Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, May 18, 1886, Image 4

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What “Howard'’ Saw in Washington. I'orreH'or.ilence New \<>rk World. The man most in favor, however, is Secretary Whitney, ancl New \orkers will be delighted to know that he car ries into his high station tne same helpful desire, the same courteous re cognition of men, that characterized him when he was an officeholder in the metropolis. . That Roscoe Conkling s towering form should attract attention on Pennsylvania avenue need not sur mise any one. ' The Senator, as everybody here calls him and seems to understand who is meant by it, “the Senator,” attended by his wife, came over here the other day for a week’s rest and recreation, visiting the capitol for the first time m many vears for that purpose, his other vis- its having }>dpii in t-lic interest of tliu State if not the nation. Mr. Conk ling looked well. His walk was be sieged with old-time friends glad to see him, bv outstretched hands < i to welcome him, and- by smiles and respectful bows wherever he went. While the President is a hard woik- t i\ a sturdy, steady, persistent plod der, he has regained a hardness of tiesli. a coolness of demeanor and steadiness of bearing which it will be remembered characterized Inin during his term in .Albany, and which for a while forsook him after his assuinp- 1 ion of the new duties here. _ Endicott. the Secretary of M ar, i& the hardest man to see, and there is not much to see when you get at him. Garland is accessible, so is Bayard, nnd Vilas lias enough common sense and contemporaneous policy about him to at least see those who can serve or injure him, but to Whitney must be given the palm of easy adap tability to circumstances. Sheridan sits as General of the army in a very comfortable apartment, nicely furnished with pictuies and fi-i"" and Indian reminiscences and portraits, some good and some bad, within hailing distance of his assist ants He uses an ordinary office ta ble,’ in front of which lie has arrang ed three enormous easy chairs. Day efter (lav women enter timidly, peer around curiously, sit down gradually and stare persistently until having ^ratified their curiosity they rise and GEORGIA DENTISTS. The Opening Proceedings of the nual Convention at Macon. An- and a re- M a cos', Ga., May 11.—The Georgia State Dental Society convened in an nual session at Masonic hall this morn ing at 10 o'clock. There were about 50 delegates present, this evening and to address of welcome was delivered in a most happy manner by Dr. W. W. Ford, of Macon. The response in behaif of the society was made by Dr. D. H. Patterson, of Baxley. The ] Resident, Dr. Coyle, of Thomasville, delivered his address. It was a most learned one, and full of interest to the profession. Dr. Coyle, though quite a young man, ranks high, by his ability lias achieved quite putation. The report of the executive commit tee was then read, after which the meeting adjourned until 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The evening and night session ivas taken up in the dis cussion of various topics and the reading of papers connected with the dental profession. The society will be in session Wednesday and Thurs day and end with a banquet Thurs day night at Brown's Hotel. Miraculous Escape. W. W. Reed, druggist, of Winches-’ ter, Ind., writes: “One. of my custo mers, Mrs. Louisa Pike, Bartonia, Randolph Co., Ind., was a long suf ferer with Consumption, and was given up to die by her physicians. She heard of Dr. King’s New Discov ery for Consumption, and begun Inly ing it of me. In six months' time she walked to this city, a distance of six miles, and is now so much improved she has quit using it. fShe feels she owes her life to it. Free Trial Bottles at C. L. Case’sDrug Store. | For six months a young man named Ferguson, who resided at Great Falls, Maine, had been in failing health de- i S pite the care of his physicians, none ! of whom could fathom the cause of , id, decline. Among many odd symp- f toms was that of a peculiar choking i sensation, which was not understood More will arrive U11 til one day a snake thrust its head o-morrow. _ The j ont Q f the young man's mouth. The sick man called his sister, and she, wrapping a cloth around her hand when next the head appeared, seized it. and with a quick pull landed the venomous reptile at her feet. Her ac tion killed her brother. The tail of the snake had grown into the young I man's body, and in tearing it away a j blood vessel was broken and the ! voung man bled to death. For scalds and burns no remedy i better than white of egg. It exclude, air from the wound as well as colic-( dion, and is more cooling than sweet oil and cotton. It should be poured over the wound as soon as it is made. An amusing incident is told of the courting of the Rev. Dr. Nathaniel Appleton, one of the earliest ministers of Ipswich, Massachusetts. It ap pears that, while engaged in wooing this young lady who lived in W ater- town, he one day happened to. call at her house and discovered that a rival suitor had dropped in to see his sweet heart, leaving liis horse hitched to the front fence. Mr. Appleton, seeing how matters stood, fastened his own horse to the front fence, and. untying the other sent him careering down the street with a stroke of his whip. He then entered the house and cooly told his rival that he had just seen a horse running away, and inquired if it might not be his. The owner there upon started off in search of his miss ing quadruped and while he was gone Mr. Appleton “popped the question,” and—was accepted.—Boston .Travel ler. to it : cn er fo: at ion. when t This is about ail the fun Phil. The moment he sumably on curi- grasps liis pen This is a signal tin* commencement of ob- retire Sheridan has now. si***s a lady enter, pr« osity bent alone, he and beirins to write. die observt iroug toe: main out. notes lo vie tru JUST VICTIMS. : i: anarchists dr ad and dyjs'G- kiiom stuff takkn in the I /)oTKI) DRUG STORK. Ghicaoo. May 11.—It lias been as certain- d that of the Polish andBohe- rioter- wlio regaled themselves v,ith liquid refreshments when they sacked the drug store at Centre avenue and Eighteenth streets last Wednes day, eight have died, and at least he r more are known to b<* beyond Ja»;ia of recovery. The police have i.t-.'ji too much occupied with other martess to hunt those who were re- ported ill, but a physician has been hud who has attended some of the •thus, lie slid it wa.- undoubtedly that the men had been poisoned bv banking the contents of bottles in 1 he wrecked drug store. The stuff taken was mostly wine of coiehicum, which greatly resembles sherry wine and has a strong smell of alcohol. The doctor said, “it is a viru lent poison, and is almost certain death if taken into the stomach in any quantity over a spoonful. I have t reated four and have now in my care three, who arc suifering from an over dose of tincture of paregoric, no doubt taken at the same time as the coiehicum, and under the supposition that it was liquor of some kind.” The doctor ga\ e the names of four who had died under his own notice, and four treated by another physician. All are of the unpronounceable Bohe mian or Polish orthography. Was Prohibition Bought. ( I AIM IN COURT THAT RHODK IS LAND'S TKMl’KItANCK VOTE WAS PURCHASED. V.- cu Tclcumpli: The question of prohibition or no prohibition in Rhode Island now bangs upon the decision of the Su- preme Court, in which a bill in equi ty !ias been filed asking that the vote h “reby the prohibitory amendment was carried be declared invalid and tin* reason*- for such a demand are as inflows: The constitution provides that there shall be two classes of vo ters property owners and registered fax payers. The latter have to regis ter before December 31 in each year to qualify for the next year, and a clause in the constitution provides that upon the city or town clerk re- ( -iving legal proof that the registry tax-paver has paid his own tax, then hi.** name can go upon the voting list. For many years it has been the cus tom of both political parties to pay the taxes of large numbers of men whom they believe will vote their way. Eminent lawyers in that State produce important English decisions as well as American decisions which make such practices bribery. At the last election, in April, when the pro hibitory amendment was carried 4.000 names were on the voting lists of men whose taxes had been paid by either Republicans or Democrats. The bill in equity now asks that these votes be declared invalid, and if this is sustained by the court the whole election, including the vote whereby prohibition was brought about will be null and void. The Liquor Deal ers’ Association of the State is making a desperate light, and they are as sured by counsel they "will succeed. The socialists in Chicago last Monday attacked the police, killing and wound ing- nearly a score. A number of Socialists were killed and wounded. It is getting about time that the Socialists were made to go. The country is not benefitted by the presence of such people, and the sooner they are put in chains the better. £10,000 were spent in eighteen years by Prof. C. A. Donaldson, of Louis ville, Ky., in trying to get rid of liis rheumatism, but he found no relief until at last he used St. Jacobs Oil, which speedily cured him. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child sintering and cr> ing with pain of cutting teeth? If so, send at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINS LOW \S SOOTHING SYRUPFOR CHILDREN TEETHING. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dvsenterv and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach aiid bow els. cures wind colic, softens the gums, reduces I inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the I whole system. MRS. WINSLGVVS SOOTHING I SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING is pleasant I to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the j oldest and best female nurses and physicians in i TJ»f a ^ mm the United States, and is for sale bv ail druggists I faiJ it 8?jjj $ & j 2 throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. B LI# December, 22nd, 1885. 24 ly 1 AURANTII Most of the diseases which afflict mankind axe origin ally caused by a disordered condition of the LIVER. For all complaints of this kind, such as Torpidity of the Liver, Biliousness, Nervous Dyspepsia. Indiges tion, Irregularity of the Bowels, Constipation, Flatu. lency, Eructations and Burning of the Stomach (sometimes called Heartburn), Miasma, Malaria, Bloody Flux, Chills and Fever, Breakbone Fever, Exhaustion before or after Fevers, Chronic Diar rhoea. Loss of Appetite, Headache, Foul Breath, Irregularities incidental to Females, Bearing-down STSDiGEB’S SURfiNTII is Invaluable. It is not a panacea for all diseases, but a,! diseases of the LIVER, will vUjlfa STOMACH and BOWELS. It changes the complexion from a waxy, yellow tinge, to a ruddy, healthy color. It entirely removes low, gloomy spirits. It is one of the BEST AL* TERATiVES and PURIFIERS OF THE BLOOD, and Is A VALUABLE TONIC. Discussing grafted varieties of fruit trees, a writer in Harper's Magazine says : This opportunity to grow dif ferent kinds of fruit on one tree im parts a new and delightful interest to the orchard. The proprietor can al ways he on the lookout for something new and fine, and the few moments required in grafting or budding make it’ his. The operation is so simple and easy that lie can learn to perform it himself, and there are always plen ty of adepts in the rural vicinage to give hjm his initial.lesson. While he will keep the standard kinds for his main supply, he can gratify his taste and eye with some pretty innova tions. 1 know of an apple tree which bears* over a hundred varieties. II ~ V, jSjgi 7 ;V-^'v ' _ - -/ANA--; a ("Sf3Rtc:#t syv t: 3 I . m flUIluiijp jTVURH biliousness; Sick Headache In Four hour:;. ! v2) C*ne dose relieves Neuralgia. They cure er.d ' prevent Chilis U Fever, Sour Stomach l:?*1 I Breath. Clear the Skin, Tore the Nerves, and giva j Life r Vigor io the system. Dose: ONE BSAX. Try them once and you wiil r.ever be without tnsm. I Price, 25 cents per bottle. Sold by Druggists and Medicine Dealers generally. Sent on receipt o f price in stamps, postpaid, to any address, J. F. SMITH £i CO., 13uf3Cturer^ and Sole Props.. ST. LOUIS, r,10, February 22, 1886. [33 ly STADSGER’S AURANTH For sale by all Druggists. Price 81.00 per bottle. C. F.STADiCER, Proprietor, *CO SO. FRONT ST.,' Philadelphia, April 20. 188G. 41; y. MENTS Fast Fast Fast Felling Felling Selling a n (1 Books. Book?. Books. “Most of these hair preparations don’t work,” writes Mr. J. S. Burdick, of St. Louis, “but Parker’s Hair Bal sam is an honorable exception. My hair was thin and prematurely gray. The Balsam made it brown again arid soft as in my boyhood.” 43 Imo. The Richest Negro.—The richest negro in Alabama, who is the richest negro in the south, owns two coal mines, which he leases to the largest iron manufacturers in the iron dis trict for $5,000 annually; the negro has nothing to do with it except to present himself monthly for the sum that is due. The iron manufacturer has this property leased for a term of six years, at the end of which time he says he would be glad to get it for $10,000 a year. The negro is very unassuming, and polite. He work’s hard on a little farm whicli he owns adjoining the coal property.—Jack sonville Republican. S;il:iry and Commission-. Salary and Commission. Salary and Commission. For full particulars and terms, address ATLANTA PUBLISHING COMPANY, No. S South Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga. April 27, 188G. 42 8m Car Load of Nails. T HAVE JUST RECEIVFI) a car I load of Nails which I will sell as cheap as they can be had anywhere, at wholesale or retail. JOSEPH STALEY: Milledgeville, Feb., 15th, 188G. [32 It CHOICE STORY BOOKS, Games, Toys, &c., for the little ones. Croquet Sots, Hammocks, Fishing Tackle, all at prices to suit the times. C. L. CASE, Druggist. Milledgeville, Jan. 20, ’86. 43 ly Theo. Marltw(liter's STEAM MARBLE & GRANITE WORKS, Broad Street. Near Lower Market, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. MARBLE WORK, Domestic and Imported, at low prices. Georgia and South Carolina Granite Monuments made a specialty. A large selection of MARBLE and GRANITE WORK always on hand, ready for LETTERING and DELIVERY. [Oct. 27th, 1885. 16 ly Central City Health Home! A Private Sanitarium for Chronic Diseases. 152 and 148 Cotton Avenue, .' Macon, Ga. Under the Management of J. EMMETT BLACKSHEAR, M. D., —AND— Bennette E. Fuller, M. D. S PECIAL inducements offered to those who have been long sick and are not likely to get well at home. No exclusive system recognized, alljreliable therapeutic agents of established merit being employed, including Electricity, Massage, Swedish Movements. Turkish, Russian, Electric, Thermo Electric, Medicated and other Baths. For particulars, see Circulars, sent Free on ap plication. [May 11, ’86. 44 lm. lor Pam THE CHARLES A. Curts Rheumatism. Neuralgia. ArliMie, Headache, Tootbaelie, Sprain*. KruW?*. elr.,rtc. HICK, FIFTY CKXTS. AT DKIUUISTS AXD DEALERS. VOGELER CO., BALTIMORE. Jill. The most severe cough can at once be remoyed by Red Star Cough Cure. “Give it to your children by all means, says Prof. Williams, ex-State Chemist of Delaware, who found it wonderfully efficacious. Price, only twenty-five cents a bottle. flOUGritURE Free from Opiates, Emetics uh<1 FoLsotu SAFE. SURE. PROMPT. Ax Dbuogi«t8 Aim Dsaluw. TUB CHARLES A. YOUKLBR CO., BALTIMORE, HD. Dec. 22,1885. 24 ly All ’Sorts of ¥ hurts and many sorts man and beast need lotion.. Mustang Liniment. May 4, 1886. of ails of a cooling lm US. ZEt. SOPilNriEZIQieLR,, —IMPORTER! — —Wholesale and Pietail Dealer In— Fine w ines, Cigars, Brandies, Tobacco, Mineral Waters, Whiskies, Gin, Porter, Ale, Etc. G01 and 802 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA. K&-Agent for Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin, Urbana* Wine Company. Also, sole Agent for the Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association, St. Louis, Mo. Special Brewings Lager Beer kept in stock. Dec. 15th, 1885. 23 ly. THE FARQUHAR COTTON PLANTER. EXCELS ALL OTHERS. It is simple in construction and can be handled easily by ordinary farm hands. Drops the unrolled seed with perfect regularity and in any desired amount. Never skips. Opens, drops and covers. Send for price. A. B. FARQUHAR & CO., Manufacturers of Machinery and Wholesale Hardware Merchants, Macon. : : : : : Georgia. February 19th, 1386. 36 ly Mrs, S. D. THE FASHIONABLE W oottsn. (ivy tvk Would invite the attention of the ladies to the beautiful Spring and Summer Millinery now being shown by her. Great care and attention have bcei ! to the selection of this stock, and it is replete with the * of the season. White and Figured Lawns, 111 endless variety and prices. Gloves, all kinds, Collars, U- Linen Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Veiling, Cashmere, Scarfs,' L * ^ Corsets 3oc., worth 50c. Come and see for yourselves. Polite and careful attention will be given the ladies bv v* Mattie Keel and Miss Minnie Harrell. Mrs. S. D. WOOTTEJ Milledgeville, Ga.. April otli, 18SG. <i\. Spring and Summer Millinery! We are receiving the most superb stock of Millinery, Fancy Goods V tions, Ac., ever shown in this city, embracing all ‘the latest styles • Hats, Bonnets, Infants and children’s Caps, latest novelties in Gau-. Crapes, Roman Striped Silks, Satins and Velvets, an immense line of R bons, including plain, Fancy Gauzes and Pecot Edge in all the newest ; signs, from the best to the cheapest grades, a large and varied assor ment of Flowers, Plumes, Tips and Ornaments. Also an elegant line Lace Flouncing, Y T oking, Lace Neckwear, Ruchings, Linen Collars an - . . , broideri-* Arasene, Embroidered Silks, Corsets, the celebrated '‘Wire Health Bustle,'>& Thanking our friends and the public generally for liberal patronage the past, we respectfully solicit a continuance of the same, feeling contiJi*- that with the freshest* stock, the latest styles and the best Milliners we please all both in Goods iind in Prices. Very Respectfully, Ti l h Milledgevillt o. Ga., March 22rd, 1886. os’* CTCT.ES —Diphtheria, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, Neuralgia, Eheumatism, Bleeding at the luEin. Hoar seness, Influenza, Hacking Cough,Whooping Cough, Catarrh, I _ . :rh, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Chronh Diarrhoea, Kidney Troubles, and Spinal Diseases. Pamphlet free. Dr. I. S. Johnson & Co., Boston, Mass. MAKE NEW, BICH BLOOD. PMSOiS I PILLS These pills were a wonderful discovery. No others like them in the world. Win positively cur) or relieve all manner of disenjo. Th. information around each box is worth ten times the cost of a box or pills. Find out about them and you_ will always be thankful. One pill a dose. Illustrated pamphlet free. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail for 25c. in stamps. Sheridan’s Conditioni _ Fowdcr L-- absolutely! pure and' Qighly con-j oentrat ed. One ounce! is worth a pound oil any other kind. It is! strictly a medicine to! be given with food. 8 Sold everywhere, or sent by mail for £5 cents stnmps. ili. n^ns by express, prepaid, for'$>6.00. Feb. 10, 1886. inkrcu. Onepin a cose. Dlustraten pampaiB. Dr. I. S. JOKlsraOhr & CO., 22 C.H. at.,3ostcr. WEBS Nothing or, cATth will make teas lay ilk© it. It cares chicken choiera ml all diseases of bens. Id worth its wei;at in gold. Illustratei book by mail free. 2 i-4 lb. air-tight tin cans, SI; by mail, SI.20, DSL. X. S. JOH2»aON Si CO.. Boston. 32 lv New Drug Store. If any one desires Call at KENAN'S DRUG STORE, And try one of those I have just received. I keep First Class Chewing Tobacco, CIGARETTES, ETC. If the ladies will call at THE NEW DKUG STORE, They can get New, Fresh, Baking Powder?, Cream of Tarter COLOGNE, 'Of the best qualitv, and anv other article usually kept in a DRUG STORE. ‘ T. H. KENAN. Milledgeville, Ga.. January 26th, 1886. Soap. 29 3lu Geo. Ht. Lombard 4* Co., Forest City Foundry and Machine Works, Near the Water Tower, 1014 to 1026 Fenwick St., Augusta, Ga., Saw Hills, Grist Hills, Cane Hills, Plantation Machinery, Engines, Boilers, Cotton Screws, Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers, Journal Boxes, Mill Gearing, Gudgeons, Turbine Water Wheels, Gin Gearing, Judson’s Govern ors, Disston’s Circular Saws and Gummers and Files, Belting and Babbitt Metal and Brass Fitting Globe and Check Valves, Whistles, Gauges, &c., Iron and Brass Castings and Gin Ribs and Injectors. Repairing promptly done at Lowest Prices. We cast every day both Iron and Brass, having great ly increased our capacity with latest improved tools. We are running full time with 100 hands, which enables us to fill orders promptly at Lowest Prices. Give us a trial before sending elsewhere. Agents for Ueorgia and South Carolina for Knorting’s Universal Injectors, The Best Boiler Feeder Out. Works with one lever. Will work warm or cold water, and will lift water. Warranted to give satisfaction. Send for circulars before you buy any other. They are better than a pump. [March 23, 1886. 37 ly. WMTE0!SI d e « tt <:^U': Sample free to those becoming agent s. (No risk, quick gales. Territory given. .ESP’Satisfaction guaranteed. 'Address DR. SCOTT, 842 Broadway, NEW YORK. April 20,1886. 41 lm. MM Legal blanks for sale at this office. “Silver Lake” and other fine brands of Tobacco fast arrived, at the new' drug store of Dr. T. H. Kenan. The best 5c., Cigar at the new store of Dr. T. H. Kenan. drug