Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, May 25, 1886, Image 2

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UNION & RECORDER. ODR ADGUSTA LETTER. Augu sta, Ga., Slay 21st, 1880. Editors Union Recorder: The joint discussion between Maj. Hacon and Gen. Gordon at the Opera House last Wednesday night is still the theme of conversation in Augusta. The scene reminded one of the excit ing times before the war. The house was crowded—densely packed in fact —even standing room being in de mand. Many ladies graced the occa sion, and even joined in the applause for their respective favorites. Gen. Gordon was introduced in becoming manner by Col. Charles C. Jones, and Maj. Bacon was presented to the au dience by Georgia’s favorite son, Kon. J. C. C. Black, in his most impressive and eloquent style. When Gordon -arose it was evident that the vast ma jority of the audience was present not to endorse his candidacy, but to show in no unmistakable way their disapproval of it. Gen. Gordon well knew this fact; he felt it, and it vexed him. At times he almost lost his tem per, and plainly showed that he was not himself. His speech was simply a re-hash of his former efforts, at Eaton- Con, Sparta, and other places. When Major Bacon faced the audi ence the vast crowd sent up one long, loud, and swelling yell of delight. He knew r that he was in the house of his friends, and this knowledge seemed to inspire him. He made a telling speech, and while returning the com- pl iments paid him by Gen. Gordon, be devoted most of his speech to ques tions of State policy. It was arrang ed that Gen. Gordon should follow Maj. Bacon, in a concluding speech of llfteen minutes, but when he arose the second time calls for Bacon were heard all over the house, and confu sion reigned supreme, until Mr. Black quieted the crowd, and begged them Co give the General a respectful and courteous hearing. Notwithstanding the fact that the crow'd immediately became quiet and orderly, Gen. Gor don declined to speak a second time. He saw how r much capital could be made out of this interruption and was not, slow to take advantage of it. The people of Richmond county re gret that a few' over zealous ones saw' fit to interrupt the General, and have condemned it through their public journals. They all admire Gordon, and are grateful to him for past ser vices iu war and peace, but they are convinced that he has been amply re warded. and regret that he has enter ed 1 be Gubernatorial contest. Bacon wih carry this county by an over whelming majority. Candidates for the Legislature are as thick as peas in a pod. Every day or so brings out a fresh candidate. There are already six, with more to .bei&r from, viz : Calvin, Barrett, Mc Cord. Fleming, Lamar, and Miller. .Ur. Olivia is the only one of our Rep- mtatives in the last House w'ho is .seeking to be returned. He will be ‘fleeted, and will head the ticket. Jlhere are hundreds in Richmond county who are under lasting obliga tions to Martin V. Calvin. Hundreds snore recognize in him an honest up right, intelligent, clear-headed and practical legislator—and will send him back to the House by a most flatter ing vote. His record is before them, mid they endorse Ins every act. They aware also that his experience whl be of great value to them in the next Legislature. Coming next to Mr. Calvin will be brilliant young lawyer, Charles Z. McCord. He is very popular with tii-c iwopie of Richmond County, and ■will without doubt, receive their sup port. He has friends in every nook And corner of the County, and they Are. working for him like beavers. He is one of the most brilliant as well a.s practical young men in Georgia, .and is well equipped to do valuable service for his County and State. The race for the third place on the ticket will be among Barret, Fleming, and Lamar. At this time they are al most “neck and neck, ” with Miller several yards behind. Well, you can hear nothing but pol itico talked of in Augusta, and there is. ‘scarcely anything more to talk ■’Bioovit. Our people are disappointed because the State Democratic Conven tion will not honor our city with xfceir presence during the summer. ; >f course Atlanta is the Capital, and small boy. Augusta has a bad case of politics and picnics. The thunder storm last- Thursday morning frightened many of our Peo ple out of their early slumbers. A clap of thunder sounded at 4. a. in., which seemed to shake the very foun dations of the earth. Mr. Thomas Bartlett, one of Augus citizens. w T as buried thii ta’s oldest citizens, was buried this morning. The city was shocked to learn of the sudden death of Rev. Jas. Lvans, D. D He was well known here, and greatly beloved. What a fitting close to such a long life of usefulness in the Master’s cause! So much like a translation to heaven. It is raining again. The streets are being flooded and the sewers flushed. The river is very high, 32 feet, 2 in., and still rising slowly. Grave fears are entertained of a freshet, and if the rains continue in the up country the whole of Augusta may be under water before morning. Let us hope that this horrible catastrophe may be averted. Houghton. Washington Letter, From Our Regular Correspondent Washington, May 17, 1886. the Capital is Georgia. The Knight Templars have been lding their annual conclave in this •..*jlv since Wednesday last. Phis Or- • tv N composed of some of the finest ’took"u\g men in Georgia, and present ed a magnificent appearance while marching through our streets. Their religious services were held at the First Baptist Church on Wednesday night and were of a most interesting nature. A fine address was delivered .by Hon. John S. Davidson, Grand Master of the State, in his usually el oquent style. The Harmonic Society rendered the music. This is the first time the Society has performed in public. Yesterday the Knights en joyed an old time Georgia barbecue at fcha Schutzen Platz. The General Assembly of the Pres byterian church South, convened in tiie 1st Presbyterian church yester * day. The Assembly is composed of commissioners or delegates, about 120t being now present. The Presbyteri an church boasts of her educated ministry, and it is a fact that many of the ablest theologians are to be found in her ranks. The Assembly is presided over by Rev. Dr. Bryson of Alabama, a man of great culture and deep piety, and a splendid parliamen tarian. The question of evolution will be brought up, and the assembly will be asked to settle this vexed ques tion. Dr. Woodrow' will not be on trial directly, but the settlement of this question, one wav or the other, w ill have a bearing on liis case. Picnics are all the rage with our schools, and Sunday schools. Two Sunday schools are in the woods to day—the Baptist at Schultz’s Hill, S. C., and the Christian at the Schutzen Platz. The Houghton Institute will picnic next Wednesday at the Hill. Even base-ball is forgotten by the Congressmen express themselves dif ferently as to the results of the fall elections. Many of the old members have announced their intention to re tire, and many of the new ones talk indifferently about coming back. A few of them say they would not make an effort to return. They claim that the position of a Representative is not profitable, and that, for mere,_ ex perience, a single term is sufficient. A Western Member, w'ho w'ill net be returned, said he fully appreciated the honor of being in Congress, but his business at home bad suffered so much by this honor, that with all the fascination of the beautiful city of Washington, he did not enjoy living in his trunk. On the other hand there are many members of the Forty-Ninth who de sire above everything else to be mem bers of the Fiftieth Congress. These are on the anxious bench, nervously hoping to secure the re-indorsement of their constituents. Several members have been made happy in this way during the past few' days. All week long the House Judiciary Committee has been listening to ar guments for and against additional legislation in Utah. The longest of these pleas was that of the distin guished lawyer, Mr. Jeff Chandler. He had special indignation to bestow on those people who go to Utah, w'ho do not live there, yet stir up strife and inflame the country in order to gain notoriety. Said he: -“Are w'e to be driven by* a storm of prejudice? Prejudice has darkened the history of this country from the beginning?” Miss Kate Field, who sat by and heard all that w r as said upon the sub ject, has made some caustic remarks in ply. “According to this reasoning,” said she, “because I do not have my own throat cut, I must raise no cry v'hen my neighbor's throat is cut.” She says if this country is a nation, what concerns one portion, concerns all, and it is about time for the peo ple to realize that when the Rocky Mountains take poison, the Atlantic seaboard must call the doctors. She also thinks that people living outside of Utah, w’ho ask for legislation to do aw’ay with treason and polgamy in that*Territory, may be more unselfish in their opposition to the Mormon church than the attorneys paid to de fend it. A Congressman who was discussing the labor trouble said; “1 make it a business to vote for every labor bill or resolution that comes up. It makes- no difference to me what its merits are. I cannot afford to do any thing else.” He added that large numbers of his constituents are mem bers of labor organizations, and if he took any other course he would have to spend all of his time in explanation that w ould not be satisfactory. He thinks the most exasperating thing in our politics is the tendency to mis represent motives and actions and that the only self protection is to be in opposition to popular sentiment as little as possible. He acknowledged that it was not a self-respecting confes sion, “but,” continued he, “you can only protect yourself from dema gogues by being a modified demagogue yourself.” Senator Vest, of Missouri, has been expressing himself to the Senate in regard to pensions. He thinks the anxiety of both political parties and the cupidity of pension claim agents are responsible for so much pension legislation. He does not believe it is demanded by the volunteer soldiers of the country. The astute and pur chased intellect of claim agents, cor morants and curbstone lawyers in Washington was constantly contriving new- devices for increasing pensions by which to fill their ow n pockets. He animadverted w ith severity on the “nebulosity” of the estimates made by different persons as to the amount that the general Pension bill would take from the treasury. He asserted that the amount was beyond the ken of mortal man. Among our Exchanges. The Georgia Chemical and Mining Works of Atlanta have failed. Waycross is in the midst of a power ful revival at the Methodist church. It is now said that the Atlanta and Hawkinsville road is a certainty, and that it can be built for $630,000. Judo’e Mershon w'ill contest with Congressman Norwood the right of going to Congress from the First Dis trict. Capital Prize. $150,000. The Georgia Holiness Association met in Griffin yesterday (24th) and continues through the following Sab bath. The quadrennial Methodist Episco pal conference in Richmond, Va., has refused to change the name of tne church. “We do hereby certify that we supervise tin. arrangements for all the Monthly and Quar- terly Drawings of The Louisiana State Lotte ry Company, and in person manage and control the Drawings themselves, and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all parties, and we authorize the Company to use this certificate, with fac-similes of our signatures attached, in its advertise ments.” . The prohibition contest in Spalding county is getting wann. Meetings are being held nightly by the prohi bitionist and the antis. Commissioners. J. H. OGLESBY, Pres. Louisiana NatT Ilk. J. W. KILBKETH, Pres. State Nat’l Bank. A. BALDWIN. Pres. New Orleans Nat'l Bk. The funeral of Rev. Dr. J. E. Evans took place from Mulburry street Methodist church in Macon last ihurs- The prohibitionists of Lowndes coun- UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION! tv have organized for the purpose of V-rw^-TToH*.Million Distributed, having a vote on the local option issue in that county. Hon. H. H. Carlton has announced himself in the Athens Banner Watch man as a candidate for Hon. beab Reese’s seat in Congress. Louisiana Stale Lottery Company. Oconee Dry.—Athens, Ga., May eg —Oconee county went for prohibi tion to-day by forty-two majority. The contest has been quite bitter. About 3,000 pounds of w ool has been brought to the Hawkinsville market. The clipping is now going on all over the country, and several thousand pounds will be brought in next week. Eight districts in Harris county have adopted tbe stock law and the farmers have pulled down their fences and feel relieved of a heavy expense. TIipv irive pastures to their tenants and all*are happy. The trustees of the Slater educa tional fund have appropriated $30,000 for education. Georgia gets $5,100, Alabama $3,800, South Carolina $3,- 700, North Carolina $3, GOO, Tennessee $5,800. Mrs. Geo. H. Pendleton, the wife of the United States Minister to Ger many, who is at home on a visit, was killed Friday, by being thrown from a carriage in Central Park, New York. Her daughter was hurt. Atlanta, May 22.—-Gen. Gordon and Maj. Bacon came into Atlanta to gether on the Georgia railroad train n.'in ftVinok this afternoon. Both at 5730 o'clock this ^afternoon. Both sides claim to be satisfied with the re sult of the joint discussions. Maj. Ba con left for Macon on the night tram. The election of Rev. Dr. Joseph Key, of Columbus, to be a bishop of the Methodist church will give great satisfaction to Georgia, his native State. His venerable father, the late Rev. Caleb Key, was one of the ear liest and most devoted “horesback” preachers of the State when Rev. Lo- vick Pierce was in liis prime.—Atlan ta Journal. Bibb for Bacon.—Macon, Ga., May 22.—A mass meeting of Demo crats w'as held in this city to-day noon. Delegates were elected to re present Bibb county in the Guberna torial Convention. They are instruc ted for Maj. Bacon. Resolutions in dorsing tbe present State house offi cers w'ere passed. The delegates were instructed to vote for Hon. Clifiord Anderson for Attorney General. Rev. James E. Evans, or “Uncle Jimmy Evans,” as be was called by those who loved him, has been a pat riarch of the Methodist Church for years and is loved by everybody. He was about seventy-seven years old, and has been over a half century in the active discharge of ministerial duty. He has always enjoyed the most perfect health, and w r as thorough ly w r ell up to the minute of his depar ture. Such a life and such a death are worthy of the man and of the great cause which he represented. He suffered a stroke of paralysis about five years ago, and it is suppos ed his death resulted from a second stroke. This good old man w r as born in Au gusta and here he w r as best knoAVU and best loved perhaps. His good w'ife now resides in Macon and to her and all who were near and dear to him, the sympathy of all good people is ex tended. Memorial services Avill be held here, in Thomson, in Macon and all OA'er the State in his honor.—Ed. Augusta Ev r ening NeAvs. The matter of Methodist re union be tween the North and South is coming into the public mind. There is a growing spirit for the re-union. The Methodist Conference at Richmond has shown considerable desire to re store the old bond between the North ern and Southern wings of this great church. While there was opposition to re-uniting, it was not on sectional grounds, but for reasons of conven- ience and policy. The issue is ripen ing. The destructive freshets hoav upon Georgia are of more importance than anything else. In fact the calamity is much greater upon the people than the impending gubernatorial cam paign. Thousands of farms have been rendered useless for the present year, as it is now too late to replant. Mis fortunes rarely come single handed.— Augusta NeAA r s. Our last information is that the M. & S. C. railroad Avill run as first indi cated, to Covington, and tliense to the Air line, but the point of inter section is not yet definitely settled. It is also said that the city of Atlanta will build a branch road from that city to intersect the C. & M. road at or near Key’s ferry in Jasper county, this AA'ill give Atlanta an outlet to the seaboard, as the C. & M. road will con nect at Macon with the road from Ma con via Dublin to Savannah. The road from Monticello to Eatonton will certainly be built by the C. & M. road if the promised amount, $40,000, is subscribed. This will give Eaton ton direct communication with Atlan ta. We also learn that the C. & M. bonds are deposited in New York by the syndicate building that road, and Mr. Machin is authorized to draw a- gainst this deposit just as soon as he finishes and equips ten miles of the road. The bonds Avill be cashed at 90cts in the dollar on presentation to the syndicate. Hurry up the sub scriptions.—Eatonton Messenger. Refr igerators. J AM expecting by every train a large lot of improA'ed refrigerators, of all sizes and of different prices. This chance should be embraced by every family in Milledgeville. The price shall be in reach of all. J. STALEY. 46 1m. Incorporated in 186S for 25 years by the Legis lature for Educational and Charitable purposes —with a capital of $1,000,000—to which a re serve fund of over $550,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitu tion adopted December 2d, A. D.,1879.. Its Grand Single Number Drawings will take place monthly. It never scales or post pones. Look at the following Distribution: 193rd Grand Monthly AND THK EXTRAORDINARY QUARTERLY DRAWING In the Academy of Music, New Orleans, Tuesday, .June 15, 1886. Under the personal supervision and manage ment of Gen. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of Louisiana and Gen. JUBAL A. EARLY, of Virginia. CAPITAL PRIZE, $150,000. >6®"Notice.—Tickets are Ten Dollars only. Halves, *5. Fifths, $3. Tenths, *1. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 CAPITAL PBIZE OF $150,000.... $150,000 4 20 50 100 200 600 1,000 BRAND PRIZE OF GRAND PRIZE OF LARGE PRIZES OF LARGE PRIZES OF PRIZES OF 50.000. 20.000. 10,000. 5.000. 1.000. 500. 000. 200. 100. 50. 50.000 20.000 20,000 20,000 20,000 25.000 30.000 40.000 60.000 50,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 100 Approximation Prizes of $200— $20,000 100 “ “ 100.... 10,000 |100 “ “ 75 7,500 2,279 Prizes, amounting to $522,500 Application for rates to clubs should be made only to the office of the Company in New Orleans. For further information write clearly, giving full address. POSTAL NOTES, Express Mon ey Orders or New York Exchange in ordinary letter. Currency by Express (at our expense,) addressed M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La., or M. A. DAUPHIN, Washington, D. C. Male P.0. Money Orders payable aid address Registered Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK, New Orleans, La. May 11th, 1886. 44 5t -AT- Joseph’s: Crinkled Seersuckers, in all the popular shades. May 17, 18S6. Crinkled Seersucker PRIUTSI In beautiful Shades—Linen Fin ish Styles. For Gentlemen Wo have the newest styles of Neckwear, Shirts and Collars— Hosiery and Underwear. Look at our Elegant Cashmere Capes! Just the thing for a Spring Wrap. At JOSEPH’S. Milledgeville, Ga., April 20, ’86. 8 ly T HE BEST 5 CENT CIGAR in town at C. L. Case’s Drug Store. [15 tf • Calhoun and Gravely are the best brands of tobacco, and you can al ways find them at the new drug store of Dr. T. H. Kenan. [35 tf WHITE & GREEN STORE! No. 17 South Wcujne St. The finest lot of Fancy Groceries in the city can be fo We have just received from New York a fresh lot of (\7 ^ jU Bottled Goods, viz.: Desicated Cocoanut in quart fruit j ar . De ^ glass top, Queen Olives, nice lot Pickles, Durkey’s Salacl b Sea Tomato Catsup, Celery Salt, kc. Just received fresh T r ress * and Pine Apples, both sliced and grated. We can suit VOl , 0&la will send us your orders or call on us and wall make the * ‘ i: Price as Low as the Lowest We the undersigned Bauks and Bankers will pav all Prizes drawn iu the Louisiana State Lotteries which may be presented at our coun ters. We have on hand the finest Coffee the market affords. .J Usf ed a lot of the celebrated Murray Hill Java in handsome toons, with screw top which makes it air tight and keeps it, V aroma of the Coffee. In meats, we have White Meat, vfj 1 Bacon, Hams and.Shoulders. Lard in any quantity. Weh a . to suit any man’s pocket book. Be sure to ask for our p I same. We can now furnish anything in the way of PIC NIC G(Y wanted. We do not pretend to advertise all we keep, as it -7 take up too much space. Try Cleveland Baking Powder sold • Also our Jersey Patent Flour, We can’t help from bragging on our different grades of Fl 011r cause all of our trade tell us it is fine. Try it and be convinced Jgp'Our regular patrons will please remember that we will 7 times try to fill their orders whether we have the goods in stock ot. Goods delivered promptly and free of charge to any p ar the city. May 25th, 1886 WHITE & TREANOB No. 17 South Wayne Street, Milledgeville, I 3i: Special Department —OF— Toiacco! Cigars! Snu! We wish to call the attention of the Merchants of this sectioL t- our special and recently organized department. Our facilities for handling Tobaccos in large quantities is secoJ to none of any house in Georgia. We have over twenty brands of Tobaccos and can suit anybody d either quality, quantity or price. Our trade in these goods is increasing daily and we have at pie testimony that our goods are giving satisfaction. We have recently purchased and now have in stock, a large asl sortment of all grades of Cigars, and are now ready to meet all hoi" orable competition in this line. In Snuffs, we have different kinds and any size packages. See our Goods and Hear Our Prices! Is all we ask. We will certainly sell you. W. T. CONN & CO, Jobbers in Groceries and Tobacco. No. 22 and 24 South Wayne St., April 6th, 1886. Milledgeville, Ga. 29 lv New Advertisements. I application for charter U/AUTCn I AnV Active and intelligent Tv MU I LU LMUI to represent in her own 1 nnoli f nn nld Arm D — • a ■»-» linn ■ ku knvi luicpreseut m nerown locality an old firm. References required. Per manent position and good aalary. GAY & BROS, 16 Barclay St., N. Y. TlEAFHESS —-^ USES 81ld CURE, by . m — -- .. w one who was deaf twenty-eight JJ years. Treated by most of the noted spec ialists of the day with no benefit. Cured himself in three months, and since then hun dreds of others by same process. A plain, sim- treatment. Address ork City. (trees ui outers nj same process. A pie and successful home treatment T. S. PAGE, 128 East 26th St., New Y< ■ A MTF n —LADIES to work for us at MIN I L U • their own ! Ill nn | L U • their own homes, $7 to $10 ■I per week can be quietly made. No photo If painting: no canvassing. For full particu lars, please address at once, CRESCENT ART COMPANY, 19 Central Street, Boston, Mass., BOX 5170. CONSUMPTION I have a positive remedy for the above disease; by Us i of the worst kind and of loner use thousands of cases< standing havo been cured. Indeed, so strong is my faith in its efficacy,that I will send TWO BOTTLES FRKB, together with a VALUABLETREATISR on this disease to aay sufferer. Give express and P. O. address. DK.T. A. SLOCUM, 181 Pearl St., NewTork. i CURE FITS! When I say cure I do not mean merely to stop them for a time and then have them return again, I mean a tor a time ana men nave mem return again. 1 mean a radical cure. I have made the disease of FITS. EPI LEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS a life-long study. I warrant my remedy to core the worst caaes. Because tthera have failed lino reasonfor not now receiving a sure. Send at onoe for a treatise and a Free Bottle of tny infallible remedy. Giro Express and Post Office, tt costs you nothing for a trial, and I will cure you. Address Db. H. G. ROOTTmS Pearl St., New York. Parker’s Tonic A Purs Family Medicine that Never Intoxicates. If you are a lawyer, minister or business man exhausted by mental strain or anxious.cares do not take intoxicating stimulants, but use Parker’s Toxic. If you are a mechanic or fanner, worn out with overwork or a mother run down by family or household duties try Parker’s Tonic. CAUTION.—Refuse a’l substitutes. Parker’s Tonic is composed of the best remedial agents in the world, and is entirely different from prepar ations of ginger alone. Send for circular. HISCOX 6l CO., 163 William Street, New York. Sold by all Druggists in large bottles at One Dol lar. For Sale.—Pure Plymouth Rock Eggs for sale from select hens. $1.50 per setting of 13 eggs. Apply to 35 tf] W. A. Cook. STATE OF GEORGIA, ) Baldwin County. > To The Superior Court of saiii County: The petition of R. La mar, C. W. Ennis, T. W. Turk, John B. Wall, Solomon Barrett, 0. M. Cone, A. J. Carr, B. T. Bethune and B. F. Denton, showeth, that your petition ers desire to be incorporated under the name and style of “The Trustee? of the Milledgeville Baptist Church" which said church is located and situa ted in the City of Milledgeville and said State and county. The object of your petitioners, is to protect said Baptist church and its property from trespass and intrusion, and to promote the cause of morals and religion in said City, } County and State, for which purpose your petitioners pray that they may be permitted to exercise, in their corporate capacity, the privi leges of having and using a common seal, if they so desire, to contract anu be contracted with, to sue and be sued, to answer and be answered unto, in any and all the Courts of law anu equity in said State, to appoint, such officers as they may deem necessary, to make such rules and regulations as they may think proper for their own government, any three of whom sbal constitute a quorum for the transac tion of business and all vacancies in said Board of “Trustees” shall be fill ed by the members of said Baptist church and said Trustees shall have power to purchase, take, hold, receive and enjoy, and sell such real estate and personal property as may be necessary to enable'said corporation to carry into effect the objects of their incorporation, and to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, privilege: and immunities, incident to corpora tions of like character and description. and your petitioners pray the passing of an order by said Court granting this their application, and that the} and their successors in office be incor porated for and during the term oi Twenty years with the privilege Oi renewal at the expiration of salt- Term, and that the same be recorded provided for by law, and 'O aS piutiucu _ fm, jq petitioners will ever pray ic. J-i May the loth, 1886. „ DANIEL B. SAA FORD, Petitioners Attorney. Milledgeville, Ga., May 17th, 1896.[464t