: Dear Sir—I respectfully ask that you will agree with me upon a public discussion before the Democratic par tv of the State of the issues involved in the pending contest for the guber natorial nomination. In order to ar range for the same I request you to select a friend to meet the Hon. Pat rick Walsh, of Augusta, with the view of having them confer and agree up on the dates and places for the pro posed public discussion. You will recognize the fairness of this proposi tion, as it will give us jointly the op portunity of meeting the people face to face, and of giving them the fullest information or/ all the issues involved in the campaign. Y~erv respectfully yours, A. O. Bacon. bacon’s reply. Macon, Ga., May 10.—Maj. Bacon has made the following reply to Gen. Gordon’s letter to him: Macon, Ga. May 10, 1886. Gen. John B. Gordon, DeKalb Co. Dear Sir—1 find published in the elegrapli,-the Chronicle, the News and the Constitution and other daily papers of the State, of Sunday, a let ter which purports to have been ad dressed by you to myself. I have re ceived no such letter, but presume its publication was authorized by you. Desiring to conform to what appears to be your chosen medium of commu nication, I reply to the same through the public press. You and I were both in Savannah during the past week, and daily met each other personally. In now noting your desire that we agree uxion a plan by which, in the pending con test, “the will of the Democratic peo ple of Georgia” can be best ascertain ed, 1 might with propriety express some surprise that you failed to avail yourself of the opportunity thus pre sented to then confer with me relative to the proposition which you now make. It -would not have been pre mature for you to have done so, as, if you were correctly reported, you were then actively canvassing for support among those whom you there met. in response to your proposition I make the following reply: As I un derstand it, the custom of the She Makes Scolding Pay. Leiriatou (M.e.; Journal. m a fil ittle famil y in Kennebec * - lU the mne * circle of which a very curious custom prevails, and it Sonl tw ad ^ that the custom is one that might tend to break up a lOSS liberal hnncalirxl/i au.~ c liberal household. The family comnts simply of a husband and ^r d the >\ live happily enough* and there would not be a cloud on the horizon but. for one thing—tin bands temper. Inmost hus- resnects ho is an exemplary and kind young man and as far as any one can see' lie is very fond of his wife, but when things go wrong during the dav, or when he is not feeling well, it takes but little to make him extremely irritable. On such occasions he is wont to indulge in many expletives not found in the dictionary, and has ^nowa to call his wife almost ev- er .-. hut an angel. Finally his vile became tired of this sort of thing* and e\ en the extreme penitence of her husband when his irritation was over failed to suffice. Therefore, tak ing him in one of his penitent moods, she made him agree to the following price list of epithets: Lazy old thing, Driveling idiot. Price 5c: price 15c Shiftless hussy, (Old price 10c, gtie, price.. Old fool, price...25c Uglv old hen Cross-patch, j price price 10c Miscellaneou: ton- ..20c .. <»()c . 10c place for the assembling of the con vention and the basis of representa tion. The counties have always been left to decide for themselves the man ner in which they should choose their delegates. Some of them have adopt ed the plan of primary elections, and others have made their selections of delegates through the means of mass meetings. I believe the people of the several counties are fully capable of determining for themselves which plan is best adapted to their conven ience and the proper ascertainment of the popular preference. YVlienev " they choose to resort to a prim election their action will meet wi my full approval. Wherever, on the contrary, they decide to meet togeth er in open mass-meeting, I shall acqui esce in their action. I believe that the Democratic voters of the several counties can determine better than the executive committee, or perhaps better than you or myself, the inode best suited to the situation of their several communities.' The only office of the executive committee is to sup ply the need of a head to the organi zation. , • _ . With that accomplished, I favor the largest liberty of action to the people and the smallest constraint or dictation by either committees or can didates. I am opposed to centralized power of all kinds, whether it is found in the private organization of individ uals for their own personal political ends, or in the committees necessary to party • machinery. As those -who are known to be vour political friends have in the past very largely profited bv the use of the modes of procedure which have heretofore been pursued, it is to be presumed that you will not condemn the same as having in those instances failed to ascertain honestly and fully “the will of the Democratic people of Georgia. ’ I have never feared a full expression of the popular will. I have no fear of it now. I shall be satisfied that such popular will shall find its expression in the manner in which the people of each county shall determine for them selves. You will pardon me for saying that the time has come when party policy in this State should be shaped with out reference to the wishes of candi dates. Conventions and elections are held presumably in the interest of the people rather than in the interest of the candidates, and the wishes of the former should never he made subser vient to the interests of the latter. The Executive Committee might re sent as impertinent any attempt on our part to dictate its line of action, and the people would certainly repu diate anv effort bf the committee to control or restrict their mode of pro cedure in the appointment of dele gates. , So far as I am personally concerned I will be content to abide the result of either primary elections or the ac tion of mass meeting in the several counties according to the best judg- iryent and preference of the people thereof. Verv respectfully yours, A. O.* BACON. Having once gotten him to agree to these terms, she procured a pasteboard box, and, having glued the cover on, she cut a slit in the top large enough to admit of the passage of ail coins, and then waited. It was not long be fore something went wrong, and. as usual, the husband launched out at the poor wife. But. paper and pencil in hand. she. jotted down the epithets, and made $2.35 that attack. When calmed down lie cheerfully paid the bill, andthe wife thinks she will have at least $100 saved up at the end of a year, unless he gets to laughing at seeing her make the pencil fly, and forgets to be mad altogether. fthe Origin of “Cleanliness is Next to Godliness.” Few people know the origin of our most familiar quotations. The other day a Providence, R. 1., reporter started cut to find • TSfatesTner; were interviewed and the\ declared it was in the Bible. A mill tary man was positive that it first ap peared in a soap advertisement. The Secretary of the State thought it was in Corinthians. A sporting man said he had seen it in the ‘Marquis of Queensburv Rules.’ A distinguished general credited Shakespeare with it. A preacher said it was somewhere in the New Testament. The Governor of the State studied it over awhile, and said : “I don’t know who was the author.” Finally a colored pieman was spoken to, and he at once said : “’Dat’s good old Mefumdis’ doctrine. - ohn Wesley made it up liisself.” The reporter was amazed. He looked in to the matter, and in the eighth edi tion of “Bartlett's Familiar Quota tions” found the following: “Cleanli ness is indeed next to godliness. Ser mon on dress. John Wesley. 1760." The negro piejnan was better post*- 1 than the Governor, the statesmen, ifrid all the other big men. Making a living is the matter that engages the anxious thought of all classes of our people. There is a great’difference between a living and a good living. The rich can afford to. live well, the poor cannot. The rich ought to spend their money freely— the poor ought to use economy. A miserly spirit with a disposition to hoard money on the part of the rich is as disastrous to the good of man kind as it is for the poor to live above their means. The poor we have with us always. What they want is em ployment that holds out a fair promise of competency. An idle brain is the Devil's workshop. Whenever the Devil finds a fellow out of a job he straightway gives him employment. When God has blessed a man with capital or credit he should use it to carry on some kind of industry that will furnish an honest living to those who need employment. A desire to enjoy the luxuries of life, and the spending of money before it B earned is what keeps poor people in hot wa ter. They should not try to ape or envy the rich, for after all the com pensations of Providence are not so unequal as they imagine. It is not so much what a man’s surroundings are as the spirit "that abides within , that brings happiness. A patient submis sion to the will of God brings the on ly real joy and it, perhaps, is oftener found with the poor than the rich. In true Christianity is found the sola tion of labor troubles and financial embarassments. The spring session of the North Ga. Conference Holiness Association will be held in Griffin, commencing on the 24th of Mav, and continuing until the 30th. Rev! A. J. Jarrell, of Atli ens. is the President of _ the Associa tion. The Southern in Montgomery Baptist Convention is dealing with tin subject of missions, and is doing bk work. On the 10th Rev. J. M. V, ioco;. a delegate from Montevallo, .via., dropped dead on the streets fro:: heart disease.