Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, May 25, 1886, Image 5

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f ^patents , nil P\TENT BUSINESS at- Obtained am | l)i)E i>,vTE FEES. t e ndea tffipp is opposite the U. S. Patent Our office is opi obtain p atents in less oniC th?D d those'remote from WASHING- timetnau ' l0N -, MODEL OK DRAWING. We ad- Send u , v , ton tabilitv tree of charge; and vise as to Pgtg UARG£ , UNLESS paTEN T IS SEEURL- ; t0 t j ie Postmaster, the r f Monev Order Div,, and to officials Supt. p/ tent Office. For circular, ad- of the „ n j references to actual clients vice, terms ' te f Q 0un ty, write to in your own Mg“ A> SN0 W & CO. site Patent Office, Washington, D. C. °PP v.Tsth, 1881. 19 tf. >ov. E . E. BBOVS- FILLMORE BROWN EEGEB.T0N HOUSE, Opposite.Gen«a- Ad- Passenger Depot, Brown’s Hotel, - — GrOOFsia, joining lVfaco». 2. BROWN & SON, E. Owners and Proprietors, with . „want new Hotel, with modern 1 r lerits newly furnished from top improvements. ^ 0 th0 public. The t0 ^ L a [ .. e ’ i a rge, airy ami comfortable, room? ate iah-^ t W ;th the very best ' J, 0; 1^0 le it rc u* t affords. Terms Macon ? excellent mars, tg3 _ ut[ , $2 per day. IT REMEMBERED! —THAT AT THE— nEORIGA MUSIC tiOU^Ej E. I). IRVINE, Manager. Macon, Or£v., --- « Mio best Piano mad ith, until paid for, and no interest charged. When the Birds begin to Sing PAINT AIDTlABISTIIE C ing, you Should be Happy, For you arc combining the two great charms of beauty and economy. Yes, the ladies will tell you it is “LOVELY,” ami the good business man will assure you it is economical, especially when I'll sell you the best White Lead made (and guarantee so; from 6c up, per pound. Pure RAW AND BOILED OIL, Spirits Turpentine, Varnishes, Colors, Ac. equally low priced. Also, PURE MIXED PAINTS, White or any Tint desired. Any shade wanted made to order. Will guarantee these Paints for body, finish and durability, equal to best White Lead and Oil. If not satisfactory (after the test of time,; will repaint vour lionse with any Paint you may select FREE uF COST. Could you ask more than this? ALABASTINE NOT KALSOMINE! The use of which cannot be overestimated. It is easily applied, strengthens the waUs, readily tills all cracks in Plastering, can be used on wood as well as Plaster; also, over old papering, tbe white does not turn yellow or the tints fade. ’Tis also a good disinfectant, making it invalua- blejlor walls of basements and rendering the air pure and healthy. All of which will be sold as low as the closest quotations of Macon, Savan nah oi* any other market. This is no RUSH through the medium of printers ink, but will prove the same. Call and see before purchasing and I'll satisfy vou. C. L. CASE, Druggist, Milledgeville, Ga., Jan. 2Gth, ’86. 43 ly ROSADALIS THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY For the cure of Scrofula, Syphilis, Scrofulous Taint, Rheumatism, White Swelling, Gout. Goitre, Consump tion, Bronchitis, Nervous Debility, Malaria, and nil diseases arising from an impure condition of the Blood, Skin or Scalp. ROSADALIS Cures Scrofula. ROSADALIS Cures Rheumatism ROSADALIS Cures Syphilis. ROSADALIS Cures Malaria. ROSADALIS Cures Nervousness. ROSADALIS Cures Debility. ROSADALIS Cures Consumption R08ADALIS > s composed of tho strongestal teratives that exist,and is an excellent Blood PvairiKii- tS^FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. JOHN F. HENRY & CO. 24 COLLEGE PLACE, NEW YORK. April 20, 1880. 41 cw ly nrdv <10 DPT WOIltil, Ulltil ptUtl for S it cKSt Think of buying a su- perb Instrument 'for* Silf-J >» joy of your household, xoi are Happy Homes. AG AIN! Wo sell Organs at $3.50 per month—no interest. Pianos rented, and where par- tic- conclude to purchase, the rent paid win be considered part payment on the instrument. This places Pianos and Or- gaV within reach of almost any one. Sow why be without a nice Piano or "" ‘'only THINK OF IT! Pianos sold ou payment of $10.00 monthly. Organs “ V. » pjanos Rented 3 j0 Old Pianos received in part payment lor new ones. . , . , , Don’t only think, but take advantage ol the opportunity, and possess a superb instrument. We Lead In Low Prices AND EASY TERMS! Other houses pretend to follow, but they don’t—let them iigure and prove it. In conclusion we would respectfully say that in buying from us, you run no risk: Because, if vou desire, the instrument will be sent you on trial. You can then see if it is as represented, before a dollar Is paid. Is this not fair? Who has tnc ad vantage upon these conditions.'' You or the Georgia Music House? Because, we are where you can reach us, and should we misrepresent COOK STOVES EIGHTEEN SIZES AND KINDS ALL PURCHASERS CAN BE SUITED MANUF ACTCKED BY Isaac A.Sheppard k Co.,Baltimore,Md AND FOR SALE ItY T. T. WINDSOR, Ga. Special Sale! This Week! In Parasols, -AT- W. H. CARR’S. Newest Shapes! Large Variety! Lowest Prices! Ladies’ Parasols in black S ins, with Silk Pace Fringe, at- at pay $2.75 for Milledgevill May 12th, 1S85. 14 ly. BOOKS AND STATIONERY! A full line. Books used in our College and those used in the Public Schools, sold at lowest prices. Elegant paper and cards for Picnic and Ball In vitations with Envelopes to match. Also, plain goods, Pens, Inks, Ac., at lowest figures, at C. L. CASE’S Drug Store. Milledgeville, Ga., Jan. 20, ’86, 43 ly an instru ment you could do us an irreparable dam age by giving us a bad advertisement, -a reputation for square and honorable ueal- iputation for squar . , ing, for many years in the bouth is too valuable to us, not to receive our caie.au protection, for herein is the key of our success. , . , Because, a friend rnaae is a customer gained. We are determined to make noth ing but friends, so any representation made by us you cau put down as a Solid Fact, and govern yourself accordingly'. Because, we will pay freight both ways if tin* instrument is not as represented, and if satisfactory we pay freight to your home—anywhere in the South. Has any other house made a more liberal offer than this? StTSend for our catalogue of 10c Music. A r ou will be surprised to see that we can sell the best music for 10c. Dec. 8th, 1885. 36 ly. Dr. Holt’s Dyspeptic Elixir. Is a certain care for Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Jaundice. Constipation. Nervous Headache and Asthma when complicated with indigestion. DR. HOLT HAS SPENT YEARS IN THE Study of Dvspepsia, its causes, effects and cure, and has succeeded in giving the world a Boon whose virtues cannot be denied. It has effected won derful cures, in that! hitherto almost incurable disease dvspepsia. The testimonials received by him leave* but little room for doubt. W. A. Wright, Comptroller General. State of Georgia, says he was entirely cured by it having tried almost everything else. Dr. L. P. Dozier, of Hatcher's Station, Ga., was cured of dyspepsia and nervous headache after having exhausted his*own skill and tried the prescriptions of a number <>f eminent physicians. For sale by John Iif. Clark. Druggist, Milledge ville, Ga. Price 75 cents per bottle. May 19th, 1885. . 45 ly Jan. 12, 16S6. 27 ly. I Kerosene Oil. Guaranteed Pure and full Georgia Test, per gallon or barrel. Will sup ply dealers at lower figures than any market in the State or elsewhere. C. L. CASE, Druggist. Milledgeville, Jan. 26, 1886. 43 ly. OPIUM June 0, 1885. and WHISKY HABITS cured at home without pain. BOOK of particular* sent FREE. B. M. WOOLLEY, M. D., Atlanta,Ga. 49 ly mm SURE CURES MOUTi WASH and DENTIFRICE Cures BU-fdimr Gum*. Ulcers, Sore Mouth, Sore ,,.19* a L Cleanses the Teeth nnd Purifies the Breath ; hi? h Y lending dentists. Pre- & Dentists. Mncon, A F -,> s a11 dru sj.'ista and dentists. Aug. nth, 188o. 4 ly _ Cflinl)s,Brflsli8s aiiaToilet Articles, In endless variety, from the cheapest to the best, at C. L. CASE’S Dru Milledgeville, Ga. Store. Toilet Dressing 1 Cases! Pitted up with Comb,'’Brush, Hand Mirror and all necessary articles, at C. L. CASE’S Drug Store. Milledgeville, Ga., Jan. 2Gth, 1886. 43 ly Land For Sale. O NE thousand four hundred and seventy acres of land in the center of Wilcox county, Ga., all in one body, all fine farming land if put in cultivation, though at present, it is one of the finest timbered bodies of land in Southwest, Ga. No ponds or lakes, has never failing water, nine miles west of the Ocmulgee river. Or I will rent for a Turpentine farm. For terms and price, apply to B. W. SCOTT, Milledgeville, Ga. March 16tli, 1886. 36 6m. Machine Shop. HAVE REMOVED my Machine Shop from Milledgeville to Scotts- boro, where I am prepared to do any and all kinds of work in iron and metal. Any person having intricate or particular work in repairing would do well to call on me. My P. O. ad dress is Milledgeville, Ga. A. CORMANNI. March 2d, 1886. 34 tf Dentistry. DR. H mTCLARKE* W ORK of any kind performed in ac cordance with the latest and most im proved methods. Office in Callaway’s New Building. Milledgeville, Ga., May 15th, 1883. 44 The Milledgeville Banking Co. Of Millfdufvillf, Ga. A General Banking Business Transacted. L N. Callaway, President. B. r. Bbthuns, Cashier. Directors.-W. T. Conti, D. B. Sanford, H. E. Hendrix, G. T. Wiedenraan, L N. Callaway, T. L. McComb, C. M. Wlight. Milledgeville, Ga., Oct* 21st, *85. 15 ly $2.00. You will these elsewhere. Mourning Parasols. Misses’ Par asols in endless variety. We have a Misses Satin Parasol in all the new tints and shades, at $1.75, would be cheap at $2.50. Don’t fail to look at Council Proceedings. Council Chamber, > May 18th, 1886. > Regular Meeting. Present, His Honor S. Walker, May or, Aldermen Case, Whilden, Bell, and Hendrix. Absent Aldermen Carr and Harris. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. Aid. Carr came in and took his seat. The following was read: To the Mayor and Aldermen: Gents.—I apply to your Honorable body to grant me a permanent en croachment on the street west of my lot 30 feet wide and 420 feet long, this encroachment will not interfere with travel on that street, as there will be seventy feet of said street, outside of the encroachment asked for. Res pectfully, April 20th, *86. C. H. Bonner. The above having been referred to the Land Committee, they report as follows: The committee to whom the appli cation of C. H. Bonner asking an en croachment on street was referred, recommend that an encroachment of fifteen feet be granted him, he agree ing to keep the road around said encroachment in good order. I. L. Harris, Chm’n. Land Com. On motion the report was received and adopted, the encroachment to be subject to the will of Council. The following was read: To the Hon. Mayor and Aldermen: Gents.—I respectfully apply to your Honorable body to allow me to enclose the street west of my house, ami formerly enclosed by Mrs. Craft. Respectfully, April 12, *86. Wm. Paine. The above having been referred to the Land Committee, they report as follows: The committee to whom the appli cation of William Paine, asking to be allowed to enclose that portion of street formerly enclosed by Mrs. Craft was referred, recommend that his application be granted pro vided he enclose the entire street, cut ting off all passing over said street, the city*reserving the right to re-open said street at any time. I. L. Harris, Chm’n. Land Com. On motion the report was received and adopted. The application of W. A. Massey to lease all the land east of the Cemetery from Mr. Minor’s barn to Caraker’s fence at the S. E. corner of the Ceme tery, was referred to the Land Com mittee. ) The petition of D. B. Sanford. W. j T. Mappin, E. Reynolds, W. J. Owens, Mrs. A. F. Bayne. H. E. Hendrix do do G. Key, work in cemetery, W. Turner and Billie Brooks, carrying 2 prisoners to carrying 2 prisoners Guard house, do 27, 1 J . W. Brown, 3 days extra police duty, do J. A. Ketnp, 1 day extra po lice duty, do 28, F. M. Gobert, 1 day extra po lice duty, do J. B. Fair, work on monu ment and moving Speak er’s stand, do C. R. R. Freight, do 29, G. Key, work in Cemetery, do 30, O. L. Chatters, 1 month school teacher, Madeline Phillips, 1 month school teacher, 25 00 Anna S. Haskell, 1 month school teacher, 20,00 May 1, J. L. Ivey, street contractor to date, * 175 00 J. L. Ivey for 108 feet 12 inch pipe, 15 66 Stevens Bro’s. & Co., as per account passed, 20 20 J. B. Fair, repairs on Guard house fence, 1 75 do do do do do 30 00 Cash on hand to balance, 1,380 81 1,149 97 82,530 78 Approved May lSth, 1886. Geo. D. Case, Chm’n. Fin. Com. S. WALKEll, Mayor. reT?JL Grcatest Cur ® on Earth for Palin.” Will relieTCmoro quickly than any other knFwn rem* ecy: Rheumatism, Heurateia Swellings, Stiff Neo>:, liruiW Burns, Scalds, Cut;s, Lem ha! go. Pleurisy, Sores, Frost-bites Backache, Vuinsy, Sure Throat,’ Sciatica. \\ ounds. Headache, Toothache, Sprains, etc. Price a\rta. a bottle. Sold by all Klrugpista. Caution.—The gen- u\^ S,Umficn Oil bears our . registered Trade-Mxirk, nnd oar tac-Rirmle signature. A. C. Meyer <V Sole Proprietors, Baltimore, Md., U. S. A. r«. r 'i. BlllI ’ s Cousd* Syrup will cure vour Cough at ouce. Price only Cw. a bottle. Sept, 1.1885. 8 eow Cm 17th, inclusive. Dr. 1886. CAsn. May 4, To cash on hand from last report, 1,149 97 do 7, Fine in Mayor’s court, 2 00 do Mr. Moore, 2 weeks on shoot ing gallery, do 10, H. Keating, painter, do B. F. McGregor, painter, do L. Carrington, Ins. tax, do 12, White A Treanor, sales, do 13, R. L. Holloway Co., sales, do 15, Fine in Mayor’s court in full, 2 00 do Fine In Mayor’s court, 10 00 do Treanor Cline, part on land, 207 61 Treanor Jk Cline, Interest, 5 17 4 00 5 00 5 00 2 45 21 05 2 96 do do 17, L. Carrington, Ins. tax, 6 75 $1,419 96 CB. Cash. May 7, By amount paid E. Shaw, part on well contract, 13 75 do 3, G. Key, work in Cemetery. 5 00 do 15, H. MeShane A Co , through J. Staley, in ruli for bell, Ac, 105 87 do G. Key, work in Cemetery, 5 00 do 17. One-half gallon oil, * 15 do G. W. Caraker, ac’t salary, 47 20 do W. S. McComb, ac’t salary, 50 00 CLINCIWAK’S OBACCO *** — 1111 ^E^EDiES Cash on hand to balance, 2-C 97 1,192 99 $1,419 96 1 Approved May 18th, 1880. G. D. Case, Chm’n. Fin. Com. S. WALKER, Mayor.! our Para- sols and Umbrellas. Will be glad ! and Mrs. A. S. Edwards asking Coun- to show our goods whether you wish to buy or not. New line Buttons just opened ^ W. H. CARR’S MILLINERY HOUSE. MilledgeviiD, Ga., May 4th, 1886. 41 tf The Moller Organ. a iS £ Si ST 52- «=s S3 •t < V i-* i—* CD O* PURE DRUGS, Medicines and Chemicals. A FULL LINE. Physicians’ Prescriptions carefully prepared at all hours, day or night, at C. L. CASE’S Drug Store. Milledgeville, Ga., Jap. 20,1886. 43 ly BETHUKE & MOOEE, REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Milledgeville, Ga. -:o:- U)ROMPT ATTENTION will be giv- 1 en to the purchase and sale of Real Estate in Baldwin County. Milledgeville, Ga., Jan, lhth, 188o. THE MOLLER ORGAN Comos before the public this year with New and Valuable Improvements —making it— BETTER, FINER AND MORS VALUABLE than ever before. An examination of its merits will convince you that ii is the Finest Organ of the day. Thej are incomparable in workmanship and matchless in tone. The prices are the VERY LOWEST at which instruments of the highest standard can be sold. To prove the above fHcts we will send an Organ to any reliable person on inspection. It will be to vour interest to aid us in the sale of the MOLLER ORGAN. We retail and wholesale direct from fac tory,— Organs p and upwards, Flaws p and upwards. Catalogue free. Address M. P. MOLLER, Manufacturer of Pipe and Reed Organs, Hagerstown, Md. May 14th, 1886. [45 5ms ~ LUMBER! LDMBIB! ' 100,000 Feet of Lumber for sale cil to repeal the ordinance making blocks 38 and 39 Fire Districts, was laid on the table. On motion the City Attorney was directed to have tested in the Courts the present Ordinance prohibiting hogs from running at large in the city limits. The application of J. B. Pound and W. Austin was referred to the Land committee. The application of H. AY. Bass, was i referred to the Cemetery committee. The petition of J. B. Camming, F. B..McGregor, E. West, J. Cummings, | H. Lewis, N. Clasbv, C. Shea, E. P. ; Creselien, Fj. Tuttle and H. AVright, 1 asking the Council to remove the tax imposed on them, as laborers, was j read, ! By Aid. Whilden, Resolved, That 1 the latter clause of Section 46 be re- j pealed. Adopted. I Section 46 now reads: A tax of five dollars upon each contractor for house and sign painting. The application from the members of the A. M. E. Church, asking for a Lamp at the church was referred to the Lamp Committee. The Finance committee report as follows: AVethe Finance Committee to whom was referred the matter of employing some one to revise the City Statutes and Ordinances beg leave to report that Capt. Crawford has done the same and submitted his compilation, and in our opinion is entitled to the compensation of one hundred dollars, the same to be paid upon his work being accepted and approved by City Council. G. D. Case, G. T. Whilden. May 18th, 1886. On motion, the report was received and adopted and the Clerk directed to pay Capt. Crawford fifty dollars on his work now. On motion, the Finance Committee was directed to contract for the print ing of the Ordinances. The following accounts were passed and ordered paid: AV. S. McComb. 850.00: A. Dunn. 850.00; AV. J. Owens, $50.00; T. J. Fairfield, $64.80: G. T. AVhilden, $1.00: E. Shaw, $18.33; J. B. Fair, 2 act’s., $5.75; J. L. Ivev, $15.66: MeShane Bell Foundry. $105.87.. The Clerk’s report was examined and found correct and on motion was approved and passed. On motion, council adjourned. G. AV. Caraker. Clerk. J. H. ESTILL. A. E. SHOLES Georgia State Gazetteer, Business and Planters’ Direc tory. VOIiUIUE IV.. 1886-7. THE CLINGMAN TOBACCO OINTMENT THE .MOST EFFECTIVE PRKI’A RA TION on the m.-irket for Piles. A SI l{ Y. < IRE ?'<*r Itrliinur I’il*-*. Hai, n»*v«-r tailed to sive j-nimpt relief. Will cure Anal Uloirs, Abu* l i-toia, Tetter, Salt Rheum. Harter's Itch, Iting- 'Torrns, Pimples, Sores and Boils. Price .>Oct««. THE CUHGAON TGBACC0 CAKE TURK’S OWN REMEDY, Cures alt V> minds. Curs. Bnris.is, Sprains, Erysipelas. B, il>. Carbuncles, Bone Felons, Ulcer::, Sort-s, Sort* Ejes, Sore Throat,Bunions.Corns, Neuralgia Rheumatism Orckit is. Gout, Rheumatic Gout. Colds, Coughs. Bronchitis. Milk Leg. Snake and Dog Bites, St ing ot Insects. Jic. In fact allays all local Irritation r:nd Inflammation from whatever cause. Price 2.» «•?«. THE CLmCiVtAfi TOBACCO PLASTER Prepared accordimr to the most scientiiic principles, of I In- PUREST SEDATIVE INGREDIENTS, compounded with the purest Tobacco Flour, and in specially recommended for Croup,Weed or Cake of the Breast, and for that class of irritant or inflammatory maladies, Aches and Pains w here, from too delicate a state of the system, the patient is unable to bear the stronger application of the Tobacco Cake. For Headache or other Aches and Pains, it is invaluable. Price l.j cts. Ask your druggist for these remedies, or write to the CLINGMAN TOBACCO CORE CO DURHAM, N. C. t U. S. A. Oot. 12, 1885 14 1 v O N or about October 1st, 188fl, the mueoftlie GEORGIA STATE <; will be issued from the .Morning No , Savannah. It will contain over 1,000 pages be printed in excellent style, and handsome!v bound. fourth vul- iZETTEEil 'a press of o. tavo, will solidly aud f FIRST-CLASS It will p-ivs for every citv, town, village and hamlet in the State— 1st. Complete shipping, express, money order, po>r office and telegraph directions. cud. Population, educational and church facilities, principal products and shipments, and in fact even thing of interest or importance rela tive to every point. 3d. Full list of business and professional j men in every town. 4th. A eaYefnily prepared list, with post office address, of responsible farmers throughout rlie j State, with exhibit of taxable property. .ith. A complete classified Business and Professional Directory. fith. Connty Directory, giving area, ceri«us, products, valuation, officers aud post offices of the 137 counties of Georgia. 7th. Court Guide, giving time and place of meeting of all courts, with officers of same. 8th. Railroad Directory, with record of officers, stations, distances, etc. 9th. Directory of the State Government, list of officials, roster of the General Assembly, etc. 10th. A New Map of Georgia, revised and corrected expressly for this volume. The entire management of the work will be in the hands or MR. A. E. SHOLES, whose re cord for more than ten years with t.he Director ies and Ga7,etteers of this and other Southern States, is sufficient guarantee that the utmost care will be given to making this Fourth Volume a credit to the State and an Improvement on all proceeding ones. Subscription price FIVE DOLLARS, and rates of advertising proportionately low. Ad dress A. E. SHOLES, Manager, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. May 19th, 1886. [46 2m Rtw-sfovip’''*! ]] □ Uluiublibii' ii Baldwin Sheriff’s Sale. TO PARENTS. Many baking powders are very pernicious to health, and while every one regards his own. he should also have a care for the tender ones—the little children. SEA FOAM contains none of the bad qualities of baking powders—soda or saleratus.* It contains no hurtful ingredient—no alum or ammonia. SCIENTIFIC. All Chemists who have analyzed Rea Foam commend it. Housekeepers who have used it will have no other. Cooks, whose best efforts have failed with other powders, are jubilant overSea Foam. Saves time, saves labor, saves money. It is positively unequaled. Absolutely pure. Used by ‘he leading hotels and restaurants in New “York city and throughout the country. For sale by all lirst-class grocers. GAJS TZ, JONES <0 CO., 17Duane St., N. Y. w just put up a new lace 6i miles from saw Mil- DR. BELLAMY’S Extract Believed to be the in SUREST and SAFEST Female Remedy Known! Sold at the new Drug Store of p B . T. H. KENAN, April 12, ’86. lm] Milledgeville, Ga. I HAVE mill on my p ledgeville. 1 am prepared to deliver lumber anywhere cheaper than the cheapest, or I will sell it so CHEAP at tlx© MILL! That it will be next to giving it away. The lumber is of the finest quality, being sawed from original pine tim ber. Before purchasing call on Mr. J. C. Rogers and leave your orders with him, or at the Store of Kinney & Whelan, and they will secure prompt attention. J. H. HALL. Milledgeville, May ltftli. 1888. 43 3m Car Load of Nails. T HAVE JUST RECEIVED a car 1 load of Nails which I will sell as cheap as they can be had anywhere, at wholesale or retail. _ JOSEPH STALEY: Milledgeville, Feb., 15th, 1886. [32 It G. W. Caraker, Clerk, in account with t.he City Council of Milledgeville. Receipts and Disbursements from April 20th to May 3rd, inclusive. 18867 Cash. Dr. April 20, To cash on.hand from last report, $2,272 35 do 22, Rufus Roberts, tax, $37 50 do Perry & Denton, tax, 67 50 do H. Perry, tax, 5 50 do B. F. Denton, tax, 8 00 do L. Carrington, Ins. tax, 1 75 do 23, R Whitfield, street tax, ’86, 3 00 do 24, T. Frazier, sales, do 37, T. T. Windsor, Ins. tax, 25 do Mrs. C. B. Walker, for one steam pump, 75 00 do 28, J. B. Fair, 1 cord wood, 1 50 do W. A. Walker, sales, 8 90 do 29, Fine in Mayor’s court, 5 00 do 30, J. Miller, sales, 15 50 May i, j. l. Ivey, 1,000 brick, 9 30 do j l Ivey lor 10j^ cords wood, 12 80 do G-. F. Edwards, tax, ’86, 3 00 do T. T. Windsor, Ins. tax, 4 10 March 16, 1886. 16 13t. ILL be sold before the Court House door, in the city of Mil ledgeville. during legal sale hours, on the first Tuesday in June, 1886, the following described property, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land con- J taining 350 acres, more or less, bound ed as follows: on the north by the Milledgeville and Sandersville public road; on the east by E. N. Ennis; on the south bv Oconee river; on the’ i .i , . west by Mrs, N. P. Tucker. Levied I Call leam the CXaCl COSt ADVERTISERS on as the propertv of Mrs. A. J. Both- f - .. r well, to satisfy two County Court fi fas, qJ ailV DrOOOSed line OI one in favor of A. Joseph and one in. J ST l advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., $2,530 78 Cash Cil April 21, By amount paid J. N. Moore, Tr. M. G. M & A. College, 1,000 00 do T. J. Fairfield, 64 40 do H. Wright, work on monu ment, 75 favor of Hatch Turner, vs. Mrs. A. J. Bothwell. Property pointed out by plaintiff's Attorney and Defendant notified by mail, this May the 1st, 1886. Also, at the same time and place: All that tract or parcel of land lying in the 321st District, G. M., sixty acres, more or less, bounded as follows: north by county line; west by McMil lan; east by Andrew' Ailing. Levied on as the property of T. H. Potter, to satisfy a County Court fi fa in favor of C. H. Wright & Son vs. T. H. Potter. Property pointed out by plaintiffs. Defendant notified in person April the 29th, 1886. Also, at the same time and place: One upright Engine and Boiler, 5 horse power. Levied on as the property of L. J. Fraley, to satisfy one Superior Court fi fa in favor of S. Walker vs. L. J. Fraley. Also one Superior Court fi fa in favor of M. H. & T. L. McComb vs. L. J. Fraley. Resold at purchas er's risk, behaving failed to comply with terms of sale, this May the 1st, 1886 C. W. ENNIS, Sheriff. May 1, 1886. 44 tds. Newspaper Advertising Bureau, lO Spruce St., New York. Send lOcts. for lOO-Page Pamphlet March 23, 1886. 37 ly 500 AGENTS WANTED throughout the South and California, to sell Gorman’s New Book of Travels Around the World, in 1884. Full of curious tilings, sight seeing, adventures, fun, and incident. •Thirteen Countries described,—including Egypt and Palestine. 621 pages, very cheap and profusely Illustrated. Immensely popu lar. $10. to $20. per day. easily made by good Agents For Terms andGerritory, apply to J. B. GORMAN, Talbotton, Ga. Legaleap, foolscap, letter and note paper —pens, pencils and ink, for s&ie cheap at the Union & Recorder office.